johnhamishwatsxn · 11 years
Give me a character and I'll tell you my top urls that play them. Anon or not!
happynewyearlestrade, guppylestrade.
I don’t really rp with many Greg’s, if any!
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moriartylivesx · 11 years
“ᵇᵊ ᵐᵎᵑᵉ ᵛᵃᶴᵉᵑᵗᵎᵑᵊ” (happynewyearlestrade)
Send “ᵇᵊ ᵐᵎᵑᵉ ᵛᵃᶴᵉᵑᵗᵎᵑᵊ” for a threatening letter from my muse demanding you be their valentine.
Dear Gregory,
Hello darling, I bet you didn’t expect to hear from me so soon. I hate to say that I missed you, but there just to be something missing that isn’t just a part of my scalp or sleep. I know it must be so hard finding a Valentine since your wife left you, but don’t worry. Since you interest me so much, I am telling you that we have dinner reservations for tonight. Meet me on Baker Street. Quite the meeting spot, isn’t it? There will be a car waiting near the end just for you. You have better be there by 7PM sharp or there will be consequences.♥
ᶨᶬ ₓₓ
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Anonymously send me a url, and I’ll tell you what I think of them!
I haven't RPed much with this Lestrade, but I do have a secret love for slightly AU characters, and a not-so-secret love for Lestrade. The mun has an excellent grasp on their character, and seems to be a complete sweetheart, although, again, haven't spoken to them much OOC. 
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marywatson-liar · 11 years
Send me ‘X’ and my character will react to waking from a daze to discover your character beaten within an inch of their lives at my character feet, and with blood on my character’s knuckles.
Mary stirred, a pain running through her hands and head as she looked around the room. Confused as to why she was in Lestrade’s office so early in the morning. What the hell was going on. She glanced down at her hands, horror struck as she saw blood on them - and obvious that it wasn’t her own blood. Her heart began to pump, her breathing grew heavy as she spied Greg’s hand on the floor. Slowly and carefully she moved around to the other side of the desk. Her whole being shocked at what she saw. Greg lay limp on the floor, blood coving him from head to toe. She shook her head. Bit her lip. Falling to the ground next to Greg she shook him very gently. "Greg?" she called out a little weakly. Her eyes beginning to tear up.
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Sherly wants his lego-Grego! 
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theconsultingjunkie · 11 years
Send ♣ To Get The Muse's Reaction If They Saw You Naked
                    Yes, Sherlock knew where Greg lived and no, he didn't normally go to his. No. In fact, he never went to his. Actually, he never invaded the personal space of the people who seemed to matter most in his life. Other than John, but they shared a flat. That and, it wasn't as if, he could avoid it. Then again, he did tend to snoop. Take learning John's middle name for instance. It had taken him months to learn and instead of being told it, he had gone off and fetched his birth certificate. But, sh... No one really needs to know that, now do they.
But, why was he hear? Why had he gotten the sudden urge to pop in on the Inspector? Could it be, because he had been bored and he was in need of a case? Well, naturally, but there had to be some other reason. Normally, he'd text him or give him a ring even, but never, ever would he willingly go to someone's place of resides when he could just phone them, but here he was. Outside the door. Knocking was boring.
                    So, was ringing the bell and so, he simply let himself in and made himself at home. Though, he knew, deep down, that he should have knocked or rang the bell. Too late now, right? As the Consulting Detective made his way to the kitchen to put the kettle, he rose his head at the sound of feet.
"Detective, hope you don't mind, I let myself in.", his face falling the minute he settled his gaze upon the naked figure before him. "Though, I feel like, I should have rang.", he waved his hand a little, turned his gaze and proceeded to do what he was doing. "You going to put something on, or --" Sherlock asked, as he made his way around the kitchen, grabbing them both cups for their tea. 
