#have actively waited for an opportunity to audition for at least seven years
prudencepaccard · 3 months
didn't get cast in ensemble. they did cast a girl at callbacks I literally taught the harmony to though. fucked up
#spent a year thinking about the audition#have actively waited for an opportunity to audition for at least seven years#show on my radar for at least 14#love to be good enough at the audition that they call you back and then have them be like#actually never mind we don't want your voice even with the other voices.#we have no place for your body on stage with the other bodies#this is what I was afraid of. this is why as soon as it was announced like two years ago this might be produced I was as#stressed as I was excited.#it's not about ego or rejection it's just about getting to do a dream there aren't many chances to fulfill. I just get fixations you know?#rehearsals start tonight without me!#only thing helping me hold onto my sanity is an inside source telling me that the director is horrible#it's hard for grapes to be sour enough for me to not to hurt bad bad bad#but it takes away a little bit of the grief#as does the fact that a friend has the kindness to try and comfort me like that#mensch behavior#I have othr things to look forward to this was just high stakes you know#not a lot of chances. dependent on others to provide chances. autistic hyperfixation on little scraps of the score#most passionate out of anyone who auditioned for sure#and I'm not even bad#I fucked up at callbacks a little but I was hoping they wouldn't be insane about it#but holding my breath until I could get the relief of knowing I was in#which would also have been incredible news in other ways too––being in any show has been a long-term goal and I would be like okay I've hit#that milestoone and should actually invest in a headshot#but I guess not!!!!!!#going to try and not be angry at myself though#I'm good and will throw myself into my work#which I have much to do of and talent to apply to
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admiralty-xfd · 5 years
Reduced Vision
(What really happened in that auditor’s office in Requiem?)
The morning sunlight streams in through the slats of his blinds, blanketing the bedroom in a golden sheen. It’s new, different. He swears the light has never been quite like this before. This room symbolized loneliness for so long it’s almost jarring having someone else here. 
Having her here.
She’s on her side, asleep, facing him, wearing one of his old college T shirts. He watches the visible planes of her body rise and fall in contentment. He loves to watch her sleep. In these precious moments she is safe from all harm; she is completely at peace. 
She’s told him on multiple occasions over the past few weeks she is happy, and in these quiet moments he can almost believe her. 
Will she still be happy after they shut down the X Files? Will she stay with him after they’re split apart once again?
Her eyelids twitch as she stirs, the corner of her mouth twisting into evidence of some pleasant dream. He hopes she’s dreaming about him. After a minute her eyes open, eyelids heavy. He swears the blue of her eyes is a different hue when she awakens.
“Mulder, are you watching me sleep?”
He nods, smiles. “Guilty.”
She mmmmms and pulls him to her by the back of his neck, as if every second spent awake and not kissing him is a waste. He kisses her back because if she’s thinking that, she’s not wrong. 
He tugs on the bottom of the T shirt she’s wearing, his fingers dipping beneath it. She’s got nothing on underneath. “Christ, Scully,” he groans against her mouth. 
How the fuck did this happen? How is any of this real? How did he get so goddamn lucky?
“Easy, there,” she says sleepily, putting her hand over his. “I’m still waking up.”
He moves a strand of hair out of her face. He must look thoughtful because she cocks her head in question. “You okay?”
“Yeah… sorry. Just nervous about the audit this week.” 
“I know, me too,” she confesses. “But Skinner said it’s purely budgetary.” 
“I’m not sure why they’re coming after us,” he says. “We don’t spend an unusual amount of money in the field, do we?”
“Maybe we should start sharing motel rooms,” she grins. 
“I don’t have any objections to that,” he says. “You’re the one with all the rules.” They’ve broken their fraternization rules before, a few times. Rules were made to be broken, he figures.
“It’s nice waking up with you,” she says quietly after a moment. 
“It’s nice having you here.” He wraps his arms around her and brings her body close to his, kissing the top of her head. Her hair smells so good: like some fancy product she only uses for special occasions. He smiles, remembering the night before.
“I had fun last night,” she says, as if reading his mind. They’d attended an FBI gala together, not the first time they’d done so but certainly the first time they’d done so as a couple. Or as… whatever they are. He still isn’t quite sure.
“Me too.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Really? Or are you just saying that?” He hates work social functions, and she knows it.
“I really did,” he insists. “Although I don’t know why they had it on a Sunday. I don’t really want to go to work today.”
She smiles, twirling her fingers at his nape. “Then let’s not.”
“Not go to work?” He tilts his head, as if the mere suggestion is abhorrent.
“Why not?” she asks. “When’s the last time you took a personal day, Mulder?”
He searches his memory. “Um. 1997?”
“You’ve earned it,” she says. “We both have. Let’s just stay here. In bed. All day.”
He grins, because as worried as he is about so many things, nothing sounds better than spending an entire day in bed with Scully.
“Okay. I can do that.” He interlaces their fingers together, pulls them up to his lips. “Skinner’s gonna be suspicious when neither of us show up today, though. Especially after last night.”
She looks at him. “Do you think he knows?”
“Scully, I’m pretty sure everyone knows,” he admits. They’d been actively hiding their affection for each other all evening but it hadn’t stuck. It had been difficult for them to pretend things were the same as they’d always been. He isn’t typically a betting man but odds are that the jig is officially up.
She’s quiet for a moment. It concerns him. “Is… that okay?”
She holds him tighter and her fingers trail across his back. “It’s fine. No, it’s fine.”
So much is uncertain about their future: the status of the X Files, the status of their partnership. Not to mention the status of his own health that she knows nothing about. The idea of their peers knowing their romantic status feels relatively unimportant. But maybe it isn’t to her.
“It’s different for you, Mulder,” she says, answering his unspoken question. 
“What do you mean?”
She sighs. “Men can do this sort of thing and get away with it. It’s not a big deal for you to sleep with someone you work with.” She doesn’t bring up Diana, which he’s grateful for. “But for a woman…” she trails off.
“Scully, we spend practically every waking minute with each other anyway. No one would think less of you if they knew we were… canoodling.” He grins. “Are you really worried about that?” He knows he’s overcompensating. But he’s only doing it because he’s worried too. What he’s worried about is that any day now she’ll come to her senses and put a stop to this new arrangement.
She shrugs. “I don’t know. This is the first time I’ve really wondered.” He waits for her to continue. “There are men, you know, who feel… entitled. To women.”
He shifts uncomfortably. “Do you mean…”
“Not you,” she reassures. “Never you.” He breathes a sigh of relief. “For god’s sake, Mulder, it took you seven years to kiss me. The last descriptor I’d use for you is ‘entitled.’”
“But…?” he presses.
“But, there are men who feel this way. Like they are due something from women. And women who become known for sleeping with their coworkers…” 
“Coworker, Scully? Is that all I am to you? Some piece of meat?” He pouts and she punches him playfully.
“To me, you’re not. To me you’re… so many things.” She traces the curve of his jaw with her index finger. They haven’t said the words yet. But he feels them now, beneath the surface. Waiting silently. “But to people on the outside, you can see how this might look.”
He’d never really considered this particular aspect of taking the plunge with regard to their relationship. Maybe he never thought Scully would care what others thought, because he certainly doesn’t. But perhaps she has to care. 
Yet again, he’s forced to consider all the ways in which Scully’s career at the FBI is unfairly disadvantaged. He wonders if she’s been subconsciously avoiding intimacy with him all these years in part, at least, for this reason.
“I don’t want to be just some guy you’re sleeping with at work who makes you feel that way,” he says gently. “I don’t want this to be something that concerns you.”
“Mulder, you are anything but just some guy.” She hooks her leg over his hip and he tilts her face to look at her. She’s so fucking beautiful it nearly takes his breath away. “You make me happier than I’ve ever been, okay?” she assures him. “These past few weeks have been incredible. No regrets.”
He exhales a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding as she leans forward to kiss him. He takes the opportunity to taste her, to really enjoy and savor having this perfect woman here in his bed, and like he does so often lately, wonders how he went so many years by her side without pressing his lips to hers.
Especially since a day doesn’t go by when he suspects it might be their last, for any number of reasons.
She pulls back, smiling. “Just forget about it, okay?”
He nods, and decides he will forget, just for today. Today will be about them. It will be perfect. 
Tomorrow he remembers again, and he is reminded in a most unwelcome way.
A stack of expense reports had been plopped down in front of him earlier this morning, and he’d been given the third degree by Agent Short, the auditor apparently responsible for shutting down the X Files.
“We could start sharing rooms,” Mulder had half-joked. But the look on Short’s face had been anything but amused.
After the initial evaluation, Mulder is called back into Short’s office. 
“If you spend so much time and money looking for aliens, responsibly you should narrow your search,” Agent Short smarms. Mulder now recognizes him as one of Kersh’s lackeys. He and Scully have been chewed out in that office enough to notice him there multiple times, lurking in the background.
“To where?” Mulder asks, sarcastically.
“Wherever they are,” is his ridiculous answer. “It's not unreasonable. It's just a matter of reducing your vision.”
“There’s nothing wrong with my vision,” Mulder says, gritting his teeth. “Or Agent Scully’s. In fact, I believe the scope of our vision is exactly the reason the FBI has an X Files unit to begin with.”
“The future of the unit remains undetermined, Agent Mulder,” Short counters. “I for one will not sit idly by while Mr. and Mrs. Spooky go joyriding around the country chasing aliens on the government’s dime.”
Mulder blinks. “What?”
“You heard me,” the stupid little man says, adjusting his stupid little glasses. Mulder realizes in this moment that Scully’s concerns weren’t unfounded in the slightest. Mr. and Mrs. Spooky? 
“Agent Scully is my partner,” he says sternly. 
Short chuckles. “Sure, okay. Don’t think I haven’t heard all the rumors.”
Maybe his joke to Short about sharing their motel rooms had been ill-advised. “What rumors?”
The auditor’s eyebrow goes up. Mulder hates that look on anyone other than Scully.
“Please. Everyone knows. We all saw you two at the gala.”
Mulder blinks again, the memory of holding Scully close - closer than two work partners should dance - still so fresh. He thought they’d been careful but it was difficult to hide his feelings for her, even from peers that probably assumed they’d been sleeping together for much longer than they actually have been.
“Whatever you think you saw, I’m pretty sure it’s none of your business,” Mulder challenges.
His non-denial seems to set the other man off. He scoffs, sizing Mulder up. “I should’ve known.”
“Known what?” Mulder leans forward, hands clenching his knees. His minor annoyance is ratcheting up into anger.
“Nothing,” Short shrugs. “It just doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. She seems like the type. ”
What was anger a second ago is now barely restrained rage. “And what type would that be?”
Agent Short looks at him with the same disdain he’d reserved for aliens mere minutes ago. “You know. The type who would sleep with anyone to get ahead.”
The ridiculous implication that sleeping with Fox “Spooky” Mulder would get Scully anything but derisive laughter notwithstanding, his anger does not abate. It increases a hundredfold.
The anger that rises up within him isn’t about protecting Scully’s reputation. It isn’t about his own ego either. What Mulder feels inside him now is animal rage: boiling up inside him, absolutely primal. It’s cause and effect; a reaction, pure and simple, that has somehow found its way from his brain to his gut to his fist.
And suddenly that fist is flying, cutting the stale air of the auditor’s office and smashing directly into the man’s face. 
Short goes down, off his chair, with a thud. For a minute he looks up at Mulder in absolute shock, as if this was the last thing he expected: that the audacity of this punch is more appalling than anything he’d just implied about Scully. And Mulder barely has the time to process anything before he is upon him, punching him over and over again.
Short puts his arms in front of his face as Mulder hits him four, five times. Suddenly he is being pulled backwards by large strong hands that surround his biceps in a death grip.
He hears Skinner’s gruff voice and briefly sees blood trickling out of the smaller man’s nostrils.
“What in the hell are you doing?!” Skinner growls into his ear, pulling him back. Mulder turns his head and everything moves almost in slow motion, as a look of utter confusion crosses his boss’s face. Agent Short groans from the floor, seemingly unable to move. 
The X Files are already being targeted and now this? What if it’s truly all over now, in spite of the audits, in spite of everything else?
“What the hell were you thinking, Mulder?” Skinner hisses. All Mulder can do is explain. The truth. He reaches for the truth.
“He said… about Scully,” he pants. “I just reacted, sir. He all but called her a slut, right to my face.”
Skinner’s anger shifts gears more rapidly than Mulder has ever seen it, and he’s been present for Skinner’s mood shifts far more often than he’d like. His boss’s eyes flash as he stares daggers into the whimpering agent on the floor. He lets go of Mulder and crosses the room in two strides, bending down and picking the other agent up by his collar.
“Please… stop!” the scrawny man says. But Skinner doesn’t stop. He shoves the man backwards against a file cabinet and his glasses slide off his nose, along with a huge stack of expense reports.
“What exactly did he say, Mulder?” Skinner asks. Short’s hands go to his throat as he gasps for air.
“He said she was the type… to sleep around to get ahead,” Mulder says, still catching his breath. Skinner’s eyes bulge in anger. “And... I lost it. I’m sorry.”
“No, Mulder,” Skinner said, returning his glare to the smaller agent. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to lose it first.” He holds the man firmly and then slams him against the cabinets again, hard. With his other hand he slaps Short across the face. “It’s a real shame you fell down that flight of stairs on your way into work this morning, isn’t it, Agent Short?”
Short can only whimper.
“Isn’t it?!” Skinner slaps him again, hard.
Short nods, as well as he’s able. Skinner nods back. “If I hear another word about this kind of talk regarding Agent Scully, or any of your female peers for that matter, I’ll have your ass thrown out of the Bureau so fast it’ll make your head spin,” he barks. “You got it?”
“Y-yes, Sir,” the man sputters. Skinner releases him and he scampers away down the hall towards the bathroom.
Mulder has finally calmed down and for a brief moment hopes he and his boss might share some common ground. He’s well aware that Skinner has a soft spot for Scully and would never have risked his own job for anyone else that way. But Skinner’s features harden, back to business.
“You’re on thin ice, Mulder,” he said. “That was for Agent Scully, not you. The X Files are already in trouble. I’m doing everything I can to keep you two afloat.”
Mulder grimaces, knowing his last chances are dwindling one by one. He’s grateful for his boss’s discretion, in any event. 
“I’m sorry, sir. It won’t happen again.”
The single word escapes her lips, raspy, raw. His chest is glistening with sweat, rising and falling as he breathes heavily. 
Rolling over until she’s on top of him, she leans down and her hair falls into his face. It isn’t five o’ clock, not yet, but the shadow of stubble across his jaw has never looked sexier. 
He squeezes the flesh of her ass and gives it a light slap. “Already?”
She nods. She isn’t fucking around. She promised they’d stay in bed all day and she intends to keep her promise. 
“Yes. Again.”
Scully had known once she started sleeping with Mulder things would change. It’s one of the reasons- whether consciously or unconsciously- she’s avoided taking this step with him for so long.
She can’t seem to focus on work the same way she used to, probably having something to do with being around Mulder all day, every day. The sight of him, the smell of him. Thinking about what they did last night, fantasizing about what they’ll do tonight.
And tomorrow. All she wants now are more and more tomorrows with Mulder. 
Things have been slowing down for them on the work front, finally. An end to the X Files wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, she has to admit. Things feel like they’re finally falling into place for the two of them. Maybe finding some new direction will be a blessing. 
What would Fox Mulder be like without the X Files? She’s never had a reason to wonder. But now she does wonder, constantly. What would he be like if she were the only obsession in his life?
She is jerked out of her reverie as she hears him behind her.
“I think I'm in big trouble.”
She spins as he enters the office, smirking a bit guiltily. He’s probably talking about the audit, so she tries to put his at ease.
“How many times have they tried to shut us down?” she reminds him. To be honest, she isn’t sure how much she believes her own reassurances. But keeping Mulder grounded is always her default position.
“Yeah, but I never actually assaulted an auditor before.”
Something about Mulder getting violent does something to her, always has. She feels an involuntary twitch between her thighs. An uncoiling, a burning. A slow smile spreads across her face. “Did you hurt him?” she asks hopefully. 
Agent Short hit on her at the gala and when she’d rebuffed him he’d given her a look. Scully hates that look, but unfortunately knows it all too well. 
Agent Short is a fucking asshole.
“I reduced his vision a little bit,” Mulder admits. His hand goes to his head and he winces. She wonders if Short actually fought back for a moment but quickly realizes… no. This is something else. This is that headache thing that’s going on with Mulder lately he refuses to be concerned about.
She’s about to ask him about it- again- when the phone rings. 
Billy Miles, Bellefleur, Oregon. It feels like 1992 all over again, only this time she and Mulder are completely different. This time Mulder made her come last night. Twice.
“More alien abductions, Scully,” he grins, with the same eager grin he gave her in this very office eight years ago. She smiles back, remembering.
Do you believe in extraterrestrials?
She doesn’t know, still. But she does believe a trip down memory lane with the newly-added benefits of their partnership sounds appealing. So appealing she isn’t sure how she’ll make it out of the office without tearing his clothes off.
“Mmm,” she replies. “I don't know how we could possibly justify the expense.”
“We'd probably turn up nothing,” he grins, heading toward the door.
“Let's go waste some money.”
As they walk towards the elevator her curiosity gets the better of her. “What exactly pushed you over the edge, Mulder?”
“Agent Short. What did he say to you?”
He shrugs, reaching out to push the elevator button. “Oh, nothing. He’s just got one of those really punchable faces.”
She can tell when he’s lying. Well, most of the time. She stops and turns to face him. “Mulder.”
“The X Files are on the line. You hit someone responsible for deciding. Tell me why.”
He opens his mouth in protest but her eyebrow goes up and he backs off. She rarely presses him, so she takes this as a tiny personal victory.
“He said… something about you. Something I didn’t like.”
She furrows her brow. “What did he say, Mulder?” Her tone is the type she knows he won’t ignore. 
He sighs. “He mentioned seeing us at the gala, and that... you were the type... to sleep around. To enhance your career.”
She purses her lips. “Huh.”
“I’m sorry I doubted what you were saying the other morning, Scully. It appears you were completely justified.”
“So he said this about me and then… you hit him?”
Mulder nods.
“In the face?”
Mulder nods.
“More than once.”
She smiles. “He hit on me, you know. At the gala.”
Mulder nods thoughtfully. “It’s all making sense now. And it’s a good thing, too, because I was feeling a little bad about it.”
She shakes her head slowly. “Don’t feel bad. He’s like the villain in some adventure movie, and you defeated him.”
“And I got the girl,” he adds, eyebrows lifting.
The elevator arrives and as she steps inside, thoughts of Agent Short’s apparent revenge for her rejection are pushed to the back of her mind and an image of Mulder defending her honor is suddenly all she sees. 
Dana Katherine Scully has never been a woman unable to fight her own battles. And in the past, Mulder’s tendency to be a bit overprotective has been frustrating at best, downright irritating at worst.
But right now, it’s neither. 
As he moves to push the button she feels his other hand graze lightly over the small of her back and suddenly, inexplicably, she stops caring about her rules. 
The elevator doors close and she backs him up against the wall, bringing her face close to his. Her lips curve into a smile and she takes his tie into her hand, tugging it. The heat between her legs is back. 
He grins as she pulls his tie towards her, stealing a kiss that any movie hero might deserve in the final act. There are certainly surveillance cameras pointed at them right now but she doesn’t care.
“That’s really sexy, Mulder,” she breathes as she tilts her head back, allowing him access to her neck. 
“What is, me defending your virtue?” he growls against her skin. 
“My virtue?” she asks as his hand creeps underneath her skirt. “What is this, the nineteenth century?”
“No. You’re an extremely modern woman.”
“Yesterday in bed you called me a tease,” she grins as his lips travel down her neck. Lately she’s been leaving her shirts more unbuttoned than usual, but he unbuttons one more. 
“Well I was obviously kidding,” he says as his head disappears between her lapels. “As it turns out you’re incredibly easy.”
“Mulder… this isn’t a good idea…” she breathes, realizing too late it was she who got him going in the first place, but simultaneously not caring. He spins her around so her back is to the wall of the elevator and she tilts her head back in ecstasy, his own cradled between her arms, obscured between her breasts.
And it’s in this exact position they are revealed as the elevator doors open to the shocked and disgruntled Agent Short himself. Scully hisses “Mulder!” into his ear and Mulder stands upright, blocking the other agent’s view of her exposed chest.
Scully peeks around him to see the man standing there gaping, his face hideously bruised, and before she can think of anything to say Mulder does it for them all.
“Wow, that looks pretty bad, Agent Short,” Mulder says as Scully furiously buttons up her shirt. “What happened to you?”
“Uh, I…” Short stammers. “I fell down the stairs.”
“Better get some ice on that,” Scully says as she brushes past him, taking Mulder’s hand. “I hear those government health plans are expensive.”
They walk through the lobby hand in hand, as it suddenly occurs to her all this hiding is exhausting. Mulder turns towards her and she notices for the first time his mouth is smeared with her lipstick. 
“Well, Scully,” he says, seemingly unconcerned with the watchful stares of the agents around them, “for a man who wanted us to reduce our vision, he certainly got an eyeful.”
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electing--net · 4 years
Electing 3
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At CalBike we just don’t improve transportation policy, but we also improve the transportation policymakers who represent us in … Jan 6, 2020 - Pennsylvania is one of only a handful of states that chooses its state judges at the ballot box. And, let’s face it, even voters who pay close … New Jersey Voters Electing All 80 Assembly Members. Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 7:24 pm | ז’ חשון תש"פ. The New Jersey General Assembly chamber of the … Jul 16, 2019 - As a result of this undemocratic practice of giving the process of electing the next president to the big media, the twenty Democratic presidential … Nov 6, 2019 - Electing the economy. Why investors believe this election is critical for their financial future. Save the economy. View FINRA BrokerCheck … Jun 19, 2019 - President Donald Trump officially launched his re-election campaign in Orlando Tuesday night, and Republicans in Washington embraced his … Jun 16, 2017 - Electing new board members is an active and ongoing process that peaks at election time. Board director elections are one of the most … The Pros and Cons of Electing an S Corporation Status. The S corporation status has been available to most corporations for many years. According to the … Oct 11, 2019 - Elizabeth Warren’s way of winning 2020 nomination risks re-electing Trump. By John Podhoretz · View author archive; email the author; follow … Nov 7, 2019 - People of color made history in the 2019 off-year elections by winning municipal races in places their families were once ignored or prevented … Electing Women Bay Area is a community of like-minded donors who come together in support of Democratic women running for US Senate and governorships. This activity, “Electing Cheryl Martin,” simulates the process of running for office in the US House of Representatives using a primary race for a midterm election … Nov 4, 2019 - Kelly says weather and scoring first play into electing to receive kickoffs. Of those seven opportunities when the Irish had the option, they’ve … Jun 18, 2019 - Mitch McConnell says America made up for slavery by electing Barack Obama. He also suggested reparations weren’t worth addressing … Salt Lake City could make history by electing its first Latina mayor. By Nicole Chavez, CNN. Updated 7:53 PM ET, Mon November 4, 2019. Salt Lake City could … Perry was elected on the fifth ballot of the Special Electing Convention. She received 64 clergy votes and 118 lay votes. A minimum of 55 clergy votes and 94 lay … Jun 21, 2019 - Istanbul’s second go at electing a mayor. Voters in Turkey’s biggest city are going to the polls in a controversial election rerun. The ruling AK … Electing the Speaker of the House of. Representatives: Frequently Asked Questions. Updated November 26, 2018. Congressional Research Service. Oct 17, 2019 - November 5, 2019, is one year to the day before Americans go to the polls. Join us as we talk with political thought leaders about the road … Wait, you don’t vote for the President? The United States uses an indirect system of electing the President which doesn’t function the way it was… The process for electing S corporation status begins with an IRS application, on IRS Form 2553. Form 2553- Election by a Small Business Corporation. This form … 1.501(h)-2 Electing the expenditure test. (a) In general. The election to be governed by section 501(h) may be made by an eligible organization (as described in … Listen to What to Expect When You’re Electing on Spotify. Welcome to the Samara Centre for Democracy’s What to Expect When You’re Electing. Delivered in a … Selecting political leaders by popular election is an unquestioned hallmark of representative democracies—the institutional manifestation of Lincoln’s promise of …
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electing--co · 4 years
Electing 3
Lawsuit challenges Alabama's method of electing judges. Posted Jul 09, 2019. Julie Bennett. The Heflin-Torbert Judicial Building, also known as the Alabama ... Nov 18, 2018 - Last year, U.S. Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) authored an amendment to repeal the Affordable Care Act and allow insurers to raise premiums ... Electing America's Economic Future. Oct 23, 2019 Michael J. Boskin. Next year's US presidential election will have far-reaching consequences, not least for the ... Electing a University President Using Open-Audit Voting: Analysis of Real-World Use of Helios. Olivier de Marneffe, Université catholique de Louvain ... Jan 14, 2020 - More parties sound like a good idea, but they are constitutionally a nightmare. Aug 29, 2018 - Republican candidate Ron DeSantis' general-election campaign for governor of Florida got off to an abysmal start Wednesday morning when ... llc-electing-s-corp-tax-status. If you decide to form an LLC to own and operate your small business, you have a couple of choices for how you want your LLC to ... If a traffic citation has been received: A complete list of options for satisfying the requirements of the traffic offense is on the back of the citation. Drivers are ... Nov 12, 2019 - In Seattle, Socialist City Councilmember Kshama Sawant has been re-elected in a race that pitted her against Amazon — Seattle's largest ... In addition to electing representatives to a governing body for The NewsGuild, members elect co-workers to be leaders at work and local officers. Elections for ... In the past, 15 to 20 days after a papal vacancy, the cardinals gathered in St. Peter's Basilica for a Mass invoking the guidance of the Holy Spirit in electing a new ... Oct 1, 2019 - KOKOMO, Ind. – The residents of Kokomo are electing a new mayor for the first time in 12 years. Democrat Greg Goodnight is stepping down ... Aug 10, 2018 - In October of 2013, the federal government shut down for 16 days — the third longest shutdown in history. A few women in particular came ... Jul 9, 2019 - MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Alabama's practice of picking its appellate judges in statewide elections results in all-white courts in a state where ... Learn about the possible benefits of having your single-member LLC taxed as a C corporation. Apr 2, 2015 - Democracy v ... 5 days ago - Impeachment, Appoint or electing the state superintendent, and security at houses of worship. View description Share. Published Jan 17, 2020 ... Electing your Board Members There are seven members of the Hutto ISD Board of Trustees, each elected at-large to serve staggered three-year terms. Elections ... Electing the President: The Race to 270. By Nicholas G. Karambelas. October 18, 2016. Electoral College map. The debates, the obsequious surrogates, the ... Oct 3, 2019 - Wednesday, Oct. 9th at 4:30 – 6:00pm. Why Electing More Women Matters: A Lecture by Ruth Hardy. Senator Ruth Hardy, a visiting Professor ... Dec 4, 2019 - Eventbrite - Electing Women Alliance presents Electing Women Alliance Reception - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at The Loft at 600 F, ... Jun 19, 2019 - Mitch McConnell made headlines when he said acts like passing civil rights laws and electing Barack Obama could be considered ... Dec 9, 2019 - Ducey says Arizona could do "just as well" without electing certain county officials, like the county assessor."This is the way it's done," said ... Jul 9, 2019 - MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — A lawsuit challenging Alabama's practice of electing appellate judges by statewide vote says the practice results ... Feb 15, 2019 - Abstract: We consider the problem of electing a committee of k candidates, subject to some constraints as to what this committee is supposed to ... ELECTING A FREE TRADE MAJORITY TO CONGRESS. AFIT-PAC is the political voice for international auto dealers. We promote the free trade interests of the ... Jun 5, 2018 - A corporation electing to register as a New Jersey S Corporation must complete and file a New Jersey S Corporation Election, Form CBT-2553. Oct 10, 2019 - (CNN) -- Planned Parenthood's super PAC kicked off a $45 million electoral program targeted toward battleground states for the 2020 election, ... Oct 23, 2019 - On Tuesday, the Jacksonville City Council failed to pass a bill opposing a bill carried by a state Legislator that could lead to an elected Duval ... The Mode of Electing the President From the New York Packet. Friday, March 14, 1788. HAMILTON. To the People of the State of New York: THE mode of ... Sep 30, 2019 - ANN ARBOR, MI - The odds are against any effort to oust a judge from the bench in Michigan, no matter how bad they may be at their job. Electing Allies to Office. At CalBike we just don't improve transportation policy, but we also improve the transportation policymakers who represent us in ... Jan 6, 2020 - Pennsylvania is one of only a handful of states that chooses its state judges at the ballot box. And, let's face it, even voters who pay close ... New Jersey Voters Electing All 80 Assembly Members. Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 7:24 pm | ז' חשון תש"פ. The New Jersey General Assembly chamber of the ... Jul 16, 2019 - As a result of this undemocratic practice of giving the process of electing the next president to the big media, the twenty Democratic presidential ... Nov 6, 2019 - Electing the economy. Why investors believe this election is critical for their financial future. Save the economy. View FINRA BrokerCheck ... Jun 19, 2019 - President Donald Trump officially launched his re-election campaign in Orlando Tuesday night, and Republicans in Washington embraced his ... Jun 16, 2017 - Electing new board members is an active and ongoing process that peaks at election time. Board director elections are one of the most ... The Pros and Cons of Electing an S Corporation Status. The S corporation status has been available to most corporations for many years. According to the ... Oct 11, 2019 - Elizabeth Warren's way of winning 2020 nomination risks re-electing Trump. By John Podhoretz · View author archive; email the author; follow ... Nov 7, 2019 - People of color made history in the 2019 off-year elections by winning municipal races in places their families were once ignored or prevented ... Electing Women Bay Area is a community of like-minded donors who come together in support of Democratic women running for US Senate and governorships. This activity, “Electing Cheryl Martin,” simulates the process of running for office in the US House of Representatives using a primary race for a midterm election ... Nov 4, 2019 - Kelly says weather and scoring first play into electing to receive kickoffs. Of those seven opportunities when the Irish had the option, they've ... Jun 18, 2019 - Mitch McConnell says America made up for slavery by electing Barack Obama. He also suggested reparations weren't worth addressing ... Salt Lake City could make history by electing its first Latina mayor. By Nicole Chavez, CNN. Updated 7:53 PM ET, Mon November 4, 2019. Salt Lake City could ... Perry was elected on the fifth ballot of the Special Electing Convention. She received 64 clergy votes and 118 lay votes. A minimum of 55 clergy votes and 94 lay ... Jun 21, 2019 - Istanbul's second go at electing a mayor. Voters in Turkey's biggest city are going to the polls in a controversial election rerun. The ruling AK ... Electing the Speaker of the House of. Representatives: Frequently Asked Questions. Updated November 26, 2018. Congressional Research Service. Oct 17, 2019 - November 5, 2019, is one year to the day before Americans go to the polls. Join us as we talk with political thought leaders about the road ... Wait, you don't vote for the President? The United States uses an indirect system of electing the President which doesn't function the way it was… The process for electing S corporation status begins with an IRS application, on IRS Form 2553. Form 2553- Election by a Small Business Corporation. This form ... 1.501(h)-2 Electing the expenditure test. (a) In general. The election to be governed by section 501(h) may be made by an eligible organization (as described in ... Listen to What to Expect When You're Electing on Spotify. Welcome to the Samara Centre for Democracy's What to Expect When You're Electing. Delivered in a ... Selecting political leaders by popular election is an unquestioned hallmark of representative democracies—the institutional manifestation of Lincoln's promise of ...
0 notes
electing-info · 4 years
Electing 3
Lawsuit challenges Alabama's method of electing judges. Posted Jul 09, 2019. Julie Bennett. The Heflin-Torbert Judicial Building, also known as the Alabama ... Nov 18, 2018 - Last year, U.S. Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) authored an amendment to repeal the Affordable Care Act and allow insurers to raise premiums ... Electing America's Economic Future. Oct 23, 2019 Michael J. Boskin. Next year's US presidential election will have far-reaching consequences, not least for the ... Electing a University President Using Open-Audit Voting: Analysis of Real-World Use of Helios. Olivier de Marneffe, Université catholique de Louvain ... Jan 14, 2020 - More parties sound like a good idea, but they are constitutionally a nightmare. Aug 29, 2018 - Republican candidate Ron DeSantis' general-election campaign for governor of Florida got off to an abysmal start Wednesday morning when ... llc-electing-s-corp-tax-status. If you decide to form an LLC to own and operate your small business, you have a couple of choices for how you want your LLC to ... If a traffic citation has been received: A complete list of options for satisfying the requirements of the traffic offense is on the back of the citation. Drivers are ... Nov 12, 2019 - In Seattle, Socialist City Councilmember Kshama Sawant has been re-elected in a race that pitted her against Amazon — Seattle's largest ... In addition to electing representatives to a governing body for The NewsGuild, members elect co-workers to be leaders at work and local officers. Elections for ... In the past, 15 to 20 days after a papal vacancy, the cardinals gathered in St. Peter's Basilica for a Mass invoking the guidance of the Holy Spirit in electing a new ... Oct 1, 2019 - KOKOMO, Ind. – The residents of Kokomo are electing a new mayor for the first time in 12 years. Democrat Greg Goodnight is stepping down ... Aug 10, 2018 - In October of 2013, the federal government shut down for 16 days — the third longest shutdown in history. A few women in particular came ... Jul 9, 2019 - MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Alabama's practice of picking its appellate judges in statewide elections results in all-white courts in a state where ... Learn about the possible benefits of having your single-member LLC taxed as a C corporation. Apr 2, 2015 - Democracy v ... 5 days ago - Impeachment, Appoint or electing the state superintendent, and security at houses of worship. View description Share. Published Jan 17, 2020 ... Electing your Board Members There are seven members of the Hutto ISD Board of Trustees, each elected at-large to serve staggered three-year terms. Elections ... Electing the President: The Race to 270. By Nicholas G. Karambelas. October 18, 2016. Electoral College map. The debates, the obsequious surrogates, the ... Oct 3, 2019 - Wednesday, Oct. 9th at 4:30 – 6:00pm. Why Electing More Women Matters: A Lecture by Ruth Hardy. Senator Ruth Hardy, a visiting Professor ... Dec 4, 2019 - Eventbrite - Electing Women Alliance presents Electing Women Alliance Reception - Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at The Loft at 600 F, ... Jun 19, 2019 - Mitch McConnell made headlines when he said acts like passing civil rights laws and electing Barack Obama could be considered ... Dec 9, 2019 - Ducey says Arizona could do "just as well" without electing certain county officials, like the county assessor."This is the way it's done," said ... Jul 9, 2019 - MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — A lawsuit challenging Alabama's practice of electing appellate judges by statewide vote says the practice results ... Feb 15, 2019 - Abstract: We consider the problem of electing a committee of k candidates, subject to some constraints as to what this committee is supposed to ... ELECTING A FREE TRADE MAJORITY TO CONGRESS. AFIT-PAC is the political voice for international auto dealers. We promote the free trade interests of the ... Jun 5, 2018 - A corporation electing to register as a New Jersey S Corporation must complete and file a New Jersey S Corporation Election, Form CBT-2553. Oct 10, 2019 - (CNN) -- Planned Parenthood's super PAC kicked off a $45 million electoral program targeted toward battleground states for the 2020 election, ... Oct 23, 2019 - On Tuesday, the Jacksonville City Council failed to pass a bill opposing a bill carried by a state Legislator that could lead to an elected Duval ... The Mode of Electing the President From the New York Packet. Friday, March 14, 1788. HAMILTON. To the People of the State of New York: THE mode of ... Sep 30, 2019 - ANN ARBOR, MI - The odds are against any effort to oust a judge from the bench in Michigan, no matter how bad they may be at their job. Electing Allies to Office. At CalBike we just don't improve transportation policy, but we also improve the transportation policymakers who represent us in ... Jan 6, 2020 - Pennsylvania is one of only a handful of states that chooses its state judges at the ballot box. And, let's face it, even voters who pay close ... New Jersey Voters Electing All 80 Assembly Members. Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 7:24 pm | ז' חשון תש"פ. The New Jersey General Assembly chamber of the ... Jul 16, 2019 - As a result of this undemocratic practice of giving the process of electing the next president to the big media, the twenty Democratic presidential ... Nov 6, 2019 - Electing the economy. Why investors believe this election is critical for their financial future. Save the economy. View FINRA BrokerCheck ... Jun 19, 2019 - President Donald Trump officially launched his re-election campaign in Orlando Tuesday night, and Republicans in Washington embraced his ... Jun 16, 2017 - Electing new board members is an active and ongoing process that peaks at election time. Board director elections are one of the most ... The Pros and Cons of Electing an S Corporation Status. The S corporation status has been available to most corporations for many years. According to the ... Oct 11, 2019 - Elizabeth Warren's way of winning 2020 nomination risks re-electing Trump. By John Podhoretz · View author archive; email the author; follow ... Nov 7, 2019 - People of color made history in the 2019 off-year elections by winning municipal races in places their families were once ignored or prevented ... Electing Women Bay Area is a community of like-minded donors who come together in support of Democratic women running for US Senate and governorships. This activity, “Electing Cheryl Martin,” simulates the process of running for office in the US House of Representatives using a primary race for a midterm election ... Nov 4, 2019 - Kelly says weather and scoring first play into electing to receive kickoffs. Of those seven opportunities when the Irish had the option, they've ... Jun 18, 2019 - Mitch McConnell says America made up for slavery by electing Barack Obama. He also suggested reparations weren't worth addressing ... Salt Lake City could make history by electing its first Latina mayor. By Nicole Chavez, CNN. Updated 7:53 PM ET, Mon November 4, 2019. Salt Lake City could ... Perry was elected on the fifth ballot of the Special Electing Convention. She received 64 clergy votes and 118 lay votes. A minimum of 55 clergy votes and 94 lay ... Jun 21, 2019 - Istanbul's second go at electing a mayor. Voters in Turkey's biggest city are going to the polls in a controversial election rerun. The ruling AK ... Electing the Speaker of the House of. Representatives: Frequently Asked Questions. Updated November 26, 2018. Congressional Research Service. Oct 17, 2019 - November 5, 2019, is one year to the day before Americans go to the polls. Join us as we talk with political thought leaders about the road ... Wait, you don't vote for the President? The United States uses an indirect system of electing the President which doesn't function the way it was… The process for electing S corporation status begins with an IRS application, on IRS Form 2553. Form 2553- Election by a Small Business Corporation. This form ... 1.501(h)-2 Electing the expenditure test. (a) In general. The election to be governed by section 501(h) may be made by an eligible organization (as described in ... Listen to What to Expect When You're Electing on Spotify. Welcome to the Samara Centre for Democracy's What to Expect When You're Electing. Delivered in a ... Selecting political leaders by popular election is an unquestioned hallmark of representative democracies—the institutional manifestation of Lincoln's promise of ...
0 notes
Deaths in custody. Sexual violence. Hunger strikes. What we uncovered inside ICE facilities across the US
A USA TODAY Network investigation revealed sex assaults, routine use of physical force, poor medical care and deaths at facilities overseen by ICE.
Monsy Alvarado, Ashley Balcerzak, Stacey Barchenger, Jon Campbell, Rafael Carranza, Maria Clark, Alan Gomez, Daniel Gonzalez, Trevor Hughes, Rick Jervis, Dan Keemahill, Rebecca Plevin, Jeremy Schwartz, Sarah Taddeo, Lauren Villagran, Dennis Wagner, Elizabeth Weise, Alissa Zhu, USA TODAY Network Updated 9:06 p.m. CST Dec. 20, 2019
NEW ORLEANS – At 2:04 p.m. on Oct. 15, a guard at the Richwood Correctional Center noticed an odd smell coming from one of the isolation cells. He opened the door, stepped inside and found the lifeless body of Roylan Hernandez-Diaz hanging from a bedsheet. 
The 43-year-old Cuban man had spent five months in immigration detention waiting for a judge to hear his asylum claim. As his time at Richwood dragged on, he barely answered questions from security or medical staff, who noted his “withdrawn emotional state.” He refused to eat for four days. 
The day after his death, 20 other detainees carried out what they say was a peaceful protest. They wrote “Justice for Roylan” on their white T-shirts, sat down in the cafeteria and refused to eat. Guards swooped in and attacked, beating one of them so severely he was taken to a hospital, according to letters written by 10 detainees that were obtained by the USA TODAY Network and interviews with two detainees’ relatives. 
Before that day, detainees at Richwood had chronicled a pattern of alleged brutality in the Louisiana facility. Detainees complained of beatings, taunts from guards who called them “f---ing dogs” and of landing in isolation cells for minor violations.
The USA TODAY Network uncovered the Richwood episode during an investigation of the rapidly growing network of detention centers used by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The investigation revealed more than 400 allegations of sexual assault or abuse, inadequate medical care, regular hunger strikes, frequent use of solitary confinement, more than 800 instances of physical force against detainees, nearly 20,000 grievances filed by detainees and at least 29 fatalities, including seven suicides, since President Donald Trump took office in January 2017 and launched an overhaul of U.S. immigration policies.
Combined with an analysis by a government watchdog, the USA TODAY Network analyzed inspection reports since 2015 and identified 15,821 violations of detention standards. Yet more than 90% of those facilities received passing grades by government inspectors. Network reporters interviewed 35 former and current detainees, some conducted using video chats from inside an ICE detention center. They reviewed hundreds of documents from lawsuits, financial records and government contracts, and toured seven ICE facilities from Colorado to Texas to Florida. Such tours are extremely rare.
At least two detention centers passed inspections despite using a chemical restraint – Freeze +P – that is forbidden for use under ICE rules because it contains tear gas that produces “severe pain,” according to its manufacturer. Other centers received passing marks even after inspectors chronicled widespread use of physical force or solitary confinement. Richwood was one of the centers that passed inspections.
Vicente Raul Orozco Serguera, one of the Richwood detainees who protested after Hernandez-Diaz died, told outsiders that the death and violent confrontation with guards punctuated a terrifying stay at Richwood that began with detention center officials forcing him to sign a document listing who would recover his body if he died in custody.
“The United States has appointed itself the country of liberty, the land of opportunity, the defender of human rights and the refuge for people oppressed by their governments. All that ends once you’re detained,” Orozco Serguera wrote in a letter from Richwood that was delivered to a lawyer in hopes of finding someone to help him. “We want our freedom to fight our cases freely and leave this hell, for Louisiana is a ‘Cemetery of living men.’” 
Ray Hanson, the warden at Richwood, did not respond to calls for comment. Brian Cox, an ICE spokesman in Louisiana, said “there is no evidence to support the allegation” that guards abused or mistreated detainees who protested the death. And LaSalle Corrections, the private company that runs Richwood, issued a statement that did not address the allegations, saying only the facility has a grievance process that detainees can use to register complaints.
For the past year, much of the nation’s attention on immigration issues has focused on how the Trump administration polices the southern border and how Border Patrol agents treat migrants arriving there. But away from that spotlight there is a separate detention system overseen by ICE that has continued to grow with far less scrutiny. It is now a $3 billion network of 221 facilities, the largest of which are operated by private companies under government contract. Combined, those facilities detain more than 50,000 women, men and children who wait months or years for immigration court proceedings.
Two-thirds of detainees have no criminal records,  ICE records show. About 26% are detained solely because they are requesting asylum in the U.S. That is why ICE policy mandates that immigration detention be civil in nature - an administrative hold on detainees as they await deportation or their next hearing - as opposed to a punitive, corrective prison system. But the USA TODAY Network review found that the ICE system operates in many ways like a prison system; detainees wear red and orange jumpsuits that sometimes read “inmate” on the back.
Just before one detainee died in Florida, he “vomited feces,” according to a death report written by ICE. Two others detainees died elsewhere after being taken off life support without consent from their relatives. Death reports also show detainees died of pneumonia, heart attacks and internal bleeding. In several instances, the cause of death remains “unknown.”
Detainees say they are denied toothbrushes, toilet paper and warm clothing in the winter. Some say they have been forced to drink water that reeks of chlorine. Others allege that guards respond to peaceful protests with rubber bullets and tear gas, and that staff has cut off their recreation time, family visitations and other basic services without explanation. 
Critics say Trump’s rapid expansion has only exacerbated long-standing problems in the detention system, which is long overdue for real oversight and a massive overhaul. 
During an interview with the USA TODAY Network this month, Henry Lucero, ICE’s second in command over detention, said ICE runs a top-notch detention system that strictly enforces federal standards, provides quality medical care, responds to every grievance filed by detainees, and reviews every use of force incident. ICE detention standards prohibit guards from using force as punishment, but allow them to use force to “gain detainee cooperation” and only using a series of approved techniques.
“It’s true, it is civil detention and it’s not criminal where it’s punitive,” he said. “You’re there to comply with immigration law.”
Lucero also made clear, however, that there are dangerous individuals in ICE custody, and that guards must strictly enforce its rules to protect the safety and security of each facility.
“Similar to a criminal justice system, while you’re in our facilities, there are still rules that you have to comply with,” Lucero said. “It’s not anarchy, you can do what you want. To maintain order of the facilities, you have to comply.”
But Allegra Love, executive director of the Santa Fe Dreamers Project, a nonprofit that provides free legal services to immigrants, said there is ample evidence that “we are torturing and killing people inside these detention centers.”
“We have all the evidence we need to say this is not a good use of tax money,” said Love, an attorney who has visited detainees in ICE detention. “It has to stop being an economic and political issue because it is a moral issue.”  
Immigration detention or private prison? 
The U.S. immigration detention system has grown steadily over the past 40 years under both Republican and Democratic administrations.
President George W. Bush, operating in a post-9/11 environment, expanded the number of detention centers used by ICE to more than 350 nationwide. President Barack Obama consolidated that system, cutting roughly 150 facilities while instituting reforms to improve living conditions. But the overall ICE detention population continued to grow under his watch, reaching 34,000 detainees in his last term.
Trump vowed as a presidential candidate to detain more undocumented immigrants than any of his predecessors and he has lived up to that promise. The number of detainees under his administration has increased by 5,263 on average each year. President Bill Clinton oversaw the second-highest increase, adding 1,691 ICE detainees on average per year.
Under Trump, ICE also has added new detention facilities at a rapid pace, signing contracts with 24 facilities to start accepting immigration detainees since 2017. 
ICE owns and operates five detention centers in four states: Florida, Arizona, New York and Texas. Private companies operate at least 60 facilities where 75% of all ICE detainees are held. Others are detained in city and county jails, where they await civil proceedings alongside convicted criminals and those awaiting criminal trials.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General, an independent office within DHS that audits the department’s activities, analyzed inspection reports of all ICE facilities from October 2015 to June 2018 and identified 14,003 “deficiencies” – instances where staff violated detention standards that govern the treatment of detainees. Over that time, ICE issued two fines against facility operators. One was levied against a private contractor for not adequately paying staff; the other was assessed against a facility for substandard medical and mental health care. 
The USA TODAY Network then analyzed all publicly available ICE inspection reports from July 2018 to November 2019. That review identified an additional 1,818 deficiencies at 98 facilities. 
The problems documented by ICE inspectors ranged from moldy food and filthy bathrooms to high numbers of sexual assault allegations, attempted suicides and claims of guards using force against detainees. A central theme identified by government inspectors was the failure of guards to grasp the difference between running a prison and an immigration detention center. 
Prisons are designed to be corrective or punitive in nature; immigration detention centers are not. The introduction to ICE’s detention standards, which have been in effect in different forms since the creation of the agency in 2002, makes that clear: “ICE detains people for no purpose other than to secure their presence both for immigration proceedings and their removal.”
When federal inspectors visited the Clinton County Jail in New York, a local jail that has a contract with ICE to detain immigrants, they found that guards didn’t recognize the difference.
“The setting is that of a typical jail, and the concepts of civil detention are largely not incorporated into the daily operation,” inspectors wrote. “Most facility personnel were not familiar with the requirements of the (ICE detention) standards.”
In at least 175 cases, detention facilities requested and received waivers that allowed them to ignore ICE’s detention standards. In these instances, detention centers were able to conduct more strip searches, use chemical agents like tear gas against detainees and limit the information provided to detainees about their medical conditions.
ICE said it sanctions facilities and even terminates contracts for repeat violators. But the agency refused to provide any examples of fines or facility closures when questioned this year by the inspector general, members of Congress and the USA TODAY Network. 
Lucero, the ICE official, said the contracts the agency signs with private prison operators and local jails prohibit ICE from publicly disclosing any fines or facility closures due to poor ratings during inspections. But he said he would consider making them public in the future.
“We want to be fully transparent with what we're doing,” he said.
Health care denied, putting detainees at risk 
When Suzanne Moore first arrived at the Baker County Detention Center outside Jacksonville, Florida, in July 2018, her breast cancer was in remission.
The disabled mother of two had spent 21 months in state prison after she pleaded guilty to selling some of the morphine and oxycodone left over from her cancer treatments. She was picked up by ICE as soon as her state prison term was completed. Moore’s family moved from Jamaica to the U.S. when she was 2 years old and she became a legal permanent resident, but her felony convictions triggered deportation proceedings. 
ICE officials sent her to Baker, a county jail that has a contract with ICE to hold detainees. When she first arrived at the facility, which is evenly split between immigration detainees and county inmates, she was given an orange jumpsuit that read “Inmate” on the back.
Once ICE takes custody of a person, it assumes responsibility for medical care. 
In Moore’s case, she said medical staff told her at times they had run out of the Tamoxifen medication she took daily to keep cancer from returning. At one point, Moore said, she went 20 days without receiving the medication. 
“I would let ICE know and they’d say, ‘That’s Baker’s problem,’ and Baker would say, ‘That’s ICE’s problem,’” said Moore, 56. “They’d just point the finger at each other.”
Such complaints are common throughout ICE’s detention system.
Kenneth Thomas, a legal permanent resident from England, was picked up by immigration officers last year for an 18-year-old conviction of credit card fraud and is now being held in the Adams County Correctional Center in Natchez, Mississippi. Thomas, a diabetic, said he’s lost 20 pounds in ICE custody because of a combination of medical errors and questionable food preparation. He said he’s gone up to two weeks without receiving his diabetes medication and was fed a diet not suited for an unmedicated diabetic.
“They would give me pasta, mashed potatoes and rice, but I would have to put those things aside,” Thomas said. 
Janamjot Sodhi, 44, a native of India who is being detained at the Aurora ICE Processing Center in Colorado, said most trips to the infirmary, no matter how serious the injury or illness, usually lead to the same result.
“Basically all they give you is ibuprofen,” said Sodhi, a stockbroker who pleaded guilty in 2013 to running a $2.3 million Ponzi scheme. He spent 57 months in federal prison and was detained by ICE immediately upon his release.
Salvatore Pipitone, a pizza maker from Italy, said he had to be admitted to a hospital after a three-week stint in ICE detention at the York County Prison in Pennsylvania. He said he refused to drink the water because it tasted foul, leading to him losing 25 pounds and treatment for dehydration.
Pipitone said he was detained for missing an immigration court hearing to convert his conditional green card into a permanent one, which he blamed on a scheduling mistake by federal immigration agents.
“I had never heard of immigration detention,” said Pipitone, who now lives with his wife in Pennsylvania. “I did everything legal and followed the rules and did nothing wrong in this country. I was so mad because I was arrested like a criminal.” 
In New Jersey, Yuri Espada, 33, of New York City, was held at the Hudson County Correctional Center on ICE violations for nearly a year. Espada was born in Honduras and came to the United States in 1997 when she was 11 years old. She later became a ward of the state and was in foster care for years. 
She said she was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, a chronic mental health condition, four years ago. But after she was jailed in 2018, she asked for her medication for weeks to no avail, she said. 
“It made me go into a mental health breakdown,’’ said Espada, who was released from custody in October and now lives in New York City. “I was not mentally stable. I was hearing voices, I talked to myself at times, I was disoriented (by) my surroundings and I was severely depressed.”
The questionable medical conditions inside ICE facilities inspired the New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, a civil rights organization, to form a specialized team of doctors and other medical professionals to rapidly respond to troubling cases. The group of volunteers was created five years ago and has grown to 90 members since Trump came into office because “conditions are worsening” inside ICE facilities, according to Hayley Gorenberg, legal director for the group.
Gorenberg and her team have sued and won two settlements against ICE this year - totaling more than $1.7 million combined - in cases where ICE agents dumped detainees on the streets of New York without providing them temporary medications or any plan for their medical treatment, as is required by ICE’s detention standards. Both of the released detainees ended up checking themselves into local hospitals for help.
“Immigration detention is no place for somebody with serious health needs, physical or mental,” Gorenberg said.
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In Florida, Moore languished at Baker. She said she was handcuffed each time she was taken to the medical wing and handcuffed each time she was taken back to her dorm. 
In April, she was sent to an oncologist for a mammogram. The doctor took a biopsy. After missing all those medications over her 10 months at Baker, Moore said, she wasn’t surprised to learn that her breast cancer had returned.
Officials at Baker said they could not discuss the medical treatment of its detainees, citing medical privacy laws. But Lucero, the ICE official, said many detainee complaints about medical care in ICE facilities are “not accurate.” He said detainees often refuse medication and then turn around and complain that they were denied medication. 
“When we review the allegations they generally show this,” Lucero said. “We feel like we have a very, very good medical program with a lot of oversight.”
Right after Moore’s diagnosis, ICE released her from custody.
ICE detainee died with sock in throat
Kamyar Samimi’s final days were agonizing. 
The father of three, who got legal residency shortly after arriving in the U.S. from his native Iran more than 40 years ago, had battled opioid use disorder ever since his grandfather gave him opium following a tooth extraction at four years old, according to his family. For most of his life in the U.S., Samimi had been prescribed methadone to manage his disorder.
Those treatments ended when he was arrested by ICE agents in 2017 based on a 12-year-old drug possession conviction and sent to a detention center in Aurora, Colorado. All immigrants - even those who have legal permanent residence or become U.S. citizens - can have their status revoked and be placed into deportation proceedings if they commit certain crimes.
The GEO Group, which runs the Aurora facility, attributed Samimi’s building anguish to withdrawal but refused to prescribe him any methadone per their policy of banning opiates within the facility, according to an ICE report on his death.
His condition worsened to the point where he died over a two-week period, vomiting, bleeding and crying out in pain, according to the ICE report. The detention center’s medical staff skipped routine health checks that could have highlighted his rapidly failing health, and ignored ICE’s standards that say he should have been taken to a hospital for evaluation, the report said.
“There's not the proper attention, medical care or training in these detention facilities, and I would want everyone who is reading to know that this is happening,” said his daughter, Neda Samimi-Gomez. “It's right in our backyards. And the more people who know, the more chance we have to bring change and prevent this from happening again.”
The ACLU filed a lawsuit in November against the GEO Group over Samimi’s death. An ICE official at the Aurora detention center refused to discuss Samimi’s case with the USA TODAY Network. 
In Arizona, Jose de Jesus Deniz-Sahagun tried to repeatedly kill himself inside the Eloy Detention Center.
Federal immigration agents knew something was wrong with him when he tried to run through a Border Patrol station in Arizona in 2015. After being arrested and taken into custody, the Mexican man twice launched himself off a bench and landed on his head inside a Border Patrol station, according to a review of his death by ICE's Office of Detention Oversight. He banged his head against the walls. He talked of coyotes and cartel members coming to kill him. 
The suicidal behavior worsened after he was transferred to the Eloy Detention Center. A doctor at Eloy declared him delusional and ordered he be kept on suicide watch on May 19, 2015. A day later, a doctor at Eloy took him off suicide watch, claiming Deniz-Sahagun was “no longer a danger to himself,” according to the ICE report.
Within hours, Deniz-Sahagun was dead, an orange sock lodged in his throat and a nine-centimeter piece of a toothbrush handle in his stomach, according to the ICE report.
His family in the U.S. sued CoreCivic, the private company that operates Eloy, and won a settlement for an undisclosed sum, according to Daniel Ortega, the Phoenix lawyer who handled the case, and CoreCivic. 
In Georgia, Jeancarlo Alfonso Jimenez Joseph showed similar mental problems after entering the Stewart Detention Center. The 27-year-old had been accepted into the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the Obama-era program that has protected from deportation undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.
Jimenez Joseph had been diagnosed with acute psychosis and schizoaffective disorder-bipolar type and had attempted suicide on several occasions. But according to an ongoing lawsuit filed by his family, officials at Stewart didn’t pay close enough attention to his worsening symptoms, leading to his suicide by hanging in his cell on May 15, 2017.
Andrew Free, an attorney who is representing the families of eight detainees who died in ICE custody, said the increase in deaths is a direct result of the government’s unchecked expansion of the ICE detention system without ensuring facilities can properly care for detainees.
Immigrants and activists say ICE’s death toll is misleading since the agency doesn’t count cases of people who die shortly after they are released from custody.
Last year, Yazmin Juarez, a Guatemalan woman, and her 19-month-old daughter, Mariee, spent time in the South Texas Family Residential Center in Dilley, Texas, one of the few ICE facilities that can detain parents and their minor children together. Six weeks after their release, Mariee was dead, the result of a respiratory infection she developed while at the center, according to a lawsuit filed on behalf of the toddler’s mother.
Another case not counted in ICE’s official death toll is that of Jose Luis Ibarra Bucio, a 27-year-old who was held at the Adelanto ICE Processing Center outside of Los Angeles. 
On Feb. 7, Bucio collapsed at the detention center and was transferred to a local hospital. When his family visited him at the Loma Linda University Medical Center, they learned he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and had slipped into a coma. 
“To make matters worse, Jose was handcuffed to his hospital bed while he was in a coma and there were two guards from the GEO Group that were tasked with keeping watch over his comatose body,” said Shannon Camacho of the Coalition for Humane Immigrants Rights of Los Angeles, an immigration advocacy group that learned of the details of his death from Bucio’s family.  
Fifteen days later, as Bucio remained unconscious, ICE officials left a letter in his hospital room stating he was no longer in custody. 
ICE spokesperson Lori Haley said he was released “with respect to humanitarian concerns.” GEO referred questions to ICE.  
Camacho interpreted that decision another way: “ICE and GEO essentially wiped their hands clean of any involvement with his case.”
A month later, on March 20, Bucio’s family decided to take him off life support. He died the next day.
'Leave as cadavers': Detainees complain of solitary confinement, pepper-spray attacks 
Every detainee interviewed by the USA TODAY Network alleged mistreatment by guards.
At the Otero County Processing Center in Chaparral, New Mexico, an ICE facility run under contract by Management & Training Corporation, 18 Cubans led a sit-in after they became so frustrated over their inability to get a hearing before an immigration judge. After they staged a second sit-in, detainees said the guards had seen enough. According to some of the participants, guards at Otero responded by throwing them into solitary confinement, followed by weeks of “quarantine” in which benefits like outdoor recreation time were restricted.
“We were threatened again by the officers, who pointed their weapons at us and told us that ICE wasn’t coming anymore,” said Irrael Arzuaga-Milanes, an asylum-seeker from Cuba who has passed the first phase of his asylum review. “We were shut in for a week in ‘the cave.’” 
When asked about Arzuaga-Milanes’ claims, ICE said detainees may be placed in administrative segregation when their actions are “disruptive,” if they pose a threat to the general population, or for “the secure and orderly operation of the facility.”
Jose Cuadras, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, spent seven weeks at the La Palma Correctional Center outside Eloy, Arizona, earlier this year. Cuadras said guards conducted strip searches after each visit with his family, stopped providing him soap for no reason, and even screamed at a detainee who couldn’t understand the English directions delivered during a fire drill.
