#harley quinn x savant
weapon13whitefang · 3 years
So now that the movie's out, can we get some Savant/Harley headcanons plz?
Well i guess I could give some. Me and @chocolatemicenwhiskey have a world for them but some of my head cannons differ. And some are mixed with theirs.
So. Enjoy! Also! Important note
1. Savant didn’t die. Everything was staged: So in the movie, Savant dies with Task Force X Group 1 by getting his head blown up from the bomb Waller had installed into the Suicide Squad’s heads. He’s actually the only person to die from a bomb, though not without Amanda trying to later on… But in our world, Savant lived. In fact all members of the first group - save for Blackguard and he wouldn’t give a fuck what happened to Peacemaker, finding both to jock headed and annoying - survive.
How did he do this? Well incase you all aren’t aware, in the comics Savant is a fucking genius. But he suffers from a chemical imbalance. And this makes him exhibit a non-linear memory and it makes him forgetful. So he can make these elaborate plans and create these creative and powerful things… But forget he did any of it.
That said, Savant isn’t gonna trust Waller. He isn’t an idiot. He comes off as a forgetful dolt, but he’s not an idiot. The minute he was asked to join and learned what it entels to enter this group for a cut to freedom, he’d form a plan. Now steps may be bounced out of order, but it gets done. First off, Brian Durlin in the comics is a very rich and spoiled heir to an enormous fortune left by his deceased family. With the right price, Savant could pay off certain members of Belle Reve to get help from outside the prison. Clayface is who he calls on and gets a message to. The clay man can be bought and Savant pays him to aid in their escape. Also playing off the Harley Quinn cartoon, Clayface is friends with Harley and agrees to help for her and takes payment from Savant. Clayface is able to break into Belle Reve and help impersonate the doctor that implants the bombs into the suicide squad. Only Peacemaker and Blackguard get a real one, but they all - except Savant - believe they’re real. But they’re actually duds.
Savant forgets this plan once they’re in Corte Maltese. He even forgets the bomb is in his head. And he wasn’t told to do this, but Clayface decides to tag along. He kept a bomb reader that notifies him when a bomb is to be set off and who it’s on. When Savant’s bomb is set off by Waller, Clayface quickly encompasses Savants head and “explodes”, leaving enough mass over Savant’s head to look like he’s died before making him fall into the water and deadman floats him until the cameras are off him. This is how Clayface aids the SS. A chunk of him is attached to each member that Savant agrees to save. Even Rick Flag, although Savant thinks he’s a bit of an ass. But he’s in the right headspace. Just too dumb to see he’s being played.
Although Savant doesn’t remember making the plan at first, he knows he’s smart enough and crazy enough to come up with such a plan. It’s confirmed later when Clayface plays a recording Savant quickly made for himself to play later then gave to Clayface to hold on until he needed it.
2. Harley Quinn’s daddy issues turned her on to Savant: Watching the older male fight and finding his intelligence but memory problem fascinating, Harley was pretty easily attracted to the heir turned hacker/hand-to-hand combat expert/weapons expert villain. And her first interest came from learning of the villain’s reputation around Belle and how he was in a maximum holding cell and was hardly seen around the other population due to his multiple almost escapes.
So of course Savant had a “mysterious bad man” vibe before she got to know him. Getting to see him in person was a new intrigue and she instantly wanted to braid his hair and pet him.
It’s later, when she sees him fight and handle a group of mercenary soldiers, that she has a “oh no, he’s hot” and “hellooo, daddy” view of the man. Which leads to her unashamedly flirting with the man every chance she gets. Which, Savant is confused by at first but finds it amusing. It’s Harley almost dying to protect him on a free SS mission that has him flirting back and giving “clown girl” a try.
This relationship is made very public throughout the villain and superhero community. Eventually being brought to Joker’s attention (that’s another story though).
3. Harley’s daughter Lucy is Savant’s daughter: In the “Injustice” universe, before Joker attacks Superman, Harley gets pregnant by the Joker. She runs off for a year to hide her pregnancy from Joker. She has a daughter, which she named Lucy Quinzel.
After a particularly rough mission that the SS barely survived, Harley and Savant - back at the SS HQ, which is an abandoned mansion owned by Savant’s family - the two have very heated and dominating and passionate sex, forgetting any protection and no pulling out. And, six weeks later, Harley has constant nausea and a lot of vomiting. It gets so bad that Savant calls in a back alley doctor he trusts. The whole team is floored to learn Harley isn’t sick, but six weeks pregnant. Savant - in a panic - “phases” out and passes out, being caught by Rick and Boomerang before he hits the ground.
Harley is upset at first but quickly - very very quickly - becomes excited about being a mama. She is so happy she’s oblivious at first to Savant having passed out and runs to crush hug him. When she does realize he fainted from the news, she just smiles and says “he’s excited, my Savvy”. Completely unaware of the panic the non-linear minded villain is going through.
After he wakes up, Savant is confused and forgetful nonstop of Harley’s pregnancy. A defense his brain takes to the news. It not until Harley is at sixteen weeks and showing a baby bump that he “slaps to” on the real note he’s gonna be a dad… And starts to plan on how he’s gonna get his brain fixed to think normally and not be as forgetful. So he can truly help raise the kid with Harley.
He also becomes guard dog protective and makes sure Bud, Lou, and Bruce the hyena’s are always guarding Harley if he has to go on missions. Even threatening a few of the SS members he feels are putting Harley in danger or could put her in danger. Which later leads to a very rough one-on-one fight with Rick that King Shark and Mongal have to break up.
And those are a few HCs! Sorry if they’re not that interesting. Also a lot of it is mixture of film, comic, and tv series so it’s a mesh of universes lol.
Feel free to bug @chocolatemicenwhiskey for any other HCs or her own HCs :D
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kimhargreeves · 3 years
Task Force X- Javelin x Reader (The Suicide Squad 2021)
Summary: Amanda Waller wants you on the new Task Force X team. This time it's live or die for you all, you're all introduced to one another and a German man who wields a javelin takes a liking to you.
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(A/N) I can't believes I've already gotten tons of reads hearts on my Polkadot Man one shot; I'm so happy you've all liked it!! There will be a part 2 soon and in the meantime enjoy this Javelin one 🥴 Flula looked amazing as Javelin and I would've loved to see more. I've had a crush on that man since Pitch Perfect 2.
"Grab her."
The bread I had in my mouth fell down when the door to my cell had opened up and I saw two guards and Amanda Waller again. Immediately I jumped up and grabbed my fork, even if it's a plastic one I could still stab someone.
"No, No! You aren't taking me back!" I try to run away from the group of men but they successful caught me and held me tight. Amanda Waller wanted me back on her suicidal team.
"Let go of me! They began pushing me forward and lined me up against the wall.
"Hiya, (Y/N)!" I turn around surprised and see Harley waving at me, she's wearing the same orange uniform as I am.
"I thought you'd run away." Last time I saw Harley was when she teamed up with a few other girls and left Gotham with her pet hyena, Bruce. And because I did a couple of things I ended up back here.
"You first Blondie." A tall figure walked past up and sat on a chair where they implanted a bomb in his skull.
I didn't even realize the men in here, I was so focused on figuring out how Harley got in again that I didn't noticed him, much less the tall blonde guy. I couldn't help but stare at him.
The guy didn't even flinch when they placed the needle in him. The guy stood up and looked at each of us until his eyes landed on me and winked.
Harley laughed when she saw my face and I tried to shut her up until a guard grabbed me and placed me on the seat.
I shut me eyes and winced when they placed a needle on my neck. Another stupid bomb has been implanted in me.
"Fuck." I whined once I stood up and began rubbing my the back of my neck.
"Task Force X. These are your brothers and sisters for the next few days." Rick Flag came in and I was so happy to see another familiar face.
"Follow me." We all began to follow Rick onto another room. Outside of all the cells and inmates.
In front of us were a trunk, already with our clothes in them. "Are the girls going to change in here with us?" One of the guys asked while the others laughed. Mongal who was by my side growled. The other female in our team.
I rolled my eyes and Rick looked at Harley and I. "We don't do that anymore, guys in that room, girls in that. Now hurry up!"
I smirked when I saw the disappointment in the guys eyes. "Let's hurry." I grabbed my clothes and began to undress myself and get into my new costume. It was entirely of leather with a few chains and a whip and knives and my weapon of choice.
"Lookin' hot, (Y/N)!" Harley complimented once she did her makeup.
