#have some orange joe and a new basketball
yumiiyummech · 2 months
Wendy! Thoughts on all your friends??
oh, okay!
Well…um, let’s start with HERO! He’s very understanding and mature. I think that HERO holds a lot of care for me and everyone else. Though he isn’t around as much anymore, I can tell he pays close attention to everyone he cares about with a smile. Though, a part of me wishes he could be totally true with his emotions. I think whenever he sees me, I bring back melancholic memories for him, but he never outwardly shows it. He’s the big brother that some of us don’t have. He is considerate of his family. Oh! And he cooks amazing meals, as always.
I guess next up is KEL! KEL is passionate all the time! He’s still a little silly sometimes but even I can tell he’s matured a little. He seems to cling onto the past a lot. Not in a bad way of course! It’s just that.. it doesnt seem like he’s changed all that much. He still likes basketball and Orange Joe. He’s headstrong and always voicing his opinions, even if it’s gaining the wrong attention. The only things that really changed are his voice and height. He’s suuuuuuuper tall! I think it’s amazing how he’s held up. And the fact that he literally knows everybody in FARAWAY TOWN. Even despite everything, he still wants to keep and touch and I’m very happy about that. I hope he’s not overdoing it..
AUBREY? I miss AUBREY. I mean, I do see her from time to time but… Anyways, although you might disagree, I think at least underneath, AUBREY hasn’t changed much either. I’m uncomfortable with the fact that she’s become more violent over the past few years and it makes me really sad. But, I know where it comes from. I know that she’s angry at everyone. I can’t help but feel guilty, even though I do try to talk to her from time to time. We used to be really close but now she seems content with avoiding the rest of us and finding comfort in her new friends who has been there for her. I really wished she’d talk to me. Like old times, instead of bottling it up. I know she doesn’t hate me, or any of us for that matter. But sometimes, I feel like she does.
SUNNY! My thoughts about SUNNY has relatively been the same. He’s quiet and he doesn’t voice his thoughts almost at all. We communicate without words sometimes. His guilt is my guilt. It haunts me all the same. I still care for him and love him as a friend. I just wish he would get better. …
Last but not least! BASIL! BASIL is very gentle and loving. It’s very evident whenever I visit him that he still takes care of his flowers. Sometimes I think he’s clingy too. But if I’m to be honest, I’m scared. I’m worried about him. I notice unstable moments in him. Like he’s about to spiral sometimes. In a way, him are I are similar. I would like to hope he enjoys my company considering the things we’ve been through. In my personal opinion, I think he’s been a little too hard on himself. I hope he knows that I’m there for him whenever. No matter what happens. I think it’s a little heartwarming that he wants me around.
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3rd General Reference Post
(sorry if I reblog, it's only to keep from losing this to the sands of time! Also anyone's free to reblog or save this as is the mode on Tumblr Dot Com. Links go to my blog because it's the best, easy way I have to make sure I don't lose posts to deletion.)
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omori-brainrot · 3 years
The Only One Left
tws: suicide, emetophobia, self-harm, death, grief, alcohol mentions
After the worst neutral ending, Aubrey and Kel soon follow Mari, Basil, and Sunny. Hero is the only one left, and he’s struggling to live with that. But at least his college friends are there when he needs it most.
I’m so sorry but this barged into my brain and wouldn’t leave until it was written and posted.
When Hero goes back to school after the funeral, he hangs one of Kel’s old jerseys on the knob of his dorm-room closet. He needs something to remember his brother by, something to make him feel like he’s not alone. Of course, he’s not really alone. He’s still an underclassman, so he shares his room with Josh.
He’d gotten lucky with his roommate: they’d managed to reach the storybook ideal of not only getting along, but becoming friends. Still. He wished there was no one around to see him cry for hours over the jersey, to see him start favoring the snooze button over his morning classes, to see him sink deeper into himself until he was sure he’d never surface.
Josh had been good-natured about it, at least. He never pointed out the cutting classes when Hero despaired about his grades after the fact, and when Hero couldn’t bring himself to stop sobbing when Josh needed to study, he just put on headphones or went to the library without a single complaint or sign of annoyance.
Hero wonders if Josh knows how close he feels to dying too.
How everyday feels like tar is pulsing through his body, getting caught in his organs and weighing him down until it feels like he’ll never breathe again.
He tells himself that if he joined his old friends, he’d be inflicting the same pain he lived with everyday onto his college friends. That if he were gone, their lives would be shattered instead of his.
Get over yourself. They don’t care that much. They don’t even know you. You only met a year and a half ago. They were fine without you before then. And besides, you’re not the best company anyway. You weren’t there though to stop Mari from hanging herself. You couldn't see the signs. You weren’t there enough to stop Sunny and Basil from stabbing themselves the night before Sunny was supposed to get a new start. You should have reached out earlier. You weren’t there enough to keep Aubrey from getting into that stupid drunk accident. You knew she was drinking too much and too often in an attempt to make her world bearable, you should have done something. You couldn’t stop Kel from poisoning himself with all those chemicals in the bathroom. You knew how hard it was for him to open up about negative emotions without being prompted, and you knew he was so alone after everyone else left. You should have come back from college more often. Why would anyone still want to be friends with you? Why would anyone care if someone like you was gone?
When thinking about his new friends doesn’t work, he reminds himself of his parents. They’d already lost one child. They’d be devastated to lose another. He couldn’t do that to them.
It doesn’t matter. They’re disappointed in you anyway. They see your falling grades and talk about how you shouldn’t give up on your dreams just because of what happened to Kel. They don’t understand that your only dream now is to make this constant pain stop. Besides, what does it matter if this hurts them? They should have been there for Kel when you were gone. As soon as you think that, you feel terrible. Which only makes you want to hurt yourself more.
Still, something makes him want to keep trying for a little while longer. Whatever it takes.
Which is how he ends up sitting over the trash can, taking a flimsy plastic dining hall knife to his arms.
If he wants to hurt himself but doesn’t want to die, this is the best he can do. Besides, it’s a little past midnight after a Friday, so Josh is attending whatever gatherings a non-imploding person attends on a Friday night.
Hero supposes that he should feel worse that things have come to this. But with every sting he only feels relief, even when he presses hard enough for the knife to draw shallow lines of blood.
For once, he’s barely thinking about anything else. Even with the jersey casting a shadow at the corner of his eye. He could get used to this sense of mindless pain.
When the door swings open and the light flicks on at a much earlier time than expected, his first response is to flinch back. It’s a second too late when it occurs to him that she should be rolling his sleeves back down.
Josh runs over, gently grabbing his arms and keeping him from doing so. “Wait. Wait.” He inspects the wounds for a moment. Looking worried, yet relieved that the injuries aren’t serious, he locks eyes with Hero. “Are you okay?” Hero opens his mouth, searching for an answer, but Josh continues. “Wait, you don’t have to answer that. That was a dumb question. Of course you’re not.”
“Yeah.” Hero says under his breath. He averts his eyes to the side of Josh’s head. He should have been more careful. What kind of person gets caught their first time self-harming? No wonder he’s so useless.
“If you let me take the knife with me, I can get some wet paper towels from the bathroom to help you clean up.” Josh holds out his hand, eyebrows creased in concern but eyes wide with expectation. Hero hands the knife over, ignoring the pang of reluctance to stop.
Josh races out of the room, and Hero takes a moment to look at his own cuts. He’s surprised at how many there are. He’d stopped paying attention while he was doing it. However, none of them look very bad, with the worst only bleeding very lightly.
Josh comes back faster than Hero expected, and diligently gets to work pressing the paper towels to the bleeding cuts. Hero winces a little at the sting, but he doesn’t mind this. It reminds him of when he was a child and his mother would clean up his scrapes. He realizes with a jolt that he doesn’t want to go back to hurting himself tonight.
“I hope you don’t mind me prying, but does this have anything to do with what you were telling me a couple months ago?”
“About—” Hero swallows thickly. He can’t bring himself to clarify. Besides, what could Josh be referring to besides Kel’s death? “Yeah.” His voice comes out strained.
“I’m sorry.” They sit in silence for a moment. “Hey, would it make it better or worse if I got Michelle and Dennis? We could get ice cream and you could tell us about your brother. Dennis said that helped when his aunt died.”
He was sure he’d want to say no—heck, he couldn’t bring himself to go to his favorite classes easily. But ice cream sounded nice, and he’d never noticed it before, but he was aching for someone to talk to. There was only one issue.
“Isn’t it almost one a.m.?”
Josh waved a hand dismissively. “That’s no problem if you want to go. I know a great all-night diner.”
That’s how he ended up in a nearly empty Denny’s with a few casual friends.
“Of course he’d refer to Denny’s as ‘a great all-night diner’.” Michelle dips a fry in her chocolate milkshake. Hero smiles slightly at her, eating a spoonful of his hot fudge sundae. The coldness of the ice cream is soothing, and he feels just a little bit better.
“Yeah, Josh, did you think Hero’s never heard of Denny’s before?”
“Hey, you’re not one to criticize me here. We came here for ice cream and you got pancakes.” Josh’s voice is light with playful teasing.
“So? They’re dessert pancakes. And there’s a scoop of ice cream on them.” Dennis gestures to the scoop with a flourish. “What does that have to do with you treating Denny’s like some obscure local mystery, anyway?”
Hero laughs a little. It feels unfamiliar and distant, but at the same time, somehow… right. He’s glad to not be alone tonight. Josh smiles with him. His eyes are still tinged with worry, but he’d reassured Hero on the drive here that none of the others had been told about the self-harm.
“So, Josh said we’re here because you had something to get off your mind?” Michelle looks at him, her worry less intense but still noticeable, like the mechanical whirring of a fridge in the background.
“Yeah.” He cleared his throat, poking at his sundae. How could he even begin to say what was wrong? Hero figured he should just start with the part that had been hurting him the most in the past months. “I don’t know if you remember my brother’s funeral a while ago, but…”
“You miss him?” Her voice is soft, gentle.
He nods, tears burning in his eyes.
“What was he like?”
Hero takes a rattling breath. “He really liked basketball. He played it every day after school. I don’t think he was all that close with anyone on his team, but he liked playing it a lot.”
“Is the jersey on your closet his team jersey?” Josh glances at him.
He shakes his head. “No, he just bought that one at the store. Sports clothes were like his default uniform, whether he had practice or not.”
Dennis nods slightly. “I’ve known people like that. I think they just practice so much it’s not worth changing clothes.”
A small smile tugs at Hero’s lips. “Yep, that sounds like Kel. Always on the move.” He glances across the restaurant at another one of the late-night patrons, someone about his age drinking a cup of coffee. “Honestly, I bet part of it was all the caffeine .” Hero wrinkles his nose, a strange mixture of affection and loss nested in the hollowness of his chest. “He drank an unnatural amount of Orange Joe.”
“I didn’t know anyone actually drank that.” Michelle takes a long sip of her milkshake.
“Small base of loyal customers, I guess.” A memory drifts into Hero’s mind, and for once he doesn’t push it away. “I can’t believe he kept drinking it after that hot dog competition. He won, but he drank so much Orange Joe afterwards that he threw up before we left the fair. He always said it was worth it, though.”
Michelle shakes her head. “Siblings.”
For a moment, Hero is reminded of a dozen other conversations he’s had about Kel. He’d tell his grade school classmates about a recent squabble, or something funny Kel did, and that’s what they’d say.
Then the stark contrast of reality hits him. This isn’t a petty fight that will be resolved in a few hours, or a story where nothing serious is wrong. He’s up at one am having this conversation because Kel is gone, because Kel will never win another game, will never drink more unhealthy quantities of soda, will never even graduate high school. He’s here because Kel was found dead on the bathroom floor, next to an emptied bottle of cleaning fluid, and Hero hadn’t done enough to stop him.
He puts his spoon down and lays his head in his arms. Everything feels so heavy. “I should have been there.”
“It wasn’t your fault—” Josh starts, but Hero doesn’t let him finish.
“Yes, it was!” A few of the other late-night patrons glance at their table, and he realizes he said that much louder than he meant to. Taking a shuddering breath, he continues more quietly. “I should have been there. I could have taken more time off school, he was more important than a few stupid assignments. I…” he has to stop to take another uneven breath. His voice is shaky, and he’s not sure how much longer he can speak before he dissolves into sobs, so he talks faster. “I knew he was having a hard time, and I don’t think anyone else could tell because he just acted like he was fine. If I had been there…” He breaks. The crying he was holding back can’t be contained any longer. His shoulders shake and his throat burns. He doesn’t even care if the other people in the diner are staring. Through a blur of tears, he can see his friends looking at him with concern, waiting for him to get it all out.
When he catches his breath, he forces himself to keep talking. He feels like he has to get this out, no matter how much it hurts, no matter if he has to look away from his friends to bear to say it. “He killed himself. And I wasn’t there.”
