forevermyalwaysphff · 4 years
Chapter 18
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A/N: Hello amazing readers and followers! I am back on tumblr and will be posting a few chapters today so please keep an eye out for them. Looking forward to hearing from you all xx
This chapter is quite long! Special treat for all of you!
Alexa placed her jumper on top of the rest of her clothes in her suitcase and zipped it shut. Glancing around the room she did one last sweep hoping that she was not forgetting anything. A light knock on her door caused the blonde to turn around to spot a yawning Alice leaning tiredly up against her door frame.
"Off for the weekend?" Alice took a few steps forward and sat on the edge of Alexa's bed beside her packed suitcase.
"Yeah, Harry wants me to meet some of his friends and well,they have invited us out to Cumbria, in the Lake District for the weekend. I think one of their families owns a cottage out there on the lake."The blonde confessed as she sat down on a chair in front of her vanity and grabbed her mascara to finish applying her makeup.
"Awe! That will be so much fun, Lex!" Alice's smile lit up feeling a sense of happiness for Alexa. "It's such a beautiful place and I am sure that you two will have an amazing time there."
Alexa swivelled around on her chair to turn and face her flatmate. "I hope so. Well more so that his friends like me. I have only met one really since we have been seeing each other." She displayed a nervous smile as she fidgeted with her hands.
"Are you kidding me? They are going to love you girl! What's not to love about you?" Alice tried to offer some encouragement to her friend. "Are you also a bit nervous that things are getting more serious between Harry and you?"
Alexa's head lifted slowly as she nodded. "Yeah..." She paused and took in a deep breath. "That's part of it. I mean we have been in a relationship officially for a few months now and we tried to take things slow like I have wanted to, but I feel I have done the exact opposite. I am not saying I want to pump the brakes a bit because Harry and I are in such a good place right now. It's more my head games that doubt things more than anything at this point." Alexa confessed and explained to Alice what was going on in her mind. "It will be good to see him, but I cancelled my plans with Eugenie this weekend to do it..." She bit down on her bottom lip nervously.
"Oh..." Alice was a bit shocked. "You two still aren't getting along are you?" Her friend probed.
"It's not like we aren't getting along, Alice." Alexa frowned slightly, wondering how to explain the situation. "After that night that Harry had come back to London unannounced and we all had that big row.... Things changed." The blonde offered a weak soft smile. "I still love her to bits and she's still my best friend, but I am trying to find a balance between Harry and Eugenie. Harry has spoken to her and apologized to Eugenie over what he said that night and took the high road without even me asking him which says a lot about him. But, Eugenie tried to fight with him when he did and he said he had to walk away from her." Alexa breathed out deeply.
"It must be difficult on you then to see Harry willing to try for you, but Eugenie is still acting like a stuck up bitch, Alexa. I wouldn't blame you..." Alice giggled lightly.
"It is difficult because... I am falling in love with Harry." A beaming smile formed on Alexa's lips as she admitted it to her friend, Alice. Her green eyes were sparkling with happiness at the thought of it all.
"Aweeeeeeeee!" Alice clasped her hands together and was in near tears of happiness for her friend. "I could tell when you were falling so hard for him that night we had the girls over to introduce Harry to them. It was so evident that you two care a lot about each other."
"Really?" Alexa shyly laughed.
"Of course! You don't see the way he literally stares at you when you aren't looking. He is totally falling hard for you, believe me." Alexa's friend was quick to assure her. An alert sounded on Alexa's phone as she grabbed it off the vanity. "Harry's a few minutes away. I need to finish putting on my make up and getting Peanut's things ready."
"Are you wanting to take Peanut with you, you could always leave her here with me this weekend. I don't want to be all by my lonesome." Alice suggested hopefully as she petted the sleeping pup lying on Alexa's bed.
"Yeah, I mean that would be great. Harry said I could bring her because I wasn't sure what your plans were this weekend, but she can definitely stay and keep you company." Alexa watched Peanut crawl into Alice's lap and fall back asleep.
"Right, I will take pup and leave you to finish getting ready. I can let Harry in when he arrives." Alice nodded lightly. "Are you taking the train up there?" She curiously asked on her way out.
"No, Harry thought it was best for him to drive me. Still trying to keep under the radar despite the media's interest in me still." Alexa sighed before seeing a concerned expression on Alice.
But that expression quickly morphed into a smile. "Have a great weekend, Lex. Just relax and have some fun with your boy."
"Thanks, Alice. I will."
"You are driving us?" Alexa stood there with a questioned look as she watched her boyfriend open the boot to place her suitcase in beside his own.
"Yes, love." He chuckled lightly. "They do let me drive my own vehicle every now and then."
"No, I think it's great." Her boyfriend turned back towards Alexa glancing down at her from under his cap. "We can have our first official road trip together!" The excitement was evidently planted all over Alexa's face.
Harry stood there watching Alexa's smile appear on her lips at the mere thought of it all. He walked up to his girlfriend and without a word, leant down and captured her lips in a sweet lingering kiss. "Henry..." Alexa broke their lips apart as she tried to scold him for his reckless behaviour. "You shouldn't kiss me in public like this." She regretted the moment she tore his lips off of Harry's, but they still had to be cautious.
"I can't help it when you get all adorable and excited about things like that." He grasped her hand and pulled her around to the passengers side. "Shall we get our first road trip together started?" Harry winked at Alexa displaying a cheeky grin while opening the door for Alexa.
"I thought you would never ask!" She exaggerated with a beaming smile. "Thank you, love."
Alexa's hand was grasping Harry's tightly as she scrolled through his phone finding the next song for them to listen to. Her head was bobbing to the beat of the music silently enjoying their road trip on the way to the Lake District. This gave Harry a moment to take her all in. Sitting there next to him was this beautiful woman who he was falling in love with on their way to meet his closest friends. He could not believe it himself half the time that he had found someone like Alexa.
"You look very pretty today, Lex." He watched a smile grow on her lips before lifting her head to beam up at him. "I like that suit thing on you."
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"Thanks, love. It's a romper not a suit." Alexa leaned in and placed a sweet kiss to his lips. "But, eyes on the road darling." She giggled and turned his head towards the road in front of them.
"Well, whatever the hell it's called you should wear it more often. It fits you very well." He continued his flirting despite keeping his eyes glued to the road.
"Mmmm, I will keep that in mind. But, you will have to wait and see what else I have packed for this weekend." A mischievous grin was plastered on her lips knowing that Harry would have a difficult time keeping his hands off of her this weekend. "I went out and bought a few new things."
Harry's smile slowly faded at her comment. "Alexa, you didn't need to buy new things. What you wear is completely fine." The prince knew for a fact that she did not buy expensive clothes very often and hoped that she did not do this purely to try and impress his friends.
"I know... but I wanted to make a good first impression." She confessed exactly what Harry was worried about. Alexa turned her attention back to the prince when he did not reply and witnessed a furrowed brow forming on his forehead. "What?"
The prince sighed heavily. He did not reply because he simply did not want this to turn into an argument. "I don't want you to ever feel that you need to change who you are or what you wear to fit into any part of my life." He pulled her hand towards him and placed his lips softly to her fingers in a sweet gesture. "I don't want you to ever change who you are."
Alexa sat there quietly gathering her thoughts and really hearing her boyfriend's genuine words. This was the difference between Reese and Harry. Harry accepted Alexa for exactly who she was and did not want her to change anything about her. He did not want Alexa to change to fit into his world, she was in his world because of who she was. Reese on the other hand wanted Alexa to change everything about her in order to fit into his world. He had liked the idea of Alexa more than who she really was. Her head lowered as she shook it lightly. "I am such an idiot." Alexa muttered softly, but her boyfriend was able to hear what she had spoken.
"Alexa Grey, you are not an idiot." He leaned over and placed a kiss on her temple.
"No I am!" She lifted her head and tossed her arms up in the air. "All I wanted was to fit into your world because I care so much about you." Her head turned to look directly in his eyes. "I want your friends to like me and I just had this fear that I am going to be judged like I was with Reese's aristo friends..." Alexa dragged off and took in a heavy sigh becoming quiet. "That was when we started to have problems, after I met some of his friends...." She hinted at her fears in a quiet whisper. "I don't want this to happen to us..."
Harry closed his eyes hearing her quiet confession. Her voice was laced with doubt and uncertainty, causing an ache in Harry's heart. He knew that there would be times of Alexa struggling to find herself in similar situations like this due to her past relationship with Reese Kellington and all he could do was try to make her feel that she was enough for him.
He sighed and steered the car to the side of the road, breaking to slow down the vehicle to a stop. Harry turned off the engine and opened his door. "Get out..." He softly requested Alexa to do the same.
"Henry... what are you doing?" Alexa unclicked her seatbelt and left the vehicle as she walked over to the driver's side to find Harry leaning up against the car.
"You need my full attention right now and I cannot give that to you and focus on driving." The prince admitted. "Plus, I cannot hug you properly in that car so come here." He opened his arms and waited for Alexa to saunter over to him. Wrapping his arms around her he gently squeezed her small frame, enveloping her in a tight embrace. "That won't happen to us, I promise." He whispered into her ear and felt her body relax into him.
"You always give the best hugs." Her voice muffled as Alexa buried her face into his chest. Harry held her there on the side of the road waiting for her to speak again, but the simple comfort tugged at Alexa's heartstrings. His hand started to rub the small of her back in a subtle gesture of reassurance.
"Meeting my friends is going to change our relationship, Alexa. But, for the better. I have kept you hidden and away from them only because I wanted to see where this was going. I don't introduce just any girl to them, only the important ones. You mean the world to me and I want them to know you for who you are. For the woman I am falling in love with." He lifted up her chin making his girlfriend look into his mesmerizing blue eyes. "I am falling in love with you still."
"This means alot to you, doesn't it?" She tilted her head while gazing up at him and analyzing his silent response while he nodded.
"My friends are very loyal to me, Alexa. I only keep them around if they are. It's hard to find genuine friends like the ones you will meet because of who I am. So introducing you to them is a big step for me, but one I want." The prince calmly confessed.
Alexa smiled softly before standing as tall as she could to reach the prince's lips and capture them in a slow deliberate kiss. "Let's go meet them then."
"I seriously cannot wait to meet her." Melissa Percy voiced her excited thoughts towards the group of Harry's friends who had already arrived at the lake cottage in Cumbira on the Lake District. Melissa Percy was Harry's friend, Thomas Van Straubenzee's, longtime girlfriend.
"He has been really hush hush about this one, hasn't he?" Lara added her two sense in the matter. "I hope she is a real gem. Harry needs a good one after what happened with Chelsy. No offence, Mel." Lara gave her friend Mel a sympathetic look.
Melissa Percy and Harry's ex, Chelsy Davy, were and still are best of friends. The two had become close friends while their significant others, Tom and Harry were long time friends. It was natural that the two of them had grown so close and even after Harry and Chelsy parted ways they remained friends. It was difficult at first for Mel and Tom, feeling like they had to split their loyalties between them. Mel had to admit that she was excited to meet this new girl of Harry's, but she still was not entirely sure how she would handle seeing Harry with someone else other than Chelsy.
"No, no offence taken Lara." Mel simply shrugged her shoulders. "It is going to be hard seeing Harry with someone who isn't Chelsy. They were together for so long... I think he is still in love with Chelsy and I am a bit scared this girl may be just a rebound for him." She spoke her mind, making the group feel uncomfortable.
Zoe Stewart, Harry's friend Jake's girlfriend stood up for the woman. "I highly doubt that she is a re-bound for Harry. Do you really think that he would bring her here this weekend if she were? Let's not jump to conclusions shall we? Besides, he is over Chelsy Davy." She turned her head and narrowed her eyes at Mel, giving her a warning to behave.
"You have met her before Adam, right?" Jake Warren pipped into the conversation and turned the group's attention to his friend Adam Bidwell hoping to bring some sort of information to light about Harry's girl. To be honest, Jake and Harry had spoken a lot lately even meeting up for some drinks at a low key pub and the prince spoke freely about Alexa. Only Zoe knew about this information and they kept it out of the group's knowledge for a reason.
Adam took a sip of his drink and nodded slowly. "I have once." He admitted casually. "Not going to give you any deets until you meet her." He knew this comment would turn the women mad as they literally had talked about Harry's new girl the whole train ride up, wondering what she was like and what she did. Harry had already confided in his friend about Alexa before about how to introduce her to the rest of their friends. Adam suggested a casual weekend getaway with a chill relaxing environment would be the best option. He knew how protective of her Harry had become. But, when Adam suggested using his father's cottage in the Lake District where there was nothing but water and hills in the surrounding area, it was the perfect place to privately introduce them.
