#having to say the word unalive in public against your will
podcast-hemocytoblast · 9 months
tma au where everything is the same except the Eye doesn’t let people say swear words in their Statements. As in, it censors them. You get your trauma ripped out of you and, to add insult to injury, The Eldritch Horror of Not Minding Your Own Damn Business forces you to describe these viscerally awful things that you’ve experienced using the word “unalive.”
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thelittlemermage · 3 years
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#that's funny because last season they were like haha nooo not reallyyy. they might make out when drunk or something but it's a grey area.
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338 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 22:24:02 GMT
What are the cutest Pinky screenshots you can find
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395 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 02:38:23 GMT
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531 notes • Posted 2021-07-26 20:59:02 GMT
Hi, I literally have not watched Creepshow Art's videos in several years and I have NO IDEA what anything anyone is saying means. Could you explain it to me, please?
Oh boy, you better strap in.
So, popular art and commentary Youtuber Creepshow Art (also known as Shannon) was hit with some drama a few days ago when it was revealed that she had been posting on the lolcow forums for the past few years. For those who don't know, lolcow is basically 4chan but for drama? Just a general cesspool. Because Shannon cannot shut the fuck up about herself, and there are rules on the site against self-promo and also doxxing, when Shannon chose to dox HER OWN SISTER'S TWITTER the admins de-anoned her and made public all of her posts over the years. It is known that people on these sites can easily pull your IP, so the fact that she was so reckless here....I have no words. But basically, she had been shit talking her close friends in the Youtube art community, as well as used slurs against LGBTQ people, made racist comments and fat shaming comments, and talked for and against herself, both of which could be considered fishing for attention for her channel. Now, this is a big fucking problem on it's own since she's the type to go hard for social justice issues, and has completely dragged others for doing less than she's done here.
And here's where she made the biggest mistake of her career. She didn't admit to it. She instead claimed her "stalker" Amy, a woman who has been harassing her for the past decade, spoofed her IP and has been posting on lolcow pretending to be her. Anonymously. On the off chance this would all one day be discovered. Over the course of 3 years. As she also created sock puppet accounts to have arguments with herself using different IPs. All very elaborate. And once again, this in itself is bad. But it's not this, but what this move led to that revealed more about Creepshow than anyone could have predicted.
Another Youtuber named Emily Artful dropped a 2 hour bomb of a video consisting of evidence she has compiled over the last 8 years, evidence that includes IP addresses. Shannon was dating, and is now married to, Emily's abusive ex. And they have been stalking and harassing her for 8 years. Like, they have nudes of her dating back to when she was a minor, they have called her place of work to get her fired, Shannon may have even became a YouTuber just to fuck with her, type stalking and harassing. The things Shannon and her husband have done to Emily over the course of YEARS is just insane. It goes beyond petty Youtube drama and has revealed that Creepshow Art is a fucking monster. And that's really scary considering how popular she was and how many people had contact with her. Though there were hints over the years (like how she drove someone by the name of Hopeless Peaches to attempt unalive). It's just...a lot.
Oh, and about Amy? Creepshow has made videos about her before. And now that Emily has come forward, it has not escaped people how eerily similar Shannon's stalker story is to what she was actually doing to Emily this whole time. It would appear that she was flipping the roles and putting this story out there to 1. garner sympathy because she likes attention and 2. create an environment where if Emily EVER came forward, she would be immediately called a liar because it would appear that she was copying Shannon's situation.
I never ended up watching a lot of Creepshow myself. She'd be in my recommendeds sometimes, so I have a passive idea of her. But something that really hit me was I knew from what I did watch that Shannon was previously homeless. She spoke of this a few times, and about how hard it was, and how this channel saved her. That was a lie. Her and her bf chose to be homeless for the sake of saving money on rent and for the sake of ~art~. She chose to be homeless and purposefully omitted that information from her audience to garner sympathy. Meanwhile, sending Emily's nudes to her place of work legitimately caused her to be homeless. It's just one of many pieces of a fucked up puzzle, but because it was one of the things I remembered about her, it really shocked me. I can't even imagine what the people who were actually friends with her or looked up to her are going through right now.
