#have you seen any of the bats they do not belong in that poll oh my god
6kate1bishop6 · 7 months
i think all dc polls would be improved if we just didnt allow bat affiliated characters in them
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 5 years
The Annual Shipping Polls
Fandom: Batman/DC Pairings: Dick/Tim, Bruce/Diana, Roy/Kory/Jason, Stephaine/Cassandra, mentions of fandom Kon/Tim, fandom SuperBats Summary: Dick is brooding, Jason is amused, Tim is confused, Damian is annoyed, Stephanie and Babs want to knock some heads, and Cass and Diana are all-knowing. Author notes: This is my first time writing Dick/Tim and I owe a huge thank you to @iphoenixrising who’s amazing Tim stories got me longing to write my own Tim stories. 
Like many things Jason will claim that it was all Roy’s fault he discovered it first and after laughing for several moments sought out Jason.
It was the annual shippers poll that happened once a year where fans of superheroes would vote for their favorite ship as they went head to head to see who would win. There was favorite slash, female slash, het, poly and superheroes, and their villains.
When it was first discovered an amused Lois sent the links to Clark.
Diana had been amused.
Bruce grunted and glared.
Clark feared just a little for his life.
SuperBats had won favorite slash pairing while WonderBat had won for favorite het pairing and The Trinity had won for favorite poly pairing.
It stayed like that for many years until other heroes started appearing Wally and Dick to their amusement learned that they were a much loved BirdFlash and one of the few that could give SuperBats a run for their money but sadly always came a little short of beating them. Nightwing/Starfire was a much-loved pairing and one year managed to defeat WonderBat only for the WonderBat fans to come back next year and claim their crown.
To Barry Allen's shock and Leonard Snart amusement, ColdFlash was undefeatable as the fans' favorite hero/villain pairing. No one was really surprised when those two actually did end up together.
Roy had been checking to see where the Outlaws ranked and was pleased to see that they had won favorite poly pairing. "Finally, good to see that people have some good taste."
Continuing on Roy fought back the laughter when he saw that Nightwing/Red Hood had made it pretty far. "Oh, this is priceless." Roy printed out he wondered how long it would last before Jason used it for target practice.
Moving up the list Roy was waiting to see that once again SuperBats was named as the top slash pairing only to stop and stare. "No way."
But it was there SuperBats was in second place.
"JASON! SOMEONE BEAT SUPERBATS!" Roy shouted with glee.
Jason was at Roy's side in a second all but shoving him out of the way he was a little bummed to see that Bruce and the boy scout were no longer number one, he loved using it to annoy Bruce. Jason loved the little twitch Bruce developed when Jason brought it up. "Who beat them?" Jason growled out. "It better not be me and Dickie!" Jason could do so much better than Dick. 'So could replacement but for some reason, he is hooked on him.'
Roy's body hummed with amusement, "A new version of SuperBats."
For several moments Jason could only stare at the computer screen as he processed what he had just read. “Oh, this is just too good.” Forget teasing Bruce this was glorious.
Diana Prince -Wayne wasn't at all surprised when Jason breezed into the cave a mischievous look on his face. She knew that she shouldn't play favorites and she did her best not to but Jason out of all of Bruce's partners had a special place in her heart. "I take it that you have seen the outcome of the latest results of the annual polls?" She knew that Jason loved to tease Bruce about the fact that people loved the Batman with Superman he had even gone as far one year to cover the cave in fanfics and fanart of the couple and even got Babs to have the bat computer play Superman's theme for every little thing.
A small smile appeared on Jason's face she was one the few people that he genuinely liked to see. Personally, Jason thought Diana could do better she is fucking Wonder Woman after all! But for some reason that Jason couldn't understand she had fallen in love with Bruce. 'Bruce is one lucky son of a bitch.' "I did indeed but I am going to wait until everyone is here to tell the wonderful news."
"Just go easy on Dick, he is still in denial." Diana already knew she was curious about the outcome of these polls and she knew what had Jason so happy.