The guards were so verbally abusive, Cuadras said, detainees were convinced they must have worked as prison guards before. Turns out, they were right.
Amanda Gilchrist, a spokeswoman for CoreCivic, the company that runs La Palma, said the facility uses many of the same employees, including guards, from an earlier period when La Palma was a medium-security prison. 
She insisted that immigration detainees are not treated the same as convicts. Corrections officers receive additional ICE background clearances and are required to complete 160 hours of training before working with immigration detainees.
“We have a zero-tolerance policy for all forms of abuse and harassment, and every allegation of this nature is reported to our government partner and investigated fully,” Gilchrist said. 
Similar complaints about abusive guards have emerged throughout the country.
Daljinder Singh, a native of India who is being held at the Adams County Correctional Center in Natchez, Mississippi, an ICE facility run by CoreCivic, said guards regularly interrupt his prayer times by purposefully doing head counts while he worships.
At the Farmville Detention Center in Virginia, an ICE facility run by Immigration Centers of America, detainees became concerned over an outbreak of the mumps that infected at least 24 people this year. They were angered by the detention center’s decision to place the facility on quarantine and ban all visitors. They also refused to eat meals from the cafeteria, worried that improperly washed utensils and dishes would allow the mumps to spread.
As tensions mounted, David de la Cruz Grajales, a detainee, said about 20 guards entered their dormitory in “riot gear,” ordering detainees to go to their beds for a second morning count. When some objected, the guards showered them with pepper spray, zip-tied their hands, and placed them into a “segregation unit,” he said.
Grajales said he suffered an asthma attack while his hands were bound and was refused an inhaler for 15 minutes. Later, when he showered, the pepper spray washed down his body and burned his skin. When he asked for a change of clothes, the shift commander responded, “No, you’re going to be burning for at least two days,” Grajales said in an affidavit as part of a lawsuit he and other detainees filed against the facility over their treatment by detention center guards. 
Farmville’s warden, Jeffrey Crawford, and ICE argued in court papers that de la Cruz Grajales and the other detainees were disciplined for failing to follow orders, not for the hunger strike. U.S. District Judge Rossie D. Alston Jr. of Alexandria sided with the facility.
The detainees later dropped their lawsuit against the detention center after they won their asylum claims. 
In Florida, detainees in other ICE facilities are threatened with a transfer to the Baker County Detention Center if they act up.
The facility holds ICE detainees and county inmates in two separate wings, but guards work in both sides of the facility. During a recent tour of the center, Sgt. Brad Harvey, who works for the county sheriff’s department, described a setup that poses challenges. None of the guards speak Spanish, he said, and rely on “verbal judo,” one- or two-word commands to communicate with Hispanic ICE detainees.
A recent tour of the facility showed that Richwood does not provide any outdoor recreation, just a narrow room with a ping pong table, two exercise bikes, an XBOX, and a small window high above the room. The detainees never go outside. They spend most of their days in pods that hold 32 detainees, two detainees per cell.
Michael Meade, ICE’s field office director for the state of Florida, did not dispute that detainees hate being transferred to Baker since other ICE facilities in the state provide outdoor recreation time and more freedom of movement. 
“I wouldn’t want our staff using that as a threat, but if somebody does act up, if they can’t abide by the rules, we’re going to have to find you a more secure facility,” Meade said.
Harvey put it more bluntly.
“We are probably more stringent than some of the other facilities,” he said.
Back in Louisiana, questions remain about the death of Hernandez-Diaz, the Cuban man found hanging while in solitary confinement, and the response by guards to detainees who protested his death.
Relatives of those detained at Richwood said Hernandez-Diaz’s death is indicative of a culture of antagonism and abuse against detainees.
Sulima Baigorria Valdez was released from ICE custody earlier this year, while her husband remains locked up in Richwood. The Cuban couple is seeking asylum, but for now, Valdez simply wants her husband to make it out of Richwood alive.
Her husband says the guards taunt him and others, telling them they will soon be deported. They complain of rotten food, of not being able to go into the sunlight. Last time Valdez saw her husband in October, he had lost 50 pounds, she said. 
“I was thinking this isn’t him, this can’t be him,” she said. “They are going to leave as cadavers.”
One deadly week reveals where the immigration crisis begins — and where it ends
Detainees forced to work for $1 a day 
Detainees also complained of being treated as free or cheap laborers.
ICE’s detention standards allow for detainees to voluntarily sign up to work and sets a baseline payment of “at least $1.00 per day.” But detainees said they are forced to work.
Cesar Sandoval was disgusted by his job inside the Northwest ICE Processing Center, an ICE facility run by the GEO group in Tacoma, Washington. During the 14 months he spent there, he worked in the laundry room and cleaning dishes in the kitchen.
He was paid $1 a day for the effort.
Project South, an Atlanta-based human rights nonprofit organization, filed a class-action lawsuit challenging the practice of forced labor inside the Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin, Georgia, an ICE facility run by CoreCivic. Detainees are forced to work jobs that would otherwise be done by regularly waged employees, according to the lawsuit. Since the detainees listed in the Project South complaint are paid between $1 and $4 a day, that leads to huge savings for private prison operators at the expense of the detainees’ constitutional rights. 
Those rates are similar to wages paid to inmates in federal prisons, according to the Prison Policy Initiative, a nonprofit organization that researches and advocates against mass incarceration. 
zadeh Shahshahani, legal director for Project South, argues that forcing ICE detainees to work violates myriad labor laws and the 13th Amendment, which bans slavery or indentured servitude “except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.”
Damon Hininger, CEO of CoreCivic, said nobody in Stewart or any of the other facilities they operate are forced to work. 
Hininger said they are simply following ICE’s standards by offering detainees the chance to work.
“It’s not necessarily the compensation, per se, but they want to be active,” he said. “We got a fair amount of folks that want to work in the kitchen, that have expertise, that have a passion for the foodservice.”
Detention center with 16 deaths praised for Zumba classes
When federal inspectors visited the Eloy Detention Center this year, they were entering a facility where at least 16 people have died, including five by suicide, since 2005. During February’s tour, which looked at conditions over the previous year, inspectors cited 35 sexual assault or abuse allegations, 41 use of force incidents, 881 grievances filed by detainees, and one death as a result of illness. 
Officials at Eloy, which is run by CoreCivic, deemed most of the sexual assault allegations – including staff members assaulting detainees and detainees assaulting each other – “unsubstantiated.”
But they confirmed 17 cases where staff used pepper spray to subdue detainees, which is restricted in many kinds of ICE detention facilities, and in one case, a facility review committee determined force was not warranted against a detainee and took “appropriate administration action.”
The result? The Eloy Detention Center was given a passing grade by ICE inspectors with just a single deficiency for not ensuring that tools used in the facility are protected from detainees. Otherwise, inspectors raved about the “calm” atmosphere at the facility and guards who exhibited “a professional demeanor in both attire and attitude.”
“The facility provides a robust schedule of activities including karaoke, basketball tournaments, piñata contests, soccer tournaments, holiday tournaments, crochet programs, cleanest pod contest and Zumba classes,” inspectors wrote.
In Louisiana, at the River Correctional Center, an ICE facility run by LaSalle Corrections, an October inspection found that detainees carried out 48 hunger strikes over the previous year. Inspectors dismissed the hunger strikes as being “due to the presence of a large number of detainees from India that use hunger strikes as a request for release.”
In Iowa, at the Linn County Correctional Center, a county jail that has a contract with ICE to hold immigration detainees, inspectors found that staffers were strip-searching all incoming detainees rather than only those they had a reasonable suspicion were carrying contraband, as required by ICE detention standards.
Yet those facilities received passing grades from inspectors. The problem, some say, is the inspection process itself.
“So much of the system is set up to reaffirm itself,” said Silky Shah, executive director of the Detention Watch Network, a group that advocates against immigration detention. “The way the inspection process is set up is a complete sham.”
Most ICE inspections announced ahead of visit 
ICE uses several methods to inspect or monitor facilities, including ICE officials stationed permanently at detention centers and occasional inspections conducted by government and private inspectors under contract with ICE.
The DHS Inspector General said that combination may appear to create a robust process, but identified problems at each step. Some inspectors can identify problems but have no power to correct them. Others do inspections too infrequently.
The most frequent inspections are those conducted by the Nakamoto Group, a Maryland-based company that specializes in government contracting work for a variety of federal agencies and has received more than $22 million over the past decade for its ICE inspections, according to federal contracting data. The inspector general found that Nakamoto inspections are inefficient because they try to check every single detention standard – more than 600 of them – during their three-day visits to each facility, a process that is “too broad” and results in findings that “do not fully examine actual conditions” at each facility.
The process has yet to receive much attention from Congress. During an October hearing on ICE’s inspection process before a House committee, only four representatives – three Democrats and one Republican – attended.
Jenni Nakamoto, founder of the Nakamoto Group, explained to the committee members that she uses a team of 57 former wardens and jail superintendents to conduct more than 100 inspections a year. 
U.S. Rep. Xochitl Torres Small, a New Mexico Democrat, wondered why Nakamoto Group inspections are announced ahead of time. The Inspector General also raised the issue in its report, writing that pre-announced inspections “allows facility management to temporarily modify practices to ‘pass’ an inspection.”
Torres Small explained how her committee staff toured ICE detention centers in four states earlier this year and learned that employees at the facilities painted walls, put up curtains and spruced up the sites before they arrived.
“Even flower beds were placed outside,” Torres Small said.
Nakamoto said her company is simply abiding by the contract it has with ICE, which calls for announced visits of its facilities. Nakamoto has a separate contract to inspect facilities run by the U.S. Marshal’s Service, but that contract calls for unannounced inspections. 
When asked if unannounced tours are more effective at revealing the true conditions inside a facility, Nakamoto nodded her head. “I think so,” she said.
David Venturella, a vice president at the GEO Group, told the USA TODAY Network he would welcome unannounced ICE inspections of his facilities.
“We think we run a very good operation and if they wanted to do unannounced audits, that’s fine, that’s their right to do,” he said. “We think we would fare very well in those audits.”
Hininger, the CoreCivic CEO, agreed. He said his company has already been conducting its own internal unannounced inspections of its facilities since 2004.
“It’s a badge of honor for our team,” he said. “If they decide to do unannounced visits, we’ve been doing it for 15 years.”
Lucero, the ICE official, told the USA TODAY Network that the agency is considering shifting to unannounced inspections for all its facilities. But he cautioned that doing so could “be a disruption” for staff and could lead to situations where key personnel are on vacation or taking a day off when inspectors arrive.
“We want to make sure that the staff that is required and needed to be interviewed are actually there,” Lucero said.
'I couldn’t remember how many days I was in there'
Fernando Aguirre says he saw it all during his time at the Northwest ICE Processing Center in Tacoma, Washington.
He recalled seeing rocks and pebbles sprinkled into the beans he was served from the cafeteria and green spots dotting the lunch meat. He remembered joining other detainees in hunger strikes, feeling overwhelming stomach pangs, only to end up in solitary confinement as punishment for the protests. He remembers wondering how he could be forced to work for just $1 a day.
He remembers his cell number: 203.
Aguirre, an undocumented immigrant who was brought to the U.S. from Mexico when he was just three years old, racked up a lot of painful memories because he spent nearly seven years – 2,469 days – in ICE detention while waiting on deportation hearings, the longest stretch uncovered by the USA TODAY Network. He was finally released in June, reuniting with his wife and children in Washington state. But Aguirre said the trauma will never go away.
Government prosecutors justified his prolonged detention based on Aguirre’s criminal record – in 2012, he was convicted for methamphetamine and marijuana possession with intent to deliver. He entered into a plea agreement with prosecutors and served eight months of a one-year sentence in state prison, court records show, shifting over to ICE detention as soon as his state sentence was completed.
His defenders say his unfathomable stretch in ICE detention amounted to a violation of his human rights. They appealed to the United Nations for help and are suing ICE over what they describe as his forced labor while inside. And they are still fighting ICE, which remains intent on deporting Aguirre.
For his part, Aguirre is trying to reintegrate into society. He tries to avoid small, crowded spaces that remind him too much of his cell in Tacoma. His children are teaching him how to navigate social media, which blossomed while he was mostly cut off from technology inside the facility.
And he’s continuing to write poetry, which he used as a distraction during his time as an immigration detainee.
“Please don’t give me something, just to take it away,” he said, reciting a poem he wrote while locked away. “Because if I am here today, then I ask for endless days. Just leave the happiness part and take the hopelessness away."
The team behind this investigation
REPORTING: This story was written by Alan Gomez. It was reported and photographed by Monsy Alvarado, Ashley Balcerzak, Stacey Barchenger, Jay Calderon, Jon Campbell, Rafael Carranza, Maria Clark, Ronald W. Erdrich, Hannah Gaber, Alan Gomez, Daniel Gonzalez, Jack Gruber, Trevor Hughes, Rick Jervis, Kelly Jordan, Dan Keemahill, Mark Lambie, Nick Oza, Rebecca Plevin, Courtney Sacco, Jeremy Schwartz, Sarah Taddeo, Lauren Villagran, Dennis Wagner, Elizabeth Weise and Alissa Zhu. It was translated into Spanish by Teresa Frontado and Adrianna Rodriguez. 
EDITING: David Baratz, Hannah Gaber, Kristen Go, Christopher Powers, Andrew P. Scott and Cristina Silva
GRAPHICS AND ILLUSTRATIONS: Karl Gelles, Janet Loehrke and James Sergent
DIGITAL PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT: Spencer Holladay, Chris Amico, David Anesta and Annette Meade
SOCIAL MEDIA, ENGAGEMENT AND PROMOTION: Rachel Aretakis, Alex Ptachick, Cara Richardson and Adrianna Rodriguez
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Chrissy Terrell and Hayley Hoefer
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lawrenceseitz22 · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231
Click on the video above to watch Episode 231 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey welcome everybody world. Little bit of feedback there. All right, now that we’ve got this screaming howling mechanical sounds out of the way, let’s welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts is Episode 231. Today’s the 10th of April 2019. Thanks for joining us live if you’re here live if not, you’re catching the replay. Thanks for watching. And if you’re watching somewhere else, you can always go to Semantic Mastery comm slash HD questions to get your questions answered. You can ask them live you can ask them ahead of time just ask your questions and we’ll get to them. So before we dive into some more announcements and get into the questions, I’m going to say hi to everybody real quick. Let’s start on the left with Chris, How you doing?
Chris: Doing good. just picking up the bags here leaving the city
Adam: very nice. What Where are you going Chris?
Chris: Indonesia. Yeah, that’s awesome.
Adam: Have a good trip, man.
Chris: Thank you.
Chris: Oh, can’t wait actually am and I actually from what I heard I’m gonna meet one or two of the Semantic Mastery people there. So, we’ll see.
Adam: Well yeah if you’re going or in Indonesia then hit Chris up and chat him up while you’re there. Hernan, how you doing?
Hernan: Great, man. Excited to be here. Some really cool stuff coming up so doing good. That’s good.
Adam: Good deal. Do you have a Semantic Mastery shirt on or is that not
Hernan: oh no I might. Yeah.
Adam: Marco, how you doing man?
Marco: I’m good man. What’s up?
Adam: can’t complain. It’s a nice day here.
Marco: I can’t say it’s sunny anymore. Ah rainy season just kicked in like today. It’s storming outside
Adam: and it probably would still like 65, 70?
Marco: oh yeah between 70 and 80 somewhere around there. That’s all year.
Adam: Oh man.
Marco: Things are good. I’ve been deep in the lab by the way. I’m cooking up some some monster shit. As I said last time, I’m about to turn the SEO world on its ear once again. So it’s time and it’s been about four years and RYS Academy Reloaded. Wouldn’t it be like wicked if August of 2019 something were to happen? I’m just saying.
Adam: Gotcha. I’m sorry, I got distracted by her non sending me chats in Slack. So sorry about that.
Hernan: There’s something I’m sorry, I just want to say that I just got my account. Also. blog. So there might be something funky going on with the Facebook comments, so I don’t know.
Bradley: Super shit. Really?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: So time to move on then. So that’s the third person so yeah, live will try to figure this out on that Wolfgang, right
Bradley: for those of you that while I was gonna say those of you that are getting your accounts blocked, leave a message. Message us. State that you’re also getting screwed by Facebook but you won’t be able to now will you? I had my account mysteriously yesterday I was I wasn’t even doing anything. I just had Facebook open and it said it prompted me that I noticed suspicious activity I won’t even doing anything. And it said, you know, you must verify re verify your account, which I had to do. Apparently Adam’s got blocked now, or Hernan’s got blocked. So I don’t know the Facebook gods are mad right now apparently. And they are I’m already in like.
Hernan: I am back on I did some security check in and I’m in. But yeah, I don’t know we might need to start sending us note let you know. Something you know for the comments who will send that over to Bradley’s house. They go read them.
Adam: I’ll send out postcards the week before and then just shoot them over.
Bradley: Got just mailing your questions.
Adam: All right. Well, last but not least, Bradley, how you doing man?
Bradley: I’m good, man. Happy to be here. We got a lot of stuff coming up. So couple things that I would like to talk about very quickly before we get into questions is the video lead gen system training is being updated. I spent a lot of time on it this week already just kind of organizing and recording videos and updating the slides and all that stuff for the 2019 update. And for kind of the more streamlined process that I’ve developed for it, which makes it a lot easier, a lot more efficient. And a lot of it can be outsourced. And it’s working really well, I’ve been able to get a lot of good conversations going with prospects. And it can be applied for monetizing lead gen assets, as well as for client outreach. Like if you just want to do so traditional agency marketing services, it works really well. And it’s a hell of a lot more efficient than what the original method was that I used that worked incredibly well, but there was a lot of wasted time. And I talked about this a lot in the training. But you know, for every 10 video emails that I used to send out, I would get three to four responses like clockwork every damn time.
But the videos that I would record, I would just go find prospects, you know, from doing research online that I wanted to work with. And then I would just do and a lot of you that have been through the training or have heard me talk about it in the past, I would do like a video audit of their digital presence and explain how they were missing opportunities. You don’t ever criticize, but you do talk about like, Hey, you did good here. This is nice, but you’re missing out on opportunities because of this, this, this and this.
And typically, my video audits would be about 10 to 15 minutes long. So, you can imagine if you’re doing 10 of those, and it takes a little bit of time to find the prospect that you’re going to audit and then to record the video and then you know, kind of wind down and go to the next one. You know, it would take two and a half, three hours to record 10 videos of 15 minutes each, you know, every easy two and a half to three hours. And if only three or four of them would respond then there was six or seven of them that we would record or I would record that we’re not being seen or not being replied to period. So it was wasted effort. And so I kind of went back to the drawing board this year to determine how you know, to fix that, to solve that to make it more efficient, because that’s what we try to we try to teach you guys just to be more efficient. So this newer method is so so much more efficient, and it’s so much easier. And I’ve even learned some things along the way, since I’ve been testing this newer method that originally I’d set out to do one particular way, and thinking, Oh, this is going to be so much more efficient, and it certainly was, but then I found there was still ways to make that even more efficient. And I talked about that in the training. And it’s just a much more efficient process now, especially because you can have a VA do a lot of the heavy lifting type stuff so that you don’t have to be doing that yourself.
And so now to do 15 or 20 videos, you know, specific prospecting videos can literally be done in an hour’s time, which that might sound impossible but the way that I’m doing it now is it makes it to where it’s so many faster. And the other part of that is I’ve learned to not actually record the specific prospect videos until we get a positive reply or get a dialogue going with them. So it’s a much it now there’s no wasted effort on actually creating the videos for a prospect until you’ve actually got their permission essentially, to send them a video. And so I can’t reveal all that here, obviously, guys, but that’s coming out in two weeks from today, really? Or yesterday, I guess we’re going to be launching that again. So be on the lookout for that those of you that are doing lead gen stuff or client work and you want a more effective way to outreach for prospecting, this is definitely going to help you it’s it’s how I really built my agency to begin with.
Adam: Yeah, hundred percent recommend you checking that out. And it works across industries, different areas. I mean that that’s an incredible result. I’ve talked about this before. I think Bradley when you mentioned it, you know, you nonchalantly say, Yeah, I get you know, three or four responses out of 10 emails. And for anyone who’s done this you know that that just blows anything else out of the water. Most cold emailing people are getting like literally 1% maybe of like positive responses so to be getting 30 to 40% is just insane so good stuff. I’ve done it. I’ve learned a lot from the way Bradley does it and added up some bells and whistles on the way I like it but man if you’re not already using this stuff, definitely keep your eyes and ears open for the Video Lead Gen System update.
Bradley: Cool. Sorry. We had as far as announcements that I’m aware of is we have some new services available and MGYB. Marco you want to chat about what we’ve got available right now.
Marco: We’ve got basically everything available right when an edit link building indexing and beds were adding a while it but it said know that that’s still only available to the Mastermind isn’t that the done for you, GMB services, it will be rolled out
Bradley: But yes, yes, right now that’s just the Mastermind. We’re doing several different off page GMB services that are done for you now, but our team, our methods that are it’s our team doing our methods to our specifications, and we’ve got an overall off page package. And then we’ve got each component of that overall off page package separated out that can be purchased as individual services, for those of you that don’t need everything, but just need parts of it. And so, we’re rolling. we’ve rolled that out to our Mastermind, now we’re getting all of the fulfillment and delivery smooth, you know, process moved out. And as soon as we’re done with that, we’re going to offer it to you guys publicly in MGYB be as well.
Bradley: So that was it.? We’re good.
Adam: Yeah, pretty much. Just want to tell everyone you know, if you’re joining us live, that’s great. This is the place to be if you’ve got questions, like I said, you can ask live you can ask ahead of time, if you can’t make it live, whether you got a call, client call, busy, you’re working, whatever. That’s one way to do it. And the place to start is also at battleplan.semanticmastery.com that’s where you want to get some excuse me repeatable results and a lot of various you want to dive deeper into stuff like keyword research, how to work with age domains, new domains, all that and a whole lot more and if you’re ready to start or you want to grow your existing local digital marketing agency come join us in the Semantic Mastery Mastermind and we made that of course nice and easy to find that’s at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. and like Bradley, Marco were just mentioning it over to mygb.co for your done for you solutions.
Marco: We still have the syndication Academy networks we still have the ROI is reloaded everything up to Semantic Mastery standards. We have we’ve what we’ve done is we’ve brought everything under our own roof right under our control so that it can be kept up to our specifications and our standards. It’s what we use. And you guys if you’ve seen the stuff that we do and and just go to the groups I mean, that’s. Take a shot, there’s a money back guarantee anyway, by the way, on joining any any of the groups, right? join the group. So take advantage of one of the special ops and you can get in for $1 for seven days and ask the people who are in the group. Don’t listen to me, right? Don’t listen to me. Because Marco is full of shit. It doesn’t know what the fuck you talking about? Fine. Go to our groups and as a who in here is getting results. And you’re going to see that that people will start chiming and some of them will keep quiet, but I know who’s getting results, right because I talked to them on a regular basis. But guys, it’s what we do on a day to day basis what we use, we just go to our store, why else would we set it up? If we don’t use it with that we’re known for drinking our own Kool Aid, right? That’s who we are. So it’s mgyb.co anything and everything that you need to just kill it on the web is right there. And besides, if it join one of the groups the higher you go up the ladder, the closer you get to us and you know just us being with you every step of the way and trying to help you go ahead and get to where you want to be to
Bradley: okay cool
Hernan: Bradley before we jump in. If you got a copy of the Battle Plan if you haven’t go get it but if you do, we updated the links is inside the battle plan so that now when you click on the link building side of things and everything, it should take you to, you know, to enjoy be and the different packages so we updated that last week. So.
Bradley: Alright, so it looks apparently because we’re gonna have to do something about this is this. Obviously, questions are getting duplicated. And you know, I don’t know if it sets the stupid Facebook app or what but anyway.
Adam: replacement hunted down. We’re going to test it out in the coming week.
Bradley: Okay, cool. Cuz I’m seeing questions posted twice for a couple of people and there ought to be more questions in this room. Now I’m assuming it’s um, anyways, let’s move on.
Is It Okay To Create A New IFTTT Ring For An Account That Had Social Media Accounts We No Longer Have Access With?
Jeff’s up. First, he says I would like to use IFTTT for an account that has social accounts created by another SEO agency, we no longer have access to those properties. Is it okay to create a new ring? Yeah, it is, if you can’t, the only thing sucks is obviously if you had the cherry subdomains, for all the different accounts that you know, that was your brand names for that company, you’re going to have to modify it slightly, which kind of sucks, but it is what it is. If you can’t access those properties, then yeah, absolutely. Just create another ring. You know, set up a new set of accounts with a slightly modified version of the username for each one of the accounts so that you can at least make it still as very much close to the brand is as possible. You know, we’ve had to do that. For example. You know, for like a tree service company that has Tree Service in the name like we I’ve had to have it changed to tree services or Tree Service, Inc. or Tree Service CO, like SEO for a company, you know or something like that. And that may be what you have to do.
You know, you could also potentially work depending on what kind of business it is you could potentially work in as a location name, like the city name, and as well as the company name, or even a product or service that the company, whatever their primary product or services, perhaps work one of those words in along with the brand name so that there’s that association made. But yes, you can do that. Again, it’s if you can’t access those existing accounts, what else could you do, really, except create a new rank? So yes, absolutely. You can do that Jeff.
What Is The Best Keyword Density Analyzer Tool?
Kevin says what is the best keyword density analyzer tool? Um, well, honestly, that what I’ve used, Kevin, that’s a good question, all I’ve ever used, which I really don’t worry about keyword density so much anymore, except for if I’m reading through a piece of content that I had written. If I feel like there are too many uses of a keyword, I’m worried about over density. I don’t really worry so much about hitting specific numbers for keyword density anymore. We used to worry about that. But the algorithm is so much more advanced now. Google understands natural language patterns. And, you know, in natural language, excuse me so much better now that it’s really unnecessary to try to hit specific keyword densities. If the content is written well, Google will understand what the content is about, regardless of repeating certain keywords over and over again, right.
And so I don’t really worry about keyword density at all anymore unless I feel like a keyword is overused and a piece of content at which point I will test it. And there’s a tool that I’ve been using for years now since one of the I think maybe panda three or panda for it was around 2014 where I really started using this at the time because back then we did try to hit certain keywords density numbers. Right and there? Well, I think it was panda three or what panda four or one of those in that timeframe. And I don’t know why it’s being so slow.
The site might be having an issue. seocentro.com. Yeah, apparently. That’s great. So now, there’s no connection. Are you guys still hear me?
Marco: I’m still here. Yeah.
Bradley: I just want to make sure it wasn’t the internet, my internet that was screwing up. But ok. So I was going to show this to you. But SEO center. com. That’s what I’ve been used. I had been using, like I said, back around 2013 or 14 ish. We had a we had tried to hit specific numbers. And then all of a sudden one of the panda updates caused a lot of the sites that I had built like lead gen sites and client sites to drop down in the rankings, not nuts. I didn’t get penalized, but I dropped you know, a page 1015 spots somewhere around there. And so after consulting with some of the, you know, people, my colleagues and such
I found that there was another magic number, and it was trying to keep your density under a specific threshold and at the time it was 2% for two-word keywords. Now I’m sorry for one-word keywords It was 2% try to stay under 2% try to stay under 1% for two word keywords and try to stand or point 2% for three words, keyword phrases. And so SEO Sentra which apparently is a broken site right now. Yeah, for whatever reason, it’s not loading right now guys. So it might be it’s,
Marco: it’s down for every one I check.
Okay, well, that was the only tool that I would use. And there was a keyword density checker on that it was one of the tools of SEO Central. And again, I haven’t used it in months and probably even a year if that but there was a keyword density where you would just take the Publish page that you wanted to check and you would add, you know, put it into the search field or whatever and hit go and it would analyze the entire page and it would show you the words and one word, two words and three words, the phrases that it determined were keywords. And so it would get a lot of random stuff in there. That didn’t make sense. But it would show you the percentages. And that was a good tool for it.
And the reason why I liked that tool. Now, obviously, it looks like we might have to find another one. But you could probably do some searches and find one. The reason I like that tool better than for example, you know, a lot of times people would write their content and try to hit specific density is based upon an SEO plugin like Yoast, for example, inside of a WordPress dashboard. But you would, you know, a lot of people didn’t take into consideration the fact that Yoast was only analyzing the keywords within the post body of that post or page right, so the article body of that post or page, I didn’t show you the keyword density of what the published page had, because remember, you’ve got keywords in your site header, your navigation, your main navigation menu, your sidebar, your footer, your widget, your widget areas, like those are all potential places, your images, your alt text, all of that kind of stuff it could also contain keywords. And so people would optimize their content based upon what the plugin was telling them, which was just the keyword density of the article body of that page or post.
But if you were to analyze the published page, which included all of those other elements, they were way over optimized, way over optimized. And so it was misleading. And that’s part of the reason why, way back and, you know, for many, many years, I’ve said don’t use the WordPress plugins as a way to determine, you know, especially like Yoast tells you like optimization tips, don’t do that. Don’t do that because again, it there’s a lot of things that it doesn’t take into consideration, I guess for somebody that is, you know, just a blogger doesn’t know anything about SEO or something like that. There may be some value to that but as an SEO or somebody that learning or doing SEO? Those are not I would never recommend going by those guidelines. So do you want to you guys have another tool besides SEO Centro? Because apparently, that’s broken.
Marco: Not the one I reached Oh, yeah.
Adam: And if not, then you know, definitely probably just do a search for something similar to that. So long as it’s looking at the right places. I’m sure there are several out there. But that was the one I was used to using.
Bradley: Yeah, so again, guys, our friend Google, I would just do a keyword density checker. Right. And then just scroll through some of these and see online keyword density tool, see something like that. That’s what I would check. On sem rush does it too, by the way, that’s not free, obviously. But yeah, here’s an example. Now I have not used this one. So I don’t know if it’s any good. But I like this type of SEO density or keyword density checkers over the plugins because of what I just mentioned. It will analyze the entire published page and all of the elements of that page. Make sense? So, there you go. Moving on.
How Do You Remove An Address Of A GMB Listing?
Ken Robert says Okay, can I answered you in the Facebook group but I’ll answer this for everybody else’s benefit. He says, How do I take an address off a GMB? I don’t see an option to designate it as a service area business that used to be a checkbox if it was a service business. Where is it now? Well, what you do now as a service area businesses once you get your GMB verified like if you’re doing it manually, you’ll get you know, postcard most of the time. Or if you’re purchasing it, and you get it delivered and its surface area business, but what you want to do is go into the Info tab, right, so the left-hand sidebar, you click on info, and then where the map pin icon is, which shows the address of the business. You click that to edit it and the pop-up window comes up. And then there’s a link of blue text link inside that pop up window that says clear address. You click the Clear address button and then you click save or update whatever the button says.
And then you add your service area, which is the next section underneath that where the physical address showed, that’s the next section on the Info tab that you can edit. And that’s where you set your service areas. So all you do is, like I said, you’re going to, it’s going to show your address at one until it’s verified. And if it’s a service area business, the way that you make it a service area businesses before you start adding your service areas, you go in to edit the physical address, and then you click the Clear address button, and then save it. Okay.
Is It Possible To SEO And Get Good Rankings Of A Membership Site?
Okay, Mayank is up. He says, Hey, guys, so I’m setting up a membership site where every article that I post around 25% of it would be available for reading for everybody or everyone excuse me, and the rest would be restricted so that only paid members can read the whole article. Question is, is it possible to SEO and get good rankings for such pages considering that most of the pages content is going to be restricted?
Mayank, I don’t know because I’ve never done any of that kind of stuff. Marco that’s more up your alley. Because there a way to hide this content to where Google still recognizes it. But the reader does not. Yeah,
Marco: of course there is. But it’s not something that I would share here.
Bradley: Okay. Well, there you go. I can’t help you with that. Anyways, I really don’t do that kind of stuff. So I don’t know. Yeah,
Marco: but I mean, you’re getting into it territory, right delivering one content to the search engine and, and another content to the user. But that’s cloaking. And Google doesn’t really like that. You have to be really careful when you get into shit like that. But yeah, of course, this way you can code it all the way you can code it I’ll go as far as giving you that. You can code it. So that Google is sir one set of content and the user another set of content.
Bradley: Okay. Yeah, I mean, as far as like, there’s content gates, or you know, view gates, essentially. And I think that’s what you’re talking about. Like, you know, there’s social media plugins that will do that kind of stuff, like, hide content until you like or share or something like that. But I don’t know if that hides the content from Google from seeing it or not. It obviously hides it from the user. But I would be worried, like, you know, trying to do something that just could they still see the content if they did, right click view page source, you know what I mean? So like, I don’t know, because I’ve never really looked into that Mayank. So I’m sorry, I can’t help you with that.
What Do You Recommend As An Alternative Solution To Easy Local Cash Software?
Guy says, Do you have a suggestion for replacing the easy local cast software that has been depricated? Um, yeah, he’s got an online version of it now. So guys, we’ve, I mean, we’ve shared that in several of the groups. It’s an online version. It’s, it doesn’t work quite the same. But you know, again, it’s his software, it was never ours to begin with. So does anybody have the link for that? I think it’s easy local cache something or another. We just see if I can find it for you, but just a second.
Yeah, it’s https://software.easylocalcash.com/ now maybe that’s not it. Here it is. This is its https://software.easylocalcash.com/ . That’s what it is. Guys. Again, this is not our software. So it works differently than what the desktop did. You know, Chad Kimball’s software, I understand why he did what he did it. So if you want to use this one have at it.
We are we were talking about potentially developing one ourselves, but it doesn’t look like we’re going to. So I know Peter drew as got software’s and his tool suite now that will do something very similar to that, but it’s a paid tool suite. So it’s not something that’s going to be offered for free. So, unfortunately, you’re stuck with that for now. Or you can just do you know, I mean, for example. Yeah, that’s that’s pretty much the only thing I know of right now. We talked about potentially doing it ourselves, but I don’t think we’re going to. So try that guy. See if that helps you out.
How Do You Combine Negative Keywords From Different Accounts And PPC Campaigns Into One Spreadsheet?
Alright, moving on Frankie’s up, he says, What’s up Frankie? He says, Hey guys when running multiple PPC campaigns, how do you combine all the negative keywords from different accounts and different campaigns? If you need to create a new campaign with a master negative keyword list? I can’t seem to find any tool or shortcut on how to combine all the keywords into one spreadsheet and remove all the duplicates. Can you share how to do it? Thanks, as always.
Yeah, I mean, I don’t know of any tools that will, you know, that you can connect to all of your accounts that will extract the data, but the way that I would do it is just download the negative keyword lists, which you can do from inside the AdWords or the Google Ads dashboard. And then you’re going to get a separate spreadsheet for each but then you just like literally copy and paste, you know, all into a master sheet, right? So in one of the Excel documents, or you can even do it in Google Sheets, but will be a little bit slower. If you do an Excel, then you can just copy and paste all of them into one master sheet and then just use remove duplicates. I know that’s kind of a pain in the ass because it’s manual. But you know, that’s honestly, that’s how I would do it. Also, if you’re using the Google ads, software that the desktop software, which you can download, they just updated it again. Then you can connect all of your accounts that you manage into that Google Ads desktop software, what do they call it? The Google ads, fuck.
I can’t remember the name of the software now if top my head but anyways, you can download the software, which makes it easy to do bulk edits and things like that. And then you could just it would make it easier than having to log in all of your different accounts to download that spreadsheet of your negative keyword lists. So again, it’s still a manual process, as far as I know, maybe somebody else knows to have a better solution, but I don’t. Okay.
Also, that’s part of the reason. Frankly, it’s good to have a VA because that’s something you could task a VA with, right? Even if you were the one going in and downloading all the sheets, you could send that over to a VA and by the way, I just had to hire Well, I just put a job posting on up work for an Excel nerd, like and somebody that’s an Excel specialist or a Microsoft Access specialist because I got some work that I’m doing that requires stuff that’s way above my pay grade when it comes to excel. And so I just posted a job over there for up work and you can find people you know, for 10 $12 an hour that are super proficient in that kind of stuff. So maybe they you know, you could hire somebody like that. I’m sure it would be a really quick, easy job for somebody that knows what they’re doing. Okay.
Looks like we’re almost out of questions, but that’s probably because of this stupid app. Let me refresh.
Yeah, there’s a couple cooler. Alright, cool. So um, yeah. Jay Turner. Are there any benefits to making it looks like we lost one? Maybe not. Oh, there’s Jordan Fowler posted it as To review tools com keyword density checker thanks, Jordan. I appreciate that.
I wanted to like it. Oh, shit at sign me out. Are you serious? Wow, unbelievable. Love this Facebook app guys fucking love it. All right. Well, I can’t comment anymore.
Are There Any Benefits Of Making A Canonical Of A Niche Down Content Instead Of Those That Are In Broad Topics?
So Jay Turner says, Are there any benefits to making a small blog post-canonical over to the same content on a much broader topic page with the jump link to that section being the link in the canonical tag? Yeah, I would say so. There’s some really powerful stuff. That that yes. Yeah. Just short answer. Yes. J, there is some benefit to that back.
What’s cool about that is if it’s canonical, it Google honors the canonical, then the blog post won’t actually index I mean, Google know it, but it won’t index and then you can do some pretty cool things to that blog posts, which will kind of hide your hide it from prying eyes. So yes, that’s against your answer is yes.
How Do You Rank In Google’s Knowledge Graph?
Paul Quiggle says, Hey guys, I noticed when you type in Google things to do in your town, a Knowledge Graph comes up with different types of activities. I have a client that is wanting to create a workshop style class and his city. And once organic traffic from that source, what is the best way to get included into that list? schema have to have proper schema markup. There are people that teach that kind of stuff.
You could also just try to do some extensive, you know, research throughout by just doing simple Google searches to try to find out how to do that. I don’t you know, I haven’t done any of that stuff yet. But there are. Ryan rod and he could probably do that. Right. Sure. He could. Let me see if we’ve got. Okay, so Ryan Ryan was a Mastermind member for quite some time. I don’t think he’s with us anymore, but he does a lot of schema stuff. And he may be able to help you he does it. You know, you can hire him. So he’s got schema code order. You can also hire him on as a consultant basis to kind of help you code stuff out. And you might want to even just pay him for an hour of his time to teach you how to do that. I don’t know if he’d be willing to do that. But this is somebody that I could recommend is probably would be able to help you to do that.
I know, again, as I said, some of the people that you know, some colleagues, some of the other SEO groups out there, they’re people that have taught that it’s not something I know how to do, because I have not done that. But again, it’s it all comes down to the schema. If you publish content on your site, and you mark it up properly, Google will come to use that and include it in that type of a thing. For example, a lot of times, guys, if you know,
and I’ve done training about this, questions in a question and answer posts are great for blogs. And it’s great for SEO. And how do I know that? Well, if you ask certain questions into Google, you notice right in the SERPs, there are accordion menus, like drop-down menus that have the questions with a little down arrow pointing and during groups usually, have three to five questions.
If you click on one of the questions, it reveals the answer, which is just a snippet that it pulled from one of the search results that are listed on that page. Right. And so that’s how you get included in those q amp a box is by proper markup. And there’s q amp a, by the way, schema markup for that. And in fact, Jordan Fowler was pointing out that recently in our Mastermind, but there’s, what’s cool about that is every time you click one of those questions to reveal the answer, it real it load makes that box that has the questions in it, like expand to include even more related questions. And each time you click it, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And again, all it’s doing is it’s sourcing that the answers from other web properties that have the proper markup, and that Google has determined are authoritative, in that, you know, particular topic. So, you know, that’s why I’ve talked about that being very powerful to use this blog type content, and if you can create an original answer to those times types of questions and mark it up properly, you can get included in those boxes. But even just for SEO purposes, if you go collect or scrape those questions, compile them, and then even use for curating for you and you know, you guys know probably should know that we teach to curate content because it’s the most efficient way to produce content without having to be a subject matter expert, then you can even curate those questions and answers and create blog posts that are where you group similar questions and answers. And you just link out to the content sources. Just Google gives you all that information right there and there’s q amp a boxes, right and then you can actually create an original post where you just inject a little bit of commentary in between the curated sections, and that makes great content for the blog as well as for GMB posts. So anyway, I can’t drop this link on their guys, because Facebook just blocked me for whatever reason from our own app, but schema http://schema.pro/. If that answers your question, I would go check out Ryan Ross for some help, if you want, like specific help otherwise just do some searches for how to get how to get to how to what was it a events, how to get the event schema, like event schema.org or something like that is what I would search and you could probably find some specific articles about that.
Okay. There’s a good question. In fact, I’m just curious really quickly see event schema. There is a schema.org. on that. See, this is what I was talking about these questions right here is exactly what I’m talking about. And see when you click on that, how it expands even more, it starts adding even more questions, and it’ll just keep going on and on and on. So there you go. An event rich snippet, schema creator, SEO chat tools. Look at that, right. There’s a tool for that. There are plugins, those plugins typically don’t work all that well. At least they didn’t use to, but maybe they do. Look this is event steal our JSON LD, I don’t know. But there you go. There you go. Just do a simple Google search and start doing some research. This looks like a schema markup generator for events. So you might even want to try that and see if and then go validate it, right. So fill this stuff out, copy the code, go over to the Google structured data tool, paste it in, make sure that it validates, validates, then use that code on your webpage, your event page.
Okay, something else you might want to try is let’s do. You could try this to this is Google’s own tool, the Google structured data markup helper. So again, just go to Google and search structured data markup helper, and this is Google’s own tool. And look at that, guys. There’s an event thing right there. So what you do is you put your URL in there. And then this tool will add structured data markup to a sample web page. So you can put your event page in there that you’ve already published, whether it has the code or not, and then Google’s markup helper will allow you to like highlight certain elements of the page and it will tell you how to mark it up. So like, for example, the date day and time, for example, or the location like you, you highlight that section and in Google’s markup helper tool will tell you how to mark it up correctly. So it makes sense. So again, this is Google’s own tool here. Any input on that, guys? Was that good enough?
Marco: That was perfect.
Bradley: Okay, sweet. I can’t believe they kicked me out of Facebook comments for this on during the webinar. It’s ridiculous. I don’t want to use this anymore.
All right, next one. Yeah, Scott said it’s not loading. Thanks, Scott. We got that. See? That’s again, that’s a duplicate question.
Greg’s got to do but good question. It’s a stupid app. Anyways, Jay says is there any advantage to making a or several making a or several brief blog posts cannot. Shit. That’s the same question to it just looks like it’s filled out a little bit more. Okay, I’ll answer the second part of this Jay was thinking about doing the above to drip feed and pushed out blog post content to the syndication networks in order to get the page more links from the syndication network. Yeah, that should work. Again, that’s that should work.
We might have to wrap it up, early guys. I’m tired of this app like already. I’m frustrated with it. It looks like we don’t have any more questions anyway. I’m sure it’s because people are having issues. Yeah.
I’m sorry. Go ahead. No, I mean, yeah, you’re totally right. I think that’s an issue. It’s definitely an issue because we’re getting duplicate questions. It’s just stupid. Sorry, guys. You know, we’re trying to find a better solution. Adam says that
we’re going to test next week. Yeah, got it will test it and we’ll see if it works. Okay. definitely got to do something. Okay. So Greg’s, I think even Disqus was better than this because of at least Disqus in break entirely.
Will You Still Get The Same Ranking Power Benefit If The Press Releases Via Press Advantage Are Hardly Indexed In Google?
Bradley: So Greg says using press advantage, I have noticed only around to syndicated press releases appearing in the Google index when I published Will I still get the same benefit power wise from a press release submission have hardly any of the published articles show up as being indexed in Google? Yeah. Okay. So that’s used to be, by the way, that that’s, that’s how that happened most of the time, a long time ago. And then for whatever reason, what happens is a lot of them do get indexed, but they go into what’s called the supplemental index, right? So Google will only show a handful or one or two that it determines are the most authoritative, or the original sources or whatever, and it will show those in the index and put the rest in what’s called supplemental index. For example, if you search for the title of press release or other content, and this this could happen with syndicated blog posts, for example, then you’ll see at the bottom of the search results where it’ll say Google has admitted, similar you know, similar search results, and if you click that link, it will actually open up the supplemental index and will show you all of the other places that same content was published. So Google is aware of it. And we’ve done testing that, you know, even with no indexed PB ends, for example, that will again, we don’t use PB ends anymore. But we’ve done testing. And it’s been a while since we’ve done it, but with no index PBNs. And yes, Google able, you can still give you a bump. Right. So it’s not I didn’t say D indexed, but I said no index. Right. So supplemental index links, will they still help? As far as I’m aware? Yes. Are they as powerful as those that would be indexed? All you know, in the regular index? I don’t think so. And the reason why is because Google is looking at it as almost duplicate content.
It’s not that it’s toxic, but it’s just not that is as helpful as what I’m saying. So that’s one of the things that was being addressed by quantum Newswire, which we did a promotion for recently. Because they, they specifically are using a much smaller distribution network because of that reason, they’re not they’re trying not to use as many distribution points that end up getting going into the supplemental index anyways, now that said, Greg, the local PR pro method, which was essentially PR stalking and using press releases to get local results. It’s still effective, although the method has evolved a bit. And it’s on what’s about two years old now, since we launched that course, and so I am going to update that again and probably the next two months, we’re going to launch it relaunch it with the new methods and a couple of months. Because specifically, like I said, it has evolved. You’re in the Mastermind. I’ve talked about this multiple times in the Mastermind, Greg, I know you’ve missed that webinar or where I’ve talked about it, but we have talked about that. And several occasions now over the last several weeks in the Mastermind, but it still works. The local PR method works but it has evolved slightly in that I’ve noticed in several of our members have noticed. Darrell was one of them who does a lot of PR stuff that it requires more RYS, and more Consistent PR is before it kicks in the way that it used to with just one or two or, you know, like I said, when we launched the course, I was able to get 80% results with six hours or less. In other words, 15 out of 15 properties that I tested on 12 of them, I was able to get into the maps three pack within six press releases, so six press releases or less. That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore if it’s low competition, yes, but if it’s moderately competitive, or more than it requires more press releases and more consistency as well as like I always said, I believe it requires more diversity to in that instead of just using one distribution service over and over and over, you can still get effects that way, if you’re stacking properly, and I’m not going to go over the specific method of how to stack properly right now here on a free Hump Day Hangout, because that’ll be included in the update and we can talk about that in the Mastermind all the one Greg. But if you stack properly now you still can get really, really good results with just one distribution service. But it requires specific or a different internal linking method than what was, you know, the original method, right. And so that’s really the point is, is, if you have additional distribution networks that you can use, that’s going to help with diversity, you also want to stack properly, which just means changing it up a bit. Again, I can’t go cover that specific method here. But yes, I’m still using press releases prime as my primary off-page link building, you know,
direct to money site stuff. But you know, I’m also doing a lot of powering up to our assets using our link building service, you know, the same link building service that you have access, Greg, through mg, Why be now? Right. So again, it’s about powering up specific entities. That’s what the ad ID loop is that we set up. Again, you can get that training in the Mastermind. You’ve got that Greg. I know you’ve got that. But you can build links like traditional links to that spam type links and It works really well as including some of the assets that we are able to produce using the press releases. Right? So you power those up and you can get really good results too. As far as the indexing I don’t it’s not that big of a deal it whether they’re indexed or not, why do I say that? Well, because for example, guys, syndication networks, we know syndication networks help. We could talk about that briefly too. By the way, I just recently set up a new project haven’t done any link building so I haven’t done any content marketing. All I did was set up a website, right and it was just a Click Funnels page. And then I set up on a subdomain a WordPress installation for a blog. And that blog just has the Hello World post on it still, and I updated the site, the blog site title like you know, the title tag and such but I have not done any content marketing or any link building, haven’t syndicated any posts, haven’t done anything, but I have it. It’s a specific company name. And I added it’s been about three weeks now that I’ve had that site up and again, besides the Click Funnels page, whatever
content, there’s no content at all other than the Hello World post on the blog. And for that company name, if I were to search just last week for the company name, it showed up on like page three because there’s a lot of other companies that have similar names, but it’s not the same name. And so my the site being a brand new site brand new entity was showing up but like on page like three, so way, way back. Well, I have one of our VA is build me a syndication network, for that company for that brand, because it’s like I said, it’s a new project that I’m just setting up. And they just delivered that syndication network to me on Thursday, last week, so about six days ago, well, on Monday, I went and checked and guys, again, no posting has been done no content marketing, no syndicated posts or anything. On Monday, I did a search for my company name and an incognito browser and Firefox that was clean, and boom, number one for that company name. Now, granted, I was searching for the company name, but it was on page three, four.
about two and a half, three weeks. And then all we did was create a syndication network and it in it. As Marco always talks about solidified are validated by the entity. And now it’s showing is number one for that brand search. So it just goes to show you that the syndication networks, although is a specific SEO tool for syndicating posts is not as effective as it used to be five years ago, right? That makes sense. But it’s still every bit as effective and as critical as important because of what it does for validating the entity. And so the reason I brought that up was that the same thing goes with syndicating posts, most weed for years. And Greg, you should know this because you’ve been with part of the Mastermind for years. For years, people have asked, Well, I’m not seeing my syndicated post URLs being indexed. I can’t find them in the index. So this is useless. And I’ve said for years. No, that’s not true. Because whether they’re indexed or not, it doesn’t mean they’re useless. Google knows they’re there. And how do I know that Google knows or that well if your site is connected to search console,
And you go look at links to your site in Search Console, you’ll see WordPress and blogger and Tumblr and delicious and well not so much more delicious anymore. But Diigo and all of the different sites that were in your syndication network, you’ll see that they are listed and links to your site. And they’ll show how many posts Google was aware of that are linking back to your site. So whether they’re in the index or not, Google knows they’re there, and it’s counting them as links to your site. Does that make sense? So we know that they’re powerful, regardless, if as long as Google knows they’re there. Yes, there is some benefit to having indexed links. There’s no doubt. But there is still some benefit from non-index links to as long as they’re not deindexed sites. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. I’ve been talking about art and the art of art. Seems like forever now, at least a couple of years ever since I saw that the distance grab, and what school was doing as far as a websites and how it was taking a look at the entity and related everything to the entities to what it was gauging is trusted authority How many people do you trust? And basically how many trusts you not people but websites and and what is the trust and authority of those websites that are linking to yours. And it’s measuring that distance from seed sites and seat sets. I mean, I talked about this forever. I got tired of talking about because nobody would listen. Maybe they’ll start listening now, the that I mean, we can completely see how Google, it wants the entity. It wants to brand. It does not like ambiguity. And ambiguity simply means that there are two things on the web. That could be and I’ll give you a perfect example of ambiguity. You know, DC Glenn from tag team, right? Well, taxing can also mean a tag team and wrestling. And that’s what he’s been having to deal with it as far as ambiguity when people search. Which tag team are you referring to? So when you do a search for tag team, actually, Google gives you two options. Are you looking for tag team and wrestling? Or are you looking for tag team, the hip hop, or poor? Google doesn’t like ambiguity. It does not like to terms to be related to the same thing. And so what we have to do with this,
first of all, don’t create ambiguity. And if you do, you have to disambiguate fuck a $100 word for something so simple as make it clear to Google. What your entity is, bind everything to your entity, right? It’s verification, it’s validation, and then solidification. That’s what you have to do. And it just so happens that our syndication networks are some of the best tools out there for accomplishing this.
But not only that, what I recommend is you take every
Everything and you put that into a drive stack, take all of your URLs in the place where they go into dr stack. And then when you do the press of the stack, you drop a link into that Dr stack. And then when you go and do your link building, your link building follows your press releases press one press of these two, and so on so that you’re incrementally link building on to the last one. And then the last one, you hit hard, so that everything just shoots through that live stream. And I’m going to tell you right now there’s absolutely nothing better for creating relevance, which is the other part of art right activity, relevance, trust, and authority. Just an authority we get from all of the link building and everything else.
But creating everything in that drive stack and then getting dead yet to do his magic. That’s like I don’t know how he does it. And I don’t care. He just knows he’s been doing it for years. He knows what works. So I I’m not going to
Tell him what to do because he’s the master. But guy seriously, man, this works like gangbusters. And then on top of that, to really put that put like the cherry on top. You put some
traffic into it some Google traffic. And that’s when it really comes home man. That’s when everything really binds together and it because then it’s people telling Google Yeah, this is the entity that I was actually looking for, which is one of the things that I’m working with DC Glenn on right on on his entity. It’s already validated. Now it has to be disambiguate it from tireless, it’s tough, right? Because a lot of people look for that. Protect team and wrestling rather than tag team that we just have to get enough people to look at tag team, the hip hop group to disambiguate. But anyway, a long winded answer to Yes, syndication networks work for the entity but so
does everything else that we recommend in our battle plan by the battle plan is there for a reason we follow it and we’ve given you a step by step process on what it is that you need to do. Now some of it will take multiple attempts so that you can push your keyword to where you want it to be are you can hit the map pack or you can hit the Knowledge Graph UI you get rid of three pack become the Knowledge Graph for that keyword term. This this tons of things that you could do when you’re pushing power, but it takes pushing the right amount of power in the right places. I said my piece
Bradley: very good. Facebook just completely locked me out of my fucking account. Unbelievable. I was just looking at my phone while you’re talking. It’s like this is twice now in two days. I don’t understand. Are you guys all experienced in that shit to if not I got I got locked out of Facebook till Yes. Unbelievable. Adam did to like what the fuck? I hate Facebook.
Anyways, Alright guys, I’m going to wrap it up because I’m tired of this already. This is really being stupid. By the way, Clint, thank you for posting that link since I’m unable to do it.
But yeah, we’ll see you guys next week. Thanks for being here. Any any other words guys know your comment system for everyone to test out next week? Yeah, definitely.
Alright guys, we’ll see you next week. Thanks.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231 posted first on your-t1-blog-url from Blogger http://bit.ly/2GgAYI3 via IFTTT
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brendajhensonblog · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231
Click on the video above to watch Episode 231 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey welcome everybody world. Little bit of feedback there. All right, now that we’ve got this screaming howling mechanical sounds out of the way, let’s welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts is Episode 231. Today’s the 10th of April 2019. Thanks for joining us live if you’re here live if not, you’re catching the replay. Thanks for watching. And if you’re watching somewhere else, you can always go to Semantic Mastery comm slash HD questions to get your questions answered. You can ask them live you can ask them ahead of time just ask your questions and we’ll get to them. So before we dive into some more announcements and get into the questions, I’m going to say hi to everybody real quick. Let’s start on the left with Chris, How you doing?
Chris: Doing good. just picking up the bags here leaving the city
Adam: very nice. What Where are you going Chris?
Chris: Indonesia. Yeah, that’s awesome.
Adam: Have a good trip, man.
Chris: Thank you.
Chris: Oh, can’t wait actually am and I actually from what I heard I’m gonna meet one or two of the Semantic Mastery people there. So, we’ll see.
Adam: Well yeah if you’re going or in Indonesia then hit Chris up and chat him up while you’re there. Hernan, how you doing?
Hernan: Great, man. Excited to be here. Some really cool stuff coming up so doing good. That’s good.
Adam: Good deal. Do you have a Semantic Mastery shirt on or is that not
Hernan: oh no I might. Yeah.
Adam: Marco, how you doing man?
Marco: I’m good man. What’s up?
Adam: can’t complain. It’s a nice day here.
Marco: I can’t say it’s sunny anymore. Ah rainy season just kicked in like today. It’s storming outside
Adam: and it probably would still like 65, 70?
Marco: oh yeah between 70 and 80 somewhere around there. That’s all year.
Adam: Oh man.
Marco: Things are good. I’ve been deep in the lab by the way. I’m cooking up some some monster shit. As I said last time, I’m about to turn the SEO world on its ear once again. So it’s time and it’s been about four years and RYS Academy Reloaded. Wouldn’t it be like wicked if August of 2019 something were to happen? I’m just saying.
Adam: Gotcha. I’m sorry, I got distracted by her non sending me chats in Slack. So sorry about that.
Hernan: There’s something I’m sorry, I just want to say that I just got my account. Also. blog. So there might be something funky going on with the Facebook comments, so I don’t know.
Bradley: Super shit. Really?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: So time to move on then. So that’s the third person so yeah, live will try to figure this out on that Wolfgang, right
Bradley: for those of you that while I was gonna say those of you that are getting your accounts blocked, leave a message. Message us. State that you’re also getting screwed by Facebook but you won’t be able to now will you? I had my account mysteriously yesterday I was I wasn’t even doing anything. I just had Facebook open and it said it prompted me that I noticed suspicious activity I won’t even doing anything. And it said, you know, you must verify re verify your account, which I had to do. Apparently Adam’s got blocked now, or Hernan’s got blocked. So I don’t know the Facebook gods are mad right now apparently. And they are I’m already in like.
Hernan: I am back on I did some security check in and I’m in. But yeah, I don’t know we might need to start sending us note let you know. Something you know for the comments who will send that over to Bradley’s house. They go read them.
Adam: I’ll send out postcards the week before and then just shoot them over.
Bradley: Got just mailing your questions.
Adam: All right. Well, last but not least, Bradley, how you doing man?
Bradley: I’m good, man. Happy to be here. We got a lot of stuff coming up. So couple things that I would like to talk about very quickly before we get into questions is the video lead gen system training is being updated. I spent a lot of time on it this week already just kind of organizing and recording videos and updating the slides and all that stuff for the 2019 update. And for kind of the more streamlined process that I’ve developed for it, which makes it a lot easier, a lot more efficient. And a lot of it can be outsourced. And it’s working really well, I’ve been able to get a lot of good conversations going with prospects. And it can be applied for monetizing lead gen assets, as well as for client outreach. Like if you just want to do so traditional agency marketing services, it works really well. And it’s a hell of a lot more efficient than what the original method was that I used that worked incredibly well, but there was a lot of wasted time. And I talked about this a lot in the training. But you know, for every 10 video emails that I used to send out, I would get three to four responses like clockwork every damn time.
But the videos that I would record, I would just go find prospects, you know, from doing research online that I wanted to work with. And then I would just do and a lot of you that have been through the training or have heard me talk about it in the past, I would do like a video audit of their digital presence and explain how they were missing opportunities. You don’t ever criticize, but you do talk about like, Hey, you did good here. This is nice, but you’re missing out on opportunities because of this, this, this and this.
And typically, my video audits would be about 10 to 15 minutes long. So, you can imagine if you’re doing 10 of those, and it takes a little bit of time to find the prospect that you’re going to audit and then to record the video and then you know, kind of wind down and go to the next one. You know, it would take two and a half, three hours to record 10 videos of 15 minutes each, you know, every easy two and a half to three hours. And if only three or four of them would respond then there was six or seven of them that we would record or I would record that we’re not being seen or not being replied to period. So it was wasted effort. And so I kind of went back to the drawing board this year to determine how you know, to fix that, to solve that to make it more efficient, because that’s what we try to we try to teach you guys just to be more efficient. So this newer method is so so much more efficient, and it’s so much easier. And I’ve even learned some things along the way, since I’ve been testing this newer method that originally I’d set out to do one particular way, and thinking, Oh, this is going to be so much more efficient, and it certainly was, but then I found there was still ways to make that even more efficient. And I talked about that in the training. And it’s just a much more efficient process now, especially because you can have a VA do a lot of the heavy lifting type stuff so that you don’t have to be doing that yourself.
