harething · 2 years
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[Image ID: A nine striped flag, its colors going as follows from top to bottom, desaturated deep red, red, dull orange, pale pink, a large stripe of beige, pale pink, desaturated beige, yellow-beige, muted desaturated brown. End ID]
Haretcher/Harecher: A gender related to being a hare butcher. This gender is also related to hares, hare aesthetics, butcher aesthetics, and The Flesh from TMA. It does not need to be related to all of these things, just hares and (concepts related to) The Flesh.
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retrace-104 · 1 year
I’m nevernever everrrrr getting sick of having a chorus of hiuo tantiera hadreikun harech falale ya boi hiuo migenda yakachren nohei kaine rekara hiuo tantiera hadreikun harech falale ya boi hiuo migenda ya kochren nohei yalma tei koimiren tara bairatru shouted at my ears
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kiskisur · 11 months
Hiuo tantiera hadreikun harech falale ya boi
Hiuo migenda ya kochren nohei yalma
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pebsterino · 2 years
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Hiuo tantiera hadreikun harech falale ya boi 🌸🌸
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jmbringitonworld · 3 years
This is a sequel of sorts to Starry Eyed, so go check that one out first to understand who FallenStar!Frisk is, and how Dream and her became friends and travelling companions.
With the snow having finally stopped falling, the night was dark and cold, save for a single bright light shining on a lonely hill. Dream and his companion, Frisk, were sat close together in the grass, so that the out-code could bask in the warmth radiating from the fallen star on this otherwise frigid night, with the area around their small, cosy bubble of warm light covered in a thick blanket of snow. There were no other souls around for miles, not just because of the late hour or the freezing temperatures, but because that universe happened to be celebrating Gyftmas at that time, and all the humans and monsters were at home, enjoying the festivities with their loved ones, so no one but Dream was around to witness a star shining at her fullest. Though Frisk was not the only star shining brightly that night, Dream noted, as a vast, cloudless sky was spread out before them, with billions of tiny lights dotting the black canvas above. It was this sight which had caused the two of them to take a break on that hill, in the middle of nowhere, so that Frisk could sing to her sisters, as she once did in the sky.
“Hiuo, tantiera hadreikun harech, falale ya boi,” her crystal-clear voice rang out softly in the otherwise silent night. “Hiuo, migenda yakachren nohei, kainé rekara.”
Dream listened attentively, utterly entranced by her peaceful, contented expression, and by the emotion in her song, despite being unable to understand the lyrics. The love and bliss pouring from her soul also kept him enraptured, though, eventually, he could no longer contain his curiosity.
“Um, sorry, excuse me, Frisk?” he interrupted, during a brief lull in the song, and Frisk turned to him, smiling enquiringly at her friend. “That song... what’s it about? And what language is it in? I’ve been all around the Multiverse and never heard anything like it before.”
“Hmm, I am not surprised. Precious few remain who still remember the Chaos language,” Dream let out an inquisitive noise, leaning forward eagerly, and Frisk gave him an indulgent smile, her starlit eyes glowing warmly. “The Chaos language is the oldest language ever conceived, back when the original Universe was still young, and naught but my eldest sisters and some other, truly ancient and powerful entities existed. It is from Chaos that all other languages were created, though it has long been forgotten by all but those whom Time ignores. As for the song itself, it is one of hope and salvation, both a prayer and a wish. It seemed appropriate on a night such as this, when mortals are celebrating with their families, whilst mine is far beyond my reach.”
Frisk turned her gaze up towards the distant stars, though Dream kept his eyelights fixed on her face, as it was filled with longing and wistfulness.
“All my life, I have listened to my sisters’ songs. Being lightyears away from anything, their voices were the only real sound I could truly hear. All else, I could only experience through magic. And as mortals cannot hear our voices, my sisters were the only ones who could hear me. I have never not been able to speak and sing with them. Not until I fell. Now, when I try to listen... there is only silence. There has never been silence before. I am constantly surrounded by more noise than I have ever known, and yet my world is quieter than ever. And despite being surrounded by more people than I could have ever imagined, for the first time in my long life, I feel... lonely... I... miss them... I truly miss you, my sisters. I miss your voices. I miss our songs. I miss your presence. More than I ever thought possible.”
