#harry and draco are in love with eachother its crazy
nightoftheldead · 6 months
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small drarry doodles bc i love them sm i would burn down a small village for them <3
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akathleen · 1 year
i dont thibk anyone will genuinely understand what i mean by "i love drarry" without thibking im batshit insane and takas mental
drarry has been something ive loved since 2020 it taught me not only sex but how to properly court and love someone. im aware of how fucking crazy i sound but drarry shows me just how deep love can go for someone especially if the author shows it well. alot of drarry can be extremely dark angsty and very dramatic and even tho they can sometimes be mildy toxic its still so evident how much they love and care for eachother. theyve always been obsessed with eachother since 11 and itll just grow and grow and never die down. theyre both very stubborn and thats what they hate and love ab eachother
what harry likes ab draco:
-his hair
-touching his hair but draco always bats his hand away
-listen to draco talk but really just admiring him
-his ass
-his wittyness
-quick to defend himself (annoying sometimes)
-his attractiveness
-his jokes and insults
-him being uptight ab everythjbg
-the colour blue on him
-the way he carries himself/mannerisms
-confusing him
-so much more
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blaiseslilsissy · 3 years
Secret Crush
Tom Felton x Reader
(tom and y/n are both acting for the second harry potter film. tom as draco malfoy and y/n as daphne knottingley. they were both slytherin characters which also meant they were close to each other. infact their characters had started fancying each other at the end of last year.)
„Hey Tom“you spoke. „Hey how are you?“ he asked me. „Good what about you?“ i asked him keeping up with the conversation. „i‘m also good“he replied. the two lovebirds hadn’t seen the truth in the eye to realise they liked each other. but of course their cast members noticed. in fact they had been talking about since you two laid eyes on each other. tom and y/n were asking chris about the quidditch scene. „So draco and daphne bump into harry from both sides“
the guy who always filmed and talked with the actors zoomed in on tom and y/n fooling around. „the two lovebirds are doing their usual flirting as always“he said laughing. „tom for christ‘s sake will you stop“she said in between laughs.dan,rupert and emma were just laughing about the situation since it happens everytime they see eachother.
„you two are adorable“emma said giving the two a meaningful smile. she had a crush on tom but the only thing she wanted for him was to be happy even if that meant he‘d start taking interest in her good friend.y/n liked tom and tom liked y/n.so why wouldn’t they date?it wasn’t that easy.they didn’t know if the other person felt the same way.but even if they both liked each other if they dated and broke up it would be so awkward and they don’t know how long theyre going to keep being able to be together on set.
„ok tom ,dan you guys are up for scene 7 and go“ chris spoke. „listen here, pottah, don‘t keep googling your eyes at a slytherin. she doesn’t like you. she would never like a gryffindor.“ tom spat in the role of draco. even though it was his line it felt like he would actually stand up for you like that. you were so focused on tom that you didn’t notice you were staring. „blimey y/n if your gonna keep on staring at him like that your eyes are gonna fall out“ rupert said. emma snorted. „just tell him.“ emma said but before you could get out a word she cut you off. „‘hE dOEsN‘t LiKe mE‘is not gonna work he likes you he even told dan and rupert. and look at all the hints.“emma spoke. „what hints?“i asked confused. „he always holds the door for you, he always hugs you, you two were cuddling yesterday waiting for each of your scenes, he always checks if your okay,he always wants to spend time with you, he‘s always with you mostly but do you know what this all means?“emma said in a tone sounding more excited than you on christmas. you shook your head. „he doesn’t just like you y/n , he loves you“as soon as those words left emmas lips you were in shock. tom walked over to you guys. „hey guys, y/n you alright?“ tom asked worried. „excuse me for a second“putting your hand on tom‘s shoulder. emma quickly followed you into the restroom and saw that you were panicking.
„y/n…..are you sweating?“emma asked. „just a little bit on my forehead.“ you told her. „emma i like tom and all but its-“ but she had cut you off once again. „just overwhelming“ emma ended your sentence. you just nodded. „ i mean likes just a word but loves a big word“you said. „now just go out there and tell him otherwise you’re gonna make yourself crazy.“ emma said. you nodded as you and emma walked back to tom, dan and rupert. as soon as tom saw you he was already walking towards you. „are you alright y/n?“ he looked worried. you nodded and smiled at him. „tom can i talk to you for a moment?“ you said as you looked behind him to emma, dan and rupert all of them giving you a thumbs up. as you and ton started to walk to a more quieter place you stopped and looked at him. „i‘m really grateful for how much you care about me. and i appreciate that you always try to show me the best of everything. and i just wanted to tell you that i have feelings for you“i spoke still looking into his eyes. „so do i“ he spoke. „like dating. like i have a crush on you. like i want to kiss you kind of feelings.“you said trying to test him. he just nodded. you were so shocked you weren’t able to move. tom took that moment to kiss you. you kissed him back and that’s when you both realized.
You were made for each other.
