#have i done any of the muse bios yet? ofc not
deathsfollow · 6 months
i am testing blog width things hehe pls ignore me
test away, me.
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rulcrs · 2 years
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UNA BARATHEON (NEE HIGHTOWER). 59. Dowager Lady of the Stormlands. The Puppeteer.
bc i am absolutely a Hot Mess and have been trying to write una’s bio/intro for ages now yet i am FAR FROM DONE (even tho i’ve already hit like 1.6k words), pls have this mess of a “””bio”””
una is an ambitious woman and would stop at literally nothing to get what she KNOWS she deserves
she is the daughter of a minor hightower lord and an essosi from mantarys (more on that later - keep that IN MIND). her mom told her so many stories how their bloodline and ancestors were rulers of mantarys under valyria and ingrained into una that she should have her cake AND eat it too
miss una was a BOMBSHELL (still is lbr). she had so many suitors but she turned all of them down because they lacked smth and she refuses to lower her standards!! 
and then she met jullen - he was cute and strong and romantic, but most of all he was a LORD. so ofc una said yes asap
they had been married for 35 years but unfortunately they were never able to have a child of their own. una suffered many miscarriages and boii did they try and try and try, but when she already approaching late adulthood, she was like “aight enough of this bs, let’s adopt a child”
she adopted zirq her baby boii, gwilym her baby boii pt. 2, and cass the light of her life. she LOVES THEM more than she loves anything else. (( side note: jullen has a bastard child but we don’t talk abt her bc una doesn’t like her lma0)
she is the Game of Thrones Tinder. she’s had ladies brought up under her direct guidance and supervision, and she has had influence in their matchmaking. she loves seeing these girls turn into strong women. her ladies flourishing makes her flourish. but ofc, this is una we are talking abt here, so she most definitely didn’t just do all of that bc she wants to be nice lma0. nuh uh. she did that to have influence over as much of westeros as she can. the ladies she guided into womanhood are often loyal to her and she still keeps in touch with them. 
lady baratheon and lord baratheon - that’s how they were referred to. jullen had the title and birthright to the stormlands, but una held the reigns. under their joint ruling, the stormlands flourished the most out of all of the other southern kingdoms. they supported the targaryen rule - heck, una even arranged for her sister-in-law to marry one. (shoutout to selina and una’s half-targaryen nephews and nieces)
all would have been well, honestly. they could have reached greater highest and amassed greater wealth and power, but jullen fucked up. when the famine induced by the long winter hit the north, the stormlands were one of the first to send them aid. which is ok, ig??? but again - JULLEN FUCKED UP. una uncovered her husband’s plan: he wanted to give the north food and manpower for the great price of FREE. b r u h
anywaaaay, una and jullen had a great fight about that just before the coronation of queen selina (and ig of lucius malfoy targaryen as well rip to him). they were supposed to settle the issue after the coronation, but uh oh what’s this????
jullen died 
CORONATION ARC: It was Una’s cry that rang first. Her husband next to her dropped dead into his soup bowl and turned purple. Immediately, the tragic events during the coronation soon followed. After making sure all of her children are safe, Una started a vigil for her deceased husband and stayed in her apartments -- completely disallowing any visitors aside from her ladies-in-waiting and her children. The only time she has been seen to emerge from her chambers was right as her chambers came under attack during the festival.
WANDERERS ARC: After the attacks, Una busied herself with making sure that her children were safe and were in recovery. It broke her heart so much that her daughter, Cassandra, had been in harm’s way; and so she removed herself from her isolation and made herself available to her children. When interviewed by her sister-in-law, Queen Selina Targaryen, Una made her opinions and thoughts known regarding the North’s heavy involvement in both of the attacks that happened. 
FORRESTER EXECUTION ARC: (she was this meme) Una kept her distance from the actual proceedings, but made sure she was in the loop.  Although she had mentioned that perhaps Erik Forrester would have been a trustworthy person during the interrogations, she had been heard to have supported his execution (especially after he admitted to all of the killings). She expressed her relief at how quickly the situation has been handled and how “justice has been served.”
CURRENT ARC: Since the execution, Una has been seen helping her young son Zirq, now Lord Baratheon, with the matters of state and courtly affairs. She has been keeping a low profile, but her reach extends far and wide. A storm is brewing, this is merely the calm before it makes landfall. For Baddie Plots, please feel free to DM me. I LOOOOOOOOVE DRAMA AND CHAOS
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maskved · 3 years
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hello, besties ! this is ami (she/her) and i’m probably late with this intro ! first i’m sorry for mass-liking every post but i’m already in love with all your lovely muses. also i must confess that i’ve only read the first book ( years ago ) and watched the show because i have an attention span of - 10 seconds.  but at least i’m a soc hoe, so we can scream about that ... please ... !!! so if i get anything wrong pls let me know or you can also not let me know and i’ll continue being embarrassing 😔. anyway, if you are interested in some juicy plotting pls LIKE this post or message me ( if you want to plot on discord we can also do that 💖). I’M EXCITED.
PINTEREST  . discor*d     six of hoes🔪#7888  //  YEVA
[ viktoriya zobova ], an [ twenty six ] year old grisha in the little palace. she is  a [ tailor ] and are known in the little palace as the [ viscerotonic ]. they are known to be [ resilient ] and [ elusive ] and vaguely resemble [ kristine froseth ]. 
death tw
- viktoriya zobova ( however, prefers to be called vika because every time one calls her by her full name she might as well be in trouble ) had never been more than average. born to average parents ( although grisha their powers pale compared to others ) into an average family and of course as the middle child, vika strived for more than simply being overlooked.
- truth to be told, she dreaded to be tested. to her it seemed like the final reminder that she was nothing special, average, merely an extra to someone other’s story. she even wished, she wouldn’t be a grisha, fearing that like her parents she’d belong to the lower ranks. however, if she turned out to be a simple human without any power, at least she’d be special within her family or could even try to make a story up that she was adopted or something ( i hate her -- ).
- however, the moment she found out about being able to alter people’s appearances with her ability *atla vc* everything changed - 
- truth to be told she knew she was considered to be lower rank among others but what really fueled her arrogance and the sudden feeling of self importance was her knowing that she possessed a rare ability. she didn’t care others treating her badly for her rank because “hey i can alter appearances and that is lit ( she probably didn’t say it that way - )
- ALSO ( here comes the moment i throw in my found family trope bcs i’m a soc hoe and this actually plays a big role in her story ) she’d found comfort in the friends she met.
- (lemme add my childhood friends trope bcs why not ) as vika was never close to her parents ( to be fair her being taken away for the training at such a young age did not really gave her the time to really bond with her family ) her little group of friends became her second family. they called themselves “blood is thicker water” ( gang ???) bcs 1) vika really thought the saying was blood is thicker water and not blood is thicker than water 2) they thought they were incredibly funny.
- they were pretty much known as troublemakers, especially with vika being a tailor it was easy to sometimes shift the blame on others. truth to be told, it only caused vika to be more frivolous. all the fun they had blinded her judgment and she viewed her ability as harmless.
- well, lets say vika becoming more reckless did not end up being the best character development (lmao). as usual , everything started out as a harmless joke. her friend asked her to change his appearance. however, this time they wanted her to change their whole face. not just the colour of their hair or eyes. vika was reluctant at first, she’d never done it before but in the end she agreed to it and much to her surprise she succeeded. she even bragged about it and told her friends ( of the bloody “blood is thicker water” gang (???) ) .
-  to cut a long story short, their friend ended up dying because of it. i have two versions for their death ( i haven’t decided on it yet *clown emoji*)
1) the person they changed their appearance into apparantly was involed in some shady stuff and had some pretty morally questionable people around him. they thought vika’s friends was that person they were looking for (bcs of the changed appearance) and killed them for some reason.
2) vika’s friend was supposed to be part of some mission they didn’t want to go to, thus changed their appearance to escape from it. however, ended up having to do another mission and ended up being killed. 
RIP nameless but vital character to vika’s bio 
- vika pretty much blamed herself for it and maybe her friends of their friend group as well. this incident also ‘humbled’ vika and now instead of being proud of it she hates it.
- right now, she doesn’t really know what to do with her future. she has this ‘oh so grand’ plan that one day she might be able to change her appearance (permanently) and then leave the little palace and live under a new name and lead a life where she wouldn’t need to use her abilities anymore.
personality ( i’m trying to keep it short i swear, i’m just adding a bunch of sentence here bcs i’m throwing all my ideas into this paragraph)
- she’s known to be pretty social. she loves to talk and honestly doesn’t know when to shut up. she can’t deal with silence because it forces her to think about things she doesn’t want to think about. although, her tongue is sharp and trouble seems to follow her, she also loves to dance around the issue, pushing her feelings away and replacing it with a witty joke instead. as if everyone does it the same way, as if everyone is supposed to understand. 
- although she was tempted to change her own appearance many times. she never did because she is a coward and doesn’t trust her skills as much others might think she does.
- she views her ability as a form of art, perhaps that is also the reason she used to love to paint. honestly, she was never really good at it. average and above average with practice. her friend ( the dead one lmao ) used to paint with her whenever they could sneak away but with them gone, she doesn’t see a point in it anymore.
- she secretly envies the other grisha’s who can use their ability to fight. recently, she’d find herself trying to practice some punches so she doesn’t feel that useless in case of a dangerous situation. she also sucks at that so she’s probably in need of a training patner aka someone who is willing to train her or she has annoyed that much that they were willing to help her out ( wc ???)