"Oh come on Bidwell!" Melissa pushed him further for any tidbit of information. He shook his head no and brushed her off.
"You can make up your own mind. Haz messaged me a bit ago and said they were about thirty minutes away so you shouldn't wait too long." Adam informed the group of the couple's imminent arrival.
Tom eyed his girlfriend Mel and leaned in to rest his chin on her shoulder. "You better behave. No talk of Chelsy or making her feel uncomfortable, ok?" He warned his girlfriend to watch her tongue this weekend. "Don't ruin this for Harry."
"I don't have a clue what you mean, love..." Mel giggled lightly before sipping on her drink.
The group of friends did a quick tidy up of their lunch while the girls started to mix a few drinks before Harry and Alexa's arrival. Zoe peered out of the window and saw a convoy of vehicles pull in. She recognized Harry''s Audi and could see the outline of two people in the front.
"They are here!" She hollered loudly for everyone in the house to hear. Everyone started rushing to the front door to see. "Let's not bombard the poor girl now! Give them a minute to get out, they just had a long drive!" Zoe did her best to attempt to give the couple a little space.
Harry put the car in park and glanced over to see his anxious girlfriend fiddling with a ring on her finger as she sat there quietly in the passenger seat. He reached over and gently grasped her hand, interlocking their fingers as he gained her attention. She looked up at him with those deep green eyes of hers and held their gaze steady. "Just be yourself and they will adore you." He tried his best to reassure the nervous blonde before leaning in and kissing her soft lips in a sweet embrace. "Shall we get out of the car or do you want one more minute?" Harry rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb soothingly as an attempt to calm her budding fears.
"One more minute..." Alexa looked down at their conjoined hands as she whispered her reply.
Mel was peering through the curtains of the big bay windows of the lounge area with Lara beside her while the rest of the group were waiting patiently inside for them. "Oh my god! Harry just kissed her I think." She alerted the rest of the group to which Tom shook his head at his nosy girlfriend. "What is taking them so long to get out of the car, like come on already Harry! We want to see your girl!"
"He is probably telling her how crazy you and Lara are right now!" Skippy rolled his eyes.
"Oh wait, Harry got out." Lara was giving them a play by play now.
The prince rounded the vehicle from the front as Alexa opened the passenger side door and climbed out of the car. Harry gently closed the door and turned around to fall into step beside his girlfriend. A beaming smile graced his lips that was clearly evident even from far away as he reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers and walked side by side towards the cottage.
"She's gorgeous!" Lara's mouth literally dropped open. "Awe, look at his smile! He's so happy."
This was when the rest of the group thought it was best to go outside and meet them. The guys exited the front door with their girlfriends in tow and slowly walked towards the new couple with welcoming smiles ready to meet them.
"Harry!" Tom tossed his arms up in the air and waved at his pal. The prince waved back happily, grinning from ear to ear for the rest of his friends to see. But, his gaze fell back down towards his girlfriend and muttered something in her ear, most likely a word of encouragement.
"Hey mate!" Tom and his girlfriend Melissa were the first to reach Harry and his new girlfriend as the rest of the group hung back a bit to give them space. Harry leaned for a quick friendly hug with Tom while still holding on tightly to Alexa's hand. "It's good to see you man!"
Harry chuckled, "I know, it's been a bit too long." The prince stepped out of the hug and exchanged kisses on the cheek with Mel, greeting her warmly.
Mel locked eyes with Alexa and was captured by her deep green eyes and natural beauty, but the shy expression on her face was clearly evident and her uncertainty was a target for Mel. Harry had stepped back in line with Alexa and glanced down at her briefly before starting to begin the introductions.
"Tom, Mel. This is my girlfriend, Alexa." A fond smile stretched his lips as he finally spoke those words. "Alexa... these are my friends, Tom and Mel."
Tom nearly cut in front of Mel and leaned in to place a kiss on her cheek when Alexa stretched out her arms for a hug. "Sorry, Tom. I am more of a hugger if that is ok." He nodded warmly and wrapped his arms around her small frame.
Melissa immediately took Alexa into a friendly hug. "It's so nice to meet you, Alexa. I can't believe Harry has been hiding you away from us all this time." She looked towards the prince expecting a snide remark, but she was shocked to see that he hardly even acknowledged her comment as his eyes were steady on Alexa. A gesture that brought about a bit of anger within her at Harry's complete infatuation with the blonde.
"I know." She giggled and peaked up at him with a smile. "It's so good to finally meet you though. Harry has spoken a lot about the both of you." Alexa informed them with a soft smile.
The prince placed his hand on the small of her back and gave it a gentle rub. "Shall we continue the introductions, quite a few others to meet?" Harry softly pushed her forward towards the rest of his friends waiting further down as Tom and Mel trailed in behind them.
Alexa was introduced to Lara Hughes-Young and Harry's close mate, Tom Inskip. She was welcomed with open arms and friendly hugs learning that Tom was often called 'Skippy' in his close knit group of friends. Lara happily commented on Alexa's romper and thought that they had similar styles, further discussing a potential shopping date together in the future.
Alexa was beaming at the couple with a tilted head. "It's lovely to meet you both. Thanks for inviting me here this weekend with Harry." The two of them were silently gushing about how sweet Alexa was and could not believe that Harry had snagged this beautiful woman.
"It will be a blast. We have so much fun things planned." Skippy informed Alexa before leaning in. "This does include getting your man completely wasted so I hope that is alright with you?"
"That is perfectly fine, Skippy. I need to show Henry that I can drink him under the table. He still does not believe me that I can." Alexa barked a laugh at his expense. Thankfully Harry was chatting beside her to Adam and did not hear a thing.
"Awe!" Lara clasped her hands together. "That is so sweet that you call him Henry..."
"What's so sweet?" Harry came back into the conversation and wrapped his arms around Alexa from behind. "My girl? I already know that." He placed a gentle kiss to her forehead unafraid to show some PDA in front of his friends. "Come on. We have to keep moving down the line."
Before they could take another step, Alexa stepped beside Harry towards Adam and he engulfed her into a quick hug. "Welcome to the Lake District. Glad you could make it Lexi."
"Hi, Adam!" Alexa squeezed his frame back and stepped out of the hug releasing a deep sigh. "Thanks so much for the invite. It was really kind of you." She leaned her head down against Harry's shoulder with a kind smile.
"You are welcome here anytime." Adam was acting very sweet towards Alexa, wanting to make her feel at home and comfortable here amongst Harry's friends. He looked down at Alexa who remained quietly taking a break while Adam continued to talk away. This gave Harry a moment to check in with his girlfriend and make sure she was doing alright. A gentle rub of her back made Alexa look up at him as he mouthed. "Are you ok?" She flashed him a sweet smile and nodded silently.
"If anyone is giving you any trouble come find me and I will sort them out." Adam kindly offered.
"Thank you, Adam. I think I will manage ok." She rubbed the side of his arm in a sweet gesture before being whisked back away to meet the last remaining couple, Zoe Stewart and Jake Warren.
Jake and Harry had been friends for the longest in the group, while Tom and Skippy trailed closely in behind him. Harry was more nervous for this introduction more than anything. He trusted Jake's judgment and often sought out his advice on relationship matters so he was very keen for Alexa and him to get along well. The prince knew for a fact that Zoe and Alexa would become best of friends in a short time.
"This is the last intro, I promise." Harry chuckled lightly as he ran his fingers through his ginger hair. "Then we can get settled in and have some fun."
"Good." Alexa giggled alongside him. "I saw that fireplace in front. Maybe we can have a camp fire one night?" She looked up at Harry to see what he thought.
"Yeah, that would be fun! I will mention it to the guys later and see. I know Adam has a few things planned already, but I am sure we could do it one night." He nodded with a smile then picked his head up to see Jake and Zoe stand up from the bench by the front door. "Sorry to keep you two waiting!" Harry smirked at his friend Jake who was eying up Alexa.
"It's alright, mate. You saved the best for last!" Jake pulled Harry into a big hug and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Well done, Hazza."
"Thanks, Jake." He quietly muttered displaying a proud smirk before he saw Zoe greeting Alexa out of the corner of his eye.
"Hi, Alexa. I'm Zoe." Zoe engulfed Alexa into a warm friendly hug and rubbed Alexa's back in a comforting manner. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you." She broke out of the hug and found herself staring into the depths of Alexa's deep green eyes. "It's so wonderful that you two could come out this weekend and give us a chance to get to know you better."
Alexa tucked a stray piece of her hair out of the way and smiled politely back. "It really is kind of everyone to invite us out here. It's such a gorgeous place and I am quite looking forward to meeting everyone. Hoping to get to know all of you more too." She paused and glanced up at her boyfriend. "And, hopefully telling me stories of Harry's debaucherous adventures."
Jake and Zoe dissolved into a fit of laughter at Alexa's remark and Harry's reaction. "I told you while driving up here already, love. I am a saint and my friends are very loyal to me." He slowly turned his head and locked eyes with Jake giving him a look.
"Don't worry we will fill you in. I know you will fit right in in no time. Just stick around me if you need. I am sure we will get along very well." Zoe was so kind and reassuring to Alexa, it even put her mind at ease about her worries of getting along with everyone. Alexa already knew she liked Zoe and could see herself getting along well like she spoke of.
"Oh and this is my boyfriend, Jake." She pulled him into the conversation and introduced her partner to Harry's girlfriend.
"Hi, Alexa. It's great to finally meet Harry's girlfriend." Jake leaned in and placed two quick kisses on her cheek in a friendly greeting.
"It's great to meet Zoe's boyfriend." Alexa teased back, starting to feel more comfortable and dive into her witty side."Oh, god I am so sorry that just came out." She started to become embarrassed and apologized. Zoe nearly died laughing at Alexa's quick comeback and how cute and shy she had become.
"You will do just fine here amongst our group with that witty banter." Jake nodded and eyed Harry. "You got a fiesty one on your hands."
"Believe me...I know, but she's a keeper." Harry tossed his head back in laughter and glanced around to see the rest of his friends behind him chatting in a circle. He turned his head back to Jake and Zoe. "Where are we staying? I think Alexa and I are going to get settled and then see what the plans are?" He curiously asked Jake.
Mel came skipping up behind the couple with Tom having overheard the conversation. "We were so very kind of saving the master bedroom for you two with the only private ensuite bathroom." Melissa proudly alerted the couple with a smile. "We figured it would give you a bit more privacy that way." There was a hint of annoyance laced in her tone at the fact that they were getting the bigger bedroom.
"You guys didn't have to...we would be comfortable staying wherever." Alexa commented, not wanting to seem needy and selfish taking the largest room and being the last to arrive. "We are happy to switch if anyone wants too." She kindly offered, but Harry was quick to shut down the offer. "Noope! We will take it!"
Zoe narrowed her eyes at Mel's tone and gave her a subtle nudge in the side. "It's what we decided as a group. No need to worry at all, Alexa. Besides, you two will be across from Jake and I. It was also across from the room where Harry's security is staying. It made perfect sense." Zoe gently grabbed Alexa's arm. "Come, let me show you the room while Harry grabs your luggage."
Harry watched as Alexa was dragged into the house by Zoe. He sighed briefly knowing that she was in good hands with Jake's girlfriend. "Let's go get your bags, mate. I will help you." Jake followed his mate back to the car. Harry popped open the back and saw Jake standing there casually.
"Are you actually going to help or are you just going to stand there?" The prince teased his friend.
"God, you should have heard all the girls on the train this morning literally trying to figure out what Alexa would be like." Jake laughed as the prince shook his head in response. "Then, just before you got here they were literally hounding Adam for any piece of information about her. Then there was Mel's comment..." Jake felt it was best for Harry to be aware of what his ex's best friend was saying.
Harry suddenly became stiff before dropping Alexa's bag on the ground and crossing his arms with a frown. "What was Mel saying?" He had been hoping that Mel wouldn't be an issue for him, but turns out he would have to keep an eye on her when Alexa was around.
Jake sighed knowing for a fact that Harry was going to be mad over it. "She said...'It is going to be hard seeing Harry with someone who isn't Chelsy. They were together for so long.' She also thinks you are still in love with Chelsy and that Alexa is only a rebound." His friend glanced up at Harry and saw a flash of anger circle in his blue eyes.
