#happy birthday m&magolor
amooo1023 · 2 years
Thought it would be a good time to bring this meme back.
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dreamybandee · 4 years
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Rules:  Don’t reblog, repost. Reply as muse talking. Tagging:  Ahhhh anyone who hasn’t done it and wants to do it! Tagged by:  @sternenteile​! Thamk you Nikki. Sending big love ;v;
► NAME ➭   “Hello there! I’’m Dee! Bandana Dee! I’m uh...I’m sure you can guess why I’m called that. I can’t wait to answer these questions!” ► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭  “Yes! I’m a single waddle dee among MANY Waddle Dees! There’s so many of us! You can ask Waddle Doo at the castle! He even says there’s a lot of the-...OH. Oh that’s not what you meant...But I guess I’m single in that way too! So yes again!” ► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭   "Oh yes! Very! Thank you!” ► ARE YOU ANGRY? ➭   "Wha? Oh no. Not at all! I’m happy, after all! Wait...can you be happy AND angry? Is that possible? Oh man, I dunno!” ► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭   "Oh, well I...I don’t know...I don’t even know...my parents. I haven’t for a long time...Well, if they’re out there, I...I hope they’re happy. Having a good life...in a good spot...I wonder...Ohh. I’m sorry. Please continue!”
⚡️ NINE FACTS! ► ‘BIRTH’ PLACE ➭   “Dream Land! Just like every other waddle dee! I mean, I think. I don’t remember anything about it, but I’m pretty sure it was Dream Land I was born in. I just...I just don’t know where in Dream Land. I’ve been at Castle Dedede for so so long now? ...Wait, do you think I was born there?” ► HAIR COLOR ➭   "No hair here! But my bandana is blue! And I’m not taking it off to show you my head. Sorry!” ► EYE COLOR ➭   “Brown! Like um...Like chocolate! Milk chocolate! I love chocolate. Oh it’s so sweet...Oh! That wasn’t part of the question...Whoops.” ► BIRTHDAY ➭   “Oooh, uhm...I’m not...entirely sure? I don’t know when my actual birthday was. His highness told me he didn’t really know either...But November 7th is kind of a special day! That’s when I joined the army! I guess THAT could be considered a birthday, right?” ► MOOD ➭   “I’m feeling pretty good and pretty happy! Starting off the day on a good note!” ► GENDER ➭   “I don’t really do that! Sorry!” ► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭   “Summer! Oh yes! Perfect for walks, picnics, and picking apples! I love being outside in the warm sun!’ ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭ “I have to go with afternoon! I feel so tired in the morning and mornings are really early for me too.”
⚡️ EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE! ► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➭   "Always! I love the friends I have and the friends I’m going to meet! They mean a lot to me!...Oh wait...That’s not what you meant, was it? Well, no. I don’t think so anyways.” ► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➭  “I, well....I dunno! I think you should get to know people at least a little bit before you love them! It’s like an apple! I could look really clean, red, and delicious on the outside, but you gotta check if it’s rotting or has critters on the inside!” ► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➭   “Huh? You mean...someone didn’t want to be my friend anymore? Well, I don’t know who’s done that, but that’s up to them and...not me.... If they don’t wanna be my friend then that’s sniff th-that’s o-okay and sniffle sniff th-that’s their decision...” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➭   “Oooh, oh I sure hope not! I really don’t want to hurt anyone or their feelings!” ► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭  “Yes! Well, I mean- no? Yes and no? I don’t want to break anyone’s promises or let them down! Making people happy doing those things? It feels...it feels really good. Makes me really happy too! But some things are really hard to do! I’d never tell people that, of course...I’d hate to trouble them or make them feel bad...So....Yes and no I guess!” ► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➭   “Yes! I’m always there for hugs when people need them! I like them. They’re warm and friendly...” ► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➭   “Well k-kind of?? I get an awful lot of nice notes from fellow waddle dees and other people telling me that I’m a good rep for them! Even a role model! I don’t even know where some of these notes come from, but I’ll do my best for all the great people who sent them!” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➭   "You...You can do that? I didn’t really know...M-maybe I did? Ooooh, I have no idea. This isn’t....isn’t really fun to think about. I’m sorry.”
⚡️SIX CHOICES! ► LOVE OR LUST ➭   "Love! I don’t really know about that last one.” ► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➭    "I’m thinking...Tea! I like tea both cold and hot! I love Lemonade too, but sometimes it can be soooo sour. It leaves a really weird feeling! But you know what is good? Lemonade in some Tea! It’s so sweet and good! You should give it a try! I can make some if you want!” ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➭   “I-well...I have both actually! Is that okay? I love all my friends very much! The waddle dees, the dream friends, other people in the castle, even some people I’ve met these last few years! But I’ve had more time with different people, y’know? Kirby, Meta Knight, his highness, people at the mansion, they’re all so amazing. I love my friends...” ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➭  "W-wild? What does ‘wild’ mean? I mean, I don’t think I’m romantic, so maybe the first one? This is so confusing!” ► DAY OR NIGHT  ➭   "Oooh, I like both! Night is so pretty with the stars and the cool air! But it’s so dark! I like the warm sun and I like seeing. Both are great!”