- being personally trained by the darkling, one might assume that she’s loyal or even thankful towards the darkling. however, contrary is the case and she wouldn’t even grant him a dust particle of her trust. she doesn’t believe that he has the best interest of anyone in his heart and if she could, she’d probably spread rumors about him and telling others that he has some serious case of stanky breath.
wanted connections ( just some ideas, which can be changed ofc ! or some wcs can be connected ) 
(0/3) “blood is thicker water” friend group  : they pretty much grew up together. the death of their friend ( the friend needs a name - i swear...) caused tension within the group. while, one might have blamed vika for their death the other doesn’t and just wants them to be how they used to be. nevertheless, no one can deny that nothing was what it used to be). (( honestly these are just some ideas and we can plot wtv sddm )
training partner ( can be more than one ): connection mentioned in the hcs ! they help her a little out to become physically fit and level up her combat skills of -10. maybe they want something in return for it. help her out bcs they’re just nice or bcs vika annoyed the heck out of them etc.
person vika changed their friend’s appearance into: honestly we can do wtv with it. i just thought it’d be fun to play with the idea and having the person running around when they actually “died” and everyone belieed them to be dead until they found out that it was vika’s friend. might be angsty bcs it might remind vika of their friend.
angsty exes: listen, i love some angsty shit and i love to blame vika for all the problems. they might have dated before the whole dead friend fiasco happened. although, viktoriya acted as if she was fine after the incident ( which she wasn’t ),it only made muse a realize that vika and them weren’t as close as they believed and how much vika tied to hide from them.  BUT tbh anything would work i love a good angsty ex connection djddnd
random idea but i just liked the thought that this person once went to vika for some enhancing stuff. however, this day vika was not really herself, distracted, head in the clouds. so she accidenally might have gotten rid of some important scar or something.
enemies : lbr, vika might prbly be the type who has some enemies. she has no filter and might has stepped on someone toes because of it. (Also maybe gimme some enemies to lovers trope , adding this here quietly to not expose myself as a hoe for that trope )
HONESTLY GIVE ME EVERYTHING, gimme angst, fluff, tropes !!??? more friends, unusual friends, shippy stuff, platonic stuff, family connections djdsd GIMME 
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nyandereneko · 4 years
i wanted to type up some scenario stuff related to my new selfship because as of late my scenarios have been...quite significant streams of thought, possibly because my brain is trying to make up for the fact that i’m not writing as much because i don’t have the energy/focus to...but that doesn’t mean i can’t still try damn it
ANYWAY actual content of this post under the cut for length reasons
this morning i was looking at DTB official art to try and find a good portrait of Hei for my eventual bio page on my carrd (because that’s the kind of ref i’ve taken to including when i don’t have selfship art) and h...holy shit my dude some of that art just took me out on the spot, no margin of error, just a clean shot right through lol. i posted a big thread of my reactions and stuff about it (which i can’t link to for now because it’s on my priv twitter)...i’m not sure if i’ll ever end up sharing it publicly, but i might, because i’ll admit i thought it was funny while i was making it but WOWIE look at all this commentary and still no closer to the scenario i made this whole post for in the first place :^)
i’ve already stated Hei’s occupation but what i didn’t include was the fact that he wears a skintight assassin outfit for reasons i am completely oblivious to (complete with his mask and bullet proof coat most of the time) and i was just like bro...you can’t do this to me...but also you’ve already done this to me...fheislfjlesfs
DTB!Nova and Hei’s relationship development is rocky (the result of my current depression musings) but she doesn’t know he’s a Contractor from the start ofc, and when she does find out it’s not...the best thing in the world...but hey it’s a hurdle they needed to get over and i figure after that point she starts becoming an accessory to missions whether either of them want her to be or not...Mao ends up acting like a wingman i bet and insisting that they need her help with surveillance and stuff sometimes and Hei isn’t stupid, he gets what’s going on, but Nova’s too preoccupied and overwhelmed by everything else, including several life threatening situations she starts getting mixed up in, to really care about or notice Mao’s meddling. 
getting to the actual scenario (orz i’m so sorry for how scattered this post is, this has just been my brain for the past few months and will probably continue to be for the rest of the year) i can see them all in the midst of fleeing from some dangerous encounter and the instigator of said encounter is still on their tail, but they stop in an alley or something to catch their breath and Nova turns to Hei to start complaining to him about the fact that she never wanted to be involved in any of this (and he’d probably respond by saying he didn’t want her to get involved either, it’s her fault for complying when she didn’t have to (because deep down she secretly really does want to be involved >:3c) ) but when she turns to look at him he’s temporarily shed his coat and is checking physical damage to make sure he doesn’t have any injuries he may not have noticed yet due to shock or something and Nova’s just like 👀👀💦💦💦 her speech trails off and she’s just...staring...and he’s like “what are you looking at” and she’s like “NOTHING...OF COURSE...” and instantly goes red and turns away, furiously and silently wishing with all her might that she could just sink into the ground now and not have to deal with any of this complicated, fucked up feeling shit again...but hoo boy she’s definitely not going to be forgetting that sight for a while ;DDD
also a sweeter turn of events that i realize would also be good to write, him putting his coat around her...maybe to protect her in one situation, but just because he notices she’s cold in another...goodBYE i’m really in too deep but i can’t help myself and it makes me feel better and i know that’s all that matters in the end lol
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femmefatclle · 4 years
Hello everyone, I’m Ivy and as per usual, I do things in the last minute. Bellow is everything about my girl Ella who is one big mess but I’m planning huge things for her in the near future, so if you can help me to make it messier - it’ll be even better. The intro got a bit long so everyone who gets to the end, gets a present!
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✎⌠madelaine petsch. cis female. she/her⌡❝ — well, look who’s just arrived ! if it isn’t the one and only elienna willard. though, around here they’re known as the femme fatale. don’t tell ‘em i said this but the twenty three year old assistant to a photographer / intern at a small firm kinda has a reputation of being deceitful and self-indulgent. but y’know, they can be versatile and intellectual too. typical aquarius. anyways, welcome home and stay safe ella !❞  
tw for death, abuse, attempted suicide, addiction and attempted sexual assault
NAME: Elienna Willard NICKNAME/S: Ell/Ella AGE: twenty-three GENDER: cis female PRONOUNS: she/her SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual HOMETOWN: Misty Hollow HEIGHT: 5′5 EYE COLOR: dark brown HAIR COLOR: red
/insert Madison Beer’s song - Dear society/
Elienna was born in Misty Hollow, Connecticut to Darius and Alice Willard. Her father was working as a car seller and her mother has a degree in bio engineering - it was known that she left her very promising career because of love after meeting Darius and moved with him in Misty Hollow.
As the years passed, her parents noticed that their daughter was showing signs of being way smarter than the average kids - it happened around the time when she was five years old. Apart from that she tended to stay away from most of the kids, closing herself in their house and showing much more interest in her mother’s books on bio engineering then socializing with people.
Growing up and being even more different because of her red hair, Elienna taught herself to use it as just another of her advantages, learning that manipulating and playing people is the only way she could keep her heart intact from the cruelty of those around her. She became really good at putting the right facade for different people, that way many thought of her of being two faced and even a cruel child. Yet her brain couldn’t make her immune from doing stupid things in the future.
When she was eleven her mother decided to leave her father and both of them moved to San Francisco. They lived there until Elienna graduated Golden Gate University with bachelor in business and pr at just 19 years old.
The university was the place she met her first and probably only real friend she’ll ever have. Best friend even. Because Elienna tended to appear as cold and distant, always standing away from people or acting as if they were beneath her, not to mention that she was way younger than all of the university students, her first months there were very difficult for her to adjust to. But then she met Sage. She was the complete opposite to all of Elienna’s constantly changing moods - three years older than her, wild, reckless, with short black hair and one-two small tattoos on her body, Sage was the light in the redheads life, taking her under her wing and then shoving her into the center of all the troubles.
Both of them became so close that for their second year they decided to move out together. Elienna’s mother was against it but eventually, seeing how happy for once her daughter was, she let this slide.
Sage was the first person who convinced Elienna to try alcohol, then cigarettes, then something else and something else until the vicious circle got all the way around. But having a closed confident, something she never had in her life made Elienna blind to how destructive their friendship was. After all it was all fun and games… until, in her third year, Elienna got way past the line - she eventually had gotten addicted to drugs and a lot of drinking. Her grades dropped, she was on the verge of being expelled because of not attending university for months and even her mother’s money weren’t about to fix things soon if something drastic wasn’t done.
This was the moment where her mother stepped in, trying to get Elienna out of Sage’s poisonous grip. In secret her mother put her in rehab against her will for two months so she could get clean and graduate. Indeed, that way her daughter got clean… but not from Sage’s friendship.
When she was 14, a photographer saw her as she and her mother were walking in one of the parks at San Francisco. Since natural redheads were rare to find, he asked to photograph her for fun, but then seeing that Elienna was natural in front of a camera, even with her shyness, he publicized his pictures. A lot of people were mesmerised by how pure and beautiful the girl looked so with that she even managed to get a few more photo shoots. Then, the era of Instagram appeared and Elienna easily became “star” there with over 16k followers at this time.
Her father died in a car accident five years ago, leaving his house to her. She refused to return to Misty Hollow for the funeral and later sold the property.
After graduation, her mother thought that she’ll continue her promising future in San Francisco, becoming one hell of a business woman, but the redhead surprised her when she announced that she was going back to her hometown. The reason - Sage managed to convince her how good it would be for her to go back to her hometown for a few months, a year maybe, reconnecting and healing from past wounds, before delving into the adulthood.
Going back to her hometown brought out a lot of memories. Since she wanted to try something new, Elienna got the job of an assistant to a photographer and used it as a way to get even better at her side “job” - modeling & being an Instagram star.
But as the time passed, Ell found out that with only being an assistant she couldn’t make much money, so she was forced to take on another job - this time, something close to her degree. Ell went on few interviews and became a business intern in one of the ‘biggest’ firms in town.
But then the strange obsession of her best friend came into her life. At this time both of them lived together again, partying and doing reckless stuff… until her friend got obsessed with the damn horror story of the town. Like, really obsessed. Strangely as it is, this was the thing that caused the first big problem in their friendship even if Elienna herself was a sucker for everything dark and dangerous that lurked in the town’s shadows.
