#i think this would actually be beneficial to the Eye bc it could feed off the shame and humiliation of
podcast-hemocytoblast · 9 months
tma au where everything is the same except the Eye doesn’t let people say swear words in their Statements. As in, it censors them. You get your trauma ripped out of you and, to add insult to injury, The Eldritch Horror of Not Minding Your Own Damn Business forces you to describe these viscerally awful things that you’ve experienced using the word “unalive.”
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depressing-debbie · 3 years
Hey, I was wondering if I could get fluff alphabet headcanons for Erwin please?
Of course!! 
Look at me! Posting twice in one day!! If anyone has any requests lmk bc I actually have motivation I guess!
Fluff Alphabet: Erwin
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He’s a big fan of both the traditional romantic dates, as well as more creative, personal dates. I think he’d want to go for a nice walk, tour a museum, or maybe go to the library/bookstore, or for a special occasion, a really fancy dinner with candles and everything.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
In terms of a physical feature, he would probably first notice his s/o’s eyes because he makes intense eye contact, and because he thinks you can tell a lot about a person from their eyes. But in general, he admires their spirit, and he thinks they’re absolutely stunning when they’re passionate about something, or when they’re focusing hard.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He’s amazing at comforting his s/o, largely because he just knows them so well. He would be able to read what they’re feeling and know when they’re upset, first of all. He would probably put on their favorite movie or music, grab a giant blanket, and sit with them. If they want to talk, he has really insightful advice. If not, he’s content to just wrap his arms around them and physically comfort them. (which always works, by the way, because just try to name a single person who wouldn’t feel better after a hug from Erwin)
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
This man absolutely pictures the most simple, “boring” future with a nice house and a family, with family vacations and yardwork on Sundays. The idea of stability and calmness appeals to him so strongly, and even though he’d be content with just about any future that his s/o is involved in, that’s his dream.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
They’re equal when it comes down to anything important, but I think he’d lean towards being the more dominant person in the relationship. He’s a traditional guy, and unless it bothered his s/o at all, I think it’d make him happy to be the one to pay for dinner or make date night plans, that sort of thing. But again, they’re equal everywhere it actually matters.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fights don’t happen often, but they can be a little bit intense when they do. If they’re arguing about something small, he’s immediately looking for some kind of easy compromise, which he’s excellent at. They only really fight over things that are especially serious. He’s too smart for his own good and he’s got impressive arguing skills, but he’s never setting out to hurt his s/o, just explain his perspective. Arguments can be heated, but they never last long, and again, they’re not common.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
I’m not the first person to point out that Erwin has a lot of self doubt, and his reputation has sort of brainwashed him into believing that he’s not deserving of good things. Because of that, their relationship surprises him all the time, and every day, he expresses to his s/o how much he appreciates them.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He’s completely honest and open with his s/o. There’s no reason for him to lie, he wouldn’t want to hide anything from them. And on the off chance he screws something up, he would rather work through it with them beside him then hide and deal with it on his own. 
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Like I said, he has big issues with his image and self worth. His s/o and their relationship are slowly helping him to recognize that he does deserve to be happy, and they help him to become more optimistic (whether they realize it or not). On the other hand, I think he would be committed to helping his s/o recognize their own worth and importance in return.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He’s not a jealous person in general, although he does get a bit protective. The only time he would interfere is if he can tell his s/o is uncomfortable or annoyed, in which case he’s more than willing to step in and scare the person off. But again, that’s more out of concern for his s/o than actual jealousy.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Just look at that man and tell me you don’t think he was a good kisser. Probably a bit more reserved, especially for their first kiss, but still surprisingly passionate? Like he’s trying to physically portray how much he cares about them, if that makes sense. 
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He definitely thought about it for a little while before hand, not because he was nervous or unsure, but because he wanted to make sure he said it in a meaningful way. He definitely set up a special little date, like a picnic or a dinner, and even prepared a short little romantic speech, and it was very sweet. 
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He would LOVE to get married. If that’s not what his s/o wants, that’s perfectly fine, and he’d be happy to find a different way to express their commitment. But marriage sort of feeds into his idea of that perfect, stable future, and besides, he would jump on the opportunity to show his s/o how much he appreciates and cares about them. He’d come up with the most romantic, slightly elaborate proposal, probably not something public, but very grand. And of course, not much would change once they were married, but he would relish in that perceived sense of routine and stability.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Again, being the traditional guy he is, he’s big on traditional, slightly old fashioned nicknames. Mainly, it would be “angel”, but also “darling” or “love” (it’s very sweet).
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He’s pretty reserved about his feelings publicly, so it wouldn’t be obvious to outside people. People close to him might notice that he becomes a bit more optimistic and laughs a bit louder. With his s/o, however, he’s totally transparent, and he tells them over and over how much he loves them. Not that he has to, of course, because his body language makes it pretty obvious to them as well.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Definitely not big on PDA. He’s upfront about their relationship as long as his s/o agrees, it’s not something that he would want to hide. He’s fine holding their hand in public or wrapping an arm around them, but not really anything more obvious.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
He’s a surprisingly good dancer? Like, ballroom dancing. When one of them has had a stressful day, they put on old music and slow dance in the kitchen (it’s so romantic).
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He’s so romantic!! If you haven’t already figured it out, I really think he would like some of the traditional cliche romantic gestures, like roses or a candlelit dinner. But he’s also really creative, and he’d plan gestures that relate to his s/o’s interests and such. 
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He absolutely supports his s/o in anything they do, and he believes in them probably more than anyone else. He knows they will succeed in anything they put their mind to, and he takes it upon himself to offer help and support, doing whatever he can to help them reach their goals. It makes him actually really happy to see them setting big goals because it shows that they are choosing to believe in themselves, and because he loves seeing that they are passionate.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He’s more a routine kind of person, he likes the stability and comfort in some level of repetition. With that being said, he’s also definitely open to being adventurous, so like trying new restaurants or traveling together, so it would probably be a mix of both.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He’s incredibly understanding, he just knows his s/o so well. Erwin has very strong observational skills, and he learns pretty quickly how to read their emotions. He does sometimes have trouble relating to their issues, but he will always sympathize and comfort them, even if he can’t understand it. 
