#hardcore world s4
lplantxll · 6 months
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SWING SWING SWIGALINGGG (planning on opening commissions sir)
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rakkuntoast · 10 months
holding onto hardcore season 4 like my life depends on it cuz i love the lore, i love his world i love how passionate he is about it and i hate how sometimes little love it gets from the latter half of the people that only stick to qsmp streams
cuz its the little details and dedication he puts to each build that makes it so special to me, the history and storytelling behind each build while still giving it a purpose and function and how much genuine love he has for it, even when we give him shit about him downplaying his own abilities he's proud of what he's built
like hell the fact that he is going to revisit old locations to add more to them its just so ausefh i love passion projects, i love being passionate about things people are passionate about
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zeinkblotpot · 10 months
~The Blaze Empress~
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Interested in commissioning?
Please consider reblogging, likes don't do anything on tumblr and reblogging is the only way to keep traction on a post <3
Por favor, considere reblogging, gustos no hacen nada en tumblr y reblogging es la única manera de mantener la tracción en un post <3
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birdaboos · 2 years
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i really need to get the stimulus out of my brain! its a sketch and the colors r fucked but i will be back soon to like fix it
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zathechaosgod · 2 years
God among gods
Gods own this world. 
It’s important for mortals to remember. Their villages, bastions, outposts. They are nothing without the gods. Nothing to the gods, depending on which you ask. They are small, squishy, replaceable. The gods are all-mighty and immortal. Both are flawed. It doesn’t matter though, because gods can choose.
The most perfect villager is no match for a flawed god. The most secure vault is no match for a greedy god. The gods are barely a match for a greedy god.
The Ender King is a greedy god. It’s understandable in a certain way. The End is an empty realm. A dragon’s empty hoard. All of its creatures carry a certain instinct to take, to fill. But endermen are mortal. The Ender King is a god, and he wishes to own.
The Blaze Empress is a goddess who burns as bright as the flames she sprung from. She bites just as hard as well, and it is difficult to decide who consumes more, her fire or her void. The Quartress is a safe place as long as she deems it so, and the remains of those she refused are eternally smoldering as a reminder.
The Ocean Overlord is not greedy like The Ender King. He is not violent in the way The Blaze Empress can be. But the ocean stretches wide, and moves in unpredictable ways, and The Ocean Overlord is absent at the worst of times. He is absent at the worst time. Mortals cannot stop a greedy god.
Rose is the oldests of the gods. Life needs to exist before death can. Life will return after death has gone. Rose doesn’t fight, she fixes. She is no less terrifying for it. When The Ender King gets greedy, when the Ocean Overlord isn’t looking, when The Blaze Empress is fighting, it is Rose who is cleaning up, who tells the greedy god it is enough, who gifts the ocean a new monument, raising in the depths. 
Gods walk this world. This world is made by a god. It’s important for gods to remember.
He was there before the gods were. He has killed more than the flames ever will. He has gone further than the ocean has, and even when a greedy god defeats the others, he is the one thing the one who owns it all will never be able to grasp.
He can die.
He is not mortal. Be not mistaken. It is easy to mistake him.
Philza wanders this world in a way no other creature does, no other creature will. Wherever he goes, he shapes the world, makes it more. The gods can own, but they cannot create. Philza creates.
Philza will die one day, and the world will die with him. Until then, he is the god that makes the world.
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simplydm · 7 months
“He was a long, deep boy”
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hepbaestus · 1 year
Piss McQueen my beloved
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
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Made in glory.
Happy 4 years to the hardcore world! a thumbnail redraw of one of the coolest projects i've ever done for s4 haha
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sqwdkllr · 4 months
one of your art dump posts of lost/unfinished art files had a bunch of philza designs, and im just wondering if you had any more art of your hc!philza design? no worries if you don't, just curious!!
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Yeah !!! Hardcore phil !! The only one of my Phil designs that is purely human. Just some guy who happens to have the smarts to get around based on Philza’s interpretation of his own character being an archeologist uncovering the history of the s4 world and its deities
He also has mechanical wings and tail and his zombie bite under the boots
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mcyt-cats · 5 months
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This is Gus from Philzas current hardcore stream! I made his head scritches into a gif bc pls lookat himmmmmmmm
(13 Days till 5 YEAR WORLD (AAAAAAAAAHHH) Hardcore SEASON 4 - !s4 !project - QSMP later?) (Stream name)
HEAD SCRITCH GIF this is amazing thank you
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katyawriteswhump · 7 months
Pin-up boy (steddie microfic)
For @steddiemicrofic March prompt, ‘pin.’ Thank you <3
WC: 388. Rating: T. CW: None. Tags: Steve and Eddie return to High School (because I say so!) post S4 healing, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, friends to lovers.