Michelle is the first to speak. “I’m so sorry…”
Josh puts a hand over his. “That’s horrible… I’m sorry you have to live with that.” He pulls his hand back. “You must feel horribly guilty, but I really don’t think it was your fault.”
“You… don’t?” God, he imagines he looks so pathetic right now.
“Yeah, I mean, you’re just a person. There’s only so much you could have done. You clearly loved him a lot, and I’m sure that meant a lot to him.”
“But it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t there enough.” Hero’s sure he sounds like a broken record, but it’s all he’s been able to think about in the months since Kel’s death.
“Dude, you can’t save everyone. You can’t hold yourself to that standard.” Dennis’s voice is gentle, encouraging.
Hero looks away again, fresh tears emerging. “If that was all it was, maybe I’d think you’re right. But it’s not the first time this has happened.” He picks up his spoon, smushing the unmelted parts of the ice cream as he speaks. “I looked it up and it’s called a suicide cluster, but everyone else in town just calls it a curse.” He wipes away the new tears. “It doesn’t matter what you call it, though. Everyone I’ve grown up with is gone.”
“Shit…” For once, Josh is at a loss for words.
Michelle shakes her head. “It’s still not your fault. The only person who’s life and mental health you’re personally responsible for is your own. The most any of us can do for anyone else is be there and hope that’s enough, but if it’s not, that’s not your fault.”
Josh seems to come back to himself. “Yeah, absolutely. I stand by what I said before, no matter how many people died, because the same logic applies each time.”
“Wow… thanks.” It hasn’t fully set in, and to be honest, he doesn’t fully believe it either, but hearing that someone else believes it makes him feel a little better. “I’m… I’m scared it will never stop. What if everyone I get close to just keeps dying?”
“I… don’t think that will happen.” Dennis shrugs. “I mean, no matter what your town says, you’re not cursed or anything. It won’t go on forever.”
“Yeah, I guess so. My brain just needs to catch up, I guess.”
“It will, eventually.”
Michelle tilts her head slightly to one side. “If you don’t mind me asking, who else did you lose? No pressure, don’t answer if it will make things worse.”
Hero shakes his head. “It’s fine, I came here to get things off my chest anyway.” He pauses for a moment. “Let’s see… first, there was my high school girlfriend. That was four years ago. Last summer, her younger brother and a boy we were friends with growing up died on the same night, and earlier this year, before what happened to Kel, another friend got into an accident.” He feels like he should be more emotional as he says it, but he just feels empty. Like he’ll never feel human again.
“That’s terrible… if you ever want to talk about any of them, I’d be glad to listen.”
“Thanks.” The missing emotion is already bubbling back up a bit, and he has to swallow back tears. “You know, I don’t think anyone’s really asked me about any of them before tonight.” He sighs. “I kind of wish they would, now. I really liked telling you guys about Kel.”
“He sounds like a great brother.”
Hero’s tears start falling again, but somehow it isn’t as bad as before. “Thanks, he was.”
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cristalconnors · 5 years
BEST SONGS of 2019
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20. “MOTIVATION”- Normani
“Why would we ever do something instead of falling into the bed right now?”
Watching the 2019 VMAs, it was easy to feel despondent about the current state of mainstream pop. And then Normani descended from a basketball hoop, breaking up a string of lifeless performances of cookie-cutter top 40 with a preposterously physical tour de force that harkened back to an era when pop fame felt like something closer to a meritocracy, when talent mattered more than spectacle. It felt like a major arrival: at last another pop goddess that truly had all the goods. The public may not have caught up to her quite yet, but “Motivation” is a statement of purpose for Normani: I’m here, I’m very fucking talented, and I’m not going anywhere.
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19. “SO HOT YOU’RE HURTING MY FEELINGS”- Caroline Polachek
“I cry on the dancefloor, it’s so embarrassing”
The charms of “So Hot You’re Hurting My Feelings” are seemingly endless. First, there’s that title that makes you chuckle the first few times you hear it. Then, there’s the pre-chorus that title is effortlessly plugged into: a crystal clear image of lovelorn insecurity placed atop a sublimely simple melody that builds into a harmonious, show-stopping chorus. But the song’s zenith has got to be that bridge, marrying a mind-bending, distorted vocal solo that more closely resembles electric guitar with the singsongy refrain “show me your banana,” effortlessly striking a balance between the highbrow and the silly, casting Polachek as the carefree pop diva she perhaps always should have been.
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18.“WAY TO THE SHOW”- Solange
“Candy paint down to the floor”
“I want it to bang and make your trunk rattle.” I think about that quote a lot when listening to “Way to the Show,” the grooviest track on When I Get Home- the one whose meandering funk bass line and countless key changes build to an explosion of synth runs and gun cocking, showcasing Knowles’s growth as both a songwriter and curator of mood as she crafts a singularly hallucinatory, heavenly vision of Houston and the sounds that raised her.
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“I’m a wonder boy. I can do nothing”
The back catalogue of notorious perfectionist and genreless chameleon Arthur Russell is so vast, so varied that even 27 years after he was taken from us, we’re still being treated to new material. Every single song of his that’s been released posthumously, including all 19 tracks of Iowa Dream, feel like their own revelation, each of them a uniquely dazzling bucking of all your expectations of what a song of his should sound like. “Wonder Boy” is unique in how tidily its melancholy, frosty images of impermanence sum up the tragic story of Arthur Russell the man- the brilliant artist who never found success and only ever managed to put out a single album while he was alive- the wonder boy who could do nothing.
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16. “I THINK OF SATURDAY”- Moodymann
“I called you on Thursday... I called you on Friday...”
“I Think of Saturday” starts simply enough, listing the days of the week almost as a gimmick, evoking soul and early rock filtered through a house lens, until halfway through the song when the beat drops away, introducing a brief sample of Joe Simon’s “With You in Mind” that’s followed by the reintroduction of the beat, but now accompanied by a recurring distorted, dissonant chord that reframes the song as a sinisterly rousing account of unrequited desire and delusion that refracts itself over and over again. 
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15. “SOFIA”- Clairo
“I think we could do it if we tried”
The opening bars of Clairo’s “Sofia” sound like a really good Strokes knock off, but the song quickly reveals itself to be something vastly more interesting, unfolding itself steadily over the course of three minutes as she and producer Rostam Batmanglij subvert well worn pop tropes to craft an exquisitely textured, soul-baring, and ultimately hopeful anthem for young wlw everywhere.
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14. “LARK”- Angel Olsen
“What about my dreams?”
Olsen’s widescreen, abstract vision of a break-up song is thrillingly unbound from the constrictions of song structure and narrative, favoring instead the visceral power of strings and drastic dynamic contrast to craft a symphony in miniature, a “journey through grief” as Olsen herself describes it, that announces the bold, panoramic vision of her fourth album.
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13. “WALK AWAY”- (Sandy) Alex G
“Someday I’m gonna walk away from you. Not today...”
“Walk Away” evokes the sense of being trapped, stuck in a cycle of recognizing unhealthy relationships or habits and being unable or unwilling to do anything about them, looping the simple two line refrain over and over and over again to weave a hopeless, woozy tapestry of crunching beats, acoustic and electric guitar, mournful piano and harpsichord, and distorted vocals.
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“That’s not how to love me!”
Björk isolates the most memorable line from Fever Ray’s “This Country”- “this country makes it hard to fuck!”-and explodes it, distorting it and stretching it across a fearsome sample of the droning, discordant flutes from “Song of the Alféreces and Dances of the Chinos,” evoking a kind of tortured funhouse mirror image of the current state of reproductive rights that rightly recasts Fever Ray’s song as a horror film.
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“I was just thinking about work the danefloor...”
“About Work the Dancefloor” is Georgia’s ode to the cathartic, restorative powers of the dancefloor, where your worries fall away as you melt into the crowd and language abstracts itself, as evidenced by that perplexing chorus that doesn’t seem to mean anything- and why should it? When you’re lost in her pounding bass and gurgling synths, that incoherence is strangely comforting. You can cast whatever meaning you want onto it and work through it physically, together. 
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10. “GONE”- Charli XCX & Christine and the Queens
“I try real hard, but I’m caught up by my insecurities”
The jelly squiggles that criss-cross Charli XCX and her collaborator’s faces on the artwork released for the singles from her latest album Charli suggest a kind of symbiosis, a cosmic intertwining of sorts. But only “Gone” achieves a true melding of the minds, where Charli and Chris’s best and boldest instincts collide, complimenting one another seamlessly in this dizzying vision of insecurity and isolation that unravels into a stunning pop abstraction. 
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09. “CELLOPHANE”- FKA twigs
“Why don’t I do it for you?”
Usually for FKA twigs, more is more. Her songs are busy, even the slower ones, packed to the brim with glitches, unusual rhythms, and a million little details that pull attention, giving them texture and making them extremely immersive listening experiences. “Cellophane” pares those idiosyncrasies back. They’re still there, but the focus is twigs’s voice, which bends and cracks and really emotes in a way we’ve never heard. Her voice is naked and unvarnished, allowing her to be truly vulnerable in a way we’ve never heard either, and it’s heartbreaking. 
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08. “CINNAMON GIRL”- Lana Del Rey
“If you hold me without hurting me, you’ll be the first who ever did.”
“Cinnamon Girl” is the culmination of every other ballad she’s ever written. They were practice and this is the real deal- a painterly missive on tumultuous love that reads like a pained confession whispered in confidence, something Lana’s always done well, but her composition has never been so exquisite or immersive, so beautifully in concert with her poetry or her velvet voice, or so flawlessly constructed, effortlessly building toward a show-stopping finale that asserts Lana as the postmodern princess of Americana.
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07. “COOKIE BUTTER”- Kim Gordon
“Cookie Butter” has got to be the most stunning showcase of the power of Kim Gordon’s voice, as she drags out some vowels, muffles others, attacks consonants and bends words until they don’t sound like words anymore, all atop a trance inducing beat drives towards the song’s unlikely climax- Kim Gordon saying “cookie butter” in the most impossibly distinct way you could imagine that carries the weight of an EDM drop, leading the track into it’s disorienting second half that both clarifies and obscures the half that came before it. Haunting and addictive. 
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06. “CATTAILS”- Big Thief
“You don’t need to know why when you cry.”
To hear Big Thief talk about the process of writing and recording “Cattails” on their episode of the Song Exploder podcast, one is struck by how organic it was. Adrianne Lenker describes it as a “magic wind” that swept through the studio, the song kind of falling out of them in one take. That sense of life comes through in the song, the simple, sublime repetition, bounce, and build of it sounding like a transmission from deep within the soul, a cosmic image of nostalgia and grief that is as cathartic as it is heavenly.
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05. “GOD CONTROL”- Madonna
“I think I understand why people get a gun.”
“God Control” is ostensibly about gun control, though you’d be forgiven if you had a hard time discerning what exactly she’s trying to say. Like some of her best work, it’s provocative and maybe a little empty, but damn if it isn’t supremely interesting and compelling as hell. Madonna taps into a sense of apocalyptic malaise and skepticism of authority that feels at times remarkably in tune with the public consciousness, at others a grotesque caricature of it, to uniformly fascinating results as she spins a deranged disco yarn that, once those swirling strings hit, is downright euphoric. 
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04. “GOLD TEETH”- Blood Orange, ft. Gangsta Boo, Project Pat, & Tinashe
“We gon’ rumble in this ho!”
Blood Orange takes Project Pat’s “Rinky Dink II/We’re Gonna Rumble” and explodes it, gifting it both playful levity and added depth with a rollicking beat minor chord synths respectively, effortlessly criss crossing Hynes’s many disparate strengths and interests in the most effortlessly rousing and joyful track in his entire ouevre, elevated by the powerhouse Three 6 Mafia reunion verses of Gangsta Boo and Project Pat himself.
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03. “INCAPABLE”- Róisín Murphy
“I don’t know if I can love, in all honesty.”
“Incapable,” Róisín Murphy’s virtuosic disco epic, stops time. That indelibly simple bass line loops over and over and over again until you’re lost in it, the song slowly building itself on top of it, adding claps here, hi hat there, rising towards a stunning sequence backed by whooshing synths where the song really comes alive, where an almost boastful breakup anthem morphs into a glamorously melancholy self-indictment in which she ponders that maybe it’s her there’s something wrong with, creating a dazzling dichotomy between the pitfalls of introspection and the bliss of the dancefloor.
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02. “MOVIES”- Weyes Blood
“The meaning of life doesn’t seem to shine like that screen.”
“Movies,” appropriately, plays out with a big screen gloss. Those arpeggiated synths feel like they’re slowly expanding as Natalie Mering coos atop them, wondering how if movies are fake, how come they’re more real than anything in real life? As the synths suddenly give way to frenzied strings, the song splits itself open, giving itself over wholly to the melodrama, the sweeping enormity of feeling that Mering so masterfully conjures as she longs for the vitality, the simple answers, and the meaningfulness of movies.
