#Yandere belos
alex-rambles · 2 years
hi there! stumbled across your blog and thought I'd make a request :) could we get general yandere romantic hcs for belos, bill cipher, & maybe ford pines? assuming you write for them ofc!! thanks so much in advance :)
I'd be happy to write these hcs for you!
Emperor Belos
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✝Uses coven heads, abominations, and whatever he can to watch you
✝Pretends you're just a "really dangerous witch"
✝But he can't convince himself, though he tries
✝So, he kidnaps you
✝Asks the collector to tell him how to "cleanse" you
✝Now that you can't perform magic, you can't function in this world
✝If you act out, he will punish you
✝Threats, torture, forcing you to go outside while it's raining (chained, of course)
✝Don't try to escape. He will break your legs
✝"It's all for you, my dear"
Bill Cipher
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👁He took years to realize he loved you
👁How could he, an all-seeing, all-knowing, otherwordly being, love a human?
👁He is a yandere by default
👁Always. Watching.
👁And the way you have no idea, just going about your day. Adorable!
👁And he kidnaps you, the second he is free from the Nightmare Realm
👁Kills anyone you ever loved. Now you're totally dependent! No one to run to!
👁He will break you, through any means necessary
👁But never kill you. Just the worst of torture, until you're screaming for mercy
👁And he'll stop for a few days, and when you finally develop Stockholm, he's over the moon!
👁Treats you like a god from now on
👁Just don't forget who you belong to, or it's back to square one
Stanford Pines
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👓Realizes quickly he is in love
👓Unlike Bill and Belos, he considers himself a (mostly) normal human
👓So he stalks you
👓And stalks you
👓And stalks you
👓Until he works up the courage to speak to you
👓Doesn't kidnap you, but he might as well have. You're on a short leash
👓Sweet as can be, just stay near him, okay?
👓Guilt-trips you
👓"But I need your help with this project! I'd be upset if you didn't help!"
👓He's smart. He knows how to push your buttons
👓If you don't already love him, he'll change himself until he's the perfect suitor for you
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yandere-toons · 2 years
!!!!!!!!!!SPOILERS FOR SEASON 3OWL HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!
Platonic yandere possessed hunter and emperor belos scenario
WARNING: body horror, toxic mindsets.
* * *
The floorboards creaked underfoot as you slunk through the corridor like a mouse in search of cheese, taking care to walk on your tippy-toes and allow long pauses to fall between each step.
It was as if someone had dumped salt down your throat, for it had burned ever since you awoke from a dream of deer and rabbits with eyes aglow.
The door to the basement hung open in the soft pull of the air conditioning. The steady hum of the machine tucked away in a corner did little to muffle the whispers and grumbles that carried on the breeze.
You approached the kitchen on the promise of gathering a nice glass of tap water to wash the dryness out of your mouth.
As soon as you were near the entryway, the rancid stench of decay went up your nose. It was mixed with the earthy scents of moss and wet dirt, like a carcass rotting in the moors. It churned your stomach and singed your nostrils.
Your final steps to the kitchen were halted by a footfall, an abrupt sound that evolved into someone pacing across the tile floors.
The silvery glow of the moon shone through the window overlooking the sink, and it cast its light upon the blond head of Hunter. The curtains lapped the air around him and fluttered in the wind billowing into the home.
A gaunt shadow loomed at his side no matter how far he walked, whispering sentiments into his ear that clouded his mind. It had blue eyes like a will-'o-the-wisp drifting deep in the forest and a voice like velvet. “You wish they were as alone as you are.”
“You want it so badly that you can hardly contain yourself,” Belos spoke with the inviting tone that Hunter would have flocked to in his younger days.
The palms of his hands collided with the corners of the sink. His stomach swam in circles, and the tightness in his throat teased the rise of bile.
“But you're afraid of what the others will think.”
Belos allowed a moment of silence to pass, and he turned his head towards Hunter with the slowness of someone who revelled in the effect his words had. “Then again, you wish there weren't any others, don't you?”
Hunter dunked his hands in the stream of tap water and splashed his face until it became a waterfall in front of his eyes. The liquid was meant to cleanse the dark energy squeezing his heart as if to make the organ burst, but it merely inflamed his eyes and trickled into his mouth.
Streaks of water cascaded down his cheeks, framing the tears that were threatening to spill. “I'm not like you,” rasped Hunter, his teeth clenching while his fingers dug into the corners of the sink until they vibrated and his knuckles turned white.
The gangly figure of Belos hunched over him. “That's all you are, Hunter.”
Hunter had shut his eyes and balled his fists, but this made his eyes fly open and his fingers splay. His breathing was quickening by the second, exploding out of him as if every breath was torn from his lungs.
The babble of the tap water hitting the sink drew his attention to the water accumulating around the plugged drain. He saw his reflection—the glowing eyes and viny antlers sprouting from atop his head—on the surface of the liquid and recoiled.
With a desperate yelp, Hunter pushed himself away from the sink and backed into the kitchen island. The cold shock of the granite returned his senses enough for him to take a deep breath and slump his shoulders.
His back remained arched like that of a hissing cat, but the muscles were tensed further when a dark shape materialized before his eyes.
It was a living skeleton, an entity so emaciated that it had no room for guts. The outline of its ribcage protruded from its mossy flesh, which clung to the bones as if it were a skintight suit. It had the antlers of a deer but the clear eyes of a humanoid. The entity was taller than any one man and nearly scraped the ceiling.
“Here,” it hummed, speaking slack-jawed and lipless with what few rotten teeth still sat in its decaying mouth. “Let me help you.”
As you curled your fingers around the rough texture of the doorframe and leaned forward to sneak a peek, your big toe pressed against the floorboard.
The wood flexed with a piercing groan beneath the sudden weight, and the head of Hunter spun towards the entryway.
A glimpse of blue was all you dared to see before you ducked behind the safety of the wall. The blackness of the corridor stalked forward and seemed to absorb the oxygen in the air, constricting your chest in a way that shortened your breaths to nervous puffs.
You struggled to control your breathing and turned back to the kitchen.
Hunter was standing at the entrance, or at least, something that had taken his skin as its own was. His eyes gleamed with the colour blue rather than rose, half-closed and blazing in the chilliness of the night. Striping the right side of his neck and jaw was a piece of diseased flesh, its surface having the likeness of green wood.
A disproportionately long shadow stretched from his feet and crawled into the darkness. At its end, where the contour of his head was thrown across the floor like splattered paint, a pair of antlers were raised high.
“Looking for something?” His voice was slow, serene and lacked the anxious edge that often leaked into Hunter's voice. His pronunciation of the words overlapped with identical sounds as if two voices were speaking in tandem.
One was much quieter than the other, and the voice that filled your ears was honeyed in a way that did nothing to stop the pit of your stomach from dropping. “Water,” you blurted, lifting your arms from your sides and folding them.
Hunter let out a chuckle, an understated noise that was barely more than a hum. His shoulders and head bobbed as he did this, and then he fell still. Silence reigned supreme as he continued to make unwavering, unblinking eye contact with you.
His right arm extended towards the sink and disappeared behind the wall, but he had yet to leave his spot in the entryway. The sound of joints popping out of place and leafage stretching to unnatural lengths broke the quietude of the house.
The arm reappeared with a glass of water in hand, but the pale skin was tainted by splotches of green and wooden brown. The bumps and ridges of a log and branch had engraved themselves on the flesh.
You scrambled to keep a hold of the glass when it was pushed into your arms, with Hunter's hand retracting soon after. There was a smile on his face, yet the joy it held seemed as fake as the porcelain skin of a doll.
