#happy wedding day to dennis and vanessa!
personinthepalace · 2 years
Happy Wedding Day to Vanessa and Dennis! (June 6th)
song from Galavant :)
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it's half an hour into the 6th, so happy wedding day dennis and vanessa
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malta-vpn · 3 years
The best Christmas movies and TV shows to watch on Netflix
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With much of us cooped up in our residences as well as divided from our friends and family, it can be a very grim time. Fortunate for us, there s lots of holiday magic to be located this Christmas. Netflix launched a ton of wonderful Xmas original movies as well as collection. So if you sanctuary t yet saw the lengthy awaited final thought to the Christmas Prince trilogy, A Royal Infant, here's your chance    Kristin Davis plays a mommy who plans a charming trip to Africa with her husband after their son heads away to college. Unfortunately for her, her husband selects a divorce rather. Certainly Davis determines to go to Africa anyway, probably to Eat Pray Love her impending separation blues away. And also considered that it s a holiday film, the chances seem astronomically high that she s misting likely to fall for Rob Lowe, that plays her pilot on her leg to Zambia. Additionally, Netflix guarantees us there are child elephants. netflix americana Captivate your brain with the coolest information from streaming to superheroes, memes to computer games. Snowstorm on Xmas Eve? Check. Secondary school seniors? Examine. An essential party to go to as well as a swiped keg? Inspect. If this isn t Xmas Superbad fulfills every John Hughes film ever, I ll be extremely let down. Kiernan Shipka will ideally be playing some sort of blonde Molly Ringwald. This animated initial originates from Despicable Me co-creator Sergio Pablos and also includes a fantastic actors of voice actors consisting of Jason Schwartzman, Rashida Jones as well as J.K. Simmons. It s additionally regarding a postal staff member, however I m going to provide it the benefit of the doubt that it s full with Xmas magic. Vanessa Hudgens ends up being pals with a medieval knight that winds up in present-day Ohio. I m presuming this is going to be a Christmas-version of Kate & Leopold, which I m entirely OK with. Plus, Emmanuelle Chriqui co-stars and also the tween lady in me is very thrilled to see if she s still as beautiful as she remained in Snow Day. A radio DJ widower and also daddy of 4 loses his task right prior to Xmas, due to the fact that obviously they live in a world loaded with uncaring beast human beings. Chances are high this is misting likely to be the biggest tearjerker on the checklist. If you haven t seen A Christmas Royal prince or the sequel A Xmas Prince: The Royal Wedding celebration, quit what you're doing and also instantly go watch them. The movies concentrate on Amber, a reporter that openly lies to the international leaders of the imaginary country Adevia which I m pretty sure would be illegal? Yet Netflix doesn’t appear too worried about exactly how laws work in Adevia and also winds up weeding their royal prince. In the second flick, they obtain wed. This time around they're having a baby. Sorry for the looters. Vanessa Hudgens stars as not one yet two characters-- and also of course, among them is a princess. Taking ideas from Mark Twain s The Royal prince and the Destitute, The Princess Change sees skilled baker Stacy replace Girl Margaret Delacour, Duchess of Montenaro, that s hopeless for break of the limelight. But things obtain made complex along with pleasant, lovely as well as all that great stuff, when she discovers a regular life may be a long-term dream. If you like it, take a look at The Princess Change: Switched Again. The politest, loveliest and also most delightfully British show in the affordable cooking scene is true blessing us with one more holiday. It s difficult to state what I'm most excited about, but it ll probably be co-host Noel Fielding s outstanding outfits. The rainbow sweatshirt in the coupon image is everything. Cant wait till Nov. for your British Baking solution? Don t sweat. The present season is still streaming new episodes every Friday. What a gorgeous calamity of a show. I cannot wait for Nicole Byer s Christmas themed jokes and all the horrible looking Santas in store for us. Plus, this period has a multitude of hilarious celebrity judges, from Maya Rudolph to Jason Matsoukis. Dennis Quaid is playing a character called Don Quinn. I'm not also going to inform you what the story s about. I just want you to invest the rest of your day questioning if he was used the role due to the fact that it s so similar to his own name, if Quaid had Netflix change the character s name to another comparable to his, or if it's a complete coincidence. When I finally get a possibility to see Merry Happy Whatever, I expect to invest the whole duration of the film disputing this very important inquiry. Netflix additionally declares the personality highly thinks there's the Quinn way ... and the upside-down. What does it all imply? Please feel free to tweet me your conspiracy theory concepts now. A Christmas-themed period of Sugar Thrill? Yes please! Netflix has made certain we ll have lots of food preparation reveals to enjoy this holiday, and I'm right here for it. This season includes a number of guest courts, consisting of Tiffani Thiessen and also Olympic gold medallist Meryl Davis.
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allen-bond · 5 years
Allen sat on the leather couch, uncomfortable atop the material, elbows on his knees, hands to his mouth. His gaze was locked on a bottle of sweet tea on the coffee table in front of him. These days, he could hyperfocus on just about anything. White noise. The power light of the tv. Dust motes.
