#goddamn background im now moving stuff around
deathsfollow · 6 months
i am testing blog width things hehe pls ignore me
test away, me.
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What??? Amanda is posting something MM related after SUCH A LONG TIME??? What has the world come to??!
This is a small drabble i did and since I have everything for tomorrow ready I decided to spoil you all for a bit~
Mornings with the RFA+ V and Saeran (tell me if y'all want Vanderwood+Rika+Unknown, Suit Saeran, Ray etc etc!)
He will kiss you to wake you up, his hair still wet from the shower he took after going for a run. After you open your eyes he will smile and say "Good morning beautiful~ Did you sleep well?"
He will have made some food, ever since you moved in with him he began cooking, and he's not exactly a professional chef but he's not that bad.
After you get ready for work, while you're checking your outfit in the mirror Zen will come up being you and wrap his arms around your waist while kissing your neck.
Afterwards you will both leave on his bike.
There are other times where you end up having to put your clothes on again since someone couldn't wait till you got home if ya catch my drift~
"wE hAvE a WhAt NoW?!"
Just chaos.
After you both settle in a get jobs and such...well it's the same thing
"wE hAvE tO wHaT nOw?!"
Jokes aside, on the weekend when you two are just chilling and such, you will wake up to him hugging you tightly, his head on your chest. After you wake up he will give you a cute dorkish smile and then he will cook you breakfast!
Mornings with this woman must be freaking amazing HOLY CRAP IMAGINE BREAKFAST!!!
She, of course, gets up pretty early (thankfully not as early as before and now she gets at least 8 hours of sleep thank goodness.)
After she wakes you up with a cute forehead kiss, you two get ready for breakfast and to open the shop. While you eat you'll either check some celebrity news or just have some musical soundtracks in the background, while the two of you eat. Once you're done, you will go to the coffee shop, and Jaehee will help you tie your apron. Then, the coffee shop opens and the day begins!
What I'd give to wake up to this man OH MY GOD
Jumin is usually up before you when he has to work. If you want to eat breakfast with him he will kiss you to wake you up, and then give you the biggest smile. When he starts getting ready, you will go to his tie drawer and choose one for him (AGH TJE DOMESTICITY I'M ABOUT TO TEAR UP YOU ALL KNOW THIS WOULD BE SUPER IMPORTANT TO HIM A G H BABY!!) and then he'd try his best to not smother you with kisses while you tie his tie.
On days where he doesn't have to work, he will wake up with you in his arms. Then he'll cook some breakfast and bring it to you for you both to eat it in bed, while you cuddle and watch TV, with Elizabeth purring by the foot of the bed.
The two of you will be hugging each other while you whisper words of love and give each other lazy kissed. Most of the times it always leads to something more wink wonk.
He will be your personal alarm clock. Like literally. He will start going BEEP BEEP! WAKE UP! TIME TO GO TO WORK! BEEP BEEP! And immediatly grab you and give you a huge ass love attack.
While you get ready he will cook breakfast along with Saeran, it's their sort of brotherly time. St first Saeran hated it but now you all know he secretly loves it ;D
If Vanderwood is over then he'll probably be the one cooking lol (with Saeyoung annoying him in the background pft)
When you don't have to go out, then he will wake up around 10am, and nuzzle his face closer to you. Those days, since you both seem to have all the time in the world he spends it all with you. He's a bit more serious, and will not let you go unless you have to go and pee or something. We call those days the Saeyoung Cuddling Day, where you both just spend it with each other the whole day (this man is really touch starved don't judge him sjsbsbd)
He wakes up pretty early tbh, mostly because he likes the whole morning vibe and the sky and such. It gets him inspired. He will let you sleep in as long as you want, but will wake you up if he has made breakfast. You will both eat it out in the terrace (? Balcony? That thing sorry i can't english ajdjdnd) and listen to some orchestral music.
Also this dude definetly does mediation or yoga and shit, YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE. He will take fifteen minutes and stretch, and like do mindfulness and such.
If you have to go to work he will kiss you and bring you the lunch he made (he's a house wive let's be honest here.) Then he will begin painting.
Hugs hugs hugs. Kisses kisses kisses.
He's always up before you, no matter what. When he wakes up he will trace his finger against your cheek, touching your face and admiring how goddamn beautiful you are and wondering what he did to deserve such an ANGEL!!
He will wake you up with some flowers, and as soon as he has breakfast done, and it's always your favorite food! Also the food is always decorated with like flowers or hearts or something along those lines (so CUTE)
He's a house wife too and you can't convince me otherwise.
If you have to go to work he will be like s puppy. Like an actual puppy.
He will give you the puppy eyes and be like PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME.
Ok not like that but he's sad if you have to go ajdbdb
He does do other things while you're gone tho, sometimes he'll have Saeyoung over, other times he will focus on the garden, and he'll also work for Jumin and stuff.
But everytime he hears something outside he'll think it's you and get all excited.
On days you two don't have to do anything, they'll be spent with you both laying in bed, kissing each other and cuddling. This man is also touch starved so please give him some love (or else ಠ◡ಠ)
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mrpinchy · 4 years
FINISHED 5.3 MSQ I went in soon as the servers came up and didn’t stop, went in completely blind from start to finish took about 7hrs? I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS 
holy shit jesus christ OKOK
so first of all I cried A LOT like, way more than I expected and NOT JUST CUZ IT’S THE LAST PATCH OF AN EXCELLENT EXPANSION but cuz like, damn it hits hard man lol
so Leon is my WoL but he’s never been leveled/geared enough to do endgame UNTIL YESTERDAY when I caught him up on all the patch content (my main is Sig but he’s not my WoL). it was A LOT OF FUN to go through everything with the “right” character sorta speak, just a lot of really cool stuff idk how to explain it lol
HELPING THE LIL KIDS!!!!!! OH MY HEART also I noticed Tiqi-Rio had sunseeker eyes AND MOONKEEPER FANGS nicenicenicenicenicenice GOOD I WANNA SEE MORE OF THAT
so the FIRST Exarch fakeout death with Elidibus and him at the watchtower LIKE???? WHY YOU WANNA GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK SO EARLY omg but honestly seeing him so crystalized and struggling HURT ME A LOT baby boi BABY BOI NOO
going back to Amaurot so Elidibus can force you to kill the Scions soon as you get there WOW WHAT A DICK MOVE LMAO and then all the other characters they brought back like, even in the background it was really cool to see them in Amaurot????? idk I think some people will call it hammy or too referential? but fuck it I loved it LAY IT ON THICK, YOSHIP god it hurt me to kill Aymeric tho
holy goddamn I was so excited when Y’shtola ripped into Elidibus YEEES GET HIM but wow like, Elidibus is essentially a primal then idk AGAIN WE COME BACK TO THE THEORY THAT WoL IS A PRIMAL anyway
HEROE’S GAUNTLET I went in with Trust so I could take my time and it was the right choice, I LOOOOOOOVED seeing the role quest NPCs helping at the end -- I loved seeing all the NPCs helping you but especially them lol ESPECIALLY GIOTT FUCK YEEEEEEAH
god okay the SECOND Exarch fakeout death when Elidibus is like, hey I need your corpse die lol I WAS READY FOR THE PAIN and then jk jk jk OR IS IT
running up the tower with the Exarch, seeing/hearing how painful it was for him to keep up with his failing body, how he had to send you away without him.. OH MAN i cried YOU COULD FEEL HOW MUCH IT HURT HIM he was so close to having an adventure with WoL ;v; also liek... damn that ESPECIALLY hit, the whole “failing body can’t keep up with my dreams” thing HOOOO I KNOW THAT FEEEEEEEEL
went in completely blind with a random group for the Elidibus fight, I went WHM (im bad but semi-geared) and we only wiped twice!!! figured out we had to use tank LB midway and then healer LB towards the end LOTTA AOE HEALING
Emet-Selch’s shade giving us a boost during the fight, BOY MY GROUP WAS VERY UPSETTI in like a good way CUZ IT WAS VERY UPSETTING in a good way lmao emotionally everyone was just POINTING AND YELLING THERE HE IS!!!!
Exarch using the tower as a big auracite IM SO GLAD that was really cool to see, also like........ god idk but I cried A LOT when Elidibus turned into a little amaurotine kid all scared and alone just playing with the soul crystals and talking to himself, AND CRYING and and MY HEART EXPLODED goddamn i cried. he tried so hard for so long that he forgot what he was doing or why he was doing it, why he was suffering so much, and damn if that didnt hit hard. was Zodiark’s heart just a lonely kid all along
saying goodbye to the Exarch like I KNEW WE”D SEE HIM AGAIN but it still was Emotional, I felt so sad for Lyna especially SHE LOST HER GRANDPAAAA
Alisaie crying after Halric spoke ME TOO ALISAIE 
holy shit Dulia Chaii’s parting words to Alphinaud WOW I CRIED A LOT and when he got choked up?? I CRY god the Chais love that baby boy so much IM SUFFERING
holy shit Seto............. ohhhhhhhh I cried SO MUCH
Thancred saying goodbye to Ryne and telling her how PROUD he is of her like damn that hit me right in the HEART goddamn
finally i must say
that whole cutscene with Alisaie at the table WAS VERY WELL ANIMATED the whole thing was noticably better animated than previous cutscenes I LOVED IT!!! IT WAS VERY GOOD!!!!!! also ALISAIE IS VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!!
ALSO I NOTICE that gwaha’s ears wiggle A LOT MORE im so GLAD thank u yoship
ASAHI?????????????????? OH GOD OH GOD 
no idea who Fandaniel is (henceforth known as Fandango) but I ALREADY LIKE HIM A LOT he’s so animated (also this cutscene was very well animated GOOD JOB FFXIV TEAM YOU’RE DOIN GREAT HONEY) I sort of wondered if maybe part of Emet was like... around...?? cuz he reminded me of Emet with his flair for the dramatic but WOW I WAS NOT EXPECTING ASAHI UNDER THAT HOOD holy shit I yelled
ALAS........... the final chapter......... it sounds like the next expansion is planned to be the FINAL EXPANSION and honestly.. Im so sad but also I Respect that decision. I respect that they want to end things in a good place, they dont want to “live long enough to become the villain” etc. and yeah it means FFXIV WILL DIE eventually but yknow, maybe that’s okay. even knowing the game will end i’m still so excited to play it all the way through, whatever it may be. I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT with all my heart and happiness
..im still SO EMOTIONAL lmao
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one expensive can of easy cheese
crack head hours my kids
also inspired by a hot guy i saw at walgreens today
the walgreens chaos returns
ship: ralbert
genre: crackhead angst
words: who knows, not super long
warnings: mentions of a twine kink, easy cheese, concussions, walgreens, race thinks another guy is hot, uhhh, hot men in scrubs, minor bits of violence, new yorkers been new yorkers, albert is a dumbass, race is more of a dumbass
editing: nah
Race was sat on top of the counter in his and Albert’s apartment, a piece of duct tape over his mouth and his hands tied together with kitchen twine. He sighed against his restraints, resigned to watch his boyfriend make their contribution to this year’s Thanksgiving gathering: mac and cheese.
Now, of course everyone and their mother knew that mac and cheese was not a Traditional Thanksgiving Food. But, Albert had won (best out of three) mario kart yesterday so he had gotten to decide what they would bring to Jack’s house. Had Race known that he had been planning to make mac and fucking cheese, maybe he would have tried a little harder.
Apparently, Albert was not pleased with Race’s reaction to his decision to make mac and cheese, and thought that Race might try to get in the way somehow (which he may or may not have fully intended to do). So he did what any loving boyfriend would: sat him on the counter, put duct tape over his mouth and tied his hands together so he wouldn’t interfere.
Race was beginning to wonder why he had agreed to move in with Albert in the first place.
With a violent shake of his head and one final spat, he was able to dislodge the duct tape.
“Albieeeeee,” he whined, laying down on the counter. “Can you pleaaaaaaaseee let me helllllllllp?”
Albert barely glanced up as he pulled the big wooden spoon out of the pot and gave it a thoughtful lick. “Hmmmmmmm. No.”
“But-!” He wriggled around to give Albert his best puppy dog eyes. “Can I make something else then? Ple-OW!” He glared at the spatula that had been hurled at his arm. “You apologize for that!”
“Nah.” He smirked and went back to stirring his wretched pasta. Well, actually Albert’s mac and cheese was quite good. Race was just salty that he was making it for Thanksgiving when it was very well known that he was the chef of the two and Jack was expecting something good not the mac and cheese Albert famously made at 2am in college when they were all high as hell.
“Can you at least untie me then?”
“No.” Albert even bother considering this time.
“Well.” If logic wasn't going to work on Albert he would have to try another method. “I know you know how to make a guy feel good Albie, but I never expected ropes to be a part of it. What’s next? Handcuffs? Whips? Chains?”
In two seconds flat Race was out of his kitchen twine bonds and flexing his sore wrists.
“Man Albie, who knew you had a twine kink.”
“You know,” Albert began loudly, as if thinking that his loudness would cover up his totally obvious twine kink, “if you want to do something that's actually useful, you could go to Walgreens and buy me another can of Easy Cheese.”
“Is that what you put in your fuckin mac and cheese?” Race swore he actually felt bile rise in the back of his throat when Albert nodded. “That’s it. I’m never eating your mac and cheese again.”
“I’ll eat you though,” Race winked, taking a moment to enjoy the startled, yet somehow pleased look on his boyfriend’s face.
“Not until after we’re done at Jack’s.” Albert said only half jokingly as he dug around in his pocket for a second before throwing a crumpled five at Race. “In the meantime though, be gone thot!”
Race barely managed to catch the bill without falling on the floor, but still blew a kiss to Albert before walking out of the apartment.
Who the fuck puts easy cheese in mac and cheese? He wondered for the millionth time as he stomped the three blocks to Walgreens. Albert claimed that he had chosen his apartment for its proximity to the store, but up until today Race had always assumed that he had been joking. The man did make a lot of mac and cheese and if Easy Cheese was an ingredient well….maybe there was some truth to that story after all.
Race pulled open the door to the Walgreens, pausing briefly to wonder why the absolute fuck it was open on literal Thanksgiving before remembering that it was a fucking Walgreens and why wouldn’t it be open to sell his dumbass boyfriend a can of fucking Easy Cheese.
In order to get to the Easy Cheese, or at least he assumed so because he had never bought a can of Easy Cheese in his whole glorious 25 years of life, Race had to walk past the Pharmacy section of the store. And, it just so happened that there was a guy sitting behind the counter at the Pharmacy. A very attractive guy. With a beard. In scrubs.
Now, of course Race loved Albert and nothing would ever change that, but he could appreciate an attractive man when he saw one. He thanked whatever deity was out there for the bit of man candy that he had been granted and went in search of his Easy Cheese.
“Mac and cheese, velveta cheese, microwaveable mac and cheese, where the fuck is the- oh thank fuck there we go.” He pulled a can of Easy Cheese off of the shelf, tossing it once and catching it before turning to go pay for the horrendous product, happy to finally be done with the whole ordeal when-
“Easy cheese? Really?”
Race whirled around to see Mr. Man Candy himself leaning against the opposite shelf. “Wh- who?”
“Oh,” he dusted his hand off on his scrubbs, “allow me to introduce myself. My name is Brett O’Hare. And you, sir, are a disgrace to society. The very reason why so many Americans are in poor health in this day and age.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“The Easy Cheese!” Brett gestured wildly toward the can in Race’s hand. “Gosh do you even know how many preservatives are in that stuff? And all the cancers that it can cause? It’s terrible. We wouldn’t need free healthcare if people just stopped eating Easy Cheese!”
Race had lived in New York City his whole life, and he had seen some pretty strange things, but never had he seen a pharmacist in a Walgreens lecture anyone about the health benefits of Easy Cheese.
“So let me get this straight,” Race rubbed his head, trying to make sense of the situation. “You go around yelling at people about the ingredients in the things that they are purchasing?”
“You do realize that this is a Walgreens, right? Everything in here probably contains some kind of chemical.” New Yorkers never ceased to amaze him.
“All the more reason for me to inform them of their poor eating habits!” Brett pointed a finger at him. “And stop distracting me! You’re the one buying the freaking easy cheese here!”
“It’s not even for me!” Race shouted back. “It’s for my boyfriend’s fucking mac and cheese that he insisted on making for Thanksgiving even though everyone knows that mac and cheese is not a fucking Thanksgiving food and he’s only making it cause he knocked me off the goddamn rainbow road right before the fucking finish line!” Race was fuming but the time that he was done.
“Oh, man I’m so sorry, that's lousy.”
Race looked surprised. Of all the things that he thought he would get out of this Walgreens experience, a therapy session was indeed not on the list. But neither had been hearing a lecture about the preservatives in Easy Cheese from a pharmacist.
“But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re still buying Easy Cheese!” Between one second and the next, Brett had grabbed the can of Easy Cheese out of Race’s hand, wielding it like a brick. “Buy some fucking vegetables!”
And with that, he struck Race over the head with the can of Easy Cheese.
Now, Race had definitely done some questionable things during his life. Once he had slept on the roof of his dorm building in January for a week because he lost his dorm key, and another time he had been tricked into making an entire wedding cake using salt. However, being smacked over the head with a can of Easy Cheese by a health nut in scrubs on Thanksgiving put any and all other situations he had been in to shame.  
