ghcstify · 4 months
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carl grimes x fem reader
¡! warnings: enemies to lovers, death, weapon mentions, blood, injuries, angst & traumatic events
¡! a/n: this is a looooong one (specifically 3.6k words, um..) and it doesn’t really have to do with carl that much until the middle, sorry about that :c
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the day you lost your parents is one you'll never forget. the sudden screams and gunshots continue to echo in your mind. you had a strong sense that you were one of the few who managed to escape the overrun camp where you and your family had stayed from the very beginning. despite being dehydrated and exhausted, you somehow managed to survive on your own for a while. then one day, you suddenly found you weren't alone anymore.
hearing footsteps behind you, you swiftly drew your knife from your hip and held it out in front of you. you found yourself at a doorway, realizing you needed to act swiftly to eliminate what you believed to be a walker. as you quickly moved past the door frame, you were met with a crossbow aimed directly at your face by a middle-aged man.
“daryl?” you heard another man speak, and with that, your anxiety intensified. you heard another pair of footsteps come up behind the guy who had his crossbow pointed at you. “put it down, she’s just a child,” the blue-eyed man spoke, and as the other man listened intently, he slowly lowered the crossbow from your face.
“i’m rick, this is daryl. what’s yours?” the man with blue eyes spoke. for some reason, you found yourself unable to even say your name to these strangers. you couldn’t determine if they were dangerous or if they had others around them waiting to harm you. you just weren’t sure. after a while, you finally spoke up. “y/n, i’m y/n,” you responded, lowering your knife to signal that you intended no harm. silence filled the air for what seemed like an eternity before rick finally spoke, “how many walkers have you killed?”
“how many walkers have you killed?”
with the sudden question to which you had no answer to, your nervousness intensified. “i… i don’t know, i lost track,” you responded, hoping that not having an answer wouldn't cause any trouble. “how many people have you killed?” he posed yet another unusual question. with that question remaining unanswered, you took a deep breath before replying, “two.”
why? what did he mean by “why”? given that your response to the “why” question might be hurtful, you took a moment to collect yourself before addressing yet another question. “my mom and a stranger because they asked me to,” you answered. rick gave daryl a sidelong glance, which left you confused. you still couldn't decide whether they were good people or not.
“we’re part of a larger community, you look like you could use it,” rick mentioned. you had observed daryl's silence, suggesting that he was likely a very reserved individual. at first, you were unsure of what to say, realizing how big of an opportunity this was in such a world. searching for the right words, all you could express was, “really? i would love to.”
before you realized it, you found yourself in an actual car with rick at the wheel and daryl in the passenger seat, heading towards what he described as a “large community.” the journey was marked by an unsettling silence, which only added to your discomfort. however, if they were telling the truth, it would be worth it.
upon finally arriving at the community, you looked out the window to see actual houses still standing, walls fortifying the area, and a sign that read, “welcome to the alexandria safe zone, mercy for the lost, vengeance for the plunderers.” observing this sign and noting all the pre-apocalyptic details, you genuinely felt a sense of safety and assurance that nothing bad would happen here.
rick had opened the car door for you, allowing you to step out and walk through the gates of your future. this gesture made you reconsider your initial impression, thinking that perhaps these people were not as bad as you had thought. taking everything in, rick began to speak, “if you don’t mind, my son’ll show you around. is that okay with you?” quickly nodding in response, daryl spoke up and instructed a middle-aged, brown-haired woman to open the gate. as the gates closed behind you, she approached and began to examine you. “i’m rosita,” she extended her hand towards you, signaling for a handshake. putting your hand in hers and shaking each others hand, you replied, “i’m y/n.”
after sharing your painful past with rosita for a moment, you hear footsteps approaching. turning around, you see a boy wearing a cowboy hat with long hair and a bandage over his left eye. “my dad wanted me to show you around,” he spoke, his voice carrying a subtle hint of annoyance. after parting ways with rosita, you found yourself walking in silence alongside the boy. “you never told me your name,” you finally break the unbearable silence by speaking up. “uh, it’s carl,” he replies, his voice still carrying that slight hint of annoyance. realizing that he didn't really want to be there, you remain silent. it becomes clear that carl isn't much of a people person, or perhaps you haven't been around him long enough for him to warm up to you.
an hour or two passed with carl still giving you a tour, yet you still felt as if he didn't like you. perhaps your gut feeling was right — maybe he really did want you gone. however, all you wanted was to make friends. after the lengthy tour was over, you found yourself sitting on your bed. unsure of what to do next, you layed down and drifted off to sleep.