And so now to do 15 or 20 videos, you know, specific prospecting videos can literally be done in an hour’s time, which that might sound impossible but the way that I’m doing it now is it makes it to where it’s so many faster. And the other part of that is I’ve learned to not actually record the specific prospect videos until we get a positive reply or get a dialogue going with them. So it’s a much it now there’s no wasted effort on actually creating the videos for a prospect until you’ve actually got their permission essentially, to send them a video. And so I can’t reveal all that here, obviously, guys, but that’s coming out in two weeks from today, really? Or yesterday, I guess we’re going to be launching that again. So be on the lookout for that those of you that are doing lead gen stuff or client work and you want a more effective way to outreach for prospecting, this is definitely going to help you it’s it’s how I really built my agency to begin with.
Adam: Yeah, hundred percent recommend you checking that out. And it works across industries, different areas. I mean that that’s an incredible result. I’ve talked about this before. I think Bradley when you mentioned it, you know, you nonchalantly say, Yeah, I get you know, three or four responses out of 10 emails. And for anyone who’s done this you know that that just blows anything else out of the water. Most cold emailing people are getting like literally 1% maybe of like positive responses so to be getting 30 to 40% is just insane so good stuff. I’ve done it. I’ve learned a lot from the way Bradley does it and added up some bells and whistles on the way I like it but man if you’re not already using this stuff, definitely keep your eyes and ears open for the Video Lead Gen System update.
Bradley: Cool. Sorry. We had as far as announcements that I’m aware of is we have some new services available and MGYB. Marco you want to chat about what we’ve got available right now.
Marco: We’ve got basically everything available right when an edit link building indexing and beds were adding a while it but it said know that that’s still only available to the Mastermind isn’t that the done for you, GMB services, it will be rolled out
Bradley: But yes, yes, right now that’s just the Mastermind. We’re doing several different off page GMB services that are done for you now, but our team, our methods that are it’s our team doing our methods to our specifications, and we’ve got an overall off page package. And then we’ve got each component of that overall off page package separated out that can be purchased as individual services, for those of you that don’t need everything, but just need parts of it. And so, we’re rolling. we’ve rolled that out to our Mastermind, now we’re getting all of the fulfillment and delivery smooth, you know, process moved out. And as soon as we’re done with that, we’re going to offer it to you guys publicly in MGYB be as well.
Bradley: So that was it.? We’re good.
Adam: Yeah, pretty much. Just want to tell everyone you know, if you’re joining us live, that’s great. This is the place to be if you’ve got questions, like I said, you can ask live you can ask ahead of time, if you can’t make it live, whether you got a call, client call, busy, you’re working, whatever. That’s one way to do it. And the place to start is also at battleplan.semanticmastery.com that’s where you want to get some excuse me repeatable results and a lot of various you want to dive deeper into stuff like keyword research, how to work with age domains, new domains, all that and a whole lot more and if you’re ready to start or you want to grow your existing local digital marketing agency come join us in the Semantic Mastery Mastermind and we made that of course nice and easy to find that’s at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. and like Bradley, Marco were just mentioning it over to mygb.co for your done for you solutions.
Marco: We still have the syndication Academy networks we still have the ROI is reloaded everything up to Semantic Mastery standards. We have we’ve what we’ve done is we’ve brought everything under our own roof right under our control so that it can be kept up to our specifications and our standards. It’s what we use. And you guys if you’ve seen the stuff that we do and and just go to the groups I mean, that’s. Take a shot, there’s a money back guarantee anyway, by the way, on joining any any of the groups, right? join the group. So take advantage of one of the special ops and you can get in for $1 for seven days and ask the people who are in the group. Don’t listen to me, right? Don’t listen to me. Because Marco is full of shit. It doesn’t know what the fuck you talking about? Fine. Go to our groups and as a who in here is getting results. And you’re going to see that that people will start chiming and some of them will keep quiet, but I know who’s getting results, right because I talked to them on a regular basis. But guys, it’s what we do on a day to day basis what we use, we just go to our store, why else would we set it up? If we don’t use it with that we’re known for drinking our own Kool Aid, right? That’s who we are. So it’s mgyb.co anything and everything that you need to just kill it on the web is right there. And besides, if it join one of the groups the higher you go up the ladder, the closer you get to us and you know just us being with you every step of the way and trying to help you go ahead and get to where you want to be to
Bradley: okay cool
Hernan: Bradley before we jump in. If you got a copy of the Battle Plan if you haven’t go get it but if you do, we updated the links is inside the battle plan so that now when you click on the link building side of things and everything, it should take you to, you know, to enjoy be and the different packages so we updated that last week. So.
Bradley: Alright, so it looks apparently because we’re gonna have to do something about this is this. Obviously, questions are getting duplicated. And you know, I don’t know if it sets the stupid Facebook app or what but anyway.
Adam: replacement hunted down. We’re going to test it out in the coming week.
Bradley: Okay, cool. Cuz I’m seeing questions posted twice for a couple of people and there ought to be more questions in this room. Now I’m assuming it’s um, anyways, let’s move on.
Is It Okay To Create A New IFTTT Ring For An Account That Had Social Media Accounts We No Longer Have Access With?
Jeff’s up. First, he says I would like to use IFTTT for an account that has social accounts created by another SEO agency, we no longer have access to those properties. Is it okay to create a new ring? Yeah, it is, if you can’t, the only thing sucks is obviously if you had the cherry subdomains, for all the different accounts that you know, that was your brand names for that company, you’re going to have to modify it slightly, which kind of sucks, but it is what it is. If you can’t access those properties, then yeah, absolutely. Just create another ring. You know, set up a new set of accounts with a slightly modified version of the username for each one of the accounts so that you can at least make it still as very much close to the brand is as possible. You know, we’ve had to do that. For example. You know, for like a tree service company that has Tree Service in the name like we I’ve had to have it changed to tree services or Tree Service, Inc. or Tree Service CO, like SEO for a company, you know or something like that. And that may be what you have to do.
You know, you could also potentially work depending on what kind of business it is you could potentially work in as a location name, like the city name, and as well as the company name, or even a product or service that the company, whatever their primary product or services, perhaps work one of those words in along with the brand name so that there’s that association made. But yes, you can do that. Again, it’s if you can’t access those existing accounts, what else could you do, really, except create a new rank? So yes, absolutely. You can do that Jeff.
What Is The Best Keyword Density Analyzer Tool?
Kevin says what is the best keyword density analyzer tool? Um, well, honestly, that what I’ve used, Kevin, that’s a good question, all I’ve ever used, which I really don’t worry about keyword density so much anymore, except for if I’m reading through a piece of content that I had written. If I feel like there are too many uses of a keyword, I’m worried about over density. I don’t really worry so much about hitting specific numbers for keyword density anymore. We used to worry about that. But the algorithm is so much more advanced now. Google understands natural language patterns. And, you know, in natural language, excuse me so much better now that it’s really unnecessary to try to hit specific keyword densities. If the content is written well, Google will understand what the content is about, regardless of repeating certain keywords over and over again, right.
And so I don’t really worry about keyword density at all anymore unless I feel like a keyword is overused and a piece of content at which point I will test it. And there’s a tool that I’ve been using for years now since one of the I think maybe panda three or panda for it was around 2014 where I really started using this at the time because back then we did try to hit certain keywords density numbers. Right and there? Well, I think it was panda three or what panda four or one of those in that timeframe. And I don’t know why it’s being so slow.
The site might be having an issue. seocentro.com. Yeah, apparently. That’s great. So now, there’s no connection. Are you guys still hear me?
Marco: I’m still here. Yeah.
Bradley: I just want to make sure it wasn’t the internet, my internet that was screwing up. But ok. So I was going to show this to you. But SEO center. com. That’s what I’ve been used. I had been using, like I said, back around 2013 or 14 ish. We had a we had tried to hit specific numbers. And then all of a sudden one of the panda updates caused a lot of the sites that I had built like lead gen sites and client sites to drop down in the rankings, not nuts. I didn’t get penalized, but I dropped you know, a page 1015 spots somewhere around there. And so after consulting with some of the, you know, people, my colleagues and such
I found that there was another magic number, and it was trying to keep your density under a specific threshold and at the time it was 2% for two-word keywords. Now I’m sorry for one-word keywords It was 2% try to stay under 2% try to stay under 1% for two word keywords and try to stand or point 2% for three words, keyword phrases. And so SEO Sentra which apparently is a broken site right now. Yeah, for whatever reason, it’s not loading right now guys. So it might be it’s,
Marco: it’s down for every one I check.
Okay, well, that was the only tool that I would use. And there was a keyword density checker on that it was one of the tools of SEO Central. And again, I haven’t used it in months and probably even a year if that but there was a keyword density where you would just take the Publish page that you wanted to check and you would add, you know, put it into the search field or whatever and hit go and it would analyze the entire page and it would show you the words and one word, two words and three words, the phrases that it determined were keywords. And so it would get a lot of random stuff in there. That didn’t make sense. But it would show you the percentages. And that was a good tool for it.
And the reason why I liked that tool. Now, obviously, it looks like we might have to find another one. But you could probably do some searches and find one. The reason I like that tool better than for example, you know, a lot of times people would write their content and try to hit specific density is based upon an SEO plugin like Yoast, for example, inside of a WordPress dashboard. But you would, you know, a lot of people didn’t take into consideration the fact that Yoast was only analyzing the keywords within the post body of that post or page right, so the article body of that post or page, I didn’t show you the keyword density of what the published page had, because remember, you’ve got keywords in your site header, your navigation, your main navigation menu, your sidebar, your footer, your widget, your widget areas, like those are all potential places, your images, your alt text, all of that kind of stuff it could also contain keywords. And so people would optimize their content based upon what the plugin was telling them, which was just the keyword density of the article body of that page or post.
But if you were to analyze the published page, which included all of those other elements, they were way over optimized, way over optimized. And so it was misleading. And that’s part of the reason why, way back and, you know, for many, many years, I’ve said don’t use the WordPress plugins as a way to determine, you know, especially like Yoast tells you like optimization tips, don’t do that. Don’t do that because again, it there’s a lot of things that it doesn’t take into consideration, I guess for somebody that is, you know, just a blogger doesn’t know anything about SEO or something like that. There may be some value to that but as an SEO or somebody that learning or doing SEO? Those are not I would never recommend going by those guidelines. So do you want to you guys have another tool besides SEO Centro? Because apparently, that’s broken.
Marco: Not the one I reached Oh, yeah.
Adam: And if not, then you know, definitely probably just do a search for something similar to that. So long as it’s looking at the right places. I’m sure there are several out there. But that was the one I was used to using.
Bradley: Yeah, so again, guys, our friend Google, I would just do a keyword density checker. Right. And then just scroll through some of these and see online keyword density tool, see something like that. That’s what I would check. On sem rush does it too, by the way, that’s not free, obviously. But yeah, here’s an example. Now I have not used this one. So I don’t know if it’s any good. But I like this type of SEO density or keyword density checkers over the plugins because of what I just mentioned. It will analyze the entire published page and all of the elements of that page. Make sense? So, there you go. Moving on.
How Do You Remove An Address Of A GMB Listing?
Ken Robert says Okay, can I answered you in the Facebook group but I’ll answer this for everybody else’s benefit. He says, How do I take an address off a GMB? I don’t see an option to designate it as a service area business that used to be a checkbox if it was a service business. Where is it now? Well, what you do now as a service area businesses once you get your GMB verified like if you’re doing it manually, you’ll get you know, postcard most of the time. Or if you’re purchasing it, and you get it delivered and its surface area business, but what you want to do is go into the Info tab, right, so the left-hand sidebar, you click on info, and then where the map pin icon is, which shows the address of the business. You click that to edit it and the pop-up window comes up. And then there’s a link of blue text link inside that pop up window that says clear address. You click the Clear address button and then you click save or update whatever the button says.
And then you add your service area, which is the next section underneath that where the physical address showed, that’s the next section on the Info tab that you can edit. And that’s where you set your service areas. So all you do is, like I said, you’re going to, it’s going to show your address at one until it’s verified. And if it’s a service area business, the way that you make it a service area businesses before you start adding your service areas, you go in to edit the physical address, and then you click the Clear address button, and then save it. Okay.
Is It Possible To SEO And Get Good Rankings Of A Membership Site?
Okay, Mayank is up. He says, Hey, guys, so I’m setting up a membership site where every article that I post around 25% of it would be available for reading for everybody or everyone excuse me, and the rest would be restricted so that only paid members can read the whole article. Question is, is it possible to SEO and get good rankings for such pages considering that most of the pages content is going to be restricted?
Mayank, I don’t know because I’ve never done any of that kind of stuff. Marco that’s more up your alley. Because there a way to hide this content to where Google still recognizes it. But the reader does not. Yeah,
Marco: of course there is. But it’s not something that I would share here.
Bradley: Okay. Well, there you go. I can’t help you with that. Anyways, I really don’t do that kind of stuff. So I don’t know. Yeah,
Marco: but I mean, you’re getting into it territory, right delivering one content to the search engine and, and another content to the user. But that’s cloaking. And Google doesn’t really like that. You have to be really careful when you get into shit like that. But yeah, of course, this way you can code it all the way you can code it I’ll go as far as giving you that. You can code it. So that Google is sir one set of content and the user another set of content.
Bradley: Okay. Yeah, I mean, as far as like, there’s content gates, or you know, view gates, essentially. And I think that’s what you’re talking about. Like, you know, there’s social media plugins that will do that kind of stuff, like, hide content until you like or share or something like that. But I don’t know if that hides the content from Google from seeing it or not. It obviously hides it from the user. But I would be worried, like, you know, trying to do something that just could they still see the content if they did, right click view page source, you know what I mean? So like, I don’t know, because I’ve never really looked into that Mayank. So I’m sorry, I can’t help you with that.
What Do You Recommend As An Alternative Solution To Easy Local Cash Software?
Guy says, Do you have a suggestion for replacing the easy local cast software that has been depricated? Um, yeah, he’s got an online version of it now. So guys, we’ve, I mean, we’ve shared that in several of the groups. It’s an online version. It’s, it doesn’t work quite the same. But you know, again, it’s his software, it was never ours to begin with. So does anybody have the link for that? I think it’s easy local cache something or another. We just see if I can find it for you, but just a second.
Yeah, it’s https://software.easylocalcash.com/ now maybe that’s not it. Here it is. This is its https://software.easylocalcash.com/ . That’s what it is. Guys. Again, this is not our software. So it works differently than what the desktop did. You know, Chad Kimball’s software, I understand why he did what he did it. So if you want to use this one have at it.
We are we were talking about potentially developing one ourselves, but it doesn’t look like we’re going to. So I know Peter drew as got software’s and his tool suite now that will do something very similar to that, but it’s a paid tool suite. So it’s not something that’s going to be offered for free. So, unfortunately, you’re stuck with that for now. Or you can just do you know, I mean, for example. Yeah, that’s that’s pretty much the only thing I know of right now. We talked about potentially doing it ourselves, but I don’t think we’re going to. So try that guy. See if that helps you out.
How Do You Combine Negative Keywords From Different Accounts And PPC Campaigns Into One Spreadsheet?
Alright, moving on Frankie’s up, he says, What’s up Frankie? He says, Hey guys when running multiple PPC campaigns, how do you combine all the negative keywords from different accounts and different campaigns? If you need to create a new campaign with a master negative keyword list? I can’t seem to find any tool or shortcut on how to combine all the keywords into one spreadsheet and remove all the duplicates. Can you share how to do it? Thanks, as always.
Yeah, I mean, I don’t know of any tools that will, you know, that you can connect to all of your accounts that will extract the data, but the way that I would do it is just download the negative keyword lists, which you can do from inside the AdWords or the Google Ads dashboard. And then you’re going to get a separate spreadsheet for each but then you just like literally copy and paste, you know, all into a master sheet, right? So in one of the Excel documents, or you can even do it in Google Sheets, but will be a little bit slower. If you do an Excel, then you can just copy and paste all of them into one master sheet and then just use remove duplicates. I know that’s kind of a pain in the ass because it’s manual. But you know, that’s honestly, that’s how I would do it. Also, if you’re using the Google ads, software that the desktop software, which you can download, they just updated it again. Then you can connect all of your accounts that you manage into that Google Ads desktop software, what do they call it? The Google ads, fuck.
I can’t remember the name of the software now if top my head but anyways, you can download the software, which makes it easy to do bulk edits and things like that. And then you could just it would make it easier than having to log in all of your different accounts to download that spreadsheet of your negative keyword lists. So again, it’s still a manual process, as far as I know, maybe somebody else knows to have a better solution, but I don’t. Okay.
Also, that’s part of the reason. Frankly, it’s good to have a VA because that’s something you could task a VA with, right? Even if you were the one going in and downloading all the sheets, you could send that over to a VA and by the way, I just had to hire Well, I just put a job posting on up work for an Excel nerd, like and somebody that’s an Excel specialist or a Microsoft Access specialist because I got some work that I’m doing that requires stuff that’s way above my pay grade when it comes to excel. And so I just posted a job over there for up work and you can find people you know, for 10 $12 an hour that are super proficient in that kind of stuff. So maybe they you know, you could hire somebody like that. I’m sure it would be a really quick, easy job for somebody that knows what they’re doing. Okay.
Looks like we’re almost out of questions, but that’s probably because of this stupid app. Let me refresh.
Yeah, there’s a couple cooler. Alright, cool. So um, yeah. Jay Turner. Are there any benefits to making it looks like we lost one? Maybe not. Oh, there’s Jordan Fowler posted it as To review tools com keyword density checker thanks, Jordan. I appreciate that.
I wanted to like it. Oh, shit at sign me out. Are you serious? Wow, unbelievable. Love this Facebook app guys fucking love it. All right. Well, I can’t comment anymore.
Are There Any Benefits Of Making A Canonical Of A Niche Down Content Instead Of Those That Are In Broad Topics?
So Jay Turner says, Are there any benefits to making a small blog post-canonical over to the same content on a much broader topic page with the jump link to that section being the link in the canonical tag? Yeah, I would say so. There’s some really powerful stuff. That that yes. Yeah. Just short answer. Yes. J, there is some benefit to that back.
What’s cool about that is if it’s canonical, it Google honors the canonical, then the blog post won’t actually index I mean, Google know it, but it won’t index and then you can do some pretty cool things to that blog posts, which will kind of hide your hide it from prying eyes. So yes, that’s against your answer is yes.
How Do You Rank In Google’s Knowledge Graph?
Paul Quiggle says, Hey guys, I noticed when you type in Google things to do in your town, a Knowledge Graph comes up with different types of activities. I have a client that is wanting to create a workshop style class and his city. And once organic traffic from that source, what is the best way to get included into that list? schema have to have proper schema markup. There are people that teach that kind of stuff.
You could also just try to do some extensive, you know, research throughout by just doing simple Google searches to try to find out how to do that. I don’t you know, I haven’t done any of that stuff yet. But there are. Ryan rod and he could probably do that. Right. Sure. He could. Let me see if we’ve got. Okay, so Ryan Ryan was a Mastermind member for quite some time. I don’t think he’s with us anymore, but he does a lot of schema stuff. And he may be able to help you he does it. You know, you can hire him. So he’s got schema code order. You can also hire him on as a consultant basis to kind of help you code stuff out. And you might want to even just pay him for an hour of his time to teach you how to do that. I don’t know if he’d be willing to do that. But this is somebody that I could recommend is probably would be able to help you to do that.
I know, again, as I said, some of the people that you know, some colleagues, some of the other SEO groups out there, they’re people that have taught that it’s not something I know how to do, because I have not done that. But again, it’s it all comes down to the schema. If you publish content on your site, and you mark it up properly, Google will come to use that and include it in that type of a thing. For example, a lot of times, guys, if you know,
and I’ve done training about this, questions in a question and answer posts are great for blogs. And it’s great for SEO. And how do I know that? Well, if you ask certain questions into Google, you notice right in the SERPs, there are accordion menus, like drop-down menus that have the questions with a little down arrow pointing and during groups usually, have three to five questions.
If you click on one of the questions, it reveals the answer, which is just a snippet that it pulled from one of the search results that are listed on that page. Right. And so that’s how you get included in those q amp a box is by proper markup. And there’s q amp a, by the way, schema markup for that. And in fact, Jordan Fowler was pointing out that recently in our Mastermind, but there’s, what’s cool about that is every time you click one of those questions to reveal the answer, it real it load makes that box that has the questions in it, like expand to include even more related questions. And each time you click it, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And again, all it’s doing is it’s sourcing that the answers from other web properties that have the proper markup, and that Google has determined are authoritative, in that, you know, particular topic. So, you know, that’s why I’ve talked about that being very powerful to use this blog type content, and if you can create an original answer to those times types of questions and mark it up properly, you can get included in those boxes. But even just for SEO purposes, if you go collect or scrape those questions, compile them, and then even use for curating for you and you know, you guys know probably should know that we teach to curate content because it’s the most efficient way to produce content without having to be a subject matter expert, then you can even curate those questions and answers and create blog posts that are where you group similar questions and answers. And you just link out to the content sources. Just Google gives you all that information right there and there’s q amp a boxes, right and then you can actually create an original post where you just inject a little bit of commentary in between the curated sections, and that makes great content for the blog as well as for GMB posts. So anyway, I can’t drop this link on their guys, because Facebook just blocked me for whatever reason from our own app, but schema http://schema.pro/. If that answers your question, I would go check out Ryan Ross for some help, if you want, like specific help otherwise just do some searches for how to get how to get to how to what was it a events, how to get the event schema, like event schema.org or something like that is what I would search and you could probably find some specific articles about that.
Okay. There’s a good question. In fact, I’m just curious really quickly see event schema. There is a schema.org. on that. See, this is what I was talking about these questions right here is exactly what I’m talking about. And see when you click on that, how it expands even more, it starts adding even more questions, and it’ll just keep going on and on and on. So there you go. An event rich snippet, schema creator, SEO chat tools. Look at that, right. There’s a tool for that. There are plugins, those plugins typically don’t work all that well. At least they didn’t use to, but maybe they do. Look this is event steal our JSON LD, I don’t know. But there you go. There you go. Just do a simple Google search and start doing some research. This looks like a schema markup generator for events. So you might even want to try that and see if and then go validate it, right. So fill this stuff out, copy the code, go over to the Google structured data tool, paste it in, make sure that it validates, validates, then use that code on your webpage, your event page.
Okay, something else you might want to try is let’s do. You could try this to this is Google’s own tool, the Google structured data markup helper. So again, just go to Google and search structured data markup helper, and this is Google’s own tool. And look at that, guys. There’s an event thing right there. So what you do is you put your URL in there. And then this tool will add structured data markup to a sample web page. So you can put your event page in there that you’ve already published, whether it has the code or not, and then Google’s markup helper will allow you to like highlight certain elements of the page and it will tell you how to mark it up. So like, for example, the date day and time, for example, or the location like you, you highlight that section and in Google’s markup helper tool will tell you how to mark it up correctly. So it makes sense. So again, this is Google’s own tool here. Any input on that, guys? Was that good enough?
Marco: That was perfect.
Bradley: Okay, sweet. I can’t believe they kicked me out of Facebook comments for this on during the webinar. It’s ridiculous. I don’t want to use this anymore.
All right, next one. Yeah, Scott said it’s not loading. Thanks, Scott. We got that. See? That’s again, that’s a duplicate question.
Greg’s got to do but good question. It’s a stupid app. Anyways, Jay says is there any advantage to making a or several making a or several brief blog posts cannot. Shit. That’s the same question to it just looks like it’s filled out a little bit more. Okay, I’ll answer the second part of this Jay was thinking about doing the above to drip feed and pushed out blog post content to the syndication networks in order to get the page more links from the syndication network. Yeah, that should work. Again, that’s that should work.
We might have to wrap it up, early guys. I’m tired of this app like already. I’m frustrated with it. It looks like we don’t have any more questions anyway. I’m sure it’s because people are having issues. Yeah.
I’m sorry. Go ahead. No, I mean, yeah, you’re totally right. I think that’s an issue. It’s definitely an issue because we’re getting duplicate questions. It’s just stupid. Sorry, guys. You know, we’re trying to find a better solution. Adam says that
we’re going to test next week. Yeah, got it will test it and we’ll see if it works. Okay. definitely got to do something. Okay. So Greg’s, I think even Disqus was better than this because of at least Disqus in break entirely.
Will You Still Get The Same Ranking Power Benefit If The Press Releases Via Press Advantage Are Hardly Indexed In Google?
Bradley: So Greg says using press advantage, I have noticed only around to syndicated press releases appearing in the Google index when I published Will I still get the same benefit power wise from a press release submission have hardly any of the published articles show up as being indexed in Google? Yeah. Okay. So that’s used to be, by the way, that that’s, that’s how that happened most of the time, a long time ago. And then for whatever reason, what happens is a lot of them do get indexed, but they go into what’s called the supplemental index, right? So Google will only show a handful or one or two that it determines are the most authoritative, or the original sources or whatever, and it will show those in the index and put the rest in what’s called supplemental index. For example, if you search for the title of press release or other content, and this this could happen with syndicated blog posts, for example, then you’ll see at the bottom of the search results where it’ll say Google has admitted, similar you know, similar search results, and if you click that link, it will actually open up the supplemental index and will show you all of the other places that same content was published. So Google is aware of it. And we’ve done testing that, you know, even with no indexed PB ends, for example, that will again, we don’t use PB ends anymore. But we’ve done testing. And it’s been a while since we’ve done it, but with no index PBNs. And yes, Google able, you can still give you a bump. Right. So it’s not I didn’t say D indexed, but I said no index. Right. So supplemental index links, will they still help? As far as I’m aware? Yes. Are they as powerful as those that would be indexed? All you know, in the regular index? I don’t think so. And the reason why is because Google is looking at it as almost duplicate content.
It’s not that it’s toxic, but it’s just not that is as helpful as what I’m saying. So that’s one of the things that was being addressed by quantum Newswire, which we did a promotion for recently. Because they, they specifically are using a much smaller distribution network because of that reason, they’re not they’re trying not to use as many distribution points that end up getting going into the supplemental index anyways, now that said, Greg, the local PR pro method, which was essentially PR stalking and using press releases to get local results. It’s still effective, although the method has evolved a bit. And it’s on what’s about two years old now, since we launched that course, and so I am going to update that again and probably the next two months, we’re going to launch it relaunch it with the new methods and a couple of months. Because specifically, like I said, it has evolved. You’re in the Mastermind. I’ve talked about this multiple times in the Mastermind, Greg, I know you’ve missed that webinar or where I’ve talked about it, but we have talked about that. And several occasions now over the last several weeks in the Mastermind, but it still works. The local PR method works but it has evolved slightly in that I’ve noticed in several of our members have noticed. Darrell was one of them who does a lot of PR stuff that it requires more RYS, and more Consistent PR is before it kicks in the way that it used to with just one or two or, you know, like I said, when we launched the course, I was able to get 80% results with six hours or less. In other words, 15 out of 15 properties that I tested on 12 of them, I was able to get into the maps three pack within six press releases, so six press releases or less. That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore if it’s low competition, yes, but if it’s moderately competitive, or more than it requires more press releases and more consistency as well as like I always said, I believe it requires more diversity to in that instead of just using one distribution service over and over and over, you can still get effects that way, if you’re stacking properly, and I’m not going to go over the specific method of how to stack properly right now here on a free Hump Day Hangout, because that’ll be included in the update and we can talk about that in the Mastermind all the one Greg. But if you stack properly now you still can get really, really good results with just one distribution service. But it requires specific or a different internal linking method than what was, you know, the original method, right. And so that’s really the point is, is, if you have additional distribution networks that you can use, that’s going to help with diversity, you also want to stack properly, which just means changing it up a bit. Again, I can’t go cover that specific method here. But yes, I’m still using press releases prime as my primary off-page link building, you know,
direct to money site stuff. But you know, I’m also doing a lot of powering up to our assets using our link building service, you know, the same link building service that you have access, Greg, through mg, Why be now? Right. So again, it’s about powering up specific entities. That’s what the ad ID loop is that we set up. Again, you can get that training in the Mastermind. You’ve got that Greg. I know you’ve got that. But you can build links like traditional links to that spam type links and It works really well as including some of the assets that we are able to produce using the press releases. Right? So you power those up and you can get really good results too. As far as the indexing I don’t it’s not that big of a deal it whether they’re indexed or not, why do I say that? Well, because for example, guys, syndication networks, we know syndication networks help. We could talk about that briefly too. By the way, I just recently set up a new project haven’t done any link building so I haven’t done any content marketing. All I did was set up a website, right and it was just a Click Funnels page. And then I set up on a subdomain a WordPress installation for a blog. And that blog just has the Hello World post on it still, and I updated the site, the blog site title like you know, the title tag and such but I have not done any content marketing or any link building, haven’t syndicated any posts, haven’t done anything, but I have it. It’s a specific company name. And I added it’s been about three weeks now that I’ve had that site up and again, besides the Click Funnels page, whatever
content, there’s no content at all other than the Hello World post on the blog. And for that company name, if I were to search just last week for the company name, it showed up on like page three because there’s a lot of other companies that have similar names, but it’s not the same name. And so my the site being a brand new site brand new entity was showing up but like on page like three, so way, way back. Well, I have one of our VA is build me a syndication network, for that company for that brand, because it’s like I said, it’s a new project that I’m just setting up. And they just delivered that syndication network to me on Thursday, last week, so about six days ago, well, on Monday, I went and checked and guys, again, no posting has been done no content marketing, no syndicated posts or anything. On Monday, I did a search for my company name and an incognito browser and Firefox that was clean, and boom, number one for that company name. Now, granted, I was searching for the company name, but it was on page three, four.
about two and a half, three weeks. And then all we did was create a syndication network and it in it. As Marco always talks about solidified are validated by the entity. And now it’s showing is number one for that brand search. So it just goes to show you that the syndication networks, although is a specific SEO tool for syndicating posts is not as effective as it used to be five years ago, right? That makes sense. But it’s still every bit as effective and as critical as important because of what it does for validating the entity. And so the reason I brought that up was that the same thing goes with syndicating posts, most weed for years. And Greg, you should know this because you’ve been with part of the Mastermind for years. For years, people have asked, Well, I’m not seeing my syndicated post URLs being indexed. I can’t find them in the index. So this is useless. And I’ve said for years. No, that’s not true. Because whether they’re indexed or not, it doesn’t mean they’re useless. Google knows they’re there. And how do I know that Google knows or that well if your site is connected to search console,
And you go look at links to your site in Search Console, you’ll see WordPress and blogger and Tumblr and delicious and well not so much more delicious anymore. But Diigo and all of the different sites that were in your syndication network, you’ll see that they are listed and links to your site. And they’ll show how many posts Google was aware of that are linking back to your site. So whether they’re in the index or not, Google knows they’re there, and it’s counting them as links to your site. Does that make sense? So we know that they’re powerful, regardless, if as long as Google knows they’re there. Yes, there is some benefit to having indexed links. There’s no doubt. But there is still some benefit from non-index links to as long as they’re not deindexed sites. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. I’ve been talking about art and the art of art. Seems like forever now, at least a couple of years ever since I saw that the distance grab, and what school was doing as far as a websites and how it was taking a look at the entity and related everything to the entities to what it was gauging is trusted authority How many people do you trust? And basically how many trusts you not people but websites and and what is the trust and authority of those websites that are linking to yours. And it’s measuring that distance from seed sites and seat sets. I mean, I talked about this forever. I got tired of talking about because nobody would listen. Maybe they’ll start listening now, the that I mean, we can completely see how Google, it wants the entity. It wants to brand. It does not like ambiguity. And ambiguity simply means that there are two things on the web. That could be and I’ll give you a perfect example of ambiguity. You know, DC Glenn from tag team, right? Well, taxing can also mean a tag team and wrestling. And that’s what he’s been having to deal with it as far as ambiguity when people search. Which tag team are you referring to? So when you do a search for tag team, actually, Google gives you two options. Are you looking for tag team and wrestling? Or are you looking for tag team, the hip hop, or poor? Google doesn’t like ambiguity. It does not like to terms to be related to the same thing. And so what we have to do with this,
first of all, don’t create ambiguity. And if you do, you have to disambiguate fuck a $100 word for something so simple as make it clear to Google. What your entity is, bind everything to your entity, right? It’s verification, it’s validation, and then solidification. That’s what you have to do. And it just so happens that our syndication networks are some of the best tools out there for accomplishing this.
But not only that, what I recommend is you take every
Everything and you put that into a drive stack, take all of your URLs in the place where they go into dr stack. And then when you do the press of the stack, you drop a link into that Dr stack. And then when you go and do your link building, your link building follows your press releases press one press of these two, and so on so that you’re incrementally link building on to the last one. And then the last one, you hit hard, so that everything just shoots through that live stream. And I’m going to tell you right now there’s absolutely nothing better for creating relevance, which is the other part of art right activity, relevance, trust, and authority. Just an authority we get from all of the link building and everything else.
But creating everything in that drive stack and then getting dead yet to do his magic. That’s like I don’t know how he does it. And I don’t care. He just knows he’s been doing it for years. He knows what works. So I I’m not going to
Tell him what to do because he’s the master. But guy seriously, man, this works like gangbusters. And then on top of that, to really put that put like the cherry on top. You put some
traffic into it some Google traffic. And that’s when it really comes home man. That’s when everything really binds together and it because then it’s people telling Google Yeah, this is the entity that I was actually looking for, which is one of the things that I’m working with DC Glenn on right on on his entity. It’s already validated. Now it has to be disambiguate it from tireless, it’s tough, right? Because a lot of people look for that. Protect team and wrestling rather than tag team that we just have to get enough people to look at tag team, the hip hop group to disambiguate. But anyway, a long winded answer to Yes, syndication networks work for the entity but so
does everything else that we recommend in our battle plan by the battle plan is there for a reason we follow it and we’ve given you a step by step process on what it is that you need to do. Now some of it will take multiple attempts so that you can push your keyword to where you want it to be are you can hit the map pack or you can hit the Knowledge Graph UI you get rid of three pack become the Knowledge Graph for that keyword term. This this tons of things that you could do when you’re pushing power, but it takes pushing the right amount of power in the right places. I said my piece
Bradley: very good. Facebook just completely locked me out of my fucking account. Unbelievable. I was just looking at my phone while you’re talking. It’s like this is twice now in two days. I don’t understand. Are you guys all experienced in that shit to if not I got I got locked out of Facebook till Yes. Unbelievable. Adam did to like what the fuck? I hate Facebook.
Anyways, Alright guys, I’m going to wrap it up because I’m tired of this already. This is really being stupid. By the way, Clint, thank you for posting that link since I’m unable to do it.
But yeah, we’ll see you guys next week. Thanks for being here. Any any other words guys know your comment system for everyone to test out next week? Yeah, definitely.
Alright guys, we’ll see you next week. Thanks.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231 posted first on your-t1-blog-url
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jenniferbowley · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231
Click on the video above to watch Episode 231 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey welcome everybody world. Little bit of feedback there. All right, now that we’ve got this screaming howling mechanical sounds out of the way, let’s welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts is Episode 231. Today’s the 10th of April 2019. Thanks for joining us live if you’re here live if not, you’re catching the replay. Thanks for watching. And if you’re watching somewhere else, you can always go to Semantic Mastery comm slash HD questions to get your questions answered. You can ask them live you can ask them ahead of time just ask your questions and we’ll get to them. So before we dive into some more announcements and get into the questions, I’m going to say hi to everybody real quick. Let’s start on the left with Chris, How you doing?
Chris: Doing good. just picking up the bags here leaving the city
Adam: very nice. What Where are you going Chris?
Chris: Indonesia. Yeah, that’s awesome.
Adam: Have a good trip, man.
Chris: Thank you.
Chris: Oh, can’t wait actually am and I actually from what I heard I’m gonna meet one or two of the Semantic Mastery people there. So, we’ll see.
Adam: Well yeah if you’re going or in Indonesia then hit Chris up and chat him up while you’re there. Hernan, how you doing?
Hernan: Great, man. Excited to be here. Some really cool stuff coming up so doing good. That’s good.
Adam: Good deal. Do you have a Semantic Mastery shirt on or is that not
Hernan: oh no I might. Yeah.
Adam: Marco, how you doing man?
Marco: I’m good man. What’s up?
Adam: can’t complain. It’s a nice day here.
Marco: I can’t say it’s sunny anymore. Ah rainy season just kicked in like today. It’s storming outside
Adam: and it probably would still like 65, 70?
Marco: oh yeah between 70 and 80 somewhere around there. That’s all year.
Adam: Oh man.
Marco: Things are good. I’ve been deep in the lab by the way. I’m cooking up some some monster shit. As I said last time, I’m about to turn the SEO world on its ear once again. So it’s time and it’s been about four years and RYS Academy Reloaded. Wouldn’t it be like wicked if August of 2019 something were to happen? I’m just saying.
Adam: Gotcha. I’m sorry, I got distracted by her non sending me chats in Slack. So sorry about that.
Hernan: There’s something I’m sorry, I just want to say that I just got my account. Also. blog. So there might be something funky going on with the Facebook comments, so I don’t know.
Bradley: Super shit. Really?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: So time to move on then. So that’s the third person so yeah, live will try to figure this out on that Wolfgang, right
Bradley: for those of you that while I was gonna say those of you that are getting your accounts blocked, leave a message. Message us. State that you’re also getting screwed by Facebook but you won’t be able to now will you? I had my account mysteriously yesterday I was I wasn’t even doing anything. I just had Facebook open and it said it prompted me that I noticed suspicious activity I won’t even doing anything. And it said, you know, you must verify re verify your account, which I had to do. Apparently Adam’s got blocked now, or Hernan’s got blocked. So I don’t know the Facebook gods are mad right now apparently. And they are I’m already in like.
Hernan: I am back on I did some security check in and I’m in. But yeah, I don’t know we might need to start sending us note let you know. Something you know for the comments who will send that over to Bradley’s house. They go read them.
Adam: I’ll send out postcards the week before and then just shoot them over.
Bradley: Got just mailing your questions.
Adam: All right. Well, last but not least, Bradley, how you doing man?
Bradley: I’m good, man. Happy to be here. We got a lot of stuff coming up. So couple things that I would like to talk about very quickly before we get into questions is the video lead gen system training is being updated. I spent a lot of time on it this week already just kind of organizing and recording videos and updating the slides and all that stuff for the 2019 update. And for kind of the more streamlined process that I’ve developed for it, which makes it a lot easier, a lot more efficient. And a lot of it can be outsourced. And it’s working really well, I’ve been able to get a lot of good conversations going with prospects. And it can be applied for monetizing lead gen assets, as well as for client outreach. Like if you just want to do so traditional agency marketing services, it works really well. And it’s a hell of a lot more efficient than what the original method was that I used that worked incredibly well, but there was a lot of wasted time. And I talked about this a lot in the training. But you know, for every 10 video emails that I used to send out, I would get three to four responses like clockwork every damn time.
But the videos that I would record, I would just go find prospects, you know, from doing research online that I wanted to work with. And then I would just do and a lot of you that have been through the training or have heard me talk about it in the past, I would do like a video audit of their digital presence and explain how they were missing opportunities. You don’t ever criticize, but you do talk about like, Hey, you did good here. This is nice, but you’re missing out on opportunities because of this, this, this and this.
And typically, my video audits would be about 10 to 15 minutes long. So, you can imagine if you’re doing 10 of those, and it takes a little bit of time to find the prospect that you’re going to audit and then to record the video and then you know, kind of wind down and go to the next one. You know, it would take two and a half, three hours to record 10 videos of 15 minutes each, you know, every easy two and a half to three hours. And if only three or four of them would respond then there was six or seven of them that we would record or I would record that we’re not being seen or not being replied to period. So it was wasted effort. And so I kind of went back to the drawing board this year to determine how you know, to fix that, to solve that to make it more efficient, because that’s what we try to we try to teach you guys just to be more efficient. So this newer method is so so much more efficient, and it’s so much easier. And I’ve even learned some things along the way, since I’ve been testing this newer method that originally I’d set out to do one particular way, and thinking, Oh, this is going to be so much more efficient, and it certainly was, but then I found there was still ways to make that even more efficient. And I talked about that in the training. And it’s just a much more efficient process now, especially because you can have a VA do a lot of the heavy lifting type stuff so that you don’t have to be doing that yourself.
And so now to do 15 or 20 videos, you know, specific prospecting videos can literally be done in an hour’s time, which that might sound impossible but the way that I’m doing it now is it makes it to where it’s so many faster. And the other part of that is I’ve learned to not actually record the specific prospect videos until we get a positive reply or get a dialogue going with them. So it’s a much it now there’s no wasted effort on actually creating the videos for a prospect until you’ve actually got their permission essentially, to send them a video. And so I can’t reveal all that here, obviously, guys, but that’s coming out in two weeks from today, really? Or yesterday, I guess we’re going to be launching that again. So be on the lookout for that those of you that are doing lead gen stuff or client work and you want a more effective way to outreach for prospecting, this is definitely going to help you it’s it’s how I really built my agency to begin with.
Adam: Yeah, hundred percent recommend you checking that out. And it works across industries, different areas. I mean that that’s an incredible result. I’ve talked about this before. I think Bradley when you mentioned it, you know, you nonchalantly say, Yeah, I get you know, three or four responses out of 10 emails. And for anyone who’s done this you know that that just blows anything else out of the water. Most cold emailing people are getting like literally 1% maybe of like positive responses so to be getting 30 to 40% is just insane so good stuff. I’ve done it. I’ve learned a lot from the way Bradley does it and added up some bells and whistles on the way I like it but man if you’re not already using this stuff, definitely keep your eyes and ears open for the Video Lead Gen System update.
Bradley: Cool. Sorry. We had as far as announcements that I’m aware of is we have some new services available and MGYB. Marco you want to chat about what we’ve got available right now.
Marco: We’ve got basically everything available right when an edit link building indexing and beds were adding a while it but it said know that that’s still only available to the Mastermind isn’t that the done for you, GMB services, it will be rolled out
Bradley: But yes, yes, right now that’s just the Mastermind. We’re doing several different off page GMB services that are done for you now, but our team, our methods that are it’s our team doing our methods to our specifications, and we’ve got an overall off page package. And then we’ve got each component of that overall off page package separated out that can be purchased as individual services, for those of you that don’t need everything, but just need parts of it. And so, we’re rolling. we’ve rolled that out to our Mastermind, now we’re getting all of the fulfillment and delivery smooth, you know, process moved out. And as soon as we’re done with that, we’re going to offer it to you guys publicly in MGYB be as well.
Bradley: So that was it.? We’re good.
Adam: Yeah, pretty much. Just want to tell everyone you know, if you’re joining us live, that’s great. This is the place to be if you’ve got questions, like I said, you can ask live you can ask ahead of time, if you can’t make it live, whether you got a call, client call, busy, you’re working, whatever. That’s one way to do it. And the place to start is also at battleplan.semanticmastery.com that’s where you want to get some excuse me repeatable results and a lot of various you want to dive deeper into stuff like keyword research, how to work with age domains, new domains, all that and a whole lot more and if you’re ready to start or you want to grow your existing local digital marketing agency come join us in the Semantic Mastery Mastermind and we made that of course nice and easy to find that’s at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. and like Bradley, Marco were just mentioning it over to mygb.co for your done for you solutions.
Marco: We still have the syndication Academy networks we still have the ROI is reloaded everything up to Semantic Mastery standards. We have we’ve what we’ve done is we’ve brought everything under our own roof right under our control so that it can be kept up to our specifications and our standards. It’s what we use. And you guys if you’ve seen the stuff that we do and and just go to the groups I mean, that’s. Take a shot, there’s a money back guarantee anyway, by the way, on joining any any of the groups, right? join the group. So take advantage of one of the special ops and you can get in for $1 for seven days and ask the people who are in the group. Don’t listen to me, right? Don’t listen to me. Because Marco is full of shit. It doesn’t know what the fuck you talking about? Fine. Go to our groups and as a who in here is getting results. And you’re going to see that that people will start chiming and some of them will keep quiet, but I know who’s getting results, right because I talked to them on a regular basis. But guys, it’s what we do on a day to day basis what we use, we just go to our store, why else would we set it up? If we don’t use it with that we’re known for drinking our own Kool Aid, right? That’s who we are. So it’s mgyb.co anything and everything that you need to just kill it on the web is right there. And besides, if it join one of the groups the higher you go up the ladder, the closer you get to us and you know just us being with you every step of the way and trying to help you go ahead and get to where you want to be to
Bradley: okay cool
Hernan: Bradley before we jump in. If you got a copy of the Battle Plan if you haven’t go get it but if you do, we updated the links is inside the battle plan so that now when you click on the link building side of things and everything, it should take you to, you know, to enjoy be and the different packages so we updated that last week. So.
Bradley: Alright, so it looks apparently because we’re gonna have to do something about this is this. Obviously, questions are getting duplicated. And you know, I don’t know if it sets the stupid Facebook app or what but anyway.
Adam: replacement hunted down. We’re going to test it out in the coming week.
Bradley: Okay, cool. Cuz I’m seeing questions posted twice for a couple of people and there ought to be more questions in this room. Now I’m assuming it’s um, anyways, let’s move on.
Is It Okay To Create A New IFTTT Ring For An Account That Had Social Media Accounts We No Longer Have Access With?
Jeff’s up. First, he says I would like to use IFTTT for an account that has social accounts created by another SEO agency, we no longer have access to those properties. Is it okay to create a new ring? Yeah, it is, if you can’t, the only thing sucks is obviously if you had the cherry subdomains, for all the different accounts that you know, that was your brand names for that company, you’re going to have to modify it slightly, which kind of sucks, but it is what it is. If you can’t access those properties, then yeah, absolutely. Just create another ring. You know, set up a new set of accounts with a slightly modified version of the username for each one of the accounts so that you can at least make it still as very much close to the brand is as possible. You know, we’ve had to do that. For example. You know, for like a tree service company that has Tree Service in the name like we I’ve had to have it changed to tree services or Tree Service, Inc. or Tree Service CO, like SEO for a company, you know or something like that. And that may be what you have to do.
You know, you could also potentially work depending on what kind of business it is you could potentially work in as a location name, like the city name, and as well as the company name, or even a product or service that the company, whatever their primary product or services, perhaps work one of those words in along with the brand name so that there’s that association made. But yes, you can do that. Again, it’s if you can’t access those existing accounts, what else could you do, really, except create a new rank? So yes, absolutely. You can do that Jeff.
What Is The Best Keyword Density Analyzer Tool?
Kevin says what is the best keyword density analyzer tool? Um, well, honestly, that what I’ve used, Kevin, that’s a good question, all I’ve ever used, which I really don’t worry about keyword density so much anymore, except for if I’m reading through a piece of content that I had written. If I feel like there are too many uses of a keyword, I’m worried about over density. I don’t really worry so much about hitting specific numbers for keyword density anymore. We used to worry about that. But the algorithm is so much more advanced now. Google understands natural language patterns. And, you know, in natural language, excuse me so much better now that it’s really unnecessary to try to hit specific keyword densities. If the content is written well, Google will understand what the content is about, regardless of repeating certain keywords over and over again, right.
And so I don’t really worry about keyword density at all anymore unless I feel like a keyword is overused and a piece of content at which point I will test it. And there’s a tool that I’ve been using for years now since one of the I think maybe panda three or panda for it was around 2014 where I really started using this at the time because back then we did try to hit certain keywords density numbers. Right and there? Well, I think it was panda three or what panda four or one of those in that timeframe. And I don’t know why it’s being so slow.
The site might be having an issue. seocentro.com. Yeah, apparently. That’s great. So now, there’s no connection. Are you guys still hear me?
Marco: I’m still here. Yeah.
Bradley: I just want to make sure it wasn’t the internet, my internet that was screwing up. But ok. So I was going to show this to you. But SEO center. com. That’s what I’ve been used. I had been using, like I said, back around 2013 or 14 ish. We had a we had tried to hit specific numbers. And then all of a sudden one of the panda updates caused a lot of the sites that I had built like lead gen sites and client sites to drop down in the rankings, not nuts. I didn’t get penalized, but I dropped you know, a page 1015 spots somewhere around there. And so after consulting with some of the, you know, people, my colleagues and such
I found that there was another magic number, and it was trying to keep your density under a specific threshold and at the time it was 2% for two-word keywords. Now I’m sorry for one-word keywords It was 2% try to stay under 2% try to stay under 1% for two word keywords and try to stand or point 2% for three words, keyword phrases. And so SEO Sentra which apparently is a broken site right now. Yeah, for whatever reason, it’s not loading right now guys. So it might be it’s,
Marco: it’s down for every one I check.
Okay, well, that was the only tool that I would use. And there was a keyword density checker on that it was one of the tools of SEO Central. And again, I haven’t used it in months and probably even a year if that but there was a keyword density where you would just take the Publish page that you wanted to check and you would add, you know, put it into the search field or whatever and hit go and it would analyze the entire page and it would show you the words and one word, two words and three words, the phrases that it determined were keywords. And so it would get a lot of random stuff in there. That didn’t make sense. But it would show you the percentages. And that was a good tool for it.
And the reason why I liked that tool. Now, obviously, it looks like we might have to find another one. But you could probably do some searches and find one. The reason I like that tool better than for example, you know, a lot of times people would write their content and try to hit specific density is based upon an SEO plugin like Yoast, for example, inside of a WordPress dashboard. But you would, you know, a lot of people didn’t take into consideration the fact that Yoast was only analyzing the keywords within the post body of that post or page right, so the article body of that post or page, I didn’t show you the keyword density of what the published page had, because remember, you’ve got keywords in your site header, your navigation, your main navigation menu, your sidebar, your footer, your widget, your widget areas, like those are all potential places, your images, your alt text, all of that kind of stuff it could also contain keywords. And so people would optimize their content based upon what the plugin was telling them, which was just the keyword density of the article body of that page or post.
But if you were to analyze the published page, which included all of those other elements, they were way over optimized, way over optimized. And so it was misleading. And that’s part of the reason why, way back and, you know, for many, many years, I’ve said don’t use the WordPress plugins as a way to determine, you know, especially like Yoast tells you like optimization tips, don’t do that. Don’t do that because again, it there’s a lot of things that it doesn’t take into consideration, I guess for somebody that is, you know, just a blogger doesn’t know anything about SEO or something like that. There may be some value to that but as an SEO or somebody that learning or doing SEO? Those are not I would never recommend going by those guidelines. So do you want to you guys have another tool besides SEO Centro? Because apparently, that’s broken.
Marco: Not the one I reached Oh, yeah.
Adam: And if not, then you know, definitely probably just do a search for something similar to that. So long as it’s looking at the right places. I’m sure there are several out there. But that was the one I was used to using.
Bradley: Yeah, so again, guys, our friend Google, I would just do a keyword density checker. Right. And then just scroll through some of these and see online keyword density tool, see something like that. That’s what I would check. On sem rush does it too, by the way, that’s not free, obviously. But yeah, here’s an example. Now I have not used this one. So I don’t know if it’s any good. But I like this type of SEO density or keyword density checkers over the plugins because of what I just mentioned. It will analyze the entire published page and all of the elements of that page. Make sense? So, there you go. Moving on.
How Do You Remove An Address Of A GMB Listing?
Ken Robert says Okay, can I answered you in the Facebook group but I’ll answer this for everybody else’s benefit. He says, How do I take an address off a GMB? I don’t see an option to designate it as a service area business that used to be a checkbox if it was a service business. Where is it now? Well, what you do now as a service area businesses once you get your GMB verified like if you’re doing it manually, you’ll get you know, postcard most of the time. Or if you’re purchasing it, and you get it delivered and its surface area business, but what you want to do is go into the Info tab, right, so the left-hand sidebar, you click on info, and then where the map pin icon is, which shows the address of the business. You click that to edit it and the pop-up window comes up. And then there’s a link of blue text link inside that pop up window that says clear address. You click the Clear address button and then you click save or update whatever the button says.
And then you add your service area, which is the next section underneath that where the physical address showed, that’s the next section on the Info tab that you can edit. And that’s where you set your service areas. So all you do is, like I said, you’re going to, it’s going to show your address at one until it’s verified. And if it’s a service area business, the way that you make it a service area businesses before you start adding your service areas, you go in to edit the physical address, and then you click the Clear address button, and then save it. Okay.
Is It Possible To SEO And Get Good Rankings Of A Membership Site?
Okay, Mayank is up. He says, Hey, guys, so I’m setting up a membership site where every article that I post around 25% of it would be available for reading for everybody or everyone excuse me, and the rest would be restricted so that only paid members can read the whole article. Question is, is it possible to SEO and get good rankings for such pages considering that most of the pages content is going to be restricted?
Mayank, I don’t know because I’ve never done any of that kind of stuff. Marco that’s more up your alley. Because there a way to hide this content to where Google still recognizes it. But the reader does not. Yeah,
Marco: of course there is. But it’s not something that I would share here.
Bradley: Okay. Well, there you go. I can’t help you with that. Anyways, I really don’t do that kind of stuff. So I don’t know. Yeah,
Marco: but I mean, you’re getting into it territory, right delivering one content to the search engine and, and another content to the user. But that’s cloaking. And Google doesn’t really like that. You have to be really careful when you get into shit like that. But yeah, of course, this way you can code it all the way you can code it I’ll go as far as giving you that. You can code it. So that Google is sir one set of content and the user another set of content.
Bradley: Okay. Yeah, I mean, as far as like, there’s content gates, or you know, view gates, essentially. And I think that’s what you’re talking about. Like, you know, there’s social media plugins that will do that kind of stuff, like, hide content until you like or share or something like that. But I don’t know if that hides the content from Google from seeing it or not. It obviously hides it from the user. But I would be worried, like, you know, trying to do something that just could they still see the content if they did, right click view page source, you know what I mean? So like, I don’t know, because I’ve never really looked into that Mayank. So I’m sorry, I can’t help you with that.
What Do You Recommend As An Alternative Solution To Easy Local Cash Software?
Guy says, Do you have a suggestion for replacing the easy local cast software that has been depricated? Um, yeah, he’s got an online version of it now. So guys, we’ve, I mean, we’ve shared that in several of the groups. It’s an online version. It’s, it doesn’t work quite the same. But you know, again, it’s his software, it was never ours to begin with. So does anybody have the link for that? I think it’s easy local cache something or another. We just see if I can find it for you, but just a second.
Yeah, it’s https://software.easylocalcash.com/ now maybe that’s not it. Here it is. This is its https://software.easylocalcash.com/ . That’s what it is. Guys. Again, this is not our software. So it works differently than what the desktop did. You know, Chad Kimball’s software, I understand why he did what he did it. So if you want to use this one have at it.
We are we were talking about potentially developing one ourselves, but it doesn’t look like we’re going to. So I know Peter drew as got software’s and his tool suite now that will do something very similar to that, but it’s a paid tool suite. So it’s not something that’s going to be offered for free. So, unfortunately, you’re stuck with that for now. Or you can just do you know, I mean, for example. Yeah, that’s that’s pretty much the only thing I know of right now. We talked about potentially doing it ourselves, but I don’t think we’re going to. So try that guy. See if that helps you out.
How Do You Combine Negative Keywords From Different Accounts And PPC Campaigns Into One Spreadsheet?
Alright, moving on Frankie’s up, he says, What’s up Frankie? He says, Hey guys when running multiple PPC campaigns, how do you combine all the negative keywords from different accounts and different campaigns? If you need to create a new campaign with a master negative keyword list? I can’t seem to find any tool or shortcut on how to combine all the keywords into one spreadsheet and remove all the duplicates. Can you share how to do it? Thanks, as always.
Yeah, I mean, I don’t know of any tools that will, you know, that you can connect to all of your accounts that will extract the data, but the way that I would do it is just download the negative keyword lists, which you can do from inside the AdWords or the Google Ads dashboard. And then you’re going to get a separate spreadsheet for each but then you just like literally copy and paste, you know, all into a master sheet, right? So in one of the Excel documents, or you can even do it in Google Sheets, but will be a little bit slower. If you do an Excel, then you can just copy and paste all of them into one master sheet and then just use remove duplicates. I know that’s kind of a pain in the ass because it’s manual. But you know, that’s honestly, that’s how I would do it. Also, if you’re using the Google ads, software that the desktop software, which you can download, they just updated it again. Then you can connect all of your accounts that you manage into that Google Ads desktop software, what do they call it? The Google ads, fuck.
I can’t remember the name of the software now if top my head but anyways, you can download the software, which makes it easy to do bulk edits and things like that. And then you could just it would make it easier than having to log in all of your different accounts to download that spreadsheet of your negative keyword lists. So again, it’s still a manual process, as far as I know, maybe somebody else knows to have a better solution, but I don’t. Okay.
Also, that’s part of the reason. Frankly, it’s good to have a VA because that’s something you could task a VA with, right? Even if you were the one going in and downloading all the sheets, you could send that over to a VA and by the way, I just had to hire Well, I just put a job posting on up work for an Excel nerd, like and somebody that’s an Excel specialist or a Microsoft Access specialist because I got some work that I’m doing that requires stuff that’s way above my pay grade when it comes to excel. And so I just posted a job over there for up work and you can find people you know, for 10 $12 an hour that are super proficient in that kind of stuff. So maybe they you know, you could hire somebody like that. I’m sure it would be a really quick, easy job for somebody that knows what they’re doing. Okay.
Looks like we’re almost out of questions, but that’s probably because of this stupid app. Let me refresh.
Yeah, there’s a couple cooler. Alright, cool. So um, yeah. Jay Turner. Are there any benefits to making it looks like we lost one? Maybe not. Oh, there’s Jordan Fowler posted it as To review tools com keyword density checker thanks, Jordan. I appreciate that.
I wanted to like it. Oh, shit at sign me out. Are you serious? Wow, unbelievable. Love this Facebook app guys fucking love it. All right. Well, I can’t comment anymore.
Are There Any Benefits Of Making A Canonical Of A Niche Down Content Instead Of Those That Are In Broad Topics?
So Jay Turner says, Are there any benefits to making a small blog post-canonical over to the same content on a much broader topic page with the jump link to that section being the link in the canonical tag? Yeah, I would say so. There’s some really powerful stuff. That that yes. Yeah. Just short answer. Yes. J, there is some benefit to that back.
What’s cool about that is if it’s canonical, it Google honors the canonical, then the blog post won’t actually index I mean, Google know it, but it won’t index and then you can do some pretty cool things to that blog posts, which will kind of hide your hide it from prying eyes. So yes, that’s against your answer is yes.
How Do You Rank In Google’s Knowledge Graph?
Paul Quiggle says, Hey guys, I noticed when you type in Google things to do in your town, a Knowledge Graph comes up with different types of activities. I have a client that is wanting to create a workshop style class and his city. And once organic traffic from that source, what is the best way to get included into that list? schema have to have proper schema markup. There are people that teach that kind of stuff.
You could also just try to do some extensive, you know, research throughout by just doing simple Google searches to try to find out how to do that. I don’t you know, I haven’t done any of that stuff yet. But there are. Ryan rod and he could probably do that. Right. Sure. He could. Let me see if we’ve got. Okay, so Ryan Ryan was a Mastermind member for quite some time. I don’t think he’s with us anymore, but he does a lot of schema stuff. And he may be able to help you he does it. You know, you can hire him. So he’s got schema code order. You can also hire him on as a consultant basis to kind of help you code stuff out. And you might want to even just pay him for an hour of his time to teach you how to do that. I don’t know if he’d be willing to do that. But this is somebody that I could recommend is probably would be able to help you to do that.