Jason knew that Diana had a point, he wasn't blind he saw the glances Dick tossed Tim’s way when he thought no one was looking, the longing and desire to fix things. Jason knew that Dick’s feelings for Tim were far from brotherly but he wouldn't act on them. Dick still carried guilt when he made Tim think that he wasn't wanted anymore when he took Robin from him and gave it to Damian, Tim was just starting to come back to realize that they did want him and Dick wouldn't risk Tim running away again.  
"Alright, I won't tease Dickie too much," Jason promised.
"That is all I ask of you." Diana smiled serenely at him before pulling out a copy of a much loved Jane Austen novel, "Something to keep you entertained until the others get here."
Taking the novel Jason pressed a kiss on Diana's cheek, "And this is why you are my favorite."
Dick Grayson stepped one foot in the cave and saw that Jason was already there, the grin on his face promising a good time for Jason and humiliation for anyone but him. Dick knew what day it was today but he never cared much about it, unlike Jason who loved it, mostly because he loved to tease those who won.
Jason grinned at the look of dread on Dick and Tim's face, the grin that grew as Bruce looked even more gloomy than normal.
Stephanie's hand in hand with Cassandra entered the cave with a bounce and a wide smile on her face, "Guess who won favorite female couple?" She beamed at Cass who returned it with a small smile.
Tim smiled at them, he was happy his favorite sister and Stephanie had found happiness with each other. "Like there was any doubt."
Stephanie preened, "It just shows that people have good taste."
Tim did not like the look on her face, it matched the one Jason was wearing.
“It would seem that after many years ranking at the top SuperBats has been at last defeated!” Jason announced.
Bruce grunted he didn't understand why people shipped him and Clark together but he was curious as to who finally dethroned them. ‘Maybe this will finally stop Hal and Barry from sending me SuperBats fanfiction and artworks.’
An unholy gleam appeared in Jason's eyes, the look that he aimed at Dick and then Tim before pulling up the article on his phone, “Yes folks, it has finally happened the long regaining SuperBats has been defeated by another that has been gaining on them for years. Congratulations Superboy and Red Robin.”
Dick’s enraged bellow sent bats flying as Tim could only stare at Jason.
"Kon and me?" Tim could understand why people shipped them, best friends to lovers was a very popular trope but he didn't think that he and Kon had that big of a following. He felt kinda flattered even if he never thought of Kon like that. No his heart belonged to only one person.
An annoyed look appeared on Damian's face, he didn't understand why Todd and Brown made such a big deal about these foolish polls. "Ridiculous, if anyone should have defeated father it should have been Grayson and Drake they have been pining over one another for years it is sickening."
Dick and Tim both paled, both had been so sure that they hid their feelings for each other so well that no one else in the family knew, let alone their crush.
"Silly." Cassandra moved away from Stephanie coming to stand between Dick and Tim she took their hands in hers.  "Love each other. Stop denying it."
“I couldn't have said it better. Everyone is tired of the two of you pining for one another." Babs voice echoed around the cave, no one was surprised that she hacked the comm system.
Rising gracefully to her feet Diana took Bruce's hand in hers. "I think that we should give them a few moments alone."
Never one to deny his princess Bruce led Diana from the cave. 'At least now I don't have to put up with Jason decorating my cave with all that artwork of Clark and I.'
Dick and Tim avoided looking at one another as the cave emptied as their family left them alone.
"Do I need to worry about you going after Kon with a chunk of kryptonite?" Tim found himself asking the last thing he wanted was for Kon to be in danger.
'Now that is an idea.' Dick was tempted, oh was he ever tempted to take some and hunt down Kon and ask him what his intentions were towards Tim. 'No Tim would be mad at me.' Dick forgot the idea right away.
Dick looked at Tim and was once again blown away at how beautiful Tim was. "All I want for you is to be happy and if that is with Kon then so be it."
"Kon and I are friends, best friends but just friends." Tim wanted to say, 'How can I be in love with Kon when I am in love with you?'
"You're in love with me?"
Tim's eyes widened in horror as he realized he had just said that out loud. Slapping his hands over his mouth Tim took a step back.
Only Dick followed his moves smooth and seductive until he had Tim pinned between him and a workbench. "Answer me baby bird. Are you in love with me?"
