nadiamiller · 2 years
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𝖓𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖆 𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗: 𝖆𝖓 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
hey, have you seen nadia miller wandering the streets of hathaway recently? i swear, she looks just like khadijha red thunder. i hear they are twenty-eight, pansexual, cashier @ a spiritual shop and have been in hathaway for their entire life. they think of themselves as captivating & approachable, but i’ve heard they can be reckless & odd. either way, it’s cool that they’re here. i’m sure they’ll enjoy their stay, as long as no one finds out she’s attempting to find out more about her birth father.
full name: Nadia Josephine Morales
nickname(s): Nads, N
age: Twenty-Eight
date of birth: February 1st, 1994
hometown: Hathaway, North Carolina
current location: Hathaway, North Carolina
orientation: Pansexual
religion: Doesn’t associate with any religion, but she is spiritual
occupation: Cashier @ her grandmother’s spiritual shop
living arrangements: Lives in an apartment (roommate wanted!)
language(s) spoken: English & Spanish
faceclaim: Khadijah Red Thunder (Chippewa Cree, African-American, & Spanish)
hair color: Brown (occasionally dyes it red)
eye color: Brown
height: 5′9
father: Abraham Miller (estranged)
mother: Caroline Morales (deceased)
grandmother: Sylvia Morales
siblings: would totally be open to siblings or cousins of hers!
sun/moon/rising: Aquarius/Libra/Taurus
label: The Bohemian
positive traits: Captivating & Approachable
negative traits: Reckless & Impulsive
TW: parental abandonment, parental death, alcoholism, and mentions of recreational drug consumption
For as long as Nadia Josephine Miller could remember, it was that her life was nothing ordinary. With two parents who only got married because they had a child in their teen years to growing up in her grandma’s occult shop, Nadia wasn’t meant for the life of the ordinary and everyone around her knew that. Even as a toddler she always found herself gravitating towards the tarot cards on the bottom shelf of her grandmother’s shop or being suspiciously calm for a young child. Some would say she always had an old soul.
But things only got weirder or maybe, more realistic for a young Nadia. Her parents, Abraham and Caroline, always struggled to raise her. They didn’t want a child, but the two were too selfish to give Nadia to someone who could raise her. Abraham had been spending the summer in town when he had met Caroline. It was just supposed to be a simple romance, but when Caroline found out she was pregnant and had no desire to get rid of the child, Abraham stayed behind and married Caroline. It wasn't an easy marriage, because both realized pretty quickly that they had nothing in common besides their daughter. Nadia had always felt unwanted in both sides, usually seeking refuge with her grandma, Sylvia, who seemed like the only person who looked at her like she wasn't a burden.
When Nadia was eight, Abraham had finally decided to go back to his hometown in Washington. He didn't want to leave Nadia behind, necessarily. Even if he didn't want to be a parent, he still was one, but he had grown selfish. This made things hard on Caroline who was only working as a waitress. So, she packed up and they moved in with Sylvia. This was when Nadia had fully dived deep into the occult. She’d never say she believes in witchcraft or anything magical but something did click for her and with her grandma taking her under her wing, she began to learn little things. How to read palms, how to read tarot cards, and most importantly, how to listen to some good fucking music. As any fortune teller grandma, Sylvia always had a copy of bella donna playing in the store and Nadia took all of Stevie Nicks’ lyrics to heart.
When Nadia graduated high school, she had no idea what to do. Her family never really valued education, only her dad had attended college and he dropped out because of her, so it was never a priority and even if it was, it’d be hard to afford that and Nadia didn't want to add another burden onto her family. Instead, she began picking up shifts at Sylvie’s Shoppe, her grandmother's shop, and making her living that way.
On Nadia’s 21st birthday while she was celebrating in Las Vegas, she received a call that her mother’s liver was failing. Her mom was still so young, but Caroline had developed a drinking problem after her husband left. It was never anything that anyone thought was a huge problem but it turned out that she was better at hiding things than her family thought. Immediately, Nadia rushed home and once she got there, Caroline began recovering. Things were looking up, but it only took less than 48 hours later for Caroline Morales to pass away.