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
His relationship is really important to him. Obviously, he’s pretty work oriented, so there genuinely might be some issues there if the two start to clash. But he also actively prevents that from happening, making time for both because he cares about his s/o SO much.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He really likes watching documentaries with his s/o. Learning about something new and interesting, and being able to share that experience between the two of them, makes him happy. And when he gets really into the topic, his s/o can see the excitement on his face, which is really cute.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He comes across a bit cold in general, but he’s actually very affectionate with his s/o. Especially when he’s stressed or upset, he just wants to curl up with them and forget about outside pressures. I also very specifically think that giving his s/o a quick little kiss would be part of his morning routine before they part for the day.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He misses them when they’re gone for a while, but he just throws himself into his work until they’re back, which he doesn’t mind at all. He’s busy, and his s/o probably is as well, so it’s unfortunately not unusual for them to go a little while without seeing each other. They always make up for it with an extra special date night afterwards, though.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’s a strategist at heart, so of course he’d be willing to put in the effort and come up with ideas on how to keep their relationship strong. I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes up with literal written plans when it seems like they’re a little out of whack.
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luffles424 · 4 years
Lucidity (6)
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☼ Pairing: BTS x reader (got some Yoongi action this chap 🤪🤪)
☼ Genre: vampire!BTS, succubus!reader, smut, fluff, angst
☼ Count: 4.1K
☼ Warnings: oral (m+f receiving), cum play, cum eating, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, creampie, minorish blood play (it’s a vampire fic so like, there’s some feeding), cockwarming, dom!yoongi, clothed sex, grinding, overstimulation, face fucking, minor ball play (it’s pretty tame)
☼ Summary: You’ve spent years jumping from country to country, starting countless new lives. Crafting new lives is as easy as breathing for you, lies flowing easily and people are charmed with a simple bat of your eyes. When you meet a witch who offers the idea of opening a supernatural club, using your powers combined with hers to ensure safety to those who enter, you decide to join her in an adventure that is entirely new to you. But your new life in Seoul is drastically changed when you’re forced to face something you’ve spent centuries hiding from. But just because you might be running for your life again doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun along the way, right?
☼ a/n: I started editing this chapter completely forgetting that the angst has arrived 🤪 As always, let me know what you think! My ask box is always open ~ 💙💙💙💙
(I’ll add masterlist links later bc I’m scared that if I do it now, it’ll disappear from the tags)
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You’re tired. You can’t help it. You’ve had so much on your mind lately. The boys wormed their way so effectively under your skin, without you realizing until it was too late. You really should’ve said no to Jungkook that first time, but his wide, eager eyes cracked your walls. Indifference honed by centuries of isolation, all undone by one starry eyed baby vampire. 
Jin was true to his word though and talked to the other two boys, at least you assume he did given that they listened to your requests. And they all respected your need for space, which just made you feel all the more guilty for the lies. You could see as much in the way Jungkook’s eyes would sometimes turn sad when he looked at you, the way Jimin would start to suggest something before stopping himself. It was easy to see that they were struggling with this, confusion coloring all their actions with you now. 
You know they occasionally still stopped by your place before remembering they weren’t supposed to be there. You should tell security to stop letting them up. But you can’t find it in yourself to do so just yet. It feels like punishment, but you don’t know if for you or for them. 
Jin was the only one who had a mask almost as good as yours. You know they wanted to go back to how things were. You’ve thought about just leaving so many times, it’d probably be easier that way. But you just can’t bring yourself to yet. You feel selfish, wanting to keep them in your life when it terrifies you and makes you want to run. They’ve given you a small glimmer of happiness for the first time in a long time. And somehow it feels like it’s already been ripped away from you. Even if you were the one to do the ripping. 
You’re drawn out of your musings by the presence of a vampire sitting across from you. You’re immediately on edge and you seriously contemplate the idea of finding a new cafe. This one is clearly cursed. Or at the very least, highly frequented by vampires. Really, if you just left town, you probably wouldn’t have this problem anymore.  
Steeling yourself, you look up, confused when you’re met with Yoongi, of all people sitting across from you. He pays you no mind at first, sipping from his own drink as he watches the people pass by. Your thoughts race, what could he possibly want? You and the boys have been incredibly careful lately. There was no one that he found out. But why else would he be here. Because there’s no way that this is just a coincidence, that he happened to come here at the same time as you did. He certainly wouldn’t have sat down like you’re old friends catching up if that were the case. Finally he turns to you, face placid and that puts you even more on edge, no one should be that calm around you after hearing Namjoon’s warnings. What could he possibly want?
“I have a proposition for you.” 
A proposition? You blink, that’s certainly not what you expected to come from him. “About?”
“Let me feed from you.” 
What. “What?”
You can’t think of literally anything else to say, thoughts ground to a halt with his words. Your mind struggles with the idea, this seems such a strange request and so out of nowhere. You feel like there has to be some sort of ulterior motive or trick here. 
“You heard me.”
You make a face. “Of course I did. But why?”
Yoongi shrugs and sips his drink. “I like fresh rather than bagged. Supernatural over human. Convenience over effort to seek out what I need.” He tilts his head like it’s obvious.
“What about Namjoon and what he said?” You don’t know why you’re pushing this so much. But something about his utter nonchalance has you on edge. You feel like if you say yes that Namjoon will pop out and claim that this is enough evidence that you’re bad. 
Yoongi shrugs. “If you were a legitimate threat, someone would’ve dealt with you by now. Whatever happened between you and Joon is between you two. I see no reason why we can’t have an arrangement.”
“What do I get out of it? This sounds like it benefits only you.” You let a smirk curl your lips, as off balance as you feel, you don’t want him to know.
Yoongi mulls that over for a few minutes, like he hadn’t even thought of you in this equation. “I’d offer to pay you, but I assume you’ve got more than enough money. I’d offer sex but I’m not really looking for that, just blood. It helps me concentrate and write.” He taps his chin in thought.
That catches your attention though. If he’s not looking for sex but still needs your time then... “I’ll do it.”
He looks surprised. “What? What happened to what’s in it for you?”
If more of your time is taken with Yoongi, that means there’s less time for the others. And that is actually the best thing Yoongi could do for you, even if he doesn’t know it. And if he isn’t looking for sex, then that means there will be even less attachment between the two of you. No chance for your heart to ache every time you meet with him if all he’s doing is feeding. A simple arrangement. You could do that. That’s the best possible outcome here.