Tim was tempted he could nerve strike Dick and high tailed it out of the cave but he knows that Dick will just follow him. "I have been for so long. Before I even knew what love was."
Reaching out a hand Dick cupped Tim's face and nudged his head up to look him in the eyes, "I love you too, pretty bird. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to push you away not when you have just returned to us." Dick explained.
Tim was sure that his heart was pounding so loudly that Dick could hear it. "Kiss me?" Tim pleaded softly.
Dick's face lit up in a smile, "Nothing would make me happier, pretty bird." Dick had dreamed of his moment for so long and nothing he had imagined was like the real thing. Tim fit perfectly against him like Tim was made just for him.
Jason grinned as he heard Bruce mutter about "slideshows" and "protection" this turned out even better than he thought and if Dickie got one his nervous he had tons of Baby Bird and Superboy artwork saved away for revenge.
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mysticalfriends · 7 years
Anon Asks: RFA reacting to an MC with a fuck ton of cats
Hey there y’all. The excitement is great, almost 100 followers. We’re planning on doing something for the big event, and there will be a poll posted sometime on Saturday with a couple options for y’all to choose from. We’re all really happy that someone likes our writing (like wow, we never expected this~) and we’re so honored that y’all decided to join us in our fun. Anyways, have another head canon, y’all~
<3 Mod Vem
Yoosung -When he finds out that you have cats he’s excited to meet them -Until MC asks him to come over and meet them -MC starts listing off names while pointing out which is which -Yoosung knows that cats are social animals, they like having friends -but for the apartment where MC is living, this is too many furry friends -Yoosung finally just asks how many cats you have -6? That’s...a lot of cats. But momma cat had 5 kittens, and if you can’t find homes for them you’re certainly not going to kick them out on the streets -Yoosung knows the feeling, you can’t just abandon them. They’re a family. -Once he gets to see the cats together, chilling out and not acting stressed he settles down -He becomes a cat whisperer, spending time over at MC’s place is really helping him learn about feline behavior -It takes him a while, but he does learn all their names, even though he always gets Tootsie and Footsie mixed up.
Zen -Nope -No -Why did you think this was a good idea again? -He loves you, very very much, and he’s willing to try for you. He’s not going to ask ‘me or them’, he’s afraid of what the answer might be -He doses himself with allergy meds and braves the fray, and knocks on your door -He braces himself for the sneezing -MC greets him and he walks into the living room -and screams -It was a very manly scream, and he would like you to know he heroically jumped in front of MC to defend his lady from the demons -Wow Zen, I’ve never heard anyone call my cats a shriveled pack of goblins before -With their big floppy ears and bald wrinkly faces they do look like goblins, or bats -They are the ugliest things he has ever seen. But he’s not going to tell MC that. -And it just so happens that they’re hypoallergenic. Zen’s allergies don’t act up around them. -He refuses to admit that he likes them though. He’d never hear the end of it from Jumin. -Jaehee, however, does have a photo of Zen sleeping on the couch with Fizzles sleeping in the crook of his arm, courtesy of MC
Jaehee -Jaehee knows you have cats, she’s seen the traces of fur on your clothes -But she doesn’t expect there to be so many of them -She stops and stares in shock at the 4 kittens chasing each other around the coffee table -and what is apparently their mother cleaning another 2 in a fluffy cat bed -And the biggest, meanest looking cat she’s ever seen lounging across the back of the couch in a patch of sunlight -Before she works herself up into righteous indignation MC heads her off -I know you don’t care for cats, but only Victoria belongs to me. The rest of them are foster cats from the shelter, here to be socialized for future homes -Now Jaehee appreciates community service. It’s important to help out causes that are important to you -But did it really have to be cats? -So long as Jaehee isn’t responsible for their care (and MC is very practiced at handling their charges) she doesn’t mind that much -And it obviously makes MC happy -And they both cry when it’s time to send the batch of kittens off to their new homes
