#having detailed thoughts like these are why I can't watch S2 any time soon my brain will just be dissecting it
jesncin · 4 months
'read all your MAWS tag criticism' anon here again, just noticed the instagram reels, I feel like a cat who was given a treat and eats it, only to look up and find 5 more layed out adhkssjks thank you for giving me lifeee
asfadsf haha oh man you're in for a feast with those! I focus on mostly cultural and race representation criticism for MAWS on here, but my instagram story reviews talk in detail about that and more (plot holes, story construction, in-detail look at why the rogues don't work, why this is a bad Superman take, the terrible closeted allegory, the show's obsession with courting shallow metatextual discourse, etc). plus I make many jokes. The highlights:
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it's a good time
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marie76 · 1 year
Season 2 Final | A through analysis on Aziraphale's behaviour in the last 20 minutes
Hi!!! Hope you're doing great. So I finished good omens a few days ago. Wanted to talk about it somewhere so I logged back into tumbler. Please forgive my broken English.
I kept thinking about the last minutes of the s2 final. My very first reaction was wtf? I usually don't look into details on my first watch and naturally I miss some important things. That's why in my second and third and forth rewatch of some certain scences Aziraphale's expressions and words kept surprising me.
Let's have a chinwag
At first, when Metatron asks him to talk, he says "there is nothing left to be said, I've made my position quite clear" It's clear he doesn't want to deal with the highee ups But the Metatron kept insisting and offers him a coffee. Aziraphale asks if he should drink it, And the Metatron says yes. Something clicked here for me. He got the coffee from the coffee shop across the street. What's the name? Give me coffee or give me DEATH. Now I don't think Aziraphale really takes it as threat. Not at that moment. But In my opinion It's the Metatron's way of saying that you don't have a choice if you want to stay intact. Remeber what he said to Nina? He asked if people really ask for death? So thoes who go to the shop don't have a choice but to buy a drink. They dont want death obviously.
Back to the shop
Before going back we see him have a brief chat with the Metatron. He is clearly nervous. He is definitly scared. He keeps looking away and doesn't make long eye contacts with him and have fake short smiles. Then he comes to the shop and I think he becomes a bit calmer. Which is kinda cute if you think It's because Crowley is there.
He manages to keep his shit together just before him and Crowley start talking. At first I thought that he was really happy. But he was not. We know how he really looks like when he's truely happy. When he wanted to be a magician or when he was dancing in the gentelmen club or when he was talking about taking the Bently. There were real joy inside his eyes, a bit cocky even. He didn't keep his eyes off Crowley. Actually, he didn't have any problem eating him out with his eyes in public. While talking about the Metatron's offer, he smiles but thoes are not smiles of joy. He keeps eye contact but there are times that he still looks away.
From now on some speculations are mixed with the analysis. You can call them delulu as well cause I'm delusional.
The Offer and The Good News
Well I think that Aziraphale takes the possibility of the Metatron listening to their converisation into consideration. That would explain why he was harsh on Crowely that much. He can't seriously think that Crowley would go to heaven without absolute urgency, hell, HE HIMSELF didn't want to go back to heaven.
As soon as Crowely's name comes out of the Metatron's mouth he tensed a bit.
The Metatron say you can make your friend an angle again. We know Aziraphale doesn't want to change Crowley. He loves him the way he is. He never tried to change him (atleast not that I remember) they talked and drinked together without trying to change eachother FOR 6000 YEARS.
(That can be the case but I also think It's possible that Aziraphale thought if they are both angles then no one would bother them like they did in the past-This part was said by a friend so Credit to my lovely Dora)
but he can't explain things to Crowely then and there because the Metatron might be listening.
Confession | The Beginning of the End
Crowley starts confessing. That's when Aziraphale starts losing his cool again. He looks the other way which I assume is the window but I may be wrong. He also look away from Crowley a few times.
When Crowley says "Just the two of us" (45:05) for a really really short time his right lower eyelid goes up a little. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it but I think he's like "are we really doing this NOW?" Which is kinda funny lol. As Crowely was saying "heaven and hell are toxic" he shakes his head nervouslly multiple times. As if he wants him to stop saying thoes. Why? The fucking Metatron
"Come with me"
Well this part is really interesting because I see it in everyday life pretty often specially during the argument. When, you ask? Well, in the middle of an argument, when things get heated, some people tend to get closer to the other person,Talking closely to another with a lowered voice with words coming out calmly is usually used to convince the other, as if to believe that if articulate calmly, the other will undrestand your point better. I think that's what Aziraphale was doing there.
When Crowley wants to leave he begs him to go with him because Aziraphale needs him, because he's scared.
" I don't think you undrestand what I'm offering you" means "You dont undrestand what I'm trying to say in codes to you" "I undrestand it a whole lot better than you" "Then there is nothing left to say" That's where Aziraphale gave up.
There is anger, desperation and sadness on his face but there is nothing else he can do.
The Kiss
"You idiot, we, could've been us" as soon as Crowely said that Aziraphale looks away and when Crowely pulls him to a desperate kiss we can see he was about cry.
This part is my favorite. He is obv shocked, but after a few seconds he closes his eyes, his hands move up to hold Crowely for a very short while but then he removes them. After the kiss is broken he still looks like he want to cry.
"I forgive you"
I legit thought he was going to say I love you, his lips movement and the sound that came out sounded like "I l..." I think a "get out" would've hurt less💀✨. It can mean I forgive you for leaving me or I forgive you for confessing now, I forgive you for npt choosing heaven (remember, the Metatron is listening) or It's his way of saying I love you because we know forgivness is Aziraphale's favorite thing (delulu)
The Aftermath
After Crowley left the shop his eyes are full of tears, he touches his lips like a little virgin receiving his first kiss but It's a painful one.