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01. “DO YOU LOVE HER NOW”- Jai Paul
“There’s a time for everything.”
On June 1, 2019, when I first read the news that Jai Paul had released new music, news so momentous it was accompanied by a red “breaking news” banner on Pitchfork’s home page, I immediately found my headphones and sequestered myself. I knew whatever I was about to listen to would require my undivided attention. Quite frankly, I was shocked it existed at all. After the notorious, devastating leak of his music in 2013, he’d exiled himself so thoroughly that it was easy to believe he was just gone forever. But here it was, the second coming- two (2!) new songs, effectively doubling the amount of  (completed) material he’s released in an official capacity. 
Pressing play, I was a little nervous that it wouldn’t live up to my expectations, that it might somehow diminish the work of his that I’d loved so much, that changed the way I think about pop and R&B. That didn’t end up being a problem. While “He” is excellent, “Do You Love Her Now” is maybe the most stunning piece of music he’s ever written. Billowing, moseying guitars provide the heartbeat for what starts as a straightforward, sublimely simple send up of 60′s and 70′s R&B. But this Jai Paul we’re talking about, and nothing he does is simple. Nuances and complexities creep out organically from the fabric of the song- synths whiz in and out, harmonies soar to the forefront of the soundscape seemingly out of nowhere and fall away just as suddenly, crafting an immersive, richly textured listening experience that is unpredictable, washing over you like a wave, building, cresting, and crashing over and over again. 
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sinsbymanka · 4 years
50 Questions You Have Never Been Asked
Tagged by @lostinfantasies38! Tagging - @tuffypelly, @corylion, @eranehn, @silvanils, @fandomn00blr, @odekiax, and whoever else wants in!
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
And immediately I have to reveal how high maintenance I am. I have four. They’re red, teal, and black and they’re all different no matter what my husband says. 
2. A food you never eat?
Tapioca - I’m allergic (which is a shame because BUBBLE TEA. It looks so fun!!) 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
Always cold - I struggle with pretty chronic iron deficiency so I’m an icicle. 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
I think I was eating Chinese food? 
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
Twix. Either side. 
6. Have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
I have been to far too many. The only ones I like are hockey (yay!) but I’ve been to Basketball and Baseball games. The last time I went to a basketball game, I read a novel on my phone. Husband was not amused. 
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
"Why are you like this?” - To the infamous watermelon head puppers as he put his whole damn noggin on my shoulder. 
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
Mint chocolate chip. 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Cream top tea from the Chinese restaurant
10. Do you like your wallet?
It’s the best wallet I’ve ever owned and I’ve had it for like four years. I refuse to get another one. 
11. What was the last thing you ate?
Cold sesame noodles and dumplings
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
I don’t think so but I’ve done a lot of online shopping, it’s all a blur. I just wait to see what shows up in the mail. 
13. The last sporting event you watched?
Does watching my husband play NBA 2K20 count? If no - then I think we went to a minor league hockey game in January or February? 
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
ALRIGHT. Bear with me. Pop your popcorn and then dump some hidden valley ranch dressing mix seasoning packets on it. BEST. THING. EVER. (I’ve been told you can buy ranch seasoning shakers for popcorn, but I’ve never tried them, I just use the seasoning packets) 
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to?
My Husband: “I love you too babe.” cause we’re sweet like that. 
16. Ever go camping?
Yes, I’m not a fan. I’m like a houseplant - I like the idea of outside but if you put me out there I will die.  
17. Do you take vitamins?
So many. 
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
Nope and I never will again. 
19. Do you have a tan?
Not currently, but I do tan! God bless whoever the swarthy skin tone came from. 
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Chinese food. 
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
No? What kind of monster does this on the regular? Don’t use straws unless you have to - it’s bad for the turtles. 
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
I dislike socks - I usually wear tights because I’m wearing skirts and dresses. 
23. Ever drive above the speed limit?
The better question: Do you ever drive below the speed limit? 
24. What terrifies you?
Many things. The biggest thing, lately, is that I’m not doing enough to get this world back on track and that I should be doing more. The time for discussion, negotiation, and bargaining for basic human rights is over. I want to smash windows, tear down institutions, and torch mansions. 
25. Look to your left what do you see? 
Watermelon head, just where he always is. 
26. What chore do you hate?
I hate the sound of the vacuum cleaner. Absolutely hate it. 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
Immediately of Steve Irwin. I watched a shit ton of animal planet as a child. 
28. What is your favorite soda?
I can’t drink soda very often because it makes be a bit ill - but I love coke. 
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through? 
I also can’t have fast food often because it me very ill. So when I do stop - it’s usually to satisfy my ever present french fry craving and I feel silly going in and ordering one thing. 
30. Who was the last person you talked to?
The chinese food delivery guy or watermelon head if he counts. 
31. Favorite cut of beef?
The other thing that makes me sick! I rarely eat beef, even when I cook it for my husband. The only thing I usually can’t resist is a mean sloppy joe or taco - so that would be ground beef done extra lean which probably doesn’t count. 
32. Last song you listened to?
This is Me - Kesha from The Greatest Showman soundtrack 
33. Last book you read?
Also fanfiction. I have no spoons for new fiction at this time. I’m making my way through some nonfiction books slowly - “Michael and Natasha” by Rosemary and Donald Crawford is my current choice. 
34. Favorite day of the week?
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
36. How do you like your coffee?
Flavored creamer if possible - if not just cream. I never seem to get the sugar ratio right on my own. 
37. Favorite pair of shoes?
My utterly impractical, goes with one outfit, red high heeled mary jane’s. God I love those shoes. 
38. At what time do you usually go to bed?
Between 10 and 11p - I take medicine that knocks me out pretty quick at night. 
39. At what time do you normally get up?
Between 5 and 7a? I don’t know when I turned into my father - but I’m up with the fucking sun no matter what. 
40. What do you prefer - sunrises or sunsets?
Sunrises - especially over the ocean. 
41. How many blankets are on your bed?
On the bed? Two. Beside my side of the bed? Four more. Plus the dog has a blanket. Don’t judge me. 
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
Vintage find - white with yellow and orange daffodils. 
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
Wine to get started, but I almost always end up switching to whiskey if I’m out. 
44. Do you play cards?
I learned to play poker very young and I’m surprisingly good at it. 
45. What color is your car?
It’s called Seafoam, which is a pretty pearlescent green <-- same?! @lostinfantasies38 do you drive a Subaru too? 
46. Can you change a tire?
YES. My father, when he was losing his eyesight and I was sixteen, wanted me to know how to change my own oil and my own tires cause “he wouldn’t be able to see to do it.” Before that makes you too sad - he 100% still sat in the driveway and listened to me do these things while offering “advice.” Bonus: I was one of the only people of either gender I knew in college who could do these things. 
Do I actually do them any longer? fuck no. I don’t want to get dirty and I got myself a husband. 
47. What is your favorite province? 
I’ve only ever been to Toronto, so whatever province that’s in.
48. Favorite job you ever had?
I don’t know if I have a favorite? I’ve gotten to travel a lot in my current job, and I’ve done a lot of presentations and met a lot of people I wouldn’t have otherwise, plus it’s less hazardous to my mental health. So. Grantwriter/Researcher it is. 
49. How did you get your biggest scar?
In November 2019 (which seems like forever ago but I know it wasn’t) I was rear-ended by an 18 wheeler on the highway. It was a nasty crash and I still can’t quite drive on the highway. I was actually nearly completely unscathed despite rolling my car and it being totaled. I emerged with a concussion and two cuts - one on the back of my left hand which is small. I had another shallow cut which is mostly hidden under my hair, but I can feel the scar. It does creep out under my hair onto my forehead about a half-inch. 
50. What did you do today that made someone happy?
On my morning walk with watermelon head, we stopped outside our neighbors house to wave through the window so their kiddos could see puppers. Judging from their faces - they were pretty happy (but who wouldn’t be to be greeted with watermelon head?) 
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omfgtrump · 4 years
At The Circus
When it is all said and done, Joe Biden will be our next president. And maybe, when this farcical (but dangerous) attempt to de-legitimize our democracy comes to a conclusion, only The Don and his consigliere Rudy G., will be the last two standing.
It’s a delicious fantasy: The Don and Rudy G. huddled in a corner of the oval office, orange dripping down The Don’s face; Rudy’s face dripping black from cheap hair dye or mascara.
Before the authorities come in to escort them out, Rudy will turn to The Don and say:
“If we don’t move and pretend we are not here, they won’t see us and then we live for another day.”
“Yes, yes,” The Don will whisper. “We can just do what we have done with the virus thing: Just pretend it doesn’t exist.”
“But you had the virus?”                                                                            
“No I didn’t. It was all staged to project my superpowers to help me get people to love me more and go out and vote.
“Total genius.”
“And I won, but they cheated me.”
“Oh shit. I hear footsteps. They are coming for us.”
“No they are not.”
“Are you sure?”
“Would I lie to you?”
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But until that delicious fantasy is realized, we endure day after day of The Don’s chaos making. The Don’s inability to deal with reality. He is now the “Greatest Loser” and his attempt to create new narratives to change the course of history is desperate and pathetic.  
If you want to understand why you feel like you are going crazy witnessing this circus, The Don’s recent tweet says it all:
“Hopefully the Courts and/or Legislatures will have the COURAGE to do what has to be done to maintain the integrity of our Elections, and the United States of America itself.”
What? Wait a second. The courts are doing their jobs to maintain the integrity of the election, so I am confused. Oh, that’s because the courts should be invalidating the results of the election because it was fixed. But I thought? You thought what? So it’s like we are at a basketball game and the final buzzer rings and your team has lost but someone from the other team gets control over the computer that controls the scoreboard and suddenly the losing team has now won? Yep. But isn’t that cheating, fucking with reality? Maybe. Isn’t there something wrong with that? Nah. But. But what? But isn’t it clear that the team that won, won? Not if the team that looks like it won cheated. Is there evidence? I watched the same game you watched and I didn’t see any cheating, just a hard fought battle. Do you know who Hugo Chavez is? Do you know who George Soros is? Kind of. They are some bad dudes, believe me. But Hugo Chavez has been dead for a while. So, you think dead people can’t influence elections? Of course not! Are you that naïve? Have you ever seen the “Walking Dead?” The TV show? Yep. I’m a big fan. So you understand? So I understand what? That there is a plot by all the dead people who have been on the show all these years to vote for Joe Biden. Are you fucking serious? What kind of crazy shit is that? Look if you subtract all the dead people who came out of their graves to vote for Joe Biden then The Don wins. Just do the math.
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And now more highlights of this desperate attempt to thwart reality.
In one court room scene, Rudy G. demanded that the judge invalidate nearly seven million votes cast in the state because of what he called “widespread, nationwide voter fraud.” When the judge pressed him for evidence of this alleged fraud, Rudy G. pivoted rather dramatically: “This is not a fraud case.”
If I were the judge (fun to pretend) I would have said: You presented this as a case of fraud, but when questioned to show evidence of this fraud, you said it wasn’t a fraud case. But I disagree: It is a fraud case because you are a fraud. And I will be making a formal complaint to the bar and I don’t mean William.
In a federal courtroom on Tuesday in Williamsport, Pa., Mr. Giuliani asserted that the president had won Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes, except that they had been stolen by a “mafia” of Democratic leaders across the state. “The ballots might have been from Mickey Mouse,” he added.
I’m confused. Were the ballots stolen by a mafia or did Mickey Mouse stuff the ballot boxes with votes for Biden? Or are you accusing M.M. of running a mafia ring? Are they selling Disney characters as sex slaves, too?
Rumor has it that Mickey Mouse was furious about being implicated in the charade. His statement to the press was:
I am America’s Mouse. Rudy used to be America’s Mayor. As the original and most influential member of the Disney Club, I hereby decree that Rudy is banned for life from any and all Disney Properties.
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One of The Don’s lawyers, Sidney Powell, pushed the whacky theory that Venezuela, Cuba and other “communist” interests had used a secret algorithm to hack into voting machines and steal millions of votes from President Trump.
“The Dominion Voting Systems, the Smartmatic technology software, and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here as well, not just Dominion, were created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez,” Powell declared.
Not only were these nefarious machines used in only a few counties but do you seriously believe Hugo Chavez was an algorithm kind of guy? But maybe, just maybe, he was a pal of Mickey Mouse?
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One more thing. The Lt Governor of Texas offered rewards (up to a million dollars!) for anyone who could prove a dead person voted. The Lt Governor of Pennsylvania, took him up on it and proved that two committed the fraud. He’s still waiting for his money!
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wiersema1 · 5 years
Reid ‘Em & Weep (2020.1)
It’s been awhile since we wrote the “Reid ‘Em & Weep” column of sports nuggets and other assorted issues that are on the “Dutch Lion’s” mind. So as Nike suggests, “Just Do It!”