"Thanks, so do you." She giggled and I tried not to laugh at her being so funny. She no longer had that short ass shorts she has the first time, thank goodness. She now looked like a badass with leather jacket and tight red and black pants.
We walked out and saw a guy with a dark green costume, an funny looking animal on its two feet, a guy with white long hair, another guy with bleached hair dressed in black, and the other tall blonde guy now wore a blue and yellow outfit and-
"Boomer?!" Harley exclaimed.
Harley ran forward and I saw yet another familiar kind face around. "It really is him." I sighed and smiled. I ran toward him and hugged him tight.
"Nice to see your both still alive." He smiled when he let go of us.
"We try to. It's really nice to see you again." I genuinely tell him and see his kind eyes. He nods his head and messes my hair.
"Nice to see you again as well shortie."
Captain Boomerang, Harley, Rick and I shared a lot back then despite being different to each other. They're like a family to me even if we can't't see each other often because of the bars locking us up.
"So, what do you think their superpowers are?"" Harley excitedly asks me when she sees I've been quiet around the new team of Task Force X.
"Maybe even crazier ones than the last time. We had a talking crocodile, and now I saw there was a shark who can perfectly walk on land." I stared confused at her.
"That one looks funny." She pointed ahead and I felt creeped out by a large animal like thing, it stood in two legs and look like a weird hybrid of a dog or rat.
"We have a lot of strange people around.."
"I know! exciting right?! Look at this awesome weapon!" Harley gasped when she saw the blonde guy holding a javelin.
"You could kill a bunch of people with this thing." Harley grabbed the guys weapon from his hand and admired the pole in her hand.
I reached out to touch it and it really felt heavy in my hands. "It's really is long and stiff."
"That's not the only thing long and stiff." I look up and see Javelin smirking at his own comment. He's already a flirt.
"Haha very funny." I rolled my eyes and pushed the weapon back into Javelin's chest and began walking away from him, while he wore a smirk on his stupid face.
"What's the big deal? Seems like a funny guy to me!" Harley chuckled when she reached up to me. And I glanced back to see Boomerang giving Javelin a dirty look.
"Try and lighten up a bit!" Harley smiles and grabs hold of a dirty bag full of her weapon. She pats my back and walked over to Rick.
Leaving me on my own. I can't believe we're back on another suicidal mission. Like Deadshot once said "What? We some type of suicide squad." I paused when I saw Javelin looking at me.
"Talking to yourself I see." He said a with German accent.
"What's up with you? Is that really you're accent cause you didn't use it the last time." I cross my arms and look at him.
"Yeah! I was about to comment on that! Love your accent!" Harley said popping in-between us out of nowhere.
"All woman loves accents." He flirts back with her so I roll my eyes again.
"Cause women got none, that's why." Harley looked at me and muttered an apology and went back to whatever she was doing.
"Still can't tell if your accent is real, I think it's fake, too exaggerated." I said mostly to myself.
"You're a feisty one..I like it. Normally I like to be the one in charge, but I wouldn't mind you wrapping that whip around my neck." He stepped closer to me and I felt intimidated but in a good way.
"Hey hey what's going on in here, I can feel the tension." Blackguard came up to us and I looked at him annoyed while Javelin kept his blue eyes on me.
"What do you want?" I bitterly ask the bleached haired guy.
"What are you two talking about?" He asks laughing at my unhappy expression.
"About how much of an annoyance you are." I spoke back.
Blackguard smirked and ran his hands over his hair and reached toward me. "How about we head out instead, just you and me." Right when he touched me Javelin stood between us and hid me behind his back.
"The lady's not interested kid." I stared back surprised at his sudden action. And again he didn't use his accent, ha! I knew it.
Blackguard frowned and gave us dirty looks. "Everything all right mate?!" I heard Boomerang ask me in the distance.
"Everything's okay!" I answered back.
"He your boyfriend?" Will it make him jealous if I tell him yes? Probably not, so I'll tell him the truth.
"No, he's not on my boyfriend so there's nothing for you to be jealous about." I sarcastically tell him.
"You know? I think I saw you on TV a few years back. Yeah, you're the guy who threw that Javelin on that guy's throat."
"Impressive right?
"Kinda. I don't get why a professional Olympic athlete like you would do that. Was it because you didn't win that golden medal?" I decide to be the one to tease him this time.
"I got bored of the same old thing." Was what he said to me.
"All right see him it's time to go!" Rick shouted at us all.
All of the sudden. Javelin scoops me up and carries me on his shoulder. "Hey! Let me down you idiot!" I scream as I began to hit him. I sigh in defeat knowing I won't win this, so I rest my head on my hand until we made it into the chopper.
I turned around quick to sit someplace else but you guessed it, Javelin was quicker and pulled me down to sit next to him. "You're stuck with me princess."
He was an annoyance but It genuinely felt nice to be talked to or flirting should I say. I felt a chill up my spine when he said it.
"How about we go on a date when this is over?" I scoff and can't help but laugh at Javelin's proposal.
"We're on a suicide mission and the first thing to pop into your head is to date me? You can't be serious." I was surprised when I saw he wasn't looking judging by his face.
Harley moved forward and looked at us. "He's serious." I felt weird inside.
We heard someone or something gagging. We all looked ahead and saw Weasel throw up a call of fur. "That's disgusting." Savant said like the rest of us eyeing the creature.
"What animal is that?" I asked looking at the Weasel who didn't seem to be present.
"To is this thing a dog?" Blackguard asked.
"Yeah? What type of dog is it mate?" Boomerang laughed.
"I don't know about hybrids."
Harley gasped from the other side she was sitting by Javelin and smiled. "Is it a werewolf?!" I know how much she likes these types of animals. Reminds her so much of Bruce her hyena.
"A werewolf?! Get me out of this!" I began to laugh when Blackguard started freaking out and tried getting away from Weasel who was sitting next to him.
"Look at him, he's harmless." I teased again and all Weasel did was sneeze and minded his own business.
We looked out and saw we had arrived at Corto Maltese. Harley ran ahead with Savant and dives first into the water. Here goes nothing. Mongal and I jumped down and we all began to swim up shore.
I saw Rick over to where Savant was with Weasel. I heard the poor animal gasping and thrashing in the open water. "Weasel is dead! I repeat the Weasel is dead!"
"What the fuck? Did we seriously lose one already?!" I shout annoyed that no one informed us that it couldn't swim.
"Fucking ridiculous." I heard Javelin mutter when he got beside me.
"Hey! It's just me!" We all froze from our hiding places when Blackguard stood up and began walking up ahead with his hands up. "We have a deal! I gave you our last location!"
"Motherfucker! no wonder your name is Dick!" I shouted at him when flashlights were pointing at us and him.
"Las manos arriba!" Hands up un the air someone on the other side shouted. That fucking traitor.
"This wasn't supposed to fucking happen."
"Blackguard get into your position!" Rick shouted angrily at the dumb kid.
"We had a deal, I'm the one who called you-" I shrieked when his face got blown off.
"Holy shit!" I repeated and quickly began to take out my guns and took cover when they began firing at us. A bomb went by near us and I continued to aim and take cover whenever someone would try and shoot me.
Javelin and I looked at each other. "You're going to make it out of here." I slowly nodded my head. We're all going to get out of this mess and live. I ducked my head and began shooting at the enemies head when I saw TDK distracting them.
I took out my whip filled with sharp pointed needles and began running forward and easily wrapped it around a guard as he screamed and I threw him away while the other I aimed and chopped his head off.
It's now or never. Mongal shouted and I saw her clinging to a helicopter while it began to catch on fire. "Oh, fuck." I freaked out and threw myself on the ground when I saw it coming torwards me and one of its sharp metal landed right by my head.
I quickly got up almost tripping on my own feet and saw Boomerang on the ground. Harley and I shouted when the helicopter crashed over to where he was. I gotta make it out alive!
"We gotta go!" I ran over to Javelin and saw almost everyone dead.
"No! You aren't leaving!" Waller shouted through. I looked back and looked Savant afraid so he ran back to the ocean and his head exploded.
"We aren't leaving that way." I told myself before another explosion landed close to me. My vision got blurry and my ears began to ring, but I was still alive. All we gotta do is leave this fucking island.
"(Y/N)!" Javelin shouted my name I looked back and saw he had stepped in front of me, but his chest was now filled with bullets. My mouth fell open and I tried to hold him up but he fell to the ground.
"No no no." I began to repeat and moved his blonde hair out of his face. "Don't you fucking did on me, we have a date remember." I pressed my hand tight on him so he wouldn't bleed more.
