#happy 'friday. oh perfect' friday to all who celebrate btw
mrgrant9559-blog · 6 years
Witch Way Is Right? Part 8
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AN: Ok, so this basically shows how the team is still a little bit split up after Civil War… Reader thought everything was fine but later finds out the horrible dark truth. I’m gonna change it up a little here. When I use Y/N, I won’t use parenthesis, so be on the lookout for that. Also, btw if you don’t know who Baron Mordo is, he’s this guy from Doctor Strange:
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Summary: (Y/N) is a male witch and also comes from a family of witches. When (Y/N) is backed up in a corner by his brother, who chose the dark path, he is forced to choose his own fate, choosing the light path. This causes an Ecliptic War between Light and Dark Witches. During this war, an eclipse (both solar and lunar) is happening, and won’t end until one brother is left standing. With the help of the Avengers and other helpful heroes, will (Y/N) be able to defeat his brother, or will the world be forever secluded in darkness?
Subject: Avengers x Male!Reader/Steve Rogers x Male!Reader
Characters: Y/N, Avengers, Alex (Brother), Doctor Strange, Wong, Mom OC, Dad OC, Baron Mordo
Tags: @uselessace @avengersohyeah @lzzywinchester @thegreatficmaster @writeyouin
Word Count: 1.8k
Later The Night:
Alex’s POV:
“Éna máti gia éna máti!” (An eye for an eye!) I say, as I conjour up a spell to spy on Y/N. Baron taught me this a few months ago and I have to admit this isn’t the first time I’ve used it on him, but it IS the first time I’ve done it against him. Usually, I’d use the spell just to check up on him and my parents. See how they were doing, if they needed any help, or if there was someone messing with Y/N that I had to privately take care of.
Even after I chose the dark path, I still wanted to be apart of the family, but I knew my parents wouldn’t want me to after Dad’s huge fight with Baron. I chose the dark path because Baron told me all the things I’d be able to do with it compared to if I chose the light path like my parents wanted me to. But now that I have, I don’t regret a single thing. Well, maybe a couple things.
“Alex, did you see anything while using that spell I told you about?” Baron asked, walking into our study to check up on me.
“Yeah.” I answered, “I guess Tony Stark is gonna be throwing a party for Y/N somewhere in the UK. I think that gives us the perfect opportunity to try out that true feelings spell, seeing as how Stark and Rogers are still on bad terms. What I just saw through Y/N’s eyes basically confirms it.”
“You’re right. All of them in the same room together. Something is bound to erupt.” Baron says. Although we do have some powerful dark witches on our side for the war, we still want to make sure that Y/N’s side will be easy to dominate. “I want you to cast that spell whenever you think it’s the right time, but make sure its during the party. If we play our cards right, we can cause the team disband again and Y/N won’t have the help he needs to win the war!”
All think planning, and I remember that Stark told Y/N that he was gonna have a mystery teacher to help him with his powers. I walk to the couch and sit down with an exasperated sigh that doesn’t go unnoticed by Baron, who takes a seat next to me. “What is it, my apprentice? Is something troubling you?” he asks.
“It’s just what Stark told my brother the other time I spied on him. He told him something about a mystery sorcerer coming to teach Y/N about his new advanced powers.” Baron nods at me to continue. “You wouldn’t happen to know who this mystery sorcerer is, would you?”
“I have an idea of who it might be. But if it is who I think it is, then we have to be careful about our next move.” He explains as I nod in understanding. “Let’s go. We need to prepare our selves for the spell.”
Reader’s POV:
I look at the clock and it reads 3:25 p.m. I look in the mirror to check myself out. Never thought I’d be wearing a tux again after Homecoming except for prom. I have to admit though, I look pretty neat. My ‘Welcome to the Team’ party starts at tomorrow at 12 p.m. there (which is 4 a.m. here), so that means we’ll have time to relax and Tony will have time to get everything set up. At least, thats what he told me.
My thoughts were interrupted by the knock on my room door. “Who is it?” I ask, but didn’t hear anything. I go back to grooming myself until I hear another knock on the door. Annoyed, I start walking to the door and ask whl it is again but still no answer. I open the door and see none other than my parents!
“Surprise, kiddo!” My dad says to me and I jolt to them in a bone crushing embrace. I know its only been a day, but with whats been going on, I really needed to see them right now. The sound of my mom sobbing while hugging me is powerful enough to even cause me to shed tears of my own. I really want to tell them the things Alex put me through while I was gone, but I think the last thing they need is to know that. For now I just want to spend time with them as much as I can.
After what felt like half an hour of hugging and crying with my parents, we finally let go and I let them in my room to talk. They catch me up on almost everything, like how everyone back home is doing, and how people are reacting to the solar and lunar eclipses, saying that they’re lucky to experience such an astronomical phenomenon. I thought people would be freaked about the eclipses but according to my parents, everyone is loving it and saying they’re glad they’re alive to see something so beautiful. That makes me feel a little better.
Two hours pass and I finally get a text from Tony telling us to head to the airport to fly to London. We enter the vehicle thats waiting for my parents and I in front of the Avengers HQ building. Tony told me that our driver was happy but when I saw him, he didn’t look all that happy to me. On our way to the airport, I get another text this time from Steve.
Steve: Hey Y/N! It’s Steve.
Y/N: Oh hey Steve. How’d you get my number?? lol
Steve: Friday told me. Anyways, are you guys almost to the airport?
Y/N: Yea actually we should be there in like… 30 mins?
Steve: Awesome! Also, when we’re at the party, can you do me a favor?
Y/N: Uhh sure… What is it tho?
Steve: Don’t drink a DROP of alcohol… I know you’re 18 and you really wanna celebrate, but you can do that without drinking and I really wouldn’t feel comfortable with an 18 year old drinking… Just promise me you won’t 😕
Y/N: Ok. I won’t 😉
Steve: Great! I really appreciate it! See ya soon! 😇
Y/N: Yea see ya! 😈
Welp, I’m gonna get fucking hammered at this party. I mean who does Steve think he is trying to tell me what not to do just because he’s not comfortable with it? It’s not like he’s boyfriend or my dad or anything. My parents pick up on my frustration a few minutes after. “Hey, sweetie. Is everything alright?” my mom asks.
I turn to her and give her a half smile as an idea pops in my head. “I just need to know something.” I say as my parents nod for me to continue speaking. “Since I’m at the legal age to drink in the UK, how much am I allowed to drink exactly?”
They both share glances towards each other, a smile writen on their faces before my dad turns back to me. “Your mother and I were talking about this when we heard from Mr. Stark about the party. We think its a great idea that he’s decided to have the party in the UK so you can properly celebrate your recruitment to the Avengers.” He explains.
“And as an Avenger, we expect you to make your own decisions not just for yourself, but for your team as well.” My mom adds. “So, we’re allowing you to drink as much as you want. Just don’t get too drunk.”
My eyes widened as I’m surprised by my parents decision. Not only are they allowing me to drink, but they’re trusting me to be responsible on how much I drink too. I’m so excited now for this party, that I don’t think the smile on my face could get any bigger.
As we finally arrive at the plane, which is called Stark Airlines of course, I see Nat and Clint sitting together, Bucky and Sam sitting together across from them, and Steve sitting alone behind Bucky and Sam. I wonder if he caught on to that d evil emoji I sent him. I try walking past him, but he grabs my wrist gently enough for me to stop and glance at him.