Frisk’s eyes had closed, her head still turned up, as the stars above could only twinkle silently in the sky. Despite the grief and melancholy in her voice, and the sorrow clouding her expression, she did not shed a single tear and Dream could only feel a sliver of her loneliness, like an echo of emotion. He frowned to himself in worry and disappointment. He had hoped that, over time, she would open up more to him and let him properly sense all of her emotions. And yet, it seemed that she still kept her darker emotions from him. Face set in determination, he reached over and firmly grasped her hands in his, drawing Frisk out of her sad musings and turning her attention to him.
“Frisk, please. We’re friends, aren’t we?”
“Most certainly,” she nodded, a little bemused.
“Then why do you keep your negative emotions to yourself? Why won’t you let me feel your negativity?” he gave her a pleading look. “Even if it hurts, I want to feel it. I want to know what you’re going through. I want to share your burdens, to ease your suffering and soothe your pain. I want to help you. So please, don’t hide things from me.”
Frisk was momentarily dumbstruck in the face of his impassioned plea and earnest gaze, before a tender smile slowly spread across her face, and she gently squeezed his hands in return.
“My dear Dream, you are, as ever, my one guiding light in this strange new world I have found myself in. I would never wish to upset you, not through my actions, nor my inaction. If I conceal the full force of my woes from you, it is not out of mistrust, for nothing could be further from the truth. It is purely because that is not how I wish to be perceived. I want to be seen and known for the joy in my heart and the light in my soul. This multiverse is wondrous and fascinating, and I refuse to let my sorrow over the loss of my sisters’ voices, overshadow the excitement I feel at this incredible new life I am experiencing. That is what should define me and my time here.”
Frisk gave Dream one more dazzling smile, as he stared at her, captivated by the force of her positivity. She released his hands to gently cup his face in her own hands, staring directly into his eyelights, the starlight of her eyes almost unbearably bright to all but him, so attuned as he was to the Light.
“I am happy, and that is the most important feeling to me. That is what I want to truly matter. Not my lingering heartache, not my loneliness, not my fears. But this wonderful happiness which flows through me. A happiness that you, dear friend, have contributed greatly to.”
With that, Frisk dropped her hands from Dream’s, now blushing, cheeks. He looked away bashfully, a phalange coming up to lightly scratch at one burning cheekbone. After mulling over her words, Dream turned back to his companion purposefully.
“I honestly think that’s amazing. And I fully support your wishes,” he stared earnestly at her, wanting to convey the sincerity of his words. “But don’t forget, you’re not alone. You’ve got me! So, whenever you feel any negativity, even just a little, please know that I’ll be there for you, for as long as you need me.”
Frisk appeared greatly touched by his heartfelt words, shining even more brightly in the darkness of the night. She touched a hand to her chest, right above her heart, before reaching that hand towards him, opening it to reveal a small vial filled with a softly glowing, pearly liquid. At Frisk’s encouraging nod, Dream carefully took the vial from her hand, examining it curiously and noticing that it emitted not just light, but heat as well, which felt comfortable against his bones.
“What’s this?” he asked Frisk.
“It is a present,” she stated gleefully. “A Gyftmas present, to be exact. This universe is currently celebrating Gyftmas, after all, and I understand that it is a long-held tradition to give gifts to those who are important to you on this holiday. And there is none more important to me in this multiverse than you, therefore I offer you this humble gift. It is a vial of my tears.”
Dream did a double take at this revelation, giving Frisk a startled look, then peering more closely at the vial, noticing that it did, indeed, resemble tears, though with a slight pearlescent sheen. The fallen star seemed very pleased and clasped her hands together excitedly, as she further explained her gift.
“Since they are a part of me, they contain a small portion of my power, and, thus, offer warmth and will shine in the dark, just as I do. The deeper the darkness, the brighter we shine!” her own warm light intensified briefly in demonstration. “It is my hope that they will help illuminate your path, just as you have done, and continue doing, for me.”
