#have i talked to the rest of the mods about this? idk. um hi guys can we do another one
mcyt-aro-week · 6 months
HI! Don't know if this has already been asked and answered, but will this event be happening next year too? It's been a fantastic time either way and i thank all the mods for running it!!
Officially: We (the mods) haven't discussed it yet, but if there's enough interest we'll definitely look into holding another week!
Unofficially? I'm hoping to do another week sometime in June :3
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dreamxsims4 · 5 years
Newcrest Let’s Play Day El-ev-enn? 🤷🏾‍♀️ Pt. 3
A Continuation of The Nonsense-Bafoolery Edition. 
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This is a part three??? Wow, let’s keep going. 
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Welcome back guys! In the last episode we found out Amina might be preggers, for real this time. Soooo let’s take a lor pregnancy test for her. 
Once again sorry about the screen showing, I needed better gameplay and thats how I got it. 
“Dude, I’m so broken out,” says Michelle, “Me too,” says with a mouth full of food, Amina. “Who was that guy I saw you with at Adu’s party?” asks Michelle.
“Oh....um, I know him from way back, his name is Michael”, Amina lies straight through her teeth. “Funny, he told me his name was Erik. You didn't know him did you?”, Michelle catches Amina. “No. ...”, she stuffs her face some more, “...and it was unprotected” says Amina, “since you know so much....you know I'm tired of being alone, sitting up in this house waiting for a man to hold me, I need to be loved sometime, held sometime,” she starts on, crying. “....” Michelle drops the food out of her mouth, “we’re going to take a pregnancy test. Let’s go,” she finds her responsible cousin characteristic quickly, drags Amina out the door and heads to the supermarket in their jammies. 
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I’m actually legit mad, that Amina did this. I feel like such a mom who is overprotective of her kids. Like, y’all...she slept with a married man that she doesn't know, without my consent. I'm actually so mad, now she's gonna have his baby. Annnnd, *TRIGGER, TRIGGER, TRIGGER ALERT*
....are you ready?....
...I said don't read it.
Abortions are an option in this game, but, because of my own personal experience IRL, I do not support them. And, not legally of course, I’m talking about...for me...like keep it legal, but, no.... anyway. I don't want her to get a sim-abortion, even though it’s an option. That is what is making mad the most.
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The test came back positive, soo...here goes the cc shopping for mods and other baby related stuff for the game. 
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So for the rest of the game, they just chilled out. Michie, ...meesh..., I need a nickname for her...she doesn't know how to cook. But she made someeee veggie dumplings that actually looked good. And then I went to go make some veggie dumplings IRL and ate it with them. 🤪
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This mod is OD. But I’m with it. Probably will work for other stories. 
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Quinn came back home stinky and tired and....just ugh. He doesn’t know, he doesn't need to know. He might even get plotted on, but how! If Amina and Quinn barely talk. Let’s see if the plot works though....look forward to that. 
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Veggie Dumplings
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She really ate two plates too, lol. Literally, dos platos.
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Yup, adding flame to my fury, or fury to my flame or whatever. I tried to....invite the guy Eric on a date, and Amina literally doesn't know him well enough to hang out, go out, meet out, eat out, nothing. He can come over, but nah. Idk, maybe...idk. Lol, she can't text him or nothing. Like...why...did...she...do...that.
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Stinky Quinn.
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So, she texts Quinn, I miss you. The plot thickens. 
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Tf, Quinn gets his own area and they skip every other hangout spot in the house and go straight to his room, which is tucked away in the basement. This is not the damn hang out spot, this is his man cave. These sims have no respect. Or maybe, it’s just me cause I’m mad. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this situation. I am literally just an irritated gamer observing the nonsense that is coming from my sim-babies right now.
