magicalellafontaine · 2 months
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Favourite Colour
BLUE & PINK (due to the dresses in the movies)
Favourite Food
Pasta Carbonara
Do they have a comfort object?
a music box from her mother
What was their favourite subject in school?
Weird habits?
she stress-cleans
13th of February
Childhood pets
Bruno, lucifer, Philip the horse, and her mouse friends
Irrational Fears
Her body image
Rational Fears
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cxrlfredricksen · 3 years
Task Seven → Headcanons
--- Carl Fredricksen
- Carl is married to Ellie (Obvi)
- Carl and Ellie have their original grape soda bottle cap badges framed in their home.
- He made new ones for them as a lil wedding gift to Ellie - he wears his on his doctors coat
- For Ellie’s birthday Carl bought her a golden retriever dog, his name is Dug
- Carl and Ellie met the same way as they do in the film UP
- Deaf in one ear and he wears an invisible hearing aid - Carls parents home blew up thanks to the boiler exploding. They were about to walk into the house after coming back from a shopping trip when it happened. The sound of the explosion ruptured his eardrum and destroyed his hearing in his right ear. (A nod to Carls hearing aid in the film)
- Wears glasses when he’s reading
- Plans to retire at Paradise Falls, where Ellie and him had their honeymoon
- Can be a grump much like his movie counterpart.
((will add to this as things progress))
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beckydetweiler · 3 years
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Task Seven → Headcanons
--- Rebecca “Becky” Detweiler
- full name is rebecca ellie-mae detweiler but goes by becky to most. she was given the middle name after her mother’s name (ellie) and her grandmothers name (mae). a tradition that carries down to the females in the detweiler family.
- thirty-five years old
- only daughter to ellie and sam detweiler and older (and long-suffering) older sister to tj detweiler
- owns third street restaurant and is a trained chef herself as well as a businesswoman
- gave tj a job at the restaurant after being guilt-tripped by her mother
- becky is a widow. she and her childhood sweetheart boyfriend james (who went by jimmy) had been together since they were seventeen and had every intention of getting married and spending the rest of their days together, but jimmy fell ill and becky married him at his bedside because them being married in this lifetime was something important to them, but jimmy ultimately passed away a mere seven hours later on september 4th, and becky was a widow at the age of twenty-six.
- she’s never quite recovered from the loss of jimmy and never allowed herself the time to properly grieve. after he passed, she went travelling round the world to master her craft in cooking, and then put all the time and energy into opening and running third street.
- regrets teaching tj the tune of "john jacob jingleheimer schmidt" when they were kids, she now sees it as the equivalent of the jaws theme tune as it only sounds when tj is near.
- nani and babette are the besties xo
- only two photos are on display in her home - one of her family & one with nani, babette and herself. only one photo sits on her desk at third street, and it’s one of jimmy and her.
- becky knows that moving on a natural process, but she can’t quite seem to get herself there, and she hasn’t yet met anyone to pull her from that.
[[will add to this as time goes on]]
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zachzerocasper · 3 years
Task Seven → Headcanons
--- Zach Casper
- A bird flew into his apartment one day and refused to leave so he’s got a pet bird now. The bird has been named Christmas (a nod to Jack’s obsession with Christmas in The Nightmare Before Christmas)
- Lives off candy canes and always has one on his person (Zero has candy canes as bones in the film)
- Zach is so pale that people would assume that he’s sick (This represents the fact that Zero is a ghost)
- From first glance it’s obvious that Zach is a really thin guy. It’s an ongoing joke that he lives off candy canes and bowls of cereal but he really does only live off that. He’s suffers from malnutrition and he knows if he went to the doctors he would be diagnosed with an eating disorder. (This also represents the fact that Zero is a ghost and has no organs to nourish)
- He doesn’t like the dark. He has a little torch on his keys that shows a orange light in the shape of a pumpkin that he uses when he feels like it’s too dark for him. (Represents Zero’s nose in the film which is a little glowing jack o’lantern)
- sees Jack as a father/guardian figure (obviously Jack is Zero’s owner in the film)
- Zach’s only item of his childhood is a stuffed pumpkin plush. Given to him by the orphanage when he was an infant and he took it everywhere with him. Little Zach would mind his business and sit with his pumpkin. He still has it, and it sits on a shelf in his apartment as decoration. (A nod to Zero’s attachment to the Pumpkin King)
- Zach wears a chain he was given when he was a child in the orphanage and never takes it off. (Represents Zero’s collar)
- Happiest when he’s sleeping (Half the time we see Zero he’s sleeping)
- LOVES the holidays - especially halloween and christmas
((will add to this as i think of more))
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magicaljameshook · 3 years
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mentions: @oliver-smee​ @itspeterpxn​ @xaspiringbeamoflightx​
Okay James can’t be more off from his disney side character than any of my other characters. Unlike the captain hook we all know and love James is far more complex. 
