morelikebaldursgay · 10 months
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(From Healer's Log)
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(From Highcliff's Journal)
So interested in the storytelling of the Blighted Village/Moonhaven... the blackmsith who made the Sussur weapon blueprints was an apprentice named Dida Highcliff!
(Also from Blacksmith's Note it seems she may have gotten Infernal Iron from some unnamed person--I like to imagine it was Ilyn Toth's apprentice because a) we know his master had some involvement with fiends from Shovel, b) Occam's Razor, c) think it would be fun if they bonded over both having awful masters, and d) I think they would make a great odd-couple doomed friend(?)ship.)
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eurydia · 3 years
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are we laughing at the danger? are we dancing after death, you and I?  
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Applications are here and will be open to the end of August! You can apply by filling out the form here. Good luck everyone! We’re excited to see your applications!
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nyamads · 3 years
hardcliff is literally so real ... so so real ...
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sgt-dignam · 5 years
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The captain saved my life. You know why they call me Die-Hardman? Because he wouldn’t let me die. He brought my sorry ass back home every time.
Clifford Unger and Die-Hardman in Death Stranding (2019)
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superstormduck · 5 years
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Death stranding doodles
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thoselittleboats · 5 years
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...you're a part of me 
and I'm a part of you
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puddtoast · 5 years
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I'm just sitting here looking at cliff in this scene. Like he genuinely looks sad in my eyes in the first picture you know that defeated look. It's so soft and concerned almost John in that scene was LITTERLY begging forgiveness from cliff from a crime he didnt even commit. Cliff lowered his gun at John once he realised who he was and none of his soldiers where pointing their guns at john but you know who they were pointed at? Bridget.
The intamicy of Cliff kneeling down to take off John's mask is so heart wrenching especally with John's confession of loving Cliff. It's like cliff tool of the mask and Cliff knew how vulnerable he was in that situation and How wrecked john was because of bridget and How bridget blamed john for what she did. Cliff has these incredibly soft eyes yet they can be cold and calculated. In this moment he could have been cold but they are soft and warm towards John (at least in my opinion) Cliff still cared for john even after all that happeend and John despite what He believed never gave Cliff a reason to hate him. John tried his hardest to Get cliff and sam out of there and even Lisa but I doubt John at this time had full access to all security so he tried his best and I feel Cliff knew that.
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After Cliff points the gun at john It seems half hearted. Cliff doesnt look like he will actully do it His mind is turning the option but he isnt committed to shooting him but when he looks at Bridget you can see a shift in how he looks at her and how he immediately points the gun to her and demands where his bb is. It wasnt a SOFT whsiper LIKE When he uttered Johns name It was a demand against Bridget and It shows who Cliff hated in that moment how careful he was with john vs how agressive he was with bridget and honestly he had every right to not like her at all He did witness her take his baby away from him as second time on the beach after all
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ikariokami · 4 years
Die-Hardman : And I loved him...!
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crimsxnflxwerz · 5 years
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...what could have been
HI. so this isnt the best thing i’ve ever drawn but like...what if john had helped cliff escape with BB and they raised their cute little son together? they would give sam kisses all the time. they mentioned that sam’s phobia was from mistreatment or abandonment/neglect and im just FUMING over how that crazy bitch hurt my son lol bye.
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wintersummer--3232 · 5 years
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More CliffJohn commission art I requested! Honestly, y’all need to check out the artist.
Credits: @skye_illust on Twitter
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severly-different · 5 years
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Happy birthday to me!
I don't plan on drawing anything special for myself today so have some decent doodles from yesterday/2 days ago on a new ship i'm currently obsessed with.
Edit: i FORGOT to credit the idea of Cliff, John AND Sam being one (1) wholesome family!!
It's a shitty doodle i know but i wanna give the artist some love so please check 'em out i love their au sm
@crimsxnflxwerz hi i love you :,))
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eurydia · 3 years
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I see it now I made a mess I cling to you like lips cling to a cigarette
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* Priority Shipping * - A Death Stranding Shipping Zine
Coming soon, Priority Shipping will be a general fan zine including a variety of pairings from the video game Death Stranding.
All sexualities are accepted and encouraged.
Audition Dates are yet to be determined.
Follow this blog for future updates!
Please DM with any interest or inquiries.
