#happy ravi week babes
eddiebodywantssome · 2 years
ravi week day 1 - family
find it in my heart (to forgive)
cw: discussion of death, intergenerational trauma, cancer, funerals
Ravi’s been ignoring his phone all morning.
He knows who’s been calling. He knows why they’re calling. He doesn’t want to think about it.
He had slept fitfully the night before, unsure of what to feel. He considered calling his therapist around 3am for an emergency session but settled for texting her instead. He can only be so inconsiderate in a day, he decided.
Somehow, he’s managed to get all the way into the station without checking his phone. It buzzes in his pocket, and he makes the calculated decision to check it.
The caller ID reads Amma.
He knows he should answer. Instead, Ravi switches his phone off.
read the rest on ao3
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ghostofvixx · 5 years
This wasn’t supposed to be your best birthday, but you weren’t expecting it to be as sad. However, you know that, even in your worst days, Ravi always has your back.
words: 2k
Genre: angst to fluff
A/n: For Queennie with luv! Happy birthday!! I hope you enjoy uwu
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You’ve had enough. From waking up alone in the morning, to the huge amount of work you had been doing the entire day, and also the fact that it had been ages since the last time you talked to your friends, you couldn’t deal with it anymore.
You should have listened to Wonshik when he told you that life in the city is much harder that in town. And when Wonshik popped into your mind, you really thought you were going to cry right at the parking of the office you worked for.
Wonshik, your long-time-friend even before he became the rapper of the successful group VIXX, and now boyfriend, was your main support at that moment. You really wanted to leave your home town due to the negative influence it had on you, but you weren’t expecting that your decision would mean barely having contact with your family, getting a stupid job in which you were nothing but a slave and also losing your friends, who didn’t agree with your life choices. They couldn’t even wish you a happy birthday?
That’s what you were expecting that day.
“I can’t believe I used to call them friends.” You whispered to yourself, inside your car. “It’s been months, can’t they just accept the fact that I don’t belong there? With them?”
You didn’t, they were so different from you that they despised you decisions ever since you announced you were going to leave. But you still needed them, because it was your birthday, and you still loved them.
You felt like crying, overall because the one who supported you the most wasn’t there with you. Your hands reacted on your own and, before you knew it, his comforting voice sounded on the other side of the phone.
“Hi love.” His deep voice greeted you.
“Ravi.” You finally answered when you found your voice.
“Hey hey, don’t cry.” He immediately answered, trying to be calm. You knew how bad he was at comforting people, but you needed to listen to his voice.
“I’m sorry.” You said once you stopped crying.
“Don’t apologize about this, okay?” He quickly answered. “What happened?”
“It’s just that today has been an awful day, I can’t believe I’ve had such an awful birthday.” You complained.
He cheered you to explain the whole situation, and you did, feeling how the initial sadness turned into anger as you explained.
“I’m sorry I can’t be there with you.” He said, sadly. “But I’ll be there next week! Just hang in there a little more, okay?”
You smiled at that though. Wonshik couldn’t be there with you, at that moment, but he was going to be with you a week after, maybe you can have a proper birthday celebration with him then.
“It just hasn’t feel like my birthday today, you know? And that’s sad because today is actually my birthday! But nobody remembered it apart from you and my parents, my friends are all incredibly selfish and won’t talk to me and my boss-”
You stopped at the sound of the typical summer rain.
“Oh god, no.”
“What’s wrong?” Wonshik asked, worried.
“It’s raining.”
“What? But you have your car, right?”
“I do, but I hate summer rain.” He sighed, knowing that summer rain usually ended up in storm, and that was even worse.
“Y/N, go home okay? An drive safely, we’ll talk once you get there.”
“Okay.” You whispered, and sighed just like he did once you hang up the call.
It was the longest way home. So, when you finally put the key inside the locker and got into your house, you sighed in relief.
“Finally home.” You whispered. “I’ll finally be able to forget this shitty day.”
You were about to turn on the lights, until you realized that there was a scent to roses coming from the living room, as well as a strange and dim light.
“what’s this? This has never happened.” You thought. You grabbed an umbrella that was right next to the front door and held it tighter when you came into your living room
But what you saw left you weak.
“Wonshik? What are you doing here?” You asked, surprised.
“Y/n! I was waiting fo-.” But you didn’t let him finish, as you wrapped your arms around him. Was it real?
It was.
“I wanted to surprise you.” He whispered in your ear as he held you tight back. “Happy birthday.”
You are sure that if you hadn’t still been as shock, you would have already cried. But your astonishment was way too big to focus on something else.
“Let’s have dinner!” He suddenly said. “Look what I cooked.”
You weren’t sure if it was a dream, it had to be, but you weren’t going to wake up. You talked for hours while you had dinner, his hand never leaving yours, everything was perfect. Suddenly, you were so glad it was your birthday.
“By the way.” Your boyfriend said. “I’ve got you something.”
“Ravi!” You nag him in a friendly way. “It was enough just by having you here, you know it, right?”
He smiled and pecked your lips, then he stood up as he shook his head.
“I couldn’t come here with a present. I want to make you the happiest person alive.” And, again, Wonshik’s way with words made you blush.
“You’re so smooth.” He chuckled.
“I know babe.” He disappeared for two minutes and came back with a small bag. “This is the best thing I could get you.”
You opened the bag amused, what had he planned to give you? A small silvered chain was placed inside it. You looked at him and he told you to close your eyes, you did without asking. Once you opened them again, you noticed that a little silvered sun was hanging.
Ravi then showed you his, a golden moon.
“It’s ironic, usually the moon is silvered and the sun is golden, but I really liked it in this way because it reminds me of how, no matter what, the moon and the sun always compliment each other. I’m your moon, you’re my sun.”
At that point, you were trying very hard not to cry, but there were a lot of things to analyse so the only conclusion you got to was that you had to enjoy every single second with him.
“Thank you.” You whispered.
He hugged you as an answer. It was enough.
“I have to go in the morning.” He said, you could sense the bitterness in his voice.
“We’ll see each other soon, right?”
“Of course. Keep working as hard, okay?”
You nodded.
“You too, okay? It’s worth the wait.”
After watching a movie and talking about some random stuff and sharing a few kisses, you went to sleep, his hand still holding yours, once the clock hit twelve o’clock.
You didn’t notice that you were crying until his fingers slowly dried your tears. And that’s how you fell asleep, you weren’t able to control your feelings, but he was there to dry all your tears while singing a lullaby for you with the sweetest voice ever.
“Good night.” He whispered once you fell asleep completely.
You didn’t answer, but for him, the thought of having you by his side was enough.
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addictsitter · 5 years
F, G, Q, and T
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? consistently? god, uh. i think probably kingdom hearts? but that was years back. maybe stranger things since i did get into it like, a month after s2 aired but it was a backburner fandom. wait no nm it’s descendants. cause i’ve been more or less YES DESCENDANTS GOOD a lot for the last three and a half years. so. also kind of tortall bc i get sporadically bitter about neal/kel every month or so and have since about 2007.
G: Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it? ooh okay so the first otp i remember is john sheppard/teyla emmagan from stargate atlantis and i just. never really got over them. (they’re my forever otp)
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why: oh okay this one is kinda tough but i guess the best example is probably jay/carlos and mal/evie from descendants? like, i have nothing against the ships themselves and there’s plenty of material there. BUT. the fandom, rachel. i hate. the descendants fandom. so goddamn much. because they’re really obnoxious (never 4get the j*ylos stans who called d3 the straightest of the movies despite jay/gil being as close to canon as we were gonna get for a descendants movie just bc carlos was still with jane. also all the j*ylos stans who complained about them ~no homo’ing~ j*ylos in d2 because carlos liked jane and jay and carlos’s friendship got less focus while completely ignoring the harry/gil kiss that was scripted, filmed and then cut!!!)