I know, again, as I said, some of the people that you know, some colleagues, some of the other SEO groups out there, they’re people that have taught that it’s not something I know how to do, because I have not done that. But again, it’s it all comes down to the schema. If you publish content on your site, and you mark it up properly, Google will come to use that and include it in that type of a thing. For example, a lot of times, guys, if you know,
and I’ve done training about this, questions in a question and answer posts are great for blogs. And it’s great for SEO. And how do I know that? Well, if you ask certain questions into Google, you notice right in the SERPs, there are accordion menus, like drop-down menus that have the questions with a little down arrow pointing and during groups usually, have three to five questions.
If you click on one of the questions, it reveals the answer, which is just a snippet that it pulled from one of the search results that are listed on that page. Right. And so that’s how you get included in those q amp a box is by proper markup. And there’s q amp a, by the way, schema markup for that. And in fact, Jordan Fowler was pointing out that recently in our Mastermind, but there’s, what’s cool about that is every time you click one of those questions to reveal the answer, it real it load makes that box that has the questions in it, like expand to include even more related questions. And each time you click it, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And again, all it’s doing is it’s sourcing that the answers from other web properties that have the proper markup, and that Google has determined are authoritative, in that, you know, particular topic. So, you know, that’s why I’ve talked about that being very powerful to use this blog type content, and if you can create an original answer to those times types of questions and mark it up properly, you can get included in those boxes. But even just for SEO purposes, if you go collect or scrape those questions, compile them, and then even use for curating for you and you know, you guys know probably should know that we teach to curate content because it’s the most efficient way to produce content without having to be a subject matter expert, then you can even curate those questions and answers and create blog posts that are where you group similar questions and answers. And you just link out to the content sources. Just Google gives you all that information right there and there’s q amp a boxes, right and then you can actually create an original post where you just inject a little bit of commentary in between the curated sections, and that makes great content for the blog as well as for GMB posts. So anyway, I can’t drop this link on their guys, because Facebook just blocked me for whatever reason from our own app, but schema http://schema.pro/. If that answers your question, I would go check out Ryan Ross for some help, if you want, like specific help otherwise just do some searches for how to get how to get to how to what was it a events, how to get the event schema, like event schema.org or something like that is what I would search and you could probably find some specific articles about that.
Okay. There’s a good question. In fact, I’m just curious really quickly see event schema. There is a schema.org. on that. See, this is what I was talking about these questions right here is exactly what I’m talking about. And see when you click on that, how it expands even more, it starts adding even more questions, and it’ll just keep going on and on and on. So there you go. An event rich snippet, schema creator, SEO chat tools. Look at that, right. There’s a tool for that. There are plugins, those plugins typically don’t work all that well. At least they didn’t use to, but maybe they do. Look this is event steal our JSON LD, I don’t know. But there you go. There you go. Just do a simple Google search and start doing some research. This looks like a schema markup generator for events. So you might even want to try that and see if and then go validate it, right. So fill this stuff out, copy the code, go over to the Google structured data tool, paste it in, make sure that it validates, validates, then use that code on your webpage, your event page.
Okay, something else you might want to try is let’s do. You could try this to this is Google’s own tool, the Google structured data markup helper. So again, just go to Google and search structured data markup helper, and this is Google’s own tool. And look at that, guys. There’s an event thing right there. So what you do is you put your URL in there. And then this tool will add structured data markup to a sample web page. So you can put your event page in there that you’ve already published, whether it has the code or not, and then Google’s markup helper will allow you to like highlight certain elements of the page and it will tell you how to mark it up. So like, for example, the date day and time, for example, or the location like you, you highlight that section and in Google’s markup helper tool will tell you how to mark it up correctly. So it makes sense. So again, this is Google’s own tool here. Any input on that, guys? Was that good enough?
Marco: That was perfect.
Bradley: Okay, sweet. I can’t believe they kicked me out of Facebook comments for this on during the webinar. It’s ridiculous. I don’t want to use this anymore.
All right, next one. Yeah, Scott said it’s not loading. Thanks, Scott. We got that. See? That’s again, that’s a duplicate question.
Greg’s got to do but good question. It’s a stupid app. Anyways, Jay says is there any advantage to making a or several making a or several brief blog posts cannot. Shit. That’s the same question to it just looks like it’s filled out a little bit more. Okay, I’ll answer the second part of this Jay was thinking about doing the above to drip feed and pushed out blog post content to the syndication networks in order to get the page more links from the syndication network. Yeah, that should work. Again, that’s that should work.
We might have to wrap it up, early guys. I’m tired of this app like already. I’m frustrated with it. It looks like we don’t have any more questions anyway. I’m sure it’s because people are having issues. Yeah.
I’m sorry. Go ahead. No, I mean, yeah, you’re totally right. I think that’s an issue. It’s definitely an issue because we’re getting duplicate questions. It’s just stupid. Sorry, guys. You know, we’re trying to find a better solution. Adam says that
we’re going to test next week. Yeah, got it will test it and we’ll see if it works. Okay. definitely got to do something. Okay. So Greg’s, I think even Disqus was better than this because of at least Disqus in break entirely.
Will You Still Get The Same Ranking Power Benefit If The Press Releases Via Press Advantage Are Hardly Indexed In Google?
Bradley: So Greg says using press advantage, I have noticed only around to syndicated press releases appearing in the Google index when I published Will I still get the same benefit power wise from a press release submission have hardly any of the published articles show up as being indexed in Google? Yeah. Okay. So that’s used to be, by the way, that that’s, that’s how that happened most of the time, a long time ago. And then for whatever reason, what happens is a lot of them do get indexed, but they go into what’s called the supplemental index, right? So Google will only show a handful or one or two that it determines are the most authoritative, or the original sources or whatever, and it will show those in the index and put the rest in what’s called supplemental index. For example, if you search for the title of press release or other content, and this this could happen with syndicated blog posts, for example, then you’ll see at the bottom of the search results where it’ll say Google has admitted, similar you know, similar search results, and if you click that link, it will actually open up the supplemental index and will show you all of the other places that same content was published. So Google is aware of it. And we’ve done testing that, you know, even with no indexed PB ends, for example, that will again, we don’t use PB ends anymore. But we’ve done testing. And it’s been a while since we’ve done it, but with no index PBNs. And yes, Google able, you can still give you a bump. Right. So it’s not I didn’t say D indexed, but I said no index. Right. So supplemental index links, will they still help? As far as I’m aware? Yes. Are they as powerful as those that would be indexed? All you know, in the regular index? I don’t think so. And the reason why is because Google is looking at it as almost duplicate content.
It’s not that it’s toxic, but it’s just not that is as helpful as what I’m saying. So that’s one of the things that was being addressed by quantum Newswire, which we did a promotion for recently. Because they, they specifically are using a much smaller distribution network because of that reason, they’re not they’re trying not to use as many distribution points that end up getting going into the supplemental index anyways, now that said, Greg, the local PR pro method, which was essentially PR stalking and using press releases to get local results. It’s still effective, although the method has evolved a bit. And it’s on what’s about two years old now, since we launched that course, and so I am going to update that again and probably the next two months, we’re going to launch it relaunch it with the new methods and a couple of months. Because specifically, like I said, it has evolved. You’re in the Mastermind. I’ve talked about this multiple times in the Mastermind, Greg, I know you’ve missed that webinar or where I’ve talked about it, but we have talked about that. And several occasions now over the last several weeks in the Mastermind, but it still works. The local PR method works but it has evolved slightly in that I’ve noticed in several of our members have noticed. Darrell was one of them who does a lot of PR stuff that it requires more RYS, and more Consistent PR is before it kicks in the way that it used to with just one or two or, you know, like I said, when we launched the course, I was able to get 80% results with six hours or less. In other words, 15 out of 15 properties that I tested on 12 of them, I was able to get into the maps three pack within six press releases, so six press releases or less. That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore if it’s low competition, yes, but if it’s moderately competitive, or more than it requires more press releases and more consistency as well as like I always said, I believe it requires more diversity to in that instead of just using one distribution service over and over and over, you can still get effects that way, if you’re stacking properly, and I’m not going to go over the specific method of how to stack properly right now here on a free Hump Day Hangout, because that’ll be included in the update and we can talk about that in the Mastermind all the one Greg. But if you stack properly now you still can get really, really good results with just one distribution service. But it requires specific or a different internal linking method than what was, you know, the original method, right. And so that’s really the point is, is, if you have additional distribution networks that you can use, that’s going to help with diversity, you also want to stack properly, which just means changing it up a bit. Again, I can’t go cover that specific method here. But yes, I’m still using press releases prime as my primary off-page link building, you know,
direct to money site stuff. But you know, I’m also doing a lot of powering up to our assets using our link building service, you know, the same link building service that you have access, Greg, through mg, Why be now? Right. So again, it’s about powering up specific entities. That’s what the ad ID loop is that we set up. Again, you can get that training in the Mastermind. You’ve got that Greg. I know you’ve got that. But you can build links like traditional links to that spam type links and It works really well as including some of the assets that we are able to produce using the press releases. Right? So you power those up and you can get really good results too. As far as the indexing I don’t it’s not that big of a deal it whether they’re indexed or not, why do I say that? Well, because for example, guys, syndication networks, we know syndication networks help. We could talk about that briefly too. By the way, I just recently set up a new project haven’t done any link building so I haven’t done any content marketing. All I did was set up a website, right and it was just a Click Funnels page. And then I set up on a subdomain a WordPress installation for a blog. And that blog just has the Hello World post on it still, and I updated the site, the blog site title like you know, the title tag and such but I have not done any content marketing or any link building, haven’t syndicated any posts, haven’t done anything, but I have it. It’s a specific company name. And I added it’s been about three weeks now that I’ve had that site up and again, besides the Click Funnels page, whatever
content, there’s no content at all other than the Hello World post on the blog. And for that company name, if I were to search just last week for the company name, it showed up on like page three because there’s a lot of other companies that have similar names, but it’s not the same name. And so my the site being a brand new site brand new entity was showing up but like on page like three, so way, way back. Well, I have one of our VA is build me a syndication network, for that company for that brand, because it’s like I said, it’s a new project that I’m just setting up. And they just delivered that syndication network to me on Thursday, last week, so about six days ago, well, on Monday, I went and checked and guys, again, no posting has been done no content marketing, no syndicated posts or anything. On Monday, I did a search for my company name and an incognito browser and Firefox that was clean, and boom, number one for that company name. Now, granted, I was searching for the company name, but it was on page three, four.
about two and a half, three weeks. And then all we did was create a syndication network and it in it. As Marco always talks about solidified are validated by the entity. And now it’s showing is number one for that brand search. So it just goes to show you that the syndication networks, although is a specific SEO tool for syndicating posts is not as effective as it used to be five years ago, right? That makes sense. But it’s still every bit as effective and as critical as important because of what it does for validating the entity. And so the reason I brought that up was that the same thing goes with syndicating posts, most weed for years. And Greg, you should know this because you’ve been with part of the Mastermind for years. For years, people have asked, Well, I’m not seeing my syndicated post URLs being indexed. I can’t find them in the index. So this is useless. And I’ve said for years. No, that’s not true. Because whether they’re indexed or not, it doesn’t mean they’re useless. Google knows they’re there. And how do I know that Google knows or that well if your site is connected to search console,
And you go look at links to your site in Search Console, you’ll see WordPress and blogger and Tumblr and delicious and well not so much more delicious anymore. But Diigo and all of the different sites that were in your syndication network, you’ll see that they are listed and links to your site. And they’ll show how many posts Google was aware of that are linking back to your site. So whether they’re in the index or not, Google knows they’re there, and it’s counting them as links to your site. Does that make sense? So we know that they’re powerful, regardless, if as long as Google knows they’re there. Yes, there is some benefit to having indexed links. There’s no doubt. But there is still some benefit from non-index links to as long as they’re not deindexed sites. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. I’ve been talking about art and the art of art. Seems like forever now, at least a couple of years ever since I saw that the distance grab, and what school was doing as far as a websites and how it was taking a look at the entity and related everything to the entities to what it was gauging is trusted authority How many people do you trust? And basically how many trusts you not people but websites and and what is the trust and authority of those websites that are linking to yours. And it’s measuring that distance from seed sites and seat sets. I mean, I talked about this forever. I got tired of talking about because nobody would listen. Maybe they’ll start listening now, the that I mean, we can completely see how Google, it wants the entity. It wants to brand. It does not like ambiguity. And ambiguity simply means that there are two things on the web. That could be and I’ll give you a perfect example of ambiguity. You know, DC Glenn from tag team, right? Well, taxing can also mean a tag team and wrestling. And that’s what he’s been having to deal with it as far as ambiguity when people search. Which tag team are you referring to? So when you do a search for tag team, actually, Google gives you two options. Are you looking for tag team and wrestling? Or are you looking for tag team, the hip hop, or poor? Google doesn’t like ambiguity. It does not like to terms to be related to the same thing. And so what we have to do with this,
first of all, don’t create ambiguity. And if you do, you have to disambiguate fuck a $100 word for something so simple as make it clear to Google. What your entity is, bind everything to your entity, right? It’s verification, it’s validation, and then solidification. That’s what you have to do. And it just so happens that our syndication networks are some of the best tools out there for accomplishing this.
But not only that, what I recommend is you take every
Everything and you put that into a drive stack, take all of your URLs in the place where they go into dr stack. And then when you do the press of the stack, you drop a link into that Dr stack. And then when you go and do your link building, your link building follows your press releases press one press of these two, and so on so that you’re incrementally link building on to the last one. And then the last one, you hit hard, so that everything just shoots through that live stream. And I’m going to tell you right now there’s absolutely nothing better for creating relevance, which is the other part of art right activity, relevance, trust, and authority. Just an authority we get from all of the link building and everything else.
But creating everything in that drive stack and then getting dead yet to do his magic. That’s like I don’t know how he does it. And I don’t care. He just knows he’s been doing it for years. He knows what works. So I I’m not going to
Tell him what to do because he’s the master. But guy seriously, man, this works like gangbusters. And then on top of that, to really put that put like the cherry on top. You put some
traffic into it some Google traffic. And that’s when it really comes home man. That’s when everything really binds together and it because then it’s people telling Google Yeah, this is the entity that I was actually looking for, which is one of the things that I’m working with DC Glenn on right on on his entity. It’s already validated. Now it has to be disambiguate it from tireless, it’s tough, right? Because a lot of people look for that. Protect team and wrestling rather than tag team that we just have to get enough people to look at tag team, the hip hop group to disambiguate. But anyway, a long winded answer to Yes, syndication networks work for the entity but so
does everything else that we recommend in our battle plan by the battle plan is there for a reason we follow it and we’ve given you a step by step process on what it is that you need to do. Now some of it will take multiple attempts so that you can push your keyword to where you want it to be are you can hit the map pack or you can hit the Knowledge Graph UI you get rid of three pack become the Knowledge Graph for that keyword term. This this tons of things that you could do when you’re pushing power, but it takes pushing the right amount of power in the right places. I said my piece
Bradley: very good. Facebook just completely locked me out of my fucking account. Unbelievable. I was just looking at my phone while you’re talking. It’s like this is twice now in two days. I don’t understand. Are you guys all experienced in that shit to if not I got I got locked out of Facebook till Yes. Unbelievable. Adam did to like what the fuck? I hate Facebook.
Anyways, Alright guys, I’m going to wrap it up because I’m tired of this already. This is really being stupid. By the way, Clint, thank you for posting that link since I’m unable to do it.
But yeah, we’ll see you guys next week. Thanks for being here. Any any other words guys know your comment system for everyone to test out next week? Yeah, definitely.
Alright guys, we’ll see you next week. Thanks.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231 syndicated from https://medium.com/@SpanishFly
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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231
Click on the video above to watch Episode 231 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey welcome everybody world. Little bit of feedback there. All right, now that we’ve got this screaming howling mechanical sounds out of the way, let’s welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts is Episode 231. Today’s the 10th of April 2019. Thanks for joining us live if you’re here live if not, you’re catching the replay. Thanks for watching. And if you’re watching somewhere else, you can always go to Semantic Mastery comm slash HD questions to get your questions answered. You can ask them live you can ask them ahead of time just ask your questions and we’ll get to them. So before we dive into some more announcements and get into the questions, I’m going to say hi to everybody real quick. Let’s start on the left with Chris, How you doing?
Chris: Doing good. just picking up the bags here leaving the city
Adam: very nice. What Where are you going Chris?
Chris: Indonesia. Yeah, that’s awesome.
Adam: Have a good trip, man.
Chris: Thank you.
Chris: Oh, can’t wait actually am and I actually from what I heard I’m gonna meet one or two of the Semantic Mastery people there. So, we’ll see.
Adam: Well yeah if you’re going or in Indonesia then hit Chris up and chat him up while you’re there. Hernan, how you doing?
Hernan: Great, man. Excited to be here. Some really cool stuff coming up so doing good. That’s good.
Adam: Good deal. Do you have a Semantic Mastery shirt on or is that not
Hernan: oh no I might. Yeah.
Adam: Marco, how you doing man?
Marco: I’m good man. What’s up?
Adam: can’t complain. It’s a nice day here.
Marco: I can’t say it’s sunny anymore. Ah rainy season just kicked in like today. It’s storming outside
Adam: and it probably would still like 65, 70?
Marco: oh yeah between 70 and 80 somewhere around there. That’s all year.
Adam: Oh man.
Marco: Things are good. I’ve been deep in the lab by the way. I’m cooking up some some monster shit. As I said last time, I’m about to turn the SEO world on its ear once again. So it’s time and it’s been about four years and RYS Academy Reloaded. Wouldn’t it be like wicked if August of 2019 something were to happen? I’m just saying.
Adam: Gotcha. I’m sorry, I got distracted by her non sending me chats in Slack. So sorry about that.
Hernan: There’s something I’m sorry, I just want to say that I just got my account. Also. blog. So there might be something funky going on with the Facebook comments, so I don’t know.
Bradley: Super shit. Really?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: So time to move on then. So that’s the third person so yeah, live will try to figure this out on that Wolfgang, right
Bradley: for those of you that while I was gonna say those of you that are getting your accounts blocked, leave a message. Message us. State that you’re also getting screwed by Facebook but you won’t be able to now will you? I had my account mysteriously yesterday I was I wasn’t even doing anything. I just had Facebook open and it said it prompted me that I noticed suspicious activity I won’t even doing anything. And it said, you know, you must verify re verify your account, which I had to do. Apparently Adam’s got blocked now, or Hernan’s got blocked. So I don’t know the Facebook gods are mad right now apparently. And they are I’m already in like.
Hernan: I am back on I did some security check in and I’m in. But yeah, I don’t know we might need to start sending us note let you know. Something you know for the comments who will send that over to Bradley’s house. They go read them.
Adam: I’ll send out postcards the week before and then just shoot them over.
Bradley: Got just mailing your questions.
Adam: All right. Well, last but not least, Bradley, how you doing man?
Bradley: I’m good, man. Happy to be here. We got a lot of stuff coming up. So couple things that I would like to talk about very quickly before we get into questions is the video lead gen system training is being updated. I spent a lot of time on it this week already just kind of organizing and recording videos and updating the slides and all that stuff for the 2019 update. And for kind of the more streamlined process that I’ve developed for it, which makes it a lot easier, a lot more efficient. And a lot of it can be outsourced. And it’s working really well, I’ve been able to get a lot of good conversations going with prospects. And it can be applied for monetizing lead gen assets, as well as for client outreach. Like if you just want to do so traditional agency marketing services, it works really well. And it’s a hell of a lot more efficient than what the original method was that I used that worked incredibly well, but there was a lot of wasted time. And I talked about this a lot in the training. But you know, for every 10 video emails that I used to send out, I would get three to four responses like clockwork every damn time.
But the videos that I would record, I would just go find prospects, you know, from doing research online that I wanted to work with. And then I would just do and a lot of you that have been through the training or have heard me talk about it in the past, I would do like a video audit of their digital presence and explain how they were missing opportunities. You don’t ever criticize, but you do talk about like, Hey, you did good here. This is nice, but you’re missing out on opportunities because of this, this, this and this.
And typically, my video audits would be about 10 to 15 minutes long. So, you can imagine if you’re doing 10 of those, and it takes a little bit of time to find the prospect that you’re going to audit and then to record the video and then you know, kind of wind down and go to the next one. You know, it would take two and a half, three hours to record 10 videos of 15 minutes each, you know, every easy two and a half to three hours. And if only three or four of them would respond then there was six or seven of them that we would record or I would record that we’re not being seen or not being replied to period. So it was wasted effort. And so I kind of went back to the drawing board this year to determine how you know, to fix that, to solve that to make it more efficient, because that’s what we try to we try to teach you guys just to be more efficient. So this newer method is so so much more efficient, and it’s so much easier. And I’ve even learned some things along the way, since I’ve been testing this newer method that originally I’d set out to do one particular way, and thinking, Oh, this is going to be so much more efficient, and it certainly was, but then I found there was still ways to make that even more efficient. And I talked about that in the training. And it’s just a much more efficient process now, especially because you can have a VA do a lot of the heavy lifting type stuff so that you don’t have to be doing that yourself.
And so now to do 15 or 20 videos, you know, specific prospecting videos can literally be done in an hour’s time, which that might sound impossible but the way that I’m doing it now is it makes it to where it’s so many faster. And the other part of that is I’ve learned to not actually record the specific prospect videos until we get a positive reply or get a dialogue going with them. So it’s a much it now there’s no wasted effort on actually creating the videos for a prospect until you’ve actually got their permission essentially, to send them a video. And so I can’t reveal all that here, obviously, guys, but that’s coming out in two weeks from today, really? Or yesterday, I guess we’re going to be launching that again. So be on the lookout for that those of you that are doing lead gen stuff or client work and you want a more effective way to outreach for prospecting, this is definitely going to help you it’s it’s how I really built my agency to begin with.
Adam: Yeah, hundred percent recommend you checking that out. And it works across industries, different areas. I mean that that’s an incredible result. I’ve talked about this before. I think Bradley when you mentioned it, you know, you nonchalantly say, Yeah, I get you know, three or four responses out of 10 emails. And for anyone who’s done this you know that that just blows anything else out of the water. Most cold emailing people are getting like literally 1% maybe of like positive responses so to be getting 30 to 40% is just insane so good stuff. I’ve done it. I’ve learned a lot from the way Bradley does it and added up some bells and whistles on the way I like it but man if you’re not already using this stuff, definitely keep your eyes and ears open for the Video Lead Gen System update.
Bradley: Cool. Sorry. We had as far as announcements that I’m aware of is we have some new services available and MGYB. Marco you want to chat about what we’ve got available right now.
Marco: We’ve got basically everything available right when an edit link building indexing and beds were adding a while it but it said know that that’s still only available to the Mastermind isn’t that the done for you, GMB services, it will be rolled out
Bradley: But yes, yes, right now that’s just the Mastermind. We’re doing several different off page GMB services that are done for you now, but our team, our methods that are it’s our team doing our methods to our specifications, and we’ve got an overall off page package. And then we’ve got each component of that overall off page package separated out that can be purchased as individual services, for those of you that don’t need everything, but just need parts of it. And so, we’re rolling. we’ve rolled that out to our Mastermind, now we’re getting all of the fulfillment and delivery smooth, you know, process moved out. And as soon as we’re done with that, we’re going to offer it to you guys publicly in MGYB be as well.
Bradley: So that was it.? We’re good.
Adam: Yeah, pretty much. Just want to tell everyone you know, if you’re joining us live, that’s great. This is the place to be if you’ve got questions, like I said, you can ask live you can ask ahead of time, if you can’t make it live, whether you got a call, client call, busy, you’re working, whatever. That’s one way to do it. And the place to start is also at battleplan.semanticmastery.com that’s where you want to get some excuse me repeatable results and a lot of various you want to dive deeper into stuff like keyword research, how to work with age domains, new domains, all that and a whole lot more and if you’re ready to start or you want to grow your existing local digital marketing agency come join us in the Semantic Mastery Mastermind and we made that of course nice and easy to find that’s at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. and like Bradley, Marco were just mentioning it over to mygb.co for your done for you solutions.
Marco: We still have the syndication Academy networks we still have the ROI is reloaded everything up to Semantic Mastery standards. We have we’ve what we’ve done is we’ve brought everything under our own roof right under our control so that it can be kept up to our specifications and our standards. It’s what we use. And you guys if you’ve seen the stuff that we do and and just go to the groups I mean, that’s. Take a shot, there’s a money back guarantee anyway, by the way, on joining any any of the groups, right? join the group. So take advantage of one of the special ops and you can get in for $1 for seven days and ask the people who are in the group. Don’t listen to me, right? Don’t listen to me. Because Marco is full of shit. It doesn’t know what the fuck you talking about? Fine. Go to our groups and as a who in here is getting results. And you’re going to see that that people will start chiming and some of them will keep quiet, but I know who’s getting results, right because I talked to them on a regular basis. But guys, it’s what we do on a day to day basis what we use, we just go to our store, why else would we set it up? If we don’t use it with that we’re known for drinking our own Kool Aid, right? That’s who we are. So it’s mgyb.co anything and everything that you need to just kill it on the web is right there. And besides, if it join one of the groups the higher you go up the ladder, the closer you get to us and you know just us being with you every step of the way and trying to help you go ahead and get to where you want to be to
Bradley: okay cool
Hernan: Bradley before we jump in. If you got a copy of the Battle Plan if you haven’t go get it but if you do, we updated the links is inside the battle plan so that now when you click on the link building side of things and everything, it should take you to, you know, to enjoy be and the different packages so we updated that last week. So.
Bradley: Alright, so it looks apparently because we’re gonna have to do something about this is this. Obviously, questions are getting duplicated. And you know, I don’t know if it sets the stupid Facebook app or what but anyway.
Adam: replacement hunted down. We’re going to test it out in the coming week.
Bradley: Okay, cool. Cuz I’m seeing questions posted twice for a couple of people and there ought to be more questions in this room. Now I’m assuming it’s um, anyways, let’s move on.
Is It Okay To Create A New IFTTT Ring For An Account That Had Social Media Accounts We No Longer Have Access With?
Jeff’s up. First, he says I would like to use IFTTT for an account that has social accounts created by another SEO agency, we no longer have access to those properties. Is it okay to create a new ring? Yeah, it is, if you can’t, the only thing sucks is obviously if you had the cherry subdomains, for all the different accounts that you know, that was your brand names for that company, you’re going to have to modify it slightly, which kind of sucks, but it is what it is. If you can’t access those properties, then yeah, absolutely. Just create another ring. You know, set up a new set of accounts with a slightly modified version of the username for each one of the accounts so that you can at least make it still as very much close to the brand is as possible. You know, we’ve had to do that. For example. You know, for like a tree service company that has Tree Service in the name like we I’ve had to have it changed to tree services or Tree Service, Inc. or Tree Service CO, like SEO for a company, you know or something like that. And that may be what you have to do.
You know, you could also potentially work depending on what kind of business it is you could potentially work in as a location name, like the city name, and as well as the company name, or even a product or service that the company, whatever their primary product or services, perhaps work one of those words in along with the brand name so that there’s that association made. But yes, you can do that. Again, it’s if you can’t access those existing accounts, what else could you do, really, except create a new rank? So yes, absolutely. You can do that Jeff.
What Is The Best Keyword Density Analyzer Tool?
Kevin says what is the best keyword density analyzer tool? Um, well, honestly, that what I’ve used, Kevin, that’s a good question, all I’ve ever used, which I really don’t worry about keyword density so much anymore, except for if I’m reading through a piece of content that I had written. If I feel like there are too many uses of a keyword, I’m worried about over density. I don’t really worry so much about hitting specific numbers for keyword density anymore. We used to worry about that. But the algorithm is so much more advanced now. Google understands natural language patterns. And, you know, in natural language, excuse me so much better now that it’s really unnecessary to try to hit specific keyword densities. If the content is written well, Google will understand what the content is about, regardless of repeating certain keywords over and over again, right.
And so I don’t really worry about keyword density at all anymore unless I feel like a keyword is overused and a piece of content at which point I will test it. And there’s a tool that I’ve been using for years now since one of the I think maybe panda three or panda for it was around 2014 where I really started using this at the time because back then we did try to hit certain keywords density numbers. Right and there? Well, I think it was panda three or what panda four or one of those in that timeframe. And I don’t know why it’s being so slow.
The site might be having an issue. seocentro.com. Yeah, apparently. That’s great. So now, there’s no connection. Are you guys still hear me?
Marco: I’m still here. Yeah.
Bradley: I just want to make sure it wasn’t the internet, my internet that was screwing up. But ok. So I was going to show this to you. But SEO center. com. That’s what I’ve been used. I had been using, like I said, back around 2013 or 14 ish. We had a we had tried to hit specific numbers. And then all of a sudden one of the panda updates caused a lot of the sites that I had built like lead gen sites and client sites to drop down in the rankings, not nuts. I didn’t get penalized, but I dropped you know, a page 1015 spots somewhere around there. And so after consulting with some of the, you know, people, my colleagues and such
I found that there was another magic number, and it was trying to keep your density under a specific threshold and at the time it was 2% for two-word keywords. Now I’m sorry for one-word keywords It was 2% try to stay under 2% try to stay under 1% for two word keywords and try to stand or point 2% for three words, keyword phrases. And so SEO Sentra which apparently is a broken site right now. Yeah, for whatever reason, it’s not loading right now guys. So it might be it’s,
Marco: it’s down for every one I check.
Okay, well, that was the only tool that I would use. And there was a keyword density checker on that it was one of the tools of SEO Central. And again, I haven’t used it in months and probably even a year if that but there was a keyword density where you would just take the Publish page that you wanted to check and you would add, you know, put it into the search field or whatever and hit go and it would analyze the entire page and it would show you the words and one word, two words and three words, the phrases that it determined were keywords. And so it would get a lot of random stuff in there. That didn’t make sense. But it would show you the percentages. And that was a good tool for it.
And the reason why I liked that tool. Now, obviously, it looks like we might have to find another one. But you could probably do some searches and find one. The reason I like that tool better than for example, you know, a lot of times people would write their content and try to hit specific density is based upon an SEO plugin like Yoast, for example, inside of a WordPress dashboard. But you would, you know, a lot of people didn’t take into consideration the fact that Yoast was only analyzing the keywords within the post body of that post or page right, so the article body of that post or page, I didn’t show you the keyword density of what the published page had, because remember, you’ve got keywords in your site header, your navigation, your main navigation menu, your sidebar, your footer, your widget, your widget areas, like those are all potential places, your images, your alt text, all of that kind of stuff it could also contain keywords. And so people would optimize their content based upon what the plugin was telling them, which was just the keyword density of the article body of that page or post.
But if you were to analyze the published page, which included all of those other elements, they were way over optimized, way over optimized. And so it was misleading. And that’s part of the reason why, way back and, you know, for many, many years, I’ve said don’t use the WordPress plugins as a way to determine, you know, especially like Yoast tells you like optimization tips, don’t do that. Don’t do that because again, it there’s a lot of things that it doesn’t take into consideration, I guess for somebody that is, you know, just a blogger doesn’t know anything about SEO or something like that. There may be some value to that but as an SEO or somebody that learning or doing SEO? Those are not I would never recommend going by those guidelines. So do you want to you guys have another tool besides SEO Centro? Because apparently, that’s broken.
Marco: Not the one I reached Oh, yeah.
Adam: And if not, then you know, definitely probably just do a search for something similar to that. So long as it’s looking at the right places. I’m sure there are several out there. But that was the one I was used to using.
Bradley: Yeah, so again, guys, our friend Google, I would just do a keyword density checker. Right. And then just scroll through some of these and see online keyword density tool, see something like that. That’s what I would check. On sem rush does it too, by the way, that’s not free, obviously. But yeah, here’s an example. Now I have not used this one. So I don’t know if it’s any good. But I like this type of SEO density or keyword density checkers over the plugins because of what I just mentioned. It will analyze the entire published page and all of the elements of that page. Make sense? So, there you go. Moving on.
How Do You Remove An Address Of A GMB Listing?
Ken Robert says Okay, can I answered you in the Facebook group but I’ll answer this for everybody else’s benefit. He says, How do I take an address off a GMB? I don’t see an option to designate it as a service area business that used to be a checkbox if it was a service business. Where is it now? Well, what you do now as a service area businesses once you get your GMB verified like if you’re doing it manually, you’ll get you know, postcard most of the time. Or if you’re purchasing it, and you get it delivered and its surface area business, but what you want to do is go into the Info tab, right, so the left-hand sidebar, you click on info, and then where the map pin icon is, which shows the address of the business. You click that to edit it and the pop-up window comes up. And then there’s a link of blue text link inside that pop up window that says clear address. You click the Clear address button and then you click save or update whatever the button says.
And then you add your service area, which is the next section underneath that where the physical address showed, that’s the next section on the Info tab that you can edit. And that’s where you set your service areas. So all you do is, like I said, you’re going to, it’s going to show your address at one until it’s verified. And if it’s a service area business, the way that you make it a service area businesses before you start adding your service areas, you go in to edit the physical address, and then you click the Clear address button, and then save it. Okay.
Is It Possible To SEO And Get Good Rankings Of A Membership Site?
Okay, Mayank is up. He says, Hey, guys, so I’m setting up a membership site where every article that I post around 25% of it would be available for reading for everybody or everyone excuse me, and the rest would be restricted so that only paid members can read the whole article. Question is, is it possible to SEO and get good rankings for such pages considering that most of the pages content is going to be restricted?
Mayank, I don’t know because I’ve never done any of that kind of stuff. Marco that’s more up your alley. Because there a way to hide this content to where Google still recognizes it. But the reader does not. Yeah,
Marco: of course there is. But it’s not something that I would share here.
Bradley: Okay. Well, there you go. I can’t help you with that. Anyways, I really don’t do that kind of stuff. So I don’t know. Yeah,
Marco: but I mean, you’re getting into it territory, right delivering one content to the search engine and, and another content to the user. But that’s cloaking. And Google doesn’t really like that. You have to be really careful when you get into shit like that. But yeah, of course, this way you can code it all the way you can code it I’ll go as far as giving you that. You can code it. So that Google is sir one set of content and the user another set of content.
Bradley: Okay. Yeah, I mean, as far as like, there’s content gates, or you know, view gates, essentially. And I think that’s what you’re talking about. Like, you know, there’s social media plugins that will do that kind of stuff, like, hide content until you like or share or something like that. But I don’t know if that hides the content from Google from seeing it or not. It obviously hides it from the user. But I would be worried, like, you know, trying to do something that just could they still see the content if they did, right click view page source, you know what I mean? So like, I don’t know, because I’ve never really looked into that Mayank. So I’m sorry, I can’t help you with that.
What Do You Recommend As An Alternative Solution To Easy Local Cash Software?
Guy says, Do you have a suggestion for replacing the easy local cast software that has been depricated? Um, yeah, he’s got an online version of it now. So guys, we’ve, I mean, we’ve shared that in several of the groups. It’s an online version. It’s, it doesn’t work quite the same. But you know, again, it’s his software, it was never ours to begin with. So does anybody have the link for that? I think it’s easy local cache something or another. We just see if I can find it for you, but just a second.
Yeah, it’s https://software.easylocalcash.com/ now maybe that’s not it. Here it is. This is its https://software.easylocalcash.com/ . That’s what it is. Guys. Again, this is not our software. So it works differently than what the desktop did. You know, Chad Kimball’s software, I understand why he did what he did it. So if you want to use this one have at it.
We are we were talking about potentially developing one ourselves, but it doesn’t look like we’re going to. So I know Peter drew as got software’s and his tool suite now that will do something very similar to that, but it’s a paid tool suite. So it’s not something that’s going to be offered for free. So, unfortunately, you’re stuck with that for now. Or you can just do you know, I mean, for example. Yeah, that’s that’s pretty much the only thing I know of right now. We talked about potentially doing it ourselves, but I don’t think we’re going to. So try that guy. See if that helps you out.
How Do You Combine Negative Keywords From Different Accounts And PPC Campaigns Into One Spreadsheet?
Alright, moving on Frankie’s up, he says, What’s up Frankie? He says, Hey guys when running multiple PPC campaigns, how do you combine all the negative keywords from different accounts and different campaigns? If you need to create a new campaign with a master negative keyword list? I can’t seem to find any tool or shortcut on how to combine all the keywords into one spreadsheet and remove all the duplicates. Can you share how to do it? Thanks, as always.
Yeah, I mean, I don’t know of any tools that will, you know, that you can connect to all of your accounts that will extract the data, but the way that I would do it is just download the negative keyword lists, which you can do from inside the AdWords or the Google Ads dashboard. And then you’re going to get a separate spreadsheet for each but then you just like literally copy and paste, you know, all into a master sheet, right? So in one of the Excel documents, or you can even do it in Google Sheets, but will be a little bit slower. If you do an Excel, then you can just copy and paste all of them into one master sheet and then just use remove duplicates. I know that’s kind of a pain in the ass because it’s manual. But you know, that’s honestly, that’s how I would do it. Also, if you’re using the Google ads, software that the desktop software, which you can download, they just updated it again. Then you can connect all of your accounts that you manage into that Google Ads desktop software, what do they call it? The Google ads, fuck.
I can’t remember the name of the software now if top my head but anyways, you can download the software, which makes it easy to do bulk edits and things like that. And then you could just it would make it easier than having to log in all of your different accounts to download that spreadsheet of your negative keyword lists. So again, it’s still a manual process, as far as I know, maybe somebody else knows to have a better solution, but I don’t. Okay.
Also, that’s part of the reason. Frankly, it’s good to have a VA because that’s something you could task a VA with, right? Even if you were the one going in and downloading all the sheets, you could send that over to a VA and by the way, I just had to hire Well, I just put a job posting on up work for an Excel nerd, like and somebody that’s an Excel specialist or a Microsoft Access specialist because I got some work that I’m doing that requires stuff that’s way above my pay grade when it comes to excel. And so I just posted a job over there for up work and you can find people you know, for 10 $12 an hour that are super proficient in that kind of stuff. So maybe they you know, you could hire somebody like that. I’m sure it would be a really quick, easy job for somebody that knows what they’re doing. Okay.
Looks like we’re almost out of questions, but that’s probably because of this stupid app. Let me refresh.
Yeah, there’s a couple cooler. Alright, cool. So um, yeah. Jay Turner. Are there any benefits to making it looks like we lost one? Maybe not. Oh, there’s Jordan Fowler posted it as To review tools com keyword density checker thanks, Jordan. I appreciate that.
I wanted to like it. Oh, shit at sign me out. Are you serious? Wow, unbelievable. Love this Facebook app guys fucking love it. All right. Well, I can’t comment anymore.
Are There Any Benefits Of Making A Canonical Of A Niche Down Content Instead Of Those That Are In Broad Topics?
So Jay Turner says, Are there any benefits to making a small blog post-canonical over to the same content on a much broader topic page with the jump link to that section being the link in the canonical tag? Yeah, I would say so. There’s some really powerful stuff. That that yes. Yeah. Just short answer. Yes. J, there is some benefit to that back.
What’s cool about that is if it’s canonical, it Google honors the canonical, then the blog post won’t actually index I mean, Google know it, but it won’t index and then you can do some pretty cool things to that blog posts, which will kind of hide your hide it from prying eyes. So yes, that’s against your answer is yes.
How Do You Rank In Google’s Knowledge Graph?
Paul Quiggle says, Hey guys, I noticed when you type in Google things to do in your town, a Knowledge Graph comes up with different types of activities. I have a client that is wanting to create a workshop style class and his city. And once organic traffic from that source, what is the best way to get included into that list? schema have to have proper schema markup. There are people that teach that kind of stuff.
You could also just try to do some extensive, you know, research throughout by just doing simple Google searches to try to find out how to do that. I don’t you know, I haven’t done any of that stuff yet. But there are. Ryan rod and he could probably do that. Right. Sure. He could. Let me see if we’ve got. Okay, so Ryan Ryan was a Mastermind member for quite some time. I don’t think he’s with us anymore, but he does a lot of schema stuff. And he may be able to help you he does it. You know, you can hire him. So he’s got schema code order. You can also hire him on as a consultant basis to kind of help you code stuff out. And you might want to even just pay him for an hour of his time to teach you how to do that. I don’t know if he’d be willing to do that. But this is somebody that I could recommend is probably would be able to help you to do that.
I know, again, as I said, some of the people that you know, some colleagues, some of the other SEO groups out there, they’re people that have taught that it’s not something I know how to do, because I have not done that. But again, it’s it all comes down to the schema. If you publish content on your site, and you mark it up properly, Google will come to use that and include it in that type of a thing. For example, a lot of times, guys, if you know,
and I’ve done training about this, questions in a question and answer posts are great for blogs. And it’s great for SEO. And how do I know that? Well, if you ask certain questions into Google, you notice right in the SERPs, there are accordion menus, like drop-down menus that have the questions with a little down arrow pointing and during groups usually, have three to five questions.
If you click on one of the questions, it reveals the answer, which is just a snippet that it pulled from one of the search results that are listed on that page. Right. And so that’s how you get included in those q amp a box is by proper markup. And there’s q amp a, by the way, schema markup for that. And in fact, Jordan Fowler was pointing out that recently in our Mastermind, but there’s, what’s cool about that is every time you click one of those questions to reveal the answer, it real it load makes that box that has the questions in it, like expand to include even more related questions. And each time you click it, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And again, all it’s doing is it’s sourcing that the answers from other web properties that have the proper markup, and that Google has determined are authoritative, in that, you know, particular topic. So, you know, that’s why I’ve talked about that being very powerful to use this blog type content, and if you can create an original answer to those times types of questions and mark it up properly, you can get included in those boxes. But even just for SEO purposes, if you go collect or scrape those questions, compile them, and then even use for curating for you and you know, you guys know probably should know that we teach to curate content because it’s the most efficient way to produce content without having to be a subject matter expert, then you can even curate those questions and answers and create blog posts that are where you group similar questions and answers. And you just link out to the content sources. Just Google gives you all that information right there and there’s q amp a boxes, right and then you can actually create an original post where you just inject a little bit of commentary in between the curated sections, and that makes great content for the blog as well as for GMB posts. So anyway, I can’t drop this link on their guys, because Facebook just blocked me for whatever reason from our own app, but schema http://schema.pro/. If that answers your question, I would go check out Ryan Ross for some help, if you want, like specific help otherwise just do some searches for how to get how to get to how to what was it a events, how to get the event schema, like event schema.org or something like that is what I would search and you could probably find some specific articles about that.
Okay. There’s a good question. In fact, I’m just curious really quickly see event schema. There is a schema.org. on that. See, this is what I was talking about these questions right here is exactly what I’m talking about. And see when you click on that, how it expands even more, it starts adding even more questions, and it’ll just keep going on and on and on. So there you go. An event rich snippet, schema creator, SEO chat tools. Look at that, right. There’s a tool for that. There are plugins, those plugins typically don’t work all that well. At least they didn’t use to, but maybe they do. Look this is event steal our JSON LD, I don’t know. But there you go. There you go. Just do a simple Google search and start doing some research. This looks like a schema markup generator for events. So you might even want to try that and see if and then go validate it, right. So fill this stuff out, copy the code, go over to the Google structured data tool, paste it in, make sure that it validates, validates, then use that code on your webpage, your event page.
Okay, something else you might want to try is let’s do. You could try this to this is Google’s own tool, the Google structured data markup helper. So again, just go to Google and search structured data markup helper, and this is Google’s own tool. And look at that, guys. There’s an event thing right there. So what you do is you put your URL in there. And then this tool will add structured data markup to a sample web page. So you can put your event page in there that you’ve already published, whether it has the code or not, and then Google’s markup helper will allow you to like highlight certain elements of the page and it will tell you how to mark it up. So like, for example, the date day and time, for example, or the location like you, you highlight that section and in Google’s markup helper tool will tell you how to mark it up correctly. So it makes sense. So again, this is Google’s own tool here. Any input on that, guys? Was that good enough?
Marco: That was perfect.
Bradley: Okay, sweet. I can’t believe they kicked me out of Facebook comments for this on during the webinar. It’s ridiculous. I don’t want to use this anymore.
All right, next one. Yeah, Scott said it’s not loading. Thanks, Scott. We got that. See? That’s again, that’s a duplicate question.
Greg’s got to do but good question. It’s a stupid app. Anyways, Jay says is there any advantage to making a or several making a or several brief blog posts cannot. Shit. That’s the same question to it just looks like it’s filled out a little bit more. Okay, I’ll answer the second part of this Jay was thinking about doing the above to drip feed and pushed out blog post content to the syndication networks in order to get the page more links from the syndication network. Yeah, that should work. Again, that’s that should work.
We might have to wrap it up, early guys. I’m tired of this app like already. I’m frustrated with it. It looks like we don’t have any more questions anyway. I’m sure it’s because people are having issues. Yeah.
I’m sorry. Go ahead. No, I mean, yeah, you’re totally right. I think that’s an issue. It’s definitely an issue because we’re getting duplicate questions. It’s just stupid. Sorry, guys. You know, we’re trying to find a better solution. Adam says that
we’re going to test next week. Yeah, got it will test it and we’ll see if it works. Okay. definitely got to do something. Okay. So Greg’s, I think even Disqus was better than this because of at least Disqus in break entirely.
Will You Still Get The Same Ranking Power Benefit If The Press Releases Via Press Advantage Are Hardly Indexed In Google?
Bradley: So Greg says using press advantage, I have noticed only around to syndicated press releases appearing in the Google index when I published Will I still get the same benefit power wise from a press release submission have hardly any of the published articles show up as being indexed in Google? Yeah. Okay. So that’s used to be, by the way, that that’s, that’s how that happened most of the time, a long time ago. And then for whatever reason, what happens is a lot of them do get indexed, but they go into what’s called the supplemental index, right? So Google will only show a handful or one or two that it determines are the most authoritative, or the original sources or whatever, and it will show those in the index and put the rest in what’s called supplemental index. For example, if you search for the title of press release or other content, and this this could happen with syndicated blog posts, for example, then you’ll see at the bottom of the search results where it’ll say Google has admitted, similar you know, similar search results, and if you click that link, it will actually open up the supplemental index and will show you all of the other places that same content was published. So Google is aware of it. And we’ve done testing that, you know, even with no indexed PB ends, for example, that will again, we don’t use PB ends anymore. But we’ve done testing. And it’s been a while since we’ve done it, but with no index PBNs. And yes, Google able, you can still give you a bump. Right. So it’s not I didn’t say D indexed, but I said no index. Right. So supplemental index links, will they still help? As far as I’m aware? Yes. Are they as powerful as those that would be indexed? All you know, in the regular index? I don’t think so. And the reason why is because Google is looking at it as almost duplicate content.
It’s not that it’s toxic, but it’s just not that is as helpful as what I’m saying. So that’s one of the things that was being addressed by quantum Newswire, which we did a promotion for recently. Because they, they specifically are using a much smaller distribution network because of that reason, they’re not they’re trying not to use as many distribution points that end up getting going into the supplemental index anyways, now that said, Greg, the local PR pro method, which was essentially PR stalking and using press releases to get local results. It’s still effective, although the method has evolved a bit. And it’s on what’s about two years old now, since we launched that course, and so I am going to update that again and probably the next two months, we’re going to launch it relaunch it with the new methods and a couple of months. Because specifically, like I said, it has evolved. You’re in the Mastermind. I’ve talked about this multiple times in the Mastermind, Greg, I know you’ve missed that webinar or where I’ve talked about it, but we have talked about that. And several occasions now over the last several weeks in the Mastermind, but it still works. The local PR method works but it has evolved slightly in that I’ve noticed in several of our members have noticed. Darrell was one of them who does a lot of PR stuff that it requires more RYS, and more Consistent PR is before it kicks in the way that it used to with just one or two or, you know, like I said, when we launched the course, I was able to get 80% results with six hours or less. In other words, 15 out of 15 properties that I tested on 12 of them, I was able to get into the maps three pack within six press releases, so six press releases or less. That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore if it’s low competition, yes, but if it’s moderately competitive, or more than it requires more press releases and more consistency as well as like I always said, I believe it requires more diversity to in that instead of just using one distribution service over and over and over, you can still get effects that way, if you’re stacking properly, and I’m not going to go over the specific method of how to stack properly right now here on a free Hump Day Hangout, because that’ll be included in the update and we can talk about that in the Mastermind all the one Greg. But if you stack properly now you still can get really, really good results with just one distribution service. But it requires specific or a different internal linking method than what was, you know, the original method, right. And so that’s really the point is, is, if you have additional distribution networks that you can use, that’s going to help with diversity, you also want to stack properly, which just means changing it up a bit. Again, I can’t go cover that specific method here. But yes, I’m still using press releases prime as my primary off-page link building, you know,
direct to money site stuff. But you know, I’m also doing a lot of powering up to our assets using our link building service, you know, the same link building service that you have access, Greg, through mg, Why be now? Right. So again, it’s about powering up specific entities. That’s what the ad ID loop is that we set up. Again, you can get that training in the Mastermind. You’ve got that Greg. I know you’ve got that. But you can build links like traditional links to that spam type links and It works really well as including some of the assets that we are able to produce using the press releases. Right? So you power those up and you can get really good results too. As far as the indexing I don’t it’s not that big of a deal it whether they’re indexed or not, why do I say that? Well, because for example, guys, syndication networks, we know syndication networks help. We could talk about that briefly too. By the way, I just recently set up a new project haven’t done any link building so I haven’t done any content marketing. All I did was set up a website, right and it was just a Click Funnels page. And then I set up on a subdomain a WordPress installation for a blog. And that blog just has the Hello World post on it still, and I updated the site, the blog site title like you know, the title tag and such but I have not done any content marketing or any link building, haven’t syndicated any posts, haven’t done anything, but I have it. It’s a specific company name. And I added it’s been about three weeks now that I’ve had that site up and again, besides the Click Funnels page, whatever
content, there’s no content at all other than the Hello World post on the blog. And for that company name, if I were to search just last week for the company name, it showed up on like page three because there’s a lot of other companies that have similar names, but it’s not the same name. And so my the site being a brand new site brand new entity was showing up but like on page like three, so way, way back. Well, I have one of our VA is build me a syndication network, for that company for that brand, because it’s like I said, it’s a new project that I’m just setting up. And they just delivered that syndication network to me on Thursday, last week, so about six days ago, well, on Monday, I went and checked and guys, again, no posting has been done no content marketing, no syndicated posts or anything. On Monday, I did a search for my company name and an incognito browser and Firefox that was clean, and boom, number one for that company name. Now, granted, I was searching for the company name, but it was on page three, four.
about two and a half, three weeks. And then all we did was create a syndication network and it in it. As Marco always talks about solidified are validated by the entity. And now it’s showing is number one for that brand search. So it just goes to show you that the syndication networks, although is a specific SEO tool for syndicating posts is not as effective as it used to be five years ago, right? That makes sense. But it’s still every bit as effective and as critical as important because of what it does for validating the entity. And so the reason I brought that up was that the same thing goes with syndicating posts, most weed for years. And Greg, you should know this because you’ve been with part of the Mastermind for years. For years, people have asked, Well, I’m not seeing my syndicated post URLs being indexed. I can’t find them in the index. So this is useless. And I’ve said for years. No, that’s not true. Because whether they’re indexed or not, it doesn’t mean they’re useless. Google knows they’re there. And how do I know that Google knows or that well if your site is connected to search console,
And you go look at links to your site in Search Console, you’ll see WordPress and blogger and Tumblr and delicious and well not so much more delicious anymore. But Diigo and all of the different sites that were in your syndication network, you’ll see that they are listed and links to your site. And they’ll show how many posts Google was aware of that are linking back to your site. So whether they’re in the index or not, Google knows they’re there, and it’s counting them as links to your site. Does that make sense? So we know that they’re powerful, regardless, if as long as Google knows they’re there. Yes, there is some benefit to having indexed links. There’s no doubt. But there is still some benefit from non-index links to as long as they’re not deindexed sites. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. I’ve been talking about art and the art of art. Seems like forever now, at least a couple of years ever since I saw that the distance grab, and what school was doing as far as a websites and how it was taking a look at the entity and related everything to the entities to what it was gauging is trusted authority How many people do you trust? And basically how many trusts you not people but websites and and what is the trust and authority of those websites that are linking to yours. And it’s measuring that distance from seed sites and seat sets. I mean, I talked about this forever. I got tired of talking about because nobody would listen. Maybe they’ll start listening now, the that I mean, we can completely see how Google, it wants the entity. It wants to brand. It does not like ambiguity. And ambiguity simply means that there are two things on the web. That could be and I’ll give you a perfect example of ambiguity. You know, DC Glenn from tag team, right? Well, taxing can also mean a tag team and wrestling. And that’s what he’s been having to deal with it as far as ambiguity when people search. Which tag team are you referring to? So when you do a search for tag team, actually, Google gives you two options. Are you looking for tag team and wrestling? Or are you looking for tag team, the hip hop, or poor? Google doesn’t like ambiguity. It does not like to terms to be related to the same thing. And so what we have to do with this,
first of all, don’t create ambiguity. And if you do, you have to disambiguate fuck a $100 word for something so simple as make it clear to Google. What your entity is, bind everything to your entity, right? It’s verification, it’s validation, and then solidification. That’s what you have to do. And it just so happens that our syndication networks are some of the best tools out there for accomplishing this.
But not only that, what I recommend is you take every
Everything and you put that into a drive stack, take all of your URLs in the place where they go into dr stack. And then when you do the press of the stack, you drop a link into that Dr stack. And then when you go and do your link building, your link building follows your press releases press one press of these two, and so on so that you’re incrementally link building on to the last one. And then the last one, you hit hard, so that everything just shoots through that live stream. And I’m going to tell you right now there’s absolutely nothing better for creating relevance, which is the other part of art right activity, relevance, trust, and authority. Just an authority we get from all of the link building and everything else.
But creating everything in that drive stack and then getting dead yet to do his magic. That’s like I don’t know how he does it. And I don’t care. He just knows he’s been doing it for years. He knows what works. So I I’m not going to
Tell him what to do because he’s the master. But guy seriously, man, this works like gangbusters. And then on top of that, to really put that put like the cherry on top. You put some
traffic into it some Google traffic. And that’s when it really comes home man. That’s when everything really binds together and it because then it’s people telling Google Yeah, this is the entity that I was actually looking for, which is one of the things that I’m working with DC Glenn on right on on his entity. It’s already validated. Now it has to be disambiguate it from tireless, it’s tough, right? Because a lot of people look for that. Protect team and wrestling rather than tag team that we just have to get enough people to look at tag team, the hip hop group to disambiguate. But anyway, a long winded answer to Yes, syndication networks work for the entity but so
does everything else that we recommend in our battle plan by the battle plan is there for a reason we follow it and we’ve given you a step by step process on what it is that you need to do. Now some of it will take multiple attempts so that you can push your keyword to where you want it to be are you can hit the map pack or you can hit the Knowledge Graph UI you get rid of three pack become the Knowledge Graph for that keyword term. This this tons of things that you could do when you’re pushing power, but it takes pushing the right amount of power in the right places. I said my piece
Bradley: very good. Facebook just completely locked me out of my fucking account. Unbelievable. I was just looking at my phone while you’re talking. It’s like this is twice now in two days. I don’t understand. Are you guys all experienced in that shit to if not I got I got locked out of Facebook till Yes. Unbelievable. Adam did to like what the fuck? I hate Facebook.
Anyways, Alright guys, I’m going to wrap it up because I’m tired of this already. This is really being stupid. By the way, Clint, thank you for posting that link since I’m unable to do it.
But yeah, we’ll see you guys next week. Thanks for being here. Any any other words guys know your comment system for everyone to test out next week? Yeah, definitely.
Alright guys, we’ll see you next week. Thanks.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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howardkuester22 · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231
Click on the video above to watch Episode 231 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey welcome everybody world. Little bit of feedback there. All right, now that we’ve got this screaming howling mechanical sounds out of the way, let’s welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts is Episode 231. Today’s the 10th of April 2019. Thanks for joining us live if you’re here live if not, you’re catching the replay. Thanks for watching. And if you’re watching somewhere else, you can always go to Semantic Mastery comm slash HD questions to get your questions answered. You can ask them live you can ask them ahead of time just ask your questions and we’ll get to them. So before we dive into some more announcements and get into the questions, I’m going to say hi to everybody real quick. Let’s start on the left with Chris, How you doing?
Chris: Doing good. just picking up the bags here leaving the city
Adam: very nice. What Where are you going Chris?
Chris: Indonesia. Yeah, that’s awesome.
Adam: Have a good trip, man.
Chris: Thank you.
Chris: Oh, can’t wait actually am and I actually from what I heard I’m gonna meet one or two of the Semantic Mastery people there. So, we’ll see.
Adam: Well yeah if you’re going or in Indonesia then hit Chris up and chat him up while you’re there. Hernan, how you doing?
Hernan: Great, man. Excited to be here. Some really cool stuff coming up so doing good. That’s good.
Adam: Good deal. Do you have a Semantic Mastery shirt on or is that not
Hernan: oh no I might. Yeah.
Adam: Marco, how you doing man?
Marco: I’m good man. What’s up?
Adam: can’t complain. It’s a nice day here.
Marco: I can’t say it’s sunny anymore. Ah rainy season just kicked in like today. It’s storming outside
Adam: and it probably would still like 65, 70?
Marco: oh yeah between 70 and 80 somewhere around there. That’s all year.
Adam: Oh man.
Marco: Things are good. I’ve been deep in the lab by the way. I’m cooking up some some monster shit. As I said last time, I’m about to turn the SEO world on its ear once again. So it’s time and it’s been about four years and RYS Academy Reloaded. Wouldn’t it be like wicked if August of 2019 something were to happen? I’m just saying.
Adam: Gotcha. I’m sorry, I got distracted by her non sending me chats in Slack. So sorry about that.
Hernan: There’s something I’m sorry, I just want to say that I just got my account. Also. blog. So there might be something funky going on with the Facebook comments, so I don’t know.
Bradley: Super shit. Really?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: So time to move on then. So that’s the third person so yeah, live will try to figure this out on that Wolfgang, right
Bradley: for those of you that while I was gonna say those of you that are getting your accounts blocked, leave a message. Message us. State that you’re also getting screwed by Facebook but you won’t be able to now will you? I had my account mysteriously yesterday I was I wasn’t even doing anything. I just had Facebook open and it said it prompted me that I noticed suspicious activity I won’t even doing anything. And it said, you know, you must verify re verify your account, which I had to do. Apparently Adam’s got blocked now, or Hernan’s got blocked. So I don’t know the Facebook gods are mad right now apparently. And they are I’m already in like.
Hernan: I am back on I did some security check in and I’m in. But yeah, I don’t know we might need to start sending us note let you know. Something you know for the comments who will send that over to Bradley’s house. They go read them.
Adam: I’ll send out postcards the week before and then just shoot them over.
Bradley: Got just mailing your questions.
Adam: All right. Well, last but not least, Bradley, how you doing man?