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garregmachmatchups · 5 years
hi mod ava!! would i please be able to request a regular matchup?? i’m bi, so i don’t mind any gender. i hope this isn’t too much info, but i hope the layout makes it readable?? thank you so much!! 
the good: 
i love to learn? is that a good thing? (as long as I’m not being graded on it,,, otherwise that’s a disaster)
good conversationalist/listener (or, at least I’d like to think so,,, i can talk for hours and hours)
trustworthy (ish)
compassionate (or at least, i try to be!!)
accepting (within reason aadjsdfkjhfds essentially i just try to not judge people)
understanding (i do my very best!!)
the bad:
prone to catastrophizing (that’s the anxiety poking through)
indecisive (I cannot make a decision to save my life)
shy (it’s not that I’m quiet or withdrawn, I’m just Deeply Afraid Of Rejection)
unforgiving (while I can be pretty patient, once I’m done with someone, I’m Done)
prone to melancholy (I do my best to fight it, but that melancholy be Strong)
overthinker (i literally write a whole dissertation in my head about a topic literally No One cares about… or i’ll decide to pick apart my relationships with others when it’s really not that deep. this one’s a mixed bag.)
irresponsible (ish. i can take care of myself and my roommate, but i get a bit scared of Responsibility with a capital R. idk if i’m making much sense but,,, i can take responsibility, i’m just scared i’ll mess up so i try not to?? ir’s something i really need to work on)
the neutral:
opinionated (I’m putting it as a neutral trait bc I’ve been told that I’m “interesting to talk to” because of it, but my god… sometimes I wish I’d just calm down,,, and there are just some things it’s not worth being opinionated on, you know?)
Sensitive (with a capital s) 
imaginative (fun for creative things, bad when your catastrophizing)
talkative (for similar reasons as opinionated… I love to talk and I have So Much to say, but sometimes I wish I’d just learn to… shut my damn mouth)
my sense of humour (i’d describe myself as a “chaos goblin”, and one of my friends once said I’m a “mixed bag of human”, meaning that he can never predict what I’m going to say to him next; essentially i have a very “flexible” sense of humour, but the more absurd, the better)
perceptive (neutral just bc while it’s good when dealing with people I like, it’s fuel for anxiety)
a bit of a “mum friend” (in the sense that,,, i’m always concerned with people’s health and wellbeing but that can come off as overbearing at times? and it’s ironic that i’m a mum friend because as stated earlier, i can be kind of irresponsible hhh)
reading (when I can actually commit to a book sjkdfhs)
writing (when I’m not LAZY!! Also, my genres tend to be more along fantasy or urban fantasy lines? A little sci-fi, when I’m not scared off by trying to do worldbuilding for that genre because O H B O Y science & technology is a LOT scarier than magic tbh)
trawling Wikipedia for an unreasonably long time
character analysis (my favourite part of engaging with any new media skdfhkfhj)
anthropology (it’s my uni major and I love it!! so much!! i could talk about it for hours!!)
history (shamefully, i am a nerd)
art history (I LOVE ART, my fave artist is probably alphonse mucha? If you’ve never seen his stuff definitely have a look! It’s A Lot but it’s stunning)
sociolinguistics (it’s so interesting!! And I guess languages too, but I’m so bad at learning them asjfdhddsklj)
fashion (in a way? I just love pretty clothes, and my style is… a lot of patterns, especially animals and flowers, and it’s retro-adjacent?)
most animals tbh (I love foxes and owls! i also adore mythological creatures, like dragons and griffins and all that)
again, i hope this isn’t too much!! thank you again, and i hope you enjoy the rest of 2019!! (when will i stop using exclamation marks my goodness–)
Hewooo!💕Omg I love your matchups I can’t believe you asked me for one I feel honored lsfdjdjakj. I really hope I don’t disappoint lol. Also haha I got inspired. So without further ado, let’s get to it! Your match is…
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Claude von Riegan!!! 
Bro you and Claude are like two peas in a pod. You both share a passion for knowledge, curious about the world and people around you. It’s a big part of who you are, which makes it all the more important for you to find someone who sympathizes with that need. For Claude, it’s one of his biggest motivators. Same as you, he appreciates different cultures and societies greatly. For that he needs someone who is open-minded and accepting, someone who can support his dreams, a world without borders, as well as someone who can accept who he truly is. With Claude’s curious nature, he always looks to be engaged, so your conversational and passionate character would certainly be intriguing to him. I can just imagine you two going on about for hours and hours, discussing anything and everything that comes to mind, especially about stuff relating to different cultures and different ways of life. Because Claude is more on the lighthearted side, someone with a sense of humor would be best suited for him, so someone who is as “chaotic” and unpredictable as you would be perfect to keep him engrossed and prying. All the same, Claude’s light-heartedness would be greatly beneficial to you, as you often struggle with anxious thoughts and feelings. A calm presence in your life to remind you things aren’t as bad as they seem, especially one as rational and reasoned as Claude. As we all know though, Claude despite acting light-hearted is quite secretive and wary of others. Therefore the fact that you have a trustworthiness about you could really get Claude to open up to you more so than to others. You being patient and perceptive would also be of great help, knowing Claude has his reasons as well as you being willing to wait until he opens up. Together, you’d be sure to change yourselves and the world for the better
When you first meet Claude, you are incredibly drawn to him, as he possesses a very mysterious air about him, which of course only entices your curiosity.
