happyforevertv · 4 months
What's everyone's favorite carnival game?
Happy Inkwell likes the one where you throws darts at balloons.
Ick likes the ones where you eat a lot.
Buddy likes ones where you being strong is the main challenge.
Frankie Bombshell likes the one with guns.
Walter Leech is legally banned from carnivals.
Plum likes the one where you throw a hoop.
KW also likes the darts.
Doctor Hypno thinks all carnival games are cheating so doesn't play any of them.
Bearly Scary plays all the carnival games and thinks they are stupid.
Danny Elfman likes Cornhole and similar games.
Dylan Dragotta likes Lucky Duck Pond.
Tyler Dream likes the shooting gallery games where he can win his children big prizes.
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happyforevertv · 9 months
Ickbbar Critic Ted: Welcome Tumblr… Do you remember those ask blogs from the early 2010s? Do you remember the ARG craze? Well, this is it. An arg is a alternate reality game, by the way, you moron. An ask blog is a blog where you ask the characters questions just in case you aren't a weirdo.
Ickbbar Critic Ted: What does that mean? Well first you scroll down to the first post then you scroll up and read everything, after that you ask a question. If you ask the right questions at the right time and solve the codes or whatever, you solve the mystery behind the blog or whatever.
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happyforevertv · 8 months
Whos your favourite Disney Princess?
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Happy Inkwell: Anna!
Dr. Hypno: Snow White probably.
Buddy Pal Friendly: … Belle.
Ickbbar Critic Ted: I'm a man, I don't have a favorite princess.
Plum Bubbles Wackadoddle: Myself.
Frankie Bombshell: Whoever has the highest body count.
KW: Ariel?
Misery: … Snow White I guess.
Cherry Pepper: Cinderella.
Walter Leech: The only princess I care about is my three daughters.
Tyler Dream: Cinderella...Probably Belle or Mulan.
Dylan Dragotta: Mulan, I like the dragon sidekick.
Danny Elfman: Snow White.
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happyforevertv · 8 months
What are everyone's favorite fairytales?
Happy- The one with the girl and the boy and they lived happily ever after. Buddy- Is the tale of how my parents fell in love a fairytale? Plum- We had fairytale like stories in my time rants about a tale that is technically myth not a fairytale. Doctor Hypno- Snow White. Ick- I don't like fairytale anymore. Walter Leech- The one where poors are people somehow. Frankie Bombshell- Sleeping Beauty or God's love of Maud Melody Moo. KW- crying about Maud Melody Moo. Cherry Pepper- Cinderella but only the version where they are lesbians and established democracy. Misery- The Ugly Duckling counts, right? Dylan Dragotta- Any with a dragon, preferably the dragon winning. Danny Elfman- Rumpelstiltskin and any with elves. Tyler Dream- Any that I'm reading to Happy. The Ugly Duckling most of all.
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happyforevertv · 11 months
Halloween Knightmare
Buddy Pal Friendly is reading a newspaper.
Buddy Pal Friendly: What does FtM mean?
Ick: Female to male. Where's my princess?
Ick turns his head back and forth as he looks around.
Buddy Pal Friendly: … Icky? Are you there?
Ick: Yeah, yeah. I'm here, sire. Have you seen the princess?
Buddy Pal Friendly: Icky Bar, we talked about this. The princess is gone and she was manipulat… manip… controlling you.
Ick: That's what princesses do, they control the kingdom and knights.
Buddy Pal Friendly: You deserve better than being controlled.
Buddy gets closer.
Buddy Pal Friendly: Do you remember me?
Ick: Yes, you're Sir….Friendly?
Ick shakes his head.
Buddy Pal Friendly pets him.
Buddy Pal Friendly: I'm Buddy Pal Friendly, I'm your very special friend.
Ick: Friend…and…you're a sire??
Ick enjoys the pets.
Buddy Pal Friendly is kissing him slowly all over.
Ick moans like an anime girl.
Ick: Buddy, no, that feels too good.
Buddy Pal Friendly is touching his chest then hip.
Buddy Pal Friendly: She is using you. And she’s gone.
Ick: Buddy…I miss her.
Buddy Pal Friendly is cuddling him.
