#harru styles fluff blurbs
harryhoney-bee · 4 years
I thought parents didn’t have favorites.
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anonymous asked: hi! could i request a dad!harry imagine where he favors one child over the other and causes some angst in the family? thanks!
Hope you liked it!
Words count: 2.2k
Angst to Fluff/ Dad!Harry
It was 6 pm, and Y/N was at the kitchen preparing Creamy mushroom pasta for dinner, her children’s favorites, Harry also liked, but not as much as the kids.
“Mom, is dad going to be home soon? I am so excited to show him my drawing!” Maya said while sitting on the couch looking proudly at her colored paper “Do you think he will like it?”
Y/N looked at her with soft eyes “Of course he will honey, is such a beautiful picture.” She goes near her daughter and puts her arm around Maya “My favorite part is the sunflowers in the back, I think it’s gonna be your dad’s favorite part too”.
“Well, I hope so!” Maya says looking happily at her mom.
she was such a beautiful girl, she was kind, smart. Different from her dad, she did not like to be the center of attention, in fact, Y/N and Harry found out she was a little artist just two years ago because she didn’t like others to see her sketches, the poor girl was too insecure about it, but Harry was trying to teach her how to be more confident. She had a lot of talent for twelve-year-old.
Y/N came back to reality when she hears a loud noise coming from downstairs, the basement, where Harry decided to make a little studio for himself, but the one person who was always there wasn’t Harry, but their son, Charlie.
Different from Maya, her brother loved being in the spotlight, he was outgoing and friends with everybody. He was the copy of Harry, from personality to talent. Charlie loves to sing, write songs, and play his guitar, but sometimes he would just go too far at the last thing, like right now.
Y/N makes her way downstairs, watching her son giving a real rock concert, she smiles at herself, he was so much like Harry…
“Hey little Rockstar, can you keep down, please?”
“But mom, a rock show without a loud guitar’s solo is not a rock show” The boy whines.
“Good thing we are at home, and not at a Rockshow, right?”
“I guess…” Charlie says “Mom when dad will be home? I want to show him my new guitar’s moves.”
“You and your sister just want to know about your father, huh?” She says pulling her hand to her chest, pretending to be hurt. “I am pretty cool too, just so you know”
Charlie laughs and gives his mom a hug.
“Mom, you are pretty cool, but dad is cooler”
“Such a kind boy I raised” She laughs, kissing him on the head.
She makes her way back to the kitchen, to finish the dinner, when she gets there, she notices Maya wasn’t in the living room anymore, assuming she went to her room, Y/N keeps doing her business.
Around 7 pm, Y/N heard the door open, and Harry shows up by the kitchen.
“Hi darling, how was your day,” Harry says kissing his wife.
“Really good, me and the kids just chilled all day long, what about yours?”
“It was really productive, just find a different way to do the melody of track 6 of the album, I can’t wait to show it to Charlie, he will love it so much!”
Y/N wasn’t surprised by his declaration, Charlie and Harry always had this special bond between them, Charlie’s love for music just made it all stronger. Sometimes she worried about Maya getting jealous of their relationship, but she never showed any type of different behavior. But Y/N would be lying if she said she didn’t wish Harry and Maya were closer.
As Harry would cross the door of the kitchen, Maya showed up, with the brightest smile on her face. “Hi dad,” she says hugging him, he did the same. “Look the drawing that I made!”
She shows him, but Harry didn’t even take the drawing to look closer, actually, his eyes lays on the picture for a few seconds.
“Hi! it’s cute, honey” He pats her head and goes to the basement, to find Charlie.
Y/N sees the worst sight a mom could see, her daughter’s face falling because of sadness, the little tears starting to pour from Maya’s eyes.
Before Mays can say anything, Y/N is there to hug her.
“Shh baby, mommy is here” She doesn’t hear anything but her sobs.