"That bitch... who does she think she is?! I am honestly so tired of her games lately. If she says anything at all about Chelsy and I this weekend in front of Alexa, I swear to god I will lose my shit on her." Harry's jaw clenched tightly. This was his one fear, that Mel would have a problem seeing Harry moving on from Chelsy and voice her unwanted opinion on the matter in front of Alexa. The prince slammed the car door shut in a release of his fury and made Jake jump.
"Haz... does Alexa know that Mel and Chelsy are best friends?" He was trying to help his friend out.
"No, I don't think so mate." Harry shrugged his shoulders. "Quite frankly I don't give a flying fuck about Mel and her opinions right now. Alexa and I are finally back in a good place after Eugenie pulled some bullshit and I won't let Mel cause further doubt in Alexa about our relationship."
"You should tell Alexa and give her a heads up...it will be worse if she finds out and you know Mel is going to say something to her at some point this weekend. It's better if Alexa knows before she does." Jake's calming voice brought a sense of reason to Harry as he saw his friend nod with understanding.
"Jake, I know where you are coming from." Harry looked him directly in the eye. "I can't do this to her though mate. She is having a hard time right now despite the brave face she is putting on. I only want her to have a fun chilled weekend with my mates." He explained the reason why, hoping that for now nothing would be brought up.
"This place is so amazing." Alexa walked towards the big beautiful windows of the master bedroom. "The view is absolutely stunning!" She could not believe that Harry and her were going to be waking up to this view in the mornings.
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        "I couldn't agree more." A familiar deep husky voice responded before Zoe could get a word in. Alexa turned on her heel to find Harry setting down her bag.
"Isn't it amazing?" Alexa slowly took in the room as she adorably became excited. Harry quietly chuckled at his girlfriend and briefly locked eyes with Zoe who was loving how adorable Alexa was at that moment.
Zoe stood up from the edge of the bed and walked towards Harry. She patted the front of his shoulder and whispered. "I will let you two get settled in. I like we are going for a boat ride this afternoon on the lake. What does Alexa like to drink? I will make sure some are packed."
"Thanks Zoe." Harry paused for a moment. "Vodka cran or any coolers or cocktail drinks."
"Heineken for you?" She checked quickly as the prince nodded his reply. " See you in a bit."
The prince walked towards his girlfriend who was now peering out of the window with an impressive view of the lake and the nature that they found themselves surrounded in. He wrapped his arms around his girl from behind and leant down to place a soft kiss to her cheek.
Alexa lightly grasped his forearms and smiled while he kissed her sweetly. She gently rubbed down his arms and released a heavy sigh. "I needed this getaway, love." Lexi quietly confided in the prince. "Thank you for this."
Harry was now resting his chin on the crown of Alexa's head while holding her tightly in his arms. "I know things haven't been easy for you lately, but I want you to know that I am here for you and that I have got you." He squeezed her frame a little tighter. "I wanted you to meet my friends to have other people to confide in who know more about my life. They know what it is like and how to handle certain situations that your friends or family may not."
Alexa swivelled her body around to face him. "Has anyone told you how incredibly sweet and thoughtful you are?" She looked up at Harry in amazement. "You have been my rock, Henry." Alexa confessed quietly.
She stood on her tippy toes and captured his lips into a passionate kiss. Her lips broke off in reluctance as he felt her hot breath float across his lip breathlessly. "You are an incredible boyfriend to me and I don't know if I tell you that enough." She pressed her lips on more time to the prince's lips as if to seal her words.
Opening her eyes she found Harry staring down at her with a desire filled gaze. She reached up and stroked his cheek until he closed his eyes with a flutter and relished her simple touch in silence. "I know you are worried and stressed about me... just relax love." Alexa continued to softly caress his cheek until she saw his features soften and his tense body relax. "Better?" Her quiet voice coaxed his eyes open as he nodded his head slowly. She smiled endearingly before pressing her lips against his forehead in a lingering kiss like he had always done. "Stop stressing, love. Let's have some fun this weekend. I think we really need it."
"Let's go get a drink then. See what the crew is up to." Harry led Alexa out of the bedroom to find the rest of the group.
Harry had one foot on the dock and the other in the boat while helping the girls climb into the swaying boat. Alexa was the last one needing help to step inside. The prince flashed his girl a charming smile before offering her his hand to hold her steady as she made the transition into the boat.
"Steady, love." He gripped her hand tighter than the previous women.
She took a step forward into the boat as a wave hit it causing it to rock. Alexa nearly flew into Harry's body, but he grabbed her and brought Alexa securely close to him. "I got you." He pushed his foot off of the dock and walked onto the boat with Alexa. "Start it up mate!" The prince hollered at Adam to get the engine going.
The group had decided to take the boat out on the lake for an afternoon cruise and have a chill afternoon. Harry sat down in the middle of the boat as Alexa joined him in the space beside. He lifted his arm and Alexa innately moved closer into him.
"What do you want Alexa?" Lara opened a packed ice cooler full of alcoholic drinks and started passing them around. "We have some pink lemonade vodka coolers, Heinekein, cider and soft drinks as well." Lara handed Skippy a beer while waiting for Alexa's reply.
"The pink lemonade cooler sounds good!" Alexa reached forward and grasped the frozen can. "Thanks, Lara." She sat back in the cushioned seat of the boat and glanced up to Harry feeling his eyes on her. "What do you want? Want to try mine?" The blonde had no idea that the group was watching her interaction with Harry.
Alexa brought the open can to his mouth as he took a sip while his eyes remained locked into her green eyes, smiling down at her while licking his lips. "That's good." They shared what they thought was a silent moment together, but Harry turned his head away sensing that people were suddenly watching his exchange with his girlfriend. Alexa followed his gaze and found everyone innocently staring at them with wide brimmed smiles. Her cheeks flushed with a crimson red, suddenly becoming embarrassed.
Harry turned his attention away from them. "Lara, can you toss me a Heineken please?" The prince caught a cold beer being tossed at him. "What are the plans for the weekend?" He tried to divert the stares off of him and Alexa as she squirmed silently beside him.
Everyone knew what Harry was doing, and they were not going to let the couple off that easy. "Bombarding you two with questions!" Mel tossed her head back in a devious laughter. "Why don't you tell us how you two met?" She was genuinely intrigued, but also had another intention on her mind.
The prince smirked and looked to Alexa to answer this one. "We met at Eugenie's engagement party. Eugenie and I have been pretty close friends since we were young." Alexa paused and peaked up at her boyfriend before continuing. "I was hanging out with Zara when I caught Harry eying me from across the bar." Everyone caught the beaming smile that grew on her lips as she continued to tell them how Harry and her met. "He came over and we chatted for a bit. We ended up dancing for most of the night together and I guess he won me over with his amazing dance moves." The group erupted in laughter at Harry's expense knowing for a fact that he loved to dance, but he often lacked any rhythm.
"I do like how sweet you are to Harry, but love we all know that Harry's dance moves are not a way to a woman's heart." Jake commented with a giggle.
"What do you do for work, Alexa?" Zoe got in the next question before Mel could.
Alexa was asked the question mid drink and took a minute to swallow. "I'm a social worker for a domestic violence and sexual assault shelter called Guardian." To be fair, Alexa really did not enjoy talking about her work so she decided to keep her explanation short.
Harry smiled down proudly at her. "She's leaving out another part she probably wouldn't tell you, but Lex also volunteers with SORRT." The prince was excited to share anything about Alexa and wanted his friends to see how amazing this woman was. "It's a program with the police where social workers go to at risk communities and find at risk youth, mainly homeless ones to try and find them housing , jobs  and educational services or even get them mental health help and addictions counselling."
"That must be really tough though. Do you find it hard sometimes?" Lara was genuinely interested.
"It has its days for sure, but I couldn't see myself doing anything else to be honest. The good moments definitely outweigh the bad moments." Alexa was quick to respond.
"Wait..." Mel spoke up and gained everyone's eyes on her. She looked towards Alexa with a tilted head and confused expression on her face. "Isn't Kate, your sister in law, Harry... a patron of Guardian?" Melissa angled her head and a flash of a mischievous glint circled in her eyes, one that Harry had caught. Everyone on the boat knew what Mel was referring to. That Alexa's company got the patronage from Kate because of her relationship with Harry or even Eugenie.
Harry glared at Mel as his jaw clenched and his body stiffened. "Come on Mel..." His tone was angry and low. A deafening silence fell amongst the group while Harry and Mel stared down each other. It was a soft voice that intervened and lifted the silence.
"What I think you are asking Mel, is if Harry had anything to do with Kate becoming patron of where I work." Alexa's hand settled on Harry's thigh and gave it a gentle rub to attempt to calm him down. Harry watched Mel's eyes floating down to his girlfriend beside him with a glare, but Alexa did not back down.
"Kate came to Guardian and I did give her a tour of the place. She fell in love with it like I have and wanted to help us out. I had never met Kate prior to that day and she doesn't know who I am. Harry or Eugenie had nothing to do with arranging any of it." Alexa smiled politely and killed the debate with a simple kind explanation. A proud smirk graced Harry's lips at how Alexa handled the situation before her. He locked eyes with Jake and he gave a simple nod of approval.
Zoe diverted the conversation off of Alexa and discussed what the weekend plans would be. Alexa listened in quietly as the excitement in her built at how amazing the weekend sounded so far. The guys wanted to head out fishing for an afternoon while the ladies would be treated to some relaxing spa time with the evening ending with a five star chef cooking them a five course meal at the cottage. There were even suggestions of hikes along with the obvious drinking games and time spent on the boat. Harry leaned in and asked if she still wanted to do a campfire and she locked eyes with him and gave a small nod.
"Could we have a campfire one night? We could do a simpler meal over the fire and some drinks and snacks?" The prince questioned and everyone was happily in agreement.
"Love?" Harry wandered into the bathroom to find Alexa in her underwear putting on some make up. They had spent a relaxing morning having breakfast and tea out on the lake before the girls had come back to get ready for the spa afternoon. The men were going to go out drinking and fishing instead.
A cheeky smirk formed on his lips as the prince walked behind Alexa and checked out her ass. "What are you looking for Henry?" Alexa stood up straighter and glanced back behind her.
"My sunnies." He put his hands on his hips. As he breathed out, the ridges of his muscles accentuated them and caused Alexa to release a tiny moan. Seeing Harry topless in only his shorts caused lust to build within her. "Do not make that noise while dressed like that or I will take you right here." The prince warned her with a suggestively raised eyebrow.
Alexa bit down on her bottom lip and gave the prince a playful expression before moaning one more time and egging him on. "I warned you..." He closed in the distance between them and bent down grabbing at the back of her thighs and lifted Alexa up onto the bathroom counter.
"I know... but you look too sexy right now and I want you in me." His girlfriend looked up at him with a primal need of desire, her green eyes begging Harry to not wait a minute longer.
"Fuck, love." Harry was too turned on to deny Alexa. He bent down and captured her soft lips while grasping the silk material of her knickers and pulled them off quickly to get to his intended target.
A few minutes later there was loud knocking at the door. "Harry! Alexa?! Are you guys coming?!"
The prince steadied himself with his hand beside Alexa's head on the bathroom wall while he drove his hips into her harder and harder. Her moans filled the air as their bodies collided while her fingernails dug into the muscles of his back. His brow furrowed, annoyed at the disturbance and interruption into his love making with Alexa.
"Few more minutes!" He yelled back and mouthed them to fuck off quietly making Alexa giggle at him.
He felt a set of gentle hands turn his head and make him look down at Alexa. "Cum for me Henry." He would give anything to those deep green eyes that begged him to. "I can't hold on." The prince felt Alexa clench tightly around him signalling the start of her climax while her toes curled and pushed her heels into the back of Harry's ass, pushing him deeper into her.
Alexa gasped at the new depth while her body started to tremble. It had sent her over the edge. Harry made slow deep deliberate thrusts, crashing through her orgasm that brought forth a series of endless moans from the blonde beneath him. This caused the prince to succumb and give into his own climax.
*End Mature
Harry had slipped on a shirt and helped Alexa gather some of her things knowing that they were beyond late leaving. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. "Lex, here." Harry handed her his credit card. "Don't say no and argue with me. Take it and treat yourself to whatever you want at the spa. Don't worry about the cost?"
He sensed a feeling of hesitancy as Alexa debated accepting the card from Harry. A simple nod and a grateful smile floated across her lips. "I should have sex with you more often if I get paid for spa days like this." Alexa cheekily replied.
The couple nearly flew down the stairs knowing that they would get a bollocking for being late. "What took you so long?" Melissa was the first to question, popping her hip out with some attitude.
Harry ignored her question and looked to Zoe. "Can you take Lexi in your car?" He shared a look of understanding.