“He thinks he cares for you.” His smile fell to a straight line, taking the amusement out of his voice and replacing it with a deathly monotone. “How pathetic.” The blue light fled from his eyes, and the rose colour returned.
Hunter gasped for air and lurched forward, clutching his chest and digging his fingers into the fabric of his yellow shirt. His knees were bent as he fought the urge to collapse. He planted his free hand on his left knee and attempted to push himself up.
You watched him as though he had done something wrong, and Hunter found himself unable to look you in the eye.
“Good night.” He forced the words through gritted teeth.
Before you could say anything else, Hunter darted past you and marched down the corridor to the basement. The door slammed behind him, leaving you to peer into the blackness with the lingering thought that someone was looking back at you.
A light was flicked on at the opposite end of the space. A tired Camila shuffled out of her bedroom, and she rubbed her eyes with her knuckles before squinting at you. “¿Cariño? Is everything okay?”
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Belos with a human who’s a monster hunter
I made an OC who’s a vampire hunter, but I’m still developing them and making changes. I don’t want to post about them yet, but here are some of the ideas I’ve come up with. Although the OC I had in mind while writing this is a vampire hunter, this could apply to any self-insert or OC that hunts creatures from folklore, beasts from the demon realm, etc.
TW and CW for manipulation, gaslighting (literally altering/destroying memories), and isolation for Belos because what post about Belos isn’t going to have that? You could also consider it yandere if you want, but it's really just him being super manipulative and possessive. Also, warning for spoilers for Season 2, I guess. There's also nothing explicitly romantic in here, so this could be platonic.
He is so excited that you have something in common, or at least he thinks you do. If you want to add witch-hunting into the mix, he’s ecstatic.
He doesn't tell you that he's a witch hunter right away, just in case the Isles has warped your mind as well. He tests the waters with you. Depending on how you feel about the witches, it could take years for him to tell you, or he might never tell you.
No matter what, he isolates you. While it varies, depending on how secure he feels with you and whether he trusts you, he's not letting anything corrupt you. At the most, he might teach you some things to keep you safe, but he would show you the glyph rather than any concepts.
No matter how secure he feels, he's convinced that it's his duty to protect you. You got stuck in the demon realm for a reason, and that reason is to either help him fight or help him remember what he's fighting for.
Depending on whether or not he’s completely honest with you, he probably tries to convince you to join him through the fact that your goals overlap. If you hunt anything humanoid, they are probably witches as well. If you hunt the beast-like demons on the Boiling Isles, he’ll probably tell you that they will die off without the witches helping them, even if that’s not true.
While he is extremely protective of you and you will have to convince him to let you continue your hunting, it is possible. He encourages and praises you, regardless of the outcome. Before you leave to hunt, he makes sure you have all of your supplies and sends you with multiple scouts to make sure you’re safe. When you come back, he showers you in affection.
If you do want to start witch hunting or at least are indifferent to the lives of witches, consider the following:
Mr. Witch Hunter General is absolutely giving you a title. It'll mostly be up to you, but he might suggest general (if you want to be considered equal), aide-de-camp, or lieutenant general.
He absolutely teaches you all the tricks he knows and asks you to do the same. Traps, general knowledge, knots, and fighting techniques are all fair game between you two.
If you want to actively help, he’s so glad, but there’s a pretty high chance that he won’t let you. He’s super protective over you and hates the idea of you doing anything without him. He has his plan figured out, so he feels the most you can do to help is to keep him company. His puritan upbringing also doesn’t help with this, regardless of your gender and whether he’s moved on from that kind of thinking.
He hopes that he can help you with your monster-hunting once the witches are taken care of. Just like your monster-hunting skills translate to witch-hunting, his witch-hunting skills should translate to monster-hunting.
If not:
If he does decide to tell you that he's a witch hunter or human, he lies to you about other things since he realizes that his methods seem extreme and cruel, despite him being absolutely right.
Depending on what he thinks you would believe, he might tell you that the Day of Unity only leaves witches powerless, that it’s simply a way to open the portal, or he could tell a modified version of the lie he tells everyone else.
Also, if you find out something you weren't supposed to, he isn't above going into your mindscape or using magic to alter your memories. He'd prefer not to, and he'll try convincing you first. If you're so cross that you won't listen to him, he'll turn to that.
This dude is manipulative and will subtly manipulate you until you’re on his side about the witches. He’ll lie to you and the witches around you, just starting shit until he’s basically the only one you have good interactions with.
Kinda obvious since he uses a similar tactic in canon, but he will get witches to attack you. Sometimes, he will "protect" you, but at other times, he'll leave you to take care of it.
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
after some sort of “accident” in the shop, there comes to be a fleshlight that is bound to admin. everything that happens to it, admin can feel! <3 admin attempts to hide it but has to go deal with some important business and leaves it in the break room. what’s going down?
[Oooh nice!! I changed the source of the fleshlight a bit though. Fem reader.]
TW: Sex toy sharing (unsanitary); Dubcon; Double penetration in one hole.
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You have absolutely no idea what this is.
It felt like a joke in poor taste, at first.
This... Fleshlight -Because it can only be that- Appeared in the break floor. A deep violet case with golden swirls around the rim, featuring an uncannily realistic mold of none other than your pussy.
So many things went through your mind as you picked it up. Who could have done this? Certainly, to be here on display, only one of your staff team could have concocted such an insult.
Perhaps Santi. He did always have the strangest and lewdest gifts for everyone. He'd offered sex toys molded after notable figures before, this wouldn't be entirely uncharacteristic out of him. Did he simply forget it here or is he planning to give it to someone?
If not Santi, then maybe Nebul. He does operate the shop, and toys of all kinky kinds hold no secrets for him. He could easily make a custom one, right? But he's not the type of monster man to have such a careless lapse and forget his fleshlight on the kitchenette counter like this. This would have to be intentional of him.
It could also be Fank-e. Lord knows that robot will get his metallic little hands on any kind of genital attachment and weird toy he can find. Maybe the creep wants to use a model of your vulva as his own genitals. You wouldn't put such past him. It's a lot more likely the mechanical menace could have gotten distracted by something and left the toy out in the open.
Humming, morbid curiosity makes you gently touch the depraved imitation, fingertips dipping to scissor the thing open when you notice that it's clean.
Instant regret washes over you.
The moment you do such, it's as if phantom digits pierced into your covered cunt and physically spread you out. The thing is dropped back onto the counter and you bend to clutch your panty-covered privates as a sting of pain punishes you.
For a blank moment, you almost believe that Lord Krulu had been the one to finger you. Even if he usually likes to announce their presence before using your form. But it can't be! Your higher has been busy all day, you can feel how diminished his connection to you is right now. This is not his doing.
Paranoid, you glance behind you just to be sure that there really is no one somehow screwing with you. Predictably, you're alone.
Eyes narrowed, you pick the toy up again and reshape your approach, this time making a slow stroke up the left labia, feeling it in your right with a scary level of intensity. The quality of the material itself is strikingly life-like, not just cheap silicone. It's even... Warm? Dear Lord, it's probably the same temperature as you, as your insides. The thought has a gross kind of shiver racing up your spine. Daringly, you thumb over the imitation of your clitoris, met with direct feedback in your own body which perfectly corresponds to the tentative circular motions of your index over the sensitive bundle of nerves.
You stop the moment your knees reflexively press forward.