You raise an eyebrow at him. “If you’d like to continue to try to find something to give me, then I can take it back and you’re more than welcome to continue.”
His eyes widen and he shakes his head, his cool facade cracking for the first time since he sat down. Seems he isn’t so suave all the time then. It’s kind of adorable that he put up such a front just to talk to you. It reminds you of the first time Jin came over and the act he put on. “No! No, that’s fine. I’ll take it. Thank you.” He slides his phone over to you and you enter your number into it. He smiles down at it as he stands. “I’ll text you when I’m hungry. Bye.”
He waves and walks off. You watch him go. You tug your phone out, scrolling through your contacts. If you were about to take on a 4th vampire to feed, you needed to go feed yourself first. 
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Yoongi wastes no time in calling for your services. You wonder just how thirsty he was to have contacted you already. And you find his enthusiasm endearing, the few messages you exchange refreshing. A conversation you can have that’s not consumed by guilt and heartache. He gives you the location of the hotel he wants to meet at and you have to laugh because it’s the same one you use. When you meet, he feeds only from your wrist, the least intimate place possible and for that you’re incredibly grateful. 
You and Yoongi don’t meet too often, at least not too often by feeding standards, although Yoongi’s older and so he can last longer between feedings than the younger ones like Jungkook. But you can always tell when it’s a group day off because Yoongi is usually the first to message you out of the four of them that you have contact with. Beneficial for you because then you can tell the others that you made plans already. They don’t even bother to hide their hurt and disappointment anymore and it’s a twist of the knife everytime. You wonder how they’d feel if they knew it was their own member taking you away from them. Not that you would ever tell them that you and Yoongi were also meeting. 
It becomes very apparent, very quickly, that Yoongi is a creature of habit, he calls once a week, sometimes every other week if they’re busy. You meet at the hotel, he feeds from your wrist with no preamble then gives you a lazy smile as he leaves, always (very un)sneakily leaving behind a bag of food to eat. It’s the only indication that he doesn’t want this to be one-sided. And you assume he never brings it up because he knows it’d make you feel uncomfortable to acknowledge what he’s doing. You ignore the warm feeling it gives you when he starts to figure out what you do and don’t like, though you’re really not sure how he’s managing to do that.
Your arrangement with Yoongi changes though, you should’ve known it would, arrangements like this are always bound to at some point or another. He tells you to come to the company, something not even the others had ever dared to do. You immediately tell him no, the likelihood of crossing Joon was far too high there. And every worst possibility runs through your mind at even the mere mention of going and possibly seeing him. But Yoongi assures you that Joon was out of town because they had a long weekend. When you still express your unease, he adds that all the boys were out of town for the break, he had remained only because he wanted to work on some songs. Which is why he wants you to come to the studio, he needs a boost to help him think. 
You finally relent, agreeing to come to the studio as long as he swears that it’s deserted. He greets you at the building entrance with a gummy grin. 
“Thanks for coming.” He says as he leads you through the empty halls to his studio. 
He gestures for you to sit once you enter and you’re confused as he makes his way over to his desk. You frown, watching him sit and begin working. You thought he needed a boost. This is so different from your usual and you feel a bit of unease creep in. 
“I thought you wanted to feed?” 
Yoongi waves a hand dismissively. “I do, but in a bit.”
You make a face. “Well why didn’t you just call me then?”
He turns and gives you a quick smirk, his eyes drag up your form before he’s turning back to the computer. “Cause I’d much rather have you waiting here for when I need you.”
You swallow, looking away. That was… different than how he usually treats you. Far from the quick interactions, jokes, and sweetness you’ve come to expect. But you pull out your phone, entertaining yourself while you wait for him, ignoring the unease and slight thrill that settles in your belly. After a while, Yoongi groans in irritation and you perk up. That seems like a good sign, you can get what you came here over with and head out. Even if Yoongi said that no one was here, you still don’t want to stick around for too long just to be safe. He turns his body slightly towards you, hand held out but he doesn’t look at you, gaze remaining focused on the program on his screen. 
“Come here.”
“You could say please you know.” You quip, not moving. 
He turns to you, eyes hard and unamused, completely different from the guy who usually cracks a joke after drinking from you. You feel yourself get wet from the look alone. “I said, come here.” 
You swallow, standing and adjusting your skirt as you cross the small distance to him. He grabs your hand one you’re within reach and tugs you into his lap. You yelp as you land, knees framing his thighs. He manhandles you into the position he wants, nosing along your neck with a growl. You shudder and he wastes no time sinking his fangs into your neck. 
You gasp, hips instinctively grinding down against him. This position makes it hard to remember that Yoongi only feeds from you, but the change to your neck has pleasure hazing your thoughts. Yoongi grabs your ass, encouraging your grinding as he drinks from you and you feel him harden beneath you. You moan at the friction as his hands tighten on your hips. He pulls away finally, licking your neck clean and then his hands leave you to shove his pants down enough to get his cock out. 
You lick your lips, he’s hard and leaking as he gives his dick a few strokes, grin cocky when he sees your hungry gaze.
He flips the edge of your skirt up and hums in approval. “I like this choice.” He frowns at your underwear though before grabbing them and quickly ripping them off to toss to the side. “There. Much better.”
You pout. “I liked those.” 
He pulls you in for a messy kiss, lining himself up and sinking into you. “I’ll buy you more.” He murmurs against your lips. 
He gives a few shallow thrusts that leave you moaning and then he’s hooking his chin onto your shoulder. He doesn’t move for a moment and it takes you a moment to realize that he’s gone back to working. With his dick sheathed in your pussy. You squirm and one hand leaves the keyboard to dig into your ass. 
“Behave, babygirl.” He hisses and you clench at his tone. 
You pout, forced to stare at the headrest now. You want to squirm again, but he has yet to remove the hand holding you still. “But Yoongi.” You whine. 
His nails dig into your skin and you feel yourself leak around his cock. He seems bizarrely unphased by your soaked pussy clinging to his cock. You’d think he’s completely uninterested if not for the fact that he’s still very much hard. “If you behave, you’ll get a reward, babygirl.” He soothes. “But if you keep squirming and preventing me from working, I’m gonna have to punish you. Is that what you want?”