(”alec are you still bitter about d2″ I AM ALWAYS BITTER ABOUT D2)
T: Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
ahem. excuse me. [retrieves stack of paper] we’re going to go alphabetically by fandom. and by alphabetically by fandom, i mean you’re getting some highlights.
under a cut for length
battlestar galactica: hello yes have i talked about kara thrace being a lesbian yet? no? so kara thrace is a lesbian and lee adama is a trans lesbian and they are happy and in love. thank you, have a nice day.
being human: s3 established that annie feels things that people feel when she touches them which leads me to the headcanon that mitchell, nina and george made all her old favorite foods for, like, an entire week and ate them so she could enjoy them again, along with other things. (we do not discuss the plot that involved that part i don’t acknowledge 98% of s3 for a reason.)
descendants: uma’s mother is ursula, this is canon, but i fully headcanon that her father is a deity of some flavor and she, like mal, is a full on demigoddess. aside from that, i also will live and die by the idea that ben can go beast without audrey’s magic being involved. also carlos is non-binary, evie’s a trans girl, harry is the definition of chaotic bi and non-binary and gil’s a trans boy.
elementary: i. i have so many. where do i start. um. easiest is this: during the time skip in the finale while joan underwent chemo, kitty came back to new york and archie and arthur spent, like, all their time together while sherlock and kitty traded off watching the kids. also: joanlockbell ot3 or bust.
the get down: shao got the fuck away from annie and got a happy ending and met zeke again at some point and they lived happily ever after. also DIZZEE IS TOTALLY FINE.
gilmore girls: finale what finale. revival what revival. logan and rory are happily married and working on their careers and EVERYONE IS GOOD AND NOBODY IS PREGNANT.
gossip girl: dan’s not gossip girl what the fuck show. trans girl jenny or bust. also trans girl blair.
harry potter: [insert requisite dean/seamus and sirius/remus comment here] also harry became a goddamn teacher fuck that auror shit that boy needs to get away from more fighting goddamn. also someone please get him into therapy. please.
high school musical: listen chad danforth is a trans girl and people can come fight me. also requisite chad/ryan comment here.
izombie: post-s3 did not happen, ravi is either immune or a zombie and he and liv are happily together and clive is regularly grossed out by them as a couple. major goes back to being a social worker, as he fucking should have.
i had a kingdom hearts thing here but tbh i just. have so many emotions that i can’t even touch it 
leverage: listen. listen. eliot absolutely worked for the stargate program and nobody can ever convince me otherwise. it was supposed to happen and they couldn’t manage it so i’m declaring it my canon. also hardison may or may not have learned his hacking skills from his nana.
i. had magicians headcanons and i still have magicians headcanons and one of them is genderfluid quentin and that is literally the only one i can think of without crying right now.
one piece: aro/ace lawlu or bust. genderfluid sanji or bust. lesbian nami or bust. also. my asshole babes aka cp9 aka now at least partially in cp0 are not, in fact, back working for the government inexplicably but are instead working undercover in cp0 for the revolutionary army. also mishanks was a thing bye
pacific rim: gender gets really fucking weird in the drift. nobody’s cis.
shadowhunters: hi yes do you have a moment to hear about jacemaia and how they are actually friends and spend time together and help each other with trauma and like each other
stranger things: BI STEVE BI STEVE BI STEVE BI STEVE BI STEVE steve and robin are bi/lesbian solidarity and any job they have in a non-80s small town setting involves robin roasting the fuck out of steve for failing with people of every gender. also elmax.
tortall. TORTALL. okay so. alanna is non-binary of some flavor idk what. alanna is with george and they both might also be with jon who’s publicly married to thayet who’s really married to buri who’s publicly married to raoul for ~appearances~ who’s actually w/ gary and maybe jon if he’s not being a dick that day. also. kel is married to neal and yuki and they all live together at new hope and all absolutely suck at hiding that fact and everyone at new hope just, like, conveniently ignores it. also i have A Lot of neal/kel feelings and headcanons but those would take me twelve hours, three powerpoints, a fifth of whiskey and yelling directly at tamora pierce to get through.
uhhh i think that’s it? maybe? possibly? i can’t think of anything else that i want to talk about at this point? i’ll stop now, at least.
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softyn · 5 years
6 and 57 with vixx ravi if you're still doing the drabble game? uwu thanks~
6.- I want to kiss you right now.
57.- I love you more than anything.
Thank you sweetie!💕
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✿.。.: .:。✿
Ravi looked at the photo of the two of you he always carried in his wallet and smiled.
He has been touring for almost 2 months now and he missed you so bad.
There were times when he thought that he was not good enough for you, he assured that you needed someone better, someone not as busy as him, who could be next to you every time you needed, but that wasn’t true, he was all what you needed and you made sure to make him know that he was the only person who could make you happy.
He couldn’t avoid the desire he had to talk to you and ended up dialing your number.
“Good morning Jagi.” He said once you answered the phone.
“Good morning love, what’s up?” You asked.
“Nothing much, I just wanted to hear your voice.” He said and he heard you giggling, he could assure that you were smiling widely.
You started to tell him about your day and how much you missed him too.
“But I know that you will be here in less than a week, my heart is going to explode out of joy.” You said laughing.
He laughed too because of your cuteness.
Ravi has achieved a lot of things in his life, but the one he felt proud the most was to be able to call himself your boyfriend.
“I love you more than anything, you know that, right?.“ He said.
“I know, and I love you too, a lot, babe.” You answered
Ravi smiled sweetly and stayed in silence for some seconds.
“I want to kiss you so bad right now.” You said.
“soon, Jagi, just wait 5 days more.” He said.
“I will... I love you.”
“I love you more, baby.”
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abcreid · 6 years
Wait... What?
Spencer Reid x Liv Moore (AU) (CM x iZombie)
Hi for the third week of @spence-imagines challenge, the story will be OC/AU, and i choose AU! And the prompt is “You’ll eventually fall in love with me, mark my words.” Lol this is very hard but i tried my best and i hope you like it all! (Lol why i chose her?)
The BAU team were in Seattle to work a serial killer case. This is the hottest news all over the Seattle, because the unsub apparently killed people and took their brain. What a terrified case. Nobody had an idea why an unsub wanted to steal a brain. Like, for what?
The team splits into 3 places. Hotch and Rossi went to police department, Morgan and JJ went to crime scene and Spencer with Emily went to morgue to met medical examiners. Luckily, Spencer and Emily met a very generous man and a very flirtatious woman. The M.E.’s name is Dr. Ravi and he had an assistant named Liv. She was so strange enough to made Spencer couldn’t stop staring at her the entire time. Pale skin, white hair or blonde, keep flirted at Spencer and Dr. Ravi all the time.
The M.O. of this unsub is simple. They bashed their victim’s head with something made with metal, then ripped the hell out skull with a sharp thing like a knife or a tool.
“Hey you okay? You seem so nervous back there.” Emily asked him when they already outside the morgue.
