#happy wednesday i’m in zoom class right now having a great morning
purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever been cheated on?  Nope.
Whose car were you last in?  Other than my own? Hans’s, but that was over two months ago. 
Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?  How timely is this, Andi literally randomly asked me how I feel about septum piercings this afternoon haha. Anyway, I have no problem with it on other people but I personally wouldn’t pick my nose as a spot for piercings.
Have your parents ever smoked pot?  I don’t know, they may have but there’s a big chance they haven’t. They don’t really share much about their youth so I would never know.
Do you tend to make relationships complicated?  That’s definitely not me.
Are you good at giving directions?  Not at all; if anyone asks me directly I usually immediately refer them to whoever I’m with at the time. Or I tell them to check Waze.
Would your mom care if she found condoms in your room?  She would and she’d definitely be pissed about it. Not that I have to worry about this ever happening, though.
Did you speak to your father today?  Yessssssss, I literally just caught a glimpse of him like two minutes ago.
Did you kiss someone before you were sixteen?  No, I was 16 turning 17 when I had my first.
Could you go a day without eating?  Yeah, but I wouldn’t feel well by the end of it. I’ve formed a habit of skipping breakfast and lunch on weekdays now, and I always feel like complete shit once I clock out. Considering I only eat dinner these days, I guess I can say I do regularly go entire days without eating.
Are your nails always painted? I never paint them/have them painted.
Have you ever met any bands/band members before?  Just local ones.
What color is your hair?  Black.
Your best friend needed somewhere to stay, could they live with you? Yes.
Have you danced in the rain?  Maybe? I don’t know. Doesn’t sound like something I would do, though.
When you said something naughty when you were little, did your parents wash out your tongue with soap?  Nope. I never liked getting in trouble, even as a kid, so I stayed out of it.
What do you think of spanking little children when they do something wrong? Okay or not?  That’s a common practice where I live, at least it was during my time. My mom didn’t believe in spanking her kids, which I’ll always be thankful for; but the cousins I lived with didn’t have the same fate so I regularly had to watch them get spanked - with sticks, slippers, belts, etc basically anything that was within reach. I think today’s generation of parents are different; I hope they are.
Who was the last male you hung out with?  Gab, Kyelle, Al, and Hans.
Who is your favorite person to text?  I don’t text anymore, but I do chat with Angela on Messenger everyday.
Who did you last take a picture with?  Does an online photo count? We had an event held through Zoom last Wednesday and we had a photo op by the end of it.
What’s your favorite brand of jeans? I don’t have any. I just wear whichever pair I’d feel good and confident wearing.
Which show is better: Spongebob or The Fairly Odd Parents?  Nooooooooo you’re making me pick between my two absolute favorites. I might have to go with Spongebob, but it barely barely barely won. Fairly OddParents is great too, at least until they added the baby fairy.
Has anyone ever told you that you looked like someone else?  Many times. Idk if I’m happy about it because something tells me it just means I have quite the common face. Idk. I don’t think too much about it and as long as I’m compared to someone I personally find pretty, it’s fine lol.
Do you enjoy the sound of crickets at night and birds in the morning?  Not so much. I find them too loud, especially the crickets.
Who is the most overrated singer?  Taylor Swift.
What is your favourite planet?  I don’t have one, but let’s go with Saturn.
Do you have any pets that you had since you were born?  Wow no. 23 years is a very long time.
Do you own anything that you had when you were a baby?  Yep, my mom kept all our umbilical cord stumps. It’s in our baby albums.
Do you enjoy Mario games?  Very much so. It’s the only franchise I can play HAHAHA
What’s your favorite online game?  I don’t play online games.
Have you ever been hit with a ball in gym class?  I probably have been.
Do you ever turn your cell phone off?  I used to sometimes shut it off whenever I’d fight with my ex and I didn’t want to deal with the world for a while. Now with the toxicity out of my life I never turn it off lol.
Who was last to cook for you?  My mom made pasta for dinner tonight. Then after that I asked her to make me coffee mixed with Milo.
Do you check your texts right away when you receive them?  Depends on who texts. I get anxious when it’s media texting, so I tend to ignore those for a few hours unless they ask something urgent. If it’s someone from my inner circle, like a friend or one of my parents, I would check and reply immediately, or at least as soon as I see the text.
Who is your most trusted person?  Mmm, probably Angela. I literally reached out last night to ask her to log on to my Facebook so she can unfriend Gab and her family on my behalf. I don’t think I would’ve asked that from anyone else.
How late did you stay up last night?  A little earlier than my usual, around midnight or so. I knew my load was going to be packed today since my manager had filed a leave which meant I had to cover for her tasks as well, so I wanted to get enough rest so that I didn’t wake up sleepy and cranky.
When/where are you most likely to sing?  As long as I’m alone, I’ll sing. I like to do it, just not in front of other people.
Would you ever wish to explore a cave?  That would be soooooooo nice. It’s been a while since I’ve been in a cave. :(
You see the person you fell hardest for. What do you do?  I imagine giving her an awkward smile and probably being the first to approach. Then I would ask how she’s been. I’m in a place in my life where I’m sure I’ll be able to do that.
Have you been/are you depressed?  I’ve been there many times.
Are your pop-ups blocked on your computer? Yes.
Have you ever ridden in a car with someone who was high?  No. I would hate to be in that situation.
Who is the best hugger you know?  Laurice.
Have you ever had to be put to sleep for an operation?  Nopes.
Does anybody have any proof of stupid things you have done?  I know Angela has a few. Gabie took a few as well; whether she still has them or not I’m not updated on anymore, nor do I care.
Why did you text the last person in your inbox?  I was just reminding Angela there was a BTS video coming out tonight.
Have you ever been able to do a split?  No but I’ve attemped to do it many times.
Did you ever date the last person you kissed?  Yes.
Are you intimidated by the last person you know talked badly about you?  I never keep track of things like that. I know it would bring nothing but unnecessary stress, so I never snoop or ask around to check if anyone’s been talking not-so-nicely about me behind my back.
Have you ever cried in school?  Maybe only about once or twice in the 18 years I was in school. I absolutely hate crying in front of people, and I mainly do it when I’m alone. I don’t think I’ve even ever cried in front of Angela; that’s how much I hate it.
Last person of the opposite sex you screamed at?  I don’t remember ever screaming at a guy.
Do you have any weird sleep habits?  I...wouldn’t know, since I’m asleep when I do them. I always sleep alone too, so no one would be able to tell me how I sleep. All I know is I’m not much of a mover and I usually wake up in the same position (or almost the same position) I fell asleep in.
Do you consider yourself an emotional person?  Yes, I’m sensitive in every sense of the word.
When was the last time you had a headache?  Last Wednesday when not eating for the entire day finally hit me like a truck by the end of my shift. :/
When was the last time you encountered a puppy? Cooper circa September.
Is there anything that happened a long time ago that you still laugh about?  Yes, many instances.
Do you ever try to interpret your dreams?  No, I don’t think anything of them beyond “just weird scenarios of people I know doing weird things.”
What was the last thing you bought impulsively?  Three orders of sushi, 24 pieces in total.
How do you feel about singing songs out loud in front of other people? No amount of money would make me do it.
When was the last time you were feeling really, really nervous?  This afternoon when a supplier we’re currently working with asked to call. Normally my manager would be the one mainly in touch with people like them, but since she was out today I was next in line.
If you’re no longer in school, what is something you miss about it? If you’re still in school, what’s something you think you’re going to miss about it? I miss seeing my friends everyday and being able to hang out after our classes, even if it just means sitting at a table doing nothing together.
Do you use your turn signals when you’re driving?  Excessively. I use it even in the subdivision lmao, or on one-way roads.
How exactly are you feeling right now?  Content. It’s a little hot and mosquitoes keep flying around me, but I’m not letting these affect my mood. Just focusing on the fact that it’s a Friday night and I can let go of work for a couple of days.
Have you ever had to board up your windows because of a hurricane?  Never happened before. I just close up my windows completely so that they don’t slam if ever the wind gets too strong.
Do you tell anyone to chew with their mouths closed?  I don’t recall ever feeling the need to do this. The sound doesn’t bother me much anyway; definitely not as much as it annoys most people.