"Harley! Rick!" I shouted trying to figure out if someone was alive. "I'm not fucking letting you die here." I was determined by that and saw his eyes close.
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Harley: She was poetry, but he couldn’t read...
T.D.K: His name was Jared, he’s nineteen
Boomerang: When his parents built a very strange machine
Javelin: Watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen!
Blackguard: Eyyy macarena!
Savant: Horrible job, everyone
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stefanoavvisati69 · 3 years
THE SUICIDE SQUAD: Missione Suicida - Il trailer
THE SUICIDE SQUAD: Missione Suicida – Il trailer
Dallo sceneggiatore / regista James Gunn, arriva l’avventura d’azione dei supereroi della Warner Bros. Pictures, “The Suicide Squad – Missione Suicida”, con lo schieramento dei delinquenti più degenerati della DC. KING SHARK, DANIELA MELCHIOR come Ratcatcher 2, JOEL KINNAMAN come Colonnello Rich Flag, IDRIS ELBA come Bloodsport, MARGOT ROBBIE come Harley Quinn, JOHN CENA come Peacemaker, PETER…
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wwprice1 · 4 years
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The Squad assembled!
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that-shamrock-vibe · 3 years
Movie Review: The Suicide Squad (Spoilers)
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Spoiler Warning: I am posting this review the week leading up to the movie's release in the U.S, it has already been out for a week here in the U.K. so, if you haven't seen the movie yet then check out my non-spoiler review for a broad overview or do not read on until you have.
Polarising Opinions:
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Thanks to having a week of U.K. reviews released and the U.S. reviews starting to surface more, I have noticed that while the majority of critics and fans are mostly positive about this movie, and I'm one of them, but there are also others that don't seem to either understand or appreciate some elements of what James Gunn and the actors involved tried to get across here...honestly I can see where they're coming from, but I feel if they're going to let these moments affect their overall enjoyment, it's a shame for them.
Firstly, as I said, there are crude jokes and moments of toilet humour, literally at one point when referring to Peacemaker's helmet, which don't seem on the same level as the more fantastical and bonkers humour the rest of the movie has.
Honestly, I feel that James Gunn is never going to be 100% everyone's taste, do I care for the "big bag of dicks" jokes or the "splooshing" comments? No, but honestly the crude humour has already been in the trailers and so if you've seen the trailers and are still offended in the movie then you are wanting to be offended by it.
Nothing But Death:
Secondly, yes there's a lot of death in this movie. Task Force X has two separate teams in the first act of the movie and Team 2 (I think) are mostly all wiped out by the times the opening credits are rolling. Obviously the main one to survive is Harley Quinn...because she's Harley Quinn. But as I said in my none spoiler review, the Suicide Squad lives up to it's name in this movie and the majority of the members may as well have been wearing red shirts.
But it's not just them, the animal death in this movie is ridiculous. I have never so much bird death before I mean come on...and they don't ease you into it. The opening scene of the movie sees Michael Rooker's Savant bouncing a ball around the yard and making a trick shot that purposely kills a canary whose blood he then wipes on his leg like it's nothing.
Now granted, another bird gets vengeance later when Savant dies and it starts picking out his innards, but then there is an entire avory burned alive by the new president of Corto Maltese after the original president is killed because they're deemed a sign of weakness. I have never wanted to know what the sound of birds in pain sound like and now I know it will never leave me.
Political Commentary:
I don't get political, I feel particularly in a comic-book movie if you can subtly inject a political theme mixed in with the comic-book genre like Captain America does and even make it a political thriller like The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, then great. However, there is some political commentary in this movie that isn't necessarily out of place, but it is so hammered in particularly in the third act that I do feel if you don't care for politics whatsoever it will make you hate politics even more.
Firstly, Starro is an extra-terrestrial weapon captured, tortured and engineered by the Thinker on behalf of the Corto Malteseans to use specifically against China, Russia and America. If Corto Maltese is supposed to be South American then obviously this is political warfare and honestly nuclear warfare as Starro is capable of enslaving and massacring.
But taking away the big gun that is Starro, the evidence of what the American government sanctioned to keep Starro secret, and knowing that Waller knew about it and enlisted Peacemaker to intercept the evidence to ensure it never got out to the public, speaks to the corruption within not just American government but the government in general.
As I said in my non-spoiler, the fact that fight came down to two All-Americans with Rick Flag on the side of good and Peacemaker on the side of corruption, but in the end the team members left standing were all portrayed by non-Americans, Idris Elba = British, Margot Robbie = Australian and Daniela Melchior = Portugease...even Sly Stallone who is half-Italian, who all decided to turn a blind eye to the American corruption and bargain with American corruption (Amanda Waller) to their advantage, that's the political intrigue in this movie.
It gets so dark at one point, and some of the imagery both on screen and commentary wise is actually quite upsetting that I can see why this is a hot button topic for this movie.
So those are the main issues with the movie, now we move onto characters...and there are a lot so strap in. As usually, this will be in order of my favourites and some I will be grouping because of how many there are.
Harley Quinn:
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I believe I put Harley as my favourite in the first Suicide Squad and honestly my opinion of her has never really wavered. Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn is as brilliant a casting to me as Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. While they may not be the exact casting you think of when you see these characters in the comics, you can't imagine anyone else portraying them as well as they do.
The Suicide Squad and James Gunn had the best handling of Harley Quinn that I have seen portrayed in live-action. Not only did I feel that her look incorporated elements of most Harley interpretations that have come before, but her first look which resembled her base Injustice 2 look, is probably my favourite Harley look.
And I loved her Suicide Squad look, I felt it was a great reimagining of the character and Margot Robbie looked incredible in it, but it has been so oversaturated at this point with Halloween and cosplays that I'm glad they reworked it.
Also I love the message on the back of her jacket "Live Fast Die Clown", amazing. I was quite sad when it clearly got disused after becoming disgusting in that hole.
Her "princess" look, worked well if Harley Quinn was going to be a princess, but it's Harley freakin' Quinn why is she being given a princess makeover?
On that note, why is this the third movie of seeing Harley Quinn and she is still effectively being defined by how men view her? The first Suicide Squad was setting up that Joker/Harley dynamic, but then Birds of Prey was not only about how she rebounded from that break up but also how Black Mask viewed her...now here we have this Corto Maltease president who wants her to effectively be his queen, but then she has to kill him because he says something bad (about how children die for the sake of Starro) and gives this big speech about how she's been mistreated by men.
I'm with her on that don't get me wrong, but Harley isn't all about her romantic entanglements, she can also just be the wild card.
On that note, they did utilize her as a wild card somewhat in this movie, not only because she was on Team 2 before running away and eventually joining the main team, but also the fact that Harley is absent for portions of this movie and only really joins the action in the third act, she does her own thing a lot of this movie.
Also, in promo material we see her with what I thought was a spear while she's in her second outfit, turns out how she got that javelin via Flula Borg's Javelin as he's dying was actually one of my favourite moments because originally it seemed like she was really mourning his death but in actuality she tries to wake him up because he doesn't finish saying what she needs to use the javelin for, it's hilarious.
And when she actually does figure out why she was meant to use the javelin for, I was actually quite impressed because I did not see it coming. The fact she used the javelin to pole-vault into Starro's eye and enters it like a swimming pool, I absolutely loved it.
A lot of my favourite scenes actually came from Harley, not only was her comedy on point, but her manic wild card behaviour has been my favourite from any of her movies, I loved her confusion with how to say the term for citizens of Corto Maltese.
Her action scenes, particularly her escape from her torture chamber were fantastic. I fully understand how that entire sequence of her slicing the guards apart with an explosion of flowers was pretty much her mind, it did call back to that Birds of Prey police station scene with the smoke canisters which is one of my favourite sequences from that movie also. It was all brilliant.
I don't know where Harley Quinn is going to go from here, I did see reports of Margot Robbie wanting a break from the character, which is understandable but I hope Margot Robbie studies this movie's portrayal and brings on James Gunn for her next outing as the character because everything about this movie worked for her.
Ratcatcher 2:
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Breakout performance of the movie for me was Daniela Melchior as Ratcatcher 2. Not only did I love how they explained why it was Ratcatcher 2 and not simply Ratcatcher, and that one scene explaining her relationship with her father portrayed by Taika Watiti in that beautiful flashback sequence was one of the biggest emotional moments of the movie.
