#ravi fluff
sadfragilegirl · 1 year
I just wish they would write me a VIXX Ravi scenario on my 23rd birthday, which is on this year of July 20. My request is a Ravi romantic fluffy smut WITH PLOT.
Was it too much to ask? I miss Ravi so much now and it's been freaking 2 months!
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inmyheaddd · 4 months
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can i call you tonight?- xander hawthorne x reader
meet me in the afterglow- averyjameson
late to the party - jameson hawthorne x reader
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requests are open - don’t be afraid to send them !! disclaimer! i can’t guarantee that i’ll do your request immediately, but i will try and get it out as soon as i can! thank you for taking the time to read 🤍
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lives-in-midgard · 2 months
It Will Be Okay
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Pairing: Eddie Diaz x reader
Summary: You're a new recruit at the 118 and Eddie is there for you after an emergency.
Word Count: 910
A/N: Hey guys! This is part of the Buddie August and I hope you like it!
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
Buddie-August hosted by me and @buckys-wintersoldier
Prompt: Recruit
911 Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Today would be your first day as a firefighter recruit at the Fire Station 118. You were so excited when you were told which station would be yours and couldn’t wait to meet your new colleagues. In the last few days you have become more and more nervous. Being a firefighter has always been a dream of yours and now joining a station is so exciting. You have heard that firefighters are like a family and hope you get along with the others there and you maybe build a good friendship.
As soon as you walked into the fire station and were greeted by a very friendly Captain, you knew you were going to like it there. Captain Nash went upstairs with you where your other colleagues were. Some sat at the table while someone else cooked something. When you walked into the room, some of them were already looking over at you and Bobby.
“Guys, listen, I already told you that a recruit is gonna join us today. And here she is.” Bobby announced with a smile. The others came closer and started to introduce themselves.
“I’m Hen. It’s great to finally have another woman here.” She said and you had to chuckle. The next ones to introduce themselves were Chim and Ravi.
“I’m Evan Buckley, but everyone calls me Buck.” He said with a smile.
“Hey, I’m Eddie and welcome to the 118.” Eddie greeted you and you smiled back at him. You all talked for a few minutes about the station and some random things. You quickly realized that they were all really good friends.
“Eddie will show you around and then we’ll have dinner later.” Bobby said and Eddie nodded.
“Come, let’s start downstairs.” You followed him downstairs, and Eddie showed you everything, from the firetrucks, where they have everything they need and the locker room. Eddie talked a lot, and you asked him a few questions too. He was really friendly and nice to you.
“If you ever need anything, you can always come to me. And there’s really no need to be nervous, everyone here is really great and I think you’ll like it here.” Eddie told you.
“Thank you.” You said with a smile and Eddie smiled back at you. After he showed you around, you had dinner. Shortly after you all finished dinner, you had your first call. You mostly stayed by Eddie’s side, trying to help as best as you could.
It’s been two weeks since your first day at the 118. They have all become good friends of yours, especially Eddie. You were mostly paired on calls with him and sometimes Buck was also included. Sometimes you also spend some time together after work or text each other.
On this day you were called to a major emergency. Captain Nash ordered that Buck, Eddie, Ravi and you would go into the burning building while Chim and Hen dealt with the people outside. Then everything happened so fast. When the fire was almost gone, you saved a young man and Buck helped you bring him out of there. Hen took care of him, but then he suddenly collapsed….and then you heard Hen say the time of his death. Buck put his hand on your back but you couldn’t look at him now, you just looked at the ground. Then he quickly pulled you into a comforting hug. You tried not to cry and looked out for Eddie as you pulled away. You saw him standing next to Bobby and giving you a small smile.
Later when you got back to the station, you walked straight to the bathroom. You needed to be alone for a minute. When you came out, Eddie was already waiting for you.
“Are you okay?” He asked worried and you just nodded, but he could tell it wasn’t true. Your shift was over and you all left the station. You could tell the others were worried and Buck nodded at Eddie. Eddie then turned to you and walked closer to you.
“Do you want to come with me to my house? Buck picks Christopher up from school and takes him to the zoo…so it would be just us.” He asked.
“Yeah, I would like that.” Eddie smiled at you and you walked with him to his car. You were really calm on the drive to his house. When you walked into his house, you both sat down on the couch and after a few minutes you suddenly started to crying. He pulled you into a hug and started rubbing your back.
“It’s okay. Everything will be okay …. I’m here.” He whispered a few times. He held you close and with every word he said you began to calm down a bit. After a while you stopped crying and pulled away.
“I’m just thinking what if I had found him sooner or-“You wanted to continue but were interrupted by Eddie.