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months had passed, and you had developed many friendships, including with rosita, glenn, michonne, rick, and maggie; unfortunately, carl was not among them. in all honesty, you found that you didn't mind. you were beginning to feel similarly, not particularly liking him, though you couldn't quite discern the reason why. upon hearing the gossip, you learned that rick and carl had encountered someone in a gas station parking lot. you felt a pang of guilt, knowing that you were in that situation at once and you realized that you needed to take action. you decided to approach rick to discuss the situation and possibly work something out with him.
“if you decide to do what you’re going to do, i’d feel better with carl by your side,” rick spoke as you stood at the doorway of the house he shared with michonne and carl. “rick, you know he doesn’t like me,” you replied, feeling a sense of anxiety about having to work with someone who seemingly didn't even like you. “then i don’t know what to tell you,” he responded, giving a slight shrug of his shoulders. as he conveyed this information, you started to carefully contemplate your course of action. silence filled the house before you finally spoke, “okay, do you think you could talk to him?” before replying, he gave you a reassuring nod,
“of course.”
and with that, you retreated to your room to figure out what your plan was going to be. about an hour later, a knock sounded at your bedroom door. for some reason, you believed it was carl, and you took a deep breath before saying, “come in.” the door opened swiftly to reveal rosita.
“i heard what you’re doing,” she said as she stood at your doorway, the worry evident in her brown eyes. “i kind of have to do this, rose,” you replied as you began to contemplate where you would be right now if it weren’t for rick and daryl. she sighed before approaching you and taking a seat beside you. “i get that,” she remarked before continuing on, “but you really don’t have to.” you shook your head from side to side, indicating your disagreement with her. “i somehow got saved, so why not save someone else in return?”
she spoke in a tone that conveyed her concern for you. giving her a smile, she embraced you before expressing her feelings in more profound words, “just be careful, please.”
“i will, i promise.”
after rosita had left, your door creaked open to reveal rick, who acknowledged you with a nod, indicating that he had successfully convinced carl to work with you. the next morning, you waited at the gate for carl to arrive, eager to get this over with. despite your efforts to convince yourself that carl wasn't such a bad person, you still couldn't find yourself caring for him. lost in thought, you heard footsteps approaching from behind. turning around, you saw carl finally making his way towards you. you turned back around to head out of the gate, taking a deep breath and preparing yourself for the discomfort that was about to ensue.
rick had previously informed you both that this individual followed specific routes each day. since today was one of the days he would pass through the forest, you and carl waited for him at that location. breaking the silence, carl finally initiated the conversation, “how long were you out there?” not fully believing that he was actually addressing you, you turned to look at him before replying, “about 3 to 4 months, i kind of lost track after a while.” he nodded in response and once again, he spoke up, “where are your parents?” with carl posing all these questions, you started to think that maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. “dead,” you responded, maintaining your composure by looking at the ground.
“i’m sorry.”
before you could say anything else, you were interrupted by footsteps. you and carl exchanged a nod and with this, you both approached the man, hands raised to signal that you meant no harm. “we’re not going to hurt you,” carl remarked, directing his gaze toward the man who had just finished killing a walker. after carl had spoken, it was your turn. you grabbed the bag of food and water and tossed it to the man. “there’s food and water in there.”
addressing the bag of food and water, the man fell to the floor, grabbing it and opening it. he grasped the bottle of water and chugged it, which reassured you about the decision you had made. “i’m glad i found you,” carl stated, breaking the silence. “you were looking for me?” the man inquired as he rose to his feet. “me and her, we’re in a community,” carl dodges the man’s question with a statement that could positively impact the man’s life. putting your hands down, the two of you slowly approach the man, as you begin to speak, “we’re going to ask you a few questions. we need you to answer honestly, okay?”
“how many walkers have you killed?” carl asked, breaking the silence, his voice carrying a tone of curiosity and anticipation. “i know it’s hard to keep track-“
“really?” you asked with a professional tone and a thoughtful demeanor. “give or take a couple,” the man responded as he glanced at the walker he had previously put down. and with that, carl asked the second question, “how many people have you killed?”
