eddiebodywantssome · 2 years
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@911fluffweek​ DAY 1 -> DOMESTIC BLISS
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syd-adamu · 2 years
for my dear @prettyboyandthekid, a teeny bit of my stardew valley au! happy birthday, aj <3
But it’s too late - Buck raises his arms over his head and sends up a silent prayer for Maddie, but the hit never comes. Instead, he hears unintelligible yelling and the wet slice of flesh.
He looks up through splayed fingers to see a figure heaving against the lamplight, encapsulating them in a soft halo. He’s buff, with his strong fingers gripping an obsidian blade. The monster lies sliced in half in front of them, oozing goo. Buck squints through blurring vision. Who the hell is this? 
The figure turns around and extends a hand.
“You okay?”
Buck gapes. There’s no way. Absolutely, definitely, literally no way. Of all the towns in all the valleys in the world, how could he have landed in the same, stupid one as him?
His saviour's face comes into focus - there’s no doubt about it. It’s him. He’s roughly seven years older and a whole lot more concerned. But it’s him.
It’s Eddie Diaz. 
The one that got away. 
His brows furrow. “Evan?”
Buck’s consciousness slips away from him.
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kinardbuckleys · 3 years
jess!!! i have no idea how i missed the post but omg congrats on 700 followers!!!! i love seeing you on my dash and i know there are gonna be many more followers to come 🥰
may i humbly request
💕 falling asleep while stargazing together
🌸 mayswords
~ eddiebodywantssome
may!! thank you so much!
💕: here is the prompt, sorry it took me a while to get to
🌸: i've queued some of your work ❤️
700 follower celebration
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eddiebodywantssome · 2 years
about me
— may ✧ 19 ✧ desi ✧ they/she
— posts i collect under the link in my pinned post are all the things i'd pin if tumblr let us pin more than one post. these include things i'm currently working on (like bingos and prompt lists), resources i find helpful, and other little announcements
— tags i use:
- maysq - my queue tag
- may talks - /gen personal rambles
- may rants - /neg personal rambles
- may interns - my interning experiences
- may plays sdv - stardew valley related rambles
- may answers - answered asks
- maysedit, mayswords, maysicons, maysbrain are all my content tags
pretty pretty gifset, pretty pretty art, 911 spoilers are the ones you'll be seeing a lot. characters are tagged with their first name most of the time, non-911 content is tagged w its name or abbreviation (like tua or dw)
i tag spoilers as '[show name] spoilers' + i tag triggers as 'tw [trigger]'
— current triggers i tag:
please lmk if you would like something tagged! i'm more than happy to oblige
— things you can tag me in: basically anything tv, film, books, music, youtube. for a detailed list you'll have to check my blog on desktop
if you've read this far, please remember to drink some water, take your meds, stretch a little, and have a lovely day <3
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syd-adamu · 2 years
about me
— may ✧ 20 ✧ desi ✧ they/she
— prev. stardewdiaz / mayonamountain / eddiebodywantssome / newsies-of-new-yawk
— posts i collect under goodnight 🌙 in my bio are all the things i’d pin if tumblr let us pin more than one post. these include things i’m currently working on (like bingos and prompt lists), resources i find helpful, and other little announcements
— tags i use:
maysedit, mayswords, maysicons, maysbrain are all my content tags
pretty pretty gifset, pretty pretty art, 911 spoilers are the ones you’ll be seeing a lot. characters are tagged with their first name most of the time, non-911 content is tagged w its name. i tag spoilers for 48 hours after the episode airs
i tag spoilers as ’[show name] spoilers’ + i tag triggers as ‘tw [trigger]’
— current triggers i tag:
please lmk if you would like something tagged! i’m more than happy to oblige
— things you can tag me in:
basically anything tv, film, books, music, youtube. for a detailed list check the 'multifandom' link in my bio
if you’ve read this far, please remember to drink some water, take your meds, stretch a little, and have a lovely day <3
0 notes
eddiebodywantssome · 2 years
any man of my brother's
for the maddie buckley square of my buddie bingo
buddie. rated T. wc 674
Maddie slots her key in the door and pushes it open into Buck’s loft. He’d said he’d swing by her place and pick up his jacket on the way to the airport, but she felt like going for a drive anyway, so here she is. Her brother is nowhere to be seen, but she hears faint music playing from somewhere above her. The unmistakable warbling of a Southern lady wafts over the railing.
“And anything I do or say better be okay when I have a bad hair day,” Buck’s voice rings out, hopelessly out of key. Maddie grimaces as she sets her bag down. This isn’t the first time she’s walked in on him dancing by himself to Shania Twain, but she figures he’d at least have a little decency to pretend he still doesn't do it. She did text him to say she was coming over.
She’s about to call out to him, but he slides into view, hairbrush in hand, just like his teenage self. “And if I change my mind-”
And then Eddie appears, a cowboy hat on his head and a goofy grin mirroring Buck’s. “A million times-”
“I wanna hear him say yeah,” Buck sings. He points the hairbrush at Eddie, alternating each for each of their lines.
“Yeah,” Eddie responds into the mic.
“Yeah, I like it that wayy!” They chorus. Eddie tosses his ridiculous hat to the side as they launch into the next verse.
Maddie watches in awe. They still haven’t realised she’s in the apartment. She’s kind of hoping they don’t.
She watches as Eddie curls his fingers into Buck’s belt loops and pulls him closer, his hands going from his jeans to the skin right above it under Buck’s shirt once he moves in. Buck doesn’t resist. His own hands land on Eddie’s butt as Eddie leans in more.
Eddie’s singing turns husky. Buck licks his lips as Eddie sings almost into his mouth, “Any man of mine better walk the line, better show me a teasin’, squeezin’, pleasin’ kinda time--”
Okay, there’s only so much Maddie can watch in good faith. She clears her throat as loudly and deliberately as possible. Both men turn like deers caught in headlights. She sees the colour drain out of Eddie’s face as it simultaneously floods Buck’s.
“Hi,” Maddie says, barely trying to conceal the shit-eating grin on her face.
