#hansol gifs
hoshingi · 4 months
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522 notes · View notes
hongjoshuaz · 1 year
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2K notes · View notes
vcrnons · 1 year
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— Choi Hansol, 2023.
[GOING SEVENTEEN] EP.93 가위바위보 #1 (Rock Scissors Paper #1)
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seoksgyu · 9 months
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meowonhao · 1 year
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vernon ✧ 'your choice' making film - other side ver.
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wonwooridul · 1 year
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you're so gorgeous (taylor's version)
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she-wu · 4 months
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all my love ᯓᡣ𐭩
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hansolz-moved · 2 years
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woozi · 2 years
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372 notes · View notes
wannabegwenstacy · 1 year
Eden's Favorite Seventeen Fics Navigation
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Updated: 5/2/2023 - see authors note
A/N: hey friends! an era has come to an end..I started a Fic Recs Blog [@secretgwenstacy] so from now on I will be reblogging posts over there! I will have this master post and all my other fic recs posts linked in my navigation on this account and over on that blog.
the reason I have decided to make this move is for the sake of the authors of the fics I love and also its just gonna be easier for me. Tumblr runs off of reblogs; sadly the algorithm doesn't prioritize likes or even comments so reblogging is the best way to help out writers on this site/app. Please follow my side blog!! [@secretgwenstacy] I will be reblogging fics for groups like The Boyz, Ateez, Seventeen, and BTS periodically. Thank you for Reading this note and following if you so graciously did! :) xoxo Eden
A/N: Only Reader Insert Tumblr fics are on here at the moment. Sorry I'm a baby carat, I got a lot of catching up to do. Also, I don't have a lot of fics linked yet. :( Will continue reading and updating periodically.
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About me to understand what's going to be on here: I am OT13. I do enjoy smut but don't think it is necessary to FF. Overall I just want a well-crafted plot that makes sense. I read for entertainment & to escape. But I still need some form of realism (just me personally) to follow the trail of events. 
⇣Below cut⇣
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⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆Reader Insert⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
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☾ Scoups / Choi Seungcheol ☾
☾ Yoon Jeonghan ☾
☾ Joshua /Hong Jisoo ☾
☾ Wen Junhui ☾
☾ Hoshi / Kwon Soonyoung ☾
☾ Jeon Wonwoo ☾
☾ Woozi / Lee Jihoon ☾
☾ The 8 / Xu Minghao ☾
☾ Kim Mingyu ☾
☾ DK / Dokyeom / Lee Seokmin ☾
☾ Boo Seungkwan ☾
☾ Vernon / Chwe Hansol ☾
☾ Dino / Lee Chan ☾
none yet
none yet
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⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ Member x Member ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
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none yet
none yet
none yet
83 notes · View notes
hoshingi · 17 days
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VERNON ✯ 240908 Ment
222 notes · View notes
hongjoshuaz · 2 years
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vernon 'black eye' mv
199 notes · View notes
vcrnons · 9 months
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low quality gifs of a high quality guy kendama player
bonus, ft. hoshi: it's not as easy as it looks
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937 notes · View notes
svt-yexi · 2 years
Flying Home... Sick (2019)
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Yexi woke up from nap on the plane, her throat still hurt and her head was pounding. She groaned and it took all the energy she had to open her eyes, "Oppa?" she called out but her voice couldn't push past a whisper and caused her to whimper in pain.
"Yexi-ya?" Jihoon's face came into view, his brow furrowed.
Yexi whimpered in response as her body began to shiver all over. She'd woken up with a scratchy throat and a mild headache but now it felt like everything had multiplied by ten. She sucked in a breath when she felt something cold touch her arm, "Noona you're burning up." Vernon leaned towards her and put his hand to her forehead. It was when she felt another cold hand touch her cheek that she decided to say something.
"Cold." she said but whimpered at the pain in her throat while her teeth continued to chatter.
Jihoon unbuckled his seat belt and walked a few rows up to tap on Seungcheol's shoulder, "Yexi is getting worse. She can barely talk and she's running really hot right now." Seunghceol immediately unbuckled his seatbelt as well and walked with Jihoon back to their seats and saw Yexi leaning her head on Vernon's shoulder with a blanket tucked around her body. He sat down in Jihoon's seat and leaned forward and put his hand on her forehead causing her to whimper at the temperature difference.