It’s been two years since her mother’s death and Nadia’s now finally getting back into the swing of things and feeling like herself. She learned that life is short, why not spend it doing what you please? Now Nadia really always has her head up in the clouds, reading her favorite books, with the gentle sound of Stevie Nicks playing in the background.
if you’d like to plot, just like this and i’ll come dm you <333
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mad--max · 2 years
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Full Name: maxine violet hummel
Nicknames: max, maxie or maximilian (nick-named by her father)
Age: 27
Date of Birth: september 23rd, 1994
Hometown: hathaway, north carolina
Current Location: hathaway, north carolina
Gender: cisfemale
Pronouns: she/her
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Religion: humanism
Occupation: receptionist at all american tattoo & piercing
Education: hathaway community college
Living Arrangements: lives with a roommate
Language(s) Spoken: english & spanish
Aesthetics: the smell of cookies fresh out the oven, flannels, the sound of a guitar strumming
Faceclaim: zoey deutch
Height: 5′ 4″
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Piercings: earlobes, nose ring
Tattoos: a small butterfly on her right hipbone, a group of bats (stranger things inspired tattoo) on her right forearm, a saying on her ribcage that says, “not all those who wander are lost”, and a bride of frankenstein inspired tattoo on her left forearm
Fashion Style: depends on the mood she’s in. she can go from very tomboyish to full blown stevie nicks, 70s vibes, owns a lot of black clothing
Mother: elizabeth hummel, deceased
Father: burt hummel
Siblings: kurt hummel
Pets:  waffles, bulldog
Sun Sign: libra
Moon Sign: capricorn
Rising Sign: virgo
Label: the facade
Goals/Desires: travel around the world, visit greece and have a summer fling with three men who one of whom may potentially be her future baby daddy
Fears: not being good enough, failing
Likes: breakfast food, the moon, bottomless mimosas, the color red, horror movies (still won’t watch IT, clowns are a BIG NOPE), the sound of rain, vinyl records, fashion, spending too much money on stuff she doesn’t need but has convinced herself she needs it
Dislikes: people chewing with their mouth open, the word “moist,” birthdays (except her own), onions, people who don’t wash their face, when people say “everything happens for a reason,” bras that hook in the front, the heat, funerals
Positive Traits: independent, creative, confident, realistic
Negative Traits: petty, impatient, stubborn, critical
Habits: hums when she cooks, when she’s lying her nose flares, plays with her rings when she’s feeling anxious
Hobbies/Skills: yoga, playing instruments, mixology
Film: scream, thor: ragnarok
Book: pride and prejudice by jane austen
Song: running up that hill by kate bush
TV Show: stranger things
Food: breakfast food, especially waffles
Drink: white russian
Color: red
Weather: fall
Maxine Hummel’s life depended on music, whether it was playing, singing or composing. From a young age, she made it crystal clear that music was her passion. Her first steps were urged on by the rhythm she heard from the radio. As far as she could remember; there was never a moment when she wasn’t listening to something one way or another. The brunette drove the Hummel household crazy with her constant beating on pots and pans – making a beat out of anything she could get her tiny hands-on, finding rhythms, and putting on shows for whoever would stop and listen. Every time someone brought out a camera, Max hammed it up so hard she nearly gave herself whiplash. It was apparent that Max had a knack for making music; which suited her as she always wondered what went on behind the scenes and how a song was created.
Her first instrument was the piano, and she started taking lessons when she was five. To Burt and Elizabeth Hummel – they figured, why stop there? They proceeded to hire tutors to teach her how to play the violin, the drums, the guitar – nearly every instrument imaginable. When it came to music, Max was a fast learner, although she would easily get frustrated at times, her tutors had always described her as ‘brilliant,’ with one of them dubbing her as a ‘little prodigy in the making.
When high school and college came around, she signed up for as many music courses as she could. In her eyes, she figured if she learned other instruments – it would suit her best, to keep her diverse. Thus, she started learning a bit of everything she hadn’t already learned. Messing around with software, Max didn’t know what she was doing, but it was something she was never getting bored of – creating different tunes and sounds.
For her 25th birthday, her dad got her the most precious items she’d ever own in her life; a Gibson Custom True Historic 1959 Les Paul, a synthesizer, and a professional pad controller. They are her loves, and most importantly, her pride and joys. Any opportunity Max had to break out her guitar or create beats were ones she was more than likely to take.
Loves dad jokes and will probably make a pun out of anything when the opportunity arises.
She’s got an obsession with horror movies. Although the movie “IT” scared her as a kid, thus creating her fear of clowns. To this day, she still hasn’t seen the movies.
Max’s a pack rat and will hold on to anything that was once important to her.
If you’re a fan of gluten, watching bad TV shows or anything involving breakfast food, she’d love to be friends.
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bcrryfm · 2 years
hey, have you seen rachel barbra berry wandering the streets of hathaway recently? i swear, she looks just like diana silvers. i hear they are twenty-five, bisexual, transgender, high school music teacher and have been in hathaway for all her life. they think of themselves as talented & motivated, but i’ve heard they can be dramatic & bossy. either way, it’s cool that they’re here. i’m sure they’ll enjoy their stay, as long as no one finds out she has a (faceless) onlyfans in order to pay off her debts.
