kaphkas · 10 months
If it’s bad, don’t come back. I want to remember you all as you were.
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pepimeinrad · 10 months
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy + Kingsman Haydeaux + Merlahad
Too Much Love Will Kill You (Queen)
inspired by this lovely GIF-set
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Post-TGC Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy AU where presumed-dead!Merlin is living a quiet life in a caravan and has a job as a teacher and some of the children tease him about his prosthetics but Merlin doesn’t take any of their shit.
There’s one boy who comes to chat whose name is Harry and Merlin says “I’ve known some Harry’s in my time. They’ve all been good ‘uns.”
Then Champ finds Merlin and tells him Harry Hart’s gone rogue and if you’ve seen TTSS then you know how this ends.
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piquedpequod · 2 years
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"All the Secrets and No One to Tell." A soundtrack-mix for Jim Prideaux of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
Listen (YT)
“They were at Oxford together before the war.” “And stablemates in the Circus during and after. The famous Haydon-Prideaux partnership.” 1. Charade - Matt Monro Oh what a hit we made We came on next to closing Best on the bill, lovers until Love left the masquerade
Fate seemed to pull the strings I turned and you were gone While from the darkened wings That music box played on
“'Drop out,’ he said. ‘You’re a lucky man, Jim,’ he kept saying. ‘You’ve been ordered to become a lotus-eater.’ I could forget it. Right? Forget it. Just behave as if it had never happened.” He was shouting. “And that’s what I’ve been doing: obeying orders and forgetting!” 2. Eminence Front – The Who That big wheel spins, the hair thins People forget Forget they're hiding The news slows People forget Their shares crash, hopes are dashed People forget Forget they're hiding
Sometimes he thought of the wound as a memory he couldn’t keep down. He tried his damnedest to patch it over and forget but even his damnedest wasn’t always enough. 3. The Story of a Hero – Dmitri Kabalevsky
He also imagined that, like himself, Jim had had a great attachment that had failed him, and which he longed to replace. But here Bill Roach’s speculation met a dead end: he had no idea how adults loved each other. 4. Loneliness – Sergei Rachmaninov
And hearing Tom Tower strike the evening six he found himself thinking of Bill Haydon and Jim Prideaux, who must have arrived here the year that Smiley went down and were gathered up by the war; and he wondered idly how they must have looked together then, Bill the painter, polemicist, and socialite; Jim the athlete, hanging on his words. In their heyday together in the Circus, he reflected, that distinction had all but evened out… Only at the end, the old polarity asserted itself… 5. High Hopes – Pink Floyd Encumbered forever by desire and ambition There's a hunger still unsatisfied Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon Though down this road we've been so many times
The grass was greener The light was brighter The taste was sweeter The nights of wonder With friends surrounded
“And did you take to it, Jim, to Control’s theory? How did the idea strike you, overall?” “Damn silly. Poppycock.” “Why?” “Just damn silly,” he repeated in a tone of military stubbornness. “Think of any one of you – mole – mad!”
6. Love Is Blindness – Morten Schantz Trio
Not for the first time, Smiley had the distinct sense of stumbling not on Jim’s ignorance but on the relic of a willed determination not to remember. In the dark, Jim Prideaux’s breathing became suddenly deep and greedy. He had lifted his hands to the top of the wheel and was resting his chin on them, peering blankly at the frosted windscreen.
7. Found Song For P. – Max Richter
When finally the big session started – the one he remembered as the marathon – he had the disadvantage of feeling half defeated when he went in. “Matter of health, much as anything,” he explained, very tense now. “We could take a break if you want,” said Smiley, but where Jim was there were no breaks, and what he wanted was irrelevant.
8. Novelette – Dmitri Kabalevsky
“And no word from Bill?” he went on. “Not even a postcard.” “Bill was abroad,” said Jim shortly.
9. Why – Pyotr Tchaikovsky Why is the sun cold and dull in the sky, as if it were winter? Why – tell me quickly – did you forget me?