It drove Kebi insane since she hated everything about being ignored, but Kebi’s insecurities meant very little to him lately. Not with the fight to get Wyatt talking again or the twins taking turns screaming at each other.
I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t do this.
The sound of one of the bedroom doors closing echoed down the hall.
Where is she? Where is she? Where is she?
He knew exactly where she was, but sometimes his brain played tricks on him and he’d have half a second of forgetting. A blissful half moment where he didn’t remember.
They had buried her in New Orleans with her parents. Allen wouldn’t hear of having her stuck in New York, a city she loathed, even if it did mean travelling with two week old twins, an eighteen month old, and a confused kindergartner. He knew people judged him, but he figured, fuck, what’s the point in owning a private jet if you don’t use it? Not like he was exposing the kids to a hundred random strangers on a red eye.
And suddenly, just like that, he owned a private jet. He also had controlling interest in one of the country’s biggest hospitality companies. She had left him and the kids everything. It had made him angry. To think that she trusted him with all of that. Without her. Maybe he would’ve got it if she asked him to go into business with him twelve months ago, but he couldn’t wrap his mind about her wanting him to do it alone. He still hadn’t quite forgiven her for that.
But that was the thing about having a bone to pick with a dead person. It was something you were never going to be able to find closure with.
Mamie walked out of the hall and Allen’s eyes followed her. Her age showed in the way her feet dragged a bit, but she was still holding strong. The woman had lost her closest friend years ago. Her employer none too recently. And now the girl she had raised. She was well into her sixties at this point. And yet, when Allen had offered to help her retire, because what else was he going to do with this sudden inheritance, she gave him the crossest look he had ever seen. “If you eva’ ask me somthein’ like that again, I’ll give you a whoopin’ you’ll never fo’get. Ya hear me?” So, he bought her an apartment just a few blocks from where he and the kids stayed.
After Wyatt was born, the family had moved into a much bigger, much fancier place. It was very extravagant, and way outside of his comfort zone. He had never been that comfortable using her money. Allen never felt quite settled in it, but she had loved it. And he had vowed he would do whatever she needed to be happy, so he just went with it. Just like he had their marriage.
He was angry at himself for that. After the wedding, Allen felt a part of himself get lost. He knew she felt it in him too, but he simply didn’t know what he needed to do to get it back. It wasn’t that he was unhappy. He just... felt bored. Married life felt so final. Like there wasn’t really anything to anticipate after it. Besides more kids, which they had fought about several times. He didn’t feel like he was ready for more, but she had always felt like she was racing the clock. Turns out she was right. That pissed him off also.
Allen was angry about a lot of things.
“Chil’, you need’ta go to sleep,” Mamie chided, pulling her sweater on.
He nodded, but didn’t bother to make an effort to stand. They both knew he wasn’t going to be doing much sleeping. He hadn’t slept in their bed since she died. He wouldn’t sleep in their bed without her. Most nights he was on the couch. Sometimes he’d crawl into one of the kids’ beds with them.
Mamie waddled over and kissed him on top of the head. “Don’t drink any mo’ of that tea. It’ll keep you up fo’ anotha’ week. All the children are sleep. I’ll be back a little lat’a than usual tomorrow. Got a doctor’s visit I can’t skip. You’ll be okay?”
Allen gave her a tight smile and a short nod. “Thanks, Mamie. Go get some rest. Call me if you want me to pick you up when you’re done. I’ll be there.”
She chuckled and made her way out, locking the door behind her.
He’d be there. Because he had nowhere else to be. After he confirmed for the fourth time that the will was being read correctly, he quit his job. Mostly because he needed all the time he could get to focus on raising four kids as a single father now. Mamie and his parents were a huge help, but the kids were still his. He wouldn’t be seen as a father who just passed his children off to someone else.
But it was killing him.
Every time he looked at Jenna or Maggie, he just saw her. And Wyatt had barely said more than twenty words since the funeral. She and him would talk all the time, Wyatt already picking up her southern drawl. They liked to practice manners together. But after day seven of her not coming home, the boy just clammed up. He used gestures and sounds to indicate what he wanted. Allen’s mom was pushing for them to get Wyatt to see a child psychiatrist, but both Allen and Mamie weren’t ready to admit it was that extreme yet. They hadn’t exhausted their own methods.
Kebi had become, somehow, even more intolerable. She had always been bratty, but that was just how his baby girl was. Entitled, stubborn, and charming as all hell. And she had loved his wife almost as much as she did her own mom. Allen didn’t feel the need to sugarcoat what had happened, she was too smart. Kebi had cried and then bargained with God and then taken on accepting the fate. But that acceptance came at the cost of her just turning flat out mean sometimes. She picked on Wyatt. She practically ignored the twins, and he was a bit concerned that she blamed them for the passing. But she worked well with Mamie, and he trusted that she’d return to her true self in time.
