16woodsequ · 4 months
Happyhoganon: If Sharon had the Super Soldier Serum in her (along with other SHIELD agents) in modern times during the events of CA: The Winter Soldier, how good or bad could things get for everyone if that were to happen? Also could you tag my message, the first and the next, I sent so I can see them on the happyhoganon tag?
To be honest, I don't know. I don't know much about Sharon because I haven't read the comics.
Sharon's main actions in CAWS are when she bursts in when Fury is shot, and when she tries to stop Hydra from making the Helicarrier launch in response to Steve's call for action.
It might be fun to imagine that Sharon could chase after Bucky on the roof with Steve and maybe then they could catch him, but even if she had the serum, she'd still probably have to stay with Fury and protect him till help arrived.
With the fight against the STRIKE team before the Helicarrier's launched, the serum might have helped her be more aggressive and less cautious when Rumlow threatened her, but she wasn't the only one threatened. No matter how fast she moves there's a lot of other agents and casualties, so they might have been able to launch the Helicarriers anyway.
I'm trying to think, but I don't think there's any other action sequences she's in during the movie. To be honest, she does pretty well for herself without the serum.
Now if she had the serum in Civil War, then she probably would have been fighting with Steve in the airport, and that might have tipped the scales a little more, but in the end Team Cap did get what they wanted anyway. They Steve and Bucky to the plane to stop the Winter Soldiers and the others were captured. Sharon said her life was ruined by the Accords and that whole kerfuffle, so that wouldn't change much whether or not she had the serum.
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iturmom · 3 years
I gave you an hc (a headcanon)
thank you for that anon, it made my day :)
please continue to fill my inbox with your strange ramblings i would like nothing more :)
and i can’t believe i have been hit by a repeat headcanon harasser. i looked up this happy hoganon and they do the same thing that they did to me to other people very often. how strange? i don’t know whether to be flattered or disturbed. my confusion is no less though :)
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tony-stark-ing · 5 years
Happyhoganon: What do you like about Rhodey?
HAPPY HOGANON! That’s a great name omg! I applaud you on that one.
(This answer will be made with a mix of the MCU and 616 versions of the character in mind)
Ah Mr. Rhodes, where do I begin? I love a lot of things about him. Particularly, how he isn’t afraid to point out anyone’s BS. He’ll call it whether it’s his best friend, Tony, or a legendary figure like Steve Rogers. 
There’s also his fierce loyalty to his friends/family. His protective instincts know no bounds.
Oh! Did I mention the fact that he never gives up? Even when he loses the use of his legs he doesn’t mope about it. He picks himself back up and keeps going.
Oooo I can’t believe I almost forgot to mentions his sarcasm. The Rhodey Sarcasm™ is a thing of utter beauty and hilarity! 
He is just such a fantastic person, it’s no wonder Tony looks up to and admires him so much!
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