#hanzo. don't look at me I'm not even gonna explain.
laismoura-art · 10 months
About Grandmaster Harumi Shirai:
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Ok, so, Harumi is Head of her Clan. She has a clan.
Which ultimately means her help was requested by Kuai not only because they are long-time besties but also because she has actual clan leading experience!
Cause like, Kuai is the Grandmaster's son, but we can assume only Bi-Han was trained to be a Grandmaster. Older son and all.
So even though Kuai is a natural leader, he has no actual clue on how to assemble or even lead a clan! Which gives this scene:
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A whole other meaning cause it's not that "it's hard to find initiates" in a way that they don't find anyone who really fits.
These two morons just don't have the SLIGHTEST IDEA on how to pick their initiates!
And their expressions are just so perfect cause Kuai is just "We are so dead!" And Tomas is like, "is that supposed to happen???"
And then there's Harumi!
She is the leader of her clan, which means, much like Bi-Han, she was trained! She knows how to pick students, so for once, she knows how hard that task is, which explains why she looks more apologetic than frustrated!
Which probably extends to the whole experience, cause Kuai came to her saying he needed to assemble a clan ASAP, "teach me yo-yo man" style, cause he might have just promised a god he would build him a whole ass clan to defend the entire realm!
I can only picture Harumi going:
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Harumi: Oh, baby... no. Just no.
I can also imagine them bringing her students she can tell from a glance are unfit, like
Kuai: So this is--
Harumi: No.
Tomas: But you didn't even--
Harumi: Hard. Pass.
Which really makes me wonder how that went with Hanzo. He was their first successful initiate, so imagine he was also the first one to actually have Harumi's blessing!
Tomas: So this is Hanzo, I found him on the woods!
Harumi, without missing a beat: He's perfect.
On other notes, Tomas also implies the Shirai Ryu was built on Harumi's lands. So, like... did she just say they could use her backyard?
Or her family's lands extended beyond her clan's location, and she was kind enough to give it to Kuai?
Did she make them neighbours? IS SHE THEIR LANDLORD??? (Do they pay her rent??) @mikka-minns 👀
Also, imagine Bi-Han hearing Kuai and Tomas were about to make a clan of their own and he mocks them (as he also knows this is not a simple task and they have 0 clue on how to perform it) and them Harumi goes:
Harumi: Oh, you wanna bet?? I'm gonna make Grandmasters out of these morons. Just wait and see! Cause they might be clueless, but they have heart!😤🫶
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Translation: I'm confused. Are you a fan or hater?
Man, Harumi being Kuai's guide makes so much sense and has SO MUCH POTENTIAL! It's amazing and potentially hilarious and just SO FREAKING AWESOME!!
The more I realise things about Harumi, the more I'm glad I fell in love with her!🩷🩷
Tagging the whole gang so y'all can brainstorm with me @mikka-minns @dinainsun @thedragonholder 🩷
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atlasofthestaars · 11 months
For the character bingo: Kuai Liang?
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Did two versions because I feel differently enough for him in the two games. I LOVEEE Kuai Liang in MK9-11!! Idk I think he's neat and he stole my heart he was my 3rd favorite in mk11! I want to kiss him a lot. I think he's just cool (haha) and I enjoy him a lot in these games!! I got sad when he got cyberized in mk9. I would affectionately salad spin him and squeeze. Also I cannot fathom WHY but the lack of simping and just all business attitude in MK11 works for me. I also have a feeling a big part of his appeal is his voice in MKX-MK11 so there's also that. Cool man love him lots.
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I literally went into MK1 being like, oh man!! Kuai Liang is probably gonna stay 3rd favorite or even move up to 2nd! and then uh. He fell off hard for me. I can't fully explain why I don't care for him as much but he's just kinda?? meh for me? I think he's okay, I can see why people may prefer him in this game! I just personally couldn't bring myself to like him as much. I would still somewhat affectionately salad spin him. I still wish the best for him and don't want him to die or anything. I like his design like much other Lin Kuei design, but I think the tattoo is a lil goofy LMAO. I also put the canon isn't real if I don't look at it because imo I didn't care for the Harumi romance purely bc it was ALL off screen. I'm not a fan of off screen romance like Jade x Kotal either so this rlly rubbed me the wrong way that not only did they change Harumi from Hanzo's wife to Kuai Liang, but it was ONLY in an ending and like, if you lose as Kuai in his chapter against the sorcerers. Idk! I care for him but not in the same way. Cool dude still.