The music stops, courtesy of Eddie, as Buck tramples down the stairs.
“What, uh, what’re you doing here?”
“I came to return your jacket. Why wasn’t I invited to this dance party? You know I love Shania Twain,” Maddie pouts. Buck’s face is redder than she’s ever seen.
“It wasn’t… planned,” Buck starts. “Eddie came over to help me pack for our Austin trip and he found that stupid hat - you remember that hat? I had it when I was on the ranch - and then we just-”
“Buck,” Maddie interrupts. “I was joking, it’s fine.” She glances past his shoulder where Eddie is meekly descending the stairs.
“I’m just gonna be… there,” Eddie says before quickly walking to the couch and shrinking into it. Maddie chuckles.
“Alright, I just wanted to come say have a safe flight. I’ll leave you to it now,” she winks at her brother. He groans.
“Please don’t.”
“Noted,” she says, picking up her bag. “Have fun there.”
“Wait, Mads, you… uh, you don’t wanna ask about… about this?” Buck asks, confused. Maddie smiles. She wants to say something along the lines of do you think we’re stupid? But he looks worried, and Maddie doesn’t have the heart to rub it in his face. Yet.
Instead, she squeezes his hand and says, “We’ll talk when you’re back, okay?”
Buck nods, relief washing over his face.
“See you, Buck. Bye, Eddie!” she calls.
“Later,” Eddie calls back.
As she closes the door behind her, she hears Buck ask if he wants to pick up where they left off. She shivers the thought away and grins. It’s about damn time.
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eddiebodywantssome · 2 years
ravi week day 2 - the 118
these are the ties that bind us
wc: 894 | ravi and 118 A-shift: a love story
It’s a beautiful day, and Ravi is wine drunk. And when he gets wine drunk, he gets introspective.
Right now, he’s introspecting as to how the hell he got here – here being his captain’s backyard in the middle of summer, where his co-workers are arguing about why they’re gathered and getting drunk together in the first place.
It started when Bobby, the inspirational man that he is with a penchant for impromptu speeches, stood up with a glass of lemon iced tea.
He had clinked it happily. “Thank you all for being here,” he said. “I won’t talk for long – as you all know, we need to celebrate life every chance we get, and I’m so glad to be here with you all as we make good on that promise. Now, let’s hear from the man of the hour!”
Everyone cheered and looked around the table expectantly. Ravi smiled and clapped politely. This went on for a good two minutes.
“Chimney, get up,” Hen had finally said, playfully bumping his shoulder.
“What do you mean?” he had asked, mirroring her grin. “It’s Buck’s birthday, silly.”
The table quietened.
“That was two weeks ago,” Buck replied. “Do you not know my birthday?”
“Um, I thought we were here to celebrate Chimney’s fifteen years on the job,” Hen said.
“I thought we were here for Athena’s retirement party.”
“Who the hell said I was retiring?”
Maddie said, “Mm, Karen, this is for your new job, right?”
“No? I thought we were celebrating Eddie’s coming out.”
“We most definitely are not.” Eddie’s face flushed.
“Isn’t this for May going back to college?”
“I hope not. I’m only leaving next month.”
“Anniversary?” Chimney suggested.
“Whose?” Bobby asked.
“Yours and Athena’s?”
“Well, what does the cake say?”
Eddie opened the cake box. “It just has a smiley face on it.”
“Okay, who was in charge of the cake?”
“Bobby’s the one who told me to keep it generic!” Hen snapped.
Ravi felt himself slipping away about halfway through this. He sips his drink and sighs. He had tried so hard to avoid getting sucked into this… this weird, enmeshed family dynamic the A shifters had. But it was hard. There was something magnetic about them, they kept pulling him into their shit.
He didn’t mind working with them – they’re for sure some of the most competent people he’s ever been on shift with. It’s just everything else that makes them… bizarre.
Like this exact situation, for example. How does this group of people hang out so frequently that they have no idea why they’re there?
(Buck’s suggested Fourth of July. Athena’s shot it down because she insists she would’ve had the red-white-blue food otherwise. Also, it’s the middle of the month.)
Don’t get him wrong, he likes them, he does. It’s just that he prefers the Venn diagram of his friends, family, and co-workers to not be one big circle, thank you very much.
It started way before he became an A shift regular, he thinks. That fateful Q-word day. Maybe he did jinx himself for life.
Ravi had gone back and recounted the story to his B-shift colleagues, and they had basically said, “Yeah, that tracks,” – and that’s how Ravi began his spiral into the infamous lore of A-shift.
He should’ve known they were all disaster magnets. He listens in abject horror and fascination as they tell him about the rebar, the tracheotomy, the hand-in-man’s-chest, and of course, the LSD brownies.
He stops them after a bit and decides the less he knows about these people the better. Then the treasure hunt happened, and he literally found a dead body with the group, and he guessed that counts as some kind of trauma bonding, but it still kept him wary.
And then the sniper situation unfolded, and Ravi got to temporarily be on A shift for a bit. It was an experience for sure (and getting shot is one of the less goofy things to happen to the group) but they pulled through, and Ravi was ready to go back to B shift.
But then Chimney left to chase the love of his life, and Ravi gets it, he’d do the same, so he was still stuck on the opposite shift.
It was then that Ravi started realising how little personal space these six people actually had. He somehow kept getting invited to events – Chimney’s brother’s firefighter test being the most random of them all – but he was too polite to decline them.
Somewhere between the dead author and prison riots, he'd been adopted as the token normal guy of the team; somehow, he didn't mind.
“Alright now, enough!” Athena’s voice cuts through the commotion and snaps Ravi out of his wine-induced introspection.
“It doesn’t matter what we’re here for. This was bound to happen at some point. Let’s just enjoy this party and plan better for the next one.”
The garden murmurs in agreement as they raise their glasses again.
“To family,” Bobby announces.
“To family!” Ravi choruses with everyone, clinking his glass with Hen and Maddie’s.
The air is thick with barbeque and joy. The patio lights twinkle in time with Bobby’s 60s mix playing in the background, and the idle chatter of his friends make the wine settle gently in his belly.