This... Is magic. Which puts a new candidate on the table. The thought alone makes you scoff, could Patches truly be audacious enough to do this? No. Not at all. You don't doubt he'd take a toy molded in your vague resemblance to pathetically rut into- But actually connect said thing to your body? That's already a level of courage that can't be expected of the dullahan in question.
Unless... Ah, this can be the work of his trickster counterpart. That you find more believable.
A pulse in your pocket has you setting the plaything aside to check your phone, reading the text detailing your esteemed guest's arrival.
Maintaining ties to the Rings is imperative in this stage of Krulu's vision for the future. Hell and its denizens are apparently sources of great potential in your Lord-Master's eyes, and he's been very keen in keeping close ties to the fiendish rulership of said location. You're only too happy to help forge bonds with these demonlords, which means scraping around and trying to get to know them. Ironically, it falls upon you the responsibility to tempt them into seeking contact.
Your latest endeavor of this sort involves establishing an explorative partnership with one of the demonlords' sons. He's quite the character, and now that you know he has arrived at the front of The Clergy, you can't just leave royalty waiting.
Both hands busy with texting back a hasty reply, you panic as you try to guess where you could stuff this gross little thing away. Taking it with you is not an option, there's no pocket large enough to conceal the thing and its depraved outline.
Time is not on your side.
The meeting can't take that long, can it? What if you just... Left it in one of the cupboards above the kitchenette?
Yes, and then you'll come to retrieve it, interrogate the team to find which of these losers thought it was a bright idea to play with fire.
That'll do. Hopefully.
Opening a cupboard loaded with small plates and cups, you quickly stuff the fleshlight inside and make your way over to the elevator, fixing your hair and clothes to go greet someone of great importance.
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Vinnel almost barges into the floor.
More of his coworkers had caught the ride up, talking amongst themselves idly, but the jester wasn't preoccupied with their small talk, he was ravenous.
The first item on his shift was a show he had been particularly looking forward to, an opportunity to test some bizarre new weaponry and a game whose rules he deliberated on for more than a week prior to the event itself. Needless to say, it was a display that took a lot of work, tears sweat and love poured into it- And fucking Hell did it pay off! He's ecstatic! And hungry. Starving.
Doing a good show always gets his stomach riled up.
Some flecks of blood still covering his suit, Vinnel is quick to dart to the kitchenette, ignoring anything and everything as he rummaged around for snacks that aren't there.
His temper spikes when the fridge is devoid of meals.
" Chef! " He barks, turning to the blue shroom monster in question, who is only now just setting his apron aside. Morell rises a brow. " You're slacking! "
The large monster scoffs into his scarf. " None o' you assholes got a fuckin' hint of shame, do ya?! " His locker door slams shut. " Ah ain't gonna cook for ya every single day! "
" But- What are we supposed to do then? Starve? " The waiter whines, making big twinkling magenta eyes at the other.
" Not fallin' for it. " Is Morell's flat response.
" Have you tried making your own food? " A bartender chimes in. " I know doing anything for yourself is challenging for you, but give it a try. "
" Rich coming from someone that can't cook for the life of him. "
The jester has entirely disconnected from the banter going on, a shred of hope driving him to keep searching fruitlessly. It's not as if he believes anything to be in the top shelves where cutlery is stored, but maybe one of them could be hiding some type of candy?
Slamming cabinets and cupboards open, the last thing he expects is for something to fall off them. So he nearly jumps in the air when a sizable object tumbles from the cupboard shelf right onto the carpeted ground.
The floor becomes silent, everyone stares blankly at the item in question for a pregnant pause.
Gloved orange digits pick the thing up, Vinnel bringing it closer to his mask. " Huh. "
He knows what it is exactly.
It looks very high-quality, and clean thankfully. Vinnel swears something about the model itself looks... Almost familiar. Hm. Nevertheless, laugher starts bubbling out his chest and he sways his head, juggling the thing.
" Ohohohoho!! " The next time the toy falls, Vinnel grips it viciously and points the thing right at-
" Morell! Such interesting kitchen utensils you have here... "
" Wha- That ain't mine! " The shroom retorts a little too fast.
" Suure. Then why was it in the cupboard, buddy? "
There's a glare, people around the chef are beginning to murmur amongst themselves.
" Like Hell ah know! For all I fuckin' know, ya could'a been tha one to put it there and fake tha whole thing- 'S yours! "
Vinnel titters, clapping as best as he can with his occupied hand. " Oh no, you think that lowly of little old me? " A feigned gesture of offense is met with no sympathy from the rest of the staff team, who do, in fact, think that lowly of the jester. " Unfortunately no, I don't usually perform tricks with fucktoys... Not the silicone ones anyway. "
" Well it ain't mine. " Morell insists. " Which one o' ya little sickos put a fuckin' pocket pussy in the kitchen? "
The suited performer, still vaguely examining the thing, finding it to be a little heavier than most of these toys tend to be given the materials involved in their manufacturing, swivels his head towards the next suspect.
" Sex pest! "
Santi, already very interested in the turn of events this day is taking, smiles as if just having been complimented. " Yes? "
" Why did you put your fucktoy here? " The performer looms over his demonic coworker, accusatory and demeaning. " So we could find it? So you could be gross about it, hm? "
The incubus hums, eyes on the toy rather than his frilled coworker. " Mm no, that's not my toy sweetheart. Though do let me have a closer look, maybe I can find a trace of our dirty little culprit... "
" Liar! " Vinnel spits.
Santi chuckles, making a move to grab the object yet thwarted when Vinnel angles it away.
" And why would I lie, love? If it was mine I'd tell you readily. I've brought toys to work before, haven't I? Never lied about it. "
And he's right, much to the jester's chagrin. The incubus could bring a cum-soaked dildo into this floor shamelessly, he wouldn't lie about a fleshlight.
Vinnel growls and floats back to point it directly at Nebul, but the shopkeeper beats him to the punch.
" I do not bring items from the shop into the break floor. Furthermore, I don't recognize that model. Does it have a brand? "
The jester checks, flipping the thing in all angles only to find neither words nor numbers printed anywhere. He glances to the crowd around him again, gears turning, machinating, until his attention falls on the dullahan, making Vinnel dart to him.
" You've been far too quiet this whole time, gourd brains... " He accuses, painted eyes narrowing.
Patches flusters, arms raised and leaning back. " What- What do you want me to say? I don't- "
That vegetable expression shifts suddenly, going from uncomfortable and anxious to complete focus. It's enough to make the jester tilt his head. " What? "
" That thing is brimming with magic. " He points out, leaning closer as if the gesture could reveal more by itself.
" ... Is it now? " Vinnel won't lie. It's a possibility. The fleshlight looks and feels anything but normal.
" You- You do know what that means, right? " Patches fumbles, squirming in mild discomfort. Those green cheeks acquire a tint that makes the jester's eyes roll in irritation behind his mask.
" Oh do fucking enlighten me, you masochistic kabocha. "
" Boys, boys- " Santi starts, tail wagging as he wedges himself between the two men. " We're missing the point. I've seen this before. That little thing is connected to some poor sap. And, if I'm not suddenly visually impaired, it looks extremely human to me. "
Another moment of silence stretches across the room
The jester's inked grin widens, and armed with a brand new realization, he starts feathering his digits along the edges of the pocket pussy's entrance, paying close attention to it. His mask nearly falls off when the thing physically seems to twitch. Uhuhu!