Have you ever ordered pizza and sent it to someone else’s house?  Yup I did that for Angela and Kata recently, for my birthday, along with truffle mac and cheese. Basically my favorite orders from Mama Lou’s, haha.
What was the first thing you drank when you woke up this morning? I believe it was water.
Do you think stretch marks from having a baby are ugly or badges of honor?  Ugh this question is so outdated I don’t even want to take the time to answer it.
Ever done a keg stand?  No.
Who is the last person you lent money to?  I don’t lend my money.
Do you share clothing with anyone?  Mmm, sometimes. It’s usually me borrowing clothes from my sister, though.
Have you ever visited anyone in a rehab?  Nope.
Was the last thing you drank a Coke or Pepsi product?  No, it was just water. I’d never be caught craving for soda.
Honestly, do you think that you’re going to be an overprotective parent? No. I experienced having strict parents, so I know it’s not something I would want to pass on to my kids. I want my kids to be able to go out with friends and attend parties and get tattoos (when they’re older) and express their identity without being scared of me.
What was the last kind of chips you ate?  Piattos cheddar chips.
What is one thing that you really wish you could understand, but don’t?  Investing and stocks.
What is the last thing you charged?  My laptop.
Have you ever held a snake?  Yes. I’m always the only one in the family willing to do things like this when we go on vacations haha.
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buzzdixonwriter · 5 years
Avengers, Disassemble!
I’m going to tell you a story to make a point, a true story, but in the words of the late Jack Enyart, I will change the names “to protect the innocent and confound the guilty.’
. . .
Once upon a time, w-a-a-a-y back before we had word processors or the Internet or even bulletin board systems, Producer Pete got the rights to do an Avengers TV show.
All of us who worked for Producer Pete Productions kvelled at this idea:  The Avengers!  Marvel’s mightiest heroes!  We couldn’t wait to jump on it.
…and we didn’t have to wait.  Producer Pete got the rights on a Monday, called the network on Tuesday to pitch the idea to them, the network said send us an outline for the pilot and some sample art and we’ll let you know.
Send it by Thursday.
This Thursday.
In the morning.
First thing.
(Oh, did I mention Producer Pete was in Los Angeles and the network suits were in New York?  I didn’t?  Well, keep that in mind -- along with the fact we had no such thing as the Internet or emails back in the day.)
Producer Pete appraised us of this late Tuesday.  A complete detailed outline and production art in 36 hours.  A tough challenge…
…but it could be done.
First we hammered out a format for the show: An hour in length, not a mere half hour, and thus with six segments instead of three.  Each episode would tell a big overarching story, but segments 1 through 5 would be standalone adventures focusing on just one of the Avengers while segment 6 would wrap everything up in a big bright bow.
We quickly came up with a story idea and even called in a couple of freelance writers and artists to get everything done by 6pm on Wednesday, which was the latest we could drop the material off at FedEx and hope to get it to NYC first thing Thursday.
The Avengers team assembled.  Producer Pete put me in charge of shepherding the project.  I gathered the writers and art crew around noon on Wednesday and ran them through the broad strokes quickly:
“Al, you write the Captain America segment,  That’s our opening.  Make sure Cappy does A by the end of the segment so it can tie in with Bob’s segment.
“Bob, you write Namor’s segment.  Take A and add B to it so Carol can pick up where you leave off with the Vision.
“Carol, you take A and B, add C so Dave can add D; Dave, pass A, B, C, and D to Ed; Ed, you make sure to add E and when you’re all done I’ll go over the entire thing and write the last segment where all the Avengers assemble and do A through E together.”
I then gave out similar assignments to the artists.  They didn’t have to reflect exactly what any of the writers wrote, but they needed to make sure Cappy did A, Namor did B, etc.
Six writers, six artists, six hours.  It could be done.  We were off and running…
…except for Bob.
Bob was a talented writer, wrote very funny stuff, but he was as deaf as a post and vain about his condition.
I went over the beats at least twice with everybody in the room, each time asking the assembled crew:  “Have you got that?”
And they all nodded and said they did.
Even Bob.
And I also told them that if they had any problems, come straight to me, I’d help work ‘em out ASAP.
Six writers.
Six artists.
Six short written segments.
Six pieces of art.
Six hours.
Piece o’ cake, right?
Bob did not hear me telling the crew to come straight to me if they ran into any problems.
Instead he went to Producer Pete and said, “I can’t figure out what this thing is regarding Namor and B.  Howzabout if instead of B I did 2?”
“Sure,” said Producer Pete, sealing our fates.
Four o’clock rolls around.  The preliminary art looks great, the artists are inking and coloring.  Al and Carol and Dave and Ed turn in their segments, and everything fits together perfectly.
Bob drops off his Namor segment.
The segment with 2 instead of B.
“Whoa!  Whoa!  Whoa!” says I.  “What’s this?  Bob, we need Namor to do B not 2.  Go back and fix it.”
Bob goes back, but he doesn’t fix it.  He looks up Producer Pete instead.  “Buzz doesn’t like your idea about 2, he wants to do B.”
“Tell him to do 2,” says Producer Pete.  Once he put his mark on a story, it was going to stay that way, regardless of what had been discussed and agreed upon earlier.
Bob relays this news to me.  I go see Producer Pete.  Producer Pete listens to my explanation why we need Bob to write B instead of 2, nods, and says, “Do 2 instead.”
Well, this throws a monkey wrench in the proceedings, because we can’t have the Avengers doing A, B, C, D, and E in the last segment, can we?
The writers are ready to leave but I corral them and explain the situation.  They are not happy, but they know what needs to be done and get back to work.
I intercept the artists and explain they need to redo the art to reflect 1 through 5 instead of A through E.
They are even less happy than the writers, but they start redoing the almost completed art.
I alert the office manager and tell her she needs to keep a couple of typists on duty (remember, this is before word processing; we writers handed in rough drafts, frequently corrected with red pens or literally cut and pasted together, and a secretary or typists would need to retype the material in presentable form).
They’re even less happy than the artists (who at least have the benefit of chemical enhancements).
But there’s more bad news: Because the art needs to be redone, we’re gonna miss the 6pm deadline for regular FedEx service.
Fortunately, the office manager has a replacement -- more expensive, but available.  If we can get the work done by 7pm, we can take advantage of a special courier service used by banks and big businesses.
Well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do, right?
And Bob?
I told him he’d done a great job and that he could go home.
Wasn’t gonna keep him around to screw things up again.
(Don’t think I bore any grudge against Bob; I realized the fault lay with me not making sure, not him failing to understand.  I worked with him a couple of times after that, but never on any projects with crucial deadlines.)
We plunge ahead.  Now we’re getting desperate (well, not the typists; they’re merely getting cranky).
Producer Pete needed to attend some function that evening so around 6:30pm he starts heading out the door.  The office manager and I intercept him with a vital question:  If the artists haven’t finished all six pieces of art by 7pm, can we got with what we’ve got?
“No.  I promised ‘em six pieces of art, they’re gonna get six pieces of art.”
So off he went, and back I went to do what I could to speed the artists along.
You can only lay down inks and colors so fast, and this was not merely a case of new art but old art to be retouched in order for the new to go over it.
And that didn’t include mounting said art on large boards for a professional looking presentation.
7pm starts breathing down our necks.  We’ve got four pieces done.  We contact Producer Pete at his function and ask if we can go with four instead of six.
Long pause.  “Is the final segment among the four?”
=groan= No.
“Don’t send it unless you can include the big climax.”
7pm zooms past.  We do not notice the lovely sound Douglas Adams claims it makes.
Now we’re really at wit’s end.  Contact Producer Pete at his function again.  He is not happy.  Explain the situation.
Fortunately the office manager found an even more expensive solution:   A special service that will send a personal courier across the country via red eye flight to deliver the presentation first thing in the morning.
Not only does it cost a huge hunka cash to hire this service, but said courier must fly first-class round trip.
I tell Producer Pete he can buy me an economy round trip ticket and I would personally deliver the presentation.
Producer Pete asks me to put office manager on the line.
Tells office manager if necessary, she is to shoot me to prevent my having any face-to-face encounter with the network.
