spider-gets-artsy · 3 months
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Another Havenshifted redraw, Felena is the shortest troll I own...
I'm gonna post her dancestor (Belwen) tomorrow 😴
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shifting-haven · 4 years
I tried shifting today while taking a nap and I had a dream ab my DR, then when I woke up, I looked at the time.
it was 3:33.
I legit went “😀 pardon?”
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shifting-haven · 4 years
okay maybe not entirely huge BUT STILL-
so after a bit of experimenting as to what I felt on my face last night (bc I tried running my fingers across my face like how it was then and it didn’t feel the same), I figured out what was actually trailing across my face.
A feather.
My DR brother has black bird wings.
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shifting-haven · 3 years
Shifting Update: I! Was almost!! There!!!!
TL;DR: got really close to shifting, had a weird dream involving handcuffs, lemonade, and a faulty GPS.
y’all I swear I was this 👌 close to shifting last night I’m- anwkdjkdjddkkd I just fell asleep too fast-
Okay so last night I tried out the whole shifting code thing with a glass of water (put the code under a glass of water then drank it) and- yo what’s up with that I got dizzy af??? Sbakdjkd
(I also got an ask that said that someone else who tried it had the exact same symptoms so wassup that’s rad as shit!!)
So uH anyways, I laid down and tried to shift while listening to subs.
It worked so well.
Like at one point I was laying there and- I just saw this flash of bright white.
i was just laying there like “😳 ok I see u”
Anyways my legs started itching and I got really excited (ive scripted that that‘s what I feel when I get really close to shifting), but unfortunately I moved to scratch them (like I always do, ugh 🙄)
I got really into visualizing too, it was like I was there.
Basically I was visualizing one of my core memories (which I’ll get into later, I wanna make a post ab them bc I haven’t really seen anything on them??), where my DR self went to the beach. I could actually feel the sand and the concrete of the sidewalk on my feet. It was absolutely spectacular (also I keep smelling like. Something akin to saltwater?? I think it’s my blankets but if it isnt then 😳)
I had a weirdly vivid dream about a faulty GPS, someone trying to handcuff me but failing, and at the end of the dream I drank a lot of lemonade 👀 so yeah idk it was weird.
But I woke up like. Three times this morning. And I hadn‘t shifted 😔 but hey there’s always tonight!
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shifting-haven · 3 years
small vent, ignore this Tw: shifting doubts, swearing
I‘m so tired.
I’m really just. Exhausted, honestly. Every day I wake up in this reality and I feel another piece of me slip away.
Don’t rush it. Your time will come. That’s what I tell myself, but still.
I feel like I’m never going to shift, honestly. I’m beginning to wonder if I even can. I mean I’ve heard so many stories of other people shifting, of their experiences, how strong their symptoms are, and I’m just.... stuck here.
Is it me?
Did the universe decide I was unfit to shift for some reason?
What’s wrong with me?
I do methods. I review my scripts. I think about my DR. I listen to subs. I listen to music. I listen to nature sounds. Ambience. Whatever it takes. I practice, I drink fluids, I’m usually pretty chill before bed, even though I don’t need to do all of those things I still do.
And none of it works.
I’m beginning to think it’s my fault.
That I’m being punished.
Or worse, that shifting is going to be held back from me, keeping me trapped here in my CR, because I need to learn some sort of twisted lesson.
Everyone always talks about how shifting is a power we all possess, well I don’t seem to fucking have that. It sounds easy, doesn’t it? It probably is. I’m just a dumbass who can’t do anything right.
Sorry. I’m tired. I just want to go home.
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shifting-haven · 3 years
Hey y’all I’m back bc I’m better bc ✨mood swing✨
And uh so tonight I tried out the “put shifting code on ur arm under the moon” but there was no moon 😔
but it still worked?????
So basically I was outside and like- I just rolled up my sleeve and I looked around for the glorious space rock we call the moon,
and I couldn’t find it.