Jumin -Unfortunately, Jumin had to be away on business -MC was kind enough to offer to take care of Elizabeth the 3rd -He hated leaving them both all alone -So it was a suitable arrangement -Especially when MC told him they had cats of their own -He worried about Elizabeth the 3rd. How would she handle meeting the other cats? -But he trusted MC to know how to properly handle the situation -When he got back he went directly to MC’s apartment, he wanted to surprise them -But he certainly didn’t expect that -Elizabeth the 3rd was cuddled up with a beautiful orange male, they were grooming each other, as a tortoiseshell looked on jealously -Instant protectiveness -After MC greeted him, they opened up a can of cat food and another 3 sets of eyes magically appeared around corners, before they slunk around the edges of the room to their dishes, one of them looking painfully round -MC was more than happy to explain that they had a business breeding calico and tortoiseshell cats -They really knew a lot about their cats. While he knew about Elizabeth the 3rd, there was a lot he didn’t know about cats in general. -He was more than happy to support them, and in return MC was more than happy to let her pets test out any of his feline products -They had a system, and it worked
Seven -For a while MC wouldn’t even let Seven over -He knew she had cats -They said that they couldn’t handle a lot of stress -And that’s okay, not every cat wants to play all the time -But eventually MC relented -but he had to promise to leave them alone -He was just so excited when he drove over -Until he got in and saw them -They were all so old, or thin, or sick -MC had a deal with the local shelter, they called MC’s apartment the ‘Hospice for Hopeless Cats’ -He was so proud of her, taking care of all these lost causes -It still didn’t stop him from tossing around a few toys to the energetic ones -and when Sir Purrcival decided to chase his headphone wires -That just made his week
Saeran -He didn’t understand why people wanted pets -She certainly never allowed them -So when MC offered to introduce him he was wary -He wanted to get away from Saeyoung though -He was feeling smothered -After MC reassured Saeyoung that there wouldn’t be any problems, he was released with an embrace -He stared at MC. He didn’t know what to say. Was he supposed to apologize? How do you even say “I’m sorry for kidnapping you?” -MC just smiled at him, and led him into the living room. Apparently he’s not supposed to say anything. -They handed him a ziploc bag full of green...what sort of spice was this? It didn’t smell like oregano... -There was a rush of bodies low to the ground at the door -He shrunk back into the couch, and went completely still -The bodies resolved to be cats, and they were very interested in the bag he was holding -It was a swarm, and they weren’t particularly picky over where they were standing. -One of them thrust their face inside and almost knocked it out of his hands before MC took pity on him -“Tiberius, don’t be rude to our guest!” They pulled the tall, obnoxious cat away. “Feel free to push them away if they get too nosy, they know their manners. They just forget them when they get excited sometimes.” -Well doesn’t that sound familiar. Despite himself, Saeran felt a grin on his face. -After a while of letting the cats investigate him and the bag of catnip they wandered off -All except for the small one half-perched between his shoulder and the back of the couch cushion -“Oh don’t mind Nugget. She likes to be tall.” He stuck out a hand and let her sniff it in introduction -Nugget then pressed against his hand so forcefully she fell over and slid down into his lap -Where she proceeded to make herself comfy, and started up the cutest purr -And her fur was so soft he couldn’t stop petting her -It was comforting
V -He...doesn’t actually realize that MC has more than one cat -They just never seemed to appear in the same room at the same time -so when he told MC that he really liked how friendly their cat was -MC was all, “I don’t know, I think Andromeda can be kind of rude. Chiron is the nice one.” -“What do you mean the nice one? I thought you only had 1 cat?” -He could just hear MC’s incredulous not-laughter -“I’ve got 5 cats, but they’re siblings, so they’re all pretty identical” -And MC went and collected the cats one by one -Everytime they brought out another cat his jaw dropped lower and lower -And they were pretty identical -He has never felt more embarrassed -How is it that in 3 years no more than 1 of these cats has ever been in the same room as him at a time?
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brothersapart · 7 years
The Lounge || A Dean in the Hand (1 of 3)
Welcome to the AU lounge! A place of relaxation conceived and helped designed by all the readers and visitors to the world of Brothers Apart! Stay awhile, kick up your boots, and have some pie!