Fortunately the last two artists finish their pieces just minutes shy of the super-expensive super-exclusive courier’s 8pm deadline.
He shows up at the front door, we thrust the presentation into his arms, spin him around, and shove him into the cab.
He makes it to the airport, catches the flight, delivers the presentation the next day as contracted.
The art crew and I and a couple of writers who wanted to see if we’d make it or not decide we need to blow off some steam.
Problem: Producer Pete’s studio is w-a-a-a-y out in the boonies; there are no nearby places to get a meal or a drink.
Solution: We commandeer Producer Pete’s liquor cabinet and drain it dry.
P.S.: The network rejects the show.
P.P.S.: Producer Pete buys a liquor cabinet with a lock on it.
. . .
So why tell you all this?
I get criticized a lot for being extremely specific and precise in my details.
Now let me state, this isn’t true 100% of the time.
I don’t need to micromanage everything.
But if I know what I want, then I want that, not something close to it, not something approximating it. 
If the final product doesn’t need to fit a precise need, I’m typically fine with letting people do what they feel best.
But when I give explicit instructions, I’ve got a reason.
And sometimes why I want it is so involved and complex that’s it’s just easier for me to say “Do it at 700dpi” than explain we’re anticipating the artwork being repurposed at some point in the future.
…or refuse…
But please don’t say you will then ignore what I tell you I need.
. . .
Ironically, the exact opposite of this scenario also plagues me.
If you include a detail in your instructions, I assume that detail is important.
If you tell me to contact Jane in the accounting department, I’m gonna contact Jane even if there’s a half dozen other people who can help me just as easily.
Don’t distract me with superfluous details.
“Contact the accounting department” not “Contact Jane”, comprende?
(I’m not the least bit surprised I need to explain this to many of you…)
 © Buzz Dixon
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For Many Across America, a Sigh of Relief as a New Era Begins
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Early Inauguration Day morning, she slipped into her pandemic-era work clothes of gray sweatpants and white shirt and ground the beans. Then, with her mug of coffee, she watched on her kitchen television as the green-and-white helicopter took air, removing from the White House grounds the outgoing 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
In that kitchen, in a brick Colonial house in Watertown, Mass., tears came to the eyes of the woman, Karolyn Kurkjian-Jones. Tears of unabashed joy.
“It’s over, it’s over, it’s over,” Ms. Kurkjian-Jones, a retired kindergarten teacher and pandemic-furloughed concierge at the Boston Park Plaza hotel, said later. “He’s gone.”
Since the election in November of Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the 46th president, a great deal of attention has been paid to the conspiracy theories of Republicans who supported Mr. Trump — especially those who, heeding his combustible words about a stolen election, overran the Capitol in a surge of violence and vandalism on Jan. 6.
But so many more Americans, nearly 81.3 million of them, are like Ms. Kurkjian-Jones, people who voted for Mr. Biden and against Mr. Trump. And, on Wednesday, exactly two weeks after the attack on the Capitol, they celebrated with liquor and baked goods, with Zoom calls and “Amazing Grace” and tears of joy, a new day: a day in which a nation pushed a reset button.
In Chicago, not far from a bakery doing a brisk business in inauguration-themed treats — a Wonder Woman cake featuring the face of Vice President Kamala Harris, for example — Sarah Rassey, 40, made plans to watch the inauguration with her daughter, Madeleine, who also happened to be turning 5.
“I feel lighter,” Ms. Rassey said of Mr. Biden’s presidency. “I’m just grateful, relieved, happy — and, honestly, I’ve been crying tears of joy since last night.”
In Texas, a pair of sisters — both special-education teachers from Killeen — drove more than an hour to be in front of the State Capitol in Austin in time to watch the inauguration on a cellphone. Norma Luna, 49, and Sylvia Luna, 43, were there in part to honor a third sister, Veronica, 56, who died of the coronavirus on Election Day.
“It’s a relief,” Norma Luna cried as she watched the ceremony. “I didn’t think we could get here. We’re proud to be Americans again.”
In Annandale, Va., Isra Chaker, 30, an advocate for refugees and asylum seekers at Oxfam America, felt unburdened of the need to justify her “Americanness” during the Trump administration — even though she was born and raised by Syrian immigrants in Boulder, Colo.
“Today I know that I belong here,” Ms. Chaker, a Muslim who wears a hijab, said. “It was reaffirmed that we are all America and America is all of us.”
And at the Calamari’s Squid Row restaurant in Erie, Pa., vodka was the noontime alcohol of choice among some women who call themselves the Drinking Girls. Mary Jo Campbell, 70, a retired university professor and an official in the Erie County Democratic Party, was there, along with her friends Linda, and Kathy, and Alice, and Cheryl, and Karen, and Amy, and Emily — a band assembled in commiseration after Mr. Trump’s election in 2016.
Jan. 20, 2021, 8:17 p.m. ET
They removed their masks to sip in jubilation. They cheered the moment that Mr. Biden assumed power. They joined Garth Brooks in singing “Amazing Grace.” And then they sipped some more.
“Everybody was hooting and hollering,” said Ms. Campbell, 70, who wore Ruth Bader Ginsburg earrings to offset her blue “Pennsylvania for Biden” T-shirt.
This inauguration seemed to represent more than the routine transition of power from one political party to another. The smashing of norms by Mr. Trump, culminating with his refusal to concede an election he lost and then his incitement of his supporters to march on the Capitol — leading to indictments and his second impeachment — made the moment seem seismic: a shift from one distinct era to another, with the question of who we are as a republic suddenly open to debate.
In Berkeley, Calif., a software engineer named Martin Turon walked his labradoodle past the Thousand Oaks Elementary School, where a custodian had hung a congratulatory banner featuring an alumna: Vice President Kamala Harris. Mr. Turon said he was very proud of Ms. Harris, but the overarching emotion he was feeling was relief, not jubilation.
“Do you really celebrate right after a big earthquake, when everything is broken?” Mr. Turon asked. “When you’re picking up the boards and the rubble off the streets?”
Indeed, there were small spasms of dissent by those who still do not accept Mr. Biden as the duly elected president, although reporters and members of the National Guard far outnumbered protesters outside state capitols. But then this was a day when those who did recognize the legitimacy of the election — that is, most of the country — marked the moment.
The changeover actually began hours earlier, when Mr. Trump and his wife, Melania, emerged — his extra-long red tie, her dark sunglasses — from the White House to board the Marine One helicopter, only to appear shortly afterward at Joint Base Andrews to address a small crowd of loyalists. As Mr. Trump recited what he said were the accomplishments of his administration — a recitation punctuated by a vow to “be back in some form” — the array of American flags, stirred by the morning breeze, seemed restless.
Meanwhile, in a Massachusetts town 430 miles to the northeast, the retired kindergarten teacher, Ms. Kurkjian-Jones, harbored strong feelings of good riddance.
After Mr. Trump’s swearing-in in 2017, Ms. Kurkjian-Jones began a four-year ritual of sending a colorful postcard to the White House every day except Sunday that said “Donald Trump Release Your Taxes” — which he never did. She always signed the card with her name and the initials ABM — “for ‘America’s Big Mistake,’” she said.
Now, at about noon, Ms. Kurkjian-Jones raised a glass of Moët Champagne in toast to the swearing-in of his successor. “A long time coming,” she said.
Many still believe Mr. Trump’s baseless contention of widespread electoral fraud. The aftershocks of the Capitol attack included a militarized lockdown for the inauguration ceremonies. And the pandemic, which has claimed more than 400,000 lives in the United States, required the nonstop attention of overworked health care workers across the country.
As the inauguration unfolded in Washington, the life-or-death struggles continued at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital in South Los Angeles. “I’m so tired of zipping black body bags,” a nurse, Amanda Hamilton, said as the distant ceremony continued. “It’s exciting we have a president who actually cares and might do something about it.”
Seconds later came the call of a “Code Blue”: a woman in her early 50s whose heart had slowed and oxygen had plummeted. Ms. Hamilton rushed down the hallway to help insert a breathing tube.
Still, these realities could not suppress for some the day’s sense of profound relief.