He could hear Lara whispering to Melissa behind them. "They were clearly fucking, Mel. They are both literally glowing." Harry closed his eyes and turned back around to glance at Lara, letting her know full well he could hear her.
"Alright, let's go Alexa! Spa day for us bitches!" Zoe giggled lightly and made the girls head out the door before turning back to see a worried Harry watching with concern as they left. " I got your girl, Haz. Go have fun!"
The prince sighed and nodded knowing full well that he could trust Zoe.
Alexa sipped on her glass of champagne while feeling her toes get a well needed pedicure. She was laughing away at Lara and enjoying her afternoon at the spa getting to know Harry's friends.
"Where was the last place you went on holiday, Alexa?" Lara was awfully sweet and did her best to include Alexa into the conversation amongst the girls.
"Wow, it's been a long time really." She took a sip. "I think it was Spain in January to be honest. I really need to go on more holidays." The blonde sighed and relaxed into her comfy massage chair. "Or do more of these spa days! I am loving this."
Alexa had already gotten a facial and massage thanks to Harry. She was capping herself at those three treatments, not wanting to take full advantage of Harry and his generous offer to pay for her spa day. The other girls had also planned on getting a manicure, but Alexa decided against it stating that her nails never seem to last long thanks to her puppy and work.
Zoe was in full relaxation mode, loving the calm soothing music. "We have to do this in London again. While the boys hang out. Let's be honest, we all know that they are getting piss drunk and won't come back with any fish whatsoever for tonight's camp fire." Alexa erupted in laughter along with the rest of the girls knowing full well that it was probably true.
"I am surprised, Alexa, that Harry hasn't taken you on a holiday yet!" Mel pipped in and changed the subject. She locked eyes with Alexa and laughed. "I mean, Harry always takes all of his love interests on a trip to Botswana. It's like the Safari right of passage into Harry's bed!" She tossed her head back in laughter, but she was the only one that found it funny.
Alexa was starting to feel uncomfortable wondering why Mel was constantly commenting about her relationship with Harry like that. "Well, maybe it's just because that was Harry and Chelsy's place." Alexa lifted her head and locked eyes with Melissa hearing Harry's ex's name. "I am pretty sure that is where he told her he loved her." Mel added fuel to the fire and was fully intent on making Alexa feel upset and hurt.
"Mel!" Zoe sat up straight and a look of anger Alexa did not think was possible for Zoe, formed on her face. "Stop it. That is utterly rude to say that." Zoe scolded her friend while Alexa sat there quietly not wanting to cause a scene, but she would be lying if she said Mel's words did not sting and made her question her relationship with Harry.
"What? It's the truth, Zoe!" Mel tossed her arms up in the air. "We all know that Harry is still in love with Chelsy!"
Silence. A deafening silence fell across the room.
Zoe slowly turned her head and saw a teary eyed Alexa sitting there quietly almost afraid to respond. Those words cut through Alexa's heart like a knife, wounding her from within. She sat there afraid to say anything as she found herself doubting her relationship with Harry in a matter of seconds. But, those words were coming from someone who knew Harry better than she did. Alexa did not want to make matters worse and start a fight with Melissa so she kept quietly sitting there until she no longer could take it anymore.
A stray tear trickled down her cheek, betraying her and showing the hurt that was building up inside of her. Her gaze found Zoe staring at her apologetically. "Do you think you could take me back to the cottage? I am not feeling so well." Alexa's voice broke nearly making Zoe crumble into tears for her.
"Of course, hun. Let's go." Zoe stood up and told Alexa she would wait for her at the reception area while she got changed.
Jake's girlfriend took a step forward then turned back quickly on her heel. "Mel, you really are a class act bitch. All we have ever wanted was for Harry to be happy and to find someone for the rest of his life and you know what? It wasn't Chelsy. They were not meant to be. What you just said to Alexa hurt her and I swear to god I am telling Harry every last word you said to that poor girl. I know for a fact that he will be furious, because he loves that girl, anyone can see it being around them for a mere second that he adores her." Zoe had raised her voice at the end, becoming furious with her friend. "I hope he finally puts you in your place like you deserve.
A few minutes later, Alexa came out of the changing area digging through her bag to find Harry's card. "No, worries. I paid for it all!" Zoe forced a happy smile for Alexa.
"Zoe, you didn't have too..." Alexa trailed off as she followed her out towards the car.
"It was my treat, I had it planned all along."
"Ah mate you got a bite!" Adam slurred his words and reached for Harry's fishing pole that was rested on the side of the boat. The prince turned around in a flash and grasped it to start reeling it in. The guys had spent the afternoon getting well on their way to being drunk on the lake. Harry was having an amazing time catching up with his mates and falling into some good old banter with the guys.
They had a good conversation about Alexa and Harry gained some insights from his friends about his new girlfriend. All of which were very encouraging and positive. The guys all seemed to think the couple were a good fit and wanted to support Harry and Alexa's relationship going forward.
"Mates, I think I actually got one!" Harry tugged on the fishing pole as the rest of his buds cheered him on.
"Come on Hazza! We can't go back to the birds empty handed!" Skippy yelled just as Harry reeled in a decent size fish.
"Yaaaaaa! They all jumped up and down on the boat making it sway and causing them to have sea legs and fall down into a heap of drunken laughter. The guys spent another hour on the lake attempting to sober up and called it in early. They wanted to get the campfire set up for the ladies when they returned.
When Harry was closer to the shore his phone started going off with missed calls and messages from Zoe. He did not have any service out on the lake and saw the time stamped messages from nearly two hours ago. His brow furrowed reading one message from Zoe that said, 'H come back in. Alexa needs you.'
Harry quickly sent a reply back. 'What happened, is she ok?' He waited impatiently for her reply, watching the three little dots at the bottom of the screen as Zoe typed her reply.
'Mel happened.'
Immediate rage coursed through him. "Bidwell fucking step on it back to the cottage!" The prince's tone made everyone nearly jump. They knew full well that the prince was furious by one simple look at the anger painted over his face.
Adam went full throttle and they sped back to the cottage.
"Harry what's going on?" Tom asked with an annoyed look. "Why do we have to rush back?"
Harry's head snapped towards him as his blue eyes narrowed at Melissa's boyfriend, Tom. "Your bird is what happened, Tom. I don't know what she did or said to Alexa, but I swear to god I will put her in her place."
Tom released a heavy sigh knowing how his girlfriend can be. "Jesus Chirst, Mel. What did you do?" He muttered while shaking his head.
Harry quite literally leapt off of the boat and ran full tilt towards the cottage. He made it to the private back garden and there was no sign of Zoe or Alexa. He searched inside on the main floor with no luck. The prince ran upstairs and pushed open the door to their room and heard the sobs from the entrance. He paused for a moment and closed his eyes, taking a breath to calm himself down. Alexa did not need him angry at this moment, he would save that for when he confronted Mel later.
He slowly stepped around the corner to find Alexa curled up in a fetal position lying in bed with her head rested in Zoe's lap. Zoe was trying to comfort her by stroking her hair, but she stopped when she heard footsteps approaching. The prince and Zoe locked eyes with one another and shared a silent conversation. "I will be right back." Alexa was so trapped in her mind that she did not even notice Harry's presence as Zoe slipped out from under her.
Zoe motioned for Harry to follow her towards their bathroom. Harry closed the door lightly behind them and turned his attention on Zoe, but eager to get to Alexa. "What happened with Mel?" He did not waste any time getting to the point.
The blonde shook her head. "We were having an amazing afternoon at the spa, we really were and then all of a sudden Mel asks Alexa about the last holiday she had went on. Then Mel said she was surprised you hadn't taken her somewhere and brought up how you take all your girlfriends to Botswana." Zoe took in a deep breath before continuing. "How it is a right of passage into your bed....but, then she said." Zoe swallowed a lump in her throat knowing the next thing she spoke would set the prince off.
"Tell me." Harry demanded Zoe with a low chilling voice.
"Mel said that you didn't take Alexa there because it was your and Chelsy's place now. And that is where you told Chelsy that you loved her." Harry could tell by the look in Zoe's eyes that there was one more thing. "I told her off then she said 'we all know that Harry is still in love with Chelsy'."
Harry was silent with fury, he could not even speak a word.
"Alexa was in tears and asked me to take her back to the cottage. She hasn't stopped crying since we left. I think that comment destroyed her, Harry." Zoe voiced her opinion. "I don't know where her head is at. She hasn't really spoken, but she's hurting."
Those last words tore at his heartstrings making his heart fall from his chest. "Thank you Zoe for looking after her. I can take it from here. Do you mind telling everyone we want a bit of time alone?"
"I am sorry, Harry." Zoe could see the hurt in his eyes growing.
"It's nothing you did. You looked after my girl." He thanked her before she took her leave.
The prince quietly walked over towards the bed where Alexa was laying motionless. He climbed onto the bed and the shifting of his weight caused Alexa to lift her head. Harry was stopped by the wounded expression that was formed on her face. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot from crying as tear stains marked her cheeks. But that look of pure pain and hurt was something he would never be able to forget.
"Hey love." His voice was quiet and calming as he watched Alexa push herself up into a sitting position and cross her legs.
She sniffled and wiped away a stray tear with the fabric of her sweater that was balled up in her fists. "Did Zoe tell you to come?" Her green eyes fluttered up at him with a shy avoiding glance.
The prince nodded slowly, keeping a careful eye on his girlfriend. "She told me what Mel said to you at the spa." Harry confessed and witnessed the immediate tears start to stream down her face in a flood. Alexa buried her face in the palm of her hands as her body shook and sobbed uncontrollably.
"Tell me it isn't true, Henry." Alexa's voice broke in a quiet whisper. "Tell me that you don't love Chelsy still..." Her hands fell down slowly, and all that greeted him was those deep green eyes silently pleading for the truth. "I can't bear it if it's true..."
"Alexandria." He spoke her full name as her begging eyes morphed into a look of fear, afraid of what his next words would be. Her body tensed up, as if it was defending itself from a blow. "I do not love Chelsy anymore, I promise you that." He breathed out and let the words sink in. Alexa sat there quietly, not responding but searching past his blue eyes into the depths of his soul for any hint of a lie or signs of doubt. But, she could find none. The blonde woman needed to hear the words from Harry himself to believe him.
"What Mel said to you was a lie to hurt you. I should have told you this sooner, but Chelsy and her were best friends and still are. She took Chelsy's side when we broke up and it's clear that she does not have good intentions." The prince tried his best to explain. "I would have never started a relationship like this with you if I still held feelings for my ex. Like I told you on our first date I am completely done with Chelsy." He let the words sink in, hoping that she would believe his honesty.
"I'm sorry." Alexa's body started to tremble as she broke down right there in front of Harry feeling an insurmountable amount of guilt for even doubting him and believing Mel. "I doubted you... I doubted us." She cried out between strangled breaths. "It just hurt too much to hear her truly believe it. She was so convincing... and I didn't trust you... I'm so sorry Henry."
Harry quickly moved to Alexa and pulled her shaking body into his arms, engulfing her into a tight embrace. "It's ok love." He felt Alexa clutch at the fabric of his shirt as she cried into his chest, soaking through the material with her endless tears. "Shhh....it's ok. I'm here now." He whispered softly into her ear. "I've got you."
"Come here." The prince laid back onto the bed and Alexa followed finding a space beside him. She nestled into his comforting touch feeling safe wrapped up in his arms. "Why don't we just relax here for a bit. Have some cuddles? Maybe take a little nap. I am a tad drunk." Harry admitted and felt Alexa pick her head off of his chest and look up at him.
"Ok, love. I'd like that." She crawled up to him to capture his lips in a loving kiss. "Thank you for being here. I'm sorry for crying." Alexa snuggled back into Harry and rested her head on his chest feeling her eyelids become heavy from the exhaustion of her breakdown.
"Mmm. You are welcome, love. It's alright to cry babe, but Mel is going to pay for making you." He placed a gentle kiss on her temple. "Now close your eyes and sleep." His hand started to stroke through Alexa's blonde hair in a soothing manner until she fell asleep with her head on Harry's chest.
Harry and Alexa had taken a late afternoon nap and a well needed break together. The prince looked out through the window of their room and saw the guys chopping some wood in preparation for their campfire tonight.
The sun had started to set over the lake giving a spectacular view that Harry was admiring when he felt a pair of soft hands feel their way around his torso from the back and settled on his abs. He lifted his arm and Alexa stepped in beside him to admire the view with him. "It's so beautiful here." Alexa sighed deeply. "I think I want a place on the lake or at least somewhere in the English countryside as a getaway like this. Nothing too big or extravagant, but homey and cozy."