Only once, when Guillam forgot Smiley and out of instinct turned upon his own tracks, did he have a suspicion of a third figure walking with them: a fanged shadow thrown against the broadloom brickwork of an empty street, but when he started forward it was gone.
10. Circles from the Rue Simon-Crubellier – Max Richter
Then for a moment, one part of Smiley broke into open revolt against the other. The wave of angry doubt that had swept over him in Lacon’s garden, and that ever since had pulled against his progress like a worrying tide, drove him now onto the rocks of despair, and then to mutiny: I refuse.
11. Brain Damage / Eclipse – Pink Floyd And all that you love, and all that you hate All you distrust, all you save And all that you give and all that you deal And all that you buy, beg, borrow, or steal And all you create, and all you destroy
And all that is now, and all that is gone And all that's to come And everything under the sun is in tune But the sun is eclipsed by the moon
“Well, damn it, I got him back,” Haydon snapped. “Yes, that was good of you. Tell me, did Jim come to see you before he left on that Testify mission?” “Yes, he did, as a matter of fact.” …He came to warn you, Smiley thought; because he loved you… Jim was watching your back for you right till the end.
12. Comrades – Clint Mansell
Smiley shrugged it all aside, distrustful as ever of the standard shapes of human motive, and settled instead for a picture of one of those wooden Russian dolls that open up, revealing one person inside the other, and another inside him. Of all men living, only Karla had seen the last little doll inside Bill Haydon.
13. Exile - Killing Joke Outside the boundaries where all the streets are empty In such a lonely moment we reach the same conclusion Chants of cathedral choirs, stations of iron cogs grind Primeval screams we heard, release cannot be found
We that have tasted such beauties of corruption Triumphal arches raised designed to fall again My kingdom and place of exile
…in the open night under a clear sky, lit by several hand torches and stared at by several white-faced inmates of the Nursery, sat Bill Haydon on a garden bench facing the moonlit cricket field. He was wearing striped pyjamas under his overcoat; they looked more like prison clothes. His eyes were open and his head was propped unnaturally to one side, like the head of a bird when its neck has been expertly broken.
14. Like Two Strangers – Trentemøller
For the rest of that term, Jim Prideaux behaved in the eyes of Bill Roach much as his mother had behaved when his father went away… Worst of all was his staring, empty look when Roach caught him unawares, and the way he forgot things in class, even the red marks for merit: Roach had to remind him to hand them in each week.
15. Love Is Blindness – U2 Love is clockworks, and cold steel Fingers too numb to feel Squeeze the handle, blow out the candle Love is blindness, I don’t want to see Won’t you wrap the night around me?
Love is drowning in a deep well All the secrets and no one to tell
With time, Jim seemed to respond to treatment, however. His eye grew clearer and he became alert again, as the shadow of his mother’s death withdrew. By the end of the play, he was more light-hearted than Roach had ever known him.
16. Time – Hans Zimmer
“But Jim acts from instinct… he is functional… He’s my other half; between us we’d make one marvellous man, except that neither of us can sing.”
17. You Always Hurt the One You Love – Connie Francis You always hurt the one you love The one you shouldn't hurt at all You always take the sweetest rose And crush it till the petals fall
You always break the kindest heart With a hasty word you can't recall So if I broke your heart last night It's because I love you most of all
started and fin. 2012.
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little-arcadia · 2 years
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Ah, yes. Bill Haydon sense of humour
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lovethistoomuch · 2 years
Get to know me(me)!
I was tagged by @birdkeeperklink. thank you so much <3 how sweet of you! (sorry for the late response)
3 Ships: all time favourites or most written/read? not sure but these are probably my top 3.
Dean/Castiel aka Destiel - this has to be on here right? it's probably the ship I have read the most fanfic of, thougth I have never really written them myself. maybe because I thought I couldn't do them justice when I was first watching the show and I was still very insecure about my writing. I have started an AU of them now, so maybe I'll publish it some day.
