#happy birthday riki
chlorinecake · 6 months
hi!! i wanted to ask you your opinion about writing NSFW of riki. ive been seeing so many posts that disagree with it, and i also received both anon and open hate for saying that i am not against it. I'm the same age as jungwon btw, a little younger.
hi !! so, I’ll try and be nice abt this with you bc you’ve really given me no reason to be rude. I just find it creepy / disrespectful how some ppl are viewing Riki’s birthday as a green light for them to write NSFW content abt him instead of celebrating his transition into adulthood normally, y’know? I get that ppl will have differences in opinion concerning this, but you being “a little younger” than jungwon doesn’t make it less odd to me?? like, I’m more than a year younger than jungwon, and the idea of sexualizing someone born in my birth year (2005) gives me the ick, esp bc most of us are only 17/18 rn. Anyways, I appreciate you asking me abt this in a mature way. Still, ik that ppl are gonna write whatever their heart desires abt Riki, and in a way, it’s “okay” because he is technically legal now. And sure, every human has a sexual side, even 17/18 year olds like myself, but I’d rather ppl just wait until he turns 19 at least before they start, uh…. putting him down on some gangster shit :D But ofc, I’m not gonna stress myself out over this bc it’s too easy to block the content I’d prefer not to see on here 🥰 Ty, Tumblr ~~
And yes, there is a difference between 18 and 19, just like there’s a difference between 20 and 21 when it comes to drinking :D
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yeonzzzn · 6 months
☕️beside you: niki
a you complete me series: two / seven
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pairing: niki x afab!reader
word count: 1.5k
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synopsis: luckily niki’s birthday fell on a saturday and with the help of the pack you made his birthday morning special
genre: established relationship, vampire!niki, vampire!reader
warnings: mentions of blood, cutie pie birthday boy niki ♡
p1: vampires bleeding mlist
☾ sunghoon(1) | niki(2) | heeseung(3) | jungwon(4) | jake(5) | jay(6) | sunoo(7) ☽
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You spent weeks trying to make Niki’s birthday perfect. 
You bothered the boys nonstop about perfect gifts or things to do for him and with him. 
The boys gave you plenty of ideas, and they were so perfect. 
Until the day before his birthday, a snowstorm pulled in. 
You blamed Sunghoon, for being the ice vampire prince that he was. Mr. Penguin in his past life as his mate calls him. 
The school was even canceled Friday morning. Which obviously Niki and you were happy about. 
But then all your plans went out the window. 
“Jay! I don’t know what to do!” you whispered into the phone, peeking around the living room making sure Niki’s eyes and ears were still glued to the video game on the television, “Everything closed down.” 
Jay sighed on the other end of the phone, “What does Heeseung say?” 
You shrugged your shoulders as if Jay could see it, “What even would Heeseung be able to do?” 
“You both live with him,” Jay scoffed, “Did you even think to see what Heeseung could help plan?” 
You rolled your eyes, “Heeseung has been at the hospital all day, and __ is stuck at the hospital with him because of the storm.” 
Even with Jay’s silence, you could hear his annoyance through the phone. 
“I could bake him a cake?” Jay finally said, “I can bake it now and sneak it over there tonight.”
Your eyes brightened, “Please! Jay, thank you so much!” 
“Yeah yeah,” he groaned, you could hear his face dropping into his hands, “I’ll call Heeseung and let him know too.” 
You thanked him again and ended the call. 
Out of the side of his eye, Niki saw you walking back into the living room. 
He smiled wide, pushing the right side of his headset off his ear, leaning into the corner of the couch, and patting the space between his legs. 
You sat between his legs, leaning your back against his chest. Niki rested his hands on your lap, fingers button smashing on the controller. 
“Where did you run off to?” Niki asked, resting his head against yours. 
“Missed me that much already?” you teased him. 
Niki chuckled, “I always miss you when you aren’t beside me.” 
“I just went to call Heeseung,” you lied, “I wanted to make sure they were okay at the hospital due to this storm.” 