He put his hand on his nape. “Yeah... I’m okay. It just... this case is odd, weird, scary, terrific, because what kind of an unsub ripped somebody’s head and took somebody’s brain. The grossest case we’ve ever took was Eddie Mays’ case. He drank their blood and ate their organs. And did you see the M.E. Assistant? She was pale. Paleness, also known as pale complexion or pallor, is an unusual lightness of skin color compared with your normal complexion. Paleness may be caused by reduced blood flow and oxygen or by a decreased number of red blood cells. It can occur all over your skin or appear more localized. Localized paleness usually involves one limb. Maybe she’s sick?”
“So you concerned more about her or about the case?” Emily noticed he was all over that M.E. girl and she started to teasing him.
And Spencer, of course he acted nervous right now. “Case. The case of course. Why would i concern about her pale skin?” He laughed weirdly enough to Emily furrowed her eyebrows.
“Okay... I’ve seen a lot of pale women before i got into BAU. So... not big deals about her. Maybe she doesn’t like tanning her skin? Or... lets go the station okay?” Spencer and Emily left while Dr. Ravi and Liv argued at the morgue.
“Liv, why were you flirting with that FBI man? You’re working right now. And besides, they seem have a patterns about your ‘kind’ who eats brain.” His hand is quoting whilst Liv is eating more her ‘brainy’ pancakes.
“No... no... no...,” she get up and lingers on Ravi’s neck. “He will never find out about my family, Ravi. He’s an attractive man. They way he explained everything, is an everything to me.” She smiled and back to eating her pancakes again. Well turns out, Liv is eating a very confident loving woman who filled with a brave and passion of love. “Oh but, did you know his number? I wanna call him.”
Ravi’s mouth are gaping. “Seriously? You didn’t worried about them investigating this serial killer case? Uh it’s probably Blaine with his business selling brains or it could be a homeless? Why they ain’t arrested? You know what? I’m not worried and Clive will help us. Oh no he will never help us.”
“Ravi please the FBI guy will never found anything. He will never find out about who i am. Chill, babe.”
It was already 4 days and BAU had no lead to the unsub. They confused there were not enough evidence to profile this unsub. They just knew that the unsub took only brain, he already killed 7 people, disposed body in any place he wanted. And they believed there’s more than one unsub. Like it or not, they will stay in Seattle longer.
Spencer insist to go to the morge everytime the body was found. His curiousness about Live is beyond the limit. He observed the alternate of her behaviour. He met her more than 5 times, but no interaction between them.
At the night, Spencer took a walk down the street alone to the bookstore. As always, he read books when he nervous, and he ran out of the books.
But he bumped into someone and his book fall all over the street. “Hey I’m sorry.” That girl said it to him but she just frozed staring at the book. She frozed more than 15 seconds and it worried Spencer.
“Hey are you okay? Why are you not moving?” When he touched her shoulder, she took all the books, get up and look at Spencer.
“Dr. Spencer Reid?” She greeted him.
“Uh sorry i bumped into you.” When he said that, Liv started to froze again. This time were longer and it made Spencer confused. Liv were getting her vision about Spencer bumped into the girl names Lydia who Liv ate the brain. He apologized and smiled to her. Then he left and the vision was over. “Hey are you sick of something? I saw you frozed like the other day we met. Is it something about your disease?”
“Uh...,” the Lydia behavior started to showed up and Liv started to make a lie. “I’m not sick, doctor. Instead, i feel something more... exciting.” Liv bite her lips “it feels like the universe wants you and me to meet here, in front of the coffee shop. It’s a signal of us.” She winked and be a flirtatious.
He had no expression but frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m not a fool, babe. The way you looked at me, you observed me, not made an eye contact with me, that sexy, Mr. Reid.” She reached her pen in her purse and wrote her number in Spencer’s book. “You’ll eventually fall in love with me, mark my words.” She closed the cover and gave it to Spencer. “That number is a bonus for you. You know where i work, you’ll know where i lived, if you call. Bye bye, my lover.”
Liv left Spencer alone, in confusion and happiness.
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auggie-hunter · 4 years
hell was the journey...
...but it brought me heaven;
“i’m done.”
there was a finality to his tone, one he’d never had before when talking to her, and for a second auggie’s heart squeezed at how harsh he felt he was being.
because none of this was her fault. none of this was anything she’d done. not on purpose, anyway. everything that had ever gone wrong between them had been a matter of circumstance. circumstance of time, of their ages, of who they were in the world... all of it... getting in the way of them and what they wanted for themselves and who they wanted to be.
but it had come to a point where he realized he couldn’t do this anymore. he didn’t want to do this anymore. and as he did, he had to replay every moment he’d ever shared with her, every moment that made them become who they were. he had to face everything that would propel him to make such a decision that could mean the end of everything.
[i’ll be there if you’re the toast of the town, babe...]
the wig had been so itchy, and the cap wasn’t helping. he was so worried about it, he was too afraid to scratch and give himself away. his glasses combined with the fake mustache he was wearing were probably already doing a decent job of hiding his face, but he was 22 and kind of stupid. that, and maybe her flare for the dramatic was rubbing off on him.
john f. kennedy airport wasn’t exactly full to begin with at eleven o’clock at night on a thursday, and people seemed to be tired and hell bent on getting home. nobody was necessarily paying attention to anything out of place, let alone the tall, lanky kid in a wig and bad mustache. but he was nervous, and so he felt slightly hyperaware of everything. staring down at his phone wasn’t doing anything to help, either.
truth of the matter is they were probably being overcautious.
taking a few slow, deep breaths, he tried to settle himself, realizing he should probably chill so he didn’t look too sketchy and alert airport security. he glanced up at the screen, seeing her flight had, in fact, landed, and felt his stomach churn.
the problem was they’d never done this before. he’d never had to be this strategic for anything. and on top of that, he hadn’t seen her in years! not since they tried to date for like five whole minutes, and everything got messed up thanks to schedules, of all things. at the time, they’d thought to put a pin in it, until they could meet somewhere in the middle. but her world started to grow, and grow further apart from his, and that pin turned into three whole years and no contact.
but then he’d texted her one day in december, on pure impulse, completely unsure of whether or not she still had the same number. but it was her birthday, and he’d been thinking about her, as he tended to do when the date rolled around. and it wasn’t an obsessive kind of thinking, either, just a passing thought to the girl he’d liked so much way back when.
he’d taken a chance and sent the message with a birthday wish, and a six second vine with a ridiculous dance to stevie wonder’s happy birthday. he didn’t think she’d even get it, but for some reason, that felt more personal than… twitter of all places.
but then she answered. amused, and endeared, and grateful for his message.
and then they didn’t stop talking.
it was as if no time had passed.
and at first it was casual here and there conversations, catching up on the last three years. she told him she’d found his vine and two youtube channels, and liked to have the vlogs up in the background while she did other things.
teddy: which i realize sounds super creepy.
teddy: what i mean is they’re edited super well. and not too chaotic that they’re distracting.
auggie: well thanks. happy to be your background noise.
teddy: you and leo are very cute too. you look happy!
auggie: ha! thank you. he’s great!
she noted he hadn’t changed a bit, “in a good way!” and that he needed to be nicer to allie in his videos, even if she wasn’t always very nice to him. he’d told her he’d heard her last two albums and told her how great they were.
auggie: your voice is beautiful.
teddy: i’m cringing to an almost awful degree.
auggie: i mean it. you should be proud.
teddy: thank you. that means a lot.
it could’ve all been more awkward. it should’ve been, but somehow, it wasn’t.
they’d talk here and there, every few days about something random the other had seen online, or something that had happened in their lives. he’d seen she was alleged to be dating somebody, but he never asked. it just seemed like the sort of thing that truly wasn’t any of his business.
he’d send her photos of foods and desserts he’d test for videos for his main channel.
teddy: okay, listen. you need to make those cheesecake cupcakes for a video. i need the recipe and a guide. i don’t have a lot of time on tour, but for this? i’ll make time. please and thank you.