A smile stretched across the prince's lips listening to Alexa speak of her future. "I can give you that..." He spoke and looked down at Alexa staring up at him fondly. "I can give you everything, Alexa. You mean the world to me right now and nothing is going to change that." The words fell softly off of his lips.
"You mean... you will give me your cozy hoodie for tonight?" Alexa's lips pulled into a playful smirk.
"God, I was actually being serious for a moment and you are playing with me." Harry shook his head and pulled Alexa into a bone crushing hug.
"Fine! You can give me a country house where our three kids can go running around while our two dogs chase them in the gardens and you attempt to keep up with them." Alexa giggled happily at the thought of it all.
"Three kids? Four... at least." Harry made it very clear to her that he wanted at least a rugby team. His eyes could not stray from Alexa while hearing her speak about a potential future with him.
"Ok, four kids then!" Alexa giggled as she agreed to the prince's request.
A comfortable silence fell between the couple as they stood there in a close embrace. Alexa breathed out a deep sigh, relishing in the comfort of being in the prince's arms. She felt his big hand cup her soft cheek and rub the flesh beneath his thumb. "Are you feeling better?"
Alexa slowly nodded her head while a soft smile formed on her lips. "I am... thanks for being there for me today." Her arms squeezed Harry tighter to show her appreciation. "I'm sorry I overreacted... I just -"
"No, stop. None of this is your fault. You were hurt by what Mel said." The prince clenched his jaw. "I will always be here for you, though. I would have come sooner, but I didn't have service that far out on the lake." Harry reassured Alexa of this. "Shall we go outside and help get the fire ready? I need to speak with Mel..."
His girlfriend's body tensed up knowing that this would end in a massive fight. "Please don't..." Alexa grabbed Harry's arms and pushed them off of her as she took a few steps back away from him. "Don't fight with Mel." Her pleading green eyes begged of him. "I don't want you to start anything in front of your friends or cause a rift between everyone because of me."
"Alexa, she willingly hurt you. She said those things to you to hurt you and put a wedge between you and I. I won't let her get away without confronting her." Harry was adamant in his decision. "I won't start a big fight.... I promise, but I need to speak with Mel and deal with her. She needs to know that she cannot treat my girlfriend that way without repercussions." The prince convinced Alexa to be ok with Harry speaking with Mel about what she said, but a part of Alexa knew that his protective side would come about if he was pushed further by the blonde friend and this would cause a massive argument.
"Come on, let's go." Harry grasped his hand and led a quiet Alexa out of their bedroom, through the house and out to the back garden.
"Hey! There you two are!" Adam turned around from the fire pit and walked towards the couple. Harry looked past Adam and noticed that Tom was sitting beside Mel around the fire pit as Jake and Zoe were still trying to get the fire going.
Adam approached Alexa and noticed her quiet demeanor. He had seen the rage on Harry's face on the boat when he got the text from Zoe. He smiled down at her kindly and did his best to make her feel comfortable amongst the group again after what had transpired. "Can I get you two a drink?"
Harry's gaze was lingering on Mel with a clenched jaw and hard pressed lips. He momentarily locked eyes with Adam. "Biddie, can you get Lex a drink and take her for a walk along the beach."
Alexa lifted her head up at Harry knowing full well that he wanted Alexa far away from him when he confronted Mel. She squeezed his hand and brought his blue eyes down to look at her shaking head, refusing his demand. "Lex, go with Adam." His features softened for a brief moment while he stared down at his girlfriend. "I don't want you around for this..." He confessed quietly.
"Henry...No." She stood up for herself. "I am not leaving." Her stubborn side came on display.
The prince pinched the bridge of his nose and released a deep sigh. "Love, no." Harry was adamant that Alexa should be far away as possible when he spoke to Mel. He could not have this woman say something else that would inflict more pain and hurt onto Alexa. He understood why Alexa wanted to stay with him, to show a united front but he simply could not allow her to do this.
"I know you want to show her that we are together. But, I don't want you near this fight." His piercing blue eyes glanced down at her pleading to understand him. "Please let me do this on my own and go with Adam."
Alexa's gaze strayed towards a silent Adam. He offered Alexa a kind warm smile and motioned his head for him to follow him. "Come on, let's go for a walk. I need to pick up some snacks for tonight's fire."
Harry's friend started to walk away from the couple, but Alexa lingered there for a moment longer. She turned to look back at Harry and locked in his gaze, staring deeply into those blue eyes his mother had given him. "Don't lose a friend because of me... try to work it out." Alexa took a step away from him while squeezing his hand tight. Her fingers slipped out of Harry's grasp as she walked away from Harry to catch up to Adam.
Adam put his arm around Alexa and led her away. But, she turned to look back over her shoulder at Harry who was still watching her, waiting until she was completely gone before he went to speak with Mel.
The prince slowly walked over towards Mel and Tom sitting by the fire. Jake had nudged Zoe and pulled her away having seen Harry making his way towards the couple. Mel was smiling and laughing away at something Tom had said as Harry approached them. He sat down opposite of Melissa and narrowed his eyes at her.
Tom was clearly uncomfortable with the awkward silence that had fallen between them as he sat there fidgeting in his seat knowing by a simple glance towards Harry, that his friend was indeed furious at his bird.
"Mel... we need to talk." Harry's voice was cold and spine chilling.
Mel lifted her head and nodded slowly knowing that when Zoe had taken an upset Alexa home early from the spa that Harry would be furious with her. She had been waiting all afternoon for this fight.
"Come on, Harry." Tom attempted to stand up for his girlfriend. "Let's just forget about all of this and move on. She's sorry."
This made Harry snap instantly.
"FORGET ABOUT IT?" Harry's anger was on full display now for everyone to see. "ARE YOU MAD? OR JUST DELUSIONAL TOM?" Harry's voice rose as his body stiffened while the fury inside him was building. "It's fucking hilarious that you want me to move on when Mel clearly hasn't and is trying to fuck with my relationship because she can't see me with anyone but Chelsy."
"OH FUCK OFF MEL." Harry was livid. "How many times do you need to hear me say that I am completely done and over Chelsy Davy. I know it's hard for you to see that I can actually be happy with someone else other than her. That part of my life is over and I have moved on with Alexa. She is the one that has made me happy as of late and now I hear that you were trying to fuck my relationship with her over some goddamn lies!!!" The prince was clearly furious and not backing down.
"You hurt someone I care about today and yet you sit there trying to justify it." He continued to spew his anger as the image of Alexa's wounded expression came to the forefront of his mind and added more fuel to the burning rage. "I brought Alexa here this weekend to meet my mates and now I had to spend the afternoon convincing her that I am not in love with my ex. She was so hurt by what you said to her Mel. I have been up there all afternoon holding her while she was sobbing in my arms." Harry was nowhere near done. "The look on her face when she asked me..." The prince dropped his head hanging it low wanting to banish the memory out of his mind. He lifted it slowly and locked in Melissa's gaze showing her how it pained Harry to see Alexa that way.
His voice grew quiet. "She needed this weekend away to relax from all the shite she has to deal with in London right now and that is ruined for her. You ruined it for her." Harry lifted his head slowly to lock in Mel's gaze, but she stayed silently sitting there. "You hurt her because you wanted to, simple as that. You hurt my girl and if you don't make it up to her somehow we are fucking through. I cannot be friends with someone like you."
"I don't think she is right for you!!" Mel tossed her arms up in the air. "There I said it! Happy now Harry? I don't think you two are good for each other."
"You are the only one here who thinks that Mel." Zoe's voice cut through their argument. She had wandered over towards them and wanted to add her two sense in. Jake had closely followed in behind his girlfriend, trying to pull her back away. "You are so naive and blind if you cannot see how happy Harry is right now. We can all see how relaxed and settled Harry is around her, he has clearly fallen for Alexa and you need to just... shut the fuck up." Harry leaned back and eyed Jake. Zoe never swore at anyone, but he subtly liked how she was standing up for Alexa.
An awkward silence fell amongst the group.
Harry's eyes remained fixed on Mel, watching her every subtle movement. It was clear that Mel was on the war path with Alexa and she had no intention of making it any better for his girlfriend.
"Mel, it is clear that you are not willing to apologize or make things right. So, do not speak to Alexa, do not go within five feet or her and do not even bloody look at her the wrong way or I am completely done with you. Got it?" The prince threatened the slowly nodding blonde. "Funny thing is she begged me not to yell at you. Despite all the hurt that you caused her today, Alexa would have forgiven you in a heartbeat. But, I will not allow someone like you to be around someone like her. She is way better than you could ever strive to be." Harry stood up from the growing fire and walked towards the beach to find Alexa and Adam.
Alexa's laughter bellowed out as she dissolved into a fit of giggles listening to Jake tell a story around the fire. The prince was quietly sitting beside Alexa and watched her expression light up while the embers of the fire reflected in her eyes amongst the dark night. She naturally leaned into Harry and gently gave his knee a rub before her hand settled on his thigh.
He loved how Alexa was not afraid to show subtle public affection towards him. She would often give him a sweet peck on the lips or a reassuring touch that she was nearby him. The couple was always connected to each other by some sort of physical touch.
Harry sat there quietly next to her listening to her talk and contribute to the conversation around the fire. If there was one thing he had learned this weekend it was this. Alexa was fitting perfectly into his group of friends and into his life. He had longed to feel this way again with someone, after having spent so much time and effort into his previous relationship with Chelsy. He had lost hope that he would ever be able to find someone to fall in love with again, but Alexa brought him back that hope.
Alexa beamed out of her laughter and peaked up to find the prince staring down at her fondly with a set of soft blue eyes. Her lips stretched into a wider grin while she allowed herself to get lost into the depths of those crystal blues. Unknown to the couple, but everyone's eyes had fallen on to them watching their silent conversation play out. If it was not evident before that the couple were falling in love with each other, it was now on full display for Harry's friends by the mere way Harry and Alexa were looking at each other in that moment.
The prince leaned in and pressed his lips against Alexa's,capturing her lips in a sweet embrace in front of all of his friends. He cupped the side of her neck and felt her pulse racing as he continued to kiss her slow and deliberately for a few more seconds. Harry could hear her breath hitch as she became breathless from their embrace and reluctantly tore his lips off of Alexa's.
Alexa turned her head back to the group when she saw they were all looking at Harry and her in silence with beaming smiles lighting up their faces, well all except for one. " Oh...sorry." Alexa's cheeks became instantly flushed as the embarrassment of everyone seeing Harry and her mini makeout session left her growing shy. She glanced up at her boyfriend seeing him displaying a proud smirk knowing that everyone had just seen him kiss Alexa quite passionately.
A small moan from Alexa caused the prince to look down at her clearly embarrassed expression while her green eyes silently pleaded for some sort of comfort from him. He lifted his arm up and giggled at her. "It's fine, love. Don't get embarrassed." Alexa buried her head into his shoulder and moaned again.
This only made the group fall in love with her even more. She sought refuge in Harry when she became uncomfortable and she clearly wasn't about boasting her relationship with him for everyone to see. It only made it clearer that Alexa was genuine in her intentions with the prince.
"You are two cute when you get all embarrassed like that." Harry's deep voice broke the silence around the fire and made the group laugh at Alexa's expense. But, the blonde quickly fell into laughter with them.
"Why don't we make some of these smores?" Alexa changed the subject off of Harry and herself.
"So we can watch you feed Harry it?" Jake pipped up and teased Alexa even further while having the whole group in near tears.
Alexa welcomed the banter, she was not afraid of it. It meant that they were comfortable enough with her to tease her and it made her feel like she was a part of the group.
"Here, Henry let me help you." Alexa grabbed some graham wafer crackers and slid the melting marshmallow off of the stick, sandwiching it together with a chocolate to make a delicious smore. She gave it to Harry and beamed knowing that he had never had one before.
"Want me to roast a marshmallow for you, Lex?" Harry pulled out a marshmallow out of the bag and slid it onto the roasting stick.
"Can I do it?" Alexa stretched her hand out for the stick. "Then you can enjoy your smore. You have to eat it while it is hot." Harry didn't hesitate for a second and handed Alexa the marshmallow to roast.
The blonde quickly pulled out her phone and captured the moment Harry took his first bite out of the smore. The flash caught his eyes and he looked up to see a proud smile beaming from behind her phone. He rolled his eyes at Alexa and sighed. "Did you have to take a picture of me eating the messiest snack in the world?" Harry laughed as sticky gooey marshmallow and melted chocolate was all over the place.