“Hey, when we were texting earlier, I think you sent me the wrong emoji.” He says.
“No, it was the smiling devil emoji, right?” I say and he nods his head. “Yeah, I meant to send that.”
“Ok, but what do you mean by that? I’m a little new to the whole emoji thing, but I know that usually means something else.” He tells me.
A smirk is plastered on my face as I tell him, “Don’t worry about it. Just know that I’m an adult, and I can be responsible for my own actions.” And with that, I walk three seats behind him next to where my parent are sitting. I look towards them and they give me a reassuring smile as I give one back to them. This is gonna be fun! Later on Wanda, Vision, and Scott get on the jet and we’re ready for take-off.
House of M:
Third Person POV:
“Strange! Did you ever figure out whats causing these solar and lunar eclipses?” Wong asks, as he enters the study, finding Doctor Strange with his nose buried in a book like he’s been doing for the past couple of days. Strange knows that these eclipses aren’t “astronomical phenomenons” like the scientists want everyone to believe. He’s too smart to fall for something like that.
“Apparently, some idiot and his little brother started the Ecliptic War. Which explains the eclipses. An Ecliptic War can only be started when two witch born sibling choose two different paths, one light and the other dark.” Strange explains as he closes the book he was just reading and summons his cape to fly to him and wrap around his collar. “According to this book, if they don’t hurry up and have this war, then Earth could be at risk of going into complete darkness. That means no moon, no sun, nothing. Just darkness and chaos.”
Wong has a worried look on his face. He knows that they need to hurry up and do something before things get catastrophic. “How long do they have to start the war?” He asks in completely understanding of how serious this is.
Strange turns towards Wong, whose determined to make sure the Earth is back to normal. “Don’t worry. We have 3 months after the eclipse has started, which means we’re gonna have to start Y/N’s training a lot sooner than we thought. Get everything ready. We’re gonna have to pay Y/N a visit.”
Hey, so not really proud of this chapter that much, Could’ve made it longer but I want to leave the initial party for the next chapter, plus some extra stuff I’m planning. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy and I’ll see you in the next chapter.
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spideymybucky · 7 years
Its mutual part 3
Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, Bucky x Dot at first, Wanda, Tony Stark, Sam WIlson, Pietro, a lot more.
Word count: 1k+
Loosely based on the movie Its a girl boy thing, promise its gonna be different but at first might be very similar.
Summary: Both Reader and Bucky have hated each other for years, but an unexpected event will bring them close, so much closer than they wanted.
Warnings: Insults, bullying, idk what else.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
(Y/N) woke up without any incidents, she felt well rested and happy. It was going to be a good day for her, she knew it. She did her morning routine as everyday, changing into a pair of black bell jeans, a pink blouse and a knitted vest over. She looked smart and ready to decipher anything.
“Hello Mother.” She smiled, placing a kiss her mothers right cheek. Her mother smiled delightfully and placed a bowl of cinnamon apple homemade oatmeal. (Y/N) smiled and started eating.
“Well, honey looks like you received mail today.” Her mother squealed with glee. She placed the card in front of her daughter, as her husband looked tentatively.
“Looks like its from Yale.” (Y/N)s’ dad broke the silence. (Y/N) tried to look as happy as possible, convincing her mother but not her father. He placed his hand on her forearm and slightly squished it. It was a small act but one that she predicated. With a last deep breath, (Y/N) opened the envelope and read the letter. A breath caught up her throat, as she looked at her mother.  
“I have an early admission interview on Friday…” She breathed out. Her dad looked at her and smiled, while her mom was celebrating. Her dream had come true, (Y/N), her only daughter, was going to Yale.
“But how? I didn’t apply for it.” (Y/N) mumbled out.
“Well, I did. I was just-I knew you would get in so I applied for you, and look all our hopes have been responded.” She said squealing like a teenager. (Y/N) smiled, a fake one, and nodded.
“Wow” She breathed out, her head was slightly spinning and she could feel the pressure. God she hated this.
“Oh my god, Yale! We're going to Yale!” (Y/N) nodded as she exited the room. This time she was early, too early in fact. She walked to the bus stop, which in fact gave her a direct view to Bucky’s house, and waited. She stared at the worn-out green wooded house, as James left. He had it all, didn’t he? She thought. God what I would give to have his life. The bus came, and she got in, ignoring everyone around her.
History class was her favorite. She loved the learning about different eras and cultures that are around the world, and this class was no exception. One by one, everyone was entering the yellow school bus, they were all going to the new history museum in the city. For the first time in a long time, she was actually excited and eager to learn.
“Hurry up kids, we wouldn’t want to miss our tour.” Mr. Coulson shouted. (Y/N) scurried her things into her bag and started walking towards the bus, not really paying attention. Dot looked at her, as she was passing by them and slightly pushed her feet out. (Y/N) fell, her things landing everywhere and her knees and hands scrapping. She looked up to see Dot laughing with her minions, god she hated them.
“Better look where you’re going next time, Nerd.” Fuck, she hated her. How could she hate someone so much, (Y/N) thought. I feel sorry for her parents, if it wasn’t for the money she would be a no one. (Y/N) grabbed her things and flipped of Dot, who only laughed harder.
Bucky just looked at Dot and shook his head. Sure he hated (Y/N) and her snobby attitude but He didn’t like the bullying side of Dot either. In fact, he hated it but Bucky didn’t want to start a fight, not now anyway.
“I’m gonna miss you all day Hot stuff” Dot sultry whispered in his ear. He grinned at her and kissed her without a problem.
“Fuck, Dot when I get back I’m going over to yours.” He said between kisses.
“I’ll be waiting handsome.” She winked, separating herself form him.
“Barnes, its time to leave. C’mon, I want no hanky-panky on school.” Mr. Coulson said, pushing Bucky towards the bus. Dot waved at him, blowing a kiss while Bucky just grinned at her. He found a seat next to Steve, who just looked at him with disapproval.
When they got to the museum, they went to the Aztec expedition, where Mr Coulson was explaining the works of Tex. Bucky wasn’t paying attention, mostly humoring Steve with the boobs that one of the sculptures had. (Y/N) instead was listening to everything, writing notes and admiring the work of the Aztecs.
“Mr. Barns and Mr. Rogers, is their anything interesting going on over there?” Bucky looked at Coulson and smiled innocently.
“I see not, well C’mon here and listen to the explanation. You’ll be graded for this investigation.” Bucky and Steve nod, looking around the place. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to learn but the fact that he hated most of the subjects. He was good at sports and being at the football team obligated him to be in a B average, which he had. It’s just, he doubted any college would want him with that. He had to impress with football and being here, stuck in a museum wouldn’t help him.
“Texcalipoca, is the ancient god of sorcery and destiny. Cool right? Its very interesting, he was lord of the night, a shape shifter, god of the mirrors.” (btw everything of this is taken from the movie) Coulson talked. (Y/N) was marveled by it, looking at it intently.
“Well now, we don’t have much time get into pairs and lets work.” Mr. Coulson indicated, he watched as Buck and Steve got together, he shook his head.
“Barnes and Rogers, you aren’t going to be together this time. Rogers go with Danielson and Barnes with (Y/L/N).” Bucky turned around looking at (Y/N). He didn’t want to work with her, in fact he hated her. He walked towards the Texcalipoca, and stood in front of it and (Y/N).
