#have i told yous about. how every single lucy dacus song was About Her ….. and how the girl i pretended was her called lucy MID ???????
badnew2005 · 1 year
i am not a person i am the sound system in the macdennis kitchen/living room playing lucy dacus Just a bit too loud . mac is out Slutting it up (good for him!!!) . dennis is crying in his room with the door locked.
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belladonnafey · 5 months
9 Favourite Albums tag game :)
(or EPs. this is for fun.)
tagged by @mortalfollies
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[ID: a 3X3 grid of 9 album covers. the albums listed, from left to right and top to bottom, are: Puberty 2 by Mitski, Little Oblivions by Julien Baker, Preacher’s Daughter by Ethel Cain, Lungs by Florence and The Machine, The Fool in Her Wedding Gown by The Crane Wives, Home Video by Lucy Dacus, Historian by Lucy Dacus, Folie á Deux by Fall Out Boy, and Be The Cowboy by Mitski. END ID.]
Puberty 2-Mitski:
“not happy or sad, just up or down- and always bad”
This is probably my favorite album of all time. 100% no skips, and the music on it is really soothing to me.
Favorite song: Fireworks
Current obsession: Thursday Girl
Little Oblivions-Julien Baker:
“‘cause if I didn’t have a mean bone in my body, I’d find some other way to cause you pain”
This is an album that took me ages to actually get into, but it hits so hard. This is an album that often needs my full attention while somehow also being a “scream in the car with your windows down” album at the same time
Favorite song: Relative Fiction
Current obsessions: Favor and Song in E
Preacher’s Daughter- Ethel Cain
“If I’m turning in your stomach and I’m making you feel sick”
Ethel Cain is single-handedly bringing back the lost art of the concept album. If you can sell me on giving your album a spoiler warning before i talk about it then you’ve won
Favorite song: Strangers
Current obsession: Hard Times
Lungs- Florence and The Machine
“there is love in your body but you can’t hold it in, it pours from your eyes and spills from your skin”
This is kind of just a stand in for how much I love Florence in general but this album is just so, so good.
Favorite song: Hardest of Hearts
Current obsession: Rabbit Heart
The Fool in Her Wedding Gown- The Crane Wives
“I will love you like the ashes in my cigarette box”
This is another album representing the whole band, but this specific album is 100% no skip for me.
Favorite song: Shallow River
Current obsession: Strangler Fig
Home Video- Lucy Dacus
“heat wave by midday, heat lightning on a summer night”
this album genuinely changed my life
Favorite song: First Time
Historian- Lucy Dacus
“You don’t deserve what you don’t respect, don’t deserve what you say you love and then neglect”
This album has me screaming along to 7+ minute songs. It’s incredible.
Favorite song: Next of Kin
Folie á Deux- Fall Out Boy
“I don’t just want to be a footnote in someone else’s happiness”
This album is on the list specifically because of how good it is as a cohesive album. It’s spectacular and has been one of my favorites for almost 10 years
I don’t have a specific favorite. every song on this album fucks pretty much equally
Be the Cowboy- Mitski
“It’s just that I fell in love with a war, and nobody told me it ended”
you all already know what’s up.
Favorite song: A Pearl
Current obsession: also A Pearl
Honorable Mention: Hozier by Hozier, Electra Heart by MARINA, SAWAYAMA by Rina Sawayama, Boygenius by Boygenius, Valentine by Snail Mail
Tagging: @justconstantly @myladyvesta @soupyzoupy @cyber-feline @classicsnerd @amusedmuralist @theurbanspaceboi @a-dux and anyone else!!
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racingtoaredlight · 1 year
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I have found myself crying in public multiple times this summer, standing next to strangers who were also crying in public. I do not mean to suggest we were welling up or misty-eyed or otherwise feeling our feelings with some kind of dignity. We were not. We were properly crying, the sniffling and sobbing type, absolutely overwhelmed with joy.
I've cried after listening to music. Mahler's 9th is a piece that I think every person who loves music will be sobbing at by the end...it's essentially an epic musical poem about the composer's own death. Steely Dan's "Charlie Freak" is a song about reuniting with a friend who's a junkie, and who goes on to sell his last remaining possession for the fix that'll kill him. That shit hits deep.
Lets see what the author's referring to.
All of these tearful gatherings have been concerts. I wept when Taylor Swift played “The Archer” at her Eras Tour in a 60,000-person stadium. I bawled my eyes out when Joni Mitchell took the stage at the Gorge Amphitheater in Washington State for her first announced concert in more than two decades, as the sun set behind a venue overlooking the Columbia River. I was overcome again watching a fan cry-sing into Phoebe Bridgers’ shoulder onstage during a boygenius show.