Family, Ravi thinks, despite himself. I don’t hate the sound of that.
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eddiebodywantssome · 3 years
sketching you in my dreams
this is a fill from @lavenderotpprompts's september otp prompt challenge, day 3 - sketchbook :)
in which eddie becomes the resident art model for the day
1296 words
ao3 link
sketching you in my dreams
“Hold still.”
Eddie closes his eyes and sighs.
“I’m not modelling for you, Chim.”
Chimney barely glances up from where he’s positioned across from Eddie, hunched over a sketchbook.
“Too late. Keep your chin down.”
Eddie, despite himself, obliges, and watches as Chim’s marker scritch-scratches across the paper. Someone from the B shift decided to leave a box of art supplies for the more artistically inclined firefighters to occupy their time with during slow shifts. Chimney was decidedly not one of them, but that didn’t stop him from trying anyway.
That’s why he’s locked in intense eye contact with Eddie, and it’s making him only slightly nervous.
Eddie watches, mostly amused, as Chim squints at him. Eddie squints back.
“Stop using your face,” Chim says, his gaze fixed.
“Do I wanna know what this is?” Hen asks as she crosses them to go to the kitchen.
“I’m studying his features.”
Hen grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and loops back around. She inspects over Chim’s shoulder.
“That looks nothing like Eddie.”
“I’m aware, that’s why I’m studying his features,” Chim replies, exasperated.
He stares for a minute more. Eddie goes back to looking at his phone, letting Hen and Chim’s conversation fade to the background.
He refreshes his texts and frowns when nothing new pops up from Buck. He’d offered to do the coffee run that morning, like he’d been offering for the past few weeks - which shouldn’t have bothered Eddie, but knowing that 1) Buck likes the coffee shop near Channel 8’s offices and 2) he only started doing the coffee runs again after Taylor going to work earlier, made something inside him sour.
Stupidly, he misses him.
It’s dumb and he knows it. He and Chris only see Buck a day less than usual, but still. Eddie could sort of deal with not seeing Buck outside of work because of Taylor. But her taking up his time with him during work too? Eddie felt like a child.
“Mm, that nose doesn’t look right,” Hen’s voice brings him out of his brooding.
“I know,” Chim replies.
“And I don’t think that’s what eyes look like, in general.”
“Okay, DaVinci, I got this.”
“Yeah, I don’t think you do.”
Eddie refreshes his texts and lights up when he sees a message pop up, but it’s gone as soon as it comes when he sees it’s from Ana. He grumbles and swipes the notification away.
When he looks up he’s met with Hen and Chimney nearly in his face, both of them clutching sketchpads and observing him with a serial killer’s intensity.
He jumps.
“Jesus, what the hell guys?”
“Mouth shut, chin down,” Hen instructs, and Eddie knows better than to argue.
He endures it for a minute more before Bobby appears out of his office.
“Do I wanna know?” he asks. Eddie shakes his head.
“Don’t move,” Hen says sharply, and Chimney moves even closer.
Eddie opens his mouth to announce that he’s done, but is interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Guess who’s back with donuts as an apology for taking too long,” Buck’s voice floats across the loft, and Eddie instantly feels lighter.
“Ah, thank you. How’s Taylor doing?” Bobby asks, and Eddie has to stop himself from dramatically frowning.
“Can you hand me the eraser? His pupils just went pin-prick,” Hen asks.
“Uh, she’s good,” Buck smiles.
“Are you adding in that vein in his forehead now?” Chimney whispers.
“What’re you guys doing?” Buck asks as he slides the cup holder onto the counter.
“Sketching Eddie,” Chimney says, scribbling on his pad. “It’s been a slow shift.”
“Somehow this is making it slower,” Eddie mutters. Buck chuckles.
He surveys the budding artists.
“Hmm,” he says.
Hen looks up at him, brows furrowed. “What?”
“What are you thinking?”
“Those are both nice,” Buck says slowly. Hen looks irritated.
“But…?” she prompts.
He hands her the coffee. “But, neither really looks like him.”
“How dare you,” Chimney scoffs as he accepts his drink, “I’ve been staring at him on purpose for thirty minutes now. I dare you to get more realistic than this.”
Buck takes a sip of what Eddie knows is dangerously sugary coffee and shrugs. “Okay.”
Eddie blinks. “What?”
“Pass me a pencil,” Buck says, sitting down. Eddie gets up to watch but Hen sits him back down.
“You don’t have to,” Eddie starts, because if Buck’s methods were anything like Hen and Chim’s, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself.
But Buck picks up a pad and just starts sketching.
Eddie watches his wrist move across the page, his head turning every couple of minutes. He erases now and then, but moves steadily for the most part. His head doesn’t lift up even once.
He finishes by blowing the eraser dust off and handing the pad to Hen. Her eyebrows shoot up.
“It’s good?” Eddie asks, craning his neck. Chimney lets out a low whistle.
Bobby peers over Chim’s shoulder. “Wow. I didn’t know you were an artist, Buck.”
“I dabble.”
“How did you do this?” Hen demands, shaking the sketchbook. “You didn’t even look at him!”
Buck simply shrugs, and Eddie swears he sees some red creeping up his neck.
“I didn’t need to.”
Eddie feels the warmth in his own cheeks.
He grabs the sketchbook from Hen. His jaw drops.
He looks…
“Did Gomez put colour pencils in that box? Pass me the red one.”
Eddie barely registers the rest of the conversation as he slowly takes in the paper in front of him. It’s a simple headshot, from the shoulders up - but he looks…
“This is how you see me?” he asks. Buck leans on the couch.
“This is just how you look, Eds.”
“I…” Eddie starts, but the thought dies on his tongue.
Buck’s arm brushes against his shoulder. “Is it good?”
“I look happy,” he says, his eyes not leaving the book. “I wasn’t even smiling when you were sketching.”
“Like I said, I didn’t have to look at you.”
Eddie’s grip on the sketchbook is tighter than he’d like to admit.