As for himself? He hadn’t taken the time to process his own feelings yet. Not because he didn’t have the opportunities to. But simply because he didn’t want to. If he let himself try and sort his emotions, it would make the situation real. If he searched for closure, he’d have to face it all. And he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t face losing her without her help.
He’d exist like this, feeling like it was all a terrible dream that he wouldn’t wake up from, because being trapped in a nightmare was better than living in a reality that equated to Hell.
Allen refocused on the bottle of tea.
It wasn’t tea.
It was Jack.
He’d poured it into the bottle when the doctors had told them they wanted to keep her for observation after the twins were born. They both knew then what was going to happen. They’d had signs of it all through the pregnancy. It had taken its toll on her body. And apparently the price had been too much.
He’d poured it, but he wouldn’t let himself drink it while she was still living. He wouldn’t disrespect her like that, breaking almost three years of sobriety over her illness. She would have been furious that he’d done it as a result of her. She’d have blamed herself.
But, surprisingly, the bottle still stood even now. He kept it tucked away in a top shelf most of the time. But every now and again, when he was alone, he’d pull it out and contemplate it. But he never downed it the way his body screamed for him to. Because he couldn’t dishonor her memory like that.
And he wouldn’t tonight.
Sighing, Allen slowly rose to his feet, wincing as his knees popped. He stretched long and hard, flexing every muscle that he could. They ached badly. He hadn’t been to the gym since before it all. He kept meaning to go, but something always demanded his attention. But Dennis, the new business manager he’d hired to help run things since Allen understood none of it, had let him know that all of the money and assets were finally where they needed to be.
Allen would mail Tia’s check tomorrow. His wife had designated a certain amount to her, Vanessa, Bailey, Jordan, and Bianca each. None of them knew, so he didn’t feel too guilty about the six month delay. He needed to make sure that everything was taken care of first.
Bailey and Jordan would both fight with him over it, insisting that neither wanted or needed it. But he’d get it to them one way or another. Allen figured he’d have better chances getting it to Bianca by approaching her husband with it. Cooper was an honest guy, but he wasn’t too proud. He’d probable accept it if Allen said it was a gift from the southern gal to a friend she cared about very much.
He didn’t know how to handle it with Vanessa. She’d loathe the hand out and then probably try to rip his throat out for even suggesting she take her best friend’s money. But he knew out of all of them she needed it the most. And he wasn’t thrilled about having to deal with that spectacle, but it’s what was written. Very specifically.
Allen picked up the bottle and put it back in his hiding place. Feeling half drunk anyway from a sudden wave of sleep deprivation, he decided he’d sleep in Wyatt’s room tonight. Wyatt always curled up next to him, his breathing shallow and his cheeks pink. The kid was always cold at night, so Allen cuddled him hard, stroking his blonde curls. He looked so much like her.
Her name had not been said aloud in the apartment in six months. He didn’t know how he, Mamie, and Kebi had all landed on the same page. They never had an actual conversation about it. But they just, simply, never used her name. It felt like it would shatter... something. They didn’t know what, but no good would come of it.
Allen felt like he’d choke on the word if he tried to say it. It’d strangle him. Drown him. And he’d welcome it.
But she wouldn’t want that. And he had vowed he would do whatever she needed to be happy. 
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dragnews · 6 years
‘Stand by Me’: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Are Married
They both looked so happy, and so relaxed. They were beaming as they said their vows, and luckily, no one came forward to provide any reason that they might not be married. (This is always an exciting moment in a ceremony.)
It was an extraordinary mix of tradition and modernity, of centuries of history and up-to-the moment flourishes. Oprah was here, and so was Meghan’s mother, an African-American social worker who wore a conventional mother-of-the-bride outfit and also a nose stud.
It somehow looked charming and just right.
The entire royal family was here, along with a complement of English aristocrats and important personages. The music was stately and beautiful. The setting was awe-inspiring.
There was a flotilla of clergymen, an extraordinary mélange including the archbishop of Canterbury and — in a striking inclusion in this most ancient of places — the head of the Episcopal Church, the Most Rev. Michael Curry.
Chosen to give the address to the congregations, Bishop Curry, who is African-American, quoted Martin Luther King. His voice rising and falling with emotion, he made a big, generous, impassioned case for love as the most important thing there is, in religion and in life.
His address came after a reading by Lady Jane Fellowes, Harry’s aunt (her sister was Diana, Princess of Wales) that was both full of joy and a signal, it seemed, that the sadness in Harry’s life since his mother’s death had finally lifted.
It was a passage from the Song of Solomon: “Arise my love, my fair one, and come away; for now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone.”
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The dress was a success: sculptural simplicity.
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Meghan Markle arriving for the wedding ceremony. Credit Pool photo by Andrew Matthews
Our fashion critic, Vanessa Friedman, is also watching, and she has a quick take for us on Meghan Markle’s dress.
It was absolutely simple: pure and sculptural, in double bonded silk cady with a wide boatneck, long sleeves and sweeping train.