(he made the video, and wore a TEDDYFRESH sweatshirt as a shoutout. mostly because he was excessive. he did get a sponsorship after that, and sends a sweater to her p.o box and a sticker of his logo)
she sent pictures of her brand-new baby nephew, and told him about each of her siblings, and he did the same, as well as his three best friends. he told her he loved allie almost too much, but that being outright terrible to one another was their thing.
auggie: she’s a dick though.
teddy: auggie! that’s so mean.
auggie: it’s not mean if it’s true!
and then the conversations got deeper, less about the superficial stuff like the little careers they were building for themselves, and more about how she hated los angeles and felt lonely. she admitted how if it hadn’t been for her sister, daily, and her best friend, olive, she’d have quit and gone home by now.
he’d admitted he’d been getting ready to break up with leo, who’d become way less kind to him than he appeared to be on camera, and that the fighting had become too much.
auggie: he’s… just gotten so awful. i feel terrible for even saying that.
teddy: i don’t think you’re terrible for saying that. especially if things are happening that confirm that observation.
auggie: i don’t know what happened. one day we were fine and the next we weren’t. and everything started to become a problem.
not even his siblings knew that.
auggie: it isn’t like that. not like how you’re imagining.
auggie: he’s just quick to anger now. there isn’t a day we go through without fighting.
teddy: it’s not making you happy anymore. that’s enough for me.
there was a trust built between them, and a friendship that slowly made him wonder if they could’ve made it work three years earlier.
he didn’t like to dive into those thoughts. not really, not when said thoughts could throw a wrench in all this new whatever they were creating. no reason to try and fix what wasn’t broken with wondering.
and things with leo had just ended a few months earlier. he’d come out unscathed, and it hadn’t gotten as horrible as they could have. and they managed to have a fairly private breakup. no dramatic video necessarily.
she hadn’t been as lucky.
as it turned out, she’d been dating someone, too. someone who wasn’t as quiet as leo had been, and aired out all of their dirty laundry. there were things she hadn’t even told him. not that he’d ever expect her to, but things that clearly weren’t meant to get out to anyone.
her very public breakup that painted her in the shittiest of lights, quite nearly broke her.
he hadn’t heard from her for weeks after that, and outside of a few messages here and there to let him know he was thinking of her, they don’t speak.
until she resurfaced nearly two months later.
teddy: hey.
auggie: teddy. whoa.
teddy: i know.
auggie: hi.
teddy: um. sorry for falling off. this was just... a lot.
auggie: don’t be sorry for that. ever.
teddy: yeah.
teddy: this might be a huge ask but...
and on that day, they talked over facetime for the first time since he’d reached out to her with that silly birthday message nearly a year prior. it had been awkward for the first bit of it as they took each other in and the initial jitters took over. but then her eyes watered, and the near literal floodgates opened up.
they talked for six hours that night, until he’d seen the sun come up in new york.
the conversation ended with a question. “what if... i came to new york for a bit?”
and that was how he found himself at jfk in an itchy wig and mustache combo, hiding in plain sight, to meet his (barely) ex and sorta new best friend. they’d worked out logistics about how she probably wouldn’t be able to make it in without a crowd. the disguises were a joke he made in passing, but she latched on so they could hide in plain sight.
(he didn’t know then it’d become a theme for them, or that they’d love it)
“hey you,” her voice draws his attention, up and away from his phone and he has to smile at the sight of her, short dark wig, glasses of her own. she barely looks like herself, but he’d know that smile anywhere.
it takes him a second to push off the wall, just taking her in after three years without properly seeing her outside of a photo or a phone screen.
“hey ted.”
they didn’t know it then, not as her eyes welled up just as they had on that call, or as he pulled her into a hug that felt like it lasted a lifetime, but they’d created home on that spot in the middle of the airport.
[...or if you strike out and you’re crawling home]
they had been so naive back then. so innocent to think they could ever pull off keeping what they’d created. he could almost laugh about it now. they’d spent that week in new york together, as he offered her a safe haven away from LA and the curse that was hollywood. and she came out feeling brand new.
he’d been living with ravi at the time, who’d been upstate visiting his parents, and when he walked into the apartment and ran into him, stopped short with such a force he nearly tipped over.
“aug, why is teddy bea in my apartment?” his eyes were wid like saucers as he eyed them both on the sofa in sweatpants and surrounded by snacks.
“did i forget to tell you we were friends?”
ravi blinked over at them. “um, yes.”
teddy smiled at him, like she knew she’d like him. “so you’re ravi, huh? nice to finally meet you,” she’d said brightly, as if she could’ve known then how much she’d grow to love him.
“auggie, why does teddy bea know about me, and why do i not know about her?”
auggie snorted, sipping his drink. “it might help if you stop talking about her like she’s not in the room, dude.”
ravi coughed, his cheeks going red as he realized his own blunder. he stepped farther into the living room. “sorry, teddy. yes, i’m ravi. nice to meet you?”
she giggled. “you sure about that?” she looked to auggie almost knowingly. “i promise i’m just a girl in sweatpants like everyone else.”
and though it had taken ravi a solid 10 minutes to get over being star struck, he found he liked her. a lot. and when she was gone at the end of the week, less heartbroken than she’d been when she came in, ravi had turned to auggie, his tone as serious as it’d been when they were five and evenly dividing gummy worms.
“you love her.”
auggie nearly spit out his coffee all over the floor of the A train. “don’t dude, don’t even go there.”
ravi looked almost insulted. “i won’t bet money because that feels rather gross, but the ‘i told you so’ will be so sweet.
auggie put a crisp hundred dollar bill in a birthday card for ravi the following summer when teddy kissed him on the rooftop of his apartment, both of them a little less than sober.
‘you were right.’
he never knew someone could become your everything that quickly. it’d been like she’d embedded herself underneath his skin, and he’d been certain he’d never get her out.
but he also quickly figured out that he didn’t want to. it wasn’t about anything she’d done, she’d never asked anything of him. it was more so the fact that he wholeheartedly refused to be in a world she wasn’t a part of.
[...and i can see us twisted in bedsheets august slipped away... like a bottle of wine, cause he was never mine;]
she dragged him to a house in rhode island that summer. the most stunning place auggie was sure he’d ever been to. a massive place she called the holiday house. “it was a gift for mom and dad’s thirtieth anniversary,” she’d explained once they were inside the front door. “i brought everyone here to celebrate.”
“graham style?” he’d teased, but she kissed him before it could be anything more than that, and led him up the stairs into her room.
he couldn’t place it then in the moment, but there was something so final about the whole thing.
“i’m going on tour in a month,” teddy had whispered in the quiet of the bedroom. the sun was starting to set, and they’d spent most of that day in bed, learning about one another in ways they’d never thought they would. not in the beginning, and certainly not in the last year.
“i know,” auggie nodded, pressing a kiss to her shoulder blade, and running up the soft skin of her back.
she leaned into his touch and turned to face him, lips finding his for a long, lingering moment before pulling back. “auggie, this...” she sighed, and bowed her head.
