#have i just read several funny fanfics with deranged will?
thecinnamonr0ll · 4 months
Why is NICO considered the 'crazy, insane' son of Hades? he was born in the1930s to a rich family, HE IS GOING TO HAVE MANNERS.
Will 'i went to tartaraus in my cargo shorts' fucking solace on the other hand, for one, he was raised in TEXAS with a country singer mom on the road, he's probably been to ATLEAST 20 different bars, that guy should Is deranged.
change my mind, i dare you
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Personal favourite HP (&FB) fanfictions (but unfortunately it’s mostly GGAD)
posted: 08-10-2020 edited: 08-24-2020
(really sorry for the mistakes! fanfics are better i swear)
I read several HP and FB fanfics during the last few months, and in order to sum up my favourite ones, here is this post. It’s entirely and obviously personal, and to be honest, it’s more something which is more supposed to help me than recommanding something to you
But I truly think those fanfictions are great, so if you didn’t already read them, you may enjoy them!
I might update it every now and then, by the way!
(most of them are already quite well-known though, sorry)
Put Your Guns Away, it’s Tea Time (52k) and Put Your Curse in Reverse (276k) (from the It’s Tea Time serie), written by ellizablue :
A very lovely, funny and well-written story which follows Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy, Harry and Ginny Potter, the rest of the Potter-Weasley family and all of the surrounding people after the events of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
It’s technically canon-compliant - the author created an amazing story based on HPCC - and did it so well! I admit I was a bit disappointed about HPCC when it had been published, but It’s Tea Time “fixed” all of the things I was confused about.
Albus’ and Scorpius’ relationship is adorable, both of them are interesting characters. Harry and Ginny are amiable and attentive parents, they protect people they love. James Sirius and Lily Luna are also great - and to be honest, all of the characters are refreshing, complex, ect. I could talk about it throughout countless of pages. So many themes are brilliantly treated. I still didn’t read the third opus of the series!
(if I should recommand one only series of HP fanfictions, I would recommand this one)
Several fanfictions written by meanwhiletimely :
Illumine (10k) :
In Prague in 1914, Albus Dumbledore goes to a Gellert Grindelwald’s brillant speech. The political discussion between Albus and Henry Potter, how Gellert is able to enthrall a breathless crowed, Gellert’s and Albus’ very special and intense relationship, the wonderful Christian imagery and parallels, the description of the surrounding world and the ambiance, Gellert’s speech... It is quite marvellous, well-written and perfectly bitter-sweet - more bitter than sweet though. Eventual smut, very good, but imo, it cannot be considered as the very heart of the text, even though the sexual tension is omnipresent. I can't help but read it oftenly, and everytime I'm amazed - it might be my favourite GGAD fanfiction in fact. Brilliant.
Extreme Incantations (10k) :
In order to find clues about the Elder Wand story, Albus and Gellert try a “decadent, degenerate, deranged” ritual. A lot of smut, but again, their relationship and their psychology are absolutely central. I loved how they are portrayed, loved to discover Gellert’s thoughts and point of view. Again, it’s brilliantly bitter-sweet - even quite heartbreaking. Like Illumine, I have so much more to say, but I’ll stop here and just say: if you are interested by Summer of 1899 fanfictions, you could be delighted to discover it.
The Seer in the Tower (2k5) and Collateral (3k) are as great as Illumine and Extreme Incantations. In the first one, Tom Riddle meets Gellert Grindelwald after 1945 ; in the second one, Gellert and Ariana talk thanks the Resurection Stone. Light Bringer (10k), which sums up the Summer of 1899, is also amazing - incredibly painful, hopeless and horrendous, and Gellert Grindelwald is definitely not a good person - but still amazing.
Thirty-Five Owls (11k) by Letterblade :
After 1945, Albus and Gellert sent letters to each other - and I will add nothing more about the plot. A quite famous fanfiction - published in 2008 - and rightfully recognised as a brillant one. Beautifully written, the tag "Everything Hurts" is accurate, constantly breathtaking. I loved more than everything else the end - overwhelming, and yet so simple. Even canon-compliant, what more could we ask? In a nutshell, an unmissable work.