“Mom, why da-dad always wants to be with Charlie?” She tights her arms around her mother “Dad never want to spend ti-time with me-me, or give me at-attention, I thought that parents didn’t have favorites, but dad ob-obviously does! Mays cries even harder.
“Baby, come on, let’s talk in your room, ok?”
Both goes to Maya’s room, Y/N puts her on her lap, like she used to do when Maya was a toddler.
“Maya, I want you to listen to me, ok?” She grabs her daughter’s chin, she was now looking at her teary green eyes “Your dad loves you so much baby, you are his whole world! When he found out we were having a baby girl he cried for a whole week, you know?”
“He did mom?”
“Yes! You are his little girl”
“I wish I was a little girl forever, maybe then dad would like me as much as he likes Charlie”
The sadness in her voice makes Y/N want to cry “Maya, your dad loves you both the same, the only difference is that your dad can get really worked up about his music, and turns out that Charlie has the same excitement and passion as your dad. Charlie isn’t his favorite or the one he loves the most, he is just the one that shares more common interests.
“I love you mom” She says, “But can I sleep now? I don’t wanna go down there, not right now.”
“Yes baby, but tomorrow you have to eat a lot on breakfast, ok, since you don’t want to have dinner.”
“Ok mom” Y/N gives Maya a kiss on the forehead, and before she lives the room she hears her voice “Mom, I heard you and Charlie earlier, and I think you are the coolest”
Y/N laughs “Thank baby, good dreams”
Her smile leaves her face as soon as she left the room, Y/N has never been more pissed at Harry than she is right now, she goes to find him in the little studio downstairs. As she approaches, she hears both laughing, her heart softens a little.
“Hi guys”
“Hi Mom”
“Hi baby’
Y/N sits on the little puff next to Harry “Hey Charlie, could you let mom and dad talk a little in private? Please?”
Charlie looks at Harry, that looks at you with confusion on his face.
“Ok mom” He hangs the guitar on the wall, but before he left the room, his mother says “If you want to eat dinner you can, it’s ready, just be quiet because your sister is sleeping”
“Alright,” The boy answers, leaving the room completely.
“Why is Maya sleeping already? Is she ok?” Harry askes with worry in his voice.
“No Harry, she is not ok!” You left the puff and stand in front of his sit “she was crying because her father doesn’t give the attention she deserves”
“Wait, what? I made her cry?” He stands in front of her “And what do you mean I don’t give attention to her? I always do” He says, feeling hurt hearing such nonsense.
“No Harry, you don’t, when it comes to your free time you always favorites Charlie over Maya, don’t get me wrong baby, I love the bond you have with him, but it is hurting Maya that you don’t have a special solo time with her.” She looks at her husband, there was concern on his face, he opened his mouth, but closed right away.
“She was so excited to show you her drawing Harry, you had to see the smile on her face, she was counting the seconds for you to come home so she could show you, but you didn’t even look, baby.” She stares at his green eyes, the same as Maya, and sees tears rolling down his cheeks.
“I am such a bad dad” He breaks in front of Y/N, both adults hug each other.
“No Bub, none of that, you are an amazing dad, the best of all” The girl says, feeling her heart crumbling, in one hour she saw 2 of the 3 most important people in her life crying.
“Good dads don’t make their daughters cry, Y/N” Both of you sit on the floor, you are still hugging him, “And I didn’t notice I was favoriting Charlie over Maya when it comes to attention, you know?” He looks at you, his face washed with tears and sadness.
You passed the thumb in his face, taking away the tears.
“Is just easy for me to talk to Charlie, he likes the same things as me. I am aware Maya is my kid, but sometimes she intimidates me” He says laughing between is cry “She is so smart and knows so much about art and everything in general, last week we went to the market together, and she started to talk about European Vanguards, and I just couldn’t keep up with the conversation, ‘cus I know nothing about it” He laughs even harder, this time you follows him.