“what, ted?” he asked. he raised his hand to cup her jaw, gently lifting her face so she’d look at him.
“i don’t know if we can... do this,” she said softly. “i’m booked for almost the entirety of the next year, and i don’t.” she sighed. “i know we just started, but.”
auggie pressed his lips together, trying to find the right words to say to her. but what could he say? it wasn’t her fault she had commitments. he had them, too, even if his were way less constrained than hers were (by a landslide). he wanted to say no. to hang on for dear life and have them figure out the rest later, but that felt like a big ask, especially when their worlds looked like they did.
she sat up in the bed, hugging her knees to her chest still wrapped in sheets. “you surprised me, you know.”
he stayed back, giving her the space she seemed to be searching for when she pulled away.
“i almost didn’t answer your text,” she laughed and sniffled, looking slightly surprised by her tears. “on my birthday, i almost...” she shook her head. “we were growing a lot back then. and olive made a huge deal about people from my past coming to ‘take a piece of the pie’ or whatever,” she rolled her eyes. “i know what she meant, but i don’t know when i saw your message, i didn’t. that didn’t even cross my mind.”
auggie smiled up at her. “i’m glad i inspired some lack of... gold digger-ism,” he snorted, and she shoved him, laughter bubbling from both of them.
“i’m serious! you were just. i don’t know.” teddy grinned and wiped at her eyes. “my point is, i didn’t expect to get here. with you.”
he sat up then, scooting close as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “i didn’t expect it either, you know.” he touched his forehead to hers. “i had a boyfriend and everything.”
teddy pressed her fingers to his cheek. “now look at us.”
“now look at us.”
auggie looked at her for a moment, trying to take her in. it was a lot, for a second, a lot of emotion to take in, especially in such a heavy moment. he decided to kiss her then, soft, and slower than he hand all day. tender and grounding, like he felt she needed in that moment. like maybe he needed in that moment
and with a few words, he tried to ease her worries, and his own in the process. “what if... we hold on to right now,” he offered. “focus on here, and this time, and... hope for more later.”
“hope we can have more later. soon? eventually? i’m okay to hope for you, i think i’ve hoped for you for four years without even knowing it.”
he could almost see in her eyes the moment her heart burst at his words. and he wasn’t even sure if he believed the words himself, but he had to hold onto some version of the story in which he wouldn’t have to let her go.
“okay. we’ll hope.”
[back when we were living for the hope of it all...]
they put a pin in it again, leaving things open ended while she went off to make magic across the globe with her music, while life kept going for him. youtube, the death of vine, the move to twitch, the gaming, the sponsorships, the birth of fortnite, and ridiculous amounts of money. their lives go on, and they lightly keep in touch, tethered whether they wanted to be or not.
teddy’s career had skyrocketed with the release of her next album, a transition to more pop music that put her on the map with a different audience and tugged her in all different directions, further and further away from auggie and the little bubble they thought they could manage.
auggie: msg never shined so bright.
teddy: wish i could’ve seen you.
auggie: come over. or i’ll come to you.
they spent more time apart than they ever did together, but whenever she was in new york, they carved a space. when he was in california, she’d find him in san diego. twitch con and comic con made it so easy to hide (even if the captain marvel costume and wig she managed to hide in did a real number on him).
when they managed to steal a moment, it would be the world’s most earth-shattering moment.
they made time. they made it work. without a label because labeling it was what started all the trouble. throwing permanence into two impermanent lives would be their downfall.
it was stolen glances across venues, hurried kisses and more in dressing rooms, hotel rooms, and cars. it was whispered phone calls and falling asleep on facetime. it was texts about little, dumb things, because every time they got into more, it was just more heartbreak. it was promises of somedays and forevermores.
months turned into years, and they thought this was doable. it worked.
at least, it was what he told himself. it worked to get to have her when he could, when her life wasn’t pulling her in all sorts of directions. he could hide in plain sight with her.
it worked when he properly met her brothers and sisters, and her parents. it worked when she met allie, who loved to barge in without knocking on a day she had fiona and freddie in tow for a sunday brunch after teddy had slept over and was bouncing around his kitchen in one of his flannels.
it worked when ravi insisted she meet ben and leslie, and leslie fell all the way in love with her. it worked when he met olive and eliza, and olive told him he wasn’t even a little bit good enough for teddy.
it worked when people in their world knew, even if the outside world didn’t know.
but then they tied her to someone at one point, and there were pictures and videos, and a shit-ton of starry-eyed fans around the world talking about teddy bea and her new love. and his stomach churned at the headline because this is where the impermanence and lack of a label didn’t work.
teddy: i’m sorry.
he didn’t answer.
(she was back in new york, two nights later, and he was fucking her in an elevator.)
but he got the same treatment, and way less notoriety, unless you knew what to look for. (and teddy knew what to look for.)
her name was blake, they gamed together all the time, and blauggie was born on the internet somewhere. she’s lovely, and he does like her, but it ultimately doesn’t go anywhere. she’s somewhere in texas, and he’s still not moving from new york, and long distances were really going to be the death of him.
teddy doesn’t know that though. and she showed up at his apartment in a trench coat with nothing underneath, coated in anger and jealousy. it was angry that night. for both of them.
[...and you know damn well, for you i would ruin myself...]
“i’m done.”
she was doing a secret show in paris at the end of february. a lover show. an extension of valentine’s day. and he only knew because she made it a point to stop in new york before she left to celebrate a delayed version of his twenty-eighth birthday.
except she left in the morning before he could say goodbye. and on the one hand, it hadn’t been the first time she ever had. she moved at such a rapid pace, that it lent itself to that kind of irish exit.
but he wasn’t having it this time. that one stung. before he could even comprehend it, he’d grabbed a backpack and bought a flight on the train ride to jfk.
(his bank called twice)
he texted daily. a hail mary. because if he texted teddy, he thought she might find a way to convince him they could keep doing it like this. that they could keep making it work from a distance.
nothing happened for the first two hours, he sat at the gate, resigned to having to guess and find her by some miracle.
and then, when they called his section to board, his phone buzzed.
daily: i was wondering how much longer was it gonna take you to do this. my god.
he found her.
“auggie, what are you...” her jaw had dropped and her eyes were like saucers. he was jet lagged as fuck after his flight, but had enough sense to gather that she had a show in a few hours. “how did you--”
“i’m not doing this with you anymore, teddy,” he interrupts, tone blunt. for all his exhaustion, he’s incredibly clearheaded about this. “i can’t keep doing this half in, half out thing with you.”
and auggie could gather how insane he must’ve sounded to her in that moment, how he’d jumped out of bed hours after teddy had left and followed her. to fucking paris. in his right mind, he would probably shake himself.
“i love you,” he said softly. “i love you, and i wanna be with you. fuck the long distance, fuck the messes we’ve made. i’ll follow you anywhere if i have to, i just... i’m done, ted.”
it was the most firm, steadfast decision he had ever made. and the weight of the silence and the shock on her face would weigh on his spirit for a little while after that. it was almost too heavy.
“then we’re done, auggie,” teddy said softly, eyes glassy, and voice loaded with emotion. “we’re done with the hiding. we’re done with treating this like anything other than what it is.”
“fuck it.” it’s the most certain he’s ever felt in his entire life, in an apartment in paris that screamed teddy graham and all that she was. “none of it matters anymore, ted. i don’t care about any of it if it means i don’t get to have you.”
she grabbed both his hands and drew him inside, pushing him back against the closed door and pressed her lips. “i love you,” she murmured against his mouth. “i love you.”
they’re married by the end of the week.