Buddy Pal Friendly: I understand but you need to know that she was flawed.
Ick cuddles Buddy.
Ick: I love you.
Buddy Pal Friendly cuddles and kisses him. Ick lets himself be kissed all over and kisses Buddy on the lips. Buddy smiles. Ick smiles back.
Buddy Pal Friendly: Are you okay?
Ick: Now I am.
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happyforevertv · 9 months
Tell me about the previous Christmases and their special events
Ick 'got drunk' and Happy was traumatized by ■■■■■■■■■■
The special events were ruined by Ick pretending to be drunk.
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happyforevertv · 9 months
What does Tyler's family do for Christmas and New year?
They all do the Christmas party with presents and stuff but on New Years they drink juice and count down to the next year. Also some of the juice is wine. Tyler likes baking treats and playing Christmas music.
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happyforevertv · 9 months
How would each character deal with a stalker?
Frankie Bombshell would try out crazy the stalker.
Buddy Pal Friendly would try to help the stalker get better.
Ickbbar Critic Ted would try to kill the stalker and blame God about it.
Happy Inkwell would tell Tyler.
Doctor Hypno would try to analyze them.
Princess Plum Bubbles Wackadoddle would try to talk them out of it.
Walter Leech would be confused.
KW would flirt with the stalker.
Dylan Dragotta would be scared and go home.
Danny Elfman would be scared and go home.
Tyler Dream would either politely ask them to leave him alone or threaten them, depending on if he felt they were a danger to his kids.
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happyforevertv · 9 months
Draw a nativity scene with all the characters for Christmas
Tyler Dream is holding a sleeping Happy Inkwell. Beside them is Doctor Hypno, Walter Leech, and Buddy Pal Friendly, looking on at the baby.
Ickbbar Critic Ted, dressed as Joseph: Unfortunately, the camera is broken for the time being.
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happyforevertv · 8 months
If the cast went to IKEA what food would everyone get?
Happy- Meatball sandwich thingy. Buddy- They don't serve candy so probably pancakes. Plum - Fish. Doctor Hypno - He's trying anything once so pick one at random. Ick - Fries and chicken tenders. Walter Leech - Meatballs if he can't get to eat a random poor person there. Frankie Bombshell - Veggies. KW - Chicken tenders and fries. Cherry Pepper - Meatball sandwich with the Cherry Peppers she sneaked in. Misery - Meatballs if she needs to eat anything. Danny Elfman - Veggies. Dylan Dragotta - Fish. Tyler Dream - Meatball sandwich.
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happyforevertv · 1 year
what costumes are the gang gonna wear for Halloween and what are they gonna do? Also what are their opinions on Halloween and their favorite monsters and favorite Halloween candy?
Tyler's costume is a red robe and skull mask. Tyler likes trick-or-treating with Happy. Tyler likes Halloween for the candy and spending time with his children. Tyler's favorite monster is either a werewelf or mummy. Tyler's favorite candies are Twix.
Dylan's costume is a pirate costume. He likes spending time with his Happy. Dylan's favorite monster is a gremlin. Dylan's favorite candy is chocolate coins.
Danny's costume is a minotaur, and his favorite monster is a werewolf. Danny's favorite candies are gumdrops, lollipops, and other gummy candy.
Doctor Hypno- Doctor which he goes as every year, he's going to hand out candy, he likes Halloween but worries he eats too much candy, his favorite monster is humankind, he likes the weird candy that hasn't been sold since the 50s or 60s.
Ick- He goes as a knight, he eats all the leftover candy and watches horror movies, he used to love Halloween but only likes it now, his favorite monster is his ex-not girlfriend, his favorite candy is the spicy Mexican candy he wasn't allowed to have as a child.
Frankie- Sexy nuclear weapons, she’s taking Misery out for trick or treating, she loves Halloween, her favorite monster is the horrors of nuclear apocalypse, her favorite candy is warheads.
Walter- He doesn't wear a costume but everyone thinks he is, he's going to make candy to give to children but he ends up eating it because nobody trust what he made, he barely stands the holiday until children exist then he loves it, his favorite monster is himself, his favorite candy is candied meat.
