#has to do w faybelle and raven
xbomboi · 1 month
last night i busted my ass writing some cold ass scenes and i’m not even sure if they’re gonna fit in full in the final cut
but like it’s good stuff
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gumjester · 1 year
whether or not i would fight the following eah students
im drunk and found this in my notes from 2021. 😭 I NO LONGER STAND BY SOME OF THESE OPINIONS. but most i do. a semantic sequel to this post
Raven Queen: no. hasn't she already been through enough? also i'd definitely lose
Apple White: yes. god yes. it would be so funny
Briar Beauty: maybe while drunk, but something tells me it would be a very bad idea
Ashlynn Ella: no. god, how depressing would that be? though maybe she'd have a chance if she went at me with a stiletto
Hunter Huntsman: yes, because it would be funny to see how he would try to avoid killing me instantly
Cedar Wood: no. what's the point? it's like trying to kick the shit out of a really polite coffee table
Cerise Hood: MAYBE IF I WAS FEELING REALLY MEAN. it would be funny in a similar manner to hunter, but with the added tension of me constantly going for the hood. i know ur shit cerise. don't play w me
Blondie Lockes: i consider fighting blondie lockes one of my primary life goals. i will curbstomp that bitch in the middle of her own livestream
Sparrow Hood: 100%, mostly for public spectacle. idk if i would win but I'm sure we'd have a wonderful time. unless he has his guitar on him because he would defo play dirty and just start swinging it like a mace
Duchess Swan: no thank you. ballerinas are strong and duchess stores anger like nutrition for the winter. she would break my neck
Darling Charming: i don't think so. depending where she is on public knowledge of her secret she'd either purposefully lose or just wipe the floor with me. awkward all round
Dexter Charming: maybe, because i think if he gave it a proper go he'd win and i feel like that would be good for his self esteem
Daring Charming: yes, because i know i'd win if i straight away went for his face. bust his lip open. it would humble him
Lizzie Hearts: no ma'am. maybe i'd fare better in hand to hand combat but i can't imagine she'd keep any less than four knives on her person and lizzie is not the type to hold back. im heading straight to hospital
Kitty Cheshire: no. it would be humiliating. i can't see how i'd even get a hit in
Maddie Hatter: absolutely not. i have no qualms with her whatsoever, also she'd definitely kill me by accident
Alistair Wonderland: sure, why not. i want to see what all that time in apocalyptic wonderland has taught him, and whether it cancels out his status as a fucking nerd
Bunny Blanc: no, because i don't want to go to jail for homicide. she is a 5 foot nothing rabbit who can barely stand up by herself. she'd die if i poked her with a toothpick
Chase Redford: NO. if he didn't want to fight he'd just silently let me hit him for like an hour, and if he was About It then he'd instantly fucking annihilate me. just leave the boy alone
Courtly Jester: I KNOW I'D LOSE BUT IT'S THE PRINCIPLE OF THE THING. I HAVE TO FIGHT HER. i might even have a chance if she wasn't allowed to pirate any dark magic
Humphrey Dumpty: i feel cruel for even thinking about this. he's a skinny gamer with a physical predisposition for getting hit. it would be like shooting fish in the most depressing barrel
Hopper Croakington II: NO. HE IS MY FUCKING BOY AND I'LL PROTECT HIM WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE. also i could just flirt and then stamp on the frog
Faybelle Thorn: yeah sure. this may sound egotistical but i'm pretty sure i could win if magic wasn't involved
Crystal Winter: yes. the bitch would trip over her own shoelaces and knock herself out
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thefloatingwriter · 2 years
eah incorrect quotes (aka eah as things my friends have said
faybelle: the lion, the witch, and the audacity of this b*
ashlynn: has anyone told apple that daring is trying?
briar: trying for what? a child?
ashlynn: please sleep briar
briar: no
ashlynn: why?
briar: because sleep doesn’t exist
ashlynn: Ah yes. Because everyone in my house isn't sleeping. They're dead.
briar: yep, now you get it
darling: Wrong gc-
darling: Sorry-
dexter: what
maddie: i still don’t know what cracked though-
bunny: probably your brain
lizzie: cause that totally cracks
kitty: i put a penny in my mouth
lizzie: of course you did
kitty: no wait wrong story
lizzie: what
kitty: a few days ago
alistair: wtf-
kitty: my tongue just cracked
lizzie: i’m so concerned i can’t even-
briar: and then there’s this-
*sent one attachment*
blondie: wtaf
maddie: i love being on the car. it’s so much fun.
bunny: are you like strapped to the roof or something?
maddie: yep
lizzie: wtf
bunny: maddie’s on the car
maddie: some drivers have given me some weird looks, but we good
cerise: you may be enby but i don’t envy you
rowena: why tf was that smooth
blondie: gonna drink a fruit box, watch mirror blogs, and cry
lizzie: i don't need a girlfriend i have a cat (kitty) who already craves for attention
(cupid is sitting in the corner texting someone) cupid: my friend wants to meet y’all-
*awkward silence in between them fighting over whether pizza and sushi are sandwiches*
blondie: no they don’t
*fighting continues*
cedar: so uh what inspired you guys to be people?
raven: i wish i wasn’t
cedar: i-
cerise: man i wanted to be a wolf
maddie: tittie twist?
blondie: i’m sorry what
kitty: i’m lizziesexual
blondie: what
alistair: maddie?
maddie: w H aT
bunny: maddie did you just spasm
apple: what do you have to say for yourselves?
briar: i was being insane and so was lizzie
apple: you always are
apple: you both always are
lizzie: so we taped someone to the ceiling
darling, who has been silently watching from apples bed: what
alistair: my mom just put the cereal in the refrigerator
maddie: THATS A SIN
lizzie: why did alice put cereal in the fridge—?
alistair: i think she was drunk ngl
lizzie: i’m ready to choke someone.
blondie: breathe.
blondie: please don’t kill anyone-
lizzie: F* BREATHING
cupid: i-
blondie: ok then-
briar, who’s just trying to enjoy a nice date with ashlynn at the next table: i-
briar: i have a cult of little children
lizzie: wtf
(i promise briar is talking about their younger brothers and not about random children they found)
kitty: bro ngl. 
kitty: i'm getting jelly of briar and ashlynn’s relationship 
blondie: LIZZIE 
lizzie: i-
briar: LMAO
meeshell: apple’s hands are moist
darling: wtf
meeshell: thank you for coming to my ted talk
ashlynn: anyways-
briar: my brain is a scary place
blondie: i can tell
cupid: how do you sleep at night?
briar: i don’t.
lizzie: PSH-
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Circus AU
-Maddie is ringmaster -Raven is the magician (she still has actual magic powers although not evil limited) -Farrah, Holly, Faybelle and Nina are acrobats -Kitty is a tightrope walker and she enjoys doing fake falls -Ashlynn and Duchess equestrian vaulters (they dance on horseback) -Hunter takes care of the animals -Jillian does the Death Dive -Dexter and Humphrey manage equipment
-Cerise and Hopper also help w equipment and such.
-Darling and Daring do a swordfighting act
-Meeshell does her singing mermaid act
-Ramona is a bit of a sideshow attraction? She is a wolf girl still and she likes showing it off. -Justine is the performance director (basically like a theatrical director) -Farrah designed the costumes and mends them -She assists Poppy with makeup and hair stuff -Ginger runs a midway snack stand and the cookhouse -Cedar does facepainting and caricatures on the midway -Sparrow and the Merry Men are the mediocre house band. Raven wanted to join till she interacted w them
-Apple is in charge of finances
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