#harmonia the cat
mahoutoons · 2 years
Sonic Dimensions: Chapter 11 - The Final Battle
at last, we're at the final battle!! with this over, i just have two chapters to go and they're kinda short i think. but anyways.... i was quite busy with college which is why i haven't been able to update as much. but i should be able to finish soon. i'm gonna try to finish before frontiers releases. its gonna be hard but i'll try. anyways hope you enjoy.
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The skies were grey, with clouds blocking the sun. The ground shook as a giant robot with a powerful aura approached. People looked up at the foreboding mech, wondering what was going to happen. “Attention all citizens!” Eggman’s voice boomed from within the robot. “From this day forth I am your new ruler! You have two options! Surrender or die!” A couple of kids threw stones at him, to no avail. “Ha ha ha. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Eggman’s mech began to glow. It raised its hand and punched the ground, causing a crack. The two kids fell inside, screaming all the way. But just then, a yellow and orange blur dashed towards them, catching them just in time. It was Sonic and Blaze. They got the kids to their parents. “Take them and go to a safe place,” Sonic advised. The trembling kids nodded as their parents thanked Sonic.
Sonic and Blaze then rushed back up to join the others. They were now facing Eggman’s robot. It was more powerful with the power Eris gave him. But it wasn’t impossible to defeat. Not when they were together.
"You all ready to do this?!" Sonic asked. "Yeah!" Everyone shouted unanimously. At first the fight was relatively easy. Eggman shot missiles at them. The group dodged them. Knuckles even managed to punch a missile, sending it back to Eggman. Amy summoned a hammer and willing her power into it, made it grow bigger. "EAT THIS EGGMAN!" she shouted as she hit multiple missiles with her hammer, sending them back to Eggman. He of course dodged them. "Come on, is that all you've got?" Sonic asked. "These are just the warmups, hedgehog," Eggman said. "From now on it won't be so easy!"
A green aura surrounded the robot. It disappeared in a flash. "Huh, where did it go?" Tails asked. It suddenly appeared behind Sonic. Before he could react, he was sent flying into a building. "SONIC!!" Amy shouted. "You won't get away with that!" She summoned multiple hammers and threw them at the robot. It dodged them with high speed. It then caught Amy and threw her too. Tails commanded his flickies to charge at the robot. They all did, and managed to momentarily distract it. Tails tried to attack but Eggman was quicker. He caught his tails and threw him in the sky. "Why you.." Knuckles rushed towards the robot, punching it blindly. It avoided all of Knuckles' hits. The robot raised its arm up. A green light appeared in its palm. It then fired a giant laser at Knuckles.
Blaze hurled an array of fireballs at the robot. It just summoned water from a nearby water body and put them all out. “Impossible,” Blaze whispered. A spray of water hit her and sent her flying too. “B-Blaze!” Serena stuttered. She summoned the biggest light ball she could muster. She became so overwhelmed by it that she threw it at the robot. But it just caught it in its hands and squeezed it so that it was insignificant. “Wh-What? N-No way!” Serena whispered.
"I have the power of the Master Emerald AND Eris' magic. I cannot be defeated that easily! HO HO HO" Eggman bellowed. “Now, its my turn!” The robot willed vines to come from the ground, trapping Sonic and co. “Wh-What is this?!” Sonic asked. “Since when were robots able to do that?!” “Foolish hedgehog, did you forget I also have some of Eris’ magic in me? With all this power, I am unstoppable! HO HO HO HO!” Blaze managed to summon fire and burn the vines trapping her. She did the same for the others. “He seems more powerful than usual,” Amy said. “That’s true. We have to be more careful in how we approach him,” Blaze said. “You fools, even with all your power, you still don’t stand a chance against me!” Eggman guffawed. “We’ll see about that,” Blaze said. She summoned a sword made out of fire. “Wow, since when could you do that?” asked Sonic. “Since forever,” Blaze replied. Serena stared in awe. “Give me your best shot, Eggman!” Blaze exclaimed.
Eggman’s robot fired more missiles, which Blaze cut through with her sword. “This will show you!” she exclaimed. Eggman just pulled her sword from her hand. “Wh-What?! No way!” “Don’t worry little princess. There’s plenty more where that came from,” Eggman said. He then threw Blaze away. Serena rushed to make sure she was okay.