Jimm Prideaux/Bill Hayden aka haydeaux - I don't know, man, these guys just break my heart. most tragic love story ever in my opinion and it's even canon (even though not very obwiously in the movie). this ship has me shipping Mark Strong and Colin Firth in every project they do together so merlahad should be here as well. reading merlahad fanfic is like a cure for my broken heart for these two <3
Spock/McCoy aka spones - I just love them so much! the way their minds work together, how they are the perfect counterpart to each other while still being very similiar, the perfect balance, the absolutely screwed up personalities. they fight like enemies and act like friends and I just love them endlessely <3 writing them is so much fun! and I just want them to be happy, damnit!
First Ever Ship: Spock/McCoy probably. my first fanfiction I ever wrote at the age of around 11 was Spock/Christine but the main focus of it was on Spock's and McCoy's friendship, so my real interest lay with them.
Last Song: no idea, honestly. I do listen to music occasionally but only the same songs over and over. probably the 1982 'the thing' soundtrack cause I want to make a video where it's in the background.
Last Movie: The Holiday - I don't care what people say: it's cute!
Currently Reading:  The Mauritius Command (Aubrey and Maturin #4) this was the last book I started but haven't finished yet.
Currently Watching: Charmed - my favourite character just died :( so who know's when I'm gonna continue. but my parents are soon finishing season two and I absoultely want to watch season three with them!
Currently Consuming: pear/apple juice + spaghetti and tomato sauce
Currently Craving: a job XD (have been unemployed fo a while due to health issues and I just want to work again)
I will tag.... @uponxhorhaus @accrov @topshelf2112-blog @catzy88 only if you want to of course! but I'm always curious :D
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ninja-c-3 · 2 years
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"a throwback photo"
Bill Haydon / Jim Prideaux
Gellert Grindelwald / Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
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jim-prideaux · 3 years
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There wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do.
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the moment in the hilltop scene when Smiley pushes Prideaux to tell him what Karla said about Bill and Ann, and it finally makes Prideaux snap and start yelling, is so tragic. but also, from another perspective, so funny. jim’s like Sorry YOU'RE still mad that MY boyfriend fucked YOUR wife, but that is YOUR problem. it doesn't bother me, OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sebbee · 4 years
there needs to be more domestic!haydeaux content!!
i’m talking jim sitting watching a football match while bill lies with his head in jim’s lap reading peacefully until jim jumps up, cheering at a goal being scored while bill is half-on half-off the sofa glaring at his boyfriend because he was comfy! god dammit!
i want them going to the local pub on a saturday night, sitting in a dimly lit corner and talking deeply with their two pints of beer. the chavs at the bar mocking them for being ‘poofs’ but they just roll their eyes, finish their drinks and leave. on the walk back they hold hands inside jim’s coat pocket. bill’s snuggling up to him in an attempt to stay clear of the chilly evening breeze.
they’d spend lazy mornings together too, especially on a sunday. staying in bed with jim drawing patterns on bill’s shoulder while he’s got his arm round him. bill wouldn’t be able to stay awake properly and though they’ve just woken up, jim would hear his soft snores after only a few minutes cuddling.
someone write me some fics like this please
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annaofaza · 4 years
Well, how did Jim pick you?” Eggsy tries.
“You know,” Harry says, “I could never get him to tell me. But I’ve had my suspicions.”
Or, Eggsy has to pick a recruit. But first, he wants some answers. (part two of “Eggsy and Jim” series)
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i just remembered tinker tailor soldier spy and i'm ,,,,,,,,,, what the fucj
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theoldgods · 6 years
Sorry in advance for a long ask... What do you make of Jim's social class in Tinker Tailor the novel, and/or his standing in the Circus pecking order? He seems pretty well-off though not a blueblood, but then he ends up entirely dependent on Circus funds for his caravan-in-a-field setup. Smiley says 'In [Jim and Bill's] heyday together in the Circus... that distinction [of athlete vs. thinker] had all but evened out.' Do we know when their heyday was, and when Jim became a full scalphunter?
same anon who asked about TTSS – just wanted to say I followed you from your AO3 fic, all of which I adored :-)
Aw, thank you!! Glad you enjoyed it.