Bradley: I’m good, man. Happy to be here. We got a lot of stuff coming up. So couple things that I would like to talk about very quickly before we get into questions is the video lead gen system training is being updated. I spent a lot of time on it this week already just kind of organizing and recording videos and updating the slides and all that stuff for the 2019 update. And for kind of the more streamlined process that I’ve developed for it, which makes it a lot easier, a lot more efficient. And a lot of it can be outsourced. And it’s working really well, I’ve been able to get a lot of good conversations going with prospects. And it can be applied for monetizing lead gen assets, as well as for client outreach. Like if you just want to do so traditional agency marketing services, it works really well. And it’s a hell of a lot more efficient than what the original method was that I used that worked incredibly well, but there was a lot of wasted time. And I talked about this a lot in the training. But you know, for every 10 video emails that I used to send out, I would get three to four responses like clockwork every damn time.
But the videos that I would record, I would just go find prospects, you know, from doing research online that I wanted to work with. And then I would just do and a lot of you that have been through the training or have heard me talk about it in the past, I would do like a video audit of their digital presence and explain how they were missing opportunities. You don’t ever criticize, but you do talk about like, Hey, you did good here. This is nice, but you’re missing out on opportunities because of this, this, this and this.
And typically, my video audits would be about 10 to 15 minutes long. So, you can imagine if you’re doing 10 of those, and it takes a little bit of time to find the prospect that you’re going to audit and then to record the video and then you know, kind of wind down and go to the next one. You know, it would take two and a half, three hours to record 10 videos of 15 minutes each, you know, every easy two and a half to three hours. And if only three or four of them would respond then there was six or seven of them that we would record or I would record that we’re not being seen or not being replied to period. So it was wasted effort. And so I kind of went back to the drawing board this year to determine how you know, to fix that, to solve that to make it more efficient, because that’s what we try to we try to teach you guys just to be more efficient. So this newer method is so so much more efficient, and it’s so much easier. And I’ve even learned some things along the way, since I’ve been testing this newer method that originally I’d set out to do one particular way, and thinking, Oh, this is going to be so much more efficient, and it certainly was, but then I found there was still ways to make that even more efficient. And I talked about that in the training. And it’s just a much more efficient process now, especially because you can have a VA do a lot of the heavy lifting type stuff so that you don’t have to be doing that yourself.
And so now to do 15 or 20 videos, you know, specific prospecting videos can literally be done in an hour’s time, which that might sound impossible but the way that I’m doing it now is it makes it to where it’s so many faster. And the other part of that is I’ve learned to not actually record the specific prospect videos until we get a positive reply or get a dialogue going with them. So it’s a much it now there’s no wasted effort on actually creating the videos for a prospect until you’ve actually got their permission essentially, to send them a video. And so I can’t reveal all that here, obviously, guys, but that’s coming out in two weeks from today, really? Or yesterday, I guess we’re going to be launching that again. So be on the lookout for that those of you that are doing lead gen stuff or client work and you want a more effective way to outreach for prospecting, this is definitely going to help you it’s it’s how I really built my agency to begin with.
Adam: Yeah, hundred percent recommend you checking that out. And it works across industries, different areas. I mean that that’s an incredible result. I’ve talked about this before. I think Bradley when you mentioned it, you know, you nonchalantly say, Yeah, I get you know, three or four responses out of 10 emails. And for anyone who’s done this you know that that just blows anything else out of the water. Most cold emailing people are getting like literally 1% maybe of like positive responses so to be getting 30 to 40% is just insane so good stuff. I’ve done it. I’ve learned a lot from the way Bradley does it and added up some bells and whistles on the way I like it but man if you’re not already using this stuff, definitely keep your eyes and ears open for the Video Lead Gen System update.
Bradley: Cool. Sorry. We had as far as announcements that I’m aware of is we have some new services available and MGYB. Marco you want to chat about what we’ve got available right now.
Marco: We’ve got basically everything available right when an edit link building indexing and beds were adding a while it but it said know that that’s still only available to the Mastermind isn’t that the done for you, GMB services, it will be rolled out
Bradley: But yes, yes, right now that’s just the Mastermind. We’re doing several different off page GMB services that are done for you now, but our team, our methods that are it’s our team doing our methods to our specifications, and we’ve got an overall off page package. And then we’ve got each component of that overall off page package separated out that can be purchased as individual services, for those of you that don’t need everything, but just need parts of it. And so, we’re rolling. we’ve rolled that out to our Mastermind, now we’re getting all of the fulfillment and delivery smooth, you know, process moved out. And as soon as we’re done with that, we’re going to offer it to you guys publicly in MGYB be as well.
Bradley: So that was it.? We’re good.
Adam: Yeah, pretty much. Just want to tell everyone you know, if you’re joining us live, that’s great. This is the place to be if you’ve got questions, like I said, you can ask live you can ask ahead of time, if you can’t make it live, whether you got a call, client call, busy, you’re working, whatever. That’s one way to do it. And the place to start is also at battleplan.semanticmastery.com that’s where you want to get some excuse me repeatable results and a lot of various you want to dive deeper into stuff like keyword research, how to work with age domains, new domains, all that and a whole lot more and if you’re ready to start or you want to grow your existing local digital marketing agency come join us in the Semantic Mastery Mastermind and we made that of course nice and easy to find that’s at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. and like Bradley, Marco were just mentioning it over to mygb.co for your done for you solutions.
Marco: We still have the syndication Academy networks we still have the ROI is reloaded everything up to Semantic Mastery standards. We have we’ve what we’ve done is we’ve brought everything under our own roof right under our control so that it can be kept up to our specifications and our standards. It’s what we use. And you guys if you’ve seen the stuff that we do and and just go to the groups I mean, that’s. Take a shot, there’s a money back guarantee anyway, by the way, on joining any any of the groups, right? join the group. So take advantage of one of the special ops and you can get in for $1 for seven days and ask the people who are in the group. Don’t listen to me, right? Don’t listen to me. Because Marco is full of shit. It doesn’t know what the fuck you talking about? Fine. Go to our groups and as a who in here is getting results. And you’re going to see that that people will start chiming and some of them will keep quiet, but I know who’s getting results, right because I talked to them on a regular basis. But guys, it’s what we do on a day to day basis what we use, we just go to our store, why else would we set it up? If we don’t use it with that we’re known for drinking our own Kool Aid, right? That’s who we are. So it’s mgyb.co anything and everything that you need to just kill it on the web is right there. And besides, if it join one of the groups the higher you go up the ladder, the closer you get to us and you know just us being with you every step of the way and trying to help you go ahead and get to where you want to be to
Bradley: okay cool
Hernan: Bradley before we jump in. If you got a copy of the Battle Plan if you haven’t go get it but if you do, we updated the links is inside the battle plan so that now when you click on the link building side of things and everything, it should take you to, you know, to enjoy be and the different packages so we updated that last week. So.
Bradley: Alright, so it looks apparently because we’re gonna have to do something about this is this. Obviously, questions are getting duplicated. And you know, I don’t know if it sets the stupid Facebook app or what but anyway.
Adam: replacement hunted down. We’re going to test it out in the coming week.
Bradley: Okay, cool. Cuz I’m seeing questions posted twice for a couple of people and there ought to be more questions in this room. Now I’m assuming it’s um, anyways, let’s move on.
Is It Okay To Create A New IFTTT Ring For An Account That Had Social Media Accounts We No Longer Have Access With?
Jeff’s up. First, he says I would like to use IFTTT for an account that has social accounts created by another SEO agency, we no longer have access to those properties. Is it okay to create a new ring? Yeah, it is, if you can’t, the only thing sucks is obviously if you had the cherry subdomains, for all the different accounts that you know, that was your brand names for that company, you’re going to have to modify it slightly, which kind of sucks, but it is what it is. If you can’t access those properties, then yeah, absolutely. Just create another ring. You know, set up a new set of accounts with a slightly modified version of the username for each one of the accounts so that you can at least make it still as very much close to the brand is as possible. You know, we’ve had to do that. For example. You know, for like a tree service company that has Tree Service in the name like we I’ve had to have it changed to tree services or Tree Service, Inc. or Tree Service CO, like SEO for a company, you know or something like that. And that may be what you have to do.
You know, you could also potentially work depending on what kind of business it is you could potentially work in as a location name, like the city name, and as well as the company name, or even a product or service that the company, whatever their primary product or services, perhaps work one of those words in along with the brand name so that there’s that association made. But yes, you can do that. Again, it’s if you can’t access those existing accounts, what else could you do, really, except create a new rank? So yes, absolutely. You can do that Jeff.
What Is The Best Keyword Density Analyzer Tool?
Kevin says what is the best keyword density analyzer tool? Um, well, honestly, that what I’ve used, Kevin, that’s a good question, all I’ve ever used, which I really don’t worry about keyword density so much anymore, except for if I’m reading through a piece of content that I had written. If I feel like there are too many uses of a keyword, I’m worried about over density. I don’t really worry so much about hitting specific numbers for keyword density anymore. We used to worry about that. But the algorithm is so much more advanced now. Google understands natural language patterns. And, you know, in natural language, excuse me so much better now that it’s really unnecessary to try to hit specific keyword densities. If the content is written well, Google will understand what the content is about, regardless of repeating certain keywords over and over again, right.
And so I don’t really worry about keyword density at all anymore unless I feel like a keyword is overused and a piece of content at which point I will test it. And there’s a tool that I’ve been using for years now since one of the I think maybe panda three or panda for it was around 2014 where I really started using this at the time because back then we did try to hit certain keywords density numbers. Right and there? Well, I think it was panda three or what panda four or one of those in that timeframe. And I don’t know why it’s being so slow.
The site might be having an issue. seocentro.com. Yeah, apparently. That’s great. So now, there’s no connection. Are you guys still hear me?
Marco: I’m still here. Yeah.
Bradley: I just want to make sure it wasn’t the internet, my internet that was screwing up. But ok. So I was going to show this to you. But SEO center. com. That’s what I’ve been used. I had been using, like I said, back around 2013 or 14 ish. We had a we had tried to hit specific numbers. And then all of a sudden one of the panda updates caused a lot of the sites that I had built like lead gen sites and client sites to drop down in the rankings, not nuts. I didn’t get penalized, but I dropped you know, a page 1015 spots somewhere around there. And so after consulting with some of the, you know, people, my colleagues and such
I found that there was another magic number, and it was trying to keep your density under a specific threshold and at the time it was 2% for two-word keywords. Now I’m sorry for one-word keywords It was 2% try to stay under 2% try to stay under 1% for two word keywords and try to stand or point 2% for three words, keyword phrases. And so SEO Sentra which apparently is a broken site right now. Yeah, for whatever reason, it’s not loading right now guys. So it might be it’s,
Marco: it’s down for every one I check.
Okay, well, that was the only tool that I would use. And there was a keyword density checker on that it was one of the tools of SEO Central. And again, I haven’t used it in months and probably even a year if that but there was a keyword density where you would just take the Publish page that you wanted to check and you would add, you know, put it into the search field or whatever and hit go and it would analyze the entire page and it would show you the words and one word, two words and three words, the phrases that it determined were keywords. And so it would get a lot of random stuff in there. That didn’t make sense. But it would show you the percentages. And that was a good tool for it.
And the reason why I liked that tool. Now, obviously, it looks like we might have to find another one. But you could probably do some searches and find one. The reason I like that tool better than for example, you know, a lot of times people would write their content and try to hit specific density is based upon an SEO plugin like Yoast, for example, inside of a WordPress dashboard. But you would, you know, a lot of people didn’t take into consideration the fact that Yoast was only analyzing the keywords within the post body of that post or page right, so the article body of that post or page, I didn’t show you the keyword density of what the published page had, because remember, you’ve got keywords in your site header, your navigation, your main navigation menu, your sidebar, your footer, your widget, your widget areas, like those are all potential places, your images, your alt text, all of that kind of stuff it could also contain keywords. And so people would optimize their content based upon what the plugin was telling them, which was just the keyword density of the article body of that page or post.
But if you were to analyze the published page, which included all of those other elements, they were way over optimized, way over optimized. And so it was misleading. And that’s part of the reason why, way back and, you know, for many, many years, I’ve said don’t use the WordPress plugins as a way to determine, you know, especially like Yoast tells you like optimization tips, don’t do that. Don’t do that because again, it there’s a lot of things that it doesn’t take into consideration, I guess for somebody that is, you know, just a blogger doesn’t know anything about SEO or something like that. There may be some value to that but as an SEO or somebody that learning or doing SEO? Those are not I would never recommend going by those guidelines. So do you want to you guys have another tool besides SEO Centro? Because apparently, that’s broken.
Marco: Not the one I reached Oh, yeah.
Adam: And if not, then you know, definitely probably just do a search for something similar to that. So long as it’s looking at the right places. I’m sure there are several out there. But that was the one I was used to using.
Bradley: Yeah, so again, guys, our friend Google, I would just do a keyword density checker. Right. And then just scroll through some of these and see online keyword density tool, see something like that. That’s what I would check. On sem rush does it too, by the way, that’s not free, obviously. But yeah, here’s an example. Now I have not used this one. So I don’t know if it’s any good. But I like this type of SEO density or keyword density checkers over the plugins because of what I just mentioned. It will analyze the entire published page and all of the elements of that page. Make sense? So, there you go. Moving on.
How Do You Remove An Address Of A GMB Listing?
Ken Robert says Okay, can I answered you in the Facebook group but I’ll answer this for everybody else’s benefit. He says, How do I take an address off a GMB? I don’t see an option to designate it as a service area business that used to be a checkbox if it was a service business. Where is it now? Well, what you do now as a service area businesses once you get your GMB verified like if you’re doing it manually, you’ll get you know, postcard most of the time. Or if you’re purchasing it, and you get it delivered and its surface area business, but what you want to do is go into the Info tab, right, so the left-hand sidebar, you click on info, and then where the map pin icon is, which shows the address of the business. You click that to edit it and the pop-up window comes up. And then there’s a link of blue text link inside that pop up window that says clear address. You click the Clear address button and then you click save or update whatever the button says.
And then you add your service area, which is the next section underneath that where the physical address showed, that’s the next section on the Info tab that you can edit. And that’s where you set your service areas. So all you do is, like I said, you’re going to, it’s going to show your address at one until it’s verified. And if it’s a service area business, the way that you make it a service area businesses before you start adding your service areas, you go in to edit the physical address, and then you click the Clear address button, and then save it. Okay.
Is It Possible To SEO And Get Good Rankings Of A Membership Site?
Okay, Mayank is up. He says, Hey, guys, so I’m setting up a membership site where every article that I post around 25% of it would be available for reading for everybody or everyone excuse me, and the rest would be restricted so that only paid members can read the whole article. Question is, is it possible to SEO and get good rankings for such pages considering that most of the pages content is going to be restricted?
Mayank, I don’t know because I’ve never done any of that kind of stuff. Marco that’s more up your alley. Because there a way to hide this content to where Google still recognizes it. But the reader does not. Yeah,
Marco: of course there is. But it’s not something that I would share here.
Bradley: Okay. Well, there you go. I can’t help you with that. Anyways, I really don’t do that kind of stuff. So I don’t know. Yeah,
Marco: but I mean, you’re getting into it territory, right delivering one content to the search engine and, and another content to the user. But that’s cloaking. And Google doesn’t really like that. You have to be really careful when you get into shit like that. But yeah, of course, this way you can code it all the way you can code it I’ll go as far as giving you that. You can code it. So that Google is sir one set of content and the user another set of content.
Bradley: Okay. Yeah, I mean, as far as like, there’s content gates, or you know, view gates, essentially. And I think that’s what you’re talking about. Like, you know, there’s social media plugins that will do that kind of stuff, like, hide content until you like or share or something like that. But I don’t know if that hides the content from Google from seeing it or not. It obviously hides it from the user. But I would be worried, like, you know, trying to do something that just could they still see the content if they did, right click view page source, you know what I mean? So like, I don’t know, because I’ve never really looked into that Mayank. So I’m sorry, I can’t help you with that.
What Do You Recommend As An Alternative Solution To Easy Local Cash Software?
Guy says, Do you have a suggestion for replacing the easy local cast software that has been depricated? Um, yeah, he’s got an online version of it now. So guys, we’ve, I mean, we’ve shared that in several of the groups. It’s an online version. It’s, it doesn’t work quite the same. But you know, again, it’s his software, it was never ours to begin with. So does anybody have the link for that? I think it’s easy local cache something or another. We just see if I can find it for you, but just a second.
Yeah, it’s https://software.easylocalcash.com/ now maybe that’s not it. Here it is. This is its https://software.easylocalcash.com/ . That’s what it is. Guys. Again, this is not our software. So it works differently than what the desktop did. You know, Chad Kimball’s software, I understand why he did what he did it. So if you want to use this one have at it.
We are we were talking about potentially developing one ourselves, but it doesn’t look like we’re going to. So I know Peter drew as got software’s and his tool suite now that will do something very similar to that, but it’s a paid tool suite. So it’s not something that’s going to be offered for free. So, unfortunately, you’re stuck with that for now. Or you can just do you know, I mean, for example. Yeah, that’s that’s pretty much the only thing I know of right now. We talked about potentially doing it ourselves, but I don’t think we’re going to. So try that guy. See if that helps you out.
How Do You Combine Negative Keywords From Different Accounts And PPC Campaigns Into One Spreadsheet?
Alright, moving on Frankie’s up, he says, What’s up Frankie? He says, Hey guys when running multiple PPC campaigns, how do you combine all the negative keywords from different accounts and different campaigns? If you need to create a new campaign with a master negative keyword list? I can’t seem to find any tool or shortcut on how to combine all the keywords into one spreadsheet and remove all the duplicates. Can you share how to do it? Thanks, as always.
Yeah, I mean, I don’t know of any tools that will, you know, that you can connect to all of your accounts that will extract the data, but the way that I would do it is just download the negative keyword lists, which you can do from inside the AdWords or the Google Ads dashboard. And then you’re going to get a separate spreadsheet for each but then you just like literally copy and paste, you know, all into a master sheet, right? So in one of the Excel documents, or you can even do it in Google Sheets, but will be a little bit slower. If you do an Excel, then you can just copy and paste all of them into one master sheet and then just use remove duplicates. I know that’s kind of a pain in the ass because it’s manual. But you know, that’s honestly, that’s how I would do it. Also, if you’re using the Google ads, software that the desktop software, which you can download, they just updated it again. Then you can connect all of your accounts that you manage into that Google Ads desktop software, what do they call it? The Google ads, fuck.
I can’t remember the name of the software now if top my head but anyways, you can download the software, which makes it easy to do bulk edits and things like that. And then you could just it would make it easier than having to log in all of your different accounts to download that spreadsheet of your negative keyword lists. So again, it’s still a manual process, as far as I know, maybe somebody else knows to have a better solution, but I don’t. Okay.
Also, that’s part of the reason. Frankly, it’s good to have a VA because that’s something you could task a VA with, right? Even if you were the one going in and downloading all the sheets, you could send that over to a VA and by the way, I just had to hire Well, I just put a job posting on up work for an Excel nerd, like and somebody that’s an Excel specialist or a Microsoft Access specialist because I got some work that I’m doing that requires stuff that’s way above my pay grade when it comes to excel. And so I just posted a job over there for up work and you can find people you know, for 10 $12 an hour that are super proficient in that kind of stuff. So maybe they you know, you could hire somebody like that. I’m sure it would be a really quick, easy job for somebody that knows what they’re doing. Okay.
Looks like we’re almost out of questions, but that’s probably because of this stupid app. Let me refresh.
Yeah, there’s a couple cooler. Alright, cool. So um, yeah. Jay Turner. Are there any benefits to making it looks like we lost one? Maybe not. Oh, there’s Jordan Fowler posted it as To review tools com keyword density checker thanks, Jordan. I appreciate that.
I wanted to like it. Oh, shit at sign me out. Are you serious? Wow, unbelievable. Love this Facebook app guys fucking love it. All right. Well, I can’t comment anymore.
Are There Any Benefits Of Making A Canonical Of A Niche Down Content Instead Of Those That Are In Broad Topics?
So Jay Turner says, Are there any benefits to making a small blog post-canonical over to the same content on a much broader topic page with the jump link to that section being the link in the canonical tag? Yeah, I would say so. There’s some really powerful stuff. That that yes. Yeah. Just short answer. Yes. J, there is some benefit to that back.
What’s cool about that is if it’s canonical, it Google honors the canonical, then the blog post won’t actually index I mean, Google know it, but it won’t index and then you can do some pretty cool things to that blog posts, which will kind of hide your hide it from prying eyes. So yes, that’s against your answer is yes.
How Do You Rank In Google’s Knowledge Graph?
Paul Quiggle says, Hey guys, I noticed when you type in Google things to do in your town, a Knowledge Graph comes up with different types of activities. I have a client that is wanting to create a workshop style class and his city. And once organic traffic from that source, what is the best way to get included into that list? schema have to have proper schema markup. There are people that teach that kind of stuff.
You could also just try to do some extensive, you know, research throughout by just doing simple Google searches to try to find out how to do that. I don’t you know, I haven’t done any of that stuff yet. But there are. Ryan rod and he could probably do that. Right. Sure. He could. Let me see if we’ve got. Okay, so Ryan Ryan was a Mastermind member for quite some time. I don’t think he’s with us anymore, but he does a lot of schema stuff. And he may be able to help you he does it. You know, you can hire him. So he’s got schema code order. You can also hire him on as a consultant basis to kind of help you code stuff out. And you might want to even just pay him for an hour of his time to teach you how to do that. I don’t know if he’d be willing to do that. But this is somebody that I could recommend is probably would be able to help you to do that.
I know, again, as I said, some of the people that you know, some colleagues, some of the other SEO groups out there, they’re people that have taught that it’s not something I know how to do, because I have not done that. But again, it’s it all comes down to the schema. If you publish content on your site, and you mark it up properly, Google will come to use that and include it in that type of a thing. For example, a lot of times, guys, if you know,
and I’ve done training about this, questions in a question and answer posts are great for blogs. And it’s great for SEO. And how do I know that? Well, if you ask certain questions into Google, you notice right in the SERPs, there are accordion menus, like drop-down menus that have the questions with a little down arrow pointing and during groups usually, have three to five questions.
If you click on one of the questions, it reveals the answer, which is just a snippet that it pulled from one of the search results that are listed on that page. Right. And so that’s how you get included in those q amp a box is by proper markup. And there’s q amp a, by the way, schema markup for that. And in fact, Jordan Fowler was pointing out that recently in our Mastermind, but there’s, what’s cool about that is every time you click one of those questions to reveal the answer, it real it load makes that box that has the questions in it, like expand to include even more related questions. And each time you click it, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And again, all it’s doing is it’s sourcing that the answers from other web properties that have the proper markup, and that Google has determined are authoritative, in that, you know, particular topic. So, you know, that’s why I’ve talked about that being very powerful to use this blog type content, and if you can create an original answer to those times types of questions and mark it up properly, you can get included in those boxes. But even just for SEO purposes, if you go collect or scrape those questions, compile them, and then even use for curating for you and you know, you guys know probably should know that we teach to curate content because it’s the most efficient way to produce content without having to be a subject matter expert, then you can even curate those questions and answers and create blog posts that are where you group similar questions and answers. And you just link out to the content sources. Just Google gives you all that information right there and there’s q amp a boxes, right and then you can actually create an original post where you just inject a little bit of commentary in between the curated sections, and that makes great content for the blog as well as for GMB posts. So anyway, I can’t drop this link on their guys, because Facebook just blocked me for whatever reason from our own app, but schema http://schema.pro/. If that answers your question, I would go check out Ryan Ross for some help, if you want, like specific help otherwise just do some searches for how to get how to get to how to what was it a events, how to get the event schema, like event schema.org or something like that is what I would search and you could probably find some specific articles about that.
Okay. There’s a good question. In fact, I’m just curious really quickly see event schema. There is a schema.org. on that. See, this is what I was talking about these questions right here is exactly what I’m talking about. And see when you click on that, how it expands even more, it starts adding even more questions, and it’ll just keep going on and on and on. So there you go. An event rich snippet, schema creator, SEO chat tools. Look at that, right. There’s a tool for that. There are plugins, those plugins typically don’t work all that well. At least they didn’t use to, but maybe they do. Look this is event steal our JSON LD, I don’t know. But there you go. There you go. Just do a simple Google search and start doing some research. This looks like a schema markup generator for events. So you might even want to try that and see if and then go validate it, right. So fill this stuff out, copy the code, go over to the Google structured data tool, paste it in, make sure that it validates, validates, then use that code on your webpage, your event page.
Okay, something else you might want to try is let’s do. You could try this to this is Google’s own tool, the Google structured data markup helper. So again, just go to Google and search structured data markup helper, and this is Google’s own tool. And look at that, guys. There’s an event thing right there. So what you do is you put your URL in there. And then this tool will add structured data markup to a sample web page. So you can put your event page in there that you’ve already published, whether it has the code or not, and then Google’s markup helper will allow you to like highlight certain elements of the page and it will tell you how to mark it up. So like, for example, the date day and time, for example, or the location like you, you highlight that section and in Google’s markup helper tool will tell you how to mark it up correctly. So it makes sense. So again, this is Google’s own tool here. Any input on that, guys? Was that good enough?
Marco: That was perfect.
Bradley: Okay, sweet. I can’t believe they kicked me out of Facebook comments for this on during the webinar. It’s ridiculous. I don’t want to use this anymore.
All right, next one. Yeah, Scott said it’s not loading. Thanks, Scott. We got that. See? That’s again, that’s a duplicate question.
Greg’s got to do but good question. It’s a stupid app. Anyways, Jay says is there any advantage to making a or several making a or several brief blog posts cannot. Shit. That’s the same question to it just looks like it’s filled out a little bit more. Okay, I’ll answer the second part of this Jay was thinking about doing the above to drip feed and pushed out blog post content to the syndication networks in order to get the page more links from the syndication network. Yeah, that should work. Again, that’s that should work.
We might have to wrap it up, early guys. I’m tired of this app like already. I’m frustrated with it. It looks like we don’t have any more questions anyway. I’m sure it’s because people are having issues. Yeah.
I’m sorry. Go ahead. No, I mean, yeah, you’re totally right. I think that’s an issue. It’s definitely an issue because we’re getting duplicate questions. It’s just stupid. Sorry, guys. You know, we’re trying to find a better solution. Adam says that
we’re going to test next week. Yeah, got it will test it and we’ll see if it works. Okay. definitely got to do something. Okay. So Greg’s, I think even Disqus was better than this because of at least Disqus in break entirely.
Will You Still Get The Same Ranking Power Benefit If The Press Releases Via Press Advantage Are Hardly Indexed In Google?
Bradley: So Greg says using press advantage, I have noticed only around to syndicated press releases appearing in the Google index when I published Will I still get the same benefit power wise from a press release submission have hardly any of the published articles show up as being indexed in Google? Yeah. Okay. So that’s used to be, by the way, that that’s, that’s how that happened most of the time, a long time ago. And then for whatever reason, what happens is a lot of them do get indexed, but they go into what’s called the supplemental index, right? So Google will only show a handful or one or two that it determines are the most authoritative, or the original sources or whatever, and it will show those in the index and put the rest in what’s called supplemental index. For example, if you search for the title of press release or other content, and this this could happen with syndicated blog posts, for example, then you’ll see at the bottom of the search results where it’ll say Google has admitted, similar you know, similar search results, and if you click that link, it will actually open up the supplemental index and will show you all of the other places that same content was published. So Google is aware of it. And we’ve done testing that, you know, even with no indexed PB ends, for example, that will again, we don’t use PB ends anymore. But we’ve done testing. And it’s been a while since we’ve done it, but with no index PBNs. And yes, Google able, you can still give you a bump. Right. So it’s not I didn’t say D indexed, but I said no index. Right. So supplemental index links, will they still help? As far as I’m aware? Yes. Are they as powerful as those that would be indexed? All you know, in the regular index? I don’t think so. And the reason why is because Google is looking at it as almost duplicate content.
It’s not that it’s toxic, but it’s just not that is as helpful as what I’m saying. So that’s one of the things that was being addressed by quantum Newswire, which we did a promotion for recently. Because they, they specifically are using a much smaller distribution network because of that reason, they’re not they’re trying not to use as many distribution points that end up getting going into the supplemental index anyways, now that said, Greg, the local PR pro method, which was essentially PR stalking and using press releases to get local results. It’s still effective, although the method has evolved a bit. And it’s on what’s about two years old now, since we launched that course, and so I am going to update that again and probably the next two months, we’re going to launch it relaunch it with the new methods and a couple of months. Because specifically, like I said, it has evolved. You’re in the Mastermind. I’ve talked about this multiple times in the Mastermind, Greg, I know you’ve missed that webinar or where I’ve talked about it, but we have talked about that. And several occasions now over the last several weeks in the Mastermind, but it still works. The local PR method works but it has evolved slightly in that I’ve noticed in several of our members have noticed. Darrell was one of them who does a lot of PR stuff that it requires more RYS, and more Consistent PR is before it kicks in the way that it used to with just one or two or, you know, like I said, when we launched the course, I was able to get 80% results with six hours or less. In other words, 15 out of 15 properties that I tested on 12 of them, I was able to get into the maps three pack within six press releases, so six press releases or less. That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore if it’s low competition, yes, but if it’s moderately competitive, or more than it requires more press releases and more consistency as well as like I always said, I believe it requires more diversity to in that instead of just using one distribution service over and over and over, you can still get effects that way, if you’re stacking properly, and I’m not going to go over the specific method of how to stack properly right now here on a free Hump Day Hangout, because that’ll be included in the update and we can talk about that in the Mastermind all the one Greg. But if you stack properly now you still can get really, really good results with just one distribution service. But it requires specific or a different internal linking method than what was, you know, the original method, right. And so that’s really the point is, is, if you have additional distribution networks that you can use, that’s going to help with diversity, you also want to stack properly, which just means changing it up a bit. Again, I can’t go cover that specific method here. But yes, I’m still using press releases prime as my primary off-page link building, you know,
direct to money site stuff. But you know, I’m also doing a lot of powering up to our assets using our link building service, you know, the same link building service that you have access, Greg, through mg, Why be now? Right. So again, it’s about powering up specific entities. That’s what the ad ID loop is that we set up. Again, you can get that training in the Mastermind. You’ve got that Greg. I know you’ve got that. But you can build links like traditional links to that spam type links and It works really well as including some of the assets that we are able to produce using the press releases. Right? So you power those up and you can get really good results too. As far as the indexing I don’t it’s not that big of a deal it whether they’re indexed or not, why do I say that? Well, because for example, guys, syndication networks, we know syndication networks help. We could talk about that briefly too. By the way, I just recently set up a new project haven’t done any link building so I haven’t done any content marketing. All I did was set up a website, right and it was just a Click Funnels page. And then I set up on a subdomain a WordPress installation for a blog. And that blog just has the Hello World post on it still, and I updated the site, the blog site title like you know, the title tag and such but I have not done any content marketing or any link building, haven’t syndicated any posts, haven’t done anything, but I have it. It’s a specific company name. And I added it’s been about three weeks now that I’ve had that site up and again, besides the Click Funnels page, whatever
content, there’s no content at all other than the Hello World post on the blog. And for that company name, if I were to search just last week for the company name, it showed up on like page three because there’s a lot of other companies that have similar names, but it’s not the same name. And so my the site being a brand new site brand new entity was showing up but like on page like three, so way, way back. Well, I have one of our VA is build me a syndication network, for that company for that brand, because it’s like I said, it’s a new project that I’m just setting up. And they just delivered that syndication network to me on Thursday, last week, so about six days ago, well, on Monday, I went and checked and guys, again, no posting has been done no content marketing, no syndicated posts or anything. On Monday, I did a search for my company name and an incognito browser and Firefox that was clean, and boom, number one for that company name. Now, granted, I was searching for the company name, but it was on page three, four.
about two and a half, three weeks. And then all we did was create a syndication network and it in it. As Marco always talks about solidified are validated by the entity. And now it’s showing is number one for that brand search. So it just goes to show you that the syndication networks, although is a specific SEO tool for syndicating posts is not as effective as it used to be five years ago, right? That makes sense. But it’s still every bit as effective and as critical as important because of what it does for validating the entity. And so the reason I brought that up was that the same thing goes with syndicating posts, most weed for years. And Greg, you should know this because you’ve been with part of the Mastermind for years. For years, people have asked, Well, I’m not seeing my syndicated post URLs being indexed. I can’t find them in the index. So this is useless. And I’ve said for years. No, that’s not true. Because whether they’re indexed or not, it doesn’t mean they’re useless. Google knows they’re there. And how do I know that Google knows or that well if your site is connected to search console,
And you go look at links to your site in Search Console, you’ll see WordPress and blogger and Tumblr and delicious and well not so much more delicious anymore. But Diigo and all of the different sites that were in your syndication network, you’ll see that they are listed and links to your site. And they’ll show how many posts Google was aware of that are linking back to your site. So whether they’re in the index or not, Google knows they’re there, and it’s counting them as links to your site. Does that make sense? So we know that they’re powerful, regardless, if as long as Google knows they’re there. Yes, there is some benefit to having indexed links. There’s no doubt. But there is still some benefit from non-index links to as long as they’re not deindexed sites. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. I’ve been talking about art and the art of art. Seems like forever now, at least a couple of years ever since I saw that the distance grab, and what school was doing as far as a websites and how it was taking a look at the entity and related everything to the entities to what it was gauging is trusted authority How many people do you trust? And basically how many trusts you not people but websites and and what is the trust and authority of those websites that are linking to yours. And it’s measuring that distance from seed sites and seat sets. I mean, I talked about this forever. I got tired of talking about because nobody would listen. Maybe they’ll start listening now, the that I mean, we can completely see how Google, it wants the entity. It wants to brand. It does not like ambiguity. And ambiguity simply means that there are two things on the web. That could be and I’ll give you a perfect example of ambiguity. You know, DC Glenn from tag team, right? Well, taxing can also mean a tag team and wrestling. And that’s what he’s been having to deal with it as far as ambiguity when people search. Which tag team are you referring to? So when you do a search for tag team, actually, Google gives you two options. Are you looking for tag team and wrestling? Or are you looking for tag team, the hip hop, or poor? Google doesn’t like ambiguity. It does not like to terms to be related to the same thing. And so what we have to do with this,
first of all, don’t create ambiguity. And if you do, you have to disambiguate fuck a $100 word for something so simple as make it clear to Google. What your entity is, bind everything to your entity, right? It’s verification, it’s validation, and then solidification. That’s what you have to do. And it just so happens that our syndication networks are some of the best tools out there for accomplishing this.
But not only that, what I recommend is you take every
Everything and you put that into a drive stack, take all of your URLs in the place where they go into dr stack. And then when you do the press of the stack, you drop a link into that Dr stack. And then when you go and do your link building, your link building follows your press releases press one press of these two, and so on so that you’re incrementally link building on to the last one. And then the last one, you hit hard, so that everything just shoots through that live stream. And I’m going to tell you right now there’s absolutely nothing better for creating relevance, which is the other part of art right activity, relevance, trust, and authority. Just an authority we get from all of the link building and everything else.
But creating everything in that drive stack and then getting dead yet to do his magic. That’s like I don’t know how he does it. And I don’t care. He just knows he’s been doing it for years. He knows what works. So I I’m not going to
Tell him what to do because he’s the master. But guy seriously, man, this works like gangbusters. And then on top of that, to really put that put like the cherry on top. You put some
traffic into it some Google traffic. And that’s when it really comes home man. That’s when everything really binds together and it because then it’s people telling Google Yeah, this is the entity that I was actually looking for, which is one of the things that I’m working with DC Glenn on right on on his entity. It’s already validated. Now it has to be disambiguate it from tireless, it’s tough, right? Because a lot of people look for that. Protect team and wrestling rather than tag team that we just have to get enough people to look at tag team, the hip hop group to disambiguate. But anyway, a long winded answer to Yes, syndication networks work for the entity but so
does everything else that we recommend in our battle plan by the battle plan is there for a reason we follow it and we’ve given you a step by step process on what it is that you need to do. Now some of it will take multiple attempts so that you can push your keyword to where you want it to be are you can hit the map pack or you can hit the Knowledge Graph UI you get rid of three pack become the Knowledge Graph for that keyword term. This this tons of things that you could do when you’re pushing power, but it takes pushing the right amount of power in the right places. I said my piece
Bradley: very good. Facebook just completely locked me out of my fucking account. Unbelievable. I was just looking at my phone while you’re talking. It’s like this is twice now in two days. I don’t understand. Are you guys all experienced in that shit to if not I got I got locked out of Facebook till Yes. Unbelievable. Adam did to like what the fuck? I hate Facebook.
Anyways, Alright guys, I’m going to wrap it up because I’m tired of this already. This is really being stupid. By the way, Clint, thank you for posting that link since I’m unable to do it.
But yeah, we’ll see you guys next week. Thanks for being here. Any any other words guys know your comment system for everyone to test out next week? Yeah, definitely.
Alright guys, we’ll see you next week. Thanks.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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beyondvapepage · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231
Click on the video above to watch Episode 231 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey welcome everybody world. Little bit of feedback there. All right, now that we’ve got this screaming howling mechanical sounds out of the way, let’s welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts is Episode 231. Today’s the 10th of April 2019. Thanks for joining us live if you’re here live if not, you’re catching the replay. Thanks for watching. And if you’re watching somewhere else, you can always go to Semantic Mastery comm slash HD questions to get your questions answered. You can ask them live you can ask them ahead of time just ask your questions and we’ll get to them. So before we dive into some more announcements and get into the questions, I’m going to say hi to everybody real quick. Let’s start on the left with Chris, How you doing?
Chris: Doing good. just picking up the bags here leaving the city
Adam: very nice. What Where are you going Chris?
Chris: Indonesia. Yeah, that’s awesome.
Adam: Have a good trip, man.
Chris: Thank you.
Chris: Oh, can’t wait actually am and I actually from what I heard I’m gonna meet one or two of the Semantic Mastery people there. So, we’ll see.
Adam: Well yeah if you’re going or in Indonesia then hit Chris up and chat him up while you’re there. Hernan, how you doing?
Hernan: Great, man. Excited to be here. Some really cool stuff coming up so doing good. That’s good.
Adam: Good deal. Do you have a Semantic Mastery shirt on or is that not
Hernan: oh no I might. Yeah.
Adam: Marco, how you doing man?
Marco: I’m good man. What’s up?
Adam: can’t complain. It’s a nice day here.
Marco: I can’t say it’s sunny anymore. Ah rainy season just kicked in like today. It’s storming outside
Adam: and it probably would still like 65, 70?
Marco: oh yeah between 70 and 80 somewhere around there. That’s all year.
Adam: Oh man.
Marco: Things are good. I’ve been deep in the lab by the way. I’m cooking up some some monster shit. As I said last time, I’m about to turn the SEO world on its ear once again. So it’s time and it’s been about four years and RYS Academy Reloaded. Wouldn’t it be like wicked if August of 2019 something were to happen? I’m just saying.
Adam: Gotcha. I’m sorry, I got distracted by her non sending me chats in Slack. So sorry about that.
Hernan: There’s something I’m sorry, I just want to say that I just got my account. Also. blog. So there might be something funky going on with the Facebook comments, so I don’t know.
Bradley: Super shit. Really?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: So time to move on then. So that’s the third person so yeah, live will try to figure this out on that Wolfgang, right
Bradley: for those of you that while I was gonna say those of you that are getting your accounts blocked, leave a message. Message us. State that you’re also getting screwed by Facebook but you won’t be able to now will you? I had my account mysteriously yesterday I was I wasn’t even doing anything. I just had Facebook open and it said it prompted me that I noticed suspicious activity I won’t even doing anything. And it said, you know, you must verify re verify your account, which I had to do. Apparently Adam’s got blocked now, or Hernan’s got blocked. So I don’t know the Facebook gods are mad right now apparently. And they are I’m already in like.
Hernan: I am back on I did some security check in and I’m in. But yeah, I don’t know we might need to start sending us note let you know. Something you know for the comments who will send that over to Bradley’s house. They go read them.
Adam: I’ll send out postcards the week before and then just shoot them over.
Bradley: Got just mailing your questions.
Adam: All right. Well, last but not least, Bradley, how you doing man?
Bradley: I’m good, man. Happy to be here. We got a lot of stuff coming up. So couple things that I would like to talk about very quickly before we get into questions is the video lead gen system training is being updated. I spent a lot of time on it this week already just kind of organizing and recording videos and updating the slides and all that stuff for the 2019 update. And for kind of the more streamlined process that I’ve developed for it, which makes it a lot easier, a lot more efficient. And a lot of it can be outsourced. And it’s working really well, I’ve been able to get a lot of good conversations going with prospects. And it can be applied for monetizing lead gen assets, as well as for client outreach. Like if you just want to do so traditional agency marketing services, it works really well. And it’s a hell of a lot more efficient than what the original method was that I used that worked incredibly well, but there was a lot of wasted time. And I talked about this a lot in the training. But you know, for every 10 video emails that I used to send out, I would get three to four responses like clockwork every damn time.
But the videos that I would record, I would just go find prospects, you know, from doing research online that I wanted to work with. And then I would just do and a lot of you that have been through the training or have heard me talk about it in the past, I would do like a video audit of their digital presence and explain how they were missing opportunities. You don’t ever criticize, but you do talk about like, Hey, you did good here. This is nice, but you’re missing out on opportunities because of this, this, this and this.
And typically, my video audits would be about 10 to 15 minutes long. So, you can imagine if you’re doing 10 of those, and it takes a little bit of time to find the prospect that you’re going to audit and then to record the video and then you know, kind of wind down and go to the next one. You know, it would take two and a half, three hours to record 10 videos of 15 minutes each, you know, every easy two and a half to three hours. And if only three or four of them would respond then there was six or seven of them that we would record or I would record that we’re not being seen or not being replied to period. So it was wasted effort. And so I kind of went back to the drawing board this year to determine how you know, to fix that, to solve that to make it more efficient, because that’s what we try to we try to teach you guys just to be more efficient. So this newer method is so so much more efficient, and it’s so much easier. And I’ve even learned some things along the way, since I’ve been testing this newer method that originally I’d set out to do one particular way, and thinking, Oh, this is going to be so much more efficient, and it certainly was, but then I found there was still ways to make that even more efficient. And I talked about that in the training. And it’s just a much more efficient process now, especially because you can have a VA do a lot of the heavy lifting type stuff so that you don’t have to be doing that yourself.
And so now to do 15 or 20 videos, you know, specific prospecting videos can literally be done in an hour’s time, which that might sound impossible but the way that I’m doing it now is it makes it to where it’s so many faster. And the other part of that is I’ve learned to not actually record the specific prospect videos until we get a positive reply or get a dialogue going with them. So it’s a much it now there’s no wasted effort on actually creating the videos for a prospect until you’ve actually got their permission essentially, to send them a video. And so I can’t reveal all that here, obviously, guys, but that’s coming out in two weeks from today, really? Or yesterday, I guess we’re going to be launching that again. So be on the lookout for that those of you that are doing lead gen stuff or client work and you want a more effective way to outreach for prospecting, this is definitely going to help you it’s it’s how I really built my agency to begin with.
Adam: Yeah, hundred percent recommend you checking that out. And it works across industries, different areas. I mean that that’s an incredible result. I’ve talked about this before. I think Bradley when you mentioned it, you know, you nonchalantly say, Yeah, I get you know, three or four responses out of 10 emails. And for anyone who’s done this you know that that just blows anything else out of the water. Most cold emailing people are getting like literally 1% maybe of like positive responses so to be getting 30 to 40% is just insane so good stuff. I’ve done it. I’ve learned a lot from the way Bradley does it and added up some bells and whistles on the way I like it but man if you’re not already using this stuff, definitely keep your eyes and ears open for the Video Lead Gen System update.
Bradley: Cool. Sorry. We had as far as announcements that I’m aware of is we have some new services available and MGYB. Marco you want to chat about what we’ve got available right now.
Marco: We’ve got basically everything available right when an edit link building indexing and beds were adding a while it but it said know that that’s still only available to the Mastermind isn’t that the done for you, GMB services, it will be rolled out
Bradley: But yes, yes, right now that’s just the Mastermind. We’re doing several different off page GMB services that are done for you now, but our team, our methods that are it’s our team doing our methods to our specifications, and we’ve got an overall off page package. And then we’ve got each component of that overall off page package separated out that can be purchased as individual services, for those of you that don’t need everything, but just need parts of it. And so, we’re rolling. we’ve rolled that out to our Mastermind, now we’re getting all of the fulfillment and delivery smooth, you know, process moved out. And as soon as we’re done with that, we’re going to offer it to you guys publicly in MGYB be as well.
Bradley: So that was it.? We’re good.
Adam: Yeah, pretty much. Just want to tell everyone you know, if you’re joining us live, that’s great. This is the place to be if you’ve got questions, like I said, you can ask live you can ask ahead of time, if you can’t make it live, whether you got a call, client call, busy, you’re working, whatever. That’s one way to do it. And the place to start is also at battleplan.semanticmastery.com that’s where you want to get some excuse me repeatable results and a lot of various you want to dive deeper into stuff like keyword research, how to work with age domains, new domains, all that and a whole lot more and if you’re ready to start or you want to grow your existing local digital marketing agency come join us in the Semantic Mastery Mastermind and we made that of course nice and easy to find that’s at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. and like Bradley, Marco were just mentioning it over to mygb.co for your done for you solutions.
Marco: We still have the syndication Academy networks we still have the ROI is reloaded everything up to Semantic Mastery standards. We have we’ve what we’ve done is we’ve brought everything under our own roof right under our control so that it can be kept up to our specifications and our standards. It’s what we use. And you guys if you’ve seen the stuff that we do and and just go to the groups I mean, that’s. Take a shot, there’s a money back guarantee anyway, by the way, on joining any any of the groups, right? join the group. So take advantage of one of the special ops and you can get in for $1 for seven days and ask the people who are in the group. Don’t listen to me, right? Don’t listen to me. Because Marco is full of shit. It doesn’t know what the fuck you talking about? Fine. Go to our groups and as a who in here is getting results. And you’re going to see that that people will start chiming and some of them will keep quiet, but I know who’s getting results, right because I talked to them on a regular basis. But guys, it’s what we do on a day to day basis what we use, we just go to our store, why else would we set it up? If we don’t use it with that we’re known for drinking our own Kool Aid, right? That’s who we are. So it’s mgyb.co anything and everything that you need to just kill it on the web is right there. And besides, if it join one of the groups the higher you go up the ladder, the closer you get to us and you know just us being with you every step of the way and trying to help you go ahead and get to where you want to be to
Bradley: okay cool
Hernan: Bradley before we jump in. If you got a copy of the Battle Plan if you haven’t go get it but if you do, we updated the links is inside the battle plan so that now when you click on the link building side of things and everything, it should take you to, you know, to enjoy be and the different packages so we updated that last week. So.
Bradley: Alright, so it looks apparently because we’re gonna have to do something about this is this. Obviously, questions are getting duplicated. And you know, I don’t know if it sets the stupid Facebook app or what but anyway.
Adam: replacement hunted down. We’re going to test it out in the coming week.
Bradley: Okay, cool. Cuz I’m seeing questions posted twice for a couple of people and there ought to be more questions in this room. Now I’m assuming it’s um, anyways, let’s move on.
Is It Okay To Create A New IFTTT Ring For An Account That Had Social Media Accounts We No Longer Have Access With?
Jeff’s up. First, he says I would like to use IFTTT for an account that has social accounts created by another SEO agency, we no longer have access to those properties. Is it okay to create a new ring? Yeah, it is, if you can’t, the only thing sucks is obviously if you had the cherry subdomains, for all the different accounts that you know, that was your brand names for that company, you’re going to have to modify it slightly, which kind of sucks, but it is what it is. If you can’t access those properties, then yeah, absolutely. Just create another ring. You know, set up a new set of accounts with a slightly modified version of the username for each one of the accounts so that you can at least make it still as very much close to the brand is as possible. You know, we’ve had to do that. For example. You know, for like a tree service company that has Tree Service in the name like we I’ve had to have it changed to tree services or Tree Service, Inc. or Tree Service CO, like SEO for a company, you know or something like that. And that may be what you have to do.
You know, you could also potentially work depending on what kind of business it is you could potentially work in as a location name, like the city name, and as well as the company name, or even a product or service that the company, whatever their primary product or services, perhaps work one of those words in along with the brand name so that there’s that association made. But yes, you can do that. Again, it’s if you can’t access those existing accounts, what else could you do, really, except create a new rank? So yes, absolutely. You can do that Jeff.
What Is The Best Keyword Density Analyzer Tool?
Kevin says what is the best keyword density analyzer tool? Um, well, honestly, that what I’ve used, Kevin, that’s a good question, all I’ve ever used, which I really don’t worry about keyword density so much anymore, except for if I’m reading through a piece of content that I had written. If I feel like there are too many uses of a keyword, I’m worried about over density. I don’t really worry so much about hitting specific numbers for keyword density anymore. We used to worry about that. But the algorithm is so much more advanced now. Google understands natural language patterns. And, you know, in natural language, excuse me so much better now that it’s really unnecessary to try to hit specific keyword densities. If the content is written well, Google will understand what the content is about, regardless of repeating certain keywords over and over again, right.
And so I don’t really worry about keyword density at all anymore unless I feel like a keyword is overused and a piece of content at which point I will test it. And there’s a tool that I’ve been using for years now since one of the I think maybe panda three or panda for it was around 2014 where I really started using this at the time because back then we did try to hit certain keywords density numbers. Right and there? Well, I think it was panda three or what panda four or one of those in that timeframe. And I don’t know why it’s being so slow.
The site might be having an issue. seocentro.com. Yeah, apparently. That’s great. So now, there’s no connection. Are you guys still hear me?
Marco: I’m still here. Yeah.
Bradley: I just want to make sure it wasn’t the internet, my internet that was screwing up. But ok. So I was going to show this to you. But SEO center. com. That’s what I’ve been used. I had been using, like I said, back around 2013 or 14 ish. We had a we had tried to hit specific numbers. And then all of a sudden one of the panda updates caused a lot of the sites that I had built like lead gen sites and client sites to drop down in the rankings, not nuts. I didn’t get penalized, but I dropped you know, a page 1015 spots somewhere around there. And so after consulting with some of the, you know, people, my colleagues and such
I found that there was another magic number, and it was trying to keep your density under a specific threshold and at the time it was 2% for two-word keywords. Now I’m sorry for one-word keywords It was 2% try to stay under 2% try to stay under 1% for two word keywords and try to stand or point 2% for three words, keyword phrases. And so SEO Sentra which apparently is a broken site right now. Yeah, for whatever reason, it’s not loading right now guys. So it might be it’s,
Marco: it’s down for every one I check.
Okay, well, that was the only tool that I would use. And there was a keyword density checker on that it was one of the tools of SEO Central. And again, I haven’t used it in months and probably even a year if that but there was a keyword density where you would just take the Publish page that you wanted to check and you would add, you know, put it into the search field or whatever and hit go and it would analyze the entire page and it would show you the words and one word, two words and three words, the phrases that it determined were keywords. And so it would get a lot of random stuff in there. That didn’t make sense. But it would show you the percentages. And that was a good tool for it.
And the reason why I liked that tool. Now, obviously, it looks like we might have to find another one. But you could probably do some searches and find one. The reason I like that tool better than for example, you know, a lot of times people would write their content and try to hit specific density is based upon an SEO plugin like Yoast, for example, inside of a WordPress dashboard. But you would, you know, a lot of people didn’t take into consideration the fact that Yoast was only analyzing the keywords within the post body of that post or page right, so the article body of that post or page, I didn’t show you the keyword density of what the published page had, because remember, you’ve got keywords in your site header, your navigation, your main navigation menu, your sidebar, your footer, your widget, your widget areas, like those are all potential places, your images, your alt text, all of that kind of stuff it could also contain keywords. And so people would optimize their content based upon what the plugin was telling them, which was just the keyword density of the article body of that page or post.
But if you were to analyze the published page, which included all of those other elements, they were way over optimized, way over optimized. And so it was misleading. And that’s part of the reason why, way back and, you know, for many, many years, I’ve said don’t use the WordPress plugins as a way to determine, you know, especially like Yoast tells you like optimization tips, don’t do that. Don’t do that because again, it there’s a lot of things that it doesn’t take into consideration, I guess for somebody that is, you know, just a blogger doesn’t know anything about SEO or something like that. There may be some value to that but as an SEO or somebody that learning or doing SEO? Those are not I would never recommend going by those guidelines. So do you want to you guys have another tool besides SEO Centro? Because apparently, that’s broken.
Marco: Not the one I reached Oh, yeah.
Adam: And if not, then you know, definitely probably just do a search for something similar to that. So long as it’s looking at the right places. I’m sure there are several out there. But that was the one I was used to using.
Bradley: Yeah, so again, guys, our friend Google, I would just do a keyword density checker. Right. And then just scroll through some of these and see online keyword density tool, see something like that. That’s what I would check. On sem rush does it too, by the way, that’s not free, obviously. But yeah, here’s an example. Now I have not used this one. So I don’t know if it’s any good. But I like this type of SEO density or keyword density checkers over the plugins because of what I just mentioned. It will analyze the entire published page and all of the elements of that page. Make sense? So, there you go. Moving on.
How Do You Remove An Address Of A GMB Listing?
Ken Robert says Okay, can I answered you in the Facebook group but I’ll answer this for everybody else’s benefit. He says, How do I take an address off a GMB? I don’t see an option to designate it as a service area business that used to be a checkbox if it was a service business. Where is it now? Well, what you do now as a service area businesses once you get your GMB verified like if you’re doing it manually, you’ll get you know, postcard most of the time. Or if you’re purchasing it, and you get it delivered and its surface area business, but what you want to do is go into the Info tab, right, so the left-hand sidebar, you click on info, and then where the map pin icon is, which shows the address of the business. You click that to edit it and the pop-up window comes up. And then there’s a link of blue text link inside that pop up window that says clear address. You click the Clear address button and then you click save or update whatever the button says.
And then you add your service area, which is the next section underneath that where the physical address showed, that’s the next section on the Info tab that you can edit. And that’s where you set your service areas. So all you do is, like I said, you’re going to, it’s going to show your address at one until it’s verified. And if it’s a service area business, the way that you make it a service area businesses before you start adding your service areas, you go in to edit the physical address, and then you click the Clear address button, and then save it. Okay.
Is It Possible To SEO And Get Good Rankings Of A Membership Site?
Okay, Mayank is up. He says, Hey, guys, so I’m setting up a membership site where every article that I post around 25% of it would be available for reading for everybody or everyone excuse me, and the rest would be restricted so that only paid members can read the whole article. Question is, is it possible to SEO and get good rankings for such pages considering that most of the pages content is going to be restricted?
Mayank, I don’t know because I’ve never done any of that kind of stuff. Marco that’s more up your alley. Because there a way to hide this content to where Google still recognizes it. But the reader does not. Yeah,
Marco: of course there is. But it’s not something that I would share here.
Bradley: Okay. Well, there you go. I can’t help you with that. Anyways, I really don’t do that kind of stuff. So I don’t know. Yeah,
Marco: but I mean, you’re getting into it territory, right delivering one content to the search engine and, and another content to the user. But that’s cloaking. And Google doesn’t really like that. You have to be really careful when you get into shit like that. But yeah, of course, this way you can code it all the way you can code it I’ll go as far as giving you that. You can code it. So that Google is sir one set of content and the user another set of content.
Bradley: Okay. Yeah, I mean, as far as like, there’s content gates, or you know, view gates, essentially. And I think that’s what you’re talking about. Like, you know, there’s social media plugins that will do that kind of stuff, like, hide content until you like or share or something like that. But I don’t know if that hides the content from Google from seeing it or not. It obviously hides it from the user. But I would be worried, like, you know, trying to do something that just could they still see the content if they did, right click view page source, you know what I mean? So like, I don’t know, because I’ve never really looked into that Mayank. So I’m sorry, I can’t help you with that.
What Do You Recommend As An Alternative Solution To Easy Local Cash Software?
Guy says, Do you have a suggestion for replacing the easy local cast software that has been depricated? Um, yeah, he’s got an online version of it now. So guys, we’ve, I mean, we’ve shared that in several of the groups. It’s an online version. It’s, it doesn’t work quite the same. But you know, again, it’s his software, it was never ours to begin with. So does anybody have the link for that? I think it’s easy local cache something or another. We just see if I can find it for you, but just a second.
Yeah, it’s https://software.easylocalcash.com/ now maybe that’s not it. Here it is. This is its https://software.easylocalcash.com/ . That’s what it is. Guys. Again, this is not our software. So it works differently than what the desktop did. You know, Chad Kimball’s software, I understand why he did what he did it. So if you want to use this one have at it.
We are we were talking about potentially developing one ourselves, but it doesn’t look like we’re going to. So I know Peter drew as got software’s and his tool suite now that will do something very similar to that, but it’s a paid tool suite. So it’s not something that’s going to be offered for free. So, unfortunately, you’re stuck with that for now. Or you can just do you know, I mean, for example. Yeah, that’s that’s pretty much the only thing I know of right now. We talked about potentially doing it ourselves, but I don’t think we’re going to. So try that guy. See if that helps you out.
How Do You Combine Negative Keywords From Different Accounts And PPC Campaigns Into One Spreadsheet?
Alright, moving on Frankie’s up, he says, What’s up Frankie? He says, Hey guys when running multiple PPC campaigns, how do you combine all the negative keywords from different accounts and different campaigns? If you need to create a new campaign with a master negative keyword list? I can’t seem to find any tool or shortcut on how to combine all the keywords into one spreadsheet and remove all the duplicates. Can you share how to do it? Thanks, as always.
Yeah, I mean, I don’t know of any tools that will, you know, that you can connect to all of your accounts that will extract the data, but the way that I would do it is just download the negative keyword lists, which you can do from inside the AdWords or the Google Ads dashboard. And then you’re going to get a separate spreadsheet for each but then you just like literally copy and paste, you know, all into a master sheet, right? So in one of the Excel documents, or you can even do it in Google Sheets, but will be a little bit slower. If you do an Excel, then you can just copy and paste all of them into one master sheet and then just use remove duplicates. I know that’s kind of a pain in the ass because it’s manual. But you know, that’s honestly, that’s how I would do it. Also, if you’re using the Google ads, software that the desktop software, which you can download, they just updated it again. Then you can connect all of your accounts that you manage into that Google Ads desktop software, what do they call it? The Google ads, fuck.
I can’t remember the name of the software now if top my head but anyways, you can download the software, which makes it easy to do bulk edits and things like that. And then you could just it would make it easier than having to log in all of your different accounts to download that spreadsheet of your negative keyword lists. So again, it’s still a manual process, as far as I know, maybe somebody else knows to have a better solution, but I don’t. Okay.
Also, that’s part of the reason. Frankly, it’s good to have a VA because that’s something you could task a VA with, right? Even if you were the one going in and downloading all the sheets, you could send that over to a VA and by the way, I just had to hire Well, I just put a job posting on up work for an Excel nerd, like and somebody that’s an Excel specialist or a Microsoft Access specialist because I got some work that I’m doing that requires stuff that’s way above my pay grade when it comes to excel. And so I just posted a job over there for up work and you can find people you know, for 10 $12 an hour that are super proficient in that kind of stuff. So maybe they you know, you could hire somebody like that. I’m sure it would be a really quick, easy job for somebody that knows what they’re doing. Okay.
Looks like we’re almost out of questions, but that’s probably because of this stupid app. Let me refresh.
Yeah, there’s a couple cooler. Alright, cool. So um, yeah. Jay Turner. Are there any benefits to making it looks like we lost one? Maybe not. Oh, there’s Jordan Fowler posted it as To review tools com keyword density checker thanks, Jordan. I appreciate that.