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Rachel Barbra Berry was adopted by her fathers at birth and comes from a very loving and musical family. She was raised to believe in herself and thus, when she told her parents that she felt that she was a girl at the ripe old age of four and a half they were absolutely lovely. They chose her new name together with her and she went to elementary school as Rachel Barbra Berry - which means that most people don’t necessarily know that she is trans, though she certainly doesn’t hide it.
Rachel was severely picked on in school. For her looks, her conservative clothing style, her obsessive interest in singing and musical theater, and well - she wasn’t all too nice to be around most of the time. Rachel has the tendency to put herself well above others and is ruthless when it comes to achieving her goals. This doesn’t make for a very reliable friend. She knows it, she tries to manage it still… but it doesn’t come naturally.
She had bragged to everyone in school who made her life hell that she was going to make it. She auditioned for NYADA when she was seventeen… and got in! A grueling time at NYADA followed but she finally felt like she fit in somewhere. Her father’s helped her pay for her studies, but only partly. After graduation she’d expected something to come along but the musical she starred in flopped and after that, she could only get small, background roles. All the while, she couldn’t hold down a job because she kept on putting her auditions first, her rent kept on going, her student loan wasn’t yet paid off and as she also chose to have some procedures done, she accumulated a debt that forced her to go to Hathaway again.
Her wages as a teacher cover her costs and a bit extra, but she needs more to be able to pay it all off. So, she has a YouTube channel that is monetized, but it doesn’t really make her that much money… So, she had to find a solution and that’s when she bought a mask and made her first post on OnlyFans. She is deeply ashamed of it, but there just isn’t any other way out for her. She now makes enough to keep to a payment plan she agreed to with her creditors and while she hated that she had to do that in order to pay off her debts, it has also given her the feeling that she is quite attractive (more so than the echoes of the high school bullies tell her in her mind) and has also had the benefit of helping her accept and love her body a bit more.
PINTEREST: https://pin.it/4FFwNeg
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joinforty · 2 years
hey, have you seen david berat karofsky wandering the streets of hathaway recently? i swear, he looks just like burak çelik. i hear his is twenty-six, heterosexual homosexual, football coach and has been in hathaway for five years. he thinks of himself as athletic & studious, but i’ve heard he can be insecure & shy. either way, it’s cool that he’s here. i’m sure he’ll enjoy his stay, as long as no one finds out about his sexuality. 
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David has grown up as the son of an American father (who is ethnically Russian) and a Turkish mother. His family didn’t exactly have conservative values, and they loved their son very much. David was sadly someone greatly influenced by their surroundings, and the small towns he has lived weren’t exactly a liberal environment. This was even more problematic because of his athletic interests. He was great at football and those men weren’t very open towards any sign of weakness or God forbid - femininity or interest in other men. So, he hid all of that away and became is own worst nightmare: someone who picked on others.
He’s lived his whole life to become a perfect image of what he sees as a real man. He has married his high school sweetheart (an oc wanted connection) and is now working in Hathaway as a high school football coach. He and his wife have bought a house here and even have three year old twins: Grace Defne and William Aydin. They look picture perfect, but inside, Dave is feeling anything but happy.
Dave is so frustrated with his life that he is hellbent, still, on picking on others. Every imperfection, every bit of individuality in others is something he cannot help but comment on. It makes him a very lonely and unhappy man but it’s all he has to feel somewhat good about himself… at least better than them. 
David has been known to dwell in the gay bars of towns far outside Hathaway but hasn’t been discovered… yet.
Dave was raised Christian, as his mother converted from Islam when she married his father. He was raised to feel every bit the American that his father does, but he does appreciate his Turkish heritage as well. 
Dave’s background, his teenage years, are left vague in this description, in order to connect to other characters more easily!
PINTEREST: https://pin.it/6ARm0JJ
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surfeatrepeat · 2 years
Murphy Benson Intro
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Full Name: Murphy Jay Benson Age: 25 DOB: July 5 Zodiac Sign: Cancer Residency: Hathaway, North Carolina Birthplace:  Hathaway, North Carolina  Occupation: Swim Instructor/Personal Trainer Sexuality: Bisexual Marital Status: Single Height: 5′10 Hair Color: Dirty Blonde/Light Brown Eye Color: Green 
Head Canons
Murphy was born and raised in Hathaway. He grew up on the beach and learned how to surf at the age of ten. He has hopes and dreams of becoming a professional surfer one day. He also swam in high school and was the top swimmer in the state his junior and senior year. He received several swim scholarships, but ended up going to the local community college. A four-year degree wasn’t an option for Murphy.
Growing up, he was the youngest of three kids. Murphy’s older sister Mallory practically took care of he and his brother Chad. Their mother was a waitress, and their father ran out on them when Murphy was only an infant. He still made it a point to see Mallory and Murphy but declined seeing Chad. When Murphy was thirteen, he learned that Chad was his half-brother, that their mother had cheated on teir father.
