#hate using sso tags on non-sso posts
katjadarkrider · 1 year
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Percheron full-colour
Time: 20h 10m
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juni-ravenhall · 1 year
Pinned Post 📌
heyo, this is a Star Stable Online and horse-centered personal blog :3 im juni or yohan and im an adult queer man from sweden. engaged to @yasminewestbank 💞💞💞 sso servers: Avocado Island (SE), Night Sprinkles (US), Sapphire Island (middle east; name Princess Snowing)
i make art sometimes. #my art (dashboard view), #my art (blog view), or @juni-art (sideblog - not only sso, and missing some stuff from here.) when i get healthier my goal is to be a gamedev.
tags for filtering: #nonhorsgaem (i try to tag some of my non-sso-related posts w this but i forget a lot. funny spelling to avoid tumblr search.) #personal (my personal life, venting, etc. can be heavy since i suffer a lot, so it might be upsetting for some.) #mild nsfw or #nsfw (NotSafeForWork - mildly adult jokes or fanart etc, nothing too heavy.) #wednesday update, #sso spoilers, #sso leaks (watch out!)
no terfs or other bigotry tolerated, including queerphobia, misogyny, racism, ableism, classism, ageism, fatphobia, etc. i hate capitalism. and i hate when people focus on the wrong issues - such as terfs being mad about a group of queer people instead of putting all their energy into fighting the actual oppressors (patriarchy, etc).
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dorianwolfforest · 2 years
Tagging etiquette! We’ve gone through how to deal with anon hate, let’s talk about how to tag things properly.
How to tag your spoilers:
“Sso spoiler/s” are the tags most people who want to avoid spoilers have blacklisted, so please use this variation instead of “star stable spoiler” or “star stable online spoiler”. To cover your bases you can use all three, but the only necessary one is “sso spoiler/s”.
How to tag non-sso content:
If you want to filter out non-sso content on your blog, what used to work was to tag your post as “not/non sso”. However, due to changes in the way tagging works, any word in your tag will show up in their respective tags, so by tagging “not sso” your post will specifically show up in the sso tag. If you still want to use “not sso” that’s fine, it’s your blog, but if you want to use something else you can think of a tag specifically to filter your blog. I use “personal”.
Using tags to add to a post:
If you want to add an opinion or say something on a post without derailing the entire OP, you add those comments to the tags. Compliments about art, general words of dis/agreement or making jokes can go here. This is where you can add context to your post as well. Think of tags as the comments in a google doc. Even if you make a nice addition such as “wow so cute!”, that doesn’t mean everyone who follows you wants that addition to their own reblog.
“Prev tags”:
Prev tags is a terrible concept created by Twitter and brought to tumblr by satan. Don’t do this. If you want people to be aware of the previous tags on a post you can screenshot on mobile or copy paste on desktop and add them to your reblog. Don’t just say “Prev tags”, no one wants that.
Tone indicators:
Remember to check tags for tone indicators, which can change the meaning to a post a lot! /j = joking. /hj = half joking. /nm = not mad. /pos and /neg means positive and negative. These are very useful for people who might not be able to interpret tone all that well through text.
Might add more later but for now this seems the most important to ssoblr c:
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