Niki shrugged, not having any thoughts or worries, “Hyung and __ are vampires, a little snow won’t hurt.” 
You shrugged. 
“I bet Sunghoon Hyung is having the time of his life.” 
You agreed, “Want to watch a movie?” 
Not even ten minutes into the movie Niki was slumped on the couch and passed out. Which was what you were hoping for. 
You kept checking outside, moving the blinds every few minutes to see when Jay would appear with the cake. 
Almost fifteen minutes passed before Jay walked up the steps of the apartment complex and to your door. 
You quietly opened it, placing your finger to your lips, “He’s asleep on the couch,” 
Jay nodded, carefully slipping in with Heeseung and __ following behind him. 
“Jeez, that snow is terrible,” Heeseung whispered, sliding his coat off his body and onto the coat rack. 
“Welcome home my king and queen,” you teased them, earning glares from not just Heeseung and his mate, but also from Jay. 
“I said you don’t have to call us that,” Heeseung sighed, sitting down at the kitchen table, “We aren’t even fully oathed.” 
Jay placed Niki’s cake in the fridge, pointing at it and then at Niki, basically saying to not let him get into the fridge. 
Jay also sat at the table, wrapping his arms together, “Maybe you should go take the oath,” he said looking between the king and queen, “Now that you have a mate.” 
Heeseung shrugged, “I’ll think about it,” he looked over at the sleeping Niki, “What’s the plan for tomorrow?”
You snuck out of your room, the smell of coffee filling the apartment. 
You tipped toe to Niki’s room, carefully opening the door, and seeing him still asleep. After closing the door gently, you carefully walked into the kitchen. 
Heeseung was brewing the coffee while __ was setting up the table. 
“We can take the cake out in a few minutes,” she said, “Once Heeseung finishes the coffee we will pull the cake out.” 
You nodded, grabbing four blood bags from the fridge and setting them down on the table, “He might wake up soon, so we have to hurry.” 
She finished putting the plates, utensils, and napkins on the table beside everyone’s blood bags. Heeseung placed the cake in the middle, placing the candles on the top. 
“I think it’s time to wake him up ourselves,” Heeseung whispered, “If he already woke up he isn’t going to come out since it’s Saturday.” 
You nodded, “Light the candles then, I’ll go get him.” 
You carefully opened his door, Niki was still very much asleep. 
You slowly walked to his bed, sitting down on the edge, “Wake up, cutie pie.” you softly spoke, tapping your mate's shoulder. 
Niki’s eyes fluttered open, a small smile forming on his face, “Good morning,” 
“Good morning, sweetheart.”
Niki sat up in bed, stretching his arms out before pulling you close to him, “Let’s go back to sleep.” 
“Oh no no no,” you place your hands on his shoulders, pushing yourself back, “It’s time to get up.” 
Niki narrowed his eyes at you, he knew you were up to something, “What are you planning?” 
You bat your eyes at him, “Me? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
You could tell by the look in his eyes that he didn’t believe you. 
Niki wasn’t stupid. It’s his birthday today, there’s no way you didn’t have anything planned for him. 
But he knew if he didn’t get up now, his hyung would be marching in here himself. 
“Okay,” he said, cupping your face with his hands, “You’re up to something, Y/N, I can feel it.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “Just get up and get dressed. Brush your teeth too!” 
Niki giggled, placing a soft kiss on your nose before he kicked you out of his room so he could change. 
Niki walked out of the bathroom, after freshening up. 
The apartment was dark, only the light from the windows came through. 
He walked down the hall, to turn the corner to see you, Heeseung, and __ standing by the table with the light from the candles brightening the room. 
A happy birthday banner hung on the wall, with a few red, yellow, and blue balloons. 
Niki couldn’t wipe the smile from his face. How could he possibly even fight it? His loved ones were standing in front of him, celebrating his day. 
They sang to him, causing Niki to hide his face in his hands. 
You rushed him over to the table, “Make a wish, baby.” 
Niki blew the candles out, the room falling darker but the sounds of his family cheering and clapping filled the darkness. 
Once the lights were turned on, everyone sat at the table. 