[...a million little times]
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yehet-me-up · 7 years
Of All The Stars
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Pairing: Ken (Lee Jaehwan) x Reader (female)
Word Count: 3,332
Rating: (F) for fluff 
Summary: On a camping trip with the boys Ken plans a special evening to confess something important to you.
As soon as you said the words “camping weekend” and “road trip” you knew he’d be in. It was set to be a weekend of clear skies and the perfect mild temperature as summer blends into fall. Jaehwan grabs his phone and starts calling the other boys while you begin packing up the supplies. It’s quickly decided that you and Jae will pick up Hakyeon and Hyuk in your car while Taek drives Hongbin and Ravi in his. 
You bring tons of provisions, just in case it gets cold. Blankets, extra socks, sweatshirts; not to mention a rain cover for the tent if it looks like it might start to rain suddenly. Thinking of every possibility, you make sure to pack bug spray, sunscreen, flashlights, extra batteries, matches, and a first aid kit. In comparison you’re impressed that your happy-go-lucky boyfriend manages to remember a toothbrush, let alone spare clothes and his swim trunks.
By noon you’re on the road, swinging by the dorm to pick up the boys. Hongbin and Hyuk crack up trying to shove everything into the cars while Hakeyon and Taek stand behind, directing them like nagging parents. Ravi’s in the passenger seat of Taek’s car, already jamming out to the music he’s put on. You manage to get everything in both cars and head over to the store. Jaehwan insists that you wait in the car. 
“I want it to be a surprise for you, babe,” he says, grinning like a kid at you.
You laugh and say, “Sure Jae, whatever you want,” thinking back to the box of granola bars you stashed in your backpack in preparation for this exact situation. 
Twenty minutes and several bags food crammed into the backseat later, you’re on the road. While you drive Hakyeon pulls up the campsite webpage on his phone and makes the reservations, easily snagging a large site with bathrooms that’s big enough for all of you. 
It’s a two hour drive east but the time passes easily. Jae insists on playing silly road trip games and drives everyone crazy the whole ride. When you all arrive you set up the tents as quickly as you can and then rush to change into your swimsuits. 
The beach is a short five minute walk down the sloping trail from the campsite. Soon you’re all standing around ready to go, waiting for your boyfriend. He must have snuck off while you were all changing. Finally, several minutes later, he comes running from the opposite side of the campsite, by the beach, already in his swim trunks. 
He rushes up, breathing deeply, and gives the group a big grin. “What are you all standing around for? Let’s get going!” he yells, grabbing your hand and dashing off back toward the beach. Everyone groans and calls out insults at him as you rush toward the beach. You throw your towels down on the sand and both sprint into the water, laughing. 
Hours later, long after you all finished swimming and had dinner around the campfire, you’re snuggled up against your boyfriend happily eating s’mores. Everyone is yawning and Hyuk’s fallen asleep with his head on Hakyeon’s lap. 
“Maybe we should call it a night?” Jaehwan asks and everyone nods. He volunteers to clean up the supplies and put out the fire while you all get ready for bed. 
When you come back from washing up and brushing your teeth you notice that while the fire is out, you don’t see Jae anywhere. You shrug and climb into the tent to wait for him. Taekwoon claimed the single tent for himself and you can hear him snoring softly nearby. Hyuk and Hongbin decided to share a tent and are bickering about something to do with video games and who gets to use the extra battery pack tomorrow morning. 
Hakyeon and Ravi walk past your tent on the way back from the bathroom, trying to bribe each other for the one pillow that they have since they forgot to pack a second. You smile to yourself, knowing that they’ll just end up cuddling and sharing the pillow anyways.
Leaning back against the sleeping bag you look out through the open top of the tent, frowning to yourself as you realize you can’t see any stars through the thick canopy of trees above you. You don’t mind though, it’s too peaceful out here to be bothered much by anything. It’s a pleasant warm temperature, the mountain air cooling off the heat of the day.
You throw your arms behind your head, drumming your fingers on your arms, wondering where your boyfriend could have gone to yet again. The arguing duos seemed to have ended their battles and after a few minutes the campground goes quiet. The only sounds you can hear are the wind in the trees and the rustle of small animals in the woods. Just when you decide to give him another sixty seconds before you go looking for him he peeks over the edge of the tent into the top at you, startling you.
You stifle a giggle and quietly say, “Took you long enough, I thought a bear ate you.”
He gives you a big cheesy grin. “Don’t worry baby, I’d fight off a hundred bears for you,” he stage whispers and pretends to punch the air. “Hey, can you put your shoes on? I’ve got something I want to show you.”
You nod and reach around the tent in the lantern light, unzipping the flap fully. You stick your feet outside the opening to put your shoes on, grabbing your sweatshirt to tie around your waist. He comes around the front of the tent and you hand him your lantern. He turns it off and puts it in his backpack before zipping it up and slinging it back over his shoulder. He sticks his flashlight under one arm so he can offer both hands to help you stand. 
He’s still wearing his adorable pink sweater and his light brown hair is tousled up from the wind. He’s got a big happy smile plastered on his bare face, eyes bright with excitement and leftover joy from a day of getting to play around like kids. This might be your favorite version of him, you think to yourself, as he pulls you up and into his arms.
“What did you want to show me?” you ask softly, looking around to see if it’s something nearby.
“Come with me,” he replies, taking one of your hands in his and starting to walk off toward the edge of the campground. As you walk you can hear something clinking together softly in his backpack. You follow the light of his flashlight to the trailhead. The path to the beach is off to your right, but he leads you to the left instead. 
The trail is wide and easy, rising gently to a hill up ahead. It winds between the forest on your left and the sloping cliff down to the ocean on your right. Jae positions you on the forest side and you smile to yourself at how he always looks out for you, wondering whether he does it intentionally or if it’s just his natural inclination. 
After a day full of his excited laughter and cheerful voice, his silence now seems to carry more weight. You’re dying to know what he has to show you. Ever since he came into your life six months ago he’s been dragging you on all sorts of adventures. With his silly sense of humor and his easygoing personality you’d happily follow him anywhere. He turns to see you watching him and gives you an affectionate smile, squeezing your hand reassuringly.
After a few minutes of walking you come to a plateau, a large clearning free of trees facing the shoreline on three sides. From this height you can see the ocean spread out in front of you, it’s cool salty breeze lifting your hair. A large flat rock big enough for at least five people sits just a few feet back from the edge; it’s the perfect viewpoint. 
He leads you over to the rock and takes off his backpack. You watch as he unzips the pack and pulls out a blanket, lifting it up and spreading it out. Next comes two plastic cups, a bottle of wine, a box of what looks to be your favorite brand of chocolates, and his own sweatshirt which he balls up and sets like a pillow. Finally he pulls out the lantern and turns it on.
He gestures for you to sit down and you step up onto the rock, settling with your legs crossed, scooting over to give him room next to you. He joins you in his usual dramatic manner, pressing his side against yours. Your knees touch as you both face the incredible view, the swirling ocean lit up by the glow of the moon. 
You let out a pleased sigh at the sight and lean your head over to briefly rest against his shoulder. Looking up you can see the stars stretching on into the horizon and you open your mouth in awe. He clicks off the flashlight and reaches for your lantern, setting it in the middle of the meal, making it look like candlelight at a fancy restaurant.