Current AUs in the Lounge:
Brothers Together (Teenager big Dean; tiny kiddo Sam; tiny kiddo Oscar) Brothers Apart (The original Dean and Sam) Brothers Lost (Big Jacob with the tiny bros) ****** Departing Brothers Found (Big Dean and Jacob, tiny Sam) Brothers Adopted (Big Dean, tiny Jacob and Sam) ****** New Arrivals
Time, that endless flow that the Lounge existed without, passed outside the doors. Within, the different groups mingled, each with their own stories and tales to tell the others. From time to time, the smallest member of the Lounge, little Oscar whom even the bartender loved to see come around and peek out into view, would have to leave, called by a mysterious summons.
But he always came back, and always went back over to his young Dean and Sam, who were delighted to see him and managed to take away the sadness that fell over him each time.
Between serving whiskeys and pies and mysteriously bussing tables without ever being seen, Gabriel kept a sharp eye on the TV suspended above his bar. On it, the flashing colors belonging to each AU switched between different polls, and he was surprised to see the same group get voted in a second time. Family Ties turned into First Hunt, glowing its win.
Over at the table with the two Jacobs sitting, they watched the tiny Winchesters go through a few games, Dean quickly putting up a better fight now that he knew Sam was his equal at the game. It grew more heated between them, but all in good fun with the occasional call to “Rack ‘em, loser!” when one won.
The original Dean of the crew came strolling over to watch the game, his mouth quirked into a smile as he saw his tiny counterpart clearing the table with one stroke after the other.
Then, to the smaller Dean’s eternal consternation, Dean swept him right up off the table with a shit-eating grin right after his winning stroke sunk the eight ball in the corner pocket.
“What’s the big idea?” Dean griped up at his giant counterpart, batting at the fingers around him. As fast as this Dean was, his grip was always surprisingly gentle.
“Oh, nothing,” Dean said innocently. “Just figured you might want to see how the big boys play.” With a grin, he plunked tiny Dean right down on the pool table, still a mess from an earlier game with the solid balls still on the table, all the stripes gone.
“Jackass!” Dean shot up at him, shoving a yellow 1 out of his way as he stalked for the edge.
To the side, Gabriel watched all the happenings between the groups, always alert for any actual danger between the different sizes. Danger was discouraged, but jokes and pranks…
Well, those were fully encouraged and endorsed.
Both Jacobs were just as surprised by how quickly the larger of the two Deans had just swept up his tiny counterpart. The younger Jacob, still sporting a black eye that was doing a lot better since he came into the lounge, stood from his seat to wander over to the pool. Behind him, the other Jacob held out a hand for the Sam who'd been left on his own.
Young-Jacob stared at the 1 ball as it rolled slowly to a stop only a few inches from where it started. The mini-Dean looked so small among the normal-sized pool balls.
Ever wary of how his own Dean didn't want him around the little guys, Jacob didn't immediately move to offer a hand. "I think this table's more of a football field," he mused.
“A football field with a jackass giant!” Dean griped up from where he was walking. The edges of the table had places he could climb down without his hook and thread, so that’s where he headed.
The larger Dean chuckled, lining up a shot with the cue ball and lightly nudging it towards the 1. It was barely a love tap, sending the ball into Dean’s way as he stalked by. With a swear, the smaller Dean kicked at the ball.
A second Dean strolled over, his hands in his pockets as he looked over the pool table. “Mini-me’s having some issues there,” he commented to the Sam on his shoulder.
The original Dean frowned at him. “How old are you, anyway?” he inquired as he took aim at the yellow 1 again.
Dean scowled. “I’m 26, dude!” he griped, looking annoyed at the question.
Dean chuckled as he tapped the cue ball again to piss of the smaller Dean. “I’m 27.”
“Yeah, well I’m 28 which means I’m in charge around here!” the little Dean snapped, shoving the cue ball back at his larger counterpart only to make the man chuckle again as he steadied the ball.
While they bickered by the pool tables, the screen above Gabriel flickered, and this time there were four names listed above, flashing as it was decided which one would post next.
Like a Moth to Flame
Sam of Wellwood
The Water’s Fine
Bothering Bowman
Gabriel mused that if Dean couldn’t find his way off the pool table by the time the vote ended, he’d get a free ticket off if his story came up.
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