In the library, Eddie found Steve slumped at a table, face pillowed in his arms. Robin sat beside Steve, rubbing his back.
“He okay?” asked Eddie.
“Bad headache,” mumbled Steve. “M’not deaf, Munson. Yet.”
“Came on sudden.” Robin’s obvious worry mirrored Eddie’s. They’d persuaded Steve to re-take senior year, and these ‘study meets’ rocked Eddie’s days. Though Robin tried, no ‘studying’ happened; they’d be idiots till the librarian booted them. It was really an excuse to check each other was okay, post-Upside Down everything. Plus, Eddie dug hanging with Robin… Aaaand with his secret crush.
“Got your meds?” asked Eddie.
“In my locker.” Steve threw his keys at Eddie.
“You trust me with your car-key too?”
“Like you need those to boost my wheels.” Steve blinked blearily. “The pink pills, ’kay?”
Steve’s locker contained a ton of meds. Some—for PTSD, anxiety—Eddie took also. The ‘pink pills,’ however, were hardcore painkillers that Eddie had been able to ditch. He’d snatched them up, when a grainy pic—pinned discreetly at the back—caught his eye.
IT’S ME! Ax-wielding at a Corroded Coffin gig. 
The love-hearts pencilled in the margins set Eddie’s world on fire.
When Eddie returned, Steve wouldn’t raise his burning face. He couldn’t handle Eddie knowing, even after the painkillers kicked in. The old Steve Harrington would’ve powered through, but… Ouch! Not today.
Eddie cornered him near the lockers. Steve glared.
“Feeling better?” asked Eddie.
Steve shrugged.
Eddie slung an arm around Steve’s shoulders. “Wanna show you something.”
Steve tensed, nearly bolted, but… Christ, it was better said: “Yeeeah, my locker. I got all brain-foggy and forgot that pic was there. It’s a dumb joke—”
“Sure hope it’s not.” Eddie flung his locker open. A shirtless picture of Steve by the pool was pinned, very visibly, to the door. My Little Pony stickers formed a love-heart around it.
“For once, skulls and crossbones didn’t nail it,” said Eddie. “I owe Lady Applejack a billion dollars for those babies.”
“Is this some twisted joke?”
“My Little Ponies aside, I’m deadly serious, Stevie.”
Steve fixated on Eddie’s gorgeous eyes. Jesus, this was real! The guy who’d shared his healing, who got who he was now, felt the same.
“Screw it, me too.” They couldn’t be alone quick enough. Steve let Eddie pin him to the wall, and they made out forever.
All my Steddie fic can also be found here on AO3 :)
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sharptoothed-gaze · 5 months
After a whole night thinking about the end of Chayanne and Lullah’s canon stories, and also watching a ton of animatics for Philza’s s4 hardcore world, I’ve come to a conclusion.
If hardcore has taught me anything, it’s that all stories must come to an end eventually.
However, it will always be more worth it to engage with these grand stories than to never at all. They can’t last forever, but the memories and joy earned along the way are entirely worth it. They create something unforgettable to smile back on.
It’s something I’ve learned from watching Philza’s hc adventure and continuing to love Technoblade’s videos and character. I can’t help but smile and be filled with wonder every time I see a drawing or animation that ties all the small moments of past narratives together.
Especially with Philza’s journey through hardcore. Losing a world is fucking devastating, but it makes so many opportunities. Even though there is a genuine risk of losing his world every time he logs in, the cc still continues to create incredible structures and his character continues to explore.
Honestly, Lullah and Chay’s admins must understand this so much more than me for being able to let an adventure rest. The circumstances might not be the best, but I’m glad they were able to say goodbye. I’m so fucking glad that there were laughs and smiles and tears. The future is bright and there is so much room to build up from here because of the work they’ve done.
Yes, I might be a bit sad, but now I’m also filled with wonder about the future to come. The Death Family will always have a place in my heart, and I know that the fan content is only gonna pop off from here! A chapter closed but another opened.
So yeah, a thank you to two of the ultimate crows! Thanks for allowing the rest of us to tag along and enjoy something so wonderful <3
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thatbeeagain · 1 month
I know there are a lot of people wondering about all the other 30-40 something people with marigold running around in the world so I'm gonna give my personal theory that nobody asked for.
(For the record, I hated the ending/plot of s4 as much as the next guy, this is just how I'm justifying it to myself.)