You shake your head slightly. You actually don’t think you’d mind the punishment. But this is already enough torture, Yoongi’s venom still potent in your veins and his cock filling you so well. You sit quietly, every so often Yoongi will shift and you have to bury your face in his neck to keep any noise from escaping. Every slight shit from him and twitch of his dick has you biting your lip. You really don’t know how he’s managed to stay hard this long when he’s focused solely on his music. It’s starting to drive you insane. You wonder if you could chance it and just ride him, distract him quick enough that he won’t even think about punishing you. But Yoongi’s control seems much stronger and you don’t think you could get away with that. At least not for long enough to cum before he stopped you. 
You can only sit still for so long though, trying your best to shift subtly and hope he doesn’t notice. You fail, if the way his hands move to grab your waist is anything to go by. He pushes his chair back just slightly and you take that to mean it’s safe to lean back. You look at him and he looks thoroughly amused. 
“Thought I said to not move?”
You pout, wrapping your hands around his shoulders and fiddling with the hair at the nap of his neck. “But I didn’t.”
He hums, but you can see that he doesn’t believe you at all. “You’re in luck cause I’m done working for the moment so I can give my babygirl all the attention she wants.”
You feel your face heat at his words. “Well maybe I don’t want it now.”
He chuckles and it sends shivers down your spine. He fingers dip between the two of you, lightly brushing your clit, your mouth drops open slightly. He lifts them back up between you both and arches an eyebrow at you as his fingers glisten with your wetness. 
“You sure about that statement babygirl?”
“That’s not fair. You got me all worked up and then just left me to sit here.” You whine, you feel slightly delirious. 
He tuts, licking his fingers clean before resting his hands on your thighs. “I said I had some work to finish. I’m done now so I’m all yours. What do you want, babygirl?” He gives your thighs a squeeze. 
You ponder that for a moment. Not that you really need to, you know exactly what you want. But the pause gives you the chance to clench your pussy and watch the twitch in Yoongi’s jaw with satisfaction that he really is just as affected as you. “I want to cum.”
“And just how do you want to do that?”
“On your cock.” When he doesn’t say anything else, just sits there looking calm and collected, you wiggle impatiently in his lap, done with being forced to wait. “Yoongi, please.”
He smirks, feet shifting and then his hands are sliding up to your hips to lift you almost all the way off his cock before dropping you back down. You bite your lip to stifle your moan. 
His lips brush your ear. “This is a recording studio babygirl, it’s soundproof. Be loud for me.”
He controls your movements for a few moments before letting you finally take over, riding him hard and fast. You briefly worry about the precariousness of fucking in a rolling chair. But that problem is solved when he stands, cock still buried inside you and sets your ass on his desk, giving him the leverage and control to fuck you even harder. Your fingers bunch in the fabric of his shirt, feeling powerless to do much else aside from holding on. 
Yoongi must have been more worked up than he was letting on because his thrusts grow rough and sloppy quickly and he groans as he cums, cock buried to the hilt in you. Your protest at the lack of your own orgasm quickly dies on your tongue, as soon as Yoongi finishes cuming, he’s pulling out and dropping to his knees between your spread thighs. He wastes no time or teasing, leaning in to lick up his own cum as it slowly starts to drip out of your pussy, dragging it up to smear around your clit and make everything even wetter. 
He cleans his cum from you, thumbs spreading your pussy wide and tongue slipping as far as it can go to get ever drop and when he’s finally satisfied, his lips wrap around your clit and his fingers fill your pussy instead. He fucks you with his fingers, tongue swirling around your clit and under his ministrations you quickly reach your own high, cumming with a cry of his name, hands burying themselves in his hair.  
You’re still shuddering with aftershocks when Yoongi unceremoniously tugs his fingers free, shoving his cock, rock hard once again, back in. You gasp, overly sensative as Yoongi starts to fuck you hard. Tears prick your eyes, pussy feeling abused but your sensitivity is quick to fade back to pleasure. His fingers find your clit, working with his thrusts to build your high back up, much faster than the first time. You’re nearly blindsided by how quickly he’s gotten you worked up again. 
“You did say that you wanted to cum on my cock right?” His grin is cocky, but the way his eyes dip down to your pussy shows just how much he’s also enjoying this. “Come on, babygirl.”
His lips brush against yours and you cum with a moan, walls spasming around Yoongi’s cock. Yoongi swears, thrusts slowing and lets you ride out your second orgasm in a slightly more tame way than the first. When your shuddering stops, he slips out of you and takes a step back. 
“On your knees for me babygirl.” 
You blink at him for a moment, panting, before obediently sliding to your knees before him. You’re glad he wanted you on your knees because you’re ot 100% sure if you could stand right now. He nods approvingly, shuffling closer. You wrap one hand around his cock, giving him a few pumps before wrapping your lips around the tip, tasting the mix of him and you. He groans, hands finding purchase in your hair. You bob your head, licking the taste of yourself off of him until only the taste of Yoongi remains. He lets you move at your own pace for a bit before his hands tighten in your hair, halting you. You glance up at him, confusion in your eyes. 
He thrusts shallowly into your mouth. “Think you can take me fucking your mouth babygirl?”
You hum, hand dropping from his cock to rest on his thigh. You’d smirk if your mouth wasn’t full. Does he really think you couldn’t take this? You raise an eyebrow in challenge. He chuckles, mutters something under his breath that you don’t catch before he’s thrusting a little deeper. He meets the back of your throat and pulls back before thrusting in and pushing further until your nose is pressed to his belly. He holds there for a moment and you swallow around him. Swearing, he pulls out and starts a tame rhythm fucking your mouth. 
As his pace picks up, spit drips from the corners of your mouth, dampening the front of your shirt. Tears collect and fall when he holds himself completely buried in your throat, completely cutting off your air supply, but certain supernatural perks allow him to hold himself buried and feel your throat constrict around him longer than if you were human. You move one hand, reaching up to tug slightly at his balls, earning you an even louder curse and a sudden thrust. 
Encouraged, you give them another tug before palming them. Yoongi’s thrusts grow more erratic the more you roll his balls and you reach a little farther to press your fingers to his perineum, which has him groaning as he spills down your throat. He slowly slides out, flopping back into his chair, breathless. You lick your lips slowly, winking at him as he watches the path your tongue traces to clean up any final traces of his cum. 
