#happy birthday lunafreya
bluemoonkh3 · 1 year
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Happy birthday luna 🤍 🩵 💙
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ffladieszine · 1 year
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🎉 Happy Birthday to the luminous Lunafreya from FFXV! 🌙✨ Your grace, strength, and unwavering spirit continue to inspire us. May your day be as radiant as your legacy. 🎂🎈
Thank you to lead artist @thecinnaminion for this gorgeous Luna. 😍
Don't forget, our Interest Check launches this Friday, Sept. 8! See you soon. 🪷
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September 04: Happy Birthday Lunafreya Nox "Luna" Fleuret (Final Fantasy)!!!!
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jan-holdres · 1 year
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Queen of light happy birthday.
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prynacle · 9 days
Kurita recently published a birthday picture for Luna and... I just wanted to appreciate how in recent years he has already posted twice drawings of Luna, showing her as... a regular woman.
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Happy and smiling.
He presents her not as the Oracle we see in the game and movie, but as the young woman behind the role. The one Gentiana speaks about that warmed her heart. The one that wrote and shared a personal notebook with Noctis for 12 years. The little sister that Ravus tried to protect in his own way.
We are used to see only the Oracle that the story needs of her so desperately, and that she dutifully delivers, so it's nice and welcome to see her on her birthday as she actually needs to be celebrated: a kind and smiling young woman.
Happy Birthday Lunafreya ❤️🌙✨
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chilledfoodtin · 18 days
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Happy birthday, Lunafreya!
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ppnt690 · 19 days
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Happy birthday Lunafreya
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daily-rayless · 19 days
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Hopefully Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy 15 can take a second out of her busy world-saving schedule to wish herself a Happy Birthday.
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moment-live · 1 year
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Happy birthday Lunafreya!
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picmurasaki · 1 year
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The gift was from Nyx!
Happy Birthday, Lunafreya!💜
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neonin3d · 10 days
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To Aid the King is the Oracle's Sacrifice Calling
Happy (late) birthday Princess Lunafreya Nox Fleuret! I loved her so much and I wished we got to see more of her and Ravus
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bluemoonkh3 · 19 days
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Happy birthday luna 💙
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favficbirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Lunafreya Nox Fleuret (4th September)
Final Fantasy XV
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starshcwer · 5 months
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( happy birthday, tifa! | @lunabrae )
" i do hope you're not working." when luna enters seventh heaven, its easy to stare. sunglasses and a headscarf do little to hide her celebrity status, accompanied by her confident stride. twin dogs trail behind her in a surveying state, taking in the status of the bar whilst lunafreya beelined for tifa. theres little time to greet her as she relieves armfuls of gifts onto the bar counter: an expensive looking bath set, undisclosed cases of what one could only assume was jewelry, and lastly, a very large --- bordering on self-important bouquet of carefully picked flowers, all coordinated in different shades of red and white. despite the fanfare, lunafreya barely refers to the newly dispersed gifts, and instead illicits a sigh of relief, and takes her sunglasses off. "because --- i'm here to relieve you. " excitement lilts near the end of her sentence, breaking her stoic facade to reach into her coat, and jingle a set of car keys in the air. " a day out. me and you, some well earned rest and relaxation. happy birthday tifa, if anyone deserves the world and more, it's you."
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a curious hum left tifa's lips as the bar door opened, but the bottles ( stacked somewhat precariously ) in her arms prevented her from turning for a proper greeting. luckily, she recognized the voice–––– the light timbre & proper tone, there was only one who frequented visits who spoke in such a manner. ❛ don't worry, barret already came & read me the riot act. i'm not allowed to serve a single drink today. ❜ & yet, she was adding several bottles to remain within reach. not for work, but because she had a sneaking suspicion that the bar would be full come nightfall–––– with friends instead of customers–––– & she wanted to ensure that she was prepared.
finally, the final bottle was placed, & tifa turned around just in time to watch the abundance of gifts settle onto the bar counter. her jaw dropped & her pace increased until she was close enough to lay her hands on the bar counter. ❛ luna! ❜ was all that she could manage as her eyes moved over them all, but lunafreya paid no heed to her exclamation, continuing on with her birthday surprises. tifa's head rose to meet her eyes, watching with slightly parted lips as she pulled the keys from her coat. luna's words brought a heat to tifa's cheeks that she couldn't dismiss. the fact that she was a frequent, hard worker wasn't a new sentiment, but any acknowledgement of her work could cut right to the heart of her composure & leave her flustered. her mouth closed & opened again, trying to find the words for the thoughts running through her head. the most prominent one was the thought that this was all too much for something so simple as her birthday. she would have been more than fine with just a day out with luna–––– but she suspected the other woman knew that already, & tifa could tell from the look in her eyes that she wasn't going to simply take no to any part of her surprise for an answer. tifa sighed in over––––dramatic resignation, her hands reaching for the flowers as she spoke.
❛ you're spoiling me way too much, you know? ❜
tifa held the flowers gently to her chest, taking in the refreshing scent with gently shut eyes. her shoulders relaxed. her smile grew. if lunafreya had been at all unsure if tifa would give in, tifa suspected the answer was clear now.
❛ but alright, you win. i'll let myself be a little spoiled today. ❜
within reason, came her unspoken addition. though she didn't speak it out loud. she had a feeling that within reason meant very different things to her & luna. she set the flowers down, stepping around the bar so she could take luna's hands in her own. ❛ thank you, luna. this is all really sweet! ❜ it was then that tifa seemed to notice the canine companions at their feet, & she released luna's hands to kneel down & give them scratches behind the ears ( & a few under the chin for being so well–––– behaved ).