It was Meghan Markle’s wedding dress. It was by Clare Waight Keller, a British woman and the first female designer of Givenchy. And it was everything people had hoped.
This was not a Cinderella choice, not one that spoke of fantasy or old-fashioned fairy tales. Instead, it placed the woman proudly front and center and underscored Ms. Markle’s own independence.
At the same time, it celebrated female strength, promoted a local designer and reached a hand across to Europe (where Ms. Waight Keller has a day job).
The five-meter veil was of silk tulle, with a trim of hand-embroidered flowers in silk threads and organza, and contained embroidery representing the flora of all 53 Commonwealth nations.
The Royal Wedding: Highlights
The guest arrivals, the royal family, the chapel, the vows: Watch scenes from today’s celebration of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
By SARAH STEIN KERR and NATALIE RENEAU. Photo by Pool photo by Owen Humphreys. Watch in Times Video »
And it was entirely a surprise. In all the rumors that had swirled around The Dress, from Ralph & Russo to Stella McCartney, Ms. Waight Keller’s name had never come up. In the end, Ms. Markle outthought us all. As this starts, long may it continue.
And the After-Party Dress
The newly minted Duke and Duchess of Sussex departed Windsor for their evening reception at Frogmore House in a very James Bond fashion. The duchess wore a second dress by designer Stella McCartney. You can read our fashion critic Vanessa Friedman’s reaction here.
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A good time was had by all (even before the cocktails).
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Guests taking their places inside St. George’s Chapel. Credit Pool photo by Danny Lawson
Unlike a lot of weddings — and certainly unlike Kate and William’s wedding, just seven years ago — the guests inside hung out in the aisles, air-kissing and gossiping. It’s a great royal-and-celebrity cocktail party! (Sadly without cocktails.)
Kate and William’s wedding was solemn, stately, stuffy, full of dignitaries, politicians, and the sort of boring personages known here as the great and the good.
But this looked totally fun for the guests — even more fun than, say, the Academy Awards — because no one was competing for anything and no one was forced to talk about their outfits to television reporters.
Part of the change in tone is down to the passage of time and to how much Britain, or perhaps the royal family, has changed in the last few years.
Another reason, of course, is that Harry, being the second son and not a future king, has the freedom to be more relaxed, less constrained by tradition, and less conventional than his brother. This wedding has nothing to do with dynasty, or ensuring the security of the royal line. (We hope they have kids! But only because it’s fun to have kids, not because it would be some sort of international crisis if they did not.)
This wedding had everything to do with two people who are totally into each other and wanted to have a great big happy celebration.
Oprah, Beckhams and Clooneys, oh my!
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The guests included the British actor Idris Elba; his fiancée, Sabrina Dhowre; the British singer James Blunt; and Oprah Winfrey. Credit Chris Radburn/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
One of the great excitements about any wedding, of course, is the moment you learn who has been invited and who has not. Meghan and Harry’s list was kept secret, until the very moment that dozens of mysterious figures started to enter St. George’s Chapel.
It was very exciting. There was none other than Oprah Winfrey, in a snug pink dress, a pair of very cool sunglasses and a massive broad-brimmed hat spectacularly festooned with flowers. If anyone qualifies as American royalty, it is surely Oprah, with her ability to transcend race and background, and her great gift for openness and emotional candor.
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Kate Middleton’s parents, Carole and Michael, were there. They have always done such a good job of wearing appropriate outfits, smiling tastefully and saying nothing.
There was Charles Spencer, the Earl of Althorp, Diana’s brother, perhaps known best for his active love life and his impassioned attack on the British media after his sister’s death.
It turned into Celebrity Central. George and Amal Clooney made their stately, Hollywood-y entrance (She was in yellow with an interesting train).
David and Victoria Beckham, a.k.a. Posh and Becks, came in and graced some people in the crowd with their conversation.
From an American bishop, an extraordinary speech.
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The Most Rev. Michael Curry Michael Curry, head of the Episcopal Church, gave a passionate address in which he quoted Martin Luther King. Credit Pool photo by Owen Humphreys
For many people, the most striking thing was the sermon by the charismatic Bishop Curry, who preached a ringing message of love — with references to Martin Luther King Jr. and to the legacy of American slavery — with such joy and such enthusiasm that it was impossible not to feel joyful and enthusiastic right alongside him.
“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is as strong as death; passion as fierce as the grave. It’s flashes of fire, of raging flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it out.” — Bishop Michael Curry.
It was as if a Southern Baptist preacher had suddenly wandered onto the set of “Downton Abbey.”
The speech began trending on Twitter, with people marveling at the spectacle of seeing such a man saying such things in such a place.
A black reverend preaching to British royalty about the resilience of faith during slavery is 10000000% not what I thought I was waking up for, the royal wedding is good
— Elamin Abdelmahmoud (@elamin88) May 19, 2018
While reporters in the British press corps struggled to render the bishop’s remark that “we gotta get y’all married” (the BBC rendered it “you all”), they also pronounced themselves thrilled — and in a completely unironic way, which does not always come naturally to them.