“I cannot believe I’m stuck with you” (Y/N) rolled her eyes. She looked at Tex and started writing some information down.
“Well, sweetheart you are. Deal with it.” Bucky retorted.
“God I hate you.” She shouted.
“I know, cause secretly you wanna have sex with me.” He smirked at her.
“Gross, if I decide to give up the flower of my womanhood it will be with someone special not a poor excuse of a man.” Bucky looked at her with dark eyes, god he truly did hate her.
“You make me sick, you think you so different to everyone else.” He exasperatedly said.
“Its ‘from everyone else’ not ‘to everyone else’” She corrected him.
“Whats the difference? Wait don’t answer, I truly don’t give a damn.” He said leaving her behind. She let out a shriek and went to do her own thing. Fuck him, fuck his perfect face and eyes, fuck his wanna be perfect life, just fuck him and everyone  surrounding him.
At home (Y/N) sat on her desk, looking at the blank paper. She was trying to write ideas for her interview, topics that might come up and she would need to answer. She needed it to be perfect and get in. Nothing was coming up to mind. Her head was blank, she was feeling down and exhausted. She got up and went to bed, laying down and instantly falling into a deep slumber.
Bucky was at his house, kissing Dot goodbye. He looked at her, she was pretty and her body was hot but sometimes he felt like she only wanted him for the popularity. He wanted something more, but she was there and that all he needed, a good fuck. He closed the door and immediately he felt dizzy. Exhaustion downed on his body, and slowly his eyes were closing. He ran up the stairs and threw himself on the bed with the same clothe he had on. He closed his eyes, thinking he would wake up in a bit to change and fell asleep.
If anyone wants to be tagged let me know!
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trash-blog-tbh · 7 years
omg u have to make a part 2 to the scenario where u lose interest in seungyoon and have feeling for jinwoo !! MY LIFE FEELS INCOMPLETE ! btw u are jjang <3
Part 1
“You’re still awake?” Your boyfriend’s voice rang against the walls, making you jump.
He entered the bedroom, his feet taking him to you. His body landed next to yours, an arm around your shoulder. A sigh escaped his lips.
“I missed you so badly.” He leaned over to kiss your cheek.
It felt right, but also wrong. You liked him, of course you did, but maybe a little less. Did you actually have feelings for Jinwoo, or was he just a way for you to get over Seungyoon?
“I missed you too.” You answered softly, giving him a sweet peck on the lips. “Are you going to sleep in here, tonight?”
“How can I not? I want to wake up next to you again.” He paused. “Why? Is there something wrong?”
“No, it’s just…” I’m not sure if I still like you as much as I did before “So many things happened and it’s hard to take it in right now. I might need a few nights on my own.”
Seungyoon gave you a tired smile, nodding his head. “Of course. Rest well, all right? Let’s go get your things tomorrow.” He stood up then bent down to give your forehead a kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Do I really? You gave him the same smile, then he turned around to leave.
You were greeted by a sunny morning and the creaking of your bedroom door. Your eyes slowly opened themselves, seeing your boyfriend smile as he looked at your sleeping position on the bed.
“Did you sleep well?” The sweetness of his voice made your heart a skip a beat.
Who’s Jinwoo? The only man you love is Seungyoon. It’s like you feel in love all over again. You finally found out why you were in love again. It was the smallest things Seungyoon does that makes you love him. How much he cares about you, his voice, his actions, his words.
You sleepily walk up to him, holding him tight as the smell of his detergent flings you into a sea of memories, before all those things happened. “I did.”
“Perfect. Wanna eat something here or go get your stuff then go to a café?”
“We should go get my things first, then eat. It’s a beautiful day after all, let’s go out.”
The darkness of your old apartment made you feel miserable. Sure you had Seungyoon next to you, but with the curtains shut and the lights turned off, it brought back the nights you spent crying and questioning why he left.
While you emptied your closet, your boyfriend took care of the things in the kitchen and the living room. He told you that some men would come by some time in the afternoon to pick all the furniture up, you only took care of the small things like clothing, books, dishware.
Eventually, you left the building, heading down to your favorite coffee shop. It was the spot where you had your first date with Seungyoon, the happy times came back to your mind, making you smile. There were little pictures of their main guests on a billboard. Your picture with him was still there, the two of you were in your school uniform. You were asked to feed him a piece of cake for the picture, which was one of the most embarrassing things you could have done in public. You stopped seeing each other after that but met again at the same shop and reconnected after the awkward first date.
“We were such babies in this picture, oh god.” Seungyoon chuckled as he looked at it.
“Let’s not remember about that time, I still feel so awkward for thinking about it.”
“Babe, you look cute in it.”
“As if! I look like I killed someone and the police found me.”
“_______? Seungyoon?” The manager’s voice called.
“Manager Lee!” You said in unison.
“You’re finally back! Gosh, I thought the two of you broke up and never wanted to visit ever again. Did anything happen? How are you two doing?”
“Still as happy and in love as ever.” Seungyoon beamed, putting an arm around you.
“That’s good to hear.” She said. “Okay okay, come sit down! What would you like to eat?”
“I’ll just take a muffin and a coffee.” You said, not even touching the menu.
“What?! No way! Get her a bagel with cream cheese, a burrito and a panini with steak and cheese!”
“Good idea, Seungyoon! You seemed  to have starved for weeks, __________! Did you finally decide to feed her today, Seungyoon?”
“No, no. We just took some time off, I guess. But there was no fighting or anything, I just had to move our things to our new house and I wanted to surprise her.”
“Oh, young love.” She sighed. “Very well, now what do you want?”
“The morning breakfast, but with extra bacon.” He winked, hoping that would actually get him more.
The manager laughed and walked away with your orders. While waiting for your food, your boyfriend spoke up.
“So… what have you been doing, lately? Like, while I was gone?”
“Oh, just… Working.”
“Ah yeah. You seemed to have become really friendly with Jinwoo. I mean, I get why, he’s a great guy and all.”
“He is.” You suddenly smiled as Jinwoo’s face came in your thoughts.
“Why are you smiling like that?”
“What?” You answered, blush covering your face. “Ah, no it’s just the fact that we’re together again.. It makes me happy.”
He smiled as well, then followed the conversation with a talk about your future. He wasn’t even there to celebrate your 100th day together, now he’s already talking about that? Everything felt to rush, especially when you weren’t sure if your feelings were still stable.
Wait, I do like Seungyoon. I don’t care about Jinwoo. This is complicated, okay, I like Seungyoon. I am in love with him. I don’t want anything with Jinwoo.
The next day, the two of you went back to work. There was some kind of awkward tension between your cubicle and Jinwoo’s. He wasn’t doing the thing he usually does, like looking over you, asking you dumb questions or inviting you to do something. There was no interaction.
“Hey, ________.”
Your heart thumped against your chest as soon as you heard him say your name. “Yes?”
“I’m going downstairs to get some coffee. Care to join?” 
He kept a serious expression, no usual smile or playful head poking. “S- Of course!” You stood up as soon as you answered. Without taking a second to wait for you, Jinwoo left before you did.
Something in your mind made you want to sit back instead of following Jinwoo downstairs, but you didn’t want to stay away from him. Even if it felt like he somehow hated you, you wanted to be near him.
