#hasanabi trans sports
hopeontheoceanshore · 2 months
Hasan shares his thoughts on the alleged transgender Olympics situation
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hasanabiyoutube · 9 months
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Interview Results
We interviewed 2 respondents to see if the online activist movements are influencing the younger generation and the extent to which they are contributing to political change in todays world, and if not, what are the influences that are taking place.
Question 1: When asked the question: ‘Do you believe in the ability of an individual or group holding people in positions of power to account through any means possible? (e.g. hacking, exposés, etc.)’, you responded: ‘No’. Do you mind sharing why you believe this?
Respondent 1:
(Paraphrasing) Too much power for someone outside of the judicial system to have.
They should do it through legal means. Information is classified for a reason.
Respondent 2:
(Paraphrasing) Bad individuals at the top of society are not held to account by ordinary means of reporting. “Media has limits”.
Mentioned ISIS, 2015 being exposed by Anonymous hacker group
It holds people to account, and through regular means, it is a good thing.
Whistleblowers should be protected.
Question 2: Have you ever seen the topic of censorship being discussed online? 
Respondent 1:
Yes, Censorship in North Korea and China. Believes from their point of view it’s justified. But doesn’t support it nor oppose it.
Respondent 2:
However, respondent mentioned ‘The Great Firewall of China’, Russia, Iran, and “potentially more” countries that censor their media.
Question 3: Have you ever seen the topic of censorship being discussed in any other form of media? (books, film, music, etc.)
Respondent 1:
Yes (films, book), but sees them as only fiction and doesn’t take them with a grain of salt. Eg, Casablanca, made  clear the movie was propaganda, rules that out as a reliable source. Persepolis, set in Afghanistan (checkagain), by a woman who lived there at the time and about taliban. Would give it more credibility because it was autobiographical.
Respondent 2:
No, they didn’t think so. But he mentioned ‘Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer’ documentary on Netflix & Russian hackers?
Question 1: When asked the question: ‘Do you believe in the ability of an individual or group holding people in positions of power to account through any means possible? (e.g. hacking, exposés, etc.)’, you responded: ‘Yes’. Do you mind sharing why you believe this?
Respondent 1:
Believes people can marry who they want, and doesn’t mind.
Respondent 2:
“Gay people are people” → claimed this statement was “rudimentary” and elaborated: “People shouldn’t have their right to marriage removed. You’re just oppressing an already marginalized group.”
Question 2: Have you ever seen the topic of LGBTQIA+ rights being discussed online?
Respondent 1:
Comment sections in reactions to news or sport events. 
Sport events: Semenya
Hormone levels shouldn’t dictate gender.
Change sports to include people of all genders.
News: Articles about trans people not being real and too many genders. Been exposed to LGBT more than the older generation and is more accustomed to it.
Respondent 2:
Twitter comments accusing gay people of grooming → American conservatives are the loudest
Mentioned the ‘Bud Light’ controversy and had a good knowledge on the topic
Didn't support the beliefs
Mouthpieces who agree: Matt Walsh, Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Andrew Tate, (Daily Wire)
Mouthpieces who spoke against: Hasanabi & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Men's Rights
Question 1: When asked the question: ‘What is your opinion on Men’s rights ( The men's rights movement rejects the concept that men are privileged relative to women.)’, you responded: ‘I don't know enough to give a fully informed opinion, but from my understanding so far it seems unnecessarily defensive’. Do you mind sharing why you believe this?
Respondent 1:
Not at a place in society where women have more rights than men. Doesn’t believe women will have more rights than men any time soon.
Respondent 2:
A lot of these people equate women speaking out/wanting rights as a personal attack.” 
He called them Fragile in general”
“It’s not a woman’s world at all.”
The people pushing this movement (het cis white men) are the most privileged and set beliefs upon others
They need a sense of power - don’t want to feel weak
“Putting old world beliefs in a world that’s rapidly changing.”
Mentioned stonewall and the suffragette movement
“A woman gave birth to you.”
Question 2: Have you ever seen the topic of men’s rights activism being discussed online? 
Respondent 1:
Yes: Andrew Tate, other podcasts, tend to skip past it.
Doesn’t support it, sees it as backwards.
Respondent 2:
Yes: Andrew Tate, Steven Crowder
Mouthpieces who spoke against: Hasanabi & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
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