#harley quinn/savant
thingsasbarcodes · 27 days
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The Suicide Squad (2021)
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The 2023 Suicide Squad Exchange is here!
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tell your friends, tell your enemies—we're open for sign-ups!
While this is primarily an exchange for the characters from The Suicide Squad (2021), we also include Suicide Squad (2016), Peacemaker (TV), Birds of Prey, the greater DC cinematic universe, comics, and others—since they're related to the 2021 film. You're welcome to participate with fanvids, playlists, gifsets, etc. as well as fic and art. Messages & asks are open if you have further questions, and you can join our Discord community here!
sign up here through Saturday, May 27.
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zahri-melitor · 4 months
ooo yeah I noticed the birds of prey thing too. before I sat down to read it I definitely had the conception of them as the "fuck yeah girl power!" team and I was thinking about the. higher presence of male characters as members of the team? I almost made a post about it myself recently but I had trouble figuring out how to say it in a way that didn't feel to me like "but what about the men!!1!"
anyways yeah 👍 I'd never call any of them the heart of the team per se but they are still important parts of it imo
Yeah, exactly. It's hmm, more organically driven out of the scenario in say Dixon's run, where Jason Bard is present (because he and Babs used to date in the Bronze Age) but also they're friendly exes! And Bard is running his own detective agency where he mentored under Dinah's father! There are solid reasons for Bard's inclusion, but also the story does not focus on him particularly.
Or Ted being an outright member of the team...on the computer tech side with Barbara, because he's officially retired as Blue Beetle.
It makes sense. They're contributing skills and they have reason to be present.
Or in Simone's run, it's full of women (including the post Dinah/Ollie marriage section where Dinah's left the team to go be in GA/BC and Barbara is reacting extremely normally to not having Dinah around and certainly not throwing a tantrum and pushing people away by recruiting a bunch of people she has emotional distance from), but Babs is also focused on reforming Savant and Creote. They were bad guys! They were introduced kidnapping and injuring Dinah! And yet their contributions as team members are built up over time.
It's not so much 'what about the menz' as much as 'why only women?'
(It is also marked that this happens in the transition from Birds of Prey as Barbara's Op Team, the team Babs put together to accomplish her own goals, to a more generic 'oh this is the girl character team' situation, where the team's formed in n52 by Dinah and there's that whole alternate canonical Harley Quinn BOP run, to the point that Kelly Thompson and team got a bit surprised by the level of frustration and requests for 'where is Barbara? where is Helena?' over the 2023 team, because the viewpoint has shifted so much from This is The Team Barbara Directs to DC's Premier Women Team)
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Suicide Squad Members both Past and Present (Minus both Captain Boomerangs)
Amanda Waller
Rick Flag Jr
Rick Flag Sr
Bronze Tiger
Karin Grace 
Black Orchid
Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln)
Parasite (Rudy Jones)
Mr. 104
Captain Cold
Shade the Changing Man
Count Vertigo
Dr. Light
Lady Liberty
Silent Majority
Major Victory
Poison Ivy
Black Adam
Silver Swan
The Writer
King Shark
Sam Makoa
Cameron Chase
Manchester Black
Sgt. Frank Rock
Big Sir
Clock King
Major Disaster
Solomon Grundy
Power Girl
Star-Spangled Kid
Double Down
Atom Smasher
Mirror Master (Evan McCulloch)
Tattooed Man
The General
King Faraday
Thinker II
White Dragon
Yasemin Soze
Black Spider
El Diablo
Harley Quinn 
The Unknown Soldier
James Gordon Jr.
Power Girl
Black Manta
Joker's Daughter
Reverse Flash (Daniel West)
Parasite (Joshua Michael Allen)
The Hunky Punk
Killer Croc
Mad Dog
Killer Frost (Caitlin Snow)
General Zod
Juan Soria
Lord Satanis
Master Jailer
Rag Doll
Scream Queen
Tao Jones
Baby Boom
The Shark (totally different guy from King Shark)
The Aerie
Chaos Kitten
Deadly Six
Black Mask
Film Freak
Shrike (Boone)
Ambush Bug
Black Siren
Nightmare Nurse
Heat Wave
Major Force
Victor Zsasz
Madame Crow
Black Hand
Etrigan the Brainiac 666
Gentleman Ghost
Klarion the Witch Boy
Snargoyle (deceased)
Alchemaster (deceased)
Doctor Thaumaturge 
Black Bison
Johnny Sorrow
Doctor Polaris
Emerald Empress
Doctor Destiny
Doctor Psycho
Hector Hammond
Manchester Black
Maxwell Lord
El Dorado
El Gaucho
Zachary Zatara
Mirror Master (Sam Scudder)
Polkadot Man
Gotham/Bane (idk some dude named Henry Clover Jr.?)