" No. " Belo begins, pointing a trembling finger at the demon. " You wouldn't dare suggest- "
" That our lovely Administrator has sent us a gift? " Santi challenges, tone sultry. " But of course, Belo! This is a reward for our hard work, and ohh, I just can't wait to make the most of it. "
Vinnel has now managed to slip one finger inside, completely tuned off to the conversation happening right next to him. Shock of all shocks, the thing hugs his digit as if it were real. And, as he experimentally removes the intrusion, a sheen of what can only be arousal wets his gloves. It really is you. He just fingered you. Hah!
" Filthy beast! You shall not touch that, this can't be right. " The angel's wings flex and twitch in growing agitation. As always, he seems very eager to try to choke the life out of Santi- And he would, if he didn't already know that the demon would immediately salaciously get off on it.
" But what if it is? What if she wants us all to take turns, experience her supple little cunt? " He taunts, surfing the room, gouging the reactions of his coworkers as most of them flush with sudden want at the idea. Yes, they like it as much as he does, Santi's just honest about it. " Would you reject her gift, Belo? "
The power in question is puffed like an angered parakeet, a myriad of emotions warring in those expressive, large eyes. " Control that foul tongue of yours lest I rip it off your worthless mouth and make your depraved clients very disappointed. "
" One day you'll revel in your own perversions. " He says it calmly, as if it were fact, grinning when the angel prepares another outburst.
" Guys. "
Vinnel is now two fingers deep into the magical fleshlight, a stupefied look on his face as he finds the toy -You- Welcoming him without resistance. You clench around him. Gods, he can't wait to stuff his cock in there, to fuck you, to rail you knowing that you can't do anything to stop him. At least not until you find him. Oh, he could make a game out of it!
" She's practically dripping. " The jester pulls both fingers out, spreading them to showcase a film of arousal between both digits.
" She's... Enjoying this. " Patches murmurs, breathy, fixated on the dirty gleam.
" Alright, if you're done being manchildren, I want to go first. " The slime suddenly pipes up, moving in on the stage performer.
" My ass you will! " Grimbly gets in the way, scoffing.
Vinnel finds a crowd of monsters suddenly gather around him, hands twitching for the item in his hands, eyes glinting like wolves corralling a chicken in its coop.
" Give me that, jester, it needs to be secured somewhere safely- "
" No no, give it to me, I'll make her feel so good! "
" Maybe if I have it, I- I can tell whose magic this is. "
" It was in mah cupboard, maybe she wants me ta be first! "
" Nuh uh!! " The jester suddenly shouts, floating higher in the air. " Finders keepers! Piss off! "
An ashy hand clamps around his ankle, jostling the bells there. " Were you not accusing us of being perverse? Let us take that dirty thing off your hands. " Nebul beckons.
As he's tugged down, Vinnel deforms his limbs inside his suit to twist away from the hands pawing at him. Growling, he pulls away, towards the window, towards the outside. If he can make it through the window, a significant portion of the staff team will be halted in their pursuit. He might get to hide with the toy and keep it all for himself.
Gallon, anticipating this, moves fast. Yellow tendrils coil over both the jester's legs and waist, trying to pull the extended arm back into the room even as Vinnel tries his damndest to keep it at out, his arm bending weirdly inside its red sleeve.
" Fuck off! All of you sad sacks of shit- This is MINE! " The slime gargles and screams, other hand clinging to the tall window's edge as tightly as possible. " I found it! "
" Stop strugglin' boy. We gonna talk this out. " The chef chuckles, successfully using brute strength to start pulling him inside.
The others help. He's fighting a losing battle and he knows it.
As soon as the performer feels a disturbance in the fabric of his suit's composition, he freezes. Primal, soul-shaking terror, grabs a hold of his body and he gasps, shrieking as he drops both hands to instantly claw, kick and try to mangle whoever's about to possibly rip his suit.
There's a chorus of pained cries and he's thrown to the ground, clinging to his form for dear life. Literally. Because if anything opened, he would potentially leak to the carpet and meet his end very quickly.
" Gah-! You useless clown! He dropped it! " The bat squeals, a high-pitched noise that grates on everyone's ears.
Vinnel startles. His possible panic attack and frantic body checking is halted by the sudden realization that yes, he did drop the fleshlight in his panic. That means...
The orange and purple menace stumbles to a stand shoving the group bent over the window aside to poke his head out and see for himself where the sex toy landed. After a few grunts and curses, the view is revealed.
On the grass of the garden outside the building, the toy landed sideways, rolling aimlessly over mutated flowers that lean away from the unidentified object. There's a beat of stillness.
Everyone knows it's only a matter of time until the thing is retrieved, possibly by a client, which means they'd have to waste time hunting for a random loser before getting to their prize. They exchange stares, aware that as soon as someone moves, the hunt is on, the game starts.
And yet, before even a step towards the elevator is taken, the scene below them changes.
A bench sat some distance away uncurls, black iron body turning into a grayed gangly mass with a wooden chest for a head, teeth poking out of it. Said monster seems to stretch himself before moving on all fours to inspect the thing.
Sybastian squats, picks up the fleshlight. Although his eyes are hidden in the great darkness of his objectum head, everyone can practically see the gears turning in his head.
The mimic glances up, perplexed yellow eyes staring dubiously at his coworkers.
" Syb. " Patches calls, reaching a hand out. " That is very special, leave it there. Do not touch it- "
Too late.
" No! No!! "
He found a toy, he's going to play with it. Sybastian starts hurriedly moving out of view.
" Motherfucker! I'll gut you! " Vinnel screeches, banging uselessly on the building's exterior.
" Blasted mimic... " Belo is the first to peel off the window. " What do we do now?! "
" Well... " Morell sighs, pulling his apron back on while everyone sulks and simmers.
" We go huntin'. "
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Isn't that one way to wake up...
Sybastian's nap had been disturbed when he sensed an impact nearby. It couldn't have been something very large, but part of his hunting routine involves being in that fine line between resting and alert enough to sense the faintest vibrations, categorize them as noteworthy or not on a subconscious level. His curiosity had him rising anyway, shedding his disguise and following the direction of the sound until he found...
A sex toy.
In the middle of the grass.
His eyes don't deceive him, he knows what kind of toy this is, has seen them in the undead's shop. They're the kind you can fuck into, small and convenient.
He was unsure as to why such a thing had been tossed out, so he looked around and found most of his coworkers already fixed on him. It didn't take a genius to piece together the fact that they had been likely squabbling over the thing.
Yet, oddly, it didn't smell used. In fact, it featured an odor Sybastian could swear he's had his face buried in before.
The mischief of his nature acted up, and the mimic crawled away with the toy held in his maw.
He knows the rest of them will come looking for him immediately, so the mimic scurries deep into the less stable parts of the garden- Where Hellion tends to dwell. The parts that can shift, remold and relocate themselves in the blink of an eye as the establishment periodically "refreshes" itself. It's a gamble, he admits, but it's the only place staff will hesitate to enter due to its volatile nature. Sybastian is more well-equipped to deal with these areas, given he spends most of the time in the garden, has learned many of its tricks.
Let them bump around like blind moles.
Eventually, Sybastian finds an area dense in plantlife, a good distance away from the main building already, and sensing no approaching threats, the mimic seats himself next to a wide trunk, spitting his conquest into his hands and taking the time to examine it.
It's a fancy fuck-pocket alright.
Curious about the scent, he drags the thin end of his tongue across the length of the artificial pussy, eyes widening when taste hits him. Not just any taste, arousal and wetness and- Human. A human he's put that same roving muscle upon before.
Sybastian is certain these things aren't meant to have such specific tastes. He's not sure how such a thing came into being, a carbon sort of copy of your cunt, but he understands why the others were fighting over it. Syb would too.