You sped your pace up to keep up with him, finally getting to the cafeteria where most of the employees were subtly slacking off. Expectations established themselves in your mind, you were waiting for JInwoo to do some flirty movements he knew about like moving a strand of hair behind your ear.
But he didn’t, he took his cup, filled it and paid. He didn’t even wait for you finish your exchange, he already took the path to his office. You were upset, angry and certainly confused.
“Jinwoo!” Your call echoed in the entire room.
He stood there, barely glancing at you before making his way to the elevator. Without thinking twice, you ran towards him, grabbing his arm and unintentionally pulled him back. His glare felt like a bullet, you didn’t expect him to make that face.
“What? We have to get back to work.”
“Why are you mad at me?”
“Who said that I was mad?”
You crossed your arms. “Are you kidding me? You are definitely angry at me and I don’t even know what I did wrong.”
He took a look outside before sipping on his coffee. Nothing came out of  his mouth until he swallowed the drink. “All right. You want to know why? Because I’ve been deceived once again.”
“And you’re taking it out on me?”
He let out a cold chuckled. “Wow, are you really that oblivious? Are you simply too blind to realize that something was up with me?”
“Can you just get to the point? I don’t have time to waste on your little game.”
“You don’t have time to waste on my game? You’ve been making me waste my time around you the second I met you.”
“I never told you to hang around me.”
He scoffed at the loss of words he had then turned his heels to the elevator. You felt some string in your heart tug. It didn’t feel good. It made a wave of emotions run through you, you felt tears sparkling out of your eyes. How bad did it hurt to see Jinwoo give you the cold shoulder? Why did you even care that he reacted that way? Was it because you were losing a friend? Or maybe it was because you saw him as more than a friend?
No, what the hell! That’s so wrong! I’m in a happy relationship with Seungyoon! We’re engaged! We’re in loved! You repeated to yourself.
The sleeves of your shirt catched the few tears that appeared. You took the path to your desk, trying to keep your mind focused on your work. 
Time flew so fast that your heart still balanced between Jinwoo and Seungyoon. Despite that, Seungyoon fell even deeper in love with you. And your wedding was next month. But you had mixed feelings for the two of them. You were convinced that you would love Seungyoon even more during the honeymoon, but you couldn’t wait until after promising a huge deal to see if you truly loved him.
But you did. You loved Seungyoon. But he wasn’t the only one. 
“Hey, _______.” Jinwoo muttered.
It was 11 o’ clock, very late on a Friday night. There were still a bunch of people in the building. You were minding your own business, typing out your invitations until he called you. The guilty heartbeats you felt when he said your name made you unconsciously erase the whole page of the invitation card. 
“Did Henry say that the statics on the company's stocks were necessary for next week’s meeting?”
You nodded, blood rushing through your face when he looked at you for your answer. “Shit, I don’t even know what’s going on with our stocks. Do you have the file?”
“Uh, I don’t have it with me but it’s in general room.” 
Without thanking you, he left you to find the documents he needed. About a quarter of an hour later, he reappeared, empty handed. “Could you come with me? I can’t find it.” 
You joined him into the very filled but small room. Stacks of papers were unorganized in the area, letting a sigh escape your lips. As you searched through the piles, you hear the door click, as if someone locked the door. You turned around, his eyes staring back into yours. 
“Why did you lock the door?” 
“I have to tell you something.” 
“And locking the door is necessary?”
He doesn’t bother answering your question. Every step closer to you make your heart beat fast against your chest, anticipating so many things at the moment. He slides his arms around your waist, his head resting on yours. It felt so right. But wrong. It was wrong. Completely wrong. But you loved the feeling and didn’t bother stopping him from it. 
“I love you.”
It was sincere. It was warm, like his touch. It gave you goosebumps, you felt your lips tremble as your mind just buzzed like a TV when it wasn’t connected to any channel. His grip tightens around you.
“And it kills me. It just hurts me. I hate the fact that he treats you properly. I hate the fact that I don’t stand a chance. I hate the fact that I can’t save you from anything because you’re in a perfect relationship. I hate the fact that it’s him and not me.”
Your eyes keep looking around, adrenaline rushing through your system. You spot the papers he needs at the corner of your eye. Your trembling hands attempted to grab them, but his hand grabbed yours.
“You need th-”
“I don’t need them.” He declared. “I need you.” 
What made you agree to enter the car with him? You needed to get home fast, and clearly public transport didn’t associate with the word ‘fast’. He was the only option. 
It was a cold ride home. Usually, it would have been Seungyoon driving you two to your favorite restaurant then you’d head home. But today, you were with Jinwoo. 
He finally parked in front of your house. But you couldn’t get out. You wanted to answer him. Give him an answer to his confession. He was probably waiting for an answer too. 
He didn’t want you to leave. He didn’t want you to go home to him. He wanted to take you to his house. He wanted to cherish you. Love you. Kiss you. Hold you. But you weren’t his. He couldn’t do anything to you.
“So... See you next we-”
“Kiss me.” You whispered in the lowest and weakest voice you could speak in.
Your gaze drifted from your lap to his eyes. His eyes that wouldn’t stop staring at yours. His eyes that showed most of the reaction he had on his face. “Please.” You muttered guiltily. 
And he leaned over. His soft lips grazed yours, then slowly pressed themselves against your trembling lips. It felt good. It felt like you were walking on the right path. You felt your heart pounding hard and fast, your hands gripping his shirt as his hands went from the wheel to your waist. Soon, you brought your makeout session to the back of the car. Somehow, you ended bare underneath him. 
You did it once. Maybe twice, but you promised yourself only twice. But then it became thrice. Then you went to his house every night for 2 weeks before your wedding. You loved it. You loved the way he would touch you. You loved feeling him inside and against you. You loved hearing him run out of breath as the bed shook underneath the two of you. 
But then came your wedding day. 
You knew you were going to say ‘I do’. You knew that you were going to marry Seungyoon. 
You stood at the other end of the aisle, your dad holding you closely as he whispered his wishes for you. The more you approached Seungyoon, the more you felt your heart sink. He was gorgeous. He was beaming. His smile was contagious, but somehow you weren’t affected by it. You wanted to run away and cry, but your dad was leading you to your future husband. He was leading you to the path you didn’t want to take. 
You finally stood in front of him. Your eyes nervously searched through the crowd for him. He was there. At the very back of the room. His expression was different from the other guests. He seemed angry and upset. Now you felt scared. Would he object? What was he going to do? Did you want him to stop the wedding? 
The ceremony finally started, your eyes kept looking at Jinwoo, not at Seungyoon. How badly were you distracted to make Seungyoon realize that you didn’t seem to be interested in your own wedding? He even noticed that you were looking else where, but didn’t want to ask you about it.
At night, you celebrated the rest of the wedding on the rooftop of a hotel. It was in a lovely garden, food was being served and pictures of Seungyoon and you through your years together were being projected on a screen that the staff prepared for you. 
You felt tired after the photoshoot you had this morning, so you went to the lobby of the hotel to sit on one of those comfy cushions. You noticed a couple making out in the hall. It seemed pretty intense, as if the guy was forcing himself to kiss her. The two of them walked towards the receptionist. You assumed they rented a room since they received keys. Then, the man looked at you. He wasn’t happy. But Jinwoo had to force himself to get over you.
