#happy lowman headcanon
thirstygirlclub · 5 years
Chicken Soup - Happy x Reader
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I know this was an angst prompt but I just couldn’t help myself with this. It’s pure fluff and I’m not sorry.
A request from aaaggggeeess ago from brokenh3art! 
Happy Lowman was a cold-hearted killer, a criminal and a badass. But, as it turns out, even badass murderers aren’t immune to the odd cold and/or flu.It had come on almost over night and you could tell he wasn’t used to being ill. You had had to physically stop him from going to work but the good thing about him being ill was that he barely had any fight in him to resist you. He found it hard to resist you at the best of times.
He was currently flopped inelegantly on the couch. long limbs hanging over the edges, with a box of tissues on his bare stomach. His eyes were half open and hazy as he watched the afternoon cartoons flash up on screen. He wasn’t even paying attention to them.
“Oh Hap,” You smiled and put a cup of chicken soup in front of him, “it’s breaking my heart to see you like this.”
He grumbled incoherently as he slid his eyes over to you. His hand grabbed at your forearm and pulled you to on the small piece of couch beside him. You complied, taking the damp wash cloth from the table and dabbing at the sweat collecting on his forehead and chest. He sighed in relief and closed his eyes fully as the cool material met his skin. Happy wasn’t used to being looked after either. He was awkward and tried to fight you off but eventually he had just let it happen and he was enjoying it... in a way.
“What’s that?” He asked, keeping his eyes closed but gesturing weakly to the cup on the coffee table.
“Chicken soup. Your mom never gave you that when you were sick?” You asked, passing it over to him, “It’s supposed to help. Not sure if it’s true though.”
You helped him sit up properly then sat in silence as he sipped the soup. He sighed again as it went down his throat and you knew it was working it’s magic. You just watched him and he avoided your gaze awkwardly until the entire cup was drained. 
“Come here,” You told him with a small chuckle, opening your arm and gesturing for him to lie down on you.
Again, he did as he was instructed and immediately lay across your lap with his arms around your waist and his face buried in your stomach. Your hand traced feather-light patterns across his head, down his neck and shoulders.
“When I catch this bug you had better look after me too.”
He mumbled something but it was muffled in your stomach so he lifted his head slightly and looked up at you shyly.
“I love you,” he said again which only made your soft smile bigger.
“I love you too Hap. Go to sleep now, ok? I’ll wake you up when you need to take your next round of meds.”
Happy nodded and buried his face again; leaving you to watch the cartoons in silence and smiling. Happy was a badass killer but he was your badass killer and you knew he would do anything for you. He let you feed him chicken soup after all. You also knew that when you did eventually get what he had you would look after you just as well as you did him.
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soaimagines · 6 years
Being Gemma and JT’s daughter, & Happy’s Old Lady Would Include:
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Gifs not mine, credit to owner.
Having a lot of Gemmas qualities/traits
Her attitude in particular
So Happy is kinda scared of turned on by you
He first meets you when he transfers to Charming
The guys had told him about you, but you'd never been around the club when he was there
You help your mom throw a big party when he patches in
And Happy is just infatuated by you
Because you light up the room
But he's a good member, and he knows there are boundaries
So he squashes his feelings
He gets jealous when you start dating some guy and no one can figure out why he's so grumpy
When you break up with your boyfriend he goes after him
He starts hanging around you more, and the guys are baffled to see him actually laughing around you
But you make him Happy
Of course Gemma is the first to know something else is going on
But for once she doesn't meddle
Until one day Happy comes to the office
And just kinda stands there cause he doesn't know how to ask, so Gemma would just come right out with it
“You like my daughter?”
And he'd just stare at her terrified  in shock
He can't help but feeling guilty
But Gemma sits him down and tells him that its okay
That JT would have been proud to have Happy with his daughters
No one would have any issues with it
Except for Jax sometimes
Because the walls at the clubhouse are thin, and Happy likes it when you are loud.
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thirstygirlclub · 5 years
Duchess - 18
Chapter 18 – Good Butt Jeans
(I'm just telling you now, this is like 2 chapters in one.)
As I slung my dance bag over my shoulder I checked my phone and left the club. I needed to let Mr Chibs know I was on my way home so he could unlock the door. There was a text from Mr Lowman on my screen, in all capital letters as usual.
'BE READY TOMORROW 8PM. WEAR JEANS SNEAKERS AND BLACK SWEATER.' Was all it said. I never really understood why he always used capital letters to text me. Maybe he thought I was blind?
'Jeans?!' I replied; tapping quickly with my thumbs but barely needing to look at the screen to type, 'UGH! Can I wear shorts instead?'
He must have been awake. He had been working tonight so he couldn't walk me home but ever since those guys attacked me he was extra paranoid about me walking home on my own. It didn't matter how many times I told him I would be ok he didn't let it go.
'What about wedges instead?"
It was Mr and Mrs Chibs' anniversary tomorrow and they had a lot of couple things that they wanted to do so Mr Chibs asked Mr Lowman to 'babysit' me for the night. I had already dropped an overnight bag and Romeo over with Mrs Lowman so he could settle in; I would be completely alone for the night. I don't know what Mr Lowman had planned and he refused to tell me. Apparently it was a surprise.
The light was on when I got home and I knew Mr Chibs would be sat in the armchair waiting for me. I turned the keys in the door and basically fell through because I was so sleepy.
"Shit!" Mr Chibs exclaimed, almost spilling the coffee out of his cup and onto his lap, "I'd gotten used to Romeo telling me when you were home."
"Sorry," I whispered and slipped my sneakers off, "it's weird, huh?"
He nodded and stood up to come over and take all of my bags out of my hands. He looked curiously into my money bag and shook it so all of the bills rustled inside.
"Good haul?"
"Yeah. That businessman from Nevada was in again so," I shrugged, "he always give me loads of money. I really wanna know what he's setting up but he won't say anything. All he says is that he's going to be rich and then asks me to dinner."
"Bastard," Mr Chibs laughed and hung up my stuff on the hooks behind the door next to his skeleton man jacket, "keep working your charm; he'll open up eventually."
"They always do."
But I had literally been trying for weeks to find out what he was doing and listening to the phone calls he made but so far there was nothing. I didn't need to know but not being told made me want to know even more. I was like a kid like that I guess. But I had tried literally everything. I sat on his lap, showed him my chest and put my butt basically in his face and he just didn't do anything. I wondered if maybe he was gay.
"That's my girl. Right, I'm going to bed. Make sure you text Hap to tell him your home or he'll be out here banging on the door in 10 minutes."
I nodded and let him kiss me on the head before telling him goodnight and watching him stomp up the stairs with his little slippers on. He was so cute. I turned to go into the living room to change into my pyjamas and finally flop into bed. I reached to get my phone and let Mr Lowman know I was home so we could both get to sleep. It was so cold in bed without Romeo to cuddle but it would only have to be for one night; I just had to hug my pillow until then.
I dressed in the clothes I had been told too and hated it. I looked like a boy and I didn't have any purses that would even match my current outfit so I had to keep my phone and keys in my pockets which made it look all weird and lumpy. Is this why men didn't wear bags? Because nothing matched their boring clothes. I had to borrow a hoodie from Mr Chibs again. It was just a plain one because he said it would probably be best not to have something with their club name on it. That just made me more suspicious. Mr Chibs was wearing a suit and Mrs Chibs was wearing a pretty red dress and I gasped when I saw them together; they looked so beautiful.
"Be good for Happy," Mrs Chibs said, "don't cause too much trouble."
They looked at each other with a smile before turning to leave. I watched Mrs Chibs back the car out of the driveway and waved at them. I hope they had a nice time tonight; they deserved it. I still had about 30 minutes until I found out what it was I had to wear jeans for. There wasn't really anything I could do in 30 minutes so I literally just sat on the doorstep to wait for Mr Lowman and thinking about what we could be doing. I hated not knowing things. Suddenly I heard the sound of a motorcycle coming up the street and I looked up. He was early.
I always thought that he looked so badass and cool on his motorcycle with his helmet on and stuff. We were in matching outfits today. He didn't come up the driveway like usual and he didn't get off; he just sat there looking at me.
"They took the car," I said and pointed stupidly to the driveway, "so we can't go anywhere far."
"Come on," he gestured with his head to the back of his motorcycle, "we need to go."
"On that?" I moved my pointing finger to him.
When he turned the engine over and climbed off I noticed he was wearing a big, heavy looking backpack on his back. He wasn't wearing his jacket today, only a black hoodie the same as me. I stood to meet him still looking up with wide eyes. The thought of riding on the back of his big, scary machine was making my heart beat in my ears.
"Where's your stuff?" He asked, looking over me until I rattled my sweater pockets, "Ok."
He reached into them and took out the keys and phone to put in the backpack. One of my favourite things about our friendship was that we weren't shy around each other and he didn't think twice about stuffing his hands in my pockets like I wouldn't to him. Then, he dragged me over to his motorcycle by the front of my sweater.
"Put pegs on yesterday," he told me almost shyly when we got to it and pointed to two black stick things on the back.
Before I could say no, protest or even walk back towards the house he had walked behind me and put his arm around my stomach so he could lift me easily, as if he was just picking up Romeo, and put me on the back of his motorcycle. I shouted in surprise but at the same time I was really impressed. I put my hands on the seat in front of me to steady myself because I was worried I would fall off and look stupid in front of him. Mr Lowman didn't say anything and just grabbed my arms and looped the backpack onto my shoulders. Luckily the straps were loose enough that it rested on the seat behind me. He rooted through before I heard him zipping it up and something was put on my head then he started tucking my hair into my sweater.
"What's this?" I asked and looked up as if I could see on top of my head, "A helmet?"
He hummed and made sure the bag was secure on my shoulders before coming around to face me. He smiled when he saw me looking up at him from under the wonky helmet then reached out to tighten it under my chin where I could feel his leather gloves brushing on my skin.
"If you kill me," I warned him and moved the helmet so it felt more comfortable, "I'm gonna be so mad."
Mr Lowman just rolled his eyes and carefully climbed on, making sure he didn't kick me, and reached behind him so he could grab behind my knees and pull me so I was close to him. I squeaked and gripped onto his sweater tightly. I held him with my knees and wrapped my arms fully over his stomach. He tilted the machine and did something with his feet before turning it on. I was pretty sure that he would be able to feel my heart beating against his back and how much I was shaking both with fear and excitement. I gripped onto his hoodie as if that would keep me balanced. When it started moving I held my breath and squeezed my eyes shut.
Eventually, when I did relax, I had fun although I could see why he said I had to wear jean; it was kind of cold. I liked seeing all the buildings and cars going by quickly and he was a really good driver so I stopped being scared quickly. We zoomed smoothly through the traffic and around the corners. I still didn't know where we were going but I also didn't really care. I recognised the street where he lived but then didn't stop when we passed his house. Now I was confused. I thought we might be going to his house he took me streets and streets away to a quiet neighbourhood where all the houses had big yards. They weren't big houses but they were spread so far apart that it made them look huge.
We stopped down another side road that didn't have any street lights and the silence when he turned off the engine hurt my ears.
"What are we-"
But he shushed me and stood up. I wasn't happy about being shushed and glared at him but I doubted he could even see me it was so dark.
"Come on," he whispered and unclipped his helmet, waited for me to struggle with mine and then helped me off.
When I stood up I almost staggered back because I had forgotten about the bag on my back and it was so heavy. He laughed and grabbed my arms so I could steady myself. I'm pretty sure it weighed more than me. He didn't let go of my arm and took me further down the dark street. He didn't even need to hold me because I was hugging his arm really tightly. I didn't understand how a street could be so dark when the one just next to it was at least kind of lit up. I felt the ground under my feet go from concrete to dusty and rocky. I could kind of see some trees against the stars. Was he taking me out here to murder me? I don't think I had done anything to make him angry.
I couldn't even talk; I was so nervous so I just clung to his arm until I saw a building in the distance. It looked like a really run down house. Mr Lowman pulled a torch out of his pocket and shone it over so I could see the tall fence that surrounded it. Beyond the fence was a small, abandoned looking house with the windows smashed and the roof caving in. He gently pulled his arm away from me before scrambling up the fence like a kid climbing a tree then disappearing over the other side.
"Throw the bag over," he told me, "then come over."
I didn't even think that what I was doing was possibly illegal because I was just so surprised. Did he bring me out here to help him break in somewhere? I slipped the bag off of my shoulders and pushed it over the top of the fence; hearing it thump to the ground on the other side. It sounded like metal hitting the ground. I stepped up to the fence and I think Mr Lowman realised at the same time that I did that I wouldn't be able to reach the top to even try and climb over because he appeared back over and held out his hand. Without thinking, I reached up and took it so he could help me up until I was balanced on the top. There were splinters in my hands and I felt like I was going to fall. I don't know how he made this look so easy. Maybe he had a lot of practise.
"Oh my gosh," I gasped when I felt a piece of wood or a nail or whatever go into my pants and heard a ripping noise.
"What?" Mr Lowman hissed, dark eyes looking up at me in worry.
"These are my good butt jeans and now they're ripped! I'm gonna have to buy a new pair."
"The fuck are good butt jeans?" he asked with a confused frown.
"Jeans that make my butt look good, obviously. I'm stuck up here, can you help?"
"Your butt looks good anyway," he reached up to put his hands on my thigh to see if he could free me, "don't need jeans for that."
Mr Lowman had seen more of me than anyone had since I was born I think. I didn't mind because he wasn't weird about it but I understand that it was probably weird seeing your friend almost naked and dancing around. I also told him that he didn't need to only ask me for dances because there were loads of other girls that wanted to dance for him but he turned them down. The girls got really annoyed about that but I found it funny.
"Aw!" I cooed and put my hand over my heart with a massive smile; that was such a sweet thing to say, "Do you really think- oh gosh!"
He had obviously given up trying to get me down gently and just grabbed my arms to then pull me downwards; catching me so I didn't hurt myself before putting me on my feet gently and tugging the hood of my borrowed sweater up over my hair then doing the same with his. It hid his entire face and I couldn't help thinking he looked kind of like the skeleton man on the back of their jackets. When he raised his finger to where I pictured his lips would be I felt my heart thud in my chest. What were we doing? Was he forcing me to do illegal things? Mrs Chibs told me to be good.
"Mr Lowman…" I whispered, voice shaking and looking up at him with wide eyes.
"Trust me, ok?"
I nodded. I would always trust him.
He let me hug his arm again as he led me over to the house. It was disgusting and had obviously been abandoned for a really long time. There were smashed windows and shopping carts in the yard. I didn't understand why we were here. The door was already opened and when we stepped in Mr Lowman made me stand in the doorway while he went further on into the house. All I could see was the torchlight moving behind things and then disappearing into another room although there must have been a hole in some of the walls because I could still see flashes until one by one the rooms were lit up with small lantern things in the corners. When the whole bottom floor was dimly lit I could see how disgusting it really was in the house.
I squeaked and stepped back out into the yard and crossed my arms. Why would he take me to a place like this? He knows how much I hate dirt and mess and bugs. When he appeared at the doorway his hood was down and he was smirking at me. I was so busy with starting to tell him off that I didn't notice the baseball bat in his hand until he held it out to me.
"What the heck?!" I exclaimed and slapped it away but I only hurt myself, "Are you going to murder me?"
"Come see," was all he said and gestured back into the house, "you'll have fun."
Now I was nervous and curious but I'd be lying if I said the thought of doing something probably illegal wasn't exciting. I walked back in and found him in what looked like it used to be a living room. There was a ripped couch and chairs, coffee table and pictures on the wall. Mr Lowman passed me the bat and I took it.
"You need to let of steam," he told me and pointed to an ugly ornament on the coffee table.
I shook my head. I couldn't do that. I can't break something that wasn't mine. Even if it was mine I wouldn't break it. I gripped the handle of the bat tightly. I had never held one before and it was weird. Mr Lowman stepped back and folded his arms; watching me closely and patiently. I knew he wouldn't take me home until I at least hit the thing. I lifted the bat and weakly hit the ornament but it didn't break or crack, it just fell over with a dull thud.
"Mr Lowman-"
"Try. You'll feel better."
There wasn't even anything wrong with me though so I didn't understand. I took a deep breath, fixed my eyes on the item then swung down again but harder this time. When the bat hit the fake china it burst and shattered into pieces. I hated to admit that it felt good. Mr Lowman was smiling and nodding as he grabbed something else to put on the table. It was an old plate. I did it again and again as he gave me things to smash. When I was in the swing of it Mr Lowman left me to it and started smashing things of his own.
I was in my own world, swinging the bat at random things like the walls, the tables, the furniture and just everything I could find that I thought might be breakable. I didn't even care that it was illegal because it was fun. I made my way into the kitchen, breathing heavily and sweating as I heard Mr Lowman grunting and smashing things in another room. I thought the kitchen might have had more stuff to break. When I did though I saw two canisters on the floor, the same as the ones I used to destroy Mom's car, and the smell of petrol filled my nose. It was like they were waiting for me to see them. The excitement pulsed through my chest and I knew I couldn't just leave them. Throwing the bat aside, I pulled Mr Chibs' lighter from my sock. It was my favourite one; a heavy, zippo style with a skeleton man engraved on the side. I always made sure to keep it filled.
I grabbed the canisters and skipped into where I heard Mr Lowman having fun. When I appeared in the door I could feel the smile on my face. I was so excited I had forgotten he wasn't supposed to know I was crazy.
"Look what I found," I said to him, still panting and bouncing on my toes, "can we?"
"Have at it," he said, nodding and grinning at me.
Immediately I ran back into the living room to get started. Fabric burned quickly and well so I would start there. There was literally no point in starting in the kitchen. I poured just a small amount over the back of the furniture and along the arms. The lighter lit quickly, that's why I liked this one so much, and I stared at the flame just for a second before crouching next to the arm of the chair. It took instantly; spreading first over the arm, travelling up over the top and then down the other arm. I moved onto the couch then the other chair and just stood back to watch it. I loved that feeling; it was like relief as soon as I saw it, smelled the smoke and heard the crackling of the fire burning onto the wood of the furniture. I felt someone standing behind me but I didn't care because the flames were spreading over the back fully. There were hands on my arms, pulling me backwards but I fought them off. This was the second best part.
"I need to do more," I told Mr Lowman and picked up the other canister, "on the other side."
I walked through the smoke of the house, coughing slightly through the hall, to the temporarily clear air of what used to be a bedroom. Instead of burning the bed I stood up on it and threw the gas over the back wall and onto the ceiling. More smoke filled the air as I lit the corner of the comforter of the bed and watched it travel up the dry fabric and the floor before finally going to the wall. I was dragged backwards as the ceiling started burning and this time I let him. If I was alone I think I would have been hurt. The smoke started to hurt my eyes because I was watching wide eyed and excited.
I had never burned anything this big before and I wasn't sure how happy I would be with going back to burning trash cans and cars now. Maybe Mr Lowman would know about more buildings like this.
"We need to go Babe," he said in my ear, brushing the hair away from my neck gently.
I heard the sirens in the distance and I realised suddenly that there was nowhere that I could hide. When I was in the town I knew where all the dark doorways and alleys were that I could easily hide and watch but we were almost in the middle of nowhere. I nodded to him and took his hand as we walked quickly through the house to the back door. The living room was now completely engulfed which made me smile. Mr Lowman crouched on the ground next to the fence and laced his hands together. I knew this move from cheerleading. I put my hand on his shoulder and my foot in his hands. Just as easily as he had pulled me up to get in, he stood and lifted me so I could grab onto the top of the fence and pull myself over.
As I waited for him to join me on the ground I looked around and as the fire spread over the house and the lights from the approaching firefighters lit up the fence I saw the DANGER CONDEMNED: KEEP OUT sign on the outside. He took my hand again and pulled me away but once we were far enough away that we couldn't be seen but close enough to see what was happening I stopped; digging my heels into the dirt.
"This is the best part." I whispered, turning to look at my work, "Just until the cops come. Please."
His face was lit up with a faint orange light which made his eyes look so dark and his face so pretty. He looked over my face then nodded; stepping closer to me and joining me behind a dry, dead bush. I knelt on the ground and watched the firefighters shouting at each other and taking out the big hosepipe and working to put out the flames.
"The fire people don't look," I said over my shoulder where he was crouching behind me, "but the cops will. That's why we need to go before they come."
"This is the best part?" Mr Lowman asked quietly.
I nodded. It was hard to explain in actual words but I think that it was because I didn't really control anything in my life right now. I couldn't look after Jack, Mom or myself and I couldn't have stopped Daddy from dying even if I wanted too. I didn't have my own place to live or even my own room; I slept on a couch in someone else's house. Even my wages were decided by the men I danced for. But destroying things and making people work to stop whatever it was I did was satisfying and it made me feel powerful.
"Cops," he said, "we really need to go."
"Can we come back tomorrow?"
I nodded and stood up to run back through the desert then back onto the concrete. He gave me the bag back and it was a lot lighter than on the journey here. I didn't even think about climbing on the back of his motorcycle this time and just held onto him. As we drove down the street about 4 police cars went the other way and it made me smile. Mr Lowman had ducked his head down and I turned my face away from them, just in case.
His house was dark when we went up the driveway and the dogs didn't even bark. Mrs Lowman must be asleep. On the short drive back I had time to realise that he knew my secret now but he didn't seem to care. He let me climb off first then just sat looking at me.
"Don't tell Mr Chibs," I whispered, looking down at the ground and kicking a stone with the toe of my sneaker, "because he's gonna be really angry."
"Promise," he nodded.
"You don't care I'm crazy? Like, you don't mind me staying in the house with your mom and stuff?"
"You care I killed a guy?"
I shook my head because I had gotten used to that now and I knew he was a good man. I thought about it a lot though and had decided that if he hadn't done that then he would never have met Mr Morrow and moved to Charming so I would never have met him.
"Then I don't care you're crazy. Come on. I'm tired."
I nodded and followed him up the drive and then into his dark house. The sound of two sets of paws on tiles came towards us and I said hello to our boys; asking if they had been good and if they were happy to see me. I think they were because Romeo's tail was wagging and Scrap's butt was wiggling where his tail should have been.
"Momma and Papi are finally home," I cooed quietly to them, "I know, I know, we were gone forever."
They sniffed the gas on my hands and the smoke on my clothes then sneezed and it was so cute. Mr Lowman led me through his house to his bathroom because I think he knew I would need a shower after just being in that house but now I had the smell of smoke in my hair and on my skin. He didn't have the hair problem. I watched closely while he showed me how to use it and then gave me a towel to use.
In the shower I washed the soot out of my hair and cleaned my skin using what I guessed was his shower gel so when I got out I smelled just like him. It was a nice, comforting smell. It was also kind of funny to picture him stood in the store choosing stuff like this; I don't think he really cares but he always smells the same so I guess he liked it enough to buy it over and over. Once dry and dressed in my shorts and tank top I padded into his bedroom. I had only ever seen it once before and remember it being plain and he didn't even have a lightbulb or lamp on his ceiling light. I felt like I should maybe help him redecorate.
"Better?" he asked when I sat on his bed and towelled my hair gently.
I yawned and nodded. He had been hovering in the corner of his room holding a pair of sweatpants and watching me until I held out the towel. He nodded in thanks then disappeared out and I heard the shower starting again. When I turned to look around I saw a fresh hot chocolate on his bedside table in a cute pink cup with flowers on it. It was the one I always used when I visited.