“If Pippa was the unexpected star of Kate’s wedding, Michael Curry is the star of this one,” tweeted Fraser Nelson, editor of the conservative-leaning Spectator, which is about as tradition-bound as they come. “Wonderful, wonderful sermon,” he added.
The preacher is doing 50 in a 30 zone and it’s brilliant #RoyalWedding2018
— Jeremy Vine (@theJeremyVine) May 19, 2018
Monica Drake, an assistant managing editor at The Times, writes that Bishop Curry’s address was a nod to Ms. Markle’s heritage.
‘I never thought it would happen.’
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Royal enthusiasts on the first train from London to Windsor on Saturday. Credit Facundo Arrizabalaga/EPA, via Shutterstock
Stephen Castle, who usually writes about Brexit and other serious matters but today has been promoted to matrimonial correspondent, based in Windsor, met two San Franciscans, Aaron Endre and Alex Conlon, dressed in wigs and white dresses.
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“I have had a crush on Harry my entire life, and this is my last-ditch effort to get him,” declared Mr. Endre, who described himself as a gay activist and performer. He was almost entirely kidding.
“Harry, what does it take?” he asked.
Different people had different reasons for coming.
Denise Crawford, who was raised in Jamaica, traveled from her home in Brooklyn to attend a wedding she considered a historic event.
“One of the children of slaves is marrying a royal whose forerunners sanctioned slavery,” she said. “The lion is lying down with the lamb.”
Alexa Koppenberg had come from Germany because she didn’t trust her web browser. It crashed when she watched the 2011 wedding of William and Kate.
“I think it’s great that she’s half African-American,” she said of Meghan Markle. “I never thought it would happen, as Harry always dated blondes before.”
A TV takeaway: Get off the red carpet.
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Watching the wedding on a television in Windsor. Credit Adrian Dennis/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Margaret Lyons, one of our television critics, checks in from New York with a sense of how things played out on the air.
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Red carpet coverage for awards shows, particularly the Oscars, is strained, frequently sexist and often cringe-worthy — yet it persists. But if the varied and even decent live coverage of the royal wedding has anything to teach us, it’s that moving off the red carpet is the way to go.
Three hours of breathless coverage before an event even starts is … a lot.
Starting at 4 a.m. Eastern, every major outlet and several minor ones began broadcasting, but because no one was interviewing the actual high-profile guests, there was a lot less fawning.
Instead, the BBC broadcast had a brief discussion of the value of poetry with George the Poet (who, yes, is a poet). There were explanations of heraldic iconography, and interviews with people who run charities supported by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
The American networks were also largely genial, discussing floral design, Princess Diana, naves and what defines a “morning suit.” Everyone gushed about celebrity guests and Oprah’s early arrival.
Talking about fashion is fun and interesting when the people talking about it are fashion experts, not just celebrities. If there’s a lesson here, it’s this: The shift to a color commentary model, from the current locker-room interview one, is something is all red-carpet coverage should embrace.
Welcome to Windsor (you probably should have stayed home).
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Residents of Windsor have been told that around 4,000 police officers will be deployed. Credit Emilio Morenatti/Associated Press
Anyone who found themselves in England on Saturday and thought about hopping on a train and heading to Windsor at the last minute came to a quick conclusion: bad idea.
First, there were the eager royal fans who, having arrived perhaps days earlier, had already snagged all the good spots along the procession route.
That was in addition to the thousands of police officers, some on horses, with their sniffer dogs, their metal fencing, their vehicle recognition technology, their closed-circuit TV cameras, their helicopters and their marine patrols of the river.
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Windsor was no place to fly a drone, either. The police designated the area an exclusion zone for low-flying traffic on Saturday.
More than 100,000 people were crowded into the little town today. No one is saying how much the security operation cost, but the current (unconfirmed) estimate is that it will come to as much as 30 million pounds.
That’s about $40 million, with the bill to be paid by British taxpayers.
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The post ‘Stand by Me’: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Are Married appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2kbWjrH via Today News
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dani-qrt · 6 years
‘Stand by Me’: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Are Married
They both looked so happy, and so relaxed. They were beaming as they said their vows, and luckily, no one came forward to provide any reason that they might not be married. (This is always an exciting moment in a ceremony.)
It was an extraordinary mix of tradition and modernity, of centuries of history and up-to-the moment flourishes. Oprah was here, and so was Meghan’s mother, an African-American social worker who wore a conventional mother-of-the-bride outfit and also a nose stud.
It somehow looked charming and just right.
The entire royal family was here, along with a complement of English aristocrats and important personages. The music was stately and beautiful. The setting was awe-inspiring.
There was a flotilla of clergymen, an extraordinary mélange including the archbishop of Canterbury and — in a striking inclusion in this most ancient of places — the head of the Episcopal Church, the Most Rev. Michael Curry.