⚡️ FIVE HAVE YOU EVERS! ► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭  “W-well...I....yeah. I guess...I guess the king caught me a couple of times. I really wanted to see how Kirby was doing and just get out of the castle a bit, y’know? But...work should ALWAYS come first, I guess. I’ll try and be a little smarter from now on...Oh, and please, don’t tell the king I said that! I-um...I don’t really know if I should have told you that...” ► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭   “Y-yeah, but stairs are so big and hard to step over! I hate walking on them when I’m holding stuff! I can’t see them! And I end up dropping everything all over the place? Ooooh, I don’t like stairs. I wish the castle wasn’t so high up! Then we wouldn’t have that many stairs!” ► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? ➭   “Yes!! That cake Dedede had for the battle Tournament he made. Those fights were scary and they definitely hurt! But with Kirby’s help, we made it! It was worth it! The best cake I’ve EVER tasted!”
⚡️FIVE PREFERENCES! ► SMILE OR EYES ➭    “Smile! I’m so jealous. I can’t smile. I have no mouth. But seeing people’s smiles? It’s nice! I love seeing people happy! I love seeing that! I wish I could feel and show that for myself...” ► SHORTER OR TALLER ➭    “I like seeing people when talking to them! It feels weird to be looked down on. Soooo maybe shorter? I MEAN if other people were shorter! I myself would love to be taller! It’s so hard to reach everything! I hate asking for help too.” ► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➭   “You mean how smart? Or how nice looking they are? B-but...What about how kind they are? I mean- both are of those things are good, but I think being nice is even more important!”  ► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭   “...What’s a hook-up?”
⚡️ FAMILY! ► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭   “W-well I um...I kinda told you I don’t have a blood family so...Oh! But what about the other waddle dees? I hang around them a lot! Yeah! Okay! We get along a lot! Sometimes anyways. Sometimes I have to fight against them though. I don’t really feel good about that...” ► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭ “Messed up? Oh no! Not at all! I know life has it’s fair share of ups and downs, but that’s okay. I’m happy with it. I’ve learned so much and gotten so far. And most of all, I’ve met so many great people! I think I like my life the way it is.” ► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭   “Yeah! A couple of times, actually! Monsters and all sorts of bad guys have taken over Castle Dedede or even destroyed it before! I think the other dees and me were lucky we made it out okay!” ► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭   “Once again, yes! Those people who take over the castle aren’t very nice! His Highness has even dismissed me a couple of times...but mostly when weird things are happening! Oh, please forgive me, your majesty! I didn’t mean to sound so rude!”
⚡️ FRIENDS! ► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➭   “Wh-what? Oh no no! Not at all! I love my friends! I love Kirby, his Highness, Meta Knight, Sailor Dee, and oh! All the friends who helped in our recent adventure! Gooey! Adeleine! Ribbon!  M-...Magolor...S-Susie... and M-Marx and...and...I-I mean...I know they’re not all perfect b-but...we’re friends now, right? H-hating them would make me....make me a bad friend...” ► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS ➭   “Y-yes! I...I guess? I mean, some of them were bad before, but they’re good now! I mean...I sure hope so...” ► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➭    “All my friends! I love them all very much in their very own ways! Sailor Dee and I have known each other for all our lives...Kirby is so strong and cool, and I want to be just like him...And the king too! He’s such a great leader! And Meta Knight always has our backs! And-and....! Oh! S-sorry about that. I guess I kind of...Kind of got lost in my thoughts there. Uh-heh heh...” ► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➭   “Well...I don’t know if there’s anyone out there that knows absolutely everything about me, really. There’s still so much I want to show people! And so much I want to learn and do! I don’t think I even know everything about myself yet. Can I be as strong as my friends? Where am I going to go in life? How can I be better and stronger? There are a lot of things I’m still trying to figure out I think...”
“Oh! That was it? Gosh. That felt so quick, answering all those questions. Thank you for doing this with me! Come and find me at the castle if you have any more, okay?”
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Kirby Fanfic: March 21st
A short drabble for the anniversary of Kirby Super Star’s U.S. release.
Marx looked down at the cake, then the people around him, then the ceiling. His friends were gathered around, looking at him with warm, proud, gazes. They were all here... for him.
His eyes teared up, and he averted his gaze, laughing softly.
“All this... for me?”
Gryll pulled him into a hug. Marx buried his face into her hat and sighed. They smelled like strawberries.
They whispered lovingly, “Of course, ya silly grape...”
It had been over ten years since his attempted takeover of Popstar, but sometimes, it felt like it was just yesterday, when he was floating in space, waiting for the cold darkness to take him.
He’d been a monster, governed by only vindictive greed and anger. He’d been reduced to a reanimated corpse, running on spite and the will to fight...
His soul stuttered, his heart stopping for a second.
He sniffled, “But... I’m a bad... I”m a bad person.” He covered his face, pulling down his hat and mumbling, “I... hurt you all...”
Magolor joined the hug.
“No, you’re not.” His voice was soft and reassuring. “You’re our friend. You’ve changed...”
Moments like this reminded him... he was real, and he was a good person.
The jester laughed almost bitterly, embracing his closest friends. He felt someone touch his hat, and he glanced up, seeing Taranza hovering over him, a flower crown of lavenders in hand.
“H-happy... happy birthday, Marx,” the spider mage stuttered. He placed the crown on Marx’s head, smiling sheepishly. “To many more?”
Marx found himself grinning.
His soul lurched, but he forced back the feeling and focused on his friends. The candlelight danced in his gaze.
“Thanks, guys... I’m happy.... I was here to see it.”
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