“Everyone, I think we have a better chance if we work together,” Sonic said. “So lets stick with each other from now on!” “That’s a good idea,” said Blaze. The group turned back to the robot. “You have held up well,” Eggman commented. “But alas, this should end soon! Behold, my missiles filled with Master Emerald energy!” Eggman shot multiple missiles at them, all with a green aura. The group dodged them together. Amy threw one away with a hammer when it almost hit Knuckles. “Everyone, lets surround it!” Sonic said. They flew towards the robot, dodging all the missiles it threw towards them. Then they scattered, making it confused. It tried to tackle Sonic, but then it was distracted by Tails. Knuckles and Amy also broke its focus with their punches and weapons. Blaze and Serena also put their fire and light powers together. Both of them created swords made of fire and light. “You little pests! Don’t think you’ve bested me yet!” Eggman yelled. The robot shot blobs of water from its hand in an attempt to trap the group. Serena jumped in front of Blaze to protect her from the water. She cut away at them with her light sword. “I’m not done yet!” Eggman exclaimed. He shot vines from his hands and trapped the group in them. “Ha ha ha ha! I’ve got you all now!” he said. He then willed electricity into the vines. Serena struggled against her bonds. She summoned her light sword again and managed to cut off a bit of the vines. She then flew forward and cut off all the vines at once. “Nice job, Serena!” Sonic said.
“Just how long will this go on?” Amy asked. “Even in our super forms, we can’t even scratch this robot. What should we do?” “There has got to be a weakness somewhere….” Sonic said. “You’re right. But where could it be?” Tails asked. “You fools! I have no weakness this time!” Eggman boasted. “With Eris’ magic and the Master Emerald energy flowing in me, I am invincible even to your super forms! This time, I will crush all of you!” He raised his hand and waited…. but nothing happened. “Huh? What’s happening?” He tried again…. nothing happened again. “What is happening? I’m supposed to have Eris’ magical power in me? Why is it not working?” “Because I’ve taken away those powers.” Eris, Harmonia, and Hecate walked up to the robot. “Eris?! You’re still alive?!” Eggman asked. “You think you can use me up and throw me away while expecting me to let you keep my powers? Yeah, not happening. I’ve realized my worth, Eggman! And its more than being your servant!” “I helped her a little of course,” Hecate added. “After all, I was the one that taught her those powers.” “Now you’re significantly weakened,” Harmonia said. “Give up while you can, doctor.” “NEVER!! I will NEVER give up!! I still have the Master Emerald energy in me. I can still…” “Yeah, those were part of my powers too,” Eris said. “Remember, I gave it to you while I had the Master Emerald energy in me. So I could revoke it as well. Though… again, I had a little help.” She shared a glance at Hecate and Harmonia.
“Well…. no matter! I’m not going down without a fight! Come at me!” “As you wish Eggface!” Sonic taunted. “Everyone, he’s no longer invulnerable! Go all out!”
They did as he said. They surrounded him, attacking him at every move. The robot raised its hands, as if trying to shoo them away. “TAKE THIS!” Blaze cut off one robot’s hands with her fire powers. “AND THIS!” Serena cut off the other arm. “Why you… I’m not done!” Eggman yelled. “Everyone ready?” Sonic asked. “Yeah!” everyone replied.
They powered up, then surrounded Eggman again, shooting lasers at him unanimously. “AAAAHHHH, YOU…. I’M NOT DONE YET… I…. I STILL HAVE THE POWER….. YAAAAAAAAA!”
Eggman was able to get out of the robot just as it disintegrated.
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aguaconsedd · 3 months
Okay I'm obsessed with Warrior Cats and Pokemon at the same time, I couldn't help myself and I did this I feel so stupid but at the same time it makes me happy
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xgoldenlatiasx · 1 year
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drew some kitties while watching wolfquest playthroughs
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darkeeveeanimatesus · 8 months
I win
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N and Merchant Volo as cats
Because I can. And I have impulse control issues. My autistic mind thinks of something and I NEED to do it.
Also, I'm very aware that N kind of looks like a sprigatito. That was completely an accident and unintentional. I was just using his hair colors mixed with this picture I found of the cat I slightly based him off of, and it sorta just happened 😅
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redolentgrove · 3 months
Fiona @ Bijoux: "hi!!!" The sneasler waves at the Cinccino-taur. "Ive seen you around campus a few times, you're so pretty! Are you a new student here at Harmonia? How is your university experience so far? Any favourite moments?"
"Oh, hello!" Bijoux greeted the Sneasler in kind, a small blush forming on her snout as she realised who was talking to her. "Oh yeah, I saw you when I was here on my orientation tour. Hard to forget a face as pretty as yours." Wait. Was that out loud? Shit. She recoiled a bit, but recollected that the cat had already said that she was pretty before that. It didn't exactly help, since instead of focusing on her own mention of the Sneasler's beauty, now she was focused on this beautiful cat calling her pretty! It was borderline illegal!