I focused on a star and was like ”.. haha wonder if I could use a star for this? That would be cool. Just be like ‘I will shift‘-“
and as soon as I said that I yelled bc my arm pricked right where I had put the code 👀
so uhhhhhh thats rad, I’m gonna make shifting water later, too :)
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shifting-haven · 3 years
Okay. So.
I did a tiny bit of research (as in very miniscule) around shiftblr about the shifting code (thank you to Rome for supplying me with it :)) and I saw somewhere that you can put it under a glass of water then drink it (the water, I mean).
So I was like “huh. Ok rad.”
I scribbled down the number on a piece of paper, got a glass of water (I affirmed that I would shift tonight the whole time) and set it down on the paper. After a few minutes I drank the water.
after I finished it I got dizzy.
I’m unsure if it was just like a placebo effect or something, but I’ll take it 👀
my head lowkey feels a little fuzzy rn and my body feels like. Weird.
Who knows, I might be dehydrated. If I shift tonight then ig we’ll find out??? Abekdjdjj
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shifting-haven · 4 years
Shifting Update: my legs won’t stop itching 😔
So last night I tried to shift, but my legs kept itching so I kept moving and I kept starting over.
Not fun :/ I didn’t shift. But I know that I’m close! :D
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shifting-haven · 4 years
Shifting update: why 👏🏻 do I keep 👏🏻 moving 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
hekdjefjhrjfrnf anyways
TL;DR: Tried the Alice in Wonderland method and it went wonderfully, the issue is is that I moved and I think that messed me up a lil
Okay so last night was. Last night lmao.
Basically I tried to shift via the Alice in wonderland method and- why did it work so well. Why did it go so astoundingly??? Like pardon???
Every other time I’ve used it it hasn’t really worked for me, but this time I was really able to get into visualizing and was able to really focus on the method. Like- I could actually partially feel myself running through the forest.
Now I’ve seen a lot of different versions of this method, which. I’m not sure how to deal with that?? The one I use goes like this.
Step 1: You visualize yourself underneath a tree. Take time to really feel yourself there and affirm. I think there’s also a part where you wait until you have a symptom but I just went onto step 2 as soon as I got visualizing down pat.
Step 2: Someone (or something) absolutely just books it past the tree you’re sitting under. It could be a person, a pet, really just anything that’s from your DR and reminds you of it. You get up and chase after them (I like to imagine myself yelling after them bc that feels accurate to me).
Step 3: Take your time running through the forest. Visualize it as clearly as possible. Affirm every now and then. After awhile, you see a giant hole, and the thing you were chasing after will leap into it. This is where you stop for a few seconds. Ask yourself if you truly want to shift. If the answer is no, then just stop visualizing and go to sleep. If the answer is yes, take a deep breath and jump.
Step 4: Now this step is kinda funky for me because usually at this point my head is pretty clear from CR stuff, but if you have any CR thoughts cross your mind, just acknowledge them and let them go. Think of your CR memories, good or bad, and let them drift away as you fall deeper, and deeper, and deeper. Take your time during this step, affirm if you want to.
Step 5: Finally, you hit the ground. When you get to your feet, you’re in a room surrounded by doors. The only furnishing is a table with a key and a bottle on it. You try all of the doors, but they’re all locked, and the key doesn’t fit in. You see a small door and try the key, and when you open it, you see your DR. However, you can’t fit in.
Step 6: Take the bottle and drink it. (I like to imagine it tastes sorta salty, but you can do whatever). You’ll shrink, and you can run and open the door now. When you open it, you’ll see your DR bedroom. someone from your DR (it could be who you were chasing after!) takes your hand and pulls you inside. You can talk to them, say hi, whatever.
Step 7: Anyways, they leave, shutting the door behind them. It turns into your DR bedroom door (or just whatever, it depends on where you wake up). You turn and see your DR bed. Go and lay down on it in the exact position you were in when you started and affirm till you sleep.