I wanted to like it. Oh, shit at sign me out. Are you serious? Wow, unbelievable. Love this Facebook app guys fucking love it. All right. Well, I can’t comment anymore.
Are There Any Benefits Of Making A Canonical Of A Niche Down Content Instead Of Those That Are In Broad Topics?
So Jay Turner says, Are there any benefits to making a small blog post-canonical over to the same content on a much broader topic page with the jump link to that section being the link in the canonical tag? Yeah, I would say so. There’s some really powerful stuff. That that yes. Yeah. Just short answer. Yes. J, there is some benefit to that back.
What’s cool about that is if it’s canonical, it Google honors the canonical, then the blog post won’t actually index I mean, Google know it, but it won’t index and then you can do some pretty cool things to that blog posts, which will kind of hide your hide it from prying eyes. So yes, that’s against your answer is yes.
How Do You Rank In Google’s Knowledge Graph?
Paul Quiggle says, Hey guys, I noticed when you type in Google things to do in your town, a Knowledge Graph comes up with different types of activities. I have a client that is wanting to create a workshop style class and his city. And once organic traffic from that source, what is the best way to get included into that list? schema have to have proper schema markup. There are people that teach that kind of stuff.
You could also just try to do some extensive, you know, research throughout by just doing simple Google searches to try to find out how to do that. I don’t you know, I haven’t done any of that stuff yet. But there are. Ryan rod and he could probably do that. Right. Sure. He could. Let me see if we’ve got. Okay, so Ryan Ryan was a Mastermind member for quite some time. I don’t think he’s with us anymore, but he does a lot of schema stuff. And he may be able to help you he does it. You know, you can hire him. So he’s got schema code order. You can also hire him on as a consultant basis to kind of help you code stuff out. And you might want to even just pay him for an hour of his time to teach you how to do that. I don’t know if he’d be willing to do that. But this is somebody that I could recommend is probably would be able to help you to do that.
I know, again, as I said, some of the people that you know, some colleagues, some of the other SEO groups out there, they’re people that have taught that it’s not something I know how to do, because I have not done that. But again, it’s it all comes down to the schema. If you publish content on your site, and you mark it up properly, Google will come to use that and include it in that type of a thing. For example, a lot of times, guys, if you know,
and I’ve done training about this, questions in a question and answer posts are great for blogs. And it’s great for SEO. And how do I know that? Well, if you ask certain questions into Google, you notice right in the SERPs, there are accordion menus, like drop-down menus that have the questions with a little down arrow pointing and during groups usually, have three to five questions.
If you click on one of the questions, it reveals the answer, which is just a snippet that it pulled from one of the search results that are listed on that page. Right. And so that’s how you get included in those q amp a box is by proper markup. And there’s q amp a, by the way, schema markup for that. And in fact, Jordan Fowler was pointing out that recently in our Mastermind, but there’s, what’s cool about that is every time you click one of those questions to reveal the answer, it real it load makes that box that has the questions in it, like expand to include even more related questions. And each time you click it, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And again, all it’s doing is it’s sourcing that the answers from other web properties that have the proper markup, and that Google has determined are authoritative, in that, you know, particular topic. So, you know, that’s why I’ve talked about that being very powerful to use this blog type content, and if you can create an original answer to those times types of questions and mark it up properly, you can get included in those boxes. But even just for SEO purposes, if you go collect or scrape those questions, compile them, and then even use for curating for you and you know, you guys know probably should know that we teach to curate content because it’s the most efficient way to produce content without having to be a subject matter expert, then you can even curate those questions and answers and create blog posts that are where you group similar questions and answers. And you just link out to the content sources. Just Google gives you all that information right there and there’s q amp a boxes, right and then you can actually create an original post where you just inject a little bit of commentary in between the curated sections, and that makes great content for the blog as well as for GMB posts. So anyway, I can’t drop this link on their guys, because Facebook just blocked me for whatever reason from our own app, but schema http://schema.pro/. If that answers your question, I would go check out Ryan Ross for some help, if you want, like specific help otherwise just do some searches for how to get how to get to how to what was it a events, how to get the event schema, like event schema.org or something like that is what I would search and you could probably find some specific articles about that.
Okay. There’s a good question. In fact, I’m just curious really quickly see event schema. There is a schema.org. on that. See, this is what I was talking about these questions right here is exactly what I’m talking about. And see when you click on that, how it expands even more, it starts adding even more questions, and it’ll just keep going on and on and on. So there you go. An event rich snippet, schema creator, SEO chat tools. Look at that, right. There’s a tool for that. There are plugins, those plugins typically don’t work all that well. At least they didn’t use to, but maybe they do. Look this is event steal our JSON LD, I don’t know. But there you go. There you go. Just do a simple Google search and start doing some research. This looks like a schema markup generator for events. So you might even want to try that and see if and then go validate it, right. So fill this stuff out, copy the code, go over to the Google structured data tool, paste it in, make sure that it validates, validates, then use that code on your webpage, your event page.
Okay, something else you might want to try is let’s do. You could try this to this is Google’s own tool, the Google structured data markup helper. So again, just go to Google and search structured data markup helper, and this is Google’s own tool. And look at that, guys. There’s an event thing right there. So what you do is you put your URL in there. And then this tool will add structured data markup to a sample web page. So you can put your event page in there that you’ve already published, whether it has the code or not, and then Google’s markup helper will allow you to like highlight certain elements of the page and it will tell you how to mark it up. So like, for example, the date day and time, for example, or the location like you, you highlight that section and in Google’s markup helper tool will tell you how to mark it up correctly. So it makes sense. So again, this is Google’s own tool here. Any input on that, guys? Was that good enough?
Marco: That was perfect.
Bradley: Okay, sweet. I can’t believe they kicked me out of Facebook comments for this on during the webinar. It’s ridiculous. I don’t want to use this anymore.
All right, next one. Yeah, Scott said it’s not loading. Thanks, Scott. We got that. See? That’s again, that’s a duplicate question.
Greg’s got to do but good question. It’s a stupid app. Anyways, Jay says is there any advantage to making a or several making a or several brief blog posts cannot. Shit. That’s the same question to it just looks like it’s filled out a little bit more. Okay, I’ll answer the second part of this Jay was thinking about doing the above to drip feed and pushed out blog post content to the syndication networks in order to get the page more links from the syndication network. Yeah, that should work. Again, that’s that should work.
We might have to wrap it up, early guys. I’m tired of this app like already. I’m frustrated with it. It looks like we don’t have any more questions anyway. I’m sure it’s because people are having issues. Yeah.
I’m sorry. Go ahead. No, I mean, yeah, you’re totally right. I think that’s an issue. It’s definitely an issue because we’re getting duplicate questions. It’s just stupid. Sorry, guys. You know, we’re trying to find a better solution. Adam says that
we’re going to test next week. Yeah, got it will test it and we’ll see if it works. Okay. definitely got to do something. Okay. So Greg’s, I think even Disqus was better than this because of at least Disqus in break entirely.
Will You Still Get The Same Ranking Power Benefit If The Press Releases Via Press Advantage Are Hardly Indexed In Google?
Bradley: So Greg says using press advantage, I have noticed only around to syndicated press releases appearing in the Google index when I published Will I still get the same benefit power wise from a press release submission have hardly any of the published articles show up as being indexed in Google? Yeah. Okay. So that’s used to be, by the way, that that’s, that’s how that happened most of the time, a long time ago. And then for whatever reason, what happens is a lot of them do get indexed, but they go into what’s called the supplemental index, right? So Google will only show a handful or one or two that it determines are the most authoritative, or the original sources or whatever, and it will show those in the index and put the rest in what’s called supplemental index. For example, if you search for the title of press release or other content, and this this could happen with syndicated blog posts, for example, then you’ll see at the bottom of the search results where it’ll say Google has admitted, similar you know, similar search results, and if you click that link, it will actually open up the supplemental index and will show you all of the other places that same content was published. So Google is aware of it. And we’ve done testing that, you know, even with no indexed PB ends, for example, that will again, we don’t use PB ends anymore. But we’ve done testing. And it’s been a while since we’ve done it, but with no index PBNs. And yes, Google able, you can still give you a bump. Right. So it’s not I didn’t say D indexed, but I said no index. Right. So supplemental index links, will they still help? As far as I’m aware? Yes. Are they as powerful as those that would be indexed? All you know, in the regular index? I don’t think so. And the reason why is because Google is looking at it as almost duplicate content.
It’s not that it’s toxic, but it’s just not that is as helpful as what I’m saying. So that’s one of the things that was being addressed by quantum Newswire, which we did a promotion for recently. Because they, they specifically are using a much smaller distribution network because of that reason, they’re not they’re trying not to use as many distribution points that end up getting going into the supplemental index anyways, now that said, Greg, the local PR pro method, which was essentially PR stalking and using press releases to get local results. It’s still effective, although the method has evolved a bit. And it’s on what’s about two years old now, since we launched that course, and so I am going to update that again and probably the next two months, we’re going to launch it relaunch it with the new methods and a couple of months. Because specifically, like I said, it has evolved. You’re in the Mastermind. I’ve talked about this multiple times in the Mastermind, Greg, I know you’ve missed that webinar or where I’ve talked about it, but we have talked about that. And several occasions now over the last several weeks in the Mastermind, but it still works. The local PR method works but it has evolved slightly in that I’ve noticed in several of our members have noticed. Darrell was one of them who does a lot of PR stuff that it requires more RYS, and more Consistent PR is before it kicks in the way that it used to with just one or two or, you know, like I said, when we launched the course, I was able to get 80% results with six hours or less. In other words, 15 out of 15 properties that I tested on 12 of them, I was able to get into the maps three pack within six press releases, so six press releases or less. That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore if it’s low competition, yes, but if it’s moderately competitive, or more than it requires more press releases and more consistency as well as like I always said, I believe it requires more diversity to in that instead of just using one distribution service over and over and over, you can still get effects that way, if you’re stacking properly, and I’m not going to go over the specific method of how to stack properly right now here on a free Hump Day Hangout, because that’ll be included in the update and we can talk about that in the Mastermind all the one Greg. But if you stack properly now you still can get really, really good results with just one distribution service. But it requires specific or a different internal linking method than what was, you know, the original method, right. And so that’s really the point is, is, if you have additional distribution networks that you can use, that’s going to help with diversity, you also want to stack properly, which just means changing it up a bit. Again, I can’t go cover that specific method here. But yes, I’m still using press releases prime as my primary off-page link building, you know,
direct to money site stuff. But you know, I’m also doing a lot of powering up to our assets using our link building service, you know, the same link building service that you have access, Greg, through mg, Why be now? Right. So again, it’s about powering up specific entities. That’s what the ad ID loop is that we set up. Again, you can get that training in the Mastermind. You’ve got that Greg. I know you’ve got that. But you can build links like traditional links to that spam type links and It works really well as including some of the assets that we are able to produce using the press releases. Right? So you power those up and you can get really good results too. As far as the indexing I don’t it’s not that big of a deal it whether they’re indexed or not, why do I say that? Well, because for example, guys, syndication networks, we know syndication networks help. We could talk about that briefly too. By the way, I just recently set up a new project haven’t done any link building so I haven’t done any content marketing. All I did was set up a website, right and it was just a Click Funnels page. And then I set up on a subdomain a WordPress installation for a blog. And that blog just has the Hello World post on it still, and I updated the site, the blog site title like you know, the title tag and such but I have not done any content marketing or any link building, haven’t syndicated any posts, haven’t done anything, but I have it. It’s a specific company name. And I added it’s been about three weeks now that I’ve had that site up and again, besides the Click Funnels page, whatever
content, there’s no content at all other than the Hello World post on the blog. And for that company name, if I were to search just last week for the company name, it showed up on like page three because there’s a lot of other companies that have similar names, but it’s not the same name. And so my the site being a brand new site brand new entity was showing up but like on page like three, so way, way back. Well, I have one of our VA is build me a syndication network, for that company for that brand, because it’s like I said, it’s a new project that I’m just setting up. And they just delivered that syndication network to me on Thursday, last week, so about six days ago, well, on Monday, I went and checked and guys, again, no posting has been done no content marketing, no syndicated posts or anything. On Monday, I did a search for my company name and an incognito browser and Firefox that was clean, and boom, number one for that company name. Now, granted, I was searching for the company name, but it was on page three, four.
about two and a half, three weeks. And then all we did was create a syndication network and it in it. As Marco always talks about solidified are validated by the entity. And now it’s showing is number one for that brand search. So it just goes to show you that the syndication networks, although is a specific SEO tool for syndicating posts is not as effective as it used to be five years ago, right? That makes sense. But it’s still every bit as effective and as critical as important because of what it does for validating the entity. And so the reason I brought that up was that the same thing goes with syndicating posts, most weed for years. And Greg, you should know this because you’ve been with part of the Mastermind for years. For years, people have asked, Well, I’m not seeing my syndicated post URLs being indexed. I can’t find them in the index. So this is useless. And I’ve said for years. No, that’s not true. Because whether they’re indexed or not, it doesn’t mean they’re useless. Google knows they’re there. And how do I know that Google knows or that well if your site is connected to search console,
And you go look at links to your site in Search Console, you’ll see WordPress and blogger and Tumblr and delicious and well not so much more delicious anymore. But Diigo and all of the different sites that were in your syndication network, you’ll see that they are listed and links to your site. And they’ll show how many posts Google was aware of that are linking back to your site. So whether they’re in the index or not, Google knows they’re there, and it’s counting them as links to your site. Does that make sense? So we know that they’re powerful, regardless, if as long as Google knows they’re there. Yes, there is some benefit to having indexed links. There’s no doubt. But there is still some benefit from non-index links to as long as they’re not deindexed sites. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. I’ve been talking about art and the art of art. Seems like forever now, at least a couple of years ever since I saw that the distance grab, and what school was doing as far as a websites and how it was taking a look at the entity and related everything to the entities to what it was gauging is trusted authority How many people do you trust? And basically how many trusts you not people but websites and and what is the trust and authority of those websites that are linking to yours. And it’s measuring that distance from seed sites and seat sets. I mean, I talked about this forever. I got tired of talking about because nobody would listen. Maybe they’ll start listening now, the that I mean, we can completely see how Google, it wants the entity. It wants to brand. It does not like ambiguity. And ambiguity simply means that there are two things on the web. That could be and I’ll give you a perfect example of ambiguity. You know, DC Glenn from tag team, right? Well, taxing can also mean a tag team and wrestling. And that’s what he’s been having to deal with it as far as ambiguity when people search. Which tag team are you referring to? So when you do a search for tag team, actually, Google gives you two options. Are you looking for tag team and wrestling? Or are you looking for tag team, the hip hop, or poor? Google doesn’t like ambiguity. It does not like to terms to be related to the same thing. And so what we have to do with this,
first of all, don’t create ambiguity. And if you do, you have to disambiguate fuck a $100 word for something so simple as make it clear to Google. What your entity is, bind everything to your entity, right? It’s verification, it’s validation, and then solidification. That’s what you have to do. And it just so happens that our syndication networks are some of the best tools out there for accomplishing this.
But not only that, what I recommend is you take every
Everything and you put that into a drive stack, take all of your URLs in the place where they go into dr stack. And then when you do the press of the stack, you drop a link into that Dr stack. And then when you go and do your link building, your link building follows your press releases press one press of these two, and so on so that you’re incrementally link building on to the last one. And then the last one, you hit hard, so that everything just shoots through that live stream. And I’m going to tell you right now there’s absolutely nothing better for creating relevance, which is the other part of art right activity, relevance, trust, and authority. Just an authority we get from all of the link building and everything else.
But creating everything in that drive stack and then getting dead yet to do his magic. That’s like I don’t know how he does it. And I don’t care. He just knows he’s been doing it for years. He knows what works. So I I’m not going to
Tell him what to do because he’s the master. But guy seriously, man, this works like gangbusters. And then on top of that, to really put that put like the cherry on top. You put some
traffic into it some Google traffic. And that’s when it really comes home man. That’s when everything really binds together and it because then it’s people telling Google Yeah, this is the entity that I was actually looking for, which is one of the things that I’m working with DC Glenn on right on on his entity. It’s already validated. Now it has to be disambiguate it from tireless, it’s tough, right? Because a lot of people look for that. Protect team and wrestling rather than tag team that we just have to get enough people to look at tag team, the hip hop group to disambiguate. But anyway, a long winded answer to Yes, syndication networks work for the entity but so
does everything else that we recommend in our battle plan by the battle plan is there for a reason we follow it and we’ve given you a step by step process on what it is that you need to do. Now some of it will take multiple attempts so that you can push your keyword to where you want it to be are you can hit the map pack or you can hit the Knowledge Graph UI you get rid of three pack become the Knowledge Graph for that keyword term. This this tons of things that you could do when you’re pushing power, but it takes pushing the right amount of power in the right places. I said my piece
Bradley: very good. Facebook just completely locked me out of my fucking account. Unbelievable. I was just looking at my phone while you’re talking. It’s like this is twice now in two days. I don’t understand. Are you guys all experienced in that shit to if not I got I got locked out of Facebook till Yes. Unbelievable. Adam did to like what the fuck? I hate Facebook.
Anyways, Alright guys, I’m going to wrap it up because I’m tired of this already. This is really being stupid. By the way, Clint, thank you for posting that link since I’m unable to do it.
But yeah, we’ll see you guys next week. Thanks for being here. Any any other words guys know your comment system for everyone to test out next week? Yeah, definitely.
Alright guys, we’ll see you next week. Thanks.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231
Click on the video above to watch Episode 231 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey welcome everybody world. Little bit of feedback there. All right, now that we’ve got this screaming howling mechanical sounds out of the way, let’s welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts is Episode 231. Today’s the 10th of April 2019. Thanks for joining us live if you’re here live if not, you’re catching the replay. Thanks for watching. And if you’re watching somewhere else, you can always go to Semantic Mastery comm slash HD questions to get your questions answered. You can ask them live you can ask them ahead of time just ask your questions and we’ll get to them. So before we dive into some more announcements and get into the questions, I’m going to say hi to everybody real quick. Let’s start on the left with Chris, How you doing?
Chris: Doing good. just picking up the bags here leaving the city
Adam: very nice. What Where are you going Chris?
Chris: Indonesia. Yeah, that’s awesome.
Adam: Have a good trip, man.
Chris: Thank you.
Chris: Oh, can’t wait actually am and I actually from what I heard I’m gonna meet one or two of the Semantic Mastery people there. So, we’ll see.
Adam: Well yeah if you’re going or in Indonesia then hit Chris up and chat him up while you’re there. Hernan, how you doing?
Hernan: Great, man. Excited to be here. Some really cool stuff coming up so doing good. That’s good.
Adam: Good deal. Do you have a Semantic Mastery shirt on or is that not
Hernan: oh no I might. Yeah.
Adam: Marco, how you doing man?
Marco: I’m good man. What’s up?
Adam: can’t complain. It’s a nice day here.
Marco: I can’t say it’s sunny anymore. Ah rainy season just kicked in like today. It’s storming outside
Adam: and it probably would still like 65, 70?
Marco: oh yeah between 70 and 80 somewhere around there. That’s all year.
Adam: Oh man.
Marco: Things are good. I’ve been deep in the lab by the way. I’m cooking up some some monster shit. As I said last time, I’m about to turn the SEO world on its ear once again. So it’s time and it’s been about four years and RYS Academy Reloaded. Wouldn’t it be like wicked if August of 2019 something were to happen? I’m just saying.
Adam: Gotcha. I’m sorry, I got distracted by her non sending me chats in Slack. So sorry about that.
Hernan: There’s something I’m sorry, I just want to say that I just got my account. Also. blog. So there might be something funky going on with the Facebook comments, so I don’t know.
Bradley: Super shit. Really?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: So time to move on then. So that’s the third person so yeah, live will try to figure this out on that Wolfgang, right
Bradley: for those of you that while I was gonna say those of you that are getting your accounts blocked, leave a message. Message us. State that you’re also getting screwed by Facebook but you won’t be able to now will you? I had my account mysteriously yesterday I was I wasn’t even doing anything. I just had Facebook open and it said it prompted me that I noticed suspicious activity I won’t even doing anything. And it said, you know, you must verify re verify your account, which I had to do. Apparently Adam’s got blocked now, or Hernan’s got blocked. So I don’t know the Facebook gods are mad right now apparently. And they are I’m already in like.
Hernan: I am back on I did some security check in and I’m in. But yeah, I don’t know we might need to start sending us note let you know. Something you know for the comments who will send that over to Bradley’s house. They go read them.
Adam: I’ll send out postcards the week before and then just shoot them over.
Bradley: Got just mailing your questions.
Adam: All right. Well, last but not least, Bradley, how you doing man?
Bradley: I’m good, man. Happy to be here. We got a lot of stuff coming up. So couple things that I would like to talk about very quickly before we get into questions is the video lead gen system training is being updated. I spent a lot of time on it this week already just kind of organizing and recording videos and updating the slides and all that stuff for the 2019 update. And for kind of the more streamlined process that I’ve developed for it, which makes it a lot easier, a lot more efficient. And a lot of it can be outsourced. And it’s working really well, I’ve been able to get a lot of good conversations going with prospects. And it can be applied for monetizing lead gen assets, as well as for client outreach. Like if you just want to do so traditional agency marketing services, it works really well. And it’s a hell of a lot more efficient than what the original method was that I used that worked incredibly well, but there was a lot of wasted time. And I talked about this a lot in the training. But you know, for every 10 video emails that I used to send out, I would get three to four responses like clockwork every damn time.
But the videos that I would record, I would just go find prospects, you know, from doing research online that I wanted to work with. And then I would just do and a lot of you that have been through the training or have heard me talk about it in the past, I would do like a video audit of their digital presence and explain how they were missing opportunities. You don’t ever criticize, but you do talk about like, Hey, you did good here. This is nice, but you’re missing out on opportunities because of this, this, this and this.
And typically, my video audits would be about 10 to 15 minutes long. So, you can imagine if you’re doing 10 of those, and it takes a little bit of time to find the prospect that you’re going to audit and then to record the video and then you know, kind of wind down and go to the next one. You know, it would take two and a half, three hours to record 10 videos of 15 minutes each, you know, every easy two and a half to three hours. And if only three or four of them would respond then there was six or seven of them that we would record or I would record that we’re not being seen or not being replied to period. So it was wasted effort. And so I kind of went back to the drawing board this year to determine how you know, to fix that, to solve that to make it more efficient, because that’s what we try to we try to teach you guys just to be more efficient. So this newer method is so so much more efficient, and it’s so much easier. And I’ve even learned some things along the way, since I’ve been testing this newer method that originally I’d set out to do one particular way, and thinking, Oh, this is going to be so much more efficient, and it certainly was, but then I found there was still ways to make that even more efficient. And I talked about that in the training. And it’s just a much more efficient process now, especially because you can have a VA do a lot of the heavy lifting type stuff so that you don’t have to be doing that yourself.
And so now to do 15 or 20 videos, you know, specific prospecting videos can literally be done in an hour’s time, which that might sound impossible but the way that I’m doing it now is it makes it to where it’s so many faster. And the other part of that is I’ve learned to not actually record the specific prospect videos until we get a positive reply or get a dialogue going with them. So it’s a much it now there’s no wasted effort on actually creating the videos for a prospect until you’ve actually got their permission essentially, to send them a video. And so I can’t reveal all that here, obviously, guys, but that’s coming out in two weeks from today, really? Or yesterday, I guess we’re going to be launching that again. So be on the lookout for that those of you that are doing lead gen stuff or client work and you want a more effective way to outreach for prospecting, this is definitely going to help you it’s it’s how I really built my agency to begin with.
Adam: Yeah, hundred percent recommend you checking that out. And it works across industries, different areas. I mean that that’s an incredible result. I’ve talked about this before. I think Bradley when you mentioned it, you know, you nonchalantly say, Yeah, I get you know, three or four responses out of 10 emails. And for anyone who’s done this you know that that just blows anything else out of the water. Most cold emailing people are getting like literally 1% maybe of like positive responses so to be getting 30 to 40% is just insane so good stuff. I’ve done it. I’ve learned a lot from the way Bradley does it and added up some bells and whistles on the way I like it but man if you’re not already using this stuff, definitely keep your eyes and ears open for the Video Lead Gen System update.
Bradley: Cool. Sorry. We had as far as announcements that I’m aware of is we have some new services available and MGYB. Marco you want to chat about what we’ve got available right now.
Marco: We’ve got basically everything available right when an edit link building indexing and beds were adding a while it but it said know that that’s still only available to the Mastermind isn’t that the done for you, GMB services, it will be rolled out
Bradley: But yes, yes, right now that’s just the Mastermind. We’re doing several different off page GMB services that are done for you now, but our team, our methods that are it’s our team doing our methods to our specifications, and we’ve got an overall off page package. And then we’ve got each component of that overall off page package separated out that can be purchased as individual services, for those of you that don’t need everything, but just need parts of it. And so, we’re rolling. we’ve rolled that out to our Mastermind, now we’re getting all of the fulfillment and delivery smooth, you know, process moved out. And as soon as we’re done with that, we’re going to offer it to you guys publicly in MGYB be as well.
Bradley: So that was it.? We’re good.
Adam: Yeah, pretty much. Just want to tell everyone you know, if you’re joining us live, that’s great. This is the place to be if you’ve got questions, like I said, you can ask live you can ask ahead of time, if you can’t make it live, whether you got a call, client call, busy, you’re working, whatever. That’s one way to do it. And the place to start is also at battleplan.semanticmastery.com that’s where you want to get some excuse me repeatable results and a lot of various you want to dive deeper into stuff like keyword research, how to work with age domains, new domains, all that and a whole lot more and if you’re ready to start or you want to grow your existing local digital marketing agency come join us in the Semantic Mastery Mastermind and we made that of course nice and easy to find that’s at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. and like Bradley, Marco were just mentioning it over to mygb.co for your done for you solutions.
Marco: We still have the syndication Academy networks we still have the ROI is reloaded everything up to Semantic Mastery standards. We have we’ve what we’ve done is we’ve brought everything under our own roof right under our control so that it can be kept up to our specifications and our standards. It’s what we use. And you guys if you’ve seen the stuff that we do and and just go to the groups I mean, that’s. Take a shot, there’s a money back guarantee anyway, by the way, on joining any any of the groups, right? join the group. So take advantage of one of the special ops and you can get in for $1 for seven days and ask the people who are in the group. Don’t listen to me, right? Don’t listen to me. Because Marco is full of shit. It doesn’t know what the fuck you talking about? Fine. Go to our groups and as a who in here is getting results. And you’re going to see that that people will start chiming and some of them will keep quiet, but I know who’s getting results, right because I talked to them on a regular basis. But guys, it’s what we do on a day to day basis what we use, we just go to our store, why else would we set it up? If we don’t use it with that we’re known for drinking our own Kool Aid, right? That’s who we are. So it’s mgyb.co anything and everything that you need to just kill it on the web is right there. And besides, if it join one of the groups the higher you go up the ladder, the closer you get to us and you know just us being with you every step of the way and trying to help you go ahead and get to where you want to be to
Bradley: okay cool
Hernan: Bradley before we jump in. If you got a copy of the Battle Plan if you haven’t go get it but if you do, we updated the links is inside the battle plan so that now when you click on the link building side of things and everything, it should take you to, you know, to enjoy be and the different packages so we updated that last week. So.
Bradley: Alright, so it looks apparently because we’re gonna have to do something about this is this. Obviously, questions are getting duplicated. And you know, I don’t know if it sets the stupid Facebook app or what but anyway.
Adam: replacement hunted down. We’re going to test it out in the coming week.
Bradley: Okay, cool. Cuz I’m seeing questions posted twice for a couple of people and there ought to be more questions in this room. Now I’m assuming it’s um, anyways, let’s move on.
Is It Okay To Create A New IFTTT Ring For An Account That Had Social Media Accounts We No Longer Have Access With?
Jeff’s up. First, he says I would like to use IFTTT for an account that has social accounts created by another SEO agency, we no longer have access to those properties. Is it okay to create a new ring? Yeah, it is, if you can’t, the only thing sucks is obviously if you had the cherry subdomains, for all the different accounts that you know, that was your brand names for that company, you’re going to have to modify it slightly, which kind of sucks, but it is what it is. If you can’t access those properties, then yeah, absolutely. Just create another ring. You know, set up a new set of accounts with a slightly modified version of the username for each one of the accounts so that you can at least make it still as very much close to the brand is as possible. You know, we’ve had to do that. For example. You know, for like a tree service company that has Tree Service in the name like we I’ve had to have it changed to tree services or Tree Service, Inc. or Tree Service CO, like SEO for a company, you know or something like that. And that may be what you have to do.
You know, you could also potentially work depending on what kind of business it is you could potentially work in as a location name, like the city name, and as well as the company name, or even a product or service that the company, whatever their primary product or services, perhaps work one of those words in along with the brand name so that there’s that association made. But yes, you can do that. Again, it’s if you can’t access those existing accounts, what else could you do, really, except create a new rank? So yes, absolutely. You can do that Jeff.
What Is The Best Keyword Density Analyzer Tool?
Kevin says what is the best keyword density analyzer tool? Um, well, honestly, that what I’ve used, Kevin, that’s a good question, all I’ve ever used, which I really don’t worry about keyword density so much anymore, except for if I’m reading through a piece of content that I had written. If I feel like there are too many uses of a keyword, I’m worried about over density. I don’t really worry so much about hitting specific numbers for keyword density anymore. We used to worry about that. But the algorithm is so much more advanced now. Google understands natural language patterns. And, you know, in natural language, excuse me so much better now that it’s really unnecessary to try to hit specific keyword densities. If the content is written well, Google will understand what the content is about, regardless of repeating certain keywords over and over again, right.
And so I don’t really worry about keyword density at all anymore unless I feel like a keyword is overused and a piece of content at which point I will test it. And there’s a tool that I’ve been using for years now since one of the I think maybe panda three or panda for it was around 2014 where I really started using this at the time because back then we did try to hit certain keywords density numbers. Right and there? Well, I think it was panda three or what panda four or one of those in that timeframe. And I don’t know why it’s being so slow.
The site might be having an issue. seocentro.com. Yeah, apparently. That’s great. So now, there’s no connection. Are you guys still hear me?
Marco: I’m still here. Yeah.
Bradley: I just want to make sure it wasn’t the internet, my internet that was screwing up. But ok. So I was going to show this to you. But SEO center. com. That’s what I’ve been used. I had been using, like I said, back around 2013 or 14 ish. We had a we had tried to hit specific numbers. And then all of a sudden one of the panda updates caused a lot of the sites that I had built like lead gen sites and client sites to drop down in the rankings, not nuts. I didn’t get penalized, but I dropped you know, a page 1015 spots somewhere around there. And so after consulting with some of the, you know, people, my colleagues and such
I found that there was another magic number, and it was trying to keep your density under a specific threshold and at the time it was 2% for two-word keywords. Now I’m sorry for one-word keywords It was 2% try to stay under 2% try to stay under 1% for two word keywords and try to stand or point 2% for three words, keyword phrases. And so SEO Sentra which apparently is a broken site right now. Yeah, for whatever reason, it’s not loading right now guys. So it might be it’s,
Marco: it’s down for every one I check.
Okay, well, that was the only tool that I would use. And there was a keyword density checker on that it was one of the tools of SEO Central. And again, I haven’t used it in months and probably even a year if that but there was a keyword density where you would just take the Publish page that you wanted to check and you would add, you know, put it into the search field or whatever and hit go and it would analyze the entire page and it would show you the words and one word, two words and three words, the phrases that it determined were keywords. And so it would get a lot of random stuff in there. That didn’t make sense. But it would show you the percentages. And that was a good tool for it.
And the reason why I liked that tool. Now, obviously, it looks like we might have to find another one. But you could probably do some searches and find one. The reason I like that tool better than for example, you know, a lot of times people would write their content and try to hit specific density is based upon an SEO plugin like Yoast, for example, inside of a WordPress dashboard. But you would, you know, a lot of people didn’t take into consideration the fact that Yoast was only analyzing the keywords within the post body of that post or page right, so the article body of that post or page, I didn’t show you the keyword density of what the published page had, because remember, you’ve got keywords in your site header, your navigation, your main navigation menu, your sidebar, your footer, your widget, your widget areas, like those are all potential places, your images, your alt text, all of that kind of stuff it could also contain keywords. And so people would optimize their content based upon what the plugin was telling them, which was just the keyword density of the article body of that page or post.
But if you were to analyze the published page, which included all of those other elements, they were way over optimized, way over optimized. And so it was misleading. And that’s part of the reason why, way back and, you know, for many, many years, I’ve said don’t use the WordPress plugins as a way to determine, you know, especially like Yoast tells you like optimization tips, don’t do that. Don’t do that because again, it there’s a lot of things that it doesn’t take into consideration, I guess for somebody that is, you know, just a blogger doesn’t know anything about SEO or something like that. There may be some value to that but as an SEO or somebody that learning or doing SEO? Those are not I would never recommend going by those guidelines. So do you want to you guys have another tool besides SEO Centro? Because apparently, that’s broken.
Marco: Not the one I reached Oh, yeah.
Adam: And if not, then you know, definitely probably just do a search for something similar to that. So long as it’s looking at the right places. I’m sure there are several out there. But that was the one I was used to using.
Bradley: Yeah, so again, guys, our friend Google, I would just do a keyword density checker. Right. And then just scroll through some of these and see online keyword density tool, see something like that. That’s what I would check. On sem rush does it too, by the way, that’s not free, obviously. But yeah, here’s an example. Now I have not used this one. So I don’t know if it’s any good. But I like this type of SEO density or keyword density checkers over the plugins because of what I just mentioned. It will analyze the entire published page and all of the elements of that page. Make sense? So, there you go. Moving on.
How Do You Remove An Address Of A GMB Listing?
Ken Robert says Okay, can I answered you in the Facebook group but I’ll answer this for everybody else’s benefit. He says, How do I take an address off a GMB? I don’t see an option to designate it as a service area business that used to be a checkbox if it was a service business. Where is it now? Well, what you do now as a service area businesses once you get your GMB verified like if you’re doing it manually, you’ll get you know, postcard most of the time. Or if you’re purchasing it, and you get it delivered and its surface area business, but what you want to do is go into the Info tab, right, so the left-hand sidebar, you click on info, and then where the map pin icon is, which shows the address of the business. You click that to edit it and the pop-up window comes up. And then there’s a link of blue text link inside that pop up window that says clear address. You click the Clear address button and then you click save or update whatever the button says.
And then you add your service area, which is the next section underneath that where the physical address showed, that’s the next section on the Info tab that you can edit. And that’s where you set your service areas. So all you do is, like I said, you’re going to, it’s going to show your address at one until it’s verified. And if it’s a service area business, the way that you make it a service area businesses before you start adding your service areas, you go in to edit the physical address, and then you click the Clear address button, and then save it. Okay.
Is It Possible To SEO And Get Good Rankings Of A Membership Site?
Okay, Mayank is up. He says, Hey, guys, so I’m setting up a membership site where every article that I post around 25% of it would be available for reading for everybody or everyone excuse me, and the rest would be restricted so that only paid members can read the whole article. Question is, is it possible to SEO and get good rankings for such pages considering that most of the pages content is going to be restricted?
Mayank, I don’t know because I’ve never done any of that kind of stuff. Marco that’s more up your alley. Because there a way to hide this content to where Google still recognizes it. But the reader does not. Yeah,
Marco: of course there is. But it’s not something that I would share here.
Bradley: Okay. Well, there you go. I can’t help you with that. Anyways, I really don’t do that kind of stuff. So I don’t know. Yeah,
Marco: but I mean, you’re getting into it territory, right delivering one content to the search engine and, and another content to the user. But that’s cloaking. And Google doesn’t really like that. You have to be really careful when you get into shit like that. But yeah, of course, this way you can code it all the way you can code it I’ll go as far as giving you that. You can code it. So that Google is sir one set of content and the user another set of content.
Bradley: Okay. Yeah, I mean, as far as like, there’s content gates, or you know, view gates, essentially. And I think that’s what you’re talking about. Like, you know, there’s social media plugins that will do that kind of stuff, like, hide content until you like or share or something like that. But I don’t know if that hides the content from Google from seeing it or not. It obviously hides it from the user. But I would be worried, like, you know, trying to do something that just could they still see the content if they did, right click view page source, you know what I mean? So like, I don’t know, because I’ve never really looked into that Mayank. So I’m sorry, I can’t help you with that.
What Do You Recommend As An Alternative Solution To Easy Local Cash Software?
Guy says, Do you have a suggestion for replacing the easy local cast software that has been depricated? Um, yeah, he’s got an online version of it now. So guys, we’ve, I mean, we’ve shared that in several of the groups. It’s an online version. It’s, it doesn’t work quite the same. But you know, again, it’s his software, it was never ours to begin with. So does anybody have the link for that? I think it’s easy local cache something or another. We just see if I can find it for you, but just a second.
Yeah, it’s https://software.easylocalcash.com/ now maybe that’s not it. Here it is. This is its https://software.easylocalcash.com/ . That’s what it is. Guys. Again, this is not our software. So it works differently than what the desktop did. You know, Chad Kimball’s software, I understand why he did what he did it. So if you want to use this one have at it.
We are we were talking about potentially developing one ourselves, but it doesn’t look like we’re going to. So I know Peter drew as got software’s and his tool suite now that will do something very similar to that, but it’s a paid tool suite. So it’s not something that’s going to be offered for free. So, unfortunately, you’re stuck with that for now. Or you can just do you know, I mean, for example. Yeah, that’s that’s pretty much the only thing I know of right now. We talked about potentially doing it ourselves, but I don’t think we’re going to. So try that guy. See if that helps you out.
How Do You Combine Negative Keywords From Different Accounts And PPC Campaigns Into One Spreadsheet?
Alright, moving on Frankie’s up, he says, What’s up Frankie? He says, Hey guys when running multiple PPC campaigns, how do you combine all the negative keywords from different accounts and different campaigns? If you need to create a new campaign with a master negative keyword list? I can’t seem to find any tool or shortcut on how to combine all the keywords into one spreadsheet and remove all the duplicates. Can you share how to do it? Thanks, as always.
Yeah, I mean, I don’t know of any tools that will, you know, that you can connect to all of your accounts that will extract the data, but the way that I would do it is just download the negative keyword lists, which you can do from inside the AdWords or the Google Ads dashboard. And then you’re going to get a separate spreadsheet for each but then you just like literally copy and paste, you know, all into a master sheet, right? So in one of the Excel documents, or you can even do it in Google Sheets, but will be a little bit slower. If you do an Excel, then you can just copy and paste all of them into one master sheet and then just use remove duplicates. I know that’s kind of a pain in the ass because it’s manual. But you know, that’s honestly, that’s how I would do it. Also, if you’re using the Google ads, software that the desktop software, which you can download, they just updated it again. Then you can connect all of your accounts that you manage into that Google Ads desktop software, what do they call it? The Google ads, fuck.
I can’t remember the name of the software now if top my head but anyways, you can download the software, which makes it easy to do bulk edits and things like that. And then you could just it would make it easier than having to log in all of your different accounts to download that spreadsheet of your negative keyword lists. So again, it’s still a manual process, as far as I know, maybe somebody else knows to have a better solution, but I don’t. Okay.
Also, that’s part of the reason. Frankly, it’s good to have a VA because that’s something you could task a VA with, right? Even if you were the one going in and downloading all the sheets, you could send that over to a VA and by the way, I just had to hire Well, I just put a job posting on up work for an Excel nerd, like and somebody that’s an Excel specialist or a Microsoft Access specialist because I got some work that I’m doing that requires stuff that’s way above my pay grade when it comes to excel. And so I just posted a job over there for up work and you can find people you know, for 10 $12 an hour that are super proficient in that kind of stuff. So maybe they you know, you could hire somebody like that. I’m sure it would be a really quick, easy job for somebody that knows what they’re doing. Okay.
Looks like we’re almost out of questions, but that’s probably because of this stupid app. Let me refresh.
Yeah, there’s a couple cooler. Alright, cool. So um, yeah. Jay Turner. Are there any benefits to making it looks like we lost one? Maybe not. Oh, there’s Jordan Fowler posted it as To review tools com keyword density checker thanks, Jordan. I appreciate that.
I wanted to like it. Oh, shit at sign me out. Are you serious? Wow, unbelievable. Love this Facebook app guys fucking love it. All right. Well, I can’t comment anymore.
Are There Any Benefits Of Making A Canonical Of A Niche Down Content Instead Of Those That Are In Broad Topics?
So Jay Turner says, Are there any benefits to making a small blog post-canonical over to the same content on a much broader topic page with the jump link to that section being the link in the canonical tag? Yeah, I would say so. There’s some really powerful stuff. That that yes. Yeah. Just short answer. Yes. J, there is some benefit to that back.
What’s cool about that is if it’s canonical, it Google honors the canonical, then the blog post won’t actually index I mean, Google know it, but it won’t index and then you can do some pretty cool things to that blog posts, which will kind of hide your hide it from prying eyes. So yes, that’s against your answer is yes.
How Do You Rank In Google’s Knowledge Graph?
Paul Quiggle says, Hey guys, I noticed when you type in Google things to do in your town, a Knowledge Graph comes up with different types of activities. I have a client that is wanting to create a workshop style class and his city. And once organic traffic from that source, what is the best way to get included into that list? schema have to have proper schema markup. There are people that teach that kind of stuff.
You could also just try to do some extensive, you know, research throughout by just doing simple Google searches to try to find out how to do that. I don’t you know, I haven’t done any of that stuff yet. But there are. Ryan rod and he could probably do that. Right. Sure. He could. Let me see if we’ve got. Okay, so Ryan Ryan was a Mastermind member for quite some time. I don’t think he’s with us anymore, but he does a lot of schema stuff. And he may be able to help you he does it. You know, you can hire him. So he’s got schema code order. You can also hire him on as a consultant basis to kind of help you code stuff out. And you might want to even just pay him for an hour of his time to teach you how to do that. I don’t know if he’d be willing to do that. But this is somebody that I could recommend is probably would be able to help you to do that.
I know, again, as I said, some of the people that you know, some colleagues, some of the other SEO groups out there, they’re people that have taught that it’s not something I know how to do, because I have not done that. But again, it’s it all comes down to the schema. If you publish content on your site, and you mark it up properly, Google will come to use that and include it in that type of a thing. For example, a lot of times, guys, if you know,
and I’ve done training about this, questions in a question and answer posts are great for blogs. And it’s great for SEO. And how do I know that? Well, if you ask certain questions into Google, you notice right in the SERPs, there are accordion menus, like drop-down menus that have the questions with a little down arrow pointing and during groups usually, have three to five questions.
If you click on one of the questions, it reveals the answer, which is just a snippet that it pulled from one of the search results that are listed on that page. Right. And so that’s how you get included in those q amp a box is by proper markup. And there’s q amp a, by the way, schema markup for that. And in fact, Jordan Fowler was pointing out that recently in our Mastermind, but there’s, what’s cool about that is every time you click one of those questions to reveal the answer, it real it load makes that box that has the questions in it, like expand to include even more related questions. And each time you click it, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And again, all it’s doing is it’s sourcing that the answers from other web properties that have the proper markup, and that Google has determined are authoritative, in that, you know, particular topic. So, you know, that’s why I’ve talked about that being very powerful to use this blog type content, and if you can create an original answer to those times types of questions and mark it up properly, you can get included in those boxes. But even just for SEO purposes, if you go collect or scrape those questions, compile them, and then even use for curating for you and you know, you guys know probably should know that we teach to curate content because it’s the most efficient way to produce content without having to be a subject matter expert, then you can even curate those questions and answers and create blog posts that are where you group similar questions and answers. And you just link out to the content sources. Just Google gives you all that information right there and there’s q amp a boxes, right and then you can actually create an original post where you just inject a little bit of commentary in between the curated sections, and that makes great content for the blog as well as for GMB posts. So anyway, I can’t drop this link on their guys, because Facebook just blocked me for whatever reason from our own app, but schema http://schema.pro/. If that answers your question, I would go check out Ryan Ross for some help, if you want, like specific help otherwise just do some searches for how to get how to get to how to what was it a events, how to get the event schema, like event schema.org or something like that is what I would search and you could probably find some specific articles about that.
Okay. There’s a good question. In fact, I’m just curious really quickly see event schema. There is a schema.org. on that. See, this is what I was talking about these questions right here is exactly what I’m talking about. And see when you click on that, how it expands even more, it starts adding even more questions, and it’ll just keep going on and on and on. So there you go. An event rich snippet, schema creator, SEO chat tools. Look at that, right. There’s a tool for that. There are plugins, those plugins typically don’t work all that well. At least they didn’t use to, but maybe they do. Look this is event steal our JSON LD, I don’t know. But there you go. There you go. Just do a simple Google search and start doing some research. This looks like a schema markup generator for events. So you might even want to try that and see if and then go validate it, right. So fill this stuff out, copy the code, go over to the Google structured data tool, paste it in, make sure that it validates, validates, then use that code on your webpage, your event page.
Okay, something else you might want to try is let’s do. You could try this to this is Google’s own tool, the Google structured data markup helper. So again, just go to Google and search structured data markup helper, and this is Google’s own tool. And look at that, guys. There’s an event thing right there. So what you do is you put your URL in there. And then this tool will add structured data markup to a sample web page. So you can put your event page in there that you’ve already published, whether it has the code or not, and then Google’s markup helper will allow you to like highlight certain elements of the page and it will tell you how to mark it up. So like, for example, the date day and time, for example, or the location like you, you highlight that section and in Google’s markup helper tool will tell you how to mark it up correctly. So it makes sense. So again, this is Google’s own tool here. Any input on that, guys? Was that good enough?
Marco: That was perfect.
Bradley: Okay, sweet. I can’t believe they kicked me out of Facebook comments for this on during the webinar. It’s ridiculous. I don’t want to use this anymore.
All right, next one. Yeah, Scott said it’s not loading. Thanks, Scott. We got that. See? That’s again, that’s a duplicate question.
Greg’s got to do but good question. It’s a stupid app. Anyways, Jay says is there any advantage to making a or several making a or several brief blog posts cannot. Shit. That’s the same question to it just looks like it’s filled out a little bit more. Okay, I’ll answer the second part of this Jay was thinking about doing the above to drip feed and pushed out blog post content to the syndication networks in order to get the page more links from the syndication network. Yeah, that should work. Again, that’s that should work.
We might have to wrap it up, early guys. I’m tired of this app like already. I’m frustrated with it. It looks like we don’t have any more questions anyway. I’m sure it’s because people are having issues. Yeah.
I’m sorry. Go ahead. No, I mean, yeah, you’re totally right. I think that’s an issue. It’s definitely an issue because we’re getting duplicate questions. It’s just stupid. Sorry, guys. You know, we’re trying to find a better solution. Adam says that
we’re going to test next week. Yeah, got it will test it and we’ll see if it works. Okay. definitely got to do something. Okay. So Greg’s, I think even Disqus was better than this because of at least Disqus in break entirely.
Will You Still Get The Same Ranking Power Benefit If The Press Releases Via Press Advantage Are Hardly Indexed In Google?
Bradley: So Greg says using press advantage, I have noticed only around to syndicated press releases appearing in the Google index when I published Will I still get the same benefit power wise from a press release submission have hardly any of the published articles show up as being indexed in Google? Yeah. Okay. So that’s used to be, by the way, that that’s, that’s how that happened most of the time, a long time ago. And then for whatever reason, what happens is a lot of them do get indexed, but they go into what’s called the supplemental index, right? So Google will only show a handful or one or two that it determines are the most authoritative, or the original sources or whatever, and it will show those in the index and put the rest in what’s called supplemental index. For example, if you search for the title of press release or other content, and this this could happen with syndicated blog posts, for example, then you’ll see at the bottom of the search results where it’ll say Google has admitted, similar you know, similar search results, and if you click that link, it will actually open up the supplemental index and will show you all of the other places that same content was published. So Google is aware of it. And we’ve done testing that, you know, even with no indexed PB ends, for example, that will again, we don’t use PB ends anymore. But we’ve done testing. And it’s been a while since we’ve done it, but with no index PBNs. And yes, Google able, you can still give you a bump. Right. So it’s not I didn’t say D indexed, but I said no index. Right. So supplemental index links, will they still help? As far as I’m aware? Yes. Are they as powerful as those that would be indexed? All you know, in the regular index? I don’t think so. And the reason why is because Google is looking at it as almost duplicate content.
It’s not that it’s toxic, but it’s just not that is as helpful as what I’m saying. So that’s one of the things that was being addressed by quantum Newswire, which we did a promotion for recently. Because they, they specifically are using a much smaller distribution network because of that reason, they’re not they’re trying not to use as many distribution points that end up getting going into the supplemental index anyways, now that said, Greg, the local PR pro method, which was essentially PR stalking and using press releases to get local results. It’s still effective, although the method has evolved a bit. And it’s on what’s about two years old now, since we launched that course, and so I am going to update that again and probably the next two months, we’re going to launch it relaunch it with the new methods and a couple of months. Because specifically, like I said, it has evolved. You’re in the Mastermind. I’ve talked about this multiple times in the Mastermind, Greg, I know you’ve missed that webinar or where I’ve talked about it, but we have talked about that. And several occasions now over the last several weeks in the Mastermind, but it still works. The local PR method works but it has evolved slightly in that I’ve noticed in several of our members have noticed. Darrell was one of them who does a lot of PR stuff that it requires more RYS, and more Consistent PR is before it kicks in the way that it used to with just one or two or, you know, like I said, when we launched the course, I was able to get 80% results with six hours or less. In other words, 15 out of 15 properties that I tested on 12 of them, I was able to get into the maps three pack within six press releases, so six press releases or less. That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore if it’s low competition, yes, but if it’s moderately competitive, or more than it requires more press releases and more consistency as well as like I always said, I believe it requires more diversity to in that instead of just using one distribution service over and over and over, you can still get effects that way, if you’re stacking properly, and I’m not going to go over the specific method of how to stack properly right now here on a free Hump Day Hangout, because that’ll be included in the update and we can talk about that in the Mastermind all the one Greg. But if you stack properly now you still can get really, really good results with just one distribution service. But it requires specific or a different internal linking method than what was, you know, the original method, right. And so that’s really the point is, is, if you have additional distribution networks that you can use, that’s going to help with diversity, you also want to stack properly, which just means changing it up a bit. Again, I can’t go cover that specific method here. But yes, I’m still using press releases prime as my primary off-page link building, you know,
direct to money site stuff. But you know, I’m also doing a lot of powering up to our assets using our link building service, you know, the same link building service that you have access, Greg, through mg, Why be now? Right. So again, it’s about powering up specific entities. That’s what the ad ID loop is that we set up. Again, you can get that training in the Mastermind. You’ve got that Greg. I know you’ve got that. But you can build links like traditional links to that spam type links and It works really well as including some of the assets that we are able to produce using the press releases. Right? So you power those up and you can get really good results too. As far as the indexing I don’t it’s not that big of a deal it whether they’re indexed or not, why do I say that? Well, because for example, guys, syndication networks, we know syndication networks help. We could talk about that briefly too. By the way, I just recently set up a new project haven’t done any link building so I haven’t done any content marketing. All I did was set up a website, right and it was just a Click Funnels page. And then I set up on a subdomain a WordPress installation for a blog. And that blog just has the Hello World post on it still, and I updated the site, the blog site title like you know, the title tag and such but I have not done any content marketing or any link building, haven’t syndicated any posts, haven’t done anything, but I have it. It’s a specific company name. And I added it’s been about three weeks now that I’ve had that site up and again, besides the Click Funnels page, whatever
content, there’s no content at all other than the Hello World post on the blog. And for that company name, if I were to search just last week for the company name, it showed up on like page three because there’s a lot of other companies that have similar names, but it’s not the same name. And so my the site being a brand new site brand new entity was showing up but like on page like three, so way, way back. Well, I have one of our VA is build me a syndication network, for that company for that brand, because it’s like I said, it’s a new project that I’m just setting up. And they just delivered that syndication network to me on Thursday, last week, so about six days ago, well, on Monday, I went and checked and guys, again, no posting has been done no content marketing, no syndicated posts or anything. On Monday, I did a search for my company name and an incognito browser and Firefox that was clean, and boom, number one for that company name. Now, granted, I was searching for the company name, but it was on page three, four.
about two and a half, three weeks. And then all we did was create a syndication network and it in it. As Marco always talks about solidified are validated by the entity. And now it’s showing is number one for that brand search. So it just goes to show you that the syndication networks, although is a specific SEO tool for syndicating posts is not as effective as it used to be five years ago, right? That makes sense. But it’s still every bit as effective and as critical as important because of what it does for validating the entity. And so the reason I brought that up was that the same thing goes with syndicating posts, most weed for years. And Greg, you should know this because you’ve been with part of the Mastermind for years. For years, people have asked, Well, I’m not seeing my syndicated post URLs being indexed. I can’t find them in the index. So this is useless. And I’ve said for years. No, that’s not true. Because whether they’re indexed or not, it doesn’t mean they’re useless. Google knows they’re there. And how do I know that Google knows or that well if your site is connected to search console,
And you go look at links to your site in Search Console, you’ll see WordPress and blogger and Tumblr and delicious and well not so much more delicious anymore. But Diigo and all of the different sites that were in your syndication network, you’ll see that they are listed and links to your site. And they’ll show how many posts Google was aware of that are linking back to your site. So whether they’re in the index or not, Google knows they’re there, and it’s counting them as links to your site. Does that make sense? So we know that they’re powerful, regardless, if as long as Google knows they’re there. Yes, there is some benefit to having indexed links. There’s no doubt. But there is still some benefit from non-index links to as long as they’re not deindexed sites. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. I’ve been talking about art and the art of art. Seems like forever now, at least a couple of years ever since I saw that the distance grab, and what school was doing as far as a websites and how it was taking a look at the entity and related everything to the entities to what it was gauging is trusted authority How many people do you trust? And basically how many trusts you not people but websites and and what is the trust and authority of those websites that are linking to yours. And it’s measuring that distance from seed sites and seat sets. I mean, I talked about this forever. I got tired of talking about because nobody would listen. Maybe they’ll start listening now, the that I mean, we can completely see how Google, it wants the entity. It wants to brand. It does not like ambiguity. And ambiguity simply means that there are two things on the web. That could be and I’ll give you a perfect example of ambiguity. You know, DC Glenn from tag team, right? Well, taxing can also mean a tag team and wrestling. And that’s what he’s been having to deal with it as far as ambiguity when people search. Which tag team are you referring to? So when you do a search for tag team, actually, Google gives you two options. Are you looking for tag team and wrestling? Or are you looking for tag team, the hip hop, or poor? Google doesn’t like ambiguity. It does not like to terms to be related to the same thing. And so what we have to do with this,
first of all, don’t create ambiguity. And if you do, you have to disambiguate fuck a $100 word for something so simple as make it clear to Google. What your entity is, bind everything to your entity, right? It’s verification, it’s validation, and then solidification. That’s what you have to do. And it just so happens that our syndication networks are some of the best tools out there for accomplishing this.
But not only that, what I recommend is you take every
Everything and you put that into a drive stack, take all of your URLs in the place where they go into dr stack. And then when you do the press of the stack, you drop a link into that Dr stack. And then when you go and do your link building, your link building follows your press releases press one press of these two, and so on so that you’re incrementally link building on to the last one. And then the last one, you hit hard, so that everything just shoots through that live stream. And I’m going to tell you right now there’s absolutely nothing better for creating relevance, which is the other part of art right activity, relevance, trust, and authority. Just an authority we get from all of the link building and everything else.
But creating everything in that drive stack and then getting dead yet to do his magic. That’s like I don’t know how he does it. And I don’t care. He just knows he’s been doing it for years. He knows what works. So I I’m not going to
Tell him what to do because he’s the master. But guy seriously, man, this works like gangbusters. And then on top of that, to really put that put like the cherry on top. You put some
traffic into it some Google traffic. And that’s when it really comes home man. That’s when everything really binds together and it because then it’s people telling Google Yeah, this is the entity that I was actually looking for, which is one of the things that I’m working with DC Glenn on right on on his entity. It’s already validated. Now it has to be disambiguate it from tireless, it’s tough, right? Because a lot of people look for that. Protect team and wrestling rather than tag team that we just have to get enough people to look at tag team, the hip hop group to disambiguate. But anyway, a long winded answer to Yes, syndication networks work for the entity but so
does everything else that we recommend in our battle plan by the battle plan is there for a reason we follow it and we’ve given you a step by step process on what it is that you need to do. Now some of it will take multiple attempts so that you can push your keyword to where you want it to be are you can hit the map pack or you can hit the Knowledge Graph UI you get rid of three pack become the Knowledge Graph for that keyword term. This this tons of things that you could do when you’re pushing power, but it takes pushing the right amount of power in the right places. I said my piece
Bradley: very good. Facebook just completely locked me out of my fucking account. Unbelievable. I was just looking at my phone while you’re talking. It’s like this is twice now in two days. I don’t understand. Are you guys all experienced in that shit to if not I got I got locked out of Facebook till Yes. Unbelievable. Adam did to like what the fuck? I hate Facebook.
Anyways, Alright guys, I’m going to wrap it up because I’m tired of this already. This is really being stupid. By the way, Clint, thank you for posting that link since I’m unable to do it.
But yeah, we’ll see you guys next week. Thanks for being here. Any any other words guys know your comment system for everyone to test out next week? Yeah, definitely.
Alright guys, we’ll see you next week. Thanks.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231
Click on the video above to watch Episode 231 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey welcome everybody world. Little bit of feedback there. All right, now that we’ve got this screaming howling mechanical sounds out of the way, let’s welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts is Episode 231. Today’s the 10th of April 2019. Thanks for joining us live if you’re here live if not, you’re catching the replay. Thanks for watching. And if you’re watching somewhere else, you can always go to Semantic Mastery comm slash HD questions to get your questions answered. You can ask them live you can ask them ahead of time just ask your questions and we’ll get to them. So before we dive into some more announcements and get into the questions, I’m going to say hi to everybody real quick. Let’s start on the left with Chris, How you doing?
Chris: Doing good. just picking up the bags here leaving the city
Adam: very nice. What Where are you going Chris?
Chris: Indonesia. Yeah, that’s awesome.
Adam: Have a good trip, man.
Chris: Thank you.
Chris: Oh, can’t wait actually am and I actually from what I heard I’m gonna meet one or two of the Semantic Mastery people there. So, we’ll see.
Adam: Well yeah if you’re going or in Indonesia then hit Chris up and chat him up while you’re there. Hernan, how you doing?
Hernan: Great, man. Excited to be here. Some really cool stuff coming up so doing good. That’s good.
Adam: Good deal. Do you have a Semantic Mastery shirt on or is that not
Hernan: oh no I might. Yeah.
Adam: Marco, how you doing man?
Marco: I’m good man. What’s up?
Adam: can’t complain. It’s a nice day here.
Marco: I can’t say it’s sunny anymore. Ah rainy season just kicked in like today. It’s storming outside
Adam: and it probably would still like 65, 70?
Marco: oh yeah between 70 and 80 somewhere around there. That’s all year.
Adam: Oh man.