I've always loved rats, since I was a child I have wanted a pet rat but ended up getting a hamster and then a gerbil because my mother refused to let a rat in the house no matter how domesticated. So the fact people are saying how this movie gave them a new appreciation for rats isn't exactly the same for me, but now I love rats more because of the respect they get in this movie.
And yes, just to mention what I said before about the bird massacre in this movie, it's comes to something when rats are treated better than birds.
I also don't know if Ratcatcher 2 was meant to be portrayed as a narcoleptic because she did seem to sleep a lot, however I really enjoyed those moments because it humanises the character. Most of Task Force X are supposed to be villains if not anti-villains, and yes Cleo was a criminal and trained her rats to commit crimes, but Ratcatcher 2 is probably the most redeemable member of Task Force X this time around. She just never seemed to enjoy villainy and instead had that bad bitch quality to her that was only eclipsed by Harley Quinn.
I loved the surrogate father/daughter relationship that she developed with Idris Elba's BloodSport because she lost her father and he was only on this mission for his daughter so the fact they found each other and BloodSport managed to overcome his fear/hatred of rats because of her was really sweet, and they're actually probably my favourite partnership from this movie.
Speaking of rats, if James Gunn brought in Weasel to try and give the movie that Baby Groot/Baby Yoda quality...he should have really focused on Sebastian because as much as Ratcatcher 2 was the breakout character of the movie, she did have assistance from this little guy because he was adorable. I loved his little vest/harness that separated him from the other rats.
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Idris Elba does not get enough credit for the brilliance that he brings to the screen. I haven't seen Luther but the clips I've seen I love him in, I thought he was good as Heimdall in the MCU despite not having much to do, Cats was a let down and if I wanted to see a full-frontal nude Idris it should not be in CG fur but.
Here though, he is fantastic. I don't know Bloodsport that well so I am still struggling to understand how he is basically not Deadshot other than the fact he can apparently create weapons out of anything whereas Deadshot can't, but he has a daughter, they both have suits with helmets, they both like guns and they both had a rivalry with another alpha male in the group.
Speaking of, the dynamic between BloodSport and Peacemaker was both reminiscent of Deadshot v Rick Flag in the first Suicide Squad, but also probably the only good thing about Peacemaker in this movie in that it gave Bloodsport that foil to banter with and allow comparisons between the two. Both characters have that All-American feel to them, but Bloodsport has a vigilante justice to his methods whereas Peacemaker is clearly corrupt American values.
As I mentioned with Ratcatcher 2, I really enjoyed the dynamic between these two characters. Not only do I feel they helped humanise each other but the journey BloodSport went on from hating rats to coming around to stroking Sebastian in the final moments of the movie was really fun to see.
I do feel Bloodsport has much more to give in the DCEU and there is an element of show and tell with how he took out Superman with a Kryptonite Bullet, I would love to have maybe seen a flashback with a Superman cameo equivalent to how the first Suicide Squad had those mini origins scenes introducing the main characters.
I would also love this to be Idris Elba's staple character, because he does deserve it and I feel he earns it in this movie. I also didn't know that I've seen a version of Bloodsport before in the CW's Supergirl.
The Thinker:
I was so happy with how Peter Capaldi was handled in this movie. It would have been so easy for Thinker to have been a throwaway gag character or one of the red shirts from the beginning with how he looked particularly with those nodes in his head which weren't symmetrical and annoyed me to hell.
However, only really being used in the second act, Capaldi was Thinker for me. I've seen Thinker before in The Flash on the CW, but I never really liked the character because of how overpowered he was. Here however, he was a supervillain, he was the smartest guy in the room and he was a somewhat sadistic individual. There was no real redeemability to the character, but there wasn't really meant to be considering he was the one who captured and experimented on Starro.
But particularly because of how Capaldi portrayed his version of The Doctor in Doctor Who, I felt he already had that cold and calculated personality that The Thinker is supposed to have.
He sought refuge in a foreign country and used it to his advantage in building a weapon off the radar. Obviously he's not really the main villain of the movie because that is Starro and Waller is also a contender for that title and ultimately they are all villains, but Thinker didn't feel out of place.
I will say though his death, being literally torn apart by Starro as revenge for being captive and tortured for years, his final plea was somewhat horrifying and speaks to that theme of corruption.
Captain Boomerang:
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Yes Boomerang is high on this list despite only being in the movie for about 20 minutes with very few lines, and yes this is complete bias for me because I love the character and Jai Courtney as an actor. But I do have a lot to say about the character and honestly every character that follows I don't overly care about in this movie.
But yes, Boomerang is only in that first act which sets up the main team of the movie by wiping out the other team, and unfortunately Boomerang is one of the red shirts who dies so the other team can thrive.
My favourite moments with Boomerang are his interactions with Harley and Savant, the fact Savant looks menacing but Boomerang was just jokingly flirting with him was hilarious.
I was really sad when Boomerang died, but fortunately it didn't take away from my enjoyment of the movie because that scene on the beach was so bonkers and so action-packed that you have no real time to mourn other than when the camera slowly goes over the remains of the bodies.
On that note, Boomerang's hand sticking out the sand clenching his boomerang was a very sad visual.
It's also worth noting that with all three Harley Quinn appearances, Boomerang has been featured in some capacity, which is interesting because in Suicide Squad the two of them butted heads, or at least Harley rubbed Boomerang up the wrong way in that bar scene.
But also in Birds of Prey, Boomerang's picture is seen in the GCPD with Harley noting how she knows him.
So that line of dialogue between the two of them at the start when Boomerang asked why Harley is back in prison and she says about getting road rage in a bar was a really sweet line.
I do feel there's an element of honouring the source material from James Gunn with including Captain Boomerang in this movie, because Captain Boomerang was an original member of the Suicide Squad as a team, but I also loved having that carry on from the first movie because I enjoy the first movie.
Rick Flag:
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Unlike Boomerang, I didn't actually care for Rick Flag in the first Suicide Squad movie. However here, maybe because of Gunn's influence, Joel Kinnaman goes from simply being Mr. Exposition to the field commander of the team.
Probably because Flag and Harley are the only two members of the first team that survived the onslaught, and both are taken off the board for a large chunk of the movie. Maybe he isn't as annoying because he isn't as focused on and there isn't that soppy torn apart lover element with him and June...where is June by the way? No one cares.
I also found it interesting how the relationship between Flag and Waller in this movie was completely different to the first movie. He was no longer her manipulated army man, that was Peacemaker, here he is his own being who has more respect for the team I feel, and who I think got respect from the team this time around. Not only did Harley call him her friend but he was on the side which was morally the right side with Bloodsport and Ratcatcher 2 against Waller and Peacemaker who were all for keeping this corruption secret. Flag saw that Starro was killing children and that was was his cut off point.
That whole fight sequence with Peacemaker over trying to secure the drive containing information of the American corruption of Starro was probably the only time I have had any respect for Flag and it unfortunately came moments before his death.
I was rooting for Flag to win that fight and for actual justice to prevail but sadly at that point it did not.
As I mentioned in my non-spoiler review, there was one moment of gore in the movie when I had to look away, and that was when Peacemaker stabbed Flag in the chest with that metal and it pierced his heart and you see it...I had to look away because while visually it was arresting, it was just so gross.
I was really sad when Flag died, not just because it demonstrated how corruption can overpower justice but also because I really really hated Peacemaker at that point. But again, aside from that entire fight scene and the moments with the Maltese resistance woman I do not remember what he did in this movie.
King Shark:
Since seeing the animated Batman: Assault on Arkham movie which was the springboard for the original Suicide Squad being greenlit, I have wanted to see a live-action King Shark as part of Task Force X. While I appreciate finally seeing that and seeing how alike he is to the comics, The Flash TV series and the Harley Quinn animated series minus the vocabulary, it was definitely interesting to see.
Especially as the first Suicide Squad movie had Killer Croc, obviously the VFX budget may not stretch to both characters in one movie, I definitely preferred Killer Croc.
That's not to say King Shark was a bad character, Sylvester Stallone definitely portrayed him as a simpleton but he at least had some good lines and got a couple of laughs.
I did like the transition of trying to eat Ratcatcher 2 but then becoming friends with her. However, because of his simpleness I do feel that he makes friends easily which I thought led to his downfall near the end with with those weird rainbow jellies with razor teeth.
I'm not entirely sure how he survived other than having his really thick skin because there was so many times, similar to Black Widow where I definitely believed they would have died. The only different between Natasha and Nanue is Nanue has a shark physique.