“No, don’t do that Carino. It wasn’t your fault.” Eddie said in a soft tone. This was the first time he had decided to call you that and you wondered what it means.
“It’s just so hard to believe that, Eddie.”
“I know and it’s completely normal that you feel that way.” He reached for your hand and then started telling you how he feels sometimes and somehow you had the feeling that he was right and everything will be okay. 
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ravisinghs-wife · 1 year
Could i request ravi singht dating headcanons?:)
Ravi Singh dating hc
words: 0.7k
warnings: mentions of eating, includes spoilers (let me know if I missed anything!)
a/n: English isn't my native language, so I apologize for any mistakes Masterlist
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You met through school
You never really talked to each other until you were assigned for a biology project in ninth grade
You met at his house to work on the project
You don’t get it done because you and him can’t stop talking and laughing 
When the project is done and you turned it in you remain friends 
He asks you out after you guys had to run home because it suddenly started raining
It’s like straight out of a cliche romance movie
You (of course) say yes
Your first date takes place at the roller skating center
If you don’t know how to drive them he’ll teach you
But I you do, you drive together in peace while smiling like idiots
But anyway
This man gives amazing cuddles
He will literally hold you so tight that you can’t escape 
You always listen to love songs while cuddling 
He’s a clingy man
You guys are like a fluffy ball when you watch a movie with Pip and cara
They find it disgusting
He loves to bake
You have this weekly ritual with him in which you bake something every Saturday afternoon so you have something yummy to eat while watching a movie on Sunday
It often doesn’t survive until the next day because you eat it earlier <;33
He is obsessed with marvel, because I just decided that
So when he finds out that you never watched a marvel movie, he makes it his mission to watch every movie/every show with him 
(If you already watched them, you guys still watch them together and fangirl over Wanda)
You always watch the new movies on the release date in the cinema together 
On time you aren’t able to watch them directly together because your exams and he’s super overdramatic about it
„Are you really choosing chemistry over antman??😟“
He’s just joking tho
Ravi will help you study and you guys are able to watch the movie together a few days later
He’s your biggest hype man
You would be just standing in the corner and watering the plats and he would be amazed by your presents
In the summer you always prepare a picnic basket, a blanket, a good book and go on a biking or hiking date
The main fokus of the date is the reading (besides spending time with eachother) so you take a break every few beautiful stops to sit down to enjoy the view and read a bit
Dating Ravi also means being best friend with pip<3
Sometimes you would borrow barney and take a walk through the park with him
(Let’s just pretend that Jason never killed him)
Over the time you do it more often and it becomes a ritual for you both when you are stressed over something are just need to get outside
Pip pretends to be annoyed over it for some times because she „isn’t able to walk with the love of her life anymore because her stupidly in love friends just recently found out about how amazing dogs are“
Her words 
She actually doesn’t mind that much about it since she’s been stressed more and more because of her podcast and Cambridge and you two are just too adorable to stay mad for too long
Comforting him over sal<3
Everytime he gets anxious or sad about it you are there to give him comforting hugs and prepare him his favorite tea
He’s obsessed with him
He will call you love, darling et cetera et cetera 
When your native language isn’t English he’ll suprise you by learning some words in your native language and also the pet names from your native language 
It will take him a whole day to learn some sentences and words in you native language on duolingo, but it’s worth in the end
He would do anything for that smile you showed him when he called you by a pet name in your native language, perfectly pronounced
When you move out and get your own home you decorate it super comfy and gorgeous
You’re getting a cat<33
It’s a  beautifully orange cat that loves to cuddle<3
You call her Betty, inspired by your favorite Taylor swift song 
(No one of you guys cheated on another, you just love the song lol)
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basicallyawoodnymph · 2 years
I cannot believe there are no good girl's guide to murder x reader stories.
How would ya'll feel if I wrote some???
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calicomarie11 · 3 days
It’s the tail end of a 24 and A Shift is relaxing in the loft, enjoying a few moments of uninterrupted down time now that all the chores have been done. Gerrard is shut up in the captain’s office where he spends most of his time, only popping out every now and again like a demented jack in the box to berate and belittle them before returning to his lair.
Hen is actually reading a book for fun, something she hasn’t had time for in years. Quitting med school had been hard, but she is slowly rediscovering the joys of free time, catching up on TV shows, movies, books, all the things she’d had to forgo when her life was an endless parade of deadlines and responsibilities.
She glances up from her book and notices Buck, staring at his phone. His brow is furrowed and his lips turn down in a frown. Stormy is the word that comes to mind as Hen watches him glare at his phone like it personally offended him. He huffs and throws the phone face down on the couch cushion next to him.