And thats it! I got a lot of symptoms with this one, mainly just my usual itching and tingling. My body also felt really really weird, and my room started to feel... different, if that makes any sense. My dog was actually sleeping on me, and after a bit of doing this method, his body started to feel extremely light, like I could barely feel him resting on me.
It was pretty cool, so I’ll definitely be trying it again, maybe with subs this time! I would say the only reason I didn’t shift was because I moved to scratch my face (moving kinda snaps me out of the shifting state and idk why).
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shifting-haven · 3 years
Didn’t shift last night because I passed out ahakidjdjd but uhhh pretty sure I had a dream ab my DR 👀 so im probably gonna try tonight idk whiedj
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shifting-haven · 4 years
so at one point there was this thing I saw where someone said they asked the universe or something to give them a sign if they were connected to a specific person in their DR (I think @stoneforests and @shifting-lark both did this, so that’s rad), and they got the signs.
so, me being the dumbass little shit I am, I do it twice.
The first time I asked for a blue bird bc I couldn’t think of anything else, and I got it. It was a toucan, but it was colored dark blue.
however that wasn’t enough and I waved it off as coincidence.
So I tried again. This time, I asked to see a spear, any kind of spear.
that was yesterday.
I was scrolling through the images I had liked today bc i had been busy, so I just mostly skimmed everything instead of fully appreciating it.
I found a picture of someone holding a spear.
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I’ve had a lot of different.. well ig you could say signs related to me and this person and I become very close to them in my DR so I’m just. I just need a minute 😭
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shifting-haven · 3 years
I keep messing up methods bc i fall asleep really fast thanks to melatonin, but if I don’t take it I stay up all night and I give up on methods due to me not being able to fall asleep, so-
😔✊ rip me
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shifting-haven · 4 years
aint it fun when you’re like in this weird State™️ while trying to awake shift and then ur alarm on your phone goes off and you have to haul your consciousness back into your CR body to turn it off :) /s
y’all I was Close. I could feel my body changing, my room felt weird, everything was goin real good. I’m gonna try again!!
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shifting-haven · 4 years
Earlier today, I was doodling some stuff in a new-ish sketchbook of mine (I’ve had it for awhile, I just haven’t drawn anything in it yet) and I just.. started coughing? My throat wasn’t dry or anything like that, it just happened without warning.
(Don‘t worry I don’t have the ’rona guys)
Here’s where it gets a lil funky.
The things I drew were related to one of my DRs (a daffodil, birds, a cat).
In said DR, I‘m a ghost who coughs up petals regularly (as if I have Hanahaki. Hanuhaki? Hanihaki??? idk).
I mean. I’m not saying it wasn’t a coincidence. But I mean.. 👀👀👀 today I did try to shift.. and this morning I thought I did..... and I’ve been feeling weird lately.............
and lately I’ve been seeing a looooot of angel numbers... so......
anyways here’s a lil bird from the doodles I mentioned
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I’m probably headed offline soon, so~ goodnight everyone! I wish you all sweet dreams and happy shifting :)
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shifting-haven · 4 years
It just hit me that I haven’t been posting a lot of shifting related things
this is a shifting blog
I’ll get back on my regular schedule after I try to shift today, I’m gonna try an awake method and see how well it works :) usually they don’t work too well but I think it’s bc I try to rush them along.
Also, I didnt shift last night (too tired) but I’ll definitely be trying tonight. I have a theory that if I can get subs to actually play and if I can genuinely get through a method that I’ll fully shift.
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shifting-haven · 4 years
Another quick post just talking ab an experience I had while shifting and giving y’all a semi-joking warning based off of it: if you’re anything like me and you start to get sleepy when doing affirmations, you’ll probably see some weird shit that your brain throws at you to distract you.
To specify what I mean: one time I tried to shift and my half-asleep brain distracted me by giving me this weird ass mini-dream where Shinso Hitoshi, from MHA, asked me if I liked blood.
weirdest shit that’s ever happened to me.
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