She has not made any videos or posts since then but has been deleting her social media and some of her videos like crazy. If there was any doubt that the accusations against her are true....innocent people don't hide and delete, do they? I'm curious what her next move will be when she comes back, because she surely will. Her whole life was online. But there's no coming back from this. She's an actual danger and it just goes to show you need to be careful with who you trust online. Being a big name Youtuber doesn't mean you're a good person behind the scenes.
There's a lot to this story I can't possibly address in one post so check out Emily Artful's video if you want. She's been putting up with a lot for almost a decade so maybe show her channel some love too.
692 notes • Posted 2021-06-14 18:55:43 GMT
What better time to post this joke...
768 notes • Posted 2021-02-17 20:10:40 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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possum-rat · 3 years
Resident J.D commits a War crime then unalives
Warning: mentions of Explosions, and other stuff Previous Next
"PEOPLE OF L'MANBERGs.And TommyInnit and WilburSoot- once we find them and expel them from our great nation! Yes, yes! Ah... the sun rises, over another beautiful day in our country. The sun rises on another chapter in our nation's history- the next page of will be reading... 'till the end of time. I reckon our nation needs to expand! I reckon we've... we've done our country a great disservice. I reckon we take down the walls- EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY! I'm launching a public works project- funded by our meth lab that we run- All citizens of L'Manberg, are REQUIRED, REQUIRED! To help TEAR DOWN the walls of this country. Thus ends... the second presidential speech. Let's get to work. Oh wasn't there another kid? (Massacred version of your name) was it?"
The words aren't the best way to wake up. As (y/n) brushes their hair from their face they groan in annoyance. "Jesus Christ. What the fuck is going-" they begin before clapping their hands to their ears as something begins to play. Somehow.
"If he said help me kill the president
I'd say he needs medicine
Sick of screaming let us in
The wires got the best of him
All that he invested in goes
Straight to hell
Straight to hell
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Straight to hell
Straight to hell
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
He told me I should take it in
Listen to every word he's speaking
The wires getting older I can hear the way they're creaking
As their holding him
Well I could see it in his jaw
That all he ever wanted was a job
He tells me to be raw
Admits to me that every little flaw
That never let him sit upon the top"
"Okay, what the hell?" (Y/n) murmurs as they duck into the mineshaft cavern thing. As they reach the cave itself they duck to get through the tiny door that Tommy had provided apparently not taking into consideration the fact that (Y/n) isn't entirely human, and therefore taller than the average height their age.
as they walk deeper into the cave they dart toward a small hole in the cave. Pressing their hand into a small hole beside the one their in they press a small wooden button.
As they pull their hand back leaning against a small section of wall the floor spins revealing a small room. A bunker if you will. Reaching toward a wooden armor stand. Enchanted netherite armor shining slightly in the darkroom.
As (Y/n) begins to pull on the armor. Adjusting the straps mounted beside their ribs they tighten it to what's needed. Then pulling on their gloves they turn toward the portal infront of them. As they enter pulling on their helmet a voice asks "(y/n?)" a small smile spreads upon their face. Upon reaching the nether they type in the chat, whispering to Tommy Wilbur and Technoblade specifically:
<y/n> I'll be back in a few just need to do something important really quick.
Running toward the community Portal (Y/n) feels adrenaline filling their veins. Everything seems to be more serious. Dangerous even. As the portal comes into view (Y/n) slows down muscles aching heart slamming against their chest. They pull out their potion of invisibility. Uncorking the vile they down it in one gulp. As the slight fowl taste, they pull a face then replace the bow with their crossbow which is able to shoot arrows.
The familiar message of waiting appears infront of (Y/n). As they reach the familiar land they had been exiled from they sigh and begin running toward the White House.