Karin Wraley Barbee, 48, an English professor at Siena Heights University in Adrian, Mich., said the day felt like a bookend to the day after Mr. Trump won in 2016, when she taught classes at the university but felt she could burst into tears at any time.
“I’m not naïve enough to think everything is OK; it’s not,” she said. “Everyone is very, very awake, and invested in repairing what was damaged.”
Mr. Barbee finished teaching a composition class at 11:50, then ran to her office, where she managed to catch the swearing-in of the new president on her computer. She could hear a few colleagues clapping in the moment. And then, she said, “A couple of us did a little dance.”
Reporting was contributed by Ellen Barry, Julie Bosman, Sheri Fink, Thomas Fuller, Miriam Jordan and David Montgomery.
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anamorales · 5 years
73 questions
Hey friends! Happy Thursday! Hope you’re enjoying the week. 
It’s been a fun and crazy one over here. The girls have had half-day camps, Liv auditioned for dance team, the Pilot has been flying nights, and madre’s birthday was on Tuesday! We got together for a *small* family dinner (we joke that we’re just a small party of 28), and ate Mexican food, cake, and sang “Happy Birthday” to the amazing lady who gives so much to everyone in our family.
 My fave picture from the night! 
(The cake was from Whole Foods bakery and so so good.)
Workout-wise, I’ve crushed every day this week. Sunday, we filmed Summer Shape Up videos (the party starts June 24)! Monday, I hopped on the Peloton bike for a 30-minute ride, Tuesday was barre, Wednesday was a BODYATTACK class On Demand (my link is good for 21 days FREE of the amazing Les Mills workouts), and today and tomorrow are off since I’m traveling to Chicago for a blog trip. I’m looking forward to catching up with Anne and Julie, and meeting some new blogger friends. I’ll be sure to share some of the adventures on IG stories!
I originally planned to post this one while we were on our cruise, but since internet was a bit sketchy – and I blasted through the ship’s plan in a mere 24 hours – I didn’t get the chance to get this one published. I originally saw this survey on my friend Ashley’s blog, and then Julie’s. I loved reading their answers so much, so I thought I’d join in the survey fun. 
1.  What’s the best thing that happened to you this month? Taking a Disney Cruise with the fam! 
2. What’s your favorite game? We don’t usually play board games at home, but our favorite games is a hide and seek and tag hybrid. I hide, the girls try to find me, I jump out and go “AHHH!” and they scream, I chase them around until I tag them, and then they hide. 
3. When are you most inspired? Mid-morning, usually after I’ve had breakfast and survived the school drop-off. 
4. If you could teach one subject in school what would it be? Math
5. What’s your favorite beverage? LaCroix 
6. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? A friend from the gym sent a text message while the Pilot was deployed and basically gave me a pep talk. She said she was proud of me for doing so well with work stuff and solo parenting. It was very unexpected and really made my whole month. It was a great reminder to let other people know when I’m inspired by them or think they’re crushing it. 
7. What is your favorite birthday cake? Yellow cake with chocolate buttercream
(That was my bday cake last year!)
8. What is one thing you still have from your childhood? A photo album that my mom made for me when I was 4 and we’d taken a trip to California. I was with all of my aunties, my parents were still married, and my uncle was still alive. Our dog chewed around the edges of it when I was younger, and the small plastic photo album contains quite a few happy memories from being a kid.
9. What is your favorite movie? Love, Actually
10. What is something you can’t do? Play the flute even though I faked it for an entire year in 5th grade. I could do all of the finger work, but no sound would come out. So I just pursed my lips and acted like I knew what I was doing. 
11. Window or aisle seat? Aisle so I can get up a thousand times if I feel like it. 
12. What makes you laugh no matter what? P makes the most ridiculous faces that make me laugh every day. We get a kick out of zooming in on photos that she’s in, because you never know what you’re going to get.
13. What does creativity mean to you? Free from any perceived restraints or judgments. 
14. What are your favorite lyrics of all time? “Look around, look around, how lucky we are to be alive right now.” I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of Hamilton.
Or hanging out with Betsy  
15. What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving
16. What’s heavily played on your music playlist right now? “Far Too Good” by John Smith. 
17. If you could raid one woman’s closet who would it be? My friend Annie’s! Whenever she posts Instagram posts, I want her outfit and her shoes
18. Must have purse item? Color Intense lipstick in at least 3 shades
19. What did you want to be when you grew up when you were 12? On Broadway
20. What is something you will not be doing in ten years? Wondering where the heck we’ll be living in a couple of years. It’s so crazy to be able to know and plan where we want to live. 
21. What is an important life lesson for someone to learn? Your gut instinct is always right.
22. How do you start your day? Scrolling through my phone with one eye closed.
23. Would you ever live anywhere besides Tucson? Yes! We’d love to make it back to San Diego one day but love being in Tucson for now.
24. What is your favorite dessert?  Anything super chocolaty.
25. Is there a dessert you don’t like? Creme brûlée is gross.
26. It’s brunch! What do you eat? Eggs, breakfast potatoes, turkey sausage, and a mimosa because brunch without cocktails is just a sad breakfast. <— words of wisdom from Prep & Pastry
27. Where was the best vacation you’ve ever taken? Positano
28. Favorite Disney animal? Stitch
29. What is a book you are planning on reading? “Educated” is downloaded on my Kindle but I haven’t started it yet
30. What did you read most recently? “Where the Crawdads Sing” and loooooved it
31. Favorite solo artist? Michael Bublé for life
32. What is something you’re tired of? The Instagram algorithm. They want to turn it into a “pay to play” platform, which was the downfall of Facebook
33. What’s a city you wish to visit? Paris
34. Heels or flats? Wedges
35.  Where does one go on a perfect road trip? To Sedona. It’s just an easy drive from us and has an incredible energy.
36. What do you do on a rainy day? Try to find indoor activities to entertain the kiddos! We’ll do art, visit a museum, go rock climbing, or see a movie
37. What’s your favorite exercise? Spin, barre and BODYPUMP are tied
38. What was your worst subject in school? English which is a hilarious thing since I write a blog for a living
39. What is your spirit animal? An otter. I want to spend the day in the pool, floating on my back, eating salad
40. What do you usually eat for breakfast? A giant egg patty and either oatmeal with almond butter or a brown rice tortilla
41. What do you usually eat for dinner? We change it up every night but some classics are salmon, sweet potato and salad, Harney Cobbs, or sushi roll bowls
42. Cooking or Baking? Both!
43. Favorite baked good? Cookie dough on the bottom, Oreo’s in the middle, and brownies on top
44. What is something you wish you could be good at? Organizing photos on my laptop. It’s a hot mess
45. Skiing or Surfing? Paddle boarding 
46. First celebrity crush? JTT — Jonathan Taylor Thomas — I became a vegetarian for him when I was 8
47. Most recent celebrity crush? Aaron Tveit. I love his voice!
48. What color was your prom dress? Junior year it was bright pink and senior year it was light purple and silver
49. How do you manage stress? Try to do the most challenging/inconvenient item on my to-do list first
50. What do you do to relax? Read or cook
51. Age when you were first kissed? 12
52. Place you were first kissed? Playing “spin the bottle” after musical theatre class
53. Favorite fashion trend of all time? Low-top sneakers with dresses
54. Best fashion advice you’ve ever received? If you have to convince yourself that you like it, you’ll never wear it, so don’t buy it
55. What is your current favorite piece of clothing that you own? These embellished sandals. I wear them all the time and am constantly asked where I bought them
56. Shoes or Bags? Bags! I love a good crossbody
57. How do you know if you’re in love? When you know, you know
58. Television show you’ve binged on recently? The Bachelorette! We’re almost caught up for the season
59. Who do you turn to when you’re sad? My mom – she always knows exactly what to say to make me feel better
60. Leather or lace? Lace
61. Vintage or new? New
62. What is your Kryptonite? Chocolate or guacamole
63. What are you most enchanted by? Surface level: Moms on social media who have 18 children, homeschool, are all matching in neutral clothing with zero stains, and elaborate mermaid braids in their hair. Deeper: I’m beyond enchanted with Liv and P. They surprise me, make me laugh, and make my heart explode every single day. I often find myself wondering how they’re so darn amazing?