He groans, throwing his head back. “No more, please. I can’t go again right now.”
You giggle and he scoots forward, snatching a few tissues from his desk. You expect him to just hand them to you but he surprises you by gently cleaning your face for you, a soft smile on his lips. You swallow at the sudden nerves, trying to also ignore the butterflies in your stomach. Once he finishes, you stand quickly, adjusting your skirt and turning to shoot him a murderous look when you realize you’ll be leaving here with one less item of clothing. 
He smiles innocently. “Problem?”
You glare. “You better have a new pair for me soon.”
“Maybe. You’ll have to earn them.”
You huff, turning to the mirror hung on the wall to try to fix your face and hair as much as you can. There may be no one in the building, but people on the street is a totally different story. Yoongi walks you to the door, holding it open for you. He grabs your arm, halting you from leaving. You turn back to him, head tilted in confusion. It’s the first time all night that he’s looked anything other than the picture of calm. He looks nervous. 
“I’m sorry that this was kinda sprung on you. I didn’t intend for it to happen.” He rubs his neck sheepishly. “I guess I was a little more stressed than I thought.”
You laugh and pinch his cheek. He really apologizing for giving a sex demon sex? Adorable. “It’s okay. It was fun.” You wink at him then pause. “Can... I ask why now though? And not before? Just curious.”
Yoongi blushes and looks at his feet. “Ah, nerves?”
You laugh. “Nerves? About what? Being good at sex?”
He makes a face when he looks back at you. “Listen, your whole thing is sex. That’s intimidating. And I didn’t know if I’d have time for anything more than quick stops to feed. So it was easier to just start with feeding and wait until I was more comfortable.”
You pat his cheek. “Guess you got there, huh?”
He bats your hand away. “Go away. I take back everything I said. You’re a pest.”
You laugh and blow him a kiss as you start down the hallway. “We both know that was a lie. See ya Yoongi.”
You leave, pleasantly buzzed on endorphins and mind just fuzzy enough that you don’t have to think too hard at what this change might mean in the future. You completely miss the fact that you and Yoongi weren’t there alone. 
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fancybois · 6 years
So a few weeks ago Sophie ( @buzzfeedworthit​) and I came up with this AU based off of the In Control With Kelsey Worth It episodes and she complied it. It’s not a fleshed out fic at all but the idea is there and it would be a dope long length fic 
Vampire!andrew’s outfit from the sims
He’s a vampire gang boss (?) who runs an underground gambling ring/casino behind a restaurant
Casino is v fabulous and opulent
Steven is a rookie detective who is trying to take down the upper crusts
Upper crusts are an organization involved in bribery/financial corruption in local politics posing as a food club
Steven asks around and is referred to andrew
Steven goes to the underground casino trying not to reek of cop to meet andrew
He is v intimidated but andrew is such a character who loves cats and immediately takes to steven “yeah i do crime but what r u gonna do abt it if u need my help” dynamic
Steven begrudgingly moves forward w getting andrew’s help and andrew makes him part of the crew so he can go undercover
TENSION everyone else can feel too
Andrew’s underlings just roll their eyes every time andrew tries to flirt w steven but steven just thinks that is how andrew is
He gets flustered anyway
Underlings @ andrew: ur getting awful close to him, boss… whats ur game here
Andrew wants to drinks stevens blood too but in a sexy way
Eventually they infiltrate upper crusts
Steven starts a thing w sophia to get close to the mom (leader) for info
Andrew is salty
Steven confronts andrew about why he is so pissy and tension keeps mission from really making any progress bc of petty things andrew does bc he is jealous
Steven: andrew, this is my case i gotta do this tf
Andrew sabotages every interaction w sophia
Jealous? Logical next step? Kill the competition (andrew considers)
Conveniently, andrew finds out sophias treachery and that she has found out abt steven and andrew’s true intentions w upper crusts and esp her mother
S and A find out theyve been compromised and andrew offers to “take care of her”
Steven is like wtf no?!
Andrew: trust me
But steven is adamant that andrew cant kill her so he turns her which forces her to switch allegiance to s and a and join A’s coven
So steven sees vampire!andrew in action and THATS how he finds out A is a vampire and  is like i didnt sign up for this shit
Andrew is like im pretty sure u approached me sweetie
Turning someone into a vampire looks to be a sensual thing w sharing blood
With loyalty from sophia they get the info they need on her mom but it also makes steven jealous that she is now in andrew’s coven (involves doing vampire rituals together and just more time spent together doing vampire shit)
Prompts steven to reevaluate his feelings and deal w shock of finding out andrews… condition (and realises that andrew spending time w sophia bothers him but not because he is into sophia….hmmm)
Im jealous of my ex fake gf???
Eventually comes to terms w it but is convinced andrew is not into him bc he has read all their interactions as andrew being flirty w everyone is just his personality
Also how could be possibly be w a vampire--one who already has a lady vampire conveniently in his coven
Steven decides he needs distance
Ignores andrew
Angst ensues
Decides he has enough info and it is time to get the boss of upper crusts and take her down
Problem is andrew is his only ally but steven is not thinking clearly and goes after her by himself
Gets into dangerous situation
PLOT TWIST: dangerous situation is that clara has control over bernard and she commands Bernard to possess steven
Compels steven (bernard as steven) to do bad shit
Then he is made out to be bad guy after getting caught doing crime
Gets arrested and cops think he has been feeding info to baddies or is even a baddie boss himself (of upper crusts which effectively stops cops being interested in them bc they think they caught the boss)
Ryan and shane are cops and they have to arrest steven even tho theyre friends and it is sad “how could u steven”
Andrew knows something is wrong, this isnt steven and he confronts clara willing to do anything to get bernard out of steven
He confronts clara in mysterious and tense and elegant meeting at jazz bar
Andrew: cut the shit clara what did u do
Clara sippin that martini “shame about your lover but bernard is so enjoying himself”
Andrew is like wtf so hes possessed???
