#hayato suou fanfic
naomi-nana · 4 months
first kiss?! . wind breaker
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kissing ur man for the first time..
featuring : sakura haruka, hayato suou, umemiya hajime
cw : kiss kiss, fluff, gn!reader, bad grammar sorry, reader talks abt lip gloss(suou) but doesnt mean theyre fem i guess???
a/n : wow i procrastinate alot im so sorry anon ily thx for this request:3
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you sit besides a sick sakura, with food and medicines in your hand. you look down at him with a concerned face. from what suou told you, sakura had gotten sick after the fight with keel though, the fight isn't what made him sick. "you shouldn't push yourself too much, you know?" you pout at him while helping him to sit up to eat the food you brought.
"i know. but, i'm the grade captain so.." you punch him in the head(lovingly). "what do you-!" he looks at you with a glare but then widened his eyes after he realized that you were on the verge of tears. "i'm worried sick waiting for you, you know?" you clenched your fist really hard and you look at sakura with a pout on your face, which makes him froze in his place.
he wiped off your tears and stare at your face for a while. when you were about to open your mouth again to scold him, he brings your face closer to his and give you a quick kiss. "sorry, for..making you worried." silence fills the room as you stare at sakura who's slowly realizing what he had just done, and how red his face is right now.
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"suou, which one looks better on me?" you point your finger at two pink lip gloss while looking at suou, asking him to choose for you. "hm, if you're asking me then i'd have to say both looks good on you." he smiles at you. "well..which color looks best on me?"
"what are these lip products even for?" he asked you a question that made you chuckle. suou reminds you of an old man who won't stop asking about everything. "it's to make my lips look prettier and kissable, of course." hearing the word 'kissable' made him interested, so he chose one of the lip gloss and buys it for you.
after paying for the lip gloss, he told you to try it. "right here? like, infront of the store?" you looked at him with questioning eyes, and he just nods. "yeah, right here." so you did as he said and put the lip gloss on your lips. "hmm, what do you think? does it look pr—" suou grabs you by the waist swiftly and pulled you into a kiss, which makes your eyes widen.
"hm, even without the lip gloss, your lips are already kissable anyway."
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"name, look! this plant is growing already!"
umemiya jumps in his place like a toddler, which makes you chuckle. "that's nice to know." after that, he runs to another plant and say the exact same thing. of course, you're not tired of it. it's your man enjoying the stuff he likes, so you support it.
but right now, you're trying to do your assignments and he won't stop asking you to look at his plants. so you stood up from your place and approached him. "oh? are you finally done with your assignments?" he asked you a question, but you didn't answer. instead, you tiptoed to his height and held his cheeks in your arms, which makes him tilt his head to the side. before he opened his mouth to ask you a question, you kissed him. "sorry, but i'm trying to do my assigments here." after you pulled back, he chuckles.
"if this is your way to tell me to shut up, then i might talk a lot more."
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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blunderland · 28 days
Suo stans, your meal is served~ •ᴗ•
There were many anomalies concerning the students attending Furin High. Still, nothing could compare to the anomaly that was your boyfriend, Suo Hayato.
After being together for a while, you made it your mission to fluster your boyfriend and man, you really should've thought this through.
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stoicman-wbk · 1 month
Wind Breaker Week Days 7-8
Suo had earned a reputation and a moniker to go with it. He was the Untouchable Furin First Year.
As long as he was standing, those behind him would remain unscathed - because Suo would send their enemies away with a fierce protectiveness. No harm would come to those under his protection, nor himself. And Furin took pride in that fact. Sakura and the others depended on Suo to have their backs.
Rival gangs came to fear him. To do real damage to Furin with the Untouchable one present? It was near impossible. But over time, their fear developed into something akin to desire.
After all, what better way to prove one’s strength than to be the one that could finally injure the Untouchable?
A two-part Suo-centric fic for days 7-8 of @windbreakerweek
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stoicman-wbk · 1 month
Normally, a wound this small wouldn’t need something as drastic as stitches. It shouldn’t have bled so much in the first place.
But unfortunately for Suo, the natto that his Master ordered him to eat every night was a natural blood thinner…..which meant that he was prone to excessive bleeding. It wasn’t a problem, really. More of a nuisance than anything.
After all, Suo was quite adept at avoiding injuries.
But when he did get injured, Suo wanted nothing more than to take care of it himself. Unfortunately for him, his friends wouldn't allow that.
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stoicman-wbk · 1 month
Wind Breaker Week Day 7 #2
Suo really wished he’d be given permission to eat something else for a change. Anything else, really. This bland, bitter, nasty food was far too difficult to stomach. He was sick of it.
And he understood that intermittent fasting had several benefits and helped keep him healthy and in shape, but it just…..didn’t feel worth it to Suo.
It felt like his life was just rinse and repeat; the same awful meal eaten alone every single day.
Until one day, Suo found his routine interrupted.
Umemiya has a talk with Suo, and they share a meal together.
I already wrote something for every day of @windbreakerweek, but the "bento" prompt was calling me so here I am with a late extra submission.
This one follows after the 5+1 fic I did where Suo gets visited by his friends
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stoicman-wbk · 2 months
Suo may only be sixteen, but he was mature enough to care for himself.
He had everything he needed here. Food, money, a roof over his head….It was livable. And it could certainly be worse, he thought as his mind wandered to Sakura’s run-down apartment.
Really, this was fine.
Suo feels a bit lonely and just wants to hang out with his friends. Thankfully, he ends up running into a certain bi-colored captain of his and realizes that he may not be the only one who feels this way.
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stoicman-wbk · 9 days
It dawned on Suo that this might be a new form of punishment. He wasn’t sure which was worse. Facing his Master’s immediate wrath and getting it over with right away, or agonizing over the possibilities of what’s to come.
It was becoming a rather difficult chore to hide the apprehension he felt nowadays. And he so very much hated the thought of his unbothered façade crumbling before him for everyone around to see what lied beneath.
He still did his best, of course, to put on that carefree smile. To remain cheerfully stoic. To focus on teasing his classmates rather than his own issues.
But he couldn’t help but feel they were starting to see through him.
What happens when he can no longer deny the reality of his situation?
I totally forgot to post this here when I posted to ao3. Oops!
Anyway, this is gonna be a long one! The last part to this particular Suo-centric series. Be mindful of the tags!
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