Claude, sensing this, in turn, becomes curious about you (meanwhile everyone else just senses sexual tension)
Um, lowkey a detective couple? Discovering the mysteries of the world together…or your classmates’ secrets
Also tea time with you guys is #DEEP. Just thinking about the world and life in general
Sometimes it just turns into you rambling about your opinions or just in general things you want to talk about and Clause just listening to you with admiration or vice versa where he just talks about his vision of the world and you just staring at him in wonder, just goals
When Claude first hears you talking so passionately about stuff like anthropology and history, he immediately goes “Yep, they’re definitely the one”
He really appreciates how patient you are with him, even when you are curious about him. He promises though that one day he’ll share everything with you
Claude is always there to help whenever you start overthinking or catastrophizing, as he always has a logical argument as to why the situation is not as it seems. If it’s something more serious though and you really start panicking, he’ll hug you while reassuringly tell you it’s okay (he doesn’t always help with the indecisiveness though, like my bro how are you so chill about every decision you take)
He could also be of great help with your fear of responsibility, teaching you to have faith in yourself
Loves that you are imaginative, seriously you just brought his schemes up to a whole new level
Also haha chaotic couple, people are either dying of laughter with you guys around or are super confused about your dynamic (or scared who knows)
I get the impression that because Claude is always so immersed in his goals and responsibilities he has, he sometimes forgets to take care of himself, so you being a sort of mom friend would definitely be good for him
Umm also i’m pretty sure Claude loves dogs and animals (he rides a wyvern for christ sakes). He’ll totally take you out on a ride on his wyvern, just soaring across the sky seeing the world
If you’d ever take an interest in Almyran art history or fashion the man will love you forever. Honestly just taking an interest in the Almyran culture, history, etc. Will increase his love tenfold
Ughhh I just stan
Other matches: Ignatz Victor, Petra Macneary
Hope you enjoyed the matchup! If you feel like you weren’t portrayed correctly/I misinterpreted your information let me know and I’ll make the corrections!
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fae-fucker · 7 years
Zenith: Chapter 4
Note: I will be editing parts of the quotes from the original preview to reflect the way they appear in the final product. So if something is written like this it means it’s no longer in the book, and this indicates that something’s been added. This is so that I don’t have to explain in complex detail how things have changed if the changes are minor.
Don’t worry, this will stop once we get to more new content. 
Girls shouldn’t be space pirates.
Those were the last words Dex had said to his ex, and, well, look how that turned out. He was eating those words now.
Fike, the irony stung.
What’s with female authors constantly writing meaningless sexism and then have their characters PROVING THE MENZ WRONG.
Like I get that it’s a bit of a power fantasy and everyone wants some payback for being underestimated, but it’s always dumb bullshit like this that serves no other purpose than to impress or prove the male characters wrong by DOING MANLY BADASS THINGS.
I can’t articulate what I’m feeling properly but you get my point, right? The MENZ always end up being proven wrong, but only when the female characters do traditionally masculine-coded things, because not only do female characters need to prove themselves to men, the only talents worth respect are those that men are “supposed” to have.
Whatever, moving on.
Update: That whole chunk of text has been removed. Thankfully.
Dex is a dude who used to teach/date (???) Andi and is now hunting her because ... she ... lied to and cheated on him? Something like that. I guess we’ll find out. He’s the one in charge of the hunt and he’s NOT PLEASED.
A female captain was one thing. But a whole rutting ship full of girls?
You need to settle on your dumb conlang curses or on old-timey curses you saw used in [some SJM series]. You can’t have both “fike,” whatever that is, and “rutting” in the same book. I mean you can, but it’ll look like this, aka garbage.
Update: This comment has also been removed. 
Leave it to the Bloody Baroness, the most ruthless space pirate in the galaxy, to get the best of the best.
Also leave it to the Bloody Baroness, Dex thought, as he stared at her photograph, to get me to work with the Arcardian Patrolmen.