Youth wise James has been abused as a child by his mother, I made her pick out drowning as his death as a wink wink to the fact that he’s a captain, and a captain would go down with his ship.
Seeing that Hook had a bit of a feminine side I thought why not give him a sex worker background caused by his mother as well. 
The stabbing was my way of symbolizing him losing his hand, because i didn’t want James to actually lose his hand but I still wanted him to suffer. Seeing James wants to adopt Peter I decided to not make Peter the culprid.
James has Smee as a childhood friend who knows most of his past, where his “crew” doesn’t know what he went through and resents him for it. I made James have a gang as a teen to represent the crew he has on the ship. 
Like I said James wants to adopt Peter because he feels familiar with him - his life has been filled with abandoment and distrust for adults which James relates to heavily.
In a recent thread I used the words: He wanted Tina to bleed for him, to love him unconditionally and this was heavily inspired by the scene where Hook captures Tinkerbell. 
I still want James to one day be possesive enough to be considered a villain but the timing hasn’t been right so far.
James his birthday is 25th of December
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magicaladamlegrand · 3 years
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mentions of: @itsmarygibbs and @ofbclle​
Adam is a bit closer to the original though i did give some twists to him like with the witch in the beginning of the story. In the story she is just a stranger that curses him because of his greed. Instead I made him have a relationship with the witch who turned him into a “beast” by the harships she puts him through (aka abuse)
to me a beast is a man uncapable of being in control of his anger, someone who will break things with his fist when he gets angry.
Unfortunately I never got to act out Adam’s anger, and he already had been through therapy to cope with his feelings, together with having Mary at his side he was more the prince version of himself than the actual beast.
I was thinking of making Adam illiterate, but decided against it because he wouldn’t be able to bake or even own a café if he was.
He is rather sloppy when eating and always spills something on himself. this is a wink wink to the scene where Belle teaches him how to use a spoon correctly.
I like to think I made a gentler version of the beast with Adam. 
In terms of Belle, Adam has a weird fixation with her, like he’d known her all his life while that simply isn’t the case. He finds her a comfort when she is in his café and he certainly notices it when she is not there.
Adam’s favorite flower is red roses. 
Adam’s birthday is the 2th of january.
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Task Seven → Headcanons
                                                  “ Tink was not all bad; or, rather, she was all bad just now, but, on the other hand, sometimes she was all good. Fairies have to be one thing or the other, because being so small they unfortunately have room for one feeling only at a time “                                             
                                                                                    J. M. Barrie - Peter Pan
One: If you opened any of the cupboards in Tina’s kitchen above hip level, you would see that only the bottom two shelves (of the three) have anything on them. Reason being? She’s too fucking short to reach the top shelf. Within a few weeks of moving into her apartment, she decided that it was too much hassle pulling a chair over or climbing up onto the worktop to get her mugs, so she just moved them all within arm’s reach. Naturally, this is prime fodder for the Lost Boys, who have, on occasion, been known to move all the cups out of reach.
Because there’s only one of her (and she has a terrible habit of smashing things) she doesn’t have many plates, so the space left by that quickly filled up with weird looking mugs and her now eclectic collection of teapots. One specific cupboard is kept for the teapots that she fixed, and one is for the nice ones that she really doesn’t want to break in a temper if she can help it. Hidden away amongst these teapots is her “stash” teapot, an unassuming green teapot with a shiny silver lid. She keeps important things in there, like a small wad of cash, a select few pieces of slightly expensive jewellery, and trinkets she couldn’t bear to lose (including the original ring James gave her for their fake proposal game.)