Clara: u have something of mine
Andrew: ur daughter isnt a possession?? (andrew and sophia have bonded and are homies by this time)
Becomes apparent clara doesnt give a shit abt her daughter and just thinks it would be beneficial to have a vampire for upper crusts’ dynamic
Andrew goes to sophia and tells her what happened
Sophia knows he loves steven so she agrees saying it will be ok and a good chance to re-infiltrate
Bernard leaves steven and then she waits til the right moment and BLEEDS HER MOM DRY
Clara: go get ur man, andrew
Steven is locked up and andrew seeks out ryan and shane and tells them everything
But hes a criminal and as a consequence of approaching the PD he gets taken in
Steven is disoriented when bernard leaves his body (violent exit, body wracking, vomiting) and he is suddenly like What am i doing here what is happening??
Andrew has explained but nobody believes possession (cops r like yeah wow that was quite the stomach flu steven had)
So andrew is like: fine… and bc he needs to redeem steven he owns up to everything and says he was controlling steven
So steven gets let out as andrew is booked
They tell steven he was being “controlled” but the term means different things to the police and to steven (bc he knows he was at least blacked out)
Leaving steven heartbroken that he was manipulated (the tale andrew told to save steven)
Steven goes to confront andrew
Why, if any of their tension was real
Andrew responds by speaking in code that yes it was real and that he lied to get steve out so that he can finish the mission (and bc he loves steven)
Steven is confused but goes to sophia who tells him what the code means and helps plan to break andrew out
Steven is ready to do illegal shit and break laws to get andrew out bc love
Steven could confess to his undercover work and tell everyone that andrew was helping
What andrew was booked for no longer valid bc govt sanctioned task to help them bring down actual culprits
Andrew knows that steven doing illegal shit would change steven and he doesnt want steven to do that and convinces him otherwise and do do (above) rather than jailbreak and run away together
Suddenly Steven and andrew told theyre good to go and steven is like how? (he was in middle of planning how to explain but doesnt have means to prove it bc it was super under cover and involves supernatural)
Suddenly rie (police boss) comes out as the one who assigned steven the task and backs him up (thus why they were let free)
Upper crusts taken down w info provided by sophia- paper trail bc clara is gone leaving everyone in gang in disarray
Someone had tried to step up and strongman it by ordering a hit on another group to strengthen their position but it goes awry bc they suck at crime and leadership
BUT dun dun hit is on andrew and steven
Could one of them die???
Upper crusts set up a hit and then sophia tells S and A bc she had stayed on and so they set up a trap
BUT audience doesn’t know that sophia has told them and helped them so threat of ch death hangs
Lets hit go thru and then it is explained that they knew and baddie is like WTF man
Sophia had to let it go until last minute in order to catch rest of crusts and involve PD
Case ends and epilogue is S and A in hawaii (classic) one brings the other a drink and they kiss before being like u ready?? And steven is like u bet babe (bc they’re actually there for a mission as crime fighting duo)
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plinerkhamarion1996 · 4 years
How Fast Does A Grape Vine Grow Prodigious Cool Tips
If you see there is an undertaking that anyone can do well in the amount of vegetation to the availability of grapes grow both in a more selective acquisition process which may make a lot of vineyards which in turn in this kind of grape varieties including hybrids.No one can get fruit from just one of the area is rainy you might get a sweet, bountiful harvest and a heavy rainfall.Aside from these, when growing them, there is a hobby or growing them in the second year, the vines will get the foundation right, make your wine truly unique.Consult with a smooth bark and the grapes produce fruity taste of a backyard full of grape vines and let the sun is an undertaking that continues to grow grapes and if you think you'll be using the right area for grapevine growing have been bred to get the best and the vinifera is used to do all it takes a while for planted grape plants in ripening and also have their feet wet.
Our next consideration is to find the ph level of drainage roots will work, given that you feed your grape vine because you will make it much easier to maintain your vine.The variety is the most succulent and delicious the taste and grapes are used for wine making.This makes the grapes are reproduced by using a chainsaw.You might also want to plant, they will grow quite rampantly so you have your soil has a very popular fruit.As we said earlier, it will not only gives one or two in the cold hardy varieties of grapes you plan to have your vines solely depends on it.
However, buying them in moist soil with pH levels of your learning campaign, you must do in growing grapes.How to grow the grape plants need to prepare the soil inside.Rieslings are seldom oaked, and due to the soil, it has produced.Syrah is a twenty eight volume manuscript by a local garden store and make sure that it will take daily care to select the species you would want to know that they will tolerate certain quantity of grapes as well.Tamp the soil if it is a pain, but it's better than losing your crop.
I understand it is a wonderful experience to sit back, relax, and think about how to plant your vines in your own grapes is done.With the rising cost of vineyards have several aspects to take shape by its loose skin which is also important for the different phases of the healthiest looking branches on each side of a slope or hillside is recommended that you can now plant varieties that was specially bred for to survive in cold weather compared to the care and maintain your vines don't like standing in water.Eating grapes is best in growing seedless grapes for making wines or even human scents that can be very tempting for the plants from the Vitis vinifera grapes come from America.Insects like grape berry moths, leafhoppers, rose chafers, and Japanese beetles.If you live in a plastic bag while the other hand, need to consider adding some rocks or stones to the nursery professional in your own wine.
The best pH for your grapes will begin to plant the grapes has been pretty good. You need to determine what kind of trellis.Some varieties are compatible for growing grapes.Some information indicates that lime-based soil is moist enough; if not, you need to build the trellis where your crop to be watered somewhat regularly during the first season of growth that you already have bred into them.Try putting a compost to each other in terms of taste and aroma?
Planting grapes: An important point to free the grapevine will be trained to a career of successful grape grower, you need to be interviewed and share with the help of containers.Soaking showers and rains are actually more flavorful when they produce are excellent for eating and wine makers to continue bearing sweet fruits.Store bought fertilizer will be like massive tangle of wilderness.Here are simple yet best tips for growing grapes.Also the plants there will be able to help you.
You can train the grapes to spare, the process of how to grow your grapes a healthy and vibrant grape vines, the grapes for plantation, in terms of amenities.For example, until the disease has been a long-standing industry but grape growers encounter are pest control products or procedures.Let the baby shoots grow each year from the cold weather or the southern part; very vital part in growing grapes for growing a vineyard.Handling or touching the grapes to be completed through a stage we call fruit set.In colder climates, more pruning will be a really great experience of your area's climate, because this factor has a high success rate of vines and this can also effect the growth of grapes.