He opened his eyes, suddenly blinded by the lights, and reached for his phone, muttering curses about man candy and vegetables. Squinting so he didn’t have to look at the screen, he somehow managed to dial Albert.
“Racetrack Higgins, where is my Easy Cheese?”
Race pulled the phone away from his ear and winced at the sound of his boyfriend’s voice. “Um, it may have been used to give me a concussion by a health nut in scrubs?”
Albert let out a loud sigh. “Ah man, did you run into Brett? That guy’s the worst.”
“Wait, you know him?”
“Race, I know every Walgreens employee in Manhattan, of course I know Brett.” There was the jangling of keys in the background. “I thought I told you to go to the one on 4th for this reason, ah, well. I’m on my way. I’ll take you to urgent care. Hang tight.”
Race’s head hurt too much to process what Albert had said except for the words ‘I’m on my way.’ “Okay,” he sighed.
“Love you.”
“Love you too.” Race’s eyes focused on the dented can of Easy Cheese rolling on the floor. “And Al?”
“This is going to be one expensive can of Easy Cheese.”
that was a ride
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Power Transfer
Also on AO3!
One for all is a power that has been passed down for generations. Turns out the most recent generation can afford to be a whole lot more liberal with his sharing. Also turns out sharing quirks runs in the family.
An AU where Izuku can share OFA full cowling with multiple people at once.
shared power ofa,
izuku giving aizawa 5% of one for all durring the usj or izuku giving toshinori 99% of OFA durring the last fight
cause consider the world never finding out about small might, all might retires but izuku knows
the rescue team all having the max amount of ofa they can use, which is around 2% each, cause a lil sparking team of heroes
izuku using kirishima to give bakugo some too n them using it to get away
izuku having two quirks is my favourite goddamn thing bc him being able to share his quirk but not having anything to share is great
he gives bits to allmight, like a constant 1% so he can teach classes and do press stuff
some rando wants to do an "all might" where is he now segment and it spans a good few months so izuku is continuously in the background just
conspiracy theory starts that izuku is a villain or allmights son
a villain and all might's son
izuku has no double toe joint but the doc cant find any evidence of a quirk? so he tells them izuku is either quirkless or has an invisible quirk. something subtle, or specific enough to have not activated by now
bakugo kinda,, is chill with izuku. he was waiting for izuku to develop a quirk till he judged him, but he never did so he kinda withheld judgement long enough for them to become decent friends
anyway, izuku likes to ramble about different things his quirk could technically be, bakugo likes to join in. they can go at this for h o u r s cackling about stupid hypotheticals
they workout together, they both do boxing and try out random moves they see on the internet on each other. they have a pile of gym mats in the woods like the weirdos they are
bakugo is like,, convinced izuku's quirk is actually an intellect up but he just shrugs
izuku has to grab something before he heads home so he takes the underpass and we get basically episode 1 from there. all might says no, the villain gets away, attacks Bakugo. izuku runs in, throws dust in the villain's eyes and pulls at bakugo's hands. all might jumps in, saves the day yada yada
some background for u about all might bc his past is a touch different here. during the battle with afo, afo was distracted. all might sustained the same injures but won more easily.
night eye never looks into his future because "my purpose is done, nighteye. let's live like everyone else, no fate of the world on our shoulders" he never looks into all mights future again at his request
they stay together
so instead of the big argument they go get ramen and get drunk because they don't have to be superhuman anymore, they can relax now
back to the main timeline-
so izuku is already fit, cleans the beach in 8 months, nighteye supervises
all might gives izuku the quirk 2 months before the entrance exam, nighteye is there to "oversee" (he wants to see izuku choke on a hair and laugh at this kid hes become pretty fond of)
also mirio! is izuku's bro because i love he
izuku eats the hair and gets the quirk like, instantly which?? is confusing nighteye and all might. nighteye has like,,, hidden behind a car because hes the only person with self-preservation
allmight touches izuku and the lightning climbs up his arm and he just pOofs out into swolmight. hes ShooK, so is izuku
anyway, he manages to turn it off and izuku is just standing there like "oh my god what the fuck"
"izuku,, what,, happened there"
",,,, one for all??? leaked out??? into allmight????"
"nighteye come over here."
"izukU nO"
nighteye is forcibly given a little of ofa and regrets a lot of stuff
anyway, izuku breaks an arm trying to use ofa and hes muttering trying to work out how to use it, nighteye basically says "well, think back to how ofa came about" and izuku is like ",,, what"
and nighteye screams because TOSHI YOU DIDNT TELL HIM?????? and allmight ",,, o o p s"
so izuku gets to hear the story of all for one while hes being driven to UA for recovery girl hes,,, really quiet for a second
"when did you fight him?"
"six years ago, april?"
",,, this has to be a coincidence"
hisashi went out on a "business trip" 6 years ago and they haven't seen him since. he calls, but hes never visited and izuku has this terrible feeling
because izuku cant calm down and because nighteye thinks this kid might be on to something they call tsukauchi and he agrees to meet them at UA
izuku gets treated, naomasa is in v quickly afterwards before he calls his dad he turns to nighteye, allmight and Naomasa
"i've never been able to lie to my dad. i thought he was just really good at reading me but,,"
"if hes afo he might have a quirk"
"yeah. so i'll just twist the truth. im good at that, but thats all i'll be able to do"
anyway, he calls up his dad and slaps this big grin on his face. the phone is on speaker
"hey dad!!!!" "izuku! is something wrong?"
"oi, cant i call my dad for no reason?"
"you, willingly calling someone? dont make me laugh"
izuku giggles despite himself
"anyway, you'll never guess!!"
"did youuuu,,,, hmmmm, meet all might?"
they freeze but izuku just laughs
"yeah,, but thats not the most exciting thing!!! my quirk came in finally"
"yeah! imagine the worlds most basic power enhancer, but i can share the energy! you have any idea where that could have come from?"
"no! i can't think of anyone in our family with a quirk like that! sounds crazy!"
naomasa looks grin, and mouths "liar"
izuku pales but keeps his smile
"do you think you could visit, id love to show you!! oh, maybe we could test it together! you always had the best ideas for my quirk notes"
"id love to izuku, but im stuck in america for the near future, you know it is. i'll see what i can do tho, ok champ?"
naomasa shakes his head again "lying" izuku looks like hes going to be sick. nighteye is pale, all might looks stunned. izuku grits his teeth but his voice is still light and happy
"i'm gonna make it into UA so you can watch me kick butt from america! you better cheer me on!"
"im looking forward to it. say hi to your mother from me."
naomasa nods. hes telling the truth. that makes nighteye feel the sickest
"love you izuku"
",,, love you too dad"
izuku hangs up the phone and retches into the bin. nighteye is shaking. all might storms out. naomasa punches the wall
izuku looks up with tears in his eyes
",,, does my mum know?"
nighteye wants to cry
"i dont know kid"
izuku tells katuski that his quirk finally came in! but,,, in the worlds biggest mess of a way
basically hes lying in bed, trying to work out why he can't use it without breaking bones but the people he shares it with can, he bolts upright
he runs out his door all the way to bakugos house and climbs in through his window, grabbing a sleeping bakugo by the shoulders
"IZuKU whAt tHE fuCK"
"my quirk!!! i was breaking bones because i wasnt modulating it!!!"
",,,,q QUiRK/???/?"
",,,, oh yeah oops"
mitsuki runs in with a frying pan ready to murder a villain but its just izuku
"carry on"
izuku doesnt tell him its ofa but he explains his quirk has finally showed up, bakugo asks him if hes registered it yet
"wait what? you, breaking the law? mister "i cant kill an ant because all might himself will call me a villain""
izuku, w the most shit-eating grin, explains that you only legaly have to register your quirk when it shows up, or after you are tested when you are five, whichever happens first so, legally, he doesnt need to register because it would be seen as voluntary updating
cut to the enterance exam
aizawa is holding the papers for the kids hes observing right then
"quirkless? that kid doesn't look quirkless"
and yagi sighs
"of course he didnt,,,"
"all might? do you know him?"
",,,, r i g h t"
“aizawa listen i have never seen young midoriya in my life ever”
basically, izuku is hiding the "transfer" part of his power from most people bc hes stubborn and thinks it could be useful
also,,, in this au shinso makes it in on hero points thanks
bakugo is about to rush the 0 pointer but shinso can see its going to fall on him shinsou yells
shinsou and bakugou are the type of friends that flat out have no love for each other but would punch anyone who says anything bad abt the other. like shinsou walks into school and bakugou s just
“dammit i thought u fucking died smh”
“i wish i did then i wouldn’t have to look at ur ugly ass”
in this au shinso and izuku bond when they are standing outside they door bc izuku looks like hes gonna fucking cry hes so scared and shinsou is like "wow big mood"
shinso is not shinson in this au! bc izuku is gonna do a soft
basically, quirk test? shinsou is s w e a t i n g bakugo looks a little worried for his new friend but no one would notice if they weren’t izuku
shinsou turns to him like "my quirk is mental im going to fa I L"
izuku grabs his hand and he feels this rush of energy, you can almost see it dancing along his skin. izuku grins
"i think you'll find you do just fine"
(izuku gave him like,, less than a full 1% but hes like doubled in strength and speed and hes??? shook?? bc whats happening)
aizawa is lost bc shinso has a mental quirk he shouldnt be doing this well, so he tries to cancel it
nothing happens and aizawa is so lost??? bc shinsou is kinda reedy and not super fit but hes placing solidly in the middle
and he noticing that shinso’s eyes seem to be glowing and so are they eyes of the kid coming in second and gives a big "hm,mmmm"
anyway, ball pitch, he cancels izukus quirk and turns to look at shinso, his eyes are dim. izuku looks sheepish but also like hes ready to throw down and its an interesting look
aizawa just sighs "you know what? just throw the ball."
izuku g r i n s and yeets it into next year using more of his quirk than he like,, really should have? to prove a point (his finger is bruised, not broken. he used 25%)
anyway aizawa shows the results, shinso is in the middle, izuku second, hagakure is last and sadly shes not getting expelled bc plot reasons – im sorry I have a thing against her shes perfectly valid probably im just still convinced shes the traitor even tho its totally a teacher
he calls izuku out on it but does admit he didnt say you couldnt help eachother, so its kind on him. shinso looks like hes going to pass out with relief
Hagekure is the traitor in this au though, 100%
during the camp she is at the pick up zone, hiding. izuku pulls bakugo out of the way, they all seem safe
she pushes izuku in through the portal as it closes
fyi afo takes her quirk and leaves her braindead in the nomu factory bc shes not useful anymore. also because now he needs to have a really awkward conversation with his son he was hoping to avoid
also usj? is really melodramatic
he gives aizawa 4% which is the max nighteye could hold without it hurting
aizawa takes a hit from the nomu and he reaches out his hand
izuku cries as he gives him an extra 4% and aizawa gets free but he can see bruises forming with every step his teacher takes
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Chips the Cat
2 fics in 2 days?? whoa
warnings: cursing, hairballs, al panics a bit at the end but its not too bad
ship: ralbert
word count: 1378
“You’re not allergic to cats, right?”
Albert allows his head to drop, absentmindedly fumbling for the remote and muting the TV as Queso perks his head up from his lap.
“Race, did you get a fucking cat?”
There was a pause and Albert groaned, shifting Queso off his thighs and pushing himself up from the couch.  Race was standing in the doorway, a sheepish look on his face and arms held protectively around a blue and grey pet carrier.  Behind him, several bags of cat food, a litter box, and a small cat bed were lined up unceremoniously on the ground.
Albert doesn’t hold back the exasperated groan that’s been on standby since Race opened the door.
“You got a fucking cat,” he concludes, wincing as Queso bounds over from the couch and begins barking loudly at the carrier, “Race, what were you thinking!? Do we even make enough money to care for another living creature?”
Race shrugs, setting down the carrier and unlatching the cage door, “I’m getting a raise this weekend,” he says, sounding a bit like he’s trying to diffuse a bomb, “plus, I couldn’t just let this little guy go.”
Albert watches as he pulls a young orange tabby from the cage, “Meet Chips!” Race exclaims brightly, “I named him on the way home.”
Albert raises an eyebrow, “Chips?” he asks slowly, “As in Chips...and Queso.”
Race beams stroking a hand down Chips’ head, “That’s the idea!”
“Unbelievable,” Albert mumbles, “you know, you could have called me to discuss before you adopted him, like- I don’t know- adults.”
The smile seeps off Race’s face and his shoulders sag a little, “Are you seriously mad?”
“A little,” Albert admits, “You can’t just go making big decisions like this without talking to me first.”
Race pouts a little, stroking a hand down Chips’ head and scratching his back a little, “I’m sorry,” he says, “So, we can’t keep him?”
Albert sighs as Chips begins to purr, cuddling closer to Race’s chest, “Does he make you happy?”
Race nods, a little hesitant and very hopeful, and suddenly, all the fight drains out of Albert.
“Well, I’ll look like a fucking monster if I say no,” He mumbles, more to himself than anything else, “yes, we can keep him.”
The smile replaces itself on Race’s face, lighting up his blue eyes behind his glasses.
“Fuck yeah!” He pumps his fist, crossing further into the room and narrowly dodging Queso as he tries to jump for the cat in his arms.
“But you have to be the one to make sure that Queso doesn’t murder him,” Albert demands, pointing a finger in Race’s direction, “and don’t expect me to clean his litter box.”
Race nods, wide eyed, “No, yeah, of course.  I’ll take care of him 100 percent.”
“Race, get your fuckin’ cat, Jesus Christ!”
Albert resists the urge to throw the goddamn thing as Chips bats his head with his paw for the millionth time since the movie started.  Queso was growling up at him, drowning out the sounds of Indiana Jones in the background.  
“If you wanna murder him already, I’m not gonna stop you,” Albert grumbles to Queso, ducking his head as Chips takes another swing at his ear.
“No, no one is murdering anyone,” Race snaps, padding into the room and plucking Chips up from his purchase on the back of the couch, “you coulda just moved him if he was bothering you so much.”
“I tried!” Albert cries, sitting up indignantly, “He just hissed at me and started doing it again!”
Queso was whining now, turning in circles by Albert’s feet and casting furtive glances towards where Chips was grooming himself on Race’s lap.
“That fucking gremlin seems to only like you,” Albert says, not bothering to keep the distaste from his tone.
“He can sense that you’re bothered with him,” Race says, staring lovingly down at Chips, who now lay asleep against his stomach.
“I don’t think cats work like that,” Albert scrunches his nose, “I just think he hates me.”
Race shrugs, “He’ll warm up to ya.”
“Hip hip fucking hooray.”
“Queso, no! No, Queso, leave him- no- fuck, RAAACE!”
Race barrels into the room freezing momentarily to take in the scene of Albert holding Queso back while Chips shoves soil at them from his perch on one of the windowsills.  
He stifles a laugh and Albert shoots him a glare, “Shut the hell up and get your fucking demon out of the succulents.”
Swallowing his laughter and putting on a solemn face, Race crosses to Chips and sets him on the ground.
“He’s just restless,” Race insists, “I just need to get him a cat tree or something.”
“Then fucking do it and don’t let him mess with my plants!” Albert just barely stops himself from stomping his foot.
“Okay, okay,” Race raises his hands in mock surrender, “I’ll go do that now.  Go walk Queso or something.”
Albert huffs, grumbling to himself as he grabs Queso’s leash off its hook.  On his way out, he tosses a middle finger in Chips’ direction.
“Albert Dasilva!”
“He deserves it!”
It’s the middle of the goddamn night and Chips is scratching.  Race had kept to his word and gotten Chips a cat tree, but since then, the fucking terror has done nothing but scratch the fucking thing.  Albert wouldn’t mind if Race hadn’t insisted that they keep the tree in their bedroom so, ‘Chips can sleep near us, c’mon, you let Queso sleep in our bed.’
Albert had lost that argument as soon as the Queso card was pulled.  You can’t really argue with hypocritical logic.
“Will you fucking stop already!?” Albert hisses into the dark quiet of the room, careful not to wake Race or Queso up.
He sees Chips’ yellow eyes turn in his direction and they hold eye contact for a tense moment before he hops up onto the bed next to Albert.
“Oh no you don’t,” Albert says through clenched teeth as Chips’ begins to knead his paws into his stomach.
Albert groans, letting his head drop back onto the pillow, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
He’s home alone, fist clenched tightly in his hair as he tried to regain control over his breathing.  Queso’s hovering uncertainly nearby, providing company and comfort, but not coming closer for fear of overwhelming Albert.  
He hadn’t expected the movie he’d been watching to trigger him, but one loud fight and a door slam later, he was 15 years old again, cowering in the kitchen while his father yells at him relentlessly.  
The shaking is getting worse and Albert has half a thought to call Race, but he’s in a meeting right now and that would be unfair to ask of him.  No, he could handle this by himself.  Everything was going to be okay.
Another shout sounds from the TV and Albert gasps, reaching for the remote and forcefully shutting it off.  He braces his forearms on his knees and leans forward, opening his eyes and attempting to tap back into his surroundings.  Queso comes a little closer, nudging his hand with his nose until Albert begins to run a shaking hand down his head.