I had literally no idea what he was doing but he was in the shower forever. He didn't even have hair to wash. By the time he was out I had already finished my drink and already snuggled up under his blankets. The pillow next to the wall was really fluffy and comfy and had obviously never been used. It made me feel happy. As I started to fall asleep I heard the shower turn off and the door opening. I opened my eyes and smiled when I saw him stood in the doorway, still slightly wet from the shower, shirtless but holding the towel over his shoulders like a superhero cape. He looked just as beautiful as the first time I had seen his tattoos but now he had a scar on his stomach which made me feel guilty just looking at it.
"You took so long," I mumbled sleepily and reaching out to him, "I missed you."
Mr Lowman apologised quietly then stepped into the room fully but didn't shut the door so the dogs could come and go when they wanted.
"You're so pretty," I continued as he pulled his duvet over and got in bed, "it's not fair."
"Shut up," he chuckled and settled himself down before turning off his bedside lamp.
"I'm serious! You're the most beautiful man I have ever seen and I'm happy you're my bestest bestest friend. Even if you have killed someone."
"And you're an arsonist."
I hummed and nodded although I doubted he could see me in the dark.
"Not an arsonist though," I said and yawned, closing my eyes and snuggling in as I drifted off to sleep, "I looked it up on the internet. It's called, like, pie mania. Pie oh maniac. Pie…"
"Yeah. That's it. They say I should get help but I like it. I'm gonna show you my scrapbook because I worked, like, really hard on it and no one can see it."
I was talking about the scrapbook of different newspaper articles about the fires I had set and interviews with the townspeople. Everyone was nervous and people were scared their businesses would burn down but I would never ever burn down anyone's livelihood that they worked so hard on.
"Tomorrow," he said quietly.
I hummed in agreement again and fell quickly asleep when I felt his arm move and his hand in my still damp hair; he knew that it made me relaxed. I could kind of hear him saying something but my brain didn't take it in. I just assumed he was talking to the dogs.
I was woken up really suddenly by the sound of my phone and Mr Lowman nudging me awake so I could answer it. I held out my hand so he could hand it to me but all I got was thin air.
"You're literally so annoying," I groaned and sat up so I could lean over him to get my phone from his bedside table, I squinted at the bright screen and saw it was Jack, "Hello? Jack? What time is it?"
I flopped back down to my side of the bed and closed my eyes again.
"It's like… 7am. Cat, can I ask you to do something?" Jack asked nervously and I nodded, "It's… it's the parent-teacher thing tonight and since Mom has gone AWOL… Can you come instead?"
I opened my eyes slowly and looked over to Mr Lowman to see that he was looking at me curiously. I nodded; letting him know that Jack was ok so he could stop worrying.
"Sure. What time is it?"
"Thanks," he breathed a sigh of relief, "I just… The teachers are really getting on my back because Mom and Dad didn't come to the last one and if no one comes to this one then I'm gonna get in shit. It's at 5 tonight. Is that ok? I can ask if they can change their times-"
"5's good. I'll be there, don't worry. Be good in school and I'll see you tonight, ok?"
"Thanks Cat. I'll see you later."
I said goodbye and hung up before yawning again. It was way too early to be awake. I gave Mr Lowman my phone to put back and rolled back over to go back to sleep but he wasn't going to let me.
"What was that? He ok?" He asked from behind me.
I basically told him the entire conversation and explained about how Mom has abandoned us so I was technically Jack's parent now. That's why I needed to get us a place where we could be together again. I know he was safe and happy with Aaron and his family but I wanted to make sure myself. Even though I spoke to him on the phone like every other day or whatever it wasn't the same as seeing him in person. Besides, I kind of missed living with him but I would never tell him that though; I needed to keep up the whole big sister thing.
Even after half an hour I still couldn't get back to sleep so I gave up. I hated waking up before I wanted too because I could never get to sleep afterwards and I think Mr Lowman was the same. He was being annoying today. He literally didn't move even though he knew I wanted to get out; he just lay there and watched me struggle. All I wanted was to get dressed.
"Can you just move? Stop being annoying."
He grabbed onto my ankle as I stood to step over him. He was smiling though which made me smile too. I liked it when he smiled; he was so pretty and it made him look a lot less scary.
"Fine," I laughed and sat back down to crawl over the end, "if I'm staying over more often then you're gonna have to move your bed away from the wall."
"Who says I want you back here?"
"You love me. Obviously you want me to stay over again."
He didn't say anything to that and just watched me rooting through my bag. I was used to him looking at me by now though. It was like I was his favourite thing to look at sometimes. I understood in the club and stuff when I was dressed up in my sparkly costumes, big shoes and looked pretty but when I was just in my pyjamas with messy hair and no makeup I didn't understand it. I also learnt not to look back at him because he got embarrassed that I caught him although he pretended not to be.
I greeted Mrs Lowman when I saw her on my way to the bathroom and she was going into the kitchen. She looked happy to see me. once I was wearing my normal, non-boyish clothes and heels I stepped back into Mr Lowman's room without thinking. I immediately wished I hadn't though because he was midway through getting dressed himself. He wasn't naked but he was definitely not fully dressed. I had never seen his legs before which was kind of a weird thought. Maybe I just assumed he just wore sweatpants under his jeans.
"Oh my God," I squeaked and jumped back; slamming the door shut, "I'm sorry."
I heard him laughing quietly but he didn't say anything. My face was all hot but I was frozen in the hall. I didn't want to go and talk to his mom while I was blushing because then she would ask me why but I couldn't just stand outside the door because then he would come out and see me. My feet shuffled and I just decided to go talk to his mom because I could always just say Mr Lowman embarrassed me or whatever.
"Are you hungry, Princesa?" Mrs Lowman asked, looking at my cheeks but not saying anything, "I have some pancakes. Happy says you like those."
"Please! I love them. They're, like, my favourite food right now. What do you have with them? I like syrup and blueberries."
Mrs Lowman shook the little container of blueberries at me then put it on the little dining table. I helped her to plate up the food because she was having trouble with holding the heavy looking pan. I put the pancakes on the plates and she decorated them. She made a smiley face with bacon on what I assumed was Mr Lowman's plate.
"He always liked this when he was a boy," she told me and chuckled, "he would always say, 'Look Mama, it's me!' He used to be cute, believe it or not."
"He was? I can't imagine him as a kid," I laughed and turned to put the food on the table but jumped and gasped when I saw Mr Lowman leaning in the doorway and looking between us with a smile, "He's being annoying today, Mrs Lowman. Tell him."
Mrs Lowman hit her son lightly with the folded towel she was holding and said something in Spanish to him which made him breathe out a laugh. I thought maybe I should learn Spanish because people would maybe hire me for jobs that weren't dancing if I knew another language. Maybe they could teach me.
"Are you sitting?" Mr Lowman asked and I realised I was just stood in the middle of his kitchen while I was thinking.
I put the food I was holding on the table and made sure that his pancakes were the right way around and he smiled down at them. He was still cute but I didn't want to say anything. Romeo came skipping in with Scrap behind him and sat at my feet; they knew I was the weakest one and couldn't resist sharing my food with them. Mr Lowman almost never shared his with the dogs.
"Do you want breakfast?" I asked them excitedly, in a high pitched voice, "Do you? Yes? Yes?!"
I laughed as the higher my voice got, the more excited they got and Scrap was shuffling on his front feet. I fussed him and then Romeo before standing to find the dog food cans in the bottom cabinet under the sink. I shared some out in different bowls and put them on the ground for them.
"Are you thinking about children, Princesa?" Mrs Lowman asked me and I looked around at her confused before she explained, "You are just so good with your boys. Maybe you would be a good mother."
"Oh… I don't know," I said vaguely and put the can in the trash then thinking better of it, washing it out and putting it in the recycling, "I haven't really thought about it since we moved here. When we lived in LA it was kinda expected, you know? Like, I was gonna marry a rich guy and have a baby and just be a housewife or whatever but I think I want something different now."
I shrugged. Daddy always said I would need to marry a rich man because I had expensive taste but he would maybe set me up with someone he knew so I didn't have to make any decisions. I never decided anything for myself back then but I'm way more independent in Charming and I preferred it. Mr Chibs was really good with that because he would let me talk at him about different things until I made my own decision; he never told me what to do but he did give me good advice. And he never told me he was going to set me up with one of his friends or business people either. He told me that he literally didn't care what I did as long as I was happy. I was happy by myself for now because I had good friends and Mr Lowman.
"And anyway," I continued and sat back down, "I'm gonna be living with Jack soon and that will be bad enough."
We spent the entire day together and it was the best thing ever. On the way back to Mr Chibs' house we went to the condemned house so I could see it again. The feeling of going back and reliving it was almost as fun as doing it in the first place. There was loads of police tape around it but we just went under it and looked around. The living room was the worst; the furniture just looked like skeletons and there was a huge hole in the ceiling. I pointed out my favourite parts to him and he just kind of nodded and made agreeing noises but then showed me his favourite parts too. He liked the way the walls in the kitchen were almost all black with smoke except for under where the pictures and stuff were. When we were back home, Mr and Mrs Chibs were still in bed so I could show him my scrapbook and he was really impressed with it. I'm not sure if he was impressed with the articles or the decorations I put on all the pages. I'd like to think it was both. He really liked the page with the one about the fire outside the police station.
I was sad when he left though. I liked being with him; he made me happy and feel not crazy. Like, I could finally talk to someone about everything and he didn't judge me or tell me I needed to get help or whatever like the internet told me to do. I was just getting ready to start walking to the school when I heard the sound of a motorcycle outside. when I opened the door I saw him parking up where he had last night and looked at him confused.
"I can't go anywhere," I told him over the front yard, "I've got to go to the school."
"Yeah," he shrugged and slipped his backpack off his shoulders and pulling out the other helmet before holding it out to me, "get on."
I looked down at my pretty dress and high shoes. I wasn't sure how good of an idea it was.
"I'll come get you."
He went to stand up off of his seat which made me think of the way that he grabbed me last night and I was kind of tempted to be stubborn just so he could do it again but I was wearing a dress and I didn't want to show the whole neighbourhood my underwear. I shut the door behind me to go over to him.
"I'm wearing a dress, Mr Lowman," I said when I was closer, "and high heels. Last time I had warm clothes on."
"You look nice."
I blinked in surprise. He looked just as serious as he usually did but he had complimented me so much over the past two days. By so much I mean, like, twice. He moved forwards in his seat as if to make room for me to get on then started to take off his leather jacket and handed it to me before he unzipped the hoodie he had been wearing underneath it. I patiently waited to see what he was doing then was left holding his sweater.
"Put it on."
"Oh! Thanks."
The sweater was all warm and snuggly from when he was wearing it and I tried to climb on as gracefully as possible. It was harder to get comfy when I was trying to keep my dress from flying up and my feet kept slipping forwards on the pegs. I held onto his t-shirt as he drove towards the school. There were a lot of cars in the parking lot but it was easy to park a motorcycle. He helped me off again; holding both of my sweater covered hands while I swung my leg over. He also stood in front of me so no one could see up my skirt.
"Cat! Happy!" I heard Jack shout, "Over here!"
We looked over and I saw Jack stood with Aaron and Mrs Lawson. Ugh. I hated her. I waved and Jack jogged over to us. He hugged me which was a surprise but I laughed and hugged him back anyway.
"You look so cool. Can I have one of those sweaters?" He asked Mr Lowman who nodded with a smile, "Are you coming in too? I told my teachers you might."
"Oh come on Cat, he's like my big brother now."
I saw the small smile turn slightly more kind and I couldn't say no. I nodded and waved to Aaron, ignoring Mrs Lawson, and followed Jack into the school to sign ourselves in. Some kids shouted over to Jack and I told him to go because we could find our own way around with the little map from the nice receptionist. There was a list of 7 teachers that we had to go and talk too, starting with his homeroom teacher.
I put the 'VISITOR' sticker on the middle of Mr Lowman's chest on his t-shirt and patting it for good measure. He was so solid.
"Ok," I said and looked at the map, "his homeroom is this way. Mr Grieveson. Let's go."
"After you."
I nodded and took his arm before turning to wave to Jack and his friends who had already been looking over. They all waved back enthusiastically which made me laugh. The school was a lot smaller than the one I went too and Jack's old one. Some of the things were slightly run down but the teachers seemed like they were trying their best with what they had.
There was someone already in the room so we had to wait outside. I bounced on my toes. I hadn't been in a high school since I left so I felt weird. I hated school because I wasn't very good at any of it except for gym, dance and music. All the main subjects were horrible and I failed almost all of them but I had high hopes for Jack because he's so clever.
When the other parents came out they looked at me weirdly then up to Mr Lowman with wide eyes. He didn't look like he cared though; he just tugged on one of the curls behind my head so it was stretched out before bouncing back to normal.
"Are you Mrs Duke-Dillinger?" Mr Grieveson asked me with a confused look over my borrowed hoodie and high heels, "For Jack?"
I didn't think my outfit was that bad today. I know the hoodie didn't match but I had it unzipped so you could see my nice dress underneath it. Then I realised why they were giving us weird looks. They thought we were Jack's parents.
"Miss," I corrected, "I'm Catherine, his sister, and this is Happy. He's a close friend."
"Oh! It's nice to meet you. I thought you looked a little young to have a 15 year old son. Where are your parents?"
I hesitated. I wasn't really sure what to say. I couldn't say that Daddy was dead and the last time I saw my mom was months ago in the hospital then she disappeared. I just told him that they had been away on business for a while but we didn't know when they would be back.
"We, myself and the other teachers, are just very concerned about Jack," the teacher said once we were sat down, "and his living situation. He's living with another student, if I recall? With Aaron Lawson and his family?"
"That's right," I nodded and shuffled in my seat, "yeah."
"Why is he not living at home with you?"
I felt like I was in trouble and even though I was a grown up and had been out of high school for a long time it was like I was having a meeting with one of my teachers. I didn't know what to tell him because I didn't want Jack to be taken away from me. I know that they would take him to a foster home or something if they found out our situation. They wouldn't care about me but there would be trouble for him. I didn't want him to be uprooted again and put in another new school and have to make more friends.
"Our house… um…"
"They got burgled and it was trashed," Mr Lowman said for me, putting his hand on mine that I hadn't even realised had been tugging and wringing the hem of my dress around, "so Jack lives there and Catherine lives with a friend. There's cops and shit in their house."
I looked at him in a way that I hoped was thankfully and then nodded at the teacher. I was so glad Mr Lowman came with me now.
"I'm so sorry! Jack never said anything- I just thought you were having trouble with him."
"No Sir. I'm looking for a new place for us both but it's hard to get somewhere close enough to the school and we have a dog so we need a yard and houses in this town are so expensive."
I held Mr Lowman's hand tightly instead of pulling on my dress and his thumb rubbed over the back of my hand gently. It was comforting. I didn't know it was going to be this stressful. I got grilled some more by this teacher then the time was up and I had to move on to the next teacher. When we were out of the classroom and the door had closed I went to hug Mr Lowman. I felt so stressed. my forehead was on the visitor sticker and my eyes were squeezed shut tightly. Being a parent was hard.
"It's ok," he mumbled to me, stroking the back of my head, "who's next?"
"Math teacher. It should be good. He's good at that."
I pulled back and got the map out again before leading him through the school. All the teachers said the same thing; he needed to do better. His grades had been dropping, his behaviour had gone down and he never did his homework. He had gotten really bad. Jack used to be a really good student but since moving here he had just started misbehaving and rebelling. I know it was because of the family stuff. I was just blaming myself and felt like a horrible big sister.
After the last meeting I felt deflated and sad. The teachers had given me armfuls of work that Jack had to catch up on. I needed to get a house and I decided that the next house that was in my budget would be the one that we moved into. I needed to watch him.
There was a small crowd gathered and kids cheering in the entrance hall when we went out to try and find Jack and when I saw who was in the middle of the circle my heart sank. He was in there with another boy, face covered in blood and hitting him angrily. He was shouting and screaming at him, things I couldn't hear over the shouting. I looked around and the parents were just looking on like they didn't know what to do even though there were two teenage boys trying to kill each other in front of them. Luckily though Mr Lowman was there because he didn't think twice. He barged through the circle of kids and took both boys by the back of their shirts; ripping them apart and pushing the boy Jack had been fighting with backwards. The crowd had gone silent as soon as he stepped into the circle then the whispers started.
Happy/3rd Person POV
Jack was used to his friends having crushes on his sister and making comments about her. He knew she was pretty but what he had never had before was someone coming over to him and showing him a picture of his pretty sister wearing nothing but lingerie stuffed with money on a stage, kneeling down in front of men and smiling. She was barely recognisable but he knew it was her all the same.
"That's your sister?" Brian asked with a snort as Catherine and Happy disappeared down the hall, "I beat myself off to her every night, dude."
Jack saw the picture and then he saw red. He swung his fist and cracked the other boy square in the nose; making blood explode down his face. Brian wasn't as big as Jack and he wasn't as strong but he defended himself pretty well. People gathered around and, even though they didn't know what was going on, they cheered anyway. They were cheering for Jack because no one liked Brian and everyone liked Jack.
Before he knew it there was a strong hand on the back of his shirt and then on his chest and he saw Happy stood in front of him. He had his back to him because he had pushed the other boy roughly out of the way. When he turned to look at Jack he looked over him, as if checking he was alright, then looked down at the dropped phone with the picture of Catherine still on the screen. No one had seen it, the fight distracted everyone, and picked it up.
"Take him outside," Happy said to Aaron as he saw the angry tears building in the teenagers eyes; he knew Jack wouldn't want to cry in front of the people that had been cheering him on, "I'll finish it."
"Come on Jack," Aaron said to Jack gently, taking his arm and putting his arm over his shoulder, "let's go."
Happy turned back to the other boy. The look that he had probably thought was badass and tough had dropped instantly and he just looked like a kid. Happy held up the now dark phone.
"Who took it?" He asked and the boy whimpered, "Who?"
Brian knew who Happy was. The people who didn't know who he was knew he at least looked threatening and dangerous while he was stood there in his Sons of Anarchy kutte and pissed off expression.
"My- my dad. He saw her at the club and-"
Happy snapped the phone in half with his hands and handed the pieces back to the boy.
"You or your dad disrespect my girl like that again I'm gonna come for you, get it? Tell him. He ain't coming back to that club."
"I'm a kid-"
"You think I care?"
Then there were gentle hands on his face and then pushing him backwards away from the boy. Happy kept his eyes fixed on the kid for a couple of seconds more before he looked down at Catherine's kind eyes and worried face.
"Jack's ok," she told him, nodding slightly, "don't worry. He's ok."
Happy nodded and put his hands on her upper arms as if to ground himself then let her lead him back through the crowd and outside. Jack was stood with his head on Aaron's shoulder and hugging him tightly. Catherine was holding his hand as they walked and he liked that. Jack looked up as they approached and nodded at Happy. Jack was going to tell Catherine about what happened.
"We're gonna take a walk to the diner," Catherine said to him, "if you wanna meet us there? I'm buying you boys dinner."
"Sure," Happy nodded, "I'll get the table. Four?"
He looked at Aaron to check if he was coming and nodded when Aaron did. Catherine smiled at him but she looked sad. She was a good big sister but the meetings and seeing her brother had made her feel bad, he knew it just by the way she looked so defeated after every teacher they saw. The things the teacher had said about Jack made him think of the way he was in school and the way Mama must have felt when she went to his parent-teacher conferences. If Jack kept going the way Happy had there would be trouble and it would break Catherine's heart. He was going to talk to some of the guys and maybe get him help.
"See you soon, ok? Thanks for coming in with me. I don't think I could have gone on my own," Catherine said gently and hugged him tightly.
He patted the back of her head and nodded. He would always be there for her when she went through difficult times. She pulled away from him and stepped back with her hands covered with his sweater. She looked cute in his clothes. It made him happy. He wanted her to wear his sweaters and shirts all the time.
"See you." Was all he said and turned to get on his Harley.
At the diner he grabbed their table. The one they would sit at sometimes after she had done dancing at night or when they went for breakfast in the morning. It was the one on the corner next to the big windows because she liked to watch all the people walking by. He always liked to see her with that soft smile on her face and pointed out all the men she had seen at the club before. He didn't think she would be smiling much that night.
"Coffee?" The waitress asked with a fake smile.
Happy nodded and asked for two glasses of coke and a sparkling water with lemon for when the other people got there. When they arrived Catherine looked like she had been crying and Jack's face had cleaned up. She pointed over to where Happy was sat and went to the bathroom.
"So," Jack said when he and Aaron slid into the booth, "when are you gonna ask her out?"
"Like, for real," Aaron nodded solemnly.
Happy looked between them with narrow eyes. Him asking Catherine out wasn't the issue of the night. They were here to get Jack back on the behavioural straight and narrow.
"You're basically together anyway. The only thing you're not doing is fucking."
He was about to tell Jack off for talking about his big sister like that after he had just got into a fight when another boy had been just as vulgar about her when Catherine slipped into the booth beside him and sipped her drink. The truth was that Happy thought about fucking her more than he would care to admit. It was especially bad the night before. The look of excitement and glee on her face as she watched the fire she had set swallowing the house was almost more than he could deal with. But when they went back to his house and she was so casual and comfortable. Even the way she sat on the edge of his bed, towelling her hair dry in her damp, slightly see through tank top was sexy to him. Her butt looked great in the shorts she wore to bed and he couldn't help staring at it whenever she wore them.
"I just want you to do well, Jack," Catherine sighed finally and rested her elbows on the table, "you're so smart. I don't want you to waste it."
"It's just… with everything that's happened, you know?"
"I'm sorry I've not been there. But from now on we're gonna meet up every night and I'm gonna watch you do your homework until we get a house. ok?"
"So you're gonna help me do it?" Jack asked.
"You know I can't help you," Catherine said and rolled her eyes as she sat back then crossing her legs; making the skirt of her dress ride up her thighs. Happy couldn't stop his eyes from drifting downwards, "I'm not good at that stuff."
Aaron had caught Happy looking but he wasn't embarrassed, even when the kid folded his arms and raised an eyebrow at him. Happy just smirked as the waitress came back over to take their food orders. Everyone but Catherine ordered the double beef burgers and cheese. She had cheese fries instead.
"Mr Chibs might help," Catherine continued, "and I heard that Mr Elvis is good with Math."
She was so fucking adorable when she got confused. Catherine had refused to learn Bobby's name for a really long time but when she heard someone call him Bobby Elvis she got excited; she liked to sing Elvis songs, and thought that it was his real name. She wouldn't admit to liking him but she wasn't as nasty to him as she had been in the past. She always said that Kozik was her favourite but Happy knew it was him really.
"Or maybe Tara! She's a doctor so she's, like, really, really smart. Right, Mr Lowman?"
Happy nodded but he wasn't sure if any of the guys would be willing to help them. Chibs, like Happy, was too far gone to distance himself now and it was uncertain if he could even if he had the opportunity. It was no secret the he used Catherine as a substitute for his own daughter and he genuinely cared about her. He had discussed her ties to the mafia in New York with Happy at length and they were both in agreement that she had no idea about it. Catherine was sweet and kind and highly protective of the people that she loved if the way she faced down Clay while Happy was in the hospital was anything to go by. Chibs had also brought up the way she had attacked him when he was fixing Jack up after Jerry had hurt him.
They would be just fine if anyone was to come for them.
Everyone for Happy indulging Catherine's need for setting fires say "aye" – AYE! A nice long chapter for everyone today! I hope you enjoy it!
Did we notice that she referred to Happy as something other than her friend? What do we think to that? And Happy putting pillion pegs on his Harley just for her? Adorable if I do say so myself.
