#happy chris prince-mas y’all
katasstrophy · 2 years
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calypsoff · 4 years
Twenty Four.
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I broke and let Robyn do what she wanted to do with my clothing line, and it’s been busier then ever, I can’t keep up with the demand, I have been Canada to drop Drake off more gear, I have met people that I didn’t think I would ever meet. I went to Malibu to drop Diddy some gear too, like I am getting to know these people. Diddy invited me to his party too, this is all down to Robyn which made me busy and then also Robyn has been busy, but we promised each other we would meet in Virginia, she is coming to my family’ home finally, after all this time. She said she wants a break away; I want a break away too. Just some peace with my loved ones. My boys are also here, they coming to see their own family, but we all got a tan from being in Malibu, Diddy is a cool dude. We hit one hundred thousand followers on my clothing line page but my page, that is on five hundred thousand, it’s amazing “where is she? Didn’t she say she would be here by now?” Barry questioned, we are already here at the airport, been here for a while now “I think she said she would be in the SUV already, she would call me when she is ready” I know they fed up of waiting “I am still not over Malibu, must be hard for you that you can’t taste these delicacies. By far the best night, these ladies just be doing anything. I felt like a prince, you must be bored” shaking my head laughing “nah, I am happy with Robyn. No girl can and will take that place. Girls try it though, like they do try it. They be in my messages constantly, but I can handle myself. Who the hell is badder then Rihanna? Come on nigga, not even the big titties get me. Like with the whole thing, you know what happened. We haven’t had sex, it’s been months and yeah I am struggling but I ain’t that type to do that to her” TJ snorted laughing “that’s love, I would slap you if you did too. Got love for Rihanna, she is the sister” funny to hear that from TJ “look at him, Tina really got you hooked huh? You not got any from them?” he shook his head “I am saving my soul for her, let Barry do it on my behalf, proud of him” my phone started ringing in my hand, Robyn is here then. Answering the call “Twin” answering the call “I am in the SUV outside, come” I assumed so “are you alone or is Tina here? TJ is asking” rolling my eyes “tell him my assistant is here yes, also Rich is here for Barry” I busted out laughing “not telling him that, I will be out” Barry would be offended.
Rich dapped me meeting me outside the SUV “been a while” I said to him “go on then, y’all sitting in the back” I said to Barry and TJ, the driver took the bags to put in the back “busy, but now I am going to be bored here. I heard it quiet over here” nodding my head “nothing much be happening here” I guess Robyn is keeping Rich around, getting into the SUV “poppa had a haircut, oh my god. You look so handsome” shuffling down the seats “I missed you so much” Robyn hugged my torso as I tried to take my backpack off “I missed you more and” the word sex was going to leave my lips but it didn’t, we haven’t been sexual since the whole miscarriage, she hasn’t been sexual with me like that for a while. It’s been so hard for me since, I am struggling. Months without sex, no sex. I have to jerk off to pictures of her and now I am on Pornhub, it has to happen, but I miss her sexually “you good?” wrapping my arm around her sitting back into the seat “better now I have seen you, I am so proud of you. Like what you have done, I didn’t do anything but put out a word. Did Drake treat you well? He better have” nodding my head “he played ball with us, it’s crazy like to have his number and he was cool but let’s forget about that, I have missed your touch so much” attacking her face with kisses, Robyn let out a giggle “I love you so much” hugging her tight “how you been?” I said in her ear “good, been keeping busy. Just like you” I groaned out, yes Robyn racking her nails on the back of my head, I needed that.
My head shot up; oh we are in the car still “did I fall asleep?” I think I did “you did, you was out like a light. You not been sleeping” moving back from Robyn while rubbing my eyes “too much partying” stretching out “no never, I was vibing that is it” the SUV slowed down “thank you so much Robyn for dropping me off outside my home though” oh yeah this is TJ’ home “it’s ok, treat my friend nicely. I swear TJ. And you better keep Seiko away from her” I forgot about Seiko “get up then nigga, so we can get out” I am still half asleep “oh yeah” I said groggily opening the door, lazily getting out of the car “Joyce’ boy! I know that face, you better come here and give auntie a hug” oh god, TJ’ mother is outside “oh yeah, what’s up momma Dukes!” walking up his path “don’t what’s up me, you tried to ignore me. Give me a hug” I chuckled hugging her “you out here being famous, you boys. Oh my god. Barry, you are looking so chubby!” she screamed out “hey, you good?” hugging TJ’ sister “yep, is Rihanna in there?” she said in a whisper “I would have to kill you if I told you this information” she giggled “anyways I got to go, keep in contact. Ma Dukes, love you” waving her off “welcome home baby” everyone knows me “hey” I smiled, I think I know her “how is Clinton? I have not seen him in so long” I wish I knew her “he good, he bald as hell” I laughed “good seeing you” saluting her as I walked off “celebrity I see” sitting inside the SUV laughing “nah, I wouldn’t say that but you know how it is, small place and stuff” I am tired and horny right now, this mix is not good for me at all because Robyn is just there, she is there waiting to be devoured.