It does a little to calm his nerves, but his heartbeat is still too erratic and his senses are still foggy and anxious.  Across the room, Chips meows loudly and Albert looks up in time to see him knock his plastic food bowl off the counter.  It’s empty and bounces when it hits the ground and Chips fixes Albert with a look as if to say, ‘feed me’.
Albert huffs out a surprised laugh, panic forgotten as he stands from the couch, crossing to pick up the bowl before filling it with cat food.  He sets it back on the counter and watches in surprise as Chips nestles his head against his arm before digging into the food.
“Ya know, you’re not actually that bad,” Chips purrs in response and Albert smiles, “I think I might not hate you.”
Chips cuts himself off from eating and begins to convulse violently, spitting up a hairball a few moments later.
Albert blinks, “What the fuck.”
Chips just looks at him again, meowing.
angst later
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
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@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @technically-whizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @localfakeitalian @have-we-got-news-for-you
@musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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hornsbeforehalos · 5 years
Waste Love: Part Sixteen
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Pairing: Colson Baker|Machine Gun Kelly x OFC Warnings: Language, Alcohol and Drug Use, Smut, Violence, Angst, Fluff A/N: Sorry this took forever! I know I been slacking plus my internet being bullshit. I should be back on my jam though soon! 
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“So when I get back we gotta get the living situations figured out.” Colson said into the receiver, his phone cradled in between his cheek and shoulder as he focused on rolling the joint in front of him, “We gotta get all your stuff across the country.”
“What are you talking about?” Tiffany chuckled from her end of the line, her voice light and airy and making Colson miss home more than ever before. 
“What do you mean, ‘What am I talkin’ ‘bout?’” Colson asked, confusion contorting his voice slightly as he furrowed his brow before licking the glue of the paper and twisting the spliff closed. 
“I’m not moving in with you, Colson.” She replied, her tone obvious and knowing. He could picture her rolling her eyes at him and giving him that look she always gave him, but this time, instead of making him smile and laugh, irritation prickled through him as he snatched the lighter out of Rooks hand beside him. He ignored the “What the fuck?” from his friend and stood from the couch, his feet stomping loudly as he retreated to the bedroom of the suite.
“The fuck you mean you’re not movin’ in?” Colson demanded as he slammed the door to the room shut. His voice was lowered but still stained with venom as he gritted his teeth and walked towards the balcony. 
Colson heard her sigh as he sparked the joint, annoyance bleeding through the line when she replied, “I’ve already explained this shit to you, Colson, please don’t.”
“Nah, fuck that,” he retorted, inhaling deeply from the joint, “It ain’t cuz your fuckin’ job. I talked to Reedus and he straight up said you could work from wherever.”
“The fuck? You went behind my back and-“
“Nah, stay on the fuckin’ subject, bitch.” Colson interrupted, hitting the joint again quickly, “I want the real fuckin’ reason. You’re supposed to be my goddamn wife.” 
“Oh what the fuck ever, Colson,” Tiffany huffed, her voice raising with her anger, “I don’t wanna hear that shit. Im not some dumb fucking bimbo like all the other bitches you keep around.”
“So now we back on this bullshit, huh?”
“Do you really think I’m stupid, Kels? Seriously? Or blind or some shit?” Tiffany snapped, yelling through the phone, “I see everything, even when I’m not fucking there. Like the three blonde whores that were in the hotel last night. Or the brunette in the bus the night before. Or the-“
“Forreal? So now you’re on some stalker shit?” Colson replied, a sarcastic chuckle leaving his lips before taking another hit, “You think I’m fuckin around?”
“Stalker shit?!” Tiffany shreaked, her voice so loud, he had to pull the screen away from his ear, “You think that’s me being a fuckin’ stalker, mother fucker? Are you on fucking crack?”
A loud, guttural, roar came through the line, followed by the loud crash of something glass breaking in the background. 
“Sounds like some shit a stalker would do.” Colson replied with a shrug, taunting her. 
“Fuck you, Colson. You’re a fucking bitch, you know that? This whole fucking engagement is just as much a big ass joke to you as it is me.”
“So its all a joke, huh?” Colson asked, his lips hissing as he held in a cloud of smoke for a moment before letting it be pushed from his lungs, “Me asking you to marry me in front of fifty thousand people was a fucking joke?”
“Apparently! You flew to fucking Paris the next night and fucked four different bitches, you nasty fucking whore!” She screamed back, her voice cracking and hoarse. Colson pictured her crying, mascara running down her face as she yelled at him with all the anger in her heart that he had in his. Except he was angry at himself. 
He knew people were taking pictures when he walked through that hotel, and he knew that that dumb slut had been recording on the bus, and that someone had seen him in Paris. Cameras were constantly in his face no matter where he was.  He didn’t know why, but for some reason he just believed it either wouldn’t get back to her, or that she somehow magically wouldn’t care. 
He knew better. 
“You know how fucking embarrassing it is to have your engagement in a TMZ article one night and then see one with your fiancé with another bitch right beside it the next day?” Tiffany gritted out, her voice low and seething, “But did you hear me say one fucking thing about it to you? Huh? Or any of the others? Huh?”
Grinding his teeth together, Colson couldn’t even get his jaw to open as he ground out a “No.”
“And now you wanna throw a fucking tantrum and wonder WHY I won’t throw every thing that I’ve busted my ass for over the last year away for you? Why I refuse to call you anything other than my good friend, even though right now I wouldn’t consider you that, either.”
“So what? You never wanted to marry me? Everything don’t mean shit?” He huffed, his chest tightening as he stomped the rest of the roach into the ashtray forcefully.
“Of course I want to marry you, Colson! But we both know that you’re not fucking serious about any of it! I’m not going to call you my husband when every time I open Twitter, I’m being tagged in videos of you with your tongue down another bitches throat!” 
“Mannn,” Colson whined, sucking his gums before standing up and leaning over the balcony, the Italian skyline boring and unappealing to him as he fought with her, “I didn’t fuck none of them bitches, and you know that.”
“No, I don’t.” She replied, her voice even, though still venomous, “When you’re Machine Gun Kelly, you have no rules. You do whatever you want, without consequence.”
Colson knew she was right, as much as he didn’t want to admit it. But he also knew that he was telling her the truth, he hadn’t fucked anyone else but her, which made him all the more frustrated. He wanted her to believe him, but he understood why she couldn’t. His chest ached with the need for her to trust him, but hell, could he really even trust himself?
Before he had a chance to think of a reply, she continued, “I’m supposed to be apart of the family but my own brother has your back more than mine. Slim, Dre, all of them, they look at you like you really are some golden god or something that can do no wrong. They look at me like they did Ashley and Amber- temporary. Which is exactly why Rook didn’t want me with you. He knew this was how it was gonna go.”
Her voice was still low but the anger and hate was gone, replaced by sadness and defeat, “I let you back in my life as Colson, forgetting that I know Machine Gun Kelly too. While I’m in love with both, right now neither one is ready to get married.”
“So what? You don’t wanna be with me or somethin’?” Colson questioned, pushing off the railing and moving to sit back down in the chair, his back hunched over as he rested his elbow on his knee, “If you been feelin’ like this, why haven’t you said shit?”
She sighed again, her breath shaky as she sniffed, “I want to be with you, Cols. I really do. I love you, but if we’re going to be serious then you need to be serious.”
“I am serious, Tiff. I’m not playing when I said I didn’t fuck them chicks. Yeah, I shouldn’t have been doing that shit regardless, but I never put my dick in them. This shit ain’t easy for me, and I need you to tell me when I’m outta pocket. Especially if it got you feelin’ like this.” 
“I’m not tryna change who you are, Kels. I want you to know that.”
“I know you ain’t. But if I want you to be my wife then there’s shit I gotta do.”
Colson took a deep breath and let it out in a whoosh, relief flooding through him at the knowledge that she wasn’t going to leave him. Determination replaced his anxiety and anger and he straightened his posture, rubbing his jaw with his fingertips as he thought to himself. 
“I love you, Tiff. An’ I don’t care what you say, you’re gonna marry me. I’mma prove to you that I’m serious about this shit, for real.”
She let out a chuckle, the sound making him smile, “I hope so, Kels. Just stop with the moving shit, please?”
His smile widened as he let out his own snort, “Oh, baby, gimme a month and you’ll be the one begging to move in.”
Tiffany sat at the baggage claim, scrolling through her Instagram feed with a bored look on her face while she waited for her luggage to come through the revolving belt. She smiled at the screen in her hand, unable to keep the eye roll from appearing as she watched her brother’s story. A obviously drunk Colson pointed to the camera, his grin goofy and pale eyes unfocused.
“What do you wanna say to the folks at home, Kels?” Rook laughed, his own voice laced with inebriation.
“I jus’ wanna say that I fucking love you, Tiffany Cappalletty.” Colson slurred, his lips puckering as he leaned in to kiss the phone, “Muah! I love you baby, I miss you, and I’ll be home soon!”
Tiffany snorted and shook her head, clicking the screen closed when she finally spotted the black and purple luggage being spat out of the machine. 
She cocked and eyebrow at the man standing in front of her when she turned around after pulling her bag off the conveyor belt, “You seen me struggle with that shit and just let it happen, asshole.”
“It was cute. Plus I wanted to see the pride in your eyes when you got to done.” Her father responded with a shrug, pulling her into his side as his arm wrapped around her shoulders. “How was your flight, baby girl?” 
“Fine, when the thing finally took off.” She scoffed, shaking her head as they headed towards the exit and into the parking garage. 
“Everything’s all set up, right?” Tiffany questioned, her eyes narrowing as she looked to her dad over the top of the car after opening the door, “You did what I asked?”
“Yes, dear,” he replied sarcastically, smirking at his daughter before climbing into the vehicle, “Only one small issue.”
“Oh Lord,” Tiffany whined as she plopped herself into the seat with a groan, “What the fuck happened?”
“Nothing major,” Pop clarified, smirking at her as he reversed out of the parking space, “Just a small change of plans.”
The ride back to her dads house was easy and quick as the duo talked and listened to music like they always did, and Tiffany’s smile was beaming when they finally pulled into the drive way. 
It faded, through, when she noticed how many cars where parked around the street. 
“Daaaad, they fucking didn’t!” She groaned, stomping her feet childishly before pushing the door to the car open and climbing out, “Why didn’t you tell me?!”
Her father’s explanation iwas cut short when the front door of the house burst open, Colson, Rook, Slim, and Baze all bounding out recklessly with beaming smiles on their faces.
“Tiffanyyyyyy!” Slim screeched before tackling the poor girl, a deep whoosh of breath leaving her when her back hit the plush grass. A dog pile ensued, with Colson being the at the top, Tiffany’s breath crushed out of her but a smile still planted across her face. 
“Get the fuck off me, assholes!” She choked, smacking Slim’s side and Rook’s head the best she could. The boys rolled off of her, all laughing as they pulled her to her feet. Colson snatched her hand easily and reeled her into him, his lips attaching to hers as his long arms wrapped around her tiny frame. 
“Tryna throw a party without me, I see.” Colson teased, nodding his head to towards the thumping music coming from the house.
Tiffany smirked and rolled her eyes, her hand coming across to smack his chest, “You’re the one that started without me.”
“Well lets go play catch up, girl!” Her father laughed, waving everyone inside.
Colson pulled her into his side, his arm draped over her shoulders as he leaned in to kiss her temple. “It’s good to be home.”
“Yeah,” she replied, looking up to him with a smile, “it really is.”
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Tags:  @cobainscocaiine @coffee-obsessed-writer @through-thesilver-lining @daryldixonandfrogs @buckyscrystalqueen @mgkobsessed @iamdorka @creatureofthen1ght-v3 @xxencagedxx @xxkellsvixen19xx  @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @bvibunny138 @crystalbaby12 @abbysdogcollar
*credit for the bomb ass banner is to best friend @coffee-obsessed-writer
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theskyexists · 4 years
she-ra 4
the reason i stopped watching she-ra is the same reason i stopped watching the dragon prince.
the narrative doesn’t take the situation seriously. instead of leaning into the anguish of war and violence (atla, teen titans) - they make light of it. EVEN when the characters’ guardians are KILLED!!
when Angella died and they spent 2 seconds on Glimmer’s grief at the end of season 3 i was like......actually fuck this. HOW can i take any of these stakes seriously when they insist on brushing them off???
anyway just had to complain about that - especially because the start of the first ep of 4 is them joking AGAIN about something as grim as Glimmer now carrying all the responsibilities of her mother - who may i remind you IS DEAD
but catradora became canon apparently so now i have to struggle through
her aunt, her mother’s sister, is fuckin, joking about cakes, her friends are laughing at the joke. COME ON! how goddamn unrealistic and insensitive. EVEN if they wanna make a point of it - it’s silly! because the narrative PARTICIPATES in making light of the situation. if it was just the characters it would be less jarring
‘we’ll make sure this day is perfect’  WHAT? how could it EVER BE IF HER MOTHER IS FUCKING DEAD????????? AND THAT”S THE ONLY REASON SHE’S QUEEN????? ‘must be hard’ YEAH IT’S HARD - IN FACT IMPOSSIBLE. instead of pretending to be happy maybe you can show some genuine sensitivity. these people are so crazily emotionally underdeveloped my god. what age are they supposed to be? 16? 17? The problem that She-ra has (just like the dragon prince) is that there are no relevant adults. Oh sure there’s a Queen, and some Soldiers, and a Sorceress. But there isn’t a single relevant competent adult around who is concerned with running a bureaucracy or the emotional stability of children
I do like how Catra has overcome her fear of Hordak. but i think i remember being fuckin furious at her for almost destroying the whole world and hurting Scorpia and betraying Entrapta just to spite Adora. vaguely.
the rebellions problem is that they’re all extremely stupid himbos. like literally, in the whole story, only catra and shadowweaver have any smarts, while glimmer gains the ability to think during full moons on wednesdays. meanwhile everybodys is a slave to their emotions - which destroys any brain cells that shadowweaver or catra (or angella or anyone) might have managed. they could literally have killed hordak the entire time but just let him order them around because they’re so hot for acknowledgement
I’m glad Glimmer reflects my frustrations now hahahahaah
‘everyone is already acting like she doesn’t matter’  - yeah dudes, you fucking insensitive bastards
‘im supposed to take care of you glimmer’ - but unfortunately i have the emotional intelligence of a crab! FUCK!
this is another thing about this show that makes me groan. sappy quick resolutions of emotional turmoil through re-affirming the fuckin power of friendship in the first episode of the season.
also couldn’t Adora have done this she-ra stuff from the very beginning
that was badass.....miss glimmer’s other hair though. ok the emotions at that hologram and statue though...
the coolest part of she-ra for me is finding out more how the ancient systems all fit into Etheria and the She-Ras and Hordak Prime etc.
THIS IS A GOOD SPEECH. love this badass.
love Hordak getting put in his place. Love Catra realising she has power - love Hordak reaping what he sows. its unfortunate that she’s a shitty brat who JUST can’t get over her inferiority complex
if i could endlessly teleport i would do what glimmer does
also, glimmer was willing to fuckin murder catra before and she DEFINITELY will be now lol. love that for her.
why did they only introduce adora learning to transform her sword NOW ahahaha, theyve had SO MANY SCENES in which she doesnt have it and then suddenly does - and then its gone again
scorpia is the funniest and most likeable person in the whole show
they really suddenly can’t take five people on with she ra and fuckin huntara on their side??
i remember that little sadistic righteous twist in my stomach when Adora finally was like: FUCK!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Catra!!!!!!! and the stupid idiot got it
FINALLY A GLANCE AT THE PEOPLE OF ETHERIA AGAIN! i love the party sequences in this!!! the people of etheria are so beautiful! nobody ever comments on the main characters all looking plain human in contrast....
‘and i fell for it!’  yeah cos you DUMB AS BRICKS ADORA
so first they quietly take out the guards....and then literally break open the door hahaahahahahaaha
‘we forgot the bots regenerate’ - yeah cos you DUMB AS BRICKS ADORA
i just dont understand why they insist on making the main characters so DUMB ahahahahaah
Adora and Catra are great at hitting where it hurts. the difference between them is that Catra KNOWS that she’s hurting Adora - she does it deliberately.
wow that could be some pretty angsty stuff constantly leaving her to struggle on the floor while painfully electrocuted. Catra has also moved to kill Adora straight up so many times. im sure she really wants to (but it would destroy her later). But now, Adora swept something at Catra that might have actually killed her. I get Catra though, I would’t want to get beaten by some blonde, blue-eyed, glowing golden kid who always gets to win and do better. this is truly the first time Adora has moved to kill Catra......
does flatterina not have parents who’d be like: uhhhhh maybe leave the soldiering for a couple more years?
catra truly burning all her bridges. hahaha. it’s so satisfying to see her use her anger and power to truly destroy herself - because of guilt!
no other villagers were like - HMMMMMMM this random new kid is here? weird..... i didnt see that coming either.