"Funny isn't it?" A voice murmers "it's like history repeating itself. Someone entering the White House..." (y/n) feels their shoulders tense up slightly. They murmer below a whisper "But I'm not killing him. Seriously injuring him? Yeah sure. But not killing him." As they reach the garden of the White House they duck into the small kitchen. Pulling off their armor they begin searching. Almost instantly (Y/n) hears the Yelp and tinkle of glass breaking. Jogging toward the sound (Y/n) sees Quackity.
Arm outstretched in an attempt to protect Tubbo who's cowering. Squatting down out of sight (Y/n) types to the two males.
<Y/n>Get out into a different room or meet me at this location. *insert location*
Quackity begins backing up arm still infront of Tubbo as Shlatt roars drunkenly "YEAH YOU BETTER LEAVE." before something incomprehensible. Followed by "Phattest ass.🥴"
as the room is just about empty (Y/n) stands up stretching and yawns loudly.
Shlatt whips toward the sound and freezes. His pupils turning rectangular in shock. He stand their in shock making the whole thing a little awkward before in freezing and shouting "YOU! I EXILED YOU WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?" (Y/n) laughs doubled over before coughing "Bruh. You should have expected this. I'm pretty good at making bad decisions!"
Pulling out the crossbow they continue talking as if nothing going on. "You know? Not a fan of dictatorship. 'Ts never been...what's the word? Uhh for me? I guess. I mean I don't even like democracy but here I am." As shlatt goes silent there's some aggressive typing before (Y/n) says tiredly "Look dude. I'm trying to have a moment here-"
"HA- D'You think you can overpower me? I've called for backup. YOU'LL DIE!" he laughs. (Y/n) sighs before notching an arrow of Wither effect. A special type. Not enough to kill but still enough to leave the victim with about 2 to 1.5 hearts. "Dude. I don't care. I can literally just disappear Never be found again." (Y/n) sighs.
The shouts from down the hall makes (Y/n) smile. As the arrow clicks into place they hear a ferm voice. Sam. "(Y/n) put the crossbow down." He says calmly. (Y/n) smiles simply and hums quietly to themselves
"If he said help me kill the president
I'd say he needs medicine
Sick of screaming let us in
The wires got the best of him
All that he invested in goes"
A tall silhouette covers the light on the ground. A few more footsteps before (Y/n) takes aim at Shlatt's forehead. "Well...I guess this is a temporary goodbye." They pull the notch and the arrow flies. (Y/n) sprints toward the window crashing through pulling an Ender pearl from their inventory flinging it forward.
they squint as the harsh rays of the sun beat down on their face. It didn't help that small shards of glass were embedded in (Y/n) still healing face. Upon reaching Pogtopia they stumble into the cave and laugh. Not the type one would consider completely normal. It's probably the emotional constipation (Y/n's) put themselves through so they don't grow attached to anyone/thing.
Wilbur's worried face pops into view at that moment. "(Y/n)? What the hell did you do?" (Y/n) then calms down slightly before murmuring "Just shot the president with a poisoning arrow. As you do. He won't die, severally injured yes." At that moment Technoblade Thomas and all the other inhabitants of Pogtopia arrive. (Y/n) bows and disappears into Pogtopia.
As Shlatt is surrounded by basically everyone in the world (Y/n) is zoned out. Standing beside Eret and playing with Her cape. The long black fabric the inside the colors of the Bi flag. The small thin layer of strings on the bottom of the cape. As (y/n) fiddles with it they grow ever more anxious as Shlatt grows ever closer to Fundy. (Y/n) suddenly drops the cape sprinting infront of Fundy as Shlatt slams the bottle down. They then return to where they were murmuring "Yeah he's dead." As soon as those words leave their lips, Jschlatt freezes and drops and dies. Rather anti-climatically.
"Wow. Uh. I- Uh what now?" (Y/n) asks as everyone's gaze turns toward they begin fiddling with their hands nervously. (Y/n) begins to fiddle with the glass ripped clothing over their burnt arm. Eret simply leads them out of the small area and walks toward the Podium. He then takes a seat amongst the chairs and gently takes (Y/n's) arm asking quietly "Is this okay? Can I help you?" (Y/n) freezes at the genuine kindness feeling their eyes begin to water. So to avoid any confrontation they pull an invisibility potion out.