"Yes... as a matter of fact I did." Alexa was displaying the same proud smile on her lips as she started roasting her marshmallow.
"What is with that smile?" Harry watched Alexa leaned back into the chair and lowered her head. Her smile morphed into an uncertain one while she shrugged her shoulders lightly.
"Love, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Harry had quickly realized the change in her demeanour.
"You didn't really..." She glanced up at Harry before continuing. "I just don't know if I should tell you this..." Alexa's uncertain green eyes gave her away. But, Harry was a bit unsure by what she was alluding to.
"Alexa, I'm not following you." He reached out and grasped her hand giving it a re-assuring touch. "Tell me." Alexa took in a deep breath and sighed. She took her stick out of the fire and made her smore with Harry's help. This gave her a few extra seconds to figure out how to tell him.
She settled back into her chair and dug out her phone from her pocket while nervously tucking her loose strands of blonde hair behind her ear. Indicating to the prince that she was indeed nervous about what she was about to tell him.
Alexa moved herself closer into Harry's space and clicked on a locked album in her phone labelled. 'H'
He leaned in towards her to get a better view and placed his hand on the small of her back, feeling her breath out deeply again. He saw about ten pictures Alexa had taken of him without his knowledge and saved into her phone.
"I have been taking pictures of your 'firsts' Alexa found the courage to tell him." She gently handed her phone over to Harry while he started to scroll through the pictures. "The firsts that you have experienced with me..." She trailed off. "Like the time we went to the drive-in theatre and your first ferris wheel ride... now your first smore."
An adoring smile stretched across the prince's lips as he was huddled next to Alexa slowly going through the pictures he had no idea were taken of him by Alexa. He had forgotten how talented a photographer she was, something that she rarely brought up around him. That was when he understood where her nerves had come from and her uncertainty in showing Harry the pictures.
He turned to stare into those uncertain green eyes of his girlfriend and wanted to take that feeling away from her. "Lex, I love that you have done this for me." He watched as the uncertainty in her eyes slowly faded. "I didn't realize how much you have helped me experience the simple firsts in life until now. Please don't stop taking these."
Once again, Harry was completely taken back from Alexa. He had thought he had gotten to know her so well at this point that nothing could surprise him. But, she continually did.
"I won't then."
Harry wrapped his arm around Alexa and nearly pulled her onto his lap while she pecked away at her smore. He glanced around the fire at all of his friends and reminisced of what an amazing weekend they had together. But, most importantly he felt his connection with Alexa had deepened as their relationship continued to progress forward into a serious one.
His mind drifted back to a question that Alexa and himself continued to discuss as of late. Whether or not they go to Eugenie's wedding reception as a couple. He finally felt that his heart knew what the right choice was, but first he had to help Alexa and Eugenie get their friendship back on track.
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forevermyalwaysphff · 4 years
Chapter 19
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A/N: I have just posted Chapter 18 (Click HERE for the chapter) so make sure you read that one first before starting Chapter 19 
"May the court hear from Mrs. Bowman''s social worker, Miss Grey." The family court judge called upon Alexa to stand and speak her recommendation on her client, Leanna Bowman's custody of her son Eddie Bowman. This had been an ongoing battle since Eddie's biological father had re-appeared into the picture and had tried to gain custody of him, which the judge had denied.
Alexa took in a deep breath and sighed heavily while she stood up and straightened her dark navy suit. "You may proceed, Miss Grey."
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"Your honour. It is my recommendation as Leanne Bowman's case social worker that her child, Eddie Bowman, is to remain under her full custody." Alexa took in another breath. This was the part of her job that she did not enjoy, but due to her work with Guardian and their close contact with the domestic abuse survivors, Alexa was often called in to family court to give recommendations on custody status.
"Leanne Bowman has made tremendous strides the past five months at Guardian. She started out using our shelter services for herself and her son and has now found a safe affordable home in the local council housing inclusive of the necessities for taking care of Eddie. Leanne has continued to attend Guardian for our therapy, financial and social services which she plans to remain attending in the future. Mrs. Bowman has found a local daycare and employment within walking distance of her home." Alexa lowered her head briefly, feeling everyone in the court's eyes on her.
"Despite, Mrs. Bowman's domestic history with her ex-partner. I do recommend that Eddie continues to stay with his mother and the trial period of custody be moved to a permanent decision given that she abides by the no contact order with Mr. Turner." Alexa looked the judge in the eyes showing her confidence with the recommendation to the court.
The judge slowly nodded her head as Alexa took her seat beside The Bowman's lawyer. Alexa turned her head towards Leanne who was displaying a grateful expression towards her. She simply smiled and turned her attention back towards the judge as she deliberated.
Alexa felt a light tap on her shoulder from behind. She angled her body to find Eddie being his adorable self dressed in a little suit with a green polka dotted bow tie. His little contagious smile was beaming up at her. "Do I get to stay with my mommy?" He whispered to Alexa.
Her heart sank in his chest seeing his chocolate brown hopeful eyes staring up at her waiting for a reply. "I don't know yet, hun. We have to wait for the nice lady up at the front to tell us." Alexa noticed that he started to get worried that he would not be able to go home with his mom today. Even though he was quite young, he understood what was going on as this was not his first time being in a courtroom like this. Alexa suddenly felt a healthy level of doubt in her suggestion. Was it really the right decision for Eddie? Or was it the right decision for Leanne?
"Want me to come back and sit with you while we wait?" Alexa shook the thought from her mind and focused on Eddie.
He did not waste a second in replying. "Yes please!" Eddie politely asked Alexa and she immediately stood up and snuck around to sit next to him.
The judge had returned to the courtroom after a short recess to deliberate her decision. The deafening silence in the courtroom was profound as nearly everyone was on the edge of their seats awaiting the verdict on the custody of Eddie Bowman.
Alexa closed her eyes as the judge started to speak. There was a gut feeling that had grown inside of her at the last minute that Eddie should not be with his mother. The problem was it was only a gut feeling and she racked her mind searching and searching for any little doubt in her mind that matched this innate feeling.
"Congratulations Leanne Bowman. You have full custody of your son Edward Bowman. There will be a review period in six months to ensure that you are adhering to the set out rules of this custody agreement including the no contact order with Mr. Turner." The judge disclosed her ruling and everyone in the courtroom was happy with the outcome, except for Alexa. But, she stood up and displayed a soft smile watching Eddie run to his mom and give her a big hug.
Leanne turned around to face Alexa and opened her arms to pull her into a tight embrace. "Thank you Alexa. This wouldn't have happened without you." She gratefully thanked Alexa for her help, but those words felt heavy in her mind as she repeated them.
"You are welcome. Please take care of him." Alexa softly encouraged Leanne to remain true to her promise.
Alexa exited the courthouse walking out of the main entrance down the steps when all of a sudden she was ambushed by a few paparazzi that had gotten wind that she was appearing in court today. The ambush startled her and pulled her from her deep internal debate.
"You are one hard person to find Miss Grey." One of the men shouted as they continued to photograph her down the steps of the courthouse.
The blonde remained silent, giving them no response as she continued to look to the ground and concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other, being careful not to get pictured falling down these stairs in her heels.
Alexa had been quite clever recently in avoiding the paparazzi thanks to tips from her boyfriend, Harry. But, she figured they would find her again eventually only wishing that it wasn't today. She dug in deep and found a source of courage to get through the next few minutes until she could escape them. One thing that Harry had taught Alexa to get away from them was to quickly get into a taxi even if only for a few minutes away to get some distance between the paps and her.
The blonde spotted a taxi stand nearby and purposefully stepped towards it. She motioned to the man standing in front of the black taxi that she wanted a ride.
"Alexa can you tell us who will be your plus one to Princess Eugenie's wedding?!" They shouted at Alexa as she climbed into the back seat and closed the door. But, a hand grabbed the door frame stopping it from closing.
Alexa glanced up at the man attempting to stop her from getting away from them. Her green eyes glared up at him as they locked into his gaze. "Let go of the door now. Or you will be hearing from my lawyers." She threatened him in hopes that he would remove his hand.
He slowly removed his hand and Alexa slammed the door shut. She drew in a shaky breath, feeling like she had been holding her breath for a long time. Closing her eyes she told the taxi driver her destination, deciding to take the full ride over to meet her friend for afternoon tea.
"Can you take me to Fortnum and Mason please."
"Hello ma'am. Do you have a booking with us for tea this afternoon?"
Alexa was greeted at the front entrance to the tea room at Fortnum and Mason. "Yes, I believe it is under Victoria Sutton." She was meeting Victoria, a friend of hers from Alexa's past relationship with Reese Kellington.
"Right this way." Alexa followed the hostess into the tea room towards an awaiting Victoria.
Victoria spotted Alexa in her line of vision making her face light up with a beaming grin as she stood to greet Alexa. "Ah! Lexi!" The blonde pulled Alexa in to greet her with a traditional kiss on the cheek before hugging her small frame.
"Hi, Victoria. How are you?!" Alexa matched her friend's beaming smile. She pulled out the chair from her spot and took her seat while the hostess handed them their menus.
"I am well, how are you? It has been so long since I have last seen you!" Victoria locked in Alexa's green eyed gaze.
Alexa had met the Sutton Hotel heiress through her ex Reese. She had become close with the blue blooded aristo even though she initially thought it would be an unlikely friendship. But, when Alexa and Reese ended their relationship, Alexa distanced herself from nearly everyone associated with Reese including the friends she had made during that time. A part of her felt guilty for simply disappearing but at the time, it was what she needed to do for herself.
"I know it's been so long. I was really happy to hear from you last week." Alexa smiled genuinely. "I am sorry for just disappearing after everything." She began to apologize. "I know there is no explanation that justifies that... but I had to do -"
"You had to do it in order to survive." Victoria nodded displaying a genuine expression of understanding. "I heard what Reese had done... I don't blame you at all or harbor any ill will towards you at all. That is why I reached out to you. I missed you and our friendship." Victoria reached her hand out and squeezed Alexa's in a gesture of reassurance.
"Thank you, Vic." Alexa was feeling extremely guilty over her past decision. But, she desperately wanted to catch up with Victoria.
"Anyway, let's not talk about that bastard." Victoria waved the subject off. "Let's enjoy our afternoon tea and you can tell me all about your life! I hear you are going to be in a royal wedding this summer?! That is so exciting!"
Alexa giggled lightly. "Yeah, I am and everyone knows it. I even nearly got followed here by the paps!" She sighed heavily remembering the man trying to stop her taxi moments before she arrived.
"Oh god! They can be absolutely horrendous Lex!" Victoria's posh British accent came forth. "You have to be careful. I can give you some tips on how to deal with them if you want?" Alexa's friend kindly offered to her as she had her fair share of experiences with them due to her family's standing.
"Awe, thank you Vic. I appreciate that." Alexa started to scan the menu. "But, my boyfriend has been helping me handle them."
"Ooooh! Your boyfriend?" Victoria lifted her head up from the menu. "Who is it?! You have to tell me everything."
Alexa had put her foot in her mouth not realizing the extent to what she had just revealed. She started to backtrack and down played the whole thing. "I meant he is just making sure I don't come home crying every night!" She tossed her head back with nervous laughter.
"Are you ladies ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?" The waiter came at the perfect time to interrupt their conversation.
"I think we are ready?" Victoria lifted her head to make brief eye contact with Alexa and saw her nodding a response. "Go ahead Lex."
"Uh, I am going to get the Champagne Afternoon tea with the mable peach tea." Alexa lifted her head to glance up at the waiter then to Victoria.
"That is a perfect choice ma'am." He turned towards Victoria. "Ma'am what can I get for you?"
Victoria flipped through the tea choices one more time. "I will also get the Champagne Afternoon tea with the Rose Pouchong tea."
"Great ladies. I will be back shortly with your orders." The waiter took his leave.
"So... tell me about this boy!" Victoria was grinning from ear to ear as she brought back the subject Alexa was desperately trying to avoid.
Alexa squirmed in her spot unsure of whether to divulge the fact that Victoria already knew her boyfriend, Prince Harry. In fact, she was one of his childhood friends and knew him quite well according to Harry, but they lost touch after he left Eton. She had talked with Harry late last night as she laid awake in bed nervous about today's court appearance and told him she had plans to go have tea with Victoria Sutton afterwards.
The prince was quite taken back to find out that she was friends with Victoria, but he was also supportive of her to go to the tea and reconnect with one of her friends. Especially someone he knew who was known to keep her intentions true.