He’s not usually a big planner. He prefers spontaneous romantic gestures like swinging by your place with a big bouquet of roses, just because it was a Tuesday; or calling you up at one in the morning to ask if you want to go get snacks and walk along the river. 
But this. The fact that he scouted out this place, thought about bringing you here, planned ahead to bring the wine and chocolate; you’re curious to know what prompted it. He’s got the wine open and is pouring you a cup. 
“Jae, this is amazing, I love it. What’s the occasion?” you ask, taking the cup from him.
He looks uncharacteristically shy as he pours his own cup, hesitating before meeting your eyes. “I know we had a great day for our actual six month anniversary last week, but I realized that there’s something I need to tell you. And it deserves an epic view and the best wine I could find.”
He lifts his cup to clink against yours and you both take a sip. The potent red wine is definitely the best you’ve ever tasted. He opens the box of chocolates and hands you one of your favorite milk chocolate truffles. You pop it in your mouth and softly moan with pleasure at the combination of flavors. His thoughtful mood lifts for a moment as he grins at you, looking like a pleased little kid.
“Mm, this is perfect babe. You did good,” you say, leaning over to give him a peck on the lips. “I can’t believe you did all this, it’s amazing.”
He sets his cup down and turns to face you, gently taking your cup and setting it down as well. He reaches for your hands, rubbing his thumbs over your palms, staring at them as though he’s fascinated by the fact that you’re real, and here, and his. 
When he looks up at you the word that comes instantly to your mind is present. You feel his joy, his excitement, his playful energy all the time. He’s your sunshine, walking around in the world making your day better, making the day of everyone that comes in contact with him better, just by existing. Playful, expressive, and open are his natural state, whether you’re out on a date, making love, or just having breakfast together. 
Sure, you’ve seen him sad or frustrated or cranky at times, but they never last very long. His natural radiance and positivity break through soon enough. But the way he’s looking at you now, so intent and serious and yes, present; you’ve never seen him look that way before. Eyes roaming your face with a wistful smile. All of his magnetic energy directed on you. You feel like the earth could stop moving and you wouldn’t even notice, you’re so lost in him.
“I realized it a few weeks ago and I’ve been trying to think of the best way to tell you ever since,” he starts, voice low and steady as his gaze holds yours. “It hit me the day we went to the amusement park with my family. Seeing you there, with them; how easily they all took a liking to you, how well we all fit together. I was a nervous wreck that morning, but you were so sweet, teasing me while we made breakfast. I knew I had nothing to worry about. You already get along so well with the boys, they all love you and this trip only reinforced that.”
He takes a deep breath and you can feel his pulse racing where his hands touch yours. His words start tumbling out at rapid speed. “It’s everything about you - it’s how you get my sense of humor. It’s how you stay up late to text me when I’m away. It’s your laugh. Baby, just hearing you laugh makes my whole day. It’s the cute way you bob your head whenever you listen to a song that you really like. It’s how you always call me sexy, no matter what outfit I’m wearing on stage. It’s how you know when I’ve lost track of time in the rehearsal studio and bring me dinner, since you know I forgot to eat.”
“It’s how caring you are with everyone. You make me want to be kinder to everyone I meet, just so I can hope to be worthy of you. It’s that adorable little pouty face you make when you lose at Overwatch to Hongbin, even though you always congratulate him too. It’s the way Taekwoonie comes to you to have you listen to his lyrics, since he values your honest and fair opinion so much already.” 
“It’s the fierce way you defended Hyuk when that reporter kept badgering him about that bullshit rumor when we were all out together. I was so blown away that the tigress who called her out on her inappropriate questions was my girlfriend. The guys were so sick of me bragging about you nonstop after that, but I know they were just jealous.”
“It’s the way you encouraged Ravi to ask that girl on a date. You were the only one to see how nervous he was and how much he needed someone to hype him up. It’s that night you and Hakyeon cooked us all a big Italian dinner, laughing and smiling even when he spilled half a pot of pesto sauce on you. God, what did you say? ‘It’s okay, the green brings out my eyes anyways.’ I might have known that night, how easy life is when you’re around, and how much I always want you to be there.” 
“Even when we fight we’re still on each other’s team. That night I was being a total ass and tried to goad you into admitting that I wasn’t worth all the drama in the press. You called me out straight away, not letting me take out my fears and insecurities on you. You saw through me immediately, and I can never thank you enough for that.”
“You’re my center. Whenever I’m talking a thousand miles a minute or telling a ridiculous story or doing something goofy, there you are. Right by my side, looking at me like you are right now. Like even though I’m this crazy ball of energy... you love me anyways. I know it’s only been six months, but my life is perfect right now, because you’re in it.”
“I just… what I’m trying to say is, I love you. So much it blows me away. And I wanted to say it like this so you’d know I’m not messing around like I normally do. I love you. All of you. I mean it, heart and soul. I love you Y/N.”
You don’t know at what point you started crying, but you suddenly realize you have twin steaks of wetness on your cheeks. The happiness filling your body must have needed some way to escape. You’re smiling so big you feel like you might be outshining the moon right now. He slides the sleeves of his shirt over his wrists and leans in to gently wipe them away. 
You lean forward to put your forehead against his, lifting your hands to rest against his jaw, holding him close. His hands find your thighs, pulling you closer, sliding his legs out flat so you can wrap yours around his waist. He splays his hands along your sides, leaning your bodies together, patiently waiting for your reaction, his eyes bright and full of love as they meet yours.
“That was the most beautiful thing anyone’s ever said to me. I didn’t think I could love you more and then you go and spring this on me,” you say softly. 
He smiles, and then a beat later his eyes go wide as he finally catches your meaning. “Wait, do you mean…”
You nod and then press your lips against his for a lingering kiss. “I’m in love with you too Jae, more and more everyday.” He pulls you to him, kissing you over and over until you’re both laughing, the sound bright and joyful as it echoes around you. Finally you wrap your hands around his head to pull him against you so you can kiss him properly, sliding your hands into his hair. 
Eventually you pull back, needing to tell him your feelings in return. “I think I knew that day with your family too. How sweet you were with your Mom, how close you all are. There was a moment when I stopped to take a picture and while I was catching up I saw you, hand in hand with your cousin. You reached out your other hand and when you couldn’t find mine you looked around, confused that I wasn’t there. It was like you were so used to me being next to you, you already thought of me as part of you. When you looked back and saw me your face lit up and I thought, as long as I have you, looking like that, I’ll be happy forever.”
“You’ve got me as long as you’ll have me, baby,” he says and carefully leans back, his head resting against the sweatshirt, pulling you so you’re lying beside him, your head on his arm. He brushes your hair behind your ears looking over at you. 
“A million stars in the sky but you’re the only one I want to see,” he murmurs. Any other time or place you would both be laughing at how cheesy the line was, but tonight is a night for cheesy declarations.
You stay there for hours, finishing the wine and chocolates, eventually pulling your sweatshirt over you both as a blanket, kissing underneath the stars. You both fall asleep eventually, your limbs tangled together. 
You wake up to the sounds of muffled laughter and male voices. When you finally open your eyes you quickly put your hand out to shield you from the sun that’s rising bright and full above the horizon. Turning your head you see the rest of the group standing there, amused expressions on their faces as they take in the two of you. 
Jaehwan sits up behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder. “Morning,” he says sleepily to the group.
“So hyung, I take it things went well last night?” Ravi asks, smirking as he takes in you and Jae’s messed up hair and matching soft grins.