White (2k) (M) by Vandrerska :
“The story Gellert Grindelwald would tell if somebody took the trouble to ask.”, or a magnificiently well-written 1st person POV fic with Gellert talking about Albus and 1899. Here is the same vibe we already have in Thirty-Five Owls, but with the benefit of a heart-to-heart conversation between Gellert and the reader directly. Needless to say that both of the hearts involved in the conversation are broken. I love how it is written (but it is no surprise, well-crafted angsty texts like this one own my heart). 
nobody else but me (5k) by Roflskate :
After meeting Percival Graves and starting a correspondence with the very head of MACUSA's Department of Law Enforcement in 1926, Albus Dumbledore thinks he's finally ready to move on from Gellert Grindelwald. Well, if you saw Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, you know he's not.
I'm fond of the plot: the way we, as readers, already know how that story is doomed to end, is the very heart of the text - and speaking of the end, I loved it - just like Thirty-Five Owls, simple and heartrending. Again, bitterness is back. Beware of the manipulation and the very questionable consent, it's literally the plot.
(btw, this work inspired this post: GG as Hogwarts teacher/librarian before FBaWtFT: where are the fanfics? (if someone wants to write it please i will be pretty happy))
(In every bloody fanfiction I recommend Albus is suffering, sorry about that) (and it's not going to end with the next fanfic) (suffering is inherent to the character though so)
The Trial of Albus Dumbledore (51k) by Aurora_xx :
In this post-FBCoG AU, Albus Dumbledore is questioned about his relations with Gellert Grindelwald. But before his trial, he unknowingly took Veritaserum. To be honest, I felt it first as a “satisfying” AU: people we don’t like became a bit ridiculous, people we like get through (well, mostly).
Nonetheless, it’s more than that: the trial scene is incredibly tense, the consequences are terrible, and we want to see what's going to happen next. Moreover, the character development is suprisingly remarkably well-done - Vinda Rosier has an amazing backstory, for example; Newt and Newt’s friends are also very likeable, complex, etc. We love to hate Travers, Grindelwald is a character we eventually support (for specific reasons, mostly because he’s powerful, self-confident, rather hilarious and badass, but also a bit more human than we could think). And all we want to do is taking care of Albus.
It’s definitely a really pleasant fanfiction - but not an “easy” one, there are a lot of hard themes and very tense scenes, etc. This story is still considered as a WIP, though the five first chapters are already enough. 
Three fics of mautadite :
A Metaphor for Change (1k) (M) : I will just rewrite the summary here, so: "Five things Albus could not bring himself to say to Gellert. (One of them is a lie.)”. I really liked it, it is angsty - but the sweetest way, the very sad way.
To Be Great (0.3k) (G) : What Albus and the Sorting Hat said when Albus put the Hat on his head for the first time. Really a relevant and sharp character study. Again, I felt a hint of a sweet kind of angst. I wonder if I am the only one, you tell me.
Love Letters (6k) (E) : Scenes of Gellert’s and Albus’ life from 1995 to 1899 - often conversations, so say hello to well-crafted relationships between mc and other characters. Here comes the angst again (I think the author writes Albus and Gellert that way - or maybe, the characters are meant to be suffused by angsty undertones). The fact that we go back in time hurts a lot, because every smile they have are perverted by our knowledge of what happens next - the happiness won’t last, and really, it hurts. Canon compliant.
GGAD works of verivala (bloodtroth on tumblr)
Many short one-shots, from fluff to angst - sometimes droll, sometimes soft, often painful, quite always (a bit or a lot) bitter-sweet. You might at least find few of them interesting.
Grindeldore one-shots (22 works)
Grindeldore requests (5 works)
Grindeldore prompt fills (38 works)
L’Indiscible (190k) by Neaniver279
This one is a French one! Deux ans après la fin de la guerre, Percy Weasley - profondément meurtri par la mort de Fred, de laquelle il s’estime responsable - est renvoyé par une mystérieuse potion au 25 décembre 1975. Plusieurs élèves de Poudlard attirent son attention et son affection, voire un en particulier, Sirius Black.
Un pairing très inhabituel qui fonctionne bien ; un Percy Weasley passionnant - faillible, perdu dans ses doutes et sa culpabilité, mais avec une répartie, une malice et une sensibilité hors du commun ; des Maraudeurs et des jumeaux Weasley attachants, avec une personnalité définie et nuancée ; une idée originale géniale, car si le voyage dans le temps ouvre des portes à une nouvelle palette de réflexions et d’expériences pour Percy, il permet aussi d’intégrer un mystère et de la tension autour de la potion, l’Indiscible.
Pas d’underage, mais une relation prof-élève tout de même - tout du moins, pendant un segment de l’histoire. Intéressante, touchante, très drôle, amère, complexe et pathétique. WIP.