Hen sighs and slips her bookmark into place, although she really doesn’t mind the opportunity to gather some new gossip. “Something the matter, Buck?” she asks. “Everything all right with Tommy?”
Buck starts at the sound of her voice, “Yeah, yes, everything’s great with Tommy.” His eyes cut to his phone again and a cloud passes over his face.
Well, Hen obviously isn’t going to let him get away with hiding whatever the problem is. “What’s wrong, Buckaroo?” she asks gently. She isn’t above using mom voice on Buck when he gets in a mood.
Buck finally looks at her, making eye contact and everything. “It’s just, this is so dumb, but-you know that show Hotshots? The one Bobby’s working on.”
And shit, Hen knows exactly where this conversation is going even as she works to keep her face blank. Karen has been obsessed with the show from the very first episode. She was so happy to see a Black lesbian couple on TV that she had steamrolled over Hen’s objections to watching a show based on Taylor Kelly’s book. Her argument that if it was their lives being mined for content then they might as well enjoy the representation had been persuasive.
So Hen has watched it, and for the most part has been pleased with how she is being represented. It helps that the actress playing Bea is hot. Although the night of the episode where Bea cheated on Janet with her ex had resulted with her sleeping on the couch and cursing Buck and his tendency to overshare, especially to reporters.
“I am…aware of the show,” she replies and then looks around to see if there’s anyone she can appeal to for help. Frustratingly, Chim and Ravi are playing pool across the room and Eddie’s off somewhere, probably trying to call Christopher again.
“So, I was telling Tommy about Bobby’s new job and it turns out everyone over at Harbor watches the show,” Buck says. “And, like, Tommy didn’t know about the book or the Taylor connection, but once I explained it he got this look on his face and smacked the table and said I was Sandy. And then he told be about this Randy thing the fans have concocted, so I was on Twitter looking at some of the hashtags and it’s wild.”
Buck looks at Hen with wide eyes as he trails off. He’s hisses out “They think I should be dating Eddie.” He gives her a ‘can you believe this look’ and Hen isn’t quite sure how to respond.
Because, sure, she has wondered at various points over the years if there was something more there. It’s not like she’s well versed in the complexities of male best friendships, but she can see they have something special. A kinship born of need. Buck’s need to be necessary to someone and Eddie’s need for validation and support. They had each filled a hole for the other, slotting together like the last two pieces of a 1000 piece puzzle, locking everyone else out.
But on the other hand, the pull between them has never seemed sexual to her. Buck always seemed to be searching for an emotional connection, aching for real relationships, wanting people to want and need him around. Trying to turn their work family into a real family to replace the family who hadn’t wanted him.
She tries not to think of Buck as a rescue dog, but that was the energy he put out into the world. Someone who has been hurt and thinks he deserved the hurt even though he’s the gentlest soul she’s ever come across. And Eddie had come along and adopted him, taken him home to his kid and accepted his help and earned Buck’s unending devotion.
But it had never stopped Buck from pursing romantic relationships with women and now Tommy. And he’d always been fine around Eddie’s girlfriends, except when he’d get mad at Eddie for how he treated them. Eddie really is a terrible boyfriend.
Hen knows she’s been quiet too long, thinking about her answer when Buck starts glaring at her. “You too?”he says, betrayal clear in his voice.
“No, no, I was just thinking.” Hen hurries to reassure him. “You and Eddie have a very special relationship, and to outsiders it might,”she holds up a finger, “just might, look like something else.”
“I just can’t believe Taylor would put that in her book or on TV.” Buck sounds so disappointed and hurt that Hen can’t let it stand.
“To be fair to her, the Randy thing is mostly coming from the fans. It happens all the time with popular shows, fans seeing something that isn’t there and building it up into a whole thing. Sure, there’s been a few suggestive scenes, but it’s not like they’re actually in a relationship on the show.”
Buck pouts, his arms crossed over his chest. “I just don’t see why they can’t give one of them a girlfriend so people would stop speculating.”
Hen laughs, “Oh, they have. In fact, last season Sandy started dating an investigative journalist. With red hair. ” She gives him a pointed look. “Named Tiffany.”
Buck groans. “Of course Taylor put herself into the show." He rolls his eyes. "I’m surprised she didn’t want to play the role herself.” 
Chim and Ravi wander over, their game of pool complete. Chim plops down on the couch next to Buck while Ravi perches on the arm of one of the chairs.
“What are we talking about?” Chim asks.
Hen gives him a significant look as she replies, “Hotshots.”
“Oh, are you and Karen still coming over for the season premiere?” he asks, not catching the warning glare Hen is sending his way.