Diving straight into the deep dark, Sage made Elienna follow her down with her. One of the last words Ell would remember that Sage had said to her was - If it wasn’t for me, your naive nature would’ve gotten you to the bottom. Now, with how popular you are and with the ability to make other people do your bidding, to be apart of something bigger then this shitty old town, you can be on top of all of them. So why are you still such a wailing bitch about it?
The next day Sage disappears.
It’s been almost two months now and no one knew what had happened to her. Elienna is a complete train wreck, practical living at the sheriff’s department and constantly posting on social media about what had happened, hoping that someone would help her find her missing friend. But with all the nasty rumours… deep down Elienna knows that she would never find her friend. At least, not alive. And sinking more and more into the pile of horrors this town has to offer, the redhead knows she’s not leaving soon.
Few months ago she was almost raped. That night Elienna was already drinking a little too much when all of it happened. It hurled her into emotionless black pit for a week, she even thought of pressing charges but at the end she didn’t do anything because Sage told her how terrible it would be for her reputation.
After the attempted sexual assault, at a moment of weakness, she thought about trying to kill herself. But when trying to do it, Elienna couldn’t take her life.
Recently she feels as if she’s stalked. And that’s when the anonymous messages start to appear…
Wow, if you’ve made it this far - congratulations! I already have full wc list posted on my blog and you can find it HERE. Ofc if you don’t find your muse into any of the positions - message me and I’d love to think of something with every single one of you. <333
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sgnseungho · 5 years
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hello there! i’m very excited to bring this boy to life. the very charming, supposed bad boy who has a moralistic soft spot and nihilistic tendencies now that most of what he knew to be ‘normal’ no longer is !! i’ll be writing a plots page for him soon because i got plenty of ideas and no spoons to write them but ain’t the the way of rping tbh. 
this isn’t my first muse in snu but !! i appreciate the welcomes!! here’s some generic info on him: 
pretends that international trade is his only major bc it’s what his ‘family’ wants but is also a game design and development major. 
secretly wants to design the next top online game much like the video game in love 020 if anyone knows the movie or show !! 
the mellifluous canon, meaning yes he’s the type to charm his way through life but he’s taken a pretty big spill from the top of the social food chain because of the infamous cinth party, the last one he’s ever gone to and he doesn’t plan on going to another one again ( again, cinth party but hey he doesn’t mind other social clubs, he just needs more time to be okay with it ) 
tw time, here we go:  sexual harassment, excessive drinking, certain escalated words that i don’t like using but related to sexual harassment, etc. 
what people think happened at the party / what is known around campus: seungho was named as the main person responsible for what happened and how a cinth party somehow ended up in a young woman in the hospital, alcohol levels through the roof and in a coma for some time ( she’s no longer in one but more on that in the bio ) 
what actually happened will also be in the bio bc it’s more specifically related to the trigger warnings. i don’t wanna make anyone read that if they don’t want to so !! also ya girl doesn’t have a bio fully written yet but it will be !!!!! 
*** tl;dr about why seungho is no longer cinth president: he took full responsibility for what happened and resigned from his position and the club as punishment in lieu of the club being blamed. his father was willing to pay off the school, ofc, but he wanted to resolve things his own way and he realized how much he couldn’t be part of cinth anymore 
doesn’t deny a single rumor about himself because he genuinely doesn’t care; firm believer instead that ‘there are no facts, only interpretation’  
possible connections: 
members of the following sports: lacrosse, basketball, swimming, boxing
cinth members who either still like him or hate him 
he’s a senior so anyone who’s been in snu for at least a year or two could definitely have crossed paths with him !!  
anyone who’s seen some of the modeling he’s done in the past 
exes, flings, etc. angry boyfriends who thought he was flirting or cases where seungho was really mister steal yo girl 
any kind of school situation !! throw em at me, we can do em all!! 
otherwise, if nothing appeals to u so far, like this to plot and i’ll dm you!! 
my plots page will be linked once i speed through it. thanks for making it this far, damn r u still here? impressive. 
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boogiewrites · 5 years
Choking On Sapphires 82
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Genevieve (OFC)
Title & Song: When the Levee Breaks
Summary: Alfie returns to work. He begins to deal with the aftermath of what happened and tries to gain control of an uncontrollable situation.
Warnings/Tags: Language. References to assault and violence. PTSD. Suffering/Physical Pain. Fluff. Grumpy Alfie. Business Alfie. 
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.) Please like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed it! It helps out us writers A LOT!
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The clack and clash of work within the well ran warehouse beneath the quaint Jewish bakery was running at high proficiency with its boss stalking about the place again. His freshly cobbled shoes, which he refused to replace, much to Genevieve’s annoyance, squeak with the hard fresh leather and nails against the hard floor. Despite being polished, they were covered with dirt and dust just like the rest of him, as was necessary for working in a rum house. He enjoyed the work again, as much as one could enjoy ordering around mostly boys he thought would have trouble pissing in a pot by themselves. But it did get him out of the house. More importantly, it got him away from the abstract and currently unsolvable problems that lie there waiting for him as soon as he left the structure that running his business gave him.
He’d adapted well, in his opinion, to the problems that lie in that big ornate bed at home. He didn’t work nights if it could be helped, he was home for dinner every day and took the Shabbat off, giving him extra time to be with Genevieve. He didn’t like coming back home to problems he couldn’t solve with a shout of his orders, but that was the life they were dealing with. He’d at least been able to put up a strong front at work, perhaps a bit more stone-fisted with his men than he had been previous to Genevieve’s abduction. But he felt like he had control at his dingy warehouse with its strong smells he carried home in his clothes every day. He felt like he had a place that fit when he was working, his problems solved by either agile fingers or mind with a raise of his voice or arms to put forth the labor and intellect to solve them. He didn’t have to think about how powerless he was when it came to the throw of a dice that was Genevieve’s health and mind while he worked. And although he did make most of his money on being a betting man, he’d always prefer horses over the indifferent will of the miraculous mess that was the human body.
He told himself he did it because he wanted to take better care of himself in the face of Genevieve’s decline of health, taking breaks outside to escape the fumes and flames inside his alcove of a workspace. The reality was that Aggie and Claire had beaten him into submission on him eating a full lunch and getting some sun every day. Aggie would know by his mood and his lack of stealth when it came to snacking in the kitchen if he failed to follow her suggestions. But of course, Alfie had found another way to use this forced time to his advantage. As was his way.
“There lads, go on wif ya.” He grunts after handing coins to the scrappy youth's he’d been meeting with on his breaks. Little sets of unassuming eyes and ears around the city, needing the money and having the time and invaluable ability to seem invisible to most, he utilized them for his work. They gave him all the things they’d seen and heard that could interest him. For a few sweets and pounds the information they gave was worth its weight in gold. He watches their worn shoes become even more so on his orders as they shuffle across the dirty brick pathways away from the canal and the work buildings.
“Next appointment is soon sir.” Ollie reminds him, taking Alfie's eyes from the long distance stare they were set in thoughtfully as the kids disappeared around the corner.
“Right.” He huffs out, a hand that smelled awful and felt much the same with its grit from both stress and work rubbing across his face as he scratches his beard in thought. “Put down visitin’ the families in the diary soon, yeah? Seems a few of the children have come down wif some fuckin awful fing that’s killed one of 'em already.” He says without the emotion behind it that it would warrant from any normal person.
“Yes, sir.” Ollie notes in his mind as he follows after his employer, back down the corridors to his office. Despite Ollie being taller, he very much felt small and like Alfie was carving the way back for him as his shoulders swayed and bow legs stalked with a stance that unquestionably told anyone who looked his way, “Don’t fuck with me.”
“So what ‘ave I got before I head out?” He asks with no fondness to the statement, selves rolled up his bulky and gingery hair covered forearms. His hands, as always highly bejeweled, Genevieve’s gifts among them, slap together and rub to commence the last parts of his work day, the tattooed crowns being the least of the signals from him that he was, in fact, the boss in this space.
“We have the meetings with the little birds.”
Alfie scoffs and scoots up his worn leather chair to his large wooden desk, covered in patches of dust and paperwork with a posture perfect back for a moment. “Not so little now eh?” He muses. “In stature or count.” He states with pursed lips and high brows full of amusement for his observation.
The project of little birds had started years ago. Now men, just like the lads he’d paid earlier were now, he had groomed these young men into spies for him in various fields. He had them for the Jewish community, various pubs and shops and corners in every class of neighborhood and at least one in each of the so-called gangster's posse’s, minus one for the boy who had been with Horne. He’d murdered him where he stood in his office the day he came back to work. In hindsight, perhaps it was a bit harsh, but it certainly sent the other boys into high gear to not have the same fate as him. Alfie felt much more in charge of his emotions from what had happened now, but as always, his sort of life would keep finding ways to make him question himself.
“I have the report here, sir. One will be in shortly with his to close off the group.”
“Why’s he late wif it?”
“Not late, only delayed from the nature of his subject. He hosts at the high tea shops in the West End.”
“Ah. Right.” Alfie nods, a twitch of whiskers over chapped full lips that sat in a tight line as he read over his tiny golden framed glasses. The reports with their code words and aliases couldn’t be read any more clearly by Alfie. It all spelled trouble. The word was out about him being behind the pillaging of Horne’s buildings. Word had spread of the less powerful Birmingham Gypsy brothers helping these acts to transpire as well. But it was known Genevieve was counted among them, being the head Shelby’s godmother to his children and that.