“It looks great, Buck. You’re very talented,” he manages. Why, he asks himself, why why why is this simple thing making him lose his mind? The implications of Buck not needing to see him to sketch him coupled with him making Eddie look like the most loving and lively person ever, despite Eddie rarely feeling like that, were too much for him to process in the moment.
“You can keep it,” Buck says.
“Oh, no,” Eddie responds, and immediately regrets it when Buck cocks his head. “Not because it’s not good, I just… don’t know where I’d put it. And this is your art. You should put it in your portfolio or something.”
Buck smiles. “Suit yourself.”
He flops onto the couch next to Eddie. “By the way, I think we’re one punch away from a free fro-yo on our cards. Wanna take Chris out tomorrow?”
“First of all, my card is definitely nowhere near done,” Eddie says. “Secondly, if you’re putting that kid on a sugar high you’re the one that needs to ride it out.”
“Jeez, okay. You’re lucky it’s a Friday.”
“I’ll keep the couch ready.”
Buck produces a black coffee and a maple log from seemingly nowhere and goes off to the bunks. Eddie watches him leave.
When he gets home, he sees a brown cardboard package lying on his doorstep. He opens it to be greeted by his face in graphite, smiling from behind a glass frame. The hastily scrawled note on it reads - “Your dresser is a good choice.”
And that’s exactly where it goes and stays - until a year later, when Buck decides he wants it on his bedside table in the new house.
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eddiebodywantssome · 2 years
the doctor & the dog sitter - buddiebingo
my bingo card
Square Fill: Dog Sitter
Rating: Not Rated
Major Tags: Pre-Relationship Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz, mostly fluff, vet eddie, dog sitter buck, just eddie visibly crushing while buck openly flirts
Warnings/Triggers: N/A
Word Count: 3843
he was a vet. he was a dog sitter. can i make it any more obvious?
read it on ao3
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eddiebodywantssome · 3 years
#14. "Please tell me, this is not why you woke me up." 🥺
send me a pairing + a prompt and i'll write you a ficlet <3
wc: 450
When Eddie emerges from his bedroom, hair ruffled and eyes bleary, with pillow creases imprinted onto his cheek from four blissful hours of sleep, he is greeted by a pumpkin in his kitchen.
He blinks. The pumpkin grins.
"Nice of you to finally wake up," it says. "That was a long nap."
Eddie raises an eyebrow. "Buck."
It's a very loose costume - definitely the kind that needs to be inflated - but for now, it looks like an incredibly withered vegetable wearing stripey pants. It's a loud and ugly orange with a pumpkin-stalk hat to match, and while Eddie doesn't know much about fashion, he knows that whatever those bottoms are a crime against it.
It shouldn't work.
And yet.
Buck waggles his eyebrows. "What do you think?"
He pulls out a tray of cookies from the oven and does a little spin. The excess polyester flops sadly around his middle.
Eddie hates that he likes it.
"What-" He pauses to yawn. "What happened to our Men in Black costumes?"
"My suit shrunk in the wash. I had to pull this out from storage."
Buck places a cup of coffee on the counter and slides a tub of frosting and piping bags towards Eddie.
"Man," Eddie groans as he warms his hands on the mug. "Please tell me this isn't why you woke me up. I thought we were letting Chris and his friends do the decorating."
"Oh, we are. I'm just setting it up. I woke you up for this."
Buck disappears into the living room and emerges a moment later, holding something.
"He's my neighbour Kate's. His name is Pudge but I think he'd be a good Frank substitute." He plops the blob into Eddie's arms.
He stares at the pug, watching as it breathes heavily with its tongue out. It licks Eddie's chin.
"I felt bad about the suit. Now it's still a dynamic duo costume. Agent E and Pudge the pug, ready for action." Buck smiles. "Plus, the kids will get a kick out of him."
Something light settles in Eddie's chest as he watches the dog wag his curly-fry tail. Only Buck would borrow a dog for a costume.
Eddie sets Pudge down and watches as he ambles into the living room.
"He's adorable but I don't think-"
"I already told Kate I'd dogsit tonight so no takebacks," Buck grins. Eddie rolls his eyes.
"Of course you did," he says, but there's no heat to his words.
Buck adjusts his stalk hat and goes back to the oven. "You know, now that you're up," he says, almost coyly, "You wanna help me make eyeball cake pops?"
"I knew you woke me up for labour," Eddie huffs. He wants to turn on his heel and go back to bed, but something about the withered orange orb beckons him to stay.
He sighs, defeated. "I'll be back in two."
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eddiebodywantssome · 2 years
ravi week day 1 - family
find it in my heart (to forgive)
cw: discussion of death, intergenerational trauma, cancer, funerals
Ravi’s been ignoring his phone all morning.
He knows who’s been calling. He knows why they’re calling. He doesn’t want to think about it.
He had slept fitfully the night before, unsure of what to feel. He considered calling his therapist around 3am for an emergency session but settled for texting her instead. He can only be so inconsiderate in a day, he decided.
Somehow, he’s managed to get all the way into the station without checking his phone. It buzzes in his pocket, and he makes the calculated decision to check it.
The caller ID reads Amma.
He knows he should answer. Instead, Ravi switches his phone off.
read the rest on ao3
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eddiebodywantssome · 2 years
need a dopamine boost to motivate me so here's my version of wip wednesday (ten sentence thursday) from a fic ive been working on for ages <3
Usually, Buck knows when Eddie’s lying through his teeth. Eddie can tell Buck wants to prod, and he half expects him to sit him down and straight-up beg him to talk. But instead, he says, “Yeah, me neither,” and finishes his knot with a flourish.
He’s almost sad that he doesn’t pry.
Eddie glances at the kitchen clock. “It’s 3 am,” he notes. “You headed somewhere?”
“Oh, I, uh, was just gonna go on a drive. I- I didn’t mean to be so loud. I’ll be back in a bit-”
“You mind if I come with you?” Eddie interrupts.
Buck stops. “Of course not.”
I didn’t think you wanted to spend time with me, is left unspoken.
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eddiebodywantssome · 3 years
911 halloweek 2021
day 3: rated r
read it on ao3
may takes harry to see an r-rated movie // may&harry&ravi, no plot just vibes (the vibes are siblingship)
wc: 533
May had long stopped worrying about looking cool in public.
