#happy birthday you old fuck . . . i reread my drafts earlier and you are 100% going to hell
warwickroyals · 8 months
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The Royal Year (4/∞)
↬ HM The King's Birthday
King Louis V was born Prince Louis Arthur George of Danforth on February 7, 1946. His birth, following an Allied victory during the Second World War, marked the start of Sunderland's contemporary era. Despite his persistent shyness, Louis is considered to be one of Sunderland's more successful monarchs and is on track to be the longest reigning should he surpass the 63-year rule of his great-great grandfather King George. Per the King's Wikipedia page: Louis’s reign has coincided with major political events such as the continuation and resolution of the Saint George Sovereignty Crisis, the further decolonization of Sunderland’s former imperial territories, several amendments to Sunderland’s constitution, and the recognition of Sunderland’s Dominion Realms as distinct societies. Louis’s reign has also seen an increase in social liberalism with the legalization of same-sex marriage, the decriminalization of abortion, and the rise of multiculturalism. As monarch, he undertakes dozens of state visits and official tours each year. Since his inauguration in 1971, Louis celebrated his Silver, Ruby, and Golden jubilees in 1995, 2010, and 2020 respectively. Despite streaks of unpopularity and press criticisms against his personal character during the early decades of his reign—in particular, after the publication of his extra-marital affairs and the subsequent estrangement from his wife—Louis’s personal popularity recovered by the turn of the century. Support for Louis and the monarchy as a whole has remained consistently high since the death of his eldest son James, Prince of Danforth in September 2017. As a cultural figure, Louis is noted for his stoicism and aloof disposition; his personal opinions and political beliefs are largely subject to conjecture.
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