Polka-Dot Man:
How many times now have we seen David Dastmalchian in a comic-book property? I'm talking The Dark Knight, Ant-Man, Gotham, The Flash, Batman: The Long Halloween and now here? Honestly I still don't know what to make of this character and there are many pros and cons to him.
I guess this is a matter of taste and how people feel about the actor, because the actor is very much in his element in this movie and if anyone was to tell me that Polka-Dot Man was going to be an intriguing character in this movie, I would not have believed you.
I thought that Polka-Dot Man's powerset was beautifully realised on screen, though I did think the different polka-dot colours would have done different things, but the fact it was effectively a skittle explosion was just visually stunning.
I did also enjoy how after his mother's experimentation turning him into a metahuman, the negative side-effects were that the polka-dots infected his body bringing him out in polka-dot hives which if he didn't expel would consume and kill him...that was rather powerful stuff and definitely a reason for being driven insane.
It's also a reason for why he hates his mother, but that portrayal of us seeing his mother as various different characters including Task Force X and Starro was extremely weird bordering on horrifying.
His death was sudden and somewhat sad, but he had his superhero moment and so he went out on a high which was good for him.
Amanda Waller:
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Waller surprisingly had nothing to do in this movie, she was in at the start and the end but was missing for a huge portion of it, and when she was on-screen she did practically nothing.
Her directing the team at the start and going full Wall on Savant and almost casually listening to all her members dying, was very good and Viola Davis sold it well.
But then that ending, she went absolutely insane to the point where she was basically screeching having lost control of her subordinates and was about to nuke all four of her remaining team members...but then gets knocked out by one of her employees and doesn't get her revenge on that? Instead she just accepts it?
She's Amanda Waller, it's Viola Davis, in the last movie she is literally about ready to blow up everyone but is open to negotiation due to the team saving her but still isolates Boomerang for talking back to her, that is the bad bitch that the Wall should be...but here she is deemed a pushover.
This character is creepy, Weasel is creepy, there is nothing about this character that I would deem either funny or good or anything positive.
In fact I have one positive, he died...but that was taken away at the very end when it turns out he survived and he just ran off very creepily.
Honestly there were moments where Weasel's noises and movements reminded me of Scrat from Ice Age, but Scrat was at least funny and honestly cute.
The funniest thing about Weasel was when the team didn't know what he was and Harley mistook him for a werewolf and Blackguard freaked out...it was the funniest thing and he was still creepy during it, made even creepier when Flag confirmed who he was and the fact he murdered numerous children...he's creepy.
I get he was portrayed by Sean Gunn, and I know Sean Gunn provides motion-capture and often has a role in his brother's movies, but much like Rocket in Guardians if I didn't know Sean was Weasel, I wouldn't care.
At least in the MCU, Sean both motion captures Rocket and portrays Kraglin so you get to see multiple layers to his acting, here he motion-captures Weasel and portrays what I'll call "Belle Reve Inmate #1" because he's the only inmate who isn't named that has lines.
Overall, not a good character, creepy as hell, never want to see him again.
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Hate, hate, hate, hate, HATED this character. I have never cared for John Cena but considering he is one of those actors that transitioned from wrestling to acting I guessed I was not in the demographic of fans who are supposed to like him. I like Dwayne Johnson fine enough but John Cena and Dave Bautista are two actors that I just don't like, and for some reason James Gunn keeps hiring them.
Outside of that, Peacemaker is a terrible character. Anyone that says they like this character after seeing this movie needs therapy or a serious word with themselves because anyone who views this guy as a role model or a great guy, even a good guy, needs their head testing.
I have never understood or liked John Cena's acting, but I appreciate those who do. I cannot understand why or how Cena or his management thought this was a good role for him, this is a horrible role. Peacemaker is a horrible person. Not redeemable in any stretch of the imagination, not even likeable. I did not laugh once at his jokes, there is nothing about his character that I can say was good, his character not only makes some terrible decisions but if he honestly and truly believes what he was spouting in this movie he is not only deranged but he's a sociopath.
I did not overly care for Rick Flag but I was raging at the cinema when Peacemaker killed him, because again it was that element of corruption winning over justice and the big guy or school bully whaling on the little guy because, let's be real, compared to John Cena Joel Kinnaman isn't exactly well built.
But then he went on to Ratcatcher 2 and I was ready to throw anything I could get my hands on at the screen if he had actually killed her, I was so hoping that when Bloodsport fell down on that collapsed degree that he would eventually fall on top of Peacemaker, but to be fair that ending battle between the two of them was very satisfying.
See that's a positive I can say but it's not directed at Peacemaker. I felt every time I liked a scene with Peacemaker it was also with Bloodsport as they were effectively comparing their sizes by seeing who's the better killer.
It's made clear why they're both on the team, Waller wanted someone like Bloodsport who she could control, she can't control Bloodsport but she can control Peacemaker.
I don't understand why Peacemaker is getting his own series off the back off this. How does anyone watch this movie and think "Oh yes, Peacemaker is the character we need to see more of"? Give me a Ratcatcher series exploring the origins of father and daughter with Taika Watiti, give me a King Shark series, a Polka-Dot Man origin series, a series with any of those characters in the opening battle aside from Weasel to flesh them out more...any character realistically in this movie aside from Peacemaker is worthy of their own series...I'm done with Peacemaker, I don't want to see Peacemaker again because even if they can somehow make what he did in this movie non-canon because let's face it if anyone can DC can, but I don't see a future for this character at all and I've actually never felt that about a character in any comic-book property before.
Team 2:
Alright so aside from Captain Boomerang, Weasel, Harley and Flag, I'm just going to give a brief overview of the team on the beach at the start of the movie.
I did not actually know any of the remaining characters, I have an idea who Mongul is but he's from Young Justice and here she's Mongal...and all she did was die.
TDK (The Detachable Kid) had that great reveal line of yes that's his name and also the VFX of him actually detaching his arms was very impressive.
Javelin and Blackguard had the same presence for me, Javelin had that moment with bequeefing his javelin to Harley before dying and Blackguard had that funny scene on the plane with Weasel and then the reveal he was a double agent before literally getting his face blown off but neither left that great an impact.
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As for Savant, I've pretty much said all there is about him, he killed a bird and got his head blown off for being a deserter which led to him being eaten by a bird. It's Michael Rooker, he's James Gunn's friend, i would maybe have liked to have seen him interact with Weasel for that synergy with the Guardians movies, but he was still good.
As for ARGUS and I'm guessing this is ARGUS that was mission control for Task Force X, I was quite surprised by the fact it was pretty much a team of actors who all know James Gunn.
Jennifer Holland portrayed Emelia Harcourt and is currently dating James Gunn while Steve Agee I not only mistook for Nick Frost but also played the physician man as well as the physical form of King Shark.
If James Gunn comes back for another movie I would not complain about seeing them return again.
Overall I rate this movie 9/10, I cannot rank it higher than Cruella, because honestly I enjoyed the movies the same, but Cruella has a special place in my heart. But I did really really love this movie. The acting was fantastic, the music was fantastic, the cinematography is fantastic, I love most of the characters and like the majority of the rest, I will see this movie again, I just will say there's a couple of elements I can't forgive in the movie.
So that's my spoiler review for The Suicide Squad, what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more DC Movie Reviews as well as other Movie Reviews and posts.
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gorogues · 3 years
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Spoilers for comics in August!
These are part of the official solicitations for that month, which you can see in full at CBR.  It’s a month heavy on Suicide Squad reprints and variant covers, as the movie is out in early August.  But the Mick story continues in the Flash book.
THE FLASH #773 story by JEREMY ADAMS art by WILL CONRAD cover by BRANDON PETERSON ON SALE 8/17/21 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES | FC | DC card stock variant by JORGE CORONA US $4.99 Suicide Squad Movie card stock variant by ALAN QUAH US $4.99 On the loose and bent on destruction, Heatwave's return couldn't come at a worse time for Wally West. Now that the onetime Kid Flash has retaken the mantle of the Fastest Man Alive, he's also taken a new job at Mr. Terrific's Holt Industries. But all of that gets put on the back burner, when the Flash must outrace the flames of one of his greatest foes and figure out why the once-reformed rogue has gone bad again.
Please write ‘Heat Wave’ correctly, DC.  Anyway, it seems that Mick really has gone bad for some reason; I was hoping last month that the covers/solicits were misleading.
I’m not sure who the fiery guy is on the Swamp Thing cover, but he certainly bears a resemblance to Mick (and if it’s him, implies that Mick joins Suicide Squad).  So I’ll post it here just in case.