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merchibis · 5 years
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just-general-stuff · 5 years
Bleeding Heart
It wasn’t supposed to end like this. John knew he was in big trouble the moment he ended up hiding under cover from the heavy gunfire aimed right at him. He shook his head wondering how he let his arrogance get to his head. He was supposed to be better than this, better than a reckless idiot who runs straight into enemy territory. His Captain taught him better than that.
And yet, he managed to throw every single training drilled into his head out the window.
Once the gunfire quelled down, he peeked slightly around the corner of the wrecked house he was hiding behind only for a bullet to end up embedded in the brick wall a few inches away from his head. “Goddamnit.” He curses under his breath. This was bad. He couldn’t get out lest he get shot up but he would end up killed if he stayed around here.
Essentially he was trapped.
Suddenly, his radio crackled to life and he heard the familiar voice of his Captain yelling out to him. “John! John, tell me of your position now!”
“I’m hiding behind a house just three blocks away from the town square! Right in front of a fountain!”
“Hold your position there! I’m getting you out of there!”
John balked. Get him out of this mess? That would be impossible! “What? Captain, you’ll get killed! Just go and get the others out of here!”
“I told you, John. I will never leave any one of my team behind to be killed! Ever!” The radio then went dead and John just knew. His Captain was coming to get him. And he felt a glimmer of hope as well as a sense of dread. Why did he feel things were about to go south?
He bunkered down, checking his ammunition. He only had a couple of rounds, just enough to help make his escape when the Captain came to get him but not much more than that. It felt like forever when a hand clamped down on his shoulder, and he whirled ready to slam the butt of his rifle into whomever grabbed him but stopped just short when he saw it was just the Captain.
“Easy, John!”
“Captain!” John exclaimed, stunned to see the man before him. He really did it. He actually came back when he should have just left and not risk his life for him.
“I told you I’m getting you out of here, John.” Cliff said, noting the surprised look on the soldier’s face. “I made a promise to all of you that I will never abandon you even when things go south.”
“You shouldn’t! You could have gotten killed on the way here! You shouldn’t be risking your life for me!”
Cliff shook his head. “You’re one of us and I never leave anyone behind. Not now, not ever.”
John felt his heart skip a beat at the Captain’s words. If he knew one thing about his Captain is that Cliff never broke his promises. Heart fluttering, he gulps.
God, this is probably why he fell for the man hard back then even if he swore he would never tell the Captain of his true feelings.
“Come on. Let’s get going.”
“But where? There’s too many of them!”
“I managed to sneak in behind their lines through this alley. It’ll lead us to the desert and from there our getaway vehicle.”
John nods, trusting the man. “Lead the way Captain.”
John followed the man’s lead, ducking low and sneaking out. It seemed like everything was going to go smoothly and that they would end up escaping from this nightmare.
That was until the last second when neither men didn’t see the enemy coming around the corner then.
The crackle of the gun echoed in John’s ears too late and he was suddenly barreled over by the Captain to the ground. He heard the Captain grunt as he lands on top of him and John cried out in surprise and pain. Seeing the man aiming his gun at them, John quickly fired at the man taking him down then.
Scrambling out from under the older man, John quickly checked the man for any injuries. “Captain! Captain Unger, are you al-?” John’s eyes widened when he saw the blood rapidly pooling underneath his Captain’s shirt and saw the red liquid on his trembling palm when he pulled his hand back.
Clamping his hand back again over the wound, John quickly pulls the older man up, apologizing when he heard the man grunt in pain. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He cries out, pulling Cliff’s arm over his shoulders and started for their getaway vehicle as fast as he could.
Putting his Captain into the truck, John runs over to the driver’s seat and starts it, pressing on the gas as he drove them out of there. Radioing for back-up, he gives them their location urging they hurry up. Once he had driven quite far enough, he stops the vehicle and starts to look after his Captain.
Clamping his hands over the man’s wound, John pleads to the Captain to hold on, trying to stop the bleeding but the red liquid keeps on seeping through his fingers in red rivulets.
“Hold on, Captain Unger! Back-up is on the way!”
Cliff coughs out blood, merely smiling through the pain. “I’ll be fine John.”
“God, this is what I was worried that would happen!”
“Like I... said... I... never... leave my... men... behind.” Cliff wheezes out, getting paler and weaker as he continued to lose blood.