He ran his hand over her head in a comforting gesture, "Can you tell me whats bothering you?"
"Hyung, she told me its really painful for her to talk. Do you think they have some paper she can just write on instead?" Vernon continued to rub his hands up and down her arms trying to help her warm up.
"Yeah, let me see what I can do." Seungcheol stood up and started walking toward the area that separated first class from the rest of the plane. He peaked through the curtain and saw someone fixing someone a drink at the counter, "Miss?" the lady turned around to look, "Do you have a piece of paper and something to write with? We have someone that has a sore throat and it hurts for them to talk."
"Of course." The lady reached into a cabinet and pulled out a notebook and ripped out a few pages and handed it to him along with a pen.
"Thank you. I'll be sure to return the pen."
Meanwhile Jihoon is doing his best to try and get Yexi to drink some cold water one of the members provided in hopes it would help with her throat, "Yexi-ya just try to drink some." she shook her head, she didn't want to risk her throat being in even more pain and was being stubborn about the whole thing.
Seungcheol tapped on Jihoon's shoulder and he stood letting Seungcheol sit beside her, "I tried to get her to drink some cold water in hopes it would help her throat but she refuses to even try it."
"Why don't you take my seat for now, I know we're close enough for them to start getting ready to land soon." Seungcheol gave him a nod of encouragement after seeing him hesitate with a look towards Yexi. After Jihoon had stepped away he turned to look at Yexi who looked miserable and exhausted. "Can you write out your symptoms for me?" he unlatched the tray in front of her and set the paper and pen on top.
Yexi groaned when Vernon helped her sit up so she could reach the tray. She started writing the list like Seungcheol asked:
Sore throat
No voice
Body Aches
Ear pain
Loopy kinda
Seeing her list Seungcheol frowned noticing that her list was long but he could tell just from the symptoms that Yexi most likely had the flu which now meant that himself, Jihoon, and Vernon were all directly exposed. Using the plane wifi he sent off a quick kakao message telling everyone to put their masks on and he would explain when they landed. It caused an immediate shuffle around them while he grabbed Yexi's from the pocket of the seat in front of her and helped her put it on.
"You should put yours on Vernon, she most likely has the flu." he pointed at the symptom list before turning his attention back to Yexi, "On a scale from 1-10 how bad are you feeling right now?"
Yexi wrote down the number 9 and looked at him, he could tell she was trying her best to stay awake. He put his hand against her forehead again and she pulled away from his cold fingers, "I wonder if they have a thermometer on board." he mumbled to himself. Deciding to ask he stood up and walked back to the woman he had spoke with before.
"Hi, can help you?" She asked.
"Do you happen to have a thermometer on board?" he bit his bottom lip hoping they did.
"I think there might be one in the first aid kit, let me see." He watched as she pulled the bag down and rummaged around inside. When she stood back up straight he could see her clutching something in her hand, "Why don't you show me to their seat and i'll help."
"We think she might have the flu so you may want a mask." He said.
The woman grabbed a mask from the first aid bag and slipped it on, she offered him one and he took it before leading her back to Yexi's seat. "Whats her name?" the lady asked while sitting in the available seat.
"Yexi." Vernon answered.
"Hi Yexi-ssi, can I take your temperature?" Yexi nodded and Vernon helped her sit up straight again and the lady ran the thermometer across her forehead. When it beeped Yexi noticed Seungcheol's eyes fill with worry, "Well it looks like you're running a pretty high fever at 103.4"
"What we can do is have it where all of you exit first before the rest of the passengers. Yexi-ssi do you think you'll be able to walk okay or would you prefer to have a wheelchair?"
Seungcheol already knew what her answer would be and wasn't the least bit surprised when she barely shook her head, "Yexi-ya I think you should take the wheelchair. You look like you can barely hold you head up." but despite his comment she looked at him and barely shook her head again causing him to sigh, "Fine. Always so stubborn."
As soon as he said that the announcement from the pilot was made letting passengers know that they would be getting ready to touch down in Korea. The lady left with a quick apology to go start helping people get ready for landing. Seungcheol took his seat beside Yexi before helping her buckle the seat belt. When he was back in his seat Yexi leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder. He brought his hand up to caress her head and a whispered order to rest.
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The next time Yexi opened her eyes she was being lightly jostled awake by Vernon, "They're ready for us to leave the plane." her helped her make sure all of her stuff had been packed away before shouldering her bag along with his own.