What’s up with those NFL Conference Championship Trophies?
Ever since the NFL merged with the AFL in 1970 to combine into one super football league, the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC) have played Conference Championship games, with their winners meeting in the league championship game, known as the Super Bowl. For the first fourteen years there was no trophy for these Conference Championship games (1970-1983). Then the NFL introduced the conference championship trophies as they honored their founding heroes by creating the George S. Halas Trophy to be awarded to the NFC victor (founder of the NFL) while the AFC Champion would receive the Lamar Hunt Trophy (founder of the AFL). These original Halas Trophy and Hunt Trophy were introduced in the 1984 postseason. Therefore, the inaugural winners were the San Francisco 49ers and the Miami Dolphins on their way to Super Bowl XIX (19).
The original George Halas NFC Championship Trophy
The modern George Halas Trophy
For whatever reason, after 26 seasons the NFL decided to have Tiffany & Co. redesign the trophy. These current trophies were introduced in the 2010 postseason. They remain the current trophies, as many of you saw on Sunday when the 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs dominated their opponents to win their respective conferences. These trophies are hollowed out silver footballs that look like lame miniature Super Bowl Lombardi Trophies. Only these Halas and Hunt Trophies look like cheap garbage compared to the old oak wood base topped by the conference logos and sporting a design of old-fashioned players on a silver platter background. It’s a shame. The old ones were amazing. We grew up with those incredible trophies and they stood for something. The new ones look cheap and unoriginal. Hey NFL, word to the wise. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
The original Lamar Hunt AFC Championship Trophy
The modern Lamar Hunt Trophy
The Illinois Fighting Illini basketball team is for real!
Under Coach Brad Underwood, the Illinois basketball program is starting to turn the corner just as we suspected a couple of years ago. After years of disappointments followed by recent malaise, the Illini are really rolling as we enter the new decade. Now in his third season, Coach Underwood currently has his squad sitting in second place in the B1G conference with a 6-2 conference record and a 14-5 record overall. Illinois has now won five games in a row including Tuesday night’s huge 17 point victory at Purdue by a score of 79-62. Who wins at Purdue’s Mackey Arena? Not #11 Michigan State. They lost at Mackey by 29 points on January 12. So did defending National Champion Virginia on December 4, also by 29 points even though they were ranked #5 at the time. Nobody wins at Mackey, including Illinois every time they’ve played there since 2008. This year, Illinois has only lost two B1G games so far, at Maryland and at Michigan State. I’m really looking forward to the rematch with the Spartans on February 11. Mark that one on your calendar as it should be a crazy atmosphere at Assembly Hall, led by the Orange Krush. The House of ‘Paign will be rockin’ that night baby!
Led by sophomore Ayo Dosunmu and freshman Kofi Cockburn, this Illini team is better on defense than most years since 2006, the last really good Illinois team. The reason is because of the talent which includes some solid big men in Cockburn and fan favorite Giorgi Bezhanishvili. Don’t forget about sharpshooting Trent Frazier! Plus, a relentless style preached by Underwood has some insiders saying his practices are brutally tough, intense, and competitive. That’s what it takes if you want to be great. Currently ranked #21 in the AP Poll, this Illini team will go to the NCAA Tournament for the first time since 2013. You can book it Johnny Red Kerr!
The Australian Open
I absolutely love the Australian Open. Have I written about this before? I feel as if I’ve gone there but whatever. Let me know if this is a repeat. Anyway, there’s something about the first big tennis event of the year. It’s the first of the four tennis Grand Slams. Every Winter here in the upper Midwest, I celebrate the beautiful hot Summer of the Southern Hemisphere. Australia is a hidden gem of a country, if you will. I can’t wait to visit someday. I’ll be going in January with a trip to Melbourne for the Australian Open on my agenda. It’s a bucket list event.
The AO started in 1905 and has been held in Melbourne since 1972. As for this year’s predictions, I’ll go with Rafael Nadal, the #1 seed for the men and Simona Halep, the #4 seed for the women. Nadal has only won the Australian once, back in 2009. This tournament has been dominated by Novak Djokovic (seven-time champ) and Roger Federer (six-time champ) over the last two decades. I think Nadal will win his second Australian Open Championship this year. As for Halep, she has never won this Grand Slam event, finishing as Runner-Up in 2018. I look for her to get off the schneid down under. Tune in and enjoy the beauty of Australia while watching some incredible tennis. Plus, I really enjoy ESPN’s tennis commentators such as Chris Fowler, John McEnroe, Brad Gilbert, Mary Joe Fernandez, Pam Shriver, and the eternally young Chrissie Evert.
That’s it for now. So long and farewell!
Reid “Dutch Lion”
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Reid ‘Em & Weep (2020.1) Reid 'Em & Weep (2020.1) It's been awhile since we wrote the "Reid 'Em & Weep" column of sports nuggets and other assorted issues that are on the "Dutch Lion's" mind.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The King’s Men, Chapter 8 – Baby, Now We Got Bad Blood
In which Neil’s birthday surprise bloody sucks, I have opinions about the Terrapins’ naming choices, Matt is too good for this world, and the Twinyard’s first attempt at Actual Human Interaction doesn’t quite go as planned.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The King’s Men.
(This is a longass chapter and lots of shit happens, so this is a longass update. I’m sorry in advance.)
             Neil flipped his phone open to stare at the date. It was Friday, January 19th. “Neil Josten” was supposed to turn twenty on March 31st. Today Nathaniel Wesninski turned nineteen years old.
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And we almost made it in time as well! 12 days late, but still – happy late birthday, my dude.
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Actual footage of my baking disaster ass making a cake for our birthday boy.
Sadly though, Neil doesn’t care much for his birthday, and because he tragically keeps his mouth shut about it for most of the chapter, neither can anyone else.
I love birthdays. How dare you deprive me of some good good festivity. This is a gosh darn shame, Josten.
             Neil knew he went to his classes, but he didn’t learn anything. He wrote down what his teachers said but didn’t absorb a single word.
In other news, when will Neil in uni stop being such a goddamn #MOOD.
Exam season is hitting me hard right now folks, and while I’m tryinfg to play catch-up on my notes this just feels like an unnecessary callout post to my lazy past self.
In other other news – it’s time for Orange Sportsball again!
Our Foxes are playing a home game against Belmonte which, if you’ll all kindly remember, resulted in The Most Epic Move Andrew Has Ever Pulled, Ever last time we played them.
So, you know, no pressure.
Before Neil can pop a boner about being on an actual game court again though, he has a little birthday surprise waiting for him, and it’s, well, how do I put this –
A bloody hell of a situation.
             It exploded in his locker, triggered by the door opening, and Neil recoiled as it cascaded over everything insde. (…) The bag looked big enough to hold at least two gallons; it was more than big enough to destroy every single piece of gear Neil owned.
For all y’all non-American folks, two gallons are about 7.5 litres. SEVEN POINT FIVE LITRES.
For further reference, that’s about as much as would fit in this bucket.
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             Neil wrenched the broken bag off the hook. When he turned to throw it Andrew caught his wrist. Neil hadn’t even heard Andrew cross the room toward him. (…)
             “It’s ruined,” Neil said, voice ragged with an awful rage. “It’s all ruined.”
Yup – his entire gear, complete with helmet and shoes, now looks like it played a supporting role in the Red Wedding, and really took on some method-acting for it.
But we’re not done here, oh hot diggity shit no.
             Matt’s startled voice echoed off the bathroom walls. “What the hell?” (…)
             Written in blood across the tile was a bold message: “Happy 19th Birthday, Jr.”
I don’t even want to think about what this means.
If this is the Raven’s doing (which was what I thought about the blood), then that means they’re more in touch with Daddy Wesninski than we thought, which is super bad.
If this is Daddy Wesninski’s own doing, then he’s way more in touch with Getting Revenge On Neil than we thought, which is super super bad.
Either way –
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(I also immediately regret calling Wesninski Senior ‘Daddy’. Please remind me to bleach my eyes at the next convenient time.)
             He grabbed the fledgling sense of panic and buried it deep, the same way he’d smothered his broken heart long enough to burn his mother’s body. He would have to react to this later, but if he did it now with all of the Foxes as his witnesses he was going to lose everything.
And bury it he does – Neil, that badass motherf*cker, just buries oh, y’know, the realization that his childhood abuser and indirect killer of his mother is figuratively right behind him,  somewhere in his brain and moves the fuck on.
What a dude.
             “Can you play?” Kevin asked.
             “I’m pissed off, not injured,” Neil snapped. “I’m not going to let this keep us from winning tonight. Are you?
             “I will give you one chance tonight,” Wymack said. “If I think your head isn’t in the game, I will pull you so fast you’ll get whiplash.”
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HSM basketball gifs will never not be appropriate for this team.
In the cleanup process of the Bloody Hell of a Situation, Matt steps out to grab some underwear for a half-naked Neil, and when he comes back he takes the opportunity to remind us all again what a genuinely great character he is – lest we forget.
             Neil opened the door just far enough to realize it was Matt in the hallway and was startled into saying, “You knocked?” (…)
             It wasn’t the first time the Foxes had gone out of their way to accommodate Neil#s privacy issues, but they usually had time to think it through. Matt was late for warm-ups because of Neil and shaken by Riko’s awful trick. Despite that he’d remembered not to barge in.
Matt, you sweet considerate spikey black Billie Joe Armstrong, LET ME LOVE YOU.
And now that Neil is all suited and booted (and had his anger horn tooted), let’s fucking go.
             The ghost of [the blood incident] egged him to go harder and faster. Kevin didn’t warn him to scale back, and they crashed into their backliner with an unusual aggression.
To the Foxes, what the fuck is unusual aggression?? Instantly fucking murdering a dude right there on the field?
“Unusual Agression” is pretty much those guys’ team motto, folks.
Unsurprisingly, our Foxy Sportsball Squad totally rules the following game, no biggie.
Nothing like a bit of blood, childhood trauma and accidental nudity to get fired up before a big game.
             Two minutes later, the Foxes got the chance they needed. A Terrapin striker got around Matt and raced at the goal. (…) Andrew was outside of his box in a heartbeat, and he body-checked the striker hard enough to floor him.
Also, to remind y’all non-Native English speakers (like me) what a Terrapin is, it’s these cute lil fellas.
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Not exactly a threatening opponent.
Not so much a fast one either. Who the fuck thought that naming choice was a good idea, like “yeah, sure, let’s call our skilled Sportsball team after fucking turtles”.
The Team of Poor Naming Choices gets what they deserve, in any case – the Foxes run right over them and celebrate an epic 8-5 victory.
             Wymack and Abby were waiting for them, Wymack with a toothy grin and Abby all smiles.
I love me some supportive Fox Parents.
However, the party is pretty much over instantly as the Foxes are back on their infighting bullshit.
             Allison (…) kept her eyes on Neil. “I’ve hit the limit of what bullshit I’ll tolerate this week, let alone this year. I need to know how much worse this pissing contest between you and Riko is going to get.”
Can we have literally….. 5 seconds of happy celebratory peace up in this bitch, thank you.
At least Wymack feels me.
             “I’m instigating a new rule where everyone is required to be happy after a win. You downers are going to suck the life out of me before my time.”
Thank you, my man.
Allison is kind of right, though – they do need to really fucking talk about this.
             “First off: the massacred elephant in the room. Massacred birds, rather. I called in a favour with the faculty and got Abby access to the microscopes in the science labs.”
Oh, that is morbid.
If that Bloody Hell of a Situation was the Ravens’ doing, then that is the most macabre symbolism I’ve seen in a while.
If it was Wesninski Sr’s – then I don’t want to think about the symbolism, quite frankly.
Which reminds me of an interesting point: Everyone is automatically assuming Riko did this. This makes sense considering almost no one knows of the existence of Neil’s dad, but Neil does not only seem to be playing along, but he seems to have the same opinion. The writing on the wall clearly said “Junior” – why isn’t he considering the fact that it could have just as well been his dad?
Obviously, don’t get me wrong here, knowing their power situation Riko/Tetsuji are still behind all of it and would know of what Neil’s dad is doing to Neil. But to me, this doesn’t sound like Riko’s style. Gallons of blood set up like a crude school prank and words written in blood – this sounds much more like a man who calls himself The Butcher than a rich sleek featherfucker.
Unsurprisingly, Neil isn’t exactly a fan of presenting his entire life story to his team. However, a certain someone who is still massively Salty™ at Neil for ratting him out to his girlfriend intervenes.
             “They’ll never find proof that Riko was involved in this,” Aaron said, “but they might find you, right? (…) Your looks, your languages, your lies – you’re running from something or someone.”
Ohhhhhhhhhh shit.
While the team is busy collecting their jaws from the floor, Neil makes a weak attempt at sassing his way out of this situation.