And can we talk about Catherine's psycho-fire scrapbook? Cute and scary!
Anyway. See you in the next one and I'll see you on the flip side.
Love always, Doe xxxx
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thirstygirlclub · 5 years
Duchess - 15
Chapter 15 – Your Duchess
“Come on, come on!” Bambi was saying to me, shaking some lace in my face, “Just try it on! I want you to look amazing for your debut!”
We had spent hours in Stockton looking for the perfect thing for me to wear on my first night. Bambi wanted me to wear small bikinis or weird metallic booty shorts and bras but none of them were my style. I wanted to look classy and pretty and girly. We were in a lingerie store because she was getting tired of me being so picky in the dance store where she got all of her outfits.
“What’s your signature thing going to be?” She asked, looking over the various different things on the walls, “Like, I always wear tacky Halloween costumes, Kitty always wears the cat stuff, what about you?”
“I don’t know,” I shrugged and picked up loads of stockings because all of the girls wore them, “I haven’t really thought about it.”
“You’re going on tonight!”
I shrugged again. There had kind of been a lot going on with Mr Lowman in the hospital and I was still waitressing every hour I could so I didn’t really have time to think about dancing. I was literally so tired all the time I couldn’t think about anything. I didn’t even think about what my name was going to be. Apparently that was a big thing.
“I just wanna look… expensive,” I told her eventually, “like I used too, you know? Like, how I looked at parties in LA.”
I was looking so plain nowadays but I blame Jerry for that so much. I mean, he was the one that cut up all my good clothes and only left me with track pants and a pair of shorts. The only nice dress I had was the one I wore for Mr Lowman’s party and I couldn’t wear that to dance in.
“I’ve got it! Stay here, try some things on. I want to see at least three cute outfits to match your shoes when I get back,” Bambi instructed me firmly before turning to leave quickly.
Where was she going?
But, I did what I was told and looked around the store. Everything was pretty but I wasn’t sure if it was pretty enough. I wanted to make lots of money. I know I had boobs and a butt which, apparently, men liked but I don’t think that was good enough. I wanted to look nice.
Eventually, I found some stuff that was pretty. I picked up a beige bra and panty set with those things that hold stocking ups, I know lots of the girls wear them and the men like it; a pale grey sheer and lace body suit thing that would hide literally nothing when I was wearing it and some nude coloured stockings. It was all really pretty and literally nothing I would wear in real life but I guess I would be a different person when I was on stage. Bambi had taught me how to be cool and sexy and stuff which was so not me at all.
As I was paying, I heard the sound of high heels clopping towards me with the sound of shopping bags. I looked over my shoulder to see Bambi coming over with a massive grin on her face, holding a bag with a name I didn’t recognise it on it. It looked expensive.
“Here!” She exclaimed, “For you!”
“What? Bambi-” I stuttered, shaking my head and pushing the bag back towards me.
“Psh! Just take it! It’s a gift, ok? I wanted to get these for you.”
There was more than one thing in there? I hesitantly took it and looked inside. As soon as I did my mouth went dry and I lost all the air in my lungs. Inside I saw two boxes wrapped with a beautiful white ribbon. I recognised it as jewellery; all my stuff used to come wrapped like that.
“Come on, let’s go for lunch and you can open it!”
I nodded numbly and followed her through this weird city that wasn’t really anything like I was used to a city being. It was quieter and looked more like a big town than a city. We sat at a table in a cute restaurant, ordered food and drinks before I was ordered  to open my presents. Bambi was bouncing in her seat and clapping as I pulled the two boxes out of the bag, slipped off the ribbon and lifted the lid and just wanted to shriek in excitement. Inside the first one was a choker covered in rhinestones that looked so much like diamonds. It was about two inches thick and made of a solid metal with a hinge on one side and a clasp on the other. It looked almost like a collar. Then, in the bigger box, sat a crown. Like… an actual crown. It was gold with the same kinds of stones in as the necklace.
“Duchess,” Bambi said with a smile, “that’s gonna be your name. You’re gonna look expensive and all the men are gonna try and impress you with how much money they can give you.”
“Thank you,” I said, almost crying, “Bambi I don’t know what to say.”
Bambi shrugged as if it was nothing, “I wanted to. You helped all the girls when we needed it so I wanted to get this for you. It’s gonna look so pretty with your hair all up and everything. You can borrow my extensions to make it thicker. You’re gonna make so much money.”
That evening, before the club opened for the dancers, I let Bambi do my makeup and hair. She had curled my hair neatly and piled it up on my head then clipped in extensions to make it thicker and nestled the crown in it. My makeup was heavy with big eyelashes and pink lips. I wore the less revealing outfit I chose, strapped myself into the crazy big shoes that all the girls wore. When I looked in the mirror I barely recognised myself as the person I was in Charming and more like who I was when I was doing pageants; the makeup and the crown helped.
“What do you think?” Bambi asked with her hands on my shoulders, “Your tits look great in that bra.”
“I- yeah,” I nodded.
I did look good. I felt good.
“Do you know if Mr Lowman is here yet?” I asked, peeping through the curtains to look at the gathering crowd of guys, “I can’t see him.”
“Who’s that?” Bambi asked, easily looking over my head, “You’re sugar daddy?”
I laughed and shook my head, “He’s my bestest friend! He said he’d be here.”
“He’s probably forgotten; men are pigs. They never keep their promises.”
“Nuh-uh! Not Mr Lowman. He’s a really nice man.”
She huffed. She had loads of guy troubles lately and would talk about it but I had literally no idea what to say to her when she complained about them. But Mr Lowman wasn’t just a guy. He was a nice guy. Maybe I could set them up? No. Mr Lowman was my friend and Bambi was my friend; I didn’t want them to be friends too. I wasn’t very good with sharing. What if Mr Lowman liked Bambi more than me and then didn’t want to be my friend anymore?
“You’re on now Babe,” Bambi said, moving back from the curtains and pulling me back, “you can’t wait for him forever. Come on. Madame’s announcing you.”
I frowned, still unable to see my friend but I knew I had no choice but to go on without him being there. Bambi perfected my hair and made sure my stockings were even and dusted this glitter thing over my cleavage before I went to the entrance to the stage to wait.
“We have a special surprise for you gentlemen this evening,” Madame was saying, “because we have a new girl for your viewing pleasure. But be gentle with her, she’s very nervous. Are you ready?”
The crowd cheered and my heart thudded in my chest and in my ears. It was the same feeling before I would go on to do the talent performance of the pageants or the swimsuit section. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I was nervous because I knew that after I danced on the stage I would have to go into the crowd and dance for the men. I know I had been taught really well by Bambi though.
“Then welcome to the stage, your Duchess!”
I stepped out, put on my pageant girl smile and opened my arms wide; as if welcoming them to the club as they cheered for me. Then I went into dancing in the enticing way Bambi had taught me; drawing my hands over my chest and stomach, moving my hips slowly then sinking to my knees in front of the gathering crowd of men. At first, the way they reached for me scared me but then I realised what they were doing. They were putting money into my stockings, my garter belt and trying to reach my bra but I was too high up for that. The ones that didn’t tuck money onto my clothes threw it on the stage under me and one man was just patiently holding it up to me. I recognised the hand that held it and then the arm attached to that hand.
Mr Lowman had come.
I smiled at him, wrinkled my nose and slipped the money out of his hand to then throw it up into the air so it fell down onto me. They seemed to like that so I reached down, grabbed a pile of money with both hands and threw it up so it rained down over me. I’ve never been happier to see crumpled up dollar bills in all my life. I wasn’t that good at counting but I could easily see that there was at least $200 there plus whatever was stuffed into my underwear. It was amazing. I had literally made one weeks worth of waitressing wages in less than 10 minutes.
When my dances were over for a while I gathered my money up and ran backstage with a quick glance back at Mr Lowman. Bambi grabbed me and shook me slightly, grinning madly and laughing.
“You did so good! They fell in love with you!” She exclaimed, “Come on I’ve got you a bag for your cash so you can count it up when you go bac and get changed.”
I nodded, too excited and buzzed to say anything, and stuffed all the money into the tote bag. Bambi helped me take it out of my clothes quickly because I had to go onto the floor in like 2 minutes. She came out with me, chatting happily while all I could think was how much I wasn’t looking forward to dancing for the men.
“Heads up,” Bambi whispered, suddenly different from how excited she was before, “I think you’ve got your first dance. He’s a handsome one too.”
I looked over to where she was nodding and breathed a sigh of relief. It was Mr Lowman stood with his hands in his pockets and smiling slightly. I bounced on the toes of my big shoes and walked over to him, took his left arm in my hands and dragged him to a chair.
“You can be my first, Mr Lowman,” I whispered to him and pushed his chest gently so he would sit down before putting my hands on his legs so I could lean in and talk in his ear without other people hearing, “don’t worry, you don’t have to pay.”
“No,” Mr Lowman said, almost sounding tense, “here.”
He handed me some money and wouldn’t let me refuse it. I just shrugged and went to take it but he moved it just out of my reach with a sly smile when I frowned at him. Before I could ask what he was doing he slid the bills into the garter on my left leg, except it wasn’t the front; he hand leaned forwards and put it in the one around the back just under my butt. I rolled my eyes at him then started to do what Bambi taught me. I moved my hips over his lap but hovered so I never touched him, that was a big no-no when dancing for them, then put my hands on his knees to gently stroke down his shins towards his boots so my butt was basically in his face. I took my hands away from him while I turned to kneel between his legs then put them back on his knees. His face looked weird, like tense and stressed, and his hands were in stiff fists on his legs. Was I that bad?
The song ended and I blinked up at him.
“Did I do ok?” I asked, nodding slightly.
“Yeah,” he breathed, “you did good.”
“Amazing! If you wait around for like two songs I can give you your money back, ok? Let me just get some more so people don’t realise.”
“It’s fine. It’s yours.”
But Mr Lowman didn’t have much money. I didn’t want to take any more from him so I shook my head and firmly told him I’d give it back to him anyway. Before he could argue with me, another man had come over and asked if I was available. I offered him my hand so he could help me off the ground. I squeezed Mr Lowman’s fist lightly to tell him I’d see him later before this other man led me away to a table so I could dance for him too. He handed me $30 and I didn’t feel bad about taking the money now because this man was just some guy; I didn’t care if he had money or not all I cared about was if he was giving it to me. I slid it into my stocking and started to dance, swaying my hips over him and turning around and touching my chest in front of his face.
I’m not sure how sexy I was being but guys literally queued up. Every time I finished one dance and turned to find someone else to dance for there was another guy waving money in my face and asking me to dance for them.
On Mr Lowman’s second dance, an older man hovered behind me and I decided to practise flirting. I wasn’t attracted to this guy; he wasn’t my type whatsoever, but he looked like one of Daddy’s friends that would have had money. I mean, I’m sure I’d need to flirt at some point in my life anyway.
“How much for a dance?” The man asked when I turned to look at him.
I threw the curls that had fallen from my hairstyle over my shoulder and perched on Mr Lowman’s leg. I’d never sat on a boys knee before so I was a bit uncomfortable but Bambi told me that even if I feel weird and unsure that I just needed to play it off as good as possible. I needed to act fine even though I wasn’t and I think I’ve been getting really good at that over my time in this town.
“How much do you think I’m worth?” I asked coyly, “Impress me.”
This had the man reaching for his wallet even though he was already holding money. I’m gonna use that line in the future for sure. I leaned back against Mr Lowman’s chest while I waited for this guy to count out his money. Mr Lowman made a weird noise and I worried that I had hurt him, he had literally just got out of hospital after being stabbed, but I had to keep being professional and pretend I didn’t notice. His hands went around my waist slightly then down my hips over my garter belt and to my thighs. I felt weird. I felt warm and restless and tingly but before I could start squirming I was handed $150.
Breathing a sigh of relief, I stood from Mr Lowman’s lap and looped my arm through the other man’s and walked with him to the small sectioned off area behind a curtain. I could see Bambi already dancing with another man in the next alcove over.
“So,” The Guy said, trying to touch my bra but I moved subtly out of the way, “what’s your name?”
“Duchess,” I murmured to him, dodging out of his reach again.
“No. Your real name.”
We weren’t allowed to use our real names for safety reasons. It didn’t matter what I told him though he still tried to take off my clothes and get my real name out of me. I glanced over at Bambi and saw that she was looking at me and watching the man carefully while she danced. I nodded to her to tell her that I was alright. I didn’t want to do private dances anymore; only on stage and out on the floor.
It seems that men liked me. I kind of knew that anyway, they always looked at me and asked me out when I was waitressing, but they especially liked me when I was half naked and giving them all of my attention. Bambi had told me to only ever look at the man I was dancing for and no one else; they had to believe I was only there for them. That was kind of hard though when others watched me dance and tried to get my attention so they could know if I would dance for them next.
At the end of the night, at 2am, my tote bag was full of money and I was so sleepy. I changed into the comfy shorts I wore for bed and shirt; happy to be more covered up.
I really didn’t want to walk home because my feet were hurting me so much but I think a couple more nights dancing and I could afford a cheap car; then I can start saving up to rent somewhere for me and Jack and then I can save to move back to LA. I said goodbye to the other girls and hitched my dance bag (the one with all the lighters and stuff in) onto my shoulder to leave the club. As I passed the bar, I picked up 3 matchbooks and put them in my bag without thinking. There were a few men still wandering around outside but a smile came onto my face when I saw Mr Lowman chewing on a toothpick he’d got from the bar and leaning against the wall next to the door. He looked like a cowboy.
“You’re still here?” I asked but wasn’t unhappy about it, “Aren’t you sleepy?”
“Making sure you’re ok,” he shrugged and pushed himself away from the wall.
“Oh? You’re walking me home?”
He nodded slowly and started walking beside me. I talked about the night and all the people I danced for and the money I had made. I hadn’t counted it yet but I was saving that for when I got home. Mr Lowman nodded, listened and laughed with me as we walked. Then, when we got back to Mr Chibs’ house he walked to the door with me.
“Are you coming in?” I asked, turning to look at him.
I nodded. Mr Chibs had made a key for me since I was going to be staying with them for a while. He even put a really big, cute and fluffy keychain on it for me. It was so cute. When I threw my bag on the bed all the lighters in the bottom rattled but I don’t think Mr Lowman noticed. He greeted Romeo in a hushed voice because Mr and Mrs Chibs were sleeping upstairs. I flopped back onto my bed and kicked off my shoes.
“I don’t think we have any food. We should have got some, huh?” I asked, looking at him as he sat beside me.
“I got this.”
Like a magician, he reached into his leather vest and pulled out a foil wrapped object. I think I could smell grilled cheese and my stomach immediately started growling. When he opened it both me and Romeo were getting closer. Where had he got it from? It was still steaming like he had just made it. It was even cut into triangles; my favourite. He handed me one half which I gladly took from him.
“Where did you get it?” I asked, before I bit into it.
“The diner. It’s open all night.”
That was good to know.
We sat cross legged on my bed while we counted out my money. Mr Lowman was really fast at counting money. Eventually, I just let him do it because I kept losing count and getting confused. It was all arranged in neat stacks on the mattress and seeing it all made me so happy.
“$955,” Mr Lowman concluded, “not bad.”
“Not bad?! That’s like… a new pair of Louboutin’s! What could I buy? Maybe a dance bag… or a new pair of dance shoes or-”
“Maybe you could pay some money to Chibs for rent and food.”
He didn’t say it nastily, more like he was reminding me. I had never had to think of things like that before so it just didn’t come into my mind. I wanted to give Mr Chibs all of the money though because he had helped me so much.
“That’s a good idea,” I yawned, “I’ll do it tomorrow.”
I put all the money back into the bag and then lay back on my pillows while Mr Lowman stood and moved behind the couch. I heard the door of the linen closet open and close again.
“Are you staying again?” I asked with another yawn.
“Yeah. That ok?”
“Sure. It’s not my house though so if Mr Chibs comes down and tells us off I’m gonna blame you. I don’t know what his rules about sleepovers are yet.”
Mr Lowman breathed out a laugh. I took my bra off from under my shirt; unclasping it from the back and pulling the straps out of the arms before slipping it out of the bottom. Taking off your bra is the best feeling in the world, I swear. I kept my eyes shut while he changed then opened them again when I felt him get under the blankets. He looked just as cute as he had last night when he was tucked in up to his chin.
“Does your mom mind you not being home?” I asked as I settled into my pillows. “I mean, you only came out of the hospital, like, yesterday and you’ve not slept at your house.”
“Nah, Aunt Maya is still there. She’s in my room so I got nowhere to sleep.”
“The couch?”
“Rather sleep here,” Mr Lowman shrugged.
I liked it when he slept here too.
Happy/3rd Person POV
Chibs had grown used to going down for his morning coffee and seeing Catherine asleep in his living room. His routine had become to gently pat her head to wake her up for work and then let her little dog out in the garden while he had his first cigarette of the day. What he wasn’t used too was going to sleep thinking Catherine would be alone and then waking up to find someone else asleep beside her but not only beside her; wrapped up in his arms under the blanket. From the stairs, their heads were hidden behind the back of the couch but there was no mistaking the bigger figure beside her. He thundered down the stairs, about to rip whoever it was out of his kind of daughter’s bed only to see who it was.
Happy lay peacefully in the sofa bed with his arms wrapped tightly around Catherine with her head tucked under his chin; like she was a teddy bear. Calming down, Chibs puffed out a relieved breath and went about his morning routine.
“Fucking lighters,” he mumbled when he looked for the one he usually kept on top of his cigarettes by the door.
Happy woke up to the sound of clattering in the kitchen and the smell of coffee. He opened his eyes to see blonde curls spread over the pillow beside him and he couldn’t help smiling. At some point in the night Catherine had rolled closer to him and he hadn’t been able to resist pulling her even closer. She was so small and soft and cuddly.
“Morning Lover,” he heard Chibs say with a smile in his voice.
He looked over his shoulder he saw Chibs sat on the armchair wearing his old man pyjamas and a newspaper across his lap. He was smirking.
“Oh,” Happy said roughly with a small cough, “hey.”
“How did she do?”
Happy looked back down at the girl in his arms and smiled. She looked entirely different than she had in the club. He preferred her this way although seeing her dressed like that had definitely made him feel something that was less than PG.
“Amazing.” Happy told Chibs with a nod.
“Did you have fun?”
Happy scoffed as if to say that it was obvious that he had fun. Catherine started stirring and he had to reluctantly let go of her. She rubbed her eyes and yawned adorably before looking at his chest with a small frown then suddenly looked up at him with wide eyes. He loved it when she looked at him like that.
“I’m sorry,” she squeaked and moved back across the mattress.
“Morning sweetheart,” Chibs said almost smugly.
She gasped, sat up and then looked at him with wide eyes.
“Oh my gosh! I’m sorry Mr Chibs! I didn’t know your rules about sleepovers and- and-”
“Shhh! It’s too early for shrieking,” Chibs laughed and winced, “it’s alright. How much did you make?”
As Happy sat up, Catherine bounced out of bed and grabbed her money bag from the floor with a small laugh before practically skipping over to her dad and started to empty the money over his head. Chibs covered his coffee with his hand then laughed as well, watching as the almost $1000 was shaken over him. She told him excitedly about how much she had made and about how her first night went. It was good to see her so happy.
Happy made sure to remember how happy she looked when she lay back on the stage the night before and dropped money all over her body. He liked seeing her smile. He especially liked seeing her smile when she was covered in money and barely clothed. But, she wasn’t a stripper at the moment; she was just a girl seeking approval from someone that she thought of like a father figure. Chibs understood, told her that she did really well and he was proud of her before touching her cheek with a very affectionate smile. Happy couldn’t help thinking how angry her real dad would be when he found out she was a stripper. Perhaps it was for the best that he had disappeared.
Catherine didn’t look directly at Happy for the rest of the morning which he found funny; she would dance in underwear and be seductive for him but waking up cuddled up to him made her blush? He purposefully spent the morning shirtless just because he liked making her blush. Which she did almost every time she looked in his direction.
Surprise Bitch – This was only a little chapter. I didn’t really know how to end it but really wanted to write about her first night of dancing! There was no way I could carry it on in a way that made sense.
Happy finally be making some moves even though it was when she was giving him a lap dance.
Prepare yourselves kiddo’s because it’s gonna start getting dramatic from here. Now, Catherine is going to be bobbing along happily in her life making money but behind the scenes there’s going to be a lot going on so we’ll be seeing it more from the Sons perspective.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little one. I’ll see you soon.
Love, Doe xxxxx
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When you really need to leave the house but get distracted writing smutty Happy Lowman headcanon...
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My first time writing a headcanon...and OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE?! 
I wanna finish and get it posted but I really need to go finish running all my errands in town...but it’s gonna haunt me the entire time I’m gone I FUCKING KNOW IT! 
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Duchess - 8
Chapter 8 – Dolly
My feet were in so much pain. Daddy and Uncle Jerry had told me I needed to work extra hours at The Velvet Lounge so I was there from the morning until the evening. Theo always made sure that I was given breaks and food if I was hungry so it could have been worse. I worked through breakfast and into the evening towards dinner time; I worked 12 hours a day for five out of seven and I was super tired by the end of the week.
Kathy was really helpful though and she kept me feeling positive when I was getting sad and told me that I could stay late and watch the girls dance whenever I wanted. I was surprised to find out that The Velvet Lounge was a kind of strip club like I originally thought it was. Well, kind of a strip club. Like, it was both a strip club and a theatre. So, the girls would all dance on the stage and then they would get requests for private dances when they were done. The guys that wanted the dances would hand over so much money to get the girls to dance for them and they would look at them like they loved them. I would get changed after work and sit behind the stage with a glass of sparkling water with lemon and chat to the girls while they were getting ready and even help them with their hair or makeup if they needed it.
"Cat," Bambi asked me, "can you please come and help me? I can't get the clip on my stocking. Do you mind?"
"No, no of course!" I exclaimed happily and hopped off my stool and trotting towards her, "here you go!"
"Thanks Babe," she sighed in relief and kissed my cheek with a waft of strawberry scented lip gloss before going out onto the stage.
I smiled and waved after her. She was a really beautiful girl and I felt so small and plain next to her and all the other dancers. They were so pretty and all the men that came into the club went crazy for them and I really wanted that, you know? I wanted people to think I was pretty too.
I loved watching them dance and sing and see the face of the men light up when they chose to dance for them. I really liked watching all the pretty clothing sparkle and shine in the lights and the girls smiling.
"Why don't you ask Madame if you can dance?" Kathy asked me, leaning against the back of the set, "I can see you want too."
"No!" I gasped, "No way! Could you imagine what Daddy would say if he found out I was a dancer?"
"So don't tell him! Come on Cat, you've got to do something you like. You want to wait on tables for 12 hours a day or do you want to earn a week's wages in 2 days with the tips they get?"
I sighed and looked back out to the stage. She had a point. I did want to dance, because that's what I used to do but I wasn't sure if I would be any good at it now. Besides, I don't think I would even be confident enough to dance for the men or take my clothes off in front of them.
"No. No I don't think I could Kathy. It's not the kind of dance I used to do anyway."
"You want me to talk to Madame for you? I don't mind if you want me too."
"Literally, no!"
Kathy laughed and ruffled her short brown hair out of its teeny tiny ponytail so that it was all messy and mussed up as she liked it. We both had to have our hair tidy and neat which wasn't a problem for me because I liked my hair to be all tidy but Kathy liked to have it a lot messier than me.