Sabini was annoyed by their appearance in London, but planned nothing in retort. In his words, it was reported that Horne, the bloody American, had it fucking coming. This was a general consensus it seemed, no one fond of any Americans moving in on business since the blowup years ago with the American-Italians. Not even Sabini had been safe in that fight. Americans were seen as cowboys, wildcards not to be trusted and looked down upon for their boisterous nature and inclination to assume their importance. The general consensus was fuck the Americans. At least Alfie had something in common with these men. One less in their line of work meant more for them, and with prohibition still enforced, that opened up a piece of the market to make some money in Horne’s absence. Alfie jots down notes with a hard brow to look farther into taking on Horne’s business loose ends. Beyond the professional, it seemed the consensus on Alfie and his reaction to Horne was a mixed one. Some thinking it an overreaction, some, like Sabini seeing it as earned and flex of power. Whether they thought him mad or powerful, he didn’t much care, but the signs all pointed to him being feared for it and that was precisely where Alfie wanted to stand with these men.
Onto the other subject of his almost betrothed, Genevieve, the news was not as pleasant but he had expected worse. Whispers of taking over her businesses, seeing her as weak now we’re starting to appear. Inevitable, Alfie knew but it certainly didn’t help smooth the lines in his forehead as much as it deepened them. No plans so far, it was still too soon to tell and he had done a fairly decent job as far as these papers told him of keeping her state a secret.
But the young man in front of him quickly put that ease to bed.
“The talk is that she’s gone soft. That’s she’s lame and traumatized. Forgive me for saying these things sir, they are not from my mouth.”
Alfie nods, a hand waving to dismiss the apology as his chin rests in his other hand to hurry on the boy.
“Her lack of appearance has caused much chat among the ladies as she wasn’t known for canceling or not being seen before. They know the donations are still going through, but she hasn’t been teaching or going to meetings or cooking at the children’s home. The more extreme of the rumors are, and forgive me again sir, are that she’s been sent to bedlam, pregnant with another man’s child, gone completely mad and being locked in her home and that she’s on drugs now. She’ll wander 'round the estate naked and talk to imaginary people. Most think you’ll leave her soon.” He concludes with a heavy gulp, his mouth dry from the man staring him down across the desk.
How was he going to head this off? How do you kill rumors that have a grain of truth? He knew she couldn’t go out in public yet, it’d be a long time still for that. She was currently dazed at best, mumbling to herself as she wandered the house with his cane. Her body was healing, she could walk with only a limp now. But her mind, that was another subject entirely. He didn’t know what was her, what was medication and what was trauma in that soft head of hers. It was too soon for answers and he needed them. Needed to squash out this weakness that was growing among them. But how could he show she was fine when she very much was not.
“That all?” He finally gruffs out.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good lad.” He says with a nod, his w'ords tense and his jaw tight. “Well, she isn’t lame or in an asylum someplace. She’s at home healing. Doctors orders to stay home and keep calm until she’s all better. So snuff out any other stories, eh? She’s fine, I’m fine. We are together, she isn’t pregnant. Paint a peachy fuckin portrait, yeah?”
“Of course sir.” He agrees enthusiastically.
“Good work. Keep it up and there may be more pay in your future.” He promises with only a slight lie in the words.
With a bow and thanks he exists and Alfie put his stained fingertips to his scabbed forehead and sighs. “Posh fuckin cunts. No lives. Only love to titter stories like fuckin' little girls in school to each other. Fuckin' gossips. Fuckin’...’ell.” He shakes his head and takes a deep breath. “They ain’t so much worried 'bout me, but her. Which is right fuckin' daft of 'em.” He speaks with an exasperated breath and a sweeping display of his hands. “News weren’t half fuckin' bad 'til those fuckers had to go and run their fat fuckin', cock suckin' mouths.” He huffs, brow low as he slumps into his chair.
“Awful that they’re speaking of Miss Durand in such a way. After all she’s done for them and the children.” Ollie responds with a sigh.
“Fuckin' what mate?” Alfie challenges with a sharp twist of his head his way. “Ya fuckin' soft? Ya sweet on her are ya Ollie?” Alfie's voice didn’t hold enough tease for Ollie to not tense up and stutter.
“No! No sir she’s always been a giving woman to those less fortunate and people speaking ill of her with no proof is upsetting. Not surprising at all! But still unfortunate.”
“Yeah,” Alfie drops the knee jerk flare of anger he’d been brewing up. Ollie hadn't done anything wrong. He just wanted to lash out. “The problem is, some of that is just tittle-tattle, right? But what if they did have a way to know fings?” Alfies natural inclination to be suspicious and paranoid was only being fueled by the oddly specific gossip in some instances.
“As in someone at home?” Ollie replies surprised, knowing Alfie had personally interrogated every staff member after Gen was gone. He’s assaulted a few and had found none guilty. The ruling was that someone had snuck in and posed as staff and given her the drink and then slipped out. Not having someone to burn at the stake really hadn’t helped Alfie out at the time. So Ollie was highly curious as to who would be giving information as he knew most of the staff owed Gen a great deal themselves. He knew them as loyal and grateful, but as Alfie liked to remind him from time to time, what the fuck did he know?
While Alfie was out gathering his information, Genevieve was at home doing entirely the opposite. The morphine made her mind a mess, but as was the nature of it, she certainly didn’t know it to be so.
Her walks in the garden, one arm held by either Aggie or Claire as they steadied her, seeing her eyes so far away despite being open and focusing on things. She spoke of children often, like they were there. No one knew what she was referring to. Claire and Aggie had their suspicions as to the cause of this hallucination or delusion, which one they were not sure yet, but neither said it aloud. It hurt them too much to speak of and they knew they shouldn’t break Gen's heart by trying to tell her otherwise. Another screaming fit, something like a child would throw wasn’t what they wanted to experience again.
Gen's reality was far different. She was on leisurely strolls in a dreamy garden. Her cheeky and precocious children hiding from her amongst the flowers and hedges. She didn’t see them all the time, or even often, but she did hear them. Calls for mama and papa, little auburn haired cherubs dashing in the corners of her eyes. She didn’t even know their names or faces but something about the thought of them made things not hurt as badly and it was easy to want to stay in the drug-induced stupor where everything was golden and nothing hurt. The reality was too much still, too painful, too much. So she stayed.
The warm, dizzy halo of morphine was only broken when the pain would break through. This was when the glow in her vision would fade and she would be reminded of how she was, in fact, broken. The physical pain acted as a gateway for the mental, for she recalled how she received the injuries and the memories would start to follow. With a wince, her caregivers knew she was coming down, it was time to rest. Her soft and bruised face was set to something besides indifference as her brow would furrow and her jaw would once again tighten with the stress that her current state brought upon her.
In these moments they would see a wounded Genevieve peek through the veil. Her eyes still dilated but the life backlit them in those hours she was lucid. Once she was herself for some brief moments they would ask her about her hallucinations and dreams, as they were both not decreasing in intensity. Any look at the bags under Alfie's eyes from being woken up by her fighting and struggling, mumbling awful reminders through the night next to him would tell the story of how she really felt whether she was willing or able to herself. Awake, the memories didn’t haunt her as heavily as they did in her sleep. With her brain desperately trying to mend itself, it kept trying to heal the parts that were broken and so it brought the memories of her time held hostage forward, inaccessible to her during her waking hours. The only comfort Alfie found in it was telling himself she was just dreaming, not reliving the trauma. But deep down he knew better. He’d been there himself. At this juncture, his body was growing weary and his spirit wasn’t far behind. The process of healing yourself was one thing, watching another attempt it was a whole other beast he had no interest in taming. And yet he found himself sleeping with it in his bed every night. A reminder of his worries and stress and failure that he could find no refuge from.
Alfie shoved his feet into the house shoes that greeted him at the door by the hands of maids. Taking his coat, offering him tea, he still wasn’t used to the treatment and he was starting to think he never would be.
“No, no, love.” he gruffs a young maid away with a brush of his hand. “Where’s Agatha? I’d like to know how Genevieve is before I see her.” he sighs, twisting his body and hearing the pops and cracks of age and strain, both accumulating far too rapidly for his liking.
“I’m here, Alfie.” Aggie’s tired feet shuffle around the corner, always wiping her hands on her apron when she appeared. “She’s in her room. Haven’t heard a peep from her in some time now. Which is an improvement. Short time and she’ll take her medicine again. Thought you might some time with her while she was lucid before she took it again.”
“Is she lucid?” he asks with a raised brow.
“She’s been up and around and with the usual exception of the few hours of her medicine and the strange talking, she’s been doing quite well today.” she gives an optimistic nod.
Alfie nods, a large exhalation stretching the muscles of his chest at the good news. He had been fully expecting nothing good after the gossip he’d had to mull over today. Perhaps there could be a light growing at the end of this dark tunnel for them both. “Good.” he responds, thumbing his nose with no other showing of his relief, his face sat hard and preoccupied as it had been since he’d gone back to work.
He saunters his way down the great hall to Genevieve’s wing of the house. As he does so, he sees a maid dart out of the phone room, kept near the entryway into the kitchens and back halls.
“Oi!” he shouts, her posture straightening and eyes growing wide before she turns to him. “What ya fuckin’ up to in there?” he demands with no politeness, a ringed finger pointing towards the room.
“Callin’ me sista sir.” she answers with a nod, not meeting his eyes. He couldn’t tell if it was from orders or to avoid his direct glare.
“What ya callin’ on work hours for?” he gruffs out with a rise of his chin.
“She’s only home for a short while between jobs, sir.”
“Where’s she live?”
“London, sir.”
“Where’s about?” he gives her rapid questions to read her honesty.
“Clerkenwell, sir.” she keeps her head down and hands together in front of her.
“Hmph. I ‘on’t know you do I? You’re new, yeah? Did I let you in?”
“No sir, I was brought in from another home a fortnight ago when my previous employer passed away.”
“Who was that?”
“Mrs. Hilda Gold from Kentish Town, sir.”
“Mmph.” a rub of his chin, wheels turning at knowing who her former employer was, knowing she was Jewish, but also acutely aware that she was a huge gossip. “I did not know she had passed.”
“I stayed on to clear out the estate then Agatha took me on.”
“Fine fuckin’ timin’ you showed up, eh?”
She doesn’t respond, not certain how to.