Sure, she’d barely been out in public recreationally in a while. She hardly talks to her friends from high school - besides, between shifts at dispatch and community college classes, it felt like she didn’t have the time nor energy to care what the people around her thought.
Harry just might be on the verge of making her change that.
“How much blood is there gonna be? And gore? There’s lots of killing, right? How do they kill? Is it 3D? Is it as much killing as COD?”
“Harry,” May hisses. “Can you at least pretend like this isn’t your first R-rated movie? Don’t make me regret bringing you.”
“I’m just excited. Hey, it doesn’t matter that I haven’t seen the first movie, right?”
“We’re watching Halloween Kills. There are eleven movies before this and one coming next year.”
Harry’s eyes go wide. “Woah. That’s a lot to catch up on.”
“I didn’t even think you liked slasher films,” May says as the line inches forward. “What’s with the sudden want to see one?”
“Adam won’t shut up about how his dad let him watch Saw last month. He was totally scared, but at least he did it.”
May stares. “This is why I’m taking you? To one-up some random kid in your class?”
“It’s not like you have anything else to do.”
“Rude!” she smacks his arm. “I have a life outside of this family, you know.”
“Yeah, right,” Harry laughs. “You’d just go get mani-pedis with Mom or boba with Dad.”
“Actually, I think I’ve gotten Bobby hooked on them now, too,” she beams.
“He is,” a voice from behind them in line says, making them jump. “He thinks we don’t see him drinking one throughout the day, but it’s a communal fridge so I’m not sure what he thought he was hiding.”
May recognises him from the week before’s barbeque. “Oh, hey. Ravi, right?”
“Hi,” Ravi grins, slightly embarrassed. “I’m sorry about startling you. And eavesdropping on your conversation.”
“It’s okay. You’re here for Halloween Kills too?”
“Yep,” Ravi says, looking around. “I was supposed to come with a friend, but he dropped out at the last second.”
“Just you, huh?” Harry asks. “You scared?”
Ravi scoffs and hums and ha’s for five seconds before settling on “Yes.”
He adds, “This is the first adult horror movie I’m seeing.”
“As opposed to the children’s horror movies you were watching before?” May replies, an eyebrow quirked.
“Please. Watch Monster House and tell me you aren’t scarred for life,” he says. He wipes his hands on his jeans and puts them back in his pockets. May watches as he shifts his weight from one leg to the other.
“You know,” she says, “It’s Harry’s first time watching one as well.”
“Stop telling people that,” he whines, but she ignores him.
“Why don’t you sit with us? I can’t promise it won’t be scary but at least you won’t be alone.”
Ravi smiles. “Really? That’d be great, thanks.”
“I heard there’s a lot of blood,” Harry says as they enter the hall.
It takes Harry two weeks to fall asleep peacefully, and Ravi three.
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eddiebodywantssome · 3 years
911 halloweek 2021
day 1: candy
read it on ao3
the firefam kids come back from a successful night of trick-or-treating // firefam, no plot just vibes (the vibes are family)
wc: 594
“We’re back!” May yells as she ushers the kids through the spider-webbed front door.
A chorus of greetings sound from the Grant-Nash dining table where the adults sit scattered, dinner plates half-empty, wine glasses half-full, shiny smiles on all of their faces.
“How’s the loot this year?” Hen asks, pulling Denny into a side hug so that she can peer into his candy bag. Nia runs to Karen and lets herself be lifted onto her lap, pail in hand.
Harry empties out the contents of his pillowcase into a bowl. “It was great! Everyone was in a good mood.”
“They gave us all the big sizes,” Christopher agrees as he hands his plastic pumpkin bucket to his dad. Eddie does a preliminary sniff of the goods before handing it to Buck to do the same.
“Uh-uh, Harry, remember what we said,” Athena tuts as she stretches her hand out. Harry groans dramatically, clutching the candy bowl to his chest.
“Mom. We’re too old for you to sort through our candy anymore.”
“I’m sorry, do you know the newest things people who think they’re funny are putting in trick-or-treaters’ candy? Don’t say I didn’t warn you when you bite into a Reese’s cup that has razor blades instead of peanut butter.”
“He technically won’t be able to,” May adds helpfully. “Because of his tongue-less mouth.”
“Alright, no gross talk at the table,” Michael grimaces. “You’ll get your candy back after dinner, kids. Go eat now.”
May joins the adults as they shift from the dining room to different parts of the house. She watches as they empty out their respective kids’ candy onto any usable surface they can find. As always, Athena and Michael go to the patio while Hen and Karen take over the coffee table. Buck and Eddie stay at the dining table. Bobby takes care of the kids’ dinner, serving them heaps of graveyard chili and spider pies.
May sits with Maddie and Chimney on the couch, alternating between taking sips of Maddie’s wine and bouncing Jee on her lap.
“They’ve been doing this for years,” she informs them. Maddie laughs and surveys the group, hunched over the bars of candy as they check the packaging and poke at gummies.
“We still have a couple more years before we join them on the floor,” she says to Chimney.
He hums in agreement. “I’ve never seen them so laser-focused.”
“Denny’s allergic to peanuts. Anyone wanna trade M&Ms?” Hen asks out loud.
“We’ll trade you for a Twizzler,” Buck says.
“Mars bar,” Athena counters.
“I like Twizzlers,” Denny pipes in.
“Sold to Christopher.” A pack of Twizzlers and M&Ms sail across each end of the room, punctuated by a loud reminder from Athena to not knock over her things.
It goes on like this for a bit. Gummy bears are swapped for Twix. Snickers exchange hands for Kisses. One lone pack of Skittles is divided equally four ways. All the candy corn is collected and placed in a baggie for Ravi, who mentioned off-hand that he didn’t think they were that bad, unknowingly putting himself in the position of candy corn trash can for the rest of his life.