Thanks for reading, I hope it had helped!
Thanks to all of the authors also! You are brave, tenacious and doing an amazing work. Thanks a lot! :)
(And of course, beware of the tags, if you are triggered by specific content - homophobia, blood, hospital, violence, explicit sex scenes, manipulation, death, etc)
08-24-2020 edit: Thirty-Five Owls, nobody else but me and verivala’s works added. 02-18-2021 edit: White and mautadite’s works added.
(08-24-2020: i’m also currently interested by Kierkegarden’s works, an already quite inevitable GGAD author, I might add some of them later)
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Manhattan | Chapter Two.
Authors Note: Hey, Hey everyone, I hope everyone has had a great day and evening. This is the second chapter to Manhattan, my Frat Boy AU. I am not sure whether this will be a fanfic or a mini-series, or what it becomes. It depends on the reviews I get on it from you guys.
I hope you enjoy this chapter, is a bit different from the first Chapter, but it is building on characters, I guess. I don’t know. Anyway, enjoy! Xx
Chapter one found, HERE.
Harry Masterlist found HERE To Enter to win tickets for Harry Styles IN Nashville TN, HERE
It has been several days since the ludicrous frat party I attended. My dress still emanates a damn brewery, and I swear I can’t cleanse the stench of beer off my skin, but everyone else appeared to have loved it— it’s all I have heard about the last few days.
Apparently, it was such a great gathering that there’s going to be another… one that I will NOT be attending.
I don’t care if they do some keg standing drinking game or if there’s some kind of absurdly amazing beer pong match where that dickhead gets his ass beat— I am not going. I have no desire to.
I haven’t seen or heard about Harry either.
He seems to be mysterious, I am starting to wonder if he even attends the same University or if I managed to lure a creepy man to my dorm room while falling for his British charm.
Maybe he isn’t even British and it’s all an act. Who knows?
Besides the tailgate party and the after game entertainment that has been circling around conversations, the month of September is the beginning of football season—a season of deranged fanatic students’ screaming and rumbling at a football stadium, rooting for our blue and white team, while trying not to get drunk in the stands.
Today, September sixteenth; Well, today isn’t just the day for kick starting the glorious season of men in pads, pounding each other for a football, but it kicks starts against a rivalry that has been brewing for years.
We start the season against the Cornell Big Reds.
Despite my piling stacks of work and notes that need revising, I can’t help but fall for the first day, kick off, shenanigans of college football. I guess, I felt it was compulsory to act within the typical expectations of a college student and tag along with tailgating before the game.
Little did I know that this decision would be the start of something unknown.
At first glance, I disregard him, having to carry a double take before realising that it’s him, Harry.
I tilt my head to the side, my eyes blazing into him as they discern that he’s bearing red. Although he seems rather dainty in crimson, the blood humming through my veins seems to disagree with his judgment of colours, both for a good and bad reason.
I glance around promptly, noticing I am the only one not gathered in the crowd up ahead with their chants and their eager anticipation. I sigh, leaning against my roommate’s car, my eyes fluttering back towards him.
He makes his way over to me, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip as a nervous reaction.
“Hi, I’m surprised to see you here.” He flashes me a Cheshire grin, his eyes appearing to glisten a radiant emerald that I can admire more in the dusk sunset then I could in the moonlight the other night.
“Hello,” I nod, “I’m just as equally as surprised,” I comment, part of me rather enthused with the fact he’s bearing a rival colour that nobody dares to sport on such a day like today. “Nice colour, surprised your blood isn’t spread all over it— wait, don’t tell me,” I gasp, leading with a small pause. “You’re one of them.” I add, considerably amused by the fact that he may be unknown territory that is ’forbidden’.
He gives me a strange expression, resembling a little bit perplexed. “One of them?” He raises a brow, only causing me to laugh at his bewildered eyes and his lip gradually curving into a confused shape.
“Has nobody told you?”
“Told me what?” … “Am I missing the memo?” He questions, his hand scratching the back of his neck, something I assume to be a bit of an apprehensive gesture.
“Unless you have a death wish or actually attend Cornell University, you might want to take that off.” I subtly point to his red long sleeve that is hugging his body pleasantly—at least my eyes are comfortable with the way it embraces him.
He glances down at his shirt before he glimpses back towards me, “What if I do go there?” He challenges with a straight face, somewhat intriguing me.
“Well..” I trail off with a shrug, unsure whether he’s kidding or if he generally attends the opposing university.