“Well get the fuck on... wait, what’s ya name?”
“Dorothy.” she says mid-turn, freezing at the man’s request.
“Well, then Dottie get back to work. No callin’ until after tea, yeah?” he oders with strong squared shoulders and a curt nod.
“Yes, sir. My apologies, sir.” she sputters out fast before disappearing into the nearest corridor.
He sticks his neck out as he passes to find her already gone, chewing the inside of his lip as he continues on with his paranoia as he travels towards Gen’s room.
Genevieve sits so eerily still, tense and afraid to make a move as she stares at the door in the dimly lit room. It’d been left that way to allow her to sleep but as it had been since she’d started getting up and moving around, coming to herself a tiny bit more every day, if she was left in the dark alone she could never sleep unless the medicine forced her to.
Alfie braces himself for nothing good, even though the state of her wasn’t poorly today. With a slow opening of the door, one that unintentionally made poor Genevieve's heart nearly beat out of her chest, he finally shows himself, eyes direct to hers as he sees her sitting up in bed.
He observes her eyes fluttering and her posture slump at the sight of him. At first, he couldn’t believe his feelings were a bit hurt by it. Then she reaches out to him with a face that actually showed something besides neutrality, sleepy eyes and barely parted lips that were pleading for him to come closer.
“‘Ello, love.” he greets, moving over to the bed and taking her hands, kissing her knuckles as he sat next to her on the edge. “You’re looking much better this afternoon.” he praises, a hand to her cheek as he watches her eyes close and her lean into his touch. A lump of fondness erupts in his gut, something he admittedly hadn’t felt since he’d gone back to work and had to compartmentalize his feelings to deal with them. He suddenly felt guilty as her hand covered his, such a tender gesture as she kissed his palm.
Unknown to him, she was flooded with a euphoric relief at his appearance. With her emotions still nowhere near stable, she begins to cry.
“Oh, pet, come now. No reason for all that.” he shushes, wiping the tears away. “What’s wrong?” he asks, picking up the pen and pad next to the bed and with shaky hands, she scribbles away.
“Be quiet for a moment and listen.” it reads, Alfie’s brow furrows, starting to question the optimism of Aggie.
“What are you on about?” he replies and Gen puts her fingers to his lips. The look in her eyes tells him she’s serious. He does as instructed and waits, eyes moving about the room, not sure what he should be listening for.
He watches her raise and her head turn to the door and stare. Much like a frightened deer.
“I don’t hear nuffin’, Gen.” he pats her arm to comfort her.
She huffs out her nose and pursed her lips. “When you’re here I don’t hear them.” She writes, her eyes back again to the door.
A pang of guilt sits heavy in his stomach at her words. “Hear who love?” He asks softly.
“Footsteps.” She communicates, her eyes scanning the bed in front of her with a clear confusion behind them.
“There are people out in the hall all day.” He says with no condescension.
She shakes her head and sighs. “Not in my wing.” How could she explain the fear the sound sent through her. They weren’t just any footsteps, they were Horne’s footsteps. She knew it made no sense. She knew he was dead, but it didn’t stop it from sending her right back to that cold and pitch black room where she was kept, waiting for him to come back and fearing what would come with him.
Alfie sees the very real concern in her eyes. He has a theory as to why she’s afraid but he’s hesitant to ask. “Does anything else make them go away?” He questions, raises her chin up to face him.
She considers it a minute. She didn’t feel afraid with Alfie there for obvious reasons, but what else took it away. “Sleep?”
“Well of course love.” He gives her a soft chuckle and kisses her forehead. “But having me here helps, yeah?”
She nods slowly, a fast one still sending her into the spins.
“Then let me help.” He suggests gently, crawling into bed with her and pulling her to his chest. “This help?”
She nods again, still feeling nervous as she rests her head to his chest. She could focus on him now, hear him breathe, feel it as well.
“Does being in the dark bring them on?” He proposes, fingers stroking her hair, his face bent towards her.
She considers it a moment, slow blinking eyes he was happy to see wheels turning behind. She gives a tap to his chest to indicate yes.
“And only when you’re alone?” He reiterates.
Another gentle tap.
He decides to get to the point, as is his nature, no matter how abrasive it might be. “When you were taken from me…” he begins. He feels her tense against him. “We’re you kept alone in the dark?”
He hears a small whimper from her, her hands now in fists.
“S’all right love. It’s over now. It can’t hurt you anymore.” He coos.
She shuts her eyes, burying her face in his chest.
“And could you hear them outside the door?”
She agrees again, a little whimper of a sound as she pushed her face into him.
He braces her, feeling her breathing grow shaky and uneven, seeing it was painfully obvious she was having trouble with dealing with the memories. Still, he persisted. “Is that what you’re hearing now? When I’m not here?”
A sob moves her upper body and she whines, fingers grabbing at his shirt, smelling still of rum from work.
“There, there, love.” he whispers, putting his mouth to her hair. “Your Alfie’s got ya innit he?” he soothes, smoothing her hair and rubbing her back. “Just memories. They can’t hurt you now. It’ll get better with time, pet.” he laments, feeling her cry in his arms. The pain from the extended panic still alive and well in her chest when she thought about her time held captive. He could feel her skin run hot beneath his hands, the only sounds he’d heard from her since she’d been back were mumbled with pain. He stares at the door as she wears herself out. Holding her like a babe in his arms, face set to an unpleasant detachment. She had so much farther to go before she could venture out. The mention of what happened and she’d fall to pieces. Not to mention she couldn’t speak yet. He was starting to wonder if it was more from physical injury or a mental one at this point.
He did feel sympathetic, empathetic even to her current state, but that harsh bit of him that pulled him through his own dark times tells him she needs to do better, to move forward. He feels impatient, knowing what those on the outside were saying. Normally he would tell any of those posh tossers to piss off with their opinions but now Genevieve was the victim of their rumors and he didn’t want her to lose the place she’d gained in society because of this. He wanted to keep things as well maintained as he could for her, and that meant taking on the stress that would normally be carried by her slight shoulders. Luckily for both of them, he was a tough old bastard who could deal with a bit of posh, West End babble easy enough. But he was more worried about what Genevieve would feel, think and more importantly do when she found out what they were saying. He had so many voices to worry about now. His own in his head, the ones in Genevieve's as well, however many there were now. He was used to listening to people talk about him, and he dealt with it in his own way But now he had to worry about what they were saying about someone else, and not just his people, not only slurs and the like, but a woman he loved. He closes his eyes, pushing his cheek against her head as he knows this will end no time soon.
@jaegeeeeer @cosettewinchester @lookuptheskyisfalling-blog@brianaisasongbird @cry5t4l-w4rri0r @jess2464 @hardygal69 @thegarrisonpublichouse @a-flock-of-angry-pigeons @pootle @negansdirtygirl22 @musingsby-night @shine-dont-shadow @inkinterrupted @vale0413 @emerald-bijou @elaenom @give-jack-a-lightsaber @ultrablackwidower @tinastarkandco @arrowswithwifi @marvelgirl7 @they-are-not-just-stories   @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes @alitheamateur @gold-trashbag @divadinag 
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simonarmstrcng · 6 years
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heyo, i’m pepper, and i’m late as usual (who’s surprised?? not me lmao)! i am here to introduce you to my favourite mess, simon who was actually one of my first muses! i’m trying to revive him so atm he’s a bit bare bones but here’s hoping i can get through this intro coherently (unlikely, but i’ll try)
[ MUSE 3 ] ●● is that LUCAS JADE ZUMANN ? no, that’s just SIMON ARMSTRONG , the 16 year old CISMALE who is a HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR. some say they’re NERVOUS AND AWKWARD, but their family and friends will swear they’re INTELLIGENT AND COMPASSIONATE. when i think of them, i think of the smell of books, fingers indented by violin strings, freshly dusted spelling bee trophies, wrinkled noses, ironed socks, ink stained fingers, and notebooks filled with doodles. i wonder if their family know that HE is hiding that HE’S QUESTIONING HIS SEXUALITY. ●● ( pepper && twenty two && est && she/her )
tl;dr he’s a soft anxious overachieving nerd who likes to draw. that’s it, that’s really it idk why i took so long to say that sdkjsdkj
here is an aesthetic moodboard for simon and here and here are a few personality one’s with gifs! also here is his pinterest board 
inspired by: seth cohen, stiles stilinski, amy santiago, hermione granger (and a bit of neville longbottom i’m ngl), spencer reid. 
simon has always been a bit high strung tbh i’m ngl. he was the kid on the playground who was always a bit too mature for the kids around him in the way that he’d be like five and stressing about his potential career paths or the state of global warming yk, always kind of had conversations with grown adults that made them do a double take just because very adult conversation coming out of a tiny kid can be kind of startling. that said, he never really quite fit in with his peers because of that, i feel like he may have even been bullied for it a bit in the past. he was definitely that kid who reminded the teacher about the homework i am not going to lie to you. 
 simon always took academics extremely seriously. he always puts pressure on himself to be perfect and get straight a’s and he is like the definition of a try hard, simon tries hard at freaking everything. his hard work pays off though, he’s been at the top of the honour roll for the past few years and he’s got more spelling bee, science fair, debate, and decathlon trophies decorating his room than he knows what to do with.