Arkham Knight
Mr. Bloom
Mr. Freeze
Luke Fox
The Verdict
Ratcatcher II
Killer Frost (Crystal Frost)
Ten Eyed Man
@ednygmaaskme I'm sorry it's long as hell. I also want to apologize in advance if this list has duplicates. It's hard to keep track.
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judgeanon · 1 year
I really don't buy that angle WRT Harleen being Just Meta Enuff to throatpunch Cass. We've seen that handwave in past Shit Events and it reeked then too. If they needed the film star to Yakkety Sax someone for hype, uh, Dinah or sword lady? Bruce pulling teamstomp garbage ala his dad is clearly worse, but c'mon: Ivy's 'upgrade' was never thematically intended to make Quinn Steve Rogers with eyepaint or some martial counter-savant. Between that and the Duke dis I should just drop DC for a while.
I don't think it's even a meta thing, I think it's, yeah, ye olde "She's too crazy and unpredictable to read!" thing that's just such a shitty, overdone excuse.
Granted, this particular example has way more thought put into it, like they spend a lot of page time visually showing how that works, and that's better than, say, the time Harley beat up Shado completely off-panel in a Suicide Squad special. But it's still the kind of trope that really makes my eyes spin into the stratosphere.
I'm still gonna give it an arc because the art is really pretty and I wanna see more of their team dynamics but yeah, Harley being there is every bit as obnoxious as I feared.
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geekymeerkat · 1 year
Recently I got back into playing Fallout 4 again. Also started watching Harley Quinn, and it got me thinking about how hard it would be to make a Harley Quinn build.
Did a quick search to see if anyone had already done this, and sure enough someone has, but I noticed they gave HQ a 6 in her Intelegence. Don't get me wrong, I get that she is canonically a brilliant person. She graduated valedictorian and was trained in the field of psychoanalysis.
My problem with her being given a 6 in her Intelligence stat, is that the perks you get are more about building Science! gizmos and that just isn't HQ. She's smart but likes to just bash and blow things up. So here is my attempt at making HQ in Fallout 4.
First, her stats will start off as S:4, P:4, E:3, C:1, I:2, A:9, and L:5.
Early on you have access to the baby book that gives you one more stat point, that we'll put in Charisma to bring that up to 2. Likewise, the Perception bobblehead is early enough that we can go ahead and count that as being at 5 instead of 4.
You'll note that Intelegence is only at 2, and the only reason it's that high is that she does have medical training, so we can put perk points into Medic. Nothing else though from that perk line though makes sense for our HQ so no need to have it higher.
But because she is a smart character canonically, we give her the 5 in luck so we can give her Idiot Savant. That skill is specifically described as "You're not stupid! Just... different." and the way she is different is she's fricking bonkers.
Another benefit of having that 5-luck is we get access to Bloody Mess, and you can sure bet however HQ goes about murdering someone she is going to create a bit of a mess.
The 9 in Agility should be obvious as she is an acrobat. We'll want to pick up both Blitz, Moving Target, Action Girl, Sneak, and Ninja from this line. Though keep in mind she is a more in-your-face sort of villain so sneak and ninja are lower priorities.
Endurance is at three because she is chronically immune to toxins and can take a bit of a beating in a fight. So we want things like Toughness, Lead Belly, and Life-Giver. Rad resistance would have been nice but is too far down the Endurance to get early for this build.
Perception is where it's at to give us access to both the Locksmith and the Demolition Expert perks. I see HQ as more the sort to just kick open a door instead of picking the lock, but as the game doesn't give us that option, she needed ways of opening doors that would otherwise get in her way. Likewise, she would not likely spend much time picking the lock of a trunk, and would just smash it open... but again the game doesn't give us that option.
Her Strength of 4 is because her primary weapon of choice is a big old hammer or baseball bat and we want access to both Big Leagues and Blacksmith.
Lastly, that brings us to why we want Charisma to be at two, and that's to give us access to the Black Widow perk. Watch the cartoon, I think you'll agree that she hits men a bit harder with her baseball bat. I'm not even sure I've seen her hit a woman yet with her bat... no wait I can think of one. But only one off the top of my head (mind you I've only just finished watching the first season).
A long-term goal for this character would be to build up her Charisma after getting her core perks so she can access the Intimidate perk. In the cartoon it's actually a plot point early on that people don't really fear her but more fear her association with the Joker. It's only after some time doing her own thing that she builds up her own reputation.
Finally, for equipment, she would go for some sort of blunt melee weapon like a hammer or baseball bat (and with her strength could modify them to be nice and dangerous).
However, in terms of clothes/armor sadly FO4 doesn't give us much in the way of anything that suits a HQ character that well. She wouldn't even likely wear leather armor instead going for some sort of provocative outfit. The only real options that jump out are a Vault Suit or a Baseball uniform.