             Keeping his voice calm took every ounce of energy he had left. “You know, I expected low blows and backstabbing from the Ravens. I thought Foxes were better than that.”
Don’t generalize, my dude.
Dan, Matt and Renee would never.
Neil then does worm his way out of this situation, though – by making a Bad Callout Situation a Worse Callout Situation, Like So Much Worse, Oh God.
             “I’m still waiting for a thank you,” Neil said. “From both of you, to each other. You’re even now, aren’t you? So why can’t you just wipe the slate clean and start over? (…) You don’t want me to be right, because if I am it’s your fault she’s dead.”
             Andrew finally joined the argument. “No. It’s always going to be her fault.”
Oh no, honey, please don–
             “I told her what would happen if she raised her hand again. She had no right to look so surprised.”
             Wymack pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled noisily. “Could you at least let us leave the room before you confess?”
Same, my dude.
Also hah, nose puns.
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             It took Aaron a minute to find his voice again. He still sounded angry, but there was a muted edge to his, “You wouldn’t even look at me. You wouldn’t say a word to me unless I said something first. I’m not psychic. How was I supposed to know?”
             “Because I made you a promise,” Andrew said. “I did not forget it just because you chose not to believe me. I did what I said I would do, and fuck you for expecting anything else.”
And this paragraph right there, this is so, so important because it just sums up both their worldviews perfectly.
Aaron is still the more “normal” one of the twins – hard and bitter, but eventually the more grounded, the more realistic brother. But he also never really got to know Andrew, the real Andrew – whether out of fear of him or out of Andrew’s refusal. Andrew didn’t talk to him, and Aaron never learnt who exactly he was dealing with, so how was he supposed to know?
Andrew, on the other hand, makes promises and sticks to them, absolutely no matter what. He doesn’t care about the means to achieve his goals, he is colder and more ruthless than Aaron – or any sane person – ever could be. And in his world, this all makes sense – legit murder isn’t out of proportion, nothing can be, when it comes to keeping those he cares for safe (lizziedunbar99 made an excellent point on this the other day). When he protects someone, he protects them, all or nothing, and fuck anyone for expecting anyone else.
Yes, hello, I love these idiots.
             There it was again: a hint of that infinite anger at Andrew’s core. (…) He put his hand up between [the twins]. A heartbeat later Andrew’s expression went dead. Neil regretted his intervention immediately. No one could let go of that much rage that easily; Andrew had simply buried it where it could hurt only him.
And the moment that anger finally, healthily (!) breaks free will be the happiest day in this goddamn series.
Or, y’know, everything will go up in flames, but them’s the risks when you’re dealing with our favourite Murder Maniac.
In other news – in case you forgot (which I did), the other Foxes are still present, and they do kind of want answers at this point.
             “Is [your past] going to be a problem?” Dan asked.
             “No,” Neil said.
             Allison arched a brow at him (…) “Are you sure about that?”
I want Allison to please barge into conversations like this always, her head appearing over the scene John Cena-style.
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This meme is long dead, but watch me give no shits.
             “Riko knows who I am because our families operate in similar circles, but he is a Moriyama in name only. He doesn’t have the resources to do more than threaten me.”
             “Damn, Neil,” Matt said. “Your parents must be something else if even Riko’s got to follow the rules.”
Oh hon, oh my sweet summer child, you have no idea.
And with that, the conversation is blissfully over, and we have only two tiny things to get to before this monster of a chapter is finally done.
First, Neil gets a text message:
             He didn’t recognize the number or the area code. He understood the message even less: “49”. Neil gave it a minute, but nothing else was forthcoming. He deleted the text and put his phone away.
Ah well, I’m sure this ominous and vaguely threating thing was merely a wrong number and is totally not going to come back to haunt our asses a few chapters from now.
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And second, the Normal People Squad still has some opinions on the Murder Situation:
             “Just like that,” Matt said dubiously. “You’ve always known what he’s capable of, but you said he’s never given you a real reason to be afraid of him. What the hell are your parents into, if you can glide past murder like it’s no big deal and get in Riko’s face all the time?”
Also, me a few books ago.
Oh, how far we’ve come.
Unsurprisingly, yet to my great delight, Renee is not as shellshocked as Dan and Matt about Andrew’s confession, and offers some much-needed insight.
             “We cannot understand the situation entirely, Dan. We will never know Andrew’s frame of mind at the time or how bad life with her was for them. All we can do is make a choice: believe that he was protecting Aaron or condemn him for taking the most extreme path. I would rather go with the former.”
Mic drop, sweet smile, Renee out.
God, I love this girl.
If you like what I do here and you want me to continue writing fun things for you, why not buy me a coffee? Every lil bit helps, getting me through uni and all that jazz. Thanks so much!
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hadarlaskey · 3 years
Space Jam: A New Legacy
Space Jam 2: A New Legacy opens with a teenaged LeBron James getting dropped off at a basketball game his mother is unable to attend. He enters the gym downtrodden but is soon perked up by his friend gifting him an old Nintendo Game Boy. After receiving a stern talking to from his coach for focusing on a different game, we’re transported through an opening credits sequence that highlights everything LeBron would go on to achieve throughout his career. Eventually we land in a present day Los Angeles mansion, where LeBron is giving the same speech to his youngest son, aspiring video game creator Dom (Cedric Joe).
The film’s flimsy premise is based on the age-old conflict between Accomplished Father and Disappointing Son. At first the committed “family man” and “greatest athlete in the world” struggles to understand Dom – until he is forced to do so by malevolent sentiment computer programme Al G Rhythm (Don Cheadle), who sucks father and son into the Warner Bros ‘Serververse’ (studio archive), forcing them to face off in a game of ‘Dom Ball’ for the fate of the Looney Tunes and themselves.
On the surface, this long-belated sequel is little more than a nostalgic cash-grab for Warner Bros and a self-conscious exercise in myth-making for LeBron James. But when you look deeper inside Space Jam 2: A New Legacy it becomes even more cynical and sinister. The film’s antagonist, Al G Rhythm (effectively WB personified), is threatening to erase the studio’s archive in favour of absorbing a celebrity into the Serververse, and wants to use mass surveillance tech to transform the everyday social media user into the entertainment.
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Cheadle is clearly having the time of his life playing the evil AI, doing his worst impression of a Shakespearean madman (how you might have envisioned many actors spending time in lockdown). LeBron, meanwhile, turns in a stilted performance as himself (“Athletes and acting, it never goes well!” he chimes ironically early on), which is a shame considering his scenes with Bill Hader were the most enjoyable parts of Judd Apatow’s Trainwreck. As for any excitement over Zendaya voicing a new-look Lola Bunny, if her name weren’t on the poster, you’d hardly know.
As LeBron bounces around the Serververse reassembling the scattered Looney Tunes for the big game, Warner Bros (via “director” Malcolm D Lee) choose to flex their IP muscle instead of telling a coherent story: we pick up Daffy Duck in Gotham City; Yosemite Sam in Casablanca (‘play it again, Sam’…); and discover Granny in The Matrix for some reason.
During the climactic showdown the audience is littered with figures from the WB catalogue: Harry Potter, various characters from Game of Thrones and Alex’s Droogs from A Clockwork Orange are recognisable through cheap fancy dress, with King Kong awkwardly towering over them. They’re not participating in the match, but WB wants you to know that they own them, too. An exhausting, visually garish exercise in brand synergy, this soulless reboot fails even to effectively capitalise on its own nostalgia.
ANTICIPATION. Like LeBron James. Like watching new movies. 3
ENJOYMENT. A few laughs accrued from Bugs Bunny, but mostly a depressing slog. 2
IN RETROSPECT. Most useful to be studied as to how we got it so wrong. 1
Directed by Malcolm D Lee
Starring LeBron James, Don Cheadle, Sonequa Martin-Green
The post Space Jam: A New Legacy appeared first on Little White Lies.
source https://lwlies.com/reviews/space-jam-a-new-legacy/
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your-dietician · 3 years
Where does your school rank among richest and poorest Power 5 college football programs? New revenue figures for all 65
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/ncaa-football/where-does-your-school-rank-among-richest-and-poorest-power-5-college-football-programs-new-revenue-figures-for-all-65/
Where does your school rank among richest and poorest Power 5 college football programs? New revenue figures for all 65
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On Wednesday, we posted the Big Ten football revenue figures. Today, we present all 65 of the Power 5 schools, ranked from the most modest to most extravagant, for the 2019-20 fiscal year (generally 07/01/19 to 06/30/20).
These are annual university athletic department figures mandated by the U.S. Department of Education and its Equity in Athletics Data Analysis (EADA) arm. The headings represent the revenue derived from each university’s football operation before expenses, as listed by athletic directors of each school in their annual reports. These figures do not include the massive annual payouts from conferences’ broadcast contracts. (They ranged widely between $28 million outlays for lower-tier ACC schools to $56 million per Big Ten institution.)
In each brief capsule, I’ve detailed expenses and net profit for football, plus some occasional various factoids, sometimes on other sports.
To emphasize: these are revenue figures relating to the 2019 football season and the 2019-20 basketball season, not last season. So, they do not reflect the broad fiscal distress of the COVID-wracked and, in some cases, stunted 2020 football season, but do include decrease in funds from the lack of a 2020 NCAA men’s basketball tournament.
Because some irregularities in the reporting by various athletic directors is inevitable, the reports may include caveats and discrepancies between one school and another. We can’t control that. All we can do is pass on the parallel figures as they are posted in the EADA report.
Here, then are all 65, bottom to top, with number of ranking spots risen (+), fallen (-) or maintained the same (=) from the 2018-19 fiscal year, in parentheses.
#65 West Virginia $19 million (=)
Neal Brown’s rookie season as head coach was the first losing one in six years for the Mountaineers (5-7); they went winless in the Big 12 at home. Exactly what WVU does with its bookkeeping is a riddle, but it seems an anomaly considering home crowds at Mountaineer Field that hover between 50-60K. Both the football and men’s basketball programs recorded a deficit in the EADA report ($3.2M and $2.1M, respectively).
#64 Wake Forest $24.7 million (-1)
No mystery here as announced crowds at Truist Field, even for a competitive 8-5 team, commonly ranged around 25-30K; that’s barely Conference USA level. Wake was also one of only three Power 5 schools to fabricate a balanced ledger – identical figures of $24,698,755 for revenue and expenses – indicating a true deficit compensated with general funds.
#63 Georgia Tech $28.2 million (-15)
A similar sad story here as native Georgian Geoff Collins came from Temple to relieve longtime triple-option proponent Paul Johnson and the Jackets sank into a 3-9 morass. Football eeked out a $1M profit and tumbled farther in one year than any program in the rankings. Men’s hoops ran a deficit of slightly over $1M.
#62 Boston College $31.8 million (-1)
Seeing an ACC pattern here? This was the dreary 6-7 season that got Steve Addazio fired after seven years in Chestnut Hill. After an encouraging start, the tone was set in week 3 with a stunning rout home loss to 20-point underdog Kansas. BC football managed a $5.1M profit. Men’s hoops barely broke even (+$128K).
#61 Rutgers $32.9 million (+3)
Like Wake Forest, RU cooked its books to represent a balanced budget when it’s clear the football program is running at a deficit. Football revenue and expenses are listed as identical totals – $32,874,357; men’s basketball, the same – $8,249,544.
#60 Vanderbilt $33.4 million (+2)
The only private school in the SEC routinely brings up the rear in the nation’s most competitive football conference. The Commodores went 3-9 in since-fired Derek Mason’s sixth year and managed a $4.2M profit. Men’s basketball apparently ran a deficit, reporting identical expense and revenue figures of $14,072,415.
#59 Missouri $34.7 million (-4)
This was the final year of Barry Odom’s 4-year tenure, as an encouraging start dissolved in mid-season. It’s never been easy at Mizzou even though Gary Pinkel worked minor miracles for a while. Tiger football cleared a $6.1M profit while men’s basketball made $1.7M.
#58 Oregon State $35.6 million (=)
It’s become more apparent in the past seven years just what a perfect fit Mike Riley was here. Since he left for his incongruous mission to Nebraska, the Beavers have returned to their familiar spot in the Pac-12 basement. Actually, Jonathan Smith did an admirable job with 5-7 (4-5 P12) in 2019 and OSU managed a decent $13.7M clearance. Wayne Tinkle’s hoops program barely broke even ($212K profit).
#57 California $36.1 million (+3)
Justin Wilcox’s defensive-minded Bears weren’t always enthralling to watch, but they tenaciously hung in games and finished 8-5 (4-5 P12) including four road wins at Washington, Mississippi, Stanford and UCLA. Cal football cleared $4.9M; men’s basketball made $2M.
#56 UCLA $37.5 million (-6)
The Chip Kelly hire began looking like a serious misstep as the Bruins stumbled to 4-8, though they did play perhaps the toughest non-con schedule in the nation. UCLA football managed a $5.2M profit while the once-proud Bruin hoops program foundered with a $474K deficit.