And yeah, for some reason, in this HYPER-TECH FUTURE, they still have photographs?
Also, why does Dex think that wanting good people to work for you is somehow unique or particularly impressive?
Whatever. We have a quick flashback to Dex’s latest meeting with Andi. Y’all need to see this so I’ll just post the entire thing:
She was standing in the shadows of a pleasure palace, a Holo cyborg dancing in the window behind her. Androma’s pale, ghostlike hair was streaked with purple, which was new, and peeked out from beneath a black hood, pulled low over her face. He could just barely make out her glowing grey eyes and the smooth metallic plates on her cheekbones, a defensive body mod she’d had done years before. But he could make out the rest of her: perfect curves beneath a sleek, skintight leather bodysuit; the hilt of a knife sticking out from her black boots. And, of course, outside of the hooded cape, her trademark glowing katanas swords strapped across her back like an X of death.
I was gonna make a remark about how people Sasha’s age probably should know better than to write garbage like this, but then I remembered that her KWEEN SJM is 30+, so nevermind.
And yes, Andi has fucking KATANAS. And they are AN EXXX OF DETTHH.
I’m cackling.
Update: So um ... Let’s talk about those edits, shall we? Andi’s eyes are no longer glowing, and as much as I’m happy they toned it down (I wish), this is really the last of their starshined problem.
She has metallic plates on her cheekbones now, which ... let’s examine some official art (from the book trailer):
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The art is kind of inconsistent, but those are not on her cheekbones, but on her cheeks. And frankly it looks terrible, as a concept. I would guess it’s the result of miscommunication, but since this is on the official website, I’m assuming Shinsay approved this.
And how is this a defensive mod? She couldn’t have her skull reinforced with titanium or some shit? Ah, yes, the most vulnerable part of the head: the cheek/bone. You gotta protect ‘em! 
Also, I don’t wanna shit on a fellow artist, but I have to say: Idk who this artist is that they got this job but I thought Shinsay would have enough money to hire someone who understands perspective and facial anatomy.
Dex Dogtective is having a BAD TIME trying to catch the Marauder, so he complains about their own ships.
Here I am, the ship seemed to say. Large and in charge and as slow as a rhinoceratops.
I just wanted to include this so y’all could see RHINOCERATOPS.
Update: This line has been changed and is now: Here I am, the ship seemed to say. Large and in charge and as undercover as a Xen Pterran carriage slug.
Also here’s what Dex apparently looks like (from the artist’s Instagram): 
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That’s the face of someone who sniffs dirty underwear.
Dex then wanks on about how hot the Marauder is. No, really:
A sleek, beautiful beast that looked to be made of the stars in which it swam.
Deadly and delicious, all varillium glass in the shape of an arrowhead, now concealed by metal shields to protect it during the chase.
He probably has a secret porn stash of plane schematics.
Some little dork comes up to Dex to declare that the Marauder is “making an interesting move,” because I guess the carrier pigeons are dead.
He looked up at the youngest Patrolman on his dedicated crew, a boy just barely of age, who’d never seen battle. Who didn’t know the feeling of blood on scarred hands.
He doesn’t seem like he’s there for battle anyway, considering the fact that he’s near the captain at the moment, is the one delivering the update, and likely isn’t a part of the ground troops.
Update: He looked up at the youngest Patrolman on the ship, a boy no older than fifteen with slitted reptilian nostrils. A boy who’d never seen battle. Who didn’t know the feeling of blood on scarred hands.
Why does he have slitted reptilian nostrils? Is he a particular type of alien? A mutated human? Voldemort? Why do you explain Lira’s whole deal for three paragraphs and then just go “meh, he’s got a weird nose” for this dude? You couldn’t even just throw in a random collection of letters and pretend it’s the name of a type of alien? 
Effort who?
But what is this “interesting move?”
“We aren’t able to catch up to them, as we’d previously hoped.”
Their “interesting move” is ... outrunning them? Like I know what the “interesting move” is, but the way it’s written is so stupid and makes no sense. Who would say this? Dex asks the guy specifically to “use his words” to explain their “interesthing move,” and all he gets is “shit shit we can’t catch up.”
Seriously, who edited this?
Update: Someone edited this as best they could, I guess, because his reply has been changed to “It seems they’re charting a course for the asteroid belt.” 
Does this change anything? No.
The boy asks for orders and Dex tells him to fuck off.