The kids finish eating and immediately dive into their piles of candy. The adults congregate in the living room with the candy the kids didn’t want and ooh and ahh as Bobby sets down the dead velvet cake he’d been making the entire day. And it’s here, between bites of frosting and jokes about Buck imagining ghosts, that May feels most at home.
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eddiebodywantssome · 3 years
911 halloweek 2021
day 2: ghosts
read it on ao3
buck babysits for a night and unfortunately for him, the kids have a plan // harry&denny&chris + buck, no plot just vibes (the vibes are kids bullying buck)
wc: 659
“I wanna ask, but I’m not sure I wanna know.”
Harry looks up to see May towering over him, arms crossed and mouth pressed into a line. He’s sitting on a tarp in front of his mother’s house and in the process of wrapping his drone in fabric.
“Is that my dress from Bugs’ funeral?”
“It’s actually my wise old man costume from church, but your hamster mourning dress is our backup.”
“We’re making a ghost,” Denny supplies from next to him.
He flips what he’s holding over - a standard Ghostface mask, one they found in a recycling bin down the road - and squirts glue onto it.
“It’s a ghoul,” Harry replies, his tone indicating they had gone over this many, many times before. Denny simply sticks his tongue out at him.
“Why?” May shrugs her bag off and sits next to them. Picking up her Roomba could wait.
“We’re gonna mess with Buck when he watches us tonight,” Denny chuckles, rubbing his hands together with a smile. Harry sniggers as he spreads the glue around and sticks the mask to the drone.
May knows where this is going but still feels the need to ask, “How, exactly?”
“We’ll fly it near the window while we’ve got a scary movie on and pretend like we don’t see it.”
She grimaces but can’t deny her amusement at the thought of it. Buck had spent the last group dinner trying to convince everyone ghosts existed.
“So you’re gonna gaslight him?”
“I don’t know what that means,” Harry says as he grabs the remote and launches the drone up. It goes up with great difficulty and teeters for a second before giving up and crashing onto the grass. The mask falls off.
“Come on,” Denny groans.
“The cloak’s too heavy,” Harry says. “May, we’re gonna need that dress.”
Part of her knows she shouldn’t condone it. Another part of her thinks it’d be hilarious. Unfortunately for Buck, while those two parts wrestled with each other, a third part of her agrees on the one condition that they record how it goes.
“We’ve got candy, we’ve got popcorn, we’ve got cake,” Buck counts off the contents of his grocery bag, “And yes, we’ve got ice cream.”
“Good lord, are you trying to keep them awake for a week?” Athena asks, baffled. “I’m glad I’m not around tonight. You’re gonna have fun keeping them in check.”
“Please don’t burn the house down,” Bobby says as he claps Buck on the back.
“Don’t worry, I know what to do even if I do,” Buck beams.
Athena and Bobby blink. “You know, it’s not too late to call May-”
“No! I’m joking, obviously. Go enjoy date night; I have everything under control.”
They leave with the promise of being back late, leaving Buck and the boys with an empty house.
A little too empty, but that’s because Harry and Denny were in Harry’s room relaying the plan to Chris, who had just been dropped off. Needless to say, he was ecstatic. The ghoul drone lay safely tucked under the bed.
The next few hours are spent on video games and pizza dinner and ice cream sundaes before Buck makes them all wash up and get ready for bed.
The good thing about the Grant-Nash house is that it’s easy to see what’s happening in both the living room and patio from behind the stairwell’s bannister. The bad thing is that it’s not soundproof, so when Buck’s Scream watching is interrupted by Screamface floating two feet outside the patio door, his screams and the chair he threw at the glass are heard throughout the cul-de-sac. Maddie would later say they got four 911 calls about it that night.
The boys only feel bad about causing panic and being grounded indefinitely for about ten minutes. Then the image of Buck shattering the patio door plays in their minds again, and they all dissolve into a fit of giggles.
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eddiebodywantssome · 3 years
run away with me - buddiebingo
read it on ao3
my bingo card
Square Fill: Arranged Marriage AU
Rating: No Archive Warnings Apply
Major Tags: prompt fill, royal au, established relationship, sort of, eddie and buck have the best support systems
Warnings/Triggers: N/A
Word Count: 2574
The Elpesto Manor Cordially Invites You to the Marital Union of Crown Prince of Elpesto, Edmundo Diaz, and Crown Princess of Hershipenzyl, Madeline Buckley
everyone thinks the princes and princesses of elpesto and hershipenzyl are preparing for eddie and maddie's wedding weekend - little do they know they're plotting something else altogether
tagging @buddiebingo ❤️ if you'd like to be tagged on my next bingo fic (dog sitter) lmk!!
fic under the cut !
run away with me
Eddie jerks awake a full hour before his alarm is set to ring. He breathes heavily, feeling his heart racing and beads of sweat start to form on his back. Outside his window, the weather looks like how Eddie feels. Grey clouds stretch across the sky, foreboding of a storm for the kingdom of Elpesto below. As he inhales the smell of rain in the air and watches lightning strike at the horizon, he can sense the anticipation brewing above. He knows the day is only going to get darker from here.
Eddie resists the urge to crawl under the covers and merge with the mattress. It’s a big day this weekend. With lots at stake. And very little margin for error.
Lord. He’s being dramatic. He’s survived combat; he can survive this.
He brushes his teeth and paces around the room for a bit, remembering the meditation techniques he was taught. Inhale, exhale, count to ten, now do it backwards, good job, Eds…
He doesn’t hear his door open and yelps when he realises there are more people in his room.
“I told you he’d be awake,” Adriana says as she climbs into his bed.
“Morning, Eddo,” Sophia says, placing a mug on his bedside table. “How are you doing on this fine, regular Wednesday?”
“Good, thanks,” Eddie smiles. His sisters have been with him through this whole ordeal, planning and bitching and keeping their parents at bay. They’re two of the only reasons he hasn’t lost his mind.
Yet. That is still subject to change.
“Are you excited for Sunday?” Adriana asks, pulling her brother onto the bed. “It’s gonna be so cool.”
“If it goes well,” Eddie corrects her. “This fucking weather’s probably gonna make shit fall apart.”
“You could say it’ll put a damper on our plans,” Adriana grins.