Chosen to give the address to the congregations, Bishop Curry, who is African-American, quoted Martin Luther King. His voice rising and falling with emotion, he made a big, generous, impassioned case for love as the most important thing there is, in religion and in life.
His address came after a reading by Lady Jane Fellowes, Harry’s aunt (her sister was Diana, Princess of Wales) that was both full of joy and a signal, it seemed, that the sadness in Harry’s life since his mother’s death had finally lifted.
It was a passage from the Song of Solomon: “Arise my love, my fair one, and come away; for now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone.”
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The dress was a success: sculptural simplicity.
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Meghan Markle arriving for the wedding ceremony. Credit Pool photo by Andrew Matthews
Our fashion critic, Vanessa Friedman, is also watching, and she has a quick take for us on Meghan Markle’s dress.
It was absolutely simple: pure and sculptural, in double bonded silk cady with a wide boatneck, long sleeves and sweeping train.
It was Meghan Markle’s wedding dress. It was by Clare Waight Keller, a British woman and the first female designer of Givenchy. And it was everything people had hoped.
This was not a Cinderella choice, not one that spoke of fantasy or old-fashioned fairy tales. Instead, it placed the woman proudly front and center and underscored Ms. Markle’s own independence.
At the same time, it celebrated female strength, promoted a local designer and reached a hand across to Europe (where Ms. Waight Keller has a day job).
The five-meter veil was of silk tulle, with a trim of hand-embroidered flowers in silk threads and organza, and contained embroidery representing the flora of all 53 Commonwealth nations.
The Royal Wedding: Highlights
The guest arrivals, the royal family, the chapel, the vows: Watch scenes from today’s celebration of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
By SARAH STEIN KERR and NATALIE RENEAU. Photo by Pool photo by Owen Humphreys. Watch in Times Video »
And it was entirely a surprise. In all the rumors that had swirled around The Dress, from Ralph & Russo to Stella McCartney, Ms. Waight Keller’s name had never come up. In the end, Ms. Markle outthought us all. As this starts, long may it continue.
And the After-Party Dress
The newly minted Duke and Duchess of Sussex departed Windsor for their evening reception at Frogmore House in a very James Bond fashion. The duchess wore a second dress by designer Stella McCartney. You can read our fashion critic Vanessa Friedman’s reaction here.
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A good time was had by all (even before the cocktails).
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Guests taking their places inside St. George’s Chapel. Credit Pool photo by Danny Lawson
Unlike a lot of weddings — and certainly unlike Kate and William’s wedding, just seven years ago — the guests inside hung out in the aisles, air-kissing and gossiping. It’s a great royal-and-celebrity cocktail party! (Sadly without cocktails.)
Kate and William’s wedding was solemn, stately, stuffy, full of dignitaries, politicians, and the sort of boring personages known here as the great and the good.
But this looked totally fun for the guests — even more fun than, say, the Academy Awards — because no one was competing for anything and no one was forced to talk about their outfits to television reporters.
Part of the change in tone is down to the passage of time and to how much Britain, or perhaps the royal family, has changed in the last few years.
Another reason, of course, is that Harry, being the second son and not a future king, has the freedom to be more relaxed, less constrained by tradition, and less conventional than his brother. This wedding has nothing to do with dynasty, or ensuring the security of the royal line. (We hope they have kids! But only because it’s fun to have kids, not because it would be some sort of international crisis if they did not.)
This wedding had everything to do with two people who are totally into each other and wanted to have a great big happy celebration.
Oprah, Beckhams and Clooneys, oh my!
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The guests included the British actor Idris Elba; his fiancée, Sabrina Dhowre; the British singer James Blunt; and Oprah Winfrey. Credit Chris Radburn/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
One of the great excitements about any wedding, of course, is the moment you learn who has been invited and who has not. Meghan and Harry’s list was kept secret, until the very moment that dozens of mysterious figures started to enter St. George’s Chapel.
It was very exciting. There was none other than Oprah Winfrey, in a snug pink dress, a pair of very cool sunglasses and a massive broad-brimmed hat spectacularly festooned with flowers. If anyone qualifies as American royalty, it is surely Oprah, with her ability to transcend race and background, and her great gift for openness and emotional candor.
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Kate Middleton’s parents, Carole and Michael, were there. They have always done such a good job of wearing appropriate outfits, smiling tastefully and saying nothing.
There was Charles Spencer, the Earl of Althorp, Diana’s brother, perhaps known best for his active love life and his impassioned attack on the British media after his sister’s death.
It turned into Celebrity Central. George and Amal Clooney made their stately, Hollywood-y entrance (She was in yellow with an interesting train).
David and Victoria Beckham, a.k.a. Posh and Becks, came in and graced some people in the crowd with their conversation.
From an American bishop, an extraordinary speech.
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The Most Rev. Michael Curry Michael Curry, head of the Episcopal Church, gave a passionate address in which he quoted Martin Luther King. Credit Pool photo by Owen Humphreys
For many people, the most striking thing was the sermon by the charismatic Bishop Curry, who preached a ringing message of love — with references to Martin Luther King Jr. and to the legacy of American slavery — with such joy and such enthusiasm that it was impossible not to feel joyful and enthusiastic right alongside him.