Adora doesn’t think about what Catra might have even been doing there - cos she’s DUMB AS BRICKS
the interesting thing about this show is that they’re setting up a dichotomy. they’re treating war like a high-stakes game because they have the good side adhere to an aesthetic of ....magic. they will not make the two sides equivalent in any way - which makes questions of morality moot. the show is purely an emotional drama. the horde is an army of brainwashed kids in an industrial wasteland - they fight with tech and guns. but the good guys cannot fight with an army or tech, they fight with cleverness and magic. they’re called the ‘rebellion’ - they HAVE to be underdogs because they have to follow the script of good - even though what’s really going on is war, not a rebellion. That’s why they have a single strike team that do ‘missions’. They are presented as FUNDAMENTALLY different - on the level of identity which they cannot change lest they destroy themselves - and in that way the good guys can never become the bad guys. it is ALMOST meta. think they’re gonna do something with that at one point. i hope
also Netossa has such a super cool design.
‘everyone knows you’re needed in bright moon’ - uh. really? i dont know. some random person i’ve never seen before demands you go to meetings. so? is that important? why?
spinerella can literally FLY???????? why has she been in the background this whole time??? hahahaha military inefficiency.
there was an explosion that ripped trees apart - but bo’s alive!! honesty why didn’t they try explosive suicide bots before. they’re very lucky he was still alive to heal
‘could they be tracking she-ra?’ WHAT? isn’t the obvious suggestion - A SPY???? they just assume that the general is right hahahahaa.
i love how double trouble is so meta.
actually, why wasn’t glimmer trained as a sorcerer anyway?
glimmer is upset about her growing magic plants but not her having magic ingredients
why do they present good strategic thinking (for once) as evil influence from shadowweaver
what a fuckin badass. honestly - glad that this show finally utilised glimmer’s extremely op powers like they should be. honestly, she’s much more powerful than She-Ra.
that bit with spinerella was so contrived jfc.
‘by using me as a decoy’ adora says, pissed off. uhhhh YOU went off on your own to get smushed by fuckin bots adora. Glimmer didn’t do that to you. she just used your stupidity.
glimmer really left catra to die. hahahahaa
i like adora best when she’s on her own and being a dork
they definitely managed to foreshadow that Light Hope was evil but im glad they picked up the thread now
am i seeing this wrong or did scorpia have two mums??? but also. where the fuck are they
lolololololol because everybodys dumb as bricks and emotionally volatile they’re incredibly easy to manipulate
‘i cant risk hitting flatterina’ pffft - ALL YOUR ARROWS ARE NON-LETHAL BO. ugh i cant deal with these contrived stakes
they’re really gonna spin it like this is a bad development? fuck off. finally some grit.
‘you took things way too far’ - but she got results! dumb as bricks adora
(this may seem harsh but adora is DUMB shes so fucking DUMB!!!! and she has many good qualities (such as an almost innate sense of morality) but goddamn. i guess its good to sometimes have a show about all around dumb characters. i mean, it’s not unrealistic per se, it’s just.....weird.)
the interesting thing about these characters is that you can SEE every single one of them struggling with cognitive dissonance. thats the big story of this show. they see the world a certain way - and then when something challenges that, they fight to the death to destroy or deny or ignore that new information - to everybody’s detriment. and they can’t back down because every step they’ve taken - would turn to sins they can’t live with. it’s interesting and its also a kind of conflict that‘s frustrating if not resolved at SOME point. thats why i love this season for its characters going off the rails. adora aiming to kill catra, catra destroying her last relationships, glimmer growing more and more militant.
they’re all acting like teens - that  is - highly volatile - unable to keep from provoking others or be provoked - but they ARE teens.
‘catra doesn’t care. she’ll hurt people to get her way (implied: EVEN people on her side)’ - we must remember that Scorpia was entirely fine with KILLING the trio (it was Catra that wasn’t at the time).
‘you’re a bad friend’ OH OUCH. Catra - who’s always been treated as a whipping girl by those in power - does the same to those she is in power over. But on some level she doesn’t WANT to be that. she’s just always always been rejected and take advantage of and lashed out at and abandoned by the people she considered important (shadowweaver ---- doing the same to catra that was done to her is so goddamn....it’s the story of this show. the simplicity and banality of damaging and hurting others and that carrying over to harm even more people - is the story of this show and it’s immeasurably frustrating and REALISTIC)
she still flinches at Hordak’s lashing out. but she imprints on him the exact lesson she’s trying to school herself in. If you don’t need anybody - you don’t want anyone - if nobody matters but the mission and winning - then you can’t be hurt. she wants to prove her worth - but she doesn’t realise that inherently means that she’s putting somebody in power over her - again and again and again.
mermista coming  in clutch with the braincells: there’s a spy! I love how this is played as completely implausible and just Mermista nonsense (who i love learning about) - while it’s so obviously true/
i actually love Adora when she’s being serious and heroic, or a huge dork. and she has the wit to RECOGNISE good ideas. but i just don’t understand why Adora is being big b about being used as a distraction. like....why?
i love that the underside of Mermista’s sneaker has a figure. but why the fuck is a common soldier with them (flatterina) and do they really think they can interrogate the whole castle filled with some shitty guards and...what - the guerilla troops they sometimes employ? where do they even live? ah in a tent city. ok
why is the GENERAL in front line combat WITHOUT SOLDIERS???? oh wait. glimmer did that too when she was general. lolololol
i understand why Adora doesn’t trust Shadowweaver and doesn’t want her around most of all - and Glimmer getting buddy buddy with her is hurtful. but...it’s not helpful to needle glimmer about it. but dismissing the guards around shadowweaver however? stupid of Glimmer. unnecessary. ‘what has she done but help us?’ - uhhhh she kidnapped you, corrupted your powers, almost wiped Adora’s mind. I wish Adora had summed up those things instead of leaving them implied.
so perfuma and mermista come across inconsistencies in the stories - but then. forget about it? i just...... UGGHGHGHGHGHGHGH. people really aren’t this dumb are they? they’re just NOT.
‘no more secrets and doing things without us’ - that was a good speech. but like, glimmer is right - she’s surrounded by INCOMPETENT IDIOTS lolololol. but good leadership is corralling idiots, Glimmer. not going off on your own. but she’s already planted the bait about the dining room.
‘we were the only ones who knew about the plan to take back dril’ ---- THEN WHY DID YOU INTERROGATE OTHER PEOPLE AHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHA
‘stop questioning my choices, stop whining about being a decoy’ YEAH FUCKIN HELL ADORA STOP BEING SUCH A FUCKING SHIT. IS THIS REALLY ‘TAKING CARE OF GLIMMER’????
‘all you do is question my authority, it’s exhausting.’ yeah god...it really is. adora needs to fucking BACK! OFF! but im loving these fights because it brings out the grievances. Adora is right to be worried about Glimmer no longer including her in her decisions. and she makes a good point that that’s bad. She makes a good point that Shadowweaver cannot be trusted. And Glimmer makes zero good points - except that it’s been hard for her and has garnered 0.1% understanding from the people around her. Oh they were working together. BUT those were definitely real grievances.
GLIMMER CAN ALREADY DO A CONTAINMENT SPELL LIKE THAT??? godDAMN. castapella completely flunked her responsibilities to Glimmer but shadowweaver did NOT.
hmmm so Solinius was....destroyed. but like, did the people die? like....the people? that’s the important bit isn’t it? i mean, they were under the sea right?
i suppose the problem i also have is that this show will NOT hurry up. normally i love filler stuff but ...the characters are too.....cheery. too flat. their quirks are fun and funny until they’re literally character flaws.
are the horde just literally attacking civilians? jezus. the war crimes. how did shadowweaver ever expect to trick Adora when she was released into the field?
‘you can’t just keep going off on your own!’ - SHE LITERALLY SAVED THE WHOLE FUCKING TOWN. SHE’S THE QUEEN! EVERYBODY SHOULD LISTEN TO HER! lolololol
the problem with Adora’s points is that everything about their dynamics are always so nebulous. why cant glimmer keep showing up to help out? WHY??? she’s the most capable fucking soldier in the field! she’s supposed to have full fucking authority! like, Adora isn’t in the right here. the problem is that her needling is only a symptom of her worries - which is that Glimmer doesn’t trust her any more. but the needling does NOTHING but make her seem like an idiot
i do love this trope reversal here - Seahawk deliberately damselling them to let the princesses save the boys? pffft
love catra getting the consequences for her actions regarding Scorpia. You can’t keep lashing out at people and expect them to stay my dear cat.....
oooohhh Glimmer.... you’re treading close to very hurtful territory. Blaming Adora for the Rebellion failing? for things she couldn’t do anything about? stupid.
really?? you’re really gonna fucking fight-resolution BLOCK ME? are you FUCKING kidding me? edging me for the whole GODDAMN SEASON??? and finally Adora cries at Glimmer going over the line????  fuckin I HATE the narrative decisions in this stupid show I FUCKING HATE THEM FUCK THESE WRITERS GOD FUKCING DAMMIT!!! this has been the whole GODDAMN SHOW!!!!!! ARGHGHGHGHGHGH
i’ve been waiting for a fucking resolution for Adora and Catra the whole! goddamn! SHOW! NOTHING! else matters! you do the exact same for glimmer and adora and now you let it fester again??? because of some no-stakes BULLSHIT? just give me the fucking godddamn PAYOFF for watching these kids be IDIOTS.
this fight on the boat is COOL and really wonderfully animated
really? Glimmer’s response to Adora being hurt and not wanting to be TOUCHED is to be angry herself? what a fucking IDIOT. god i can’t stand this. I CAN’T STAND IT
is this how people act? do they never take a moment to breathe and think and reflect and realise their priorities and take a step back and fucking apologise?
‘no matter what glimmer thinks of me’ oh that HURTED. oh damn. that’s so relatable. it’s a way to run, it’s a way to internalise the hurt and then prove the things that hurt wrong. the one that hurt you
I know Bo is supposed to be the emotionally intelligent one but he’s also too soft. He should go up to his friends individually and ask them the sharp questions. not - ‘communicate more positively’.
I just like Adora so much better when she’s alone. Her friendships’ positive moments are always so sappy or so....like over-exaggerated, the negative moments always so fucking annoying. Alone, Adora is generally driven, tragic, and cool. the problem is perhaps that i don’t care for the constant fucking drama
god i LOVE Mara so much - she’s so beautiful. and i LOVE learning more about the Old Ones. So they were trying to study Ehteria’s magic.... but then Bright Moon and the princesses were already here. The Magic-Like systems of the Old Ones are pure tech.
wow! even Mara’s transformation is way cooler.
so why was the first one’s tech (she ra) responsive to the magic? why does Raz know about She-Ra? when she ra is first ones tech????
WAIT ONE SECOND. She-Ra is ‘magic’ ??? it’s the SWORD that’s the first one’s tech! She-Ra is Etheria’s magic ! but how if the First Ones chose Mara. Did they steal She-Ra from Etheria?
so what im getting is that. the Old Ones colonised Etheria. Etheria has magic, and when Mara was chosen they made that girl an elite soldier - giving her a first one’s tech sword so she could ‘control’ Etheria’s magic. Then Mara was told to study the magic of Etheria - the ship implying that she’d not been on the planet before. then they created a Heart of Etheria project - which will probably turn the magic into a weapon. this was going to be used against Hordak Prime, im sure. I mean, Mara saved Etheria, but she did doom the rest of the universe to...extinction.... like, judging from Hordak’s strategy, Hordak Prime just literally exterminates planets and repopulates them with his clones....
But why would the planet choose a girl from amongst the colonisers - twice?
OOOHHH that anguished scream. i love anguished screams
why dont they put fucking safety belts in these ships. it’s not like the ship didn’t survive. only Mara got splatted (i guess)
also i love Mara. but damn Adora just got some more shit on her plate. why the fuck was she pushed through a portal again? for a She-Ra chain reaction?
I love madame Raz.
So they didn’t explicitly use it against Hordak Prime. and it wouldn’t have destroyed Etheria back then but it will now...
guh this showmakes it so hard to enjoy catra’s pain.
well they did finally have a good talk about it. I have to say, Glimmer is making good strategic sense - it’s just that this show only rewards harebrained schemes
Catra having a crazy panic attack cos she can’t find Scorpia and she’s completely lost and she knows its her fault. kinda love that for her. my heart
my dear Glimmer, theres a difference between absence of trust and absence of agreement.
they’re bringing king micah back just when angella is dead? oh fuckin lol
the horde....exiled micah? they exiled Micah instead of killing him???
why do they ALWAYS interrupt important conversations? i hate that shit. it’s cheap. it’s unsatisfying.
now THIS is what im here for - that unstoppable WILL!! john gonzalez is right - we watch stories for characters overcomign obstacles. writing, is creating the obstacle course. .....what does that say about me and my life....hmmm.
‘light hope told me everything i need to know’ - uhhh no she didn’t. she didn’t tell you how to harness the energy at all. ugh
how the fuck did double trouble escape. seems to me that they didn’t actually. they were let go....
it’s always so stupid when people try to tell other people: oh no you’ve got no plan - this is too risky! when that’s NEVER a problem
Glimmer is going to activate the weapon just in time for Hordak Prime to use it. And naturally she misses the return of her dad. fuck this
they’re gonna have Hordak and Catra fight? hmm
Double Trouble is right - this IS good for her - and it IS Catra - except for Shadowweaver’s case - she was an abusive bitch
I love Scorpia’s new cool fight music and also glowy eyes
is glimmer going to throw herself into lava??
the unfortunate thing is that Hordak Prime is right on the doorstep and he took over the whole universe or whatever. so they could probably have used that weapon. i mean the Old Ones must have seen something coming. there must be a reason they’re all GONE maybe????
why did Adora assume that all those stars would be destroyed?
how the fukc are they going to beat Horde Prime lolololol.
i guess Glimmer really shouldn’t have done that. but at least she was in time to bond with Catra.
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let-it-raines · 6 years
I was reading this "ex prompt list" and while I want you to write all of them, I really liked this one: "You talk about me in your new song and I get mad over it, so I’m standing outside your apartment door to argue, only to see you open the door half naked." Thank you, darling! You're a gift!
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She’s on her way home from work when she hears it. Listening to the radio isn’t something she does, not anymore, but her car can’t connect to her phone’s Bluetooth and she forgot the aux cord, so it was either the radio or silence.
She probably should have stayed in silence.
Because for the first time in three months, for the first time since she was in Target and heard one of his songs over the speakers, she hears his voice.
And she hates it.
But she apparently hates herself a little bit more because she doesn’t change the station or turn the radio off. She doesn’t recognize the opening chords to this song. She recognizes the chords to every song. She knows all of the lyrics, all of the rifts and pauses. She knows everything.
But she doesn’t know this one.
It’s quiet, sullen, the usually prominent instruments muted in the background so that his voice comes through as clearly as possible. It takes her thirty seconds and two references of a swan flying away – really subtle there, Jones – for her to realize that the song is about her. She has to pull over to the side of the road, making several different cars blare their horns at her, but she can’t…she can’t listen to this while driving. She can’t hear him sing a song that’s clearly about their break up. She has to listen, but she can’t do anything else.
She can barely breathe.
He sounds broken. But she knows that’s on purpose. He records those songs a million times over, until he gets them exactly how he wants them to be, so she knows that he’s manufactured it this way. She’s watched him record enough songs to know how things work.
How dare he do this.
How dare he put their private life out there for anyone with ears to hear.
Hot tears sting behind her eyes, and she has to bury her face in her hands while her throat constricts, emotion lodging itself there and making her feel as if she has to vomit. Or as if she can’t breathe. She doesn’t know. She doesn’t know anything.
All she knows is that she misses him. She misses Killian.
But right now she hates him for making her relive their breakup, for making her relive the agony that was the weeks and months of separation that inevitably led them to walking away from each other.
Or maybe it was her.
She’s not sure. If anything, it’s all a blur of tears and alcohol, sobs wracking her body while she was unable to feel anything but pain. She’d waited so long to find someone who understood her, who wanted to be with her with no reservations, who wouldn’t leave. But then he had left. It had been for work. She knows this. She understands this. Despite everything, she wants nothing more than for him to be happy and to follow his dreams. She just wishes it didn’t come at the expense of them.
She just wishes she’d been strong enough to handle the months of separation and the way that their schedules never matched up, the way that they were constantly missing each other when they tried to call.
The song ends and immediately something happy, upbeat plays through her speakers. She’s having some kind of meltdown on the side of the road, and the world keeps going by. Cars continue to drive by, shaking her bug with their momentum, and the song that’s about one of the worst periods of her life is quickly forgotten and replaced by something about…dancing in a club. It’s literally just about dancing.
She lets out a watery chuckle, the emotion that was lodged in her throat clearing the slightest bit so that she can breathe. Was she not breathing? She might not have been breathing.
Now that she can breathe again, she inhales, sucking her chest in before letting out a gush of air in an attempt to calm herself. In her review mirror she can see that her face is red and splotchy, that her eyes are still watery, and she has to wipe away the snot that’s formed at her nose.
It’s as she’s rubbing her eyes, trying to clear her vision, that all of the sadness starts to twist, transforming into something else entirely. She’s pissed. Absolutely pissed. And she can’t help but think of her earlier thoughts when the song first started playing.
How dare he do this to her.
How dare he write that song and put it on the radio.