“Damn, I feel like crap,” Harry says, getting serious again “I was just so excited to share the new melody with baby number 2 that I forgot about baby number 1,” He says
“First, they are not babies anymore, are they?” She smiles sweetly at him “Second, parents are still people, baby, they make mistakes. Remember the time Charlie broke his feet playing in the tree?“ Harry nods his head yes “Remember how I go extremely protect over him because I didn’t want him to be hurt again? You showed me I was wrong about it, and we talked, and I cried, I felt like the worst mom in the world, but then you told me it was alright”
“So, now I am the one telling you it’s alright” She pecks him on the lips.
“Thanks, wifey, I love you” Both of them get up off the floor. “Hey, would mind if tomorrow me and Maya spent the day together? It’s not gonna fix everything, but at least I can apologize to her”
“No baby, not at all, Charlie and I could also use some alone time too.”
“Ok, tomorrow I will be taking her to have breakfast and spend the whole day together”
“Ok, so now let’s go sleep, tomorrow you gonna have a busy day”
It was not a surprise Harry found Maya in the kitchen so early in the morning, both are early birdies, what did surprise Harry was the lack of conversation between them, when his little girl did not wish him good morning, he realized how much he screwed up.
As she was about to take her cereal in her bowl he sits by her side.
“Hey baby, I just want to say that I am so sorry about yesterday or on any other occasion I didn’t give you the attention you deserve.” She looks at him for the first time since the incident, unlike Charlie, who looked so much like him, Maya was the perfect mix, her little green eyes and her mouth were exactly like Harry’s, but her hair and nose were all her mom’s.
“Daddy loves you so much Maya, you have no Idea-‘’Before he can continue, Maya hugs him, he felt tears in the corner of his eyes.
“It’s ok dad, mom explained to me last night, you and Charlie have the same passions so it’s easier for you to spend time together.”
“No baby, it’s not ok, I wasn’t being a good dad, I love you, to the moon and back, and I love spending time with you, I am genuinely sorry.”
“I forgive you dad, and I love you too, you are the best dad!”
He kisses her head softly “What about both of us have a day just for us?”
“Really dad?” The girl questions smiling brightly “I would love to! What are we going to do?”
“Well, I was thinking of getting breakfast at the doughnut shop and then we can go to a daddy/daughter art class, what do you think?”
“Only if I can order the doughnut with extra chocolate,” The girl says smiling.
“Whatever my baby wants, now let’s got, go change your clothes and please, bring your drawing for dad, ok? I need to admire the masterpiece my little artist did” He pats her head.
“Ok dad!”
He sees her leaving to her room, the amount of love he has for this daughter is incalculable, and he won’t bear to the reason for her tears again, because she is just too angelic to feel sad, and she looked just like her mother when crying.
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kissme-hs · 6 years
Harry forcing you to stay up with him 'cause he can't sleep but then feeling guilty when he sees how tired you are the next morning ❤
“Baby pleaseee” Harry whines shaking you resting his chin on your shoulder. You let out an annoyed cry before turning around and opening your arms for him. Harry wastes no time in wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on you chest listening to your heartbeat.
He always told you how your heartbeat was the only thing in this world that could calm him after he met you, knowing that his precious love is still breathing—living for him.
You couldn’t deny it though. Whenever harry was uneasy, or restless he would crawl to you like baby, lifting your arm up and laying his head on your chest. He’d hold your hand and rest them in his hair telling you to scratch his scalp and play with his hair till he falls asleep. And that’s exactly what he did that day too.
A yawn escaped his lips, tiny tears leaking through his eyes as his eyelids started to feel heavy before he went down in deep sleep. Finally, after tossing here and there for good 30 minutes he fell asleep, that too quick enough within 5 minutes. Smiling to self you pecked his forehead and closed your eyes falling asleep too.
It was a hard day for you and though you were deadly tired and almost asleep when he woke you up, you couldn’t really say no to Harry.