#55 Pittsburgh $37.9 million (-2)
Heinz Field is exponentially nicer than old gray Pitt Stadium, but it’s not easy luring a university community down the hill from Oakland to watch a just-OK team play opponents from Tobacco Road. Pat Narducci has done all he can. Panther football lured consistent announced crowds of 40-45K and cleared $5.4M. Meanwhile, the struggling basketball program, blessed with a gorgeous campus venue and much more attractive conference opponents, managed just an $800K clearance.
#54 Arizona $39 million (-7)
This is a lost program trying to survive at a basketball school and was enduring the throes of Kevin Sumlin’s imminent demise. At least Wildcat football spent less than almost any Power 5 program ($21.7M) and so cleared a $17.3M profit. Men’s basketball made $6.5M.
#53 Duke $39.7 million (-2)
Rivaling Kentucky, Indiana and Kansas, this is the arguably most severe example of basketball overshadowing football. And so, it provides a window into just how much more important football is fiscally to college athletics. David Cutcliffe’s Devils went 5-7 (3-6 ACC) and yet the football program still cleared more profit ($14.5M) than Mike Krzyzewski’s basketball behemoth ($13.4M) which grossed among the most of all college hoops programs in the nation ($33.4M!)
#52 Mississippi State $40 million (+5)
This was the second and final abortive season for Joe Moorhead in ill-fitting Starkville. With crowds at Davis Wade Stadium consistently in the mid-50K range, interest was there, but the wins weren’t. Football cleared $9.5M while men’s basketball ran a deficit indicated by identical cooked expense/revenue figures of $7,373,585.
#51 Kansas $40.6 million (+5)
The ill-fated Les Miles experiment never got airborne with a 3-9 (1-8 B12) inaugural record, succeeding only in helping to get Steve Addazio fired at BC with a surprising early road upset. Jayhawk football managed to clear $18.6M while Bill Self’s much more celebrated hoop program profited only $5.5M.
#50 Stanford $40.9 million (-6)
The Cardinal’s first losing season in the decade-plus David Shaw era (4-8, 3-6 P12) and since the early Jim Harbaugh tenure (2007-08) dropped Stanford six spots. Football cleared $13.2M while men’s basketball made $1.3M.
#49 Syracuse $42.6 million (-4)
The beginning of the descent of the the once-promising Dino Babers regime at The Cuse FB began here with a 62-20 rout loss at Maryland and has not lost downward velocity. The Orange football program did manage $14.9M in profit while Jim Boeheim’s basketball operation made $8.7M.
#48 Virginia $43.4 million (+11)
One of the big success stories in major college football has been Bronco Mendenhall’s rehab job at UVA. The Cavs won the ACC Coastal, gave heavily favored Florida (-14) a fight in the Orange Bowl (36-28 loss) and finished 9-5. In so doing, Virginia football jumped 11 spots and made a $15.8M profit. Meanwhile, Tony Bennett’s defending national champion basketball program cleared just $2.4M.
#47 Washington State $44 million (-4)
This is a notorious black hole that was kept relevant for a decade only by Mike Leach’s black magic. In his final season before fleeing for Starkville, Leach’s Cougars fell to 6-7 (3-6 P12) and WSU fans began to drift away from tiny Martin Stadium. Football still cleared an admirable $21M above a prudent $23M expenditure. Wazzu hoops ran at a $118K deficit.
#46 Kentucky $44.5 million (+3)
After the landmark 2018 for Wildcat football as Mark Stoops got UK into double-digit wins with the upset of Penn State, 2019 wasn’t quite so successful (8-5, 3-5 SEC) but football interest continued to expand with a decent $13.9M profit – more than John Calipari’s hoop program ($11M). Women’s basketball ran a whopping $5.2M deficit.
#45 Maryland $44.7 million (-6)
Terrapin football listed just $21.4M in expenses, lowest total in the Big Ten and one of lowest in P5, to total a $23.3M profit. It’s always been a basketball school and Mark Turgeon’s men’s hoops program took in $14.1M in gross to clear $5.5M.
#44 Kansas State $45 million (-4)
It’s been an arduous effort for K-State in attempting to extricate itself from the Bill Snyder era, but North Dakota State emigree Chris Klieman made an admirable effort in his 8-5 (5-4 B12) rookie season that included a jaw-dropping upset of 23-point favorite Oklahoma. KSU football cleared $19.2M while men’s hoops made $2M.
#43 North Carolina State $47.6 million (-2)
A very down year (4-8, 1-7 ACC) for Dave Doeren’s generally overachieving program still made $24.3M in profit. Men’s basketball cleared $5.6M.
#42 Texas Tech $47.7 million (-7)
The first year under Matt Wells after Kliff Kingsbury took off for the NFL Cardinals was the worst in Lubbock in nearly three decades (4-8, 2-7 B12). Gross revenue dipped $3.5M and TTU plunged seven spots. Because of an extremely frugal overhead of just $21.6M, the program still cleared $26.1M. Men’s hoops about broke even (+$545K).
#41 North Carolina $48.7 million (+11)
With the possible exceptions of Dick Crum and Bill Dooley, Mack Brown is the most popular football coach UNC has ever had. And his return from retirement to Chapel Hill at age 68 was a big deal. Kenan Stadium sold out all six home dates and the Heels responded with a bowl season for the first time four years. UNC football cleared $18.2M which topped the much more popular basketball program ($17.1M) exp: $30.5M.
#40 Louisville $48.9 million (-2)
After the general embarrassment of Bobby Petrino’s second stint here that ended in his team quitting on him (and vice versa) at the close of 2018, interest was at a nadir. But Scott Satterfield, imported from a distinguished run at Appalachian State, was the right antidote. His first season went 8-5 (5-4 ACC) and his team fought. Louisville football cleared $24.2M. Meanwhile, Chris Mack’s basketball program gathered a phenomenal $40.7M gross (tops nationally) and profited $20.8M.
#39 Arizona State $49.7 million (+15)
The surprising turnaround of Sun Devil football gained full steam in Herm Edwards’ second year with an 8-5 season that contained three wins over top-20 opponents (@Michigan State, @Cal, Oregon). ASU football leapfrogged 15 spots and added $10.7M in revenue from 2018-19 and cleared $17.7M, regaining all the ground lost at the end of the Todd Graham regime. Bobby Hurley’s hoops program made $1.5M.
#38 Virginia Tech $50.3 million (-8)
Justin Fuente’s program began to take on water and notably lost to UVA for the first time in eons. Football managed $14.7M in profit. Basketball made $1.5M.
#37 Colorado $50.5 million (+9)
Mel Tucker’s only season before he took off for Michigan State was uneventful after a 3-1 start with wins over Colorado State, Nebraska and @Arizona State that got the locals enthusiastic enough to start showing up. Then it petered into 5-7 (3-6 P12) and Tucker was out the backdoor. Football jumped nine spots by clearing $27.8M. Hoops made $2.7M.
#36 Purdue $51.9 million (-5)
When paired with expenses of just $23.8M, football cleared $28.1M in profit. Men’s basketball cleared $6.9M on $15.2 gross. Oddly, Purdue women’s basketball listed a whopping gross of $6.5M and a $2.1M profit. Matt Painter’s men’s program cleared a substantial $8.7M.
#35 Iowa State $52.1 million (-1)
Matt Campbell has done wonders in Ames, turning a perennial loser into a ranked force in the Big 12. The Cyclone football program made a $22.7M profit while hoops cleared $4.1M.
#34 Mississippi $53 million (+3)
This was the final year of the Matt Luke Experience. He was hired over as a former interim for Hugh Freeze who was deposed after his calls to an escort service. Now it’s Lane Kiffin in charge. If you see a pattern here, well… Ole Miss football only cleared $12.6M due to a hefty $40.4M overhead (no hooker jokes, please). Men’s hoops made $396K on a tiny gross of $10.2M.
#33 Southern California $53.4 million (+3)
USC once was a perennial top-20 moneymaker but has spiraled during the Clay Helton era. After an 8-5 (7-2 P12) fifth season, he barely kept his job thanks to a strong finish and USC’s ongoing fiscal pain, some of it related to NCAA probation, some to the hefty buyout with which dismissed AD Lynn Swann extended him. Trojan football cleared $17M. Andy Enfield’s hoops program listed a $500K deficit. Women’s hoops nearly broke even.
#32 Oklahoma State $53.5 million (+1)
Boone Pickens Stadium continued to fill or come close to it routinely as Mike Gundy’s Pokes played an entertaining if not always victorious (8-5, 5-4 B12) brand of football. OSU football cleared $29.1M. Hoops made $4.1M.
#31 Indiana $56.5 million (+1)
This was the year Tom Allen’s Hoosiers began to make a move with an 8-5 (5-4 B1G) season and respectable bowl showing against Tennessee (23-22 loss). Indiana football made a $27.1M profit. Basketball is still king here, though. Even during another non-NCAA season for since-fired Archie Miller, IU hoops cleared $12.3M, among the tops nationally for men’s basketball.
#30 Baylor $56.6 million (+12)
This is the season that got Matt Rhule an NFL job. His Bears were a phenomenon, rising from 1-11 to 11-3 and a decent Sugar Bowl showing against Georgia (26-14 loss) in three years. McLane overflowed to 100.8% of capacity as Baylor roared to 9-0 and eventually #8, losing two heartbreakers to Oklahoma. BU football cleared $21.2M. Interestingly, Scott Drew’s Baylor basketball program, a year prior to its national championship season, actually lost money. A deficit was indicated by identical revenue/expense figures – both $9,790,607.
#29 Miami (FL) $59.5 million (=)
Manny Diaz wanted the job at Miami so badly that he reneged on Temple after already accepting the position there. He just didn’t know the Canes would come after him four weeks prior. The jury remains out on him. This first season was The U’s first losing one in a dozen years since the Randy Shannon regime. Miami rolled up a whopping $48.9M in expenses, so it only cleared $10.6M. Jim Larranaga’s basketball shop indicated a deficit with both expenses and revenues an identical $9,209,237.
#28 Northwestern $59.5 million (-4)
This was the last-place sandwich for Pat Fitzgerald (3-9, 1-8 B1G) between two B1G West titles. NU football listed a $26.4M profit off $33.1M in expenses. Basketball grossed a paltry $9.1M with $9.7M in expenses, leaving a deficit (about $600K).
#27 Texas Christian $61.2 million (-5)
The two-decade Gary Patterson regime finally began to show some wear with only the third losing regular season in his tenure (5-7, 3-6 B12) on the heels of 7-6 and 6-7 in the prior three years. Horned Frog football cleared $20.1M in profit. Jamie Dixon’s men’s hoop program posted $890K in the red. Raegan Pebley women’s program listed a hefty $5.7M gross with only a $1.3M deficit.
#26 Minnesota $61.8 million (=)
This was the dream season for Gopher football with the 9-0 start and the 11-2 (7-2 B1G) finish including the exciting upset of Auburn in the Outback Bowl. P.J. Fleck’s program made $27.6M profit during the breakthrough season, weighed down by expenses of $34.2M. The clearance was down a smidge from 2018. Basketball made $6.4M on $14.8M gross.
#25 Utah $62.6 million (=)
If Kyle Whittingham isn’t the most underrated and underappreciated coach in college football, he’s on the short list. The Utes reached the Pac-12 title game (losing to Oregon) and finished 11-3 (8-2 P12) after an Alamo Bowl loss to Texas. UU football cleared $30.8M while men’s hoops made $500K.
#24 Clemson $63.1 million (+3)
You might think after all the recent national success, Clemson football would pull down more profit than it does. But it’s still a small-market program with a relatively average alumni base and no significant national cachet of adoration (such as, say Duke basketball or Notre Dame football), so the economic ceiling has about been reached. Dabo Swinney’s team again reached the national title game before losing to Louisiana State. But the profit after a whopping $55.9K expense outlay (no doubt, exacerbated by travel) was a mere $7.2M. Men’s hoop profit was $1.4K.
#23 Illinois $65.6 million (+5)
Though Lovie Smith managed a shocking upset of Wisconsin with his Illini as a 30-point dog, 2019 only prolonged the inevitable – his firing at the end of last season. The Illini cleared $38.9M on $26.7M expense. Basketball made just under $10M in the black on $21.5M in revenue.
#22 Michigan State $68.9 million (-4)
This was Mark Dantonio’s swan song, a dreary 7-6 (4-5 B1G) season. A hefty football expense tab of $44.0M (4th-highest in the B1G) drained what ended up as a modest profit of $25.9M (12th). Tom Izzo’s basketball program cleared $8M on a $20.2M gross.