THE SWAMP THING #6 story by RAM V art by MIKE PERKINS cover by MIKE PERKINS ON SALE 8/3/21 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES | FC | DC 6 of 10 card stock variant by FRANCESCO MATTINA $4.99 US With Prescot’s bio-agent set off in the Kaziranga wetlands, the Green summons Levi back to the land of his making. With Levi unable to access his powers as Swamp Thing, he finds himself trapped in the dense forest and stalked by a group tasked with retrieving his alter ego at all costs. Will he recover his powers before he is hunted down by the Suicide Squad?
Putting the Suicide Squad stuff behind a cut because it gets pretty long -- and not all of it’s included here.  I don’t know if Digger will appear in Suicide Squad: Get Joker!, but included it just in case.  Most of it is TPBs and collected editions, though the Get Joker! series is a new story.
SUICIDE SQUAD: GET JOKER! #2 story by BRIAN AZZARELLO art by ALEX MALEEV & MATT HOLLINGSWORTH cover by ALEX MALEEV ON SALE 9/7/21 $6.99 US | 48 PAGES | FC | DC card stock variant cover by JORGE FORNES Black Label | Prestige Plus | 8 1/2" x 10 7/8" 17+ After turning the tables on the Suicide Squad, The Joker gained control of the device that could detonate the bomb implanted in each of the team members’ heads. Now forced to do The Joker’s bidding, Red Hood, Harley, and the rest of Task Force X find themselves hunted by a newly formed Squad with a single mission: kill the previous Squad and take over hunting The Joker.
SUICIDE SQUAD CASE FILES 1 written by GERRY CONWAY art by JOHN BYRNE On sale 7/20/21 $19.99 US | 216 pages | 6 5/8" x 10 3/16"| Softcover ISBN: 978-1-77951-075-4 Discover the legacy of the film's eclectic villains in this collection of key stories from DC history! James Gunn's The Suicide Squad film gathers the weirdest and wildest cast of characters in superhero movie history—from Squad veterans like Harley Quinn and Captain Boomerang to the downright bizarre King Shark and Polka-Dot Man. But every character starts somewhere! Find out exactly where in The Suicide Squad Case Files 1, a new collection featuring debut and key appearances of Bloodsport, Mongal, Polka-Dot Man, King Shark, Weasel, the Thinker, and Amanda Waller herself, the government agent behind Task Force X.
SUICIDE SQUAD CASE FILES 2 written by JOHN OSTRANDER art by LUKE MCDONNELL On sale 7/27/21 $19.99 US | 224 pages | 6 5/8" x 10 3/16"| Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77951-156-0 More legacy and origins of the Suicide Squad's eclectic characters in this collection of key stories in anticipation of James Gunn's film, The Suicide Squad! The Suicide Squad Case Files 2 collection includes debut and key appearances of Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Rick Flag, the Ratcatcher, Savant, the Javelin, Blackguard, and more.
HARLEY QUINN'S GREATEST HITS written by VARIOUS art by VARIOUS Available now! $9.99 US | 168 pages | 6 5/8" x 10 3/16"| Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-4012-7008-7 Get ready for this summer's most anticipated movie, The Suicide Squad, with the comics that feature fan-favorite character Harley Quinn! Harley Quinn's Greatest Hits collects eight of her best stories from writers and artists including Paul Dini, Bruce Timm, Jim Lee, Jeph Loeb, Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Scott Snyder, and more.
SUICIDE SQUAD: TRIAL BY FIRE written by JOHN OSTRANDER art by LUKE MCDONNELL AND OTHERS On sale 7/27/2021 $19.99 US | 232 pages| FC|DC ISBN: 978-1-77951-444-8 The classic story that inspired the feature film! Offered again with a new cover! Faced with a rising tide of meta-human crime and terror, Amanda Waller, the hard-headed director of a secret government program designed to neutralize super-powered threats called Task Force X sold the President on her vision: a covert action team composed of incarcerated super-villains who earned time off their sentences for every mission they completed. Deniable, disposable, and deployable to any spot on Earth, this Suicide Squad would be the perfect weapon of last resort—as long as they could be kept under control. Crafted by acclaimed creators John Ostrander and Luke McDonnell, this volume collects the first eight issues of the team's legendary 1980s title as well as their updated history from Secret Origins #14.
SUICIDE SQUAD: THEIR GREATEST SHOTS written by VARIOUS art by VARIOUS On sale 7/13/21 $12.99 US | 200 pages | 6 5/8" x 10 3/16"| Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77951-073-0 The ultimate graphic novel companion to the high-octane, highly anticipated Suicide Squad movie coming in 2021! Featuring everyone's favorite DC antiheroes—from Harley Quinn to Captain Boomerang—this collection is sure to thrill any fan seeking more high-stakes black ops missions where no one is safe! Ranging from classic adventures by John Ostrander to contemporary takes with art by Jim Lee, all the comics heavy hitters who've shaped the Squad are featured in this collection!
SUICIDE SQUAD VOL. 1: THE BLACK VAULT written by ROB WILLIAMS art by JIM LEE AND PHILIP TAN Available now! $16.99 US | 160 pages | 6 5/8" x 10 3/16"| Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-4012-6981-4 The acclaimed story that helped launch DC Universe Rebirth! Harley Quinn. Deadshot. Killer Croc. Enchantress. Captain Boomerang. Katana. They're dangerous. They're deadly. They're deeply unstable. Their latest mission should be easy enough: recover a powerful cosmic weapon called the Black Vault from enemy hands. The Suicide Squad always gets the job done (mostly). But this time, when the weapon's dark influence spreads and the team is driven to madness and mayhem (more than usual), there's only one person sane enough to save the Squad from destruction…the Clown Princess of Crime herself, Harley Quinn! 
SUICIDE SQUAD: BAD BLOOD written by TOM TAYLOR art by BRUNO REDONDO Available now! $29.99 US | 288 pages | 6 5/8" x 10 3/16"| Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1-77950-395-4 Acclaimed writer Tom Taylor reunites with celebrated Injustice collaborators Bruno Redondo and Daniel Sampere on this GLAAD Media Award–nominated collection When the Suicide Squad is assigned to neutralize a group of international super-terrorists known as the Revolutionaries, the last thing they expect is for the survivors to join the team! Who can Squad veterans Harley Quinn and Deadshot trust when their new teammates are the very people they were sent to kill? This crew could survive the mission, but they might not survive each other—so don't get attached.
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agentnico · 3 years
The Suicide Squad (2021) Review
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This may be the better of the two, but the first Suicide Squad film will always hold the crown for managing to win an Oscar... somehow.
Plot: The government sends the most dangerous supervillains in the world -- Bloodsport, Peacemaker, King Shark, Harley Quinn and others -- to the remote, enemy-infused island of Corto Maltese. Armed with high-tech weapons, they trek through the dangerous jungle on a search-and-destroy mission, with only Col. Rick Flag on the ground to make them behave.
“So that’s it, huh? We’re some kind of suicide squad?” says Will Smith in the original first film, with the line in itself being a poor attempt at a fourth wall break, yet, that movie never reached that promise of being a true Suicide Squad film. Because hardly anyone died, and as a whole David Ayer’s film was a generic mess, regardless of studio interference or not. In comes James Gunn from Marvel, who seems to have cracked the code for how to bring this comic book series to live action in proper gratuitous form, with even the ‘The’ in the title symbolizing that this is the one!
I remember going to see the first Guardians of the Galaxy film at the cinema, and back then I was still only just getting acquainted with watching western media, and that included superhero films. Heck my first ever Marvel movie was Thor: The Dark World! I know, what a banger to start with.......NAAAWT!! Anyway, I went to see Guardians and it was one of the first superhero films I came out of feeling like I truly witnessed something special. It had action, comedy and a good heart to it, and wouldn’t you know, my good old pal James Gunn was behind that flick. I don’t know why I called him my good old pal, I don’t even know the fella. Except in my dreams, but we don’t talk about that. So, flashforward to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, which I absolutely hated, and for that movie I’m pretty sure Marvel gave Mr Gunn mostly full reigns of creative freedom, as long as he kept it family friendly, and the result was a mess. Hence naturally now I was really sceptical when James Gunn ended up at Warner Bros. following the controversial moment when cancel culture decided to aim it’s slimy fingers at him, as he was given directing and writing duties for this new The Suicide Squad film, and also it was heavily insinuated that Warner Bros. basically told him he could do with the movie whatever the f*** he wanted, excuse my French. And we remember how it panned out last time when James Gunn was given a lot of creative freedom. 