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amxranthiine · 3 years
Hello! I'm the Redhead/Slytherin Harry ask, what I meant is is it possible to do headcanons for Harry with Lily's hair instead of James, and put into Slytherin house, for some reason I am just absolutely obsessed with this concept
omg yes okay lets do it
if harry looked more like lily than james, and was put into slytherin....
he would, in my opinion, definitely be friends with draco and all them.
also snape would have weird obsession with him like sir he is your student not your long lost love
i think he would still do everything in his power to stop voldemort though
and maybe recruit draco to help him with that.
in their younger years draco wouldn't really know what he was doing???? he just thought that he was bonding with his best bud??? because draco grew up with blood prejudice tattooed into his brain and death eater parents so in first - third year he would still be holding on to those views very strongly
speaking of best buds, harry and draco are the iconic duo!!! they go everywhere together!!! (they are 100% more than just friends you cannot change my mind)
snape still hates harry? but because he looks so much like his mother and snape feels so guilty
i really love the idea of harry growing his hair out, like fred and george in gof. like super crazy fiery hair that he just cannot control
if he wasn't the chosen one, he could be mistaken for a weasley
SPEAKING of weasleys
ron and harry are acquaintances,,, like they still met on the train and do get along well but the different house thing really just put a strain on their friendship
especially when harry befriended draco
hermione is also an acquaintance. they don't hate eachother but they also don't go out of their way to seek the other person out.
draco practically has to beg harry to cut his hair. enough said.
harry is on the slytherin quidditch team, but instead of seeker he's a chaser like james. he and draco make the team practically unbeatable.
dumbledore is veryyy disappointed that harry is a slytherin. that put a stopper on his future plans for sure.
speaking of dumbledore's plans, harry is ruthless to the dursley's. he is not afraid to stand up for himself and even fight with dudley if need be.
petunia is also a bit harsher on him because of this, and also because of his striking resemblance to lily - whom she did not have a good relationship with.
when fifth year rolls around, and umbitch is introduced, harry is a part of the inquisitorial squad, however he is also running the da on the side.
he does want to defeat voldy, especially after what happened to cedric.
before cedric died, him and harry were very good friends!! they were put into the triwizard tournament together, they went to eachother for advice and comfort.
because of the da, he becomes noticeably closer to ron and hermione, and there's a slight rift between harry and draco
draco knows whats going on, but because he values his friendship / partnership with harry, he doesn't say anything. not even when umbitch questions him about it.
oh i forgot about sirius and remus
honestly their relationships stay relatively the same as canon. only after they get over their suspicions of harry - with him being a slytherin and close with the malfoys.
honestly theyre just glad he's alive
he looks so much like lily they think it's scary. but theyre 100% grateful the only child of james and lily is alive and well - and actively fighting the threat of you know who.
anyways back to normal programming
because he's the second slytherin prince, basically the slytherin king, a lot more slytherins are in da.
eventually draco joins, much to every other houses dislike.
draco, harry, ron, and hermione are the main keys to fighting voldemort. they all become a friend group eventually, and each have their own roles to play in defeating voldy
everyone supports draco and comforts him when he reveals that he was forced to become a death eater, and the order uses that to their advantage
when the battle comes around, most of the slytherin house is defending hogwarts, even if it means going against their families.
just because they all believe a fellow slytherin- the chosen one at that- is dead, and he was the only one who helped them out of their forced beliefs and they want to repay him for that
after the battle, there is no more house rivalry thanks to slytherin harry, and the blood prejudice is almost completely dropped as purebloods find comfort and even love within muggleborns, vice versa
im gonna end it there just because i feel like there isnt much more to add. but this just makes me wonder what would have happened if slytherin had someone like harry within them to change basically everything? i love slytherins dont get me wrong, but what if a slytherin was in the tournament instead of ced, and they died instead? i think it would have rallied a lot of slytherins against voldemort and against their families beliefs.
sorry if this wasn't what you wanted anon!! this is just how i see it happening! i havent watched the movies in a while so im sorry if its lacking details you wanted :)
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katewaliss · 4 years
1x1 plot list!
hello girls, gays and theys! my name is crissy, i’m 21, go by she/her pronouns and live in the PST timezone. i am celebrating bullshitting my way through my junior year with ( copious amounts of tequila but also ) make a list of 1x1 ideas / plot bunnies because i need something to do during this Borentine and what better way to spend it then making myself cry with ships! 
i primarily send really long keysmash head cannons through discord and the ims, but i am also down to do replies ( on tumblr or discord ) and ask memes are my most favorite. i am introverted af but very excited abt ships so i really like having rp partners who like want to stay up all night and write and scream with me, so if that sounds like u, come thru! 
if u like any of these please don’t hesitate to shoot me an im! 
also my discord is daddy devito#2918 ( & yes, i do hate myself  )
were starting with mermaids bc i love mermaids
i’ve always kind of wanted one based loosely on these pictures x, x, x. im thinking ponyo meets enchanted meets h20 little mermaid AF realness! like maybe hes this lil regular boy high school college student taking pictures and stuff and sees this girl wash up on the shore looking very confused. so he helps her and you know, shes a little hysterical and cant walk very well, takes her into his apartment puts a towel over here bc she like keeps talking abt how shes a mermaid and hes like oh my god shes crazy ahh. she keeps saying her dad is king of the ocean and hes like???? do u have a last name? and the police dont know anything abt her she has no file, no id, no finger print in the database? 