Heeseung cut the pancake-flavored cake, which was perfect for a breakfast food item for today, and passed a piece to everyone along with their coffee. 
Even though vampires don’t need food, it was fun to enjoy it now and then. 
Niki sipped on his blood bag, looking between his hyung, his mate, and you. His heart raced faster from the happiness he was feeling. 
One by one, the rest of the members of the pack called and wished him a happy birthday. 
Jake: “Happy birthday mate! Here’s to many more brother!”
Jake’s mate: “Enjoy your day little brother! Don’t cause too much chaos!”
Sunghoon: “Damn you’re getting older…but I am glad I share my birthday with you.” 
Sunghoon’s mate: “You’ve grown a lot since we met, even with you being stuck at seventeen, you’re still growing older and wiser by the day. Happy birthday!” 
Jungwon & his mate: “YOI!!! Happy birthday!!” 
Jay: “Happy birthday little bro, enjoy the cake I baked for you.” 
Jay’s mate: “Make sure to make plenty of birthday wishes and continue to raise hell! Happy birthday, Niki!” 
The smile on Niki’s face wouldn’t leave, he could feel the muscles in his face getting sore from how much he was smiling and laughing. 
You eventually leaned your head on his shoulder, snuggling close to him, “I am sorry your birthday couldn’t have been celebrated more. The snowstorm took us all by surprise.”
Niki wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer, “I don’t need a fancy birthday party or even a fancy day to be celebrated a certain way. This way was perfect.” 
You nodded, tangling your fingers with his, “What did you wish for when you blew the candles out?” 
Niki shook his head, “Nothing.” 
You sat up and looked at him, “Why not!?” 
All Niki could do was smile, placing his hand on your cheek, his thumb tracing your jawline, “Because I already have my wish. To be beside you for the rest of eternity.” 
You softly smiled, “But you already get that.” 
He nodded, looking between you, Heeseung, and __, “Having you all beside me is enough. I couldn’t be more thankful for you guys, thank you for an amazing birthday.” 
Heeseung clapped, “Here’s to you, brother.” 
You pull Niki into a hug, “Happy birthday, Nishimura Riki, I love you so much.” 
He hugged you back tighter, resting his face on your shoulder, “I love you too, thank you so much.”
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waketoearth · 6 months
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ENHYPEN ⭐️ started their LIVE : Birthday-mura Ni-ki's Recipe 🎂
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choiwonder · 2 years
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boyfriend! riki that somehow grows more annoying when you first start dating. you thought his pranks were annoying before? god, i have news for you. it’s like a love language, he literally cannot stop bothering you no matter how much you plead. all he wants to do is mess with you and simply just enjoy the reaction. of course as a form of apologizing, he’ll kiss your cheek or hold your hand.
boyfriend! riki who is not entirely a fan of going on fancy restaurant dates so will instead take you to arcades, carnivals, and theme parks since they’re dosed in opportunities of fun. you’ll play every game, hop on every roller coaster, and grab every souvenir possible. going on dates like these allow him to enjoy his teenhood, so he’s eternally grateful that you’re doing this with him and genuinely having a great time.
boyfriend! riki that quite literally cannot be separated from you. you’re practically joined at the hip. he loves being around you. whenever he talks about you, it’s like your inseparable best friends. most couples or even friends would be annoyed to be with their s/o 24/7 but riki would dramatically feel like he’s dying if he’s spent away for even five minutes. it’s like morticia and gomez butless lovey dovey.
boyfriend! riki that expresses his love for you through pranks. i’m not sure why he loves doing this so much, maybe it’s because he knows he’ll never fail to see you smile by the end of it or that he’ll be able to apologize to you by giving you a little kiss or hug.
boyfriend! riki that reminds me of giggling kisses. he’ll easily press his lips to yours, grinning at the feeling erupting in his chest. his hands hold you with immediate delicacy, tickling at your stomach. you’re laughing spreads to him and he still holds you, attempting to keep a firm kiss but it’s difficult when you’re both laughing against each other’s lip, hugging each other by the end of it.
boyfriend! riki who loves you. he love love love loves you beyond belief and wouldn’t change that for the world. he might not vocally say it all the time (it’s cringe) but you know he does. he’ll send you a message or draw a simple heart on your skin just to make you aware he does. riki loves you and he’d do anything just so you’ll see how head over heels he is.