#21 South Carolina $69.2 million (+2)
This season was before Will Muschamp was finally taken out back like Old Yeller, but it probably made the trip inevitable – a 4-8 (3-5 SEC) mess that included home losses to North Carolina, Appalachian State and Clemson (38-3). But big 80,250-seat Williams-Brice Stadium still filled to 97% of capacity and Gamecock football still cleared a substantial $35M. The men’s basketball program made $2M. Dawn Staley’s well-followed women’s program collected a very respectable $3.1M gross but also bled $6.9M in expense for a $3.8M deficit.
#20 Arkansas $70.3 million (-3)
Chad Morris was fired after just two seasons in relief of Bret Bielema because of this 2-10 (0-8 SEC debacle. Razorback football burned through a hefty $43.6M but still somehow made $26.7M profit. Men’s hoop clearance was a healthy $8.8M.
#19 Florida State $71.1 million (+2)
Not to sully Mike Norvell who bears no responsibility, having not arrived yet from Memphis. But through the college athletic fiscal data I’ve seen since beginning this report four years ago and including 2019-20, this has to be the least efficient college football program of them all. Among other condemnations of the Willie Taggart era, his program posted a mind-bending expense ledger of $67.8M, tops nationally and 16% higher than runner-up Alabama – which sort of earned the right. His FSU program did not, going 6-7 on the heels of 5-7, culminating in his dismissal. That expense total left a profit of just $3.3M which is insane for a top-20 grossing program. Seminole hoops almost cleared as much – $2.6M.
#18 Oregon $77.6 million (+2)
Speak of the devil, this is the place from whence Taggart arrived, after just a single 7-6 season. Mario Cristobal has been a clear upgrade and 2019 was the Ducks’ best year (12-2, 9-1 P12) since the post-2014 national title game appearance. Autzen Stadium filled to the brim and Oregon football bagged $44.9M in profit. Dana Altman’s hoop shop cleared a much more modest $286K.
#17 Texas A&M $78.1 million (+2)
We keep bumping into Taggart connections. This is the program his FSU predecessor Jimbo Fisher left for. He won a little more (8-5, 4-4 SEC) and spent a little less ($40.6M), leaving $37.5 in profit for A&M. Men’s basketball clearance was $1.3M.
#16 Iowa $81.4 million (=)
Kirk Ferentz’s program went 11-3 and came within three narrow losses of the College Football Playoff. Iowa football made a $39.7M profit on $41.7M in expenses. Fran McCaffery’s basketball program cleared $2.6M on $11.2M gross.
#15 Wisconsin $87.4 million (-2)
Paul Chryst’s program went 10-4 (7-3 B1G), reached Indy and enjoyed the second-largest percentage profit margin in the Big Ten – a $58.1M profit nearly doubling the $29.3M expenses. Bucky hoops had a big year with a $19.5M gross and $10.9M profit, also 2nd-highest in the B1G.
#14 Tennessee $91.6 million (-2)
If they played a Dysfunction Bowl, this program would have a prearranged spot lately. But no matter what the suits who run it do, it keeps spitting out money. And, though his teams weren’t very good, since-removed Jeremy Pruitt wasn’t a particular spendthrift. Vol football expenditures reached $38.1M which left a tidy $53.5M profit. Men’s hoops made $6.4M. Women’s hoops grossed $3.2M and ran a mere $2M deficit.
#13 Washington $91.7 million (+2)
This was the final season for the highly respected Chris Petersen who decided he’d had enough of the rat race and abruptly retired at age 55 with two Bear Bryant and one Bobby Dodd award. The Huskies weren’t very good (8-5, 4-5 P12) but the fans always turn out in Husky Stadium and UW football made a whopping $53.3M profit. Basketball cleared $1.9M.
#12 Florida $94.9 million (+2)
Dan Mullen has proven to be a quiet overachiever everywhere he’s been. Back at UF, where he worked as Urban Meyer’s OC, he assembled an 11-2 (6-2 SEC) team his second season that won the Orange Bowl and finished #6. Gator fans filled the Swamp at a 96% rate and the program cleared $57.3M. Men’s hoop profit was $1.6M.
#11 Louisiana State $95.1 million (=)
This was the stunning national championship season led by Ohio expatriate Joe Burrow. The Tigers had recruited at an elite level for years but had not reached the pinnacle since Nick Saban’s 2003 team. This one went a perfect 15-0 (9-0 SEC). LSU football cleared $53.7M. Meanwhile, the men’s basketball program of disgraced but not dismissed Will Wade ran a $497K deficit.
#10 Nebraska $95.8 million (=)
The slog of Scott Frost’s non-revival continued, but the faithful fans just kept showing up through a 5-7 (3-6 B1G) traipse. Nebraska football’s $64.2M profit on $31.6M expense ranked behind only Michigan. Fred Hoiberg’s first UNL basketball operation generated a $2.6M profit above hefty expenses of $10.9M.
#9 Auburn $97.7 million (-2)
Gus Malzahn seemed to walk a career tightrope here for 9 years, this being his next-to-last with a 9-4 (5-3 SEC) team that beat Alabama but lost to Minnesota. AU football cleared $51.7M while Charles Barkley’s old hoop program managed to profit $500K.
#8 Notre Dame $97.9 million (-4)
An ugly and inexplicable 31-point loss in the rain at Michigan pocked an otherwise very good 11-2 season. Other than USC, the home schedule wasn’t up to par and Irish football revenue dipped $17.6M from 2018-19. But when you’re hovering in 9-figure-gross territory, it’s not exactly a cataclysm. Men’s basketball, now part of the far-flung ACC, listed a deficit of $4.7M (travel?) and women’s basketball was worse ($5.0M).
#7 Penn State $101.7 million (-1)
James Franklin’s football program made a $51.1M profit on $50.6M expense during the 11-2 (7-2 B1G) Cotton Bowl season. Gross hoops take was a modest $3M profit on $10.5M gross over $7.5M expense. Notably, the women’s basketball program significantly lowered overhead, paring its expense ledger to $4.6M in the first year under Carolyn Kieger after a whopping $6.2M in the final year under Coquese Washington. That left a shortfall of just $3.5M rather than the $5.1M in 2018-19 which was largest that year in the Big Ten.
#6 Oklahoma $101.9 million (+2)
Lincoln Riley’s Sooners had a big year until they ran into the LSU massacre (63-28) in the CFP semis at the Peach Bowl. Still the 12-2 (9-1 B12) season reaped a whopping $60.4M profit, among the very top in the nation. Lon Kruger’s hoop program ran a $1.2M deficit.
#5 Alabama $110.1 million (+4)
Nick Saban has earned the right to expense the occasional miscellaneous payment, right? Six national titles will grease that wheel. Bama football listed $58.5M in expenses after its 11-2 (6-2 SEC) season that ended in the Citrus Bowl. That still left $51.6M in clearance, which will do. Nate Oats’ first Alabama basketball program did well on the court and off, clearing $5.3M.
#4 Ohio State $115.5 million (+1)
Ryan Day’s first full season was a hit as he took the Buckeyes to the CFP and a narrow semifinal loss to Clemson in the Fiesta Bowl. OSU football’s $62.9M profit had to clear $52.6M in outlay, tops in the league. Chris Holtmann’s basketball program pulled $22.0M in gross with an $11.5M profit.
#3 Michigan $125.8 million (=)
Nothing new in Ann Arbor. Jim Harbaugh’s team kept underachieving (9-4, 6-3 B1G) and U-of-M’s formidable alumni network and massive stadium kept feeding the coffers. The $81.1M profit dwarfs everyone else in the Big Ten, just barely missing the $81.4M school record of 2017. Men’s basketball cleared a healthy $10.3M on $17.8M gross.
#2 Georgia $134.5 million (=)
Only four of the 14 programs in the nation’s most important college football conference totally own their states (Georgia, LSU, Arkansas and Missouri). But UGA and LSU are the only two that matter, and Georgia has the urban epicenter of the league (Atlanta) in its backyard. That’s one big reason Bulldog football is such a cash cow. Kirby Smart’s team went 12-2 (7-2 SEC) and was probably the best left out of the CFP, courtesy of a blowout loss to LSU in the SEC championship. It set program records for gross and profit (a monumental $86M), easily blowing past the 2018-19 totals. UGA hoops cleared $1.3M.
#1 Texas $144.4 million (=)
But even Georgia has a ways to go before it can challenge the 10-gallon hats in Austin. What makes Longhorn football’s continued dominance atop the financial list is how mediocre its on-field product has been for years – really all the way back to the mid-’00s Mack Brown years of a decade and a half ago. The 2019 season was no different as Tom Herman’s penultimate team went 8-5 (5-4 B12) and lost to every formidable opponent. But UT has its own network for a reason – lots of fervid and loyal alumni with lots of expendable income. The Longhorn football profit total of $104.9M didn’t quite measure up to 2018-19′s record ($112.9M). But nobody else is in the neighborhood.
More PennLive sports coverage:
• Which are richest (and poorest) Big Ten football programs? Here are fresh revenue figures
• The bowls were never in danger from a playoff, and reaction to the 12-team CFP proposal is proof.
• “Hey, Jones!”: Did Bo know about Michigan doc? Is Pulisic USMNT savior? What we know so far suggests: Yes.
• Why expanding College Football Playoff to 12 teams is just a big, fat hustle that serves the status quo.
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
February 19, 2021: 9:48 am:
A series of events that led to an incoming call on my phone is worthy of note.
This email promotion from American Music Supply came in yesterday afternoon at 4:01 pm. The “01″ being of interest as a “perpetuation” statement.
Features Shure Wireless products.
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This arrived at 8:21 am shortly after I went online with the computer. From Mariam Webster, Week in Review:
I was interested in “Kerfuffle” having seen Boris Johnson use that word in a Tweet last week or so.
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Here, we get some insight from MW about “Kerfuffle”. They side-step “Kerfuffle”, and move over to “Kafuffle” in their explanation of word use historically in literary works.
So, I saw that the letter “R” had been taken out, in favor of the letter “F” for the spelling of a different word, explaned with obscure litterary reference where I see little association to Boris Johnson’s use of a different word, that is similar to “Kafuffle”.
I make assessment mentally: “There must be an “RF” frequency generator around here somewhere” I thought to myself.
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I did that assessment about radio frequency, then looked at the ad for the sure products again, and clicked the link in the email to get to the page below that explains more about wireless transmitters made by Shure.
That is exactly the moment the phone rang, after seeing that Kerfuffle is not Kafuffle, and the difference is an “RF” re-arrangement, and is based on a Boris Johnson tweet, and was announced by MW, the source authority of all things “dictionary text”. As I accessed an advertisement about wireless transmitters, a call incoming from 541-641-7862 at 9:45 am, just at moment I accessed the Shure page from the AMS email promotion shown above, is notable.
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The listed source area of the call. Means nothing.
Must be a joke sent by Boris Johnson.
Boris playfully says: “I tire of this”, with that call.
Those words are made famously recognizable by a local attorney by the name of Christopher Mecca, who is known to say: “I tire of this” when he gets frustrated about things he loses control of.
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Some observations I made about that Shure ad, includes that the grey color is both on the background and on the text, making a difficult read due to reduced contrast between text and background. Is a “Gamma Adjustment” statement, and is a “place where opposites meet” sort of statement with the use of the grey color. It’s complicated, you need to understand the Queen’s Black & White Television, and that it has a brightness, contrast, and volume knob, sometimes the reception is not quite right, and you have to smack it up side of the cabinet to make the picture more clear.
Sophisticated, but with only three knobs.
From there, we can talk about Joe Biden‘s fake bullshit rhetoric terror command language in that video speech this morning where “file cabinets w/replaceable locks and roller bearing drawers” is the message presented in the code.
Specifics about these two file cabinets are part of today’s Joe Biden terror speech.
“you have to smack it upside the cabinet to make picture satisfactory” ... part of the operational characteristics of the Queen‘s black & white television.
“Exchange “head” for “cabinet”, for a clearer picture and some Smack”
That is the Joe Biden message in his Twitter terror speech today.
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There is more, But Joe is saying he wants another crew of terror assassins to come take a whack at me, and is offering some heroin to the successful assassins.
Here is the link to the Joe’s Happy Heroin Smack Hit Orders.
There is other stuff in there too.
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10:49 am:
These assholes are hijacking my computer again through the Norton Symantec internet security from Centurylink terror cell HQ, I suspect they source is at Grants Pass Community Church today, and is mobile terror hacker tools provided by Centurylink ISP.
Happened the moment I posted this Tumblr entry just now.
That pop up window about Dark Web is the hack, it has a bug built in and is disguised as a friendly reminder, Canadian style.
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11:09 am:
had to reset the digital signal amplification module, restart the computer and runs scans with the same security product that is being used to do the hacking into my computer, normally I would have swapped out the flux capacitor for a freshly charged one, but those are no longer available.
It’s very clear that Christopher Mecca is in charge of today’s hit from Biden’s terror team (Ann Wilson at Amp Guru on Kauai Ranch).
