#happy super bowl sunday to my fellow sinners (americans)
pollenallergie · 2 years
You’re kookoo bananas if you think Eddie doesn’t watch the Super Bowl. Wayne, like most middle-aged men in the Midwest, is a football fiend. In fact, his love of football is second only to his love of racing. So, ever since Eddie first moved in with Wayne, he’s been implicitly obligated to participate in the Super Bowl Sunday festivities.
Usually, his role was just to help make the snacks and, eventually, to help you keep the little ones busy while your dad and Wayne focused on and bonded over the game. However, in February 2005, you and Eddie were blessed by the TV gods when Animal Planet premiered its first Puppy Bowl. Gone were the days of you two mindlessly waiting for the halftime show to finally start because, now, you two have your own game to keep you occupied. While Wayne and your old man shoot the shit before the game, you, Eddie, and your little family can be found huddled around the TV, cooing at and fawning over the adorable little adoptable puppies as they play rambunctiously. All the while, your own animals are participating in Puppy Bowl of their own, adorned in the appropriate team jerseys and playing with just about every toy they can get their grubby little paws on; chew toys, stuffies, tennis balls, it doesn’t really matter, you’re little hellions will play with them all.
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