Dream struggled for words, his eyelights becoming little yellow stars, as he gazed from the vial to Frisk, and back again. No longer able to contain his emotions, he lunged at her with arms wide, startling Frisk with a powerful, near crushing, hug. Unused to being subjected to displays of affection, Frisk floundered, at a complete loss as to how to react.
“Thanks, Frisk! I love it!” Dream exclaimed in delight, and Frisk stilled in his arms, still uncertain regarding her current position, but nonetheless pleased that Dream appreciated her gift. He pulled back a little, to look her in the eyes, his cheekbones once more glowing a bright yellow. “But you know, I don’t need this to illuminate my path. You do that for me already. You’re the brightest light in my life!”
Frisk, for once, looked shy, embarrassed by the sincere praise.
“I... I am...?” she asked timidly. Dream beamed at her in answer.
“Absolutely! You are literally and figuratively luminous!” Dream paused, his eyelights going wide as he let out an excited gasp, drawing back to firmly grip her shoulders. “Hey, I have an idea! I know you don’t have an actual name of your own, and are just borrowing the name “Frisk”, so what do you think of the name “Lumi”? I think it really fits your luminous personality, and how you illuminate the world around you with your very presence.”
Dream grinned proudly at her, looking hopefully to her for approval, and Frisk stared back, awestruck at his suggestion.
“A... A name? For me?” the very idea seemed to completely baffle her, as she struggled to process it. “I have never had a name before... Nor did I ever expect to gain one. I am merely a small star, after all, one of billions just like me, not part of any constellation, nor a sun to any other celestial body. I am... unimportant. Not notable or note-worthy in any way. Thus, no one has ever seen fit to grant me a name of my very own. But you would do so, now. And with so fine a name as this?”
Dream gave her a firm, almost stern, look, his hands tightening slightly on her shoulders.
“You are not “unimportant”!” he declared fiercely. “You are very important, especially to me! You... You’re one of the most... important people in my life. I’ve never met anyone who means as much to me as you do. I really l-... care about you. So, don’t say something like that ever again, ok? You really are... so important... to me.”
His companion was clearly taken aback by his words and the heartfelt emotion behind them, staring dazedly at him, before, very slowly, a brilliant smile broke across her face, like the dawn of a new day. She shone bright enough to melt all the snow on their lonely little hillside, so bright even Dream had to shield his eye sockets slightly, though it did nothing to diminish his own blinding smile, as he relished in the pure and intoxicating joy radiating from the newly named Lumi’s soul.
“No mere words could adequately describe the elation I feel right now,” Lumi put her hands to her cheeks, giddy with joy, while Dream wanted to melt at her dizzying euphoria. “To be so blessed... Ah, I feel unworthy. But I shall endeavour to do all within my power to repay you for all of the kindness you have shown me.”
“Wait, no, that isn’t necessary!” Dream protested, shaking his head and forcefully waving away her promise. “Everything I’ve done, I did because I wanted to! And because you absolutely deserve the very best from me. I’m still not a proper Guardian of Positivity yet, and there’s so much about the Multiverse that I still need to learn, but there’s no way I could ever turn my back on a star! Especially not one as compassionate and selfless as you. So please believe me, it is my honour and my pleasure to be by your side, for as long as you need me.”
“My dearest Dream,” Lumi sighed fondly. “What you do for me and for this ever-expanding multiverse, is no mere trifle. You are irreplaceably precious, an inimitable force for good, and I would never take your companionship for granted. So please allow me to make this promise to you, following a custom I have often seen performed amongst mortals.”
With that, she solemnly held out her fist, her little finger extended delicately. Dream grinned at the motion, failing to hold back a snicker, and extended his own pinkie, to wrap it around hers.
“My dearest friend,” she began, with dignity and gravitas, the childishness of her actions completely lost on her. “I vow to you, here and now, to always be the very best I can be. For your sake, dearest Dream, I shall strive to be only my best self, now and forever, and to never allow darkness to tarnish my light, so that it may always shine brightly for you.”
Dream put his free hand to his chest, trying to match her seriousness, despite their linked pinkies.
“And to you, Fr-Lumi,” he stumbled at her new name, before quickly recomposing himself. “I vow to always be the very best I can be. I promise to always try to remain positive, kind and brave, no matter what happens, or how difficult it gets. You deserve only the best from me, so I want to be the best I can be, for your sake, and for the sake of all the people in the Multiverse who are counting on me!”