At the end of season 3, we see the marigold being sucked out of the Umbrellas (except Allison, and with Sloane and Ben too) BEFORE the universe is reset. In one of the teasers for season 4, Five explains that this is why they no longer have their powers, but I'm assuming the writers just threw that out of the window for plot convenience (as they do quite consistently). In season 4, we see all the Umbrellas (+ Ben) powerless, including Allison, implying that the RESET is what caused their lack of powers.
Aside from the fact that this ignores a whole bunch of stuff from the ending of season 3, it's kind of boring. I would've loved going into a season 4 where Allison doesn't know the others lost their powers, or if she still had hers at all because she refused to use them.
Even then, whatever, they chose to write it differently, that's fine (aside from the fact they didn't pull it off but at this point who even gives a shit).
The fact that Allison doesn't have her powers either is actually key here, because while she was present, she was standing by while the others got the marigold sucked out of them. To me, this means that ANYBODY with marigold in them would've had it removed in the reset. This includes the however many other people originally had superpowers, which is why the cleanse only had to "consume" (for lack of a better word) the Umbrellas, who had ingested marigold in the current timeline.
Does this make sense? Probably not. Could it be canon? Who knows at this point, the writers were on some hardcore shit this season. Why did the reset not also get rid of Jennifer's Durango? Who the fuck knows!
Sorry this is really long, I just keep seeing people asking about the other marigold children and this was just what I always assumed.
Thanks for bothering to read this if you did. Good job or something idk.
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birdaboos · 2 years
Guys what if what if bleach x philza crossover like just what if would u still love me if i do this crime
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crepusculum-rattus · 10 months
so i'm seeing you have some knowledge of philza's hc world. i started watching philza like four months ago and there's a Lot of s4. do you happen to have any vod recommendations for getting into the s4 lore because i would have to stop sleeping or going to work if i were gonna try and catch up with everything lmao
trying to watch all s4 vods would definitely feel Never Ending BUT!!!!!!!! for some quick ways to get into the lore, and get more understanding of what happened on the qsmp today, i have a few things for u!!!
hc s4 presentation by @greaterspawnislands (who is also a good person to ask abt lore in general!!)
& THIS >>> hc s4 lore carrd
i don’t entirely Suggest this if u don’t have the time, BUT if u Rlly wanted to watch from the start of s4, philza does have his hardcore series 4 playlist on youtube! (HOWEVER i should warn you he has not updated it in a long time, and will likely never update it again. but its fun to see the start of it all imo)
also!!!! most philza mains r more than happy to talk abt hc s4 lore cause we r always Waiting to talk more abt it >:3
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missycolorful · 1 year
There's something really satisfying and enjoyable about how Philza implements lore from his characters from other servers into the QSMP.
The most backstory we get is q!Philza's bedtime stories to Chayanne and Tallulah. We just got confirmation that q!Philza came from his Hardcore world. He and Technoblade took over the Antarctic Empire. He and Wilbur talked about MCC. Then there are other stories about people he knows. Technoblade and the potato war. Kristin, the Goddess of Death, meeting the Ender Dragon.
These all very heavily connect q!Philza onto other servers: i.e. SMPE, s4 of Hardcore. (Hell, technically, the only other server where Goddess of Death Kristin is canon, as of now, is in Dream SMP, so that kiiiinda connects him to DSMP, too? There's nothing concrete that directly connects to that server, but anyway!).
But it's the fact that they are stories is what makes that lore so good, I think. Yes, they definitely aren't just stories. Yes, they are most definitely things that q!Phil has experienced. These are people he knows personally.
But he doesn't let all that consume a rest of his character's lore. He doesn't find Wilbur and imply a complicated familial relationship that includes filicide and letters filled with lies. He and Wilbur just met on the train and decided to father/son codify each other because they just had those vibes. He doesn't run into Quackity and have a grudge toward this guy who held a vendetta against his best friend. Phil just doesn't trust him because of how he treats Chayanne and that's it.
By doing this, Philza is implementing this lore in a way that the pieces aren't all coming together. And that is so, absolutely okay. It doesn't have to make 100% sense. He can imply SMP Earth in canon and move on with his day, even though people like Wilbur or FitMC were part of SMPE, too. Because that backstory isn't at the forefront of his character. They're just nice easter eggs, and they're good stories to tell! They're fun, because RP is just supposed to be fun. Plot holes don't have to be filled. because no one wants to bother and would rather enjoy what's being given.
And at the end of the day, q!Philza is simply q!Philza, even if he's also hardcore!Philza, as well as smpe!Philza, or even if he turns out to be c!Philza. Regardless of all these other worlds, q!Philza is still a new character in his own right.
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