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haneys · 2 years
some more blue guys that I didn't get asked about
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kortsitron · 3 years
Panic Attack
Headcanons of overwatch men helping you during panic attack
Decided to write after being inspired by @sunshineistyping​ Monty one shot, I requested it and I'm in love with and it got me inspired to write this
Here's a link if someone would like to read it! ^^
Warnings: Panic attack
[part two]
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Genji Shimada
⋆ Genji knows how to deal with panic attacks, because he was experiencing them when he was in Blackwatch
⋆ Whenever he was having a panic attack, he was going to Angela, because he trusted her and she was a doctor, and knew how to deal with it
⋆ He picked up some things from her, when she was calming him down, so now he knows what he should do
⋆ When you have a panic attack, he would take his mask off, so it would be easier for you to focus on breathing with him
He took off his mask and focused his eyes on you. "Hey, look at me." He grabbed your hands, squeezing them lightly, speaking softly. "Breath in…" He took a deep breath and you followed. "And out. One more time, okay?"
⋆ Genji is not leaving you until he knows you're okay
⋆ As soon as you're breathing is under control, he'll ask what happened. You don't have to tell him if you don't want to, he's going to respect that
⋆ He's going to give a hug and will ask what would cheer you up 
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Hanzo Shimada
⋆ Hanzo is similar to Genji, he has experienced panic attacks, but he didn't have anyone to comfort him
⋆ So he's gonna a bit lost when it happens, but he's gonna do his best to help you
⋆ He's going to gently hold you his arms, whispering things to help you calm down
"I'm here, darling. I'm not leaving you, everything's gonna be alright." He murmured, kissing the top of your head, hoping it would help at least a bit
⋆ He'll wipe your tears away, while asking if there's anything he could for you to help you
⋆ When you're calm and feel better, Hanzo will bring you some water
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Cole Cassidy
⋆ Cole will let you play with his metal hand, so you can get distracted 
⋆ He knows a bit about them, because once saw Genji having panic attack during blackwatch times and decide to help him
⋆ He's going to help with calming your breathing 
⋆ He can also give his poncho if you feel like hiding from the world (even his hat if you really want)
"You're safe pumpkin, it's gonna be okay." He whispered, kissing your forehead
⋆ He'll also talk about random things to distract you even more
⋆ And joking to cheer you up
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Gabriel Reyes/Reaper
⋆ He may seem like rough man, but when you're crying and shaking, he's soft and gentle
⋆ Wiping your tears away, not daring to leave you until you're okay
⋆ and what I mean by that, is he won't leave you until he sees you're okay, you can say what you want, he's not leaving until he's sure that everything is fine, this man can read you like a open book
⋆ Holding your hands, helping you breathe
⋆ You can hide your face in his chest if you wish
"Breathe in...And out, you're doing great honey." He smiled a bit, gently caressing your hand with his thumbs
⋆ Reyes is going to have conversation about these panic attack/s with you, because he what's yo know how to help
⋆ For example, getting rid of someone or something that is stressing you out
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Lucio Corrieira dos Santos
⋆ Lucio was quite lost when you happened to have a panic attack, but that doesn't mean he would leave you
⋆ He would hold you close to him, murmuring random song to distract you
"I've got you, ____."