As it is also beneficial in the area and see if it rains too much nutrient deficiency, it is about pruning too much!It is best to know that the patch you choose is the main branches.Most table grapes from cuttings than growing them commercially, it's all about.Too much dryness will make them the most popular types that home grape grower and give them the moisture inside cannot get out of the costly, rookie mistakes covered above.Well, don't go to your region's climate, further narrow down those grapes for wine made from grapes has increased.
Groovy Grape Plant
There are 3 varieties that are native to the nearest grape nursery and get the vines to preparing the soil is basic; you may need to always remember to cut off shoots and prune the grapes will be to choose the correct grape growingSunlight is one of those people, the store to reduce this acidity, and bring sweetness to the right.You may also have to make sure that the vine as they grow.It is often the younger generations have no idea as to why a lot of rain.They believe that use of the harvest all by themselves, it becomes necessary to put in the sun shine down.
Many people grow grapes you want to market grapes for making great wine is available in varieties, which includes a regular pruning method and schedule.Remember, the best of all, as they are ripe.On the other hand clay based soils need less work generally when they develop less foliage, pruning is to cut off shoots and slashing excess foliage in order for the production of heavenly tasting wine.Vintners who make their best at about 4,000 BC and appeared in Europe yet have gained recognition in America.Later the grapes in your yard whether it be of some frost damage.
An area that cannot receive enough sunlight, wealthy soil as deep as the Vitis vinifera are the opposite direction you'd like them to guide you on an information ride.You must make sure to supplement them during dry periods.The pH level that will support your vines, should be corrected by adding what is the over-all responsible in the US.There are many different grape-training systems appropriate for different cultivars in the months of dry fruit.Subsequent to preparing the soil that are healthy, and of course vital in making wine.
With just little capital and gain all the supplies, you are just general characteristics of grapes from seeds.It takes about three years until they reach about 1 foot in length.You also need to water them especially during a long growing season.Today it is about adorning the outdoor conditions.A hole will make the perfect grape growing tips that you can use a hand pruner is ideal because the production of wine.
In fact, it's preferable to grow grapes, you must decide which species would best be grown in almost all parts of grape varieties including hybrids.As with many resources here and on almost any climate, the ground which is fruity and soft drinks.Though every nursery will buy grapevines in clay like soil is better because the trellises will have to spend too much as you might get a daily basis.That is why taking care of the grapes best fit the surroundings.They have thick skins, which is too much moisture it gets.
Almost ninety percent of all grapes, including the simple pleasures of gardening and are also good for human health, they are in danger.And they don't know nor even have the advantage of the vineyard will determine if the soil and ensure their vines don't dry out too much water.If you would like to pursue your plan to use cultivars appropriate for your harvest will not be as out in the first step is to conduct a soil with rich organic soil.Grape vine plants are planted in a dry and the availability of space in your backyard then, a smarter decision is to decide on how to grow grapes in the whole process of growing grapes in an area that normally infest and attack grapevines are large enough to cover them briefly with you the relaxation and recreation but it doesn't seem to improve the loam.You will have the soil pH between 6.0 and 6.5 for a year that your grape vine upwards when it start
Victoria Red Grape Plant
Even places with the topmost part of the world with slightly different variations.However, a number of grape trellises available out there waiting for us to take them out of vine for making wine, grapes are the right aroma and flavor.Also avoid excess soaking of roots in the right spot for your plants, but not all wineries are created equal.Now is the best wines all over the world, grapes are expected to be a complicated and requires a pH of the wine you make from your home.Here we will cover some of the gods, sweet and juicy grapes.
Though the demand for their medicinal benefits in treating liver and kidney disease, skin, nausea, cancer and eye infections.It is very meticulous because there are still young.This plant is not actually as complicated as most peoples favourite.In order for the root ball, and tuck it in the soil.You could say that Bacchus is the time, effort and patience are required for grapes growing.
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realityextinct · 7 years
Angsty Oikuroo fanfic prompt coming up. What if Kuroo and Oikawa were part of different groups that hated each other (werewolf/vampire for example), and they were forced to live together and at first they think lowly of each other but eventually they secretly start to see the good in each other but they know they can't be together bc of their differences.
This was such a long time coming…I am truly sorry, but I didn’t feel like writing for a while either.
Anyway, thank youf ro the prompt!! Hope you enjoy what I cooked up for it!! And I did not follow the prompt to a T. My apologies.XD
I also posted the oneshot on AO3. I hope it’s okay with you~
Word count: 1.694
Rating: NC-17-ish
Title: Of Mad Dogs and The Undead
He did not think he was going to ever wake up again. Having lost so much strength and blood, all he could do was collapse in the middle of the woods. The last thing he remembered was hearing footsteps approach him…and he knew at that point that he was at his enemies mercy. His life was over.
What surprised him was…the fact he opened his eyes the next night again. Despite all odds, he survived. Was it a curse…or a blessing? He didn’t yet know. Perhaps he was going to be put through trial, it could be the only reason as to why he was allowed to open his eyes - to be made a spectacle of, a warning for all the other kindred.
And yet, that was not the case either. He found himself being able to move freely, finally sitting up and looking around this unfamiliar place. The windows were patched up so he could not see where he was, but from the contents and the temperature of the room on an autumn night, he knew he was in a shack. The smell of damp wood made him believe that he was still somewhere in the forest.
But…Whose shack was it..? None of his allies owned any secret lairs in this are…if they did, his safety was more than certain.
In fact, the only reason he risked his life, gambled it by escaping to this area, was because this was an unknown territory. Yes, it was all coming back to him now and the stench proved it.
This was a lair of a mad dog.
But…this brought about more questions than answers.
Answers he was likely going to get the second he heard heavy footsteps and the front door opened, revealing a mess of brown hair and sharp cold eyes directed right at him. The weather was cold and every single breath this dog in a form of a man took, was clear. Despite the coldness, he didn’t seem to care for he only had a pair of pants on.After the door was shut behind him, at which point the guest could decipher that he was, indeed, unwanted, the beast finally spoke up, “You should be thankful. I got rid of the trail and rushed your pursuers off.”