(not one for any athletics though,,, physical exercise was never simon’s strong suit)
also plays the violin and the piano, again, more evidence of him being a huge overachiever. he is actually quite talented honestly but he isn’t really incredibly passionate about either instrument. 
simon has asthma, is allergic to bees, has sleep paralysis and pretty bad anxiety. he used to get panic attacks as a child and while he hasn’t quite grown out of it, it’s not nearly as bad now. i feel like he is on medication for it though and he may even go to therapy. 
afraid of abandonment (irrational because i’m pretty sure he’s never been abandoned but it’s there) and he’s also afraid of failure, of being a disappointment to his family, of never living up to his potential (when he was younger he was advanced for his age academically so he has skipped a grade.) he fears that he’s a disappointment to his parents as a son considering he is the farthest thing one can be from a potential fbi agent, and considering he can’t even do a lap without wheezing he doesn’t think he ever will be, but he is trying to aim for forensics instead of anything in the actual field anywhere close to actual danger. kind of insecure despite his success and low, low, low, low low key kind of feels like the kid his dad brought home might be his new replacement as a son. 
one of his closest friends is the school guidance counselor atm. think edge of seventeen. he just goes in there, eats his lunch and talks to her about everything that’s going on with his life like it’s cheap therapy. 
wants to go to harvard and is a big ball of stress over it currently. he’s hit a whole new level of academic intensity and his sexuality crisis is not helping in the slightest, but it is very much happening and he doesn’t know what the hell to do about it thanks for asking. he may be bi or gay or pan or none of the above, he’s not sure and he’s not thinking about it because he doesn’t have time to be questioning his sexuality when college admissions are rearing their ugly head. 
a big introvert. can occasionally be very witty and funny if he’s comfortable you but if he’s not he tends to just be quiet and kind of awkward. tends to enjoy to spend a lot of time alone in his room playing animal crossing, or indulging in a very private hobby, drawing. 
simon has always loved art and comics and drawing but he knows they’re kind of pointless passions, like realistically he doesn’t think he will even actually become a comic book artist the odds are too low. and yet that hasn’t stopped him from doing it. drawing is really one of the only things that really calms his anxiety, and that he really enjoys doing. that and reading. so simon has secretly been drawing a comic. he hasn’t really shared it with anybody and would die if anyone found out about it. here is a moodboard for the comic (he’s going by the pen name orion kace like the nerd he is) and here are some headcannons about it. 
honestly a big sap. like lilo and stitch can still make him tear up even if he won’t admit it dkjdkj. he’s got a soft heart and kind of just wants to make sure everybody’s okay tbh. tends to worry more than he lets on which is saying something because he worries outwardly a lot too.
can be very tempermental/moody and selfish though, especially when stressed. he gets to a very self centered ‘woe is me i’m the only one with problems’ place when he’s stressed out. 
a big ass nerd! i feel that goes without saying but loves comics books, loves star wars, harry potter, and could probably recite the opening scene of game of thrones yk, that kind of nerd. 
has never gone to a party. has never smoked weed. has never snuck out. has never tasted more than a sip of alcohol. honestly, simon hasn’t done anything, and he’s okay with that. 
i think that’s it omg tHAT’S PROBABLY IT. 
best friends - i feel like at least two of these would be fun! a little squad for my lonely boy (2/2) cailin, john
childhood friends - i will give you my left arm for a childhood friends plot. unlikely friends maybe? or just two nerds being dweebs together? friends who are still close as hell friends who had a falling out or just grew apart, idc i love it all please give it to me. cailin
the ex - i feel like simon maybe had ONE relationship in his lifetime if that and relationship might be stretching things. they could have held hands on the playground when they were six or dated in middle school (do you like me check yes or no sdkjsdk) kind of think like it could be that or it could be a high school thing, once again idc give it to me. 
student - someone who simon tutors maybe? simon is probably volunteering to do it to look good on his uni application so Yes free tutoring from your local nerd. skylar, aria, 
crush - like i said simon is questioning his sexuality so if anybody wants to volunteer to be the boy that simon has an inconvenient crush on please be my guest. scout
rival - an academic rival would be !!! so fun, because simon is lowkey quite competitive so this could be a really interesting connection. farrah
mentor - someone who simon looks up to a whole lot. this would likely have to be someone either really cool or really nerdy and this is open to older muses mostly, just older than simon tbh ajax
bad influence - someone who will get this boy to live a little! maybe drag him out to a party, get him a joint, get him drunk, the works! leo, andrew
those are just some ideas but ofc like this if you want to plot and i will come running! okay thank
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yunhycran-blog · 6 years
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( the cuteST )
for once i don’t have a long ass spiel typed before introducing myself, imagine that ! hey i’m kat, i’m 20, canadian, and uh, i’m rly pulling this stunt again huh !! bc of lo siento fucking me up, i’m giving this brat one last shot in the group rp realm rather than pick up a new muse ( i am.. v convinced i kill or ruin rps by presence alone but with her ?? it’s tenfold so fingers crossed GKSKGKSL ) i’m just.. rly attached to her ok. 
i’m a uni student and in love with sowoo if that wasn’t already obvious, plus i’m 90% sure at least a quarter of you have seen me use hyeran before so this shouldn’t be a surprise to you SDKGJGKLDFS. you can find extras abt her — including stats — HERE, hmu on d*scord if you’d like ( STREAM LO SIENTO !!#2030 ) and with that, i’ll shut up and ( re ?? perhaps ? dfgjslkg ) introduce you to this brat !
` +⬦・゚——— SHE/HER, PANSEXUAL — YUN HYERAN is said get mistaken for JEON SOMIN on campus all the time. they are TWENTY-TWO and about to go into their SENIOR YEAR. rumour has it they’re majoring in MUSIC COMPOSITION and came all the way from DAEGU, SOUTH KOREA. their roommate says they’re EBULLIENT & RESOLUTE but also SELF-CRITICAL & CIRCUMSPECT. ( kat, 20, gmt-3:30, and she/her  )
yun hyeran, a daegu native with an older and younger brother, an ambivert and an all around baby
tbh this is a copied intro from a few months back that i tweaked a bit for the rp, and i don’t have the time to perfectly incorporate much of her bg, so you can check out all of that HERE
buT she became involved in music through her father, who studied it in uni and ended up becoming a music instructor with a focus on piano, flute and vocals
her and her mom.. also her older brother, didn’t have the best relationship when she grew older, which seemed to die altogether when her parents divorced and her mom left. but her and her brother’s still exists, albeit barely. he’s a bit of a toxic influence on her, or at least that’s how she perceives it, and she tends to distance herself from him
would visit jeju island when she was younger bc her aunt lived there
she adores said aunt, her dad’s sister and the maternal figure she Deserves, so overall jeju holds a special place in her heart
went to uni in seoul to pursue music like her father ( a daddy’s girl too like ) but transferred to busan u after some.. shit and her own feelings ? anyways she was content when she settled here and soon found her way into the world of production !! by junior year, she’d transferred out of her original program and majored in that instead and has loved it ever since
for the time being, she works full-time as a barista at a café off-campus
she’s also making something of an income as the creator of an acct on youtube and soundcloud for her music, something she’s had for abt a year now
she’s not even close to making it big yet ofc, and she doesn’t mind if she never works for a moderately to highly popular label — though she should if she wants to get by
among the aesthetic, lo-fi music crowd ( one of those yt accts with a livestream for certain playlists that go on for hours, rip ) where for the most part, it’s personal faves mixed with her own works, and has a substantial following as of now. but has an interest in experimenting, with mashups ( as a lover of them ?? i couldn’t help myself sgflkdsjg ) for example, with a small fear of how that change would be received
this is so short since i took out a bit from when she was recent uni grad!hyeran so, pardon that sgkljgskfld
in terms of her personality and other things:
she’s a very loyal person, v e r y. while like i said ( and will elaborate on in her bio ), her relationship with her brother is Not Great, she hasn’t completely given up on him. maybe for the time being — by that i mean another two years or so ?? LJSKSDFGJ my baby’s still hurt by his bullshit so — but her being someone who’s open to the idea of people changing for the better somewhere down the line, leaves a bit of room for her to possibly change her mind if he does enough to allow her to consider it
so she can be a bit of a doormat in some cases, it all depends on how she sees the person that determines if that’s the case, but she generally won’t let you off if you’re being dumb/an ass to someone or if she gets advantageous vibes from you for example ( given she can.. be a little naive and is a p gentle soul ) so.. idk fgklsj good luck to the 99% ig ??
don’t confuse that with her being v forgiving, weak, etc, etc. she’s a soft bitch, p vulnerable too ngl but.. she’s not that Dumb sdljfkg
speaking of vulnerable, she does have a slight dependency on others despite her thinking all signs point to the opposite, and even though her and her mom never rly had a good relationship she still reels from the neglect/abandonment some days so handle her with Care if she deems you a close pal
spontaneous tbh, transferring to busan was a little last minute on her part, for one
she’s a bit reclusive when focused on something, if she tells you she’s working on a track, it’s essentially a head’s up that you might not see her for a couple of days depending on how soon she gets it done — lowkey that bitch™ who makes up an illness to her boss, so she wouldn’t even show up for work if it’s more than just her fucking around
bc admittedly, a lot of what she posts is fucking around and liking it, her more thought-out and effort packed projects are hidden away on her laptop
a bit insecure with her work and just her general disposition ?? those first few points above mess with her a lot and leave her disheartened so.. my poor child
v strong overall, takes people’s shit and if it gets to her, she gets over it p fast. doesn’t dwell on much and will be courteous to you even if she’s declared you too toxic to stick around 24/7
isn’t exactly one to get angry ?? she’s basically just disappointed or annoyed at best 99% of the time, it takes a lot to get her beyond that
positive, ugh. maybe not sickeningly sweet, but.. still dgklsf
don’t confuse that with optimism tho, bc she’s a bit of a defensive pessimist deep down, with her optimistic side always trying to overpower it
a cute bean who wants the best for everyone
has a good understanding of english, her mom’s an american national so she grew up with it being spoken in the house at times
prob speaks it better than i speak french ( and uh, i studied that for almost ten fucking years with a shit end result on that end of things LKSDFGJGDKF ), but still wouldn’t consider herself fluent
.. i would tho js
plays piano and bass guitar, but knows her way around a flute and tenor sax ( you don’t know how tempted i was to say clarinet as an homage to jiwoo gjflkgds )
prob had some kind of little amateur rock band with a few music majors and took up bass for the hell of it lmao
loves animals, leans towards cats or big dogs. corgis and those little spaniels get a pass tho
speaking of, she has a cute little calico kitten back in daegu ( i’m shit with pet names so if lucy sounds lacklustre.. you know why rgkjls ) who she Loves, her baby !!