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⊕ (happynewyearlestrade)
Send me ⊕ for a pro and con list about our characters sleeping together
I love you (not that I ever told you or even plan on it) 
I’m a very quick learner
It would be more about your pleasure than mine
You’d be my first
I would know for sure you were actually attracted to me
It might bring us closer
I’d make you breakfast the next morning (I can actually cook contrary to popular belief)
I’m a virgin so I’m not sure I’d actually be any good
I would be sacred it would put you off of me after
I would become attached more than I already am and it would constantly cause me to worry you will change your mind about us
Since we both were never with men- might be a bit awkward
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just-a-mind-gam3 · 11 years
101 Dalmatians: happynewyearlestrade
Sherlock had gotten a dog, his hundredth and one dog. He had no chance with taking care of it since the other hundred had died or ran away through out the years. This one he had actually kept for almost a year a new record his brother had teased. He named the pup Inspector for the dog seemed to like to go along on cases with him. Sniff out the things he couldn't. But on this rainy morning he woke and made tea for himself and went to feed Inspector. He checked the dog bed, but no sign of the dog. He started looking frantically around for the dog for he had grown attached after so long. A slight movement caught his attention towards the couch and he turned his head. There on the couch rolled up with the blankets lay a man with only the blankets to cover his bare skin. He looked middle aged and his hair was a black and white with a little gruff of facial hair on his chin. He was about to kick the homeless intruder out when he noticed the red collar resting against the mans neck.
" Inspector?" He questioned curiously
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xsherlockxholmes · 11 years
(Omfg. Other than the intent, that one was kinda perfect! Let's try 9.)
My muse is in a mental asylum, yours is their doctor/nurse.
Sherlock Holmes, brilliant detective of 221B Baker Street. Solving the cases that no one else really could, because all of them were to narrow minded, to ignorant of their own surroundings. Using methods no one could really understand, well a very select few may have some idea but no one could really look into her brain. And usually she used her gifts to help others. Provided that the others were interesting enough that they deserved her attention on certain cases of course.
She would not leave her home for just about anything or anyone. No she had her standards her own rating system. Which of course meant that she got bored, pretty often. Some would say far to often. Sherlock was not a particularly pleasant person to hang around on normal days. To hang around her when she was really quite bored and obviously uninterested in anything, well it would not be pleasant for those around her. And honestly she was in another mood when detective, well now professor Lestrade came in “Ah Lestrade, did you finally go back to the Yard” she asked, not looking at him from her position at the window.
Sherlock Holmes,high IQ, suffering from: delusions, antisocial personality disorder, violent mood swings. Room 221. Current doctor: Greg Lestrade. 
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johnhamishwatsxn · 11 years
Send me a "❤" and I'll generate a number (angst version):
My muse has become mute. They are seeing yours for the first time since this happened.
♚;; —        [ Waking up with no voice — -
                      wasn’t the most fun thing to happen to Dr John Watson, and he was hardly able to complain.
                                 It had to be the time when Sherlock wasn’t around.
 He had to take that bloody case in the next town over, didn’t he?
             Who the hell could he contact now?
             One name came to mind almost instantly. 
 Pulling out his phone, he hit the buttons as fast as he could. ]
[ text : GL ] I can't talk. Voice is gone. Come to the flat ASAP!
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moriartylivesx · 11 years
Send me “Zzz” to hear what my character may be saying about you in their sleep.
Let it never be said that Jim never said he wasn't some weird stalker. In fact, one of the main things about Jim was that he was a weird stalker. He was one of Sherlock's biggest fans before being Sherlock's fan was cool. Before Dr. Watson's blog. So, yeah, definitely a major stalker.
And he just seemed to have a new found infatuation with a certain former DI.
He had crawled into the other man's bed that night in hopes of getting some shut eye and waking before the other did. He, however, found himself pressed against the man who seemed to just radiate heat. His body was purring, and he softly begins to murmur. "Greg..." he murmurs softly, nose moving to press into the other's skin to breathe him in. "So brave. Bu' y're s'stupid..." he huffs a bit even in his dream. "When y'see a gun, y'run..." He sighs softly. "Cute."
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johnhamishwatsxn · 11 years
Send me a ✉ and my muse will send yours a barrage of texts.
[ text - GL ] Gregory.
[ text - GL ] That’s a funny name, isn’t it?
[ text - GL ] I feel funny.
[ text - GL ] I drank tea that tasted off.
[ text - GL ] Good god, has Sherlock poisoned me?
[ text - GL ] There’s butterflies on the ceiling.
[ text - GL ] I AM UNDER ATTACK.
[ text - GL ] Never mind, they’re plastic.
[ text - GL ] I want a dog.
[ text - GL ] Get me a dog.
[ text - GL ] Are you working?
[ text - GL ] Talk to me!
[ text - GL ] Gregory Lestrade!
[ text - GL ] I demand that you reply to me.
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