As for what faction she's going to join? Obviously, she's going to take over Nuka World while siding with the Disciples, but for the main game, she might want to side with the Institute as that is a bit like the Legion of Doom. She would also do the Vault 88 quest line and totally enjoy doing the experiments (perhaps even setting up her own secret base in those caves).
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thefoxxyreview · 10 months
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So we have been blessed with a sequel to the infamous live-action “Suicide Squad”. When we were first given this interesting team of super-villains turned good for hire, many DC fans were excited. I personally was whelmed by the performances of Jared Leto as the joker and Will Smith as Dead Shot. it was okay overall but it did not give me “sequel” vibes. You can imagine my surprise when I saw that the second Suicide Squad was available. This is a series I prefer to follow in animation form, but I decided to humor DC and watch the movie. I was not disappointed funny enough!
*Spoilers Ahead*
They Tricked me in the beginning when they basically wasted Team one of the Squad. Our real team we would be Bloodsport, Peacemaker, King Shark, Ratcatcher 2, Pokand the surviving Harley Quinn from team one who managed escape as she tends to do. They actually let us know just how disposable the people in each of these suicide squads are, as wells as showed just how often Amanda Waller is willing to sacrifice life to cover the tracks of the government. John Cena and Idris Elba played well off of each other and though their characters were similar, their philosophies were vastly different. John Cena’s character, Peacemaker, to me represented the radical ideas that white supremacists carry and would love to force upon the world and say that it is what is necessary to gain peace in this world. Ratcatcher 2 just not a villain that I am familiar with in the DC universe, but she definitely made me appreciate rats for some odd reason. She had a way of making them super useful as well as cute. King shark was played by Sylvester Stallone and he did absolutely wonderful. I’ll have to watch behind the scenes to figure out the whole CGI situation and how much of it was Computer. I’ve seen the Harley Quin animated Series and in that iteration of King shark he is extremely articulate and a vital part to the group as the brains and Brawn when needed. I didn’t appreciate them dumbing him completely down. Blood sport was your classic bitter, clever, doesn’t believe in himself leader. The way that he and Peacemaker bickered was hilarious and were scenes that I looked forward to. 
There were some nice cameos from stars I recognized. They were quickly disposed of in team one.  I enjoyed Pete Davidson for the short time he was there. his comedic style was underused if you ask me. Michael Rooker’s Character Savant was a bad ass for maybe ten minutes of the movie before he was reduced to a coward. In the animated suicide squad movies, someone’s head always gets blown off by the button, live action is no different.
All in all, this isn’t a movie that I would watch again upon my own suggestion. There is a persistent love of Margot Robbie that will always be evident by many fans and myself.  She has made the character of Harley Quinn her own, and it is no wonder that she was able to get a movie with Harley as the star. DC movies are slowly starting to catch their fans attention. If only these actors would act right when off the big screen they could keep the interest on the characters and stories rather than their personal lives.
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creativejamie · 2 years
The Suicide Squad Explained: What's Up With the Ending?
The Suicide Squad Explained: What’s Up With the Ending?
Sinister intelligence aunt Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) is once again assembling the Suicide Squad on a suicide mission of the utmost importance to the country. Colonel Rick Flag (Juel Kinnaman) will lead the squad, as before. To help him, they gave the gloomy killer Savant (Michael Rooker), Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), the really fucked-up Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Blackguard, the orange…
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weapon13whitefang · 3 years
So now that the movie's out, can we get some Savant/Harley headcanons plz?
Well i guess I could give some. Me and @chocolatemicenwhiskey have a world for them but some of my head cannons differ. And some are mixed with theirs.
So. Enjoy! Also! Important note
1. Savant didn’t die. Everything was staged: So in the movie, Savant dies with Task Force X Group 1 by getting his head blown up from the bomb Waller had installed into the Suicide Squad’s heads. He’s actually the only person to die from a bomb, though not without Amanda trying to later on… But in our world, Savant lived. In fact all members of the first group - save for Blackguard and he wouldn’t give a fuck what happened to Peacemaker, finding both to jock headed and annoying - survive.
How did he do this? Well incase you all aren’t aware, in the comics Savant is a fucking genius. But he suffers from a chemical imbalance. And this makes him exhibit a non-linear memory and it makes him forgetful. So he can make these elaborate plans and create these creative and powerful things… But forget he did any of it.