Before she knows it, she’s putting her car in drive, looking over her shoulder to make sure the road is clear, before she’s pulling off of the dirt and onto the pavement, speeding down the road in the direction of Killian’s apartment instead of toward hers, driving in the direction of the place where she lived for so long. She knows he’s home, that he’s in town. And she only knows this because David still talks to him, still talks about him, and she overheard David talking to Mary Margaret about Killian being home for the next few weeks and how they’re going to go out for a pint to catch up.
She knows the path to his apartment better than she knows the path to her own, a right here followed by another until it’s a straight shot to the parking garage underneath his building. She still has her sticker, the one that lets her inside. She never could get the damn thing off.
But now it’s useful as she pulls into an empty guest space, hastily getting out of the car and slamming the door shut as she makes her way over to the elevator, hoping that the code hasn’t changed and she can still get inside. It’s only two minutes before she’s standing in front of his door, the momentum and adrenaline propelling her hand forward until she’s banging on the wood so roughly that her hand might actually hurt.
She hurts.
Every bit of anger, of malice, of disappointment that she has is on the tip of her tongue, posed to be spit at him as soon as she sees him, but then the door is swung open and she sees him for the first time in…shit. It’s been five months. It’s been three months since she heard his voice in Target, but it’s been five months since she’s seen him.
And he’s now standing in front of her with his hair damply falling across his forehead, water trailing down the hair of his chest, and the words of his tattoo peeking up over the white towel he has slung across his hip.
She doesn’t have any other words, especially as his fists clench and the muscles in his arms strain while his jaw ticks. He’d look surprised when she first showed up, his lips parting before closing, almost as if he had something he wanted to say. But now he looks angry, a storm raging behind his eyes, and all she can think about is the time that they went to Bermuda for their anniversary and spent the entire week either in bathing suits, a towel, or nothing at all.
“What are you doing here, Swan?”
There’s no anger in his voice though. It’s calm, even, and it’s that fact that gets her back on track. He sounded broken in the song. He’s obviously not broken like she is.
“How dare you write that song,” she spits, trying to keep her voice just as steady, knowing that she’s failing. “You just put our life, my life, out there for everyone to hear.”
“No one knows it’s about you.”
“I do! I know! Our friends know! Everybody goddamn knows! I’m driving down the road on my way home from work, trying to live my life, trying to move on, and I just have everything that I’m trying to forget thrown back in my face like that.”
“Love – ”
“Don’t call me that,” she cries, hating how her voice cracks. She shouldn’t have done this. She shouldn’t have come. She should have never let her emotions drive her, but that’s always what’s she’s done. She’s never been one to be able to hold back when she really feels. “I am not your love. You’ve made that very clear.”“Swan,” he grits, crossing his arms over his heaving chest, “if you want to yell at me, come inside. I have neighbors, and I don’t think we want them witnessing this.”
She huffs, disbelief that he’s actually inviting her inside so that she can continue this emotional breakdown, but her feet still carry her inside, her eyes glancing over the apartment the moment she gets inside. It all looks exactly the same.
She hates that it all looks the same.
Something should have changed.
All of her stuff is gone.
She’s gone.
Something should have changed.
She turns around to look back at Killian, who’s locking the door behind him before running his hands through his damp hair, pushing it back on his forehead, before he’s rubbing his fingers over his scruff. She hates how good he looks almost as much as she hates that that’s what she’s focusing on.
“Why are you here?” he sighs, the indignation he had replaced with acceptance. “The song? You’re mad about the song?”
“Of course I’m mad about the song. How could I not be? Have you heard it?”
“I wrote it. And in case you’ve forgotten, I have dozens of other songs about you, nearly every one of them on a record somewhere. You never seemed pissed about those then.”
“We weren’t broken up then.”“Well whose bloody fault is that? Because it’s not mine. I didn’t want to break up.”
“You think I wanted to break up?” she screams, not caring about staying calm while her entire body heats, her skin feeling overly warm and her head throbbing while her heart pounds. “You think I wanted to be having breakdowns on the side of the road because I can’t handle reliving parts of our relationship. You think I wanted to be the girl who sat at home and cried every time you didn’t pick up the phone? Every time you had to go one minute into our conversation? Every time I went out with my friends and heard your voice on the speakers at a bar when I hadn’t actually heard your voice in days? You think I wanted that?”
She can’t…she can’t breathe again, her heart beating far too quickly in her chest. This isn’t healthy. This isn’t good. She needs…she needs to sit down. So she does, collapsing to the ground and resting her back against his hallway wall while she wraps her arms around her knees and lets herself have another breakdown.
Who the hell needs dignity?
“Emma,” Killian sighs, and that only makes things worse. He never calls her Emma, not unless something is important, and she hates herself for this entire situation. She hates that he is able to still have this power over her, that she still loves him so much that she can’t fathom the fact that she’s not with him.
“Emma,” he repeats, kneeling down next to her, his towel opening as he squats, which really doesn’t help the situation at all. “Are you okay?”
“Do you think I’m okay?”
“No.” His thumb reaches up and wipes away the tears on her cheek. That’s the first time she’s felt his touch in five months too. And it’s also what makes her look up to see that he’s got a tear falling onto his cheek too. “I’m sorry, lo – Swan. I’m sorry that you heard the song and that it hurt you.”
“Why’d you write it then? You had to know that I’d hear it eventually.”
“Because I hurt too. Music is how I deal with things. You know this. You’ve always known this. And how the hell else am I supposed to deal with my heartbreak?”
“By writing the damn song and then not putting it on the radio.”
“I had to fulfill my contract. I had to release a new single.”
“Don’t you have another one? One that’s not about us?”
She sighs, leaning her head back against the wall and tightly closing her eyes all while she physically aches. She aches for them to be back to normal, aches for this to not be happening anymore. She should have never come here.
“How long are you home?”
“What?” he stutters, his voice visibly shaken.
She opens her eyes and looks back at him, attempting to even her breaths. “How long are you home this time? How long until you have to leave again?”
“A few weeks. I’ve got to go back and meet with the guys for a couple of days at the end of September.”
She doesn’t know why she does what she does next, but before she can stop herself, before she can think straight, she leans forward and slides her lips over his in a harsh, demanding kiss. Her hands are in his hair in an instant, using the soft strands to tug him closer, and his hands find her face, the warmth and roughness of the pads of his fingers holding her to him as well. It’s like being connected, like being right, after so many months of not feeling like herself, of feeling like something in her life is off kilter.
Like something is wrong.
She doesn’t care that they shouldn’t be doing this. She doesn’t care that she shouldn’t be pushing Killian against the floor, the hardwood uncomfortable under her knees, and she doesn’t care that she’s losing her mind over the way that Killian’s groaning into her mouth and thrusting his hips up against hers, the towel doing nothing to hide his arousal.
And she really doesn’t care when they stumble away from the entrance of his apartment and fall back into his bedroom, quickly and surely moving against each other in the way that they always have. He feels good, fantastic, and she knows she should never be thinking about she and Killian together when they’re very obviously having a relapse, a collapse back into the them they used to be.
So she doesn’t say anything, doesn’t let herself not enjoy this, but she can’t speak, she can’t return Killian’s words of ecstasy and affection while he moves inside of her and above her. She simply falls into how good, how right, this feels, and figures that she’ll…she’ll figure it all out later.
It turns out when later comes that she’s still not ready to figure it out. She still doesn’t know what to do. Instead of getting up and leaving when they were finished, she didn’t. She stayed. She’s not sure that she had the strength to leave, that she even wanted to, so now she’s wrapped up in one of Killian’s sweaters while her legs are stuck in between his and his hands are trailing through her hair. She feels his heartbeat under her palm, the slow rise and fall of his chest a rhythm that she knows better than any other.
A rhythm that she knows better than any song he’s ever written.
“Sex doesn’t solve our problems, Swan. You know that, right?”
“I know,” she confesses, snuggling closer to him despite everything. “I don’t…we shouldn’t have. I shouldn’t even still be here. I’m not sure what came over me, over us.”“A hell of a lot of emotions.” She feels his lips against her forehead, the sweat that’s gathered there being pushed away. “We’ve got…there’s a lot left between us, love. There was never anything wrong between us, I don’t think. I just wasn’t there.”
“That’s kind of what went wrong. You can’t be in a relationship without being there.”
“But it’s not us. It was the distance, my job.”
“Which is your dream.”
“Aye, it was my dream,” he confirms softly, running his fingers through her hair and down her back. “It is my dream. But I should have never let it come between us. You’ve been my life for half a decade. You have been there for absolutely everything, and I should have tried harder, should have done more.”
“I don’t think there was anything either of us could have done.”
“I could have made more time to call. I could have scheduled breaks between cities. I could have booked a flight for me, for you. I could have done so much to save us, to make you feel less alone.”
“Killian, this isn’t all on you.”
“No, no, it’s not, but I’ve had five months of living alone, even when I wasn’t here, to think about all of the things I could have changed.”
“Me too,” she sighs, lifting her head from his chest and untangling her legs before she moves to the other side of the bed, putting distance between them all the while Killian rubs his hand up and down his face trying to work out the stress lines. “I don’t…I don’t know what to do.”
“I don’t either. Do you even want to try again? Or are we chalking this up to a one-time thing? To a fallback?”
For the first time since she’s shown up here, he sounds as broken as he did during the song. He sounds like she feels, like there’s something missing, something just out of reach. He sounds…he doesn’t sound like Killian. Not the one that she knew. Not the one who woke her up in the mornings with a smile on his face and laughter in his eyes. Not the one who sang while he cooked, often burning the food because he would start writing down the beginnings of a song.
He doesn’t sound like the man who loved her.
The man who she loves.
“I don’t want it to be that,” she answers honestly, wrapping her arms around her legs and resting her chin on her knees. “But I can’t go back to how we were…what do you want?”
A shiver runs down her spine, gooseflesh popping up on her skin.
“That’s all. You just want me?”
“Always, Emma,” he promises, his lips ticking up on the right and the lines around his eyes crinkling while his tongue clicks. “But you’re right. We can’t…I can’t leave like that. I can’t do things just for me without considering you. And you can’t let me just do it and say that things are okay.”
“I kind of figured you knew things weren’t okay.”
“You’ve never lied to me, so I didn’t expect it then. I always believed the words that you said.”
“So what are we doing, Killian? What do we do?”
He shrugs, sitting up against the headboard. “We try again. We make compromises. We do better. For ourselves. For each other. And maybe I don’t put a song out without letting you know.”She smiles, the first genuine smile without heartbreak hidden behind it, for the first time today. Maybe for the first time in months.
“I’d like that.”
It takes more than one day for things to get back to normal. It takes weeks, months really. Killian was a constant part of her life for five years, but after nearly half a year apart, things don’t simply snap back. Trust has to be rebuilt, routines have to become routine again, and she has to learn that things are never going to be perfect and that compromise is a hell of a lot harder than simply saying the word. You actually have to break and bend, give and give up, but it’s worth it if you want to make things work.
She wants to make things work.
Killian does too.
And the next time she hears a song on the radio that’s about her, Killian’s voice isn’t broken. And neither is her heart.
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jedimasteramell · 6 years
M!Ortega X F!Sidestep // Post-Date Night // SFW
Wrote to the Dagny song by the same name on literal repeat. Siona is mine.
If you haven’t played Fallen Hero: Rebirth, I can’t recommend it enough.
There's something about the way he kisses her.
Siona never expected nostalgia to have an actual taste, especially not tasting like Ortega. Burning… longing… a dozen wishes on shooting stars. A thousand promises, and a thousand and one suns to fulfil them. She didn't expect it smell like the cinders of car fires, his mother's tamales, sweat on metal mods, that same damn musky cologne he’s been wearing for decades.
She didn’t expect it to feel like warm blankets and crashing waves, like the first breeze of spring, and the vacuum of air pulled from a falling airplane. With hands tangled in her hair, the reassuring and stirring press of a well-muscled machine sandwiching her to the wall, anchoring her to the rest of the world.
Didn’t expect it to sound like soft acoustic, the rumble of distant traffic and thunder across the sky. How could she have known nostalgia would sound like breathy kisses, low rumbles of affectionate laughter, and Ricardo’s warm breath against her ear calling her lovely in English, Spanish, and every other way he could?
She couldn’t have imagined. Couldn’t have known. And somehow she forgot, until each time he kissed her again.
They broke apart to furiously flushed faces. Ortega’s grin from ear to ear at the sight of her mussed hair.
“What are you smiling at?” She shot at him, hiding her frazzled state and erratic heartbeat behind sass.
“You, obviously.” How was it possible for so much emotion to be stored in the corner of someone's eyes? For his earnestness, Ortega earned a sharp jab to the ribs. His ‘oof’ for her benefit only.
“Idiot.” She grumbled, massaging her knuckles. Next time she wouldn’t aim at the repair work. A sick jerk tugs her navel. Repair work she caused.
His grin remained, it had been far too long since he’d taken any insult of hers seriously. He mistook the wince as one of pain and not guilt, brushing her knuckles against his lips, the barest of static charges between his hands and hers. “Im glad you agreed to our date.”
His expression is too open, too warm, genuine in a way that turns her stomach and heart into gymnasts. “Yeah, well all we've done is made out in this alleyway so its not been much of a date yet.” Heat betrays her flushed cheeks, and the off kilter rhythm of her heart is not something she could ever possibly fake. He just has this way with her, and she just let it happen. Willingly even.
If smirks could be illegal, his most certainly should be. Especially since he shaved. Older face, younger eyes. Kiss-flushed lips cocked in the most infuriating teasing curl. Ricardo looked straight of a dream and he goddamn knew it. Bastard.
By his or her direct, Siona spun back into his arms, fingers splayed across his proud back. He stole her sarcastic retort along with the rest of her breath. She’d have let herself go flying along with it, if the tease of his thumbs, just under the waistband of her leggings hadn’t grounded her. Surprisingly soft, terribly tender, ripe with the memories of the intimacy they shared just days ago.
Ortega must have sensed her shit, the pause for air a polite time for her to disengage, to fiddle with her hem and curse the need for and the lack of contact.
“Let's go dancing.”
He said it with such ease and whimsy it took Siona a moment before she processed that he was indeed serious. Balking at him, she shook her head, only adding to the mess of her hair. “What no, I don’t- I can’t- and in public.”
Heavy comforting hands cupped her cheeks, a lid on the anxious angry flare. “Siona, hey, I know you by now.” No you don’t. “I'm not going to push you out there, not when your comfort matters so much more. I should have specified back home.”
“Home?” She queried speculatively and finally he appeared as abashed as she’d been feeling all night. Rose blush darkening his already bronzed cheeks and the tips of his ears.
“I mean, my place. Guess it just feels right to say home when you're there.” And once more, with that disarming smile he turned that fluster back around on her.
Ricardo Ortega was damn lucky she loved him.
That wasn't the intrusive thought she wanted. Nor the hot rush that flooded her tip to toes at the very ludicrous notion she could even feel that.
Ortega’s pull on her was gentle and guiding, a comforting hand on the small of her back. The trip only a few blocks back to his apartment went by in a flutter of butterfly-feelings and far too many smiles. The presence of his hand pushing back the static void of his mind beside hers. They were two joined bodies here, even if not two joined minds. The doorman remembered her, she wished he didn't. Ortega had this way about him that made too many aspects of this, of them, bright, and shining, and grounded, and real.
Thank the devil, he’d left the lights down low. One glance on the couch and Siona’s whole face got five degrees hotter, and Ortega didn’t need any more reasons to be so smug.
Maybe he was the telepath then as he leaned into her, nuzzling into her dark hair. “I'm thinking about the couch too.”
A pout on her round lips, Siona twisted and shoved over-dramatically at the flat plane of his stomach. She couldn't budge him. Figures. “I thought you wanted to dance.”
He had no right to look so doting, no right! “I do.” The sheer magnanimity folded in the creases of his eyes and his smile was truly overwhelming. “As long as you still do.”
“I do...” She muttered, subconsciously leaning towards him as he stepped away to find the insulated remote that controlled his stereo system. A deep-beated R&B song, just fast enough to warrant dancing, filtered out from the speakers. Siona arched a heavy brow. “Your music's changed. What happened to all that club stuff you liked?”
“Tastes change. And I still like some of that ‘stuff’ you know. Just not tonight.” He lifted her arms to drape around his neck, hands finding purchase just above her hips. Goosebumps rose everywhere the faint static charge pulsed.
The song was catchy, or at least of quality artistry by Siona’s limited opinion. Music hadn't really ever been a thing for her. Too much else going on, too many other sounds and places to focus rather than engaging with the rhythms and lyrics of the radio. Her body didn't quite know how to move, every shift awkward and hesitant. “You can go ahead and say it.” She huffed, primarily at herself, mouth pulled to a cornered grimace. “I really suck at dancing.”
Ricardo hummed with a laugh, like it was really that easy. “You just need practice, Siona. It's not that different than a fight. In fact you can honestly just” Oh no, that grin meant he was about to say something exceptionally ridiculous. “sidestep.”
It took several pregnant moments, the song changing in the background, before Siona met his devilish smile with a disbelieving scoff. “You did not just make that joke.”
“I did and whatever are you going to do about it?”
“Smug asshole.” She swore, standing up on her tiptoes, and dragging him down into deep and abiding kiss.
There was something about the way she kisses him.