"Wait, me!? Pretty???" The Cinccino-taur blinked in disbelief, that pinkish blush turning a bright red, really showcasing all of the freckles in her cheek and ear fur. "Wait a minute, are you sure you're talking about the same girl at this point? Cause, uh… I mean, thank you, but… wait." She stopped for a minute to compose herself. She didn't even know this girl's name. Well, maybe by briefly hearing mention in the halls, but that was about it. "I think I heard one of the other students talking to you in the hall when I was first touring. Fi... uh. Fiona? Yeah, I think so. Fiona, right? Anyway…"
"Yes. I'm an incoming freshman here at the university." Bijoux began to slowly collect herself. "I'm from White Forest in the Unova region, which luckily for my and my Mom's sake isn't that impossibly far of a travel. I was valedictorian at Undella High, and I think it was moreso the like, six or seven extracurricular things that I was stuffing down my schedule that got me into Harmonia than the valedictorian honours, but still."
The Cinccino-taur thought Fiona's last question for a while and shook her head. "I dunno. The whole tour felt like a bit of a blur. I guess I haven't spent a lot of time out here, so I don't know if I can really say I have a 'favourite' moment so far. I think one of them has got to be when I officially moved into my dorm with my roommate, Millie. That's probably when the whole 'you're going to college' thing really sank in and felt real, you know? It's one thing to make it through high school, get the tour, get the acceptance letter, but it just all felt like a long, ambiguous dream."
Bijoux smiled warmly up at the poison-type cat. It was kind of business as usual, being slightly shorter than someone around school; she recalled that for the most part, the students at Undella were more in line with so-called 'human' height, and even Millie was almost a foot taller than her! And that was just five-six! Pokemon sizes were weird, weren't they? The taur had seemed to be certain that the cat had to be at least Millie's height, given Sneasler were known for being lanky, but nope! Here she was, only just a bit taller than the Cinccino-taur, as the top of her head came up to Fiona's nose, essentially.
"Hey, uh, I was wondering if you could do me a small favour," Bijoux began, once she was done marveling at how adorable Fiona was. "I was in a lot of clubs at Undella. Choir, maths club, computer club, yearbook, archery, a lot of community service groupings… oh, heck, let's even add band and orchestra. Even though I was never actually in high school band, I want to start off right and try for harp now that I'm here. Do you have any leads on who some of the heads of those groups might be? I'd like to talk to them and make a decent first impression, try and get the ball rolling early so I have enough time to get as much practice in as possible before I have to audition. And uh... maybe get a few trips to the local mall for new clothing... or get a slice of pizza or two and get to know my new classmate friends a bit better..."
(( @harmonia-university ))
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soft-stims · 2 years
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N stimboard for @lunathewafflelord
x x x - x x - x x x - icon
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thatbendyfan · 1 year
gave sir harmonia a little chaos cat
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he’s so good at taking responsibility
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somena-libra-dawn · 2 years
Appreciation for PokeAni characters who are based on Rivals from various Pokemon games.
(Game protags ver.)
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(Sorry for not splitting it from 'normal appearance' to 'cameo')
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asknharmonia · 1 year
Are you in touch with the Nuvema town gang at all?
i am! theyre surprisingly forgiving of everything ive done.
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i dont think they understand what im talking about half of the time, but theyre still very accepting!
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I always have the urge to edit other productions but since most only have pictures I don’t usually do it. But smth about Cia Harmonia compelled so much that I just had to edit it somehow
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mahoutoons · 2 years
Sonic Dimensions: Chapter 12 - Second Chances
the second last chapter is finally here! this is a bit of a short one. i originally wanted to combine it with the previous chapter but i decided this needed its own chapter. only one more chapter to go until serena's story is finally done.
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“WE DID IT!” Amy exclaimed. The skies cleared, giving way for the sunlight. The people cheered at their saviors. “That was…. Something,” Knuckles said. “Its awesome is what it was!” Sonic countered. “Y-Yay…. W-we…. D-did it…. W-we…. D-defeated……” Serena became her normal self and began fall down, being unconscious.
“Serena! Oh no!” Amy exclaimed. Blaze rushed down and caught up to Serena. She held both Serena’s hands in hers. “Serena, wake up!” she cried. “Snap out of it! Serena!” Serena slowly opened her eyes just as they were about to collide. Serena took both of Blaze’s hands and flapped her wings, narrowly avoiding colliding to the road. At that time, Blaze lost her super form. The others followed, now in their normal forms as well. “Serena, what happened?” Sonic asked. “I…. I don’t know…. I j-just felt…. Tired,” Serena replied. “Its a side effect of the Rings’ power,” Harmonia explained. “Shining Serena is powerful, but the form takes up a lot of energy. So when you detransform, you’ll be extremely tired. That’s why it must only be used sparingly, in case of a real emergency.” “I see….” Sonic said.