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kayeemzy · 6 years
Gahandom sa Ikaw
Theme: Not even love conquers insecurities (Benches near sa main gate, ga wait ni Sofia) (Friday) “You don’t ever notice me, turning on my charm, Or wonder why I’m always where you are” Alfonso: Kaning linyaha ang permi musud sa akong utok basta makahinumdum nimo. Hahaha. Kanang feeling gud nga ganahan kayko nimo pero mura tag langit ug yuta. Ako langit, ikaw yuta, aw hahaha. Darang boang ay, wa pa libak, naabot na gisout nasad iyang smile nga hawds ka nindot. M: Ako diay si Alfonso , 20 yrs old. usa ko ka Literature major.Graduating nako this year. Hopefully. Im just your average guy, timid, kamao mo joke, nindot kakuyog, jamming, nindot pajud ug tingug.Nana sa iyaha ang ganahan nako sa babay. Nya naa koy sekreto. Naibog kos akong childhood friend slash silingan slash bestfriend slash kontrabida. Apan kani tanan wala sya kabalo kay akoa raning gi sekreto. Kani pd si crush, sikat sad ni siya sa among school. Model student,VP sa SSC, bright, gwapa, sporty, friendly pajud kaayo. Mao na daghan kaayo ganahan ani niya, mga varsity namo sa basket, mga top contenders sa school, hasta mga nanay trabaho ganahan niya. Daghan kay kog karibal, puros naay ikabuga. Nya ako? Di ni ka ek ning mga balak ko. Sofia: hooooooy! Nganung ga tingsi naman sad ka ara? Sge kag huna hunag kuan no? Hmmmmmmm? Alfonso: Wa oy, ga huna huna rakog theme para sa akong poem na himoon. Dugaya gud nimo abot? Sofia: Kuan, gugma gugma, nya akoy judge!! hahahaha. Sorry na gud, nadugay human among meeting gud. Alfonso: (Inner voice: Sos, ayna, mapagawas nya nako akong gibati sa imoha) Ka boring sad ana oy haha. Gidugay ratog human kay naibog ang Council President nimo. (katawa) Sofia: (Katawa) Buang, di oy. Daghan rajud ug gistoryaan. Alfonso: Tara oy, uli nata gigutom nako. Pagpadung namo ug uli naka decide mi nga manghapit sa lugawan ni giana. Lamian kaayo ilang mga subak sa lugaw ngadto. Storya sa mga nahitabo sa among adlaw. Panagsa pd magpatudlo ko niya about sakong mga minor subjects nga medyo lisud. Mag share pud siyas iyang mga reklamo sa skwela. (Architecture diay ni iyang kurso). Magbagulbol na siya nga hawds ka kyut. Mu tibi ang ngabil murag bata. Sgeg reklamo nya maulian rag makakaon nag lugaw hahahahaha. Mao na among routine kada adlaw, dungan uli, ngitag kaon. Hatod sa ilaha (kay silingan rami). Nig kaabot sa balay, mangsend, mag tag ug mga memes, mga kabuang sa fb, twitter. Hahahahahaha. Magstorya mi niya until makatog nami, normal rasad ni namo kay bestfriends mi. Pero kini tanan naputol ug nausab, pero sa sunod nato nako istorya. (Next Day, Saturday) Ni mata kog sayo sa buntag, buhaton akong daily routine basta sabado. Exercise ginagmay, morning jog, manglimpyo sa balay nya manglaba sakong mga sanina. Inig ka human ana mag start ug buhat sa school works. Mutan awg Kdrama, pampakilig sakong self hahahahaha. Nya maghuwat ug laag gikan sa mga migo or magduwa ba ron ug dota. Pero gahuwat sad jud ko nga manghagad ug laag si Sofia, you know, para laging handa hahaha. (Phone vibrates) Alfonso: Hala, one new message. Unknown number. Kinsa mani? Tawagan sani nako (ring! ring! ring!) Alfonso: Hello? Kinsa ni? ---------: tabang tabang tabang. Tabangi ko Alfonso: ha? Knsa man ka oy. Wako kaila nimo --------: tabang baaaaaa. Tabangi kooooo Alfonso: Kinsa ka ba, nakuyawan nako. Kinsa ka oy -------: Tabaaaaaaang. Tabangi kog katawaaaaaaa. (katawa) Alfonso: Bogo, Sofia!! Kulbaa nako oy. Abi kog na wrong number nya need jd ug tabang. Ready na raba ko manawag ug pulis. Sipata jud nimo oy Sofia: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. But ana sako migo oh, wa ka kaila pero imo jd tabangan. Alfonso: Saba diha, kung kabaw palang ko nga ikaw na, ganiha rako naa dira. (Na choppy ug kalit) Sofia: Unsa Alf? Ha? Na choppy Alfonso: Wala oy. Btw why new number? Sofia: Ga change kog postpaid plan gud, naa ko sm. Aliiii laag taaaaa. Alfonso: (Kinsa ba ko para mu decline? Di ko mag pa di di kay hangol ko hahaha) Taaaaaaaa. Wata ko dira. Sofia: Sge, Jobi ta mag meet. Yeeey librehi ko ha? Alfonso: Unya nata ana, andam sako, see yah in a bit. Sofia: Okaaaaay. Take care Alf. Kini laging ganahan kay tas babay. Dali dali sad tawn tag kaligo balik, ilis, pa choy choy. Hinapay kaayong buhok. Nanggawas ang topsider nga hinulman sa akoang papa, relos nga panagsa ra kaayo magamit. Hahahahaha. All out ta kay date na kunuhay ni. Okay na unta ang tanan. Nalingaw namig laag2 sa mga shops maskig mga labad. Nanan aw ragud sa mga tinda nga hawds ka mahal. Nangaon sa foodcout, adto jud sa stall sa turks. Nagduwa ginagmay sa WOF, duwa mig House of the dead, nya katong claw machine nga rigged. Nya bangga bangga ug sakyanan adto sa bibo. Apan pag padung namo panguli, nangaon mi hapit sa sioming; siomai nga iring. Kana gung siomayan nga tag 3 ang us aka siomai. Naabot sa akoa ang balitang di maayo…. (sound effects nga kulba) Sofia: Kaila man ka ni Kakashi noh? Katong Half Japanese nga classmate nako. Alfonso: Ah katong, tisoyon nga murag iro ug baho? Feeling ninja. Sofia: Ngee hater, selos ka noh? Alfonso: Wa oy. Ngano gud tawn. Sofia: Good. ------Awkward Silence------- Sofia: Actually, Nanguyab sya nako. Alfonso: (Hapit ma tuk-an) Unsaaaaa?....unsa (pede adlib) Sofia: And, Ganahan sad ko niya. Alfonso: Okay raman, Gwapo siya (murmur: mas gwapo nako). Gwapa ka, Bagay kayo mo. Sofia: Thank you Bestie!! The best jd ka oy. Pagkadungog nako atong balitaa, murag na hugno akong kalibutang. Si Sofia, gwapa, bright, boutan, nakakita ug pareha niya, si Kakashi. Bright pd ni siya, top sa class, running Magna Cum Laude. Tisoyon pajud kay half hapon, nya sakto sa barog, sporty pajud. Unsa may bawt nako ato niya oy. Kung unsa ka perfect si Sofia, mao sad ko ka walang wala. So wa koy mabuhat, pina smile rako gasakit na diay to. Wala kaayo mi nag storya ni Sofia after, nitext rako niya nga matog nako gapalusot nga giduka ko sa among laag. Pagka lunes ato, Makita nako si Sofia kuyog ni Kakashi, matay bai layoa ra nako atong