Ricardo doesn’t expect it to smell like shea and chocolate, like new clothes and hand rolled tobacco. He doesn't expect it to sound like an old favorite song restored to an unheard clarity, like the silence of the air before a great storm, like a prayer-hymn in pre-quake temple. He doesn't expect it to feel like melancholy, impatience, hope. Like fluttery stomachs, the wind while on his old bike, like taking off his costume for a well deserved shower and an ache so profound he’s not sure he could bear it. An ache and a love and a promise.
He couldn’t have imagined. Couldn’t have in his wildest, most heart-wrenching dreams. And yet, somehow, he forgot, until each time she kissed him again.
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okay im gonna take a breath now
we’re calm
we’re good. this is good, we’re okay, i have to type everything 5 times over so its coherent but you know what this is okay this is happening, we’re cool.
i have to be the bearer of bad news as well but i don’t know if those screencaps of the ship from bl3 are what we’re seeing here in the new dlc (as much as I want to be right lmao). the screencaps of the ship definitely seemed like a insect infestation, not a plant one, ya know?
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or at least like... Buttstallion themed... check out the little horseshoe emoticon in the back there
but it’s pride month, they totally knew what they were doing and the fact that pre-ordered copies of bl3 apparently get a buttstallion themed skin for their ...gear... guns..? iirc... that means we can have gay guns in bl3, too. gearbox is treating us so fucking right, thank you
anyway the location the car is in looks like the highlands or a hammerlock’s big game hunt-type area. mossy/grassy with boulders in the background.
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it looks almost like uranus spawns in right at the start of the dlc! which is awesome, and now i understand why they boost you to 30 before you start.
im verrrryyyy interested in that shot of Sanctuary up in the sky there. you can see the drill, its surrounded by a cloud of dust, it looks like its falling to pieces. i also don’t know where exactly this screenshot takes place but my first thought was the eridium blight (because of the mountain in the back) but that wouldn’t match the sky at all. I then thought maybe the ruins of helios? but we would be able to see more rocks and shit around the edges. then i was all “maybe the highlands”? the rock would match as it has grass growing on top, and sanctuary is very close to overlook, so it’s definitely possible. im gonna say somewhere near the highlands, yeah. the WEP and Opportunity are both fairly near there and it does have some pretty mountainous areas... so. maybe the highlands.
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it looks like the giant vines are reaching up towards sanctuary so i retract my previous statement. i don’t think that’s dust. i think they’re drilling away at the plants trying to grow up to it lol
“Shooting the Moon” makes me think this has something to do with Elpis (not a surprise, if you realize the dlc they’re basing this off of is an old TPS dlc called Luxy’s Space Adventure where a bunch of mutated plant people end up on the space-cruise ship) 
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honestly i’m really fucking hoping they bring back the flamethrower for the final boss (elon musk’s..?)
an area where we can see exactly what this space-cruise ship was supposed to look like
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we also know in the dlc that the disease was spread by some space pirates, so i don’t know if that’s going to be the case here (they board the cruise ship and start spreading disease). Loader bots are apparently ‘Hacked’ so it’s probably not Hyperion we’re going at again. I could see them throwing the space pirates at us, tho maybe changing the guys a little bit so it’s not too much like Captain Scarlett. 
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there is this boss character and that logo on the bottom, possibly a logo for who we’re going to fight in the new dlc? Interestingly enough, she’s got the red and black color scheme, too. cough troy cough. god them having space pirate as a backstory would be fucking AWESOME
i have been going thru the concept art album here if you want to take a look for yourself and tbh
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this pic got me thinking about that “Atlas ice cream shop” prompt the VA for lorelei released 🤔
anyway, moving on from old dlc to what’s new! because lord knows they must’ve changed a lot lol
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the infected psychos on the title art
also, correct me if im wrong, but it looks like lily is standing in 2 places at once- flying sanctuary on the right and three horns divide on the left
uranus looks a lot more DAHL themed than i originally noticed, like yeah he looks like saturn, but check that color scheme. may be the work of the new baddies.
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this logo may hold some importance, but i can’t recall ever seeing something like it before.
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so this minimap
lucky me i extracted all the textures from bl2 a couple days ago
im very pleased to say this doesn’t look like any minimap we’ve been shown so far, although i did a very quick glance through, so if you guys recognize it, please tell me!!
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i can’t believe they made the guns sparkly and gay. Thank you gearbox. fucking thank you.
the area sal is in reminds of that one place in frostburn canyon, but i doubt that’s actually where he is. likely a new area we haven’t discovered yet!!
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the background is uhhh disgusting, but it is giving me WEP vibes, with the windmill/lighthouse (wherever that area is where you find maya’s ECHO log) and the walls. though the texture of the ground is giving me hammerlock’s hunt vibes.
anyone know why her wings are giving off the digital pixel look angel’s did? like the digistruct vibe?
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tina! she’s clearly playing a big part in this dlc. wondering if pickle and athena are also around. I don’t think this is sanctuary. the big wall in the back. perhaps where the vines are actually growing from below the mining ship?
would then pin this as somewhere near overlook.
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brick! looks to be the same-ish area as tina (if the buildings have anything to say about it)
honestly the people in the ground is killing me lol. person on the left seems like some random civilian..? he’s just got pants and loafers on. maybe the cruise ship crashed on pandora and the pirates aboard are taking their changes lol
doubtful, though, considering the plan seems premeditated with the huge cloud of toxic gas and shit
now I’m just wondering if the reason the CoV psychos are wearing those respirator-like masks is because the twins showed up with them and were like “if you wear these ‘blessed masks’ when you go to fight the plant shit, you won’t die. yeah, we’re gods. join our cult lmao”.
im just really curious how this ties into the CoV. I imagine either the twins are working with the (new?) villain somehow, or they end up stealing the Vault Map away from us (and possibly killing the bad guy first) at the very end of the DLC. I do want to entertain the idea that they’re like “hey!!! we can help!!!” and then end up betraying us right at the end and toppling Sanctuary for good and taking the key.
alright, that’s all i’ve got. I’m gonna go scream into my pillows now until the 9th happens. 
btw, season 1 of vip stuff happens TOMORROW (the 6th!). hype!!!
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lilith’s digistruct pack has a red accent on it now
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im wondering if this is some sort of projection of Lily since her wings have the weird pixels...
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So, no spoiler review of IT chapter 2: I liked it, it was well put together and i feel like it built on and expanded the first movie very well
some of my other thoughts chock full of spoilers are below the cut
– the opening scene with adrien mellon is easily the most brutal one i dig my nails into my skin when i get nervous and i was bleeding pretty bad by the end of those first 10 mins. its probably the worst and most visceral scare of the whole movie, everything after that’s manageable. I’m a little annoyed they included that one like...of all the parts of the book to stay faithful to thats the one you pick??? I was so annoyed when they announced they were makin that
– where was the scene from the trailer when pennydumbass jumped out of that hole that was in the wall like 10 feet up? Did I miss that or something i feel like it was absent
– I really loved the adult losers they were all so good. I really had no trouble beliving they were the grown versions of the kids from chapter 1
– however i feel they could have sassed back at pennywise more
– I appreciated that this one was darker more often than not but that there were still a couple moments of levity. Watching everyone run around screaming while Mike is smashing the table in the chinese restaurant after the scene with the blood (or perhaps that was just miscellaneous sewer ooze?) and screaming infant bugs was really funny to me. I’m also glad this movie didnt go the miniseries route and just put some live ass cockroaches on the table i hated that. The whole scene was very loud though. I feel like I’m too old but every scary scene i’m always just thinking “oh boy here comes some more noise...good :/”
– Mike was easily my favorite character this time around im glad he got more screentime because gotdamn was he robbed last time
– I love!! new kids content!!! I loved those kids so much so i was really glad that they came back
– goddamn the transitions between some of these scenes was fucking stunning i like said very loudly without realizing “Oh wow that transition” somebody nearby laughed at me
–  I for no reason really want to draw a pomeranian with pennywise markings now
– How did nobody else ever figure out you can just beat It by pointing and laughing and calling it a sloppy bitch. it really took the people of derry five million years to workshop that one huh?
– I was so worried theyd try and force Bill and Bev together and they did not
– If you thought I was paying attention to anything other than that Michael J Fox poster in the background of the scenes in the fort. You would be INCORRECT I really need to finish that IT/BttF crossover huh?
– so???? one of the last things Richie does before leaving town is go to the lover's bridge and re-make the mark he made as a kid that said E + R (while Stan is saying “be proud of who you are” in a vo) are they saying hes gay??? also some kids call him gay and he doesnt like..adamantly deny it like he does other stuff, he just runs off. so??? kinda got gay vibes. it could just be me reading into it as a gay buuuuuuut idk Also Bill and Mike say “I love you” to each other and theyre like the only ones in either movie that even utter the words i love you that i recall, that and Bill wasn’t wearing a ring at the end???? Honestly was anyone else kinda feeling those 2 the whole movie? i was. is there any ship content for that? i feel like theres untapped potential there. gonna be bummed if theres nothing on AO3 tbh
– I can’t tell if I’m immune to horror or if this movie actually wasnt scary. It feels like Penboy only has one scare tactic and thats shake ur head real quick-like. And i do that when i mess up sentences to get my thoughts back on track u aint special bitch
– while nothing other than adrien mellon’s death really scared me I do think the scare scenes were a lot better this time around. better executed and all that. more thought was put into em
– I noticed a lot of really wonky edits esp in the antique shop scene and it kinda makes me wonder if they didnt get too many takes because stephen king didnt want to be there or what but like...every time they cut from Bill to that wide of stephen at the counter his coffee cup is moved and the book is at a different angle did y’all really only do like 1 fucking take of this shit???? I’d get a gotdamn F if I tried pulling something like that. I would get fuckin fired. And this movie with a billion dollar budget just let that slip on by???? I thought that this was gonna be a scene where oh no something spooky happens and the inconsistancies were supposed to be there to clue u in but no. its just bad editing.
– there was a lot of continuity errors in who was standing where or holding items in the deadlights pit where they did the ritual of chud. ignoring for a second that the losers pulled half their damn tokens out of nowhere when only a couple even had pockets on their person, that lampshade/demon container thing just kinda...appeared. Mike was not carrying that the whole time they were going through Neibolt and down. he also pulls a bag off his shoulder one second when hed never had one previously and then next shot theres no bag. my friend suggested that maybe this was like...to disorient you as the viewer and i think it was just like...somebody who fucked up real bad. It made it hard to track where anyone was in that space. but maybe im going to be the only person who notices that shit since im an editor so i have to always be looking for that, anyways this is why a script sup is so important 
– also as a film student who once (and only once, i aint ever doing that shit again) was producer for a short film I was literally screaming at the scene on the movie set. Like???? thats not how movies work!!!!!!!!!!!!!! theyre filming the ending that night!??!?!?! The ending they are still waiting for Bill to write?!??!?!? How did you build a set??? How did you cast for that??? If ur at into a physical location not in the studio how did u get location permits for that day????? WHO STARTS PRODUCTION OF A MOVIE BEFORE ITS WRITTEN WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?
– When Bill punches Richie in that recap of their chapter 1 fight there was a random red filter on the shot for 2 seconds who allowed that?? there was also this godawful blue food dye ass filter over one shot of the losers walking down the street. that shot was clearly filmed midday idk who they thought they were foolin with that. Just wait until night man. Again, i would be killed if i did that shit in a student film. but the brothers warn just let this happen????? WHY
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shellheadtmarc · 5 years
Shipping  info  meme.
Answer  the  following  for  your  muse(s)  so  people  know  how  shipping  works  on  your  blog.
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WHAT  IS  YOUR  OTP  FOR  YOUR  CHARACTER ? oh boy uh.  i don't have like a blanket otp necessarily, unless you count like...pepperony, i guess, and 616 and aa stony.  those two i'm weak af for i'll pretty much buckle early on even when i say i'm not gonna do the thing.
WHAT  ARE  YOU  WILLING  TO  WRITE  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  SHIPPING ? i'm more fond of soft ships for tony.  like he's gotten enough hell in canon, especially 616?  where he's gone through toxic relationship after toxic relationship, be it romantically or with friends.  he's got a warped view of himself in relation to other people, because other people tend to use him for influence or protection or money.  so.  soft things, things where tony actually feels loved and secure in a relationship.  a little angst is good now and then but honestly i'm Tired of having him feel like he's being jerked around, you know?  let him be loved and soft and happy.
HOW  LARGE  DOES  AN  AGE  GAP  HAVE  TO  BE  TO  MAKE  IT  UNCOMFORTABLE ? usually i'm not really here for anything with a partner for tony under the age of 25.  that's really a pretty large gap - mcu or 616 - and maturity is a must because he's typically lacking.  i have one (1) ship that breaks that, where said partner is 22, and in that case he's 1000x more mature, practical, and level-headed than tony is, so it's a special scenario that couldn't be repeated with anyone else unless there were very specific circumstances that happened in that ship itself.
ARE  YOU  SELECTIVE  WHEN  SHIPPING ? i'm pretty selective, yeah.  i'm not really keen on being forced?  into a ship i nor tony wants?  it's happened before so it makes me a little gunshy when certain red flags pop up (goal post moving when i say no to something or say something won't work because of how it would pull tony ooc, etc).  i require some chemistry.  which isn't to say i'm not all for throwing our idiots together to see if they have a spark, that's totally cool, but that spark has to be there for it to be a ship.
HOW  FAR  DO  STEAMY  MOMENTS  HAVE  TO  GO  BEFORE  THEY’RE  CONSIDERED  NSFW ? my take on it is:  if it doesn't show up on syndicated tv in the us, it goes under a cut.  language i tend to tag but not cut, but actual...you know.  sexy times do.  not that...i have ever written actual sexy times on this blog.  the fact that this hasn't happened yet here is a goddamn head-scratcher.
WHO  ARE  OTHER  CHARACTERS  YOU  SHIP  YOUR  CHARACTER  WITH  ? uh...it all depends on chemistry of portrayals but.  i can be down for a few ships with the right combination, i guess.  ironstrange is one.  frostiron is another.  what is the ship name for it, y'all got too many of them, uh...tony/thor?  ironthunder?  if that's not the name it fucking should be.  i can get behind tony/jen in 616, and tony/janet.  616 pepperony is the ship never meant to be but i still pine for it.  ironhusbands is a good one, uh...i can be here for science boyfriends.  if you squint hard at some of the early and newer iron man runs you can see hints of doomtony.  there are a lot i could actually see happen with the right combination of mun and muse.
and as for ships going right now, i've got a small but tasteful selection of canon character ships, ships with crosscanon stuff, and some oc ships.
DOES  ONE  HAVE  TO  ASK  TO  SHIP  WITH  YOU ?   discussion is good!  i prefer that.  i want to see if there's anything there before jumping into it completely.  all you gotta do is hop into these dms and be like "hey i wanna shove these nerds' faces together" and we'll see where it goes.
HOW  OFTEN  DO  YOU  LIKE  TO  SHIP ? it's not my main priority.  full disclosure, when i say ship, from my rp background (livejournal and dreamwidth) i mean a romantic ship.  those aren't the most important things in the world for me.  like i'm here for them, i love them, but it's not the biggest thing ever.  so that's what i mean when i say ship.
otherwise stuff falls under the blanket of the term cr (character relationships), which could be anything from found family, real family, to frenemies and straight up archnemeses with no romantic connotation.
the more you know.
ARE  YOU  SHIP  OBSESSED  OR  SHIP  MORE  -  OR  -  LESS ? less, i'd say.  i like a wide variety of different kinds of relationships.
ARE  YOU  MULTI-SHIP ? always and forever.  i'm up for possible polyships, too.
WHAT  IS  /  ARE  YOUR  FAVOURITE  SHIPS  IN  YOUR  FANDOM(S) ? outside of with tony?  carolrhodey is a big one, they're fucking adorable.  reedsue.  ben and alicia.  doomreed.  pete and mj.  gwen and mj.  gwen and pete.  pete and harry.  i...i have a lot we'd be here all day if i tried to list them all.
HOW  DOES  ONE  SHIP  WITH  YOU ?   hop into the ims, shoot me a message on discord, like a ship call, whatever, and tell me you wanna lock our idiots in a closet together.  that's the easiest way.
TAGGED  BY :  stole it TAGGING :  steal it
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maxhoemo · 6 years
Joji and the Pussycats
im sorry idk how to write people writing music so I just made this instead...
(it’s literally cc in the josie and the pussycats world its so dumb)
“Another gig, another shit payment... Sometimes I wonder why we even try...” Max sighed, packing up his guitar.
“Come on Max. We play music cause we love it. It’s not about getting rich,” Joji countered.
“Sure, I know...But we need something! It’s just so unfair, I don’t want to work at the record store my whole life....”
“Well...” Ian tried. “We’re out here, playing. We’re putting ourselves out here, we’ve got our stuff online. What else can we really do?” 
“Guess you’re right....” Max frowned, as Ian pulled their van into the driveway of their shared house. They unloaded their equipment back into the house, Max feeling disappointed and frustrated. 
Meanwhile! At Cancerous Trash Music Inc.
“I can’t believe this!” The blonde executive screamed into her phone. “You killed another band! Was it at least on purpose this time!?”
“Tana, relax. I did what had to be done...”