He chuckles melodiously, a quality that is as pleasing as a vinyl playing on a record player on a warm summer night. “I wasn’t planning on coming here. But, I do not go to the Coral University.” He responds, causing a stifled giggle to escape my lips.
Oh, how the innocence of a British boy seems to make me chuckle.
“Cornell,” I correct him with a courteous smile, not wanting to be too sassy with my correction. “So, where do you go?” I curiously inquire, still unsure of just where this ambiguous British boy resides.
He gives me a shrug, his lips contorting into a cheeky smirk, “somewhere around here.” He uses my own words that I used against him the other night.
Smart arse.
I raise a brow, glimpsing up at him, “mysterious, I see.”
He smirks, “Mhm, I’ll swap my information, for your name.”
“No,” I shake my head, his eyebrows knitting together as he stares into my eyes, his head cocking to the side casually.
“No? Well, that ain’t a pretty name.”
“Why would I tell you my name? It destroys the mystery, doesn’t it?” I challenge, referencing the same statement he used the other night.
“Perhaps.” He nods, “I have no witty response just yet, so we can come back to this later.” He continues, earning himself yet another grin from myself.
“There will be a later?” I cheekily challenge, observing as he chews his lip, his eyes closing down on me.
He doesn’t react immediately, he takes a moment to take a breath, his mind evidently spinning like tires stuck in the mud striving to hit an opening. “Well, with that sass, no.” He shakes his head,
“Well, with that shirt, you have no hope.” I shrug, gesturing towards his crimson long sleeve, his eyes rolling at me in a playful manner, the unexpected outbreak of cheers coming from the gathered circle up ahead taking his attention.
He glances over towards the crowd, frowning for a moment. “I did not know,” He sighs, “would it satisfy you if I took it off?” He offers and I shake my head. “Good because it is bloody cold out here.” He continues, his eyes again flickering towards the crowd of boisterous football goers, enthusiastic to march their way into the stadium.
He glances back over at me, his eyes radiating a stunning light shade, “Do you want to go in?” He questions,
“My ticket is long lost in that crowd.” I point over towards the students continuing to chant, a flag being hoisted up in the wind.
My friend seems to have forgotten that she has my ticket.
“Fair point,” He nods, “Want to get something to eat instead and then pop in on the after party?” He proposes, taking me by surprise.
Guys as good looking as him do not ask to go get food, they tend to cut straight to the fuckery boy routine.
“And before you try to say something about kidnapping you and throwing you into a fratboy sanctum, I assure you, I am legitimately hungry.” He chuckles, reading my mind as I think of a sassy comment.
“Since you are so reassuring, sure.” I agree, stepping away from the car, “How much of Manhattan have you truly seen?” I enquire, uncertain of how long he has been here.
He gives me a shrug, “Not too much, just bits and pieces.”
“I know this really nice restaurant, it is in Little Italy, it takes like forty minutes to get there, but I promise it is worth it. Plus, everything around here will be full of fanatic fans.” I point out, feeling like I need to convince him like I have to everyone else when I offer to go down to Little Italy. “I will even drive, it is definitely worth it, cute little dainty restaurants in little Italy, are great. Hell, I will even pay.”
He charmingly smiles, telling me otherwise, “You don’t need to convince me, although, it is rather cute.” He chuckles, causing me to blush.
No, I can not harbour any sorts of feelings unless platonic.
“But, before I agree to this fully, you gotta tell me your name.” He flashes me a smile that is more of a cheeky grin.
I sigh before I nod, giving up on the mystery I wish I could keep, “Allie, my name is Allie-Grace.” I inform him, giving him my name and ruining the mystery I was wanting to keep. I like the idea of keeping him on his toes and always guessing, for what reason? I do not know.
Little Italy is one of my favourite places to drive down too, there is this feel to it that is so vibrant and soothing, not to mention the food is incredible. Unfortunately, none of my friends appreciates it, maybe they just prefer everything to be beer soaked. Who knows?
I glance up from my menu, witnessing as Harry has his eyebrows furrowed while his eyes are focused intently on the menu. I can’t help but accidentally chuckle to myself, distracting him from the menu.
He raises a brow, “Is something funny?” He does his best to conceal his slight grin,
“You seem very interested in the menu.”
“Oh ha-ha-ha,” He rolls his eyes, “I have to say, I like everything on this menu. You made a good choice coming here.” He comments, crediting my choice of restaurant.
I give him a nod and a smile, “Mhm, quite nice.” .. “So, Harry, tell me about yourself.”