Buck turns to Chimney, a look of stunned disbelief on his face. He smacks Chim on the bicep. “Dude, not cool. We all said we were going to boycott the show. We were sitting right here and everyone agreed not to watch it. I can’t believe this. My own family betraying me.”
Chim holds up his hands for protection, “It was Maddie’s idea. She and Josh started watching it together and I was just there.”
Ravi looks around at the three friends and the mixture of apologetic and angry faces. “What’s the problem with Hotshots? It’s a fun show, if a little unrealistic sometimes, but the characters are compelling.”
Buck stands up, his eyes narrow as he swings his finger to point at them each in turn. “Traitors, all of you.” He stomps off, heading towards the stairs to the roof.
Ravi watches him leave and then turns back to Hen and Chim. “So, do you think Sandy and Ricky are finally going to get together this season?”
Hen groans. “Probie, if you value your life you will not mention those names in this firehouse anywhere near Buck or Eddie. In fact, no mentions of Hotshots at all.”
“Not a probie anymore,” Ravi muttered under his breath. He can’t wait to get back to B Shift.
(Read on A03)
So I thought this would be a one and done, but it has taken on a life of it's own as I avoid my other WIPs. I'm thinking a 5 +1. Next convo will be between Buck and Eddie. Then maybe Bobby and Athena, ending with Taylor and Buck, but we'll see.
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oliversbuck · 1 month
New fic for @911actions !! Hope you enjoy :)
For: PlayerUnknown_4 on Twitter - thanks for donating!
Buck & Ravi go to the zoo with a side of buddie and hanikkar
Buddie/hanikkar | pining!buck | info dumping
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rxttenfish · 4 months
one thing that i keep waffling back and forth on (because im still thinking about writing out the Symptoms Of A Merfolk Crush (Merfolk Has Crush On You) and its relevant) is the topic of merfolk social grooming, mostly in the form of licking each other
primarily this is because theyre. you know. marine animals. grooming is important to them yes but licking isnt really how its done and wouldnt do as much as it does on land - usually it would occur in the past more of removing sufficiently large enough objects with the hands or mouth and anything smaller usually getting taken care of by rubbing themselves on the sea floor or using found items to rub against, and primarily to dislodge parasites. and ofc nowadays they have the domestic cleaner wrasse colonies that handle it best of all.
theres not really... a reason that licking each other would help in removing anything from their bodies that wouldnt be handled otherwise. but also i really like them licking each other and an impulse to lick the other as a bonding thing is something that's stuck in my head and i cant get it out, so im figuring out other reasons that merfolk would do it
and primarily i think it just has to do with smell/taste again. both senses in merfolk are greatly heightened and sharp, and they already have an urge to try and make those theyre close to smell like themselves. they produce a slime layer over their skin that specially dries on land and helps seal in moisture, so usually when theyre doing that this is what is getting involved, as a vector for other scent-marking and communication proteins and All That. it might also tend to boost the health of merfolk that get marked in this way? as in, if their own slime layer isnt being produced as well or theyre already ill, the protective qualities from a healthy individual's slime layer can be shared with them and give them a little boost, but maybe theres also more complex underlying mechanisms, im not sure
which would also make merfolk licking more of a social grooming thing again, but licking as a contact exercise would also help to spread their own slime layer on the other merfolk, with the additional benefit of this also working on land (and maybe being something more basal to the group than i had been imagining), thus making them smell a little more like the groom-er.
but also because merfolk smell/taste is so important, merfolk also have this... sort of mental pressure to bond by examining and exploring other merfolk's bodies? which sounds weird when i say it like that, but its more comparable to wanting to play with someone you likes hair, or touch their legs and their arms, and otherwise just feel them and enjoying the experience of learning this sensory information about them. and because smell/taste is such a huge aspect of merfolk, this also includes putting other merfolk in their mouth, basically.
which is basically just an extension of playbiting in the first place? merfolk are very mouthy creatures and interact with a lot of their environment using their mouths, basically being a third hand for them. and they like to play with each other and bond with each other and cuddle with each other, so they also have a lot of different types of bites that say different things and have different emotional connotations. they have flirty bites, they have play bites, they have being an annoying pest for fun bites, they have "look at me" bites, they have "i just wanna chew on you without hurting you" bites, they have "i am bored and seeking sensory information" bites, they have "i want you carnally" bites, and they have all the aggressive and threatening bites you can imagine. they have a lot of bites and types of bites and ways of biting each other, its a whole thing.
so broadly i think licking each other would just kinda be an extension of that. a sort of calmer non-bite where they want to groom each other and make them smell like each other but also where theyre just genuinely examining each other and tasting each other as a more platonic attempt to learn about each other. and i feel happy enough with that, that works with me.