A little thrill crawls along the length of his spine.
No time to waste, he better make use of this before he's accosted by a swarm of angry monsters.
The mimic drools and smiles as he pushes a good portion of his deep blue tongue past sweet folds and into the surprisingly warm, hugging insides of the toy. He removes his loincloth hastily and palms his already chubbing cock to the thought of you flipping your work outfit up and spreading yourself out so he can have full access to that puffy pussy. The mental image of your provocative, inviting smile while you grab onto the fat of your ass has him moaning, dick pulsing.
Fucking the pathetic little escapists is one thing, but nothing beats your delicious, perfect holes. You have everyone here by the balls and Sybastian is no different.
Releasing a filthy murr of anticipation, the mimic's shackles rattle as he brings the now thoroughly slobbered pocket pussy down, teasing it along the head of his cock.
Oh, if all of them feel this real then he really has to bother Nebul for one.
Sybastian swears he feels it quiver against his length, panting as soon as he starts sinking it onto his thick length. The moment his tip pops in, he rumbles, feeling its walls immediately clinging to him, spasming in such a life-like manner he can't help bucking into it, greedily and impatiently stuffing more of himself into the exceptionally pleasurable fucktoy.
He couldn't take it slow even if he wanted to, claws curling viciously around the purple tube as he starts jerking himself off with it in earnest, loud groans echoing amidst his panting. It feels exactly like you! Hot and tight and spongy and so so good, he loves to fuck you- This is going to be his favorite toy ever.
Syb's hips snap into a grossly desperate rhythm, a lurid plap of skin on wet artificial skin as his balls hit it with every senseless rut upwards. His maw closes slightly, the mimic's eyes glaze and he pictures you there. On his lap, back turned to him, juicy ass on full display while you put both palms on his gangly knees and ride the monster for all he's worth, milking his cock and drooling like you've never had better.
Gods, if Sybastian focuses enough, he can almost feel the softness of your rump on him with each thrust. He wishes he could grab onto your waist, onto the cushion there, and use you the same way he's using this copy to breed into.
You're the hottest, prettiest little human he'll ever have the opportunity to stuff himself into.
There isn't a single intelligent thought in Sybastian's head when he starts grinding the pocket-pussy down, the tensing of his legs and abdomen bringing him ever closer to that sweet release, and he's looking forward to flooding the fucktoy full of his cum, feeling it clench heavenly around him the same it has been for a while now.
With one last, obscenely loud slap of his meat into the fleshlight, Sybastian howls and throbs hard, coming undone with great intensity and melting onto the grassy ground, the feeling of his own hot jizz spurting out the toy and leaking past his balls to coat this thighs a depraved sign of his victory.
He lies there, boneless from his own orgasm, hand still clumsily dragging your toy up and down his now spent cock, and all is well for a blissful moment.
" Bravo. Mm, good show... "
Sybastian peers up, not as sharp as he would be now that he's disoriented from cumming. A pair of glowing green eyes poise on him, and none other than the incubus makes it past the foliage of this part of the garden.
He's vaguely surprised the other was brave enough to come here.
" What? " Santi places a hand to his hip. " Thought I wouldn't find you? I could smell you getting off like a rabid animal, you need more than greenery to hide from me. "
Fair. Syb was being loud too. He doesn't let go of the toy however, suspiciously allowing the demon to lewdly scheme the dirty mess between his legs.
" Hand me the fleshlight, love. "
There's a growl. Santi frowns.
" Oh come now, you greedy slut, I'll make sure you get something out of it too. " He lulls, drawing closer slowly, to the point where he stands in front of the mimic, before crouching.
Sybastian keeps growling faintly, pulling out of the fleshlight to hold it away from the high-ranker, a gross pool of cum still oozing off the recently used thing. He doesn't miss the way the incubus' nostrils flare.
" Why, I'll even tell you a little secret, hm? "
Santi crawls between the mimic's legs, collecting a bead of the monster's cum and putting it to his mouth, luridly sucking the fluid off his finger before spitting onto his palm and using it to stroke Sybastian.
What begins as overstimulated shocks that force his legs to twitch and squirm away is forcibly turned into a brand new wave of arousal and need. He doesn't fight it, letting himself get stimulated anew and only offering a little bit of resistance when Santi pulls the fucktoy out of his grasp.
If he's here... Where are the others?
" What if I told you this little thing here- " Santi starts, selfishly and deliberately fingering globs of cum out of the toy for his own amusement. Syb notes the rigid length bobbing between his coworker's dark thighs. " Is loaded with magic? "
A toothy head tilts in confusion. Sybastian kind of assumed there was something unknown at play here, he just can't tell the implications.
" You can smell it, right? You know who this reminds you of. "
Syb's eyes widen.
" Did you also know that this fleshlight is connected to our Admin? She felt everything you just did to her, Sybastian. " The incubus chuckles, letting his drool seep onto the rim of your pussy, then spreading the aphrodisiac fluid over your lips, circling you clit with it languidly.
Sybastian doesn't need to be a scientist to know you're probably losing your mind by now.
" Oh you fucked her open like a rabid bull. I wish I could see her state right now- I bet she's sweating a storm in her clothes, her own cum and wetness dripping down her legs, too cock-drunk to speak! What a good job you did... "
Sybastian spaces off slightly, picturing what the results of his careless and selfish fucking must have reduced you to. He almost feels bad, if the image the Lust demon painted in his head wasn't so awfully erotic. He literally used you.
" Mmm, now, let's give her something to really scream about, big boy. "
In a blur of movement, Santi presses against the gray monster, both lengths squeezed together, pumped hastily a couple times but with practiced precision that makes Syb groan. And then, much to his growing amusement and shock, the incubus hovers your toy above them both, strings of falling seed used to further lubricate both of them.
The demon looks to be burning with anticipation, shuddering as he presses the thing down.
" ... Won't. Fit. " The mimic eventually mumbles, wondering if Santi's intent is to actually rip you open.
" Don't be silly- " There's a rasped snicker. " I've seen her bounce on Lord Krulu's lap. Just lie back and let me make this memorable for the three of us. "
It's a stretch. A fat stretch, but it seems the magical properties of the toy are indeed aligned with your own physical limitations, because the fleshlight gradually accepts both monsters, clenching with mind-melting pressure against both leaking cocks.
Santi is the first to moan low and needy, claws sinking into the bark of the tree his coworker leans against so he can steady himself in the face of such sudden ecstasy. Sybastian follows with his own trill, their members twitching and pulsing, trapped against each other, within you.
When Syb makes a disoriented motion to try and grasp the thing, make it move over them both, the incubus snaps his teeth at him in a language the other understands, determined to control the pace. And control he does, viciously pumping them both off, twisting, grinding the thing frequently.
A pace that would otherwise certainly chafe both males is now sloppy and soaked, lubricated by Syb's seed, your wetness and Santi's precum. They fuck themselves silly, trading groans and frantically bumping their hips, one moment thrusting in perfect sync, the next selfishly seeking their own pleasure.
The incubus' tongue hangs and he tosses his head back when a certain familiar pace of contractions around him is felt.
" Oh- Ohhh fuck- " He calls to the other. " Feel that? Yeah? " Sybastian nods and makes a strangled ambiguous noise. " She's cumming. Hard. "
Both of them grow fevered, preening at the knowledge.
" I hope she's fucking screaming. I hope she's trying to guess who we are. "
The fiend had always been too good with his obscene little comments, Sybastian's second, overstimulated orgasm is flayed out of him with no ounce of mercy. Santi gets almost hysterical with the conquest, getting high off the power he's exerting over both you and the mimic, climbing to his peak and letting his eyes roll back when the first pulses of an approaching end seize him.