You turn your head to look at your boyfriend and he gives you a warm smile. “It was perfect,” he says quietly, so only you can hear. 
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I Still Love You
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Edited from my past blog. Enjoy!
Taekwoon & I have been dating for 3 years & I made him my number one priority. Our first two years flew by but we spent this past year fighting too much. My dancing & his schedules as an artist were getting in the way of us spending quality time together. All of a sudden he broke my heart. His reason? I had no clue. To this day, I still have no clue. I had to move on but I was having trouble.
When I finally decided to attend my dance class, the teacher thought I was dead because I hadn't gone for weeks. I lied & told her I had personal matters to take care of. Boyfriend problems are personal, right? Err, back to my story. I finally talked to my teacher about my problem & she understood. I asked if I was still her first choice to perform at the ADC next month & she said yes. I asked her if she could let me stay in her classroom to practice my dance. She agreed as long as I didn't make a mess & didn't leave too late.
Happily, after class, I started stretching. And while I was doing that, I looked around to find a stereo but to no avail. So I used my phone to play music. As soon as the first song came up, I told my mind to go blank for those 4 minutes and immediately, my body began moving with the music. About 3 hours later, I found myself sweating, panting and in my signature pose.
It was about 10 pm. The moonlight was shining in through the windows and into the dance room, causing the room to give out a haunting glow. I decided to call it quits for tonight and come back the next day. Surely enough, every day, with the help of my teacher, I went back to my dance classes and everyone was happy to see me. Which was weird since I never really talked to my classmates. But I'll take free compliments!
The month of the year where I have to get ready for my dance competition. At 7 o' clock pm on the 16th, I was to perform at Seoul Arts Dance Academy Dance Hall to show off what I believe in. Which is dance because its a part of my life - it's a part of me. At age 6, I began dancing as if it was my source of air. I didn't choose dancing, dancing chose me. My mom always believed that.
This is my chance to be accepted into my favorite company. I heard that if I landed in the top 3, I could become a dance teacher. The question now is can I do it?
The night of my big performance was fast approaching and I had yet to come up with a routine. I still couldn't think because I received a text from Taekwoon that said to meet him at our usual spot at 7. Our usual spot was in a cafe. The cafe where him & I finally told each other our true feelings. It was also where the two of us would have our small dates when we couldn't go anywhere else because of his promotions or my dance. Now, the cafe will be the place where him & I talk after 2 months of not speaking to each other. Hopefully when this ends, we'll be back where we belong - in each others hearts.
I sat down at our usual table and waited for him. Butterflies were already starting to form in my stomach. I waited for about 20 minutes, when I felt a hand touch my shoulder.
"Hey," he said softly.
I looked up at him & said, "hey"
"How are you?"
There was an awkward silence before he spoke.
"Can I sit?" He asked, motioning his hand towards the empty seat in front of me.
"Sure." I said, smiling.
"Listen..." He trailed off.
"I'm sorry for breaking up with you. I thought I was letting you down with me constantly being away and you feeling lonely. I thought that at some point, you would cheat on me or leave me. I didn't want to experience that; it would break my heart. So..I kinda broke your heart instead." He scratched the back of his head & continued, "I know it was wrong, but if you can reconsider taking me back, I'll treat you better. I'll be the man you deserve. I'll be-"
"Woonie I... I don't know." I sighed then continued, "you left me without a goodbye. How do I know this time will be different?"
He cupped my cheek when he noticed I was crying.
"I just...I don't know. I'm sorry." I left without telling him goodbye.
December 16.
I was getting ready for my dance performance & was a nervous wreck. After I showered, I was looking through my closet to find something to wear. Luckily, I found this dress & I'm surprised it still fits me. After I got dressed, Taekwoon texted me to meet him inside the dance hall. I looked at the text & continued getting ready. As I was heading out of the door & noticed the rain that pouring down. "It's raining.” I quickly went inside my car & drove off.
When I quickly went inside the venue, I was told that someone special was here to see me. I was told where to meet this someone but I'm not so sure I'm ready to see him again. As I walked into my dressing room, I was immediately pushed inside & lips slammed into mine. I was shocked at first, but then I quickly responded & pulled back.
"Taekwoon what-..how?"
"Ravi told me where'd you'd perform."
I sighed, "of course."
"Listen... If there's any chance we'd get back together."
He interrupted, coming closer, "That day...you called me Woonie. Please, if there's any chance of us being together-"
"There isn't."
He came closer, "Then say you don't love me. Look me straight in the eye, say you don't love me & I'll leave right now."
I looked at him, my mouth open, but I just couldn't say it. "I..I can't"
I turned around but he turned me back to look at him & kissed me. As he continued kissing me, my hands grabbed his shirt, inching myself closer.
He moaned, "I want you."
"I'm yours."
He kissed me again, his hands sending chills down my spine as they reached the end of my dress & slowly brought it up toward my thighs. My lips trailed from his lips, down to his chin & up his neck, biting it.
"Ow!" He softly yelled.
"Does that hurt oppa?" I asked innocently.
He smirked, "Oh you're gonna get it."
I pushed myself on him but as quickly as I did, he grabbed me by my waist and pushed me down my couch. His fingers started crawling down my thighs & into my panties. I was a moaning mess. He slipped off my panties and penetrated me. He watched my expressions but he was nowhere near satisfied as his fingers moved in slow motion.
"I-I have m-my dance p-performance.." I trailed off, while he tried to find my sweet spot.
I let out a long moan & he smirked. "Then we better make this quick."
His hands ripped off my panties & he hurriedly took off his pants and boxers. He then climbed ontop of me & started teasing me with his hard-on. I screamed once he entered me, his load filling me up & prayed no one could hear us. He kissed me everywhere to try to ease the pain. He was thrusting slow but soon picked up speed, then he started fondling my breasts through my dress & I couldn't take it anymore so I kissed him to try to keep quiet.
"I love you," he said.
"I-I love y-you too."
I still feel the same. Our feelings were mutual every day. His hands were working wonders on my nipples even though they were covered. My moans & his grunts were silenced by our make-out session but that couldn't be said by our skin-slapping. Several pleasureful minutes later, he started thrusting harder & faster, making me release countless moans. He grunted before he released inside me & that was all I needed to hear to make me release on him.
He started riding out our orgasms until he finally stopped, pulling out and collapsing ontop of me. Our breathing was slowly coming back to normal as he collapsed ontop of me, giving me a sweet kiss on my lips.
"W-what time is it?," I asked.
He picked up his watch to check, "6:30"
I panicked, starting to fix myself, "babe I gotta go."
"I know. I love you," he said, kissing me.
"I love you too~"
After a few seconds, I spoke again, "come see my routine."
8:30 PM.
The dance competition ended & I think I did really well. The judges said they'd post the results online tomorrow morning. I looked for Taekwoon, glancing over the large crowds of people just waiting to lock eyes with his. As I saw him, he looked over me & sent me one of his signature smiles.
I ran up to him & he pulled me up to spin me around.
"I'm so proud of you," he smiled, setting me back down.
"Thank you oppa!"
We began walking, hand in hand, enjoying the moment. After a few minutes, I slapped his shoulder, "I could've done better if my legs weren't sore," I blushed towards the end.
"I'm so sorry jagi~" He winked & I knew he was being sarcastic.
After a few seconds, he spoke, grinning, "I love you."
"Oh yeah, how much?," I asked, crossing my arms.
"You'll see," he smirked, picking me up & carrying me bridal style to his car.
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