64. What is your biggest strength? Hustle
65. What is your biggest weakness? Stressing over all of the details
66. What are 3 words to describe living in Tucson? Picturesque. Hot. Eccentric.
67. Cutest thing on planet earth? Baby koalas
68. Favorite color? Peach
69. Best first date idea? Something active, like a low-key hike, followed by dinner and drinks
70. Favorite time of day? Late.. probably around 9 or 10pm. I enjoy the quiet and downtime
71. What do you first notice about someone when you meet them? Their smile 
72. What’s your guilty pleasure? Take a jar of almond butter, sprinkle chocolate chips into the jar, scoop out with a spoon
73. Favorite band? I wouldn’t say I’m super into bands at the moment and my music taste is all over the place. Back in high school, I was obsessed with Dashboard Confessional
That was a fun one! I always love surveys because it gives me the chance to get to know you all better.
So, tell me friends:
When are you most inspired?
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? 
What’s one thing you cannot do? 
Cutest thing on planet earth?
What do you do to relax? 
Or pick any of the questions above and share your answers below! 
Have a lovely day.
  The post 73 questions appeared first on The Fitnessista.
73 questions published first on https://immigrationways.tumblr.com/
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louisdupont · 7 years
Come Here Often? (I Do, Actually) - Part IV
This chapter is not as happy as the rest, which is why it’s shorter. I literally kicked and dragged my heels on this one, and I freely admit I am not great at angst. 
Things to Know: Alex is a copy/speechwriter at a generic firm in NYC.
Part  I -  II  -  III
Putting the last few touches on the apartment–which is now tidier probably than it has been in months–Alex pours two glasses of the actually-posh wine he’d splurged on earlier after he’d gotten phone call he’d been wanting. It’s Wednesday night, and he hasn’t seen Eliza in some 50-odd hours (since Tuesday morning)–bad enough under normal circumstances, but it’s even worse given the great news he’s got to share with her. John had to take his phone all evening to stop him texting her in paragraphs when they’d gone out for drinks (which Alex secretly agreed was stupid and might dilute the celebratory making out), and he’d only just gotten it back after he’d kicked all his roommates out.
 He’s practically vibrating with excitement when the door swings open to reveal Eliza a few minutes later, sweeping her up into his arms for an apologetically firm kiss as a greeting.
 “Well, hello,” she says breathlessly, arms still wrapped around his neck after they pull away, faces still close.
 “Good show?” he manages to ask, still holding her feet a few inches off the ground so that their faces are level and bodies are still pressed tightly together. They’re practically the same height, so all of this is unnecessary–except for the touching, obviously.
 “I tripped running away from Nino, so my knee kills right now, but yes, mostly,” she grins, letting him walk her backwards toward the couch now that he’s let her feet back to the ground. With one last affectionate stroke of his cheek, she lets herself sink down into the cushions while he pads off to the kitchen.
 “As long as you did get away,” Alex smirks with a twinge of mostly-in-jest jealousy. Acting is acting, sure, but the guy who plays Nino has a pretty okay face, great voice, and is basically paid to kiss Alex’s girlfriend every night–for that, he can only manage like 79% chill with the guy.
 With two wine glasses and now an ice pack in hand, Alex returns to her and they arrange themselves carefully so that he’s sitting with his arm along the back of the couch with her tucked under and facing him. He steals one more kiss and that’s it, all his chill is gone, and he grins excitedly.
 “So listen, I have some news.”
 She looks mildly surprised from the rim of her glass. “Is this why I didn’t hear from you for four hours? People were taking bets on what happened to you. My money was on you falling into a manhole.”
 He’d always thought she liked that he was incapable of anything less than a paragraph text, but that was a conversation for another time.
 “Chris Pike’s people called me.”
The same Christopher Pike that was the Democratic candidate running for New York’s governorship, who Alex had been writing for sparingly at first, but more regularly as of late. Normally, his assignments had a little more parity, but apparently the Pike campaign had taken a liking to how Alex spun his word webs.
 “You know how they’ve been using my speeches?” Eliza nods, sitting up a little straighter. “They want me to come on staff officially, join them on the campaign–they’re offering deputy speechwriter. Their primary guy apparently shat the bed and they need someone quick to go on the road and start putting together talking points so they don’t lose momentum. I leave for Albany on Friday.”
Eliza’s face hasn’t changed really as he lays his bombshell on her, but she’s probably just processing how huge of a break this is for him. Chris Pike is a well-respected Democrat within the party and the state–he’d served in Congress and the man had a ton of connections. Being asked to join a gubernatorial campaign as an official speechwriter was an even bigger break than Alex had been waiting for, and it was his first real chance to make his mark on something important. Being able to share it with Eliza was so great–as someone who looked well on her way to a possible Tony nomination (he’d been reading theater blogs, yes), she would appreciate that his career was taking off to match hers.
 It’s weird that her face doesn’t reflect that joy he’s sure she feels.
 “The election’s in November,” she says a little flatly, wheels in her head still turning. “It’s not even August.”
 Alex’s lips purse and he half shrugs in a non-verbal ‘I don’t get it, please continue so that I may better understand why you’re not congratulating me’ way. And she obliges.
 “No, I mean, it’s great, obviously, but,” Eliza rubs her forehead, which is still creased in thought. “I know it’s a good job, but that’s four months that, what? You’ll be gone….?”
 Alex nods, still not grasping her muted reaction. “Yeah, he wants me to go with him to the DNC first”–” which Alex plans to network the SHIT out of–“before we restart local campaign efforts.” He scoots closer, scooping her hands into his as he tries to further explain. “Babe, I’m not writing random shit anymore. No more fundraiser keynotes, no more dumbass corporate press releases. You know Pike! His politics are great–the man wants to affect real change, and I will be there. Helping him communicate, helping him build.”
 She finally smiles, but it’s lopsided and still not fully bright as she squeezes his hands. “Of course I’m happy for you, and you’re right–Pike is a great candidate to serve, just like you wanted. I just–” one shoulder comes up in a half-shrug. “I thought you’d talk to me before just taking it. Two days isn’t–”
 “Of course I’d take the job,” Alex cuts her off, confused. “Why wouldn’t I take this ridiculously amazing opportunity?”
 Eliza blinks. “I didn’t say you wouldn’t, I said–”
 “Why aren’t you happy about this? I thought you’d be happy about this.”
 Again, he interrupts, and this time she withdraws  her hands from him. The bite in his tone wasn’t a mistake the first time, it seems.
“All I said was that I thought we might’ve talked about something like this, since it’s kind of a big deal–”
“It’s a huge deal, Eliza!” Alex stands and starts pacing, but he’s only half-aware–his brain is already off and racing, zooming back towards those pits of insecurity, of worthlessness. “I graduated top of my class after working my ASS off, I deserve this. Pike takes me to the Democratic convention, I could get on with a senator, or another congressman. If I do well, maybe Pike keeps me on. This is it, ‘Liza, my life can finally start now.”
He doesn’t have to be nothing any longer, not with a platform this big.
“Your life can finally start now,” Eliza parrots, albeit slower, like she’s not quite sure but he really did say that. Her careful tone is abandoned, and she looks up at him, her lips forming a thin line. “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were so unhappy. So stuck.”
“‘Liza, that’s not–I meant, my career. Obviously. There’s so much we need to do as a party, as a country, and now I’m getting my foot in the door. How do you not understand that this is a good thing?”
“No, I get it.” She’s firing back more quickly now, and if Alex could see beyond his blinders, he might heed the warning. “I just thought that you already had a good thing, but apparently it’s fuck that, you’re ready to abandon it without even considering speaking to me.”
Now Alex is confused, and Eliza’s angrier than he’s ever known.
“Did it ever occur to you that good for you might not be the exact same thing as good for us?” She waits a beat, and Alex can only gape, speechless for the first time, maybe ever. His girlfriend isn’t done making her point. 
“Of course I want you to have all the things you’ve worked so hard for–Alex, you’re brilliant, and locking you up in a room pumping out one-offs for every corporate stooge that’s too lazy to even try is a ridiculous waste. You deserve a chance, and I know you’re going to spin gold for this guy. I am so proud of you.” 
