#happy international forthbeam day
weilongfu · 5 years
Because 2Moons2 Ep 7 was pretty good and I loved @andwebegin‘s headcanon in the tags of this post.
Even if Pha and Kit called it “sulking” or “mood eating,” Beam was not going to deny himself the pleasure of a treat to break his mood.
And there was plenty to be moody over.
After that night and several days of chasing, Forth had suddenly vanished. At first, Beam had been pleased. Maybe his refusals had finally sunken in and Forth had given up. A week later, Beam had been snippy with Yo and Pha had nearly bitten his head off. 
“Don’t get fresh with my N’Yo,” Pha had said sternly before dragging Yo away. Beam’s phone had pinged with a message a moment later from Yo apologizing on Pha’s behalf.
Beam sighed as he pushed open the door to his favorite cafe. The cashier was all smiles, recognizing their infamous regular, and Beam fought with his cheek muscles to mimic the expression.
“Ah Moh Beam! Your order is ready,” the cashier said cheerfully as she set down a tray in front of him. His favorite kind of bitter iced americano, extra black, coupled with a very sweet and rich slice of chocolate and raspberry cake. The very comfort food Beam had been craving.
“But... I didn’t order this yet?” Beam looked around. “Is it someone else’s order? I can-”
“Not at all!” The tray was nudged in Beam’s direction. “It’s all been settled and paid for in your name!”
“I... Huh...” Beam tilted his head to the side for a moment. “Right. Thank you then.” With a slightly more genuine smile and nod of the head, Beam took his snack and wandered off to his favorite table with a window view of several trees.
He missed the man with a denim jacket and a smirk on his lips leaving shortly after.
A few days later, after a grueling exam, Beam found a convenience store bag tied to the side view window of his car. It was filled with his favorite snacks and a few bottles of fruit juice. Everything was still sealed and there was a tiny note that simply said, “Fighting!”
Beam couldn’t place the handwriting, but he took the snacks anyway. 
He didn’t notice the motorcycle driving off, even as the revving of the engine echoed around the parking lot.
At the end of two weeks of silence, Beam found Forth sitting quietly playing his video game where he had seen him do so last time. Beam sat next to Forth and before he could announce his presence, a bar of Beam’s favorite kind of chocolate was pressed into his hands. 
“You don’t look happy. Eat. You’ll feel better.”
Beam raised an eyebrow. “How do I look unhappy? You haven’t even looked at me once in two weeks.”
The corner of Forth’s lips ticked upwards just a bit more than usual. “That’s how I know you’re unhappy.”
“As if!” Beam put down the chocolate carefully. It was good chocolate after all. Why waste it? “Who would miss you?!”
“I wonder as well.” The other corner of Forth’s lips ticked up. 
“This means nothing,” Beam announced as he tore open the chocolate wrapper. Forth’s smug grin be damned. 
“Of course not.”
“I still think it was just a fling.”
“I’m not gonna date you.”
Forth put a box of rice cakes in front of Beam as he crumpled the chocolate wrapper. Beam automatically reached for it and tore it open. “Of course you won’t.” 
“You can’t fool me, Ai Forth!”
“I’d never try.” This time, Forth put a bag of skewers and sticky rice in front of Beam and it was also easily snatched up.
“I don’t even... I mean I can’t...” Beam paused mid bite of a skewer. “Do I really like men?”
“What’s so bad about it?” Forth looked up from his game before pushing a bottle of tea in front of Beam. “You know I’ve done it with guys and girls right?”
Beam rolled his eyes, already taking a swig from the bottle. Forth was practically glowing. “I don’t have anything against that! I just...”
A bag of chips was offered and torn open. “Just?”
“I’ve never really thought about it.” Beam played with the chip he had picked between his fingertips. “I didn’t think I’d ever...”
“So what? You’re allowed to change your preferences.” Forth moved to take a chip from the bag and Beam pulled it away before eating several in rapid succession while glaring at Forth. Forth took it all with style and grace by returning to his game. “You’re allowed to discover you like other things, you know.”
“Like other things, or like you?”
Beam rolled his eyes, but finally caught sight of all the food wrappers he’d gone through. “Shit! Ai Forth! Why did you let me eat so much junk! I’m gonna have to run at the gym forever!”