"Well, he is pretty great actually." Alexa was now beaming remembering last night's conversation with him. "He has really taught that it is ok to take a chance at love again and that not all men are like Reese." She confessed to Victoria.
"Awe." Victoria was taking in Alexa's expression in front of her knowing that it was one of true happiness. She had become quite worried about Alexa when she quite literally fell off the face of the earth after Reese and Alexa ended their relationship. The problem was that Victoria had been friends with both of them and quite frankly did not know who to be supportive of. But, when she found out more about what Reese had done to Alexa, she immediately took a step back from her friendship with him. Victoria had attempted to contact Alexa, but she simply did not reply until now. She never held any ill will towards the blonde beauty for doing this and simply wanted to be there for her friend who she knew was going through a very difficult time.
"I love to see you so happy again, Alexa. You can really tell that you are with whoever this man is." Victoria watched Alexa's smile grow even wider at her comment. "How long have you two been together?"
"We were friends at first, but have been dating since May." Alexa was starting to find that comfortable trusting feeling that she had initially shared with Victoria and what had drawn Alexa to her in the first place. Despite Victoria's aristocratic status with her father owning a major international hotel corporation and her mother being a daughter of the current Duke of Somerset, she never did flaunt her status like most aritos did. She even started her own fashion line that had been receiving raving reviews and even has a few store fronts on the major streets of London.
"That is seriously so great. I cannot wait to meet him!" Victoria excitedly clapped her hands.
The two of them were enjoying their afternoon tea, catching up as if no time had lapsed between the last time they had seen each other. Victoria took a bite of her clotted cream and strawberry jam topped scone before leading the conversation down to a place Alexa did not want to go to. "You know, I am seriously so happy to see that you have moved on too like Reese has done." It was an innocent comment, but one that made Alexa quite curious.
Alexa was hesitant to ask, not entirely wanting to know more details about Reese's current relationship, but curiosity got the best of her. "Reese has moved on too?" She probed a bit wondering if she could get it out of Victoria who he was currently with though Alexa had a good guess who it was.
"Yeah, he's been with Gemma Andrews for a while now."
Alexa dropped her knife as it clattered against her plate.
Gemma Andrews. The name repeated in her mind.
Reese had admitted that he had cheated on Alexa with Gemma not once, but multiple times in their relationship. Gemma was often the one at the forefront of his group of friends belittling her every chance she could get. Alexa was hit with a wave of emotions that nearly knocked the wind right out of her. Those same soul crushing emotions that shook her to her core. How could he do that to her? Did Reese have no respect whatsoever towards her? But, then again he never truly did care about her like she had him.
Victoria had realized what she may have done. "Oh, Lex. I shouldn't have said anything..." She bore witness to the pain etched across Alexa's face that replaced the happy expression she held moments prior.
"No, I needed to know." Alexa shook her head and bit her lips to hold back her tears. "Gemma was the woman he repeatedly cheated on me with, Victoria." She admitted with tears brimming over her eyes.
"I am so sorry..." Victoria felt awful for bringing this up to Alexa. "I - I didn't know that." She closed her eyes and shook her head at Reese. "She was always so vile towards you."
Alexa swallowed the lump in her throat and held back her tears not wanting to ruin her time with Victoria. "Let's just move on from it and have fun."
"Yes, let's." Victoria waved over a waiter. "Can we have another bottle of Champagne please?"
Alexa had found herself walking aimlessly around Hyde Park being trapped deep into her thoughts about everything that had happened today and everything that she had been struggling with as of late. She was supposed to be home by now and spending time with Harry who had come up for the weekend to stay at her place. Pulling out her phone she had several missed calls and voicemails from Harry and she knew that her late return would only worry him further. To be fair, she had no idea it had gotten this late.
She listened to the last voicemail he had sent her.
"Alexa. Where are you? You are really starting to worry me. It's nearly 8pm and you should have been home hours ago... I took Peanut for a walk and fed her." He sighed deeply as his voice trailed off. "Love, let me know you are ok and where you are. I can come get you." The concern laced in his voice was evident and Alexa felt guilty for making him feel that way.
She immediately brought up his number and started to call him. The phone only rang once before he answered it like he had been waiting for her call.
"Alexa?" His deep voice sounded over the other line.
The mere sound of his voice was enough for Alexa to nearly break. She closed her eyes and felt tears starting to stream down her cheek while she breathed in a strangled breath. "Can you come get me?" She sniffled and wiped her tears away.
"Where are you?" He did not hesitate after hearing her cries over the phone.
Alexa glanced around. "I am in Hyde Park by the Serpentine I think..." She released a sob.
"I'm coming."
Alexa was sitting on a park bench when she lifted her head and saw a man walking towards her wearing a cap. She breathed out and stood up slowly knowing that it was Harry attempting to disguise his identity in such a public space.
"Alexa." He closed in the rest of the distance between them and pulled her into a hug feeling her clinging tightly to him. The immediate security that Harry gave her in that moment was something she held onto, not wanting to let go of him and that feeling that surrounded her. She buried her head into the crook of his neck and released a heavy sigh as he gently stroked his fingers through her blonde locks.
She lifted her head up and locked in the prince's concerned gaze. His brow was furrowed and his deep blue eyes were filled with worry. Harry had no idea what was going on with her, yet here he was. He lifted his hand and cupped her cool cheek to tenderly stroke it. "Are you ok?" His voice broke through her thoughts and pulled her out from the depths of his deep blue eyes.
She struggled to answer his question not wanting to lie to Harry, but also not wanting to cause more concern for him. Alexa felt her tears betray her as they trickled down her cheek giving Harry his answer. "I am now." She whispered quietly to him. "Will you take me home?"
Harry brushed away her tears and nodded silently. "I'm parked a short walk from here. Let's get you home." He grasped her hand and clasped their fingers together interlocking them as they made their way to Harry's car. The prince led Alexa out of Hyde Park being careful to avoid contact with others hoping that his cap would hide his identity.
He opened the back car door and motioned for Alexa to crawl in first to which he quickly followed suit. Sitting down next to his girlfriend he looked up in the drivers mirror at Magnus, his protection officer, giving him a quick nod that they were ready to leave.
The prince felt Alexa snuggle in beside him and grasp his arm before laying her head to rest on his shoulder. He placed a comforting touch on her knee being finally able to take her all in. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips seeing how sexy she was in her suit she had picked for her court appearance today.
"You look beautiful today." He leaned in and pressed his lips softly to her temple. An adorable smile formed on her lips, one that he knew himself placed there.
"Thanks baby." Alexa peaked up at him, staring into his eyes. "Thank you for coming to get me. I didn't mean to worry you..." She gave him a peck on the lips.
"You did really worry me, love." His brow furrowed with concern, but this only caused Alexa to turn her head away from him and avert her gaze. Clearly she was not ready to talk to him about what happened today.
"Hey... hey." He coaxed Alexa's attention back on him. "You don't need to tell me what happened until you want to ok?" Harry watched a silent Alexa nod her head. "Why don't we pick up some take out and just throw on a movie at your place and cuddle? How does that sound?"
Alexa's lips pulled into a soft smile. "That sounds perfect, Harry. What do you want to pick up?"
Harry shrugged his shoulders. "You choose, babe. Doesn't matter to me."
She shook her head no. "I want you to get something you enjoy. You don't really get to when you are in Suffolk."
"Alright..." Harry pondered for a moment. "Shall we get take out from that Greek place from down the street from your flat?"
"Oh, yes!" Alexa was thrilled with Harry's choice. "Can we get a side of pita and tzatziki sauce?!"
"Anything you want!"
Harry shifted into a comfortable position and helped Alexa crawl into the same space he created for her on the sofa. They had picked out a movie together and cuddled up into each other with a cozy blanket covering them.
He would occasionally glance down at Alexa and notice that even though she was staring straight ahead at the TV, she wasn't actually watching the movie. Rather that she was caught in an internal debate in her own mind. The prince leant down and kissed her exposed shoulder wanting her to know that he was here for her. Alexa's response was cuddling back further into him.
A few minutes later, Alexa suddenly sat up and turned around to face Harry. She held her head down low and started to fidget with her hands nervously. "I'm sorry about today...." Alexa quietly whispered. "I -" She breathed out deeply. "I have been struggling lately Harry..." Alexa's confession caused Harry to sit up straight and reach across her to grab the remote and pause the movie.
"Talk to me love." He gave Alexa his full attention.
"I don't even know where to begin." She softly whispered as she felt the weight of her confession slowly consume her as if the revelation was taking control of her body and finally seeping out of her from holding in for so long. Her head lifted to glance up at Harry showing a wounded expression.
The prince's heart dropped in his chest seeing the visible pain etched across her face. This was not the woman he had come to know. All he could do was listen to Alexa and try to help her in any way he could. "Just start somewhere and go from there, babe. We have all night and I am all yours for the weekend." He grasped her hand and squeezed in reassuringly. A tiny smile peaked through her wounded expression giving Harry a bit of hope.
"Well, today I just had an awful day really and it was sort of my tipping point." Alexa began. "First, at court I read my recommendation for Eddie's custody hearing and I thought what I recommended was right... but then I had this awful sinking feeling that he should not be with his mother." Alexa was clearly bearing the weight of this decision. "I couldn't find a reason why all that it was just a gut feeling that I had. I never wish to take a child away from their mother, but I can't help but feel something is going to happen, Henry, and I feel sick about it. If anything happens to Eddie..." She choked out tears and nearly broke down in front of Harry right there.
Harry grabbed her shaking body and enveloped his arms around her. "Lex. You weren't the only one saying Eddie was ok to stay with his mom. The judge would have decided based on all the information she was given and though your recommendation had a part, it was not the only part to play." He tried his best to comfort her, but he knew that she was only getting started.
"What if something happens Harry?" She lifted her head and looked away from her boyfriend with tear stained cheeks.
"I can't tell you it won't, but for now you know he is safe. She has to check in at Guardian weekly doesn't she?" Harry tried to provide her with some reassurance.
"Yeah... I guess." She nodded her head, but she still would not look at him as her mind drifted towards the conversation with Victoria earlier that afternoon. How was she going to tell Harry about Reese?
"What else?" He encouraged Alexa to keep talking.
How do you talk to your current boyfriend about your ex and how much he has hurt you and apparently still is hurting you? Alexa desperately wanted to avoid it, but she knew she had to tell Harry.
"Please don't be mad... or get angry." Alexa swiveled her head to lock in her boyfriend's gaze.
"Alexa, why would I be angry with you? You are just telling me what you are dealing with and I hope that I can somehow help you." Harry was a bit taken back.
"You might not like what is bothering me..." She led on.
"Babe, come on just tell me. I promise you I won't." Harry tried to reassure her.
Alexa bit down on her bottom lip nervously. "I went for afternoon tea with Victoria and we started talking about how I have moved on with you from my past relationship." She paused for a moment to clarify. "Vic doesn't know you are my boyfriend, I kept that from her." Alexa wanted to make sure Harry knew that. "But, she told me that Reese had also moved on and well the person that he is with now is the same woman who he admitted to cheating on me with numerous times..." She let the words sink in again while Harry remained silent.
His girlfriend took in a shaky breath. "Hearing that he is with Gemma really threw me into the deep end again this afternoon. It's like it brought up that day all over again and somehow even though I haven't seen him for a long time, he was still able to elicit such pain and hurt from me today and I hated that." Alexa cried out with a hint of anger. "He has no right to make me feel that way anymore, but he did. You really do not understand how much he hurt me Harry..." She shook her head in shame. "Even though I am falling for you so hard for you right now. It's still so painful at times to remember." She shook her head. "I didn't want you to be angry with how he made me feel... and sometimes still makes me feel."
"Babe." He lifted her chin delicately with his finger to make Alexa look into his eyes. "I will never be angry or mad at how you feel, even if it is about what your piece of shit of an ex did to you. You have every right to feel whatever you feel and I want you to feel comfortable enough to talk to me and tell me about everything like this, not keep it inside to struggle on your own." Harry watched her eyes well up with another flood of tears. "Is this why you were walking around Hyde Park so late?"
Alexa nodded her head slowly. "I needed some time to just clear my head, but it really didn't help and then when I looked at my phone I didn't realize how late it was and that I kept you waiting for me." She wiped away a stray tear that trickled down her cheek with a balled up piece of his sweater she wore. "Then all I wanted was you..."
The prince tucked a stray piece of her blonde locks behind her ear and gently bent her forehead down towards him to place a soft kiss there. "I'm always going to be here for you, Lex."