lakiha. Sakit kayo sa mata tan awn ang ilang pagka bagay. Mag sugat mi nila musmile rako pero deep inside sakit kaayo. Gibusy nako akong kaugalingon para lang unta makalimot ko aning maoya pero di jud malikayan nga makahuna huna ko sa iyaha. Kanang mga gabie nga mingaw kaayo, kanang tugnaw pajud, nya mukalit lang kag huna huna nga “nganong di man ako?” sabayan pajud sa kanta ni Moira, kanang naay linya nga “Take her to the moon for me” sakitas dughan, tulo tulo luha. Gapadayon pajud ning maoya for pila ka months, until one night di na mada ni adto kog bar, dili kanang bar nga naay hubo hubo, kana ra gung casual nga imnanan. Ni doul kos counter nya gitagaan kog mainom sa bartender. Bartender: Trabaho? Alfonso: ….. Bartender: Babay? Alfonso: Huh? Bartender: Ahhh. Alfonso: Haha, ngano? Bartender: Your face says it all. Kanang nawnga? Mao ng nawng sa mga tawng murag gi buwagan pero way sila. Alfonso: Hala maninood man ka miss. Hahahaha Bartender: Care to share? Strangers bitaw ta, and first time sad nimo ni ari haha Alfonso: Haha, libre ang next shots? Then deal. Bartender: Libre ng nawng muuuu. Hahahahaha Alfonso: haha, fine, nindot sad naa koy masultian sa akoang problems. So mao to, giingnan nako siya sa tanang panghitabo. Bartender: Sometimes those who love the most tend to be weak in terms of expression. Yeah, you showed her how much she means to you. You cared for her deeply, you made her happy, You made sure she was fine. You kept her light shine through the years. It was all about her. All about keeping her, but, did it satisfy you? Alfonso: Nosebleed man sad ta nimo miss. Hahahaha. Yes, na satisfy ko sa akong gipangbuhat para sa iyaha. Bartender: Then why are you hurting? Alfonso: “Then why are you hurting?”….. Why? Bartender: Greed. Alfonso: Greed? Bartender: Yes. You are greedy. You wanted more. You want her to be yours. Ganahan ka nga mustay siya sa imoha until mutiguwang mo. Ganahan ka nga apil siya sa imohang future. Ganahan ka nga siya imong madala sa altar. Though medyo lain paminawn, nature nana sa human ang greedy. Kana imong na feel run defense mechanism na kay wala nimo na fulfill imong greed. Greed sa inyong happy ending. While naminaw ko sa iyaha, kahilakon ko, naka realize ko nga ganahan kaayo ko ni Sofia to the point of marrying her. Di ko ka imagine nga mawala siya sa akoa. Bartender: Do you like here? Alfonso: Yes. Bartender: Do you love her? Alfonso: I wanna marry her. Bartender: There’s your answer. Now go! After ko nakastorya niya, natagaan ko ug courage. Nakalimtan nako akong insecurities, nakalimtan nako ang mga “ing ani siya, ing ani rako”. Dali dali kong nidagan ug nigawas sa bar, para ug taxi, padulong sa ilahang balay. Ready na kaayo ko mu sulti niya. Kung unsa kadako akong gugma para sa iyaha. Ready nako mudawat sa mga judgement sa mga tawo kalabot sa amoa. Ready nako. Mao nani! Pag abot nako ila Sofia, murag naay event. Naay roses sa palibot. Nindot ang lightings, naay mga confetti residues. Nakulbaan ko pero basin naa rajuy gi celebrate adto nga wala ko kabalo. Pag padung nako tuktuk sa ilang door, niabli ug kalit, naa si Sofia. Alfonso: Sofia, naa koy ganahan isulti sa imoha. Important kaayo ni. Sofia: Hi Alf, hahahaha. Unsa man jd na nga need jud nimo I ari nya tunga nas gabie. Alfonso: Ah… -------: Sofie, where should I put the washed dishes? And the leftover cake? Sofia: Just put it in the table, I will be the one sorting those. Ug na shock ko, nganong naa si Kakashi adto. Ganahan unta ko mangutana ni Sofia ngano, pero nasolve na ang puzzle, roses, confetti, lightings, cake. Na discourage ko, bongga kaayo maka dalag surprise si Kakashi, or confession. Ako ani? Gikan inom diritso sulti niya? Kinsa akong gibuang? Walay ka effort effort? Samot na nga na discourage ko pagkakita nako san aka pilit sa wall sa living room nila Sofia, “Sofie, will you be my girlfriend?” ug “She said yes!”. Di na kaya niining dughan ko ang mga panghitabo. Sofia: Alf? Unsa to imo isulti? Gapugong pugong ko sa akong luha while nitutok niya. Alfonso: Congrats. Pina smile sabay hug sa iyaha. Sofia: Salamat Alf, happy kaayo ko run kay kami na and supportive kaayo ka. Thank you kaayo Alf, this means a lot. Gi smilean ra nako si Sofia nya nakig handshake ni Kakashi. Wa jud, bagay jud kaayo sila, di nako dapat musamok pa. Ni talikod ko nya nilakaw. Nilabay ang mga buwan nya nang graduate najud mi. After graduation ni decide ko nga mu adto sa Manila para mutake sa akoang Master’s Degree niya para pud mag kat on mahimong writer. Sila Sofia ug Kakashi nangadto sa Japan, nag work sila sa Architectural Firm sa family ni Kakashi. Mao nani ang last nako nga balita about nila Sofia kay gusto ko nga magfocus sa akong carieer and sa akong self so gi cut nako all communication sa ilaha ug sa among mga kaila. 10 yrs in the future, in a certain book conference Media woman: Mr. Alf, Mr. Alf, I heard this story you wrote was based on a real life experience. Is the experience yours? Alfonso: Ah no, A friend from long time ago shared this story to me. I was inspired by it that I promised to make a literary work out of it. Media woman: So this friend of yours? How is he? Alfonso: He is quite doing well, travelling the world, helping other people and sharing the joys of life. Media woman: Last question Mr. Alf, do you have a girlfriend? Alfonso: ah, uhhmm, I have a person that I love. Nahuman ang conference nga ang mga taw na confuse unsay pasabot nako sa akong tubag, ana jud na. Writers must be Mysterious! (sha shing). Nigawas kos conference room, pag abot nako sa hallway, naay nisugat nako. Familiar nga nawng, familiar nga feeling, pero dili familiar nga scene. Si Sofia, kuyog si Kakashi ug ilahang twins. Sofia: Congrats Alf. Ni smile rako, gitunolan nako ug copy sa akong libro. Alfonso: With exclusive autograph na siya kay bestfriend man ta. Hahahahaha. See ya round. Ug nilakaw ko. Sofia: I have read the book Alf, I’m sorry. Twins: (reads the title of the book) “I was the journey, not the destination” Mama, this book sounds sad, we don’t wanna read it. End.