“why?” you asked, curious to know his answer. “dead tried to kill him, but they didn’t.” he responded while looking down at the ground. both you and carl had nodded at his response.
as you surveyed your surroundings, you observed that the man employed traps to kill the walkers. “you’re making walker traps. is that how you’ve killed so many?” you ask as you draw attention to his method of eliminating walkers. “it’s only part of it…. my mom thought, or hoped that killing them would.. free their souls,” he replied in a genuine and sincere tone, his words carrying a sense of honesty and earnestness that was unmistakable. after he stated this, you and carl exchanged a glance before refocusing your attention on the man. “you know, maybe she was right,” he continued speaking, his tone growing increasingly sincere.
“but doing that, doesn’t it just make things harder for you while you’re trying to survive?” carl asked as he closed the distance between him and the man. “i… i don’t know. but you… you gotta honor your parents, right?” the man spoke once again, his tone genuinely sincere. “if i wasn’t honoring my dad, we wouldn’t be talking right now,” carl replied with a slight smile spread across his face before continuing on, “and i definitely wouldn’t bring you back to our community.”
walking back to alexandria and engaging in conversation, you discovered that the man's name was siddiq. suddenly, you had encountered a few walkers — nothing that you couldn’t take care of…. right? drawing your knife, you noticed that siddiq had fallen to the ground due to a walker, and carl looked at you. “go! help him, i got this,” you shouted as you plunged your knife into the head of one of the walkers. unaware, you found yourself trapped and fell backward onto a deer that the walkers were feeding on. your knife had landed roughly two feet away, and as you layed on the ground, three walkers had fallen on top of you.
as you attempted to reach for your gun, you felt a burning sensation on the side of your torso.
fortunately, you managed to equip your gun and shoot all three walkers. pushing their bodies off of you, you stood up to find carl and siddiq looking at you. "are you okay?" carl asked, worry evident on his face. “we should go,” you avoided his question, pushing past the two who exchanged a glance as you walked by.
the walk back was as dreadful as you had anticipated; no one uttered a word or noise, except for your coughing. to enter alexandria without raising questions about siddiq, the three of you decided to use the sewers. as you climbed in, you noticed that carl kept staring at you. “i’m fine,” you lied, hoping he wouldn’t catch on. you could sense carl's suspicion, but he chose to remain silent after replying with an “ok.”
upon finally arriving in alexandria, you went directly to your house without speaking to either carl or siddiq. you hurried upstairs to your bathroom, where you removed your flannel to reveal blood seeping through the right side of your light brown shirt. removing your shirt, you inspected it and discovered a bite mark. looking at your abdomen through the mirror, you realized the dreadful truth: you had been bitten.
you began to panic, fully aware of what needed to be done. closing your eyes, you took a deep breath and opened them again. to distract yourself, you decided to take a shower to clean up. afterward, you put clothes on, dressed and applied a bandage over the bite mark.
now, you found yourself in your room, writing letters to everyone you cared for, including carl. once you had finished, you sat on your bed and began to cry, feeling as though you had been saved for nothing. beginning to feel tired, you closed your eyes.
finally waking up, you noticed it was pitch black outside. surely, you hadn't slept that long... or perhaps it was just a side effect of the bite. trying not to think about it, you started to hear commotion outside and a sudden knock at your door. believing that an enemy had somehow gotten in, you grabbed an axe that you kept in your room for protection. the door suddenly swung open, revealing carl standing there. “carl? what the hell is happening out there?” you ask, your worry unmistakable in your voice. “the saviors. come on, we gotta go!” he responds as he takes your hand, guiding you both out of your house.
from a distance, you began to hear negan's voice, and an idea formed in your mind. “carl, i need you to follow me,” you said as you turned to look at him. “just trust me, okay?” now, you found carl following you to the watch tower at the front of alexandria where he began to climb up with you. “no. stay here, please,” you stated as he complied with your instructions. climbing up the ladder, negan began to speak again, “okie dokie. you brought this on yourself, rick. you see, i was willing to work with you. all you had to do was follow a few very simple rules. well, now i see that you’ve got to go! scorched earth, you dick.”
“he’s not home,” you shout upon reaching the top as the saviors aim their guns at you.