The other day he woke up before you. Deciding to treat you good returning the favour of last night knowing how tired you were, he cooked breakfast. Your favourite food. The aroma of delicious breakfast woke you up and lead you all the way down to kitchen were he stood naked in his boxers, with just an apron on. His bold back looked so inviting that you were clinging on it the second after.
“Morning petal!”
“Good morning “ you mumbled with your cheek squished on his shoulder. With a deep chuckle, harry turned around engulfing you in his arms letting you fall against his chest perfectly.
“How’d you sleep?”
“I’m still sleepy, the food woke me up.” You said with your face still in his chest. You were so tired that if harry held you one more second, you could fall asleep right there so thinking for the best you pulled away.
“What’re you making?”
“Baby look at me.” Harry said turning you around where you stood peeking in looking at the delicious bacons and scrambled eggs.
“Oh petal.” He whispered cupping your cheeks and rubbing the bags under your eyes. He felt his heart sinking, only if he let you sleep last night—he thought. You could see it through his eyes how he was feeling. His face was becoming dull with the thoughts clouding his mind that were complete nonsense.
“Shush. I love you.” You said standing on your toes pressing your lips to his.
“Plus I like it when you act like a baby, shows that you’re my baby.”
Just a friendly reminder, you can talk to me anytime! Don’t hesitate, just drop your words here
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harryhoney-bee · 4 years
You have sex for the first time with Harry. Virgin!reader. This is the 3 and last part! Hope you guys like it!
Words count: 2.2k words.
You were driving to Harry’s house. Almost in his place, but you could not stop thinking.
It was Friday night.
Friday nights mean date nights with Harry.
Usually, you are excited for this day to come, but right now, you were anxious, not the “good anxiety”, like feeling butterflies on your tummy, but the kind you feel sweat in your hands and just wanna hide in your room.
The reason for your concern is… sex.
You got the sensation that tonight is the night. Tonight, you won’t be a virgin anymore, and the best part of it all, you will have sex with Harry, the best boyfriend in the whole world.
You were happy, of course, you were, but the stressful feeling and the fear of him not enjoying this because of your inexperience were having the best of you.
Before you notice, you were at his place. But something was off, all the lights were turned off, not just of his house, but the whole street. You park your car and leave it to go to the door, knocking; Harry was immediately at the door. He opens and gives you the prettiest smile and hugs you.
“Hey baby, I was a little fearful with you driving down the street with the light off, it can be dangerous”. And he smells your hair “Somebody came ready huh? Really good perfume, love”
And he leaves a little space so you could walk in. It was dark, but he managed to put on a lot of candles, so there were romantic vides, but also terror movies vibes.
Stop thinking of horror movies (y/n), come on.
“Of course, you like the perfume, you were the one who gave it to me, dummy” And you pack him on the lips for the first time. His hands go to your hips, holding you tightly deepening the kiss. With this kiss, you got no doubt, you were having sex, and you weren’t so scared anymore.
He ends the kiss and pats your cheeks. “You are gorgeous love; in the light of these candles you look so golden.”
You flush “You are not bad too, Hazz. Love you”
He puts a hand on the side of your shoulder, guiding you in the direction of the dinner table, which was set with a fancy set of red and yellow tablecloth. “Love you too, sit here while I go to the kitchen get the food”
You sit down and watch as his silhouette vanishes through the door. You look at the table, there was a big candle in the center of it, bit the side of a… bottle of red wine. You take a glass of wine and drink a little. You were in the half of it as Harry comes back with a recipient of Winter Squash Lasagna. And he sits with you.
“See that you already fond yourself with wine, love”
“Got to be ready for tonight, right? Alcohol may help a little” You chuckles.
“What do you mean by ‘ready for tonight’?” He askes while taking your plate and serving you food.
Oh my sweet Jesus, why do I respond? Does he even want to have sex with me? Last week when you gave him a blowie, looked like he wanted to do more stuff in the future, but what if he changed his mind?