I picked up my handbag, waved goodbye to Kathy and started my long walk home. My feet were aching and tired, my legs felt like jelly and my back was literally killing me. I hated not having a car. It was one of the worst things ever; after a long like, 12 hour work day I had to walk literal miles home. I wanted a car but I couldn't even afford one with all the money I was getting because Daddy and Uncle Jerry were taking loads of it to help with their building thing. It was horrible.
On my walk home I thought about Daddy and Uncle Jerry spending all their time either at the building site or in the office at home. They were always shouting at each other and then at me and Jack if we went in to the office or whatever room they were in. Jack spent all his time out with his jock friends and Mom was always out too. I don't even know what she was doing all the time but she would come home late at night acting funny. Like, if I saw her coming in she would be really shifty and hurry away upstairs. Since moving to Charming I think my family has fallen apart and it made me really sad.
When I came back home I was called into the office which made me groan and have a mini tantrum in the entryway of the house. All I wanted to do was go to sleep and lie down so my feet would stop hurting.
"Now Catherine!" I heard Uncle Jerry shouting when I took too long.
I walked slowly into the room to see Daddy and Uncle Jerry sat around casually. I folded my arms across and looked at them silently. I was literally so tired and fed up of them right now. They were taking all my money and made me work really hard and all I literally wanted to do was go to bed.
"There's something we need to tell you," Daddy said carefully.
"What is it Daddy? Can it wait until the morning? I'm so tired."
Daddy sighed and stood up, coming over to me and putting his hands on my shoulders. He was looking at me with a sad smile and then stroked my hair. I was getting suspicious now. He didn't do this to me anymore, not since moving and Uncle Jerry moving in.
"Sit down, Catherine," Uncle Jerry said kind of angrily, "you need to hear this."
Daddy sat me down in the squashy armchair and stood with his hand still on my shoulder. I felt my stomach drop when I realised that this was going to be a serious conversation. There were already worried tears in my eyes.
"We want you to listen to this and be a big girl about it, ok?" Daddy said in the same careful voice, "remember that you're a grown up with a job now."
"Daddy?" I asked shakily.
"We have had to let Greta go."
I sat back and folded my arms. I knew they had let her go back to see her family; I waved goodbye to her at the bus stop. With a laugh and a nod I told them that and they looked at each other with the same expression and I knew I had gotten something wrong. I looked back up at Daddy with wide eyes.
"No, Catherine," Uncle Jerry said with a smug smile, "we have fired her. She is never coming back."
My head whipped around to look at him with the worried tears now streaming down my face and making mascara run into my eyes but I just blinked the pain of them away. I thought he was joking, because he was smiling but then I saw how mean he was really looking and I knew he wasn't. I tried to ask them why they fired her but I couldn't. I had never been heartbroken before so I didn't really know what to compare it too but it was like they had literally just ripped my heart out of my chest. It was worse than when Daddy told me we were moving and so much worse than when Uncle Jerry said he was going to kill Romeo because I knew they wouldn't really do it. I felt sick and dizzy.
"Daddy," I sobbed and shook my head, "please Daddy, no."
"I'm sorry Catherine she was costing us a lot of money that we just can't afford anymore."
"Don't be so stupid Catherine!" Jerry said with a laugh when I continued to cry and beg Daddy to bring her back, "You are an adult now and you don't need a nanny."
I stood up and turned to leave but Jerry grabbed my arm tightly. I tried to push him off of me because it was really painful and I just wanted to leave. I wanted to go away from them but he refused to let go. I tried really hard to argue with them, screaming and crying and stamping my feet until I felt the sting of being hit. Jerry had hit me. Uncle Jerry had hit me on the face. I was so shocked I stopped crying and went silent.
I had never been hit before either. I put my hand to the pain on my cheek and looked at him in anger. Daddy stepped in front of me and grabbed Jerry by the front of his suit and pushed him back against the wall in front of us. Daddy shouted angrily at Jerry pushing him against the wall. I was glad that Daddy actually seemed to still care about me enough to be angry.
"What the fuck?!" Daddy shouted then pushed him away, shouting more stuff that I didn't really understand what he was talking about, "you think I'm gonna let you touch her like that? You think I'm gonna let her be with you if I know you're gonna hurt her?!"
I didn't know what that meant. Be with him? Like move in with him? No way. No way in heck was I going to live with Uncle Jerry. Especially if he was going to do that. I would literally rather live on my own on the streets.
I ran out of the office and thundered upstairs to find Romeo sat waiting for me on my bed with his head tilted to the side, looking at me confused. I quickly changed out of my uniform into some shorts and a thin tank top with some sneakers on my feet before picking up my pom and leaving. I could still hear Daddy shouting at Uncle Jerry in the office but this time Uncle Jerry was shouting.
I didn't start crying again until I had walked a few streets away from the house. My mind was all over the place and I couldn't focus on one thought, more than usual. Romeo whined gently in my arms and I realised I was probably holding him too tightly. It was also really cold and I think it was going to rain. This was literally one of the worst days of my life.
My painful feet had carried me through the dark streets. I was crying and cold and had no idea where I was going; I had no one. I had no friends or family here and I just wanted to go home, back to LA where it never rained and where all of my friends lived and where I could spend all day on the beach talking to cute boys and making friends. I don't think Daddy or Mom or Jack had noticed I had left. They didn't care about me and I felt so lonely; no one liked me, not really. I think they were just kind of being nice to me because I was dumb.
The first drop of rain hit my shoulder and I whined, stamping my feet in annoyance but still refused to go back to the house. I hated the rain and the cold and I was scared. I was scared because it was late and dark and I was alone; I didn't want to go home and I didn't want to stay outside. I found myself walking through the rain and trying to shield Romeo from the cold and rain with my arms. He was shivering and whining too; neither of us liked storms and it had started to thunder and lightning.
I saw a bus stop ahead of me. It was the only one in town under a shelter and I made a bee line for it. I ran through the rain and sat cuddling Romeo tightly against me while we both shivered and cried. I stared out into the night, sniffling and sobbing quietly. I felt really numb; my legs and arms were so cold I couldn't even feel them anymore and where Uncle Jerry had hurt me wasn't stinging anymore. I didn't even feel cold. Swallowing harshly, I reached into my pocket only to find my cell phone gone. I can't believe I could be this dumb. I forgot to pick it up when I left so now I had no way to call Daddy to come and get me. I shouted and sobbed then started having another tantrum in the bus stop with the rain and thunder nearly drowning out my noises of frustration.
Why am I so stupid? Uncle Jerry was right. I am so dumb and stuff. I hate it.
Romeo huddled against my chest as I started crying again.
"Oh Romeo," I whimpered, "what am I gonna do?"
For a minute, only a short minute, I thought Romeo had started talking to me but if he did talk he probably wouldn't have a German accent. I laughed at myself because I had already been told that Mr Chibs was Scottish not German.
Mr Chibs.
I looked up and saw him stood a few metres away wearing a hoodie underneath his leather vest thing. I stood up from the bench, on my numb, cold legs, and ran to him. I hugged him and he patted my hair gently.
"What are you doing out here?" He asked me, sounding like how Daddy used to when he was worried about me, "do you know what time it is? It's freezing."
"Mr Chibs," I sobbed, "I'm so cold!"
He rubbed my upper arms to try and warm me up. There were more footsteps coming over and when I looked up I saw Jax and a really tall man with a beard and a hat on. He looked friendly though, just a bit scary. I decided I wouldn't judge him because I did that with Mr Lowman and he was a good person.
"What's going on?" Jax asked me, "Cat? You're blue."
I looked at him, turning my head into the light and Jax's expression went angry. He put his hand on my chin and turned my face so he could see the right side of my face; where Jerry hurt me. I had kind of forgotten about that.
"Your dog is cold," The Beard Man said to me gently and took off his hat, "put him in this."
I looked down at the woollen beanie hat he was handing to me but I don't think I could let go of Romeo; my arms were frozen and I was so nervous. Mr Beard slid Romeo out of my grip and placed him inside of his hat then tucked him into his jacket. Romeo looked so small when the big man was holding him.
"Please be careful with him," I whispered, "he's very special."
"He's just gonna get him in the warm," Mr Chibs said, "come on. You wanna go home?"
I thought for a minute then shook my head quickly and wrapped my arms back around myself, looking away from them. Mr Chibs and Jax talked with Mr Beard quietly then I felt Jax's arms going around my shoulders and he led me down the road with the tall man on my other side so I could see Romeo who was happily tucked away in the man's hat and jacket. He looked so comfy, I was kind of jealous.
"You can tell you're from LA," Mr Beard said to me with a chuckle, "you're not really dressed for the weather."
"I literally don't own a coat," I said with my teeth chattering, "it's like, never cold enough for a coat but I should have put a cardigan on, huh?"
"Nah don't worry, this is just a freak storm. Never rains like this usually."
I nodded, unsure of what to say to him now. He seemed nice though. I couldn't help wondering what they were all doing out here at like, 2 in the morning in the rain. I guess they must have been out having fun or something but they didn't seem drunk. Jax pointed to a van that had been parked down the road and in an alley way which was kind of a funny place to park. I mean, the roads were literally empty so they could have parked somewhere else and it would have been a bit easier to find. The doors opened and I saw Mr Lowman jump out. I felt myself get a bit warmer when I noticed he wasn't wearing a jacket or… shirt. He was just stood in the alley way, in the rain, wearing just dirty jeans and muddy sneakers. His mom wouldn't be very happy with him and I was worried he would get a cold.
"Where… what's going on?" I asked Jax, "why have you parked here? Where are we going if you're not taking me home? Wait, you're not taking me home, right?"
"No, we're going to the clubhouse. You know where you came for the party? It's warm and there's hot chocolate," Jax winked at me
"Oh. That sounds good. Hi Mr Lowman are you coming for hot cocoa too?"
Mr Lowman looked between the other men then nodded at me. He looked into Mr Beard's jacket and scratched Romeo's head gently. Jax pointed to the passenger door, telling me to get in and he would drive. I did volunteer to drive but they told it was alright because I probably couldn't reach the peddles. It was a good point.
"Where's Romeo? Is he still there? Is he alive?"
"Got him. He's snoring away in here." Mr Beard laughed from the back of the van.
"Ok. Please look after him."
"Relax Cat, Ope's got kids. He can look after your baby," Mr Chibs said kindly.
"Ope is a weird name too. Is it like, because you look like a monkey? Because that kind of makes sense." I laughed, "How many kids have you got? I love children; they're so cute."
"I've got two, boy and a girl."
I turned back around to look at him through the netting thing and smiled. They all looked a bit nervous. Mr Lowman was shaking his legs and Mr Chibs wasn't looking at me but Mr Ope was grinning back at me. I decided that his beard made him look friendly, like Santa, instead of scary.
"Monkey?" Jax asked me with a laugh as he drove towards the garage.
"Yeah," I nodded, warming my hands on the heater, "like an Ope is a different name for a monkey right? Not all monkeys are opes but all opes are monkeys."
"Ape," Mr Chibs laughed, "you mean apes."
"Oh," I laughed with the men and it was nice.
My mood was kind of getting better with them talking to me and with the heaters warming me up like a turkey. You know on Thanksgiving when people left them outside before they get cooked. I hope they weren't going to cook and eat me. I'd taste like body lotion and hairspray. That would taste gross.
Happy/3rd Person POV
"You need to do damage, you understand?" Clay told Jax and Opie, "take Chibs and Hap."
"What about the guys Jez hired to guard the place?" Chibs asked, already knowing the answer.
Clay shrugged with a smirk and Jax smiled. They knew exactly what that meant and Happy couldn't stop the smile creeping onto his face; the night was going to get bloody and he couldn't wait. It had been a long time since there had been anything more than a cold war between the two sides. The Mr Duke-Dillinger and Jerry had become a thorn in their side since construction had begun in the town. Clay had assigned at least two of the guys each day to keep an eye on the progress.
Happy had almost given away that the work was being watched when he saw Jerry strutting along the building site wearing an ugly suit and stupid hard hat. Juice had to force him back into the van, with great difficulty, and argued with him until he calmed down. There wasn't anything they could do to get him to open up to why seeing the man had made him so angry; none of them liked him but there would be a time and a place to get back at him.
"Why can't I get in on this?" Tig whined, "I love blowing shit up."
"Because you've got a better job. You're coming with me and Juice to talk to Jerry and Mr Duke-Dillinger."
"What about the kids?" Jax asked, voicing Happy's concerns, "you can't let them see you beating up their dad."
Clay scoffed and looked at him with a raised eyebrow; it was no secret that the guys had a soft spot for the Duke-Dillinger children, Catherine in particular. He didn't understand but he had felt sorry for her in the first meeting with them. At the same time though, he didn't care whether they saw them getting their dad as long as they got the message across.
The Duke-Dillinger's weren't welcome in Charming anymore and neither was their building site.
"Does anyone actually know his name?" Juice asked with a laugh and they all looked around and shrugged.
Happy was practically skipping around the building site smashing things and taking out all the copper wiring while Jax and Opie wired up the explosives so that the new buildings would be demolished in quick succession of each other. It was going to be like their own little (big) firework show. Chibs stood back with his eyes peeled for any police or hired thugs.
"Quickly boys!" Chibs ordered.
"We're goin' quick!" Jax shouted back, "we've got like 20 houses to wire up here!"
Hearing the shouting, some of the goons came out of where they had been sat twiddling their thumbs to see Happy cheerfully smashing windows and kicking out the doors. They pulled out their guns to shoot him but Happy was faster. With some well-aimed and well timed shots they were on the floor. Happy was un-phased by the blood that now covered his white shirt, up his arms and on his face. Chibs cursed as the gunshots now drew the attention of the rest of the guards and a short gunfight broke out.
With one quick detonation, the new houses fell to the ground and whatever guards were left after the gunfight got flattened by the falling rubble and splintering wood. They laughed and whooped as the buildings crumpled to the ground and rain started to fall onto them. Chibs hurried them all back into the van so they could get back to the club house and away from the crime scene.
Chattering excitedly, Jax jumped into the driver's seat while the other men hopped in the back. They shook the dust and rain out of their hair with one final look back into the now destroyed building site.
The streets of Charming were deserted; Californian's hated the rain. Jax swerved all around the empty streets, skidding and sliding all over the wet tarmac on the way home but a figure at the bus stop caught his eye. He slowed down as he saw the long blonde hair and the small brown dog in the persons arms.
"Whoa!" Chibs exclaimed as Jax swerved into an alley way; hiding the van if anyone was looking, "what're you doing? We need to get back."
"Cat," Jax told him, "is at the bus stop. The buses aren't running this late. She might need a ride somewhere."
"She can't see us like this. She's gonna ask questions," Happy said, gesturing to his blood splattered shirt and skin.
"I think we both know she's not gonna ask any questions. Just stay here, me and Chibs will go talk to her."
Happy felt conflicted; he wanted to check on Cat but he didn't want her to see him covered in dirt and blood. He nodded once. The only way he could calm himself was to watch what was happening from far away. He couldn't hear anything that was happening but he could see her looking tiny beside Chibs and Jax. She was wearing really fucking short shorts and a thin white shirt with limp wet hair and he already knew she was looking at them with cartoon wide eyes. Jax turned and beckoned Happy and Opie to go over to them but Happy stepped back into the gloomy alley way shaking his head. He couldn't let her see him like that. Opie jogged over and completely dwarfed her.
In the van, Happy took off his kutte and pulled the shirt over his head, using it to wipe down his face and arms. He didn't have to worry about Catherine asking questions about why he was undressed when the rest of them were wearing jackets and jumpers because she probably wouldn't even notice. Besides, she had called him beautiful the first time she had seen him half dressed, after his fight in the ring.
As soon as he re-opened the van doors he felt himself getting angry. She had been crying, that much was obvious, but it wasn't the dainty and pretty crying he had seen her do before. This was puffy eyes, mascara tears, flushed cheeks and wobbly lip crying. Someone had hurt her again. Opie had the dog in his jacket to warm it up.
"Hi Mr Lowman," Catherine greeted him shakily, "are you coming for hot cocoa too?"
He couldn't say no to her.
Opie had never spoken to Catherine before but Happy could tell that he was smitten by her. Not as if he was in love with her but, like the rest of the guys, he had been drawn in by how sweet she was and her silly questions. She had him laughing deeply on the way back to the clubhouse and asked him loads of questions about his kids. When she was talking though, it was fast and slightly too high-pitched to be a casual conversation and Happy assumed she was hiding something.
Jax was right though. Catherine hadn't asked a single question about why they were out so late and covered in dust. She also hadn't looked directly at Happy.
"Say something to her," Chibs whispered to Happy and tapped his arm, "don't just sit there."
Happy glared at him then sat back against the wall of the van with his arms folded as Jax pulled into the garage. He was going to talk to her but not when she was with everyone else. He wanted to talk to her alone when he felt like she would be more open with him.
"You getting out Mr Lowman?" Catherine asked from the front; dragging Happy out of his thoughts to look at her, "we're here now and Jax has promised me some hot cocoa."
He nodded, making sure she got out first before she could see that he was sat on his bloody t-shirt then tucked it under the bench so that one of the prospects could get it the day after. Making sure to stay by Catherine, he walked into the clubhouse while Chibs went into the office to grab the kettle for hot chocolate. There was still some blood smeared on his arms where it had dried and stuck but it blended in seemingly well with his tattoos.
"Make sure you get her something to wear when you grab a shirt, yeah?" Jax asked Happy who nodded, "she's gonna get the flu."
In the light, the small cuts on her temple and cheek bone were visible; he hadn't seen them earlier but her eyes had started to get less puffy and her skin wasn't red and blotchy anymore. She was starting to look more like herself although all she was concentrating on was making sure her dog was alright. She didn't seem concerned about herself in the slightest. He couldn't help wondering if maybe she had got in the middle of Clay and her dad. She wouldn't have come with them though, surely, if she saw Clay, Tig and Juice enter the house. Right?
Happy pulled a big, grey SAMCRO shirt from the pile in the back for her, thinking it would be funny to see her in something that would be too big even for Opie, and a plain white one for him then replacing the kutte over his shoulders. She liked grey; she wore it a lot, Happy thought to himself.
"Here," he said to her, talking for the first time in a while.
"Oh, do you have it in pink? I mean, I love grey but pink is my favourite."
When Happy didn't reply, only smiled and raised his eyebrow at her, she laughed lightly and took it off of him. As soon as she put it on though, he started chuckling; it was just as funny as he had imagined.
"Oh look at you!" Chibs said, bringing in a tray of cups, "you look adorable! Like a little dolly!"
"Mr Lowman says you don't have them in pink. I think you should start making them in pink."
"Pink's not really our colour."
Catherine smiled and laughed. It was almost as if they hadn't found her shivering and sobbing in a bus stop; almost like she had forgotten herself.
Catherine POV
My new t-shirt was so comfy and cosy and the bar was really warm and comforting. All it did was make me realise how tired I was. I had worked the longest shift ever then walked through the town for like, a bajillion hours and now I felt like sleeping on this bench thing. I didn't though, obviously. I had literally no idea how long it had been since it had been cleaned and what had been spilt on it.
"Take this Sweetheart," Mr Chibs told me and passed me a cup that smelled delicious, "you'll warm up soon."
"Thank you Mr Chibs. You're really nice. Do you have kids too? You're, like, such a dad, you know?"
"Yup. I got a little girl. She's not so little anymore though I guess. She would be about 18 now."
"You don't see her?"
Mr Chibs shook his head sadly and I wanted to cuddle him but there was a table in the way. I felt bad for making him sad so I just patted his hand gently, apologising to him for bringing it up. Mr Lowman came to sit beside me, stretching his arm out on the back of the seats which was nice because I could feel the warmth coming from him. It just made me want to go to sleep even more though.
Yawning, I sipped my hot cocoa. It was as delicious as it smelt and I drank it down quickly.
"Oh Mr Lowman," I sighed with another yawn, "I'm so sleepy."
"Why don't you wanna go home?" Mr Lowman asked me quietly.
"Because I'm scared. I don't think I like Uncle Jerry anymore."
My eyes were closing and I was fighting to stay awake now that I was sat in the warm and full of hot cocoa.
"Did he hurt you again?" He asked and I nodded, pointing to my face and my arm, "do they know where you are?"
"I don't have my phone but I don't think they care about where I am. You know? They just- they've-"
I couldn't finish my sentence because I thought about Greta and how much I needed her right now. I need her to hug me and stroke my hair and make me feel like someone loved me. I didn't want to cry again because my face had only just stopped hurting but I couldn't stop myself. I hid my face in my hands to try and stop the tear but it didn't work.
"It's ok," Mr Lowman said gently and stroked my hair with the hand that was around the back of the seats, "don't worry."
I tried to talk but I couldn't say anything properly. I was just making noises. Romeo made his way onto my lap, whining and pawing at my hands until I picked him up and buried my face in his fur. He licked my cheek lovingly. When I looked at him, his fur was everywhere and knotted from where he had been sat in Ope's jacket.
"Catherine?" Mr Lowman asked, "what happened?"
I looked up at him, not wanting anyone else to see my ugly crying face. He was frowning at me but still had his hand on my damp hair. I think he was concerned about me.
"Oh Mr Lowman," I sobbed, "They have fired Greta! She went back to LA to see her family and she's not coming back because- because we can't afford to pay her because all of our money is going into this stupid building thing! I thought- I thought maybe I could pay her with my money but they've taken all of it and I can't- I can't afford anything anymore. Mr Lowman, I miss her and I need her. I really need her here with me."
I just talked quickly without breathing, in between crying and yawning. I was a mess and Mr Lowman didn't speak for ages. I felt so stupid.
"You think maybe… she should spend time with her family now? I mean, you are an adult now. You don't need a nanny," Jax asked quietly.
I turned to him and shook my head.
"You don't understand Jax. If I don't have Greta, I don't have anyone."
They were all looking at me sympathetically. Mr Chibs and Mr Lowman looked at each other and then Mr Lowman sighed then hugged me awkwardly. I didn't care that he was awkward; I just hugged him back around Romeo and buried my face in his t-shirt.
"I just wanna go home," I cried, voice muffled in his shirt, "I just wanna go back to LA where it never rains and my friends are and where Greta is and where I don't have to get a stupid job. I hate it here. I just wanna go home."
"Catherine…" Mr Lowman said quietly.
"I work like, really hard. I work 13 hours a day and my feet hurt and I'm tired all the time then I don't even get to keep the money because Daddy and Uncle Jerry are running out because they're paying Mr Morrow all of it and the building men and the men that are making sure nothing happens to it. Then- then Uncle Jerry grabbed me and hit me and Daddy had a fight with him and it really scared me and- and- and all I want is some new shoes and to sit on the beach with my friends! I don't wanna move in with Uncle Jerry!"
Happy/3rd Person POV
Happy rarely felt guilt but when she was crying it hit him like a semi-truck. They were the reason that she was crying and probably, in part, the reason Jerry had hurt her. He looked over her head at Chibs and Jax and they looked just as guilty as he felt. But, at the same time, Happy was angry. He thought up a variety of different things he could do to Jerry for hurting her like he had. He wanted to go immediately and hurt him but took comfort in the fact that he was being beaten up by Tig.
"It's alright Cat," Jax said unconvincingly, "I'm sure they're gonna be done soon."
"They're not," Catherine cried, nestling closer to Happy, "it's gonna be years."