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© choiwonder ༝ do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work on any platform, or claim it as your own.
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vintagesuga · 7 months
Happy Birthday Ikeu 🐶
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I haven't been an Enha stan long but you are absolutely adorable. I love you. <3
^^ credit goes to lxthvjk on tik tok
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onlyhooni · 6 months
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(⁠๑⁠˙w˙⁠๑⁠) , # hbd niki ! ♡
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wonibbies · 6 months
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love, that old-fashioned feeling
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bunchofroses07 · 6 months
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1.8 . * 💴
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today is yours * . 🧠
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riki ! . * 🍥
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saikik-che-rie-arts · 8 months
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Kaidou with the Boys ~~
Happy Bornday Shun Kaidou! 🎉💕
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hugsforjungwon · 6 months
to be honest, im kinda sad Niki's now 18. there was a lot of weird horny engenes waiting for him to turn 18 so they could sexualize the fuck out of him.
they're not gonna hesitate to make the most vile and nastiest smut about him and use that lame "he's 18 so it's okay! 🥰" excuse.
the same thing happened with jungwon. the second he turned 18, people were QUICK to publish the smut they wrote of him saved in their drafts.
idk maybe I'm overreacting but this just doesn't sit write with me. yes, he's an adult now but would it kill you to NOT make smut of him and make a fluff-type story of him or something..?
ANYWAYS, stream sweet venom 🥰
also, happy belated birthday, niki 🎉 !!
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iatemycatfreckles · 6 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKI!!! <3 :) Now hes a adult 👎
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geombyu · 2 years
[ 5:18 pm ] "this one's really soft!"
riki looks in your direction, running to the sofa you're currently sitting at.
bored on a sunday afternoon, you decided to go to ikea to "test" sofas out and decided to bring your boyfriend along since everything is funner whenever you're with him.
you weren't really testing the sofas though, having absolutely no intention of buying anything, and it was very clear. thankfully, you hadn't got kicked out yet.
"you're right.. by the way, have we tried that one yet?" riki points to an unfamiliar couch further away, "only one way to find out." you both get up, sprinting as fast as you two possibly can. "last to sit on it is a loser!" he exclaims, giggling just after.
it was funny how much effort you're putting in not to lose to a childish competition, but whenever you're with him you feel the need to do the utmost.
fortunately, your efforts don't go to waste and you got to sit on it first. "aww, come on," he whines, a pout on his face, making you laugh. with an 'L' gesture on your hand you replied. "loser,"
he sat himself down, gasping for air. looks like he gave his everything too.
after calming down your boyfriend speaks yet again. "oh, i don't remember trying that one out yet." riki points to a couch far away and unfamiliar. you laugh, sensing there was going to be another very extreme race.
"i don't either," you said with a big smile on your face, while a smirk grows on his. and you fall in love all over again,
lost in a trance, he makes his move and runs, "last person to sit on it has to buy that blue sofa i liked but you didn't!" getting back in touch with reality, you scoff, running towards him looking to knock him to the ground. "oh, fuck you!"
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©geombyu 2022.
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aoki553 · 1 year
happy birthday to me and nendou
best boy birth :)
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sashamosu46 · 1 year
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Here's wishing my no. 1 fav seiyuu Ono Daisuke a very happy birthday!!!🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉🎂 Thank you for everything you've done to make us smile & laugh!! I hope your day is full of sunshine, love and laughter since you deserve it lots!🥰💖💕
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paolamjj · 2 years
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sweet 17
like / reblog
don't repost
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vintagesuga · 6 months
Happy 18th birthday Riki <3
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I can't believe you're only 18. I wish you a wonderful and happiest birthdays. 💕
^credit goes to hypenheart on tik tok
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