“Yeah, great going, Keem! We don’t have a goddamn band for the Arena Show! And we cannot afford another TanaCon disaster!”
“Well, I mean, that was mostly your fault...”
“Shut the fuck up! If you don’t find a new band within 24 hours I am going to break both your legs!” 
“Oh hey Chad, nice of you to show up...” Max glared as Chad and Jack came strolling threw the front door.
“What’s your problem?”
“You’re our manager, cunt...” Ian chastised. “You’re supposed to at least show up to our shows!”
“Well, Jack and me we’re busy...” he defended.
“Yeah, buying matching pink outfits by the looks of it...” Joji snarked. While they weren’t exactly matching, both guys were dressed in various shades of pink.
“Pink is the new yellow,” Jack shrugged.
“Ugh. You two have more money then you know what to do with....” Joji shook his head.
“So, Ian...” Jack started. “Given any more thought to me maybe joining the band?”
“Uhh.... Well, jeez, Jack. You don’t play anything or anything, you know?” Ian tried to be polite, but it was difficult.
“Yeah, I know. I was thinking I could be a dancer for you guys! Check this out!” Jack gave the band an enthusiastic dab.
“Hey...That’s...Pretty good.... We’ll think about it, okay?”
“Okay, Ian,” Jack smiled at him.
“Look guys, don’t go crowing at me for being a bad manager or whatever. Check out what I just got you guys from City Hall. A busking permit!”
“Busking?” Max asked. “You want us to go play out on the street corner for change like we’re bloody homeless or something?”
“Well Max, you already look the part,” Jack quipped. 
“I’m nervous about this...” Ian admitted. Driving the van, the group were headed to a meeting with Cancerous Trash Music Inc. “The guy barely heard us play. He spotted us on the street-corner and offered us a record deal...”
“It seems a little suspicious...” Joji admitted.
“But Ian,” Max interjected. “You said we have to make things happen for ourselves, and we did... What do we have to lose?”
“We either become huge stars, or we’re right back where we started,” Joji said. 
“There’s always the possibility we become moderately successful.”
“Alright, these guys are fucking perfect I swear! They’ve got a great look. They’ll look great on the cover of J-14 or some shit.”
“Look, I know you aren’t good for much with your minuscule little pee-sized brain, but I hope to fucking god that these three dumb cunts are in the fucking studio!”
“O-on their way right now!”
“Good! Record a fucking song and shove it on the air! I’ve got a meeting with some failing old media morons!” Tana slammed down her phone.
Max was taken aback. He had never been in a recording studio like this before. It was pristine, everything was brand new. It was too perfect, as if it were artificial or something. “Wow...” he whispered under his breath. 
“It’s all state of the art,” Keem said. “Latest greatest technology, boooiiii!”
“What does it sound like?” Joji asked. 
“Well, go on and play something fella’s. I’ll show you!” The executive crossed his arms over his chest, giving the trio a confident, and slightly unnerving smile.
Still, the boys picked up the brand new instruments that were provided and played one of their songs. Just some silly breakup song they had written back in high school. It was one of their oldest, so they had it perfected at this point. 
“And now, we’ll play it back...” Keem grinned. The boys followed him over to the sound board. 
“Holy shit...” Ian exclaimed, listening to the playback. He had never heard them sound so clear and....Huge... It was nothing compared to the GarageBand laptop recordings they’d done at home. 
“I want a Big Mac…”
Ian looked over at his friend who had suddenly spoken. “Max, you’re a vegetarian...”
“I know, but I just want one!” 
“Okay….” Joji agreed, nodding his head to the music. “As long as we can stop by Foot Locker for a new pair of green Tretrons!”
“Jerkin’ Tretrons are the new Adidas!” Ian exclaimed. 
“Yeah, sounds like that’s working really nicely....” Keem grinned, turning the sound off.
As soon as he did, Ian clutched his head, looking over at his two friends. Like him they looked slightly dazed.
“Two weeks ago, nobody knew who the fuck you were. And now you have a number one hit song?” Jack asked, looking Max up and down suspiciously. “It seems a little suspicious...”
“Suspicious? That’s the business!” Keem exclaimed from the background. Jack just rolled his eyes.
“You’re only jealous.” Max answered. “You’ve always wished you were in the band, and now you see us have a little success, and you wanna ruin it...”
“Whatever,” Jack dismissed. “I’m just saying. I turn on the radio, there’s Max. I go outside, there’s Max on a billboard or an advert. Max on TV, Max all over the front page of YouTube....”
“Oh god, are you jealous!” Max laughed.
“Alright ladies, enough yammering. Time for everyone to shut their pussy-hole’s!”
“Well, I don’t know about these guys but I don’t have a pussy hole...” Joji started, but was quickly cut off by Keem again.
“You guys have to get ready for your record release party! Tana went all out, and she cannot wait to meet you guys. She has been talking non stop about this party for Max and Joji.”
“What about me?” Ian asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Huh...” Keem glanced at his phone, pretending to check something. “No, doesn’t look like you were invited, Ian. Well, I guess you can tag along too if you really want.”
“What about us?” asked Chad.
“Wow, Max...You look amazing...” Ian was a bit taken aback when he met Max at the party.
“Thanks...” he laughed nervously. “I mean, they sent this outfit over....”
“Yeah, but...You wear it well....”
“So, did you guys meet Tana yet?”
“Yeah,” Joji answered. “She’s nuts.” 
Ian nodded in agreement. “She gives me this...creepy feeling, I don’t know, I can’t explain it.”
“I kind of get that same feeling from everyone here...” Joji added. “It’s all so...Fake...”
“It’s more than that,” Ian went on. “All these people we’ve met in the city, all our fans, everyone, they’re all such sheep. They all dress the same. They talk the same...”
“Well...People are usually sheeps...” Max countered.
“I know. But... I’ve just been thinking. When we did that fan meet and greet, nobody could tell us why they liked our music. They all just liked it. No personal story, no connection.  Just ‘Deadly Twister is the new Boyinaband’.”
“Boyinaband? I know that name...” Max said. “He’s that musician from YouTube. He was so big. And then he died in that plane crash....”
“Deadly Twister is the new...” Joji muttered to himself. “That reminds me of something... When we recorded in the studio for the first time...Remember Ian? You said something just like that. We all did.”
“Yeah... That was so weird...”
“Why are those two asking so many questions?” Tana sneered, tapping her long fingernail on the desk as she watched her security footage. “I don’t like that... I want them taken care of... Max is the star anyways. Those two snoop dogs are dead weight and dead meat!”
“Tana... I don’t think Max will play without his friends.”
“Oh no? Well Keem, I think we might persuade him...”
“Ian...” he heard someone whisper from behind him as he was trying to sleep. “Ian... Get up...”
“What’s going on...” He rolled over, seeing Jack at the edge of his bed. “What are you doing?”
“I saw someone...”
“Huh?” Ian asked, taking his glasses from the nightstand and putting them on. 
“Someone is creeping around in the hotel room... I’m scared...” he pouted.
“Shit...” Ian rolled out of bed. He didn’t like the sound of that.
“Oh, Ian, I’m scared!” Jack clung to Ian as they checked the room. “Hold me...”
“Be quiet!” Ian whispered. 
“Hua! Did you hear that?” 
Ian nodded. He looked around for the source of the sound, just as he did, a crash was heard from inside the closet. Ian signalled for Jack to be quiet, tip toeing over to the closet and opening it with a creak. Something was moving under a coat on the ground, but nothing big enough to be a person. He pulled off the coat, annoyed at what he saw. “Goddammit Jack! It’s just your dog!”
“Oh, Klondike! You useless mutt! You ruined everything!” Jack pouted.
“What are you talking about?”
“I told you it wouldn’t work...” Chad smirked, emerging from the kitchenette.
“What the fuck?” Ian questioned.
“Jack wanted to play damsel in distress.”
“Shut up, Chad!” Just as he was about to speak again, the three heard another loud crash. “What was that?”
“It wasn’t us!” Chad assured.
Ian raised a brow. “It came from the bathroom....”
Ian cautiously opened the door, Jack cowering behind him. He looked around, seeing nothing. He switched on the light. Luckily the bathroom didn’t have any hiding spaces, so it was obvious nobody was there. At least, not anymore.
“Shit, look!” Chad pointed.
“A message on the mirror!” Jack exclaimed.
Ian looked over, taking a few steps towards it. Huge letters, written using the bar soap. “Beware the music...” he read.
“What does that mean...?”
“I don’t know.... But I’m going to find out...”
“Alright, hope you’re ready for your press conference!”
“Press conference?” Max asked. “I wasn’t...”
“No, no, no,” Keem interrupted. “Not you, Max. Just Joji and Ian. You know, Tana’s idea. She thinks the public needs to get to know your backup a  little better.”
“Backup?” Ian questioned. 
“Look, let’s not get caught up in semantics. There’s a car waiting downstairs, come on, you’re gonna be late.” 
“Hang on...” Joji protested.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry, they’ll be wardrobe at the studio, come on,” he insisted, practically shoving the two of them out the door.
“So...Do I have the day off then?” Max asked.
“Not exactly. Here, just one thing you need to do,” Keem smiled again, that smile that made Max unnerved. “I just need you to listen to the demo for your new single.” He took an ipod shuffle from his pocket, handing it to Max.
“Oh...Well, Okay... What exactly am I listening for...?”
“Just listen very carefully. Trust me, you’ll get the idea.”
“What the fuck is going on?” Joji asked, looking around at the barron location they’d been dropped off at. 
“This is just an empty warehouse.”
“I’ve got a really bad feeling about this, Ian...”
“Me too. Like, I never got the chance to tell you. Last night, there was this message written on the bathroom mirror. But in the morning, it was gone.”
“What did it say...?”
“It said-”
“Hey dudes, what’s up!?” 
Joji and Ian turned around. “Jake Paul?”
“You’re the guys they sent to interview us...?”
“Oh man, it’s Ian and Joji!” Jake shouted.
“You guys have like, the most popularist band in the world,” Rice added.
“What? You mean most popular?” Ian asked.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s the word...”
“I don’t get it...” Joji told them. “Why here? There’s no camera....No nothing....”
“Well, that’s the funniest part,” Jake laughed. “We weren’t exactly sent here to interview you.”
“We were sent here to kill you.”
Later that night...
Max was sitting in an arm chair. The new single sounded pretty good. In fact, he couldn’t seem to stop listening to it. God, no wonder he was such an overnight success. He was good. 
Max jumped, pulling the earbuds from his ears. Joji and Ian bursting through the door obviously giving him quite a shock.
“What’s going on?”
“Max, Jesus Christ!” Joji panted. “Jake Paul and Ricegum just tried to kill us. And I know that sounds like a joke, but that literally just happened.”
“I think it has something to do with our music. The mirror. Last night. Did Jack and Chad tell you?”
Max only blinked. Giving the two a skeptical look before finally speaking. “...Why did they let you two in here?”
“Max! Are you even listening!?” Ian demanded. 
“Yes, Ian... I am listening very carefully. And do you know what I hear? I hear someone glomming on to my talent, and my credit... Our music, Ian? I basically write everything!”
“No, you don’t.” Ian said bluntly. “Someone tried to kill us. We had to steal one of their lambos to get away. What the fuck is wrong with you!?”
“Nothing is wrong with me. You two on the other hand... Your days are numbered, you know.”
“Max, you’re starting to scare me...” Joji took a step back.
“Ian. How long do you really think you can keep up the act? You’re replaceable. Bass players are a dime a dozen, and you’re not even one of the better ones. I’m the face of the band. I’m the one with the talent. I’m the one with the looks. I don’t even know why I brought you along.”
“So that’s how it is, Max? What? Keem and Tana finally get to you? Or is this how you’ve felt all along?”
“Ian. I don’t need you. I never needed you. Now get out of my hotel room before I call security.”
“Fine!” Ian spat, turning on his heel and slamming the door behind him.
“Max...?” Joji asked. “Why are you doing this...? We have more important things to worry about....”
“Oh, what’s the matter George? Is the little emo boy gonna cry? Go on, Joj. Cry for us. Oh, I’d love to see it one last time. One last time just for fun.”
“Shut the fuck up, Max.”
“You talentless fucking loser. I can’t believe you convinced me to keep you around all these years...”
“I’m going to find Ian.”
“Good. I hope you never come back.”
“How’s Max doing?” Tana asked, grin crossing her face.
“Oh, he’s just perfect now,” Keem smiled. 
“Excellent! I don’t want anything coming in the way of this arena show! This is bigger than coke, Keem! Bigger than maxi pads or tide pods! Tomorrow night these kids will be exactly where I want them!”
Max was glad Ian and Joji were gone! He didn’t need them! He never did! He strutted down the street, ipod in his ears. He’d never felt this confident in his life. It was probably Ian and Joji holding him back all this time.... Sure, he was glad they weren’t dead. He guessed. But as far as he was concerned, they may as well have been. As Max walked along, he suddenly felt someone grab him from behind. He let out a scream. “Let go of me!” he kicked and flailed, doing everything he could to get away. When he finally broke free, he bolted down the sidewalk as fast as his feet could possibly carry him. He ran, looking straight on ahead. Not looking down, his foot hit a raised edge of concrete, causing him to come crashing to the ground. 
He stayed there for a moment, in shock. His hands has scraped across the sidewalk from breaking his fall. His headphones lay on the ground, as well as his wallet. The contents spilled over onto the streets. Quickly, he began to gather them up and put them away. Money, keys, credit card, busking permit...Wait, why did he still have that? He paused for a moment, looking at it. 
This busking pass gives permission to Max Stanley, Ian Carter and Joji Miller....
Max blinked. It was only dated two weeks ago.... “Max...Ian...Joji...” he read aloud to himself. He put it away, stuffing his wallet back into his pocket. Then he looked at the ipod lying on the ground. He could hear the music faintly as it blasted from the headphones. The sound made him nauseous. He picked up the device and threw it out into the street. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he stood and dusted himself off. As he did so, he came face to face with a billboard across the street. ‘Deadly Twister Twist of Lime Pepsi!’ He looked up into the faces smiling back at him. Fuck... 
“Ian!? Joji!?” Max called, bursting into the hotel room. He looked around. Nobody but Chad and Jack. “Where the hell are Ian and Joji!?”
“Since when do you care?” Jack asked. “I heard what you said, diva cunt...”
“Look. Something is going on! Joji and Ian are in trouble, and I have to get to the bottom of this! Chad, Jack! You two are gonna help me, come on!”
“I don’t think we’re supposed to be in the studio this late...” Chad said warily.
“I don’t care...” Max groaned. The three sat at the mixing board, Max fiddling with different switches and sliders. “There’s something on this track. I know it...I was listening to it and...There’s something about it...”
“What? It sucks?” Jack asked.
“Ugh...” Max groaned in frustration, turning down the volume on the vocals but hearing nothing. He turned down the guitar, then the bass, then the drums and the background vocals until all he heard was silence.
“Great sleuthing, Sherlock Homo....”
“I swear to God, Jack...There’s....” He blinked, and he saw it. Out of the corner of his eye. Something on the monitor was still flashing. Moving up and down. Arching a brow, he scanned the mixing board. Finding only one slider that wasn’t completely at the bottom, he turned it all the way up. As he did, an off-putting, stunting and nasally voice filled the room.
“Freedom is slavery! Conformity is freedom! Deadly Twister is the most rockin’ band in the world!”
“Oh my God...” Jack let out. “I know that voice...That’s... That’s Top15! How the hell did you get him to put this on here!?” He demanded. “You slept with him!”
“Shut up! I didn’t put this on here! Tana did....To brainwash us....”
“You need an H&M vintage tee! Ethan Klein is the new Pewdiepie!”
“I want a vintage tee...And Ethan Klein...”
“Sorry, it’s just...That voice... It’s so strange, yet...Hypnotic!”
“Exactly! This is why! Everyone dressing alike, talking alike, buying shitty products! They’re selling all this shit through the music!”
“...Deadly Twister is the most rockin’ band in the world!”
“They’re selling us through our music! Well, it stops here! They can’t control people like this! It’s wrong! It’s evil! And Tana... Tana is gonna pay!”
“Oh...Am I now?”
“Shit...It’s Tana...” Chad squaked. 
“God, Max, you almost got me...” Tana smirked sarcastically. Leading her muscular goons, Max, Chad and Jack in their grip, across the basement of the arena. “Take those two and tie them up over there..” She pointed with a manicured nail, the men leading Jack and Chad away.
“Where are Joji and Ian!?”
“Don’t worry. They’re safe. At the moment...” She laughed.
“What are you gonna do to them!?”
“That all depends on you, cupcake...” She patted his cheek. “Keem!” With a shout and a snap of her fingers, Keem emerged. Ian and Joji bound by their wrists, and lead out by a tight grip to their shoulders.
“Get your hands off me, cunt!”
“Shit Ian, it’s Max!”
“Ian! Joji!”
“So Max, are you going to co-operate? Or is Deadly Twister going to have to meet the same fate as Dave and Pewdiepie...”
“Pewdiepie...?” Ian asked. “Pewdiepie’s dead...!?”
“Oh, very shortly!” Tana laughed. “Special request from our new client, the Wall Street Journal! In fact, I think I’ve got a late breaking news story about it! Keem...”