The guys all looked at each other awkwardly as she cried quietly into Happy's chest, gripping onto his shirt and pulling herself closer. Happy tried not to enjoy it because she was distraught but he couldn't help it. She was so tiny and delicate, like a dolly as Chibs had said, and she was so pretty even though she was crying and her hair was ragged and frizzy.
"Get her to bed," Jax said kindly to Happy, "put her in one of the dorms. I'll speak to Clay in the morning. I don't want her going back to that house tonight."
"No, no I need to go home. I'm fine." Catherine sighed but made no moved to leave.
"Use mine," Opie volunteered, "it's the cleanest."
Happy nodded and started to shuffle out of the booth with his hands holding her shoulders.
"Come on Catherine," Happy murmured to her, "come with me."
She let him take her to the dorms and dutifully followed him. She didn't question anything. She didn't protest even though she was clearly uncomfortable. It was just like when she had followed him to his house; just trusted him blindly like she trusted him.
Happy opened and held the door to Opie's dorm. Shyly, she looked at him then walked slowly into the room. It was nothing like her room at home but it was comfy and warm.
"Mr Lowman?" She asked quietly, "can you… I can trust you, right?"
"You wouldn't hurt me, right?"
Catherine nodded then went over to the bed and pressed down on the mattress to test it. Seemingly happy, she hesitantly sat on it to take her sneakers off then lay down with Romeo curling up on the other pillow. Happy didn't want to leave and she didn't ask him to either.
Bravely, Happy went to sit beside her on the bed as she watched him with tired and unfocused eyes. He patted her hair then ran his hands through it like he had seen Jax do for Tara and Chibs do for Viv. It's just something men do for women. Catherine sighed and squeezed her eyes shut as more tears fell from them.
"Please don't," Happy whispered, completely unsure of what to do for her.
"I'm sorry I'm so stupid and annoying. I don't mean to be I just can't help it."
"You don't annoy me."
"You're so nice Mr Lowman. I'm really glad we're friends."
Happy smiled.
"You think, if I started dancing, you would come and watch? I mean, you wouldn't have to pay me or whatever and I could get you in for free. Just for a friendly face you know?"
"I wanna move away and the girls get loads of money for dancing, more than I do anyway, and Kathy thinks I would be good at it."
Happy had absolutely no idea what she was talking about but he agreed to it all the same. He would agree to anything she said though, not that he would admit it; Happy Lowman was not a submissive man but she was different.
I full on cried while I was writing this- she makes my heart hurt! What do we think of the guys destroying everything? And, Mr Duke-Dillinger and Jerry taking all of her money! How awful!
She deserves better. Gonna throw it out there, what do we want to happen? I mean, I've already got it planned out and stuff but I just fancy hearing your thoughts.
We want Happy to bite the bullet and kiss here or is he gonna be too nervous? Is he scared of his feelings?
How does Clay really feel about them liking Cat? Does he trust her?
What do we think of Cat? I think we have seen some character development already, no?
Anyway, see you soon. Hopefully it won't be so long next time.
Lots of love, Doe xxxxxxx
P.s. I love reading all of your reviews so much! They are so encouraging and heartwarming!
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Light Sleepers - Happy x Reader
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(for father’s day. if you don’t have a dad i will be your dad. this idea came to me when i was writing Bed Socks. short but sweet.)
(female reader)
When Happy woke up and found you gone he panicked. Happy was very rarely panicked but when he thought of the possibility of you being in danger he couldn’t help it. He threw himself out of bed and rushed to your sons room to find him gone too. The bed was empty and his heart started beating so fast that he could hear the blood pumping in his ears. 
He noticed the lights were on downstairs so he cautiously went down to see what was happening only to smile when he saw you curled up with your son on the couch stroking his soft hair and humming a quiet song to him. That was the first time that he realised the rain pouring outside and the thunder and lightening that came with it. The little one didn’t like storms and he was a very light sleeper, just like his mom.
When Happy padded into the room you looked up but didn’t stop humming the song and just put your finger to your lips; signalling him to be quiet. He nodded and leant down to kiss the top of your head. Your little boy was asleep on your chest, sucking his thumb and breathing softly.
“You ok?” You asked your husband quietly.
“Thought you had gone then I saw James was gone and-” Happy murmured, embarrassed and rubbed the back of his head, “-I worried about you.”
You smiled at him and reached for him, kissing his lips gently and stroking his cheek. You explained that the weather had woken James up and he had come to sleep in your bed with you but didn’t want to wake Happy up so you had carried him downstairs.
“Babe,” Happy said gently, “you should have woken me up.”
He reached down to pick up James who easily snuggled against his dad’s shoulder and stayed asleep. Doing this revealed your pregnant belly and made him smile even though you had told him how self conscious you were of your stretch marks and the way that nothing seemed to fit you properly anymore.
“Let’s go back to bed,” Happy said gently to you and the sleeping James, “Mom needs to rest.”
You sighed and heaved yourself up from the couch and waddled over to turn off the lamp before following your husband back upstairs huffing and complaining which made Happy chuckle deeply. 
Once you were settled into a comfortable position, on your side with a pillow between your knees, Happy lay James down into the middle of the bed where he curled happily around your stomach and used your arm as a pillow. He snored softly, just like his dad and you smiled. Only after he had made sure that you and his son were comfortable did Happy lie down.
His hand gently rubbed your aching belly for a while as you drifted off to sleep and then cuddled all three of you against him as best as he could with the size of your stomach and the 5 year old between you both. He was happier than he ever thought he could have been with the life he led and the kind of man he was. He lay awake for a while just watching your sleeping face and the son between you shuffling around to get comfortable. 
Happy hadn’t been able to believe his luck when he had found you and his life seemed to be getting better and better with every passing day. Happy loved you and he loved James and he loved your unborn baby all in equal measure.
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Duchess - 7
Chapter 7 – The Pomeranian and the Pitbull
(this is another really fucking cute chapter)
Me and Jack had basically been put under house arrest for 2 weeks after the party with Mr and Mrs Chibs and their friends. Uncle Jerry would take Jack too and from school, wait whenever he had football practice and just take him literally anywhere else. Daddy was in charge of taking me everywhere. I mean, I had at least a bit more freedom because I had to take Romeo out for a walk at least twice a day.
Uncle Jerry had been so weird since I had started working at the lounge. He wanted to know all about who worked there and if they talked to me. I told him about Theo but he was the owner so he had to be friendly, you know? And the other guys that worked there were food servers so I never really spoke to them unless I needed to ask where a table was. Then, as if it was any of his business, he started asking me about Mr Lowman and Mr and Mrs Chibs and all their friends. I told him that they were all really nice people and if they weren’t good people then they wouldn’t have invited us to the party, right? I mean, Mr and Mrs Chibs had said that they would see about helping me with the lock on my door.
I really wished I had asked Mrs Chibs for her number then I could have called her to ask if she could still help me. I mean, I guessed she probably would because she was a really nice lady and her husband was a dad. Like, a dad kind of person; I don’t think they had kids.
“Miss Cat?” I heard Greta say from my doorway, “I need to get going now; I have a bus to catch to the airport.”
Sitting up from where I lay sulking on my bed, I looked at her with tears in my eyes. She smiled sadly at me and came to sit beside me, stroking my hair softly and kissing my cheek.
“It’s only 2 weeks Miss Cat, I’ll be back before you know it. Ok?” she said to me, wiping away the tears on my cheeks.
“I- I got these for your grandkids,” I said and stood up to go into my closet to pull out a big bag of toys and clothes, “I hope they’re ok.”
Greta smiled and took the bag off me. I always made sure that she went with loads of presents and stuff for them when she went to see them. I hadn’t really considered how she was going to get them on the plane though. Or the bus. I normally drove her and picked her up two weeks later but since Daddy had sold my car to Mr Morrow I couldn’t. I felt really bad about that.
“Do you want me to mail them up?” I asked when I realised how heavy the bag was.
“I think that would be better Miss Cat, yes,” Greta chuckled, “thank you. It will probably arrive at Hayley’s place before I will.”
“Do you have to go?” I asked quietly, “please don’t leave me.”
She gently put the bag of gifts on the floor and hugged me tightly, cradling my head against her chest and kissing my hair while I buried my face in her shirt. She knew why I didn’t want her to go but I also knew that she had to see her family; she missed them a lot and as much as I wanted to believe she thought of me as her family I knew I was just a source of income for her.
“Don’t worry, Catherine. You have my number and Hayley’s number. I’ll give you a call when I get there, ok?”
I nodded sadly and let go of her. I walked her to the bus stop, with Romeo obviously, and waved her off when the bus to the airport came.
I sadly dragged my feet as I made my way home. Then, I heard angry shouting and the skittering of dog claws on the concrete. Romeo started yapping happily and spinning in excited circles. I laughed and turned around just in time to see a white pitbull with holes in his ears running towards me, dragging a chain leash on the ground behind him. I recognised the dog immediately. He only had one eye and scars on his mouth; it was Scrap. I looked around the busy streets but couldn’t see Mr Lowman anywhere. I immediately grabbed the leash so the big dog wouldn’t run passed me but I didn’t seem to need too because he went straight over to Romeo and they started sniffing each other and Romeo yapped happily at the bigger dog. The size difference between the Pomeranian and the Pitbull was literally the funniest thing and I couldn’t help but laugh at it; the top of Romeo’s ears came up to the bottom of Scrap’s chest.
“Where’s your daddy, Scrap?” I asked, like he was going to answer, “where did you come from?”
Obviously he wasn’t going to answer me so I looked up and down the road, listening closely for the angry shouts.
“Scrap?!” It was definitely Mr Lowman although I had only ever heard him speak really quietly to me, “where the fuck are you?!”
I laughed and started to walk towards the sound of his voice. I made sure Romeo was following me and Scrap but he was happily trotting next to the pitbull without me needing to say anything to him. He seemed to have made a friend.
“Scrap?! Stupid dog,” Mr Lowman was shouting.
When I turned down a road I had never been before and saw Mr Lowman stood in the middle of the road with his hands on his head and his back to me. I kind of wanted to sneak up on him and make him jump but thought better of it when I saw the handle of a black gun sticking out the back of his jeans. I froze when I saw it but Romeo barked loudly and ran over to him so I had no choice but to go with him.
“Hey Mr Lowman,” I greeted him with a wave when he turned around to look at Romeo, “I think I found your dog!”
His worried expression eased up into one of relief and even smiled at me. He jogged over to me with Romeo at his heels and patted his dog on the head then bent down to fuss Romeo finally.
“Thanks Catherine,” he said quietly and I couldn’t tell if his voice was hoarse from shouting or if it was just his usual gravelly voice, “where was he?”
“Oh, he ran into town; not really far away. I think maybe he knew Romeo was around,” I laughed and handed him back his dog’s leash.
I noticed that he wasn’t wearing any shoes or socks and just a thin white tank top without his leather coat thing. I tried not to stare at him but literally couldn’t help it. He was just so beautiful. He saw I was looking and shuffled kind of uncomfortably but smiled anyway.
“You have weird priorities,” I said to him eventually when I managed to drag my eyes away from his tattoos to look at his face, “you forgot to put on shoes but remembered a gun?”
He shrugged kind of awkwardly but then didn’t say anything else and we just stood looking at each other. Realising how awkward we both were at apparently the same time we laughed and looked down at our dogs who were playing around at our feet. Romeo was trying to look tough and jumped to playfully bite what was left of Scrap’s ear. He couldn’t reach though.
“I think Scrap has made a friend Mr Lowman,” I smiled up at him and he nodded thoughtfully, “are you busy?”
Mr Lowman looked back up at me with an unreadable expression but then shook his head just as I was about to feel stupid for asking him. I didn’t know what I wanted him to join me to do except for maybe taking the dogs for a walk but I just wanted someone to talk too since I had a day off from work, Greta was going back to LA and my family were either at work or school. Mr Lowman was also a really good listener so I think I could talk to him about everything. Plus, if I started crying he gave good hugs so there was always that.
He beckoned me to follow him and I did, trusting him blindly, and walked beside him down the road towards a little house a couple of streets back. There was a motorcycle in the driveway and a chain link fence, with a gate swinging open, surrounding the large dusty, brown lawn. I smiled when I saw his house and the big porch with two rocking chairs on it. There was a little wooden table in between the two chairs where a jug of lemonade and two half full glasses were set on some multi-coloured coasters.
“Is this your house Mr Lowman?” I asked, looking at him happily.
“It’s not much,” Mr Lowman said, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand and looked kind of shy.
“It’s amazing! You live with your wife?”
He laughed slightly but then shook his head. For some reason, I was kind of happy about his answer. Just as I was about to ask who he lived with an elderly lady came to the porch with her hand against her forehead to shield her eyes from the sun. I waved happily over at her and she smiled and waved back. Romeo ran forward through the open gate and towards her. She laughed as Mr Lowman let go of Scrap’s leash so he could run after my dog into the garden.
“You found him then, Mijo?” The Lady asked, coming down the steps and walking through the playing animals.
“Catherine found him Ma,” Mr Lowman said and gestured to me lazily.
I looked at him in surprise. Mr Lowman lived with his elderly mother and had saved a dog from being killed. He was such a nice man and I literally couldn’t believe it.
When I went over to meet his mom she smiled even wider and pulled me into a tight hug. She had the same dark eyes as Mr Lowman and really pretty, long grey hair that had been pulled into a neat bun on the top of her head.
“He is a really lovely dog but it seems it doesn’t matter how much my son trains him up; he still wants to run away as soon as he can,” she said with a laugh, touching my cheek gently and looking into my face kindly, “my goodness, you are a beautiful girl. Like a little princesa.”
I giggled and blushed, looking away from her to see Mr Lowman with his arms folded over his chest and a warm smile on his face as he looked at his mom. I guess he really must love her.
“Go and get dressed Happy,” Mrs Lowman scolded her son, “walking around half dressed in front of a beautiful girl. No manners, my son. Would you like to come and sit with me Catherine? While you wait for my son to dress himself.”
I nodded with a smile and settled myself in the rocking chair across from her. Romeo ran excitedly around the yard with Scrap on his tail. Mrs Lowman was really kind and funny. She was kind of like Greta I guess but like, the Spanish version. She had gone inside to get me a glass and poured me some of the lemonade that she had made herself. I told her she was really clever for making it; I could never make something like lemonade. I can’t even make toast without burning it. I really was useless.
“You can’t make lemonade, Princesa? Shall I teach you?” Mrs Lowman said with a warm smile.
“Can you? Oh my gosh, I would love it if you could!” I asked excitedly which made her laugh and nod.
She showed me to the kitchen which was just inside the French doors. The house was really clean and tidy and bright inside. Everything was a nice combination of yellow and royal blue and white with flowers. It was literally like walking into a little villa. I suspected Mrs Lowman had been in charge of decorating. I made sure to tell Mrs Lowman that her house was beautiful, like Greta always told me I should when I entered someone’s house for the first time.
Happy/3rd Person POV
When Happy came back into the kitchen to tell Catherine he was ready for whatever she needed him for, he stopped in his tracks. He blinked in surprise to see Catherine and his mother stood side by side cutting up lemons and limes, laughing and talking like they had known each other for years. It was obvious that his mother was already very taken with the younger woman and Happy knew exactly why. She always complained that he never took girls home to meet her, that she was lonely when he was out at work or his aunt wasn’t picking up the phone.
“Honestly Mrs Lowman,” Catherine laughed as she squeezed the lemon halves into the jug, “I think I would be a really bad wife; I can’t cook anything and I’m not really that good at many things. I can clean really well though; I literally hate messy and dirty things. It makes me feel really, like, gross.”
“Then,” Mama said kindly, “you need to find yourself a man that can cook but cannot clean. You would have balance then, yes?”
“I never thought of that! Oh Mrs Lowman you’re so clever.”
Mama laughed lightly and patted her on the shoulder. Happy couldn’t help smiling as well as this pretty young woman seemed to be infiltrating his life little by little. First she was unafraid of his admittedly threatening looking dog, then she won all of his friends over with her natural charisma and now she was making lemonade with his mother. He breathed out a laugh which made both of the women turn around and look at him with wide eyes.
“There he is! What took you so long Mijo? We’ve been making lemonade without you,” Mama said in mock annoyance then turned back to Catherine, “Happy likes to help with the lemonade you know? He pretends he’s a big tough guy but he loves helping his Mama in the kitchen. Don’t you Happy?”
Catherine was smiling up at him; completely different to a week and half ago when she looked scared and was crying. He preferred her like this, at ease and smiling at him with the afternoon sun hitting her hair and making her look… angelic while she stood in his kitchen as if she was supposed to be there.
“Yeah,” Happy said quietly and walked forwards to put his arm around Mama’s shoulders and kissed her cheek gently, “I make good lemonade though, right Ma?”
“Oh the best Mijo.”
Catherine laughed again and turned back to the jug of half-made lemonade. Her shoulders shook as she laughed and pointed out the window where Scrap and Romeo had settled themselves under a tree to nap while their owners made lemonade. Happy like to think that Scrap was his dog but the truth was he was always happiest with Mama.
Happy knew that he couldn’t hide how much he cared for Mama; she was his mother after all and she was always the same whether she was alone, with the other guys or with him and she had always taught him to treat women you cared about with respect whether you wanted to show off to your friends or not.
“Ok,” Mama said to Catherine, “you’re done. Would you like to taste it now since your boys are asleep outside?”
Catherine nodded enthusiastically and poured herself a glass then one for Mama and another for Happy. She handed him his glass with slight hesitation so he made sure to take it as gently as he could, happily watching Mama and Catherine clink their glasses together.
“Delicious, Princesa! Absolutely delicious you have done so well!” Mama praised Catherine; making her beam with pride and stand up straighter, “I cannot believe you have never made lemonade before, it tastes almost professional.”
Catherine laughed and thanked her more than was really necessary. Happy sipped from the glass casually and smiled when Catherine looked at him almost to make sure he liked it. It tasted good and just sweet enough for him.
“It’s good,” Happy told her kindly.
“You think so?”
When he nodded she smiled even wider and blushed lightly while running a nervous hand through her hair. Mama reached her hand up to stroke the golden curls that framed her face and smiled at her as they continued to chat easily.
“Your eyes are so pretty, Catherine,” Mama said eventually and Happy expected she had wanted to tell her this as soon as she had met the young woman, “don’t you think Happy? Who did you get them from?”
Catherine looked mildly horrified and confused and Happy knew immediately what she was thinking and smiled in anticipation.
Catherine POV
I don’t know what kind of science they taught when she was at school but I didn’t know what to say to her. I kind of faltered and put my hand on my cheek under my eye.
“I- Mrs Lowman, I’ve had them since I was born! No one gave them too me!” I exclaimed with a slight nervous laugh.
“No,” Mr Lowman said kindly, “who did you get them from. I have the same eyes as Mama. Who do you have the same eyes as?”
I widened my eyes and laughed; pleased that he had explained it too me better then shrugged. I didn’t have the same eyes as anyone. Daddy and Mom both had blue eyes and so did Jack. I just had random grey eyes, I guess. I told her and she smiled but didn’t seem to be too annoyed at my stupid question.
“What did you need help with, Catherine?” Mr Lowman asked me while he took the empty glasses from mine and his mom’s hands to wash them in the sink.
I blinked, confused then realised what he meant and blushed. I had totally forgotten that I had asked him if he was busy and that was the whole reason we had actually came to his house. I was having way too much fun with Mrs Lowman.
“Oh, um, nothing really,” I mumbled, “I was just… lonely, I guess. Not that I mean I wouldn’t ask you for help or anything! Oh no, have I offended you? I just wanted to talk to someone, you know? Romeo is like, really cute and my best friend and stuff but he doesn’t reply when I talk to him. Like, I would talk to you if I wasn’t lonely; you’re a nice person and everything-”
Mr Lowman turned to look at me while he put the glasses on the draining board. He was smiling at me. He had the same smile as his mom. I guess that meant he got it from her.
“Come on then,” he said while drying his hands on his baggy jeans, “let’s go.”
He kissed him mom’s cheek and hugged her before turning to the French doors and whistling; making both dogs look up from where they were sleeping and ran towards him. I turned to Mrs Lowman with a smile and she pulled me in for a tight hug.
“It was lovely meeting you Catherine. Why don’t you come back another time and we can teach you to make something else so you won’t be a bad wife?” She asked me with a laugh.
I nodded happily. I literally couldn’t think of anything better and more fun. Before I could say anything though I heard Romeo barking and looked into the yard to see Mr Lowman playing with both of the dogs with a tattered tennis ball.
“Go on then Catherine, before that impatient son of mine leaves without you. See you soon.”
I nodded and waved before walking out onto the porch. My shoes clopped on the wood then made dull thuds on the brown grass as I made my way over to Mr Lowman and the puppies. He attached the lead back onto his dog and we walked back into the town. It was only 1pm but I felt like it was so much later and that I had spent the entire afternoon with Mrs Lowman but it was only really a couple of hours.
As we walked, I talked about anything and everything that came to mind. I talked about Romeo and Daddy and how since the party Jack started wearing his leather jacket everywhere and going against whatever Daddy and Uncle Jerry said. Mr Lowman looked at me as I talked, nodding and making like, agreeing noises. He really was a good listener.
“Oh! Oh, Mr Lowman!” I exclaimed suddenly, hitting his arm, “do you have Mr Chibs’ phone number? Or Mrs Chibs even? Do you think they will still help me with my door even though Daddy and Uncle Jerry crashed your party?”
“Yeah. Viv is really worried about you. We all are.”
Mr Lowman frowned and nodded at me.
“You want me to call them and see if they can do it now?”
I nodded at him with wide eyes. Now would be the perfect time for them to come and help because Daddy, Uncle Jerry and Mom were still in the building site until 6 and Jack would be at school until 4.  He pulled a phone out of his pocket and pressed a few buttons before putting it to his ear and the other person picked up almost straight away.
“Yeah, hi. Can you come and do that thing for Catherine now? You busy?” He asked them then listened for a minute before putting the phone back in his pocket.
“That was kind of rude,” I said with a small scowl, “you didn’t even say bye. You’re supposed to say goodbye and I love you. That’s how I always end my phone calls.”
“Yeah? That was Chibs.”
“So? You can still love him, Mr Lowman,” I laughed.
He let out a low chuckle and he told me that they were coming anyway. He didn’t specify who “they” were but I was happy enough that my door would have a new lock on it. I practically skipped back to my house and with Mr Lowman beside me holding Scrap on his leash and Romeo trotting beside Scrap. When I started walking up the path to my house I saw some motorcycles outside the driveway and Mr and Mrs Chibs at the front door stood with the man with black curly hair that had been sat at the table at the party and the man that had grabbed me at the motel before we even knew they were going to Charming too. I didn’t like him very much; he scared me.
“Oh my god, Cat!” Mrs Chibs exclaimed, walking over to me and hugging me, “are you alright? What happened?”
“Huh? Oh, nothing. Me and Jack were grounded for, like, two weeks and put under house arrest. Nothing bad though, promise.”
“Good, good. I’m glad. Are you coming Happy?” she called to Mr Lowman.
When I looked back I saw that he had stopped at the gate; looking up at my house with wide eyes. It was bigger than his but it wasn’t nearly as cute and homey. He looked at me again but he wasn’t smiling this time. He looked kind of angry and maybe sad. I don’t know but I told him to come in anyway, if he wanted to help.
Mrs Chibs kept trying to get the men under control when they started to wander around the house and looking at different things. I just laughed and showed them up to my bedroom where they were even more excitable.
“I’ll stay with Scrap,” Mr Lowman said harshly.