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Perhaps you’ve experienced this yourself, or seen evidence of it on your social media feeds: the videos, for example, of teary-eyed crowds with hands on their hearts as Ms. Swift sings, “It’s been a long time coming.” The Eras Tour, her first tour since 2018 and a sprawling, three-hour spectacle highlighting a 44-song set list, is simply the biggest and most extravagant of the summer’s great attractions. Beyoncé and Drake are also touring, each after a five-year hiatus. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band are back on the road for the first time since 2017. The Cure is touring. Ed Sheeran is touring. Luke Combs, with his hit cover of Tracy Chapman’s “Fast Car,” is touring. Morgan Wallen, with his No. 1 album, is touring. Boygenius, the supergroup that comprises the singer-songwriters Julien Baker, Lucy Dacus and Phoebe Bridgers, is touring. The only disappointment of the summer for fans so far is that Madonna’s long-anticipated Celebration Tour, a career retrospective, was postponed because of a last-minute health crisis. (It’s now scheduled to start in Europe in October.)
This is a rundown of the absolute shittiest pop music that exists.
I read this and I immediately think "I bet this guy jacks off to how many Twitter followers he has." This is why gatekeepers exist. Because if you don't have some socially retarded asshole doing this...
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...then you get the legitimate retards running roughshod over the entire artistic landscape.
I can...and have...given you reason after reason after reason why Beyonce is not a good singer in any way, and at this point in her career is almost entirely reliant on studio tricks to make her music passable. Can you give me a reason not tied to popularity for why her music is good?
Likely not. And why is this important? Lets keep reading because, no, there obviously won't be something that gives spencer a heart attack in the next quote...
Back in March, a Live Nation executive told Bloomberg that his company was seeing “incredible demand” for live music — which now seems almost comically understated. Ms. Swift’s tour alone is on pace to earn over a billion dollars...
I know we don't live in a just world. In a just world, Taylor Swift would've been thoroughly ignored at an open mic night in Duluth, would get married, have a few kids, pop a few SSRI's per day, and her cheap guitar would collect dust.
Instead A SINGLE TOUR is on pace to earn over a billion dollars.
One tour. A billion dollars.
I like to use the Cleveland Orchestra's annual budget as a good barometer because...a) they're a top 10 world orchestra, and b) it's nice and neat around $50mm per year. For the whole orchestra...musicians, staff, travel expenses, real estate expenses, taxes, all that shit.
This one tour of a chick that wouldn't know what a secondary dominant was if you pointed it out in a theory book is EARNING TWENTY YEARS OF THE CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA'S EXISTENCE IN A SINGLE YEAR'S TOUR.
Spare me your bullshit about popularity and "listening to classical music doesn't get you laid" like you're all hitting the clubs and grinding up. She makes shit music, and fuckers around the goddamned world are lining up for it.
When a fire loses oxygen, it's gone. Money is oxygen.
Of course, part of the reason for these record-breaking grosses is record-breaking ticket prices. While the average ticket price for the Bruce Springsteen tour is an already hefty $250, thanks to so-called dynamic pricing, tickets have been on sale for as much as $5,000. And audiences — at least those who are able — seem willing to pay the extraordinary tab. No doubt fueled by the relative scarcity of big-name acts over several years, the concert has now achieved a new status. It’s no longer a casual entertainment decision, like a movie or a baseball game, to fill a summer evening. Instead, it’s more like a summer vacation: something you plan for, save for and splurge on, chasing the promise of a lifelong transcendent memory.
Idiots spend lots of money on stupid shit. Movie at 11.
With prices and expectations this high, performers understand it’s not enough to come onstage and sing a few songs. You have to be spectacular. Beyoncé’s tour this summer boasts a giant metallic tank and robot arms, and Ms. Swift’s set is like a traveling Vegas production.
I.e. things that are not music.
You know who doesn't need shit like robot arms and fireworks and bullshit like this? Musicians who are good at music.
Oh, and lets be doubly honest...people aren't going to see the music, they're going for social status. This Dead and Company shit might as well be renamed Dead and Cosplay...because anyone who was around during their heyday looks at whats going on now with fucking disgust.
Those with the means who are persistent and lucky enough might just snag a ticket. For everyone else, there’s social media — and there’s been plenty this summer for online audiences to enjoy. TikTok exploded in popularity when everyone was confined indoors, so this is the first summer when TikTok’s viral potential has fully collided with an abundance of live music events. The prospect of thousands of cameras fixed on a performer’s micro-expressions transforms each show into a potential melodrama — and buoys the possibility that it might be interrupted by a rowdy onlooker. Online you can watch Pink’s puzzled reaction when someone apparently throws their parent’s ashes onstage, or the time a fan threw a vape to Drake onstage, presumably hoping he might smoke it. Another concertgoer foolishly threw a drink on Cardi B — who threw the mic right back.