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star-my · 10 months
Birthday Girl
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Pairing: F!Reader x Kim Wonshik (Ravi from Vixx)
WC: 0.6k
Rating: M
Genre: Fluff + Smut
@sadfragilegirl requested a Ravi x Reader oneshot. I hope you like it! This was difficult to write and thus it is shorter than I wanted, since I am new to VIXX and this was my first attempt at writing 'x Reader'. I hope I did okay:) Enjoy! <3
You opened your eyes to the welcome sight of your boyfriend bringing you breakfast in bed.
“Good morning, Jagiya!”
Twisting in the sheets, you greeted him with a smile. “Good morning!”
“Happy birthday,” your boyfriend placed a sweet kiss on your forehead as he fluffed up your pillows.
He lay beside you while you ate, telling you about his plans for your special day. He had the whole day off and was focused on making it memorable for you.
Once you were dressed and ready for the day, the two of you headed out of your apartment to begin your adventure.
You began with a visit to your favourite coffee shop, your boyfriend ordering his usual iced coffee and you went for your favourite iced mocha.
Coffees in hand, you linked your fingers together with your boyfriend and swung them happily as you walked down the street together.
Window shopping was something you liked to do as you strolled the avenues in your city’s downtown area, and anything you did was automatically better when your loved ones joined you.
“Ravi-ah, look at that!” You pointed to a pretty dress in the window of one of your favourite shops.
The morning was spent window shopping and just enjoying one another’s company. The sun was warm but not hot, you were with the love of your life, and you had iced coffee. It was shaping up  to be a perfect day. 
As soon as you returned from your picnic dinner, Ravi kissed you passionately, backing you up until your back met the wall.
You moaned into his mouth, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and running your fingers through his hair.
He hooked his hands under your thighs and carried you to your bedroom, kissing your neck until you shivered with pleasure.
You pulled his shirt over his head, tracing your fingers over his tattoos until he returned the favour and pulled your shirt over your head. He groaned appreciatively at the sight of your lacey new bra and ran his tongue over your nipples through the fabric, perking them up.
“Wonshik, I need more,” you groaned, unbuttoning both pairs of pants. 
He pulled your pants and underwear off with a wink, kissing his way up your thighs to your centre.
Little sparks of pleasure spread though your body as he applied his talented rapping tongue to your clit, dexterously working you up to orgasm. The sight of him between your legs, skin glowing in the soft light of your room, his tattoos rippling over his skin as he moved sent you over the edge, crying out his name.
“I love you,” he pecked your forehead.
“I love you too, Wonshik.” You wrapped your legs around his waist as he pushed in, enjoying the feel of being so intimate with your lover.
You licked your way down his neck and jaw, his familiar scent filling your senses as he began a slow, sensual rhythm. 
“You’re so beautiful.” he told you.
“So are you,” you returned, smiling up at him. “I love you.”
“I love you, Y/N.” He brushed a strand of hair from your face, speeding up his thrusts a little as you commanded.
His hand came up to circle your nipples as he licked and nipped a line down your neck, biting softly at your ear.
The tightening in your core continued. “Ravi, I’m close.”
His finger trailed down your torso to rub at your clit, knowing just how to help you climax.
“Wonshik!” Your orgasm triggered his and you lay there, panting and happy. 
“Happy birthday, Y/N-ah,” he kissed you softly, wrapping you in his big arms, safe and loved.
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sadfragilegirl · 6 months
*Sigh* The world seems to be losing hope and humanity these days and it's getting too much and I am already traumatized enough for ALMOST a year now!
And it feels like sometimes I feel like my Kpop fangirl life has need to give a break for a while because I can't stand so much sad Kpop moments at all. Which is why I am currently get into Honkai Star Rail and Love and Deepspace lately... 😞
Kpop was supposed to be fun and happy but right now it's full of fanwars, scandals and even unhappy moments. That's the reason why I barely listen or not being ready to listen to new Kpop songs for months since this lifetime trauma of Ravi leaving VIXX last April 11, 2023.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm sorry everyone...I don't want to disappointed you telling this but... Sometimes, I think I should give my Kpop fangirl life a break and stick to something else that I love: Honkai Star Rail and Love and Deepspace. (And sometimes, reblogging food posts)
I hope you all understand.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Apologises To You After A Fight ~ Vixx Reaction
Your eyes widened as you watched Hakyeon walk through the front door, two bags in his hands. He placed them in front of you, allowing you to peek inside both of them.
“My favourites,” you commented, recognising a few of your favourite things.
Hakyeon nodded proudly as he took a seat down beside you, “I thought they might be a good start in trying to say sorry to you for the argument earlier.”