“Well done, everyone!” Hecate said. “I knew you could do it!” “All in a day’s work!” Sonic said. “I think now is the right time to say this….” Harmonia went towards Eris. “Eris, I was terrible to you. I should’ve been a supportive sister, but instead I just pushed you away when you just wanted to spend time with me. And then I banned you from seeing your only friend, and then I…. I killed you…” Tears appeared in Harmonia’s eyes as she said this. “I’ve been such a terrible sister, Eris! I don’t blame you for being so angry with me! If I just spent a little more time with you I…. I….” “Hey, sis, don’t just blame yourself,” Eris said. “I’m at fault here too. I tried to take out my anger on a bunch of innocent people. I’m not much better.” “B-But…. You would never have become like that if I…. I….” “And I still shouldn’t have involved innocent people into this.” Eris turned to Sonic and co. “Guys, I’m so sorry you got dragged into this mess. Especially you, Serena. I was horrible to you. I don’t blame you if you decide not to forgive me.” “E-Eris I…. I d-do forgive you,” Serena said. “Now everyone, lets not blame ourselves anymore,” Hecate said. “No one is at fault here. Eris and Harmonia, you were just two innocent children. The real people at fault here are the King and Queen, who put all the pressure on one child while neglecting the other. They’re the ones who drove you apart.” “Yeah, you’re right,” Eris said. “So, I think its time we all forgave ourselves,” Hecate said. “What do you say?” “Its gonna be hard, but I’ll try,” Eris said. “Me too,” Harmonia said.
“Now, I think its time we all moved on,” Hecate said. “Eris, Harmonia, come here.” “Oh, right, we can’t stay here,” Eris said. “What do you mean you can’t stay here?” Amy said. “Well we’re…. Dead, so we’re supposed to be in the afterlife now.” “But you could still stay!” Amy insisted. “We could go shopping together! Make flower crowns! Bake sweets! Really live life! You didn’t even get to-” “I appreciate your sentiment, Amy,” Hecate said. “But it really is time for us to move on!” “But it doesn’t have to be this way! Guys…” Amy looked at the others for support. “A-Amy’s right, y-you know” Serena said. “Y-You could very well…. S-stay. W-We didn’t even g-get to know you a-all that well and…” Eris stopped her from speaking. “Thank you, but we want to move on.” “You heard them,” Knuckles said. “They want to move on. So, we have to let them.” “Awww, I’ll miss you guys,” Amy said. “We only knew each other for a little while,” Harmonia said. “Heheh. I’ll miss you all too.” “Goodbye, everyone. Take care of yourselves,” Hecate said.
The three cats held hands, looked at each other and nodded. Their bodies became transparent again and they ascended into the sky, becoming more transparent the higher they went, until they disappeared altogether.
“I guess, this is goodbye for us too,” Blaze said. “Serena, we have to-” “OH MY GOSH! I-I totally forgot!” Serena exclaimed. “What did you forget?” Tails asked. “I-Its my mom’s birthday! Th-The whole reason I g-got into this mess was b-b-because I was t-trying to find a p-present for her! Th-that’s how I found these rings! Wh-What do I do? Now I d-don’t even have a present!” “Well, we were going to bake cookies, weren’t we?” Amy asked. “We could just bake that.” “Oh… y-yes that’s a good idea. M-Mom always l-loved my baking anyways,” Serena said. “A-And….. W-would it be…. W-would you be….. W-will you be fine with…. M-meeting my p-parents?” “Of course, we’d love to!” Sonic said. “Lets make your mom’s birthday the best one ever!”
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garlicbreadlover1 · 1 year
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Trying knew brushes :3
my friend said that eevee look like out of crayon on paper💀
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chaosduckytoast12 · 5 months
bad DND idea:
Your a non human usually evil race, except... You were adopted by royals with a savior complex who named you something super cliche and also you were homeschooled and has 40 siblings so when you go off on your adventure you talk to others of your race and their like "y'know the human sacrifice was always the best part of the murder festival" and your just like " I should probably see LakeLee and Brinieghlay soon, you know I never really saw any of those rituals ... Btw when do you think you stopped doing homeschool? Oh you never did homeschool? ........" And their like "wth is wrong with this guy? And why is their name so weird... Seriously did JK Rowling name this guy? And who the Heck names a Kobold LakeLee!"
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c0rpsedemon · 9 months
my hobbies include staring at my 'ordered' page on mfc and stressing out abt it
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bugeater-official · 2 years
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omg N from the hit game pokemon black and white is that you
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mothymoon · 1 year
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Pick him up
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