❛ just let me get these flowers in some water & get cleaned up a little! ❜ & then her smile spread a little wider, a hint of excitement she usually kept contained as she rose back to her feet.
❛ & maybe i can take a closer look at the presents before we go? just for a bit! ❜
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prynacle · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Noctis & Lunafreya!
30.08 ~ 04.09
Here's a little something for their birthdays this 2023! The pixel models are from FFRK, one of my favorites models because of their cute, round looks ❤️
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crackshots-a · 11 months
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( this is from last year but it's CUTE so we're ANSWERING IT HAPPY BIRTHDAY PROMPTO!!! | @lunabrae )
lunafreya approaches their pre-ordained meeting time on the dot, if not early. pyrna is excitable and alert in her left arm, perched upon her chest, while umbra pads behind at a steady pace. in her other hand, she tows a medium-sized cart to lag closely behind. inside, a large bouquet of daffodils, marigolds, and sunflowers rest inside an ornate vase, loosely tied in ribbon. beside it, a tin of fine altissian chocolate, adorned with a handwritten letter adressed to him. lastly, a humble gift, wrapped neatly in paper, tucked away underneath.  and when her eye catches him.... her entire face lights up. pryna in tow, lunafreya sets down the handle of the wagon to meet prompto half-way, and wraps him in a close, one-armed embrace. " it's good to see you, prompto. happy birthday. "  her words spill sincere, and she presses a greeting kiss to his cheek. pryna follows suit, with a plethora of licks to the other side of his face, earning a giggle out of luna. " i think someone else missed you, too. "  she hands pryna off to prompto to hold her before stepping away, making sure to politely fold her hands across her front, though they soon grow antsy and draw back to him. fiddling with his coat, fluffing pryna's fur. a smile is plastered on her face, and quickly she forgets the purpose of her visit.  "i believe... i am your escort for this evening. although.... " sheepishly, lunafreya grabs the handle of her wagon containing his gifts. " you will have to take this in, i apologize for it being cumbersome. " petite hands help wheel the apparatus into his home (with nudging from umbra). " i do hope you like them.... yellow always reminds me of you, prompto. like... the sun, or.. a chocobo! "  her now free arm extends to catch prompto's elbow, the cool night air of insomnia as inviting as it was crisp.  " noctis has requested that i not answer any questions related to location or content of the location, however.... since it's your birthday dinner .... i am inclined to tell you if you are warmer or colder. shall we? "
in contrast, prompto was late–––– only by a few minutes, but still embarrassing to him considering the meeting location was just outside of his front door. it had been his own fault. he'd pulled out every nice shirt he owned ( a total of three ) & spent far too long putting them on, looking in the mirror, & swapping them out to compare. normally, he didn't care much about what he wore. noctis & gladio usually didn't care, & ignis cared, but not in the sense that he ever looked down upon his casual clothing, more like he cared if he had holes in his clothes or if something had a stain. but they weren't the only ones joining him for dinner, luna would be there too, & though her impression of him was a good one, he wanted to do all that he could to keep it that way. not to mention, with her involved, his birthday dinner was bound to be a bit more extravagant than their usual pizza joint.
by the time he'd realized he was past the meeting time, he attempted to rush outside to make it as soon as possible. luckily, he noticed before making it out the door that he had yet to grab his jacket. & his pants. delaying him for a few minutes more.
he'd expected to step outside & be led away to dinner immediately, so he couldn't help the way he froze as he laid eyes on the wagon. his jaw dropped, feet moving forward & back before he was able to urge himself towards lunafreya once more. her hug was accepted & returned. his face flushed at the kiss to his cheek, but it was hidden as he grinned & laughed as pryna licked his cheek. ❝ thank you! it's good to see you too, luna! ❞ he welcomed pryna into his arms, eagerly welcoming another round of her own happy birthday kisses with more bright laughter. ❝ i missed you too, pryna! ❞
prompto tried to keep his attention on the dog in his arms, but luna's hands, fiddling with & fixing his jacket, plus her closeness as she brushed her hands over pryna's fur, brought the heat back to his cheeks. he had to hope that she would think he was simply embarrassed over all the fuss made for his birthday, but he wasn't so sure that she was fooled.
finally, his question about the wagon was answered, & he struggled with incoherent babbling for a few seconds before he finally found his words. ❝ don't apologize! this is amazing! you didn't have to do all this! ❞ he certainly wasn't going to turn it away now that it was here, & he used his unoccupied hand to maneuver the wagon through the doorway & into the house.
the sun. it was such a sweet & honest comparison that he couldn't help the way his smile grew, though he tried to hide it. he turned away so he could place the vase–––– far too extravagant for his meager home–––– on the table, giving an over––––exaggerated groan. ❝ chocobos, really? not you, too! ❞ opening her gift & reading her card would have to wait until after dinner ( probably for the best, as he was sure reading another letter from her, this one more personal, would make him emotional ), but he did swipe a single chocolate to eat on the way.
finally, they exited for good. luna's arm wrapped around his elbow, & they began their trek through the crown city's street. he didn't have the faintest idea where they were headed, but he could make this guessing game fun. ❝ warmer or colder, huh? lemme think...is it that pizza place noct & i used to go when we were in high school? or kenny crow's? oh, i got it–––– it's that kids' restaurant with the singing animatronics! ❞
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his guesses were only going to get more ridiculous, but it would be worth it if he could make her laugh.
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