“I guess buying my favourite chocolate does sweeten me up a little bit,” you agreed, reaching in and pulling your favourite bar out to start enjoying.
“You have to listen to me though Y/N, you can’t just eat that now.”
“I can do both,” you retorted, “plus I like the chocolate more than I like you right now.”
“I can’t argue with that,” Hakyeon shrugged back across at you, “but I would like you to at least pay attention enough to know that I’m sorry for what I said to you.”
Your head nodded as you looked up in Hakyeon’s direction. “This apology better be on a par with the chocolate otherwise I won’t be listening.”
“Y/N, shh,” Hakyeon laughed, “I’m trying to be serious, stop messing around with me now.”
“Sorry, I promise I’m listening.”
A sigh came from you as you heard the door to your bedroom open, knowing that it was Taekwoon by the clearing of the throat that came from him as he approached you.
“I’m not interested,” you immediately called out, but Taekwoon didn’t listen.
Instead, he perched down on the bed just beside you. “I’m not here to cause another argument Y/N, I’m here because I want to say sorry for what happened.”
“It doesn’t change what you said earlier on,” you stubbornly replied, catching Taekwoon nodding in agreement with you out of the corner of your eye.
“Let me try and make it up to you at least, you shouldn’t be here.”
“I want to be here,” you corrected, “I’d happily be anywhere if it was away from you.”
“Y/N,” Taekwoon whispered, resting his hand against the top of your leg, “I’m trying here. I can’t say sorry enough but you can’t just ignore me forever and not talk to me.”
You shuffled slightly so that you were looking across at Taekwoon, “I’m listening,” you bluntly whispered, not letting him off quite so easily.
“Thank you,” he calmly responded. “I am really sorry for what I said, you know that, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I know you are Taek.”
The sound of a knock at the door brought your eyes up, smiling weakly as you saw Jaehwan stood in the doorway, holding up the bag that was in his hand to show you.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, pushing your laptop away.
Jaehwan took that as a sign to walk into your office, hovering beside your desk. “It’s a bit of a peace offering, a guilt lunch for causing the argument earlier.”
“You’ve brought me lunch to say sorry?” You smiled back across at him, unable to stop yourself from being touched by Jaehwan’s sweet gesture.
“I’ve not been able to stop thinking about what happened.”
“Come on,” you spoke, beckoning him over, “I can’t say no to a free lunch anyway.”
“I’ve got a few more things that I thought might make you like me again,” Jaehwan informed you as he took his seat and started to unpack the bag.”
Your eyes rolled as he did so, “no matter how much we fight Jae, it never stops me from liking you. These things just happen in relationships.”
“You’re right,” he mused, “I guess sometimes I worry that I push things a little too far with you.”
“You definitely like to test me.”
Your eyes glanced away as soon as you noticed the front door opening, hearing Wonshik walk through the house and take a seat on the sofa beside you.
“What?” You questioned, feeling his eyes staring across at you firmly.
A sigh came from Wonshik, expecting you to still be annoyed with him. “I just wanted to talk to you Y/N, try and at least explain myself a little bit.”
“What’s there to explain?” You challenged, “you made your opinions quite clear this morning about what you think of me, I’m just stupid to you, aren’t I?”
“That’s not true, I didn’t get my words right at all earlier, that’s all.”
“Is that you explaining yourself?” You groaned back at him, “blaming your words?”
“Can you just let me finish?” Wonshik asked of you, running a hand through his hair. “I’m trying to put things right, even if you’re still mad with me.”
Your head nodded as you took a moment to calm yourself back down again, “I guess I could listen to what you have to say for yourself.”
“Don’t sound too disappointed,” Wonshik joked, “don’t you want to stop arguing with me?”
“Sometimes I’m not so sure.”
A figure appearing brought a smile to Sanghyuk’s face, watching as Jaehwan peered down and took a look at what it was that he was doing on his phone during their break.
“For Y/N?” Jaehwan asked, watching as Sanghyuk browsed a selection of flowers.
His head nodded as he clicked one of the options, “I messed up pretty bad this morning, sending her a bouquet of flowers feels like the least that I could.”
“Did you really muck up that much?” Jaehwan couldn’t help but laugh, throwing his arm across Sanghyuk’s shoulders. “You don’t think just a sorry will cut it this time?”
“I’m too embarrassed to even tell you what I said to her earlier on.”
A hum of surprise escaped from Jaehwan, “you better find something expensive.”
“Since when were flowers so expensive,” Sanghyuk grumbled as he clicked to check out, “I can’t dig myself that big of a hole again just for the price of the apology.”
Jaehwan’s head shook as he listened to him, “at least hopefully if you send her these you’ll get Y/N talking to you again, isn’t that what’s most important.”