“I let you eat all that?”
“Oh... Well... Will you let me take responsibility?”
Forth leaned in and Beam found he didn’t want to lean away as badly as he thought he did. “I’ll take responsibility and help you burn it all off.”
Beam felt his face turn red. “You-”
“We’ll go to the gym. I’ve been helping Ming too,” Forth rambled on as he collected the mess and pulled Beam to his feet. “We’ll start easy with some push ups and squats and then...” 
Forth’s grip on Beam’s wrist was light, but warm and secure. And despite how silly it all was, Beam found he was happy where he was. Perhaps Forth was right. Discovering more about yourself wasn’t a bad thing at all.
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daqueen-yihwa · 5 years
Next week TwoAn will have a heart to heart and I'll have a stroke, then when ForthBeam will finally rise I'll die dead.
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weilongfu · 5 years
Today’s ep is pretty interesting because we get something for all three couples. I’m excited. Phoom and Dome have also been trying to get us all hype for the ForthBeam section so let’s go in READY!
Kit’s expressions here over the cake? Amazing. The conversation between him and Ming about the cake? Cute. Kit asking WHY HASN’T MING ANSWERED HIS TEXTS? Next level. The full MingKit experience is coming soon.
Pha asking Yo who he’s with is pretty controlling, but standard for Pha. At the very least, PhaYo seem to respect each other’s time and choices, which is something I’ve seen other people say in their liveblogs. See, this is how you do “artistic interpretation that updates and enhances the story.” Take some fucking notes Khun New. 
So cute that Pha ran over to give Yo pink milk though. 
Montry’s advice to go see Pha was good, but Suthee the relationship councilor was better. I can’t remember for sure, but I think in the novel that Yo says that Suthee is nice to talk to, so it’s good to see that reflected here. 
I also love that Kit wonders what’s up, and then sees Pring all over Pha and rolls his damn eyes because shit Pha, you know what that would look like and you need to stop her. I also love how Beam is a shit and is like, “Look boss, it’s your boyfriend come to see you!”
Ben’s surprised face and then “Oh shit, he’s mad” face were alright. Could use a bit of work. 
But after seeing Pring’s face when Pha is like, “Look at my boyfriend!” I know we’re definitely in for jealous Pring and shitty Park arc. And that upsets me. I was hoping with how they had de-emphasized Pring that we wouldn’t see this arc. Alas. Maybe we’ll only get a piece of it.
They are giving MingKit all the soft, “I am saying I like you without saying I like you,” lines and I’m down for that. Like Kit saying, “Don’t back up for too long,” is the same thing as, “I miss you and want to see you more often. Don’t keep running for too long.” and I think that’s beautiful.
Kit’s gay panic at seeing Ming come to pick him up was just as fun.
And at last. The moment we were waiting for. We saved the best for last. The ForthBeam section!
The party at Lam’s is so so, but the ForthBeam conversation? That mood lighting? The way they went for it? So good. It is a lot more emotional than the way it sounded in the novel, which is good. It makes what happens here less of a drunken fling and more seeking emotional comfort, which is what Beam was probably wanting. And their kisses did not disappoint. At all. Like, I knew I loved you for a reason Phoom. I have to throw Dome up there as well now because he did a great job too. 
Their conversation the morning after is a little difficult to follow. We’re not exactly given enough context as to why Beam is upset with himself, or maybe I just didn’t catch it all. It’s also interesting to note that Forth is being pushed as the aggrieved party because I’m guessing he feels used? 
Based on the closing line, “I don’t like one night stands,” I’m guessing Forth is actually interested in Beam since before all this happened. At least to some extent. OR he’s just that kind of charming man that wants to date you properly while blowing your mind. I’m good with either scenario here. I am also sad that we don’t get a lot of Forth’s internal dialogue because it explains why he suddenly realizes he’s into Beam, or at least why he wants to date Beam. Maybe we’ll get that in the next ep. 
Overall, a good episode. Lots of forward motion for all three relationships. And at least they didn’t fishbowl us. They just faded to black tastefully. At least I got to see Phoom’s nipples? Happy ForthBeam Day everyone!
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