Flashforward to present day; here I am wondering and scratching my head thinking what in the heavens has happened, as by golly I am happy to report that The Suicide Squad is a total winner and a blast with a capital B - Blast! Gosh goodness golly goblin, this movie is so much fun from beginning to end. Right from the opening sequence you know that this film isn’t holding back any punches. It’s going at a 447.19 km/h speed of a Koenigsegg Agera RS crashing through any barriers like it’s nothing. Speaking of the opening sequence, it establishes why the movie is called what it’s called from the get-go. You straight away are proven how not a single character is safe, minus the obvious one that we know who it is, as there ain’t no way Warner Bros. would have allowed James Gunn to kill off that one character. But besides that person, everyone else feels like they could die at any given moment. That’s really a big charm of it, as it is frustrating how in many superhero films, let alone any blockbuster action flicks, so many characters always feel so safe and unstoppable, no matter how many times they get shot or how many buildings crash down upon them. And yes, this movie features a certain CGI character that constantly gets that treatment and survives, although it’s very self aware in that regard and is purposefully humoristic. But overall the entire set of characters feel easily disposable, and so so many of them die in such gruesome fashion, so indeed don’t get attached, as they don’t. 
Speaking of which, this movie is hardcore gory! You see limbs and intestines flying round left and right, a guy gets ripped in half by a humanoid shark, another’s face gets teared off by a shotgun bullet and so on forth in all kinds of gruesome fashion. Visually this is one for the big screen, as here’s the thing: you’re either a mummy’s boy or you grow some cojones and go see a man’s heart get stabbed with a piece of debris glass in 4K high rate definition! Your choice! Oh, and it’s not just the violence, also the cinematography and the practical set pieces all look incredible. This is easily James Gunn’s best looking movie. The entire think LOOKS incredible!
We also have to talk about the cast, as they are all great! There literally isn’t a single weakling among them. Each one, no matter how big or small their role is, brings something to the table. I can’t talk about all of them, as we’d be here all day, so I’m simply going to mention a few of the stand-outs. Idris Elba comes in to replace Will Smith as a character called Bloodsport, who is in some ways a different character but evidently is a replacement of Smith’s. But that’s no bad thing, as with any ensemble movie you still need a main character to latch onto and have an emotional hook towards, and he is that character. In fact, I’d say he’s arguably better than Will Smith in the last movie, or at least he seems to be having more fun here. He works as a solid leading man, however what works even more is his banterous competitive genital-size-measuring back and forth with John Cena’s Peacemaker, who by the way is awesome as that character. He is not a good character, in fact he is as bad as a bad guy can get, especially cause he’s someone who believes that what he is doing is right, making him much more of a dangerous wild card. This is easily John Cena’s best role, with him adding to the comedy one-liners, but also delivering such an interesting character who I’m looking forward to seeing more of in his standalone spin-off show confirmed for next year. Oh, and he wears a toilet helmet on his head which he defines as “a beacon of freedom” which says it all. We also have returning characters from the last film Joel Kinnaman and Viola Davis as Rick Flag and Amanda Waller respectively, and both are given much more room to stretch their talents and spread their beautiful acting wings like the Hollywood angels that they are. Kinnaman’s Rick Flag is the moral compass of the group, as even though Elba is our main guy, he’s nonetheless a villain still, whilst Flag is a genuinely good guy and what is defined as a true American hero, to which Kinnaman fits the part well. And Viola Davis as Amanda Waller is on an absolutely different level. You can tell she’s an Academy Award winner through and through, as she plays such a serious character in an otherwise goofy movie, and so her presence is felt and it is felt BAD! She’s such a despicable yet intimidating personality and she gravitates all of the screen presence to herself. Margot Robbie returns as Harley Quinn, and she gets even more chance to develop this character that she’s played in multiple DCEU films now, and as per usual the Harley Quinn shtick works well for her, though I do kind of wish she didn’t always get all the attention. Look, I think she’s a fun character and Robbie plays her well, however she’s constantly used to overshadow others in these films which I don’t think is too fair, and its evident as ever in this film too. Anyway, the remainder of the cast including Jay Courtney as Captain Boomerang, David Dastmalchian as Polka-Dot Man, Michael Rooker as Savant, Nathan Fillion as TDK, Daniela Melchior as Ratcatcher 2 (who gave me strong A Plague Tale: Innocence vibes) and many more all play villains, but villains that don’t have particularly great superpowers. This is where the tragedy of Task Force X as a team plays a part, as many of these villains aren’t even good at being villains. They are useless, and the movie is really self aware of this and so treats all characters as they should be. Dare I also not forget to mention the CGI characters in this film, with both Weasel and King Shark being absolute scene stealers! 
The Suicide Squad is the type of wham-bam-thank-you-mam batshit crazy entertainment which exists for the pure reasons of fun. It doesn’t set out to be the best superhero film ever, nor does it need to be. It’s an exhilarating, shocking, funny and amusing ride from beginning to end, with the energy never stopping, and is easily the best time I’ve had with a comic-book film in a long while, and I’m even talking about before COVID! Do yourself a favour and watch this one as soon as you can, as I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - The Suicide Squad is a BLAST!!
Overall score: 9/10
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movie-magic · 3 years
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Deathstroke, Man-Bat & More Characters That James Gunn Axed From His Suicide Squad Movie
DC's Suicide Squad may have missed the mark in 2016, but the villainous squad is getting a second chance in James Gunn's 2021 reboot The Suicide Squad.
Task Force X will be kept in check, once again, by Viola Davis' Amanda Waller who has recruited a squad of new and returning villains. Margot Robbie and Jai Courtney will reprise their roles from the 2016 film as Harley Quinn and Captain Boomerang respectively, and they will be joined by an ensemble of characters from the DC universe such as Idris Elba's Bloodsport and John Cena as Peacemaker.
The team will need all the help they can get as they go up against iconic DC villain Starro, but despite there being almost too many main characters to count in The Suicide Squad, there are still some that didn't make the cut.
The Suicide Squad director James Gunn has been responsive to fan questions on Twitter about his upcoming DC film.
When asked whether he could share some of the villains that didn't make it into The Suicide Squad, Gunn revealed a list of DC characters he had considered. The director said that while he loves many of these other characters "they didn't serve the story quite as well."
Twitter user @fanflipintastic helped to identify the villains in each image, and there are some big names on the list.
First up, there's Livewire, aka Leslie Williams:
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Criminal husband and wife duo Punch and Jewelee are next:
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Next up is the literal 'Batman,' Man-Bat:
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The explosive villain Plastique nearly made the cut:
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DC's Chemo also didn't quite make it into The Suicide Squad:
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Solomon Grundy was another Batman villain who missed out:
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The more obscure Rainbow Creature was also on Gunn's list:
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Liam Hawkleigh, aka Gunhawk, nearly made the jump to live-action in The Suicide Squad:
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Last but not least is the super-villainess Knockout:
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Gunn said that while these characters aren't in The Suicide Squad, he is "open to using them in the future."
James Gunn revealed 12 iconic DC villains, which include Man-Bat and Deathstroke, didn't make the cut for 'The Suicide Squad.'
The Suicide Squad is already packed to the brim, but the 12 characters on Gunn's miss-list just goes to show the huge library of iconic villains DC has at its disposal.
Some notable villains from the list, like Deathstroke and KGBeast, have already appeared in Zack Snyder's DC films but were never really given much screen time. Similarly, characters like Livewire, Solomon Grundy, and Man-Bat have shown up in the Arrowverse and DC video games but have yet to make their way to a big-screen DC project.
Gunn is already bringing lesser-known DC villains like Polka-Dot Man, Ratcatcher, and Savant to the forefront in The Suicide Squad. Should the director be given the green light for a sequel, it's highly likely some characters from this list will finally get their chance at the spotlight.
The Suicide Squad releases in theaters and on HBO Max on August 6, 2021.