The corner of her mouth almost quirks up in a smile at that before she remembers and pushes out a huff of a breath. “But now, what? You’ll gone for months, no discussion at all? Do you understand how selfish that is?”
Her tone has mellowed into something a little pleading, a little wheedling, but they haven’t been dating long enough for her know how to back him down entirely.
“I can’t believe you’re asking me to turn down the best opportunity I’ve ever had,” Alex says stonily, and she blanches.
“This isn’t–oh my god. I never said that. This is about your attitude, and how I feel about the fact that the last two months don’t even warrant two seconds of your brain power in light of this. That you wouldn’t even stop to think about how we would work this out now that you’ll be moving all over New York and I’ll be here. It. Didn’t Even. Register.”
 Finally, she softens, if only a bit.
 “I just wish you would’ve talked to me first. That’s all.”
 In the back of his mind, Alex knows there’s something else he could say. He can see the light at the end of that tunnel, the path he should take because in a universe where maybe he hadn’t had to fight for every goddamn thing he could grasp, hadn’t had to shout constantly to even be heard, hadn’t had to be happy with scraps until NOW–maybe then, in that universe, he would say the right thing.
 But it’s not that universe.
 “Don’t act like I don’t fucking care. You know I do. The only difference between then and now is, now, your boyfriend isn’t going to be some grunt pushing paper in a back room anymore. I can actually make something of myself, someone you can be proud of–this is my shot.”
Something glimmers behind Eliza’s eyes, an emotion he can’t quite place. Somewhere between resignation and outright sadness, he guesses.
“I know. So why didn’t you just wait to talk to me about this? What are we going to do?”
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thisnerdsadventures · 4 years
summer updates
wow i literally just abandoned this blog for two months didn’t i LOL
yes, so, my life got a little crazy and things have been going all right, but just wrenches thrown in the gears here and there, but here’s a rundown of everything that has happened:
So I graduated (per my last post). And I was supposed to be going around the world, travelling and having fun and visiting people, but instead I was at home binge watching Netflix and wishing my internship had started a couple weeks early. If I definitely didn’t get my free weeks of travel in the beginning of summer, maybe by the end I would get them.
For my summer internship this year, googz shipped us all of our work from home stuff, including a keyboard, monitor, mouse, and our computer. This summer I had a great dual monitor setup with the monitor I already owned, which made it feel like I was at the office. However, in fact, I was not at the office, since all our internships went remote this summer, so while I was surrounded by three screens and a keyboard and mouse, I was not surrounded by coworkers, which made the internship experience feel super different.
Week 1 already felt different - some of us didn’t have our credentials, so day 1 and day 2 were pretty slow compared to the rush of getting to know people and getting to know the team in-person. My team though is pretty chill - we have standup every morning bright and early at 8am PST/11am EST (rip me) followed by the daily NYTimes crossword. I was prepped and ready for this, having done the crossword in the back of my systems class every Monday and Wednesday for a whole semester with my best friend. Turns out they’re pretty good too, we did a Friday crossword in like 11 minutes the other day.
Project has been going kind of smoothly? which is surprising if you were around to witness the chaos that was my last summer intern project, which underwent like fifty thousand dead ends and turnaround and permissions errors. Aside from like a couple of permissions errors which got resolved within days, my project has been working? Nothing has exploded?? I haven’t broken prod??? This feels fake. Every time something works I tell my boss: I am shocked. I am shook. But yeah, I essentially did most of my project in like 6/12 weeks, which my manager was also surprised to see (in a good way). I feel like the theme of this summer was getting a really solid design down before going forth and implementing the thing, which I think would’ve prevented a lot of the pitfalls from last summer. Because I had already thought in advance of a lot of the weird things I might run into or identified examples where what I wanted to do had clearly worked, it was a lot easier to implement, and I was a lot more confident that it would work. My manager and team have also been really great at keeping in touch and checking in constantly, so although it’s still obvious that there’s some team aspect missing, it definitely isn’t as bad as it could’ve been. 
Outside of my project though, I can definitely feel a lot of other things lacking. For example, last summer I was really involved with ERG stuff because my team essentially led like two of the ERG’s at the office, but I’m not sure if that’s just not the case at my current team, or maybe they just haven’t been present for the interns because of COVID. Last summer too, my team did a lot of bonding stuff, like we went out to dinner, played games, got lunch, went out for drinks, etc, but obviously nothing like that happened this summer. There also aren’t any other interns on my team, which is a little sad because it was always great to commiserate with someone else (still friends with both of my co-commiserators from previous two summers). I also feel this general feeling of like “I don’t want to put in the effort to make friends because I already have them from last two summers” and also “I am so old I can’t relate to these post 2000′s kids”, but that could also be my work life blending into my life life because of COVID.
Since work isn’t as big of a part as my life as it was in the past, I’ve been doing some other stuff too this summer. Actually a lot has happened, both good and bad. 
In July, MIT announced that only seniors would be back on campus, but only the seniors who lived on-campus could actually access campus. Thus my housing plan with my friend group full of seniors went kaboom.
I was really stressed about housing for a couple weeks after that. I asked myself whether I wanted to even go back, and I ended up choosing to go back so I would a) have at least some socially distanced contact with friends since loneliness has really taken its toll on me and b) get my own place so I can work productively and learn to live independently. I was really convinced that I had to lock it down ASAP otherwise there would be no places left. So I actually signed a lease pretty soon after that, and hopefully MIT will still let their seniors back (please otherwise I will cry so much and probably try to get out of my lease).
My personal life generally has been tumultuous. I think especially with COVID it’s been hard to keep up with acquaintances, and generally relationships are strained across timezones and the Internet. So there’s been a good amount of personal stuff going on in the sidelines, and because work and life aren’t really well separated right now, it’s been leaking my productivity at work, which hasn’t been great.
I thought about applying to grad school. Then it came time to pay for the GRE. Then I realized I didn’t, at all, not even in the slightest, wanted to do grad school.
June and July also had two of my friends’ 21st birthdays, so we did a lot of planning for zoom parties and birthday gifts. For one of them, we made a Google photobook with poems and drawings that 30 of her friends submitted (a lot of effort) and for the other, we put together a mixtape of songs that everyone associated with her. This summer has been hella boring to say the least, but it was nice to be able to pour some time and energy into something that would make friends happy.
We’ve also been playing a lot of Covidopoly. I don’t know why but my friend group has gotten really hooked on this. We really will play for like three hours straight. It’s bad.
I tried to write some more music. It’s been going on and off.
I did Chloe Ting workouts pretty regularly for a couple months, which was actually something I’m proud I stuck with. This week I really fell off the wagon due to some personal issues, but I’m hoping to get back on it this weekend.
Not sure where this falls under, but I go on a lot of walks with my mom, but I ended up getting stung in the face by a wasp and some mosquito bites got so bad I had to go to urgent care. I need to go away from California
Overall everyone has a lot of drama. I have a lot of drama. It is not fun and I wish we were back on campus
I have made shakshuka like seven times during quarantine and it is so so good.
I started journaling in an attempt to empty my thoughts out somewhere more productive and to force myself to slow down when I start thinking a lot. It has been working generally, and I guess it’s just a nice place to reflect on things that have left a deeper than not impact on my day.
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jonasmaurer · 5 years
73 questions
Hey friends! Happy Thursday! Hope you’re enjoying the week. 
It’s been a fun and crazy one over here. The girls have had half-day camps, Liv auditioned for dance team, the Pilot has been flying nights, and madre’s birthday was on Tuesday! We got together for a *small* family dinner (we joke that we’re just a small party of 28), and ate Mexican food, cake, and sang “Happy Birthday” to the amazing lady who gives so much to everyone in our family.
 My fave picture from the night! 
(The cake was from Whole Foods bakery and so so good.)
Workout-wise, I’ve crushed every day this week. Sunday, we filmed Summer Shape Up videos (the party starts June 24)! Monday, I hopped on the Peloton bike for a 30-minute ride, Tuesday was barre, Wednesday was a BODYATTACK class On Demand (my link is good for 21 days FREE of the amazing Les Mills workouts), and today and tomorrow are off since I’m traveling to Chicago for a blog trip. I’m looking forward to catching up with Anne and Julie, and meeting some new blogger friends. I’ll be sure to share some of the adventures on IG stories!