The only reason he doesn't scream when he's suddenly grabbed by the horns is because there was already little breath in his lungs to begin with.
A pair of metallic, sticker-adorned arms loom from above, rigged hands wrenching his head back to face a slightly cracked visor displaying a deceitfully friendly face.
" 1'll B3 t4k1Ng 7H4t N0w. :] "
His robotic coworker uses superior reflexes to grab the toy, wrench it off both monsters, and bolt out of sight with surprising speed for a being of such immense density.
Instincts claw at the hellish monster. He only stands there for a stunned second, clutching nothing but air, before he's snarling like a feral creature and racing after the party bot, pushing many of his other coworkers away.
Grimbly gains on all of them, but when the incubus drops onto all fours the two collide and roll away in a mess of shouting limbs.
Gallon passes by them and laughs, then gets lashed aside by a whip lit on dullahan fire.
Vinnel is thrown across the garden, apparently launched away by Fank-e cackling in the distance.
This isn't ending any time soon...
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badgrrlscoven · 1 year
Hey hey! May I request headcanons for luz and hunter (separately) with a S/o that's to innocent for their own good but at the same time always manages to get themself into some sort of trouble. (gender neutral pronouns please)
Luz and Hunter with innocent s/o headcanons
a/n: oh i had so much fun doing this! i hope you like this as much as i do, if you want anything changed at all you can message me :)
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- she honestly thinks you’re just super adorable
- this simple thing called common sense goes over your head and to her, you’re just a witch version of king
- def gives you the “who’s a whiddle guy” look when looking at you for too long
- she will tease you relentlessly for your innocence, and again, your dumbass won’t always understand or you’ll pout
- now for the danger part 😭
- Luz believes you can handle yourself just fine but the poor girl also has a hero complex
- she has made to help you with any tussle you somehow manage to get yourself into
- a lot of ‘oh nos’ leave her mouth when you give her the smile that tells her you most likely did something…again
- Luz will most definitely help you from any problem and support you always, but i know for a fact this girl will tease you about it later til’ your whole body is red with embarrassment
- the trouble you always get yourself into is always stupid or because you did/said something stupid
- you’re her ‘innocent whittle bwean’ as she likes to call you in that voice
- you: you know, warden wrath’s face looks like a bunch of mashed snake butts
- Warden Wrath in the distance just staring you down before charging
- Luz, face sweating and dragging you away: ThEy DIdn’T mEAn iT!!!
- conformatorium escapee buddies together
- you both definitely have wanted posters for different things and honestly, it makes Eda very proud
- You have no idea why she’s proud though
- in the beginning he’d probably point out how innocent you are, maybe accidentally making you feel stupid but this would never be his intention with you this boy absolutely adores
- (Probably cause he hasn’t really had a chance to experience love just yet and he may be mildly obsessed with you)
- only titan knows how this boy doesn’t lose his mind sometimes
- he completely adored you but you worry him with how innocent you can be
- honestly, you both probably have the whole ‘dumb x smart’ dynamic going on (you’re not stupid, just super naive but super cute so dw)
- this boy will be explaining something and if a question pops in your head, you ask it. sometimes he’ll pretend to me irked, but he loves sharing any information he knows
- he knows he’s uptight sometimes but he tries his best with you to grow and be lenient with your innocence
- it’s honestly a surprise when you two start officially going out because he is a very big rules and authority person abut because of the trouble you get into it’s sort of out of the norm for him
- you’re his little way of rebelling against belos even if you may not realize it :)
- now, after the whole belos ordeal and you’re all in the human realm hunter would be different around you a bit
- More laid back and chill
- he’s such a smartass about your innocence, cracking jokes about your questions and acting a bit of a know it all
- He’d be happy to answer questions you have without problems
- his ass would trick you and answer the questions wrong and would just watch the chaos that would ensue from this
- flustered.
- that is the only word to describe this boy and how your innocence affects him
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mara-xx217 · 1 month
The Owl House- Yanderes Trying to Rizz You Up
Inspired by @the-enchanted-archivist
It depends on exactly who you are talking about. There’s a few that have confidence, regardless of the fact that it is ill placed or not, and then there are those that have no confidence whatsoever, who either can play this off or not. 
Who has at least a little respect for themselves:
Belos/Philip Wittlebane has the most rizz and has the confidence to back it up. He can do the whole nine yards, sweeping you off your feet and making you swoon- literally- and leaves you wanting for more while making it appear that he doesn’t care what you think either way.
Adrian Graye Vernworth thinks he has the skills to woo any person off their feet and has confidence accordingly so, only he’s not as big of a hot shot as he thinks he is and realizes it only when you laugh when you should have swooned. In his totally grand and correct opinion, of course. Now he’s mad at you and pouting, and fully expects you to drop what you’re doing to come and comfort him and remind him how amazing he is.
Darius Deamonne fully has the capacity to rizz but his confidence is surprisingly lacking. He’s not unpopular, he knows, and he knows he is good looking, but there’s something about you that just… really takes him off his a-game, and he ends up sweating bullets and becoming sheepish. It’s a cute look for him, you think, but it only serves to make him blush even more, though he is happy to have all of your attention solely on him.
Who has little to no respect for themselves:
Steve can try to be suave, but he’s also not above begging and pleading for what he wants, be it your attention, love, or even for you to go out with him. Whenever he gets what he wants, though, he tries to play it off as though that was his plan all along, and not like he’s absolutely flabbergasted and thrilled that you are giving him a second of your time
Alador Blight is not above begging and he will do literally anything for your attention, even if he has to get a little… forceful at times. He’s of the mind that he should get whatever he wants from now on, and from the years he’s sold his soul to Odalia and Blight Industries, he’s got little to no shame left in him. He will beg, cry, do literally anything to manipulate you into doing what he wants. And if that doesn’t work? He’ll find another way to make you, even if he needs to use outright threats or his abomination sludge to do so.
Hieronymus Bump has by far the littlest respect for himself out of all of them, and will straight up get on his knees and beg for your attention in an over the top manner. Think of all those cringey videos of guys begging for a girl’s number, then crank it up to an eleven. That’s Hieronymus, baby. He won’t threaten self harm and will back off if you give a really, really, really firm ‘no’, but Frewin will give you the most pathetic puppy-dog eyes that you’ve ever seen as his master gets up to leave. Really, can you say no to that face…?
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @cherrysodalite, @thanksatt, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine, @memoryofheather @horny-3
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speckle-meow-meow · 2 years
Philip and his human bethroted in the Boiling Isles?
Oh fuck-
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Okay okay okay okay
He would be INCREDIBLY protective of you
While he tries to find you to a way home you succumb to your new habitat and sorta look around
He doesn't like to say this but he hates it when you wonder around
Especially when your both in town
He's experienced first hand the harassment of those awful creatures
See unlike your beloved your more open minded you've talked to a lot of witches and explained your situation without revealing everything
They gladly helped you!
Over time Philip started to learn more about their culture and history of the boiling isles
First he became a priest.
Then he figured out the magic of the Talasments(?)
While Philip or as he liked to be called "Belos" used Talasments(?) To stay alive you found a better option
One that wouldn't turn you into a monster.
You tried convincing your beloved to use this method he simply told you that this was a better option.