Two: Tina’s sleep pattern would be best described as “an incoherent mess”. Really, there isn’t much of a pattern at all. She can often be found wide awake at two in the morning, hyper-fixating on a teapot or sitting on her front step with a cup of tea, or she can be out like a light by nine-thirty. Tina’s problem is that she can’t sleep when she isn’t tired, even if she tries. She’ll go days with only a few hours sleep, sometimes even no sleep at all. Contrariwise, if she’s tired she will fall asleep literally anywhere, with barely a warning. James and Smee have found her plenty of times curled up in the nice warm laundry room amongst the fresh towels and bedsheets. One guaranteed, however, is that she consistently falls asleep shortly after having a meltdown, because she gets herself so worked up (in either anger or from crying) that she’ll completely tire herself out.
                                                   “Then tell her,” Wendy begged, “to put out her light.” “She can’t put it out. That is about the only thing fairies can’t do. It just goes out of itself when she falls asleep, same as the stars.“
                                                   “Then tell her to sleep at once,” John almost ordered. “She can’t sleep except when she’s sleepy. It is the only other thing fairies can’t do.”                                                
Three: Tina has a kiwi allergy. She doesn’t think it’s life-threatening, but she is also lucky enough not to have been the victim of a poisoning yet. Her face turns red and itchy, and her tongue tingles, which isn’t nearly dramatic enough for Tina’s taste.
Four*: Tina can’t swim. Of course, she will flat out deny that she is afraid of water or swimming, because Tina “isn’t afraid of anything!” James tried to get the story out of her once, when he dunked her in a pool at a party (long before she enjoyed his company) but all that resulted in was a very wet, very angry Tina. Truthfully, she’s terrified that she’ll drown or be swept away by the tide, thanks in part to an incident that happened as a child.
One scorching summer day, Tina, Peter and the Lost Boys went off on an adventure that lead them to the river that runs through the woods and the meadow. Being the rowdy bunch that they were, their fun little game quickly went too far, and one of the Lost Boys (she suspects Slightly) pushed Tina into the river. Now, they weren’t all that old at the time, maybe seven or eight, and had little common sense between them. Tina, being unable to swim, couldn’t get herself out of the quickly flowing river, and barely managed to catch herself on the low-hanging branch of a weeping willow. She cried and cried for the Lost Boys to pull her out, but they were so pre-occupied with their game that they didn’t realise Tina was in genuine distress. They thought she was playing! The boys bickered amongst themselves, deciding who was going to be the brave knight that rescued the damsel in distress from the river, all the while Tina was hanging on for dear life. Eventually, one of them had the sense to hold out a stick for her to grab onto, pulling her safely to the side.
*It goes without saying that this has very much to do with faeries being unable to swim. If their wings get wet, it drags them down and they will drown. In much folklore, it’s also said that the fae have a disdain for water, particularly running water like rivers, as it creates an uncrossable barrier.
Five: Remember when we said Tina wasn’t afraid of anything? Add dogs to the list. You can blame that one on Nana.
Six: Tina definitely has an unspoken ranking system for the Lost Boys. Of course, Peter is a the top in his own tier, but that goes without saying. Of all the Lost Boys, Tootles is Tina’s favourite. As children, he was always the one who treated her nicest, but he also happened to be the stupidest (so Tina thought) and the easiest to rope into doing her bidding. Bottom of the rank is Slightly, because he was always fighting to replace her as second in command, and Tina thought he was the bossiest person she ever met. The others tended to change ranks depending on who she liked that day.
                                                   Tootles, the fairy Tink, who is bent on mischief this night is looking for a tool [for doing her mischief], and she thinks you are the most easily tricked of the boys. ‘Ware Tinker Bell.’                          
To add to this, she keeps an ongoing List of People Who I Would Maybe Not Murder and Also Whomst I Love Sometimes in the back of her head, just in case. The rankings, as they stand right now:
1. Would Die For: James, Peter
2. Would Kill For: Iridessa, Tootles, Terence, (And the other Lost Boys; Slightly, Nibs, Curly)
3. Would Get Into A Fist Fight For: Ella, Rosetta, Jessie
4. Would Think About Getting Into A Fist Fight /Jumping Into A Pre-Established Fight For If She REALLY Had To: Zach (because there’s no way he can do that himself), TJ
5. Would Maybe Defend Verbally If Someone Was Being Meaner Than She Was At That Person Because Being Mean To This Person Is Her Territory: Wendy, Smee
Seven: Tina replaced the electric doorbell on the door to her apartment with a hand bell that you have to ring, mostly because she couldn’t stand the obnoxious tune it played, and partly because she knows that the ringing sound irritated her old upstairs neighbours when it’s windy.
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