⋆ When you calm down, he would softly ask if you want to talk about this, of course respecting if you would say no
⋆ But he's still gonna bring up the topic later, he's just worried about you and wants to help you
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Jamison Fawkes/Junkrat
⋆ He has on idea what to do honestly 
⋆ When it happened for the first time, he was panicking a bit, because he had no idea what he should do
⋆ Right after he made sure you were okay, he went to Mako to ask him what he should do next time this happens
⋆ Mako explained it all to him, so next time you would get panic attack, Jamison would be prepared 
⋆ He did his best to help with calming down your breathing
"You're doing amazing, mate. Just one more time." He kept you close to him, in case you wanted a hug
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angel-of-death-2015 · 3 years
Hai :3
1. Your first OC ever?
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
1. Your first OC ever?
Tbh I don't remember my very first OC because that was when I was in my teenage years, but the first newer one that I actually drew is Honey! I drew her when I was getting back into art after I said fuck it because my high school art teacher was a pompous dickhead creep that yelled at me in front of everyone for starting to paint on accident instead of doing another step. I was supposed to have her be my Among Us OC with her last name being Pot and how she's frenemies with Pink Crewmate (and she knows who she is 💀). I should redraw her sometime!
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12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot.
ALMIRA "I WILL CUT A BITCH" NERI. I'M A RIDE OR DIE BITCH FOR HER. Like, her design is BEAUTIFUL. I love her lore! It's thorough as fuck and there's other original characters she interacts with that I have yet to know about. And I can do some world-building to intersect her lore and Dji'Vanah's lore!
The pink-haired magical girl and the devilishly handsome catboy Otto by @princesseblade are faves of mine too. Especially Otto. I'd willingly let him ruin my credit score. I miss his fine ass. I'm really contemplating on begging and sobbing that I can commission her just to see Otto again 😭 And tbh, if she was okay with it, I'd just like to imagine shipping Otto with my other OC Taa-Laa.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why).
My Mortal Kombat OC Dji'Vanah! Long story short, she's an Outworld assassin that out-classes Kitana, Jade, and Skarlet combined. She goes on a quest for vengance after the Brotherhood of Sin pilaged her home and killed her loved ones. She meets Hanzo and teams up with him on multiple missions before they fall in love! Dji'Vanah's important to me because even though Mortal Kombat and its characters and settings are already established, I really expanded my mind in worldbuilding. What are other regions of Outworld? Do they exist? Who are the citizens? What powers do they have? Did they get taken over by Shao Kahn? What of other factions? What about their cultures? There's so many questions that won't get answered unless you make them. And she's so well-designed that every single artist made her BEAUTIFUL and her hair is versitile! Art commissioned by: @/RenderGoddess1 on Twitter! 💖💕
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24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Not gonna lie, I'd wanna meet my Resident Evil OC Christie Belle Silverheart. Girl's a bad bitch but she's really just a softie that just wants to be protected. I'd ask for about art and ask her to teach me how to paint and self-defense. I'd also ask her if she can find somebody to hook me up with 💀
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
My Resident Evil OC Christie Belle Silverheart. At first, she was an un-named OC that was just a mere museum tour guide getting a bite to eat after work. She ends up meeting Carlos Oliveira after he saved her life. She's scared shitless but sticks with him and survives using his advice of survival tactics before they end up separating. The OC was on a train to leave before Carlos and Jill meet until shit popped off due to Nemesis fucking around. The OC then comes across a little girl (like how Sherry and Claire meet) and protects her from her parents that got infected from saving their child. The OC takes the girl with her and they survive by hot wiring a nice car and dipping about twenty minutes before the nuke is launched. The OC pretty much adopts the girl and they go back to living at her parents for the time being after having to travel almost across the country to get there. Then like two years later, after Carlos pinky-promised he wouldn't leave the OC in a cold, cruel, Carlos-less world, he coincidentally meets the OC and the kid after trying to lay low from what happened in Raccoon City. Then they really can delve in their feelings for each other. And all that got scrapped for what I got with Christie 💀
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?).
Christie resembles me more in the creative aspect. She LOVES doing art in many forms. It's just so much fun! 🥺
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
YES. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YES. But they're mostly commissions! I'll be putting the credit for the artists right above the art pieces to lessen the confusion!
This was a Christmas gift commission from my backbone @ghastlyrider that was made by @minilev!
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These were made by @/Fruit_Succubus on Twitter! The first one is my Mortal Kombat OC Dji'Vanah with Hanzo Hasashi and the second one is my Resident Evil OC Christie Belle Silverheart with Chris Redfield! 💖💕
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The last one is of Christie that was a birthday gift from @ghastlyrider and was made by @/AndyVurm on Twitter! 💖💕
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