Murphy never blamed Chad for their issues growing up but became angry. During middle school he faded into the background and stopped going to school. When he was fourteen, he faked his age, got a fake ID and hired a private investigator to find his mother’s affair and placed a hit on him. He had gotten away. He fired the PI and never investigated it again. It is still embarrassing, and he is afraid for his family or anyone he is in contact with to find out. He eventually worked through his emotional turmoil and started going to school again.
Murphy was always a quiet guy and didn’t have a lot of friends growing up. He still doesn’t have many friends, but prides himself on swimming and surfing. They are his outlets.
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notsoquinnocent · 2 years
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𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐞
𝖖𝖚𝖎𝖓𝖓 𝖋𝖆𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖞: 𝖆𝖓 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
hey, have you seen quinn fabray wandering the streets of hathaway recently? i swear, she looks just like dianna agron. i hear they are thirty, bisexual (closeted), real estate agent and have been in hathaway for six months. they think of themselves as ambitious & observant, but i’ve heard they can be manipulative & sensitive. either way, it’s cool that they’re here. i’m sure they’ll enjoy their stay, as long as no one finds out she says she’s in hathaway because of her sister, but really it’s under the guise of getting away from her marriage.
full name: Lucy Quinn Fabray
nickname(s): Quinn, Lucy Q, Quinny
age: Thirty
date of birth: June 15th, 1992
hometown: Unknown
current location: Hathaway, North Carolina
orientation: Bisexual (closeted)
religion: Raised Christian, but loosely practices (celebrates holidays, wears a cross necklace, etc)
occupation: Freelance Real Estate Agent
living arrangements: Lives by herself in a small cottage she rents
language(s) spoken: English, high school level French
faceclaim: Dianna Agron
hair color: Blonde
eye color: Hazel
height: 5′6
father: Russell Fabray
mother: Judy Fabray
siblings: Frannie Fabray
sun/moon/rising: Gemini/Cancer/Pisces
label: The Prom Queen
positive traits: Ambitious & Observant
negative traits: Manipulative & Sensitive
Lucy Quinn Fabray can remember the day she realized there would only be one thing she was good for: a housewife. She was six years old, barely in school yet, and her mother Judy was combing through Quinn’s blonde locks. She said, “one day you’ll make a man very happy.” It didn’t register in Quinn’s mind until much later in life, but Judy was right. One day she would make a man happy, for better or worse.
Quinn grew up in a very privileged home. Her parents were well off and considered to be the upper crust of class and society in her hometown and Quinn was thrusted into it all. Pageants, gymnastics, Chasity Balls. If it had a title to it, Quinn was signed up for it. It led her to grow up quite vain and to only value a lot of herself for her looks and what she had to offer others. Which also led to a string of unsuccessful relationships in her adolescence. 
At sixteen, Quinn lost her virginity. It was something she always struggled with. In between the worlds of puberty and being a good Christian girl. She never came to regret the decision, even when she found out she was pregnant and was subsequently kicked out of her home. It was the first time Quinn truly learned that there was more to life than keeping your family happy. Nine months later, she decided to make the difficult decision to place her daughter for adoption. There was no way she could reasonably raise a child at her age and maybe it was selfish, but she wanted to go to college and have a decent career. She still visits her daughter from time to time, but she tries to be hands off as much as she can. She’s aware that she’s not the mom anymore, so she usually keeps to sending birthday presents and letters.
After she placed her daughter, Quinn was welcomed back with open arms into her house, but she was different. She had grown resentful for how easily her parents kicked her to the curb when she didn’t adhere to their perfect nuclear family, but what was she going to do? She needed a place to live. The rest of high school, Quinn played the role of the perfect daughter but she was cold, distant. 
College was a time when Quinn was finally able to break away, slowly. She still relied on her family for money, but other than that she was a free bird. At her first college mixer, she met a guy. Since her pregnancy, she had actively avoided dating altogether save for maybe one or two dates, but this guy was different. After they both graduated from Ohio State, the pair quickly married off and started their life together.
“One day you’ll make a man very happy.” Quinn Fabray was the perfect wife. She gave up any desire for a career, her husband being the main breadwinner for them, and they lived a quaint life. Quinn mended the relationship she had with her mom. And dad? She’s still working on that.
Years later, Quinn grew tired of her relationship. She felt stuck. Her husband never harmed her or threatened her, and that almost made it worse. He was smart, funny, hardworking and she was... still the same mess she was at sixteen. She moved to Hathaway months ago, leaving her husband nothing other than a note and her ring, and she moved away. It’s only a matter of time before her parents, or even her sister finds out, but it’s her goal to keep it hush hush for as long as she can.
if you’d like to plot, just like this and i’ll come dm you <333
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