“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is as strong as death; passion as fierce as the grave. It’s flashes of fire, of raging flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it out.” — Bishop Michael Curry.
It was as if a Southern Baptist preacher had suddenly wandered onto the set of “Downton Abbey.”
The speech began trending on Twitter, with people marveling at the spectacle of seeing such a man saying such things in such a place.
A black reverend preaching to British royalty about the resilience of faith during slavery is 10000000% not what I thought I was waking up for, the royal wedding is good
— Elamin Abdelmahmoud (@elamin88) May 19, 2018
While reporters in the British press corps struggled to render the bishop’s remark that “we gotta get y’all married” (the BBC rendered it “you all”), they also pronounced themselves thrilled — and in a completely unironic way, which does not always come naturally to them.
“If Pippa was the unexpected star of Kate’s wedding, Michael Curry is the star of this one,” tweeted Fraser Nelson, editor of the conservative-leaning Spectator, which is about as tradition-bound as they come. “Wonderful, wonderful sermon,” he added.
The preacher is doing 50 in a 30 zone and it’s brilliant #RoyalWedding2018
— Jeremy Vine (@theJeremyVine) May 19, 2018
Monica Drake, an assistant managing editor at The Times, writes that Bishop Curry’s address was a nod to Ms. Markle’s heritage.
‘I never thought it would happen.’
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Royal enthusiasts on the first train from London to Windsor on Saturday. Credit Facundo Arrizabalaga/EPA, via Shutterstock
Stephen Castle, who usually writes about Brexit and other serious matters but today has been promoted to matrimonial correspondent, based in Windsor, met two San Franciscans, Aaron Endre and Alex Conlon, dressed in wigs and white dresses.
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“I have had a crush on Harry my entire life, and this is my last-ditch effort to get him,” declared Mr. Endre, who described himself as a gay activist and performer. He was almost entirely kidding.
“Harry, what does it take?” he asked.
Different people had different reasons for coming.
Denise Crawford, who was raised in Jamaica, traveled from her home in Brooklyn to attend a wedding she considered a historic event.
“One of the children of slaves is marrying a royal whose forerunners sanctioned slavery,” she said. “The lion is lying down with the lamb.”
Alexa Koppenberg had come from Germany because she didn’t trust her web browser. It crashed when she watched the 2011 wedding of William and Kate.
“I think it’s great that she’s half African-American,” she said of Meghan Markle. “I never thought it would happen, as Harry always dated blondes before.”
A TV takeaway: Get off the red carpet.
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Watching the wedding on a television in Windsor. Credit Adrian Dennis/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Margaret Lyons, one of our television critics, checks in from New York with a sense of how things played out on the air.
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Red carpet coverage for awards shows, particularly the Oscars, is strained, frequently sexist and often cringe-worthy — yet it persists. But if the varied and even decent live coverage of the royal wedding has anything to teach us, it’s that moving off the red carpet is the way to go.
Three hours of breathless coverage before an event even starts is … a lot.
Starting at 4 a.m. Eastern, every major outlet and several minor ones began broadcasting, but because no one was interviewing the actual high-profile guests, there was a lot less fawning.
Instead, the BBC broadcast had a brief discussion of the value of poetry with George the Poet (who, yes, is a poet). There were explanations of heraldic iconography, and interviews with people who run charities supported by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
The American networks were also largely genial, discussing floral design, Princess Diana, naves and what defines a “morning suit.” Everyone gushed about celebrity guests and Oprah’s early arrival.
Talking about fashion is fun and interesting when the people talking about it are fashion experts, not just celebrities. If there’s a lesson here, it’s this: The shift to a color commentary model, from the current locker-room interview one, is something is all red-carpet coverage should embrace.
Welcome to Windsor (you probably should have stayed home).
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Residents of Windsor have been told that around 4,000 police officers will be deployed. Credit Emilio Morenatti/Associated Press
Anyone who found themselves in England on Saturday and thought about hopping on a train and heading to Windsor at the last minute came to a quick conclusion: bad idea.
First, there were the eager royal fans who, having arrived perhaps days earlier, had already snagged all the good spots along the procession route.
That was in addition to the thousands of police officers, some on horses, with their sniffer dogs, their metal fencing, their vehicle recognition technology, their closed-circuit TV cameras, their helicopters and their marine patrols of the river.
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Windsor was no place to fly a drone, either. The police designated the area an exclusion zone for low-flying traffic on Saturday.
More than 100,000 people were crowded into the little town today. No one is saying how much the security operation cost, but the current (unconfirmed) estimate is that it will come to as much as 30 million pounds.
That’s about $40 million, with the bill to be paid by British taxpayers.