“Of course,” Sanghyuk agreed, “I think it might get me a few points remembering her favourites too.”
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself.”
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ravisinghs-wife · 1 year
✼ Masterlist ✼
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The Inheritance Games
Jameson Hawthorne
Jameson Hawthorne Dating Headcanons
Grayson Hawthorne
Grayson Hawthorne Dating Headcanons
I write for jameson, grayson, xander, nash, avery and libby
A Good Girls Guide to Murder
Ravi Singh
Ravi Singh Dating headcanons
I write for ravi, pip and cara
Shatter me
Aaron warner
Meeting/Dating Aaron Warner Headcanons
I write for Aaron and kenji
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Percy dating tall!fem!reader headcanons
the seven plus nico and Reyna and their red flags
Annabeth chase
the seven plus nico and Reyna and their red flags
Jason Grace
the seven plus nico and Reyna and their red flags
Piper mclean
the seven plus nico and Reyna and their red flags
Leo valdez
the seven plus nico and Reyna and their red flags
he seven plus nico and Reyna and their red flags
I write for percy, annabeth, Leo, piper, Jason, reyna and thalia
Fandoms I write for besides the ones listet above: mcu, grishaverse and the marauders (Harry Potter)
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marikosenwrites · 7 months
OMG i was so happy when i saw you do AGGGTM requests!! If its not too much to ask can i req Pip and Ravi after the last text? Like maybe the conversation after the last text shown? Then they go on a date at like a coffee shop late at night sometime after the texts, i really REALLY need a happy ending for this book so pls, if its not 2 much!!
sen's notes... omg! thanks for this request!! ah my god i hate cliffhangers i went back to the book for this one, it has been a while (3 months?) since i read agggtm but we love us some pip and ravi right?
warnings: my first time writing for agggtm, ooc (def)
word count: approx. 0.6k
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after that text, "hey sarge, remember me?" pip received from ravi, she thought she'd text back.
"how could i forget?" was her first response.
"it's been a year since i've seen you."
"yeah, i counted."
"do you want to meet up? i'll come."
"only if it's on the weekends."
"deal. see you this weekend, sarge."
a genuine smile crept up on her face, one that she hasn't felt in what seemed like an eternity. she looked up to see the flashing lights in the distance that belonged to the police car that dashed by her on the road just now.
it wasn't her turn yet.
at least not yet.
pippa fitz-amobi didn't want to end up like that. not without spending more time with her loved ones. her dad, her mom, her family. she would await her trial. until the police caught up.
it was soon saturday, and ravi and pip had formulated where and when to meet. a local cafe seemed like the best place for two long lost loves to meet again. but that thought, was of course, not what pip had in mind.
her head was screaming, pounding with "ravi, ravi, ravi, ravi." she hasn't seen him in so long. ever since the jason bell incident. she had been counting her days down, and with her imaginary ravi by her side, she was just fine. just keeping herself together.
now that she could see and talk to the real one, she felt excitement. something she hasn't felt in a year. there are so many things she missed feeling, seeing, and hearing.
she could almost taste the wonderful coffee as she entered the cafe, looking around for a familiar face. ravi's, especially. her eyes darted around the whole shop and spotted a certain someone fiddling with their coffee handle, like they were waiting for someone.
he looked up and waved at her, beckoning her over. she reluctantly walked over and sat down.
"hey, sarge." ravi started. "how's it goin'?"
"pretty good, i guess." pip replied. "at least the police didn't knock on my door."
"same for me. it's best if it's kept this way," he sighs.
she let out a small 'hm', "i'm going to get a coffee."
he nods and finally takes a sip from his cup. "i'll wait."
after a while, she takes her order from the counter and takes the steaming cup back to the table and sit down once again. she stares at the dark hair ravi has, the light reflecting on it.
"i've missed you, sarge," ravi suddenly whisper-confesses, catching pip off guard.
"missed you too. being busy with school work at the university and all, it hasn't really been that hard though."
"i'm glad to hear that."
the pair remained silent as both took small and quiet sips from their bitter drink. their relationship was beyond repair ever since a year ago, and they knew that. even so, both wanted to try again.
the only problem was, that they didn't know how to say it.
and neither would make the first move, at least not yet.
it seemed like every single person were gone, disappeared, lost, when they were together. none of the two gave a care in the world, at least not when pip was investigating. moments between them, stayed between them.
nothing more. nothing less.
"pip." the dark-haired boy says, calling her actual name. "can we try again?"
a bold confession as her name effortlessly rolls off his tongue, like in a cliche romance story, the prince and the princess, with no hesitation. but except that this was a story with flaws, words will have an effect. hesitation is required.