“oh-ho! holy shit! everybody hold your fire, it’s y/n,” negan remarks with a chuckle. “look at you, answering the door like a big girl. i am so proud. rick’s not home, huh? well i guess he’s gonna get back to a big ol’ smokey surprise!”
“there’s families in here,” you interrupt him with a stern voice before continuing on, “kids, carl’s little sister.”
“well that shit just breaks my heart. there’s kids at the sanctuary, you must’ve seen ‘em,” he responds in a measured tone. “even had a little baby at one of the outposts. i wonder what happened to her,” he continued speaking before beginning to walk around.
after a brief moment of silence, negan began to speak again, “none of this shit’s fair, kid. hell, you know that. you had to kill your own mom. that is screwed up. we need someone in charge who’s willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that shit doesn’t happen. oh-ho, wait! that’s me!”
“bad stuff does happen, but we can figure this out. we can stop this,” you respond with a somewhat convincing tone before negan interrupts.
“oh now you wanna talk? see rick had it that i died, no matter what. he gave my people a choice, not me. so now, we’re gonna need a new understanding: apologies, punish-“
“kill me,” you interrupt with a tone that is both desperate and heartbreaking.
before speaking, negan moves closer to you than he was before, “what did you say?”
“if you have to kill someone, if there has to be punishments, then kill me… i’m serious,” you respond, your voice beginning to slightly crack.
“you wanna die?” negan asks with a slight smirk spread across his face.
“no i don’t,” you reply as you shake your head side to side, “but i will…. it’s gonna happen. if… if me dying could stop this, if it can make things different for us, for you, for all those other kids, it’d be worth it.”
“i mean.. was this the plan?” you ask after a couple seconds of silence, “was it supposed to be this way? is this who you wanted to be?”
with a lot of commotion in the background, negan looks away from you, giving you the chance to get away. just as you're climbing down the ladder, you hear negan’s voice, “son of a bitch, y/n! was that just a play? i thought we were having a moment, you little asshole! bombs away!”
“what the hell was that?” carl asks you as you drop down to the ground. you ignore his question and proceed to take gas bombs out of your bag, handing a couple to him. understanding that this is all part of your plan, carl follows your lead.
after deploying numerous gas bombs, you and carl find your visibility severely impaired. slowly, you both make your way to the sewers. upon climbing into the sewers, your body began to feel weak, which heightened your anxiety. stumbling over your own feet, carl swiftly came to your aid, helping you to regain your balance.
“just put me down here,” you uttered in a weakened voice. “y/n?” carl expresses with concern before assisting you to sit down on the ground. kneeling beside you, carl watches intently as you slowly lift your shirt to reveal the bite mark.
“no no no, what? why didn’t you tell me?” carl asks, his eyes remaining on the bite mark, unable to believe that this is truly happening. despite the pain, you managed to give carl the most reassuring smile you could before replying, “it was bound to happen, carl.”
“no, it… it should’ve been me,” he continues speaking as he takes a seat beside you. feeling pain coursing through your body, you begin to grow weaker and weaker. your vision starts to blur, and your breathing turns into wheezing.
clearly concerned for your well-being, carl carefully lifted you and managed to navigate out of the sewers. thankfully, the saviors had ceased their bombing, and despite the surrounding fires, carl successfully brought you to a safe haven — the church. as carl was laying you down, your condition deteriorated rapidly; it felt as though you had been thrown off a cliff and subsequently run over.
“hey…. i just wanted to let you know that i got the wrong impression of you,” you spoke with a weak voice, which shattered carl's heart. “i got the wrong impression of you, too,” he responds, his voice beginning to crack. “if i knew that getting to know you would’ve helped, i would’ve done it a lot sooner,” he continues, and his words provoke a shared chuckle before you start coughing up blood.
“carl, i need you to-“
“stop it,” he interrupts you, his gaze shifting downward. after a moment, he takes a deep breath before slowly drawing his gun. cries begin to fill the church as he slowly raises the gun to your head before he spoke in a soft voice, “i wish we had more time.”
“maybe in another universe. but in this one, it was just a bitter gift.”
and with that, the gunshot echoed through your mind, bringing the pain to a final end.