As everyone begins taking their seats (Y/n) sits beside Eret on the ground and near Fundy. Placing a small clay Fox ring beside Fundy they continue fiddling with Eret's cape. Even as the speeches go around (Y/n) can't help but feel that some things going to go very wrong. Letting go of Eret's cape they silently dart up toward the Podium. Pulling out an Ender Pearl they take aim and launch it.
The feeling of being sucked then dropped overwhelms (Y/n). As the world blurs (Y/n) shakes their head before speed walking toward Wilbur. Following him the two of them duck into a small hallway. (Y/n) ducking to fit. They eventually ask quietly "is the weight of it all finally too heavy?" Wilbur jumps slightly but turns toward them an unreadable smile upon his face.
"Everything is temporary, L'manberg was merely one of those things,” Wilbur states in a calm tone. "You of all people should know. That good people-Good things don't last. They give up on you. So you have to remove things that mean Value." (Y/n) tenses up and begins to tap the wall beside them anxiously. Not realizing that their tapping "don't leave. Not again."
Wilbur smiles sadly and begins to rant. (Y/n) feels their heart beating faster and faster. (Y/n) holds out a hand hesitantly before deciding against it as Wilbur is facing the other way. "What happened to you?" (Y/n) whispers. "What about your son? You're just going to leave him? Wilbur you promised." Wilbur turns and scoffs. "(Y/n) awe. I didn't realize that you thought that i'd actually keep the promise. Things change. PEOPLE change." He clarifies. "You don't get to change Fate. Look, Tell Fundy I'm sorry. Well- Why don't we sing the anthem again. For old time's sake. "
(Y/n) simply stares in shock. Voices of the dead whisper harshly While faint whispy figures float around. "You should have expected this. Nobody sticks around. They all are going to leave you." (Y/n) Faint footsteps grow louder and louder. (Y/n) whispers "Wilbur. Step away from the button. We don't need another J.D Wilbur please." Wilbur turns his eyes wild, toward (Y/n) and says "Philza." (Y/n) falls silent before drifting toward Wilbur. Falling silent (Y/n) fiddles with their protective gloves, mentally arguing with the dead.
A sudden movement and a Click causes Philza to clamp his hands over his ears while Wilbur does the same. (Y/n) didn't notice. However, the literal Earslitting sound did. Panic filling their head they feel as though the world is tilting. Almost as if the world were a snow globe and a small child was shaking it violently. (Y/n) feels their back slam against a wall sending a flash of pain against their spin. Shaking they watching horror as Wilbur says something. Wait. Why can they hear him? They could hear him a second ago?
Philza turns to on of the crows that had followed him and points toward (Y/n). The bird obliges gliding toward them and fluffing up it's feathers catching (Y/n's) Attention. They offer a violently shaking hand toward the bird. It nuzzles it's beak into their hand. (Y/n) takes the invitation to pet the bird.
After who knows how long it removes itself and flies up. (Y/n) frowns slightly wondering why the bird had flown. Glancing up they see Philza. His mouth moves rapidly but no sound comes from his lips. (Y/n) lift their arms feeling exhaustion pulling at their muscles as they do so. Pressing their hands to their ears they blanch. Pulling their hands away to reveal dark crimson standing out against their (S/c).
Flicking their gaze up to Phil. He crouches holding out a hand. (Y/n) takes it skeptically before a faint voice. One that was declared dead a few minutes ago. A simple word. "GLATT."
(y/n) flinches violently causing Philza to glance toward them worriedly. His blond eyebrows furrowed. He then is surrounded by a sphere of black tones of birds lifting the two of them up and toward the group of civilians staring in a mixture of longing and sadness at the wreckage of what was once home.
(Y/n) feels Phil's hand let go of them and they stumble unsteadily before grabbing onto Bad's upper arm. He turns toward them pure white eyes meeting Grey-ish-(E/c). He mouths something but stops concern filling what's visible of his face.
Pulling their hand back they glance at the ground sheepishly before turning and stumbling off.
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