You look away and start talking fast “Like, you know…sex? Isn’t what we are doing tonight? It’s been a week since the blowie and I just thought we both would like this to happen… I-I mean… don’t you want? ‘Cus it’s ok if you…”
“Baby, come down, will yah?” He says putting both hands on your shoulder for you to smooth. “First, we are not doing anything you don’t want to. Second, I wasn’t thinking of us having sex tonight, I invited you so we can chill, I didn’t know you were ready for sex. But if you are 100% sure, we can do this. It’s up to you my love. I would just enjoy dinner” And he smiles at you, now holding your hand, giving a sensation of security.
“I was overthinking, wasn’t I?” You ask, feeling a little embarrassed.
“Just a little bit, love. But I am serious, I am up for anything you want to do, just want you to feel good” And he starts to eat, and you do as well. You even forgot about the dinner in front of you.
“I-I want to, like, really want. I am just a little nervous. It’s my first time, and my first time with you... so, it’s a bit overwhelming” You says “By the way, this lasagna it’s amazing, Hazz”
He chuckles “Thanks baby, learned it from my mom. And you don’t need to feel overwhelming about anything. It’s just us having sex, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is” You smile, feeling comfortable.
You both finished your dinner, and the subject of sex was long forgotten. Even you forgot it, the one who was so uptight about it. You take the dishes and put them on the sink, raising your sleeves to start washing them. But Harry hugs you from behind. And whisper in your ear.
“What about you leave these dishes, huh?”
“But for them, you would have to clean them up, and it’s no fair, you already made all the food”
“Come on baby, don’t be stubborn. Let’s go to my room, are you okay with that?” He asks, kissing your neck
“Yeah, let’s go”
He holds your bum, and a little doing an impulse for you to jump, as you do it, you also clap your legs on your hips and start kissing him. He does his way to his bedroom, never leaving your mouth or the end of your ass.
As he both got into his bedroom, he lays you on the bed, ending the kiss and looking into your eyes.
“Hey, if don’t feel comfortable about something, let me know. And if you don’t want to do nothing at all, you also let me know, understood?”
His authority and softness give you a confidence boost. You needed him.
“Yeah, Harry”
“Good girl”
Harry starts kissing your neck, sucking on the skin. He leaves a trace of saliva in all on your neck, your nails go to his back, scratching his skin calmly.
You grab the hem of his shirt, taking it off his body. You couldn’t see much because of the darkness, and in his room only have one candle.
“Someone is in a hurry, huh?”  He teases you, biting on your ear.
He does the same with your shirt, leaving you just in a black bra. His mouth goes to your jaw, and his hands cup your breasts.
“So beautiful, love”
“Please Harry” You didn’t even know what you were asking for.
Harry holds your ribs bringing your body to his, this time, your mouth attacks the skin of his neck, as his hands open the lock of your bra, freeing your soft pair of breasts. His tongue immediately meets with your hard nipple. Now, your month it’s no longer connects with his body, instead, your hand passes through his hard, pushing it hard. You feel his tongue do zigzag in your nipple, sucking firmly.
He puts you on your knees on the bed, grabbing your jeans and bringing it down slowly, kissing your tummy, from your belly button to your hipbone. You help him take your clothes, leaving you only in your panties.
You do the same to him. His belt and pants are along with the rest of your outfit on the floor. Both of you are feeling like horny teenagers, and it feels great.
Harry hovers over you, your bareback reach the steady mattress. He kisses you passionately.
“Can I touch you, baby girl? See if you are ready for me?”
“Yes Hazz, please do it”
His fingers go underneath the fabric of your underwear, he plays if your labia, before going to the beginning of your entrance and feeling the wetness there was.
“So wet love, just for me”
His fingers start to rub your clit fervidly, and his other hand cups your jaw, holding it tight and your lips met again.