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The post ‘Stand by Me’: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Are Married appeared first on World The News.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
People, April 6
Cover: Coronavirus in America 
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Page 5: Chatter -- Ryan Seacrest, Mindy Kaling, Kelly Clarkson, Miley Cyrus, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Robert De Niro 
Page 6: 5 Things We’re Talking About This Week -- Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington auditioned for Clueless, Schitt’s Creek gets a Funko send-off, Tom Brady departs New England for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Sophie Turner thinks Joe Jonas is a work of art, Seth Rogen live-tweets Cats -- high 
Page 8: Contents 
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Page 10: StarTracks -- Puppy Love -- Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas out in LA with her dog 
Page 11: Jesse Tyler Ferguson and husband Justin Mikita walk their dogs Sam and Leaf in NYC, Lucy Hale and dog Elvis in LA, Emilia Clarke and her dog Ted in London, Katie Holmes in Central Park with her two dogs, Zoe Kravitz and her dog Scout 
Page 12: Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton visit the London Ambulance Service and release a picture with Princess Charlotte and Prince George for Mother’s Day in England, Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes take a walk in Miami, pregnant Jodie Turner-Smith and husband Joshua Jackson walk in LA 
Page 14: Stars Staying Active -- Liam Hemsworth and girlfriend Gabriella Brooks go surfing in Australia, Adam Sandler went for a bike ride in Malibu, Hannah Brown and Tyler Cameron are social-distancing together in his hometown of Jupiter, Florida and staying busy by working out 
Page 16: Not Home Alone -- Mariah Carey and twins Monroe and Moroccan, Hoda Kotb and fiance Joel and daughter Haley, Hilary Duff and kids Luca and Banks, DJ Khaled with son Asahd and Aalam, Nicole “Snookie” Polizzi with kids Angelo and Lorenzo and Giovanna, Vanessa Lachey and son Phoenix 
Page 19: Backlash over Woody Allen’s controversial memoir 
Page 20: Stars with COVID-19 speak out -- Daniel Dae Kim, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Andy Cohen 
Page 22: Heart Monitor -- Eva Amurri and Kyle Martino divorce finalized, Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich working things out, Michelle Williams and Thomas Kail married, Lana Del Rey and Sean Larkin split 
Page 24: They’re twins but Scarlett Johansson has always looked up to her brother Hunter and talks about her upcoming wedding to Colin Jost 
Page 27: Celebrity Weddings Take a Pause -- Emma Stone and Dave McCary, Lala Kent and Randall Emmett, Princess Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, Dennis Quaid and Laura Savoie, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, This Week in People History -- 1985 -- Christie Brinkley and Billy Joel say I Do 
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Page 28: Author Wesley King on how Kobe Bryant changed kids’ lives 
Page 30: Passages, Kathy Griffin loses her mom Maggie Griffin 
Page 33: Stories to Make You Smile -- Nine-year-old Alaina Holdread loves her pig Daisy but is heartsick that many owners discard their outsize pigs at shelters so she started her own nonprofit Pink for Pigs which sees to it that rescue pigs across the country receive money for their care from items she sells on her website
Page 39: People Picks -- binge special -- Cheer, Night on Earth, Country Music 
Page 40: Home Town, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, Love Is Blind 
Page 41: The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, The Mandalorian, Bob’s Burgers 
Page 42: Succession, Little America, The Crown 
Page 43: Dead to Me, High Fidelity, Sex Education, Q&A -- How to Get Away with Murder’s Matt McGorry 
Page 45: Books 
Page 46: Cover Story -- Coronavirus in America -- kindness and courage -- while social distancing and stay-in orders keep communities apart Americans are finding ways to connect and help each other 
Page 49: Ciara and Russell Wilson giving 1 million meals 
Page 50: John Legend and Chris Martin making the shows go on 
Page 51: Jimmy Fallon hosting for charity, Celebrities Doing Good -- Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, Kevin Love, Rihanna, John Rich 
Page 52: Jennifer Garner and Amy Adams -- story time with a purpose
Page 54: Jenna Dewan’s baby joy with baby Callum Michael Rebel Kazee 
Page 59: Kenny Rogers -- goodbye to a country giant 
Page 63: Con Man Turned Killer -- David Tronnes told his wife Shanti that he was worth millions -- police say he killed her when she uncovered the truth 
Page 64: Laura Prepon -- my mother taught me bulima 
Page 70: The Bachelor’s Colton Underwood -- the reality star recently diagnosed with COVID-19 opens up about questioning his sexuality and overcoming anxiety and finding true love at last 
Page 77: Alicia Keys -- in a new autobiography the superstar singer gets candid about fame, marriage and obstacles along the way 
Page 82: Already masters at isolation felines are showing their owners how social distancing is done -- thanks, internet 
Page 85: Stay Healthy and Happy at Home -- Yara Shahidi hula hoops, Miley Cyrus stretches, Busy Philipps and daughter Cricket hit a tennis ball in the carport 
Page 99: Second Look -- Anthony Anderson and Tracee Ellis Ross on Black-ish 
Page 100: One Last Thing -- Uzo Aduba 
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