"I know, babe."
"I just don't want to see you like this. I want to help you in any way I can." The sincerity in his voice was genuine. "Let me grab a bottle of wine and we can just sit and talk tonight instead. What do you think?"
Alexa nodded her head without a second thought. "Yah, I'd like that."
Harry had his girlfriend in stitches of laughter, holding her belly and being careful not to spill her glass of wine. He was telling Alexa a story of him and his army pal Connor that he knew would make his girl fall into fits of laughter. Hearing her laughter and seeing that elated smile graced on her face was something he had missed seeing as of late. Their time together was limited and he wanted to make every second of it count.
"Oh, Harry." Alexa leaned her head back against the frame of the couch and simply took the view of him all in. How did she become so lucky and find someone like Harry to be in her life? "I am so lucky to have you in my life, babe. You literally are the best thing that has ever happened to me." Alexa closed in the distance between them and captured his wine soaked lips in a passionate, but soft kiss. "I'm happy you decided to stay here with me this weekend."
The prince smiled out of the kiss and nodded in agreement. "It worked out well that Alice is with Jay in Germany this week and I get you all to myself." He gently grabbed Alexa and pulled his girlfriend into his lap to sneak another kiss in before finding a comfortable position to cuddle with her in.
"What else is on your pretty little mind, love?" He smothered her head with a series of sweet kisses that brought a smile to her face.
"Mmmm...." Alexa giggled with a sultry look on her face.
"Oh!" Harry laughed knowing exactly what she was thinking.
"Tonight. I get you." Alexa informed Harry that he had no choice in the matter and he was completely ok with that. "But, I like sitting here talking with you like this. Can we stay here a bit longer?" She started to play with the tufts of Harry's ginger hair while he stared up at Alexa.
"Mmmm hmmm... that feels nice." He closed his eyes and sighed deeply angling his head to give her more access to play with his hair. A comfortable silence fell between them as they relished in the presence of the other's company. It was moments like this, private moments that Harry loved spending with Alexa and getting to know her better. But, he knew that there was much more on her mind that she wanted to share with Harry. "What's on your mind?" He gently coaxed it out of Alexa.
She took a healthy sip of her wine and sat back into his lap. "Eugenie." Alexa spoke his cousin's name.
"I thought so..." Harry nodded his head. "When was the last time you saw her?"
"Harry, it's been weeks." The blonde beauty sighed with a light head shake. "It is really eating me up from the inside. I don't know what to do. Have you talked to her at all?"
"No." He took a sip of his wine. "I think she is avoiding me honestly."
"I have wanted to reach out to her, Harry. I miss her in my life, she is one of my best friends. But, she makes me feel like I can't have you and be her friend when she was even the one to tell me to go out with you." Alexa took another sip of her wine. "Like I said before, I want both of you and I don't think that is being selfish, is it? My other friends have never even asked me to make that choice, ever."
"No, not at all." Harry agreed with his girlfriend. "Look, I can tell how much Eugenie means to you and she means alot to me too, love. But, this is not a one way street she also has to be the one to want this. She has to put in the effort too."
"I know love." Alexa looked down to the floor briefly then back at him. "I just miss my friend."
"She chose you to be there by her side for one the most important days of her life, Alexa." Harry sat up straighter. "I know for a fact that she still cares about you the way you care about her. I hate that I am the one thing that has put a wedge between you two. But, I am not willing to give you up so easily..." He freely spoke his mind. "I can't do that..."
"The problem though Harry is Eugenie cannot accept that I want both of you in my life. For some reason, she wants me to choose her over you... I want to be there for her in August. I really do, but I am starting to think that maybe I am not the right person and it nearly breaks me admitting that." Alexa released a heavy sigh. "That thought has been creeping up into my mind lately and I don't want to think about it, but it has. I am just at a loss of what to do..." She trailed off and became quiet. "I don't want another fight like that night... I don't want you two at each other's throats."
"Do you want to invite her over tomorrow?" Harry was willing to give up his precious time with his girlfriend to help her re-connect and fix her relationship with his cousin, Eugenie. "I am happy to leave for a few hours and see a mate or something if you want some time alone with her."
Harry was giving Alexa a very feasible option, but she didn't want that option to include having less time with him. "No... I want to spend time with you. You drove all the way from Suffolk and changed your schedule around to be with me." Alexa was extremely touched by the selfless offer Harry had given her. "Thank you though for trying to help. I know you want to make me happy."
"You have to talk to Eugenie, Alexa. One way or another."
"I know, I just don't know how to..." Her mind drifted off and so did their conversation about Eugenie.
"Damn I missed that." Alexa giggled happily as she nestled her naked body beside the prince. The two of them had just finished being intimate with one another and it was something that they both needed. Needing it so much that they had already finished round two.
Harry's chest rumbled with laughter while Alexa rested her head on it and started to run her fingers over the contour of his abdominal muscles. He gently rubbed up and down the side of her arm finding it comforting to have Alexa next to him like this.
A smile crept up on his lips at the simple thought of how much he loved having this woman in his life. There was just something about Alexa that he was innately drawn to. He felt her take in a deep breath and sigh as her mind travelled elsewhere knowing that she was probably thinking about Eugenie.
When Alexa had come up to the Lake District and spent the weekend meeting his friends, he felt their relationship progress on to a deeper level. When he was away from her, he missed her terribly and his thoughts were never far from her. They made an effort to talk daily to one another and ensure this semi long distance relationship was going to work. He was the one that often came back on his free days to London mainly because of his commitments to his patronage and his family, but he always made time to see her. Alexa would take a Monday or Friday off and drive up to Suffolk for the weekend occasionally. The prince would let her use his office space in his home for the times she was able to stay longer into the week with him and work from home. He loved how everything was progressing in their relationship and he truly wanted Alexa to be his date to Eugenie's wedding. But, in doing so would put their relationship out there for the world to see. He was not entirely sure that Alexa was ready for that yet having admitted that she was struggling lately. Harry needed to fix something in her life this weekend and he knew exactly what he needed to do.
"Lex, I have to make a phone call I forgot to do on the way down today." He got out of bed and slipped away from her.
"At this time of night?" Alexa glanced to the clock sitting on her bedside table before getting a great view of the prince's naked ass. She leaned forward and gave it a little smack as the prince bent over to pull on his boxers that were tossed on her floor.
Harry glanced back over his shoulder at Alexa displaying a mischievous grin before a light giggle escaped her lips. "Get your hot ass back here quick."
"Yes ma'am." Harry offered her a wink before grabbing his phone off the bedside table. He took one step then turned back around to place a soft kiss to Alexa's lips.
The prince snuck out into her living room and ensured he closed the bedroom door. He sat down on a chair by the window and glanced out at the dimly lit quiet streets while he waited and continued to hear the phone ringing.
"Hello?" A tired voice answered on the other line.
"Eugenie?" Harry closed his eyes knowing that he had probably woken her up, but he had to talk to his cousin.
"Harry? It's late..." She slightly scolded him.
"I know. I know it is, but this can't wait." Harry released a deep breath. "Just give me a few minutes please."
There was a long drawn out pause on the other side of the line.
"Ok. What is it Harry?" Eugenie spoke. "I think I already know..."
"I think you do." Harry nodded slowly and then began. "She misses you Eugenie. Alexa misses having her best friend in her life. She was in near tears about it tonight and she doesn't know what to do because she feels absolutely torn between you and I."
"I miss her too..." Eugenie quietly confessed. "I miss not seeing her."
"Then call her and tell her that." Harry softly encouraged his cousin. "Can you put the past aside and accept that Alexa and I are together?" He sighed. "This fight between you and me has to end. We both want what is best for her in the end and that is her having both of us in her life. But, we can never put her in that spot again where she has to choose between you and me or we'll both lose her... and I can't..." Harry trailed off.
"I don't want her to choose between us. I only want to spend more time with her and you two are always together." Eugenie spoke freely. "There never seems to be time for me and her."
"Genie... I am only ever here on the weekends and not every weekend. We aren't even together half the time. So I don't know where you got this idea from." Harry was starting to get frustrated that her excuse was of course because of him.
"Look. I am tired of Alexa being so upset about this." Harry was firm. "Call her tonight and set up a time to see her. I'm here this weekend, but if you want to see Lex now I am fine with that."
"Is she not asleep?" Eugenie enquired.
"No... we have been up."
Eugenie laughed in response. "You two have been having sex, that is why you are up this time of night." She continued to giggle. "Ok, fine. I will call her."
"Yes, ok but can you wait like fifteen minutes so she doesn't think I had anything to do with this?" Harry pleaded.
"You really care about her, don't you?" Eugenie's voice became soft.
"More than you know, Eugenie. I have fallen hard for her." Harry confessed. "I only want her to be happy and I know she won't fully be until she has you back in her life. I am willing to do whatever it takes and if that means having to swallow my pride with you, then I am happy to."
"Let's put this to bed then. I miss having my ginger cousin around and maybe we can do some double dates?" Eugenie happily suggested.
"I am sure Lex would be fine with that." Harry giggled lightly. "Ok, I have to go. But, please wait a little bit."
"I will, Harry. Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Eugenie."
Harry tiptoed back into Alexa's room to find her head on his pillow with her eyes closed. She lifted her head having heard his footsteps approach the bed. "Sorry... it couldn't wait." He pulled back the covers and Alexa shifted back onto her side of the bed until Harry got in.
They found themselves in small talk, discussing what the rest of their weekend was going to look like. She was hoping that Harry would be ok helping her fix a few things around the flat she promised Alice that she would get sorted.
Alexa's phone suddenly rang interrupting her conversation with Harry. A small questioning scowl formed on her face, wondering who was calling this late at night. "Who is calling me this late at night?" She reached over top of Harry and grabbed her phone.
"Eugenie..." Alexa sat up in bed cross legged and whispered her friend's name as she let the phone continue to ring. Her head slowly lifted to look up at Harry wondering what she should do.
"Well answer it, babe." He softly smiled.
"H- Hello?" Alexa answered her friend's call.
"Alexa? Hey, it's Eugenie. I am sorry it's late, but I was wondering if we could talk for a few minutes?" Eugenie cut straight to the point.
"Yeah, sure." A small smile appeared on Alexa's lips. "How are you?" Harry watched Alexa quietly listen to Eugenie's response. He shifted his body closer to his girlfriend and placed a hand on her thigh to gently rub.
"I am good. Been keeping busy." Alexa locked eyes with Harry. "Eugenie... I miss you. I miss my best friend." She freely admitted, but the smile that graced her lips when Eugenie confessed the same thing was one that Harry would never forget. It was one filled with pure hope, that kind of hope that you made you feel everything was going to be ok.
"I am sorry for not calling you. I didn't know what to do, but I am really happy to hear from you." Alexa tossed her head back in laughter hearing something Eugenie had said. "Yeah! Let's do that. Off the top of my head, I am pretty sure that I am free Tuesday evening."
"That sounds perfect, Eugenie. I can't wait to see you." Alexa was quite literally beaming. "Ok, goodnight. Have a good sleep." She hung up the phone and angled her head towards Harry with a bright smile.
"So?" He asked innocently.
"Eugenie and I are going to go shopping on Tuesday then for dinner." Alexa rested her cheek in the palm of her hand. "It was really good to hear from her and hear that she was feeling the same way as me."
Alexa crawled over to Harry and sat in front of him before cupping his cheeks with both of her hands. She gazed into his deep blue eyes as if she was searching for something, but was content quietly sitting there for a moment to get lost in the depths of them. "I know this was your doing. I know you left to call Eugenie." Alexa caressed his cheek and watched a guilty smile form on his lips. "She didn't tell me, but it was not hard to figure out Henry."
"Guilty." Harry smirked and shrugged his shoulders.
She leaned in and captured Harry's lips gently as they fell into a passionate kiss that sparked that inner flame of desire once again. But, this time Alexa was in control as she reluctantly broke her lips off of her boyfriends. "Thank you for all you do for me."
"You always give me more than I deserve. I only want you to be happy and will do anything to make that happen for you." He nudged his nose against Alexa's. A gesture she always did to him.
"Why don't we just have fun for the rest of the weekend and focus on us. I love where this is going." Alexa admitted and Harry was quick to agree with her.
"Does fun include more amazing sex?" He raised his eyebrow suggestively.
"Yeah... if you can keep up." Alexa teased Harry before feeling him grasp her hips and swing her around so she was lying flat on her back on the bed.
Alexa bit down on her bottom lips feeling Harry's lips trail down her body knowing that they were going to get very little sleep this weekend.
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