“Harry, let’s do it, I need you”
“Ok princess, just let me know if you have any discomfort”
He drags your panties down to your heels, and you just throw the fabric on the floor, as well as his boxer, his hard member is free.
You are both bare.
You cup his cheeks and kiss him. He positions himself in your cunt.
“I’m going, ok love?”
“Ok, baby,” You say with an anxious voice.
You feel his head in, he slides a little more, but stop as your face does not look so good.
It hurts bad, you know the first time is not supposed to be all pleaser, but man, it hurts.
“How does it feel, darling?” He asks, worries on his face.
“Don’t feel good Harry, like, stings, I don’t know. But keep on going, the pain will go away.” You say and kiss his nose.
“Just tell me if you want me to pull off. I’ll stay still until you say so. But I’ll make you feel good, my love” He packs you on the lips, and his fingers go to your clit, rubbing it.
You moan, it was getting better.
5 minutes, and then you feel the urge for him to move.
“Hazz, you can move, put it all in”
“Are you sure, babygirl?”
“yeah,” you say between your moans. His hands are amazing.
He does as you askes, the feeling of burn stays.
“You are so fucking tight,” He says and attacks your lips, rubbing your clit even more.
“You can move Harry, but do it slowly, please”
“Yeah, alright baby girl, so good you are”
He starts thrusting in and out, slowly. When all of he is out of you, it’s hard to pull it back inside, because you are so snug inside.
His fingers do wonder in your clitoris, they go from right to leave, left to right. His kisses are so wet, it all feels good, the pain is still there, but in less intensity. And then you feel in your belly, the feeling of bliss. Your back raises as your orgasm comes.
“Harry, I think I’m gonna cum” You say with a whisper
“Come to me princess, I got you, come on, I am so close too, my love”
His mouth meets your nipple, and you can’t hold the bliss anymore.
Moans leave your mouth as your hold Harry’s hair. You feel your cunt walls squeezing his cook. And your orgasm washes over you.
“Damn baby, you so fucking hot, gonna cum, want my cum, darling?”
“Yeah, give it to me, Hazz”
And he does, your cunt milks him dry, everything he has to give to you, he gives.
He moans feel so good in your ear.
He falls, putting half of his weight on you.
“We did it,” You say, looking at him, he was fucked up
“We did it, you are not so innocent anymore, my baby”
Your giggles and hit him on the shoulder. As you do this movement, you feel him still inside of you, and the business comes out again.
“Harry, can you pull out? It hurts a little”
“course baby girl, I’m sorry,” He says pulling out of you, when he does it, he sees there is a little bit of blood on his dick, your tights, and in the mattress.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom, ok baby? I’ll bring a towel, it’s a mess down there” And he kisses your forehead, you blush hard.
“Mm, ok”
You see him leaving, when he does it, he grabs his boxer but doesn’t wear it.
You start to feel something leaving your pussy, so you go and take a look.
Man, it was a mess, there was Harry’s cum, your wetness, and blood. You felt a little embarrassed, but you knew it was normal to happen with some girls.
After some minutes he comes back with a towel, this time wearing his boxers.
“How are you feeling, princess, does it hurt?” he questions you, patting your cheeks.
“It stings a little, but I think I am ok. I enjoy it very much” You say smiling at him.
He chuckles “I did it too, it was amazing, wasn’t it? But right now, I need you to lay down, so I can clean you up”
You do as tell.
“Open up, princess”
You open your legs for him and feel the friction of the soft fabric against your skin.
“Don’t put too much pressure, it stings a little”
“Sorry baby, but you are already cleaned up. Just finished here” And he places the towel on the side of the bed “Wanna take a bath? Or eat something? Are you in anyYeahd of pain? Or are y…”
You interrupt him with a pack on the lips.
“I am ok baby, thanks, just wanna cuddle”
“I can give my baby a lot of cuddles,” He says, putting you on his laps, laying them both on you down.
“You are my baby, (y/n).”
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