I originally planned to post this one while we were on our cruise, but since internet was a bit sketchy – and I blasted through the ship’s plan in a mere 24 hours – I didn’t get the chance to get this one published. I originally saw this survey on my friend Ashley’s blog, and then Julie’s. I loved reading their answers so much, so I thought I’d join in the survey fun. 
1.  What’s the best thing that happened to you this month? Taking a Disney Cruise with the fam! 
2. What’s your favorite game? We don’t usually play board games at home, but our favorite games is a hide and seek and tag hybrid. I hide, the girls try to find me, I jump out and go “AHHH!” and they scream, I chase them around until I tag them, and then they hide. 
3. When are you most inspired? Mid-morning, usually after I’ve had breakfast and survived the school drop-off. 
4. If you could teach one subject in school what would it be? Math
5. What’s your favorite beverage? LaCroix 
6. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? A friend from the gym sent a text message while the Pilot was deployed and basically gave me a pep talk. She said she was proud of me for doing so well with work stuff and solo parenting. It was very unexpected and really made my whole month. It was a great reminder to let other people know when I’m inspired by them or think they’re crushing it. 
7. What is your favorite birthday cake? Yellow cake with chocolate buttercream
(That was my bday cake last year!)
8. What is one thing you still have from your childhood? A photo album that my mom made for me when I was 4 and we’d taken a trip to California. I was with all of my aunties, my parents were still married, and my uncle was still alive. Our dog chewed around the edges of it when I was younger, and the small plastic photo album contains quite a few happy memories from being a kid.
9. What is your favorite movie? Love, Actually
10. What is something you can’t do? Play the flute even though I faked it for an entire year in 5th grade. I could do all of the finger work, but no sound would come out. So I just pursed my lips and acted like I knew what I was doing. 
11. Window or aisle seat? Aisle so I can get up a thousand times if I feel like it. 
12. What makes you laugh no matter what? P makes the most ridiculous faces that make me laugh every day. We get a kick out of zooming in on photos that she’s in, because you never know what you’re going to get.
13. What does creativity mean to you? Free from any perceived restraints or judgments. 
14. What are your favorite lyrics of all time? “Look around, look around, how lucky we are to be alive right now.” I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of Hamilton.
Or hanging out with Betsy  
15. What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving
16. What’s heavily played on your music playlist right now? “Far Too Good” by John Smith. 
17. If you could raid one woman’s closet who would it be? My friend Annie’s! Whenever she posts Instagram posts, I want her outfit and her shoes
18. Must have purse item? Color Intense lipstick in at least 3 shades
19. What did you want to be when you grew up when you were 12? On Broadway
20. What is something you will not be doing in ten years? Wondering where the heck we’ll be living in a couple of years. It’s so crazy to be able to know and plan where we want to live. 
21. What is an important life lesson for someone to learn? Your gut instinct is always right.
22. How do you start your day? Scrolling through my phone with one eye closed.
23. Would you ever live anywhere besides Tucson? Yes! We’d love to make it back to San Diego one day but love being in Tucson for now.
24. What is your favorite dessert?  Anything super chocolaty.
25. Is there a dessert you don’t like? Creme brûlée is gross.
26. It’s brunch! What do you eat? Eggs, breakfast potatoes, turkey sausage, and a mimosa because brunch without cocktails is just a sad breakfast. <— words of wisdom from Prep & Pastry
27. Where was the best vacation you’ve ever taken? Positano
28. Favorite Disney animal? Stitch
29. What is a book you are planning on reading? “Educated” is downloaded on my Kindle but I haven’t started it yet
30. What did you read most recently? “Where the Crawdads Sing” and loooooved it
31. Favorite solo artist? Michael Bublé for life
32. What is something you’re tired of? The Instagram algorithm. They want to turn it into a “pay to play” platform, which was the downfall of Facebook
33. What’s a city you wish to visit? Paris
34. Heels or flats? Wedges
35.  Where does one go on a perfect road trip? To Sedona. It’s just an easy drive from us and has an incredible energy.
36. What do you do on a rainy day? Try to find indoor activities to entertain the kiddos! We’ll do art, visit a museum, go rock climbing, or see a movie
37. What’s your favorite exercise? Spin, barre and BODYPUMP are tied
38. What was your worst subject in school? English which is a hilarious thing since I write a blog for a living
39. What is your spirit animal? An otter. I want to spend the day in the pool, floating on my back, eating salad
40. What do you usually eat for breakfast? A giant egg patty and either oatmeal with almond butter or a brown rice tortilla
41. What do you usually eat for dinner? We change it up every night but some classics are salmon, sweet potato and salad, Harney Cobbs, or sushi roll bowls
42. Cooking or Baking? Both!
43. Favorite baked good? Cookie dough on the bottom, Oreo’s in the middle, and brownies on top
44. What is something you wish you could be good at? Organizing photos on my laptop. It’s a hot mess
45. Skiing or Surfing? Paddle boarding 
46. First celebrity crush? JTT — Jonathan Taylor Thomas — I became a vegetarian for him when I was 8
47. Most recent celebrity crush? Aaron Tveit. I love his voice!
48. What color was your prom dress? Junior year it was bright pink and senior year it was light purple and silver
49. How do you manage stress? Try to do the most challenging/inconvenient item on my to-do list first
50. What do you do to relax? Read or cook
51. Age when you were first kissed? 12
52. Place you were first kissed? Playing “spin the bottle” after musical theatre class
53. Favorite fashion trend of all time? Low-top sneakers with dresses
54. Best fashion advice you’ve ever received? If you have to convince yourself that you like it, you’ll never wear it, so don’t buy it
55. What is your current favorite piece of clothing that you own? These embellished sandals. I wear them all the time and am constantly asked where I bought them
56. Shoes or Bags? Bags! I love a good crossbody
57. How do you know if you’re in love? When you know, you know
58. Television show you’ve binged on recently? The Bachelorette! We’re almost caught up for the season
59. Who do you turn to when you’re sad? My mom – she always knows exactly what to say to make me feel better
60. Leather or lace? Lace
61. Vintage or new? New
62. What is your Kryptonite? Chocolate or guacamole
63. What are you most enchanted by? Surface level: Moms on social media who have 18 children, homeschool, are all matching in neutral clothing with zero stains, and elaborate mermaid braids in their hair. Deeper: I’m beyond enchanted with Liv and P. They surprise me, make me laugh, and make my heart explode every single day. I often find myself wondering how they’re so darn amazing?
64. What is your biggest strength? Hustle
65. What is your biggest weakness? Stressing over all of the details
66. What are 3 words to describe living in Tucson? Picturesque. Hot. Eccentric.
67. Cutest thing on planet earth? Baby koalas
68. Favorite color? Peach
69. Best first date idea? Something active, like a low-key hike, followed by dinner and drinks
70. Favorite time of day? Late.. probably around 9 or 10pm. I enjoy the quiet and downtime
71. What do you first notice about someone when you meet them? Their smile 
72. What’s your guilty pleasure? Take a jar of almond butter, sprinkle chocolate chips into the jar, scoop out with a spoon
73. Favorite band? I wouldn’t say I’m super into bands at the moment and my music taste is all over the place. Back in high school, I was obsessed with Dashboard Confessional
That was a fun one! I always love surveys because it gives me the chance to get to know you all better.
So, tell me friends:
When are you most inspired?
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? 
What’s one thing you cannot do? 
Cutest thing on planet earth?
What do you do to relax? 
Or pick any of the questions above and share your answers below! 
Have a lovely day.
  The post 73 questions appeared first on The Fitnessista.
73 questions published first on https://olimpsportnutritionde.tumblr.com/
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anamorales · 5 years
73 questions
Hey friends! Happy Thursday! Hope you’re enjoying the week. 
It’s been a fun and crazy one over here. The girls have had half-day camps, Liv auditioned for dance team, the Pilot has been flying nights, and madre’s birthday was on Tuesday! We got together for a *small* family dinner (we joke that we’re just a small party of 28), and ate Mexican food, cake, and sang “Happy Birthday” to the amazing lady who gives so much to everyone in our family.
 My fave picture from the night! 