We are close to my home, I can’t wait “you nervous about seeing my family? After all this time, I have really missed you” rubbing my hands together “I am a little nervous, I haven’t seen your family in forever. But I wanted to ask, did you have fun? Like did you see other girls there” she is asking about other women of course “Robyn, why are you asking about that? I am not interested in that at all, yeah Diddy had other girls there but all I cared for was you and I was there for work. Had some laughs, there were some cool girls there, and just had fun. You ain’t got nothing to worry about” I know she can see I am doing more; she is probably nervous about that “but also I am not giving” frowning in confusion “what so you mean?” I questioned “sex Chris, I am not stupid” least she mentioned “yeah about that, I need to bust a nut. I need sex Robyn” Robyn shook her head “yeah but if I didn’t then what huh? You will cheat on me?” here she goes, oh my god “I am going on tour Chris, I won’t be around. While you have been around doing things I have been preparing for a tour” here this tour shit again “right” I mumbled “it’s ninety six dates” I felt like she just punched me, my eyes bulged out “what the fuck!?” I spat “so you expect me to not have sex and then you go for a fucking tour!? Ninety six fucking dates! You are fucking joking; you are fucking having a laugh!” I am so angry “what do you want me to do!?” she shouted back “fucking have sex with me! It’s been months! What don’t you get, I am a man. I can’t fucking wait for that time!” I can’t do this “then leave me” not this again, and we are here outside my parents’ home “great, fucking great!” I got out of the car; I am frustrated.
Robyn is joking, she is a joke. I get it, she didn’t want sex at first because of that, and I waited but now she needs to give “what do you want me to do? Of course I was going to go on tour. I have been rehearsing, you haven’t ever ask what I was doing. You are playing the good act right, but you called me at stupid times and then have the nerve to say I am the busy one, when was the last time you asked how I was? We need to talk, you’re right but I am going on tour. Next month” she is funny “you had to tell me this before seeing my mother? I mean that is clever isn’t it, yes I have been busy, but I have been talking to you, I have been calling you” we are actually doing this outside on the streets “you have but you have always turned around and said I will call you back, you didn’t ask how I was doing, a five minute call is nothing! I have done nothing but miss you, I have been nervous telling you this because we have been apart for a while now and then telling you it over the phone was wrong so generally it was never a good time, right?” she is funny, I think I am more annoyed because I want sex, I haven’t had it in so long but I need to calm down “let’s just go inside, are you coming in?” I said to Rich, he nodded his head. I guess he has too, you never know with Virginia “well my parents’ home is not grande” walking off.
It’s annoying me, we can’t just come here and be all moody because clearly we are “you know what, we can come back here later because I am not in the mood” I really don’t want to be here “Christopher! My baby, you’re here” oh my mom has seen us “hey mom” putting on a smile turning to her “look at you, you look so well” hugging my mom “yeah, thanks. I missed you mom” she rubbed my back squeezing me tightly “I love you so much my boy” moving back from the hug “my second daughter, Robyn! How are you!” my mother spat and ran at her like her life depended on it “dad” dapping him and then he hugged me “son, welcome home. You bought home a girlfriend finally! A girl you like!” my dad is funny “yeah, this is Robyn” I pointed out “Tootie not here” I asked, it is quiet “work and Desean is at school. Come in, this is too public for her” nodding my head agreeing “oh I am so happy, you both are here. Welcome, this is your home too” I really don’ want to be here right now, this is bullshit “I am going to get a drink” I walked off, I am sure my mother will keep Robyn company. I am pissed, how she going to go on a ninety six date tour when that shit stresses her and then I will never get to see her, it’s bullshit.
I was excited for today, I say was. I am not so much, I must have been in the kitchen for what I would say ten minutes now “taking your time?” my dad said, pulling open the back door and leaving to stand outside, my dad can just leave me alone. Like I am annoyed, it’s just too much. She does nothing sexually anymore, not even phone sex “son, hey. Come here” my dad waved me over “what? I want a blunt” can he go “what happened?” well I am going to blow so I am going to say it “Robyn suffered a miscarriage; this was months ago now. Time has gone by; we haven’t seen each other since New York. I have not had sex since; it’s been months and then she comes out with she is having have ninety six date tour! I can’t fucking deal” I snapped “wait, son. What? A miscarriage? No” I forgot he doesn’t know “it happened but she needs to move on now, what about my needs” my dad is in shock “I am shocked that happened to her, I am so sorry” waving him off “do not tell mom, it was a mistake telling you but she is playing stupid now” waving off my dad “son, a woman going through that can be a lot on her. How about you more sensitive to her?” is he stupid “I have! I have been with so many women around me, but I have been waiting to see her and then she plays in my face” I am annoyed.