0 notes
My 2nd adventure at #ONCEVAN
So on March 24th to March 26th, 2017 I was a volunteer staff member for Creation Entertainment’s #OUATVAN convention in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. When you volunteer for a Creation Entertainment convention you get a couple perks, one is free admission to the show (well, that’s a no brainer.) The second is free autographs of all of the actors/ celebrities appearing that weekend (total score!!) and the third.. one free photo op per day you work. So, I was given three free ops from the start, I chose Gil McKInney (what a cutie!! And great at Karaoke!!); Beverly Elliot (how much I love Granny, it’s ridiculous) and Karen David (I love Princess Isabella (Galavant) and I originally chose Elliot Knight but his work prevented him from being there.. colour me sad.. but Karen’s an excellent substitution.) I also because I worked panels, got to watch the panels (but if you want spoilers, find a panel on youtube, I’m not sharing that much.. wink wink..) But mid day one after Mr Adam Croasdell (totally hottie, Hook’s dad…) finished his photo ops, I realized I could have another photo op for free. I found my supervisor after my fellow volunteers in my area had a conversation.. Michael or Lee, Sorry Michael (you are absolutely absolutely lovely… but..) I picked Lee. ‘ello Poppet! Wins the day. So that was my free ops: Beverly, Gil, Karen and Lee. I paid for two ops … Jennifer Morrison (my favourite actress of course) and Captain Swan themselves.. Colin O’Donoghue and Jennifer Morrison.). The price tag was hefty ($344 CAN for the two ops, but I didn’t cry that much when my credit card bill came in because.. it’s fricking Captain Swan.. you’d do it too..)
So anyways, my volunteer experience… On Thursday I came into town and met my friend Meagan at the airport. We were both volunteering. Thursday night we worked Merchandise table with a girl named Dawn who was selling her tee shirts, bags, and mugs. I bought my Hooked shirt from her. Great lady, nice stuff. I got to meet some wonderful fans during pre-registration. The fans are the best thing after the cast being there, I adore meeting other fans.. they are just so wonderful. Friday came around and we met our supervisor Jackie who was great. We got our volunteer shirts and free coffee and doughnuts (score!!) On Friday, I worked Registration. Volunteers Martin and Michelle showed me the ropes.. I volunteered last year but did Panel doors.. so Martin showed me tricks to get registration done super quick. Working registration was a lot of fun but had some icing on that cake.. Us at registration got a little behind the scenes that no one else gets.. For one, Michael Coleman, our Happy, visited us many times that day and I got to talk to him about his shirts.. He wore a shirt that said Heigh Ho on the back (kept it on for Karaoke that night), and he changed shirts like three times. He was very bubbly, funny and you know, happy. His daughters and wife came into the show as well. We put wristbands on his daughters. His oldest changed into a Snow White Costume and he walked around holding her hand. I swear it was the best thing that day.. until Karaoke… that is. I heard that he brought her onto stage with him as he was the MC. But I didn’t see it happen. His baby girl wore the cutest little hair bow, I go bonkers over cute baby accessories, they are too cute. His wife was super nice, and the whole family is ridiculously blonde, blue eyed and adorable. The second behind the scenes we got was when Chris Gauthier came up (super nice guy btw) and I smiled and said Hi, how are you and he goes Great, and how are you? I go great, thank you!  And he asked for his table as he popped in to the show for the day. Chris is actually a local actor (raised in BC) and was doing an autograph table. He was very warm and bubbly every time he walked by me and chatted with me. He also did photos with fans, but I didn’t think to ask.. Oops. On Friday I had my photo op with Gil McKinney, (he plays Prince Eric.) He was very warm. When I went up, I said Hi, I’m Sarah and he had his arms posed to take me into a hug, so all I had to do was step into them and hug him back. Hug, smile for camera, snap and done and of course the thank you. Easy smeasy. Friday after dinner, Meagan and I hit Karaoke. We got front row centre but since my cousin showed up as well, I moved into the second row with him and Meagan was in front of me. Sadly my camera took lousy photos but I did get a couple videos. The Karaoke started off with Chris, Raphael, Michael and Adam singing (OMG!) Backstreet Boys “I want it that way..” Way to ruin me guys, I love that song.. the only way it would have been better is if Gil sang too.. Wow! Then Beverly and Karen came out and sang Girls Just wanna have fun. It was an absolute treat. That’s when they opened it up to the fans who signed up. I swear Michael danced or sang along with almost every fan that came up. He has some moves and he was seriously cracking me up the entire time. Beverly sang some solos (she’s fantastic,) as did Gil. The best parts besides Michael’s dancing, and those two fantastic songs, was when they brought a little girl onto the stage with them and sang the time of your life. And Adam moves to the end and we are of course right where Karen came to run to jump into Adam’s arms for the life. But you see his face go oh no and she runs back and then he goes okay, and puts his hands out. They literally did the Time of Your Life lift totally improvised and it was perfect. I got a photo of it on my IG but its not the best (as I said, crappy camera!) Another great moment was when a fan starred singing Part of your world and I think its the part where she sings But who cares, no big deal, I want more.. You see Gil slip onto stage, And he starts mimicking the song in pantomime and strutting a bit. I was laughing the entire time while video taping it. (Video also on my IG). And my video camera breaks off and he starts singing along with her. But, the best best best (yes I needed three bests for this) part was when Sarah McCulloch *you must know her as Sarah the leaf lady*, came onto the stage, and of course the crowd goes wild. She’s head banging, air guitaring, God the woman is hilarious. She even ran down to front row and we smacked her hand and she did fist pumps “yeah!!”. Best thing ever. I got back to the hotel that night with cheeks that hurt. But at the end, they called us volunteers to the stage (traumatizing I know) and had us sing Be our Guest. I literally forgot the middle part and couldn’t see the screen as it was at an angle.. so I’m right across the angle from Karen and was using her for the words. OOPS, I know the first two verses and the last one but the rest just gravitated from my memory the second I get to stage.. But then Karen started doing a rockettes, sadly the girl next to me wouldn’t join in and kind of kicked me while we were doing it but hey, i sang on stage with Beverly and Karen.. boo yah! Anways.. Saturday I was a floater and I did gold panel doors (Jen and Colin’s panel), Merchandise table and panel crowd control. (The job I kept for the rest of the weekend..) I got to watch Jen and Colin’s second panel. He was very bashful. I could sense his social anxiety was getting the best of him (poor guy). He kept displaying his nervous ticks throughout the panel (Scratching his ear, shifting in his seat, etc) and Jen probably picked up on this as their panel was together and she answered most of the questions. They have a really good relationship, you could see their bond showing through on stage. I loved that. I did see parts of Karen and Keegan’s panel but I was moving around a lot. Saturday I got my photo ops with Lee,Jen and Colin, Jen alone and Karen, One of the perks of volunteering is that you get to be in the line right after the VIP people.. For Lee, it was easy, I went up and said Hello and introduced myself, gave him a hug and took the photo. Easy as pie. Then I had Jen and Colin duo. I would have preferred to meet Jen alone first but oh well. When I was in line for the duo op, there was a lot of tension in the room and for some reason the volunteers were not very nice (very rude…) As you may or may not know, Colin broke his foot very recently. For his solo photo ops, he was sitting on a stool for them. So Jen and Colin’s photo op, he’s on the stool. Jen came up and put her arm on his shoulder with her hand on her cheek.. super cute moment, I wish I could have taken a photo of that.. Jen then took her puppy Ava in her arms as the dog came into the room with her. Then the photographer said something to her and she gave Ava to the dog handler. The VIP girls (absolutely fabulous ladies) all went up and then they brought in a girl in a wheelchair. When she came to the front of the line, Colin removed the stool hobbling over to the photographer to give it to him and then limped back to the x. *OH MY GOD, the face he made and how he hobbled broke my heart..