“It’s gonna be fine,” Sophia says as she shoves her sister onto her side. “We’ve gone over the plan a hundred times, and we’re gonna do everything to make sure it goes smoothly. The only way it won’t work is if either of you doesn’t show up.”
“Do you think that’ll happen?” Eddie asks, suddenly aware that he hadn’t even considered that as a possibility. The thought and its many variations descend upon his brain like vultures circling their prey. “What if-”
“Nuh-uh,” Adriana says, sitting up. “Don’t you dare think like that.”
She looks him straight in the eye. “Are you in love?”
“Answer me!”
Eddie feels the blush creep across his cheeks as he nods.
“Then it’ll all work out.” Adriana pushes the mug in his hands with an air of finality. “Only put out into the universe what you want. Now, get your go-go juice in you and let’s chop-chop. There’s a lot to do.”
Eddie smiles at his sisters. His support system. His ride-or-dies. His-
He chokes on the swig he’s taken.
“This is whiskey!”
“Figured you’d need all the help you can get,” Sophia simply says. “Get dressed. They’re coming in earlier because of the storm.”
The walls of Elpesto Manor are covered in paintings from every corner of the globe. The king is a big art buff and deals in art trades with many museums. The Mona Lisa is currently hanging in their dining room.
The large courtyard in front of the house has portraits of all of Eddie’s ancestors in a line, the lineage of royalty greeting every MVP that stays with the family.
Elpesto Manor has been the Diaz family’s home for generations, all the way from King Salazar in 1803 to Eddie’s parents and sisters now. Eddie’s always felt like the eyes on the portraits of Diaz past are watching his every move, a realisation that makes him shift uncomfortably.
“Stand straight, Edmundo,” his father says. King Ramon is beloved by his wife, tolerated by his subjects, and mildly disliked by his children. Eddie barely remembers him being around for most of his childhood - long before he assumed the throne, he was in the army as Head of the Guard. Ramon was the crown prince, so right after his father passed away, he stepped up to rule the kingdom of Elpesto, one of the most powerful nations in the world.
Sophia Diaz is technically the crown princess of Elpesto. Then she went and eloped with a commoner, and now they only see her at Christmas and on special occasions. The title of crown prince went to the next in line, who just so happened to be Eddie, which is how we have the royal Diaz family waiting in the courtyard for his royal hand-in-marriage.
Eddie had always disliked how he was following in his father’s footsteps - from being Head of the Guard to becoming crown prince, and now, to having a marriage be arranged for him.
“This will be good for you,” Helena says. She herself was a princess from Bostonia, a political strategy to strengthen ties to the North. “Good for the kingdom. Marriage will ground you and make you a better leader.”
He never told his parents about the first one. It was a silly mistake that was never going to work out, and it wasn’t worth mentioning. That was proved when Shannon up and left him in the lurch.
He clenches his fist as he thinks about it. He doesn’t need her anymore. He hasn’t needed her for a while.
Thunder rumbles in the distance as the gate opens. Eddie straightens snd feels his heartbeat quicken.
Four motorbikes and a heavily tinted car pulls up in front of the waiting crowd. The door opens and out steps his future partner -
“Madeline Buckley, you sweet thing!” Helena exclaims.
Maddie puts up her sunglasses and grins. “Good day, Your Highness!”
“Please, I’m your new mother-in-law, call me Helena,” she says, squeezing Maddie’s hands.
Maddie laughs politely. “I don’t think so, Your Highness.”
She looks very pretty, Eddie notes. Her pink summer dress makes her stand out from the gloom around her, and her smile could power a whole town. He watches as she greets his father and sisters. She holds herself with the dignity and poise of a well-versed woman of royalty. You’d hardly think she’s a little sneak.
She turns to look at him. He looks at her. She winks.
And yet.
“I thought it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding,” she teases.
“I couldn’t help myself,” Eddie grins easily, placing a kiss on her cheek. Maddie has been one of his best and only friends for years, and it didn’t hurt that she was the crown princess of the second-most-powerful nation after Elpesto. When the time came for the royals to consider marriage prospects, she was top billing.
“You look beautiful,” Eddie says earnestly.
“As do you.”
“What about me?”
Eddie turns to the voice and rolls his eyes.
“Evan Buckley, right on schedule.”
Evan leans out of the window, looking unbothered by Eddie’s venom.
“Howdy, soldier,” he says. Eddie hates the way he walks: a relaxed and uncaring saunter that matches the devil-may-care look he always carries. His dirty blonde hair is gelled back, and his stubble is freshly shaven. The crisp blue shirt and tie he’s wearing are the same shade as his eyes, not that Eddie would ever notice that. He looks like a beefy Ken doll.
Evan and Eddie go way back to their early twenties when they first participated in the annual gentleman’s ball. Eddie, being naturally good at everything as he is, was the embodiment of Evan’s nightmares.
“Don’t sound so pleased to see me,” Evan says. Eddie forces back another eye roll. Eddie never disliked Evan, but his attitude made being nice to him hard.
“We should move the luggage inside. The sky looks like it’s going to open up soon,” the Buckley’s head of security, Bobby, says. Eddie looks up and hears faint thunder.
“Of course. Edmundo, why don’t you show Madeline to her room?” Helena asks, but Sophia butts in.
“Actually, I’ll take her. I’d love for us to have some girl talk before your big day,” Sophia says. Maddie links their arms and blows Eddie a kiss. He pretends to catch it and ignores Evan gagging behind him.
“I’ll see you at dinner,” Eddie promises. He watches them go: Maddie and Sophia, arm in arm, tailed by one of their staff lugging two suitcases.
“Edmundo,” Evan says, his tone teasing, “will you show me to my room?”
Eddie bites the inside of his cheek. “Of course.”
“I’ll bring his luggage,” Bobby says.
They bid the king and queen goodbye, and Eddie leads them to the elevator. As it opens, Bobby checks his phone.
“I have to take this. Buck, I’ll bring up your bags in a minute.”
Evan waves him off. “Take your time, Bobby.”
The door closes on Eddie and Evan, leaving the elevator in silence.