Early this morning I saw someone wearing the Brown KKK Robe out side of my kitchen window at about 7:00 am.
I’ll wager that was Christopher Mecca.
He sometimes wears a orange hard hat, and that has a wireless guitar transmitter attached to the back side of the orange hard hat. They use that communication when iPhone blu-tooth comm devices are too risky.
Chris Mecca has/had an office at the Sears shopping center in Grants Pass nearby the La Burrita Restaurant where John Kitzhaber was killed in defense many years ago.
Chris Mecca is an attorney, but lives on the property owned by Grants Pass Community Church at the house where the pastor is supposed to live.
They are all pirates, the attorney is a terrorist, is the pastor.
Chris Mecca preferes to attack me from the Chapman County Courts terror cell at 3701 Russell Road. He is going to be upset about the death of his comrade County Court Judge Honorable Patrick Wolke last few days ago. Pat needs Chris to operate, and Chris needs Pat to operate. Pat is dead. That will cause problems for Chris.
Chris has a lovely Cannibal wife by the name of Kelly Mecca, she has worked at Ray’s Food Place for more than twenty years, capturing, torturing, killing, and then eating the vacationing tourist victims who visit this area for the great recreation that it offers. All of the local SDA who attend the Grants Pass Community Church are cannibals, they eat human meat. Sometimes the human meat is available at the Ray’s Food Place Butcher Counter if you know the magic words to get some of it.
There is a lot of poison gas already released in the neighborhood. The kind that makes blurred vision, and swollen and painful right leg conditions.
Please send help.
US Military is required, there are 50,000 terror soldiers in Josephine county alone, many hundreds of thousands more throughout the state of Oregon.
Bring your own hospital, those are occupied by the terror army here.
5:48 pm:
Here is more about the Joe Biden Schnitzel German phile cabinet terror hit presented on Twitter earlier today:
This tweet generated from a Twitter Trend about a 27 year old (is “27 Club“ and is a shape, a “cube” or “container”)
This is the same as the keys that are in the phile cabinet in the ad above where I just read the information provided in the Joe Biden speech in order to know how to find the phile cabinet’s that were shown above and the other information contained outside of the Biden Phile cabinet for the Chris Mecca hit orders.
(think in terms of that report about terrorism I sent to the white house the other day, where I was provided with 2000 characters at the WH website to say my thing, not enough room to work with, so inclusion of external information provided with the links to this StoneMan Warrior account so they could be fully informed, and advised of the sophistaced nature of the terror reported, and pointed out the 911 Emergency Phone Service is controlled by terror army, does not work, and only brings assassins.)
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That leads to anothet email from music industry, this one featuring Electrovoice Speakers sent later in the day today at 4:01 pm, 24 hours after that other email was sent with the Shure Wireless products.
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When I click that and apply the clues in the “Key Tweet” (Mike Pompeo Keynote Speaker at the SXSW convention where Bernie Sanders showed up at the Boris Johnson Basketball Game, from Yesterdays “Iranian Terror Rental Service At US State Department, The Blinken Tugboat Tweet about a educational situation, all inclusive here along with my reports of terrorism ... that is why the file cabinets are necessary, and is why Dolly Parton was featured in news yesterday to say the “Statue of Limitations Timing is off” sort of message about carting away my belongings.
It’s complicated like that.
But, click the link as directed by Mike Pompeo disguised as Nicholas G, Riech in the Tweet shown above, do math, and here are the file cabinet drawers below symbolically, somehow.
The “drawers are removable from the cabinet” is part of the message, and is part of the Joe Biden instructions to kill me and take down this Tumblr account.
Give me an interview about terrorism, and I will gladly decode the rest of the comm in the speakers.
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Joe Biden has it worked out where he is able to send out terror commands and hit orders that are hidden inside of coded information the is about his pedophilia preferences of little red headed girls, and, he still gets a pass on both the terrorism and the pedophilia.
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In the unlikely event there could be someone watching the baby other than me, be advised that I am waiting to see a Tweet from UK that says something to the affect of “upside down sterling”, “dead whale”, or maybe “sterling roll over” kind of Tweet. They already said “Sterling remains buoyant” night before last at Reuters UK. The is not a good thing for Britain, the sterling is metal, should stay under the water.
If the sterling goes belly-up in some way, that to me says the Guantanamo Bay Submarine in the Gulf of Mexico, a British boat, and maybe the other one at Pelican Bay in northern California,was sunk, caught, or are otherwise out of commission.
I’ve been poisoned with a variety of airborne gasses non-stop for the past week since I sent that report of terrorism to the White House, and I don‘t really want to do any more decoding work, I feel sick, my leg hurts real bad, and there is no help to stop the attack. Twitter is still Tweeting, and that tells me there is never going to be an end to the terrorism we face in USA.
8:18 pm:
“Beyond Westlessness“
Remember what I was saying about “Bee in your Bonnet” is an SDA expression used for communincation between SDA terror cells to share “brainstorming” ideas, basically “Bee in Your Bonnet” is an idea, something that an SDA terror cell has used for capturing US Citizens, and works good, so they share their ideas with one another about what works, and what does not work I suppose is also included in Bee in Your Bonnet” SDA terror comm.
Here, the “Bee in Your Bonnet” announcement is presented on the header of the Twitter account featuring Joe Biden, a Seventh Day Adventist Cannibal and a Pedophile who seeming was released from federal prison, given a $1,000 suit to wear, and the keys to the White House as a gift from Britain to USA.
“Bee Yond” (do your own math, I tire of this)
Bugs Bunny at the White House. Bugs is funny, but he’s an asshole.
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That Presidential video I tried to link above won‘t play at any of the places it’s posted, if you did not see it live like I did, you won‘t be able to see it. In the background where Joe was standing while doing the speech, there were two objects, one on each side of him. The looked almost exactly like those two file cabinets I linked above, and is party how I was able to read the clues that led me there.
Joe mentioned “Democrat national Convention” in the speech he made. The statement was out of place, did not really fit in with the gist of the speech.
You can’t see it, because US State is suppressing it on Twitter.
Do you see that MSC logo in that header above?
Think about file cabinets (this tumblr account [email protected] is the file cabinet being referred to in the wake of the report of terrorism and request for help I sent to the white house on the 13th of February 2021.)
now look at this logo:
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It’s a match.
Seagate makes hard-drives. It’s “Close enough for government work” for the match.
Seagate is a company that was hijacked early on in the terror takeover. When I was held captive in around 1998 - 2002 or so, I was forced to create design work, and had to use a “Seagate FreeAgent” hard drive that was brought each day, and taken away each day.
In 1998, I was storing files on a hard drive with 1.5 - 3 terrabytes of disc space.
That was way way way beyond what was publicly available at the time as far as storage space technology is concerned. That hard drive is used to do a lot of things, I made many of the logos for some of the so called “unicorns” as a result of being held captive and was told to store the work on that Seagate FreeAgent 1.5 - 3 terrabyte hard drive at a time when terrabytes were unheard of.
It does not make a difference. nothing I say here makes any difference only because there are no more national security people.
I cannot get any help. I need medical treatment, but there are no more real doctors, there are only terror soldier operative actors who pretend, they play role of health provider, and kill those who go to see a doctor.
That and Twitter is still tweeting.
no help will ever be able to do any kind of security work if Twitter remains active.
no doctors will ever be restored to the communities.
no one will stop the aerial poison gas from being release by the terror soldiers who use Twitter for commands to use the gas.
as more aerial gas is released by command on Twitter, the terror army will continue to draw people to the health providers with symptoms from the poison gas, while Twitter promotes the fake Corona Virus is the reason so many are getting sick, and going to see a doctor, but that is all bullshit designed to remind you every day, to go to see a doctor. There, everyone is killed. US Citizens go in the front door at the hospital, and a Canadian look-a-like comes out of the side door later on, using the name of the murdered victim citizens.
I am tired. I can barely see the screen, the gas is fouling up my vision, my circulation is poor, my leg is swollen, and I have coughing fits when the put the poison gasses into the house through the cracks around the doors and windows, laundry vent, chimney, and other places that all houses have available for inserting gas with pressure to poison people.
Since making that report to the white house, the gas attacks from outside has increased dramatically. The number of dead terror soldiers ratio per day that I have defended against has increased dramatically, and there is no signs of any helpful people.
I did not opened my front door to go outside yesterday or the day before at all. It’s too dangerous to go outside after asking the White House for help to stop mass murders in Oregon, and US and Global take over.
Earlier today shortly after that incoming phone call from “Yoncala” came in to my phone, a powerful jet airplane flew low and slow over my house, it was going south towards the Grants Pass Municipal Airport, which is about seven miles south of my house. That jet is the same kind of thing that happens when SAGClubMed Junket Jet comes each time, they always buzz my house first, then again usually on the flight out, typically after a three to four day mass murder festival that SAGClubMed Junket is about.
So, Junket Jet Flyover at about noon or so today is what also happened, it’s part of the “Joe Biden Staple’s Phile Cabinet Electrovoice State Department Iranian Tugboat Terror in the Mediteranian Sea Rental Service” that has been building momentum over the past three days.
9:27 pm:
Here is a video part from ABC World news retweeted from the “Munich Security Conference” Twitter Verified Account:
There are the symbolic phile cabinets there.
What you need to do, is make assessment from the product descriptions at the link I provided for you above, about the Staple’s File Cabinets. Look at the keys that are in each one. See that one is “Aluminum, and one is “Metal”. Read about the removable lock that is replaceable, and see that they each feature bearing roller drawer guides. I don‘t recall seeing information about “Removable Drawers” but a removable/Replaceable Lock is specified.
Then, the Electrovoice Speakers, presented later on, are basically the same shape as the file cabinet drawers are. There are four speakers specified from instructions contained in that Trending on Twitter Tweet from “Nicholas G. Riech” (is Mike Pompeo, or Blinkin in disguise, or someone from “Amp Guru” terror cell) then see that those are the drawers. See that there are two sizes of speakers, 18″ and 15″, and there are two sizes of File Cabinet, 18″ and 15″ wide, “Letter & Legal”.
Look for other information throughout all of what I linked for you. I did not read the specifications for the speakers, I don‘t want to read about my own murder contract from the President any more than I need to for seeing that the hit order is present.
The hit order is present, and includes that this Tumblr account is to be “Carted Away with a hand truck”
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9:47 pm:
We are at a point in USA where reporting terrorism to the US President to ask for help in a national emergency, is responded to with assassins sent from the White House to kill those who make such reports, and, to delete any evidence that a report was made.
This is not a new phenomenon.
If you read this account, there are other times when I sent reports of the same terrorism, to the White House, to Donald Trump, and the result then was a bomb at a doctor office that backfired and exploded the assassins and the bus they arrived in. February 7th 2017 I think it was, I explained it many times here on this account.
Further research would show that Barack Obama was also informed through the White House Contact Page, and, with hand written letter in the United States Postal Mail sent from the US Post Office at 97532 in Merlin where I hand carried the letter and sent it to the White House addressed to Barack Obama with registered or certified mail at a time when Joe Biden was Vice President. The same terrorism was reported then as now.
I called George W. Bush’s White House Phone number to report the terrorism back then also.
All of them have sent assassins to kill me, none sent any help, none did anything to stop the mass murders.
Hillary Clinton came to my home personally to kill me in around 2008.
I am tempted to challenge someone to report the same kind of terrorism to the white house, the kind that is real, that includes mass murder at the grocery stores in the day time with use of poison gasses.
Don‘t do it. You have to find another way, The US President’s don‘t do US national defense work, they do terror take over of USA work in league with Britain.
February 20, 2021: 9:29 am:
Reminder: If nsa were to run across any Seagate FreeAgent hard drives, be advised that those old/new pre-release technology ones like the one I was forced to use, they look exactly the same as the ones the were made available at Walmart in around 2009. When you start it up, it makes a series of little lights that look somewhat like stars all arranged on the front panel. Also, those were “encryption“ hard drives. The way that works, is when files are stored, someone can make a password protected file that encapsulates the information to be encrypted, then, the encrypted information within that file is made invisible to anyone who browses the contents of the hard drive, and that is what the encryption is for. It’s a feature that makes a set of information completely invisible on the FreeAgent hard drive, without the password, no one will even know that such encrypted files are stored on it, and, without specialized disc annalists tools, no one can even know that any disc space is occupied by such encrypted files.
I’ll wager that Joe Biden has an array of SeaGate FreeAgent Encryption Discs filled with kiddie-porn edited with aboriginal down under BBC news Pence music, so, be advised of that.
Also, another reminder: Mike Pence is a Grants Pass Oregon former resident, maybe is real home town. Only very few people know that.
Barack Obama grew up in San Fernando Valley California, not Hawaii, not anywhere else, not where the publicly available information says he grew up.
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