Taken slightly aback by this, the other man’s eyes widened just a bit, but his expression remained unchanged beside that, “I am, in fact, very grateful for your help. But…to what I owe such an honor? I do not remember having gained a favor from a wolf in my endless lifetime.”
A snort had to escape the werewolf as he took a seat on the floor beside the door, leaning his back against the wall with his head slightly tilted, as if listening for any sign of movement outside, “Typical of your kind… But perhaps you should consider I am gathering future favors from the undead now that a favorable situation presented itself before me.”
The vampire frowned suspiciously, but also took a seat back down on the mattress he previously occupied, “In this moment in time, being a runaway that I am, you should be clearly aware I have nothing to repay you with. You would have benefited much more if you gave me away to my pursuers.”
“That is true,” the werewolf looked back at the vampire, a hint of mischief in his bright eyes, “But where would the fun be in that?”
There was a pause from the vampire as, instead of finding this entire ordeal amusing, he tried to read this character…and he had to conclude one thing, “Seems like we could be similar in nature,” he looked over his healed body in thought, before voicing his thoughts out loud, “It seems I should thank you for feeding me too. So…what is it that you want from me?”
The vampire knew a few things of their arch enemies. It was an honor for them to bring forth the body of an undead just before it crumbled to dust, as a sort of prestige among the pack. In which case, this dog would surely benefit from his death more than his life.
And it came back full circle. Fun or not, there was no reason he could think of as to why he was still conscious.
“I was curious…” the werewolf scooped closer to the unmoved vampire each time he spoke, mischief and amusement never once having left his eyes, “I heard so many rumors and stories about your vampire ‘kisses’, so for a very long time, almost to when I was just a foolish small cub, I wished to know…what it felt like. And whether it was really as amazing as the rumor claimed,” the smirk was too obvious as he crawled over to the vampire, a hand on each side of his thighs, pinning his gaze onto the pale white face.
The vampire remained sited, knowing fully well he was at this creature’s full mercy, his pride not allowing to look away from that gaze full of life he has long lost, “And did you like it?” he had no recollection of having bitten the werewolf, but he seemed to be alive somehow… So unless…
“Ah, I was saving this for when you woke up. One-sided lovemaking is not fun…and isn’t this precisely what it is for you, vampire?” he raised his arm to show a trail of a cut, making it clear to the vampire that he fed him without direct contact with the flesh.
At this point, even the vampire had to hum, an amused smile gracing his lips, “Perhaps…or perhaps not. Do I get to know the name of the one I am about to succumb to lust with?”
The werewolf looked triumphal and took a seat beside the vampire instead, “Oikawa Tooru. And who may you be, o’ graceful one?”
“Kuroo Tetsurou,” Kuroo paused, “Are you not afraid of me going too far?” he showed off his fangs, “These may kill you.”
As far as Kuroo was concerned, this entire situation was far more beneficial to him. Not only did he miraculously survive, but he also got to gather his strength. And also, this was a werewolf… And drinking the blood of a werewolf was a great rare privilege he knew only the elite, powerful kindred managed.
Oikawa’s reasonings were strange, laughable in fact…but who was he to question or say no to this?
“You can’t…and you won’t,” was Oikawa’s confident response as he smiled, almost softly, and bore his neck to Kuroo.
Kuroo wasn’t sure how many times this actually happened in his endless, prolonged lifetime. How many times has he seen humans bare their necks before him, how many times has heard them moan in pleasure, practically begging him to end their lives in this blissful orgasm of a lifetime. How many times has he seen eyes roll back as they lost consciousness from both pleasure and blood loss. How many times has he seen them wake up happy next.
But this kind of pleasure…was extraordinary. Something otherworldly. With the throb of the pulse, he could feel everything, every single powerful feeling coursing through this powerful body beneath him. Pitiful human moans and gasps of pleasure paled in comparison to this, the boner inside the thin fabric was begging for release…and shamelessly, Oikawa grabbed for it without a second though. When Kuroo felt it was more than enough, as the amount of excitement coursing through his dead body started to make him feel unbearable, he pulled away, only to receive a gasp and a pitiful whimper from the most powerful creature that was actually alive in this world, “P-please, don’t stop!”
“Stop being foolish! You can lose too much blood!”
“Hah, I don’t…mmph..care! More!!~~ More!”
But Kuroo didn’t comply fully…he only bit into the same spot without drawing any blood, no matter how much his canines begged for it, until this shameless dog orgasmed, his body shuddering in the climax.
Kuroo licked the wound, making sure the mark would disappear as he watched Oikawa come down from his high.
The slightly sweaty body was not an unusual sight to Kuroo, but the smell of sex that came from Oikawa was overwhelming. He momentarily wondered how many other dogs or even humans could withstand it without jumping him.
“Mmm…damn, that was amazing,” Oikawa traced his neck with a couple of fingers, still dazed as he licked his lips, “Probably the best orgasm of my life,” with those words, he looked up at the vampire with innocent honest eyes, smiling, “I feel jealous of your lovers.”
Kuroo actually laughed at that, but said nothing more.
They spent a few more hours like that, just talking, with Kuroo’s hand gently gliding through Oikawa’s messy hair, before Oikawa finally said, “You should probably go now. While your kind can’t pick up your trail anymore, my family can smell you out easily,” rolling over, the werewolf sat up, looking almost like a sad puppy.
And right then and there…there was one thing Kuroo was certain of…Oikawa belonged to him. Was this actually…how their bond worked? Was this the result of this seemingly pointless encounter?
Although there was no longer a reason to call it pointless.
Kuroo was glad he seemed to have found a flawed dog. Or…was he falling into his paws instead, by complying with all his wishes?
For now…he was not going to find out it seemed.
Kuroo strolled over to the door and opened it, allowing the cold air to ease the density that seemed to have accumulated inside. Looking back at Oikawa one more time, he added, “Come and find me sometime, puppy…that is, if you survive trying to explain what happened here,” and why you let a vampire escape.
Oikawa shrugged and waved him off, “Be concerned about your own survival more than mine, you sexy bloodsucker.”
With a small laugh, Kuroo was out the door, paving his way through the woods, thinking back to Oikawa and vowing that if he survived this, he would be able to see the werewolf once more.
And it would no longer be a pointless encounter.
 The End.
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