(Disclaimer for the below: a) I’m American, so my grip of the British class system is always a bit “eh” compared to that of actual Brits, and b) I actually still haven’t read A Legacy of Spies, so if for some reason anything directly related to Jim’s social class comes up there, I wouldn’t know it!)
We don’t get too too much on Jim’s background beyond the following:
[Here followed a biographical summary of surprising accuracy: … Lycee Lakanal in Paris, put down for Eton, never went there, Jesuit day-school Prague, two semesters Strasbourg, parents in European banking, small aristo, live apart]
and then a few paragraphs later
One reason why he joined so many clubs at Oxford was that after a messy education abroad he had no natural English contemporaries from school
Oh, I had an uncle, actually, with a place outside Paris…[Inquisitors’ note: Comte Henri de Sainte-Yvonne, dec. 1942]
It sounds like his “small aristo” parents worked still, and in banking–it sounds like they were not entirely naturally “noble”/“aristocratic” in the sense of via bloodline, owning their own land or whatnot and being able to survive entirely on that, or else they probably wouldn’t have had to work? The mention of an uncle who sounds legitimately French and apparently belongs to the French nobility (”comte”) also makes me think that one of Jim’s parents may have been of French noble extraction or something, which would also explain why he would be considered upper class but still somewhat “exotic,” by virtue of not being entirely English and by virtue of not having gone to school at Eton or Harrow or similar. [Bill’s family is entirely upper class English and also “small aristo,” by the sense of it, with a father who’s a high court judge and sisters who have married into the aristocracy proper, which I gather would put them more firmly ahead of the Prideaux set just by virtue of “lack of foreignness.”] By the 1930s, when Bill and Jim were at Oxford, the pre-war class system was beginning to shift a bit, I think, thanks to the after effects of World War I, with less and less room for random bluebloods to just clutter up the place doing nothing (and indeed that shift I think is part of the reason for Bill’s resentment at England, or at least what he uses as an excuse after he’s caught–that wounded sense of “well, we used to rule the roost and now we have less power and fuck this”).
Bill and Jim’s heyday together was during the war itself, I think, but after WWII they sort of separated out into agent runner and scalphunter, so probably during the 1950s? The war would likely have done a lot to “even out” traditional distinctions, making it possible for a sort-of blueblood like Jim to end up doing scalphunting, an incredibly physical field job that other bluebloods/small aristos (like Bill) could easily opt out of for safer desk jobs if they wanted to. (And I think Jim actually did like doing fieldwork and found a niche doing it, even if he ended up mostly behind a desk by the end, eventually being able to run the department by the time of the novel.)
I think Jim living in the van etc. is probably also due to his inability to be Jim Prideaux anymore? The circumstances of his repatriation after Operation Testify seem to mean he’s basically a legally dead but actually alive ghost, cut off from most contact with his old life to preserve the fiction that he died, so he wouldn’t be able to access too many funds or anything. [And maybe he’s also a morose bastard by that point in time, who wants to mope around in a van or something!]
Hopefully this sort of helps, or at least is interesting, and if anyone out there knows more, feel free to chime in!
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pepimeinrad · 6 years
nakedhiddles hat auf deine Bilderserie geantwortet “Pride and Prejudice (1995) - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)”
so their characters were a thing in tinker tailor soldier spy? holy shit I need to watch it again
The film is very subtle about it, the book a bit less so, but overall it’s regarded as canon, also by John le Carré himself.
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little-arcadia · 5 years
“Threatened to strip him so bare he’d be the laughingstock of the profession is a hair of Jim Prideaux’s head was hurt.”
Friendly reminder that this line is the only reason they put a wig on Mark Strong.
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jackarthurdavenport · 3 years
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It’s impossible to see Jim’s actions as driven by ideology or duty. We know, as Jim kills the man we assume was once his lover, that he experiences Bill’s betrayal not to Queen and country, but as a betrayal of the heart. - Joanna Di Mattia, Senses of Cinema
[Layout insp.]
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