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ghcstify · 4 months
oh i loved that maggie fic 🥺🥺🥺
i could cry, thank you so much!!! ^_^
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ghcstify · 4 months
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maggie rhee x fem reader (platonic)
¡! warnings: usual lineup details, reader is in a deep state of depression, mentions of not eating, & thoughts of self-harm
¡! a/n: you are the adoptive daughter of maggie and glenn in this one. sorry if i break your guys’ heart… anyway, thank you for all the love <3
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you couldn't comprehend it. how could such an evil man take away your father figure? it felt as though you blinked, and glenn was gone. the man who took your father away called himself "negan." you tried to convince yourself that perhaps it was for the better, but negan bashing your father's head in suggested otherwise. and the screams, the cries, the tears — no matter what you did, they wouldn't go away. you felt utterly exhausted with life and everything around you. you had absolutely no motivation to even eat or get out of bed. in fact, you were still wearing the same clothes from the night it happened.
on top of that, you were currently curled up in a ball on your bed, laying on your side. you hadn't moved since you returned to alexandria, and it was so difficult because your mom was all the way at hilltop. rick, michonne, rosita, and even daryl had tried to reassure you that everything was going to be okay, but you knew it wasn’t — they were lying straight to your face. you had suddenly gotten the idea that hurting yourself would make you forget everything else, including the pain of losing your father.
but you still didn't move; it was as if your body was magnetically drawn to your bed. you just wanted to be left alone, but it was uncertain how long it would take before you could come out and pretend that everything was okay. your mother's screams echoed through your mind — the begging, the yelps. now, the two of you were separated after losing glenn. you felt as if you were still there, present when negan killed both abraham and glenn, emotionally tormenting you and everyone else. you were unable to let it go, despite your best efforts.
although your mind remained somewhat hazy, you could still make out the faint knocking at your door. you chose not to respond, assuming it was rosita or michonne, until you recognized a familiar voice. “sweetheart, it’s me,” you recognized the accent almost instantly; it was maggie. upon hearing her voice, you slowly rose and approached the door. as you opened it, your pale and tear-stained face was revealed to your mother. you could see the pain in her eyes as she looked at you, noticing that you were still wearing the same outfit from the night everything had happened.
recognizing the pain you both were experiencing, maggie pulled you into a tight embrace. sobs filled the room as you realized that all you needed was your mother. “i can’t do this anymore,” you choked back tears. maggie took a deep breath before pulling away from the hug and motioning for you to sit down on your bed. “i need you to know something, y/n,” she began to speak as she took a seat beside you. grasping your hands, she gazed into your eyes with love, yet the lingering pain in her expression only deepened your own sorrow. “he wouldn’t want to see us like this, okay? he needs his baby girl to be strong,” before she continued speaking, she gently tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“he needs you to be strong too, mom,” you replied, your voice breaking increasingly with each word that escaped your lips. “i know, i’m trying. for him and for you,” she whispered while reaching into her pocket for something. in her hands was glenn’s pocket watch that hershel had given to him. “mom, i can’t-“ you started to speak, but her gentle voice interrupted you, “please, take it, sweetheart.” you slowly reached for it, taking it from your mother's hand. as you examined it, memories of you and your father began to flood your mind. from the first moment you met to the last time you ever saw him.
“we have to keep going, for him,” maggie spoke as she gently kissed you on the forehead. nodding in agreement, your eyes started to well up with tears. she grasped your hands once more, offering a reassuring smile. somehow, that was the only smile that conveyed a sense of reassurance — that she was being sincere. “we’re in this together, sweetheart. we’re going to be fine.”
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ghcstify · 4 months
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carl grimes x fem reader
¡! warnings: crying, reassurance (?), use of y/n, & kissing
¡! a/n: hi guys, this is part 2 to my last post :3 i hope you enjoy!! (this is also longer than part 1 lol)
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“carl?” you called out his name several times, but he made no response. his stare caused your concern to escalate rapidly. unexpectedly, you felt his presence as he brushed past you. he swiftly ascended the stairs to his room, closing the door behind him. without hesitation, you followed his lead, walking up the stairs and approaching outside his room. at first, you felt the urge to leave and let it go. but for some reason, you desired confirmation of what you had heard what he “accidentally” said.
as you lifted your arm to knock on the door, his voice suddenly startled you. “go away, y/n.” he spoke, and you could tell he was somewhat embarrassed. perhaps you were in the position of how he felt when you ventured outside the walls. “carl, please.” you responded while pressing your ear against the door. when he didn’t respond, you realized you weren't going to get anything more out of him. you turned around slowly and walked down the stairs, feeling beat up.