He puts his menu down and cocks his head slightly to the side, “I thought we covered me in the car? I am from Cheshire, England, I have a sister, and I am apparently a frat boy, as you label it.” He reminds me of the debriefing he gave me in the car because I was asking him questions.
I come to my defence rather immediately, “Hey, I am not labelling you,” I shake my head at him, my eyes watching as he laughs softly,
“Mhm, is that why you are getting defensive?” He raises a brow, causing me to furrow my eyebrows, and purse my lips into a straight line.
Damn, he has a point.
He grins with his bright eyes, “Mhm, thought so.” He hums cockily and humorously, “So, what about you? You are a ball of mystery. All I know is your name and that you like this restaurant.”
He is observant, I see. I never know what to tell people when they want to know who I am, I don’t know what it is they want to know.
I shyly glance down at my menu, “Allie?” Harry’s voice distracts me and I am forced to gaze up at his fixed eyes, “Tell me about something, anything.” He graciously requests, more than likely picking up on the fact I have no idea what the hell I am meant to tell him.
I give him a small shrug, “I uh, I never know what to say when asked these questions.” I admit, “Does that count as a fact?” I clear my throat, observing as a waiter begins to walk closer to our table.
“I think so,” Harry nods. Before he has a chance to say anything else, he is interrupted by the waiter ready to take our order. Harry flicks his eyes towards me to order first and I do so.
While he is scanning the menu and debating on what to order, I can’t help but wonder about what I am meant to tell him regarding who I am as a person. Other people have described me as intuitive and focused, I just… I don’t know how to describe myself. I am just me. An ordinary girl who is trying to get through college without emotional breakdowns or tragedies.
I am just trying to live my life and accomplish things, what I want to accomplish, I do not know.
“Allie,” Harry’s voice distracts me from my indecisive thoughts. I gaze up at him and give him a small smile, “You seem deep in thought,” He comments, reminding me that he is, indeed, very observant of things.
“Hm.. So, I am from Manhattan, as you know. Uhm, I suck at this,” I awkwardly chuckle, completely unaware of what to say about myself.
He makes a witty joke and smoothes out the awkwardness, giving me a sweet smile as he takes control of the conversation and removes the spotlight from myself.
I get lost within our conversation, seeming completely and utterly interested in every word he says, it might be the drawn out accent, or it might be the fact that I can actually have a decent conversation with him, without him throwing some ridiculous frat boy comment at me—Something I am not used to when sitting down with a guy.
My eyes flicker towards the door as I hear the familiar bell echoing, an indication a new customer has entered. My heart skips a beat the moment my eyes meet a familiarly daunting figure, a configuration that has been burnt into my mind to the point I can never forget it.
No matter how hard I attempt to free myself of the engravings, the illustration will always be embedded into me.
I instantly let out a breath, my mind scrambling with many insights, one of them being ‘to get out.’
I look up at Harry and his smile fades, “There is this other place that is really, really, neat, we should go there.” I stutter, “like, now.” I quietly comment, observing as he glances at me peculiarly, “This place is crowded.” I continue, my nerves getting the better of me.
He glances around and gazes back at me, “Allie, the restaurant is nearly empty.” He informs me, his eyes flickering towards the same direction my own have been guarding.
“It is empty, but I feel too crowded, please?” I whisper, my eyes eventually dropping to the table as I try to conceal myself from the eyes of the one who just stepped in.    
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trexrambling · 8 years
Bite Me (Part 2)
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Characters: Reader, Sam, Dean (no pairings as of yet!)
Warnings: Minor character deaths, violence, swearing
Overview: You were raised in the hunter life. You fell out of it. It wasn’t your choice to get pulled back in.
Word Count: 1,059
A/N: This is the second installment in my first ever fanfic. Thanks to everyone who gave me support and love for Part 1! Still a slow burn, always a slow burn. We’ll meet a Winchester in the next chapter, promise! These words, like everything else I write, are for me. Feel free to join me in the adventure.
Read (Part 1)
The only face that filled my childhood memories was my uncle’s. No mom. No dad. Just Uncle Jay. The thought of parents had never entered my mind until we came across a family camping in the woods a few miles from our cabin. I remember asking him about my mom and dad, an innocent question in my five-year-old mind, and his response being, “It’s just us, Small Fry. We’re the only family we need.” He always called me Small Fry, a reference that was lost on me as I had never visited a fast food restaurant before. I asked him what a fry was one day and he tried to make some in a pan on the stovetop, but popping grease and several swear words later and our potatoes ended up being mashed that night instead. I remember laughing at him as he danced around the kitchen with the hot pan, arm stretched as far away from himself as possible before he threw the whole thing into the sink. 