“What do you mean Mr Lowman?” I asked, turning on the stairs to look at him.
He wasn’t looking at me but Scrap was. I patted my legs and he ran forwards; pulling the leash out of Mr Lowman’s hand to run up to me. I laughed and ruffled the dog’s ears while the other people went up to my bedroom to start working although I wasn’t sure why it would take Mr Chibs and the other men but maybe it was harder than I thought it was going to be. I have no idea about how to change locks. Mr Lowman looked angry and I felt bad for making him angry but I didn’t know what to do.
“Come on Mr Lowman,” I said and held my hand out to him, “all your friends are here and Scrap is coming too. Please? I want you to see my room.”
He was still scowling and looking away from me but started walking up the plush carpeted stairs. When he was a step down from me I leant down and took his hand in mine slowly but stopped when he moved away from me. I frowned at him, confused.
“Mr Lowman?” I asked.
I didn’t mean to sound as sad as I did but I couldn’t help it; we had been having such a nice day and now for literally no reason that I could think of he was angry with me. I think maybe I was just being dumb and he was getting mad. After I spoke though he looked up at me and he didn’t look mad. I think he was blushing too but it was kind of hard to tell because he looked away from me really quickly. I smiled at him. He was literally so cute when he was nervous. Scrap snuffled at my hand distracting me from looking at his owner.
“Oh,” I cooed at the puppy, “look at you. My handsome boy, yes you are. Yes you’re my handsome boy aren’t you? Yes you are and your daddy is so silly isn’t he? Silly daddy, yes such a silly daddy.”
I laughed and sat on the step beside Scrap and in front of Mr Lowman to fuss the dog and kiss his big head while he panted and pawed at me; leaving dusty paw prints on my blue flowery dress and on my arms. Romeo ran up and down the stairs to try to get my attention so I called him and fussed over both dogs with another happy laugh.
“Oh look at my handsome boys!” I laughed and cuddled Romeo and Scrap.
“Come on Sweetheart,” I heard Mr Chibs shout, “you need to tell me where you want the lock to be.”
I stood up and dusted my dress off before calling both dogs with me and going to my room. I saw the men in my room and immediately felt uncomfortable. I had never had an outside person in my room before. They weren’t doing anything except standing by the door and on the balcony, pointing out how good the view was and the fact that we had a pool. Mrs Chibs was sat at the piano in my room and Mr Chibs was stood the by the door with his tool box.
“You play piano?” Mrs Chibs asked excitedly and I nodded before picking up Romeo and walking over to her.
“Yeah,” I replied just as excited as she was, “I was like, really good or whatever. I actually sang to the piano for my last pageant. I won Miss California when I was 21.”
“You seriously won that? That’s amazing!”
I nodded excitedly and went to show her but there was a big warm hand on my shoulder that stopped me from walking over to her. I turned to see Mr Chibs smiling kindly down at me. I had totally forgotten that they weren’t here to be my friends. Not even Mr Lowman. I think he was just being nice to me because he was a nice guy. I kind of felt sad when I realised that.
I looked at the other people, and dogs, in my room who were all looking at me. Mr Lowman was as unreadable as ever but when I looked at him he nodded as a like, hello, I guess. I laughed when I saw that he was holding Romeo with Scrap sat next to him. The scary man and the black haired man were still stood on the balcony but when I saw that they were smoking I felt angry and not sad anymore.
“Hey,” I snapped at them, storming over and taking the cigarettes out of their hands, “don’t smoke in my room!”
“We’re not in your room,” the scary man shrugged and looked at me kind of angry, “we’re outside.”
“You are on really thin ice hairy man! I already don’t like you. I literally don’t even know why I let you in my house and make my nice floor all muddy. Do you even know how long it took me to wax and mop this floor?”
His amused face dropped when I stamped my foot and poked him in the belly. I didn’t care who he thought he was, you don’t just come into some random girls room and start smoking and he should respect that. I tossed my hair back over my shoulder and folded my arms, tapping my foot and waiting for his answer.
“Well?” I demanded to know, “do you know how long it took me?”
“I thought it was a rhetorical question,” the man laughed.
“Don’t try and confuse me with long words!”
He laughed again and I just didn’t get what was so funny. I scowled at him and the other man that was looking at me so weirdly. Like, his eyebrows were up and his mouth was open. I scoffed and turned back to storm back into my room to Mr Chibs who was talking to his not-wife and laughing as he measured up the door. Mr Lowman was stood glaring at the men on my balcony while holding my gorgeous Pomeranian and it looked really funny.
“So what you want to do-” Mr Chibs instructed, “is line up the bolt with where you want it to go, make sure it’s straight, and use your little pencil to mark out the holes for the screws. Cat, where did you put the pencil?”
“Oh, Romeo wanted it so ask him,” I shrugged, “can I move my arms yet? They really ache.”
Mr Chibs laughed and shook his head which made me groan and rest my head against the wooden door and kept my hands on the little metal lock thing on the bottom of my door. Mr Chibs had fixed one higher up on my door and asked if I wanted to learn how to do it myself. I had said yeah because he made it look really easy but he had better arms than me because he could hold it on the door and use the drill thing to put it on and not even get tired.
Mr Lowman had told the scary man, Bobby, to go and get some stuff to clean up the mud and ash he had tracked over my nice floor. I felt better that, while I was doing DIY, Mr Lowman was making sure that he was getting all the dirt off and making it shiny again. I think he liked things to be clean too.
“Alright, here,” Mrs Chibs said while handing the pencil back to me.
I took it and drew holes onto the wood where the screws were going to go on then looked at Mr Chibs, waiting for my next instruction.
“You can put your arms down now,” he laughed, “and count out seven of these ones. That’s why you put the pencil marks there you see? So you know where the lock is going to go when you take it away.”
“Oh Mr Chibs!” I said to him with wide eyes, “you’re so clever! I would literally never have thought of that!”
“Thanks lass. Now put your lock back on there and line up the holes, I’ll pass the screws and start them off then you carry on, yeah?”
I nodded happily; I was literally so happy that Mr Chibs offered to help me, even if It was just because he felt sorry for me.
After about half an hour, I had fixed the lock on the door. I leant over and hugged Mr Chibs tightly, thanking him for helping me and teaching me how to put locks on doors. I had actually had so much fun. Mr and Mrs Chibs had laughed when I hugged him and he carefully hugged me back, patting my hair. I pulled away with a huge grin on my face.
“Hey Mr Lowman,” I called over to where he was sat pressing random keys on my piano, “I did it!”
“Well done Catherine,” Mr Lowman said nicely and looked over his shoulder with a smile, “proud of you.”
Happy/3rd Person POV
Happy had wondered, mostly subconsciously, what her bedroom would look like. He thought it would probably be covered in pink and shiny shit but was pleasantly surprised when he saw that it was a lot more elegant than that. Everything was either gold or white and there was a white piano tucked in the corner next to the doors leading to the balcony. Happy wanted to hear her play it and he wanted to hear her sing.
He hated how cute she was when she was knelt on the floor beside Chibs and how her hair looked like sunshine flowing down her back. He hated how she was making him feel because he had never felt that way before, not for a girl or anyone.  Catherine was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He told her he was proud of her and that was because he was proud of her; she had done a lot of new things that day. She had made lemonade with is mother and now had turned her hand to DIY.
After a while she stood up and dusted her knees off. There were red marks on her skin and they made him wince even though he knew she wasn’t in pain. The bruises on her thigh had faded, from what he could see, but he knew he couldn’t just ask her to show him her leg.
“You wanna hear a song?” She asked him, coming over to the piano and sitting close beside him on the small bench, “as like, a thank you? I don’t have any money to pay you guys right now so this could just be an IOU.”
“You don’t need to pay us Sweetheart,” Viv said kindly, “we wanted to help you.”
Happy nodded when she looked at him then watched as Tig and Bobby walked through the French doors and back into her bedroom to listen as she started to play the piano. Happy didn’t know what she was playing but it was pretty and she looked relaxed and happy with a small smile on her face as she played. When the song was finished his friends all clapped for her and made her laugh. She stood up and curtsied with another laugh.
“That was brilliant!” Viv gushed to her, “can you play another one?”
“Yes! We all want to hear you sing!”
Catherine sat back down and Happy didn’t move away from her when her leg brushed against his and her arm would move against him as her hands moved gracefully across the keys. Then she started singing and as soon as she did Happy knew he had fallen in love with her.
 I’m Sorry Part 2 - hahahahaha oh I’m sorry! There was nothing in this chapter except for a load of cute emotional shit and I hope you like it!
Next chapter we will see way more action and we will finally get to see just how badly SAMCRO fucked up her dad’s building plans.
Anyway, see you soon,
Lots of love, Doe
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Happy Having A Crush On You Would Include:-
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(Major heart eyes over this gif, ok? I just don’t know what to do with myself. I just want to cry over how pretty he is.)
- Happy would be quite shy when it came to having a crush on someone; he doesn’t get crushes very often so he doesn’t really know how to react
- Mostly he would watch you closely to make sure he knew you were safe
- And if someone was getting too close to you he would storm over and push them away; leaving you confused
- Especially because he didn’t really say anything to you and just stood beside you for the rest of the time you were around him.
- When he got comfortable enough around you, he would want to be close by you at all times and listen to what you had to say intently
- And he would take a great interest in your life, wanting to know everything about you
- You would be one of the only people he would let his guard down around and show his softer side too
- He would come over to your house when he knew you were stressed from work with snacks and drinks to help you relax
- Once he had a few beers down him, he would allow himself to touch your arm and stroke your skin as gently as he possibly could
- He would realise just how much he missed someone being affectionate with him and pull you into a too tight hug which would make you chuckle and hug him back
- You made him happy so he would want to spend as much time as possible with you
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Owning A Dog With Happy Would Include:-
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- It would have the most ridiculously badass name but be the sweetest dog you could ever meet
- He would have had it out for a walk before you were even awake in the morning
- Happy would be glad that you had someone there with you when he was out on runs since he had trained it to attack anyone that would be a threat to you
- This training caused you a lot of stress though because sometimes of you hugged someone, the dog would go for them. 
- Happy always found it funny when one of the guys came in with a bandage around their arms or limping.
- Then get aggressive when they told him the dog needed putting down
- Happy would come home at night and see the dog asleep with you in bed and go and sleep on the couch
- When he was out on a job he would call at least once a day to make sure you were both alright/checking that you were looking after his baby
- Which you obviously were
- All three of you would go for long walks and hikes when he wasn’t working
- His favourite thing to do with you was go on camping trips on the weekend where he would take the dog out hunting then come back with his chest puffed out proudly and bringing you something for you to cook for them all
- The dog would take up most of the room in the tent but you both loved it so much that you didn’t care
- The only times that he was soft and gentle were with you and his dog and you loved it
- Before bed he would first kiss you goodnight then the dog and you would all curl up together
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Duchess - 6
Chapter 6 – no, I’m a vegetarian
Work was really hard. I never actually realised how hard it was before my trial shift at The Velvet Lounge. It wasn’t like, mentally hard but my whole body hurt after about 2 hours and my feet were killing me. I was told that all I had to do was take drinks from the bar to the table which was easy enough but I couldn’t sit down until I had been there for 4 hours. It was horrible but literally everyone else that worked there was so nice! I met a few people from town and they were really friendly and funny. I had been partnered with a girl called Katherine (with a K) which had made me laugh. She said that people called her Kathy though.
At 7pm I was told that Theo wanted to see me. I dropped my last tray of drinks down to table 5 and skipped over to the bar where he had been working all afternoon, making drinks and greeting people. On my way up I saw about 4 girls walking passed me with what looked like dance bags. Weird but I didn’t think too much about it.
“You wanted to see me?” I asked Theo as I approached.
“Hey Catherine,” he greeted easily, “how are you doing?”
“Oh my feet are in so much pain!”
Theo laughed and nodded, telling me that it was bound to happen after 5 hours on my feet without a sit down.  I had nodded as more girls with bags walked by. I looked at them confused and they smiled and waved at me as they walked by. I waved back then turned back to Theo
“So,” Theo continued, “how would you feel about coming back the same time tomorrow? I’ve spoken to the other girls and some of the guests and everyone seems to really like you.”
“Really?” I asked in disbelief, “me?”
Theo laughed and nodded, “yes, you.”
“Oh gosh! I mean, yeah. Yeah I’d love too!”
“Great! You can get going now if you want, rest up a bit before tomorrow.”
“Thanks! Thank you so much Theo! See you tomorrow.”
I smiled then turned to make my way to the staffroom to grab my stuff. On my way through I saw Kathy talking to some of the girls with the bags. I told her I was going but going back the next day and it turns out she was as well. I was kind of grateful that she would be in so she could show me how to do everything again; I know it wasn’t hard but still…
I waved to them all then to Theo as I walked out the front door. It was Friday. I had been invited by Mrs Chibs to a party with that motorcycle club. I can’t believe I had forgotten about it but I guess I had been so busy with learning how to work that I wasn’t even thinking about it. As I hurried home I called Jack to tell him to get dressed because we had been invited to a party. When he asked whose I told him Jax and I could almost hear his heart beat speed up at the mention of the older man’s name. It didn’t matter how much I told him that Jax would never go for him because Jack was way too young for him and Jax wasn’t gay or even bi (we think), my brother still kept hoping he would be noticed. It was kinda cute though to be honest.
“You think I should wear my leather jacket?” Jack asked, “would it be too much? Like, try hard?”
“Uh, yeah,” I scoffed, “just wear a cute shirt and jeans. If you wear a leather jacket you would look stupid. I’m just gonna wear shorts and a cute top. You think I should wear boots or wedges?”
“I dunno. You think I know anything about girl clothes? Just wear whatever is quick to put on. What are we gonna tell Dad?”
“That we’re going to a party with Jax and his sister?”
“Uh no. You really think he’s gonna be happy about us going to a party with the people that are making him lose money? Nah. I’ll tell him I’ve been invited to a high school party and you’re coming because… I dunno, you’re worried about me drinking alcohol. I’ll tell him now, just be quick. Bye.”
I hung up and put my phone in my handbag as I almost ran back to the house. I had no idea what time this party started but I guessed these guys were big drinkers and would start early. As long as we were there between 7 and 9 we should be fine.
Finally, I got home and Jack literally pounced on me. He was already dressed and ready to go. I wasn’t even through the door and he was already pulling me up the stairs to get showered and stuff. I told him that I needed to feed Romeo and talk to Greta about my day but he didn’t want to listen to me. I just gave up with a sigh and dragged my feet towards my shower. Jack told me he was going to feed Romeo for me while I got ready. I made sure to lock my bedroom door then the bathroom door, just in case you know?
I washed away all the alcohol smell out of my hair and off of my skin. I was just thinking random things like, about how I basically had a job and Katherine with a K, Kathy. She was nice, I liked her. She showed me how to do everything and introduced me to everyone. I still wondered what those ladies with the dance bags were doing though. I loved dancing; I wanted to dance with them if that was even what they were doing.
“Come on Catherine!” Jack shouted through the door, “you’ve been in there for an hour! I want to get there early and talk to Jax.”
I laughed to myself, finished washing the conditioner out of my hair and wrapped the towel around my body only to see Jack sat on my bed and my bedroom door wide open. My heart thumped in my chest and I shouted at my brother for leaving it open and even coming in in the first place.
“Jack,” I scolded, “how did you even get in?”
“Dad gave Uncle Jerry the key,” Jack shrugged and looked up at me, “I just got it off him if I promised to bring it back.”
Why does Uncle Jerry have a key to my room? Why did Daddy have a key? Only I should have a key to my room. Maybe Greta, but not Daddy or Uncle Jerry. Especially Uncle Jerry. I looked at my door unsurely and held the towel closer to my body and shifted uncomfortably.
“Come on Catherine,” Jack sighed again, “it’s gonna take you forever to get ready if you just stand there.”
“Can you get out?” I asked, trying to hide the shake in my voice, “I can’t get changed if you’re here.”
Jack rolled his eyes and stood up, leaving the room. I heard the lock click as he locked it again. What was the point in even having a lock if everyone else but you had a key. I tried to forget about it and concentrate on getting a cute outfit together. I had literally no clue what the dress code was going to be but Jack looked kind of smart-casual. I wanted to look pretty though. I was deciding between a cute dress or a crop top and skirt combination. The second one made me look more grown up though. It was a dark red silk top and skirt, you know like matching. It was kind of slutty but I knew that Daddy and Mom wouldn’t mind that the skirt was kind of short and the top was really low cut if I wore some like, short black bicycle shorts underneath to hide my underwear. I looked kind of good once my hair and makeup was done. I added on a pretty diamond choker and some black high heels and I was good to go.
I was ready just in time for Jack to tell me that the cab was outside. I sneaked out of my room, looking around for Uncle Jerry or Daddy but they must have been in the office though because there was no one downstairs except for Jack. I made sure to collect my clutch bag with my money and phone, how was I supposed to buy myself and Jack cokes if I had no money, you know?
“Come on,” Jack stressed and pulled me outside.
((I want to split up the story but FFN will literally not let me do anything that I usually do so here))
Happy/3rd Person POV
Viv had been hassling him all day about the party that evening and Happy was getting reasonably annoyed but wasn’t brave enough to argue with her about it; he knew she would only tell him off for shouting at her.
“Are you nervous?” She asked him in a moment of seriousness, “I know you like her.”
“I don’t get nervous,” he told her with a shrug, and it was true, “and I don’t like her.”
Viv snorted with quiet laughter and he just glared at her. She shot him a sympathetic smile and put her hand on his arm, rubbing it gently. He knew that she knew that he was lying but didn’t want to say anything. Viv knew him too well, it seemed.
“She’s a vegetarian,” he told her quietly, “that doesn’t believe in killing things. That’s what I do for a job.”
The young woman was obviously speechless; she didn’t know what to say to make him feel better about that. Happy knew it was bad when Vivania, who was one of his best friends and was almost like his club mother, didn’t have any advice for him. She settled for giving him another gentle pat on the arm and a small, sympathetic nod as Chibs approached to kiss her cheek.
Happy looked away, back to his beer and sighed softly. He liked Catherine; he thought she was pretty and adorable when she got confused. Happy knew though that on the small chance that she did like him back as much as he liked her, she would run a mile when she found out what he did for a living; he was probably not even the kind of guy she would go for. She would probably go for a guy like Jax if any of them, he thought, since he was blonde with blue eyes but also charming. All the things that Happy knew he wasn’t. He didn’t know how to flirt with women, he never needed too; they just seemed drawn to him.
“Come on Hap,” Chibs chuckled, slapping him on the shoulder light heartedly, “cheer up. I’ve got a lot of money on you tonight, don’t forget.”
Happy had forgotten. One of the hangarounds had been out talking shit a couple of weeks before saying that he would be able to beat Happy in a fight but when Chibs had called him out on it, he was getting even more aggressive. Happy hadn’t even said he would do it, Chibs had just bet the guy $200 that he would be able to beat him. He hadn’t cared; he was gonna win the fight easily, even if the guy was a pro-wrestler, but now he knew that Catherine was going to be there to see it he wasn’t so sure about it anymore. Catherine didn’t seem like the kind of girl that would appreciate violence, especially when it was bare knuckle fighting with little to no rules. He just had to make sure he won by a landslide.
He tried not to wonder whether she would look after him when he inevitably took a few hits to the face. It didn’t work though. Happy was imagining her pretty eyes looking at him in the rabbit in headlights kind of way and that she always did, he thought about how she would probably be so gentle with him, she would be too gentle for a guy like him. He found himself smiling at the thought.
Suddenly, something shiny caught his eye from across the room and his mouth fell open when he saw her walking into the bar wearing clothes that actually made her look like an adult instead of a kid. She looked beautiful, he thought, he had never thought anyone was beautiful before but Catherine was. She looked expensive. Her entire outfit and jewellery probably cost more than his rent for the month.
“Hey Cat!” Jax shouted, waving and beckoning her over to where he was sat with Tig and Clay.
Clay stood up and moved to the bar when Jax had shouted the two Duke-Dillinger’s over. That left three seats. Viv grabbed Happy’s arm and pulled him over with her, pushing him towards the chair beside Catherine while her and Chibs cuddled up in the corner of the booth. Jax rolled his eyes with a smile and Chibs winked at him. Happy averted his gaze from the happy couple and looked down at Catherine. She was smiling and talking to Jax and Viv, unaware of Happy’s gaze and the looks that other partygoers were giving her. Happy wasn’t nervous like Viv thought; he just didn’t know what to say to make her talk to him. She seemed happy enough to talk to Viv, Jax and Chibs.
“Oh my gosh!” She gasped suddenly, looking down at her phone screen then back up to her brother, “Jack! Maddi Christie just commented on my new picture! What do I do?”
“Who?” Jack asked with a frown.
“Maddi Christie! You know, tall, blonde, getting married to a like, famous footballer or whatever. She was like, so popular in school. She came to my 21st birthday? We were, like, friends and stuff until she slept with Hannah’s boyfriend and there was just… all this drama. You don’t remember?”
Jack looked as confused as Happy felt. Did it matter who had commented on a new picture?
“Oh Mr Lowman,” Catherine sighed, looking at him for the first time, “what should I write? Here, look.”
Happy lent over to look at her phone to see a picture of her on some social media site or other. She looked like a model, he thought. She wasn’t smiling, looking almost seductive and sexy as she posed underneath a light that he recognised as one that was on the wall outside the club house. Underneath someone had typed “you look beautiful babe, meet up soon? xxxxxxxx” with a bunch of weird picture things and hearts. Happy looked at her and shook his head. He had absolutely no idea what any of that meant.
“What if,” she had turned back to Viv and Chibs, “I just put like, thank you and some kissy faces? You think that would be ok?”
“Yeah sure,” Chibs shrugged and smiled at her, “go for it.”
“Ugh, what if she wants to meet up though? Like, I don’t mind her coming here but I don’t know if I want to deal with all that drama, you know? Shall I just put, ‘thanks babe, lets arrange something for when I get back to la’ with kisses and hearts?”
Happy didn’t know why it was such a big deal but it seemed like it mattered to her so he decided he would take it seriously, her brother, Viv and Chibs didn’t look like they were taking her seriously. He reached over for her phone. Surprisingly, she let him take it and lent closer to him as she watched what he was doing. Mostly he was just looking through the cute little smiley faces on the bottom of the screen.
“Mr Lowman?”
“Hang on,” Happy said, concentrating on the social media.
He typed out a simple, “thanks, will let you know when I’m in LA” and put some X’s afterwards, eight like the other girl had put and showed her the screen. She looked over it and smiled with a nod before taking her phone back and showing him the things that she called “emoji’s” and told him what they were for. Happy was genuinely interested and listened intently as she talked to him as she chose the correct ones that fit the mood of the message.
When he had glanced up, he saw Viv looking at him with a pleased smile and gave him a thumbs up while Chibs and Jax talked to the teenager. Happy sent a small smile and a nod before turning back to look at Catherine’s phone.
“Hey,” an unfamiliar voice said, “you a croweater?”
Happy looked up at the same time the Catherine did to see a kind of drunk man stood behind Jax and Jack. Catherine frowned slightly, clearly not knowing what that meant and Happy felt his blood boil at the thought of her becoming a croweater.
“Oh, no thank you,” Catherine said with a smile, “I’m vegetarian.”