Marco: Things are good. I’ve been deep in the lab by the way. I’m cooking up some some monster shit. As I said last time, I’m about to turn the SEO world on its ear once again. So it’s time and it’s been about four years and RYS Academy Reloaded. Wouldn’t it be like wicked if August of 2019 something were to happen? I’m just saying.
Adam: Gotcha. I’m sorry, I got distracted by her non sending me chats in Slack. So sorry about that.
Hernan: There’s something I’m sorry, I just want to say that I just got my account. Also. blog. So there might be something funky going on with the Facebook comments, so I don’t know.
Bradley: Super shit. Really?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: So time to move on then. So that’s the third person so yeah, live will try to figure this out on that Wolfgang, right
Bradley: for those of you that while I was gonna say those of you that are getting your accounts blocked, leave a message. Message us. State that you’re also getting screwed by Facebook but you won’t be able to now will you? I had my account mysteriously yesterday I was I wasn’t even doing anything. I just had Facebook open and it said it prompted me that I noticed suspicious activity I won’t even doing anything. And it said, you know, you must verify re verify your account, which I had to do. Apparently Adam’s got blocked now, or Hernan’s got blocked. So I don’t know the Facebook gods are mad right now apparently. And they are I’m already in like.
Hernan: I am back on I did some security check in and I’m in. But yeah, I don’t know we might need to start sending us note let you know. Something you know for the comments who will send that over to Bradley’s house. They go read them.
Adam: I’ll send out postcards the week before and then just shoot them over.
Bradley: Got just mailing your questions.
Adam: All right. Well, last but not least, Bradley, how you doing man?
Bradley: I’m good, man. Happy to be here. We got a lot of stuff coming up. So couple things that I would like to talk about very quickly before we get into questions is the video lead gen system training is being updated. I spent a lot of time on it this week already just kind of organizing and recording videos and updating the slides and all that stuff for the 2019 update. And for kind of the more streamlined process that I’ve developed for it, which makes it a lot easier, a lot more efficient. And a lot of it can be outsourced. And it’s working really well, I’ve been able to get a lot of good conversations going with prospects. And it can be applied for monetizing lead gen assets, as well as for client outreach. Like if you just want to do so traditional agency marketing services, it works really well. And it’s a hell of a lot more efficient than what the original method was that I used that worked incredibly well, but there was a lot of wasted time. And I talked about this a lot in the training. But you know, for every 10 video emails that I used to send out, I would get three to four responses like clockwork every damn time.
But the videos that I would record, I would just go find prospects, you know, from doing research online that I wanted to work with. And then I would just do and a lot of you that have been through the training or have heard me talk about it in the past, I would do like a video audit of their digital presence and explain how they were missing opportunities. You don’t ever criticize, but you do talk about like, Hey, you did good here. This is nice, but you’re missing out on opportunities because of this, this, this and this.
And typically, my video audits would be about 10 to 15 minutes long. So, you can imagine if you’re doing 10 of those, and it takes a little bit of time to find the prospect that you’re going to audit and then to record the video and then you know, kind of wind down and go to the next one. You know, it would take two and a half, three hours to record 10 videos of 15 minutes each, you know, every easy two and a half to three hours. And if only three or four of them would respond then there was six or seven of them that we would record or I would record that we’re not being seen or not being replied to period. So it was wasted effort. And so I kind of went back to the drawing board this year to determine how you know, to fix that, to solve that to make it more efficient, because that’s what we try to we try to teach you guys just to be more efficient. So this newer method is so so much more efficient, and it’s so much easier. And I’ve even learned some things along the way, since I’ve been testing this newer method that originally I’d set out to do one particular way, and thinking, Oh, this is going to be so much more efficient, and it certainly was, but then I found there was still ways to make that even more efficient. And I talked about that in the training. And it’s just a much more efficient process now, especially because you can have a VA do a lot of the heavy lifting type stuff so that you don’t have to be doing that yourself.
And so now to do 15 or 20 videos, you know, specific prospecting videos can literally be done in an hour’s time, which that might sound impossible but the way that I’m doing it now is it makes it to where it’s so many faster. And the other part of that is I’ve learned to not actually record the specific prospect videos until we get a positive reply or get a dialogue going with them. So it’s a much it now there’s no wasted effort on actually creating the videos for a prospect until you’ve actually got their permission essentially, to send them a video. And so I can’t reveal all that here, obviously, guys, but that’s coming out in two weeks from today, really? Or yesterday, I guess we’re going to be launching that again. So be on the lookout for that those of you that are doing lead gen stuff or client work and you want a more effective way to outreach for prospecting, this is definitely going to help you it’s it’s how I really built my agency to begin with.
Adam: Yeah, hundred percent recommend you checking that out. And it works across industries, different areas. I mean that that’s an incredible result. I’ve talked about this before. I think Bradley when you mentioned it, you know, you nonchalantly say, Yeah, I get you know, three or four responses out of 10 emails. And for anyone who’s done this you know that that just blows anything else out of the water. Most cold emailing people are getting like literally 1% maybe of like positive responses so to be getting 30 to 40% is just insane so good stuff. I’ve done it. I’ve learned a lot from the way Bradley does it and added up some bells and whistles on the way I like it but man if you’re not already using this stuff, definitely keep your eyes and ears open for the Video Lead Gen System update.
Bradley: Cool. Sorry. We had as far as announcements that I’m aware of is we have some new services available and MGYB. Marco you want to chat about what we’ve got available right now.
Marco: We’ve got basically everything available right when an edit link building indexing and beds were adding a while it but it said know that that’s still only available to the Mastermind isn’t that the done for you, GMB services, it will be rolled out
Bradley: But yes, yes, right now that’s just the Mastermind. We’re doing several different off page GMB services that are done for you now, but our team, our methods that are it’s our team doing our methods to our specifications, and we’ve got an overall off page package. And then we’ve got each component of that overall off page package separated out that can be purchased as individual services, for those of you that don’t need everything, but just need parts of it. And so, we’re rolling. we’ve rolled that out to our Mastermind, now we’re getting all of the fulfillment and delivery smooth, you know, process moved out. And as soon as we’re done with that, we’re going to offer it to you guys publicly in MGYB be as well.
Bradley: So that was it.? We’re good.
Adam: Yeah, pretty much. Just want to tell everyone you know, if you’re joining us live, that’s great. This is the place to be if you’ve got questions, like I said, you can ask live you can ask ahead of time, if you can’t make it live, whether you got a call, client call, busy, you’re working, whatever. That’s one way to do it. And the place to start is also at battleplan.semanticmastery.com that’s where you want to get some excuse me repeatable results and a lot of various you want to dive deeper into stuff like keyword research, how to work with age domains, new domains, all that and a whole lot more and if you’re ready to start or you want to grow your existing local digital marketing agency come join us in the Semantic Mastery Mastermind and we made that of course nice and easy to find that’s at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. and like Bradley, Marco were just mentioning it over to mygb.co for your done for you solutions.
Marco: We still have the syndication Academy networks we still have the ROI is reloaded everything up to Semantic Mastery standards. We have we’ve what we’ve done is we’ve brought everything under our own roof right under our control so that it can be kept up to our specifications and our standards. It’s what we use. And you guys if you’ve seen the stuff that we do and and just go to the groups I mean, that’s. Take a shot, there’s a money back guarantee anyway, by the way, on joining any any of the groups, right? join the group. So take advantage of one of the special ops and you can get in for $1 for seven days and ask the people who are in the group. Don’t listen to me, right? Don’t listen to me. Because Marco is full of shit. It doesn’t know what the fuck you talking about? Fine. Go to our groups and as a who in here is getting results. And you’re going to see that that people will start chiming and some of them will keep quiet, but I know who’s getting results, right because I talked to them on a regular basis. But guys, it’s what we do on a day to day basis what we use, we just go to our store, why else would we set it up? If we don’t use it with that we’re known for drinking our own Kool Aid, right? That’s who we are. So it’s mgyb.co anything and everything that you need to just kill it on the web is right there. And besides, if it join one of the groups the higher you go up the ladder, the closer you get to us and you know just us being with you every step of the way and trying to help you go ahead and get to where you want to be to
Bradley: okay cool
Hernan: Bradley before we jump in. If you got a copy of the Battle Plan if you haven’t go get it but if you do, we updated the links is inside the battle plan so that now when you click on the link building side of things and everything, it should take you to, you know, to enjoy be and the different packages so we updated that last week. So.
Bradley: Alright, so it looks apparently because we’re gonna have to do something about this is this. Obviously, questions are getting duplicated. And you know, I don’t know if it sets the stupid Facebook app or what but anyway.
Adam: replacement hunted down. We’re going to test it out in the coming week.
Bradley: Okay, cool. Cuz I’m seeing questions posted twice for a couple of people and there ought to be more questions in this room. Now I’m assuming it’s um, anyways, let’s move on.
Is It Okay To Create A New IFTTT Ring For An Account That Had Social Media Accounts We No Longer Have Access With?
Jeff’s up. First, he says I would like to use IFTTT for an account that has social accounts created by another SEO agency, we no longer have access to those properties. Is it okay to create a new ring? Yeah, it is, if you can’t, the only thing sucks is obviously if you had the cherry subdomains, for all the different accounts that you know, that was your brand names for that company, you’re going to have to modify it slightly, which kind of sucks, but it is what it is. If you can’t access those properties, then yeah, absolutely. Just create another ring. You know, set up a new set of accounts with a slightly modified version of the username for each one of the accounts so that you can at least make it still as very much close to the brand is as possible. You know, we’ve had to do that. For example. You know, for like a tree service company that has Tree Service in the name like we I’ve had to have it changed to tree services or Tree Service, Inc. or Tree Service CO, like SEO for a company, you know or something like that. And that may be what you have to do.
You know, you could also potentially work depending on what kind of business it is you could potentially work in as a location name, like the city name, and as well as the company name, or even a product or service that the company, whatever their primary product or services, perhaps work one of those words in along with the brand name so that there’s that association made. But yes, you can do that. Again, it’s if you can’t access those existing accounts, what else could you do, really, except create a new rank? So yes, absolutely. You can do that Jeff.
What Is The Best Keyword Density Analyzer Tool?
Kevin says what is the best keyword density analyzer tool? Um, well, honestly, that what I’ve used, Kevin, that’s a good question, all I’ve ever used, which I really don’t worry about keyword density so much anymore, except for if I’m reading through a piece of content that I had written. If I feel like there are too many uses of a keyword, I’m worried about over density. I don’t really worry so much about hitting specific numbers for keyword density anymore. We used to worry about that. But the algorithm is so much more advanced now. Google understands natural language patterns. And, you know, in natural language, excuse me so much better now that it’s really unnecessary to try to hit specific keyword densities. If the content is written well, Google will understand what the content is about, regardless of repeating certain keywords over and over again, right.
And so I don’t really worry about keyword density at all anymore unless I feel like a keyword is overused and a piece of content at which point I will test it. And there’s a tool that I’ve been using for years now since one of the I think maybe panda three or panda for it was around 2014 where I really started using this at the time because back then we did try to hit certain keywords density numbers. Right and there? Well, I think it was panda three or what panda four or one of those in that timeframe. And I don’t know why it’s being so slow.
The site might be having an issue. seocentro.com. Yeah, apparently. That’s great. So now, there’s no connection. Are you guys still hear me?
Marco: I’m still here. Yeah.
Bradley: I just want to make sure it wasn’t the internet, my internet that was screwing up. But ok. So I was going to show this to you. But SEO center. com. That’s what I’ve been used. I had been using, like I said, back around 2013 or 14 ish. We had a we had tried to hit specific numbers. And then all of a sudden one of the panda updates caused a lot of the sites that I had built like lead gen sites and client sites to drop down in the rankings, not nuts. I didn’t get penalized, but I dropped you know, a page 1015 spots somewhere around there. And so after consulting with some of the, you know, people, my colleagues and such
I found that there was another magic number, and it was trying to keep your density under a specific threshold and at the time it was 2% for two-word keywords. Now I’m sorry for one-word keywords It was 2% try to stay under 2% try to stay under 1% for two word keywords and try to stand or point 2% for three words, keyword phrases. And so SEO Sentra which apparently is a broken site right now. Yeah, for whatever reason, it’s not loading right now guys. So it might be it’s,
Marco: it’s down for every one I check.
Okay, well, that was the only tool that I would use. And there was a keyword density checker on that it was one of the tools of SEO Central. And again, I haven’t used it in months and probably even a year if that but there was a keyword density where you would just take the Publish page that you wanted to check and you would add, you know, put it into the search field or whatever and hit go and it would analyze the entire page and it would show you the words and one word, two words and three words, the phrases that it determined were keywords. And so it would get a lot of random stuff in there. That didn’t make sense. But it would show you the percentages. And that was a good tool for it.
And the reason why I liked that tool. Now, obviously, it looks like we might have to find another one. But you could probably do some searches and find one. The reason I like that tool better than for example, you know, a lot of times people would write their content and try to hit specific density is based upon an SEO plugin like Yoast, for example, inside of a WordPress dashboard. But you would, you know, a lot of people didn’t take into consideration the fact that Yoast was only analyzing the keywords within the post body of that post or page right, so the article body of that post or page, I didn’t show you the keyword density of what the published page had, because remember, you’ve got keywords in your site header, your navigation, your main navigation menu, your sidebar, your footer, your widget, your widget areas, like those are all potential places, your images, your alt text, all of that kind of stuff it could also contain keywords. And so people would optimize their content based upon what the plugin was telling them, which was just the keyword density of the article body of that page or post.
But if you were to analyze the published page, which included all of those other elements, they were way over optimized, way over optimized. And so it was misleading. And that’s part of the reason why, way back and, you know, for many, many years, I’ve said don’t use the WordPress plugins as a way to determine, you know, especially like Yoast tells you like optimization tips, don’t do that. Don’t do that because again, it there’s a lot of things that it doesn’t take into consideration, I guess for somebody that is, you know, just a blogger doesn’t know anything about SEO or something like that. There may be some value to that but as an SEO or somebody that learning or doing SEO? Those are not I would never recommend going by those guidelines. So do you want to you guys have another tool besides SEO Centro? Because apparently, that’s broken.
Marco: Not the one I reached Oh, yeah.
Adam: And if not, then you know, definitely probably just do a search for something similar to that. So long as it’s looking at the right places. I’m sure there are several out there. But that was the one I was used to using.
Bradley: Yeah, so again, guys, our friend Google, I would just do a keyword density checker. Right. And then just scroll through some of these and see online keyword density tool, see something like that. That’s what I would check. On sem rush does it too, by the way, that’s not free, obviously. But yeah, here’s an example. Now I have not used this one. So I don’t know if it’s any good. But I like this type of SEO density or keyword density checkers over the plugins because of what I just mentioned. It will analyze the entire published page and all of the elements of that page. Make sense? So, there you go. Moving on.
How Do You Remove An Address Of A GMB Listing?
Ken Robert says Okay, can I answered you in the Facebook group but I’ll answer this for everybody else’s benefit. He says, How do I take an address off a GMB? I don’t see an option to designate it as a service area business that used to be a checkbox if it was a service business. Where is it now? Well, what you do now as a service area businesses once you get your GMB verified like if you’re doing it manually, you’ll get you know, postcard most of the time. Or if you’re purchasing it, and you get it delivered and its surface area business, but what you want to do is go into the Info tab, right, so the left-hand sidebar, you click on info, and then where the map pin icon is, which shows the address of the business. You click that to edit it and the pop-up window comes up. And then there’s a link of blue text link inside that pop up window that says clear address. You click the Clear address button and then you click save or update whatever the button says.
And then you add your service area, which is the next section underneath that where the physical address showed, that’s the next section on the Info tab that you can edit. And that’s where you set your service areas. So all you do is, like I said, you’re going to, it’s going to show your address at one until it’s verified. And if it’s a service area business, the way that you make it a service area businesses before you start adding your service areas, you go in to edit the physical address, and then you click the Clear address button, and then save it. Okay.
Is It Possible To SEO And Get Good Rankings Of A Membership Site?
Okay, Mayank is up. He says, Hey, guys, so I’m setting up a membership site where every article that I post around 25% of it would be available for reading for everybody or everyone excuse me, and the rest would be restricted so that only paid members can read the whole article. Question is, is it possible to SEO and get good rankings for such pages considering that most of the pages content is going to be restricted?
Mayank, I don’t know because I’ve never done any of that kind of stuff. Marco that’s more up your alley. Because there a way to hide this content to where Google still recognizes it. But the reader does not. Yeah,
Marco: of course there is. But it’s not something that I would share here.
Bradley: Okay. Well, there you go. I can’t help you with that. Anyways, I really don’t do that kind of stuff. So I don’t know. Yeah,
Marco: but I mean, you’re getting into it territory, right delivering one content to the search engine and, and another content to the user. But that’s cloaking. And Google doesn’t really like that. You have to be really careful when you get into shit like that. But yeah, of course, this way you can code it all the way you can code it I’ll go as far as giving you that. You can code it. So that Google is sir one set of content and the user another set of content.
Bradley: Okay. Yeah, I mean, as far as like, there’s content gates, or you know, view gates, essentially. And I think that’s what you’re talking about. Like, you know, there’s social media plugins that will do that kind of stuff, like, hide content until you like or share or something like that. But I don’t know if that hides the content from Google from seeing it or not. It obviously hides it from the user. But I would be worried, like, you know, trying to do something that just could they still see the content if they did, right click view page source, you know what I mean? So like, I don’t know, because I’ve never really looked into that Mayank. So I’m sorry, I can’t help you with that.
What Do You Recommend As An Alternative Solution To Easy Local Cash Software?
Guy says, Do you have a suggestion for replacing the easy local cast software that has been depricated? Um, yeah, he’s got an online version of it now. So guys, we’ve, I mean, we’ve shared that in several of the groups. It’s an online version. It’s, it doesn’t work quite the same. But you know, again, it’s his software, it was never ours to begin with. So does anybody have the link for that? I think it’s easy local cache something or another. We just see if I can find it for you, but just a second.
Yeah, it’s https://software.easylocalcash.com/ now maybe that’s not it. Here it is. This is its https://software.easylocalcash.com/ . That’s what it is. Guys. Again, this is not our software. So it works differently than what the desktop did. You know, Chad Kimball’s software, I understand why he did what he did it. So if you want to use this one have at it.
We are we were talking about potentially developing one ourselves, but it doesn’t look like we’re going to. So I know Peter drew as got software’s and his tool suite now that will do something very similar to that, but it’s a paid tool suite. So it’s not something that’s going to be offered for free. So, unfortunately, you’re stuck with that for now. Or you can just do you know, I mean, for example. Yeah, that’s that’s pretty much the only thing I know of right now. We talked about potentially doing it ourselves, but I don’t think we’re going to. So try that guy. See if that helps you out.
How Do You Combine Negative Keywords From Different Accounts And PPC Campaigns Into One Spreadsheet?
Alright, moving on Frankie’s up, he says, What’s up Frankie? He says, Hey guys when running multiple PPC campaigns, how do you combine all the negative keywords from different accounts and different campaigns? If you need to create a new campaign with a master negative keyword list? I can’t seem to find any tool or shortcut on how to combine all the keywords into one spreadsheet and remove all the duplicates. Can you share how to do it? Thanks, as always.
Yeah, I mean, I don’t know of any tools that will, you know, that you can connect to all of your accounts that will extract the data, but the way that I would do it is just download the negative keyword lists, which you can do from inside the AdWords or the Google Ads dashboard. And then you’re going to get a separate spreadsheet for each but then you just like literally copy and paste, you know, all into a master sheet, right? So in one of the Excel documents, or you can even do it in Google Sheets, but will be a little bit slower. If you do an Excel, then you can just copy and paste all of them into one master sheet and then just use remove duplicates. I know that’s kind of a pain in the ass because it’s manual. But you know, that’s honestly, that’s how I would do it. Also, if you’re using the Google ads, software that the desktop software, which you can download, they just updated it again. Then you can connect all of your accounts that you manage into that Google Ads desktop software, what do they call it? The Google ads, fuck.
I can’t remember the name of the software now if top my head but anyways, you can download the software, which makes it easy to do bulk edits and things like that. And then you could just it would make it easier than having to log in all of your different accounts to download that spreadsheet of your negative keyword lists. So again, it’s still a manual process, as far as I know, maybe somebody else knows to have a better solution, but I don’t. Okay.
Also, that’s part of the reason. Frankly, it’s good to have a VA because that’s something you could task a VA with, right? Even if you were the one going in and downloading all the sheets, you could send that over to a VA and by the way, I just had to hire Well, I just put a job posting on up work for an Excel nerd, like and somebody that’s an Excel specialist or a Microsoft Access specialist because I got some work that I’m doing that requires stuff that’s way above my pay grade when it comes to excel. And so I just posted a job over there for up work and you can find people you know, for 10 $12 an hour that are super proficient in that kind of stuff. So maybe they you know, you could hire somebody like that. I’m sure it would be a really quick, easy job for somebody that knows what they’re doing. Okay.
Looks like we’re almost out of questions, but that’s probably because of this stupid app. Let me refresh.
Yeah, there’s a couple cooler. Alright, cool. So um, yeah. Jay Turner. Are there any benefits to making it looks like we lost one? Maybe not. Oh, there’s Jordan Fowler posted it as To review tools com keyword density checker thanks, Jordan. I appreciate that.
I wanted to like it. Oh, shit at sign me out. Are you serious? Wow, unbelievable. Love this Facebook app guys fucking love it. All right. Well, I can’t comment anymore.
Are There Any Benefits Of Making A Canonical Of A Niche Down Content Instead Of Those That Are In Broad Topics?
So Jay Turner says, Are there any benefits to making a small blog post-canonical over to the same content on a much broader topic page with the jump link to that section being the link in the canonical tag? Yeah, I would say so. There’s some really powerful stuff. That that yes. Yeah. Just short answer. Yes. J, there is some benefit to that back.
What’s cool about that is if it’s canonical, it Google honors the canonical, then the blog post won’t actually index I mean, Google know it, but it won’t index and then you can do some pretty cool things to that blog posts, which will kind of hide your hide it from prying eyes. So yes, that’s against your answer is yes.
How Do You Rank In Google’s Knowledge Graph?
Paul Quiggle says, Hey guys, I noticed when you type in Google things to do in your town, a Knowledge Graph comes up with different types of activities. I have a client that is wanting to create a workshop style class and his city. And once organic traffic from that source, what is the best way to get included into that list? schema have to have proper schema markup. There are people that teach that kind of stuff.
You could also just try to do some extensive, you know, research throughout by just doing simple Google searches to try to find out how to do that. I don’t you know, I haven’t done any of that stuff yet. But there are. Ryan rod and he could probably do that. Right. Sure. He could. Let me see if we’ve got. Okay, so Ryan Ryan was a Mastermind member for quite some time. I don’t think he’s with us anymore, but he does a lot of schema stuff. And he may be able to help you he does it. You know, you can hire him. So he’s got schema code order. You can also hire him on as a consultant basis to kind of help you code stuff out. And you might want to even just pay him for an hour of his time to teach you how to do that. I don’t know if he’d be willing to do that. But this is somebody that I could recommend is probably would be able to help you to do that.
I know, again, as I said, some of the people that you know, some colleagues, some of the other SEO groups out there, they’re people that have taught that it’s not something I know how to do, because I have not done that. But again, it’s it all comes down to the schema. If you publish content on your site, and you mark it up properly, Google will come to use that and include it in that type of a thing. For example, a lot of times, guys, if you know,
and I’ve done training about this, questions in a question and answer posts are great for blogs. And it’s great for SEO. And how do I know that? Well, if you ask certain questions into Google, you notice right in the SERPs, there are accordion menus, like drop-down menus that have the questions with a little down arrow pointing and during groups usually, have three to five questions.
If you click on one of the questions, it reveals the answer, which is just a snippet that it pulled from one of the search results that are listed on that page. Right. And so that’s how you get included in those q amp a box is by proper markup. And there’s q amp a, by the way, schema markup for that. And in fact, Jordan Fowler was pointing out that recently in our Mastermind, but there’s, what’s cool about that is every time you click one of those questions to reveal the answer, it real it load makes that box that has the questions in it, like expand to include even more related questions. And each time you click it, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And again, all it’s doing is it’s sourcing that the answers from other web properties that have the proper markup, and that Google has determined are authoritative, in that, you know, particular topic. So, you know, that’s why I’ve talked about that being very powerful to use this blog type content, and if you can create an original answer to those times types of questions and mark it up properly, you can get included in those boxes. But even just for SEO purposes, if you go collect or scrape those questions, compile them, and then even use for curating for you and you know, you guys know probably should know that we teach to curate content because it’s the most efficient way to produce content without having to be a subject matter expert, then you can even curate those questions and answers and create blog posts that are where you group similar questions and answers. And you just link out to the content sources. Just Google gives you all that information right there and there’s q amp a boxes, right and then you can actually create an original post where you just inject a little bit of commentary in between the curated sections, and that makes great content for the blog as well as for GMB posts. So anyway, I can’t drop this link on their guys, because Facebook just blocked me for whatever reason from our own app, but schema http://schema.pro/. If that answers your question, I would go check out Ryan Ross for some help, if you want, like specific help otherwise just do some searches for how to get how to get to how to what was it a events, how to get the event schema, like event schema.org or something like that is what I would search and you could probably find some specific articles about that.
Okay. There’s a good question. In fact, I’m just curious really quickly see event schema. There is a schema.org. on that. See, this is what I was talking about these questions right here is exactly what I’m talking about. And see when you click on that, how it expands even more, it starts adding even more questions, and it’ll just keep going on and on and on. So there you go. An event rich snippet, schema creator, SEO chat tools. Look at that, right. There’s a tool for that. There are plugins, those plugins typically don’t work all that well. At least they didn’t use to, but maybe they do. Look this is event steal our JSON LD, I don’t know. But there you go. There you go. Just do a simple Google search and start doing some research. This looks like a schema markup generator for events. So you might even want to try that and see if and then go validate it, right. So fill this stuff out, copy the code, go over to the Google structured data tool, paste it in, make sure that it validates, validates, then use that code on your webpage, your event page.
Okay, something else you might want to try is let’s do. You could try this to this is Google’s own tool, the Google structured data markup helper. So again, just go to Google and search structured data markup helper, and this is Google’s own tool. And look at that, guys. There’s an event thing right there. So what you do is you put your URL in there. And then this tool will add structured data markup to a sample web page. So you can put your event page in there that you’ve already published, whether it has the code or not, and then Google’s markup helper will allow you to like highlight certain elements of the page and it will tell you how to mark it up. So like, for example, the date day and time, for example, or the location like you, you highlight that section and in Google’s markup helper tool will tell you how to mark it up correctly. So it makes sense. So again, this is Google’s own tool here. Any input on that, guys? Was that good enough?
Marco: That was perfect.
Bradley: Okay, sweet. I can’t believe they kicked me out of Facebook comments for this on during the webinar. It’s ridiculous. I don’t want to use this anymore.
All right, next one. Yeah, Scott said it’s not loading. Thanks, Scott. We got that. See? That’s again, that’s a duplicate question.
Greg’s got to do but good question. It’s a stupid app. Anyways, Jay says is there any advantage to making a or several making a or several brief blog posts cannot. Shit. That’s the same question to it just looks like it’s filled out a little bit more. Okay, I’ll answer the second part of this Jay was thinking about doing the above to drip feed and pushed out blog post content to the syndication networks in order to get the page more links from the syndication network. Yeah, that should work. Again, that’s that should work.
We might have to wrap it up, early guys. I’m tired of this app like already. I’m frustrated with it. It looks like we don’t have any more questions anyway. I’m sure it’s because people are having issues. Yeah.
I’m sorry. Go ahead. No, I mean, yeah, you’re totally right. I think that’s an issue. It’s definitely an issue because we’re getting duplicate questions. It’s just stupid. Sorry, guys. You know, we’re trying to find a better solution. Adam says that
we’re going to test next week. Yeah, got it will test it and we’ll see if it works. Okay. definitely got to do something. Okay. So Greg’s, I think even Disqus was better than this because of at least Disqus in break entirely.
Will You Still Get The Same Ranking Power Benefit If The Press Releases Via Press Advantage Are Hardly Indexed In Google?
Bradley: So Greg says using press advantage, I have noticed only around to syndicated press releases appearing in the Google index when I published Will I still get the same benefit power wise from a press release submission have hardly any of the published articles show up as being indexed in Google? Yeah. Okay. So that’s used to be, by the way, that that’s, that’s how that happened most of the time, a long time ago. And then for whatever reason, what happens is a lot of them do get indexed, but they go into what’s called the supplemental index, right? So Google will only show a handful or one or two that it determines are the most authoritative, or the original sources or whatever, and it will show those in the index and put the rest in what’s called supplemental index. For example, if you search for the title of press release or other content, and this this could happen with syndicated blog posts, for example, then you’ll see at the bottom of the search results where it’ll say Google has admitted, similar you know, similar search results, and if you click that link, it will actually open up the supplemental index and will show you all of the other places that same content was published. So Google is aware of it. And we’ve done testing that, you know, even with no indexed PB ends, for example, that will again, we don’t use PB ends anymore. But we’ve done testing. And it’s been a while since we’ve done it, but with no index PBNs. And yes, Google able, you can still give you a bump. Right. So it’s not I didn’t say D indexed, but I said no index. Right. So supplemental index links, will they still help? As far as I’m aware? Yes. Are they as powerful as those that would be indexed? All you know, in the regular index? I don’t think so. And the reason why is because Google is looking at it as almost duplicate content.
It’s not that it’s toxic, but it’s just not that is as helpful as what I’m saying. So that’s one of the things that was being addressed by quantum Newswire, which we did a promotion for recently. Because they, they specifically are using a much smaller distribution network because of that reason, they’re not they’re trying not to use as many distribution points that end up getting going into the supplemental index anyways, now that said, Greg, the local PR pro method, which was essentially PR stalking and using press releases to get local results. It’s still effective, although the method has evolved a bit. And it’s on what’s about two years old now, since we launched that course, and so I am going to update that again and probably the next two months, we’re going to launch it relaunch it with the new methods and a couple of months. Because specifically, like I said, it has evolved. You’re in the Mastermind. I’ve talked about this multiple times in the Mastermind, Greg, I know you’ve missed that webinar or where I’ve talked about it, but we have talked about that. And several occasions now over the last several weeks in the Mastermind, but it still works. The local PR method works but it has evolved slightly in that I’ve noticed in several of our members have noticed. Darrell was one of them who does a lot of PR stuff that it requires more RYS, and more Consistent PR is before it kicks in the way that it used to with just one or two or, you know, like I said, when we launched the course, I was able to get 80% results with six hours or less. In other words, 15 out of 15 properties that I tested on 12 of them, I was able to get into the maps three pack within six press releases, so six press releases or less. That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore if it’s low competition, yes, but if it’s moderately competitive, or more than it requires more press releases and more consistency as well as like I always said, I believe it requires more diversity to in that instead of just using one distribution service over and over and over, you can still get effects that way, if you’re stacking properly, and I’m not going to go over the specific method of how to stack properly right now here on a free Hump Day Hangout, because that’ll be included in the update and we can talk about that in the Mastermind all the one Greg. But if you stack properly now you still can get really, really good results with just one distribution service. But it requires specific or a different internal linking method than what was, you know, the original method, right. And so that’s really the point is, is, if you have additional distribution networks that you can use, that’s going to help with diversity, you also want to stack properly, which just means changing it up a bit. Again, I can’t go cover that specific method here. But yes, I’m still using press releases prime as my primary off-page link building, you know,
direct to money site stuff. But you know, I’m also doing a lot of powering up to our assets using our link building service, you know, the same link building service that you have access, Greg, through mg, Why be now? Right. So again, it’s about powering up specific entities. That’s what the ad ID loop is that we set up. Again, you can get that training in the Mastermind. You’ve got that Greg. I know you’ve got that. But you can build links like traditional links to that spam type links and It works really well as including some of the assets that we are able to produce using the press releases. Right? So you power those up and you can get really good results too. As far as the indexing I don’t it’s not that big of a deal it whether they’re indexed or not, why do I say that? Well, because for example, guys, syndication networks, we know syndication networks help. We could talk about that briefly too. By the way, I just recently set up a new project haven’t done any link building so I haven’t done any content marketing. All I did was set up a website, right and it was just a Click Funnels page. And then I set up on a subdomain a WordPress installation for a blog. And that blog just has the Hello World post on it still, and I updated the site, the blog site title like you know, the title tag and such but I have not done any content marketing or any link building, haven’t syndicated any posts, haven’t done anything, but I have it. It’s a specific company name. And I added it’s been about three weeks now that I’ve had that site up and again, besides the Click Funnels page, whatever
content, there’s no content at all other than the Hello World post on the blog. And for that company name, if I were to search just last week for the company name, it showed up on like page three because there’s a lot of other companies that have similar names, but it’s not the same name. And so my the site being a brand new site brand new entity was showing up but like on page like three, so way, way back. Well, I have one of our VA is build me a syndication network, for that company for that brand, because it’s like I said, it’s a new project that I’m just setting up. And they just delivered that syndication network to me on Thursday, last week, so about six days ago, well, on Monday, I went and checked and guys, again, no posting has been done no content marketing, no syndicated posts or anything. On Monday, I did a search for my company name and an incognito browser and Firefox that was clean, and boom, number one for that company name. Now, granted, I was searching for the company name, but it was on page three, four.
about two and a half, three weeks. And then all we did was create a syndication network and it in it. As Marco always talks about solidified are validated by the entity. And now it’s showing is number one for that brand search. So it just goes to show you that the syndication networks, although is a specific SEO tool for syndicating posts is not as effective as it used to be five years ago, right? That makes sense. But it’s still every bit as effective and as critical as important because of what it does for validating the entity. And so the reason I brought that up was that the same thing goes with syndicating posts, most weed for years. And Greg, you should know this because you’ve been with part of the Mastermind for years. For years, people have asked, Well, I’m not seeing my syndicated post URLs being indexed. I can’t find them in the index. So this is useless. And I’ve said for years. No, that’s not true. Because whether they’re indexed or not, it doesn’t mean they’re useless. Google knows they’re there. And how do I know that Google knows or that well if your site is connected to search console,
And you go look at links to your site in Search Console, you’ll see WordPress and blogger and Tumblr and delicious and well not so much more delicious anymore. But Diigo and all of the different sites that were in your syndication network, you’ll see that they are listed and links to your site. And they’ll show how many posts Google was aware of that are linking back to your site. So whether they’re in the index or not, Google knows they’re there, and it’s counting them as links to your site. Does that make sense? So we know that they’re powerful, regardless, if as long as Google knows they’re there. Yes, there is some benefit to having indexed links. There’s no doubt. But there is still some benefit from non-index links to as long as they’re not deindexed sites. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. I’ve been talking about art and the art of art. Seems like forever now, at least a couple of years ever since I saw that the distance grab, and what school was doing as far as a websites and how it was taking a look at the entity and related everything to the entities to what it was gauging is trusted authority How many people do you trust? And basically how many trusts you not people but websites and and what is the trust and authority of those websites that are linking to yours. And it’s measuring that distance from seed sites and seat sets. I mean, I talked about this forever. I got tired of talking about because nobody would listen. Maybe they’ll start listening now, the that I mean, we can completely see how Google, it wants the entity. It wants to brand. It does not like ambiguity. And ambiguity simply means that there are two things on the web. That could be and I’ll give you a perfect example of ambiguity. You know, DC Glenn from tag team, right? Well, taxing can also mean a tag team and wrestling. And that’s what he’s been having to deal with it as far as ambiguity when people search. Which tag team are you referring to? So when you do a search for tag team, actually, Google gives you two options. Are you looking for tag team and wrestling? Or are you looking for tag team, the hip hop, or poor? Google doesn’t like ambiguity. It does not like to terms to be related to the same thing. And so what we have to do with this,
first of all, don’t create ambiguity. And if you do, you have to disambiguate fuck a $100 word for something so simple as make it clear to Google. What your entity is, bind everything to your entity, right? It’s verification, it’s validation, and then solidification. That’s what you have to do. And it just so happens that our syndication networks are some of the best tools out there for accomplishing this.
But not only that, what I recommend is you take every
Everything and you put that into a drive stack, take all of your URLs in the place where they go into dr stack. And then when you do the press of the stack, you drop a link into that Dr stack. And then when you go and do your link building, your link building follows your press releases press one press of these two, and so on so that you’re incrementally link building on to the last one. And then the last one, you hit hard, so that everything just shoots through that live stream. And I’m going to tell you right now there’s absolutely nothing better for creating relevance, which is the other part of art right activity, relevance, trust, and authority. Just an authority we get from all of the link building and everything else.
But creating everything in that drive stack and then getting dead yet to do his magic. That’s like I don’t know how he does it. And I don’t care. He just knows he’s been doing it for years. He knows what works. So I I’m not going to
Tell him what to do because he’s the master. But guy seriously, man, this works like gangbusters. And then on top of that, to really put that put like the cherry on top. You put some
traffic into it some Google traffic. And that’s when it really comes home man. That’s when everything really binds together and it because then it’s people telling Google Yeah, this is the entity that I was actually looking for, which is one of the things that I’m working with DC Glenn on right on on his entity. It’s already validated. Now it has to be disambiguate it from tireless, it’s tough, right? Because a lot of people look for that. Protect team and wrestling rather than tag team that we just have to get enough people to look at tag team, the hip hop group to disambiguate. But anyway, a long winded answer to Yes, syndication networks work for the entity but so
does everything else that we recommend in our battle plan by the battle plan is there for a reason we follow it and we’ve given you a step by step process on what it is that you need to do. Now some of it will take multiple attempts so that you can push your keyword to where you want it to be are you can hit the map pack or you can hit the Knowledge Graph UI you get rid of three pack become the Knowledge Graph for that keyword term. This this tons of things that you could do when you’re pushing power, but it takes pushing the right amount of power in the right places. I said my piece
Bradley: very good. Facebook just completely locked me out of my fucking account. Unbelievable. I was just looking at my phone while you’re talking. It’s like this is twice now in two days. I don’t understand. Are you guys all experienced in that shit to if not I got I got locked out of Facebook till Yes. Unbelievable. Adam did to like what the fuck? I hate Facebook.
Anyways, Alright guys, I’m going to wrap it up because I’m tired of this already. This is really being stupid. By the way, Clint, thank you for posting that link since I’m unable to do it.
But yeah, we’ll see you guys next week. Thanks for being here. Any any other words guys know your comment system for everyone to test out next week? Yeah, definitely.
Alright guys, we’ll see you next week. Thanks.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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liteblock · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231
Click on the video above to watch Episode 231 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey welcome everybody world. Little bit of feedback there. All right, now that we’ve got this screaming howling mechanical sounds out of the way, let’s welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts is Episode 231. Today’s the 10th of April 2019. Thanks for joining us live if you’re here live if not, you’re catching the replay. Thanks for watching. And if you’re watching somewhere else, you can always go to Semantic Mastery comm slash HD questions to get your questions answered. You can ask them live you can ask them ahead of time just ask your questions and we’ll get to them. So before we dive into some more announcements and get into the questions, I’m going to say hi to everybody real quick. Let’s start on the left with Chris, How you doing?
Chris: Doing good. just picking up the bags here leaving the city
Adam: very nice. What Where are you going Chris?
Chris: Indonesia. Yeah, that’s awesome.
Adam: Have a good trip, man.
Chris: Thank you.
Chris: Oh, can’t wait actually am and I actually from what I heard I’m gonna meet one or two of the Semantic Mastery people there. So, we’ll see.
Adam: Well yeah if you’re going or in Indonesia then hit Chris up and chat him up while you’re there. Hernan, how you doing?
Hernan: Great, man. Excited to be here. Some really cool stuff coming up so doing good. That’s good.
Adam: Good deal. Do you have a Semantic Mastery shirt on or is that not
Hernan: oh no I might. Yeah.
Adam: Marco, how you doing man?
Marco: I’m good man. What’s up?
Adam: can’t complain. It’s a nice day here.
Marco: I can’t say it’s sunny anymore. Ah rainy season just kicked in like today. It’s storming outside
Adam: and it probably would still like 65, 70?
Marco: oh yeah between 70 and 80 somewhere around there. That’s all year.
Adam: Oh man.
Marco: Things are good. I’ve been deep in the lab by the way. I’m cooking up some some monster shit. As I said last time, I’m about to turn the SEO world on its ear once again. So it’s time and it’s been about four years and RYS Academy Reloaded. Wouldn’t it be like wicked if August of 2019 something were to happen? I’m just saying.
Adam: Gotcha. I’m sorry, I got distracted by her non sending me chats in Slack. So sorry about that.
Hernan: There’s something I’m sorry, I just want to say that I just got my account. Also. blog. So there might be something funky going on with the Facebook comments, so I don’t know.
Bradley: Super shit. Really?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: So time to move on then. So that’s the third person so yeah, live will try to figure this out on that Wolfgang, right
Bradley: for those of you that while I was gonna say those of you that are getting your accounts blocked, leave a message. Message us. State that you’re also getting screwed by Facebook but you won’t be able to now will you? I had my account mysteriously yesterday I was I wasn’t even doing anything. I just had Facebook open and it said it prompted me that I noticed suspicious activity I won’t even doing anything. And it said, you know, you must verify re verify your account, which I had to do. Apparently Adam’s got blocked now, or Hernan’s got blocked. So I don’t know the Facebook gods are mad right now apparently. And they are I’m already in like.
Hernan: I am back on I did some security check in and I’m in. But yeah, I don’t know we might need to start sending us note let you know. Something you know for the comments who will send that over to Bradley’s house. They go read them.
Adam: I’ll send out postcards the week before and then just shoot them over.
Bradley: Got just mailing your questions.
Adam: All right. Well, last but not least, Bradley, how you doing man?
Bradley: I’m good, man. Happy to be here. We got a lot of stuff coming up. So couple things that I would like to talk about very quickly before we get into questions is the video lead gen system training is being updated. I spent a lot of time on it this week already just kind of organizing and recording videos and updating the slides and all that stuff for the 2019 update. And for kind of the more streamlined process that I’ve developed for it, which makes it a lot easier, a lot more efficient. And a lot of it can be outsourced. And it’s working really well, I’ve been able to get a lot of good conversations going with prospects. And it can be applied for monetizing lead gen assets, as well as for client outreach. Like if you just want to do so traditional agency marketing services, it works really well. And it’s a hell of a lot more efficient than what the original method was that I used that worked incredibly well, but there was a lot of wasted time. And I talked about this a lot in the training. But you know, for every 10 video emails that I used to send out, I would get three to four responses like clockwork every damn time.
But the videos that I would record, I would just go find prospects, you know, from doing research online that I wanted to work with. And then I would just do and a lot of you that have been through the training or have heard me talk about it in the past, I would do like a video audit of their digital presence and explain how they were missing opportunities. You don’t ever criticize, but you do talk about like, Hey, you did good here. This is nice, but you’re missing out on opportunities because of this, this, this and this.
And typically, my video audits would be about 10 to 15 minutes long. So, you can imagine if you’re doing 10 of those, and it takes a little bit of time to find the prospect that you’re going to audit and then to record the video and then you know, kind of wind down and go to the next one. You know, it would take two and a half, three hours to record 10 videos of 15 minutes each, you know, every easy two and a half to three hours. And if only three or four of them would respond then there was six or seven of them that we would record or I would record that we’re not being seen or not being replied to period. So it was wasted effort. And so I kind of went back to the drawing board this year to determine how you know, to fix that, to solve that to make it more efficient, because that’s what we try to we try to teach you guys just to be more efficient. So this newer method is so so much more efficient, and it’s so much easier. And I’ve even learned some things along the way, since I’ve been testing this newer method that originally I’d set out to do one particular way, and thinking, Oh, this is going to be so much more efficient, and it certainly was, but then I found there was still ways to make that even more efficient. And I talked about that in the training. And it’s just a much more efficient process now, especially because you can have a VA do a lot of the heavy lifting type stuff so that you don’t have to be doing that yourself.
And so now to do 15 or 20 videos, you know, specific prospecting videos can literally be done in an hour’s time, which that might sound impossible but the way that I’m doing it now is it makes it to where it’s so many faster. And the other part of that is I’ve learned to not actually record the specific prospect videos until we get a positive reply or get a dialogue going with them. So it’s a much it now there’s no wasted effort on actually creating the videos for a prospect until you’ve actually got their permission essentially, to send them a video. And so I can’t reveal all that here, obviously, guys, but that’s coming out in two weeks from today, really? Or yesterday, I guess we’re going to be launching that again. So be on the lookout for that those of you that are doing lead gen stuff or client work and you want a more effective way to outreach for prospecting, this is definitely going to help you it’s it’s how I really built my agency to begin with.
Adam: Yeah, hundred percent recommend you checking that out. And it works across industries, different areas. I mean that that’s an incredible result. I’ve talked about this before. I think Bradley when you mentioned it, you know, you nonchalantly say, Yeah, I get you know, three or four responses out of 10 emails. And for anyone who’s done this you know that that just blows anything else out of the water. Most cold emailing people are getting like literally 1% maybe of like positive responses so to be getting 30 to 40% is just insane so good stuff. I’ve done it. I’ve learned a lot from the way Bradley does it and added up some bells and whistles on the way I like it but man if you’re not already using this stuff, definitely keep your eyes and ears open for the Video Lead Gen System update.
Bradley: Cool. Sorry. We had as far as announcements that I’m aware of is we have some new services available and MGYB. Marco you want to chat about what we’ve got available right now.
Marco: We’ve got basically everything available right when an edit link building indexing and beds were adding a while it but it said know that that’s still only available to the Mastermind isn’t that the done for you, GMB services, it will be rolled out
Bradley: But yes, yes, right now that’s just the Mastermind. We’re doing several different off page GMB services that are done for you now, but our team, our methods that are it’s our team doing our methods to our specifications, and we’ve got an overall off page package. And then we’ve got each component of that overall off page package separated out that can be purchased as individual services, for those of you that don’t need everything, but just need parts of it. And so, we’re rolling. we’ve rolled that out to our Mastermind, now we’re getting all of the fulfillment and delivery smooth, you know, process moved out. And as soon as we’re done with that, we’re going to offer it to you guys publicly in MGYB be as well.
Bradley: So that was it.? We’re good.
Adam: Yeah, pretty much. Just want to tell everyone you know, if you’re joining us live, that’s great. This is the place to be if you’ve got questions, like I said, you can ask live you can ask ahead of time, if you can’t make it live, whether you got a call, client call, busy, you’re working, whatever. That’s one way to do it. And the place to start is also at battleplan.semanticmastery.com that’s where you want to get some excuse me repeatable results and a lot of various you want to dive deeper into stuff like keyword research, how to work with age domains, new domains, all that and a whole lot more and if you’re ready to start or you want to grow your existing local digital marketing agency come join us in the Semantic Mastery Mastermind and we made that of course nice and easy to find that’s at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. and like Bradley, Marco were just mentioning it over to mygb.co for your done for you solutions.
Marco: We still have the syndication Academy networks we still have the ROI is reloaded everything up to Semantic Mastery standards. We have we’ve what we’ve done is we’ve brought everything under our own roof right under our control so that it can be kept up to our specifications and our standards. It’s what we use. And you guys if you’ve seen the stuff that we do and and just go to the groups I mean, that’s. Take a shot, there’s a money back guarantee anyway, by the way, on joining any any of the groups, right? join the group. So take advantage of one of the special ops and you can get in for $1 for seven days and ask the people who are in the group. Don’t listen to me, right? Don’t listen to me. Because Marco is full of shit. It doesn’t know what the fuck you talking about? Fine. Go to our groups and as a who in here is getting results. And you’re going to see that that people will start chiming and some of them will keep quiet, but I know who’s getting results, right because I talked to them on a regular basis. But guys, it’s what we do on a day to day basis what we use, we just go to our store, why else would we set it up? If we don’t use it with that we’re known for drinking our own Kool Aid, right? That’s who we are. So it’s mgyb.co anything and everything that you need to just kill it on the web is right there. And besides, if it join one of the groups the higher you go up the ladder, the closer you get to us and you know just us being with you every step of the way and trying to help you go ahead and get to where you want to be to
Bradley: okay cool
Hernan: Bradley before we jump in. If you got a copy of the Battle Plan if you haven’t go get it but if you do, we updated the links is inside the battle plan so that now when you click on the link building side of things and everything, it should take you to, you know, to enjoy be and the different packages so we updated that last week. So.
Bradley: Alright, so it looks apparently because we’re gonna have to do something about this is this. Obviously, questions are getting duplicated. And you know, I don’t know if it sets the stupid Facebook app or what but anyway.
Adam: replacement hunted down. We’re going to test it out in the coming week.
Bradley: Okay, cool. Cuz I’m seeing questions posted twice for a couple of people and there ought to be more questions in this room. Now I’m assuming it’s um, anyways, let’s move on.
Is It Okay To Create A New IFTTT Ring For An Account That Had Social Media Accounts We No Longer Have Access With?
Jeff’s up. First, he says I would like to use IFTTT for an account that has social accounts created by another SEO agency, we no longer have access to those properties. Is it okay to create a new ring? Yeah, it is, if you can’t, the only thing sucks is obviously if you had the cherry subdomains, for all the different accounts that you know, that was your brand names for that company, you’re going to have to modify it slightly, which kind of sucks, but it is what it is. If you can’t access those properties, then yeah, absolutely. Just create another ring. You know, set up a new set of accounts with a slightly modified version of the username for each one of the accounts so that you can at least make it still as very much close to the brand is as possible. You know, we’ve had to do that. For example. You know, for like a tree service company that has Tree Service in the name like we I’ve had to have it changed to tree services or Tree Service, Inc. or Tree Service CO, like SEO for a company, you know or something like that. And that may be what you have to do.
You know, you could also potentially work depending on what kind of business it is you could potentially work in as a location name, like the city name, and as well as the company name, or even a product or service that the company, whatever their primary product or services, perhaps work one of those words in along with the brand name so that there’s that association made. But yes, you can do that. Again, it’s if you can’t access those existing accounts, what else could you do, really, except create a new rank? So yes, absolutely. You can do that Jeff.
What Is The Best Keyword Density Analyzer Tool?
Kevin says what is the best keyword density analyzer tool? Um, well, honestly, that what I’ve used, Kevin, that’s a good question, all I’ve ever used, which I really don’t worry about keyword density so much anymore, except for if I’m reading through a piece of content that I had written. If I feel like there are too many uses of a keyword, I’m worried about over density. I don’t really worry so much about hitting specific numbers for keyword density anymore. We used to worry about that. But the algorithm is so much more advanced now. Google understands natural language patterns. And, you know, in natural language, excuse me so much better now that it’s really unnecessary to try to hit specific keyword densities. If the content is written well, Google will understand what the content is about, regardless of repeating certain keywords over and over again, right.
And so I don’t really worry about keyword density at all anymore unless I feel like a keyword is overused and a piece of content at which point I will test it. And there’s a tool that I’ve been using for years now since one of the I think maybe panda three or panda for it was around 2014 where I really started using this at the time because back then we did try to hit certain keywords density numbers. Right and there? Well, I think it was panda three or what panda four or one of those in that timeframe. And I don’t know why it’s being so slow.
The site might be having an issue. seocentro.com. Yeah, apparently. That’s great. So now, there’s no connection. Are you guys still hear me?
Marco: I’m still here. Yeah.
Bradley: I just want to make sure it wasn’t the internet, my internet that was screwing up. But ok. So I was going to show this to you. But SEO center. com. That’s what I’ve been used. I had been using, like I said, back around 2013 or 14 ish. We had a we had tried to hit specific numbers. And then all of a sudden one of the panda updates caused a lot of the sites that I had built like lead gen sites and client sites to drop down in the rankings, not nuts. I didn’t get penalized, but I dropped you know, a page 1015 spots somewhere around there. And so after consulting with some of the, you know, people, my colleagues and such
I found that there was another magic number, and it was trying to keep your density under a specific threshold and at the time it was 2% for two-word keywords. Now I’m sorry for one-word keywords It was 2% try to stay under 2% try to stay under 1% for two word keywords and try to stand or point 2% for three words, keyword phrases. And so SEO Sentra which apparently is a broken site right now. Yeah, for whatever reason, it’s not loading right now guys. So it might be it’s,
Marco: it’s down for every one I check.
Okay, well, that was the only tool that I would use. And there was a keyword density checker on that it was one of the tools of SEO Central. And again, I haven’t used it in months and probably even a year if that but there was a keyword density where you would just take the Publish page that you wanted to check and you would add, you know, put it into the search field or whatever and hit go and it would analyze the entire page and it would show you the words and one word, two words and three words, the phrases that it determined were keywords. And so it would get a lot of random stuff in there. That didn’t make sense. But it would show you the percentages. And that was a good tool for it.
And the reason why I liked that tool. Now, obviously, it looks like we might have to find another one. But you could probably do some searches and find one. The reason I like that tool better than for example, you know, a lot of times people would write their content and try to hit specific density is based upon an SEO plugin like Yoast, for example, inside of a WordPress dashboard. But you would, you know, a lot of people didn’t take into consideration the fact that Yoast was only analyzing the keywords within the post body of that post or page right, so the article body of that post or page, I didn’t show you the keyword density of what the published page had, because remember, you’ve got keywords in your site header, your navigation, your main navigation menu, your sidebar, your footer, your widget, your widget areas, like those are all potential places, your images, your alt text, all of that kind of stuff it could also contain keywords. And so people would optimize their content based upon what the plugin was telling them, which was just the keyword density of the article body of that page or post.
But if you were to analyze the published page, which included all of those other elements, they were way over optimized, way over optimized. And so it was misleading. And that’s part of the reason why, way back and, you know, for many, many years, I’ve said don’t use the WordPress plugins as a way to determine, you know, especially like Yoast tells you like optimization tips, don’t do that. Don’t do that because again, it there’s a lot of things that it doesn’t take into consideration, I guess for somebody that is, you know, just a blogger doesn’t know anything about SEO or something like that. There may be some value to that but as an SEO or somebody that learning or doing SEO? Those are not I would never recommend going by those guidelines. So do you want to you guys have another tool besides SEO Centro? Because apparently, that’s broken.
Marco: Not the one I reached Oh, yeah.
Adam: And if not, then you know, definitely probably just do a search for something similar to that. So long as it’s looking at the right places. I’m sure there are several out there. But that was the one I was used to using.
Bradley: Yeah, so again, guys, our friend Google, I would just do a keyword density checker. Right. And then just scroll through some of these and see online keyword density tool, see something like that. That’s what I would check. On sem rush does it too, by the way, that’s not free, obviously. But yeah, here’s an example. Now I have not used this one. So I don’t know if it’s any good. But I like this type of SEO density or keyword density checkers over the plugins because of what I just mentioned. It will analyze the entire published page and all of the elements of that page. Make sense? So, there you go. Moving on.
How Do You Remove An Address Of A GMB Listing?
Ken Robert says Okay, can I answered you in the Facebook group but I’ll answer this for everybody else’s benefit. He says, How do I take an address off a GMB? I don’t see an option to designate it as a service area business that used to be a checkbox if it was a service business. Where is it now? Well, what you do now as a service area businesses once you get your GMB verified like if you’re doing it manually, you’ll get you know, postcard most of the time. Or if you’re purchasing it, and you get it delivered and its surface area business, but what you want to do is go into the Info tab, right, so the left-hand sidebar, you click on info, and then where the map pin icon is, which shows the address of the business. You click that to edit it and the pop-up window comes up. And then there’s a link of blue text link inside that pop up window that says clear address. You click the Clear address button and then you click save or update whatever the button says.
And then you add your service area, which is the next section underneath that where the physical address showed, that’s the next section on the Info tab that you can edit. And that’s where you set your service areas. So all you do is, like I said, you’re going to, it’s going to show your address at one until it’s verified. And if it’s a service area business, the way that you make it a service area businesses before you start adding your service areas, you go in to edit the physical address, and then you click the Clear address button, and then save it. Okay.
Is It Possible To SEO And Get Good Rankings Of A Membership Site?
Okay, Mayank is up. He says, Hey, guys, so I’m setting up a membership site where every article that I post around 25% of it would be available for reading for everybody or everyone excuse me, and the rest would be restricted so that only paid members can read the whole article. Question is, is it possible to SEO and get good rankings for such pages considering that most of the pages content is going to be restricted?
Mayank, I don’t know because I’ve never done any of that kind of stuff. Marco that’s more up your alley. Because there a way to hide this content to where Google still recognizes it. But the reader does not. Yeah,
Marco: of course there is. But it’s not something that I would share here.
Bradley: Okay. Well, there you go. I can’t help you with that. Anyways, I really don’t do that kind of stuff. So I don’t know. Yeah,
Marco: but I mean, you’re getting into it territory, right delivering one content to the search engine and, and another content to the user. But that’s cloaking. And Google doesn’t really like that. You have to be really careful when you get into shit like that. But yeah, of course, this way you can code it all the way you can code it I’ll go as far as giving you that. You can code it. So that Google is sir one set of content and the user another set of content.
Bradley: Okay. Yeah, I mean, as far as like, there’s content gates, or you know, view gates, essentially. And I think that’s what you’re talking about. Like, you know, there’s social media plugins that will do that kind of stuff, like, hide content until you like or share or something like that. But I don’t know if that hides the content from Google from seeing it or not. It obviously hides it from the user. But I would be worried, like, you know, trying to do something that just could they still see the content if they did, right click view page source, you know what I mean? So like, I don’t know, because I’ve never really looked into that Mayank. So I’m sorry, I can’t help you with that.
What Do You Recommend As An Alternative Solution To Easy Local Cash Software?
Guy says, Do you have a suggestion for replacing the easy local cast software that has been depricated? Um, yeah, he’s got an online version of it now. So guys, we’ve, I mean, we’ve shared that in several of the groups. It’s an online version. It’s, it doesn’t work quite the same. But you know, again, it’s his software, it was never ours to begin with. So does anybody have the link for that? I think it’s easy local cache something or another. We just see if I can find it for you, but just a second.
Yeah, it’s https://software.easylocalcash.com/ now maybe that’s not it. Here it is. This is its https://software.easylocalcash.com/ . That’s what it is. Guys. Again, this is not our software. So it works differently than what the desktop did. You know, Chad Kimball’s software, I understand why he did what he did it. So if you want to use this one have at it.
We are we were talking about potentially developing one ourselves, but it doesn’t look like we’re going to. So I know Peter drew as got software’s and his tool suite now that will do something very similar to that, but it’s a paid tool suite. So it’s not something that’s going to be offered for free. So, unfortunately, you’re stuck with that for now. Or you can just do you know, I mean, for example. Yeah, that’s that’s pretty much the only thing I know of right now. We talked about potentially doing it ourselves, but I don’t think we’re going to. So try that guy. See if that helps you out.
How Do You Combine Negative Keywords From Different Accounts And PPC Campaigns Into One Spreadsheet?
Alright, moving on Frankie’s up, he says, What’s up Frankie? He says, Hey guys when running multiple PPC campaigns, how do you combine all the negative keywords from different accounts and different campaigns? If you need to create a new campaign with a master negative keyword list? I can’t seem to find any tool or shortcut on how to combine all the keywords into one spreadsheet and remove all the duplicates. Can you share how to do it? Thanks, as always.