He kept his nickname for me well into my teen years, even into my early twenties when I would scowl at him and say I’d outgrown it. If I had known there would come a time when I would never hear anyone call me Small Fry again, I would have realized the blessing of an affectionate nickname much sooner rather than years later with the loss of its memory. 
I was in the final stages of having all of the people in the feeder room back as far away from the door as possible when it was splintered from its hinges by a massive force. The smell of rotting meat permeated the entire room as the vamp I assumed to be Iver slowly walked through the doorframe, followed closely by Marv and Gareth. My left fist tightened around the broken bedspring I had managed to pull from the mattress while the fingers in my right hand held a shard of glass, poised and ready to throw.
Iver was massive. My earlier comparison of a grizzly bear was fitting. He was just as wide as he was tall, every inch of his frame filled with muscle. Even his clothes looked dwarfed on him; a t-shirt stretched to its limits and shorts that were slightly too short.
He needs to shop at the Big and Tall.
His eyes narrowed as soon as they saw me in my defensive pose, and a smile crept from beneath his matted beard. “You’ve brought a hunter for feeding, Gareth.”
Gareth scowled. “You wouldn’t have guessed it from where I took her. The home was clean, no gear in sight, no defense in place. Just a stupid pet that wished it hadn’t sunk its teeth into me.”
For a second my blood ran cold. Arlo. Please, dear God, please tell me he didn’t –
“It was funny trying to watch it get to me with two broken legs. Bite me again motherfu-“
“Enough!” Iver snapped.
The ice in my veins turned back into a raging heat that took over my whole body. These sonsofbitches were going to pay.
In the time it took Iver to finish yelling, my wrist snapped out, sending the piece of glass my fingers had been holding airborne. I watched with satisfaction as it lodged itself deep into Gareth’s throat and shot clean through to the other side of his trachea, a shiny tip visibly poking out of the skin on the other side of his neck. Gareth’s eyes went wide as he began to splutter out incoherent sounds, Iver and Marv staring at him in confusion before turning to me in realization.
Marv pounced with a screech, hitting me so hard I toppled to the floor and almost dropped my bedspring. I managed to slash once in her direction before her fist connected with my face again, then my abdomen, then my jaw. I had forgotten what the pain of being pummeled felt like, and my unconditioned body almost went limp in defeat.
Pain is a signal. You can choose to ignore the signal.
Uncle Jay’s words rushed through my mind like a stream of life. Instinct from years of training kicked in. I lashed out with my feet, felt Marv’s body fall away from mine, and was in the process of returning to a standing position when a different fist connected with the left side of my face. Hard.
I saw stars and dropped like a rock. I faintly heard Marv start to race towards me, heard her cry out in rage when something held her back from reaching my now crumpled form.
“We need her alive,” Iver barked. “You can have her later.”
“I want her now!” Marv’s voice was deranged and full of anger.
“And the Winchesters might want her too! We can use her as leverage.” Iver had returned to a calm state, shifting into battle mode like I had done not so long ago.
Through swollen eyelids I saw Marv struggle in Iver’s arms a few times before settling in defeat. Her eyes raked over the four other humans in the room that were cowering as far against the walls as possible. “What about the feeders?”
“We don’t need them. Finish what’s left and then join me outside.”
Iver went to the middle of the room and yanked the bolt holding our chains out of the floor with his bare hands as though it were nothing more than a pushpin. I couldn’t stop the cry of pain that slipped past my lips when Iver grabbed me by my now knotted hair with one hand and yanked my chin with the other. He began to drag me backwards out of the room, the chain still attached to my leg scraping the ground behind me. I clawed against his hands and arms and dug my heels in as best as I could, but the dizziness and nausea I had felt the second Iver’s fist connected with my head had left my brain struggling to convey messages to my limbs, rendering my efforts useless. 
My vision was blurred, but that didn’t stop me from seeing Marv throw herself on top of the skeleton girl called Four and bite deeply into her pale flesh. The last thing I heard was Four’s screams before my body shut down and there was only darkness.
Part Three
Tags: @wheresthekillswitch @sama1314 @emilywritesaboutdean @mamabear82nd @tas898 @pinknerdpanda (you appear to be un-taggable today)
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