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sofiamantegafan110 · 3 years
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demifiendrsa · 3 years
The Suicide Squad | Official “Rain” Trailer
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Welcome to hell—a.k.a. Belle Reve, the prison with the highest mortality rate in the US of A.  Where the worst Super-Villains are kept and where they will do anything to get out—even join the super-secret, super-shady Task Force X.  Today’s do-or-die assignment?  Assemble a collection of cons, including Bloodsport, Peacemaker, Captain Boomerang, Ratcatcher 2, Savant, King Shark, Blackguard, Javelin and everyone’s favorite psycho, Harley Quinn.  Then arm them heavily and drop them (literally) on the remote, enemy-infused island of Corto Maltese.  Trekking through a jungle teeming with militant adversaries and guerrilla forces at every turn, the Squad is on a search-and-destroy mission with only Colonel Rick Flag on the ground to make them behave…and Amanda Waller’s government techies in their ears, tracking their every movement.  And as always, one wrong move and they’re dead (whether at the hands of their opponents, a teammate, or Waller herself).  If anyone’s laying down bets, the smart money is against them—all of them.
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geekcavepodcast · 3 years
The Suicide Squad “It’s a Suicide Mission” Featurette
No one is safe in James Gunn’s Suicide Squad. 
In order to shave off some prison time at Belle Reve, a group of Super-Villains join Task Force X and take on do or die (literally) assignments.
The Suicide Squad stars Viola Davis (Amanda Waller), Joel Kinnaman (Colonel Rick Flag), Michael Rooker (Savant), Flula Borg (Javelin), Margot Robbie (Harley Quinn), David Dastmalchian (Polka Dot Man), Daniela Melchoir (Ratcatcher 2), Idris Elba (Bloodsport), Steve Agee (motion cap King Shark), Mayling Ng (Mongal), Peter Capaldi (Thinker), Alice Braga (Solsoria), Pete Davidson (Blackguard), Nathan Fillion (T.D.K.), Sean Gunn (motion cap Weasel), Jai Courtney (Captain Boomerang), and John Cena (Peacemaker).  
The Suicide Squad hits theaters and HBO Max on August 6, 2021.
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TDK: Savant won’t come out of his room.
Harley Quinn: Just tell him I said something.
TDK: Something like what?
Harley Quinn: Something factually incorrect.
[A Few Minutes Later]
Savant: *bursts out of room* DID YOU JUST SAY THE SUN IS A FUCKING PLANET?!
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stefanoavvisati69 · 3 years
The Suicide Squad - Missione Suicida in anteprima al Giffoni Festival
The Suicide Squad – Missione Suicida in anteprima al Giffoni Festival
Il 29 luglio al festival di Giffoni anteprima su prenotazione di “The suicide Squad – Missione suicida”, la nuova pellicola Warner (nelle sale dal 5 agosto) che torna, dopo il successo del primo episodio, a proporre una avventura in team dei più famosi supercriminali della Dc Comics, firmata dallo sceneggiatore e regista James Gunn. Margot Robbie è Harley Quinn (more…)
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kevrocksicehouse · 3 years
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The Suicide Squad.
D: James Gunn (2021). 
At the beginning of The Suicide Squad, James Gunn’s not-a-sequel to the horrendous DC supervillains-coerced-into-heroes (or at least soldiers) saga that stunk up theaters five years ago, Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman) is leading a version of Task Force X consisting of baddies Savant (Michael Rooker), Harley Quinn (Margot Robie), Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney) Blackguard (Pete Davidson), TDK (Nathan Fillion, who has the best sight gag in the movie) amongst others, on a secret mission to the Banana republic of Corto Maltese. Each of them knows that they will have ten years shaved off their prison sentences and that desertion from the mission will cause leader Amanda Waller (ice-cold straight woman Viola Davis) to activate a chip implanted in their skull and blow their heads off. In the next (pre-credit) fifteen minutes we find out A) How the Task Force got it’s Suicide Squad nickname; B) Exactly how ruthless Waller can be; C) That Gunn has a gift for Slapstick-splatter Grand Guignol absurdist violence as well as crack-comic timing and exquisite bad taste; and D) If one of your team is a human weasel (Gunn mainstay and brother Sean) you should make sure weasels can swim.
In other words a lot better than the first film, and a sick little masterpiece that sends up superheroics with a lot more panache than the self-congratulatory Deadpool movies. The shall-we say surviving first team hooks up with a second squad led by the sardonic assassin Bloodsport (Idris Elba, always more likable with his British accent), Jon Cena’s  Peacemaker (“I cherish peace with all my heart and I don’t care how many men, women and children I have to kill to get it”), King Shark and anthromorphic (and hungry) shark voiced by Sylvester Stallone, The Polka-Dot Man (David Dastmalchian) a depressive geek with an explosive skin condition and mother issues, and a waifish French girl (Daniela Melchoir) whose abilities earn her the sobriquet Ratcatcher 2 (“What, we couldn’t afford Ratcatcher 1?”) the film finds it’s absurdist groove. While it has a plot (the Squad has to destroy all traces of one Project Starfish) it’s really a series of sick-joke set pieces like the twisted five minute rom-com Harley enjoys before things spectacularly go south (After two forced movies, Gunn finally gives Robie the screwball dialogue she deserves) or the ludicrous (and creepy) revelation of Project Starfish and the ingeniously ridiculous way Ratcatcher 2 fights it, or the secret of Milton (Milton?) where the movie stops dead to spend a few minutes ruminating on a hilarious non-sequitur. Above all we feel the thrill of Gunn cutting-loose from what we didn’t know was a restrained id. I mean what the hell did he leave out of The Guardians of the Galaxy?
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years
The Suicide Squad (2021)
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I enjoyed 2016’s Suicide Squad when it was released but looking back, it’s not a very good film. 2021’s The Suicide Squad is what we hoped it would be. This movie is hilarious, brutal, stylish, and perfectly captures the material that inspired it.
After the government of Corto Maltese is overthrown and an anti-American regime takes its place, Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) assembles "Taskforce X". If the recruited supervillains can destroy a secret weapon housed in a Nazi-era facility on the island, their sentences will be reduced. Led by Colonel Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman), Bloodsport (Idris Elba), Peacemaker (John Cena), King Shark (voiced by Sylvester Stallone), Polka-Dot Man (David Dastmalchian), Ratcatcher 2 (Daniela Melchior), Savant (Michael Rooker), Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), T.D.K. (Nathan Fillion), Weasel (Sean Gunn), Black Guard (Pete Davidson) Javelin (Flula Borg), Mongal (Mayling Ng), and Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) go on this suicidal mission.
You can see writer/director James Gunn's preferences all over this movie. The characters we follow are mismatched, bizarre, and hilarious (not unlike a certain Marvel Galactic team). Many are straight-up losers who feel like they’ve been selected by Waller because she didn’t like them very much and wanted them killed far away from her. When you find out what T.D.K.’s abilities are, you’ll laugh. Partially out of embarrassment for him, partially because you know there’s a character just like that in the comics. The soldiers they encounter have no idea what’s in store for them as Peacemaker and Bloodsport compete to see who can rack up the most kills without repeating themselves, or just how deadly someone who can fire polka dots can be. You don’t either, which makes the film consistently surprising. That’s on top of the big question: who’s going to live, who’s going to die.
If you’re thinking the members of the “Suicide Squad” are nothing but jokes; a potpourri of lousy powers crammed together, you’re only half right. The team dynamics are so good you forget Gunn picked these characters and tweaked them to suit his demented vision. When they say each member of the squad has been chosen for their unique talents, you have to laugh - particularly when the multiple expert marksmen prove their skills aren’t unique at all. And what’s Ratcatcher 2 going to do? Quite a lot it turns out… but not in the way you expect. She develops a rather sweet father/daughter-like relationship with Bloodsport. Polka-Dot Man becomes sympathetic, even (dare I say it?) cool. Amanda Waller reveals herself as the scariest character in the film, and that’s quite a feat. Even the side characters, like the government operatives whose only job is to monitor the action from faraway satellites and kill those who get out of line via the bombs implanted in their heads reveal themselves to be much more complex than expected. Of course, not EVERYONE gets a solid character arc. More than one member of Taskforce X bites the dust the second they land on the beach.
There are a few times where the movie is paused so people can tell everyone else all about the origin of their powers. Though the film is consistently funny, there's a period in the middle where it's less "laugh out loud" and more chuckle. Generally, however. The writing is surprisingly good.
I was hopeful going into The Suicide Squad” (terrible title, by the way, they should’ve given it a subtitle to make it clear this is a standalone sequel). I’ve seen Batman: Assault on Arkham and Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay. I know the premise can work as long as the mismatched team contains interesting members who bounce off each other well while making us wonder about the survival rate. I left more than satisfied. The visual flares, intertitles that bring us from one location to another, the selection of characters, dark humour, and the post-end credit scene make this a contender for the best DC movie in many years. (August 26, 2021)
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