“Captain. Captain hold on!”
“You’re... going... to... go... home... John.” Cliff manages to mutter out as his eyes shuttered close.
“Captain?” John quickly checks the man’s pulse, his heart dropping to the ground when he barely felt it.
Sitting by the bed of the man laying prone and still, John stared down at his feet, his hands clasped tight together as he prayed to a God he didn’t believe in, hoping that his Captain would pull through.
It had been too close. Way too close.
When the helicopter had come to pick them up from that hellzone, the Captain’s heart had stopped beating. He had to watch as the medic team worked on Cliff as they tried to bring him back from the dead.
For a moment, he thought this was it. He was going to watch his Captain and the man he fell for die before his very eyes and it would be his fault.
They had managed to bring him back then just as he was about to lose all hope. Only for them to lose him another two more times. One time on the flight back to base and the other in surgery.
The surgeon had told him that the bullet had nicked his heart. Another inch to the left and he would be done for. Talk about miracles.
Still, this wouldn’t have happened if he had listened to his Captain and not run in thinking he was some sort of an action hero.
The slow beeps coming from the heart monitor told him that the Captain was fine and alive but an irrational part of him feared that it would stop at any moment. Just then, he heard the sheets rustle and he looks up, reaching a hand forward and gripping the Captain’s hand as he watched Cliff slowly wake up from his slumber.
“Hrm... John?”
“Its good to see you awake Captain. I... I’m glad you’re back.” John said, guilt still eating at his soul.
Taking in a deep breath, John exhales shakily. “You died, Captain. Three times to be exact.”
“You. Died. Captain. At this point, don’t you think its better to just leave me out there instead of dying because of my idiocy? Or why don’t you just kick me out? It would be better for everyone including you!” John said, ripping his gaze away from the Captain’s face back to his feet as he pulls back letting his hand go from the Captain’s hand, too ashamed to look at the the older man in the face.
“You took a bullet for me in the heart! Another inch and they would not be able to revive you!”
“Why do you still keep me around, Captain!?” John demanded, his eyes burning with the onset of tears as his throat tightened with guilt.
This was it. This was the moment his Captain would see sense and kick him out.
Instead, he was shocked when he felt the Captain’s hand on his head.
“John, I told you, you are one of my men. One whom I personally trained. You were caught out in an ambush. You wouldn’t have known.”
“But I shouldn’t have run ahead!”
“John. What you consider is idiocy, I say its your judgment and I trust you to use your judgment on the battlefield. You thought it was all clear so you went ahead. Nobody not even I knew there was an ambush in waiting until it was too late.”
“I trust you John. And I am willing to take a bullet for you no matter what.”
John raised his head unable to believe what he had just heard. “Y-You must be mistaken.”
“Its no mistake.” Cliff said, shooting the younger man then his gentle smile that always left John’s heart fluttering.
“A bullet to the heart is nothing if it meant that you would live.”
John this time couldn’t stop the tears escaping and he wept, not realizing that Cliff had pulled him into a hug as he continued to cry into the older man’s shoulder. He wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t. Yet, hearing what is the closest thing to a confession of the older man’s feelings for him made him want to soar. He would continue to improve in his skills and be the best and most loyal soldier that the Captain would ever see.
He would not fail Captain Unger, not the man he loved. This he swore.
Cradling the gun in his hands, John couldn’t erase the image of his former Captain dead on the floor, two bullet holes through the older man’s chest over where his heart was.
The same spot where he took the bullet meant for him all those years ago except this time it was him that shot those bullets into the man’s heart, not any enemy force.
He failed.
He was a joke of a soldier. A traitor. Loyalty. Hah! Unlike Cliff, it shows that he was the one capble of breaking promises. He couldn’t save his former Captain and the man he still loved all these years because of his decision to follow President Strand. Even worse, the Captain’s son dead because of him. Only thanks to Amelie did the Captain’s son come back to life. A second chance for the child. Yet, it shouldn’t have happened. This shouldn’t have happened at all.
But he made his bed and now he has to lie in it. Tears rolled down John’s face and his frame started to tremble as he sobbed his heart out, letting the guilt, regret, grief and self-hatred swirl freely in his heart.
He truly was the cause of his Captain’s bleeding heart.
He was right all those years ago.
He wasn’t worth it.
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