sweater, ball cap and basic t shirt junkie
those glasses somin wears a lot ?? hyeran wears them too but.. actually needs them for reading and especially while she’s working on shit on her laptop, not even close to a fashion statement
doesn’t don much makeup unless someone’s dragging her to a party or something
thaT’S when she looks a little more like a classy early twenties bitch.. which lbr, is hard enough when adulthood is a whole Train Wreck for the most part LGFJSDL
not a heavy drinker, but the textbook definition of a lightweight so.. she’s always praying for anyone who has to deal with her dgfjklsfg
lattes are her livelihood
a bit of a hopeless romantic, just a bit, but god help her nonetheless
her favourite subject in hs was literature/writing and reads quite a bit on her breaks at the café, even took up a couple of courses since attending uni
favourite music genres.. it’s easier to say what she doesn’t like/finds boring, which is prob country and some aspects of edm/pop, not into punk/metal either
these are super basic but.. i’ve gotta get myself together for the day so this’ll do for now i hope ??
so if you’d like to plot, im me here or on d*scord ! i prefer the latter personally, but whichever’s easiest for you. i have a list of a few of the specific wcs i have in mind ( for the time being, catch my lazy ass avoiding listing all the basic ones and revising a few i have on an old blog ) for hyeran up now, which you can find here, so just lmk if any of them appeal to you !!
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macgyvrs · 7 years
( the struggle when i made this days ago yet i still wonder why i haven’t gotten any i/ms yhet... *sighsz* ) what it do peeps ! i’m l. i’m a 21 yr old foodie from the est timezone who loves laughin’, watchin’ movies, sleepin’, and ofc food ! i’ve been in the rpc for a few good years now but i’ve never done 1x1 before. i’ve always seen tons of people talkin’ bout it in the tags but never really knew what it was about. since i’m currently an english major whose transferin’ to be a journalism major, i’d love any chance i can get to improve/hone my writin’ skills. if anythin’ below strikes your fancy don’t hesitate to hmu ! p.s: for the moment, i’m still kinda iffy with headcannons and such since i don’t watch like any shows that are runnin’ aside from macgyver and the flash bc coincidentally i’m behind on both... i’ve actually caught up with macgyver and i’m mad i did bc i love lucas till sm rn (but please let me know if i got anythin’ wrong in the ‘ships i’d like to play’ section.. i’ll love you a dozen)
● you can find all my muses here. their musings here here and here. click on the lil pencil to read their bio and stats. really excited to play these muses because some of them are new and some of them haven’t been played in a moment or haven’t been played to its full potential-- so you can see my excitement ! some of these muses i have used before in rps so you may have seen em... or ya have not. either or that’s get crackin ! also i have to add that since some of these muses are new they may need some adjustin’/tweakin. if you have any questions regardin’ on my muses or would just like more info on ‘em please don’t hesitate to message me !
fcs i’d like to play against (there currently aren’t any most wanteds bein’ that i’d like to play against all of these suggests fcs below at any given point):
● shelley henning
● robbie amell
● chris wood
● tessa thompson
● danielle campbell
● nate buzolic
● chris zylka
● jessica parker kennedy
● matthew daddario
● sophia bush
● virginia gardner
● sebastian stan
● alex pettyfer
● cody christian
● taron egerton
● matt barr
● max theiriot
● nico tortorella
● claire holt
● dylan o’brien
● grant gustin
● nathalie kelley
● freddie stroma
● tristin mays
● lucas till
● avan jogia
● aisha dee
● camille guaty
● bianca a. santos
● kylie bunbury
● (really need some more male fc(s) for my jenna dewan-tatum muse SO pls rec some !)
● candice patton
ships i’d like (bold is the chara i’d play):
● faye chamberlain/diana meade (the secret circle)
● veronica mars/logan echolls (veronica mars)
● katrina straford/bianca stratford (10 things i hate about you)
● marti perkins/savannah monroe (marti’s my badass kween but ava’s too much like savannah) (hellcats)
● more to come when i watch some shows/movies !
plots i’d like:
● pls give me somethin’ based on 10 things i hate about you bc classic !!1
●  gimme gimme some sixteen candles or pretty in pink pls !
● ok but someone give me that cute bartender storyline though? like this guy tends bar at a restaurant or a pub or something and always sees this cute girl hanging out there, but she’s always either with friends or with some guy so he never really gets the time to talk to her BUT ONE DAY she walks into the place alone and orders so many drinks until she’s so bloody drunk, screaming about how her boyfriend cheated on her, that the bartender had to bring her home himself. she wakes up with a horrible hangover, stumbles out the room to find the bartender cooking breakfast and rolling his eyes, laughing. “first of all, you’re an idiot. second, we didn’t have sex if that’s what you’re wondering. third, breakfast will be ready soon. sit.” and fluff commences HELP PLZ ( x )
● i’ll take that platonic ship where muse a and muse b come from different worlds and hang out a lot bc both of them fit comfort in the other. muse b’s pretty much comfortable with spillin’ their guts on a silver platter while muse a just quietly sits back and listens-- offerin’ advice in the process bc it’s the nonjudgmental breakfast club. however, one day, out of the blue, muse a has declined all of muse b’s calls, sendin’ them to voicemail. in a panic, muse b rushes over to muse a’s apartment (w/ food in hand bc they know how much of a foodie muse a is). “you weren’t answerin’ my calls, so i just wanted to see if you were ohkay.” and muse a’s eyes are hella puffy w/ makeup smeared all over and all she can do is smile. pLS stop ME !
● i just wanna play this plot again (dear lordty) i need this f/m plot in my life one more time. muse a was brought up in a religious house hold. all her life, she’s had to abide by her strict parents rules, and the regulations of the bible. bein’ that she grew up in a very judgmental and secure environment, she never had a social life because everything that didn’t involve god was considered worldly, which her parents (mainly her mother) never approved of. seven days a week, 2-4 hours a night, church was her life. after high school she did the whole college thing; attendin’ a religious based alta mater to please her parents. yet, she wasn’t satisfied with her life as it was. one day, she had an epiphany, to live her life for herself instead of livin’ it for others. eger to want to complete that change, muse a moves to a smol lil town in hopes of resettin’ the last year of her life. to make endsmeat, she gets a job as a waitress at the towns local cafe. muse b is a campaign manager (or does something in politics) and always orders food from the cafe where muse a works. whenever muse a delivers muse b’s order, they have an interestingly awkward conversation (seein’ as how they’re two people who’d never in a million years interact with each other) until they meet again. everything is peachy keen until muse a jokingly agrees to volunteer in this event muse b’s office is organizing. a few hours into the event (think of like nature or somethin’ involvin’ outdoor/physical activities) something happens to muse b that causes muse a to kiss muse b out of an abrupt fear for their life. and bam ! everything’s awko taco now because it’s like ‘we kissed. but you still annoy the shit out of me with your cocky, egotistic attitude yet at the same time i love how easily it is to talk to you and how you can make me laugh” and someone pls come and take my computer away from me ! ( x )
● any set plots for any of the muses could be great as well !
● pls hit me with a macgyver-esq plot. i’ve been hella obsessed with my mans lucas till lately that i need a plot that doesn’t just occur in my head. muse a is a secret agent workin’ at a foundation that’s cover is a think tank. muse b is muse a’s significant other (possibly workin’ at said job as a secretary or somefing). due to the capacity of muse a’s job, muse b rarely sees them since they’re always gone for days at a time. just gimme me the ‘i just miss havin’ you around.’ ‘i love you so much’. gimme me da fluff !
● i wanted to say something else but i forgot so i’m outie !
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“B-but.. I’m betrothed!”
“So what? Doesn’t bother me if it doesn’t bother you.”
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So here,  introducing my newest baby/muse: Stephan Baumgartner :D
His full name is Stephan Killian Tristan Baumgartner. yeah , it’s quite a mouthful, but like i wrote in his description, his parents couldn’t choose on one name so they settled for 3 XD. but anyway, he is ofc known just as Stephan to his close friends or rather i would say clique, as his quite elitist /very choosy on who he chooses as friends.
I don’t have his full family background mapped out yet tho i have a few bits and pieces floating around in my head currently XD
But anyway his personality is that of being evil, mean, cunning, crafty, sly, total pompous dick, real jerk at how he ditches his girls once he is done with them, arrogant, very sarcastic ( and he can be quite cutting in his sarcasm at times) , cynical, selfish, hedonistic, wicked charm to lure the girls to his bed (plus he highkey doesn’t care what yr relationship status is, the more problems he can wreck on couples relationship the better XD, i have a couple of reasons why he is like this tho, but i’ll explain later once i have more time to write a full-lengthy bio for him) .He’s spontaneous at times, highkey impulsive and a cold-hearted ripper. (pride to family name for that! XD lmao). He does take his princely responsibilities quite seriously sometimes and those r the time he shows true & great responsible traits. The only people he currently cares about  and holds close in his otherwise cold, selfish heart is his family members. he would do anything for them & is fiercely loyal to them...(for now XD)
and i do mean it when i say that loves to create conflicts and likes to create PROBLEMS xD.
ALSO, HE HAS A HUGE SOFT SPOT FOR PARAPLEGIC OR ANY SORT OF A LIL BIT OF PARALYZED PEOPLE. That’s cos a small but meaningful event did happen to him when he was about 1000 years old. but that’s a little unknown fact about him. ( this happened wayyy before he met athena, btw Rose dear, so don’t worry it won’t mess up her plot;D)
he has traveled far and wide over his 1500 years, so he could have met just about anyone and made connections, enemies, exes, etc..