Seungcheol turned to face the two of them, "Vernon if you can help her out of the plane I can go talk with the security the company provided."
"Sure hyung, go ahead." Vernon said while wrapping his arm around Yexi's waist to help steady her. The other members filed out before them and each one that passed gave Yexi a sympathetic look. After they were all off the plane Vernon helped Yexi keep her balance while the exited the plane. "Are you sure you don't want the wheelchair?" he asked and Yexi nodded in reply.
"A lot of fans showed up so we need everyone to stay close and if anything happens keep hold of the person in front of you." said the body guard that was standing in front of everyone.
Jihoon walked over to Vernon, "Why don't you let me walk with her and you just handle her bag." Vernon nodded and eased Yexi into Jihoon's hold.
Seungkwan walked up beside Yexi and dropped his bag before unzipping his jacked and silently helping her put it on. He zipped up the front and grabbed the hat off Jihoon's head and placed it on Yexi's. Jihoon started to scold him but saw him place the hat on her head. "Vernon said you were cold and the hat will help keep any flashes or pictures you don't want being taken." Seungkwan said while helping her situate the jacket before they left the hallway.
The members and the staff started moving towards the door that would lead to the exit, through the lobby, and out the doors to the vans. Seungkwan walked beside them in case Yexi or Jihoon started struggling. Yexi tried to keep up the best she could but it felt like her body was in the middle of a marathon. Once the group was past the terminals and heading towards the lobby the fans started rushing. Jihoon made sure he had a secure hold on Yexi. The fans were trying to push against the security guards that were surrounding them. Every time the two were jostled Yexi would whimper, "I know Yex, just a bit further." Jihoon tried his best to calm her while the crowd began to press in ever further. Yexi stumbled straight into Seungkwan's side and he helped Jihoon steady her the best they could while rushing forward with the crowd.
The three could hear Seungcheol in the front yelling loudly to stop pushing and give them space. "Oh, hyungs mad." Seungkwan whistled lowly. It was the bottle neck at the outside doors where everything went to hell. The three were shoved towards the doors and Yexi stumbled almost landing on the concrete if  ot for the boys keeping a tight hold of her arms.
"Jesus Christ, can they not?!" Jihoon growled.
It was the security behind them that kept them from being trampled. Seungkwan and Jihoon sighed in relief once they saw the van was finally in reach. Seungkwan slid in first and helped Yexi in and helping her sit while the security that had been behind them all but shoved Jihoon inside. He didn't think he would ever get used to the crowds when they'd come back home.
The three members let themselves relax once the vans pulled away from the airport. By the time they reached the dorms Yexi had already fallen back asleep against Seungkwan. The van door opened before Jihoon had even had a chance to touch the handle and Seungcheol and one of their managers stood there. "You two can go ahead and head up to the dorms and the two of us will be taking Yexi to the hospital to get her checked out."
Jihoon grabbed his bag and Seungkwan since they were both dropped into a pile in the middle of the floor, "Coups you may wanna grab either Jun or Shua
You know how she gets with languages sometimes."
"The hospital has translators available so don't worry. We're trying to mitigate any possible spread of what she has. You have schedules in 2 days and we can't have anyone else dropping out, but that's for us to worry about. You two go ahead." the manager jerked his head towards the building.
Jihoon climbed out and turned to wait for Seungkwan but he wasn't moving, "You coming?"
He shook his head, "No. I'm gonna go with them. She's fallen back asleep and I don't want to wake her up yet just for her to be miserable longer." he rubbed his hand over her shoulder to comfort her.
"Fine. Let's just go ahead and head out. The longer it takes her to get seen the more miserable she'll become." Seungcheol climbed in and buckled himself in. "I also grabbed her bag from Vernon since that will have all the stuff the Hospital should need."
Once the door was shut and everyone was buckled the van headed towards the Hospital, "let's get our princess feeling better." Seungcheol leaned over and ran his hand over her hair his brown furrowed with worry. "You're in duty for keeping everyone updated, that okay?" Seungkwan nodded in agreement. He was fine with any role he was given, as long as it helped his other two members.
Taglist: @multiplums @giverosespls @sunflower-0180 @smoooore
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yoonjeonghans · 2 years
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i know that you’ve been dreaming ♡
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wonwooridul · 2 years
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a couple of besties
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