(The cake was from Whole Foods bakery and so so good.)
Workout-wise, I’ve crushed every day this week. Sunday, we filmed Summer Shape Up videos (the party starts June 24)! Monday, I hopped on the Peloton bike for a 30-minute ride, Tuesday was barre, Wednesday was a BODYATTACK class On Demand (my link is good for 21 days FREE of the amazing Les Mills workouts), and today and tomorrow are off since I’m traveling to Chicago for a blog trip. I’m looking forward to catching up with Anne and Julie, and meeting some new blogger friends. I’ll be sure to share some of the adventures on IG stories!
I originally planned to post this one while we were on our cruise, but since internet was a bit sketchy – and I blasted through the ship’s plan in a mere 24 hours – I didn’t get the chance to get this one published. I originally saw this survey on my friend Ashley’s blog, and then Julie’s. I loved reading their answers so much, so I thought I’d join in the survey fun. 
1.  What’s the best thing that happened to you this month? Taking a Disney Cruise with the fam! 
2. What’s your favorite game? We don’t usually play board games at home, but our favorite games is a hide and seek and tag hybrid. I hide, the girls try to find me, I jump out and go “AHHH!” and they scream, I chase them around until I tag them, and then they hide. 
3. When are you most inspired? Mid-morning, usually after I’ve had breakfast and survived the school drop-off. 
4. If you could teach one subject in school what would it be? Math
5. What’s your favorite beverage? LaCroix 
6. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? A friend from the gym sent a text message while the Pilot was deployed and basically gave me a pep talk. She said she was proud of me for doing so well with work stuff and solo parenting. It was very unexpected and really made my whole month. It was a great reminder to let other people know when I’m inspired by them or think they’re crushing it. 
7. What is your favorite birthday cake? Yellow cake with chocolate buttercream
(That was my bday cake last year!)
8. What is one thing you still have from your childhood? A photo album that my mom made for me when I was 4 and we’d taken a trip to California. I was with all of my aunties, my parents were still married, and my uncle was still alive. Our dog chewed around the edges of it when I was younger, and the small plastic photo album contains quite a few happy memories from being a kid.
9. What is your favorite movie? Love, Actually
10. What is something you can’t do? Play the flute even though I faked it for an entire year in 5th grade. I could do all of the finger work, but no sound would come out. So I just pursed my lips and acted like I knew what I was doing. 
11. Window or aisle seat? Aisle so I can get up a thousand times if I feel like it. 
12. What makes you laugh no matter what? P makes the most ridiculous faces that make me laugh every day. We get a kick out of zooming in on photos that she’s in, because you never know what you’re going to get.
13. What does creativity mean to you? Free from any perceived restraints or judgments. 
14. What are your favorite lyrics of all time? “Look around, look around, how lucky we are to be alive right now.” I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of Hamilton.
Or hanging out with Betsy  
15. What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving
16. What’s heavily played on your music playlist right now? “Far Too Good” by John Smith. 
17. If you could raid one woman’s closet who would it be? My friend Annie’s! Whenever she posts Instagram posts, I want her outfit and her shoes
18. Must have purse item? Color Intense lipstick in at least 3 shades
19. What did you want to be when you grew up when you were 12? On Broadway
20. What is something you will not be doing in ten years? Wondering where the heck we’ll be living in a couple of years. It’s so crazy to be able to know and plan where we want to live. 
21. What is an important life lesson for someone to learn? Your gut instinct is always right.
22. How do you start your day? Scrolling through my phone with one eye closed.
23. Would you ever live anywhere besides Tucson? Yes! We’d love to make it back to San Diego one day but love being in Tucson for now.
24. What is your favorite dessert?  Anything super chocolaty.
25. Is there a dessert you don’t like? Creme brûlée is gross.
26. It’s brunch! What do you eat? Eggs, breakfast potatoes, turkey sausage, and a mimosa because brunch without cocktails is just a sad breakfast. <— words of wisdom from Prep & Pastry
27. Where was the best vacation you’ve ever taken? Positano
28. Favorite Disney animal? Stitch
29. What is a book you are planning on reading? “Educated” is downloaded on my Kindle but I haven’t started it yet
30. What did you read most recently? “Where the Crawdads Sing” and loooooved it
31. Favorite solo artist? Michael Bublé for life
32. What is something you’re tired of? The Instagram algorithm. They want to turn it into a “pay to play” platform, which was the downfall of Facebook
33. What’s a city you wish to visit? Paris
34. Heels or flats? Wedges
35.  Where does one go on a perfect road trip? To Sedona. It’s just an easy drive from us and has an incredible energy.
36. What do you do on a rainy day? Try to find indoor activities to entertain the kiddos! We’ll do art, visit a museum, go rock climbing, or see a movie
37. What’s your favorite exercise? Spin, barre and BODYPUMP are tied
38. What was your worst subject in school? English which is a hilarious thing since I write a blog for a living
39. What is your spirit animal? An otter. I want to spend the day in the pool, floating on my back, eating salad
40. What do you usually eat for breakfast? A giant egg patty and either oatmeal with almond butter or a brown rice tortilla
41. What do you usually eat for dinner? We change it up every night but some classics are salmon, sweet potato and salad, Harney Cobbs, or sushi roll bowls
42. Cooking or Baking? Both!
43. Favorite baked good? Cookie dough on the bottom, Oreo’s in the middle, and brownies on top
44. What is something you wish you could be good at? Organizing photos on my laptop. It’s a hot mess
45. Skiing or Surfing? Paddle boarding 
46. First celebrity crush? JTT — Jonathan Taylor Thomas — I became a vegetarian for him when I was 8
47. Most recent celebrity crush? Aaron Tveit. I love his voice!
48. What color was your prom dress? Junior year it was bright pink and senior year it was light purple and silver
49. How do you manage stress? Try to do the most challenging/inconvenient item on my to-do list first
50. What do you do to relax? Read or cook
51. Age when you were first kissed? 12
52. Place you were first kissed? Playing “spin the bottle” after musical theatre class
53. Favorite fashion trend of all time? Low-top sneakers with dresses
54. Best fashion advice you’ve ever received? If you have to convince yourself that you like it, you’ll never wear it, so don’t buy it
55. What is your current favorite piece of clothing that you own? These embellished sandals. I wear them all the time and am constantly asked where I bought them
56. Shoes or Bags? Bags! I love a good crossbody
57. How do you know if you’re in love? When you know, you know
58. Television show you’ve binged on recently? The Bachelorette! We’re almost caught up for the season
59. Who do you turn to when you’re sad? My mom – she always knows exactly what to say to make me feel better
60. Leather or lace? Lace
61. Vintage or new? New
62. What is your Kryptonite? Chocolate or guacamole
63. What are you most enchanted by? Surface level: Moms on social media who have 18 children, homeschool, are all matching in neutral clothing with zero stains, and elaborate mermaid braids in their hair. Deeper: I’m beyond enchanted with Liv and P. They surprise me, make me laugh, and make my heart explode every single day. I often find myself wondering how they’re so darn amazing?
64. What is your biggest strength? Hustle
65. What is your biggest weakness? Stressing over all of the details
66. What are 3 words to describe living in Tucson? Picturesque. Hot. Eccentric.
67. Cutest thing on planet earth? Baby koalas
68. Favorite color? Peach
69. Best first date idea? Something active, like a low-key hike, followed by dinner and drinks
70. Favorite time of day? Late.. probably around 9 or 10pm. I enjoy the quiet and downtime
71. What do you first notice about someone when you meet them? Their smile 
72. What’s your guilty pleasure? Take a jar of almond butter, sprinkle chocolate chips into the jar, scoop out with a spoon
73. Favorite band? I wouldn’t say I’m super into bands at the moment and my music taste is all over the place. Back in high school, I was obsessed with Dashboard Confessional
That was a fun one! I always love surveys because it gives me the chance to get to know you all better.
So, tell me friends:
When are you most inspired?
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? 
What’s one thing you cannot do? 
Cutest thing on planet earth?
What do you do to relax? 
Or pick any of the questions above and share your answers below! 
Have a lovely day.
  The post 73 questions appeared first on The Fitnessista.
73 questions published first on https://immigrationways.tumblr.com/
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