He switched on a nearby flatscreen. “What is up, you beautiful bastards? Some really sad news to start off with, unfortunately. Pewdiepie was found dead late last night...”
“See, Maxy?” Tana cooed. “Philly-D here is a good little cupcake. He does what he’s told. And Maxy, I think you should too. Otherwise, well... I think Phil provided us with another advanced news story, huh Keem?”
“Oh, I think you’re right...”
“Ian Carter and Joji Miller, brutally murdered in their dressing rooms.... Police have already confirmed their manager Chad Roberts as the culprit...”
“What!? Why me!?”
“I don’t like you,” Tana shrugged.
“...Max Stanley has yet to release a statement on the tragedy....”
“Well, Max...” Keem grinned. “What is your statement? Did you always know Chad was so unstable? Will you be releasing a memorial album in tribute to your friends?”
Max glared at his captives. “What do you want...!?”
“Simple, dollface. Just go out there, and play the show. It’s the last thing I need you for.”
“Why don’t you just get a new band, and let us go home?”
“You can go back to your shit lives after, I promise. But it’s too late to get a new band. It has to be you, Max.”
“It doesn’t matter...” Max looked over. It was Ian who spoke. “Your threats won’t work, so you might as well kill us. He doesn’t care what happens to us.”
“Ian, that’s not true!” Max shouted. “It wasn’t me, okay!? I didn’t mean anything I said! It was the single! The music! It has subliminal messages, that’s how they’re able to control everyone!”
“Of course! That’s why I wanted those ugly shoes!”
“Beware the music....” Ian paused, the pieces falling into place. “...Oh God, Max, I’m sorry!”
“Yeah, very touching...” Keem rolled his eyes. “I’m tired of all this time wasting!”
“Me too! Someone get me some of that fat cunts hair to plant on these two before we kill them!”
“No! No! I’ll do it, okay!?”
“Good to hear...”
Max returned minutes later, after being whisked away to hair and wardrobe. 
“Alright Max, ready for your big night? You’re finally a star! Doesn’t it feel great!?”
“Tana...” Max sneered. “You’re gonna have a difficult time with your secret messages once your secret’s out...”
“Oh, please! Who the hell would listen to the insane ramblings of some paranoid, Aussie cunt!?”
“We will!” A voice echoed off the walls. Tana and Keem turned to the source.
“Who the hell are you?” She demanded.
“Someone you thought you’d gotten rid of....”
“Fuck!” Joji shouted. “It’s that Dave guy! I thought you died in a plane crash!”
“So did I!” Tana spat. “What the fuck, Keem!?”
“Oh no, I never boarded that plane. I overslept.”
“Keem!! You fucking idiot, you told me he was dead!”
“You two have to stop with the assassinations...” Another voice rang out. That Swedish accent was unmistakable. The two stepped out of the shadows.
“How the fuck did he get out!?”
“It doesn’t matter! I’m not dealing with these two right now! Congrats, you survived! You shouldn’t have come back, but I’ll have to finish you two off later!” The two turned back to Max, who had taken the opportunity to untie his friends. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’ve got them, Tana...” Keem grabbed Ian by the arm, who quickly gripped him by the wrist with his other hand. Pushing him backward, he punched him hard in the stomach.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long...” Ian smirked.
Tana immediately put her two goons up against them, but Ian, Max, Joji, Chad, Jack, Dave and Felix managed to take down the group in an epic fight scene I’m not going to write because I can’t write fight scenes but trust me it’s pretty cool.
“That’s it Max, you’re finished!” Tana screeched, grabbing a guitar and swinging it above her head like a weapon. Max put his hands up in defence, taking a few steps backwards.
“W-what are you gonna do...? Kill me with the guitar!? Who’s gonna go out there and sing!? You need me, remember!?”
“Need you? Muffin, I created you... And believe me, I can destroy you!” She swung the blunt instrument hard at Max’s head, who dodged just in time. Instead, hitting the sound system behind him. “Oh, no no no...” A loud hiss and feedback emanated through the room.  “Keem! Fix it!!”
“Oh god...” Joji covered his ears at the sound. Before anyone could do anything, Top15′s secret message began to ring out.
“Shit....” Tana muttered.
“Tana, is the most coolest, hottest girl in the world!”
“What the fuck....?” Chad muttered.
“Most coolest?” Joji asked.
“Well, it’s the Top15 guy...” Max shrugged.
“Everybody wants to be just like Tana Mongoo!”
“No, no, you aren’t doing it right!” Tana’s own voice came over the speakers. “It’s pronounced Mojo! Do it like this! Every guy wants Tana so bad, and all you girls, you wish I was your best friend! Everyone wants to dress like me, they think I’m hilarious! My abrasive attitude is charming! Not disgusting or anything like that at all! I’m the prettiest, and the most smart! TanaCon was the funnest ever! You wanna go back every year!”
“That’s the secret message that you wanted to send out?” Max asked in disbelief. “That you’re cool!?”
“Shut the fuck up! You’re so pretty and talented! You have no idea what it’s like... To be mocked and ridiculed your whole life!” For the first time, the blonde seemed to be showing some form of vulnerability. In fact maybe a little too much. “All I ever wanted was to be popular! Tell me, is that so bad!?”
“But you’ve been conspiring against the whole world to do it!” Ian shouted. “You’ve been manipulating people, killing! You’re a total sell out on top of it! You’re no better than anyone who’s bullied you! In fact, you’re actually a lot worse, considering....” he gestured around the room. “...All this...”
“Uhhh, Ian...” Jack questioned. “I’m lost. What exactly is the point you’re tryng to make? I mean, what’s the moral of the story here?”
“I think the moral of the story is...” Chad spoke up, “...That we should be happy with who we are. This whole time we’ve been spending money on expensive clothes to try and impress people? Never made me happy. No! Happ - -Oh, my God…..Happiness is on the inside! I’m not this.” He ripped off his shirt, throwing it on the ground with force. “ I’m not what I wear. I’m not what I wear!”
“Wow. That’s beautiful Chad,” Joji smiled.
“What the fuck is going on here....?” a man in a suite asked, coming across the entire scene.
“Who the fuck is this?” Felix questioned. 
“I’m Agent Smith, I’m with the government.”
“Oh, thank god you’re here!” Max ran up to him. “Tana and Keem over there, have been using their music to brainwash people. To make them buy things and think things....”
“Oh come on,” Keem laughed nervously. “You guys knew about this the entire time...”
“No, no, I can assure you the government knew nothing of any brainwashing... You two are under arrest...”
“They totally knew...” Ian shook his head, watching the two record moguls be dragged away. 
“Now what?” asked Max.
“Well...” Chad, now completely naked, came up between the two and put an arm around each of them. “I think you’ve got a show to play...”
Max looked out into the crowd. The biggest crowd he had ever seen. He looked to Ian, then to Joji. They smiled at him with encouragement. Taking a deep breath, he stepped up to the microphone. “Umm...Wow...Hi...” The crowd cheered. But Max frowned. They’d all been manipulated. “Umm... I know...I know you guys came out because you heard something on our album that you liked....” They cheered again. “Well... We’re gonna play something different tonight. It’s cool if you like it, it’s okay if you don’t. Just...Decide for yourselves...” As Max started up the first few chords to a new song they’d recently written, his friends soon followed. The crowd seemed unsure at first, but before long they seemed to get into the groove of the song. Max couldn’t believe it. They liked them for them!
As the song came to a close, the crowd was losing it. Screaming, jumping up and down with pure excitement. “Max, Max!” Ian shouted into his microphone. He looked just as hopped up as the crowd.
“I have to tell you something! I don’t know when else, or how else to tell you! But I feel really fucking good right now so I’m gonna say it! Max... I love you!”
The crowd erupted in cheers. 
“Ian!? I love you too! I always have!”
“Oh wow... I never thought you felt the same!”
“Of course I do!” Stepping forward, bass still in hand, Ian kissed Max the best he could in their position. Again, the crowd cheered. Max just grinned in shock disbelief.
“Ohhhh....!” Jack whaled, watching the scene unfold on stage. “it isn’t fair...”
Jack looked up, Felix now by his side. “Hey...”
“You know, I always thought you were pretty cute...” he said, placing his arm around Jack.
Jack grinned. “Same to you...”
“Do all ya’ll motherfuckers want another song!?” Joji screamed into his mic. The crowd shrieked. 
“Ladies and gentlemen!” Max practically jumped in place. “Joji fucking Miller on the drums! Ian mother-fucking Carter on bass!”
“And this bitch on guitar is the love of my goddamn life! Max Mother FUCKKkkkker!!!”
And they all lived happily ever after. Probably. Maybe. I’m not sure. But probably.
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lickmyballs420 · 3 years
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thedappleddragon · 4 years
last night I dreamed that I was an archeologist tortoise and I was looking at dozens of “human” skeletons in Buckingham palace that was also my backyard. the skeletons all looked like combo human and turtle because the whole torso looked basically like the first google image result for sea turtle skeleton. then my sister woke me up, giving me a comforter and telling me my mom need help with some things.  cleaned up around the living room and did some laundry and boiled some eggs and made meatloaf and swept the floor. the meatloaf turned out surprisingly good, idk what I did differently. I evemtually went back to my room and tried to remember what I wanted to do today. last night as I was falling asleep I told myself that I was gonna clear off my desk so I could finally use it, so I moved some stuff around and set up my laptop. I havent been able to sit at a real actual desk in SO LONG and its SO NICE to have just like a space where I can sit down and work and have a chair that will support my back instead of sitting cross legged on my bed or laying down while doing stuff on my laptop. it almost makes me feel productive even I'm just playing the sims. I feel especially cool when im just typing out whatever bullshit because it makes me feel like im at an office job typing up ~important documents~ :) idk man I think quarantine has changed me lmao. if im getting this many emotions from just being able to sit down at a desk and do ANYTHING idk how im gonna handle collage. I keep calling whetever im doing (playing the sims, scrolling through Tumblr, typing up this summary of the day) work because it just. feels nice sitting at a desk and typing. even if it’s dumb bullshit!! idk how to describe it I just feel amazing. it makes me feel like im writing a paper with all the horrible parts like research and thinking. the sound of typing on my MacBook makes me feel like im in school again, but without the horrible stressful parts. idk mn I know I've been going on about this desk and stuff for too long and im gonna hate it if I eventually read back through these daily logs but I just feel so nice. ill change topics anyway. I hung up my calendar again! I literally didn't have any open wall space aside from maybe the wall behind my bed but why the hell would I put a calendar where I can't see it. instead its kind of hanging above my closet. I pinned it to the wooden board in the “doorway” (idk what other word to use) where there would normally be sliding doors that open and shut if they hadn't been taken off YEARS ago. I also played a lot of the sims 4, juggling aspirations for 5 sims. I quit because I got frustrated that all my sims are dumb and the ai Is buggy and doesn't let me do what I want them to do. I also plopped in a house on my family’s old lot and spent some time adjusting the colors and the trees and adding those paper craft cieling things that can either have stars or leaves or snowflakes that came in the free winter holiday stuff pack and holy shit as soon as I found those I think they became my new favorite decoration item. I threw them everywhere but eventually took down most of them, leaving some leaf ones in the bedroom. I was gonna move in a family of a bunch of young adults and children to help with the first kid’s serial romantic aspiration and one of the twin’s social butterfly aspiration, but I ended up not doing that in favor of just decorating more and playing with the family some more. one thing I realized while playing is that there are fucking MICE in my CIELING. well not really in the cieling, in the attic, but I can hear them chewing on shit and its sucks. I would turn on a fan to drown out the noise but my room is fucking FREEZING. I threw the blanket back over my window hoping that it would keep heat from escaping but I don't think that really did anything. so after freezing my ass off I got fed up and put on fluffy socks under normal socks, wore my owl onesie as pants over my shorts, put on my comfy (oversized hoodie), and threw a fluffy blanket over my shoulders. thankfully I was pretty cozy after that, but as I type this after taking off the cosy and blanket, I can feel my toes getting cold again. damnit. ANYWAY after quitting the sims for the night I ate some salad and got a heart shaped crouton :) and I scrolled through Tumblr for a bit. then I decided to finally work on the paws my friend wanted. but I couldn't find the pattern so I instead worked on the brown paws instead. I could only work on them so much, since I still have to finish the lining before I can do much else. I attached the backs of the fingers to the back of the hand. I didnt get much down but what matters is that I did SOMETHING. I'm gonna keep an eye out for that pattern that I need, and if I cant find it, I'll just make a new pattern. tbh I think thad’s be the better way to go anyway since I wouldn't have to figure out how the fuck the old one goes together and I can also have a pattern that perfectly fits the foam underneath. also tbh i have mixed feeling about the white paws my friend wants. I like how dextrous they are and how easily you can emote and move your fingers, but I dont like how ovular I made the paw pads and the hints of black thread peaking out where I sewed the pads from the back. I WOULD just remake them with the free curl works pattern im using for the brown paws but I figure I might as well finish this pair since there’s already one done and the foam interior is already made. whatever. I dont wanna think about it too much. I also dont like the head that goes with the paws, it was a fish job in comparison to my first head and I kinda hate it. but I think I'll eventually get some longer fur for the neck and a hair poof and cheeks (maybe) and do a little refurbishing and give it to my friend if she ever wants it, since it matches the paws and all. I have lots of plans for my 2 WIP heads but not all the materials/motivation. plus I just need to let the ideas stir before I do unything, making sure they’re goof before I act on them. I'm exited that I can shave down fur relativey easily and evenly without an electric dog shaver, which opens up a lot of opportunities. anyway as I was working on the brown paws I had TAZ on in the background and it still baffles me a little bit how different griffin and Matt mercer operate as dms like holy shit. its really funny. and it got me thinking about how I wouldn't mind dming for my friend group if he chance ever arose. I DO have the forgotten realms campaign setting book. I haven't actually looked at it but I assume it has a few pre-built quests and plot lines n stuff in it. I'll probably take a better look at in the morning when it’s not 1:40 am. dang now I'm thinking about my Minecraft dnd idea again. I think the real problem keeping me from being a dm is that I CANNOT keep a straight face when doing improv/roleplaying, so I dont know how well I could hold together a world for them to play in. I would love to give it a try tho. not with the Minecraft idea at the same time, fuck no. I would need to do like. a classic vanilla dnd experience the first time, maybe even using our tiefling family characters since I'm at least a little familiar with them. can you dm and also play your own character? is that fair? is that a think you can do? I think that could be fun but also hard to juggle and also maybe kinda suck because you’d already know all the answers to all the puzzles. meh. actually now I kind of really want to look through thet book tonight instead of in the morning. also I mentioned overnight oats a few days ago I think, and the first morning it was kinda gross, the second time I ate it was still a little gross texture wise, but I finished it off tonight and it was pretty good. maybe next time I'll try it without the banana and a little less milk and maybe slice up an apple into little cubes for texture. hell yeah peanut butter apple cinnamon brown sugar overnight oats. that sound pretty dang good actually. I'll try that some time, but I dont think I can right now because I dont think we have any apples in the house. phooey. I should also probably put this oatmeal cp in the sink before it becomes impossible to clean. holy shit how long have I been writing? SEE THE DESK MAKES ME JUST WANNA KEEP WRITING AND WRITING FOREVER I FEEL SO PRODUCTIVE EVEN IF IM NOT DOING ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE!! I love just typing and typing forever its so soothing just hearing the tapping of the keyboard and getting my thought out without actually having to think that hard about it. goddamn im never gonna read back through this this is a nightmare lmao. no paragraph breaks no capitalization no nothin. I dont even wanna stop typing even though my arm is starting to hurt a little but from leaning the edge of the desk. now im thinking about the movie soul again and the cat as it rides on the escalator to the great beyond and how that dude in the band was the main characters student and how that scene with the girl trying to quit music and then immediately changed her mind didnt make any sense. like what the hell I dont understand that scene at all. also thinking about the transition where he’s like “ok repeat after me” as he’s in the cat and the camera goes over the mom’s shoulder and it’s just him talking, I like how they did that instead of doing dialouge between him and the cat. idk man. I think maybe I should stop typing now since my body is starting to hurt. sorry for putting this H U G E wall of text on your dash but I just like typing out my thoughts :) goodnight!
edit: OH I forgot to talk about something else!! last night I was thinking about valentines day and how cute it would be to have a little overall dress in the pattern on one of my childhood blankets, its like a light pink with white hearts on it so I looked up some fabrics and none of them were the right pattern. I also looked up a sewing pattern that I think would look nice and its on sale right now! I totally want to try and make it, but fabric is expensive so I think I might look at dollar tree for fleece baby blankets because I know they have them there, I bought a few a while ago for some plush sewing projects. they’re decently sized so I think I could do it.idk how many I would need to buy tho. or I might go to goodwill and look for a pink sheet? I have a thin pink blanket that could theoretically work but I want to use a planet im not attached to. or even just find a few big shirts in the same shade of pink? then I could maybe line it with something. I have red purple and white satin but that’s literally the worst fuckin fabric in the world to work with. my first experience with sewing was trying to make plushies out of satin and holy hell idk how I did it. anyway even though I literally never wear dresses I think it would be a fun project to try and make myself a cute little valentines dress. :) I could even give myself POCKETS >:)))
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