* And from that point on he did his photos standing up. When I got to the front 6 people later, they already configured a pose where Colin barely had to move. I was pushed into place ( I said they were rude, didn’t i?) And then I said Hi to Jen and Colin. Jen said a very bubbly hi back and pulled me into the pose for the camera. They both wrapped their arms around me and we did the photo. Then as the camera snapped, I looked at both of them, Colin, then Jen and said thank you so much. And Jen smiled and said You are so welcome. (Colin was very tired and didn’t say anything or I just didn’t hear him say anything).  And then I stepped out of the x and moved to the side. I saw Ava though. And moved to the corner of the room and said Ava? And her handler said yes. And I came a little closer and called “Ava” and she jumped up and almost ran towards me but a rude volunteer came over and told me in a more nice way than saying the words but GET OUT. I said to her, I’m just saying hello to the dog and she said I don’t care, you have to go. So I rolled my eyes at her and then grabbed my bag and left. But by the time I got out I was so peeved. First one volunteer keeps yelling at us standing in line. Then she pushes me at Jen. And then her co-volunteer tells me to get out. I paid so much money for that photo.. ugh. I steamed for about 15 minutes.. Thank god the photo itself was fantastic. Props to Christopher the photographer who was very professional and fantastic. I got my Jen and Karen ops after. First Jen, where it was a bit calmer in the photo op room. I walked up to her and said, Hi, I’m Sarah and she smiled, I give her a hug because I adore her. And then I said I’m a big fan, thank you, and she said thank you so much. And then I step aside and leave. I love my photo with Jen too. She was very warm, bubbly and kind. She gives good hugs. :) The last photo of the day was Karen. I love Karen. So me, and a fan waiting in line Mikayla, are both big Galavant fans. So we started singing It’s a Good Day to Die right in the Photo Op room. I have no idea if Karen noticed. Oh well. But as I get up to the front. I said Hi, I’m Sarah. She smiled at me. So I said “I know you are Jasmine on Once” (she goes okay, so serious) and I continue “But I love Isabella” (Cue big grin). She gives me a hug and of course I hug her back. Cue Photo. Then I tell her” It’s a good die to die, but I forgot my spatula.” She then has her fake serious face on and points her finger at me and goes “next time” in a deep voice. And I go “I will,” very seriously. And she does it again with her eye brows furrowed.. “Next time.” And then we both laugh and I said but of course.  And then I move out of the spot and she meets the next person. Absolutely lovely. I kind of squashed her in the photo, but she liked my tweet of our photo, so I think we’re good. Saturday night, I didn’t have to do autograph lines, so I waited while Meagan, lucky Meagan did Gil’s autograph line. He showed up 20 minutes late, only had ten people in line, but when he started to leave, a group of girls came up and hugged him. So I went up and said that I thought he was wonderful on stage. He takes my hand and squeezes it (after a hug and high five at karaoke, this is still a big deal people!!!), and says thank you with a smile. Aww, he’ll win me over so easy, that man. Sunday came in much too early. We got to the hotel at 8:15 am. I was put on Panel Crowd control all day Sunday. I got to watch Lana and Bex’s gold panel and regular panel. During Bex’s panels, she spent the time making seriously cheeky comments that made us laugh so hard. Her expressions are both adorable and comical and she is just so wonderful on stage. During Lana’s gold panel, she came out with her cell phone and took a photo of the crowd. I might be in the photo, but I haven’t found it online yet. She was very passionate and absolutely loves her fans. She came to the edge of the stage when a little girl wanted to ask a question, and crouched down low to talk to her. She just has such a big heart. And at the end of her gold panel, she snuck back stage and stole a bowl of chocolate kisses for the cast and threw them to the fans. She said I can’t give you all kisses, so I can give you chocolate kisses. So she kept throwing the kisses out until she ran out. But there was two children in the audience, that came up, and she had them come to the front, and she gave them each a kiss and some goldfish crackers. She did talk about how playing multiple personalities at once is very challenging. She was a delight. Beverly’s panel was lovely. She refused to sit down. She would walk up and down the stage talking to the fans. If the question was asked on the left side, she was standing on the left side, talking straight to the asker, and the same for the right side. And when Leslie (a lovely lady I met during autograph session later), said it was her birthday, she asked everyone to sing happy birthday to Leslie and then hugged her. Aww. Emilie’s panel was sweet. Lee introduced her as the sweetest girl in the world. She is so tiny that Lee had to help her onto the stool. (Aww!!). And she was just very sweet on stage. Adam Horowitz snuck in during her panel so I got a little distracted. He came by the back and I said hi, he returned the hi and continued to walk around the back. Then I had to pee, so I grabbed my bag, got a stand in for me, and went to go outside. I passed him on the way out and said Hi, I love Once and I loved Lost. He smiled and said thank you. I then went out to pee, but the line was like 15 people long. So then I went to chat with Meagan and then realized Adam came out so I went to see about a photo with him. I found him by the bathrooms and asked him very politely, which he said yes. He smiled for the camera and I got the photo of us. Then I used the bathroom. My cousin got a photo with him when I came out and I was showing him my photo when we realized there was a long line forming in front of Adam. Yikes. After that I had lunch where they treated us to fried chicken and slaw from Church’s.. hands down, better than KFC. Then was Lana and Bex’s panels in which I had to pay more attention to the fans as they were bending the rules.. OOPs. Or as Bex would say “Sorry..” Later I had Beverly’s photo op. When I got to the front after watching fellow volunteers sing songs in line (hilarious Gentry!!) I walked up and said Hi, I’m Sarah! She said Hello. I said nice to meet you. And she hugged me and of course, its granny so I had to give her a big hug back. But when we were standing there after the photo, I said I’m a big fan, I love Granny. And she took my hand in hers and squeezed it. And then she said “Sarah, Granny loves you too,” (I am still fan girling about this writing this on Friday. wow). I did autograph line for Beverly Sunday night. Sadly, we had fans standing in between us, so she never came to me afterwards. I did the names on posties for the photos and did line control. I did like chatting with the fans, and i was 6 feet away from Beverly most of that time. So, I can’t complain.
The best moments were Karaoke, meeting the cast, meeting the fans, getting to bump into Amber, Erin from #OnceSpoof and Barbara again and finally meeting Giennie and Killihan in person! (Sorry you guys had to do a search party for me…) and getting to spend the weekend with Meagan after being friends online since season 3. I made a lot of new friends. Got to finally meet Ace from #OnceSpoof (god, I love this guy!) and Aimee as well. The friends I made last year, getting to see them again this time was the sprinkles of the awesome cake. Would I do it again? Depends.. would Josh and Colin both be there? Would the rude people not? Hmm, we’ll see.. But I’m thankful for this weekend. I got fantastic autographs and lovely photos. And that karaoke night was one of the best nights I have had in a long time. This cast is fantastic, the fans are fantastic.. #blessed.
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