basically the mermaid is staying w the college student in his apartment and he like teaches her what the microwave and the tv is and its very soft  they fall in luv maybe drama he has a girl friend who sucks a lot who is angry abt mermaid girl idk maybe the government realizes and tries to steal her! fun THAT FIRST PIC? MAYBE HE SAVED HER WHEN HE WAS A KID ONCE FROM DROWNING!!! AHHH
alternatively i found these pictures were are in the same vein very aquamarine x, x, x, lifeguard off duty surfing and he gets stuck in a gnarly wave and almost drowns but this mermaid saves his life! and he comes to see her a lot on the beach and they hang out and fall in love he teaches her how to speak english shows her his phone!!! MAYBE THE GOVERNMENT IS ALSO POACHING HER WE LOVE DRAMA
ok last mermaid plot? BUT ITS A SIREN PLOT!!!!!!! these sirens/a siren wipes out this sailors entire ship with the sirens song they all get drowned/eaten .... but plot twist! this one sailor homie lives bc he is DEAF and therefore IMMUNE TO THE SIREN SONG!! so this siren keeps tryna sing at him and its not working and u know they fall in love good stuff MORE POACHES MORE PIRATES MORE GOVERNMENT TRYNA KILL THE AQUATIC AMERICAN BC I LOVE SUFFERING modern or maybe set back in the day???? spicy
anthour or a sculptor that writes a book w a main character or makes a statue and it comes to life and has no perception of human stuff and is like a big alien
also literally all of these plots can be made gay as the flyest bi i ENCOURAGE it!!!! i will play either character in any of them pls tell me which one u like if u like one
pls the clown clown valedictorian plot
ok speaking of giving the gays everything they want
damn i just want a cheesy wlw 1x1 plot where the first girl is a famous celebrity hella spoiled very purse dog paris hilton type and her fancy convertible sports car breaks down smack dab in a small ass hick nowheresville town and this flannel wearing mannerless tomboy mechanic comes to fix her car but rich girl is stuck in town a few days while they order the part she needs for her car bc it’s a small town they don’t have it and they get closer and the celebrity girl is humbled by the town and learns a lot abt the world and herself just ,, good times LISTEN!!!! zendaya and kristine froseth ???? SPICY
ok maybe a period piece lady knight / princess plot where she was personally assignment to the princess but maybe its a whole mulan thing where no one knows the night is a girl and is posing as a man bc women were allowed to be knights and the princess is betrothed to some loser prince once again ill play either
princess body guard plots always smack
ok princess protection program BUT GET THIS instead of that its my boy dmitri who is the heir to the russian throne or some made up european country but theres an assasination attempt so hes told he has to go into witness protection. and this dude or girls dad is head of cia/fbi and dmitri has to pose as a foreign exchange student at y/ns college and be shown around/baby sat by them. they hate eachother. probably bc dmitri is obnoxious and entitled and sleeps w everyone. he was a matthew daddario fc but not that necessary!
cheerleaders on opposite squads who got the sexual tension!!!!
plot based off hollywood the netflix limited series where its 1940s-1950s hollywood and maybe actors falling in love, an actor and a director? OR omg even better an actor falling in love with some sort of stage crew, lighting, camera person............SPICY! 
a beauty / makeup youtube influencer and a pranking rant gaming sort of youtuber and they have to collab and hate it points if its gay
that cliche plot where ur friends older brother is hot
ok kstew / naomi scott .....that is such.....a wave
i saw this gifset of margo robbie and michael b jordan talking abt how they are eachothers celebrity crush and it got my brain turning 
a very whimsical hopeless romantic artist who finds a muse in a no nonsense american college student studying law studying abroad
PERCY JACKSON BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE HUNGER GAMES BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
business man/prodigal son who falls in love with a stripper/escort
harry potter......next gen................please.............scorose............but like can i play ravenclaw soft boy nothing like draco scorpio BUT ALSO ALL THE HP i also really like ocs also BEAUXBATONS DRUMSTRANG ( if anyone wants to help me w a not hogwarts but other wizarding school rp let me know )
not to b cliche but uh....pastors son bad boy plot yes!
alternatively bad girl good boy/girl plot yes! ( can i pls play bad girl seulgi its Dire )
horror until dawn stuff
soul eater? death note? OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB BITCH!!!! ANIME!
the epically cliche popular person failing math and is gonna get kicked off cheer gets tutored by biggest loser in school and only agrees to tutor her in math if she teaches them how to be cool to impress crush (popular persons friend) and they do that, they start to bond, she gives nerd a makeover the whole school falls in love with them and the popular girls real jealous and wHEw
a disgruntled detective whos wife cheated on him with his partner and he drinks everyday (also could b a lady) throws himself into work and this waitress at the diner he works at who is the opposite of him and very sunshiney
OKAY HANNIBAL but like the hannibal is a lady!
superhero x villian plot! spicy maybe theyre exes! or they went to the same super power school? 
also every disney plot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think this will get added to but for now this is the gist HIT ME THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!
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