Yeah, I mean, I don’t know of any tools that will, you know, that you can connect to all of your accounts that will extract the data, but the way that I would do it is just download the negative keyword lists, which you can do from inside the AdWords or the Google Ads dashboard. And then you’re going to get a separate spreadsheet for each but then you just like literally copy and paste, you know, all into a master sheet, right? So in one of the Excel documents, or you can even do it in Google Sheets, but will be a little bit slower. If you do an Excel, then you can just copy and paste all of them into one master sheet and then just use remove duplicates. I know that’s kind of a pain in the ass because it’s manual. But you know, that’s honestly, that’s how I would do it. Also, if you’re using the Google ads, software that the desktop software, which you can download, they just updated it again. Then you can connect all of your accounts that you manage into that Google Ads desktop software, what do they call it? The Google ads, fuck.
I can’t remember the name of the software now if top my head but anyways, you can download the software, which makes it easy to do bulk edits and things like that. And then you could just it would make it easier than having to log in all of your different accounts to download that spreadsheet of your negative keyword lists. So again, it’s still a manual process, as far as I know, maybe somebody else knows to have a better solution, but I don’t. Okay.
Also, that’s part of the reason. Frankly, it’s good to have a VA because that’s something you could task a VA with, right? Even if you were the one going in and downloading all the sheets, you could send that over to a VA and by the way, I just had to hire Well, I just put a job posting on up work for an Excel nerd, like and somebody that’s an Excel specialist or a Microsoft Access specialist because I got some work that I’m doing that requires stuff that’s way above my pay grade when it comes to excel. And so I just posted a job over there for up work and you can find people you know, for 10 $12 an hour that are super proficient in that kind of stuff. So maybe they you know, you could hire somebody like that. I’m sure it would be a really quick, easy job for somebody that knows what they’re doing. Okay.
Looks like we’re almost out of questions, but that’s probably because of this stupid app. Let me refresh.
Yeah, there’s a couple cooler. Alright, cool. So um, yeah. Jay Turner. Are there any benefits to making it looks like we lost one? Maybe not. Oh, there’s Jordan Fowler posted it as To review tools com keyword density checker thanks, Jordan. I appreciate that.
I wanted to like it. Oh, shit at sign me out. Are you serious? Wow, unbelievable. Love this Facebook app guys fucking love it. All right. Well, I can’t comment anymore.
Are There Any Benefits Of Making A Canonical Of A Niche Down Content Instead Of Those That Are In Broad Topics?
So Jay Turner says, Are there any benefits to making a small blog post-canonical over to the same content on a much broader topic page with the jump link to that section being the link in the canonical tag? Yeah, I would say so. There’s some really powerful stuff. That that yes. Yeah. Just short answer. Yes. J, there is some benefit to that back.
What’s cool about that is if it’s canonical, it Google honors the canonical, then the blog post won’t actually index I mean, Google know it, but it won’t index and then you can do some pretty cool things to that blog posts, which will kind of hide your hide it from prying eyes. So yes, that’s against your answer is yes.
How Do You Rank In Google’s Knowledge Graph?
Paul Quiggle says, Hey guys, I noticed when you type in Google things to do in your town, a Knowledge Graph comes up with different types of activities. I have a client that is wanting to create a workshop style class and his city. And once organic traffic from that source, what is the best way to get included into that list? schema have to have proper schema markup. There are people that teach that kind of stuff.
You could also just try to do some extensive, you know, research throughout by just doing simple Google searches to try to find out how to do that. I don’t you know, I haven’t done any of that stuff yet. But there are. Ryan rod and he could probably do that. Right. Sure. He could. Let me see if we’ve got. Okay, so Ryan Ryan was a Mastermind member for quite some time. I don’t think he’s with us anymore, but he does a lot of schema stuff. And he may be able to help you he does it. You know, you can hire him. So he’s got schema code order. You can also hire him on as a consultant basis to kind of help you code stuff out. And you might want to even just pay him for an hour of his time to teach you how to do that. I don’t know if he’d be willing to do that. But this is somebody that I could recommend is probably would be able to help you to do that.
I know, again, as I said, some of the people that you know, some colleagues, some of the other SEO groups out there, they’re people that have taught that it’s not something I know how to do, because I have not done that. But again, it’s it all comes down to the schema. If you publish content on your site, and you mark it up properly, Google will come to use that and include it in that type of a thing. For example, a lot of times, guys, if you know,
and I’ve done training about this, questions in a question and answer posts are great for blogs. And it’s great for SEO. And how do I know that? Well, if you ask certain questions into Google, you notice right in the SERPs, there are accordion menus, like drop-down menus that have the questions with a little down arrow pointing and during groups usually, have three to five questions.
If you click on one of the questions, it reveals the answer, which is just a snippet that it pulled from one of the search results that are listed on that page. Right. And so that’s how you get included in those q amp a box is by proper markup. And there’s q amp a, by the way, schema markup for that. And in fact, Jordan Fowler was pointing out that recently in our Mastermind, but there’s, what’s cool about that is every time you click one of those questions to reveal the answer, it real it load makes that box that has the questions in it, like expand to include even more related questions. And each time you click it, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And again, all it’s doing is it’s sourcing that the answers from other web properties that have the proper markup, and that Google has determined are authoritative, in that, you know, particular topic. So, you know, that’s why I’ve talked about that being very powerful to use this blog type content, and if you can create an original answer to those times types of questions and mark it up properly, you can get included in those boxes. But even just for SEO purposes, if you go collect or scrape those questions, compile them, and then even use for curating for you and you know, you guys know probably should know that we teach to curate content because it’s the most efficient way to produce content without having to be a subject matter expert, then you can even curate those questions and answers and create blog posts that are where you group similar questions and answers. And you just link out to the content sources. Just Google gives you all that information right there and there’s q amp a boxes, right and then you can actually create an original post where you just inject a little bit of commentary in between the curated sections, and that makes great content for the blog as well as for GMB posts. So anyway, I can’t drop this link on their guys, because Facebook just blocked me for whatever reason from our own app, but schema http://schema.pro/. If that answers your question, I would go check out Ryan Ross for some help, if you want, like specific help otherwise just do some searches for how to get how to get to how to what was it a events, how to get the event schema, like event schema.org or something like that is what I would search and you could probably find some specific articles about that.
Okay. There’s a good question. In fact, I’m just curious really quickly see event schema. There is a schema.org. on that. See, this is what I was talking about these questions right here is exactly what I’m talking about. And see when you click on that, how it expands even more, it starts adding even more questions, and it’ll just keep going on and on and on. So there you go. An event rich snippet, schema creator, SEO chat tools. Look at that, right. There’s a tool for that. There are plugins, those plugins typically don’t work all that well. At least they didn’t use to, but maybe they do. Look this is event steal our JSON LD, I don’t know. But there you go. There you go. Just do a simple Google search and start doing some research. This looks like a schema markup generator for events. So you might even want to try that and see if and then go validate it, right. So fill this stuff out, copy the code, go over to the Google structured data tool, paste it in, make sure that it validates, validates, then use that code on your webpage, your event page.
Okay, something else you might want to try is let’s do. You could try this to this is Google’s own tool, the Google structured data markup helper. So again, just go to Google and search structured data markup helper, and this is Google’s own tool. And look at that, guys. There’s an event thing right there. So what you do is you put your URL in there. And then this tool will add structured data markup to a sample web page. So you can put your event page in there that you’ve already published, whether it has the code or not, and then Google’s markup helper will allow you to like highlight certain elements of the page and it will tell you how to mark it up. So like, for example, the date day and time, for example, or the location like you, you highlight that section and in Google’s markup helper tool will tell you how to mark it up correctly. So it makes sense. So again, this is Google’s own tool here. Any input on that, guys? Was that good enough?
Marco: That was perfect.
Bradley: Okay, sweet. I can’t believe they kicked me out of Facebook comments for this on during the webinar. It’s ridiculous. I don’t want to use this anymore.
All right, next one. Yeah, Scott said it’s not loading. Thanks, Scott. We got that. See? That’s again, that’s a duplicate question.
Greg’s got to do but good question. It’s a stupid app. Anyways, Jay says is there any advantage to making a or several making a or several brief blog posts cannot. Shit. That’s the same question to it just looks like it’s filled out a little bit more. Okay, I’ll answer the second part of this Jay was thinking about doing the above to drip feed and pushed out blog post content to the syndication networks in order to get the page more links from the syndication network. Yeah, that should work. Again, that’s that should work.
We might have to wrap it up, early guys. I’m tired of this app like already. I’m frustrated with it. It looks like we don’t have any more questions anyway. I’m sure it’s because people are having issues. Yeah.
I’m sorry. Go ahead. No, I mean, yeah, you’re totally right. I think that’s an issue. It’s definitely an issue because we’re getting duplicate questions. It’s just stupid. Sorry, guys. You know, we’re trying to find a better solution. Adam says that
we’re going to test next week. Yeah, got it will test it and we’ll see if it works. Okay. definitely got to do something. Okay. So Greg’s, I think even Disqus was better than this because of at least Disqus in break entirely.
Will You Still Get The Same Ranking Power Benefit If The Press Releases Via Press Advantage Are Hardly Indexed In Google?
Bradley: So Greg says using press advantage, I have noticed only around to syndicated press releases appearing in the Google index when I published Will I still get the same benefit power wise from a press release submission have hardly any of the published articles show up as being indexed in Google? Yeah. Okay. So that’s used to be, by the way, that that’s, that’s how that happened most of the time, a long time ago. And then for whatever reason, what happens is a lot of them do get indexed, but they go into what’s called the supplemental index, right? So Google will only show a handful or one or two that it determines are the most authoritative, or the original sources or whatever, and it will show those in the index and put the rest in what’s called supplemental index. For example, if you search for the title of press release or other content, and this this could happen with syndicated blog posts, for example, then you’ll see at the bottom of the search results where it’ll say Google has admitted, similar you know, similar search results, and if you click that link, it will actually open up the supplemental index and will show you all of the other places that same content was published. So Google is aware of it. And we’ve done testing that, you know, even with no indexed PB ends, for example, that will again, we don’t use PB ends anymore. But we’ve done testing. And it’s been a while since we’ve done it, but with no index PBNs. And yes, Google able, you can still give you a bump. Right. So it’s not I didn’t say D indexed, but I said no index. Right. So supplemental index links, will they still help? As far as I’m aware? Yes. Are they as powerful as those that would be indexed? All you know, in the regular index? I don’t think so. And the reason why is because Google is looking at it as almost duplicate content.
It’s not that it’s toxic, but it’s just not that is as helpful as what I’m saying. So that’s one of the things that was being addressed by quantum Newswire, which we did a promotion for recently. Because they, they specifically are using a much smaller distribution network because of that reason, they’re not they’re trying not to use as many distribution points that end up getting going into the supplemental index anyways, now that said, Greg, the local PR pro method, which was essentially PR stalking and using press releases to get local results. It’s still effective, although the method has evolved a bit. And it’s on what’s about two years old now, since we launched that course, and so I am going to update that again and probably the next two months, we’re going to launch it relaunch it with the new methods and a couple of months. Because specifically, like I said, it has evolved. You’re in the Mastermind. I’ve talked about this multiple times in the Mastermind, Greg, I know you’ve missed that webinar or where I’ve talked about it, but we have talked about that. And several occasions now over the last several weeks in the Mastermind, but it still works. The local PR method works but it has evolved slightly in that I’ve noticed in several of our members have noticed. Darrell was one of them who does a lot of PR stuff that it requires more RYS, and more Consistent PR is before it kicks in the way that it used to with just one or two or, you know, like I said, when we launched the course, I was able to get 80% results with six hours or less. In other words, 15 out of 15 properties that I tested on 12 of them, I was able to get into the maps three pack within six press releases, so six press releases or less. That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore if it’s low competition, yes, but if it’s moderately competitive, or more than it requires more press releases and more consistency as well as like I always said, I believe it requires more diversity to in that instead of just using one distribution service over and over and over, you can still get effects that way, if you’re stacking properly, and I’m not going to go over the specific method of how to stack properly right now here on a free Hump Day Hangout, because that’ll be included in the update and we can talk about that in the Mastermind all the one Greg. But if you stack properly now you still can get really, really good results with just one distribution service. But it requires specific or a different internal linking method than what was, you know, the original method, right. And so that’s really the point is, is, if you have additional distribution networks that you can use, that’s going to help with diversity, you also want to stack properly, which just means changing it up a bit. Again, I can’t go cover that specific method here. But yes, I’m still using press releases prime as my primary off-page link building, you know,
direct to money site stuff. But you know, I’m also doing a lot of powering up to our assets using our link building service, you know, the same link building service that you have access, Greg, through mg, Why be now? Right. So again, it’s about powering up specific entities. That’s what the ad ID loop is that we set up. Again, you can get that training in the Mastermind. You’ve got that Greg. I know you’ve got that. But you can build links like traditional links to that spam type links and It works really well as including some of the assets that we are able to produce using the press releases. Right? So you power those up and you can get really good results too. As far as the indexing I don’t it’s not that big of a deal it whether they’re indexed or not, why do I say that? Well, because for example, guys, syndication networks, we know syndication networks help. We could talk about that briefly too. By the way, I just recently set up a new project haven’t done any link building so I haven’t done any content marketing. All I did was set up a website, right and it was just a Click Funnels page. And then I set up on a subdomain a WordPress installation for a blog. And that blog just has the Hello World post on it still, and I updated the site, the blog site title like you know, the title tag and such but I have not done any content marketing or any link building, haven’t syndicated any posts, haven’t done anything, but I have it. It’s a specific company name. And I added it’s been about three weeks now that I’ve had that site up and again, besides the Click Funnels page, whatever
content, there’s no content at all other than the Hello World post on the blog. And for that company name, if I were to search just last week for the company name, it showed up on like page three because there’s a lot of other companies that have similar names, but it’s not the same name. And so my the site being a brand new site brand new entity was showing up but like on page like three, so way, way back. Well, I have one of our VA is build me a syndication network, for that company for that brand, because it’s like I said, it’s a new project that I’m just setting up. And they just delivered that syndication network to me on Thursday, last week, so about six days ago, well, on Monday, I went and checked and guys, again, no posting has been done no content marketing, no syndicated posts or anything. On Monday, I did a search for my company name and an incognito browser and Firefox that was clean, and boom, number one for that company name. Now, granted, I was searching for the company name, but it was on page three, four.
about two and a half, three weeks. And then all we did was create a syndication network and it in it. As Marco always talks about solidified are validated by the entity. And now it’s showing is number one for that brand search. So it just goes to show you that the syndication networks, although is a specific SEO tool for syndicating posts is not as effective as it used to be five years ago, right? That makes sense. But it’s still every bit as effective and as critical as important because of what it does for validating the entity. And so the reason I brought that up was that the same thing goes with syndicating posts, most weed for years. And Greg, you should know this because you’ve been with part of the Mastermind for years. For years, people have asked, Well, I’m not seeing my syndicated post URLs being indexed. I can’t find them in the index. So this is useless. And I’ve said for years. No, that’s not true. Because whether they’re indexed or not, it doesn’t mean they’re useless. Google knows they’re there. And how do I know that Google knows or that well if your site is connected to search console,
And you go look at links to your site in Search Console, you’ll see WordPress and blogger and Tumblr and delicious and well not so much more delicious anymore. But Diigo and all of the different sites that were in your syndication network, you’ll see that they are listed and links to your site. And they’ll show how many posts Google was aware of that are linking back to your site. So whether they’re in the index or not, Google knows they’re there, and it’s counting them as links to your site. Does that make sense? So we know that they’re powerful, regardless, if as long as Google knows they’re there. Yes, there is some benefit to having indexed links. There’s no doubt. But there is still some benefit from non-index links to as long as they’re not deindexed sites. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. I’ve been talking about art and the art of art. Seems like forever now, at least a couple of years ever since I saw that the distance grab, and what school was doing as far as a websites and how it was taking a look at the entity and related everything to the entities to what it was gauging is trusted authority How many people do you trust? And basically how many trusts you not people but websites and and what is the trust and authority of those websites that are linking to yours. And it’s measuring that distance from seed sites and seat sets. I mean, I talked about this forever. I got tired of talking about because nobody would listen. Maybe they’ll start listening now, the that I mean, we can completely see how Google, it wants the entity. It wants to brand. It does not like ambiguity. And ambiguity simply means that there are two things on the web. That could be and I’ll give you a perfect example of ambiguity. You know, DC Glenn from tag team, right? Well, taxing can also mean a tag team and wrestling. And that’s what he’s been having to deal with it as far as ambiguity when people search. Which tag team are you referring to? So when you do a search for tag team, actually, Google gives you two options. Are you looking for tag team and wrestling? Or are you looking for tag team, the hip hop, or poor? Google doesn’t like ambiguity. It does not like to terms to be related to the same thing. And so what we have to do with this,
first of all, don’t create ambiguity. And if you do, you have to disambiguate fuck a $100 word for something so simple as make it clear to Google. What your entity is, bind everything to your entity, right? It’s verification, it’s validation, and then solidification. That’s what you have to do. And it just so happens that our syndication networks are some of the best tools out there for accomplishing this.
But not only that, what I recommend is you take every
Everything and you put that into a drive stack, take all of your URLs in the place where they go into dr stack. And then when you do the press of the stack, you drop a link into that Dr stack. And then when you go and do your link building, your link building follows your press releases press one press of these two, and so on so that you’re incrementally link building on to the last one. And then the last one, you hit hard, so that everything just shoots through that live stream. And I’m going to tell you right now there’s absolutely nothing better for creating relevance, which is the other part of art right activity, relevance, trust, and authority. Just an authority we get from all of the link building and everything else.
But creating everything in that drive stack and then getting dead yet to do his magic. That’s like I don’t know how he does it. And I don’t care. He just knows he’s been doing it for years. He knows what works. So I I’m not going to
Tell him what to do because he’s the master. But guy seriously, man, this works like gangbusters. And then on top of that, to really put that put like the cherry on top. You put some
traffic into it some Google traffic. And that’s when it really comes home man. That’s when everything really binds together and it because then it’s people telling Google Yeah, this is the entity that I was actually looking for, which is one of the things that I’m working with DC Glenn on right on on his entity. It’s already validated. Now it has to be disambiguate it from tireless, it’s tough, right? Because a lot of people look for that. Protect team and wrestling rather than tag team that we just have to get enough people to look at tag team, the hip hop group to disambiguate. But anyway, a long winded answer to Yes, syndication networks work for the entity but so
does everything else that we recommend in our battle plan by the battle plan is there for a reason we follow it and we’ve given you a step by step process on what it is that you need to do. Now some of it will take multiple attempts so that you can push your keyword to where you want it to be are you can hit the map pack or you can hit the Knowledge Graph UI you get rid of three pack become the Knowledge Graph for that keyword term. This this tons of things that you could do when you’re pushing power, but it takes pushing the right amount of power in the right places. I said my piece
Bradley: very good. Facebook just completely locked me out of my fucking account. Unbelievable. I was just looking at my phone while you’re talking. It’s like this is twice now in two days. I don’t understand. Are you guys all experienced in that shit to if not I got I got locked out of Facebook till Yes. Unbelievable. Adam did to like what the fuck? I hate Facebook.
Anyways, Alright guys, I’m going to wrap it up because I’m tired of this already. This is really being stupid. By the way, Clint, thank you for posting that link since I’m unable to do it.
But yeah, we’ll see you guys next week. Thanks for being here. Any any other words guys know your comment system for everyone to test out next week? Yeah, definitely.
Alright guys, we’ll see you next week. Thanks.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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charlesswink19 · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231
Click on the video above to watch Episode 231 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey welcome everybody world. Little bit of feedback there. All right, now that we’ve got this screaming howling mechanical sounds out of the way, let’s welcome everybody to Hump Day hangouts is Episode 231. Today’s the 10th of April 2019. Thanks for joining us live if you’re here live if not, you’re catching the replay. Thanks for watching. And if you’re watching somewhere else, you can always go to Semantic Mastery comm slash HD questions to get your questions answered. You can ask them live you can ask them ahead of time just ask your questions and we’ll get to them. So before we dive into some more announcements and get into the questions, I’m going to say hi to everybody real quick. Let’s start on the left with Chris, How you doing?
Chris: Doing good. just picking up the bags here leaving the city
Adam: very nice. What Where are you going Chris?
Chris: Indonesia. Yeah, that’s awesome.
Adam: Have a good trip, man.
Chris: Thank you.
Chris: Oh, can’t wait actually am and I actually from what I heard I’m gonna meet one or two of the Semantic Mastery people there. So, we’ll see.
Adam: Well yeah if you’re going or in Indonesia then hit Chris up and chat him up while you’re there. Hernan, how you doing?
Hernan: Great, man. Excited to be here. Some really cool stuff coming up so doing good. That’s good.
Adam: Good deal. Do you have a Semantic Mastery shirt on or is that not
Hernan: oh no I might. Yeah.
Adam: Marco, how you doing man?
Marco: I’m good man. What’s up?
Adam: can’t complain. It’s a nice day here.
Marco: I can’t say it’s sunny anymore. Ah rainy season just kicked in like today. It’s storming outside
Adam: and it probably would still like 65, 70?
Marco: oh yeah between 70 and 80 somewhere around there. That’s all year.
Adam: Oh man.
Marco: Things are good. I’ve been deep in the lab by the way. I’m cooking up some some monster shit. As I said last time, I’m about to turn the SEO world on its ear once again. So it’s time and it’s been about four years and RYS Academy Reloaded. Wouldn’t it be like wicked if August of 2019 something were to happen? I’m just saying.
Adam: Gotcha. I’m sorry, I got distracted by her non sending me chats in Slack. So sorry about that.
Hernan: There’s something I’m sorry, I just want to say that I just got my account. Also. blog. So there might be something funky going on with the Facebook comments, so I don’t know.
Bradley: Super shit. Really?
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: So time to move on then. So that’s the third person so yeah, live will try to figure this out on that Wolfgang, right
Bradley: for those of you that while I was gonna say those of you that are getting your accounts blocked, leave a message. Message us. State that you’re also getting screwed by Facebook but you won’t be able to now will you? I had my account mysteriously yesterday I was I wasn’t even doing anything. I just had Facebook open and it said it prompted me that I noticed suspicious activity I won’t even doing anything. And it said, you know, you must verify re verify your account, which I had to do. Apparently Adam’s got blocked now, or Hernan’s got blocked. So I don’t know the Facebook gods are mad right now apparently. And they are I’m already in like.
Hernan: I am back on I did some security check in and I’m in. But yeah, I don’t know we might need to start sending us note let you know. Something you know for the comments who will send that over to Bradley’s house. They go read them.
Adam: I’ll send out postcards the week before and then just shoot them over.
Bradley: Got just mailing your questions.
Adam: All right. Well, last but not least, Bradley, how you doing man?
Bradley: I’m good, man. Happy to be here. We got a lot of stuff coming up. So couple things that I would like to talk about very quickly before we get into questions is the video lead gen system training is being updated. I spent a lot of time on it this week already just kind of organizing and recording videos and updating the slides and all that stuff for the 2019 update. And for kind of the more streamlined process that I’ve developed for it, which makes it a lot easier, a lot more efficient. And a lot of it can be outsourced. And it’s working really well, I’ve been able to get a lot of good conversations going with prospects. And it can be applied for monetizing lead gen assets, as well as for client outreach. Like if you just want to do so traditional agency marketing services, it works really well. And it’s a hell of a lot more efficient than what the original method was that I used that worked incredibly well, but there was a lot of wasted time. And I talked about this a lot in the training. But you know, for every 10 video emails that I used to send out, I would get three to four responses like clockwork every damn time.
But the videos that I would record, I would just go find prospects, you know, from doing research online that I wanted to work with. And then I would just do and a lot of you that have been through the training or have heard me talk about it in the past, I would do like a video audit of their digital presence and explain how they were missing opportunities. You don’t ever criticize, but you do talk about like, Hey, you did good here. This is nice, but you’re missing out on opportunities because of this, this, this and this.
And typically, my video audits would be about 10 to 15 minutes long. So, you can imagine if you’re doing 10 of those, and it takes a little bit of time to find the prospect that you’re going to audit and then to record the video and then you know, kind of wind down and go to the next one. You know, it would take two and a half, three hours to record 10 videos of 15 minutes each, you know, every easy two and a half to three hours. And if only three or four of them would respond then there was six or seven of them that we would record or I would record that we’re not being seen or not being replied to period. So it was wasted effort. And so I kind of went back to the drawing board this year to determine how you know, to fix that, to solve that to make it more efficient, because that’s what we try to we try to teach you guys just to be more efficient. So this newer method is so so much more efficient, and it’s so much easier. And I’ve even learned some things along the way, since I’ve been testing this newer method that originally I’d set out to do one particular way, and thinking, Oh, this is going to be so much more efficient, and it certainly was, but then I found there was still ways to make that even more efficient. And I talked about that in the training. And it’s just a much more efficient process now, especially because you can have a VA do a lot of the heavy lifting type stuff so that you don’t have to be doing that yourself.
And so now to do 15 or 20 videos, you know, specific prospecting videos can literally be done in an hour’s time, which that might sound impossible but the way that I’m doing it now is it makes it to where it’s so many faster. And the other part of that is I’ve learned to not actually record the specific prospect videos until we get a positive reply or get a dialogue going with them. So it’s a much it now there’s no wasted effort on actually creating the videos for a prospect until you’ve actually got their permission essentially, to send them a video. And so I can’t reveal all that here, obviously, guys, but that’s coming out in two weeks from today, really? Or yesterday, I guess we’re going to be launching that again. So be on the lookout for that those of you that are doing lead gen stuff or client work and you want a more effective way to outreach for prospecting, this is definitely going to help you it’s it’s how I really built my agency to begin with.
Adam: Yeah, hundred percent recommend you checking that out. And it works across industries, different areas. I mean that that’s an incredible result. I’ve talked about this before. I think Bradley when you mentioned it, you know, you nonchalantly say, Yeah, I get you know, three or four responses out of 10 emails. And for anyone who’s done this you know that that just blows anything else out of the water. Most cold emailing people are getting like literally 1% maybe of like positive responses so to be getting 30 to 40% is just insane so good stuff. I’ve done it. I’ve learned a lot from the way Bradley does it and added up some bells and whistles on the way I like it but man if you’re not already using this stuff, definitely keep your eyes and ears open for the Video Lead Gen System update.
Bradley: Cool. Sorry. We had as far as announcements that I’m aware of is we have some new services available and MGYB. Marco you want to chat about what we’ve got available right now.
Marco: We’ve got basically everything available right when an edit link building indexing and beds were adding a while it but it said know that that’s still only available to the Mastermind isn’t that the done for you, GMB services, it will be rolled out
Bradley: But yes, yes, right now that’s just the Mastermind. We’re doing several different off page GMB services that are done for you now, but our team, our methods that are it’s our team doing our methods to our specifications, and we’ve got an overall off page package. And then we’ve got each component of that overall off page package separated out that can be purchased as individual services, for those of you that don’t need everything, but just need parts of it. And so, we’re rolling. we’ve rolled that out to our Mastermind, now we’re getting all of the fulfillment and delivery smooth, you know, process moved out. And as soon as we’re done with that, we’re going to offer it to you guys publicly in MGYB be as well.
Bradley: So that was it.? We’re good.
Adam: Yeah, pretty much. Just want to tell everyone you know, if you’re joining us live, that’s great. This is the place to be if you’ve got questions, like I said, you can ask live you can ask ahead of time, if you can’t make it live, whether you got a call, client call, busy, you’re working, whatever. That’s one way to do it. And the place to start is also at battleplan.semanticmastery.com that’s where you want to get some excuse me repeatable results and a lot of various you want to dive deeper into stuff like keyword research, how to work with age domains, new domains, all that and a whole lot more and if you’re ready to start or you want to grow your existing local digital marketing agency come join us in the Semantic Mastery Mastermind and we made that of course nice and easy to find that’s at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. and like Bradley, Marco were just mentioning it over to mygb.co for your done for you solutions.
Marco: We still have the syndication Academy networks we still have the ROI is reloaded everything up to Semantic Mastery standards. We have we’ve what we’ve done is we’ve brought everything under our own roof right under our control so that it can be kept up to our specifications and our standards. It’s what we use. And you guys if you’ve seen the stuff that we do and and just go to the groups I mean, that’s. Take a shot, there’s a money back guarantee anyway, by the way, on joining any any of the groups, right? join the group. So take advantage of one of the special ops and you can get in for $1 for seven days and ask the people who are in the group. Don’t listen to me, right? Don’t listen to me. Because Marco is full of shit. It doesn’t know what the fuck you talking about? Fine. Go to our groups and as a who in here is getting results. And you’re going to see that that people will start chiming and some of them will keep quiet, but I know who’s getting results, right because I talked to them on a regular basis. But guys, it’s what we do on a day to day basis what we use, we just go to our store, why else would we set it up? If we don’t use it with that we’re known for drinking our own Kool Aid, right? That’s who we are. So it’s mgyb.co anything and everything that you need to just kill it on the web is right there. And besides, if it join one of the groups the higher you go up the ladder, the closer you get to us and you know just us being with you every step of the way and trying to help you go ahead and get to where you want to be to
Bradley: okay cool
Hernan: Bradley before we jump in. If you got a copy of the Battle Plan if you haven’t go get it but if you do, we updated the links is inside the battle plan so that now when you click on the link building side of things and everything, it should take you to, you know, to enjoy be and the different packages so we updated that last week. So.
Bradley: Alright, so it looks apparently because we’re gonna have to do something about this is this. Obviously, questions are getting duplicated. And you know, I don’t know if it sets the stupid Facebook app or what but anyway.
Adam: replacement hunted down. We’re going to test it out in the coming week.
Bradley: Okay, cool. Cuz I’m seeing questions posted twice for a couple of people and there ought to be more questions in this room. Now I’m assuming it’s um, anyways, let’s move on.
Is It Okay To Create A New IFTTT Ring For An Account That Had Social Media Accounts We No Longer Have Access With?
Jeff’s up. First, he says I would like to use IFTTT for an account that has social accounts created by another SEO agency, we no longer have access to those properties. Is it okay to create a new ring? Yeah, it is, if you can’t, the only thing sucks is obviously if you had the cherry subdomains, for all the different accounts that you know, that was your brand names for that company, you’re going to have to modify it slightly, which kind of sucks, but it is what it is. If you can’t access those properties, then yeah, absolutely. Just create another ring. You know, set up a new set of accounts with a slightly modified version of the username for each one of the accounts so that you can at least make it still as very much close to the brand is as possible. You know, we’ve had to do that. For example. You know, for like a tree service company that has Tree Service in the name like we I’ve had to have it changed to tree services or Tree Service, Inc. or Tree Service CO, like SEO for a company, you know or something like that. And that may be what you have to do.
You know, you could also potentially work depending on what kind of business it is you could potentially work in as a location name, like the city name, and as well as the company name, or even a product or service that the company, whatever their primary product or services, perhaps work one of those words in along with the brand name so that there’s that association made. But yes, you can do that. Again, it’s if you can’t access those existing accounts, what else could you do, really, except create a new rank? So yes, absolutely. You can do that Jeff.
What Is The Best Keyword Density Analyzer Tool?
Kevin says what is the best keyword density analyzer tool? Um, well, honestly, that what I’ve used, Kevin, that’s a good question, all I’ve ever used, which I really don’t worry about keyword density so much anymore, except for if I’m reading through a piece of content that I had written. If I feel like there are too many uses of a keyword, I’m worried about over density. I don’t really worry so much about hitting specific numbers for keyword density anymore. We used to worry about that. But the algorithm is so much more advanced now. Google understands natural language patterns. And, you know, in natural language, excuse me so much better now that it’s really unnecessary to try to hit specific keyword densities. If the content is written well, Google will understand what the content is about, regardless of repeating certain keywords over and over again, right.
And so I don’t really worry about keyword density at all anymore unless I feel like a keyword is overused and a piece of content at which point I will test it. And there’s a tool that I’ve been using for years now since one of the I think maybe panda three or panda for it was around 2014 where I really started using this at the time because back then we did try to hit certain keywords density numbers. Right and there? Well, I think it was panda three or what panda four or one of those in that timeframe. And I don’t know why it’s being so slow.
The site might be having an issue. seocentro.com. Yeah, apparently. That’s great. So now, there’s no connection. Are you guys still hear me?
Marco: I’m still here. Yeah.
Bradley: I just want to make sure it wasn’t the internet, my internet that was screwing up. But ok. So I was going to show this to you. But SEO center. com. That’s what I’ve been used. I had been using, like I said, back around 2013 or 14 ish. We had a we had tried to hit specific numbers. And then all of a sudden one of the panda updates caused a lot of the sites that I had built like lead gen sites and client sites to drop down in the rankings, not nuts. I didn’t get penalized, but I dropped you know, a page 1015 spots somewhere around there. And so after consulting with some of the, you know, people, my colleagues and such
I found that there was another magic number, and it was trying to keep your density under a specific threshold and at the time it was 2% for two-word keywords. Now I’m sorry for one-word keywords It was 2% try to stay under 2% try to stay under 1% for two word keywords and try to stand or point 2% for three words, keyword phrases. And so SEO Sentra which apparently is a broken site right now. Yeah, for whatever reason, it’s not loading right now guys. So it might be it’s,
Marco: it’s down for every one I check.
Okay, well, that was the only tool that I would use. And there was a keyword density checker on that it was one of the tools of SEO Central. And again, I haven’t used it in months and probably even a year if that but there was a keyword density where you would just take the Publish page that you wanted to check and you would add, you know, put it into the search field or whatever and hit go and it would analyze the entire page and it would show you the words and one word, two words and three words, the phrases that it determined were keywords. And so it would get a lot of random stuff in there. That didn’t make sense. But it would show you the percentages. And that was a good tool for it.
And the reason why I liked that tool. Now, obviously, it looks like we might have to find another one. But you could probably do some searches and find one. The reason I like that tool better than for example, you know, a lot of times people would write their content and try to hit specific density is based upon an SEO plugin like Yoast, for example, inside of a WordPress dashboard. But you would, you know, a lot of people didn’t take into consideration the fact that Yoast was only analyzing the keywords within the post body of that post or page right, so the article body of that post or page, I didn’t show you the keyword density of what the published page had, because remember, you’ve got keywords in your site header, your navigation, your main navigation menu, your sidebar, your footer, your widget, your widget areas, like those are all potential places, your images, your alt text, all of that kind of stuff it could also contain keywords. And so people would optimize their content based upon what the plugin was telling them, which was just the keyword density of the article body of that page or post.
But if you were to analyze the published page, which included all of those other elements, they were way over optimized, way over optimized. And so it was misleading. And that’s part of the reason why, way back and, you know, for many, many years, I’ve said don’t use the WordPress plugins as a way to determine, you know, especially like Yoast tells you like optimization tips, don’t do that. Don’t do that because again, it there’s a lot of things that it doesn’t take into consideration, I guess for somebody that is, you know, just a blogger doesn’t know anything about SEO or something like that. There may be some value to that but as an SEO or somebody that learning or doing SEO? Those are not I would never recommend going by those guidelines. So do you want to you guys have another tool besides SEO Centro? Because apparently, that’s broken.
Marco: Not the one I reached Oh, yeah.
Adam: And if not, then you know, definitely probably just do a search for something similar to that. So long as it’s looking at the right places. I’m sure there are several out there. But that was the one I was used to using.
Bradley: Yeah, so again, guys, our friend Google, I would just do a keyword density checker. Right. And then just scroll through some of these and see online keyword density tool, see something like that. That’s what I would check. On sem rush does it too, by the way, that’s not free, obviously. But yeah, here’s an example. Now I have not used this one. So I don’t know if it’s any good. But I like this type of SEO density or keyword density checkers over the plugins because of what I just mentioned. It will analyze the entire published page and all of the elements of that page. Make sense? So, there you go. Moving on.
How Do You Remove An Address Of A GMB Listing?
Ken Robert says Okay, can I answered you in the Facebook group but I’ll answer this for everybody else’s benefit. He says, How do I take an address off a GMB? I don’t see an option to designate it as a service area business that used to be a checkbox if it was a service business. Where is it now? Well, what you do now as a service area businesses once you get your GMB verified like if you’re doing it manually, you’ll get you know, postcard most of the time. Or if you’re purchasing it, and you get it delivered and its surface area business, but what you want to do is go into the Info tab, right, so the left-hand sidebar, you click on info, and then where the map pin icon is, which shows the address of the business. You click that to edit it and the pop-up window comes up. And then there’s a link of blue text link inside that pop up window that says clear address. You click the Clear address button and then you click save or update whatever the button says.
And then you add your service area, which is the next section underneath that where the physical address showed, that’s the next section on the Info tab that you can edit. And that’s where you set your service areas. So all you do is, like I said, you’re going to, it’s going to show your address at one until it’s verified. And if it’s a service area business, the way that you make it a service area businesses before you start adding your service areas, you go in to edit the physical address, and then you click the Clear address button, and then save it. Okay.
Is It Possible To SEO And Get Good Rankings Of A Membership Site?
Okay, Mayank is up. He says, Hey, guys, so I’m setting up a membership site where every article that I post around 25% of it would be available for reading for everybody or everyone excuse me, and the rest would be restricted so that only paid members can read the whole article. Question is, is it possible to SEO and get good rankings for such pages considering that most of the pages content is going to be restricted?
Mayank, I don’t know because I’ve never done any of that kind of stuff. Marco that’s more up your alley. Because there a way to hide this content to where Google still recognizes it. But the reader does not. Yeah,
Marco: of course there is. But it’s not something that I would share here.
Bradley: Okay. Well, there you go. I can’t help you with that. Anyways, I really don’t do that kind of stuff. So I don’t know. Yeah,
Marco: but I mean, you’re getting into it territory, right delivering one content to the search engine and, and another content to the user. But that’s cloaking. And Google doesn’t really like that. You have to be really careful when you get into shit like that. But yeah, of course, this way you can code it all the way you can code it I’ll go as far as giving you that. You can code it. So that Google is sir one set of content and the user another set of content.
Bradley: Okay. Yeah, I mean, as far as like, there’s content gates, or you know, view gates, essentially. And I think that’s what you’re talking about. Like, you know, there’s social media plugins that will do that kind of stuff, like, hide content until you like or share or something like that. But I don’t know if that hides the content from Google from seeing it or not. It obviously hides it from the user. But I would be worried, like, you know, trying to do something that just could they still see the content if they did, right click view page source, you know what I mean? So like, I don’t know, because I’ve never really looked into that Mayank. So I’m sorry, I can’t help you with that.
What Do You Recommend As An Alternative Solution To Easy Local Cash Software?
Guy says, Do you have a suggestion for replacing the easy local cast software that has been depricated? Um, yeah, he’s got an online version of it now. So guys, we’ve, I mean, we’ve shared that in several of the groups. It’s an online version. It’s, it doesn’t work quite the same. But you know, again, it’s his software, it was never ours to begin with. So does anybody have the link for that? I think it’s easy local cache something or another. We just see if I can find it for you, but just a second.
Yeah, it’s https://software.easylocalcash.com/ now maybe that’s not it. Here it is. This is its https://software.easylocalcash.com/ . That’s what it is. Guys. Again, this is not our software. So it works differently than what the desktop did. You know, Chad Kimball’s software, I understand why he did what he did it. So if you want to use this one have at it.
We are we were talking about potentially developing one ourselves, but it doesn’t look like we’re going to. So I know Peter drew as got software’s and his tool suite now that will do something very similar to that, but it’s a paid tool suite. So it’s not something that’s going to be offered for free. So, unfortunately, you’re stuck with that for now. Or you can just do you know, I mean, for example. Yeah, that’s that’s pretty much the only thing I know of right now. We talked about potentially doing it ourselves, but I don’t think we’re going to. So try that guy. See if that helps you out.
How Do You Combine Negative Keywords From Different Accounts And PPC Campaigns Into One Spreadsheet?
Alright, moving on Frankie’s up, he says, What’s up Frankie? He says, Hey guys when running multiple PPC campaigns, how do you combine all the negative keywords from different accounts and different campaigns? If you need to create a new campaign with a master negative keyword list? I can’t seem to find any tool or shortcut on how to combine all the keywords into one spreadsheet and remove all the duplicates. Can you share how to do it? Thanks, as always.
Yeah, I mean, I don’t know of any tools that will, you know, that you can connect to all of your accounts that will extract the data, but the way that I would do it is just download the negative keyword lists, which you can do from inside the AdWords or the Google Ads dashboard. And then you’re going to get a separate spreadsheet for each but then you just like literally copy and paste, you know, all into a master sheet, right? So in one of the Excel documents, or you can even do it in Google Sheets, but will be a little bit slower. If you do an Excel, then you can just copy and paste all of them into one master sheet and then just use remove duplicates. I know that’s kind of a pain in the ass because it’s manual. But you know, that’s honestly, that’s how I would do it. Also, if you’re using the Google ads, software that the desktop software, which you can download, they just updated it again. Then you can connect all of your accounts that you manage into that Google Ads desktop software, what do they call it? The Google ads, fuck.
I can’t remember the name of the software now if top my head but anyways, you can download the software, which makes it easy to do bulk edits and things like that. And then you could just it would make it easier than having to log in all of your different accounts to download that spreadsheet of your negative keyword lists. So again, it’s still a manual process, as far as I know, maybe somebody else knows to have a better solution, but I don’t. Okay.
Also, that’s part of the reason. Frankly, it’s good to have a VA because that’s something you could task a VA with, right? Even if you were the one going in and downloading all the sheets, you could send that over to a VA and by the way, I just had to hire Well, I just put a job posting on up work for an Excel nerd, like and somebody that’s an Excel specialist or a Microsoft Access specialist because I got some work that I’m doing that requires stuff that’s way above my pay grade when it comes to excel. And so I just posted a job over there for up work and you can find people you know, for 10 $12 an hour that are super proficient in that kind of stuff. So maybe they you know, you could hire somebody like that. I’m sure it would be a really quick, easy job for somebody that knows what they’re doing. Okay.
Looks like we’re almost out of questions, but that’s probably because of this stupid app. Let me refresh.
Yeah, there’s a couple cooler. Alright, cool. So um, yeah. Jay Turner. Are there any benefits to making it looks like we lost one? Maybe not. Oh, there’s Jordan Fowler posted it as To review tools com keyword density checker thanks, Jordan. I appreciate that.
I wanted to like it. Oh, shit at sign me out. Are you serious? Wow, unbelievable. Love this Facebook app guys fucking love it. All right. Well, I can’t comment anymore.
Are There Any Benefits Of Making A Canonical Of A Niche Down Content Instead Of Those That Are In Broad Topics?
So Jay Turner says, Are there any benefits to making a small blog post-canonical over to the same content on a much broader topic page with the jump link to that section being the link in the canonical tag? Yeah, I would say so. There’s some really powerful stuff. That that yes. Yeah. Just short answer. Yes. J, there is some benefit to that back.
What’s cool about that is if it’s canonical, it Google honors the canonical, then the blog post won’t actually index I mean, Google know it, but it won’t index and then you can do some pretty cool things to that blog posts, which will kind of hide your hide it from prying eyes. So yes, that’s against your answer is yes.
How Do You Rank In Google’s Knowledge Graph?
Paul Quiggle says, Hey guys, I noticed when you type in Google things to do in your town, a Knowledge Graph comes up with different types of activities. I have a client that is wanting to create a workshop style class and his city. And once organic traffic from that source, what is the best way to get included into that list? schema have to have proper schema markup. There are people that teach that kind of stuff.
You could also just try to do some extensive, you know, research throughout by just doing simple Google searches to try to find out how to do that. I don’t you know, I haven’t done any of that stuff yet. But there are. Ryan rod and he could probably do that. Right. Sure. He could. Let me see if we’ve got. Okay, so Ryan Ryan was a Mastermind member for quite some time. I don’t think he’s with us anymore, but he does a lot of schema stuff. And he may be able to help you he does it. You know, you can hire him. So he’s got schema code order. You can also hire him on as a consultant basis to kind of help you code stuff out. And you might want to even just pay him for an hour of his time to teach you how to do that. I don’t know if he’d be willing to do that. But this is somebody that I could recommend is probably would be able to help you to do that.
I know, again, as I said, some of the people that you know, some colleagues, some of the other SEO groups out there, they’re people that have taught that it’s not something I know how to do, because I have not done that. But again, it’s it all comes down to the schema. If you publish content on your site, and you mark it up properly, Google will come to use that and include it in that type of a thing. For example, a lot of times, guys, if you know,
and I’ve done training about this, questions in a question and answer posts are great for blogs. And it’s great for SEO. And how do I know that? Well, if you ask certain questions into Google, you notice right in the SERPs, there are accordion menus, like drop-down menus that have the questions with a little down arrow pointing and during groups usually, have three to five questions.
If you click on one of the questions, it reveals the answer, which is just a snippet that it pulled from one of the search results that are listed on that page. Right. And so that’s how you get included in those q amp a box is by proper markup. And there’s q amp a, by the way, schema markup for that. And in fact, Jordan Fowler was pointing out that recently in our Mastermind, but there’s, what’s cool about that is every time you click one of those questions to reveal the answer, it real it load makes that box that has the questions in it, like expand to include even more related questions. And each time you click it, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And again, all it’s doing is it’s sourcing that the answers from other web properties that have the proper markup, and that Google has determined are authoritative, in that, you know, particular topic. So, you know, that’s why I’ve talked about that being very powerful to use this blog type content, and if you can create an original answer to those times types of questions and mark it up properly, you can get included in those boxes. But even just for SEO purposes, if you go collect or scrape those questions, compile them, and then even use for curating for you and you know, you guys know probably should know that we teach to curate content because it’s the most efficient way to produce content without having to be a subject matter expert, then you can even curate those questions and answers and create blog posts that are where you group similar questions and answers. And you just link out to the content sources. Just Google gives you all that information right there and there’s q amp a boxes, right and then you can actually create an original post where you just inject a little bit of commentary in between the curated sections, and that makes great content for the blog as well as for GMB posts. So anyway, I can’t drop this link on their guys, because Facebook just blocked me for whatever reason from our own app, but schema http://schema.pro/. If that answers your question, I would go check out Ryan Ross for some help, if you want, like specific help otherwise just do some searches for how to get how to get to how to what was it a events, how to get the event schema, like event schema.org or something like that is what I would search and you could probably find some specific articles about that.
Okay. There’s a good question. In fact, I’m just curious really quickly see event schema. There is a schema.org. on that. See, this is what I was talking about these questions right here is exactly what I’m talking about. And see when you click on that, how it expands even more, it starts adding even more questions, and it’ll just keep going on and on and on. So there you go. An event rich snippet, schema creator, SEO chat tools. Look at that, right. There’s a tool for that. There are plugins, those plugins typically don’t work all that well. At least they didn’t use to, but maybe they do. Look this is event steal our JSON LD, I don’t know. But there you go. There you go. Just do a simple Google search and start doing some research. This looks like a schema markup generator for events. So you might even want to try that and see if and then go validate it, right. So fill this stuff out, copy the code, go over to the Google structured data tool, paste it in, make sure that it validates, validates, then use that code on your webpage, your event page.
Okay, something else you might want to try is let’s do. You could try this to this is Google’s own tool, the Google structured data markup helper. So again, just go to Google and search structured data markup helper, and this is Google’s own tool. And look at that, guys. There’s an event thing right there. So what you do is you put your URL in there. And then this tool will add structured data markup to a sample web page. So you can put your event page in there that you’ve already published, whether it has the code or not, and then Google’s markup helper will allow you to like highlight certain elements of the page and it will tell you how to mark it up. So like, for example, the date day and time, for example, or the location like you, you highlight that section and in Google’s markup helper tool will tell you how to mark it up correctly. So it makes sense. So again, this is Google’s own tool here. Any input on that, guys? Was that good enough?
Marco: That was perfect.
Bradley: Okay, sweet. I can’t believe they kicked me out of Facebook comments for this on during the webinar. It’s ridiculous. I don’t want to use this anymore.
All right, next one. Yeah, Scott said it’s not loading. Thanks, Scott. We got that. See? That’s again, that’s a duplicate question.
Greg’s got to do but good question. It’s a stupid app. Anyways, Jay says is there any advantage to making a or several making a or several brief blog posts cannot. Shit. That’s the same question to it just looks like it’s filled out a little bit more. Okay, I’ll answer the second part of this Jay was thinking about doing the above to drip feed and pushed out blog post content to the syndication networks in order to get the page more links from the syndication network. Yeah, that should work. Again, that’s that should work.
We might have to wrap it up, early guys. I’m tired of this app like already. I’m frustrated with it. It looks like we don’t have any more questions anyway. I’m sure it’s because people are having issues. Yeah.
I’m sorry. Go ahead. No, I mean, yeah, you’re totally right. I think that’s an issue. It’s definitely an issue because we’re getting duplicate questions. It’s just stupid. Sorry, guys. You know, we’re trying to find a better solution. Adam says that
we’re going to test next week. Yeah, got it will test it and we’ll see if it works. Okay. definitely got to do something. Okay. So Greg’s, I think even Disqus was better than this because of at least Disqus in break entirely.
Will You Still Get The Same Ranking Power Benefit If The Press Releases Via Press Advantage Are Hardly Indexed In Google?
Bradley: So Greg says using press advantage, I have noticed only around to syndicated press releases appearing in the Google index when I published Will I still get the same benefit power wise from a press release submission have hardly any of the published articles show up as being indexed in Google? Yeah. Okay. So that’s used to be, by the way, that that’s, that’s how that happened most of the time, a long time ago. And then for whatever reason, what happens is a lot of them do get indexed, but they go into what’s called the supplemental index, right? So Google will only show a handful or one or two that it determines are the most authoritative, or the original sources or whatever, and it will show those in the index and put the rest in what’s called supplemental index. For example, if you search for the title of press release or other content, and this this could happen with syndicated blog posts, for example, then you’ll see at the bottom of the search results where it’ll say Google has admitted, similar you know, similar search results, and if you click that link, it will actually open up the supplemental index and will show you all of the other places that same content was published. So Google is aware of it. And we’ve done testing that, you know, even with no indexed PB ends, for example, that will again, we don’t use PB ends anymore. But we’ve done testing. And it’s been a while since we’ve done it, but with no index PBNs. And yes, Google able, you can still give you a bump. Right. So it’s not I didn’t say D indexed, but I said no index. Right. So supplemental index links, will they still help? As far as I’m aware? Yes. Are they as powerful as those that would be indexed? All you know, in the regular index? I don’t think so. And the reason why is because Google is looking at it as almost duplicate content.
It’s not that it’s toxic, but it’s just not that is as helpful as what I’m saying. So that’s one of the things that was being addressed by quantum Newswire, which we did a promotion for recently. Because they, they specifically are using a much smaller distribution network because of that reason, they’re not they’re trying not to use as many distribution points that end up getting going into the supplemental index anyways, now that said, Greg, the local PR pro method, which was essentially PR stalking and using press releases to get local results. It’s still effective, although the method has evolved a bit. And it’s on what’s about two years old now, since we launched that course, and so I am going to update that again and probably the next two months, we’re going to launch it relaunch it with the new methods and a couple of months. Because specifically, like I said, it has evolved. You’re in the Mastermind. I’ve talked about this multiple times in the Mastermind, Greg, I know you’ve missed that webinar or where I’ve talked about it, but we have talked about that. And several occasions now over the last several weeks in the Mastermind, but it still works. The local PR method works but it has evolved slightly in that I’ve noticed in several of our members have noticed. Darrell was one of them who does a lot of PR stuff that it requires more RYS, and more Consistent PR is before it kicks in the way that it used to with just one or two or, you know, like I said, when we launched the course, I was able to get 80% results with six hours or less. In other words, 15 out of 15 properties that I tested on 12 of them, I was able to get into the maps three pack within six press releases, so six press releases or less. That doesn’t seem to be the case anymore if it’s low competition, yes, but if it’s moderately competitive, or more than it requires more press releases and more consistency as well as like I always said, I believe it requires more diversity to in that instead of just using one distribution service over and over and over, you can still get effects that way, if you’re stacking properly, and I’m not going to go over the specific method of how to stack properly right now here on a free Hump Day Hangout, because that’ll be included in the update and we can talk about that in the Mastermind all the one Greg. But if you stack properly now you still can get really, really good results with just one distribution service. But it requires specific or a different internal linking method than what was, you know, the original method, right. And so that’s really the point is, is, if you have additional distribution networks that you can use, that’s going to help with diversity, you also want to stack properly, which just means changing it up a bit. Again, I can’t go cover that specific method here. But yes, I’m still using press releases prime as my primary off-page link building, you know,
direct to money site stuff. But you know, I’m also doing a lot of powering up to our assets using our link building service, you know, the same link building service that you have access, Greg, through mg, Why be now? Right. So again, it’s about powering up specific entities. That’s what the ad ID loop is that we set up. Again, you can get that training in the Mastermind. You’ve got that Greg. I know you’ve got that. But you can build links like traditional links to that spam type links and It works really well as including some of the assets that we are able to produce using the press releases. Right? So you power those up and you can get really good results too. As far as the indexing I don’t it’s not that big of a deal it whether they’re indexed or not, why do I say that? Well, because for example, guys, syndication networks, we know syndication networks help. We could talk about that briefly too. By the way, I just recently set up a new project haven’t done any link building so I haven’t done any content marketing. All I did was set up a website, right and it was just a Click Funnels page. And then I set up on a subdomain a WordPress installation for a blog. And that blog just has the Hello World post on it still, and I updated the site, the blog site title like you know, the title tag and such but I have not done any content marketing or any link building, haven’t syndicated any posts, haven’t done anything, but I have it. It’s a specific company name. And I added it’s been about three weeks now that I’ve had that site up and again, besides the Click Funnels page, whatever
content, there’s no content at all other than the Hello World post on the blog. And for that company name, if I were to search just last week for the company name, it showed up on like page three because there’s a lot of other companies that have similar names, but it’s not the same name. And so my the site being a brand new site brand new entity was showing up but like on page like three, so way, way back. Well, I have one of our VA is build me a syndication network, for that company for that brand, because it’s like I said, it’s a new project that I’m just setting up. And they just delivered that syndication network to me on Thursday, last week, so about six days ago, well, on Monday, I went and checked and guys, again, no posting has been done no content marketing, no syndicated posts or anything. On Monday, I did a search for my company name and an incognito browser and Firefox that was clean, and boom, number one for that company name. Now, granted, I was searching for the company name, but it was on page three, four.
about two and a half, three weeks. And then all we did was create a syndication network and it in it. As Marco always talks about solidified are validated by the entity. And now it’s showing is number one for that brand search. So it just goes to show you that the syndication networks, although is a specific SEO tool for syndicating posts is not as effective as it used to be five years ago, right? That makes sense. But it’s still every bit as effective and as critical as important because of what it does for validating the entity. And so the reason I brought that up was that the same thing goes with syndicating posts, most weed for years. And Greg, you should know this because you’ve been with part of the Mastermind for years. For years, people have asked, Well, I’m not seeing my syndicated post URLs being indexed. I can’t find them in the index. So this is useless. And I’ve said for years. No, that’s not true. Because whether they’re indexed or not, it doesn’t mean they’re useless. Google knows they’re there. And how do I know that Google knows or that well if your site is connected to search console,
And you go look at links to your site in Search Console, you’ll see WordPress and blogger and Tumblr and delicious and well not so much more delicious anymore. But Diigo and all of the different sites that were in your syndication network, you’ll see that they are listed and links to your site. And they’ll show how many posts Google was aware of that are linking back to your site. So whether they’re in the index or not, Google knows they’re there, and it’s counting them as links to your site. Does that make sense? So we know that they’re powerful, regardless, if as long as Google knows they’re there. Yes, there is some benefit to having indexed links. There’s no doubt. But there is still some benefit from non-index links to as long as they’re not deindexed sites. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. I’ve been talking about art and the art of art. Seems like forever now, at least a couple of years ever since I saw that the distance grab, and what school was doing as far as a websites and how it was taking a look at the entity and related everything to the entities to what it was gauging is trusted authority How many people do you trust? And basically how many trusts you not people but websites and and what is the trust and authority of those websites that are linking to yours. And it’s measuring that distance from seed sites and seat sets. I mean, I talked about this forever. I got tired of talking about because nobody would listen. Maybe they’ll start listening now, the that I mean, we can completely see how Google, it wants the entity. It wants to brand. It does not like ambiguity. And ambiguity simply means that there are two things on the web. That could be and I’ll give you a perfect example of ambiguity. You know, DC Glenn from tag team, right? Well, taxing can also mean a tag team and wrestling. And that’s what he’s been having to deal with it as far as ambiguity when people search. Which tag team are you referring to? So when you do a search for tag team, actually, Google gives you two options. Are you looking for tag team and wrestling? Or are you looking for tag team, the hip hop, or poor? Google doesn’t like ambiguity. It does not like to terms to be related to the same thing. And so what we have to do with this,
first of all, don’t create ambiguity. And if you do, you have to disambiguate fuck a $100 word for something so simple as make it clear to Google. What your entity is, bind everything to your entity, right? It’s verification, it’s validation, and then solidification. That’s what you have to do. And it just so happens that our syndication networks are some of the best tools out there for accomplishing this.
But not only that, what I recommend is you take every
Everything and you put that into a drive stack, take all of your URLs in the place where they go into dr stack. And then when you do the press of the stack, you drop a link into that Dr stack. And then when you go and do your link building, your link building follows your press releases press one press of these two, and so on so that you’re incrementally link building on to the last one. And then the last one, you hit hard, so that everything just shoots through that live stream. And I’m going to tell you right now there’s absolutely nothing better for creating relevance, which is the other part of art right activity, relevance, trust, and authority. Just an authority we get from all of the link building and everything else.
But creating everything in that drive stack and then getting dead yet to do his magic. That’s like I don’t know how he does it. And I don’t care. He just knows he’s been doing it for years. He knows what works. So I I’m not going to
Tell him what to do because he’s the master. But guy seriously, man, this works like gangbusters. And then on top of that, to really put that put like the cherry on top. You put some
traffic into it some Google traffic. And that’s when it really comes home man. That’s when everything really binds together and it because then it’s people telling Google Yeah, this is the entity that I was actually looking for, which is one of the things that I’m working with DC Glenn on right on on his entity. It’s already validated. Now it has to be disambiguate it from tireless, it’s tough, right? Because a lot of people look for that. Protect team and wrestling rather than tag team that we just have to get enough people to look at tag team, the hip hop group to disambiguate. But anyway, a long winded answer to Yes, syndication networks work for the entity but so
does everything else that we recommend in our battle plan by the battle plan is there for a reason we follow it and we’ve given you a step by step process on what it is that you need to do. Now some of it will take multiple attempts so that you can push your keyword to where you want it to be are you can hit the map pack or you can hit the Knowledge Graph UI you get rid of three pack become the Knowledge Graph for that keyword term. This this tons of things that you could do when you’re pushing power, but it takes pushing the right amount of power in the right places. I said my piece
Bradley: very good. Facebook just completely locked me out of my fucking account. Unbelievable. I was just looking at my phone while you’re talking. It’s like this is twice now in two days. I don’t understand. Are you guys all experienced in that shit to if not I got I got locked out of Facebook till Yes. Unbelievable. Adam did to like what the fuck? I hate Facebook.
Anyways, Alright guys, I’m going to wrap it up because I’m tired of this already. This is really being stupid. By the way, Clint, thank you for posting that link since I’m unable to do it.
But yeah, we’ll see you guys next week. Thanks for being here. Any any other words guys know your comment system for everyone to test out next week? Yeah, definitely.
Alright guys, we’ll see you next week. Thanks.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 231 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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