After a second, Evan says, “So.”
“So,” Eddie replies.
“Hen says you’ve played a big part in wedding planning.
“It is my wedding,” Eddie laughs humourlessly.
Evan hums thoughtfully. “I’m not sure if I like the sound of that.” He turns to look Eddie in the eyes. “I’d hate for anything to go wrong on the day.”
Eddie smirks. He reaches out and fixes Evan’s tie. “That’s too bad because I’ve been sabotaging it in every way. It’s going to be a complete comedy of errors. For example,” he tugs on Buck’s tie to bring him closer, “I put all the security cameras in this elevator out of commission.”
Evan licks his lips. “Devious.”
“That’s only the beginning,” Eddie whispers.
“Thank god,” Buck breathes as Eddie pulls some more. The gap between them closes, and all Eddie can think of is how much he’s missed this.
Eddie pins Buck to the wall, his mouth moving to nip at Buck’s jawline. Buck runs his fingers through Eddie’s hair, his breathing quick and shallow. Eddie peppers kisses to Buck’s neck as his grip shifts from Buck’s ass to his thigh. He’s itching to claw more, to absolutely ravish Buck on the elevator floor, but they’re working on a time crunch.
“You know, if we spent less time on foreplay we’d have more of this,” Buck gasps lightly as Eddie fixes on his pulse point.
Eddie circles back to Buck’s mouth and kisses him hard. He’ll have time to do everything and more to Buck in a few days.
“Why do you taste like tres leches?” Buck murmurs against his lips.
“Ate it for breakfast,” Eddie mumbles before kissing him one last time and pulling away. Buck whimpers at the loss of contact.
“Abuela’s had a batch made especially for you,” Eddie says, combing his fingers through Buck’s hair and fixing his tie before perfecting his own. Buck grins as he stuffs his shirt back in his pants.
“God, I love your Abuela.”
The elevator doors ding open, and they step out onto the floor that houses Eddie and Adriana’s rooms and a guest bedroom. Adriana stands in front of them, arms crossed.
“Guys, that’s gross. Everyone uses those elevators,” Adriana complains. Buck rolls his eyes and pulls her in for a noogie. She grunts but escaping Buck is pointless.
“We didn’t do anything,” Eddie says, moving to fix his collar.
“I’m not stupid, Eddo. Also, can you stop eye-fucking in front of our parents? They’re gonna catch on soon.”
“I doubt it,” he scoffs.
“Enough talk, please, I want my tres leches,” Buck says, gesturing for Adriana to lead the way. As Adriana walks past them and Buck follows, he smacks Eddie’s ass and grins. Eddie can’t help but go red.
The animosity that formed at their first gentleman’s ball disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Buck and Eddie were paired up for doubles racquetball, absolutely annihilated their competition, and became best friends almost immediately. After the third ball, Buck confessed his feelings, and Eddie, overcome with emotion and confusion, ran away. Buck still holds it over him.
As Buck shovels cake into his mouth, the Diaz siblings monitor the weather.
“Heavy rains forecasted for the next three days,” Adriana announces, looking up from her phone. “Is that gonna make things harder?”
“Rain on your wedding day is a good thing,” Buck says with his mouth full. “It means you’ll last the test of time. The concept traces back to Hinduism.”
“Fascinating,” Eddie says, “but we don’t want this wedding to go well.”
“Eds.” Buck tugs Eddie onto his lap. Eddie can’t help but melt into his strong arms a little as he sits sideways on him, like he’s about to be carried bridal style.
“Everything’s gonna be fine,” Buck says. “You don’t need to panic yet. Let’s just enjoy today before everything goes to shit tomorrow.”
“You’re not helping,” Eddie murmurs as he settles into the crook of his boyfriend’s neck closes his eyes. He’s been dreaming of this ever since he first laid eyes on Buck all those years ago. It’s been nine years of stolen kisses, clumsy hands in the dark, sneaking around after dark.
No more.
There’s a soft knock on the door, and Maddie, Sophia, and Chimney troop in.
“Hey, Chim,” Eddie greets. Maddie’s boyfriend waves back.
“Mazel tov, I hear it’s going down a couple of days earlier,” he says.
“There’s an issue with the jet,” Sophia says. “You’ll need to drive yourselves. We can arrange cars.”
“Are you sure?” Buck says, his arms still protectively wrapped around Eddie’s waist. “What if we get recognised?”
“You’ll need makeovers,” Maddie admits. “But hey, it could be worse. At least you’re going to the beach.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “What? What happened to Bobby’s safe house?”
“You can’t drive across the Atlantic. So… you’ll need to hide out somewhere nearby that Elpesto and Hershipenzyl can’t touch,” Sophia says tentatively.
Eddie runs through the list of nations that aren’t in either kingdom’s good books. “That means…”
“It’ll only be for a year, max. Just give us time to get Maddie and Chimney married off and send Adriana to the Galapagos.”
“I’m telling you, once I come back with the last few dodos alive, Mom and Papi will have so much more to think about than you two,” Adriana says.
Eddie contemplates this. “LA, huh?” He can’t help but start panicking a little.
He turns back to Buck. “What do you think?”
Buck simply shrugs. “I’ve always liked the ocean. And I don’t really care where I am or what I look like as long as I’m with you.”
“Aww, gross,” Adriana’s voice sounds from somewhere behind them, but Eddie doesn’t care enough to throw something at her.
“Even if they make me go bald?”
“Even if they shave off your eyebrows.”
“We were actually just gonna make you dye your hair and wear masks,” Chimney interjects, “but your ideas sound better.”
In the seconds it took Eddie’s heart rate to pick up like he was running a marathon, Buck noticed and changed the positioning of his hands. Buck’s fingers are sweet and soothing on his spine, and Eddie can’t help but feel relaxed even in the face of total derailment of the plan. It hits him suddenly that he’s going to have this forever. Just him and Buck against the world, like they’ve always wanted. The plan was never going to go perfectly, anyway.
“Okay,” Eddie says, turning back to the little crowd. “Let’s do it.”
LA, here they come.
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