She thought he was talking about an actual person that eats crows. Happy thought it was cute. There was a moment of quiet as her comment sunk in then everyone burst into laughter, everyone except for Happy. He saw that she was looking around at the people around the table with a blush on her cheeks and a small frown on her face and she swallowed, clasping her hands in her lap then looked shyly over to Happy and she looked a bit happier to see that he hadn’t laughed at her.
“Mr Lowman?” She asked quietly, “have I just been really dumb again?”
Happy scowled and waved the guy away angrily before turning in his chair to face her fully. She straightened up and looked at him hopefully.
“No Catherine,” he reassured her with a small shake of his head.
She smiled. She seemed to love it when he had said she wasn’t dumb just like a few days ago. He wanted to make sure that she never felt dumb because she wasn’t. Just because her dad and brother told her she was and treated her like a little kid, it didn’t mean she was stupid. She just didn’t really get some things as quickly as other people did. He gently patted her on the head, careful not to mess up her hair this time and she laughed but didn’t pull away. Her eyes were sparkling now and she looked happy. Maybe she did like him.
Eventually, Jax had taken Jack to show him around the clubhouse since the teenager was looking bored with just talking but his face had lit up when the concept of spending time alone with Jax was mentioned. Catherine had seemed to perk up after Chibs had told her what a croweater was.
“So they’re like your own personal prostitutes? But like, free?” She asked him, nodding when he did to make sure she had got it right.
“Not for me Lass,” Chibs laughed, “I’ve got my girl here. She would kill me if I went with anyone else.”
“Uh huh,” Viv agreed, “the other girl too.”
“What about you Mr Lowman?” She asked, turning to him, “do you sleep with them?”
Happy didn’t know what to say, just gulped and blinked at her.
“I’m not gonna judge you Mr Lowman,” she clarified, putting her hand on his arm just as gently as he imagined she would be.
Happy looked up, panicked, at Viv and Chibs who were smirking at him.
“Yeah,” Happy admitted, “sometimes.”
“Cool. Hey Mr and Mrs Chibs? How long have you been married? You’re like super cute together and I am so jealous.”
They laughed and Happy felt a small sense of relief when she turned back to the couple. She was looking at them with a kind and warm expression that Happy couldn’t stop looking at. Chibs and Viv laughed. They loved her.
“We’re not actually married sweetheart,” Chibs told her, then lent forwards when Catherine looked embarrassed, “but we might as well be right Sweet Girl?”
Viv smiled with a nod, “yeah. We’ve been together for a couple of years now.”
They started telling her about how they met and Catherine was on the edge of her seat with her hands covering her heart and smiling the entire time they talked through their memories together, leaving out all of the illegal and potentially scary details of course. A couple of times she would wipe tears away from her eyes.
What is happening? Happy thought, why was he so captivated by her?
“That’s so cute! I can’t believe how cute you are! I’m literally crying!”
The couple laughed with her and Happy couldn’t help but feel jealous how easily they were talking to her. He was content just listening to her though.
((I want to split up the story but FFN will literally not let me do anything that I usually do so here))
Catherine POV
I was literally in love with Mr and Mrs Chibs. Mr Chibs was such a dad and Mrs Chibs was so obviously such a mom kind of person. I wanted them to be my parents. They didn’t get angry when I was being stupid; they were just really nice and patient and I think I could trust them a lot. I think Mr Chibs looked like he would be really clever.
“Hey, Mr Chibs?” I asked him, interrupting his conversation with Mrs Chibs, “do you know lots of stuff?”
“Uh, that depends sweetheart. What do you need?” Mr Chibs asked, looking at me with a raised eyebrow while I shuffled in my seat.
“Well,” I looked around and saw that Jack was still talking to some people at the other side of the room, “I- ok. Do you know anything about like… locks and stuff?”
“What kind of things about them?”
“Like, changing them. I have a lock on my bedroom door but Daddy and Uncle Jerry have a key so when I go to bed and stuff, I lock the door but then I found out that they had a key so there was kind of no point in it, you know?”
I looked between Mr and Mrs Chibs to Mr Lowman. Mr Lowman was looking at me kind of angrily and I shrunk away from him, not wanting to be looked at like that.
“Why are you locking your door sweetheart?” Mrs Chibs asked me, “has something happened? We’re not gonna tell your dad or brother, don’t worry.”
I swallowed and looked away. I didn’t want to tell them about how I was scared of how Uncle Jerry had grabbed my leg and how I was scared of what else he might do or be doing if he ever came into my room at night. Mr Lowman said my name and I looked up at him. He was looking at me kind of concerned and I found myself spilling out all my worries to him and Mr and Mrs Chibs; telling them all about it and even pulling up my skirt to show Mr Lowman the darkish bruise on my upper thigh. I tried not to cry but I couldn’t really hide it.
“Oh sweetheart,” Mrs Chibs said gently and put her hand on mine, “we’re gonna see what we can do ok?”
I nodded and thanked her a lot, like way too much and she smiled at me with Mr Chibs nodding thoughtfully and when I looked over to Mr Lowman he was still looking at my leg and frowning. I went to recover my thigh with my skirt but he put his hand on my leg to stop me. he tugged it back up and held my knee, moving it so that I was facing him and he could take a closer look at it.
“Mr Lowman…” I mumbled, “it’s not that bad, right?”
“He grabbed you here?” he asked, putting his hand over the obvious finger marks on my leg.
I swallowed and looked at him in shock. I had been scared when Uncle Jerry had grabbed me but when Mr Lowman had, I wasn’t. It was kind of weird but I think I knew that Mr Lowman was a good man, you know? I mean, he saved a dog’s life. I mean, I thought that Uncle Jerry was a good man too though. When I realised I hadn’t actually replied to him, I nodded silently.
“It’s ok though Mr Lowman, don’t worry. Uncle Jerry hasn’t ever done it before and I’ve basically known him since I was born. He sees me like a daughter, I think anyway,” I said quickly, “and he’s always been really kind to me. It was once though, you know? I probably should have just done as I was told and not have tried to leave, ok?”
Mr Lowman shook his head angrily and I looked back down to where his hand was still on my leg but Mr Lowman put his hand on my cheek. I jumped slightly and felt my face go red and I think I stopped breathing when he forced me to look up at him. His face was kind of hard to read but I think he was angry. I don’t think he was angry with me though.
“No one is allowed to do that to you,” he said quietly, “you’re an adult. You do what you want. No one controls what you do.”
I felt tears in my eyes and running down my cheeks. No one had ever said that to me before.  Daddy always told me what to do and I did as I was told. That’s just how it was. I lent forwards slowly and put my arms around his neck; pulling him so that I was hugging him tightly. The only other person that I had ever hugged (other than Daddy and Uncle Jerry) was Jax that one time after that meeting. I was nervous but just kind of buried my face in his shoulder and sighed.
“Thank you Mr Lowman,” I whispered to him, “but Daddy said that when I get married-”
“You don’t belong to anyone,” he said to me, reading my mind, “you belong to you.”
I was about to pull away from him when his arms went around my waist and one of his hands stroked my hair and patted the back of my head gently. I think he was maybe nervous about hugging me too? I don’t know but he was kind of hesitating when he was doing it. I liked it though. He was strong feeling, you know? I felt… safe. I don’t know what I felt safe from.
“Hey Hap- oh shit, sorry. You ok? The ring is all set up for you…” it was Jax.
I pulled away from Mr Lowman and looked away embarrassed and red faced. I don’t know what they were talking about but when Mr Lowman took my hand in his I looked up. He wasn’t looking at me though; he was looking at Jax. I blinked, shocked when he stood up and gently pulled me up with him. I followed him wordlessly as he dragged/led me through the crowd and smiled when he noticed me almost running to keep up with him so he slowed down.
“Mr Lowman?” I asked him quietly, “where are we going?”
“The ring,” he said with a shrug, “I’m fighting tonight.”
“Really? Are you gonna win?”
He looked down at me with a small smile and nodded. I grinned up at him and let go of his hand to link my arm through his as we walked outside. He led me to the boxing ring that I hadn’t noticed before. I had worried that maybe it was too cold but I the small cool breeze was kind of nice on my skin. I watched as he climbed up the small steps to the platform, about to step back into the crowd when he started speaking.
“Come on,” he said with a smirk, “you’re gonna be my cheerleader.”
“I was head cheerleader in high school!” I told him, laughing and trying to hide my blushing cheeks with my hair.
I followed him up the steps, grateful of my safety shorts, and blushed even deeper when he took his white t-shirt off and threw it to me. I gasped when I saw his body. He wasn’t like, over muscly like the guys I had seen on Venice Beach but he looked… strong. I tried literally so hard not to stare at him but I couldn’t help it. He was just covered in muscle and tattoos and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him; he was beautiful
“Ready Hap?” Mr Chibs asked from beside me.
I jumped. I hadn’t even seen him come up with me. Mr Lowman nodded and jumped over the ropes into the ring and Mr Chibs followed him; I guess he was being the referee.
“This way Cat,” Mrs Chibs said, took me to one corner where we stood for the whole fight.
Mrs Chibs was shouting and cheering for Mr Lowman and telling her husband (or not husband I don’t know) to be careful. I couldn’t look away from the fight no matter how many times Mr Lowman got hit in the face, stomach and chest. It was violent, way more violent than the fights that Daddy watched on the TV. It was so scary but the way Mr Lowman moved around the other guy, in the same way I had seen tigers on documentaries do, made me feel kind of… warm I guess. I swallowed and flinched as Mr Lowman hit the other man so hard in the mouth that he spun around and fell to the floor in a heap. The roar from the watching crowd was deafening and I had literally forgotten that they were even there.
I joined in, clapping politely as Mr Lowman lifted his arms in the air in victory. He was covered in sweat and blood which I would have usually found disgusting but I was mostly worried about him. He looked bad even though he didn’t look like he was that concerned about it. When he walked over, leaning against the ropes in front of me and breathing heavily, I looked down at his bloody knuckles then back up to his face.
“Mr Lowman,” I whispered, looking up at him with wide eyes, “you’re… you’re beautiful.”
He looked surprised then let out a small sigh.
“Mrs Chibs?” I asked her, “do you have a first aid kit? I think Mr Lowman needs medical attention.”
“Yeah of course. Come on Hap.”
((I want to split up the story but FFN will literally not let me do anything that I usually do so here))
Happy/3rd Person POV
It was everything Happy had wanted it to be. Catherine hadn’t shied away from him after the fight and she didn’t look too scared. She actually looked impressed and she had called him beautiful and now she was tending to his many wounds gently and carefully.
“You’re doing pretty good there Lass,” Chibs said, sipping his whiskey.
“Thanks Mr Chibs,” Catherine said with a smile but didn’t take her eyes off of the cut on Happy’s temple, “I was trained as a paramedic, you know? Surprised? I volunteered with an ambulance crew for like, 2 years after high school but it was so stressful. I hated it. It was useful though you know? Jack used to get beaten up a lot.”
Happy and Chibs exchanged looks; thinking the same thing. That it would be extremely useful to the club and its members when they were ever in trouble and couldn’t get to a hospital/if Tara wasn’t available. Chibs nodded, signalling that he would speak to Clay about it.
“No way, how are you so innocent?” Viv asked her from where she was sat on Chibs’ knee, “you’re a vegetarian; you’ve never dated and you volunteered to help sick and injured people.”
Catherine shrugged like it was nothing but Happy had been thinking very similar thoughts. He felt kind of panicked when Chibs and Viv stood up and left to sit with Jax and Jack; letting him have some time with the girl they suspected he liked.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, Mr Lowman, but you’re kinda scary. Not really scary, but kind of scary. I’ve not offended you right?”
Happy shook his head, wanting her to explain.
“Ok cool because that’s not what I mean, I don’t know what I want to say. I just- I don’t know.”
“I’m different,” Happy nodded in understanding.
“Yeah! Yeah no totally! You’re literally so different to everyone we knew in LA, you know? Like they were so… empty.”
“Empty?” Happy chuckled and she nodded with a small laugh herself as she sat down in the chair across from him.
She reached out and hesitantly put her hand in his arm to trace his tattoos gently. If she noticed him tense at her touch she didn’t show it; instead she gently turned his palm upwards and followed the lines with her finger.
“Plain,” she murmured with a nod and looked back up at him, “no tattoos, you know? No personality and stuff. I didn’t realise until we came here that they were so boring. Everyone here is so... interesting.”
“I’m interesting?” Happy asked with a laugh.
“Yeah totally! You don’t think you’re interesting?”
Happy shook his head. She was still holding his arm in her hand with her fingers on his palm but she didn’t look like she noticed and he wasn’t going to pull away; she was so soft and warm. She looked at him with... sympathy, almost like she felt sorry for him.
“That’s ok,” she giggled, “I’m not very interesting either. We’re just two boring people sat at a table.”
Then, despite everything, he found himself laughing with her. He could see Viv and Chibs cuddled up in their booth smiling over at him. Viv gave him another thumbs up and Happy rolled his eyes but smiled down at Catherine.
“I don’t think you’re boring,” he told her with a nod.
“You don’t?”
He shook his head at her; he found her very intriguing and wanted to know everything about her. She was still looking at him with a smile but then it fell away from her face when she looked behind him towards the door. When Happy turned to look where she was, he stood up immediately in defence of her as Mr Duke-Dillinger and who he assumed was Jerry stalked into the room towards her.
“Catherine Duke-Dillinger,” Jerry bellowed across the room, “what the fuck do you think you’re doing?!”
Happy saw her flinch out the corner of his eye and felt himself bristle up; ready for another fight. Before Jerry could reach her, Chibs and Clay had stepped forwards, stopping him and talking in low, threatening voices.
“Thanks for a nice evening Mr Lowman,” she said quietly and ducked around him to go to her dad who was now roughly dragging Jack away from the pool table towards the door.
“Catherine stop,” Happy said quietly, “do you wanna stay?”
She looked conflicted between him, Viv and her dad. Viv had come to stand beside her and put her arm around her while she watched her own dad and her man arguing with the two business men.
“I need to go, Mrs Chibs,” Catherine said softly and pulled herself away, “I can’t make a scene. I’m sorry. Tonight had been fun though. I’ll probably see you around.”
As soon as she got close to Jerry, he grabbed her by the arm so hard that she yelped and tried to move away in pain. Happy stepped forwards but Viv grabbed onto his arm, looking up at him and shook her head. He could tell that she was heartbroken about Catherine being in pain, especially since Viv’s own childhood was full of that kind of thing.
“You’ll get her in more trouble. We’ll see her soon though, ok? We need to fix the lock on her door. I don’t want her in that house without a safe place.”
Happy watched as the two Duke-Dillinger kids got marched out of the clubhouse. It looked like Catherine was crying.
“I’m gonna kill him,” Happy growled and let himself get pulled back into the chair while Viv patted his shoulder gently.
Clay ordered all non-members out of the clubhouse, excluding his daughter, and told the members to get into the chapel for an emergency meeting. Happy stood up and rubbed his face, ignoring the stinging on his skin.
   I’m sorry!!! – I didn’t desert you I promise! To make up for the lack of activity on here, I made this chapter extra extra long! How interesting that she has some medical training huh? How convenient. She isn’t as dumb as we may think she is!
Also apologies because this is gonna be a slow burn romance story! I think it’s the best option since Catherine is so innocent and nervous and Happy doesn’t know how to express his feelings for her even though he is so in love already, lets be honest!
I kind of love the part where she was showing him emojis and how he took her interests seriously! I think it was really cute!
Anyway, the writers block has gone! I love the way this story is going and it’s inspiring me to write more and more! 
Thanks for being so patient. See you on the flip side
Lots of love from Doe xxxxx
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Fighting With Happy Would Include:-
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(so, this was based on a request from @amyadventurer who suggested how Happy would act after a fight, thanks for the suggestion honey!)
- Not many people could tell when Happy was getting angry with you or anyone else but you did
- When you did fight though, you knew it was because it was something he was passionate about
- Most of the time it was before he went on runs when he felt the most conflicted between two things he cared about, you and the club
- He would argue that you needed to keep a gun on you or even have someone watching you but you would argue back that you would be fine
- On the rare occasion that you fought over something else, he would just shake his head and walk away. He knew that you needed space when you got angry and he just couldn’t take the thought that you were angry at him
- You would worry when he left the house you would feel terrible
- And he would feel just as worried that you wouldn’t be there when he came home but knew that he still needed to give you some breathing room
- Even though all he wanted to do was turn right back around and go back to you
- When he would come home and you were awake he would walk straight up to you take your face in his hands, look into your eyes and kiss you. 
- He would apologise profusely, even if he hadn’t done anything wrong just so that you would stop looking at him like that
- And if you were asleep, he would lie down next to you and brush your hair away from your face to try and wake you up gently so he could apologise
- Then he would spend the next two weeks making small gestures (like buying you flowers and your favourite candy and making you breakfast in the morning) until he felt sure he had been forgiven for getting angry with you
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Daddy Issues - HappyxReader
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(ok, another combination of requests! Jax’s little sister reader and Happy for @simplyceceh and the Demi Lovato song Daddy Issues from an anon- another banger by the way, you guys have got such good  taste in music. it’s kind of all over the place though so i’m sorry)
Warning: kind of nsfw but mostly implied
Kinda short, sorry.
I call you too much You never pick up 'Cept when you wanna fuck And I can't get enough You're the man of my dreams 'Cause you know how to leave But I really believe that you'd change it for me
You would never tell anyone but you were kind of unofficially Happy Lowman’s girl. Not really but kind of yes? Everything regarding Happy was so difficult to determine. He was the most frustratingly unreadable person you had ever met but you loved the way he was with you.
Your relationship had started off... interestingly. Neither of you had wanted anything serious. All you wanted was validation from someone, anyone, that you were worth something to someone.You blamed it on your daddy issues and you told him as much and he seemed to understand what you needed. He knew who your dad had been, he was the club founder- one of them anyway and he knew that what you were doing had to be kept a secret from everyone, including your brother and mom. He didn’t like it, he expressed this at least, but when you were together he didn’t seem to care.
He would call and you would go running but whenever you called him he never answered. When he showed up at your house in the middle of the night or early in the morning you let him in and didn’t care when he wasn’t there when you woke up the next morning. He left and you probably wouldn’t see him until the next time he called. That’s how it started anyway.
You're unavailable  I'm insatiable
You were wanting him more and more and it was becoming difficult for you both to stay away from each other but you understood that becoming an official thing was not an option for you. Jax would go crazy if he found out and Gemma had been so protective over you since your dad had died that not even Happy Lowman would be able to defend himself from her.
It never stopped you though. Not even when your eyes met across the TM lot and Jax looked at you a little too closely. Not even when his hand brushed against your back at a club party and Gemma made a flippant comment about you both seemingly getting closer every time she saw you together.
Don't know how to commit But I might want your kid And after our first kiss Got your name on my wrist Yeah, I get a little obsessive A little aggressive, a little bit too invested And whatever you want, whenever you want That's what you get
Before you had decided that you were unofficially/officially Happy’s girl you had found yourself getting possessive of him. He would see you glaring at a random croweater that had decided that she would attach herself to him and he would smile. He liked you being obsessed with him; he liked having that affect on you because he was just as obsessed with you. 
When it was too much for you to bare, he would push the croweater away from him and meet your gaze hungrily. He would move away from whoever he was talking too and you would wait 10 minutes or so to excuse yourself and meet him in your spot: the office of the work bay. Happy would be stood there, waiting for you with his arms folded and his face dark and brooding. He always told you he had been waiting too long knowing full well you would get aggravated with him and hiss angrily to him as you unbuckled his belt.
“You know I can’t just up and leave when you do,” you grumbled, “that’s just a sure fire way of getting found out. You have such bad timing you know that? Tig was telling a really funny story-”
“I always get what I want,” he murmured in your ear as you unbuttoned his jeans, “don’t I?”
“Yes Happy,” you sighed and rolled your eyes as he gently kissed your neck.
Lucky for you I got all these daddy issues What can I do? I'm going crazy when I'm with you Forget all the therapy that I've been through Lucky for you, I got all these daddy issues
Eventually, your relationship with Happy had progresses passed rough, meaningless sex. It took a while but Happy didn’t want to scare you away from him because you were so accepting of him and how he was. He knew he wasn’t the most outwardly loving person but internally he just wanted all of you regardless of who your family was. So, he went to your house mid-afternoon one day, just to see how you would react.
“Happy?” You had asked, looking so beautiful with your hair up in a messy bun and a big t-shirt over leggings and fluffy socks, “what are you- did anyone see you?”
He shook his head and pushed you inside your house, also conscious that someone would see him. When you had shut the door and uncomfortably fiddled with your huge shirt he realised that he had never seen you during the day. Never. The only time he saw you before 7pm was across the TM lot and before he left in the morning when he would brush the hair away from your sleeping face and plant a soft kiss on your cheek, worried you would wake up and find out how much he actually cared about you. 
“I’m not ready,” you said nervously and looked at him, “I didn’t- you’ve never been here this early before.”
With a shrug, he took off his kutte and hung it up on the hooks by your front door slipping off his boots and placing them neatly beside yours. When he looked back at you he had to hold back a smile at your confused expression. He bit the inside of his lip and turned to walk into your lounge, settling himself on your couch and flicking on the TV. You stood in the doorway, unsure of yourself and with your arms wrapped around your waist. He looked back at you.
“Are you gonna stand there all day?” He asked, breaking you out of your confusion and making you walk towards him and sit beside him.
With a shrug, you reached over to push up his t-shirt and expose his toned and tattooed stomach only to become more confused when he grabbed your wrist and shook his head at you. He didn’t want sex? You thought, not even a blowjob?
“You don’t want me?” You asked in a voice that broke his heart.
“Yes,” he reassured you, “but right now I just want you here.”
Your eyebrows furrowed when he pulled you, by the wrist, to his side and put his arm around your shoulders. You looked up at him, blinking in confusion when he put your arm around his waist and pressed your head to his shoulder. 
He had sat with you and watched TV until the evening when he left without asking for anything remotely sexual. You had been left confused and kind of scared on the couch as you heard his motorcycle powering down the road.
This routine happened for a few days and you grew to expect it but didn’t dress up for him like you would when he came at night; seeing him smile as he took in your casual comfy clothes and messy hair. 
One day, however, when he came at 2:00pm you answered the door to him looking battered and bruised. He had a split lip and a black eye, bruises on his cheek and blood on his knuckles.
“Oh my god,” you gasped and pulled him inside, sitting him on the couch and going to the kitchen to get your medical supplies, “Happy what happened? Are you alright?”
He nodded simply, seemingly unaffected by his injuries and watching you fuss over him. He let you clean him up and rub antiseptic cream over the cuts and holding ice wrapped in a towel against his eye. There was no way of telling what he was thinking, as always but there was something different in the way that he looked at you. A strange warmth in his brown eyes that hadn’t been there before. You didn’t question him on it, you knew better than that, but couldn’t help wondering what he had been doing.
Once he had been cleaned up you cast another worried glance over him before packing away all the medical supplies as he turned the cartoons on the TV. When you came back, he opened his arm; inviting you to sit beside him again. You did as he requested and settled into the usual position with your arm across his stomach and your head on his chest. His arm was around your shoulders and his hand on your arm that was across his stomach.
7pm came and went and he was still sat on your couch, tracing soft patterns on your shoulder and resting his head against yours as he flipped through the channels.
“Are you... Happy are you staying the night?” You asked him and he nodded silently, “alright. Now?”
He nodded again and tilted your head up so he could kiss you as you worked him free of his jeans. Happy was different today, you thought. He had been gentle and careful when he took you right there on the couch. He was never gentle with you but it wasn’t because he was in pain, that kind of thing didn’t bother him, there was something else.