“The rest of you,” Dex said, unbuckling his harness and standing up from his seat, voice rising to a roar, “will catch me that fiking damned ship!”
The glory of his rage was lost in another explosion.
I suspect the glory of his rage was lost some time before that.
Can we just take a moment to go over the dialogue here?
Boy: They’re making an interesting move!
Dex: What’s the move?
Boy: We can’t catch up to them like we hoped! They’re heading towards the asteroid belt!
Dex: I KNEW IT!!
Boy: What should we do?
That was a nonversation. Who put Dex in charge? Is he the Captain of Redundant Orders? He was literally told that they aren’t able to catch up and need to rethink their strategy, and he’s like CATCH ME THAT SHIP.
One of their engines gets fucked.
Dex tumbled into the metal siding, his anger tumbling with him.
Multi-level tumbling.
Update: This has been changed to: Dex’s temper rose as he unclasped his harness and toppled against the metal siding.
Why did he unclasp his harness twice? Or is there a difference between unbuckling and unclasping?
Dex thinks it’s time to take matters into his own ... claws?
Dex squeezed his fists. The pilot flinched back as a triangular blade sprung out of each of Dex’s gloves, just over his knuckles. “Move the fike over.”
Or he’ll scratch you to death with his kittycat claws.
Update: Dex squeezed his fists. The pilot flinched back as four crimson triangular blades sprung out of each of Dex’s gloves, just over his knuckles. “Move over.” 
I’m so fiking mad that they removed fike, so I’ve decided to bring it the fike back, just like we all fiking deserve.
And obviously one blade isn’t enough, you gotta have FOUR, and they gotta be CRIMSON, like the BLOOD OF HIS ENEMIES. How else will you communicate that he’s HARDCORE. 
He could hear commotion in the background, the sound of the pilot’s whining voice as he phoned Cyprian, a glorious tattle-tale.
Yet another Smaas-ism. And this sentence is a trainwreck.
Update: He could hear a commotion in the background, the sound of the pilot’s whining voice as he commed the general. Pathetic tattletale.
Did Shinsay read my first snark or what? So many of my favorite bits have been changed and I hate it.
“You were right,” [the co-pilot] said. “They’re heading for the Asteroid Belt.”
Of course I’m right, Dex wanted to say. Androma always runs until she finds a place to hide.
Damn that wily Androma, always running when she doesn’t want to get caught and hiding when she doesn’t want to be found! Only she could come up with such outside-the-box, wild card strategies!
Update: The copilot, a man covered in purple spikes, stared at Dex openmouthed. “You were right,” he said, his massive canines visible. “They’re heading for Gollanta.”
Shinsay, are you gonna explain your random aliens or what?
Dex sets up a trap for the Marauder in the asteroid belt and we end on this:
Androma was good at what she did. But so was Dex. 
And besides, a prodigy protégée could only outrun her master for so long.
Androma has literally nothing to do with the ship moving too fast for them to catch, but ok, whatever.
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ryodan · 7 years
favorite blogs to recommend? (naruto)
oOooO boy, will this be a doozy. Settle down this will be a LIST (in no specific order) (I shouldnt be making lists actually since i like a LOOOOOOT of people and not all of them are mentioned here) (I’ll probably keep updating this every 2 seconds watch out)
- @laetia a pro team 7 sasuke stan, enough said. (I think they have my favourite sasuke tag and thats saying something because im very very very picky) (id be hard pressed to do this but possibly, possibly my favourite on this list)
- @asiantwinkies she is so sweet, one of the 2 people ive ever initiated a conversation with on here purely because shes a good bean. cute art but check her ships so you dont get hurt.