That said, Savant isn’t gonna trust Waller. He isn’t an idiot. He comes off as a forgetful dolt, but he’s not an idiot. The minute he was asked to join and learned what it entels to enter this group for a cut to freedom, he’d form a plan. Now steps may be bounced out of order, but it gets done. First off, Brian Durlin in the comics is a very rich and spoiled heir to an enormous fortune left by his deceased family. With the right price, Savant could pay off certain members of Belle Reve to get help from outside the prison. Clayface is who he calls on and gets a message to. The clay man can be bought and Savant pays him to aid in their escape. Also playing off the Harley Quinn cartoon, Clayface is friends with Harley and agrees to help for her and takes payment from Savant. Clayface is able to break into Belle Reve and help impersonate the doctor that implants the bombs into the suicide squad. Only Peacemaker and Blackguard get a real one, but they all - except Savant - believe they’re real. But they’re actually duds.
Savant forgets this plan once they’re in Corte Maltese. He even forgets the bomb is in his head. And he wasn’t told to do this, but Clayface decides to tag along. He kept a bomb reader that notifies him when a bomb is to be set off and who it’s on. When Savant’s bomb is set off by Waller, Clayface quickly encompasses Savants head and “explodes”, leaving enough mass over Savant’s head to look like he’s died before making him fall into the water and deadman floats him until the cameras are off him. This is how Clayface aids the SS. A chunk of him is attached to each member that Savant agrees to save. Even Rick Flag, although Savant thinks he’s a bit of an ass. But he’s in the right headspace. Just too dumb to see he’s being played.
Although Savant doesn’t remember making the plan at first, he knows he’s smart enough and crazy enough to come up with such a plan. It’s confirmed later when Clayface plays a recording Savant quickly made for himself to play later then gave to Clayface to hold on until he needed it.
2. Harley Quinn’s daddy issues turned her on to Savant: Watching the older male fight and finding his intelligence but memory problem fascinating, Harley was pretty easily attracted to the heir turned hacker/hand-to-hand combat expert/weapons expert villain. And her first interest came from learning of the villain’s reputation around Belle and how he was in a maximum holding cell and was hardly seen around the other population due to his multiple almost escapes.
So of course Savant had a “mysterious bad man” vibe before she got to know him. Getting to see him in person was a new intrigue and she instantly wanted to braid his hair and pet him.
It’s later, when she sees him fight and handle a group of mercenary soldiers, that she has a “oh no, he’s hot” and “hellooo, daddy” view of the man. Which leads to her unashamedly flirting with the man every chance she gets. Which, Savant is confused by at first but finds it amusing. It’s Harley almost dying to protect him on a free SS mission that has him flirting back and giving “clown girl” a try.
This relationship is made very public throughout the villain and superhero community. Eventually being brought to Joker’s attention (that’s another story though).
3. Harley’s daughter Lucy is Savant’s daughter: In the “Injustice” universe, before Joker attacks Superman, Harley gets pregnant by the Joker. She runs off for a year to hide her pregnancy from Joker. She has a daughter, which she named Lucy Quinzel.
After a particularly rough mission that the SS barely survived, Harley and Savant - back at the SS HQ, which is an abandoned mansion owned by Savant’s family - the two have very heated and dominating and passionate sex, forgetting any protection and no pulling out. And, six weeks later, Harley has constant nausea and a lot of vomiting. It gets so bad that Savant calls in a back alley doctor he trusts. The whole team is floored to learn Harley isn’t sick, but six weeks pregnant. Savant - in a panic - “phases” out and passes out, being caught by Rick and Boomerang before he hits the ground.
Harley is upset at first but quickly - very very quickly - becomes excited about being a mama. She is so happy she’s oblivious at first to Savant having passed out and runs to crush hug him. When she does realize he fainted from the news, she just smiles and says “he’s excited, my Savvy”. Completely unaware of the panic the non-linear minded villain is going through.
After he wakes up, Savant is confused and forgetful nonstop of Harley’s pregnancy. A defense his brain takes to the news. It not until Harley is at sixteen weeks and showing a baby bump that he “slaps to” on the real note he’s gonna be a dad… And starts to plan on how he’s gonna get his brain fixed to think normally and not be as forgetful. So he can truly help raise the kid with Harley.
He also becomes guard dog protective and makes sure Bud, Lou, and Bruce the hyena’s are always guarding Harley if he has to go on missions. Even threatening a few of the SS members he feels are putting Harley in danger or could put her in danger. Which later leads to a very rough one-on-one fight with Rick that King Shark and Mongal have to break up.
And those are a few HCs! Sorry if they’re not that interesting. Also a lot of it is mixture of film, comic, and tv series so it’s a mesh of universes lol.
Feel free to bug @chocolatemicenwhiskey for any other HCs or her own HCs :D
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alysaydie · 3 years
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The Suicide Squad explained badly
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chaoticace22 · 3 years
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This movie was definitely SOMETHING
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rupertbbare · 3 years
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scudismystud · 3 years
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somuchsophy · 3 years
I think “The Suicide Squad” (2021) movie posters deserve some love.
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P1 | P2
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ji9-ock · 3 years
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wp-38-rg-p08 · 3 years
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the suicide squad 幼稚園
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