With one last gentle squeeze of their pinkies, the two of them let go and smiled at each other, engraving their vows onto their hearts. Around them, the snow had once more started to fall, although Lumi’s heated presence melted the snowflakes before any could reach them, while above them, the stars continued to twinkle merrily in the dark night sky, the only witnesses to their pledges.
So, after having spent several days writing over 6k words of post-Dusttale angst and hurt/comfort, I was in need of some light-hearted fluff. A few days later, my mother revealed some pretty devastating news regarding her health, and with my father also suffering from a long-term illness, I've not been in the best frame of mind to be writing anything, although I have written out the basic plot summaries for all of the Fransweek 2022 prompts, so I should be able to get all of them out in time. That said, I am in desperate need of some heartwarming fluff, and who better for that than my literary comfort blankets, Dream and Lumi (who finally gets her very own name here!)? I'm really hoping that some of their unyielding positivity will rub off on me, because I could really do with some right now. This Christmas is gonna suck for me :-/
I really like that, while Dream is a Sans in body, but not role, Lumi is a Frisk in role, but not body. I also want to mention that Lumi is actually quite naïve and utterly lacking in common sense (because it's not "common" where she's from), but having lived for millions of years, observing the various multiverses (even if she hasn't personally experienced any of them), she's a lot wiser than she usually comes across, she just rarely displays that hidden wisdom. This is one of those very few times.
Some of you may recognise the song she sings: it's Kainé / Salvation, from the NieR game series, which is where the Chaos language comes from (although it's a language from the distant past in my fic, instead of one from the distant future). Those games have some of the best soundtracks of any games, narrowly beaten by Okami's OST imho, and Kainé/Salvation is one of my favourite songs from them. Definitely go check it out if you haven't, it's heavenly!
Dream!Sans belongs to @/jokublog
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I dare someone to sing Kaine Salvation.
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Not the best singer, but I have played the game. I can...try?
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♩ Hiuo tantiera hadreikun harech falale ya boi Hiuo migenda yakachren nohei kaine rekara Hiuo tantiera hadreikun harech falale ya boi Hiuo migenda ya kochren nohei yalma Tei koimiren tara bairatru ♩
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Hi! 🌻
Koi! OwO
My fav lines so far:
- Herr Mannelig Herr Mannelig trolovfen i mig, För det jag bjuder så gerna, I kunnen väl svara endast ja eller nej, Om i viljen eller ej (Herr Mannelig by Garmarna)
- Oyasumi yasumi yasumi, Ooshini (Redeemed Invasion-Corrosceince, Drakengard 3 OST fan remix)
- You arty little shit (Vincent by LeoRoberts on SoundCloud)
- Hiuo tantiera hadrelkun harech falale ya boi, Hiuo migenda ya kochren nohei yalma, Tei koimiren tara bairatru (Kaine Salvation, Nier OST)
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dzelectronic-blog · 6 years
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‏‎مركي عندك وصول بطاقات جديدة للعنوان الاوروبي الأسماء التي وصلت بطاقاتهم Abderraouf mebarki Abdelaziz yattou Anes oussadit Ali mehdaoui Abderrazak benabdelhadi Mohamed ikbal benziar Abdelmalek hammal Mohamed monir harech Bouchema farouk Rabeh djelita Djamel bansaid Marouane farouk ben..... الخ Mohamed chrif banssedik Abdelmouaz djoudi Mohamed ilyass halassi Ali ghoubiche Slimane haoua Chawki chakkat Moussa amira Hamza nacer..... الخ Nourddine boughout الاشخاص المذكورين سابق يتواصلوا معنا باش تخلصو حق السكنة في مدة لا تتجاوز 48 ساعة 🤣 بارتاجي يا مواطن الفيزازكارد عند ديزاد الكترونيك باطل 300 الف فقط 💪😍😍‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/BpXMTu8l7oI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9dq3l5v67108
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kiskisur · 11 months
Hiuo tantiera hadreikun harech falale ya bour
WHAT..? 😭
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