After years of being in the Boling isles he became the emperor and created a coven
You became the Empress a being of ethereal beauty to the people of the isles
Although this life is very lavish and wonderful it get incredibly boring by each day
Your beloveds noticed and does everything in his power to keep that smile on your face
And he knows he can't do that with just gifts
So every night he takes you outside those castle walls and on a late night adventure
Looking and all the wild life and seeing what more this world has to offer
Your beloved loves you very much and will do anything in his power to keep you and him safe.
And I mean
{Hello anon! Thank you for requesting! And sorry this came out so late. I was hit with major writers block, so I'm updating little by little! But I hope you enjoyed this!! Comments, hearts, reblogs, requests, and questions are allowed!! }
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doodleferp · 2 years
Yo what if Belos and darling had possession sex? Like he possesses them and uses their body to pleasure himself
BRUH, that’s EXACTLY what @thirstyforlulu and I were talking about!
Ultimately, Belos possesses his darling because he now believes it to be the only way he can be with them. The best, most 100% effective way where he can have his darling all to himself, and never have to worry about them leaving him for anyone else.
He would ABSOLUTELY exploit this situation to his full advantage, forcing Darling to (depending on Darling’s preference) suddenly become celibate and refuse relationships with any hint of romance or even friendship in some cases. He laments that he can’t take them like a lover “truly” should, but he’s so happy to finally have them that only being able to self-pleasure is enough for him. Now he’s the ONLY one who can make his darling feel this good.
And he reminds them of it every single night.
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onceupona-crossover · 6 months
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Emperor Belos x Magica De Spell with a fucked up, toxic love-hate aesthetic, like, Magica is a total yandere for Belos and Belos is the same manipulative son of a bitch he always is and it's equal parts wanting to kiss each other and kill each other.
Requested by: @mymultiverseofmadness
-Mod rapunzel
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fearyandear · 1 year
No, I can't fix them.
But I can tragically die after being betrayed by them,
Killed by their own hand,
Leaving a wound in their heart that torments them for the rest of eternity and has them scrambling,
Driven mad,
Rushing to get rid of the pain,
To revive me by any means possible,
To hold me again and win back some form of forgiveness in my arms because they still loved me when they did it,
A journey that only compromises more of their rusting, ironclad morals
And ultimately causes them to destroy everything they thought they'd protect,
Becoming a villain that is worse than what they started as.
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jellyfishxxi · 1 year
Yandere belos but his partner is one of the demons representing the 7 deadly sins
Like Beelzebub, Satan, Asmodeus or Lucifer
Mainly because I think it'd be funny for this puritan man to not only fall for a witch but to fall for a witch with the same name and powers as a high ranking demon
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marketable-puckshie · 2 months
Necromancing? With THAT Bile Sac?
TWs: Platonic Yandere Implied, Necromancy, Self Loathing, Corpses, Characters With Prejudices Who Learn to Overcome Them, Implied Belos Lives AU.
Notes: In which I post about my self insert forcing that old man to unlearn prejudice...eventually. For context, Puck is half human themselves, and at this point I'd put this around mid S2 of the show so they've had time to work on their self loathing and prejudices. Belos is...very forthcoming with his plans once he learns that Puck is willing to let things play out due to loyalty and a certainty that he's going to fail. Puck has bile sac issues due to being half human and specific biological aspects of his mom's demon species.
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True necromancy, reviving the dead especially, but anything involving the physical undead or the use of corpses is illegal on the Isles, one of Belos' first laws along with the legal implementation of the Coven System. It was already made widely unacceptable by him, citing that "the Titan wills that corpses be left to rest", but of course he knew that Oracle Magic was still needed and sequestered the use of spirits as something along those lines, seeing that there was only so much he could make publicly unnaccepted.
The research of true necromancy for investigative purposes is strictly regulated, relegated only to high ranking members of his coven, and requires special permissions from Belos himself. Performing it, regardless of your access to the topic, is still prohibited, and doing so guarantees you a cell in the Conformitorium. Sure, maybe making Grimwalkers is breaking his own law, but that's different! What the public doesn't know won't hurt them.
...at some point, Puck realizes that Belos is likely to fail. It relieves them, but it feels...anticlimactic, for him to die full of hate. No true resolution for him while he forces them to work through their prejudices against his kind and their own half blooded nature. How is that fair? Maybe it's a sick sense of responsibility towards him, maybe it's the blood relation however thin it is, but something about that irks him. Makes his skin crawl. Has Belos even been given the chance to walk a mile in a witch's shoes? Puck lives on both sides of the coin and suffers for it, physically and socially- but he knows it can't be much better to be a human raised like Belos, er, Philip was and stuck among witches and demons who are too airheaded to truly ask if there's something to address about him.
By Titan, did he even have a friend before them? Well, calling themselves his 'friend' is a strong term, but he at least acts like it? He thinks (still so unsure of where they stand when he'd tear the Isles apart if something happened to them). What would a friend do...? The answer is simple, obviously, and it's the same thing Belos has been doing ever since Puck gave the other human a chance: help him change. Help him deal with the hate in his heart. How does one even do that...?
And that, they suppose, brings them to the necromancy research chamber. Of course the guards believed him when he said Belos gave them permission, given their closeness- and even if they didn't, it's not like they'd stop them. Puck doesn't have the bile sac for any of these spells. Sif, the little dog Palisman that's only alive because he's a Titan damned disability aid, wouldn't be able to save them without help, and then they'd be in trouble- so really, it's almost guaranteed that they'd never actually try these spells that a normal witch would need a Galderstone for. You'd be crazy to think they'd come here hoping to learn how to make a vessel from scratch, or to move a soul into a new body. They don't realize that Puck is there for exactly those reasons when they close the doors behind him.
"If Philip thinks he's gonna just die when he fails his little witch hunt, then he's got another thing coming. Lets get to work, Sif- we still have to get together a restock list later, so let's not take too long."
The little thing wags his tail and yips, hopping off their shoulder to start sniffing out what they need to look at. Sure, the magic needed to do something like this might land them in the Healing Coven's hands, but it'll be worth it, he thinks.
'Anything to help him the way he's helped me.'
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eldritch-spouse · 4 months
I slam the door with frustration, spooking the angel patiently waiting by the door. I haphazardly throw my coat on the floor before grabbing the celestial’s hand and stomping into the living room. Forcing him to sit on the couch, I turn on the tv for noise and hastily unbutton his suit. “I need you now. Had a bad day and you will help me relieve stress.”
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In different years, Belo would find this way of life to be slightly insulting.
He's a warrior after all, a power. His kind belongs outside, patrolling, securing the well-being of lessers, fighting for the honor of their Highers and holding the safety of Eden on their shoulders.
Ah, but those days are gone. Long gone. His vision glazes sometimes, wet and torpid eyes lamenting the fate of many of his brethren. They, unlike him, didn't have the fortitude to handle their own abandonment, the newfound fruitlessness of their very existence.
It's one thing to never know what the meaning of your existence is. It's another thing to have that meaning embedded in your very core and never be able to fulfill it again. Sometimes Belo envies that freedom, that ambivalence of simply existing because you can, because you were made.
Also unlike him, his kin did not have the miraculous luck to find someone like his Lady. His Lady-Worship, his beam of light in a universe ready to swallow him in its poisonous darkness. The guiding hand in a world so new and so different, so degenerate. So horrid! As amazing and radiant as you are, Belo shudders when he thinks about how you made it this far intact without a celestial by your side.
With new meaning come new duties, understandably.
As Belo still needs to learn quite a lot to understand the symbolism of this new age, he worries himself with protecting your sanctum, making it the best version of itself, and keeping it painfully, effectively warded against all threats- Especially that fiendish "neighbor" you have, what disgusting absolutely abhorrent lifeform it is! Noxious creature!
