#haven't used this tag is aaaaages lol
savebylou · 2 months
Hi CC,
I've been meaning to write to you for aaaaages! To tell you how much I appreciate your presence, your positivity, and your community-building here in the fandom. It's a real delight to have you on my dash! And I'm not sure: do you know how much you are appreciated?
I love how you involve us all in your process: you tell us what you're gonna post & you warn us what we can block (not necessary but always so considerate). I love how you communicate so enthusiastically and openly in your tags, and you are so generous with your praise! I've also seen you posting warm&fuzzy "asks" (today you're on the receiving end!), and that's so sweet!
To me, you are my own private UA because you have such amazing coverage. You know someone at almost every concert and get the details. You follow (or at least reblog) an incredibly wide range of people in the fandom. Following you puts my fomo to rest: even when I can't keep up with my dash some days, I know I can just check your blog and be up to speed!
And the little updates no one asked for... well, let me tell you, there are days when I'm just waiting for Shari to wake up, because while I didn't ask for them, I do loooove your little nutshell summaries! (another reason why to me you're an UA !)
So... I guess you could call this a "CC appreciation post you didn't ask for"... but you most certainly deserve it!
Schöne Grüße aus Deutschland nach Mexico!
Ailo this is the best message I had ever recieve. I'm crying right now 😭. This is so beautiful.
I don't even know how to answer this. Gosh I'm out of words really. I really can't explain how much this message means to me.
I'm always think I'm annoying posting so much and I try to schedule post but still and that is why I make my tag warnings in case is too much.
This fandom is full of talented and kind people and I always try to write at least either a comment or praise or just thanking them. Is so nice that you notice.
I try to send some ask to fans that had gone to shows, I think is so lovely know more fan experiences.
I'm your own private UA 😭🤧❤️ that is so sweet. I like to follow a lot of people, I think there are so many amazing people in this fandom, is always nice seeing more content of the fandom and see differents pov.
You can always ask for a recap and I will send you one. I haven't done a lot of recaps lately because Niall's shows had not been really great with the lives, but I always love doing recaps. I'm so glad that you also enjoy them.
Oh you send me greetings in german. I do know a few words in german thanks to duolingo lol, I know is not the best but is something. I need to keep practicing so I can send a few words to you.
Here is my spanish phrase for you: Ailo llevaré por siempre este mensaje en mi corazón, gracias de verdad.
"CC appreciation post you didn't ask for" 😭🤧 I didn't ask for but this was such a wonderful surprise truly. Still crying by the way. I keep checking my answer to see what more I can said to you but I don't think there are enough words to express how much this means to me and how much I thank you for this message. You are always so sweet.
Sending you a big hug.
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I hope you have a lovely day/afternoon/night.
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rabidbehemoth · 3 years
Kishimoto treats his entire female cast like trash
Sakura never does anything with genjutsu
Hinata is a prop to get hurt and make Naruto rage
Ino’s a love rival to Sakura and nothing else
Tenten is….nonexistent.
Even the female kages get tossed around like garbage on the regular. Tsunade’s most impressive feat in the whole series was using all her chakra to keep people alive. Which is really really cool. But it’s something that is accomplished off screen.
The only female character that has any kind of profound impact on the narrative and doesn’t come across as a prop was Chiyo when she uses Sakura as a literal prop and then dies so Naruto can have Garaa back
Aaah, the ask came back!
To clarify, I still see where you're coming from, but don't agree with this entirely, anon. If this were true, I don't think fandom would be able to engage with kunoichi the way it does--it would be like trying to get excited about furniture. Naruto, for all its faults, does pass the sexy lamp test. If we could truly replace all the female characters with sexy lamps without affecting the story, I don't think even the most imaginative fans would want to draw/write/discuss them. I don't think this ask would exist, because we both would've dropped the story from the beginning and not given it a further thought.
For me, the majority of the frustration with Kishi's depictions of women is around aborted potential--how sometimes the characterization of various kunoichi is *promised* and seems to actually be going somewhere positive, but then ends up disappointing at best.
Sakura is canonically gifted at genjutsu...but then it's never mentioned again. Her relationship with Ino could have grown into a great friendship...but it stays largely centered around the rivalry over Sasuke before kind of petering out. Tenten does exist...until she basically vanishes from the narrative.
Lots of broken narrative promises, yes, but those promises were real and implied. If you're familiar with the writing proverb about Chekov's gun, the idea is that a writer should never introduce a gun (or any other narrative element) without also planning for it to go off. For something, anything to happen with it. But that's what Kishimoto does over and over again throughout the series: introduces the seedling of a good idea, then proceeds to completely ignore it in favor of whatever his flavor of the moment is. And it's almost always a development that favors a male character, especially his favs *coughUchihaclancough*
To be fair, he smashes that abort button a whole lot, not just with respect to female characters. That whole thing about how the ninja system Might Be Unethical After All? It was introduced as far back as the Zabuza/Haku arc, then actually developed as an idea all the way through the various sad backgrounds of Akatsuki, the reveal about Itachi, the many attempted destructions of Konoha...as an idea, it got plenty of narrative development over a long period of time, and even that was eventually just handwaved and shrugged off as eh, ninja system is fine after all, nbd.
If Kishi could do that to something that was becoming the main fucking theme of the series??? I mean. At least he's consistently disappointing, lol.
If you want to dive more into exactly how/why depictions of gender in Naruto are disappointing--because they are uniquely so regardless of Kishi's other narrative failures--I recommend this post by sub-textual: https://sub-textual.livejournal.com/29019.html
Personally, I always say fuck the canon and enjoy what you want. Life is too short to stay mad long about disappointing media, no matter how egregious.
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welcome to my OC dump!! because I love rambling about my characters but I don't want it clogging the dashboards of mutuals who didn't sign up for this shit 👍
A Quick FAQ For Basic Things
who are you
call me either Hex or Spider - either works, honestly. my pronouns are she/her (I'm alright with they/them, too!). I'm 24 years old. I live in Canada. that's all you gotta know!!
what is this
this is a blog where I fill out those tag-your-oc things because I have a lot of ocs, a lot of thoughts, and honestly, doing shit like this makes writing more fun for me. I stopped doing stuff like this for a while to try and get “more serious” with my writing - whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean - as well as avoid annoying my followers on my main, but then I got therapy and now I wanna yell about these fuckers again, so!! here we are.
you can follow if you want, but all you’re gonna get is barely-coherent yelling about Blorbos From My Brain. you’ve been warned. 
who are these funny people you keep posting about
info here!!!! as well as here!!! (eventually, lol. second page is still a work in progress)
what is Universe 1 and Universe 2
two separate worlds/stories!!! Universe 1 is the main one, which I've been working on since I was like 14. Universe 2 is a secondary one I made just this year to try and get back into writing (it didn't work <3). Universe 1 is the one I'll probably be talking about most on this blog since I've been obsessed with it for well over ten years now, but Universe 2 is pretty fun too so who knows. you can read about them in more detail in the links in the last answer!!
I think I've seen someone post about these characters before....
no u haven't <3 (but nah real talk, I used to ramble about these characters all the time on my main blog, so if you look in the notes of those a lot you'd probably find some shit from me. but I'm not using my main blog for this anymore!!! I should have made a sideblog for it AAAAAGES ago but better late than never I guess lmao)
what is your main?
@hexthespectre!! I wasn't sure if I wanted my main linked to this at first, but eh, it can't hurt lmao
what's the end game here?
write the fucking thing
learn to make games
make games based on the fucking thing
that's as far as I've gotten. I'll figure out the rest later
can I send you asks about your characters
y e s .
anyways have fun and whatever
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