The Metatron comes back to the shop. During their short convo Aziraphale looks away multiple times, again, and where does he look at? The window, probably to see if Crowley is still out there. The Metatron asked if he's ready to go and ✨Aziraphale still tries to stay✨"But.... My bookshop" "I entrusted it to Muriel" "but..." "Anything you need to take with you?"
Oh the Metatron is not letting him stay.
That's for sure.
"We call it the Second Coming"
Lmao there is a big "fuck" written all over Aziraphale's face. He shortly looks at Crowely before going to the elevator.
So now he has a heaven to fix and a Second Coming to stop.
The Smile
Well I have to say that smile is creepy one💀 his lips moves up and down many times as if he can't control his feelings. If you look at his shoulders you can see he is breathing rapidly. I see sadness, anger, confusion, pain and "what the fuck am i supposed to do" on his face but at the end I also see determination. The determination of a man who is so done lol.
Why Aziraphale wants to make things right? Because he knows if this system stays, the earth, Crowely and himself will always be in danger ans It's only a matter of times either heaven or hell mess things up on earth. They can run away all they want but heaven and hell won't leave them alone forever. Crowley would probably say it doesn't matter, we will run again which is a cute plan but not permenantly functional.
I didn't check the theories myself but my friend shared some of them with me. I hate the coffee theory andI don't think Aziraphale is thirsty for heaven's love like an abused child. Like I said he seemed pretty determinded about staying, he didn't want to go, even when he got to elevator he didn't want to, his heart was somewhere else but he needed to stand up and do something before thoes angles mess things up.
Well, that was my analysis + delulu's. Hope you all enjoyed it. Please share your theories and thoughts cause I love reading theories.
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cheolbooluvr · 3 years
so ill get to our big shared chonker of a message hopefully later tonight (sorry i'm taking a little bit with it! i've been weirdly busy the past few days), but i just wanted to respond to the shorter one + address the latest mission!!!
fun fact, you and i are in a very similar position with jun haha. i have a lot of wips with him too, but like, i've never finished a jun fic outside of short little one shots... which is quite frankly obscene because minghao has a word count dedicated to him that's literally more than everyone else in seventeen... I don't even know how many times more because my latest fic with him just reached about 50k... but jun is meant to be my second!!!!! i really want to finish something long with him 😭
still! I know you said its your fault but I will apologise for the confusion regardless! And look at someone who both writes and enjoys angst, no angst is ever too much hehe. there's a weird sense of catharsis in tragedy, at least my onion. I'm excited for how tragic things will get in your latest jun wip. A FREE ONE WAY TRIP TO SPAIN WITHOUT THE S... I LOVE THAT... BUT I totally understand! bittersweet stuff in general sticks with me longer than any other genre of fiction I find, because you continuously think about how they could've been happy but it didn't work out for x or y reason, or maybe even a combo. I'm so happy for you though, I know how good it feels to work on something that you can't stop thinking about, because I've got that fever myself hehe. and that's such an interesting way to write? I can never bring myself to write out of order so I always really admire those who can do it haha. I just never trust myself to remember what details I have established when if I do it out of order like that. Is that how you usually write your longer fics or is this one different?
YESSSSS I ABSOLUTELY AGREE... and he's expressed his desire to act so many times... pledis please... I'm begging u... he would be so good in a tragic drama...
omg I'm so dumb I have to share this with you but ??? I started watching it and I was like wait a minute why do I feel like I'm missing a lot of context... but it was still fun to watch all the characters interact (plus it made me tear up which like.... wowee)... but turns out I started on episode one of SEASON 2...... IM SUCH A FOOL.................. 😭
also! I don't know if you saw the next mission, but were you up for making a play list? I just thought I'd ask before I sent in any prompts!
- 😺 carat anon
omg no worries! i have also been weirdly busy??? idk why but i hope you're able to get some rest soon <3
i'm gonna work my way backwards :D
re: the new mission - yes!!! i LOVE curating playlists, like LOVE IT. idk why but let me know any genres you like/don't like, anything at all and i'll do my best!!
OMG SEASON 2 HAHAHA that's so funny plz!! tho tbh, the nice thing abt hospital playlist is that there's no major plot but yeah, there is a bit of context you'll miss out on T^T i hope season 1 is going well tho!! it's kinda long if you're not used to it, but i promise it's super worth it :D idk if you’ve had time to watch anymore, but i’ve been watching it/catching up and it’s rly so good. i cried so much in like…ep 5 of s2? i think? idk one of those ones. but i just rly love how they portray the small things in life. it’s rly beautiful and so well done.
i think my favorite fics are actually angsty ones. i love happy endings for movies and stuff, but the fics that make cry and hurt are my fave?? kinda interesting, the contrast. but yeah, i think you’re right abt that, there are always those lingering ‘what if’s’ those angsty fics always leave you with T^T i mentioned this in the most recent ask, but i can’t write in chronological order rly, lol. i tend to just write scenes that pop into my head first, and then go back and piece it together. it’s tricky for sure, but if i try to move chronologically, i tend to get stuck. so i just jump around instead. and i did that w jun. i divided it up into 4 parts, and then wrote fcertain scnes and then went back to add what i felt i needed to fill in the gaps!! but not trusting yourself w the details, i literally did that w this fic. there are some inconsistencies but it’s posted now and i’m like…too lazy to fix it LOL. but maybe i will……..
wahh!! junhao have dedicated word counts!? that’s amazing. what are they?? :o if you don’t mind me asking ofc.
WAIT 50K WORDS OMG. I WAS JUST READING THAT A STANDARD NOVEL/NOVELLA IS LIKE ANYWHERE BETWEEN 50K-100K WORDS OMG. you’re so amazing, i rly respect you for that omg i would LOVE to hit 50k for a single fic T^T
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