"...we can try. but no matter what happens, we'll always be friends, promise?"
"you don't know how long i've waited for this moment."
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end notes: i hope this was to your satisfaction! i tried really hard, i can't capture their personalities that well.
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©all banners, dividers, and stories are made by marikosenwrites. i own none of the a good girl's guide to murder characters mentioned here.
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911ficrecs · 2 years
the ravi fic by archerincombat - 15,571 words, teen+
Summary: “Hey,” Ravi says. “Scale of 1 to 10, how bad would it be if I assumed Eddie Diaz’s girlfriend was his wife in front of him?”
Lee groans. “Did you do it in front of Buckley?”
“A hundred,” she replies, turning the other direction before Ravi can demand to know why.
At three in the morning, it hits him. He bolts upright in his cot. Oh my god, he thinks. Buck and Eddie are divorced, and everyone forgot to tell me.
aka, the ravi fic (affectionate)
Notes: New thing? Hi. I absolutely adored this fic and desperately need more Ravi + Buddie fics in my life so if anyone knows of any more like this please send them my way.
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ranger-ribbons · 8 months
If you're taking requests I was wondering if you could write a Nate x Ravi mini one shot
Uhhh. Yeah, lemme see what I can do! Sorry it's so short!
"Nate?" Ravi asks as he steps into the lap. "Are you in here?"
There's a gasp. "Ravi," Nate says, coming out from behind a large piece of sheet metal. "What's up?" he asks with a nervous smile.
Ravi smiles at Nate. "I've been looking for you," he says. "What have you been doing?"
Nate gives him a smile, genuine and happy. "Working on something," he replies.
Ravi offers his hand and Nate takes it. "Okay. Come on, Zoey wants to have a movie night."
"Oh," Nate replies, following Ravi as the Blue Ranger tugs him out of the lab. "What are we watching?"
Ravi grins mischievously. "Our pick," he replies.
Nate laughs. "You're gonna put on Lord of the Rings aren't you?"
Ravi nods, unashamed. "You know me well."
Thank you!
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georgiebrits · 8 months
Wedding night - Ravi
You and your husband Ravi are finally alone in a lavish honeymoon suite on your wedding night. The room is filled with fragrant rose petals and candlelight giving a romantic vibe. Ravi is sitting on the edge of the bed, shirtless with his chiseled abs and muscular chest on display, staring at you with desire. You are wearing a silk lace negligee that accentuates your curves, feeling sexy and confident. The sexual tension in the room is palpable and you can't wait to finally consummate your marriage.
You sit down next to him and he looks away, blushing, “Oh… um...” He stutters and fumbles nervously, not really knowing what to say or do. You place your hand on his cheek and lean forward, pressing your lips against his. His response is immediate as he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer, deepening the kiss. You can feel his hard member pressing against your thigh through his pants, and you break away from the kiss with a bemused grin. "Someone's excited," you tease, gently rubbing his bulge through his pants. He moans and grinds against your hand, desperate for more.
Your laughter echoes off the walls causing an echoing chuckle to escape from him. A warm breeze flows through the room creating a light breeze blowing your hair behind your back. As if responding to your silent pleas, the curtains flutter and the moon shines into the room illuminating the room and giving a beautiful view of the beach beyond.
It's then that he stands up and scoops you into his arms, carrying you over to the window. "Let's make love with the moon and the sea as our witnesses," he murmurs, placing you gently on the windowsill. You look out at the ocean, feeling the breeze on your skin as he begins to undress you, trailing kisses down your neck. His hands explore every inch of your body, making you shiver with pleasure, before finally entering you, sending waves of ecstasy crashing over you with each thrust.
“I love you so much,” he gasps, burying his face in your shoulder, squeezing your waist tightly. You smile in contentment, feeling a sense of relief and peace wash over you.
The moon sits high in the sky tonight, casting its pale glow across the horizon.
As he continues to move inside you, you moan in response, tossing your head back in ecstasy. His pace quickens and you both find yourselves lost in the heat of the moment. Your gasps and moans mix with the sounds of the ocean, filling the room with passion and desire. As you both reach climax, you hold each other tightly, breathing heavily. You turn to him, kissing him deeply, and whisper, "I love you too."
He leans his forehead against yours, holding your face between his palms as he strokes your hair soothingly. The sound of the waves fills the room once more.
He presses his forehead against yours once more. "I'm glad we got married here…" He breathes, nuzzling into your forehead. “I want to remember this memory forever.” And even though he couldn’t see it, you know he’s looking at you with such tenderness and adoration. You kiss him again, loving how perfect he is in every way. “Forever with you." He says, smiling, resting his head against yours.
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