Sorry this is really short guys, but im VERY DEAD TIRED RN (being sick is also part of the factor)  AND I HAVE A KINDA HEAVY DAY TOMORROW TOO, SO THAT;S WHY THIS BIO IS KINDA BRIEF.
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briinleyisms · 8 years
“LMAO” AKA “ ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) #squadgoals”
ok so lowkey have had this muse for like ten years (ive been rping since i was seven fucking beat me) but every rp i bring her 2??? drops after like??? five days likE LISTEN THAT IS NOT HOW U RUN A RP LISTEN!!! UP!!! PUT UR BACK INTO IT!!!
anyhoW ok unlike ivan since i was still figuring out his bg w rosie when i posted his ‘intro’ i actually got brinley figured out and there’s a long version and a short version. imma put the tl;dr up here ok bc the non-tl;dr is overwhelming. personality is like.... toTALLY POINTLESS WHO CARES ABT PERSONALITY but it’s at the bottom i guess :\
ok basically she was born into a death cult in aliso viejo, california (tbh i just looked up rural places in ca and chose the most recently established one i could find lmao) called ‘the children of the revelation’ bc im extra. lots of fear-mongering revolving around the idea of The End of Days™. leader was a total prophet and totally abused his prophet power. planned out ritual for end of days was lowkey highkey terrifying (‘let’s go die in the river of miracles’!!!!!! [too extra help me]) and one of the ‘apostles’ was like ‘i quit’ and left iN THE DEAD OF NIGHT!!! and lowkey basically kidnapped a few ppl including BUT NOT LIMITED TO brinley and they wound up in hillsboro and ‘apostle luke’ eventually left and now she’s in the oikos house. fin.
also sik tattooz bro.
TW: cult (ofc), death, violence
firST it’s of note that i considered being rly fucking extra by putting quotations around her name bc her birth name is genesis like the book of revelations which brings me 2
my Extra™ title for this cult: “The Children of the Revelation”
so it was like a commune located in some place in CA that’s apparently rural and has only recently been established called ‘aliso viejo’ and lmao watch one of yall live there
but yeAH OK commune not just a church like the church of scientology like full on “u chose this life time 2 prove ur dedication”
alright so just full disclosure that i really really want to get this right and i know no one who has ever been in a cult (let alone a death cult) and i myself have not (as is likely expected) so i have already done research but i plan on doing like 100x more since this is a really serious subject. serious to the point that i’m not even using text slang (although i will when i get on with the intro post i just gotta).
anyhoW w that info out of the way time 2 get 2 the actual like point of the cult
first of all her mom joined the cult before she was born (ofc) and she was the gift!!! between her mom and one of the leader’s ‘apostles’!!!
basically: “lmao ur not leviticus enough 4 us.” (probs their slogan)
ok but obviously that’s scratching the surface like the real fuckery lied w/in two thing:
literal death cult (will get to that)
also doomsday cult
which sometimes go hand-in-hand anyhow
ok so the doomsday thing is what was more prominent in her life since she was 16 when she #escaped and never rly disobeyed (so many things 2 get 2!!!)
the leader’s name was ezekiel (cheever this is actually salem circa 1690) and he perceived himself as a prophet and naturally.... had prophecies. one of the most prominent ones was that the rapture would occur at 11:59PM on December 24th, 2011 (take away four days and add a year and u got the end of the world according 2 misconceptions abt the mayan calendar!)
the idea was that if u obeyed what ezekiel told u 2 do (he believed he was the fourth reincarnation of christ) u would end up going 2 heaven on judgment day but if u disobeyed...... yikes.
it depended on the magnitude of the ‘crime’ but for the most part if u disobeyed more than two times u were killed. u were hung or drowned and u were made an example of.
if u disobeyed less than two times and ur ‘offense’ wasnt worthy of immediate death dw!!! u can scrape by w torture!!! and also be made an example of!!!
so basically u were at ezekiel’s beck and call. every little bit of labor he asked u 2 do was like.......... if u didnt do it yiKES!!! ofc children werent expected 2 perform any laborious tasks rather just 2 listen and take in everything ezekiel and his apostles told them.
his ‘apostles’ who (as u can infer) served as his right-hand men were the fathers 2 all the children who would be born inside the cult. they kept ppl in line. they taught the kids when ezekiel was busy. those sorta things u kno???
ok so imma skip over some of the details that are like.... worse??? like theyre all bad but like these are the things i j feel like shouldnt be brought up in an intro post but theyre in the hella long rough-draft bio here that i went ahead and put up for this purpose rly
so ok imma try 2 make this next part go quicker
basically the ‘judgment day’ was closing in and ezekiel’s plans were rly like no thank u ( (TW: SUICIDE) ’hey guys! 2 make sure we get into heaven not only do u have 2 follow all of my commands since im jesus’s fourth reincarnation but we all also have 2 walk into a river with rocks in our pockets at the time the world is supposed 2 scorch with hell’s fire!’ (END TW) fun christmas activities for u and ur bae.
as it started closing in it was basically all ezekiel talked abt during his ‘sermons’ like wtf??? what a church service.
‘apostle luke’ (i hate myself) was like “ok..... ok the more u talk abt this the less believable it sounds..... like wtf jesus’s fourth reincarnation??? pics or it didnt happen.” and after some months he wound up concocting this plan 2 #escape bc honestly??? 
so he eventually eSCAPED in the deAD OF NIGHT and basically kidnapped ppl like ok sure luke
one of said ppl was brinley which i kno is unexpected. (honestly i think this is like??? maybe the third time i brought her up in all of these bullets??? honestly @me
“wAS NOT WILLING 2 GO!!! WAS NOT HAPPY 2 GO!!! WAS NOT READY 2 GO!!! NEEDS SOMEONE 2 FOLLOW!!! DOES NOT KNO WHAT 2 DO!!! DOES NOT APPRECIATE THIS!!! IS SHOOK!!!” - everyone luke fucking kidnapped then basically had 2 serve as a stand-in ezekiel for
they ended up in hillsboro after like 84 years and he was like “OK EVERYONE GETS NEW NAMES!!! :D” and tbh he probs just pulled out one of those baby books pointed 2 a random name and bam!!! that was their name
so even tho i’ve been calling her brinley this whole time just 2 make it??? not confusing??? genesis became brinley and she was no longer a book of revelations she is apparently a name that’s most prominent in utah
over time ppl pce’d out (not rly bc they wanted 2 but bc they needed 2 like u get what i mean.)
it ended up j being three ppl in their shitty apt!!! one luke one brinley and one kid who has a name but 1) i havent mentioned it yet and 2) i dont want 2 go look for it in the bio tbh
doomsday came and brinley was shook!!! rly rly shook!!! trying 2 find out what 2 do that would be similar enough 2 what thE CHILDREN of the corn would do!!! and luke was like ( x )
a lot more climatic than im acting like it was but this is so long i dont want 2 spend too much time on anything anymore but ok minor point is homemade inkin’ machine (legit mainly bc ryan ashley -dave navarro voice- [has/had] what it takes... to be ink master. -end voice-)
ok luke left eventually and idk so did the kid idk that’s in there and at first she was like “lmao idk what 2 do ig imma squat [man ivan and brinley #parallels] and keep doin what im doin” and she did and ok
aFTER ALL OF THIS OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WRITE she wound up w the oikos (bc honestly u can only squat for so long and who the fuck would be like “yes! i would like 2 be inked by a kid on the street who doesnt rly have anywhere 2 put anything! yes!” [i would be like that #exposed]) and is now somewhere where ppl dont think the world will end soon wtf
personality but who cares abt that:
ok!!! so i never rly had a clear definition of her personality i just like... waited 2 see (BEFORE THE RP CLOSED FUCK THAT) but then i watched a long-ass chipotle commercial (theres this one part where a cow is basically abt 2 be slaughtered and idk it’s so sad it was rly playin up that pathos i wanted 2 cry) and i was suddenly like!!! a lightbulb!!! “aha!!! basically fiona apple’s cover of ‘pure imagination’”
it’s been five years since she escaped and started desocializing from that lyf she knew but like............ five years compared 2 sixteen i mean which one’s gonna weigh the other out tbh (i just typed ‘way’ i cannot believe myself pls send me back 2 first grade)
so ok literally LITERALLY it is this song like im tryna think of how 2 explain it???
like the lyrics of it are (u kno willy wonka) v bright (albeit a bit ??? during that spin part) but the bg in fiona apple’s cover is so??? dark??? and honestly fiona apple’s voice just makes everything seem darker (i love fiona apple shes such a queen)
so it’s a v contradicting song
and she has a v contradicting personality
like ok one big thing that fits this contradiction is she feels like she needs someone 2 follow??? since that’s how it’s been almost all of her life??? (come 2 think of it i wouldnt be surprised w my subconscious if that’s the reason she’s still in the oikos house [asides from jobless but]) but at the same time like??? she WANTS 2 be independent??? she WANTS 2 be able 2 build a life for herself and around herself and not someone else but??? it just doesnt work that way???
MORE CONTRADICTION!!! bc of that whole ‘death/doomsday cult’ thing she is a p paranoid person??? but??? at the same time??? c h i l l ??? i mean in any case shes always gonna be lowkey paranoid but she doesnt??? rly act that way most of the time??? this could also be filed under “very curious about the norms of this brand new society but also very wary and prefers 2 Not™”
MORE!!! lmao ok religion idek what 2 do here honestly it’s so fucked. she knoWS IT’S SO FUCKED IT’S SO FUCKKING FUCKED but 16/21 years like??? v hard 2 get over that??? buT IT’S SO FUCKED. like no hate no discriminate (speaking of no discriminate highkey bi i love wlw) but also “everyone is a sinner and so am i we are living in sin we are going 2 burn it is only a matter of time satan where u @???” so like??? scared and wary??? but also??? fucked.
if u would like 2 plot pls do feel free 2 like this or hmu
and if u actually READ that all then holy shit ur a saint u would make it 2 heaven on rapture day
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