Idiots being the center of attention is the theme of this post, so why should we be surprised when it happens? The bolded part is what I want to focus on though.
Here's a news segment with the unedited video of the incident. Start at 0:08.
Now here's the thing...I grew up in an era where Milli Vanilli were absolutely ripped to shreds because of their lip syncing incident. Same with Ashlee Simpson on SNL.
In a few short years, a performer can THROW HER MIC WHILE HER VOCAL TRACK CONTINUES TO PLAY, and nobody will say a goddamned thing about it. That's how far we've fallen. That's how low our fucking standards have become. We can't even be bothered to ask our MUSICIANS to actually MUSIC anymore...it's all about the fucking spectacle. The show. The bullshit.
The fact that this isn't still being talked about on Twitter as one of the biggest musical scandals of recent vintage is beyond me. Forget the trash behavior from Cardi B...that's not what pisses me off...it's the fact that she can't even pull off the easiest possible shit in the world live, and nobody cares.
Perhaps chasing a social media moment, artists are getting interactive with the crowds: Everyone from Harry Styles to Shania Twain is willing to lend a hand with gender reveals and coming-out announcements. Swifties have turned the Eras Tour into a must-watch drama, as the extremely online fandom has developed rituals around show nights, including “surprise song o’clock,” the point in the show where Ms. Swift plays two songs acoustically that are not on the original set list. Online fans tune in to hundreds of live streams of surprise song o’clock on TikTok and Instagram, temporarily joining the crowds to revel.
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All the available online theatricality hasn’t kept people away from big tours, though — if anything, it seems to have upped the urgency of attending in person. It’s not just a concert anymore, it’s the chance to witness a viral moment that everyone will be talking about online. You might even be the one to post it.
Why in the fuck would you encourage this type of shit?
Or, as I’ve experienced on multiple occasions, it’s a chance to step outside of life and feel overwhelmed in the best possible way. For all the extravagance of this year’s tours, I think our concert summer is being powered by a simpler idea: a reminder of just how good it feels to be in the presence of one another once again. At Ms. Swift’s concerts, fans bring dozens of friendship bracelets to exchange. Before the boygenius show, a fan created a TikTok group to help coordinate a secret project to surprise the band with a rainbow light display for Pride.
What the fuck have we become?
Halfway through the set at the Joni Mitchell concert, thousands of people turned their cellphone lights on while swaying to “Shine,” to create a moment that’s become familiar to anyone who has regularly attended concerts in recent years. But Mitchell, who has rarely performed since the ubiquity of cellphones, was deeply moved. “You’re stardust, and golden,” she told the audience (paraphrasing her song “Woodstock”). “You look like a fallen constellation.” Behind me, one woman remarked to her friend, “How can I ever take this cellphone light thing for granted ever again?” Her friend replied, in a tearful voice, “Honestly, how can we ever take any of this for granted ever again?”
"How can we take any of this for granted ever again?"
You likely live in a decent cized city or town or whatever. There are probably local musicians in this city that kick ass and put on an awesome show. Have you seen any of those musicians?
Likely not on any sustainable level, based on who I've been networking with. Because the local music scenes in just about every city...including cities like Austin and Nashville and NYC and SF...are smoldering shells of what they used to be. Wanna know why?
Because they've been taken for granted.
You know why shitty piped in music has replaced professional musicians at resataurants, clubs, etc? Because they've been taken for granted. You know why there fewer and fewer bars that have live music? Because they've been taken for granted. You know DJ's have replaced bands at weddings? Because they've been taken for granted. You know why there aren't any bands in your city playing original music anymore? Because they've been taken for granted. You know why orchestras across the globe are shuttering because of lack of funds? Because they've been taken for granted. You know why jazz is dead? Well that's jazz's fault, because it took itself for granted.
For "cellphone light things."
Look at the meme that festival posters have become in the comments. It's always "make fun of the two headlining acts, say 'who?' for everyone else." And I'm not saying this as it's a tired joke or it isn't funny...just that how many fucking festivals have we done this for in the past year?!?
What we're watching is the process of rot and decay. I certainly don't find it funny, but I was raised in a cynical household and have felt this way about popular music going back to grade school.
Wait...you know what? Lets shift gears abrupty and take a look at some other Joni Mitchell Quotes real quick...
“I heard someone from the music business saying they are no longer looking for talent, they want people with a certain look and a willingness to cooperate.”
“My heart is broken in the face of the stupidity of my species.”
“This is a nation that has lost the ability to be self-critical, and that makes a lie out of the freedoms.”
That last one...damn...that could have replaced my entire screed.
I'm just so sick and tired of this fucking bullshit.
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