When you were both done, he made sure you were alright before covering you with his shirt and pulling on his boxers. He took your hand and led you up to your bedroom and pulled you into bed with him. You thought perhaps he wanted round two but was surprised when he pulled you back against his chest, hugging you firmly and pressing his face into your shoulder.
“Happy,” you whispered, “what are you doing?”
“M’tired,” he yawned, “you need to go to sleep now.”
“What happened to your face?”
He sighed but didn’t move, didn’t let you move either.
“I told your brother about us.”
“You did what?!” You exclaimed, sitting up quickly and looking down at him in the dusky light coming through your bedroom window, his face was as unreadable as always, “Why would you do that? Oh my god!”
“I love you.”
Your heart had simultaneously dropped into your stomach and had jumped into your throat at the same time. He said it so casually, like it meant nothing and was the most obvious answer to the question. You stared down at him with wide eyes, more confused than ever. Speechlessly, you shook your head and frowned.
“Come on,” he sighed, “I’m tired and we need to go to sleep.”
“You love me? I don’t understand.”
“I love you,” he said again, sounding frustrated, “what is there to understand?”
“Everything, Happy.”
Happy rolled his eyes and sat up to look you in the eye, brushing your hair away from your face and kissing your lips gently. The thought that you hadn’t loved him back had never crossed his mind, he got what he wanted after all. 
“You told them that? You told them everything? That’s what happened to your face?”
Happy nodded once, keeping his hand on your face. You couldn’t believe what he was telling you. Jax had beat him up, probably Gemma too, because he told them all about what you had both been up too and he had still come back to you.
“Do you- do you like me?” He asked, suddenly nervous at your silence.
You swallowed and tried to stop the happy tears that had sprung to your eyes. You failed though and sobbed quietly but he took this as a rejection and started to stand up until you grabbed onto his arm; stopping him from leaving you. He looked at you hopefully and you just nodded, unsure of yourself and your situation. 
“I don’t care you got Daddy Issues,” Happy shrugged, settling back down next to you, “I’m gonna be here. I’m gonna love you.”
You laughed and nodded. After all, someone telling you that they loved you was the ultimate validation.
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Criminal - HappyxReader
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(so, this imagine is a mixture of requests! I am so clever! An anon asked for one where the reader introduces their parents too Happy and @samcro-perv-fangirl99​ suggested one based off of the song Criminal by Britney Spears - which is an absolute banger by the way, I fucking love Brtiney- and they are such a good combo of ideas)
“But mama I'm in love with a criminal And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical Mama please don't cry, I will be alright All reason aside I just can't deny, I love that guy”
You had been “messing around” with Happy in the kitchen when your phone started ringing. He had groaned when you lent across to your bag to grab the annoyingly loud object. His lips attacked your throat and you laughed as you answered the phone.
“Hello?” You giggled.
“Hey (y/n)!” your mom had exclaimed, “how are you?”
“Oh my god, Mom? Hi!”
You waved an annoyed and frustrated Happy off of you and hopped off the kitchen counter. You pulled your shirt back into place and listened to her talking while Happy stood glowering at you with his arms folded and leaning back against the counter. 
“Guess where we are?!” You mom sang, you could hear your dad laughing in the background.
“I don’t know mom, Vegas?”
“Charming! You still living in the same place? We’ll be there in 5 minutes!”
You looked at Happy with wide eyes and gestured to the things that had been knocked to the ground during you amorous make out session. You tried to mouth to him what was happening but he was looking at you like you were crazy. 
“I can’t believe you’re gonna be here so soon Mom,” you emphasised so he understood, “it’s such a- a surprise!”
You had never seen Happy panicked before and it was just as unnerving as you had imagined it would be. He started scrabbling around on the floor to pick up the utensils and put them back in the fallen pot. You kind of laughed as he hurriedly washed the dirt from his hands as the there was a knock on the door that was echoed through the other line. You hung up and checked he was alright and prepared for meeting your parents earlier than planned. 
As you walked away, you felt hands on the back of your shirt; pulling it back down to where it covered your back and then pulling up your jeans. Happy gently kissed the side of your head before letting you go so you could answer the door. When you opened the front door, your parents were stood there looking very tanned and very... vacation themed with matching Hawaiian shirts, baseball caps and walking sandals. You had no idea what to say to them; you were so shocked by both their sudden visit and their... colourful appearance.
“Hi sweetheart!” your mom said, opening her arms wide and grasping you tightly while your dad looked on happily.
“Hey Mom,” you stuttered, “Dad. What- err... what a surprise. How long are you staying?”
“Oh, only the afternoon! We’ve got places to go, you know?”
Oh thank god, you thought, Happy wouldn’t be put under the spotlight for too long.
“We’re so thirsty sweetheart,” Dad said, “do you have any coffee going?”
Before you could say anything, he had barged passed you and your mom, who was still hugging you by the way, and walked straight into the kitchen. You managed to unhinge Mom from you and followed Dad just in time to see him jump in surprise when he locked eyes with your boyfriend. He froze and you pushed passed him to take Happy’s arm. He seemed more at ease with you by his side than when he had been stood alone in the kitchen with Dad.
“Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Happy Lowman. Happy, these are my parents,” you introduced nervously.
Happy stepped forwards and held out his hand for Dad to take then reached over to Mom. None of them said anything and you just stood in silence for a long time. You reached behind Happy to grab the coffee and some cups; pouring both of your parents some. You could see Dad’s eyes going over Happy’s tattoos and his kutte sceptically. Mom was doing the same but the level of distaste in her expression was more evident than on Dad’s.
“You’re a Son of Anarchy.” Mom stated, “how the hell did you meet (y/n)?”
“Mom!” you chastised through gritted teeth, “don’t be so rude!”
“Well?!” she demanded from Happy.
Happy gripped your hand tightly in either frustration or because he was uncomfortable, you weren’t sure.
“A criminal (y/n)? Really?” Mom asked, looking at you with tears in her eyes, “don’t you know how dangerous the Sons are?”
“Mom-” you sighed, frustrated and annoyed with her, “Mom, calm down. Don’t cry.”
You moved forwards and rubbed the tops of her arms. She tried to push you off and started to leave but you refused to let her leave without talking to you about it. 
And he's got my name, Tattooed on his arm his lucky charm So I guess it's okay he's with me And I hear people talk Trying to make remarks keep us apart But I don't even hear I don't care
“Hey,” Happy said and the sound of his frustrated voice made your parents stop in their tracks, “I love (y/n). All of the guys do. There wouldn’t be anywhere safer than with me.”
You turned to look at him shocked. You had been together for over a year and he had never said the “L” word before, not even when he was talking about food or dogs; that was the first time he had ever uttered it in front of you. Mom mimicked your expression.
“What?” you asked.
Happy moved forwards and put his arm around your shoulder to tuck you into his side and tucked you into his side. With a smile, you circled your arm around his waist, under his kutte, and let him kiss you on the top of your head. Being in a relationship with Happy wasn’t the easiest; people tried to tell you it would never work and that he was a just a killer for fun with no conscience and a loser but you knew that it wasn’t true. He killed people, yes, but they weren’t innocent and good people. You never asked him about his job or what he did, mainly because you knew he wanted to protect you from all of it and he didn’t want you too know too much just in case something happened.
“I have never been happier than I am with (y/n). She is my lucky charm,” Happy said, “she is the reason I come back here and the reason I am careful while we’re on the road.”
“I love you.” you whispered to Happy, “Mom. I'm in love with a criminal.  I will be alright all I can’t deny that I love this guy. Now, can you please sit down and tell us all about your vacation? Happy has been all over too, perhaps you can compare notes?”
Mom sighed. She looked at you with an expression of resignation while Dad still looked surprised.
“You think you can keep (y/n) safe from whatever you have going on?” Dad asked, “from whatever the club will throw at you.”
“Yes sir.” Happy nodded earnestly and you looked up at him with a grin, Dad would have liked that.
“You been to the Grand Canyon, Happy?”
“Yes sir, I have.”
“Great. Shall we sit?” Dad asked, gesturing down to the living room.
Just like that, the atmosphere lifted and you laughed lightly. Happy nodded and you both followed your parents to the living room, settling yourselves on the couch. Happy pulled you to sit beside him on the couch while Mom sat on his other side so she could pass along the photographs she had had printed out. Happy made all the right noises and comments that people should make when being shown holiday pictures.
The afternoon passed easily, after the small hiccup earlier. You parents decided to stay for dinner but you and Happy hadn’t planned that far ahead so you ended up just having Chinese takeout. Happy had nipped out to collect it on his bike to give you a chance to speak to your parents alone for at least 30 minutes but all they could talk about was him. Dad seemed happy enough and, even though he was a “criminal and a thug”, he was pleased that you had finally found a guy that would keep you safe and a guy that would make you happy. 
This was my first time doing an imagine based on a song so please me kind and forgive me if the mood wasn’t quite right! Thanks for reading!
@samcro-perv-fangirl99 I hope you’re feeling better now! Drink plenty of fluids (i recommend tea but then again i am from England) and eat plenty even if you probably aren’t hungry!
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Come On Kid - pt 2
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(for @simplyceceh I’m sorry it took so long Lovely Girl! you can find part 1 on my page by searching the Happy Lowman tag)
You woke up in the morning to the sound of a motorcycle pulling away from you house. Having only fallen asleep on the couch, you rushed to the front door with a slight limp. You flung the door open but the person, whoever it was had gone. When you looked down on the doorstep you couldn’t help but the grin that spread over you face. The shoe you had lost the night before was sitting on the wood with the laces tied up in a neat bow. There was a lot of mud and grass stains on the sides but it looked like someone had tried to clean it off.
Your phone had been ringing since you had charged it up so when it rang again you rolled your eyes with a sigh and decided perhaps your “friends” had suffered your silence enough.
“Hi Jenna,” you deadpanned to her, “how are you?”
“Oh my god (y/n)! What the hell happened last night? Where did you go with that guy?! Who was he?!” Jenna shouted down the phone.
“Oh, you know, just some guy that potentially saved my life after ‘my friends’ left me alone with a man with a gun and a horde of angry homeless people!”
You heard her floundering on the other end but you decided that enough was enough. You weren’t going to let them peer pressure you and boss you around anymore; you were done with them. Jenna kept apologising then asking about Happy and then what you did for the rest of the night but you were, quite frankly, bored and frustrated with them so you hung up mid apology.
“Sorry! Oh, you’re breaking up! I’m gonna-″ 
And you hung up before blocking her number so you didn’t get anymore calls.
When you went to get dressed, you looked in the mirror and almost screamed in horror. How had Happy kissed you when you looked like that?! There was still twigs and leaves in your hair and scrapes across your cheeks and arms. It was almost laughable if you hadn’t been so shocked. You had no first aid stuff, stupidly, so once you had pulled the foliage from your hair and cleaned the scrapes so they looked less like Halloween makeup you put on your shoes (dirty one included) and walked to the store. Yeah, your foot hurt but you weren’t about to drive on such a lovely day and imagine if you saw a certain biker again. He wouldn’t be able to offer you a ride home if you already had a car.
You pushed your cart around the store. You had come in for antiseptic wipes and band-aids you know, practical stuff, but had loaded candy and cookies over the top of them. While you contemplated over ice cream flavours you felt some one come and stand beside you. You frowned slightly then moved a step or two to the side but the person followed. Turning to look at the person in a ‘what the fuck’ kind of way but laughed when you saw Happy stood beside you, facing the freezers but looking at you out the corner of his eye and with a smile on his face.
“I guess I should thank you for this?” You asked, sticking out your grass stained shoe.
He nodded, opening the freezer and picking out two different flavour tubs of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and throwing them into your cart. Pretty bold but you didn't mind so much, especially when he took over pushing the cart down the aisle.
“Come on kid,” he said, looking back at where you were stood frozen and looking after him confused, “you ready to go?”
“Uh... yeah. Yeah I guess.”
He looked down at your foot when you started limping after him. His brow creased slightly but he waited patiently for you to catch up before you both dawdled to the checkouts in a comfortable silence. You couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about as he looked over the amount of sugar and unhealthy food then nodded once he found all of the medical stuff.
“This for your foot?” He asked once he started unloading all your stuff on the belt.
“Uh-huh, got a pretty gnarly cut on the bottom that needs some attention,” you nod and go to the other end to start bagging things up, “I can’t believe I walked around on it last night.”
He chuckled deeply and nodded. 
Happily, you climbed on the back of his bike when he offered/told you he was taking you home; settling the bag of goodies between you (gotta keep the baby safe) and wrapping your arms around him. The thrill that filled your body when the bike started was almost as intense as when he kissed you the night before. You smiled when Happy drove up your driveway and parked behind your car. When he turned to look at you smiling smugly he raised an eyebrow.
“You remembered where I lived?” You asked and mimicked his intrigued expression.
“I had to get you shoe back to you.” Happy shrugged, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “are we going inside?”
“I don’t know. Are we? You seem pretty confident I’m gonna let you in my house.”
“You’re gonna let me in because you need me to look at your foot.”
He smiled again and let out another small laugh before reaching behind him to grab the bag and carry it to your door while you hopped of the bike.
You couldn’t believe you had let this guy into your house and that he waltzed in like he owned the place; telling you to sit down on the couch while he found his way into the kitchen. You heard cupboards opening and closing, draws being opened then slamming back into the counter top and cutlery rattling around. You hobbled into the kitchen to see what he was going and lent against the doorway to watch this man move around, looking far too large in your tiny kitchen.
“(Y/n), I told you to sit,” Happy said with a sigh, “I’m coming back.”
“Don’t order me around in my own house,” you laughed, “what are you looking for?”
“Your first aid kit. You have one in your bathroom?”
“You literally just saw me buy a load of stuff. It’s all I’ve got,” you shrugged as he looked at you perplexed.
You led him back into the living room and emptied the carrier bag onto the couch to look through the packets of cookies and chocolates to find the bandages and stuff to show him. He nodded and told you to sit down so he could look at you. You sighed but sat down on the squashy cushions; taking of your shoe and seeing the blood soaking your sock and wincing but Happy didn’t look vaguely bothered. The sock came off and you showed him the large cut across the base of your foot.
“I think there must have been glass on the ground,” you said as he sat beside you; grabbing your foot and putting it across his lap to look at it.
He was surprisingly gentle, given his outward appearance, as he was cleaning up your foot. It almost tickled when he was cleaning it and wrapping the bandage around it. He was silent too when he was concentrating but his eyes kept flickering up to your face and smiling when he saw that you were watching him with an adorable surprised and confused look on your face.
Once your foot was done, he placed it back on the ground and tugged you so that you were sat right next to him. Your breath hitched when he took your chin in his hand before turning your face so he could look at the small scrape on your cheek. 
“I don’t think that one needs any medical attention,” you stuttered, “it’s only tiny.”
He hummed but let go of your chin so you could turn back to face him, your heart racing as you looked into his dark eyes while he looked at you with a small smile.
“Why?” you asked him, “why are you looking after me? I’m just a strange girl that you saved from your crazy neighbour but you didn’t need to bring back my shoe or do... this,” you gestured to your foot and to the kitchen where he had put the ice cream in the freezer, “you could have just-”
Then, with a slight breath of laughter, he lent forwards and kissed you deeply with his hand on the side of your neck and thumb on your cheek; smothering your self doubt with his lips.
“You were,” he murmured to you quietly, “but now you’re a cute, funny girl that can hold her drink like a pro; isn’t afraid of my motorcycle and loves sweet things as much as I do. I like you, (y/n), accept it.”
((Sorry but this was cute as fuck and if anyone fancies a request go ahead and send me a message!))
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Come On Kid Happy x Reader
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In which the reader is taken along on the wildest night of their life! 
When we read the word “kid” I don’t mean like an actual child, more like just a younger person than the other person
This was a request from @simplyceceh, sorry it took so long lovely! It’s been a distracted kind of day! I hope it’s what you wanted, i might have gone a bit off piste but i hope you like it!
“You’re not a wimp, are you (y/n),” your friend Chrissie asked with a smirk, “I can’t believe you are actually scared!”
“I’n not fucking scared, alright?!” You argue, crossing your arms and glaring at them, “I just don’t think it’s a good idea! We could die!”
“So dramatic! Come on, it’ll be fun! You’re such a pussy!”
You were beginning to wonder why you were even friends with these people in the first place; they were constantly trying to get you into trouble. This time, they were trying to get you to go with them to help them vandalise an old house on the outside of town in one of the more... sketchy parts of Charming. It was late and you had all been drinking but they were still not hearing any of your reasoning and you definitely were not any kind of pussy so you had to go along. You were always the more responsible on of your friends, always getting them out of trouble as much as they tried to get you in it.
“Uh, fine. If we die though I am blaming you,” you huff and reluctantly climb into the back of Chrissie’s car, “and we aren’t spending more than an hour there and if there’s even the smallest fucking peep of someone being there-”
“Relax Mom!” Jenna said and hit your arm, “it’s abandoned! We’re just letting off steam! Come on, what else is there to do in this fucking town?”
You knew they had a point but you still didn’t like it. Fucking peer pressure man.
Jenna laughed as she threw a brick through a window at the top of the house. The house was really scary, not that you would ever admit that to Chrissie and Jenna, and had already been vandalised beyond recognition. Chrissie was the next one to throw a stone while you stood being the lookout; making sure no one was coming or looking through their windows. No one was but then again, no one would dare around here. Your heart was beating at a million miles an hour. 
“Come on (y/n), have some fun for once.” Jenna laughed.
“No!” you hiss, “we need to go! Someone is going to call the police!”
“As if anyone cares,” Chrissie retorts, “you know where we are right?”
“Yeah,” you scoff and go over to her, pulling the rock out of her hand but missing the one Jenna threw, “I know exactly where we are which is why cops are the last of our worries.”
Before either of them could say anything, you heard a shout from behind you. There was a guy stood across the road holding what looked like a shotgun or maybe a rifle? Chrissie and Jenna gasped, running around to the back of the house. You followed them quickly and leapt through the thick bushes and shrubs that had over grown the garden. 
The sleeve of your shirt got tugged and you whipped around, thinking it was the man grabbing you but turned to see that you had been snagged on a tree branch. You pleaded with whoever was listening up there to not let your friends leave you again. They weren’t up ahead but it was so dark you could barely see anything. Once you had finally unsnagged yourself, you continued making your way through the undergrowth.
“Hey,” you shouted ahead of you, “guys? Are you still there?”
You got to the tall fence you had climbed over to get in and heard the unmistakable sound of car doors shutting and and engine starting.
“You bitches!” You shouted, “you absolute c-”
“Hey you!” it was a male voice.
Your blood ran cold and you froze midway through climbing over the fence. You had one leg up on the edge of the fence and the other dangling freely which gave the man something to grab onto and pull you down onto the thorny ground. You let out an angry shout as your left arm and elbow hit the thorns and rocks that scattered the floor. 
The man was stood over you, nothing but a silhouette of him and the gun showed in the moon light. You clambered to your feet quickly and picked up a handful of dirt, throwing it in the mans face to distract him while you barged past him to go back the way you came, through those stupid bushes, losing a shoe but not having time to go back for it.
Well, you thought, the wildlife can have that one; maybe there will be a one footed homeless person that could have it.
Speaking of homeless people, they were now appearing from inside the house, looking out the windows and emerging through the broken off side door. You hadn’t known there had been people inside; now you felt bad even though you hadn’t been the one throwing the rocks and bricks through the windows but you shouldn’t have let your ‘friends’ throw them. You didn’t have time to dwell on that thought though because you kept tripping over your one-shoed feet.
Sticks and stones poked your foot; branches and twigs scraped at your arms and along your face as you made your way with more urgency than when you had first gone through them. You could hear the man close behind you, swearing and shouting which had now alerted the few neighbours that did care about some kids breaking windows in an already abandoned house just because there was nothing else to do on a Friday night. You felt like you were in some kind of shitty zombie movie with these homeless people also shouting at you and trying to grab your hair, shirt, limbs... just anywhere they get too through the windows and avoiding the bushes themselves but they were soon sent scattering when you heard a shout.
“Hey, (y/n),” the guy shouted, “what are you doing in there? Come on kid, let’s go.”
You didn’t recognise the voice at all but they must have known you if they knew your name, right? You tore yourself out of the bushes and ran towards them. It was a tall man and you could see even in the dim lights of the street lamps that he had no hair and loads of tattoos. You gulped and looked up at his serious face with wide, frightened eyes. The phrase out of the frying pan and into the fire came to mind when he took you by the arm and lead you away.
“You know this girl Happy?” The man with the gun asked angrily, “tell her to stay away from this house! If I catch her here again I’m calling the cops!”
“Yeah, yeah,” The other man, Happy said, “I think she knows.”
Once you were far enough down the road, you pulled your arm away from Happy. He looked down at you with a small smile. 
“Do I know you?” You asked him, squinting up at his face, “I don’t think I do.”
“I heard your friends shout you. What were you doing back there?”
You told him about your so called friends and how you weren’t the ones throwing things and that they left you. You held out your foot to show him you had lost a shoe and he listened patiently, nodding and walking alongside you. He didn’t speak much but he was a good listener and he thought you were too cute with one sock on and twigs and leaves in your hair.
“Wanna come to a party?” He asked you; interrupting you mid-rant.
“Come on, let’s go.”
You don’t know why you followed him, you just did. Maybe it was because you knew that if you were to go back into the main part of town, you would be faced with having to see Jenna and Chrissie who had probably had a good laugh and joke at your expense. He lead you to a motorcycle and you laughed. 
“What?” he asked, looking up at you.
“Nothing, you don’t have a car?” you chuckle and swing your shoeless foot over the bike and he told you to hold onto him.
Which you did, gladly and off you went through the streets of Charming. You laughed again when you saw Jenna and Chrissie in their car on the road in front of you with music blaring. You patted Happy on the shoulder and told him to drive in line with the driver side window where Chrissie looked through at you with a shocked look on her face. You banged on the window with a smug smile and gave her the finger as Happy pulled forwards and sped off. You could feel him laughing in front of you.
You were surprised to see the Teller Morrow Motors lot coming into view. There was loud rock music coming from the Sons of Anarchy clubhouse and realised for the first time the reaper staring at you from the back of his jacket. Oh shit. How the hell had you not even noticed it? Oh well, too late to turn back now, you thought when he parked up alongside the other bikes. 
You hopped off and followed him happily into the bar. People greeted him cheerfully and smiled at you with a couple of suspicious glances at the cuts on your face, arms and the lack of shoe on your foot. Nobody said anything though and you suspected they had seen weirder things. You were handed a beer by the guy behind the bar and went to sit beside Happy with his friends. Strangely, you weren’t afraid or awkward feeling even though you were sat with a load of drunk strangers.
After hours of talking and drinking and laughing, your tipsy buzz from earlier had returned. Happy hadn’t been drinking though because he knew that he needed to get you home safely. He ushered you onto the back of his bike again and asked you to tell him where you lived. Once he dropped you off, you bent down to kiss his cheek and thanked him.
“Thanks for tonight, Happy,” you said, “you really turned my night around.”
You laughed when you saw him blush slightly and he gave you a small smile before catching your lips with his and holding your face between his hands.
“What are you doing tomorrow, (y/n)?” He asked quietly.
He nodded and shot you another smile before he started his bike and rode away; leaving you there, on the sidewalk outside of your house wondering what the hell happened tonight and hoping that wasn’t the last time you would see Happy Lowman.
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