Buddy- He's going as a miner, he's going to drag Ick around to do adult Halloween stuff, he likes Halloween but is confused by everything, his favorite monster is the tickle monster, and he is candy so all candy.
Happy- He's going to be silly, Tyler already told you, he finds Halloween fun but scary, his favorite monster is the scary, and he love chocolate.
Plum- She's not dressed up but she's a magical girl, she's going to make coconut candy, she's confused, her favorite monster is an old legend she had in her culture, her favorite is coconut.
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happyforevertv · 7 months
What would everyone be if they were an drink?
Happy is children's champagne.
Tyler Dream is red wine.
Cherry Pepper is spicy cherry wine.
Buddy Pal Friendly is a non alcoholic sweet wine you give to children in church.
Ick is beer flavored box wine.
Frankie Bombshell is wine mixed with fireball.
KW is a Bloody Mary.
… Walter Leech is wine you say is blood.
Doctor Hypno is a highly alcoholic beverage that looks like anti freeze.
Plum is plum wine.
Dylan Dragotta is some mead.
Danny Elfman is some natural moonshine.
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happyforevertv · 7 months
Whats everyone's favorite alcoholic drinks?
Ick's favorite drink is beer.
Walter's favorite drink is red wine.
Frankie Bombshell's favorite drink is carrot cocktails.
Everyone else doesn't' have a favorite drink.
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happyforevertv · 11 months
Cannibalistic Halloween
Happy Inkwell eating gummy worms in a dark corner of the basement.
Suddenly, the clicking of talons on the basement steps is heard going down the stairs, followed by the sound of a heavy thud on a table as the talons pass by Happy, unaware of his presence.
Happy is watching.
A black bag is on the table and Walter Leech is standing on the other side, he pulls...something out. The sound of wet eating noises begin filling the quiet basement.
Happy Inkwell runs to Tyler.
Tyler Dream: What's the matter, sweetie?
Tyler asks as he kneels and hugs Happy.
Happy Inkwell: Grandpa Walter is eating people!! Scary!!
Tyler Dream: Nooo...sweetie, you must have misunderstood. Are you sure he wasn't eating candy?
Happy Inkwell: Candy doesn't make wet noise.
Tyler Dream: Are you sure it wasn't gushy candy? Or mangos? Yummm.
Tyler tries comforting Happy.
Happy Inkwell: It was scary!
Tyler Dream: It's okay, sweetie. Want to go trick-or-treating? You don't need to think about the scary.
Happy Inkwell: ... I went out with Unca Buddy earlier.
Tyler Dream: Awww.
Tyler pouts, seemingly a little disappointed and envious.
Happy Inkwell cries.
Tyler Dream: No no no. Don't cry.
Tyler rubs Happy's back.
Happy Inkwell: I'm a bad boy! This is the last time daddy will be able to take me to trick or treating!!
Happy is crying.
Tyler Dream: You're not a bad boy. Why wouldn't I be able to take you trick or treating? 
Happy Inkwell: Because they don't give candy to thirteen year olds and I'm twelve.
Tyler Dream: I thought you were seven?
Happy: I'm twelve.
Tyler Dream: Since when?...How long have we been here?
Happy Inkwell panicked.
Tyler Dream: Don't panic, it's just...probably a side effect of being in this world.
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happyforevertv · 9 months
Tyler what do you think of Dylan and Danny?
Tyler Dream: I think it's good that Happy has friends, he shouldn't just be friends with everyone in the house. Although I don't like anyone dating my baby boy. I mean, it's good he has someone who loves him and he loves. I just wish he stays my baby boy a little longer.
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happyforevertv · 9 months
What are all the characters favorite fireworks?
Happy Inkwell: I LIKE RAINBOW!!
Buddy Pal Friendly: I like the glittering ones.
Plum: Purple.
Doctor Hypno: No, they remind me of bombs.
Ick: No preferences.
Walter Leech: Red.
Frankie Bombshell: Actually bombs.
KW: Pink!
Dylan Dragotta: I like the ones that explode into dragons.
Danny Elfman: Fountain fireworks.
Tyler Dream: Quiet ones that don't wake the babies or scare me like sparklers.
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