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it had been a couple of days since you last spoke to carl. every time you encountered each other, everything was awkward. you wished he would have initiated a conversation, maybe that’s what he desired when he was in your position. anyway, it was a stupid reason to be uncomfortable around him. you just wanted to tell him that you loved him too, he just wasn’t giving you the chance to.
now, you found yourself in your room, looking out of the window at all of alexandria, where everyone was laughing and bonding with each other. among those people, you envisioned you and carl finally confessing your love to each other, but it was only your imagination. all of a sudden, you found yourself crying. “stupid,” you thought as you got up and walked to your desk. you knew you needed to tell him. maybe then, everything would finally be okay again.
leaned against your desk and lost in your thoughts, you began to hear shuffling outside. for a moment, you feared a walker had somehow breached the walls. taking a deep breath, you cautiously approached your window once more to see him. carl was standing there, waiting for you to let him in. a surge of energy washed over you as you opened the window, allowing him to enter.
a few seconds passed, with the two of you standing inches apart, as the silence grew increasingly intense. just as carl began to speak, “look, y/n, i...” you interrupted him by grabbing his face and pulling him into a kiss. pulling away, you finally spoke to him for the first time in what felt like an eternity. “i love you too.”
“you… you do?” he replied with a smile spreading across his face, his cheeks turning a bright red, which you found utterly adorable. you nodded your head and wrapped your arms around him, and he did the same in return. your head resting against his chest and the sound of his heartbeat brought you immense comfort. from that, you spoke softly, “i always have.”
¡! a/n (again): i hope you guys liked this as it was my first ever story! let me know if you have any requests!! ^_^
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ghcstify · 4 months
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✦ . ⁺ the unavoided (part 1)
✦ . ⁺ the unavoided (part 2)
✦ . ⁺ bitter gift
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✦ . ⁺ i can’t do this anymore
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ghcstify · 4 months
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carl grimes x fem reader
¡! warnings: argument & one f-bomb
¡! a/n: first written story by me 😵‍💫 sorry if it’s not the best…. (INTENDED LOWER CASE!)
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you just needed some space, not for any particular reason, you just felt the need. but now, you're on the receiving end of a lecture from your best friend for that risky move of stepping outside the walls and almost becoming a walker.
“what if you were to become one of them, huh?!” he was shouting, anger clear in his tone. but you didn't feel guilty; you knew you hadn't messed up. you simply needed some time alone.
“carl… i wasn’t thinking. i don’t even know why you think that i’m in the wrong!” raising your voice in return, you folded your arms across your chest. he couldn't seem to stay still, constantly pacing back and forth, until he eventually approached you, getting closer with each step before stopping in front of you.
he placed his hands on your shoulders. “hey, y/n. listen. i’m not mad, i just… i can’t lose you. okay?” he says, his blue eyes meeting yours with intensity. “the way that we’re losing everyone right now is making me sick to my fuckin’ stomach.”
you looked at him, your eyes filled with sorrow. the pain in his voice and the sincerity of his words were unmistakable. although you had no reason to feel guilty, a sense of guilt began to wash over you. you couldn't shake the feeling that you had unintentionally brought carl back to painful memories. “okay. i’m sorry, i just needed time to myself.” you said, your eyes fixed on the ground.
“then why didn’t you talk to me?! instead, you go out and think that not being safe will make you feel better?!” he replies, his voice quivering. “i’m your best friend, y/n. it’s me. it’s carl.” his eyes stayed on you, and you began to feel more guilty, if that was even possible.
“i don’t know why you care so much, it’s not like-” you said before his voice abruptly cut you off. “it’s because i love you!” he raised his voice in exasperation, but a hint of regret soon appeared in his eyes. “what?”
part 2 here!
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ghcstify · 4 months
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✦ . ⁺ hi, i’m ghcstify, or bella! i absolutely LOVE the walking dead — call me a nerd. my pronouns are she her and i’m bisexual. i hope to find new friends and have fun ᥫ᭡
✦ . ⁺ masterlist
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