But alas, your benevolence knows no bounds. Not only have you welcomed him into your life, you refuse to let that wretched pest meet its end. Truly, you are too good for this lost planet.
Back to his current task.
The sanctum is spotless, but alas, Belo was never taught how to prepare meals for lessers. It was not the type of discipline delivered to his cast. A guardian would know this, even a principality! But not him, not a power. Unfortunate and unacceptable- He must show adaptation and flexibility unlike ever before!
Which is why that uhm... Digital movie playing contraption you have comes in so very handy.
He never thought he'd be learning to cook from lessers, but here Belo is, hoping against all odds that he doesn't ruin the eggs this time. It's not that he can't handle objects in a gentle manner, it's that he's never had to taste things. Therefore, he doesn't know how to create the correct flavor.
And Lords forbid he ever present his Lady with something foul-tasting!
The power is sure he's got it down correctly this time however. Belo has just finished putting the eggs on the plate he intends to present you with, when he stills.
An acute sense of alertness and hearing means a lifeform like him is always aware of the movement around your apartment complex. He knows when your neighbors leave and arrive, which parts of their homes they're in... This also means that he knows when you're nearby, having memorized the noise of your vehicle -Such a shame that he can't accompany you to some locations- And the jingle of your mildly irritating keychain.
The angel scrambles to put everything together, wanting to be at the door with his offering in full display, so eager to see you-
The door rips open.
Only a nick of time allows Belo to secure his painfully crafted work of mediocre culinary, lest it be swatted to the ground. Sharpened eyes spare you great concern.
His Lady exudes frustration. Although his rank is not the most emotionally attuned, Belo senses a cloud of negativity choking you, your glorious features drained and tense. He's overcome with emotion.
" My- My Lady! Whatever happened today? Did you get hurt? Who d- "
The force with which you grip his hand is surprising for a human, dragging the angel only because he always allows you to. The food lies forgotten on the nearest surface. It's by his ever subservient attitude that you can toss Belo to the couch too, his silent confusion following when you activate the bigger display box.
" I need you now. " You begin, patience depleted. " Had a long day and you will help me relieve stress. "
He squawks the same way he does whenever his Worship starts these encounters without proper warning, wings fluttering and fur fluffing in a mixture of shock and anticipation. He fears that a part of him may enjoy getting pleasurably surprised more than any self-respecting angel should.
" But... " He knows it's not a good idea to challenge you, trembling as the last of his covering is undone. " You should eat b-before I service you, my Lady, many hours have passed- "
" I'll eat when I can't feel my legs. " The snarl you give Belo sends shudders down his spine, and he bashfully, albeit inwardly happily, readjusts to spread his legs for you.
" Excuse me but that hardly sounds healthy... "
His cock pokes out a furred slit, beading and twitching to interest. Although Belo becomes uncomfortably erect the moment you recklessly undress before him. It was not, as a filthy demon would put it, a slutty display. It was raw need, irritation and pure dominance. It was a side of his Worship he had yet to witness.
Belo refuses to ever admit it aloud, he cannot, he will not! But... But oh, the sins of the flesh. No, when provided by the superiors, they are not sins, they are gifts. They cannot be wrong. It's not wrong for Belo to enjoy your physical rewards for his work, but it is perhaps sinful of him to lust for more, to so eagerly hope that you'll allow him such pleasures when he performs certain tasks.
He does not touch his aching length because he's not allowed to. His pleasure is for you to decide upon, of course.
The angel prepares to slide down on his knees when you shove him back on the cushions by the shoulder.
Three eyes blink at you. " Am... Am I not to service you, my Goddess? "
You usually enjoy the touch of his fingers upon your most intimate zones, for training him is easy, and Belo adored the sounds of your approval. You did also curiously enjoy grinding over his face, a sensation that often left him pointlessly thrusting against nothing.
None of that today, it seems.
" Shut up. "
He was about to reply with a reflexive 'Yes, my Lady' before catching himself.
When you straddle him, the celestial only tilts his head, figure heated, but never expecting you to simply line him up with your entrance and slam yourself down.
Had he not been in the midst of breathlessly throwing his head back, Belo would have died from worry. As holy as you are, you share the stature of humanity, and Belo knows -F-From common sense, of course!- That his organ is not the same size of a human's at all.
He tries to articulate his concern, but the squeeze of your core around him is hypnotic and sickeningly euphoric. Belo can only hold onto full hips and cry his delight while you mercilessly hammer down on his cock, milking all the pleasure you can from him.
His melodious whines and resounding moans -Something he ought to control- rise in intensity as Belo loses himself and begins rutting senselessly, the tip of his dick nuzzling spots that make the two of you go stupid.
" Don't you dare cum yet! "
He wails, physically wails, body trembling so hard it almost spasms in his effort to reign his movements. " N- Never, never my Lady! I'm good, I'll relieve you- I'm good! "
And as if to confirm it, your serious complexion finally morphs into a self-satisfied grin, all lidded eyes and gentle, mocking affection.
He's the one that's not getting any relief soon.
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alex-rambles · 2 years
PLEASE PLEASE do more Yandere Emperor Belos! I’m BEGGING YOU
†Once Belos has you "housebroken," he sees no need to torture you anymore. You're perfect now, torture was just to get you to behave
†He still keeps a very close eye on you
†And oh, after Thanks To Them, assuming he's alive, he's pissed
†He still loves you, but he begins to take that anger out on you
†Take it. If you don't, it'll be torture once more. Remember, no magic, no real power
†A useless person is what you are now.
†The Collector might just be your way out, however. There's a chance he'll free you to get back st Belos
†Then you're just kinda doomed to play with him, and Belos is a very angry man
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speckle-meow-meow · 1 year
Belos/Philip meeting reader in the episode where they go into the tide pools episode is called any where and elsewhere I think also reader is male and it’s romantic and Philip is a huge simp lol
Oh gods that's one of my favorite episodes!!! His poor nose, but Ngl in makes him hot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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[This is gonna be short ans sweet because I honestly couldn't think of anything for the longest time if you couldn't tell "OwO]
Luz is readers sibling
You honestly hand no idea where you were, one minute you were with Luz and lilith and the next you were on a beach.
You wondered trying to find your little sister but to no avail.
That was until you heard her yelling that's when you had to step in.
You saw her, lilith, and a strange man with a very big beard, he looked human like you and luz.
You walked over and greeted your sister and lilith along with the strange man who called himself philip, he asked for your help in finding something so like the good people you were you accepted.
He took you all to a temple (I dont remember much of this episode since it's been a while since I watched TOH but bear with me please)
You were amazed by the architecture it looked so dystopian, it was beautiful.
You didnt even catch Philip staring at you, he seemed to grow a liking to you. Philip wanted to know more about you.
Soon the doors opened and out came a monster you were mad and reasonably so, a man you half heartedly trusted tried to sacrifice you, your sister, and aunt!
After the whole ordeal you watched as your aunt punched him and left along with your sister, you'll catch up to them in a minute but you had one last thing to say before you left.
You got real close to his face and looked dead into his eyes before saying:
"If I ever see you again, I will do a lot worse than breaking your nose"
You left him to his thoughts his heart pounding, he'll definitely look for you. Until then he has to get stronger and reach his goals.
{Hope you liked this anon! Hearts and reblogs are always welcomed, along with questions,comments, and requesrs.}
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doodleferp · 2 years
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Oh, boy, we got another one.
Belo and all his floof belong to @eldritch-spouse
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