- @madara-fate he is all ship positive and his posts are great and always backed up by many facts. I dont exactly agree with every little thing he says, but I hold his opinions in high regard
- @borutopng also all ship positive so an all round positive feed, great mutual too
- @aymaabdullahmalik shes great too..i like her opinions (usually all ship positive) and she posts good art
- @saradacchi she is a good friend of mine and i love her buT most importantly she is the person behind the the icon i always get asked about, her art is adorable check her out
- @sasusakuonly speaking of art, here is a good ss only art blog. @ss-is-beautiful is also great SS blog. For Sakura goodness and sasusaku stuff @dreaming-of-tokyo is great
- annalovesfiction (i think thats her blog name) this person has me blocked for whatever reason but her blog has really good edits and she is all ship positive if you are looking for a positive feed
- @prism17 great blog for reblogs
- @unstable-viper great blog for reblogs
- @sharinghoe positive feed thats good to reblog from, funny as heck!!! i always stalk their tags and am like wow i should talk to this person then i forget then i stalk them again and am like wow i should really-hmu pal u have a great sasuke tag im
- @suna-yodo great to reblog from
- @medicalninja and  @kunoichisakurah  @kakashiskunoichi @gabzilla-z are goodie blogs
- @daily-dattebayo and @dailynaruto @incorrectnarutoquotess good for what their blog titles suggest
- @shiroiraiha great 4 reblogs
- @sanguwin @sanjism @reimz @seiihun ( i think thats their name would be awkward if it isnt) great great blogs wow i cannot emphasize how great
- @illuminatipug and @julccian both great for reblogs, both pretty positive feeds, both great to have as mutuals
- @ichisasu @kyoandyuya @pain-somnia great to reblog from, great to have as mutuals
- @sage-ninja-of-the-hidden-leaf he is probably one of my fav members of the naruto fandom, great fully positive feed, the nicest opinions, great pal of mine..all kunoichi positive, all ship and character positive– just an all round great guy and the first person ive ever initiated a conversation with because i was that impressed
- @shannaro-kamo @cornelia1992 @hope2findthelight @percabeth5599 good folk with good blogs and good opinions
- @fuckyeahuchiha ik im biased since im a mod on it but u kno
- @gangbangedbyteam7 my problematic fav, she is a real good friend of mine( the worst influence ive had only after that girl who talked me into stealing a watch in the 3rd grade) pro team 7 naruto uzumaki stan..she has very vocal opinions so make sure you know them before you follow her lol (she is super open minded tho so she doesnt bite as much as you think she does) also follow @lalody if she is your cup of tea but she is not as naruto intensive anymore since she moved on to bigger things (sormik lmao)
- @jeruk-lemon a lot of harry potter, a lot of naruto..so, good stuff
- @its-naruto-universe  @veenia great blogs love them lots
- @chienakamura is my actual senpai i loVEd her blog 4 the longest time and now we are mutuals and friends if that isnt goals idk what is
- @amitds he will snatch ur wig dont try him,,best pro sakura blog imo
- @thelittlechook shes iconic
- @uchihaharunoss @cakebake @misssarahdoll  @nataliebgdh @xinpaii @theseventhpain  great folk
- @raikis (inactive but GREAT) @chidori-senbon @prosasuke @seiikas @lonelywolf1754 @the-sasuke-sama @moonsuke (good sasuke opinions but fair warning they only ship IS and SNS while being critical of both) @sasukeuchiha-eternalmangekyou  (very very positive sasuke blog i love their blog a lot) @unfamiliarworld @uchihasasukes @uchihasasukerules @narutorememberance @team7fangirl (very positive feed!!) @lawlu (one of my favs tbh) blogs 4thewin!! i have a lot more but that requires a fully different list. @tobiasjc great gifs and amazing Manga caps
also like um i have a great sasuke tag so stalk my ‘sinnamon roll’ tag 4 good wank
(For SS art and naruto art in general i like a lot of blogs so thats also a different list if youd like it)
For my other team 7 ships i usually dont follow blogs (just stalk the tags and reblog) since they tend to be very negative but i like @uzumakura (ns and ks and ms) @fineillsignup (multi shipping translates good doujinshis) @narusakufactory @mister-kh who like blocked me for some reason but i still like their blog lmao they are a ks shipper @narutolesbians @darth-sakura. All these folk hate or are critical of sasuke/ ss btw and are pretty vocal about it so know what you are signing up for. @it-started-over-sasunaru , @snskings @snscomix @asksasunaru are alll great sns blogs that are more sns positive than other ships negative which is really refreshing and great (i could also make an entire different list of really good team 7 ship blogs to follow if you’d like since there is a lot more where that came from)
- @sakura-uchiha-uzumaki great taste tbh..great taste
I like a hella lot more blogs but I think this a good selection since if you follow these people you’ll have the rest of the folk that are worth a follow on your dash you kno,, also 4 good memes that are unrelated to naruto follow my good irl friend @snipurrr -this is just me promoing her since her blog will make you laugh so hard you’ll almost forget the inconsistencies in the plot of naruto 
Have fun!!! Blog safely. 
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