My dad is shocked, he is still here just floating around “just makes me think, if she didn’t want to have sex with you this stay does that determine if you want to be with her. Sex is something you both want and crave” my dad acting like I don’t know that “well she will have to put up with my bad mood, it’s hard for me! The lack of sex and be around beautiful ass women” my dad stared at me “that shouldn’t matter, she was carrying your baby and then she lost it, that should matter. If you want sex that is something you coax her into, be a man not a boy. This attitude is horrible, she might be going through things. You both haven’t seen each other in a while. I need you to take that I don’t care attitude and think of her feelings. If your mother lost a baby, I would be consoling her” rolling my eyes “I did, I was there for her. Now it’s time she is there for me, but she isn’t because she is going on a fucking tour and tells me now” I scoffed “do you want to be with Robyn? If you do then you need to start being more caring towards her Chris, I get it. I do. Lack of sex, being around women that are attractive can be hard but when you love it’s not. Just calm down and come back in” I feel bad, I do but it’s annoying.
I took forever to go back inside, I just needed to calm down and just think about my action and how I speak to Robyn and just calm down about it, she told me that and of course I jumped, I wasn’t happy about it. With my hands stuffed in my pockets, I made my way into the living room “sorry to interrupt but I need to speak to Robyn, if I can borrow her” my mom looks displeased, unless Robyn has told her “we will go upstairs” I said walking ahead of Robyn, I am going to be much calmer about it because I do love Robyn and I will always support her the way she wants me to do but it’s just a lot, I need to speak on it with her “I ain’t been in this bedroom since I left so my bad if it’s a mess or there is nothing in it” I said but pretty much speaking to myself, I mean of course Robyn is going to hate me, she is going to be unhappy with the way I have been with her so let me just keep it mutual, reaching the top of the steps and turning to my room. Opening the door and entering my bare room, just a bed that isn’t even made “you can sit on the bed if you like” closing the bedroom door “I don’t want too” she mumbled “you are so rude to me over sex, don’t you think I worry about these things. I have been worried about it since meeting you, I am thinking I haven’t had intimacy with him since and he will stray away, I was frantically looking and watching to see if you didn’t, nothing came up. I shouldn’t feel this way Chris but I do, I am insecure with you because like I said to Mel you haven’t lived your life and you are now, you have a proper girlfriend now, you haven’t had the chance to fuck other bitches, to have this luxury life which you’re getting now, you’re lumbered with me that has been through a miscarriage and now I am not intimate because I can’t” I swallowed hard “you can’t or you won’t?” I retorted “I am not sure” sitting on my bed sighing out “I am not being rude to you Robyn, you threw a tour at me out of nowhere. You know what, yes I was with beautiful girls. I would be lying if I say I wasn’t, we was having fun but you know what, they wasn’t you. They aren’t you Robyn, because I do love you, I really do. I at times react in stupid way, that is just me. I need guidance, I don’t know what to do to help you? You seem sexually not there with me” which she isn’t “you haven’t even tried Chris, just because on facetime you said show me a boob doesn’t really conclude that. I can’t tell you what to do Chris, but as much as I am feeling this way so are you Chris, I feel it from you” clenching my jaw “what if I get you pregnant and it happens again, I don’t want that for you, I also don’t want you to think I am putting a condom on because I don’t want a baby, you know?” this is difficult “I have just finished my period so I think I will be good, it’s not just me. You also are to blame because you have that stance, you’re more frustrated at yourself then me. Things like that need to be spoken on and things like miscarriages can happen, it can happen again, as much as I pray it won’t ever it can” nodding my head “I am sorry Robyn, I mean it” I said with my head hung low, Robyn walked over to me. My head resting just on her stomach.
My nephew is in love with Robyn, he can’t believe his eyes at all and it’s nice to see my family getting along with Robyn and also Rich, he is sat here part of the family but it’s nice that Robyn is integrated into the family, just like the old times “I always assumed you both dated when you used to come here after school, I said to Clinton you think we should tell them they should use protection” my mom is stupid “mother please” I mumbled rubbing my face “it’s true” can she drop it as stubborn as he is Joyce, as much as I want to cry until he listen and as much as I hate him as times. I do love him, I know Chris does love me because he does listen to me but I love you like my own mother, I really do and I am unsure if Chris has told you but I went through a miscarriage, and it’s posed issues between Chris and I not in the way you think but it’s just, it has bought us together more then ever but it’s hard and I told my mother, she was heartbroken and I just want to tell you because Chris and I seem like we are disagreeing but we haven’t seen each other for a few months” my mother would cry “don’t cry, you’re going to make me cry” Robyn said “it’s horrible baby, I went through it myself. I hope he treated you well. I am so sorry Robyn” holding Robyn’ hand “it’s getting easier to speak about, but Chris has been there for me, he scared me because he was so adamant in saying he doesn’t want a baby, he doesn’t want it so when I said it. I expected him to leave, because I knew he didn’t want it, but he stayed with me, bought me flowers. He pulled me out of a dark place, I needed him, and I thank him for that, but we still have things we need to speak on” my mom is a wreck “it’s hard for couples’ baby, I felt a different woman. And even though it was my second child, it still hurt me, but I am here for you” I wonder why Robyn wanted to tell.
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